Linda`s Saltwater Reef Tank
Linda`s Saltwater Reef Tank
Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Clown Fish (2) Cardinal Fish (2) Scissor-tail Dartfish (4) Flame Hawkfish (1) Pygmy Angelfish (2) Starry Blenny (1) Rose-tip Bubble Anemone (1) Other assorted creatures Staging, plumbing. biology and chemistry by Linda Photos by Alex Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank LED system with time controls can simulate cloud cover, lightning, phases of the Moon, etc Setup The back section, from left to right, has various filters, main pumps and chiller pump, protein skimmer and macro algae Dimensions: The top part is 36” x 24” x 17” high (90 cm x 60 cm x 45 cm) and the stand is 41” (104 cm) high. Linda’s Saltwater The 60-gallon (230 liter) tank Electrical outlets and timer and supplies located inside. Chiller located on this side of the tank stand. Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Clownfish Anemone Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank As it is eating the anemone wraps around itself into a tight ball Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Flame Hawkfish Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Pygmy Angelfish Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Starry Blenny Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Cardinal Fish Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank Linda’s Saltwater Reef Tank