June 2015 CISD Summer School Calendar 2014-2015
June 2015 CISD Summer School Calendar 2014-2015
June 2015 CISD Summer School Calendar 2014-2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 May STAAR SSI Reading Grades 5, 8 Results (Parents notified of Summer School) 2 Thursday 3 Last Day for Students Early Release All Students and Staff Teacher Workday (2014-2015 Contract Year) Friday 4 5 Spring STAAR EOC Results (Parents notified of Summer School) Workday for Summer Teachers (Elem 8am-3pm, MS 8am-noon) 8 9 ESY: FES, JRES & SVHS (8:00am-12:00pm) 10 11 SACC Open Elementary: FES & JRES (SSI 5th, 1st-5th) (8:15-11:15am) Middle: CHMS & SBMS (8th SSI, 8th Math, Cred Rec) (8:30-11:30am) CDC (All Students) (8:30-11:30am) ACMECH (Credit Recovery) (8:30-11:30am) NO Summer School on Fridays Workday for High School Summer School Teachers (8am-1:00pm) 15 ESY: FES, JRES & SVHS (8:00am-12:00pm) ACMECHS (EOC) (8:30-11:30am) Workday for PK/K Bil/ESL Summer Teachers (8am – 3pm) High School (EOC, TAKS, Credit Recovery) (8:30am – 12:30pm) 16 17 18 Bilingual/ESL: FES & JRES (PK & K) (8:15am -3:15pm) Elementary: FES & JRES (SSI 5th, 1st – 5th) (8:15-11:15am) Middle: CHMS & SBMS (8th SSI, 8th Math, Cred Rec) (8:30-11:30am) CDC (All Students) (8:30-11:30am) ACMECH (EOC Academy & Credit Recovery) (8:30-11:30am) High School (EOC, TAKS, Credit Recovery) (8:30am-12:30pm) 19 SACC Open Bilingual/ESL: FES & JRES (PK & K) (8:15am -3:15pm) Elementary: FES & JRES (SSI 5th, 1st – 5th) (8:15-11:15am) Middle: CHMS & SBMS (8th SSI, 8th Math, Cred Rec) (8:30-11:30am) CDC (All Students) (8:30-11:30am) ACMECH (EOC Academy & Credit Recovery) (8:30-11:30am) High School (EOC, TAKS, Credit Recovery) (8:30am-12:30pm) 22 12 NO Summer School on Fridays STAAR Rdg 5th & 8th ESY: FES, JRES & SVHS (8:00am-12:00pm) 23 Elem: (8:15am-3:15pm) Middle: (8:30am-3:00pm) CDC: (8:30am-3:00pm) ACME: (8:30am-3:00pm) STAAR Make-ups 24 STAAR Make-ups25 26 SACC Open Elem: (8:15am-3:15pm) Middle: (8:30am-3:00pm) CDC: (8:30am-3:00pm) ACME: (8:30am-3:00pm) Elem: (8:15-11:15am) Middle: (8:30-11:30am) CDC: (8:30-11:30am) ACME: (8:30-11:30am) NO Summer School on Fridays 1/21/2015 July 2015 CISD Summer School Calendar 2014-2015 Monday Tuesday June 29 Wednesday June 30 Thursday Friday July 1 2 3 SACC Open SACC Open SACC Open SACC Open SACC Closed NO Summer School NO Summer School NO Summer School NO Summer School NO Summer School 6 ESY: FES, JRES & SVHS (8:00am-12:00pm) 7 8 9 10 Last day for EOC make ups Bilingual/ESL: FES & JRES (PK & K) (8:15am-3:15pm) High School ACMECH EOC Testers at CHS (EOC/TAKS: 8:30am-3:00pm) (Credit Recovery 8:30am-12:30pm) SACC Open NO Summer School on Fridays English I EOC Algebra I EOC US History EOC English II EOC Biology EOC Exit TAKS ELA Retest Exit TAKS Math Retest Exit TAKS Science Retest Exit TAKS Social Studies Retest 13 14 15 June STAAR SSI grades 5, 8 results 16 17 SACC Open ESY: FES, JRES & SVHS (8:00am-12:00pm) NO Summer School on Fridays Bilingual/ESL: FES & JRES (PK & K) (8:15am-3:15pm) Notify parents of June STAAR SSI gr 5, 8 results 20 ESY: FES, JRES & SVHS (8:00am-12:00pm) 21 22 23 Bilingual/ESL: FES & JRES (PK & K) (8:15am-3:15pm) 28 24 SACC Open (SACC Ends August 15th) 29 30 31 1/21/2015 SEMESTRE DE VERANO 2015 Información para matriculación Instrucción acelerada SSI (FES & JRES) (Iniciativa del éxito del estudiante) para 5to grado 8 de junio – 25 de junio 8:15 am a 11:15 am* *horas extendidas el 23 de junio: 8:15 am – 3:15 pm* NO HAY CLASES los viernes Tabla de contenido Manual para padres y estudiantes .................................................................. Página 2 Información sobre el semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada SSI. Página 3 Formulario para matriculación al semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada SSI .................................................................................................... Página 4 Recibo del manual para alumnos y padres para el semestre de verano ..... Página 5 Acuerdo del uso aceptable de la política de CISD ........................................ Página 5 Petición para transportación ..................................................................... Páginas 6-7 Tarjeta de emergencia del estudiante ............................................................. Página 8 Coordinadores del semestre de verano Coordinadora de escuela de verano John Montelongo (830) 221-2064 Coordinadora de escuela de verano Joni Coker (830) 221-2036 Director para el verano en FES Susan Thetford (830) 221-2814 Directora para el verano en JRES Wendy Moore (830) 885-9505 SEMESTRE DE VERANO PARA LA PRIMARIA MANUAL PARA PADRES Y ALUMNOS PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA MATRICULACIÓN: • Estudiantes deberán ser registrados mediante un comité basado en colocación por grado escolar (GPCs). Estudiantes fuera del Distrito Escolar • Si el estudiante asiste normalmente a otro distrito escolar que no sea CISD, pero se está quedando/viviendo con un padre/guardián que reside dentro de los limites de CISD, el estudiante será tratado como en-distrito para la escuela de verano SSI. • El paquete de información para matriculación deberá ser llenado y el plan de instrucción acelerada del estudiante (AIP) debe ser incluido en los documentos para matriculación • Estudiantes que residen fuera de los límites de CISD serán puesto en una lista de espera. Una vez que todos los estudiantes de CISD hayan sido matriculados en clases, los estudiantes de fuera del distrito serán colocados en los espacios disponibles. to • Estudiantes de 5 grado que asistan a la escuela de verano SSI también podrán tomar el tercer prueba de STAAR de lectura en CISD. PAQUETE PAR LA MATRICULACIÓN: FORMULARIOS REQUERIDOS Se requiere que los estudiantes completen y regresen los siguientes documentos: • La forma para la matriculación para el semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada SSI (página 4) • Recibo para el semestre de verano 2015 Manual para padres y alumnos (página 5) • CISD Acuerdo del uso aceptable del sistema de comunicaciones: (página 5) • Petición para transportación (si requieren transportación) (páginas 6-7) • Tarjeta de emergencia del estudiante (página 8) ASISTENCIA: La asistencia constante es muy importante para que su estudiante se beneficie del programa de verano. Si por alguna razón su hijo no puede asistir a clases, es muy importante que se comunique con el personal del programa de verano. DESAYUNO Y ALMUERZO: El desayuno y almuerzo se proveerá GRATIS para todos los alumnos del semestre de verano. MANEJO DE LA DISCIPLINA: Todos los estudiantes que asisten a la escuela de verano en CISD se sostienen al CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA ESTUDIANTIL DE CISD. Las infracciones del código de conducta estudiantil de CISD pueden causar el retiro de la escuela de verano sin un reembolso. Infracción menor: • Se le dará dos advertencias por teléfono ó por escrito a los padres y estudiantes. • La tercera infracción menor causará el retiro del programa de verano. Infracción mayor: • Cualquier infracción mayor, incluyendo, pero no limitado a drogas, alcohol, armas y otras que se determinarán por la administración, constituirá a un retiro inmediato de la escuela de verano y hará conforme a la acción disciplinaria determinada por el código de conducta estudiantil de CISD. CISD CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA ESTUDIANTIL se encuentra en http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTACIÓN: • Los padres pueden proveer la transportación o pueden pedir transportación del distrito sin costo en las rutas designadas. Para pedir transportación, llene el formulario en las páginas 6-7. Información sobre el semestre de verano de instrucción acelerada SSI Director para el verano en FES – Susan Thetford Directora para el verano en JRES – Wendy Moore DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROGRAMA: El programa de verano es disponible a todos los estudiantes en 5to grado que no pasaron el 2do prueba administrado STAAR de lectura en mayo de 2015. El comité basado en colocación por grado escolar (GPCs) de la escuela desarrollará un plan de instrucción acelerada (AIP) concentrado en los conceptos y habilidades que el estudiante no ha dominado. Estudiantes recibirán ayuda intensiva para completar el curso intensivo requerido durante la escuela de verano en preparación para el 3er prueba administrada STAAR lectura el 23 de junio. Los maestros de la escuela de verano monitorearán el progreso de los estudiantes y se mantendrán en contacto con el comité basado en colocación por grado escolar. Los estudiantes recibirán instrucción acelerada mediante clases pequeñas con proporción de un maestro por cada 10 estudiantes. Horario Escuelas Fechas para el semestre de verano y prueba STAAR Estudiantes Estudiantes 8:15 – 11:15 7:45 – 11:45 (Horas extendidas en los días mencionados abajo) (Horas extendidas en los días mencionados abajo) Fechas de prueba STAAR: 23 de junio 23 de junio • STAAR lectura: jueves, 23 de junio 8:15 – 3:15 7:45 – 3:45 lunes, 8 de junio hasta jueves, 25 de junio (¡No clases los viernes!) Escuela Primaria Freiheit Escuela Primaria Johnson Ranch PROPORCIÓN DE MAESTRO A ESTUDIANTES: 1:10 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS: • Ayuda intensiva en lectura basada en las necesidades individuales del estudiante. • Los maestros seguirán el plan de instrucción acelerado (AIP) de cada estudiante desarrollado por el comité basado en colocación por grado escolar de la escuela (GPC) Formulario para matriculación para el semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada SSI El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano Nombre del estudiante: ___________________________________________________ ID #: ____________________________________________ (llenado por el/la maestro) Fecha de nacimiento: ____________________________________________________ Domicilio: _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Nombre del padre/tutor: __________________________________________________ Teléfono de la casa: ________________ Correo electrónico: _____________________ Celular: _____________________________ Contacto por texto: c Sí c No Escuela actual: ________________________________________________________ Nombre de maestro/a: __________________________________________________ Instrucción acelerada SSI y prueba STAAR en: ! 5to grado LECTURA Mi hijo/a asistirá a la escuela de verano para instrucción acelerada SSI: ! Freiheit Escuela Primaria ! Johnson Ranch Escuela Primaria Firma del padre: _______________________________________________________ Padres, Por favor regresen el paquete completo al maestro/a: • Formulario para matriculación para el semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada SSI (página 4) • • • • Recibo del manual 2015 para padres y estudiantes (página 5) Acuerdo del uso aceptable de la política de CISD (página 5) Petición para la transportación (si se necesita) (páginas 6-7) Tarjeta de emergencia del estudiante (página 8) CISD Teachers: Please forward the Accelerated Instruction Registration forms to: FES: Susan Thetford JRES: Wendy Moore Recibo para el semestre de verano Manual para padres y estudiantes de primaria El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Al firmar abajo estoy indicando que he recibido una copia del manual para padres y estudiantes para el semestre de verano 2015. ___________________________________ Nombre del estudiante ____________________________ Grado actual 2013-14 ___________________________________ Firma del padre ____________________________ Fecha ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uso aceptable de la política de CISD ACUERDO DEL ESTUDIANTE DEL USO ACEPTABLE DEL SISTEMA ELECTRÓNICO DE COMUNICACIONES ACUERDO DEL ESTUDIANTE: Grado actual __________ Nombre de la escuela_______________________________ Yo entiendo que el uso de mi computadora no es privado y que el distrito cuida la actividad en el sistema de la computación. Yo he leído la política del sistema de comunicación del distrito y las regulaciones administrativas y estoy de acuerdo de obedecer con las reglas. Yo entiendo que las violaciones a estas reglas pueden resultar en suspensión o revocación al acceso al sistema y otras acciones disciplinarias consistentes con la política del distrito. Nombre del estudiante (en letra de molde) _________________________________________________________ Firma del estudiante___________________________________________________________ Fecha______________________________________________________________________ ACUERDO DE LOS PADRES: Yo he leído la política del los recursos de tecnología del distrito, y este de acuerdo. En consideración para que mi hijo/a tenga el privilegio de usar el sistema de comunicaciones del distrito y para tener acceso a la red del distrito, yo libero al distrito, sus operadores e instituciones afiliadas de cualquier y todos los reclamos y daños de cualquier naturaleza que puedan surgir por el uso de mi niño/a, o de Ia inhabilidad de usar el sistema incluyendo sin limitación el tipo de daño identificado en la política del distrito y en las regulaciones administrativas. Nombre del padre (en letra de molde) ____________________________________________________________ Firma del padre__________________________________________________________ Fecha__________________________________________________________________ Petición para transportación: Estudiantes de instrucción acelerada SSI en la primaria El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Transportación para el semestre de verano es provista sin ningún costo para los alumnos. Los padres deben de completar la siguiente información. Letra de molde: Nombre del estudiante Grado: ID #: ¿A qué escuela y programa asistió su estudiante durante el año escolar 2014-2015? Nombre de padre/tutor: Domicilio: Ciudad: Código postal: Teléfono del domicilio: _____________________ E-mail: Teléfono del trabajo: Otro: Celular: Contactar por texto al celular: ! Sí ! No Información para una emergencia (alguien que no es padre/mamá): Nombre de persona para contactar en caso de una emergencia: Relación con el alumno: Número para una emergencia: Celular: ________________________________ Contactar por texto: ! Sí ! No Marque una: _______Mi hijo/a no irá en el camión. _______Mi hijo/a sí irá en el camión. Las paradas del camión se encuentran en la siguiente página. Por favor marque en la columna la parada que usará su hijo/a. Notas especiales ó consideraciones: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Tarjeta de emergencia del alumno 2015 Semestre de verano El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano Nombre del Alumno____________________________________ Apellido Nombre Inicial Niño o Niña Fecha de nacimiento_________________________ (Circule uno) Teléfono de la casa: (______) _______ - _____________ Email: _____________________________ Estudiante vive con: _________________ Mamá/Tutor Legal: _______________________________Celular: (______) _______ - ___________ Trabajo: (______) _______ - _________ Papá/Tutor Legal: ________________________________Celular: (______) _______ - _____________ Trabajo: (______) _______ - _________ Nombre: ________________________________Teléfono#1: (______) _______ - _____________ Teléfono#2: (______) _______ - ____________ para una emergencia Médico: _____________________________Teléfono: (______) _______ - _____________ Hospital de preferencia: _______________________ Información de Seguro Médico: □ Sin seguro □ Medicaid/CHIPS □ Seguro personal Por favor indique cualquier condición que su niño/a tenga que pueda requerir de atención en la escuela: (marque todas las que apliquen) (Las formas de autorización son requeridas para la atención médica - por favor visite la enfermera de la escuela antes del primer día de clases) □ Diabetes □ Asma □ Ataques □ Historial de reacciones alérgicas severas (desde) ____________________________________________ □ Requiere medicamentos en la escuela (enumere) ____________________________________________________________________________ □ Requiere tratamientos/procedimientos médicos en la escuela (especifique) ______________________________________________________ □ Otra: __________________________________________________________________________________ La información médica se puede compartir con los maestros del estudiante, según sea necesario, para promover atención médica inmediata en una emergencia. Doy consentimiento a los oficiales de la escuela que autoricen tratamiento médico de emergencia en caso que los padres no puedan ser contactados. Firma de Padres/Tutor Legal: ____________________________________________________ Fecha: _______________________________ SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 Registration Packet 5th Grade SSI Accelerated Instruction (FES & JRES) June 8 – June 25 8:15 am to 11:15 am* *Extended hours on test day June 23rd: 8:15am – 3:15pm* NO CLASSES on Fridays Table of Contents Student and Parent Handbook ............................................................................. Page 2 SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Information ............................ Page 3 SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form ................. Page 4 Receipt of Summer Semester Student and Parent Handbook ......................... Page 5 CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student and Parent Agreement ......................... Page 5 Transportation Request Form ......................................................................... Pages 6-7 Student Emergency Card ..................................................................................... Page 8 Summer Semester Coordinators Summer School Coordinator John Montelongo (830) 221-2064 Summer School Coordinator Joni Coker (830) 221-2036 Summer Principal at FES Susan Thetford (830) 221-2814 Summer Principal at JRES Wendy Moore (830) 885-9505 SUMMER SEMESTER ELEMENTARY STUDENT AND PARENT HANDBOOK REGISTRATION: • Students will register through campus-based Grade Placement Committees (GPCs). Out of District Students • If a student normally attends a school in a district other than CISD, but is staying/living with a parent/guardian who resides within the CISD district boundaries, this student will be treated as an in-district student for SSI summer school. • This registration packet must be completed and the student’s Accelerated Instruction Plan (AIP) must be included in the registration documents submitted. • Students who reside outside the district will be placed on a waiting list. Once all CISD students are enrolled in classes, out of district students will be placed in available slots. • 5th graders who attend SSI summer school may also take the 3rd STAAR administration of reading in CISD. REGISTRATION PACKET: REQUIRED FORMS Students will be required to complete and return the following documents: • SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form (page 4) • Receipt of Summer Semester 2015 Student and Parent Handbook (page 5) • CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student Agreement (page 5) • Completed Transportation Request Form (if requesting transportation) (pages 6-7) • Student Emergency Card (page 8) ATTENDANCE: Consistent attendance is important in order for your child to benefit from summer programming. If for any reason your child is not able to attend, it is important that you communicate with summer program staff. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH: Breakfast and lunch will be provided FREE to all students attending elementary summer school. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT: Students attending the CISD Summer Semester are held to the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and Discipline Management System of CISD. Infractions of the CISD Code of Conduct may cause withdrawal from the Summer Semester. Minor Infraction: • Student and Parents will be given two warnings by phone and/or in writing. • The third minor infraction will constitute removal from the Summer Program. Major Infraction: • Any major infraction, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and other to be determined by administration, will constitute an immediate removal from Summer Program and will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the CISD Student Code of Conduct. The CISD CODE OF CONDUCT may be accessed at http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTATION: • Parents can provide transportation or request district transportation at no cost from designated locations. To request transportation, complete the form on pages 6-7. SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Information FES Summer School Principal – Susan Thetford JRES Summer School Principal – Wendy Moore PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This summer program is available to all students in 5th grade who did not pass the 2nd administration retest of STAAR reading in May 2015. The student’s home campus Grade Placement Committee (GPC) will develop an Accelerated Instruction Plan (AIP) focused on the concepts and skills that have not been mastered. Students will receive intensive remediation to complete their required accelerated instruction during summer school in preparation for the 3rd administration retest of STAAR reading on June 23rd. Summer school teachers will monitor the progress of students and communicate this with the student’s Grade Placement Committee. Students will receive accelerated instruction through small classroom arrangements with a ratio of one teacher for every 10 students. Time Campus Locations Summer School & STAAR Testing Dates Monday, June 8 to Thursday, June 25 NO CLASSES on Fridays STAAR Testing Dates: • STAAR Reading: Tuesday, June 23 rd Student Staff 8:15 – 11:15 7:45 – 11:45 (Extended hours on test day below) (Extended hours on test day below) June 23 June 23 8:15 – 3:15 7:45 – 3:45 Freiheit Elementary Johnson Ranch Elementary TEACHER TO STUDENT RATIO: 1:10 CURRICULUM: • Intensive remediation in reading based on the individual student needs. • Teachers will follow each student’s Accelerated Instruction Plan (AIP) developed by the campus Grade Placement Committee (GPC) SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _________________________________________________________ Student ID #: __________________________________________(filled out by teacher) Date of Birth: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: _______________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Current School: _________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name: _______________________________________________________ SSI Accelerated Instruction & STAAR Retesting in: ! 5th Grade READING My child will attend SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer School at: ! Freiheit Elementary School ! Johnson Ranch Elementary School Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ Parents, Please return the completed forms to your child’s teacher: • • • • • SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form (page 4) Receipt of Summer Semester 2015 Student and Parent Handbook (page 5) CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student Agreement (page 5) Completed Transportation Request Form (if requesting transportation) (pages 6-7) Student Emergency Card (page 8) CISD Teachers: Please forward the Accelerated Instruction Registration forms to: FES: Susan Thetford JRES: Wendy Moore SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 Registration Packet Summer Math Enrichment Academy Available to the following: • Students Entering 7th or 8th Grade Math • Students Currently in 8th Grade Math • Students Completing Algebra I in 8th Grade Middle School (CHMS & SBMS) CHMS will host summer school for CHMS & CMS students SBMS will host summer school for SBMS, SVMS & MVMS students June 8 – June 25 8:30am to 11:30am* *Extended hours on June 23rd :8:30am – 3:00pm* NO CLASSES on Fridays Table of Contents Student and Parent Handbook ............................................................................. Page 2 Summer Math Enrichment Academy Information .............................................. Page 3 Summer Math Enrichment Academy Registration Form ................................... Page 4 Receipt of Summer Semester Student and Parent Handbook ......................... Page 5 CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student and Parent Agreement ........................ Page 5 Transportation Request Form......................................................................... Pages 6-7 Student Emergency Card ..................................................................................... Page 8 Summer Semester Principals Church Hill Middle School Mark Oberholtzer (830) 221-2312 Spring Branch Middle School Kristy Castilleja (830) 885-1736 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT AND PARENT HANDBOOK REGISTRATION: • Registration is May 1, 2015 through May 29, 2015. Students will register at their home campuses in the counseling offices. TUITION: • There is no fee for attending the Summer Math Enrichment Academy. ATTENDANCE: • Acceptance into the Summer Math Enrichment Academy is based on teacher recommendations. As there are a limited number of slots at each summer school site, daily attendance is an expectation for all students accepted into the program. If your student is unable to make a commitment to attend for all three weeks, please do not submit your application so that another student can be considered for any available slots. BREAKFAST WILL NOT BE SERVED: • Breakfast will not be served on campus during the Summer Semester. Students are encouraged to eat a healthy breakfast at home. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT: Students attending Summer Semester in CISD are held to the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and Discipline Management System of CISD. Infractions of the CISD Code of Conduct may cause withdrawal from Summer Semester without a refund. Minor Infraction: • Student and Parents will be given two warnings by phone and/or in writing. • The third minor infraction will constitute removal from the Summer Semester program. Major Infraction: • Any major infraction, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and other to be determined by administration, will constitute an immediate removal from Summer Semester and will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the CISD Student Code of Conduct. The CISD CODE OF CONDUCT may be accessed at http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTATION: • Parents can provide transportation or request district transportation at no cost from designated locations. To request transportation, complete the form on pages 6-7. Summer Math Enrichment Academy 2015 Information Summer Semester Site: SBMS, SVMS & MVMS will attend SBMS Site CHMS & CMS will attend CHMS Site PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This summer program is available to selected students who will be entering 7th or 8th grade math, students currently taking 8th grade math, and students who completed Algebra I at 8th grade. 8th grade math for students who have completed Algebra I: This summer opportunity is available to students who have completed Algebra I and are looking to strengthen their math abilities prior to entering high school. Upon completion of the academy, students will have a solid mathematic foundation to prepare them for high school success. Time Campus Locations Summer School Dates Monday, June 8 to Thursday, June 25* 8:30am – 11:30am* *Extended Hours on Days Below NO CLASSES on Fridays Extended Day • Tuesday, June 23rd Student Staff 8:30 – 11:30 8:00 – 12:00 (Extended hours on test day below) (Extended hours on test day below) June 23 June 23 8:30 – 3:00 8:00 – 3:30 Church Hill Middle School CURRICULUM: • Introduction to 7th grade math • Introduction to 8th grade math • Accelerated Instruction (intensive remediation) for 8th grade math • 8th grade math standards for students who completed Algebra I in the 8th grade Spring Branch Middle School Summer Math Enrichment Academy 2015 Registration Form Student Name: Student ID: ________________________ Date of Birth: Gender: Ethnicity: _________________________ Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: Cell Phone: ______________________________ Student Cell Phone: E-mail: __________________________________ CISD Home Campus: Grade level 2014-2015: _______________ ! ! Entering 7th Grade Math Academy ! ! 8th Grade Math Academy for students who completed Algebra I Entering 8th Grade Math Academy Accelerated Instruction (intensive remediation) for current 8th Graders ___ Student’s printed name Student’s signature Date ___ Parent/Guardian’s printed name Parent/Guardian’s signature Date Student: ASK YOUR CURRENT MATH TEACHER TO WRITE A BRIEF EVALUATION OF YOUR ACADEMIC ABILITY IN MATH IN THE SPACE BELOW. Teacher: Identifying SPECIFIC STRENGTHS of the applicant will be helpful in reviewing this application. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___ Teacher’s printed name Teacher’s signature Date *CISD Campus Counselors/Staff: Please forward Registration packets to: Mark Oberholtzer for: CHMS and CMS students Kristy Castilleja for: SBMS, SVMS and MVMS students Receipt of Summer Semester Middle School Student and Parent Handbook This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. By signing below, I am indicating that I have received a copy of the Summer Semester Middle School Student and Parent Handbook (page 2 of this packet). ___________________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Current Grade ___________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISD Acceptable Use Policy STUDENT AND PARENT AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM STUDENT AGREEMENT: Current Grade_______________ Campus Name_______________________________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the computer system. I have read the District’s electronic communications system policy and administrative regulations and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies. Student Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ PARENT AGREEMENT: I have read the District’s Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Comal Independent School District Technology Resources, and this agreement form. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from child’s use of, District’s policy, and administrative regulations. Parent’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Request Form: Middle School Students This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Summer program transportation is provided at no cost. Parents must complete the following information to request transportation. Print: Student Name: _________ Grade: Student ID #: Which campus did your child attend in the 2014-2015 school year? Parent / Guardian’s Name: _ _ Home Address: City: Zip Code: _____ _____ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Parent’s Work Phone: _ _____ Other: ____ _____ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Emergency Contact Information (someone other than parent/guardian): Name of emergency contact: Relationship to student: Emergency contact’s phone number: Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Check One: _______My student will not ride the bus. _______My student will ride the bus. Times and pick up/drop off locations are listed on the next page. Please indicate which stop your child will be accessing by placing a check mark next to the stop. Special notes or considerations: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Student Emergency Card Summer Semester 2015 This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Male/Female Birthdate: ___________ Last, First Middle (Circle ) Home Address: _____________________________________ City:___________________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _______________ Email:________________________ Student lives with: ___________________________ Mother/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell: ( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Father/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell:( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):________________ Phone 1: ( ) _____-_______ Phone 2: ( Primary Physician: ________________________ Phone: ( Medical Insurance: □ Uninsured □ Medicaid/CHIPS ) _____-________ ) _____-________ Preferred Hospital: __________________ □ Private Insurance Please check any conditions your child has which may require attention at school: (check all that apply) (Authorization forms are required for all medical care- please visit the school nurse before the first day of school) □ Diabetes □Asthma □Seizures □History of severe allergic reactions (from) _________________________________ □ Requires medications at school (list) __________________________________________________________________ □ Requires medical treatments/procedures at school (list) ___________________________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health information may be shared with your student’s teachers, as needed, to promote immediate medical care in an emergency. I consent to school officials authorizing emergency medical treatments if parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 Registration Packet High School (CHS, CLHS, SVHS) Credit Recovery/Acceleration & EOC/TAKS Academies June 10 – July 9 8:30 am to 12:30 pm* *Extended hours for EOC/TAKS Academies from July 6th – 9th: 8:30am-3:00pm* NO CLASSES on Fridays NO CLASSES Monday, June 29th – Friday, July 3rd Table of Contents Student and Parent Handbook ............................................................................. Page 2 Tuition Waiver Form ............................................................................................. Page 3 Credit Recovery/Acceleration Registration Form .............................................. Page 4 EOC & TAKS Academy Information .................................................................... Page 5 EOC & TAKS Academy Registration Form ......................................................... Page 6 Receipt of Summer Semester Student and Parent Handbook ......................... Page 7 CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student and Parent Agreement ......................... Page 7 Student Emergency Card ..................................................................................... Page 8 Summer Semester Principals Canyon High School Brad Brown (830) 221-2450 Canyon Lake High School Corbee Wunderlich (830) 885-1734 Smithson Valley High School Michael Wahl (830) 885-1014 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT AND PARENT HANDBOOK REGISTRATION: • Registration is May 1, 2015 through June 8, 2015. Students will register at their home campuses in the counseling offices. • Students attending Summer Semester for both credit recovery and an EOC/TAKS Academy may need to continue their day into the afternoon from 1:00-3:00 depending on the number of classes needed. The campus counselor will advise students who may need to stay on campus for afternoon classes. ATTENDANCE: There are no excused absences during Summer Semester. • Missing one day in Summer Semester is equivalent to missing two weeks during the regular term. • A maximum of 1 absence is permitted during Summer Semester. • Students with more than 1 absence may be withdrawn from class and lose their credit. There are no refunds. TARDINESS: • Because of the short length of class sessions and academic intensity, prompt and consistent attendance is required. • Students who are tardy (more than 10 minutes late) three times are subject to withdrawal from class without refund or credit. Note: 3 tardies = 1 absence. BREAKFAST WILL NOT BE SERVED: • Breakfast will not be served on campus during the Summer Semester. Students are encouraged to eat a healthy breakfast at home. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT: Students attending Summer Semester in CISD are held to the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and Discipline Management System of CISD. Infractions of the CISD Code of Conduct may cause withdrawal from Summer Semester without a refund. Minor Infraction: • Student and Parents will be given two warnings by phone and/or in writing. • The third minor infraction will constitute removal from the Summer Semester program. Major Infraction: • Any major infraction, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and other to be determined by administration, will constitute an immediate removal from Summer Semester and will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the CISD Student Code of Conduct. The CISD CODE OF CONDUCT may be accessed at http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTATION: • Students are responsible for their own transportation CDC: Students enrolled in CDC at the end of the school year will complete their hours during summer at the CDC campus. If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Karen Stevens at (830) 221-2950. Tuition Waiver Form - Summer Semester 2015 Student Name:________________________ Grade:______Campus:___________________ Waiver of tuition for CISD Summer Semester 2015 is being requested for the following reason(s): __ Resides in a residential placement facility __ Migrant program __ Homeless __ Attended DAEP/CDC during 2014-2015 school year __ Free lunch (student pays $15.00) __ Reduced lunch (student pays $30.00) __ Other (explain below) Office Use Only: ___ Tuition waiver approved ___ Tuition waiver not approved Reason:_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Counselor’s Signature __________________________________________________________ (Home Campus) Principal’s Signature ___________________________________________________________ (Home Campus) Credit Recovery/Acceleration 2015 Registration Form Summer Semester Site: Student’s Current High School Campus *2014-2015 DAEP/CDC students will attend at CDC site* --------Also complete the Student Emergency Card on page 8-------Student Name: Student ID: _______________________ Date of Birth: Gender: Ethnicity: _______________________ Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: Cell Phone: ______________________________ Student Cell Phone: E-mail: _________________________________ CISD Home Campus: Grade level 2014-2015: ______________ Out of District Campus Name and Address:____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Summer School Dates & Times Courses – Student is limited to taking two e2020 Courses Tuition - $75.00 (or see attached waiver) June 10 – July 9 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Counselor Signature NO CLASSES on Fridays th rd NO CLASSES Monday, June 29 – Friday, July 3 Course 1:_____________________________________ Course 2:____________________________________ Student’s printed name Student’s signature Date Parent/Guardian’s printed name Parent/Guardian’s signature Date Home Campus Office Use Only: Amount Owed Amount Paid Payment Information PAYABLE TO: COMAL ISD Cash ______ Cashiers Check ______ Personal Check #________________ Received by: (Registrar’s signature) Date Received High School EOC and Exit-Level TAKS Academy Information • June 10 – June 25: 8:30am to 12:30pm • NO CLASSES Monday, June 29th – Friday, July 3rd • July 6 – July 9: 8:30am to 3:00pm (EOC & TAKS Testing Week) NO CLASSES on Fridays TESTING COORDINATORS: • • • Theresa Ricker (CHS) Stephanie Melton (CLHS) Shauna Abrego (SVHS) TUITION: No fee - eligibility is based on EOC/TAKS scores. Parents must complete the High School EOC & Exit Level TAKS Academy 2015 Registration Form (page 6) to apply for this academy. Approval of registration is determined by the campus counselor. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Intensive accelerated instruction will be provided in the areas of ELA, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies for students who have failed an EOC exam or a TAKS Exit-Level assessment. ACADEMY INFO: • June 10 – June 25: 8:30am – 12:30pm • July 6 – July 9: 8:30am – 3:00pm (TAKS and EOC testing week) • No Academies on Fridays • No Academies Monday, June 29 – Friday, July 3 • EOC & TAKS Academies will be held at the student’s home campus TRANSPORTATION: Students are responsible for their own transportation. EOC & TAKS TESTING DATES: Times & Locations determined by your students’ home campus testing coordinator. Times: 8:30am – 3:00pm • • • • Monday, July 6: EOC English I & TAKS Exit-Level ELA Tuesday, July 7: EOC Algebra I & EOC US History & TAKS Exit-Level Math Wednesday, July 8: EOC English II & TAKS Exit-Level Science Thursday, July 9: EOC Biology & TAKS Exit-Level Social Studies High School EOC & TAKS Academy 2015 Registration Form Academy Site: Student’s Current High School Campus Student Name: Student ID: _______________________ Date of Birth: Gender: Ethnicity: _______________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: Cell Phone: ______________________________ Student Cell Phone: E-mail: _________________________________ CISD Home Campus: Grade level 2013-2014: ______________ Out of District Campus Name and Address: ____________________________________________ Home Campus Office Use Only: EOC & TAKS Academies TAKS Exit-Level Needed: Counselor Signature/Approval ELA / Math / Science / Social Studies June 10 – July 9 EOC Needed: No Fees English I / English II Algebra I / Biology / US History Student’s printed name Student’s signature Date Parent/Guardian’s printed name Parent/Guardian’s signature Date High School Counselors: Please forward EOC & TAKS Academy Registration Forms to: • • • Theresa Ricker (CHS) Stephanie Melton (CLHS) Shauna Abrego (SVHS) Receipt of Summer Semester High School Student and Parent Handbook This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. By signing below, I am indicating that I have received a copy of the Summer Semester High School Student and Parent Handbook (page 2 of this packet). ___________________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Current Grade ___________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISD Acceptable Use Policy STUDENT AND PARENT AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM STUDENT AGREEMENT: Current Grade_______________ Campus Name_______________________________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the computer system. I have read the District’s electronic communications system policy and administrative regulations and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies. Student Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ PARENT AGREEMENT: I have read the District’s Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Comal Independent School District Technology Resources, and this agreement form. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from child’s use of, District’s policy, and administrative regulations. Parent’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ Student Emergency Card Summer Semester 2015 This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Male/Female Birthdate: ___________ Last, First Middle ( Circle ) Home Address: _____________________________________ City:___________________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _______________ Email:________________________ Student lives with: ___________________________ Mother/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell: ( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Father/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell:( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):________________ Phone 1: ( ) _____-_______ Phone 2: ( Primary Physician: ________________________ Phone: ( Medical Insurance: □ Uninsured □ Medicaid/CHIPS ) _____-________ ) _____-________ Preferred Hospital: __________________ □ Private Insurance Please check any conditions your child has which may require attention at school: (check all that apply) (Authorization forms are required for all medical care- please visit the school nurse before the first day of school) □ Diabetes □Asthma □Seizures □History of severe allergic reactions (from) _________________________________ □ Requires medications at school (list) __________________________________________________________________ □ Requires medical treatments/procedures at school (list) ___________________________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health information may be shared with your student’s teachers, as needed, to promote immediate medical care in an emergency. I consent to school officials authorizing emergency medical treatments if parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 Registration Packet CDC 5th & 8th Grade SSI Accelerated Instruction & Credit Recovery June 8 – June 25 8:30 am to 11:30 am* *Extended hours on test day June 23rd:8:30am – 3:00pm* NO CLASSES on Fridays Table of Contents Student and Parent Handbook ............................................................................. Page 2 Credit Recovery Registration Form ..................................................................... Page 3 SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Information ............................ Page 4 SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form ................. Page 5 Receipt of Summer Semester Student and Parent Handbook ......................... Page 6 CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student and Parent Agreement ......................... Page 6 Transportation Request Form.............................................................................. Page 7 Student Emergency Card ..................................................................................... Page 8 Summer Semester Principal CDC Karen Stevens (830) 221-2954 CDC STUDENT AND PARENT HANDBOOK REGISTRATION: • Students enrolled in CDC at the end of the school year will complete their hours during summer at the CDC campus. If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Karen Stevens at (830) 221-2950. • Registration is May 1, 2015 through June 8, 2014. Students will register at the CDC front office. ATTENDANCE: There are no excused absences during Summer Semester. • Missing one day in Summer Semester is equivalent to missing two weeks during the regular term. • A maximum of 1 absence is permitted during Summer Semester. • Students with more than 1 absence may be withdrawn from class and lose their credit. There are no refunds. TARDINESS: • Because of the short length of class sessions and academic intensity, prompt and consistent attendance is required. • Students who are tardy (more than 10 minutes late) three times are subject to withdrawal from class without refund or credit. Note: 3 tardies = 1 absence. BREAKFAST WILL NOT BE SERVED: • Breakfast will not be served on campus during the Summer Semester. Students are encouraged to eat a healthy breakfast at home. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT: Students attending Summer Semester in CISD are held to the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and Discipline Management System of CISD. Infractions of the CISD Code of Conduct may cause withdrawal from Summer Semester without a refund. Minor Infraction: • Student and Parents will be given two warnings by phone and/or in writing. • The third minor infraction will constitute removal from the Summer Semester program. Major Infraction: • Any major infraction, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and other to be determined by administration, will constitute an immediate removal from Summer Semester and will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the CISD Student Code of Conduct. The CISD CODE OF CONDUCT may be accessed at http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TUITION: • There is no cost for CDC students to attend summer school. TRANSPORTATION: • Parents can provide transportation or request district transportation at no cost from designated locations. To request transportation, complete the form on pages 6-7. Credit Recovery 2015 Registration Form Summer Semester Site: CDC *2014-2015 DAEP/CDC students will attend at CDC site* --------Also complete the Student Emergency Card on page 8-------- Student Name: Student ID: _______________________ Date of Birth: Gender: Ethnicity: _______________________ Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: Cell Phone: ______________________________ Student Cell Phone: E-mail: _________________________________ CISD Home Campus: Grade level 2013-2014: ______________ Out of District Campus Name and Address:____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Summer School Dates & Times Courses – No Cost to Students June 8 – June 25: 8:30am – 11:30am Extended Hours on June 23: 8:30am – 3:00pm NO CLASSES on Fridays Counselor Signature Course 1:_________________________________________ Course 2:_________________________________________ Student’s printed name Student’s signature Date Parent/Guardian’s printed name Parent/Guardian’s signature Date SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Information PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This summer program is available to all students in 5th & 8th grade who did not pass the 2nd administration retest of STAAR reading in May 2015. The student’s home campus Grade Placement Committee (GPC) will develop an Accelerated Instruction Plan (AIP) focused on the concepts and skills that have not been mastered. Students will receive intensive remediation to complete their required accelerated instruction during summer school in preparation for the 3rd administration retest of STAAR reading on June 23rd. Summer school teachers will monitor the progress of students and communicate this with the student’s Grade Placement Committee. Students will receive accelerated instruction through small classroom arrangements with a ratio of one teacher for every 10 students. Time Summer School & STAAR Testing Dates June 8 – June 25 NO CLASSES on Fridays STAAR Testing Dates: • STAAR Reading: Tuesday, June 23rd Student Staff 8:30am – 11:30am 8:00am – 12:00pm (Extended hours on test day below) (Extended hours on test day below) June 23 June 23 8:30am – 3:00pm 8:00am – 3:30pm TEACHER TO STUDENT RATIO: 1:10 CURRICULUM: • Intensive remediation in reading based on the individual student needs. • Teachers will follow each student’s Accelerated Instruction Plan (AIP) developed by the campus Grade Placement Committee (GPC) SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _________________________________________________________ Student ID #: __________________________________________(filled out by teacher) Date of Birth: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: _______________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Current School: _________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name: _______________________________________________________ SSI Accelerated Instruction & STAAR Retesting in: ! 5th Grade READING ! 8th Grade READING Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ Receipt of Summer Semester CDC Student and Parent Handbook This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. By signing below, I am indicating that I have received a copy of the Summer Semester CDC Student and Parent Handbook (page 2 of this packet). ___________________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Current Grade ___________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISD Acceptable Use Policy STUDENT AND PARENT AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM STUDENT AGREEMENT: Current Grade_______________ Campus Name_______________________________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the computer system. I have read the District’s electronic communications system policy and administrative regulations and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies. Student Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ PARENT AGREEMENT: I have read the District’s Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Comal Independent School District Technology Resources, and this agreement form. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from child’s use of, District’s policy, and administrative regulations. Parent’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Request Form: CDC Students This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Summer program transportation is provided at no cost. Parents must complete the following information to request transportation. Print: Student Name: _________ Grade: Student ID #: Which campus did your child attend in the 2014-2015 school year? Parent / Guardian’s Name: _ _ Home Address: City: Zip Code: _____ _____ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Parent’s Work Phone: _ _____ Other: ____ _____ Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Emergency Contact Information (someone other than parent/guardian): Name of emergency contact: Relationship to student: Emergency contact’s phone number: Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Check One: _______My student will not ride the bus. _______My student will ride the bus. Times and pick up/drop off locations are listed below. Please indicate which stop your child will be accessing by placing a check mark next to the stop. CDC / ACME 1 Pick up JOHNSON RANCH ES 7:35 AM SPECHT ES 7:21 AM TIMBERWOOD PARK ES 7:07 AM Drop off 12:13 PM 12:27 PM 12:39 PM CDC / ACME 3 Pick up CANYON LAKE HS 7:18 AM HOFFMANN LANE ES 7:54 AM MOUNTAIN VALLEY MS 7:38 AM OAK CREEK ES 8:06 AM REBECCA CREEK ES 7:02 AM Drop off 12:29 PM 11:53 AM 12:10 PM 11:41 AM 12:45 PM CDC / ACME 2 Pick up ARLON SEAY ES 7:15 AM SMITHSON VALLEY MS 6:55 AM STARTZVILLE ES 7:35 AM Drop off 12:40 PM 12:56 PM 12:13 PM CDC / ACME 4 Pick up CLEAR SPRING ES 8:05 AM GARDEN RIDGE ES 7:16 AM MORNINGSIDE ELEM 7:40 AM Drop off 11:42 AM 12:22 PM 12:01 PM Special notes or considerations: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Student Emergency Card Summer Semester 2015 This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Male/Female Birthdate: ___________ Last, First Middle ( Circle ) Home Address: _____________________________________ City:___________________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _______________ Email:________________________ Student lives with: ___________________________ Mother/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell: ( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Father/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell:( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):________________ Phone 1: ( ) _____-_______ Phone 2: ( Primary Physician: ________________________ Phone: ( Medical Insurance: □ Uninsured □ Medicaid/CHIPS ) _____-________ ) _____-________ Preferred Hospital: __________________ □ Private Insurance Please check any conditions your child has which may require attention at school: (check all that apply) (Authorization forms are required for all medical care- please visit the school nurse before the first day of school) □ Diabetes □Asthma □Seizures □History of severe allergic reactions (from) _________________________________ □ Requires medications at school (list) __________________________________________________________________ □ Requires medical treatments/procedures at school (list) ___________________________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health information may be shared with your student’s teachers, as needed, to promote immediate medical care in an emergency. I consent to school officials authorizing emergency medical treatments if parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 Registration Packet Memorial Early College High School Credit Recovery/Acceleration: June 8 – July 9 June 8 – 22, 24 & 25: 8:30am to 11:30am Extended Day: Tuesday, June 23: 8:30am to 3:00pm Extended Days: July 6 - 9: 8:30am to 3:00pm EOC Academy: June 10 – June 25 with Testing July 6 - 9 June 10 – 22, 24 & 25: 8:30am to 11:30am Extended Day: Tuesday, June 23: 8:30am to 3:00pm Extended Days: EOC Testing: July 6 – 9: 8:30am to 3:00pm at Canyon High School NO CLASSES on Fridays NO CLASSES Monday, June 29th – Friday, July 3rd Table of Contents Student and Parent Handbook ............................................................................. Page 2 Credit Recovery Registration Form ..................................................................... Page 3 EOC Academy Information ................................................................................... Page 4 EOC Academy Registration Form ....................................................................... Page 5 Receipt of Summer Semester Student and Parent Handbook ......................... Page 6 CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student and Parent Agreement ......................... Page 6 Transportation Request Form.............................................................................. Page 7 Student Emergency Card ..................................................................................... Page 8 Summer Semester Principal ACMECHS Chrysta Carlin (830) 221-2912 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT AND PARENT HANDBOOK REGISTRATION: • Registration is May 1, 2015 through June 8, 2014. Students will register at the ACMECHS front office. ATTENDANCE: There are no excused absences during Summer Semester. • Missing one day in Summer Semester is equivalent to missing two weeks during the regular term. • A maximum of 1 absence is permitted during Summer Semester. • Students with more than 1 absence may be withdrawn from class and lose their credit. There are no refunds. TARDINESS: • Because of the short length of class sessions and academic intensity, prompt and consistent attendance is required. • Students who are tardy (more than 10 minutes late) three times are subject to withdrawal from class without refund or credit. Note: 3 tardies = 1 absence. BREAKFAST WILL NOT BE SERVED: • Breakfast will not be served on campus during the Summer Semester. Students are encouraged to eat a healthy breakfast at home. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT: Students attending Summer Semester in CISD are held to the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and Discipline Management System of CISD. Infractions of the CISD Code of Conduct may cause withdrawal from Summer Semester without a refund. Minor Infraction: • Student and Parents will be given two warnings by phone and/or in writing. • The third minor infraction will constitute removal from the Summer Semester program. Major Infraction: • Any major infraction, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and other to be determined by administration, will constitute an immediate removal from Summer Semester and will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the CISD Student Code of Conduct. The CISD CODE OF CONDUCT may be accessed at http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TUITION: • There is no cost for ACMECHS students to attend summer school. TRANSPORTATION: • Parents can provide transportation or request district transportation at no cost from designated locations. To request transportation, complete the form on page 7. CDC: Students enrolled in CDC at the end of the school year will complete their hours during summer at the CDC campus. If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Karen Stevens at (830) 221-2950. Credit Recovery 2015 Registration Form Summer Semester Site: ACMECHS *2014-2015 DAEP/CDC students will attend at CDC site* Student Name: Student ID: _______________________ Date of Birth: Gender: Ethnicity: _______________________ Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: Cell Phone: ______________________________ Student Cell Phone: E-mail: _________________________________ CISD Home Campus: Grade level 2014-2015: ______________ Out of District Campus Name and Address:____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Summer School Dates & Times Courses – No Cost to Students June 8 – July 9: See school times below June 8 – June 22, 24 & 25: 8:30am to 11:30am Extended Day: Tuesday, June 23: 8:30am – 3:00pm Extended Days: July 6 – July 9: 8:30am to 3:00pm Location: ACM Early College High School NO CLASSES on Fridays th rd NO CLASSES Monday, June 29 – Friday, July 3 Counselor Signature: Course 1:_________________________________________ Course 2:_________________________________________ Student’s printed name Student’s signature Date Parent/Guardian’s printed name Parent/Guardian’s signature Date ACMECHS EOC Academy Information • June 10 – June 22, 24 & 25: 8:30am to 11:30am • Extended Day: June 23: 8:30am – 3:00pm • EOC Testing Week Held at Canyon High School: July 6 – July 9: 8:30am to 3:00pm NO CLASSES on Fridays NO CLASSES Monday, June 29th – Friday, July 3rd TUITION: No fee - eligibility is based on EOC scores. Parents must complete the ACMECHS EOC Academy 2015 Registration Form (page 5) to apply for this academy. Approval of registration is determined by the campus counselor. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Intensive accelerated instruction will be provided in the areas of English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology and US History for students who have failed an EOC. Students will retest during the week of July 6 - 9 at Canyon High School (transportation provided). ACADEMY INFO: • June 10 – June 22, 24 & 25: 8:30am – 11:30am • June 23: 8:30am – 3:00pm (extended hours) • July 6 – July 9: 8:30am – 3:00pm (extended hours) EOC Testing Week at Canyon High School • • No Academy on Fridays No Academy Monday, June 29 – Friday, July 3 TRANSPORTATION: Parents can provide transportation or request district transportation at no cost from designated locations. To request transportation, complete the form on page 7. EOC TESTING INFORMATION: Held at Canyon High School Monday, July 6 – Thursday, July 9 Times: 8:30am – 3:00pm • • • • Monday, July 6: EOC English I Tuesday, July 7: EOC Algebra I & EOC US History Wednesday, July 8: EOC English II Thursday, July 9: EOC Biology ACMECHS EOC Academy 2015 Registration Form Academy Site: ACMECHS Student Name: Student ID: _______________________ Date of Birth: Gender: Ethnicity: _______________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: Cell Phone: ______________________________ Student Cell Phone: E-mail: _________________________________ CISD Home Campus: Grade level 2014-2015: ______________ Out of District Campus Name and Address: ____________________________________________ Home Campus Office Use Only: Counselor Signature/Approval EOC Academy EOC Needed: June 10 – June 25 English I / English II Testing July 6-9 (at CHS) Algebra I / Biology / US History No Fees Student’s printed name Student’s signature Date Parent/Guardian’s printed name Parent/Guardian’s signature Date Receipt of Summer Semester High School Student and Parent Handbook This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. By signing below, I am indicating that I have received a copy of the Summer Semester High School Student and Parent Handbook (page 2 of this packet). ___________________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Current Grade ___________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISD Acceptable Use Policy STUDENT AND PARENT AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM STUDENT AGREEMENT: Current Grade_______________ Campus Name_______________________________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the computer system. I have read the District’s electronic communications system policy and administrative regulations and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies. Student Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ PARENT AGREEMENT: I have read the District’s Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Comal Independent School District Technology Resources, and this agreement form. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from child’s use of, District’s policy, and administrative regulations. Parent’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Request Form: ACMECHS Students This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Summer program transportation is provided at no cost. Parents must complete the following information to request transportation. Print: Student Name: _________ Grade: Student ID #: Which campus did your child attend in the 2014-2015 school year? Parent / Guardian’s Name: _ _ Home Address: City: Zip Code: _____ _____ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Parent’s Work Phone: _ _____ Other: ____ _____ Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Emergency Contact Information (someone other than parent/guardian): Name of emergency contact: Relationship to student: Emergency contact’s phone number: Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Check One: _______My student will not ride the bus. _______My student will ride the bus. Times and pick up/drop off locations are listed below. Please indicate which stop your child will be accessing by placing a check mark next to the stop. CDC / ACME 1 Pick up JOHNSON RANCH ES 7:35 AM SPECHT ES 7:21 AM TIMBERWOOD PARK ES 7:07 AM Drop off 12:13 PM 12:27 PM 12:39 PM CDC / ACME 3 Pick up CANYON LAKE HS 7:18 AM HOFFMANN LANE ES 7:54 AM MOUNTAIN VALLEY MS 7:38 AM OAK CREEK ES 8:06 AM REBECCA CREEK ES 7:02 AM Drop off 12:29 PM 11:53 AM 12:10 PM 11:41 AM 12:45 PM CDC / ACME 2 Pick up ARLON SEAY ES 7:15 AM SMITHSON VALLEY MS 6:55 AM STARTZVILLE ES 7:35 AM Drop off 12:40 PM 12:56 PM 12:13 PM CDC / ACME 4 Pick up CLEAR SPRING ES 8:05 AM GARDEN RIDGE ES 7:16 AM MORNINGSIDE ELEM 7:40 AM Drop off 11:42 AM 12:22 PM 12:01 PM Special notes or considerations: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Student Emergency Card Summer Semester 2015 This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Male/Female Birthdate: ___________ Last, First Middle ( Circle ) Home Address: _____________________________________ City:___________________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _______________ Email:________________________ Student lives with: ___________________________ Mother/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell: ( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Father/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell:( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):________________ Phone 1: ( ) _____-_______ Phone 2: ( Primary Physician: ________________________ Phone: ( Medical Insurance: □ Uninsured □ Medicaid/CHIPS ) _____-________ ) _____-________ Preferred Hospital: __________________ □ Private Insurance Please check any conditions your child has which may require attention at school: (check all that apply) (Authorization forms are required for all medical care- please visit the school nurse before the first day of school) □ Diabetes □Asthma □Seizures □History of severe allergic reactions (from) _________________________________ □ Requires medications at school (list) __________________________________________________________________ □ Requires medical treatments/procedures at school (list) ___________________________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health information may be shared with your student’s teachers, as needed, to promote immediate medical care in an emergency. I consent to school officials authorizing emergency medical treatments if parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 Registration Packet SSI and Course Recovery: Middle School (CHMS & SBMS) There will be two middle school locations: CHMS will host summer school for CHMS & CMS students SBMS will host summer school for SBMS, SVMS & MVMS students June 8 – June 25 8:30am to 11:30am* *Extended hours on June 23rd: 8:30am – 3:00pm* NO CLASSES on Fridays Table of Contents Student and Parent Handbook ............................................................................. Page 2 Tuition Waiver Form ............................................................................................. Page 3 Course Recovery Registration Form ................................................................... Page 4 SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Information ........................... Page 5 SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form ................. Page 6 Receipt of Summer Semester Student and Parent Handbook ......................... Page 7 CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student and Parent Agreement ......................... Page 7 Transportation Request Form......................................................................... Pages 8-9 Student Emergency Card ................................................................................... Page 10 Summer Semester Principals Church Hill Middle School Mark Oberholtzer (830) 221-2312 Spring Branch Middle School Kristy Castilleja (830) 885-1736 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT AND PARENT HANDBOOK REGISTRATION: • Registration is May 1, 2015 through June 5, 2015. Students will register at their home campuses in the counseling offices. ATTENDANCE: There are no excused absences during Summer Semester. • Missing one day in Summer Semester is equivalent to missing two weeks during the regular term. • A maximum of 1 absence is permitted during Summer Semester. • Students with more than 1 absence may be withdrawn from class and lose their credit. There are no refunds. TARDINESS: • Because of the short length of class sessions and academic intensity, prompt and consistent attendance is required. • Students who are tardy (more than 10 minutes late) three times are subject to withdrawal from class without refund or credit. Note: 3 tardies = 1 absence. BREAKFAST WILL NOT BE SERVED: • Breakfast will not be served on campus during the Summer Semester. Students are encouraged to eat a healthy breakfast at home. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT: Students attending Summer Semester in CISD are held to the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and Discipline Management System of CISD. Infractions of the CISD Code of Conduct may cause withdrawal from Summer Semester without a refund. Minor Infraction: • Student and Parents will be given two warnings by phone and/or in writing. • The third minor infraction will constitute removal from the Summer Semester program. Major Infraction: • Any major infraction, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and other to be determined by administration, will constitute an immediate removal from Summer Semester and will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the CISD Student Code of Conduct. The CISD CODE OF CONDUCT may be accessed at http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTATION: • Parents can provide transportation or request district transportation at no cost from designated locations. To request transportation, complete the form on pages 6-7. CDC: Students enrolled in CDC at the end of the school year will complete their hours during summer at the CDC campus. If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Karen Stevens at (830) 221-2950. Tuition Waiver Form - Summer Semester 2015 Student Name:________________________ Grade:______Campus:___________________ Waiver of tuition for CISD Summer Semester 2015 is being requested for the following reason(s): __ Resides in a residential placement facility __ Migrant program __ Homeless __ Attended DAEP/CDC during 2013/2014 school year __ SSI 8th Grade __ Free lunch (student pays $25.00 per course) __ Reduced lunch (student pays $50.00 per course) __ Other (explain below) Office Use Only: ___ Tuition waiver approved ___ Tuition waiver not approved Reason:_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Counselor’s Signature ____________________________ (Home Campus) Principal’s Signature ______________________________ (Home Campus) Course Recovery 2015 Registration Form Summer Semester Site: SBMS, SVMS & MVMS will attend SBMS Site CHMS & CMS will attend CHMS Site Student Name: Student ID: ________________________ Date of Birth: Gender: Ethnicity: _________________________ Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: Cell Phone: ______________________________ Student Cell Phone: E-mail: __________________________________ CISD Home Campus: Grade level 2014-2015: _______________ Summer School Dates & Times Tuition Monday, June 8 to Thursday, June 25 $150.00 – Summer Semester Rate $50.00 - Rate for students on reduced lunch $25.00 - Rate for students on free lunch th $0.00 - SSI 8 Grade $0.00 - Homeless or DAEP for 2014/2015 school year 8:30am – 11:30am Extended Day: Tuesday, June 23rd 8:30am – 3:00pm Counselor Signature NO CLASSES on Fridays Course 1:_________________________________ Course 2:_______________________________ Alternate:_______________________________ ___ Student’s printed name Student’s signature Date ___ Parent/Guardian’s printed name Parent/Guardian’s signature Date Home Campus Office Use Only: Amount Owed Amount Paid Payment Information PAYABLE TO: COMAL ISD Received by: (Registrar’s signature) Date Received Cash ____ Cashiers Check ____ Personal Check #_________ *CISD Campus Counselors/Staff: Please forward Middle School Registration packets (including accommodations page and/or STAAR accommodations from IEP or 504 Plan) to: Mark Oberholtzer for: CHMS and CMS students Kristy Castilleja for: SBMS, SVMS and MVMS students SSI Accelerated Instruction: 8th Grade Reading Summer Semester Information Summer Semester Site: SBMS, SVMS & MVMS will attend SBMS Site CHMS & CMS will attend CHMS Site PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This summer program is available to all students in 8th grade who did not pass the 2nd administration retest of STAAR reading in May 2015. The student’s home campus Grade Placement Committee (GPC) will develop an Accelerated Instruction Plan (AIP) focused on the concepts and skills that have not been mastered. Students will receive intensive remediation to complete their required accelerated instruction during summer school in preparation for the 3rd administration retest of STAAR reading on June 23rd. Summer school teachers will monitor the progress of students and communicate this with the student’s Grade Placement Committee. Students will receive accelerated instruction through small classroom arrangements with a ratio of one teacher for every 10 students. Time Campus Locations Summer School & STAAR Testing Dates Monday, June 8 to Thursday, June 25* 8:30am – 11:30am* *Extended Hours on Test Day Below NO CLASSES on Fridays STAAR Testing Dates: • STAAR Reading: Tuesday, June 23rd Student Staff 8:30 – 11:30 8:00 – 12:00 (Extended hours on test day below) (Extended hours on test day below) June 23 June 23 8:30 – 3:00 8:00 – 3:30 Church Hill Middle School Spring Branch Middle School TEACHER TO STUDENT RATIO: 1:10 CURRICULUM: • Intensive remediation in reading based on the individual student needs. • Teachers will follow each student’s Accelerated Instruction Plan (AIP) developed by the campus Grade Placement Committee (GPC) SSI Accelerated Instruction: 8th Grade Reading Summer Semester Registration Form Student Name: _________________________________________________________ Student ID #: __________________________________________(filled out by teacher) Date of Birth: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: _______________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Current School: _________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name: _______________________________________________________ SSI Accelerated Instruction & STAAR Retesting in: ! 8th Grade READING My child will attend SSI Accelerated Instruction Summer School at: ! Church Hill Middle School ! Spring Branch Middle School Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ *CISD Campus Counselors/Staff: Please forward Middle School Registration packets (including accommodations page and/or STAAR accommodations from IEP or 504 Plan) to: Mark Oberholtzer for: CHMS and CMS students Kristy Castilleja for: SBMS, SVMS and MVMS students Receipt of Summer Semester Middle School Student and Parent Handbook This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. By signing below, I am indicating that I have received a copy of the Summer Semester Middle School Student and Parent Handbook (page 2 of this packet). ___________________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Current Grade ___________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISD Acceptable Use Policy STUDENT AND PARENT AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM STUDENT AGREEMENT: Current Grade_______________ Campus Name_______________________________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the computer system. I have read the District’s electronic communications system policy and administrative regulations and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies. Student Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ PARENT AGREEMENT: I have read the District’s Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Comal Independent School District Technology Resources, and this agreement form. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from child’s use of, District’s policy, and administrative regulations. Parent’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Request Form: Middle School Students This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Summer program transportation is provided at no cost. Parents must complete the following information to request transportation. Print: Student Name: _________ Grade: Student ID #: Which campus did your child attend in the 2014-2015 school year? Parent / Guardian’s Name: _ _ Home Address: City: Zip Code: _____ _____ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Parent’s Work Phone: _ _____ Other: ____ _____ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Emergency Contact Information (someone other than parent/guardian): Name of emergency contact: Relationship to student: Emergency contact’s phone number: Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Check One: _______My student will not ride the bus. _______My student will ride the bus. Times and pick up/drop off locations are listed on the next page. Please indicate which stop your child will be accessing by placing a check mark next to the stop. Special notes or considerations: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Student Emergency Card Summer Semester 2015 This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Male/Female Birthdate: ___________ Last, First Middle ( Circle ) Home Address: _____________________________________ City:___________________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _______________ Email:________________________ Student lives with: ___________________________ Mother/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell: ( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Father/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell:( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):________________ Phone 1: ( ) _____-_______ Phone 2: ( Primary Physician: ________________________ Phone: ( Medical Insurance: □ Uninsured □ Medicaid/CHIPS ) _____-________ ) _____-________ Preferred Hospital: __________________ □ Private Insurance Please check any conditions your child has which may require attention at school: (check all that apply) (Authorization forms are required for all medical care- please visit the school nurse before the first day of school) □ Diabetes □Asthma □Seizures □History of severe allergic reactions (from) _________________________________ □ Requires medications at school (list) __________________________________________________________________ □ Requires medical treatments/procedures at school (list) ___________________________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health information may be shared with your student’s teachers, as needed, to promote immediate medical care in an emergency. I consent to school officials authorizing emergency medical treatments if parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ SEMESTRE DE VERANO 2015 Información para la matriculación Para los estudiantes de Pre-Kínder y Kínder en los programas bilingües y de inglés como segundo idioma (FES & JRES) 15 de junio – 23 de julio 8:15 de la mañana hasta 3:15 de la tarde ¡NO HAY CLASES los viernes! NO HAY CLASES el lunes, 29 de junio – viernes, 3 de julio Tabla de contenido Manual para padres y estudiantes ................................................................... Página 2 Información sobre el semestre de verano para ESL y bilingüe .................... Página 3 Formulario para la matriculación para el programa de verano de ESL y bil.Página 4 Recibo del manual para los alumnos y los padres ........................................ Página 5 Acuerdo del uso aceptable de la política de CISD .......................................... Página 5 Petición para la transportación ................................................................... Páginas 6-7 Tarjeta de emergencia ..................................................................................... Páginas 8 Coordinadores para el semestre de verano Coordinadora Bilingüe/ESL Dr. Karon Henderson (830) 221-2632 Directora de Integridad John Montelongo (830) 221-2064 Director para el verano de FES Susan Thetford (830) 221-2814 Directora para el verano de JRES Wendy Moore (830) 885-9505 SEMESTRE DE VERANO PARA LA PRIMARIA MANUAL PARA LOS PADRES Y LOS ALUMNOS PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA LA MATRICULACIÓN: • Los estudiantes podrán matricularse en su escuela. • Los estudiantes tendrán que llenar los documentos para el semestre de verano y obtener las firmas necesarias. PAQUETE PAR LA MATRICULACIÓN: MATERIALES Se requiere que los estudiantes completen y regresen los siguientes documentos: • La forma para la matriculación para el semestre de verano para Bilingüe/ESL(página 4) • Recibo para el semestre de verano 2015 Manual para padres y alumnos (página 5) • CISD Acuerdo del uso aceptable del sistema de comunicaciones: (página 5) • Petición para la transportación (si requieren la transportación) (páginas 6-7) • Tarjeta de emergencia (página 8) ASISTENCIA: La asistencia constante es muy importante para que su estudiante se beneficie del programa de verano. Si por alguna razón su hijo no puede asistir a clases, es muy importante que se comunique con el personal del programa de verano. DESAYUNO Y ALMUERZO: El desayuno y almuerzo se proveerá GRATIS para todos los alumnos del semestre de verano. MANEJO DE LA DICIPLINA: Todos los estudiantes que asisten a la escuela de verano en CISD se sostienen al CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA ESTUDIANTIL DE CISD. Las infracciones del código de conducta estudiantil de CISD pueden causar el retiro de la escuela de verano sin un reembolso. Infracción menor: • Se le dará dos advertencias por teléfono ó por escrito a los padres y estudiantes. • La tercera infracción menor causará el retiro del programa de verano. Infracción mayor: • Cualquier infracción mayor, incluyendo, pero no limitado a drogas, alcohol, armas y otras que se determinarán por la administración, constituirá a un retiro inmediato de la escuela de verano y hará conforme a la acción disciplinaria determinada por el código de conducta estudiantil de CISD. CISD CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA ESTUDIANTIL se encuentra en: http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTACIÓN: • Los padres pueden proveer la transportación o pueden pedir transportación del distrito sin costo en las rutas designadas. Para pedir la transportación, llene el formulario en las páginas 6-7. Información sobre el semestre de verano Bilingüe y ESL Coordinadora Bilingüe/ESL– Dr. Karon Henderson El último día para la matriculación es el 8 de mayo DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROGRAMA: Para los estudiantes identificados con inglés limitado que entrarán al kínder y al 1er grado para el año escolar 2015-2016. La escuela de verano bilingüe y para ESL es opcional para los estudiantes. El programa requiere de un mínimo 120 horas de instrucción. Fechas para el semestre de verano • lunes, 15 de junio hasta jueves, 18 de junio • lunes, 22 de junio hasta jueves, 25 de junio • NO HABRÁ CLASES: lunes, 29 de junio hasta jueves, 2 de julio Horario Estudiantes 8:15 – 3:15 • lunes, 6 de julio hasta jueves, 9 de julio • lunes, 13 de julio hasta jueves, 16 de julio • lunes, 20 de julio hasta jueves, 23 de julio Escuelas Maestros 7:45 – 3:45 Escuela Primaria Freiheit Escuela Primaria Johnson Ranch (¡No habrá clases los viernes!) PROPORCIÓN DE MAESTRO A ESTUDIANTES: 1:18 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS: • Enfoque en el desarrollo del lenguaje y en el nivel de grado de TEKS • Continuar matemáticas y ciencias para los estudiantes de kínder • Empezar con matemáticas y ciencias para los estudiantes de Pre-Kínder • Cumplir con las necesidades afectivas, lingüísticas y cognitivas de los estudiantes con inglés limitado Formulario para la matriculación para el semestre de verano para los programas bilingües y ESL El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Nombre del estudiante: ___________________________________________________ ID #: ____________________________________________(llenado por el/la maestro) Fecha de nacimiento: ____________________________________________________ Domicilio: _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Nombre del padre/tutor: __________________________________________________ Teléfono de la casa:________________ Correo electrónico: _____________________ Celular: _____________________________ Contacto por texto: ! Sí ! No Escuela actual: ________________________________________________________ Nombre de maestro/a: __________________________________________________ Grado actual: Programa actual: ! Pre-K ! Bilingüe ! Kínder ! ESL Mi hijo/a asistirá a la escuela de verano bilingüe/ESL: ! Freiheit Escuela Primaria ! Johnson Ranch Escuela Primaria Firma del padre: _______________________________________________________ Padres, Por favor regresen el paquete completo al maestro/a: • • • • • Formulario para la matriculación para Bilingüe/ESL (página 4) Recibo del manual 2015 para padres y estudiantes (página 5) Acuerdo del uso aceptable de la política de CISD (página 5) Petición para la transportación (si se necesita) (páginas 6-7) Tarjeta de emergencia (página 8) CISD Teachers: Please forward the Bilingual/ESL Registration forms to: Aida Klepinger at Support Services by May 8, 2015. (830) 221-2019 Recibo para el semestre de verano Manual para padres y estudiantes de primaria El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Al firmar abajo estoy indicando que he recibido una copia del manual para padres y estudiantes para el semestre de verano 2015. ___________________________________ Nombre del estudiante ____________________________ Grado actual 2014-15 ___________________________________ Firma del padre ____________________________ Fecha ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uso aceptable de la política de CISD ACUERDO DEL ESTUDIANTE DEL USO ACEPTABLE DEL SISTEMA ELECTRÓNICO DE COMUNICACIONES ACUERDO DEL ESTUDIANTE: Grado actual __________ Nombre de la escuela_______________________________ Yo entiendo que el uso de mi computadora no es privado y que el distrito cuida la actividad en el sistema de la computación. Yo he leído la política del sistema de comunicación del distrito y las regulaciones administrativas y estoy de acuerdo de obedecer con las reglas. Yo entiendo que las violaciones a estas reglas pueden resultar en suspensión o revocación al acceso al sistema y otras acciones disciplinarias consistentes con la política del distrito. Nombre del estudiante (en letra de molde)_________________________________________ Firma del estudiante___________________________________________________________ Fecha______________________________________________________________________ ACUERDO DE LOS PADRES: Yo he leído la política del los recursos de tecnología del distrito, y este de acuerdo. En consideración para que mi hijo/a tenga el privilegio de usar el sistema de comunicaciones del distrito y para tener acceso a la red del distrito, yo libero al distrito, sus operadores e instituciones afiliadas de cualquier y todos los reclamos y daños de cualquier naturaleza que puedan surgir por el uso de mi niño/a, o de Ia inhabilidad de usar el sistema incluyendo sin limitación el tipo de daño identificado en la política del distrito y en las regulaciones administrativas. Nombre del padre (en letra de molde)_________________________________________ Firma del padre__________________________________________________________ Fecha__________________________________________________________________ Petición para la transportación: Estudiantes bilingües o ESL de PK y Kínder El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Transportación para el semestre de verano es provista sin ningún costo para los alumnos. Los padres deben de completar la siguiente información. Letra de molde: Nombre del estudiante _________ __Grado: ID #: ¿A qué escuela y programa asistió su estudiante durante el año escolar 2014-2015? Nombre de padre/tutor: _ _ Domicilio: Ciudad: Código postal: _____ _____ Teléfono del domicilio:_____________________ E-mail : ______________________________ Teléfono del trabajo: _ _____ Otro: ____ _____ Celular: ________________________ Contactar por texto al celular: ! Sí ! No Información para una emergencia (alguien que no es padre/mamá): Nombre de persona para contactar en caso de una emergencia: _______ Relación con el alumno: Número para una emergencia: Celular: ________________________________ Contactar por texto: ! Sí ! No Marque una: _______Mi hijo/a no irá en el camión. _______Mi hijo/a sí irá en el camión. Las paradas del camión se encuentran en la siguiente página. Por favor marque en la columna la parada que usará su hijo/a. Notas especiales ó consideraciones: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Tarjeta de emergencia del alumno 2015 Semestre de verano El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Nombre del Alumno____________________________________ Apellido Nombre Inicial Niño o Niña Fecha de nacimiento_________________________ (Circule uno) Teléfono de la casa: (______) _______ - _____________ Email: _____________________________ Estudiante vive con: _________________ Mamá/Tutor Legal: _______________________________Celular: (______) _______ - ___________ Trabajo: (______) _______ - _________ Papá/Tutor Legal: ________________________________Celular: (______) _______ - _____________ Trabajo: (______) _______ - _________ Nombre: ________________________________Teléfono#1: (______) _______ - _____________ Teléfono#2: (______) _______ - ____________ para una emergencia Médico: _____________________________Teléfono: (______) _______ - _____________ Hospital de preferencia: _______________________ Información de Seguro Médico: □ Sin seguro □ Medicaid/CHIPS □ Seguro personal Por favor indique cualquier condición que su niño/a tenga que pueda requerir de atención en la escuela: (marque todas las que apliquen) (Las formas de autorización son requeridas para la atención médica - por favor visite la enfermera de la escuela antes del primer día de clases) □ Diabetes □ Asma □ Ataques □ Historial de reacciones alérgicas severas (desde) ____________________________________________ □ Requiere medicamentos en la escuela (enumere) ____________________________________________________________________________ □ Requiere tratamientos/procedimientos médicos en la escuela (especifique) ______________________________________________________ □ Otra: __________________________________________________________________________________ La información médica se puede compartir con los maestros del estudiante, según sea necesario, para promover atención médica inmediata en una emergencia. Doy consentimiento a los oficiales de la escuela que autoricen tratamiento médico de emergencia en caso que los padres no puedan ser contactados. Firma de Padres/Tutor Legal: ____________________________________________________ Fecha: _______________________________ SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 Registration Packet PK and Kinder Bilingual & ESL (FES & JRES) June 15 – July 23 8:15 am to 3:15 pm NO CLASSES on Fridays NO CLASSES Monday, June 29th – Friday, July 3rd Table of Contents Student and Parent Handbook ............................................................................. Page 2 Bilingual and ESL Summer Semester Information ............................................ Page 3 Bilingual and ESL Summer Semester Registration Form ................................. Page 4 Receipt of Summer Semester Student and Parent Handbook ......................... Page 5 CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student and Parent Agreement ......................... Page 5 Transportation Request Form ......................................................................... Pages 6-7 Student Emergency Card ..................................................................................... Page 8 Summer Semester Coordinators Bilingual/ESL Coordinator Dr. Karon Henderson (830) 221-2632 Summer School Coordinator John Montelongo (830) 221-2064 Summer Principal at FES Susan Thetford (830) 221-2814 Summer Principal at JRES Wendy Moore (830) 885-9505 SUMMER SEMESTER ELEMENTARY STUDENT AND PARENT HANDBOOK REGISTRATION: • Students will be able to register at their home campuses. • Students must fill out the required Summer Semester documents and receive the appropriate signatures in order to register for the summer classes. REGISTRATION PACKET: REQUIRED FORMS Students will be required to complete and return the following documents: • Bilingual/ESL Summer Semester Registration Form (page 4) • Receipt of Summer Semester 2015 Student and Parent Handbook (page 5) • CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student Agreement (page 5) • Completed Transportation Request Form (if requesting transportation) (pages 6-7) • Student Emergency Card (page 8) ATTENDANCE: Consistent attendance is important in order for your child to benefit from summer programming. If for any reason your child is not able to attend, it is important that you communicate with summer program staff. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH: Breakfast and lunch will be provided FREE to all students attending elementary summer school. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT: Students attending the CISD Summer Semester are held to the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and Discipline Management System of CISD. Infractions of the CISD Code of Conduct may cause withdrawal from the Summer Semester. Minor Infraction: • Student and Parents will be given two warnings by phone and/or in writing. • The third minor infraction will constitute removal from the Summer Program. Major Infraction: • Any major infraction, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and other to be determined by administration, will constitute an immediate removal from Summer Program and will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the CISD Student Code of Conduct. The CISD CODE OF CONDUCT may be accessed at http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTATION: • Parents can provide transportation or request district transportation at no cost from designated locations. To request transportation, complete the form on pages 6-7. Bilingual and ESL Summer Semester Information Bilingual/ESL Coordinator – Dr. Karon Henderson Last Day to Register is May 8th PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This summer program is available to students identified as limited English proficient, participating in a bilingual or ESL program, and eligible to enter Kindergarten and 1st grades in the 2015-2016 school year. Bilingual and ESL summer school is optional for bilingual and ESL students. The program requires a minimum of 120 instructional hours. Summer School Dates • Monday, June 15 to Thursday, June 18 • Monday, June 22 to Thursday, June 25 • NO CLASSES: Monday, June 29 to Thursday, July 2 • Monday, July 6 to Thursday, July 9 • Monday, July 13 to Thursday, July 16 • Monday, July 20 to Thursday, July 23 Time Student 8:15 – 3:15 Campus Locations Staff 7:45 – 3:45 Freiheit Elementary Johnson Ranch Elementary (No classes on Fridays!) TEACHER TO STUDENT RATIO: 1:18 CURRICULUM: • Focus on the development of language and grade level TEKS • Continuation of math and science for kindergarten students • Start on the math and science curriculum for Pre-K students • Address the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of ELL students through the use of effective classroom strategies Bilingual and ESL Summer Semester Registration Form This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _________________________________________________________ Student ID #: __________________________________________(filled out by teacher) Date of Birth: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: _______________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Current School: _________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Current Grade: Current Program: ! Pre-K ! Kindergarten ! Bilingual ! ESL My child will attend Bilingual/ESL Summer School at: ! Freiheit Elementary School ! Johnson Ranch Elementary School Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ Parents, Please return the completed forms to your child’s teacher: • • • • • Bilingual/ESL Summer Semester Registration Form (page 4) Receipt of Summer Semester 2015 Student and Parent Handbook (page 5) CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student Agreement (page 5) Completed Transportation Request Form (if requesting transportation) (pages 6-7) Student Emergency Card (page 8) CISD Teachers: Please forward the Bilingual/ESL Registration forms to: Aida Klepinger at Support Services by May 8, 2015. (830) 221-2019 Receipt of Summer Semester Elementary Student and Parent Handbook This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. By signing below, I am indicating that I have received a copy of the Summer Semester Elementary Student and Parent Handbook (page 2 of this packet). ___________________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Current Grade ___________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISD Acceptable Use Policy STUDENT AND PARENT AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM STUDENT AGREEMENT: Current Grade_______________ Campus Name_______________________________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the computer system. I have read the District’s electronic communications system policy and administrative regulations and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies. Student Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ PARENT AGREEMENT: I have read the District’s Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Comal Independent School District Technology Resources, and this agreement form. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from child’s use of, District’s policy, and administrative regulations. Parent’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Request Form: PK & K Bilingual and ESL Students This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Summer program transportation is provided at no cost. Parents must complete the following information to request transportation. Print: Student Name: _________ Grade: Student ID #: Which campus did your child attend in the 2014-2015 school year? Parent / Guardian’s Name: _ _ Home Address: City: Zip Code: _____ _____ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Parent’s Work Phone: _ _____ Other: ____ _____ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Emergency Contact Information (someone other than parent/guardian): Name of emergency contact: Relationship to student: Emergency contact’s phone number: Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Check One: _______My student will not ride the bus. _______My student will ride the bus. Times and pick up/drop off locations are listed on the next page. Please indicate which stop your child will be accessing by placing a check mark next to the stop. Special notes or considerations: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Student Emergency Card Summer Semester 2015 This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Male/Female Birthdate: ___________ Last, First Middle ( Circle ) Home Address: _____________________________________ City:___________________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _______________ Email:________________________ Student lives with: ___________________________ Mother/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell: ( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Father/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell:( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):________________ Phone 1: ( ) _____-_______ Phone 2: ( Primary Physician: ________________________ Phone: ( Medical Insurance: □ Uninsured □ Medicaid/CHIPS ) _____-________ ) _____-________ Preferred Hospital: __________________ □ Private Insurance Please check any conditions your child has which may require attention at school: (check all that apply) (Authorization forms are required for all medical care- please visit the school nurse before the first day of school) □ Diabetes □Asthma □Seizures □History of severe allergic reactions (from) _________________________________ □ Requires medications at school (list) __________________________________________________________________ □ Requires medical treatments/procedures at school (list) ___________________________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health information may be shared with your student’s teachers, as needed, to promote immediate medical care in an emergency. I consent to school officials authorizing emergency medical treatments if parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ SEMESTRE DE VERANO 2015 Información para la matriculación Instrucción acelerada para K – 5to grados (FES & JRES) 8 de junio – 25 de junio 8:15 am a 11:15 am* *horas extendidas el 23 de junio 8:15 am – 3:15 pm* NO HAY CLASES los viernes Tabla de contenido Manual para padres y estudiantes .................................................................. Página 2 Información sobre el semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada ....... Página 3 Formulario para matriculación al semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada .......................................................................................................... Página 4 Recibo del manual para alumnos y padres para el semestre de verano ..... Página 5 Acuerdo del uso aceptable de la política de CISD ........................................ Página 5 Peticion para transporacion ....................................................................... Páginas 6-7 Tarjeta de emergencia del estudiante ............................................................. Página 8 Summer Semester Coordinators Coordinadora de escuela de verano John Montelongo (830) 221-2064 Coordinadora de escuela de verano Joni Coker (830) 221-2036 Director para el verano en FES Susan Thetford (830) 221-2814 Directora para el verano en JRES Wendy Moore (830) 885-9505 SEMESTRE DE VERANO PARA LA PRIMARIA MANUAL PARA PADRES Y ALUMNOS PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA MATRICULACIÓN: • Estudiantes podrán matricularse en su escuela • Estudiantes tendrán que llenar los documentos necesarios para el semestre de verano y obtener las firmas necesarias. PAQUETE PAR LA MATRICULACIÓN: FORMULARIOS REQUERIDOS Se requiere que los estudiantes completen y regresen los siguientes documentos: • La forma para la matriculación para el semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada (página 4) • Recibo para el semestre de verano 2015 Manual para padres y alumnos (página 5) • CISD Acuerdo del uso aceptable del sistema de comunicaciones: (página 5) • Petición para transportación (si requieren transportación) (páginas 6-7) • Tarjeta de emergencia del estudiante (página 8) ASISTENCIA: La asistencia constante es muy importante para que su estudiante se beneficie del programa de verano. Si por alguna razón su hijo no puede asistir a clases, es muy importante que se comunique con el personal del programa de verano. DESAYUNO Y ALMUERZO: El desayuno y almuerzo se proveerá GRATIS para todos los alumnos del semestre de verano. MANEJO DE LA DISCIPLINA: Todos los estudiantes que asisten a la escuela de verano en CISD se sostienen al CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA ESTUDIANTIL DE CISD. Las infracciones del código de conducta estudiantil de CISD pueden causar el retiro de la escuela de verano sin un reembolso. Infracción menor: • Se le dará dos advertencias por teléfono ó por escrito a los padres y estudiantes. • La tercera infracción menor causará el retiro del programa de verano. Infracción mayor: • Cualquier infracción mayor, incluyendo, pero no limitado a drogas, alcohol, armas y otras que se determinarán por la administración, constituirá a un retiro inmediato de la escuela de verano y hará conforme a la acción disciplinaria determinada por el código de conducta estudiantil de CISD. CISD CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA ESTUDIANTIL se encuentra en http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTACIÓN: • Los padres pueden proveer la transportación o pueden pedir transportación del distrito sin costo en las rutas designadas. Para pedir transportación, llene el formulario en las páginas 6-7. Información sobre el semestre de verano de instrucción acelerada Director para el verano en FES – Susan Thetford Directora para el verano en JRES – Wendy Moore El último día para la matriculación es el 8 de mayo DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROGRAMA: El programa de verano está disponible a estudiantes de kínder a 5to grado por invitación solamente. Los estudiantes son escogidos por un comité de la escuela después de considerar cierta información como nivel de lectura, calificaciones y resultados de evaluación en lectura y matemáticas. Estudiantes recibirán instrucción acelerada mediante clases pequeñas. Horario Escuelas Fechas para el semestre de verano lunes, 8 de junio hasta jueves, 25 de junio (No clases los viernes!) Dias extendidos: • Martes, 23 de junio Estudiantes Maestros 8:15 – 11:15 7:45 – 11:45 (Horas extendidas en los días mencionados abajo) (Horas extendidas en los días mencionados abajo) 23 de junio 23 de junio 8:15 – 3:15 7:45 – 3:45 PROPORCIÓN DE MAESTRO A ESTUDIANTES: Varían – se determina por la necesidad del estudiante PLAN DE ESTUDIOS: • Lectura guiada • Matematicas • Basada en las necesidades individuales del estudiante Escuela Primaria Freiheit Escuela Primaria Johnson Ranch Formulario para matriculación para el semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano Nombre del estudiante: ___________________________________________________ ID #: ____________________________________________(llenado por el/la maestro) Fecha de nacimiento: ____________________________________________________ Domicilio: _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Nombre del padre/tutor: __________________________________________________ Teléfono de la casa:________________ Correo electrónico: _____________________ Celular: _____________________________ Contacto por texto: c Sí c No Escuela actual: ________________________________________________________ Nombre de maestro/a: __________________________________________________ Current Grade: ! Kinder ! 1ro ! 2do ! 3ro ! 4to ! 5to Mi hijo/a asistirá a la escuela de verano bilingüe/ESL: ! Freiheit Escuela Primaria ! Johnson Ranch Escuela Primaria Firma del padre: _______________________________________________________ Padres, Por favor regresen el paquete completo al maestro/a: • • • • • Formulario para matriculación para el semestre de verano para instrucción acelerada (página 4) Recibo del manual 2015 para padres y estudiantes (página 5) Acuerdo del uso aceptable de la política de CISD (página 5) Petición para la transportación (si se necesita) (páginas 6-7) Tarjeta de emergencia del estudiante (página 8) CISD Teachers: Please forward the Accelerated Instruction Registration forms to: FES: Susan Thetford JRES: Wendy Moore Recibo para el semestre de verano Manual para padres y estudiantes de primaria El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Al firmar abajo estoy indicando que he recibido una copia del manual para padres y estudiantes para el semestre de verano 2015. ___________________________________ Nombre del estudiante ____________________________ Grado actual 2014-2015 ___________________________________ Firma del padre ____________________________ Fecha ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uso aceptable de la política de CISD ACUERDO DEL ESTUDIANTE DEL USO ACEPTABLE DEL SISTEMA ELECTRÓNICO DE COMUNICACIONES ACUERDO DEL ESTUDIANTE: Grado actual __________ Nombre de la escuela_______________________________ Yo entiendo que el uso de mi computadora no es privado y que el distrito cuida la actividad en el sistema de la computación. Yo he leído la política del sistema de comunicación del distrito y las regulaciones administrativas y estoy de acuerdo de obedecer con las reglas. Yo entiendo que las violaciones a estas reglas pueden resultar en suspensión o revocación al acceso al sistema y otras acciones disciplinarias consistentes con la política del distrito. Nombre del estudiante (en letra de molde)_________________________________________ Firma del estudiante___________________________________________________________ Fecha______________________________________________________________________ ACUERDO DE LOS PADRES: Yo he leído la política del los recursos de tecnología del distrito, y este de acuerdo. En consideración para que mi hijo/a tenga el privilegio de usar el sistema de comunicaciones del distrito y para tener acceso a la red del distrito, yo libero al distrito, sus operadores e instituciones afiliadas de cualquier y todos los reclamos y daños de cualquier naturaleza que puedan surgir por el uso de mi niño/a, o de Ia inhabilidad de usar el sistema incluyendo sin limitación el tipo de daño identificado en la política del distrito y en las regulaciones administrativas. Nombre del padre (en letra de molde)_________________________________________ Firma del padre__________________________________________________________ Fecha__________________________________________________________________ Petición para transportación: Estudiantes de instrucción acelerada en la primaria El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Transportación para el semestre de verano es provista sin ningún costo para los alumnos. Los padres deben de completar la siguiente información. Letra de molde: Nombre del estudiante _________ __Grado: ID #: ¿A qué escuela y programa asistió su estudiante durante el año escolar 2014-2015? Nombre de padre/tutor: _ _ Domicilio: Ciudad: Código postal: _____ _____ Teléfono del domicilio:_____________________ E-mail : ______________________________ Teléfono del trabajo: _ _____ Otro: ____ _____ Celular: ________________________ Contactar por texto al celular: ! Sí ! No Información para una emergencia (alguien que no es padre/mamá): Nombre de persona para contactar en caso de una emergencia: _______ Relación con el alumno: Número para una emergencia: Celular: ________________________________ Contactar por texto: ! Sí ! No Marque una: _______Mi hijo/a no irá en el camión. _______Mi hijo/a sí irá en el camión. Las paradas del camión se encuentran en la siguiente página. Por favor marque en la columna la parada que usará su hijo/a. Notas especiales ó consideraciones: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Tarjeta de emergencia del alumno 2015 Semestre de verano El formulario se necesita entregar con el paquete de matriculación para el verano. Nombre del Alumno____________________________________ Apellido Nombre Inicial Niño o Niña Fecha de nacimiento_________________________ (Circule uno) Teléfono de la casa: (______) _______ - _____________ Email: _____________________________ Estudiante vive con: _________________ Mamá/Tutor Legal: _______________________________Celular: (______) _______ - ___________ Trabajo: (______) _______ - _________ Papá/Tutor Legal: ________________________________Celular: (______) _______ - _____________ Trabajo: (______) _______ - _________ Nombre: ________________________________Teléfono#1: (______) _______ - _____________ Teléfono#2: (______) _______ - ____________ para una emergencia Médico: _____________________________Teléfono: (______) _______ - _____________ Hospital de preferencia: _______________________ Información de Seguro Médico: □ Sin seguro □ Medicaid/CHIPS □ Seguro personal Por favor indique cualquier condición que su niño/a tenga que pueda requerir de atención en la escuela: (marque todas las que apliquen) (Las formas de autorización son requeridas para la atención médica - por favor visite la enfermera de la escuela antes del primer día de clases) □ Diabetes □ Asma □ Ataques □ Historial de reacciones alérgicas severas (desde) ____________________________________________ □ Requiere medicamentos en la escuela (enumere) ____________________________________________________________________________ □ Requiere tratamientos/procedimientos médicos en la escuela (especifique) ______________________________________________________ □ Otra: __________________________________________________________________________________ La información médica se puede compartir con los maestros del estudiante, según sea necesario, para promover atención médica inmediata en una emergencia. Doy consentimiento a los oficiales de la escuela que autoricen tratamiento médico de emergencia en caso que los padres no puedan ser contactados. Firma de Padres/Tutor Legal: ____________________________________________________ Fecha: _______________________________ SUMMER SEMESTER 2015 Registration Packet K – 5th Grade Accelerated Instruction (FES & JRES) June 8 – June 25 8:15 am to 11:15 am* *Extended hours on June 23rd: 8:15am – 3:15pm* NO CLASSES on Fridays Table of Contents Student and Parent Handbook ............................................................................. Page 2 Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Information ................................... Page 3 Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form ........................ Page 4 Receipt of Summer Semester Student and Parent Handbook ......................... Page 5 CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student and Parent Agreement ......................... Page 5 Transportation Request Form ......................................................................... Pages 6-7 Student Emergency Card ..................................................................................... Page 8 Summer Semester Coordinators Summer School Coordinator John Montelongo (830) 221-2064 Summer School Coordinator Joni Coker (830) 221-2036 Summer Principal at FES Susan Thetford (830) 221-2814 Summer Principal at JRES Wendy Moore (830) 885-9505 SUMMER SEMESTER ELEMENTARY STUDENT AND PARENT HANDBOOK REGISTRATION: • Students will be able to register at their home campuses. • Students must fill out the required Summer Semester documents and receive the appropriate signatures in order to register for the summer classes. REGISTRATION PACKET: REQUIRED FORMS Students will be required to complete and return the following documents: • Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form (page 4) • Receipt of Summer Semester 2015 Student and Parent Handbook (page 5) • CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student Agreement (page 5) • Completed Transportation Request Form (if requesting transportation) (pages 6-7) • Student Emergency Card (page 8) ATTENDANCE: Consistent attendance is important in order for your child to benefit from summer programming. If for any reason your child is not able to attend, it is important that you communicate with summer program staff. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH: Breakfast and lunch will be provided FREE to all students attending elementary summer school. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT: Students attending the CISD Summer Semester are held to the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and Discipline Management System of CISD. Infractions of the CISD Code of Conduct may cause withdrawal from the Summer Semester. Minor Infraction: • Student and Parents will be given two warnings by phone and/or in writing. • The third minor infraction will constitute removal from the Summer Program. Major Infraction: • Any major infraction, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and other to be determined by administration, will constitute an immediate removal from Summer Program and will be subject to disciplinary action determined by the CISD Student Code of Conduct. The CISD CODE OF CONDUCT may be accessed at http://www.comalisd.org/Parents/Parent_Student_Handbook_Policies.asp TRANSPORTATION: • Parents can provide transportation or request district transportation at no cost from designated locations. To request transportation, complete the form on pages 6-7. Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Information FES Summer School Principal – Susan Thetford JRES Summer School Principal – Wendy Moore Last Day to Register is May 8th PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This summer program is available to students in grades K – 5 by invitation only. Students are chosen by a campus selection committee after considering information such as reading level, report card grades and assessment results in reading and math. Students will receive accelerated instruction through small classroom arrangements. Time Campus Locations Summer School Dates Monday, June 8 to Thursday, June 25 (No classes on Fridays!) Extended Day: • Tuesday, June 23rd Student Staff 8:15 – 11:15 7:45 – 11:45 (Extended hours on day below) (Extended hours on day below) June 23 June 23 8:15 – 3:15 7:45 – 3:45 TEACHER TO STUDENT RATIO: Varies – determined by student need CURRICULUM: • Guided Reading • Math • Based on individual student need Freiheit Elementary Johnson Ranch Elementary Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _________________________________________________________ Student ID #: __________________________________________(filled out by teacher) Date of Birth: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: _______________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Current School: _________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Current Grade: ! Kindergarten ! 1st ! 2nd ! 3rd ! 4th ! 5th My child will attend Accelerated Instruction Summer School at: ! Freiheit Elementary School ! Johnson Ranch Elementary School Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ Parents, Please return the completed forms to your child’s teacher: • • • • • Accelerated Instruction Summer Semester Registration Form (page 4) Receipt of Summer Semester 2015 Student and Parent Handbook (page 5) CISD Acceptable Use Policy: Student Agreement (page 5) Completed Transportation Request Form (if requesting transportation) (pages 6-7) Student Emergency Card (page 8) CISD Teachers: Please forward the Accelerated Instruction Registration forms to: FES: Susan Thetford JRES: Wendy Moore Receipt of Summer Semester Elementary Student and Parent Handbook This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. By signing below, I am indicating that I have received a copy of the Summer Semester Elementary Student and Parent Handbook (page 2 of this packet). ___________________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Current Grade ___________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISD Acceptable Use Policy STUDENT AND PARENT AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM STUDENT AGREEMENT: Current Grade_______________ Campus Name_______________________________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the computer system. I have read the District’s electronic communications system policy and administrative regulations and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies. Student Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ PARENT AGREEMENT: I have read the District’s Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Comal Independent School District Technology Resources, and this agreement form. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from child’s use of, District’s policy, and administrative regulations. Parent’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Request Form: Accelerated Instruction Elementary Students This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Summer program transportation is provided at no cost. Parents must complete the following information to request transportation. Print: Student Name: _________ Grade: Student ID #: Which campus did your child attend in the 2014-2015 school year? Parent / Guardian’s Name: _ _ Home Address: City: Zip Code: _____ _____ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Parent’s Work Phone: _ _____ Other: ____ _____ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Emergency Contact Information (someone other than parent/guardian): Name of emergency contact: Relationship to student: Emergency contact’s phone number: Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Check One: _______My student will not ride the bus. _______My student will ride the bus. Times and pick up/drop off locations are listed on the next page. Please indicate which stop your child will be accessing by placing a check mark next to the stop. Special notes or considerations: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Student Emergency Card Summer Semester 2015 This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Male/Female Birthdate: ___________ Last, First Middle ( Circle ) Home Address: _____________________________________ City:___________________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _______________ Email:________________________ Student lives with: ___________________________ Mother/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell: ( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Father/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell:( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):________________ Phone 1: ( ) _____-_______ Phone 2: ( Primary Physician: ________________________ Phone: ( Medical Insurance: □ Uninsured □ Medicaid/CHIPS ) _____-________ ) _____-________ Preferred Hospital: __________________ □ Private Insurance Please check any conditions your child has which may require attention at school: (check all that apply) (Authorization forms are required for all medical care- please visit the school nurse before the first day of school) □ Diabetes □Asthma □Seizures □History of severe allergic reactions (from) _________________________________ □ Requires medications at school (list) __________________________________________________________________ □ Requires medical treatments/procedures at school (list) ___________________________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health information may be shared with your student’s teachers, as needed, to promote immediate medical care in an emergency. I consent to school officials authorizing emergency medical treatments if parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Receipt of Summer Semester Elementary Student and Parent Handbook This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. By signing below, I am indicating that I have received a copy of the Summer Semester Elementary Student and Parent Handbook (page 2 of this packet). ___________________________________ Student Name ____________________________ Current Grade ___________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________ Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISD Acceptable Use Policy STUDENT AND PARENT AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM STUDENT AGREEMENT: Current Grade_______________ Campus Name_______________________________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the computer system. I have read the District’s electronic communications system policy and administrative regulations and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies. Student Name (please print)______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ PARENT AGREEMENT: I have read the District’s Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Comal Independent School District Technology Resources, and this agreement form. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s electronic communications system, and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from child’s use of, District’s policy, and administrative regulations. Parent’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Request Form: SSI Accelerated Instruction Elementary Students This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Summer program transportation is provided at no cost. Parents must complete the following information to request transportation. Print: Student Name: _________ Grade: Student ID #: Which campus did your child attend in the 2014-2015 school year? Parent / Guardian’s Name: _ _ Home Address: City: Zip Code: _____ _____ Home Phone:_____________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ Parent’s Work Phone: _ _____ Other: ____ _____ Cell Phone: ________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Emergency Contact Information (someone other than parent/guardian): Name of emergency contact: Relationship to student: Emergency contact’s phone number: Cell Phone: ________________________________ Contact by text message: ! Yes ! No Check One: _______My student will not ride the bus. _______My student will ride the bus. Times and pick up/drop off locations are listed on the next page. Please indicate which stop your child will be accessing by placing a check mark next to the stop. Special notes or considerations: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Student Emergency Card Summer Semester 2015 This form must be turned in with the summer semester registration packet. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Male/Female Birthdate: ___________ Last, First Middle ( Circle ) Home Address: _____________________________________ City:___________________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _______________ Email:________________________ Student lives with: ___________________________ Mother/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell: ( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Father/Guardian: _____________________________________Cell:( ) _____-________ Work: ( ) _____-_________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):________________ Phone 1: ( ) _____-_______ Phone 2: ( Primary Physician: ________________________ Phone: ( Medical Insurance: □ Uninsured □ Medicaid/CHIPS ) _____-________ ) _____-________ Preferred Hospital: __________________ □ Private Insurance Please check any conditions your child has which may require attention at school: (check all that apply) (Authorization forms are required for all medical care- please visit the school nurse before the first day of school) □ Diabetes □Asthma □Seizures □History of severe allergic reactions (from) _________________________________ □ Requires medications at school (list) __________________________________________________________________ □ Requires medical treatments/procedures at school (list) ___________________________________________________ □ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health information may be shared with your student’s teachers, as needed, to promote immediate medical care in an emergency. I consent to school officials authorizing emergency medical treatments if parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________