Opportunity Profile Publisher of InterVarsity Press


Opportunity Profile Publisher of InterVarsity Press
Opportunity Profile
Publisher of InterVarsity Press
Dear Prospective Potential Candidate,
Thank you for your interest in InterVarsity Press and InterVarsityChristian Fellowship/USA.
Bob Fryling has announced that he will retire as the publisher of InterVarsity Press in June 2016.
As publisher, Bob has built a strongly unified and gifted leadership team that has led
InterVarsity Press to flourish. It continues to be recognized as a leading publisher of thoughtful
Christian books. From rigorous academic texts to practical small group discussion guides, incisive
cultural analyses to invitations to spiritual formation, IVP titles serve the campus, the church and
the world. During some of the most challenging years in the history of publishing, IVP has
remained financially healthy, and it has been certified as a “Best Christian Workplace” for six
consecutive years.
Bob also has served with distinction as a vice president and member of InterVarsity’s cabinet.
His insights into InterVarsity-wide issues on topics ranging from cultural trends to theology,
organizational development to spiritual formation, consistently remind me of why we value
InterVarsity Press as a key part of our whole ministry.
Now InterVarsity seeks a leader who will serve as publisher of InterVarsity Press someone inspired
by IVP’s rich publishing heritage and excited to help it innovate and grow in a rapidly changing
If your experience, gifts and interests match this profile, or if you have any questions, please
contact Jim Lundgren (608-443-3707; [email protected]).
Thank you again for your prayerful consideration.
Jim Lundgren
“In my travels, I often find
pastors and ministry
partners first encounter
InterVarsity through
InterVarsity Press books.
They consistently tell me
how deeply IVP titles
have shaped them.
“That’s been true for me as
well. IVP books have helped
me over many
decades to love God with
heart, soul, mind, and
“I am deeply thankful for
IVP, and I am committed to
seeing it thrive as an integral
part of InterVarsity
Christian Fellowship.”
-Jim Lundgren
As an extension of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, InterVarsity Press serves those in the
university, the church and the world by publishing resources that equip and encourage people to
follow Jesus as Savior and Lord in all of Life.
Located in Westmont, Illinois, InterVarsity Press has been publishing thoughtful Christian books
for nearly 70 years. Our current publishing program is focused on three imprints:
• IVP Books offers general-interest books in categories like Christian living, discipleship,
evangelism, missions, apologetics and cultural critique. Sub-imprints include the following:
• IVP Crescendo celebrates the significant and serendipitous results that arise wherever
women apply their vision and gifts to the good of the whole church.
• Formatio follows the rich tradition of the church in the journey of spiritual formation.
These books are not merely about being informed, but also about being transformed by
Christ and conformed to his image.
• IVP Praxis brings together theory and practice for the advancement of ministry. Each
book utilizes sound biblical and theological principles to create a venue for addressing
the daily challenges of contemporary ministry.
• IVP Academic offers books designed for research and classroom use in areas such as biblical
studies, theology, philosophy, science and psychology.
• IVP Connect offers study guides, multimedia curricula and foundational resources for
churches and small groups.
InterVarsity Press currently has 85 employees in Westmont and seven employees who
telecommute from different locations.
“Some publishers
tell you what to believe.
Other publishers tell you
what you already believe.
But InterVarsity Press
helps you to believe.”
J. I. Packer
The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things,
existing eternally in three persons
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit full of love and glory.
Our Legacy: Ongoing
Ministry & Sales
from the 1940s...
The unique divine inspiration,
entire trustworthiness
and authority of the Bible.
The value and dignity of all people:
created in God’s image to live in love and holiness,
but alienated from God and each other because of our sin and guilt,
and justly subject to God’s wrath.
Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine,
who lived as a perfect example,
who assumed the judgment due sinners by dying in our place,
and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord.
Justification by God’s grace to all who repent
and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
The indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit,
who gives to all believers a new life and a new calling to obedient service.
The unity of all believers in Jesus Christ,
manifest in worshiping and witnessing churches
making disciples throughout the world.
The victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ,
who will judge all people with justice and mercy,
giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation
but receiving the redeemed into eternal life.
To God be glory forever.
Love for God, God’s Word, God’s People & God’s Purposes in the World
Our identity is rooted in our affections for and allegiance to God, whom we seek to worship in
spirit and in truth. We wholeheartedly affirm the authority and teachings of the Bible as
foundational for our lives and for our publishing decisions. We love the church, respect and feed
on its rich heritage, and desire to serve it with grace and truth. We seek to influence, engage and
shape the university world and our contemporary culture for the sake of Jesus Christ and his
kingdom in the world.
Our Legacy: Ongoing
Ministry & Sales
from the 1950s...
Thoughtful Integration of Life
We value ideas and their careful expression. We love the life of the mind and want to “take
captive every thought and make it obedient to Jesus Christ.” We aim for integration of the whole
person—our hearts tutored by truth, our minds shaped by godly affections, our bodies and souls
surrendered with joy to God’s good purposes.
Dignity of People & Relationships
We value all people as created in the image of God. We celebrate each person’s contribution of
gender, ethnicity, church heritage and personality. We practice a collegial approach to our work
that entrusts others with meaningful opportunities and responsibilities. We value open and honest
relationships. We care about authors, customers, students, campus staff, vendors and each other as
people we can serve with joy, attentiveness and trustworthy business transactions. We love to work
and have fun!
Beauty & Stewardship in Our Work
We value excellence, eloquence, creativity, skill and innovation. We desire to produce, package
and distribute books and other resources in ways that reflect the glory of God. We like working in
an environment that is clean and attractive, and exhibits the beauty of God’s peace. We also value
financial integrity and faithful accounting of our business activities. We strive to be responsible
and wise in using our resources of time, energy and money.
Within the bounds of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA Doctrinal Basis, and guided by
the purposes and vision statement of InterVarsity and the goals of InterVarsity Press, the editorial
department of IVP seeks to acquire, develop and produce products that:
Our Legacy: Ongoing
Ministry & Sales
from the 1960s...
Reflect Christ as Lord in All of Life
Since Christ is King of all created reality, IVP will publish on the broadest possible range of topics,
expressing how Christ is Lord in each aspect of life.
Are Audience-Oriented
It is not sufficient to hold the truth. Truth must be communicated effectively. Likewise, the truth
in an IVP publication is to be communicated to the intended audience for that book in a way that
can be understood and acted upon. This involves contextualizing the message of each publication
to achieve the most appropriate response from the intended audience.
Develop People in Christlikeness
While being audience-oriented, our books must reach more than those who already agree with and
live out what is advocated in any given book (“the already converted”). We want people to grow,
change, move (whether in small steps or large) toward the image of Christ through our
publications. Thus we seek to reach those who do not know Christ and help those who do to grow
in Christlikeness.
Exhibit High Standards of Quality
The thinking, the organization, the writing, the editing and the proofreading of every manuscript
should reflect high standards appropriate to each book and to the intended audience.
Have Integrity
Integrity is important in two ways. First, the quality and character of an author’s life should match
the content of the author’s book. Second, the message of the author’s book should not promote
any cause or position which was not the author’s intent to advocate in writing the book.
Are Responsibly Biblical
Every manuscript must respect the authority of Scripture, be consistent with a biblical worldview
and be soundly defensible from Scripture.
Are Consistent with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
As a division of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, IVP publishes to meet the purposes, vision
and needs of the campus ministry. As the July 29, 1966, InterVarsity board statement recognizes,
distribution of our products “to every segment of society is appropriate, provided such distribution
does not hinder the primary ministry to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship constituents.” Thus
while our books have risen out of the ethos of InterVarsity as a whole, they have had a legitimate
and significant place of ministry well beyond the campus context and should continue to do so as
we share with the church at large the good God has given us.
Our Legacy: Ongoing
Ministry & Sales
from the 1970s...
Are Broadly Evangelical
As a division of an interdenominational ministry, IVP does not emphasize or exclusively advocate
positions of one denomination, theology or interest-group over another. Rather, recognizing that
Christians equally committed to the Bible disagree on various topics, we publish across a range of
evangelical positions. This intentional openness arises historically out of taking seriously
InterVarsity’s mission field—the university—which embodies a spirit of liberality that has
traditionally characterized the search for truth while also encouraging sound reasoning and fair
persuasion. In the case of InterVarsity Press, the Bible remains our standard while we humbly
acknowledge our human limitations in understanding and applying it.
Are Prophetic
The large majority of our publications will represent what most evangelicals can readily adhere to.
There will be occasions, however, when Christians will need to speak a corrective biblical word to
society or to the church at large. IVP may find itself in a position to do this, as it has in the past,
keeping in mind both Paul’s mandate to speak the truth in love and the fact that our publications
or IVP itself is not above correction from the body. Indeed we desire serious interaction by society
and the church with everything we produce.
Are Financially Viable
We are concerned that IVP as a whole operate “in the black.” But because money should not be
the only factor in deciding what to publish, we will occasionally publish individual titles because
our ministry calls for it even though we do not expect them to be financially viable on their own.
InterVarsity Press began right before World War II as a small service branch of InterVarsity
Christian Fellowship. At first we simply imported books from our sister movement in Great
Britain. Our first home grown publication was an inductive Bible study guide, Discovering the
Gospel of Mark, written by an InterVarsity campus staff member, Jane Hollingsworth. We began a
formal publishing program in 1947.
Our Legacy: Ongoing
Ministry & Sales
from the 1980s...
In 1966, InterVarsity Press published How to Give Away Your Faith by Paul Little, one of many
ongoing bestsellers that were authored by current or former InterVarsity staff. (Other books in this
category include Out of the Saltshaker and into the World, The Universe Next Door, and The
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook). Later that decade we began publishing Francis Schaeffer’s
works—which put IVP on the map as a publisher of note for thoughtful cultural analysis.
The InterVarsity Press Book Club began in 1965, and it continues as an important part of our
publishing program and as the base for our commentary continuity programs. We launched the
first Logos Bookstore in 1968. The iconic IVP spinner Rack program (1971) gave us a solid retail
base for decades, and it set the stage for innovative Bible study merchandizers that are still in use
In 1985, we launched LifeGuide® Bible Studies which have now sold over 15 million copies. We
also laid the groundwork for our academic publishing program, beginning with our first
homegrown reference book, the Dictionary of Christianity in America. We established a formal
academic program in 1991, which resulted in award-winning series like the “Black Dictionaries,”
the Ancient Christian Commentary, and the Reformation Commentaries on Scripture, in addition
to standard seminary and university textbooks.
By 2006, the breadth and diversity of our publishing efforts prompted us to create three imprints:
IVP Books, IVP Academic and IVP Connect. Formatio, a sub-imprint of IVP Books, began at
this time as well. IVP expanded its global mission texts through the acquisition of Biblica Books
in 2011. IVP also added two new imprints in 2012, IVP Praxis (which focuses on ministry leaders
and pastors) and IVP Crescendo (which focuses on women). In 2014, IVP created IVP Audio.
We count it an honor and privilege to participate in the work of Christian publishing, and we pray
that our efforts will continue to equip, edify and challenge people in every generation—heart, soul,
mind and strength.
Among evangelical publishing houses, InterVarsity Press expresses a number of distinctives which
reflect its origins in both the university world and in a missional movement.
Our Legacy: Ongoing
Ministry & Sales
from the 1990s...
• We encourage robust, gracious conversations on topics about which Christians disagree while
remaining rooted in the evangelical tradition. For example, we pioneered the popular “four
views” books (now collected in the Spectrum Multiview Series) in 1977. We can, and do,
publish books which disagree with each other.
• We intentionally seek and develop ethnic minority and women authors. Since 1970, we have
published over 175 books by nonwhite authors or on multiethnic issues. Beginning in the
1990s, we have sponsored multiple consultations for potential authors from the Black, Latino
and Asian communities, as well as among evangelical women in the academy.
• We continue to draw on the broader ethos of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Many of our
best-selling authors served as InterVarsity campus ministers (e.g., Paul Little, Rebecca Manley
Pippert, Adele Calhoun, Andy Crouch). Our bestselling LifeGuide® Bible Studies grew out of
InterVarsity’s commitment to inductive Bible studies and small groups. Our commitment
to multiethnic perspectives, global missions, and women in leadership reflects our origins.
• We have a rich publishing heritage of books which engage Scripture deeply, analyze culture
skillfully and equip the church missionally. We value the conversation between the academy,
mission efforts and the local church. Our core audience includes pastors and thoughtful lay
leaders, professors and students, mission leaders and culture makers. They recognize the IVP
• We stand in the tradition of scholarship organically connected to the great narrative of
Scripture, the classical creeds and the legacy of thought they have inspired over the centuries.
Therefore, we gladly publish insights from the early church (e.g., the Ancient Christian
Commentary on Scripture), spiritual formation resources that draw on many Christian
traditions (e.g., our Formatio line) and cutting-edge initiatives in evangelical scholarship
(e.g., the Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology series). We do not hew to a particular
denominational or partisan stream within evangelicalism.
InterVarsity Press is an extension ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. Under our
current structure, the publisher reports to the President of InterVarsity and serves on the Cabinet
as a vice president of the whole organization. Human resource and financial policies are
determined nationally.
Our Legacy: Ongoing
Ministry & Sales
from the 2000s...
IVP operates and publishes within InterVarsity’s Doctrinal Basis and general ethos. This anchor
has given us wide latitude to publish authors from Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox
backgrounds and to engage the breadth of Great Tradition Christianity. InterVarsity Press is aware
that it is an extension of InterVarsity’s brand and an ambassador of our wider ministry. (One
impact: while InterVarsity Press publishes books on broader themes that include a variety of
convictions about women in ministry leadership, it does not publish books whose primary focus
would undermine the leadership of women in ministry and within InterVarsity.)
Having said that, InterVarsity Press has great freedom to determine its editorial direction and to
set its business strategy. IVP has only withdrawn one book at the request of InterVarsity
nationally (Brave New People in 1984). This was a decision that a later InterVarsity president
admitted was “a low point for IV/USA.” Otherwise, InterVarsity has supported IVP when it has
published controversial books that raised concerns from ministry partners.
InterVarsity Press is expected to be financially self-sustaining. It benefits from sharing human
resource, legal and financial services with the larger organization. Additional information about
IVP’s financial arrangements with the parent organization will be made available during the
interview process.
InterVarsity Press supports the triennial Urbana Student Missions Conference and InterVarsity’s
triennial Staff Conference by creating and staffing bookstores for those events.
InterVarsity is in the process of selecting a new president. We anticipate this process will conclude
during the first quarter of 2016. We anticipate that the new president will be involved in the final
stage of selecting the next publisher.
InterVarsity believes in the unique contribution of InterVarsity Press to the university, church and
world and is committed to its long-term flourishing.
The publisher acts as the senior executive for InterVarsity Press, stewarding its values and
publishing philosophy and insuring the alignment of its goals, vision and values with InterVarsity’s
overall mission. The publisher is expected to formulate vision and to provide strategic leadership in
developing long-term initiatives that will advance the purpose, increase the impact and secure the
financial viability of IVP. This vision must be translated into clear goals and objectives.
Our Legacy: Ongoing
Ministry & Sales
from the 2010s...
The publisher leads and supervises a collaborative six-member Executive Leadership Team
currently consisting of the following individuals: associate publisher—editorial, associate
publisher—sales and marketing, director of business and finance, director of production and
fulfillment, director of digital publishing. With this team, the publisher develops, executes and
evaluates long-range and annual plans and oversees budgets.
The publisher is the primary spokesperson for InterVarsity Press, representing it within the
publishing industry (e.g., Evangelical Christian Publishers Association and CBA networks) and
engaging with agents and authors, vendors and suppliers as needed. The publisher also represents
IVP at ministry events in the evangelical world and in other public settings.
While the publisher of InterVarsity Press may not be the last stop in the successful candidate’s
career, it is expected that a publisher will make at least a five-to-ten-year commitment to IVP.
As a vice president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, the publisher serves as a member of
the president’s Cabinet, providing vision, strategic leadership, planning and decision-making for
the entire organization.*
*InterVarsity has discussed various scenarios to restructure the organization’s
executive leadership structures after the appointment of the new president.
This may affect the composition of the Cabinet.
Spiritual Maturity
The primary qualification for this position is strong Christian commitment. The successful
candidate must be a spiritually maturing follower of Jesus: prayerfully dependent on the Holy
Spirit, committed to the Lordship of Christ over all of life and committed to pursuing a deep
relationship with God through the personal study of his Word.
Mission Alignment
The publisher must wholeheartedly affirm InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Doctrinal Basis and
embrace InterVarsity Press’s identity as part of the parent organization. This includes a personal
commitment to multiethnic diversity, racial reconciliation and women in leadership.
The culture at IVP and InterVarsity is collegial. To thrive in this environment, the publisher must
have a relational and collaborative style while still being able to make the difficult decisions.
Leadership must come primarily through influence and earned credibility, rather than just
positional authority. A successful candidate will be able to lead groups through planning, conflict
and decision-making in ways which inspire cooperation and partnership.
Intellectually Curious and Capable
To be a publisher of thoughtful Christian books, the successful candidate should be a lifelong
learner and reader, particularly in the areas of theology, biblical studies, spiritual formation,
ministry and cultural analysis. They should be able to engage with theologically and culturally
diverse readers and potential authors. They should be aware of cultural trends in the church, the
academy and the world.
Thoughtful Innovator
Given the rapid transformation of the publishing industry, the publisher should be visionary and
able to lead organizational change. A successful candidate will manage risk while simultaneously
running a series of carefully calibrated experiments to help IVP adapt and grow in the new
Publishing Expertise
The publisher should have an understanding of publishing and the publishing industry. This
includes familiarity with editorial, sales, marketing, production and business functions; intellectual
property issues; international rights and permissions; and distribution.
Executive Leadership Team
Bob Fryling,
Cindy Bunch,
Associate Publisher—
Jeff Crosby,
Associate Publisher—
Sales & Marketing
Anne Gerth,
Director of Production
& Fullfillment
Jim Hagen,
Director of Business
& Finance
Sally Sampson Craft,
Director of
Digital Publishing
The publisher will be expected to reside in the vicinity of the InterVarsity Press office and
distribution center in Westmont, Illinois. As with most senior leadership positions, this role will
involve a larger time expenditure than forty hours a week, and travel time may be significant. The
publisher’s family relationships should be sufficiently strong as to not be adversely affected by the
demands of this position.
If after reading this Opportunity Profile you sense that the gifts and experiences God has given you
are a good match for InterVarsity Press, we invite you to begin the inquiry process. All candidate
information and conversations are treated confidentially. You may contact Jim Lundgren at
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at any stage of the process to receive more information and ask
questions. His contact information is below.
Please submit the following in a single document in Word or PDF format:
1. Résumé
2. References: Provide the names and contact information (telephone numbers and email
addresses) for four references who know you and your career well enough to comment on your
suitability for this position. References will be contacted only after receiving your permission to
do so.
3. Responses to Essay Questions: In order to help us gain a more complete picture of you and your
interest in InterVarsity, please provide responses to the following (1-2 pages each):
• Share a brief spiritual biography that outlines your journey with Jesus and how that journey
impacts your life and leadership.
• Describe how you have led a team/organization to respond successfully to a constantly
changing environment.
• Describe three experiences where your exercise of leadership brought you significant
satisfaction or struggle.
• Describe a situation where you helped a team you led resolve a conflict arising from a
difference in vision or values.
• Describe an experience of developing a leader of a different ethnicity or gender.
Submit this information in one document (Word or PDF) to: Jim Lundgren,
[email protected], Phone: (603) 443-3707