- Missouri State University
- Missouri State University
International Cluttering Association T h e T. r . a . d . e . T r e a t m e n t , R e s e a r c h , A w a r e n e s s , D i a g n o s i s , E d u c a t i o n (( http://associations.missouristate.edu/ICA/ V olum e 3 , Issue 3 Decem b er 2010 Warm greetings to all! In this issue: As we end the year 2010, and I read through the latest ICA newsletter, several things come to mind about ICA: Welcome 1 International Highlight 2 Committee Reports 2,3 International Representatives 4 The word about cluttering is spreading, and consumers of all ages are helping us to spread it The word about cluttering is spreading into parts of the world it hasn‟t before Kathy Scaler Scott, ICA Coordinator The word about cluttering is spreading through new publications and research projects Thanks to the efforts of both children and adults, professionals and the public are being educated about cluttering. People with cluttering are being afforded more rights and understanding. Thanks to all of those who tirelessly work to make the missions of the ICA possible. Amazing work is being done, and the ICA is proud to share it. Please read on to find out all that has been accomplished. I wish you all a healthy and happy 2011! Warm regards, Kathy ICA Presentation 5 At ISA World Congress ICA Meeting At ASHA 6 Cluttering Brochure Developed By Kids 7 „The King‟s 8 Speech‟ Raises Awareness International Highlight: Scotland September 7, 2010, I presented a talk on Cluttering to the local Dysfluency Care Group in Lothian, Scotland. This is a group of National Health Service Speech and Language Therapists. Dr. R. J. Lickley, Reader Speech Science Research Centre Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland Committee Reports International Representatives Committee The International Representatives Committee is pleased to welcome the following new representatives: Maria Parphiti Judit Bona Mehdi Bakhtiar Emma Shah Nermin Telovska Robin Lickley Dina Lilian John Bosco Kambanga Nanjaya Nathan Ceasar Cyprus Hungary Iran Kenya Macedonia Scotland South Africa Tanzania Uganda See the complete list of countries and representatives on Page 4 Isabella Reichel, Chair, International Representatives Committee Clinical Issues Committee Greetings, still no internet at home, so a short update via iPhone... Approximately 20 emails in response to website of SLTs on diagnosis or treatment of cluttering. SPA screening phonological accuracy (van Zaalen et al 2009a) is translated to English and validation research project will be continued. Translation of the therapy book on cluttering by van Zaalen and Winkelman is in pro- Yvonne van Zaalen, gress for both German and English. More and more videos on Chair, Clinical Issues cluttering became available on Youtube. A leaflet on cluttering for Committee teachers is available, as is a cluttering declaration that gives students with cluttering equal rights as people with dyslexia when it comes to school tests : more time, auditory support (tests are presented through a headphone to prevent reading errors as a result of reading too fast). Just Some news from Holland... Research/Academic Committee The following presentations focused on cluttering at the ASHA convention in November 2010 in Philadelphia. The names of those authors who are members of the ICA appear in bold. We hope we have identified them all, and if not, please do let us know! Also, please let us know of any future cluttering presentations. This helps us all to know what new research is going on in the world of cluttering. 1. Phonological Complexity & Language Skills in Disfluent Speakers. (Technical Session) - Lisa LaSalle and Lesley Wolk 2. Disfluency, Disinhibition, & Cluttering: Food for Thought. (1 Hour Seminar) Kathleen Scaler Scott and Nicholas Barone 3. Pushing the Envelope: Assessing Cluttering Severity with Computers. (Poster Session) - Klaas Bakker and Florence Myers 4. Cluttering: Defined by the Literature & a Survey of SLPs. (Technical Session) Shelley Brundage, Robin R. Goldberg, and Adrienne Hancock 5. School Speech-Language Pathologists' Academic & Work Experiences with Cluttering. (Poster Session) - Kirby Newhouse and Cindy Spillers 6. Treating Cluttered Speech in a Child With Autism: Case Study. (Poster Session) Lynne Shields 7. Syllable Rates in Non-Cluttered & Cluttered Conversational Speech. (Poster Session) - Lawrence Raphael, Klaas Bakker, Florence Myers, and Kenneth St. Louis. Countries Represented in the ICA ICA International Representatives A complete listing of representatives can be found on our website Argentina: Beatriz Bian de Touzet Jordan: Maisa Haj-Tas Australia: Susan Block Kenya: Emma Shah Bulgaria: Miglena Simonska Lithuania: Vilma Makauskiene Belgium: John Van Borsel Macedonia: Nermin Telovska Canada: Carla Di Domenicantonio Netherlands: Manon Abbink-Spruit China: Steve An Xue Nigeria: Grace A.A.Ademola-Sokola Cyprus: Maria Paphiti Norway: Helene Kvenseth Denmark: Gudrun Østergaard Poland: Zbigniew Tarkowski Faroe Is.: Olavur Hojgaard Russia : Yulia Filatova France: Véronique Aumont Boucand Scotland: Robin Lickley Germany: Ulrike Sick South Africa: Dina Lilian Hungary: Judit Bona Sudan: Sami Awad Yasin Iceland: Johanna Einarsdottir Sweden: Cecilia Lundstrom India: Maya Sanghi Tanzania: John Bosco Kambanga Indonesia: Muhammad Ishom Thailand: Sumalee Dechongkit Iran: Mehdi Bakhtiar Uganda: Nanjaya Nathan Ceasar Ireland: Margaret Leahy United Kingdom: David Ward Israel: Ruth Ezrati-Vinacour USA: Japan: Shoko Miyamoto Isabella Reichel ICA Invited to Present in Buenos Aires Since the International Cluttering Association (ICA) first emerged, professionals all over the world have joined in collaborative efforts, creating publications and participating in conferences in the field of cluttering. An example of such an international initiative was the ICA seminar in 2009, at the 6 th World Congress of the International Fluency Association (IFA) in Rio de Janeiro. However, a dearth of communication between professionals and consumers in this area leaves many people with cluttering (PWC) unaware of their disorder, and leaves many professionals with limited opportunities to learn from the experiences of PWC. Clinicians and researchers in the field of cluttering from around the world recently made a decision to bring awareness, education, research and best practices about cluttering to the attention of people who stutter, at a seminar now being coordinated by Dr. Isabella Reichel, the Chair of the International Committee of the ICA, to be presented at the forthcoming 9th Congress of the International Stuttering Association in Buenos Aires, Argentina (May 2011). This idea is particularly important since, according to many experts, most of the PWC also stutter. Bringing education and clinical services to people with fluency disorders is especially challenging in developing countries where a shortage of health care professionals who are aware of cluttering results in a lack of a health care structure that ensure assessment and treatment of this communication disorder. Therefore, the ICA seminar will feature the participation of many presenters and consumers from the non-western countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and South America, along with presenters and consumers from Europe and the United States highlighting a true global collaboration in exploring cluttering among professionals and consumers alike. The seminar‟s title is „The Rise of Global Collaboration in Exploring Cluttering,‟ and it will highlight the following five main themes: 1. Awareness and understanding of cluttering around the world 2. Professional preparation models in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, South America, and North America 3. Exploring conceptual and theoretical aspects of cluttering 4. Self-help groups around the world 5. Multinational approaches to evaluating and treating cluttering Co-presenters will include: Isabella Reichel, Kathy Scaler Scott, Yvonne Van Zaleen, Bian de Touzet , Florence Myers, Busto Marolt, L., Diaz, C.L., Makauskiene, V., Bona, J., Yasin, S. A., Haj-Tas, M. A., Ademola-Sokoya, G., Shah, E., Mwenda, S., Lajos, P., Bakhtiar, M., Barrett, H., Nanjaya, N., Kambanga, J. B.. Igbobi, Y., and Lilian, D.. Philadelphia City Hall ICA Meeting at ASHA in Philadelphia On November 17th, 2010, in conjunction with the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) annual convention, several dedicated people met to discuss the direction and progress of the International Cluttering Association. A wide variety of topics were covered, including the adoption of bylaws, establishing policies for election of future officers, establishment of dues, the success of the 2010 online conference on cluttering, and potential collaboration for research on cluttering. Minutes of the meeting will be posted soon on the ICA website and all of the issues discussed at ASHA will be brought to the entire ICA membership for further discussion and vote. 20 people were in attendance: Charley Adams Lynne Shields Emily Garnett Jennifer Guth Sally McKee Mary Irene Burtis Judy Kuster Nina Reeves Kathy Scaler Scott Rosanna Partley Kay Monkhouse Michael Susca Vivian Sisskin Nori Kawai Ken St. Louis Florence Myers Klaas Bakker Deb Rhein Isabella Reichel Larry Raphael ICA Coordinator Kathy Scaler Scott poses by her research poster with her fellow researcher, John Tetnowski, during the 2010 ASHA Convention. Cluttering Brochure Developed By Kids Mackenzie Nina Reeves states, “This flyer was a creation of necessity. Two of the students I work with needed information on cluttering to give to family, friends and teachers. So, we made the creation of the flyer into a project which included research, creating outlines and adding personal quotes. We hope that the information provided will be of use to others as we seek to educate others about cluttering.” Mackenzie writes, "I emailed the flyer to my email contact list and Nina Reeves asked them to forward it to their contact lists. I was trying to start a chain reaction to get the facts out about cluttering. I also gave it out to all of my teachers by laying it on their desks at school. One friend, in particular, asked me many questions about cluttering. She wasn't sure it was „real,‟ but I told her it was. I helped her understand that it isn't that hard to live with; cluttering is just a minor annoyance to me, at times." Below is a preview of the brochure. Please see the ICA website to download the full brochure… Great job, Mackenzie! International Cluttering Association http://associations.missouristate.edu/ica/ ‘The King’s Speech’ Raises Awareness King George VI of Britain was thrust into the spotlight when his brother abdicated the throne, when the world was on the brink of war. His stuttering posed a significant challenge, especially with the dawn of live radio broadcasting. With the release of „The King‟s Speech‟, we have a significant shift in awareness worldwide about stuttering and fluency disorders. Not only does the film present a genuine account of stuttering and its impact, it demonstrates that with courage, effort and good therapy, stuttering can be overcome. This terrific screenplay and blockbuster cast have received several Golden Globe nominations, and should receive Oscar nominations as well. The ICA is thrilled with the well-deserved accolades and acclaim for „The King‟s Speech‟, and hope that this film will soon be available for a worldwide audience. Please let us know the good works you and others are doing in your country— email reports to: Charley Adams, ICA Newsletter Editor at [email protected]