SAVE - Family Farm and Home
SAVE - Family Farm and Home
CHICKS ARE HERE! 1 $ 29 2 YOUR CHOICE 1999 $ 24HP/48” Yard Tractor with Fast-Trans® Transmission $ 99 SALE 95 53 $ 83* PER MONTH For 42 months. 0% INTEREST. SALE Details in-store. (113300) $4.99 SALE Chick Stick $ 5999 •27HP Endurance commercial engine. •61” fabricated cutting deck. •Hydro Gear ZT3400 transmission. •Cast iron spindles. •Pedal assisted deck lift. •10mph ground speed. #MZT61 (457580) 5 95 $ 29 SALE Hatch to Hen Poultry Starter Cracked Corn 20 lbs. (513200) 69 135 PER MONTH $ * 40 lbs. (22660) SALE Whole Corn For 48 months. 0% INTEREST. 40 lbs. (22640) Details in-store. grain company WITH HUSQVARNA’S FLEET PROGRAM HHH See store for details. SPRING LAWN CARE TIPS HHH 5 4/$ SALE Top Soil 40 lbs. (917724) 10 3/$ SALE Pelletized Lime 40 lbs. (19485) 15 oz. (421320) 5 $ 99 4 $ 99 SALE SAVE TurfBuilder® Crabgrass Preventer Assorted Bantams 5-Quart Poultry Drinker (289990) 27HP/61” Zero-Turn 47 (458490) $4.99 SALE DEMO DAYS! $ Wellsummer Straight Run 10-lb Poultry Feeder (421365) 24HP/52” Garden Tractor •24HP Kawasaki engine. #GT52XLS (432345) $3299.95 99 After Mail-in Rebate Choose from: Barred Rock, Isa Brown, Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn and Black Australorps. (48430) $12.99 SALE •24HP Briggs & Stratton V-twin engine. •48” cutting width with reinforced stamped deck. •Electric blade engagement. •Cast iron front axle. # YTH24V48 (463025) Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . $62.99 SALE . . . . . . . . $59.99 Mail-in Rebate . -$12.00 Pullets 5 2/$ SALE Majestic Natural Wood Mulch FERTILIZING TIPS TREES & SHRUBS benefit from a general fertilizer in early spring – after weeding and before mulching. WHEN FERTILIZING resist the urge to add extra for good measure. More plants are lost through over feeding than under feeding. 20% OFF The Regular Price of All Livingston Seed® Flower & Vegetable Seed Packets in-stock! 2 cu. ft. (131725) 15,000 sq. ft. coverage. (512925) 5,000 sq. ft. coverage (512920) $19.99 After $5 Mail-in Rebate Limit 3 rebates per household. PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE APRIL 4–APRIL 12, 2015 APT1 - PG01 - ALL STORES *R2 SMALL ANIMAL HEADQUARTERS – CHICKS & RABBITS! 269 $ 129 99 Old Red Barn Chicken Coop $ SALE 99 SALE 10-Hole Egg Nest (113365) Home for 6–8 chickens includes: 3-bay locking nesting box and enclosed shelter area. Open air foraging area. Three roosting bars and storage bin for tools, feed, etc. Solid wood construction sealed with a weather, pest and rot-resistant coating. (T186343) 2999 YOUR CHOICE 2 $ $ 49 SALE Galvanized 8-Hole Feeder or 1-Quart Water Base (821371, 821389) 6.25 gallons. (342180) 1699 $ YOUR CHOICE 11 $ 99 Poultry Drinker 3.5 gallons. (421380) 36" Range Feeder 5999 8999 $ SALE Rabbit Hutch Kit 6 SALE Rabbit Hutch and Cage Complete kit includes 24”x24”x16” hutch, dropping pan, frame kit, feeder & water bottle. #RHCK1 (235739) 36”x24”x34.5”. Ideal for use in covered areas, such as a garage, patio or porch, as well as within your home. (522870) SALE 14” Hanging Galvanized Poultry Feeder SALE Holds 30 lbs. (226373) (226399) $ SALE EZ-Fill Poultry Drinker $ 99 YOUR CHOICE Flip Top Easy Fill Water Bottle 7” Sifter or Solid Bottom Feeder 6 $ 99 SALE 32 oz. (421400) 4 SALE (672329,337) $ 99 SAVE SALE Quick-lock Crock Feeder $30 20 oz. (421390) 6 $ 99 YOUR CHOICE 14 $ 99 SALE Start & Grow 50 lbs. (43550) 7 $ 99 8 $ 99 50 lbs. (43540) 4 SALE Egg Basket (407895) 2 $ 99 SALE Chicken Toy Feed releases as chicken pecks at bill. (346210) APT1 - PG02 - ALL STORES 16 99 SALE Poultry Diatomaceous Earth 4 lbs. Safe and effective treatment for internal and external parasites. EPA approved as food additive. (421430) 9 $ 99 Mazuri® Rabbit Diet with Timothy Hay 40 lbs. (47920) $ 50 lbs. 16% protein. (190725) 25 lbs. (43715) SALE Duck and Geese Pellets $ 99 SALE Manna Pro® PRO Formula Rabbit Feed SALE Natural Advantage Complete 40 lbs. (944314) Flock Raiser 1399 $ YOUR CHOICE SALE Premium Scratch Grains SALE Calf Manna® Supplement 5 lbs. (43880) 7 $ 99 SALE Fresh Flakes™ Poultry Bedding 12 lbs. (421315) 10 lbs. (277850) YOUR CHOICE 1 $ 99 SALE Slims® with Carrot 1.7 oz. (318840) Slims® with Alfalfa 1.7 oz. (318845) DEAL OF THE WEEK! 99 ¢ SALE HALF Mineral & OFF! Salt Spool with Hanger 3 oz. (421520) THERE’S A LOT MORE THAN FARM IN FAMILY FARM & HOME! DON’T FORGET TO VACCINATE! NEW STYLES & COLORS! 20 % OFF $24.99 SALE Equi Nile West Nile virus vaccination. (364210) $16.99 SALE The Regular Price of All Encevac TC4 Weaver Leather® Tack Supplies 1 ml. Eastern and Western Encephalomyelitis, Flu and Tetanus vaccination. (432295) In-stock! $26.99 SALE Prestige V EHV-1 and EHV-4 vaccination. (432290) $6.99 SALE Super-Tet Tetanus vaccination. (432305) DON’T FORGET TO DE-WORM! $8.99 SALE Safe-Guard® Dewormer 25 gm. syringe. (666438) $10.99 SALE Panacur® Dewormer 25 gm. (277845) $9.99 SALE Equi Bits 1.25 lbs. Pelleted equine dewormer. (399880) 1449 $ YOUR CHOICE SALE Strategy® Healthy Edge® SALE Apple Flavor Wafers Omolene 200™ FlaxSnax® 16 17 99 SALE Nutrena® Safe Choice™ Senior $10.99 SALE 11 99 $ 99 Whole Oats 40 lbs. (113015) $12.99 SALE Race Horse Oats 20 lbs. (425480) 50 lbs. (278030) 50 lbs. (195020) $ YOUR CHOICE $ SALE Nutrena® Safe Choice™ Original Triple cleaned. 40 lbs. (44815) 3 lbs. (190610) 50 lbs. (43645) $15.99 SALE Steam Rolled Flaked Oats HoofSnax® 3 lbs. (190605) 40 lbs. (39435) 50 lbs. (195015) 2999 $ SALE Horseshoer’s Secret Hoof builder. 11 lbs. #13304 (40900) 7 1999 $ 99 $ Redmond Rock® Sand Clear SALE 3 lbs. (431055) SALE Natural psyllium fiber crumbles increase ration bulk. 3 lbs. #10203. (993568) 10 lbs. (40905) $54.99 SALE 2299 $ SALE Vetericyn Hydrogel 16 oz. (286485) DEAL OF THE WEEK! 1 $ 69 SALE PetFlex® Animal Print 4" Vet Wrap Choose from cow, horse, chicken and pig designs. (513660,65,70,75) FAMILY FARM & HOME – A MICHIGAN COMPANY, SUPPORTING THE MIDWEST! APT1 - PG03 - ALL STORES 4999 $8999 $ KEEP IT CONTAINED Poultry Netting 1” hex mesh. Welded Wire 24”x25’ (763977) $7.99 SALE 36”x25’ (763985) $10.99 SALE 48”x25’ (763993) $14.99 SALE 24”x50’ (718307) $14.99 SALE 36”x50’ (718316) $19.99 SALE 48”x50’ (718325) $26.99 SALE SALE DE120™ Charger 14 gauge. 36"x50' (711562) $26.99 SALE 48"x50' (711555) $34.99 SALE 60"x50' (711548) $44.99 SALE 36"x100' (711524) $46.99 SALE 48"x100' (711517) $64.99 SALE 60"x100' (711494) $84.99 SALE 10999 $ SALE DE400™ Charger 110 volt. 20 acre coverage. #DE120 (306280) SALE DS20™ Solar Charger 110 volt. 100 acre coverage. (306305) 6 volt. 3 acre coverage. (359030) Dual Power AC/DC Charger #DPP400 (460175) $119.99 SALE 36 119 99 $ 99 $ 2999 $ SALE 4pt. Hi-Tensile Barbed Wire SALE 1047-6-13 Field Fence 1/2” Poly Tape 6mm Equine Rope 600’ (6210) $56.99 SALE 1/2” x 1312’ Poly Tape (153429) $46.99 SALE 16 656’ #2327E (153411) 1-1/2” x 656’ Poly Tape (154013) $59.99 SALE 99 $ SALE 2-Ton Come-Along HOT BUY! SALE 4mm Equine Rope 656’. (6215) 15.5 gauge. 1320 ft. roll (567446) 330' (T181971) 2699 $ SALE (94765) HHH 5 8499 1299 (750869) 2 SALE Strainer 2 1 $ 69 $ 99 $ 99 Snug Insulators Wood Insulator Rubber Gate Handle SALE 25 per package. #STP25. (28332) SALE 25-count package. (496042) 5-1/2’ 6’ 6-1/2’ 7’ 8’ (101154) $3.59 (101162) $3.79 (101170) $ 4.19 (101188) $4.99 (101196) $ 5.99 6”x8’ Red Pine Wood Posts (39850) $13.99 SALE (686386) 14 Gauge x1/2 Mile (716626) $44.99 SALE 2 (101147) 5”x8’ Red Pine Wood Posts (7215) $7.99 SALE $ 49 14 Gauge x1/4 Mile (718351) $23.99 SALE 5’ T-Post with Clips (7200) 4000’. 12.5 ga. (684415) 17 Gauge x1/2 Mile (717200) $23.99 SALE $ 49 SALE 3.5”x8’ Red Pine Wood Posts SALE Hi Tensile Smooth Fence Wire SALE 17 Gauge x1/4 Mile Electric Fence Wire 3 $ 99 $ $ SALE (28407) 3 $ 49 SALE Fence Tester (95645) DEAL OF THE WEEK! 14 $ 99 SALE 3”x23-3/4” T-Post Driver (323170) SAVE $10 APT1 - PG04 - STORES 02–05, 07–25, 27–34, 36 *R1 THERE’S A LOT MORE THAN FARM IN FAMILY FARM & HOME! KING KUTTER EQUIPMENT – MADE IN AMERICA! King Kutter manufactures high quality rotary mowers and farm equipment, and Family Farm & Home offers a great selection. ® 39999 30999 $ $ 6’ Landscape Rake 6’ Rear Blade 64999 $ SALE Compact Disc Category 1 quick hitch compatible with patent pending parking stand. Special formed fixed moldboard. Reversible high-carbide, heat-treated steel cutting edge. #TRB-72 (773143) Category 1. Five forward and reverse settings for maximum flexibility and maneuverability. Adjustable stabilizer bar. #TYR-72 (211508) 7’ Landscape Rake #TYR-84 (503557) $469.99 21999 $ SALE SALE 4’x4’ Drag Chain Harrow 14” notched disc blades. 33” cutting width. #14-10-CD (1440) (119615) 4'x8' Drag Chain Harrow (389610) $369.99 SALE 169 7’ Rear Blade #TRB-84 (756759) $329.99 SALE $ 99 Trailer Mover SALE CAT I 3-point hitch compatible. 2-5/16” welded ball, safety chain and 2” square tube receiver hitch. #TMGN (299050) 99 $ 199 99 $ SALE 5-Gallon Spot Sprayer 5 gallon poly tank. 1 gpm demand pump. Rechargeable 12-volt battery. Lever handgun and telescoping handle. Sprays 40 gallons on one charge. #LG05SS (424480) 99 SALE 25-Gallon ATV Sprayer 25 gallon poly tank. 2.0GPM pump. Expanded coverage boom. 17’ hose and deluxe handgun. #25AW202HLB1G2N (194325) SALE 6999 SALE $54.99 SALE 12-volt. (207360) Amine 400 2, 4-D Weed Killer 1 gallon. (58149) 2.5 gallons (74495) $42.99 SALE 2499 $ SALE 20-0-0 Liquid Fertilizer 2-1/2 gallons covers up to 15,000 sq. ft. (118323) 199 $ 99 SALE 15-Gallon Trailer Sprayer 15 gallon poly tank with drain. 2 nozzle boom. 84” coverage. 2 gpm 12V pump. Light handgun. Spray wand with adjustable tip & trigger locking mechanism. #15TW202HLB1G2N (73670) 2.0 GPM Pump SALE SALE 7HP. 2" intake and outlet. Centrifugal aluminum pump. 158 GPM max flow. (474060) 25 gallon poly tank with drain. 2 gpm 12V pump. Deluxe handgun with adjustable tip. #25SW202HLB2G0N (946343) $ 99 2" Water Transfer Pump 25-Gallon Deluxe Spot Sprayer 15 gallon poly tank with drain. 1 gpm 12V pump. Light handgun. Spray wand with adjustable tip and trigger locking mechanism. #15SW102HLB1G0N (668624) 1999 $ 99 15-Gallon Economy Spot Sprayer $ 199 139 $ 1699 $ SALE Glyphosate 1 gallon. (352985) 2.5 gallons (135240) $36.99 SALE 2699 $ SALE Control Solutions Bifenthrin 7.9% 1 quart. Multi purpose pesticide. (428370) 25-Gallon Trailer Sprayer #25TW202HLB2G2N (73675) $269.99 SALE DEAL OF THE WEEK! 4 $ 99 SALE HALF OFF! Replacement Wand Lightweight spray guns designed for use with backpack, tank, or other low pressure sprayers. (111955) FAMILY FARM & HOME – A MICHIGAN COMPANY, SUPPORTING THE MIDWEST! APT1 - PG05 - ALL STORES SALE. . . . . . . . . . . $59.99 Rebate. . . . . . . . -$25.00 SAVE WITH MOBIL MAIL-IN REBATES! $ SALE.. . . . . $3.39 Rebate. . . -$1.40 1 SALE.. . . . $15.99 Rebate. . . -$7.00 8 4 19 $ 99 $ 49 $ Mobil Super® Quarts Mobil Super® 5 Quarts Mobil® 1™ Synthetic Motor Oil Mobil® 1™ Synthetic Motor Oil 10W30, 5W20, 5W30. (424810,424795,424800) 5-quart minimum purchase. 649 $ AFTER REBATE 10W30 or 5W30 (424815,424805) Limit 2 rebates per household. 99 SALE AFTER REBATE 1499 $ SAVE $50 5’x8’ Utility Tilt Trailer with Rear Gate 99 SALE 99 AFTER REBATE 229 $ SAVE $200 7’x12’ Trailer with Removable Ramp Sides 1,650 lb. payload capacity. Removable tongue. Fully lighted to DOT specifications. 1-7/8” coupler with safety chains. Wire mesh floor and gate. #5X8G (58690) 5 gallons. (363265) Limit 2 rebates per household. 5 quarts. 5W30, 10W30. 5W20 (363235,240, 424790) Limit 2 rebates per household. 1 quart. 5W20, 5W30, 10W30. 0W40 (363215, 225, 230, 424780) 5 quart minimum purchase. AFTER REBATE Mobil® Delvac™ 1300 Super 15W40 SALE. . . . . . . . . . . $31.99 Rebate. . . . . . . . -$12.00 SALE. . . . . . . . . . . . $6.89 Rebate. . . . . . . . . -$2.40 $ 99 AFTER REBATE 3499 99 SALE SAVE $50 Bright Aluminum Deep Well Cross Bed Tool Box 3”x2” angle main frame. Treated wood flooring. 2” A-frame coupler with safety chains. 3,500 lb. cambered axle. 2,000 lb. top wind jack. Wire protected in conduit. #7X12GWRS (299830) 18”x70.2”x56”. Highly durable and sturdy. Features deeper design for additional storage. #TALF591 (323640) SAVE 10% ON ALL OTHER TRUCK BOXES SALE.. . . . $10.99 Rebate. . . -$5.00 TRANS-HYDRAULIC FLUID 14 $ 15W40 Diesel Engine Oil with CJ-4 Premium Trans-Hydraulic Fluid 1 gallon. #MG01543P (T193871) SALE.. . . . $18.99 Rebate. . . -$5.00 13 $ 99 AFTER REBATE Limit 3 rebates per household. FMX SAE Engine Oil 99 SALE 2 $ 99 SALE Pennzoil® Motor Oil 1 quart. 5W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30, 30W (349300, 793638, 759639, T153437) APT1 - PG06 - ALL STORES COMMERCIAL POWER 64 $ 2 gallons. Universal, John Deere® and Case®/IH® (T147065, T147063, T147070) 99 SALE With Trade C1/6-V, 640 CCA . . . . . . (88377) $64.99 SALE With Trade C2/6-V, 675 CCA . . . . . . (88393) $74.99 SALE With Trade C8/8-V, 520 CCA . . . . . . . (88591) $77.99 SALE With Trade 5 Gallons (T147068,T147064, T147067) $38.99 SALE C31P/12-V, 650 CCA . . . (90220) $87.99 SALE With Trade C30H/12-V, 650 CCA . (335255) $89.99 SALE With Trade 3ET/12-V, 500 CCA . . . . . (88849) $89.99 SALE With Trade C31IP/12-V, 1000 CCA . . (6380) $119.99 SALE With Trade 5W40. 1 gallon. (T193894) DEAL OF THE WEEK! HEAVY-DUTY BATTERIES AS LOW AS 5 $ 99 AFTER REBATE 1 $ 99 SALE Premium Starting Fluid (T151992) YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE SALE SALE 2 $ 49 Mystik® JT-6 High-Temp Grease 14 oz. (558825) JT-6 Grease 6 $ 99 Sea Foam® 16 oz. (570419) Fix-A-Flat 16 oz. (581577) Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.99 SALE . . . . . . . . . $7.99 Mail-in Rebate . . -$1.00 6 $ 99 After Mail-in Rebate Polar™ Anti-Freeze 1 gallon. (351692) 14 oz. (19638) THERE’S A LOT MORE THAN FARM IN FAMILY FARM & HOME! DEMO DAYS ARE HERE! $ 95 $ 95 $ 95 2399 2999 3499 97 63 PER MONTH 23 69 PER MONTH 31 80 PER MONTH 0% INTEREST. 0% INTEREST. 0% INTEREST. $ 26HP/54" Yard Tractor •26HP Kohler 7000 engine. •54" stamped reinforced cutting deck. •Fender mounted hydrostatic transmission. •Electric blade engagement. •Front bumper. •Cast iron front end. #LGT2654 (472165) 32999 $ SALE Front Tine Tiller Briggs & Stratton 500 series engine. 24” cultivating path. Easy to adjust tilling depth. #VF550 (444330) 129 $ 99 Straight Shaft Gas Trimmer 25cc engine. 17"cutting width #PP25SFA (447135) $ * For 42 months. 24HP/54" Zero-Turn Details in-store. •24HP Briggs & Stratton engine. •54" stamped cutting deck. •Rugged frame and casters. •Ergonomical control panel. •Maintenance-free transmission. •6.5mph ground speed. #Z254 (499195) $ * For 48 months. 69995 17999 $ Rear Tine Tiller Mini Cultivator Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . $199.95 Husqvarna Mail-in Rebate . -$15.00 184 $ 95 After Mail-in Rebate 28cc String Trimmer 1.1HP 28cc engine. 10.6 lbs. #128L (233060) 12999 $ SALE 19995 Pole Saw 28cc engine. 8” blade length. Straight shaft design with trimmer attachment. #PP28PDT (80210) SALE Pro-Lift® Mower Jack 43cc 2-cycle engine. 10” cultivation width. 4” cultivation depth. #MC43 (136510) $ Details in-store. •24HP Endurance engine. •52” fabricated cutting deck. •Hydrostatic transmission with locking differential. •Electric blade engagement. •Cast iron front axle. •Front bumper. #GT52XLSi (471390) $ Briggs & Stratton. 900 series engine. Dual rotating tines. 17” cultivating path #CRT900L (365945) For 48 months. 24HP/52” Garden Tractor with Smart Switch™ Details in-store. * 350 lb. capacity. #T5350 (398190) 4999 15% $ OFF The Regular Price of All MaxPower® Mower in-stock! Blades SALE Worktunes® AM/FM radio. Digital tuning with LCD display. MP3, iPod compatible. (T134613) FAMILY FARM & HOME – A MICHIGAN COMPANY, SUPPORTING THE MIDWEST! APT1 - PG07 - ALL STORES *R1 LAWN CARE – FERTILIZERS, PEST & WEED CONTROL 11 $ Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.99 Mail-in Rebate . . -$5.00 14 $ 99 After GrubEx® 24 SALE 99 Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.99 Mail-in Rebate . . -$4.00 4 Mail-in $ 99 After Rebate SALE Preen® Garden Weed Preventer 1 gallon. (716995) Prevents turf damage by killing grubs before they can destroy your lawn. Covers 5000 sq. ft. Contains: .2% Imidacloprid. (731803) Weed-B-Gon® Concentrate 16 lbs. Prevents weeds when used as directed. Easy-to-use granules may be applied spring, summer, or fall. (T818115) 10 99 Crabgrass Preventer $ Round-Up® Ready-to-Use Mail-in Rebate $ 24 99 $ SALE 13-13-13 Fertilizer 15,000 sq. ft. coverage. 30-0-3. Phosphorous free! 39 lbs. (231105) 19 99 $ SALE 19-19-19 Fertilizer 32 oz. (512970) 12 99 $ SALE SALE Sevin® Lawn Insect Granules 50 lbs. An all-around good fertilizer for gardens and fields. (197300) 40 lbs. (449215) 99 20 lbs. (T877793) 5,000 sq. ft. coverage. (231100) $9.99 SALE Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.99 Mail-in Rebate . . -$3.00 16 $ 8 Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.99 Mail-in Rebate . . -$3.00 6 99 After Mail-in Rebate $ 99 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus With Dylox 2999 $ 99 $ SALE EZ-Straw® Seeding Mulch with Tack After Mail-in Rebate Bayer Advanced® Home Pest Control RTU SALE 75' Farm & Ranch Hose Apex® 500 sq. ft. coverage. (246125) 1 gallon. (T860700) #889-75 (514950) 10 lbs. 5000 sq. ft. coverage. (T107142) Limit two rebates per household. 7 8 24 $ 99 $ 99 $ Sphagnum Peat Moss Organic Milorganite Fertilizer Sun & Shad Grass Seed 2.2 cu. ft. (T702565) SALE 36 lbs. (T181373) 99 SALE 8 lbs. (T829844) 15% OFF All GreenThumb® Grass Seed In-Stock! 44 $ 99 SALE Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Grass Seed 50 lbs. 99% weed-free! (222885) Barenbrug® Bulk Grass Seed SEED TYPE SKU SALE Landscaper’s Mix. . . (1932912). . . . . . $1.99/lb High Traffic Mix. . . . . (249995). . . . . . $1.99/lb Sun & Shade Mix. . . . (585299). . . . . . $1.99/lb Dense Shade Mix. . . (585315). . . . . . $1.99/lb Kentucky Blue. . . . . . . (585307). . . . . . $2.46/lb 15% OFF! APT1 - PG08 - ALL STORES *R1 THERE’S A LOT MORE THAN FARM IN FAMILY FARM & HOME! 3 1 2/$ $ 79 Composted Farm Manure Ready-to-Use Potting Soil SALE 40 lbs. (917682) PERFECT YOUR YARD 99 SALE $ 40 lbs. (917716) 99 SALE 10 Cu. Ft. Dump Cart #YTL22139-5 (486055) 2 99 SALE 42" Spike Aerator 150 lb. capacity. #SA42GY (446895) $ 99 YOUR CHOICE 6 2/$ 129 $ SALE SALE Cedar Mulch Hardwood Mulch 2 cu. ft. (131700) 2 cu. ft. Red or brown. (131705, 448545) 99 $ 99 SALE 48” De-thatcher 219 $ 99 SALE 24"x48" Heavy-Duty Steel Lawn Roller #DT-48T (399690) 90 gallon capacity. Combined weight of 875 lbs. #RL2448GY (168605) HHH SPRING LAWN CARE 4 2/$ SALE Bagged River Rock .5 cu. ft. (7035) 7 4 2/$ 2/$ SALE Bagged Marble SALE Bagged Pea Gravel .4 cu. ft. (6990) .5 cu. ft. (160320) 7 2/$ SALE Bagged All-Purpose Stone .5 cu. ft. (201965) TIPS HHH MULCH moderates soil temperatures, suppresses weeds and helps reduce moisture loss from soil. 8 $ 99 SALE Miracle Gro® Potting Mix 2 cu. ft. (T206554) 1 cu. ft. (T462572) $6.99 6 $ 99 SALE Miracle Gro® Garden Soil 2 cu. ft. (512950) 1 cu. ft. (512960) $4.99 2 $ 19 SALE Scotts® Premium Topsoil .75 cu. ft. (512955) YOUR CHOICE 6499 $ SALE 6 Cu. Ft. Steel or Poly Wheelbarrow (T588683,T556746) 15% OFF The Regular Price of All LongHandled Shovels in-stock! APT1 - PG9A - STORES 02–05, 07–25, 27–34, 36 *R2 LOVE YOUR BACKYARD $ 99 99 $ $ 95 189 399 199 5-PIECE PATIO SET SALE SALE Weber® Spirit® E-210™ 450 sq. inch cooking surface. Two stainless steel burners. Porcelain-enameled, cast-iron cooking grates. Porcelain-enameled Flavorizer® bars. Main burners: BTU-per-hour input: 26,500. Electronic Crossover® ignition system. Two stainless steel fold-down tables. (495845) Cloud 9™ Lounger (494140) Our Tuscany™ collection features durable sling seating fabric with steel frame construction. SET INCLUDES: Four Dining Chairs #S01-S349 (485160) $32.49 SALE / EACH One Round Glass Table 40” #RG0040-S395 (485170) $69.99 SALE 7999 $ 17999 $ SALE Tuscany™ Double Glider 9999 $ Tuscany™ Outdoor Collection SALE Grilling Gazebo #S95-S349K (485200) #SS02-028 (485215) (495900) NOW AVAILABLE! Weber® Grilling Accessories 9999 3299 $ $ Weber® Original Kettle™ 22.5” Gas Table Top Grill 363 sq. inch cooking surface. Porcelain-enameled bowl and lid. Plated steel cooking grate. Steel charcoal grate. One-Touch™ cleaning system. Aluminum ash catcher. (815403) 99999 26995 $ $ 22-Ton Log Splitter 2.2HP 16” Chain Saw Briggs & Stratton 675 series engine. Horizontal or vertical operation. #S40123300 (95650) FREE ASSEMBLY & OIL APT1 - PG10 - ALL STORES 40.9cc engine. Air injected for smoother operation and reduced wear. Ergonomic rear handle. #435 (215575) SALE 187 sq. in. cooking surface. Easy top clean chrome plated cooking grid. Folding legs to secure top for easy portability. #465133010 (T130817) SALE 2-Person Swing with Independent Padded Seats 19999 $ SALE 40,000 BTU Gas Grill 4 burner, 40,000 BTU gas grill with 10,000 BTU side burner. 660 sq. in. of cooking area. Assembled size: 45.5” H. x 56” W. x 21” D. #463436214 (819832) LP Propane Tank Exchange 20 lbs. (25865) $17.99 SALE 15% OFF The Regular Price of All MaxPower® Chainsaw Accessories in-stock! 12999 $ SALE Pro® Bench Chain Saw Sharpener Bench top or wall mount. Sharpens chains from ¼” to ¾”. Includes 3 grinding wheels. #CS-BWM (238705) 1999 $ SALE TruFuel® 40:1 or 50:1 Fuel Mix 110 oz. (T185608, T185607) THERE’S A LOT MORE THAN FARM IN FAMILY FARM & HOME! SAVE ON WORK BASICS! 17 $ 26 99 SALE $ 99 SALE 5-Pocket Relaxed Fit Jeans Sizes 44-50 (188270) Reg. 24.99, $19.99 SALE Sizes 44-50 (197490) Reg. $38.99, $29.99 SALE 32-42, most in 30”, 32” and 34” inseams. #P905SWW. Reg. $21.99 (188140) 17 $ 99 SALE 16” Brown Vinyl Knee Boots Denim Bib Overalls 32-42 in 30” and 32” inseams, plus 34, 36 and 38x34. #B910SWD Reg. $34.99 (197415) SPRING BOOTS Sizes 3-13. #18805. Reg. $21.99 (795872) 18 $ 79 99 SALE $ 99 SALE Mens Classic High Neoprene Boot Mens Carpenter Jeans Sizes 9-13. #60142-001. Reg. $91.99 (275195) 32-42, most in 30”, 32” and 34” inseams. #P909SWD. Reg. $23.99 (188280) Size 44 (188365) Reg. $26.99, $20.99 SALE 8 $ 99 SALE 23 $ 99 SALE Short-Sleeved Pocket T-Shirts Short-Sleeved Coveralls Sizes 3X-4X (252120) Reg. $13.99, $9.99 SALE Sizes 3X-4X (25605) Reg. $33.99, $25.99 SALE M-2X. #BSM16. Reg. $12.99 (218835) Navy, M-2X in short, regular and tall inseams. #P700NV. Reg. $29.99 (273821) $9.99 SALE $10 OFF Mens Goatskin Driver Gloves M-XL. #92. Reg. $12.99 (70035, 40, 45) The Regular Price of All Leather Work Boots in-stock! Special offer does not apply to clearance boots $10 OFF The Regular Price of All Justin® Boots in stock! Special offer does not apply to clearance boots 13 $ 99 SALE Kids Blue Rubber Rain Boots Sizes 8-13, 1-4. #76005, 76004. Reg. $16.99 (48975) 20% OFF The Regular Price of All Graphic T-Shirts in stock! Excludes clearance. While quantities last, no rainchecks. 20% OFF The Regular Price of All Wolverine® Mens Clothing in stock! Excludes clearance. While quantities last, no rainchecks. FAMILY FARM & HOME – A MICHIGAN COMPANY, SUPPORTING THE MIDWEST! APT1 - PG11 - ALL STORES *R1 HOME STANDBY GENERATOR READY FOR SPRING THAW? 59 $ 1/4HP Pump 99 99 SALE 99 SALE 149 $ $30 1/2HP Sump Pump 99 SALE 16,000 Watt Stand-by Generator 100 AMP (T189035) $3349.99 SALE SAVE Available by special order only. See team member for details. 999 $ $30 99 Honda® EU2000 Generator 2000 Watts (16.7A) of Honda inverter 120V AC power. Eco-Throttle™ - runs up to 15 hours on 1 gal. of fuel. Simultaneous AC/DC use (auto battery charging). Power for microwave, refrigerators, hair dryers and small AC units. #EU2000 (9518845) #FPTZ7450 (455915) 1/3 HP Sump Pump #FPZS33T (405939) $84.99 SALE Read the owner’s manual before operating Honda power equipment. 10% 34 $ 99 YOUR CHOICE The Regular Price of All Well Pumps and Pressure Tanks 1499 99 $ SALE SALE 24” Industrial SAVE Duty Curved $5 Floor Squeegee Poly Trash Can in-stock! (27630,625) YOUR CHOICE 14 $ OFF SALE 4”x100’ Solid or Perforated Drain Pipe 32 gallon. Lid included. (T176622) (T562543) Galvanized Steel Trash Can Heavy Duty Wet Mop 20 gallons. Lid included. (T409441) DEAL OF THE WEEK! 4 $ 99 ** 11,000 Watt Stand-by Generator 50 AMP (T170882) $2799.99 SALE 3/4HP Zinc Sump Pump with Vertical Switch Maximum pumping capacity to 2580 gallons per hour. Rugged Thermoplastic body resists corrosion, impact, stress and heat. 3 Year Warranty. Tethered floats switch designed for minimum 12” diameter sump basin Heavy-duty 10 amp 1/2 HP motor. #FPZS50T (405984) FINANCING AVAILABLE! Details in-store •50-amp transfer switch with 8-circuit load center. •Durable steel enclosure. •Install as close as 18in. to home as certified by NFPA standards. •Runs on LP or natural gas. •3-year limited warranty. •Assembled in U.S.A. #6519 (T191980) Automatic pedestal sump pump with easy installation, designed for minimum 12” diameter sump basin. Maximum pumping capacity to 3480 gallons per hour. Energy-efficient 3.5 amp motor with automatic thermal overload protection. #FPPM3600D. (406019) SAVE 99 SALE 7000 Watt PowerPact Air-Cooled Stand-by Generator 1/3HP Pedestal Pump Body resists corrosion, impact, stress and heat. Maximum pumping capacity 1260 gallons per hour. Portable pump can be used in a variety of areas: window wells, basements, rooftops, etc. Easy to use and includes a 1 year warranty. #2305 (450545) $ 1849 64 $ 99 SALE $ HALF SALE OFF! 17” Jumbo Dust Pan Perfect for rugged commercial use. (81415) APT1 - PG12 - ALL STORES *R1 5 2/$ YOUR CHOICE SALE Paper Refuse Bags 5-pack. 30-gallon capacity. (T782406) 9 $ 99 SALE Corn Broom 40” powder coated steel handle. (T566432) Contractor Bags (T163037) 9 5999 $ 99 $ Universal Shop Vac Filter All-In-One Mailbox With Newspaper Holder SALE (T672840) SALE Heavy-duty poly construction 50.5"H x 22.75"D x 9.25"W. (T553246) 20 pack. 42 gallon. (T106286) THERE’S A LOT MORE THAN FARM IN FAMILY FARM & HOME! 6 MONTHS NO INTEREST IF PAID IN FULL. 499 $ 99 SALE 999 $ Lincoln Electric® AC/DC 225 99 SALE SAVE 10% ON SAVE ALL AIR TOOLS $100 2-Stage/80 Gallon Cast Iron Air Compressor Easy to operate - With front mounted AC/DC polarity switch and full range amperage selector switch for accurate and dependable procedure setting. Smooth arc - Makes it easy to weld with different electrodes, including mild steel, low hydrogen, stainless steel and hardfacing electrodes. 125 amp DC output - Enough for most 1/8” (3.2 mm) electrodes. 225 amp AC output - Enough for 3/16” (4.8 mm) diameter general purpose mild steel electrodes and 5/32” (4.0 mm) sizes of other electrodes. #K1297 (517035) Heavy-duty, 5.0 HP motor operates on 240-volts. 175 max psi to operate multiple devices at once. Delivers 17.9 CFM at 100 psi and 17.0 CFM at 175 psi. Made in USA of domestic and global components. #IV5048055 (248915) 649 $ Minimum purchase $300. Minimum payment: Greater of 2.5% or $35. Synchrony Plan #306 *See store for details. 429 99 SALE $ 99 SALE SAVE $50 60 Gallon Air Compressor Lincoln Electric® Easy MIG 180 Welder Single-stage, oil lubricated pump with cast iron body and head and cast iron cylinders. 3.5HP. 135 PSI max pressure. Manual thermal overload protection. Large air tank supports heavy-duty, continuous multi-tool usage. #MLA3706056 (150920) The Lincoln Easy MIG 180 Welder is an ideal choice for farm, light fabrication, auto or home projects. If you have access to industrial 208/230V power, you’ll be able to weld up to 3/16" for MIG welding or 1/2" with gasless flux core welding. #K2698-1 (517055) YOUR CHOICE 34999 $ 20 135 psi. Cast iron.V-twin cylinder, oil lubricated. (434560) OFF 20 Gallon Cast Iron Air Compressor The Regular Price of All National® Hardware 120V/1.6RPH. 6.2CFM @ 40PSI, 5.3CFM @90PSI. Oil v-twin pump design. Single stage. Belt drive. #IP1682066 (248910) in-stock! 249 99 $ 99 SALE 1600 PSI Pressure Washer YOUR CHOICE Bulk Rope, Chain & Cable 100' 16/3, 25’ 12/3 or 50’ 14/3 Extension Cords 19 $ 99 SALE YOUR CHOICE 99 1999 $ SALE Sandblaster SALE 4.5A Jigsaw 50 lb. hopper. (460155) 800-3000 strokes per minute. (T134469) 2A 1/4" Sheet Sander SAVE $30 DEMO ME! 15% in-stock! $ 30’ hose. Reconditioned unit. (458570) 2000 PSI Electric Pressure Washer #K568MD (457665) $229.99 SALE The Regular Price of All 49 99 SALE 3000 PSI Pressure Washer with Honda Motor 1600 PSI/1.25 GPM. 15 ft. high pressure hose. 104˚ maximum water inlet temp. Integrated fine mesh water filter. Gun with quick connect. Vario-power spray lance. Dirtblaster® rotating nozzle. #K226M (457640) OFF $50 20 Gallon Vertical Air Compressor % $ SAVE YOUR CHOICE 7 $ 99 SALE Gorilla Glue® 4 oz. (140120) Gorilla Tape® 35 yards. (241260) 13000 orbits per minute. (T134465) 7 $ 99 SALE Black Beauty Blasting Sand 400 medium grit. 50 lbs. (153975) DEAL OF THE WEEK! 24 $ 99 300-lb Steel Hand Truck (502365) (T240705, T728405, T239962) FAMILY FARM & HOME – A MICHIGAN COMPANY, SUPPORTING THE MIDWEST! SALE SAVE $10 APT1 - PG13 - ALL STORES *R2 CAT FOOD • CAT CARE • LITTER • FELINE FUN 1 29 2/$ $ Fancy Feast® Gourmet Cat Food Iams® Cat Food SALE 2 $ 8 49 $ 99 SALE SALE 88 88 SALE Kit ‘N Kaboodle 42” Deluxe Cat Scratch Tree Fresh Step SALE Cat Litter $ Cat Chow® 17.4 lbs. (11980) 3 oz. Assorted flavors. (Asst SKUs) $ 12 99 SALE $ 16 lbs. (7540) 16 lbs. (7530) Indoor Formula 16 lbs. (67740) $13.99 SALE #190100092 (443685) OFF The Regular Price of All Science Diet® Cat Food In-stock! Indoor Cat, Mature Cat, Hairball Control Adult, Hairball Control Light, Adult Light, Feline Original and Original Adult. (171230,240,580,870,995) 17.5-22 lbs. $35.99–$37.99 SALE 2 $ 99 SALE Soft Paw™ Cat Litter 25 lbs. (313615) 6 $ 99 SALE Tidy Cats® Scoop 14 lb jug. (7565) 12 $ 13 99 $ SALE Tidy Cats® LightWeight Cat Litter 99 25 lbs. (313035) 12 Arm & Hammer® Multi-Cat Clumping SALE Cat Litter 20 lbs. (312435) 99 8.5 lbs. (471535) SPRING BIRDS ARE HERE TO STAY – ARE YOUR FEEDERS FULL? $6.99 SALE $9.99 SALE 20 lbs. (201985) 10 lbs. (142360) Wild Bird Food Peanut Splits $12.99 SALE $19.99 SALE Coarse Sunflower Hearts Cardinal Seed 30 lbs. (235485) 10 lbs. (142305) $17.99 SALE $5.99 SALE Apple Orchard Bird Seed Woodpecker Mix 5 lbs. (201990) 40 lbs. (235460) 5 8 1 3499 $ 99 $ 99 3/$ 98 $ Oriole Feeder Glass Hummingbird Feeder Bird’s Blend Suet Cake Hanging Feeder with Suet Baskets SALE 24 oz. #17128 (235050) Oriole Nectar 32 oz. (278725) $4.99 SALE SALE #203CP (745830) SALE 11.5 oz. cake. (561498) SALE 4 $ 99 SALE Deluxe Bird Seed 11 lbs. (158960) #86614 (234980) Our firm intention is to have every advertised item in stock. If an advertised item is not available for purchase due to any unforeseen reason. Family Farm & Home will issue a rainchecks for the merchandise to be purchased at the advertised price whenever available. We reserve the right to correct printing errors and to limit quantities. **Cash (charge card) and carry purchases only. Competitor’s closeout, special order, discontinued, clearance, liquidation and damaged items are excluded from this offer. *For Husqvarna® rebates: Value of Family Farm & Home gift APT1 - PG14 - ALL STORES*R1 card is deducted from the Husqvarna® product purchase price. Customer is charged for the value of the gift card. All payments are based on Michigan Sales tax of 6%. Price may vary slightly in other states. ©2015 Family Farm & Home. 5 $ 5 $ OFF The Regular Price of Select OFF NEW! 239 $ The Regular Price of Select Hills Science Diet® Earthborn Holistic® Dog Food NEW FLAVORS ADDED! Choose from Light, Longevity, Large Breed Puppy, Healthy Puppy, Mature Adult Large Breed, Adult Large Breed, Original, Small Bites, Lamb Small Bites, Sensitive Stomach & Skin, and Lamb & Rice formulas. 30–38.5 lbs. (265210, 211530,211525,271675, 248100,211510,211505,211515, 242460,240200,211520) $36.99–41.99 SALE DOG CONTAINMENT Primitive Natural 28 lbs. (497285) $44.99 SALE 99 Chain Link Dog Kennel SAVE $40 10’x10’x6’. Pre-assembled galvanized chain link panels. Vertical bracing for extra strength. 1” clearance for easy cleaning. #441006P (4530) Great Plains Feast 28 lbs. (497300) $44.99 SALE Coastal Catch 28 lbs. (497315) $44.99 SALE 10999 $ Meadow Feast 28 lbs. (497330) $44.99 SALE SALE 329 $ Big Dog Remote Trainer 3 $ 5 $ OFF The Regular Price of Select Sportmix® 100 yard range. Adjustable waterproof receiver/collar. Electronic remote delivers correction signals to dog. 15 levels of correction. #360733 (449180) OFF Dog Food Choose from Chunk, Mini Chunk, Large Breed Adult and Natural Lamb & Rice. (11620,11805, 11675, 10665) $26.99 SALE Bite Size 40 lbs. (463285) $16.99 SALE Energy Plus 50 lbs. (463290) $25.99 SALE SALE Stay+Play Wireless Fence® For dogs 5 lbs. and up. 5 adjustable levels of correction. Tone-only mode alerts your pet with a beep. Waterproof. Rechargeable. Expandable up to 3/4 of an acre. Smallest / lightest wireless fence collar. Expandable to an unlimited number of pets. Low battery indicator. Correction stops after 15 seconds. Independent correction levels. (449170) 26999 $ The Regular Price of Select Iams® Dog Food 99 SALE Wireless Instant Fence SAVE Fast and easy to install—no buried wire required! Kit includes transmitter with wall transformer, receiver/collar with extra probes, marking and instruction manual. Recommended for dogs over 20 lbs. #360727 (824828) $40 SAVE $30 2 99¢ $ 99 3/ SALE Bulk Beef Shank or Knuckle End SALE Rawhide Twisted Stix #495507 (103895) (7700,7750) 1 7 $ 99 $ 99 SALE Cheese-Filled Cow Hooves SALE Pet Life® Multi-Flavor Dog Biscuits #485060 (179455) 10 lbs. #19135 (18210) DEAL OF THE WEEK! 19 $ Large Gusseted SALE Dog Pillow 99 SAVE 35”x44”. Zippered inner and outer lining. (443660) Reg. $44.99 12 $ 99 SALE Carefresh® Pet Bedding (86170) $25 ADRIAN, MI (517)438-8764 ALLEGAN, MI (269)686-9309 ALLENDALE, MI (616)895-2294 ALMA, MI (989)463-9400 ALMONT, MI (810)798-0105 Vet’s Best® Flea &Tick Home Spray Hip & Joint Veterinary Strength 32 oz. #340024 (435155) 5 99 SALE Pet Food Storage Container 2999 $ SALE SALE 150 count. #55763 (277440) 1499 2/$ $ Nature’s Own® Bully Stick 20’ Heavy-Duty Tie-Out Cable SALE 21 $ 8 $ 99 Odor free. #484023 (370180) SALE (175300) 50 lb. capacity. #526533 (290870) BATTLE CREEK, MI (269)969-8101 BENTON HARBOR, MI (269)927-1983 CADILLAC, MI (231)468-3400 CHARLEVOIX, MI (231)237-9755 CHARLOTTE, MI (517)541-9970 CHELSEA, MI (734)562-2490 CLARE, MI (989)424-6443 COLDWATER, MI (517)279-0461 CORUNNA, MI (989)472-4848 FENTON, MI (810)714-5950 GAYLORD, MI (989)732-7777 GRAND RAPIDS, MI (616)365-1046 GLADWIN, MI (989)246-0327 HOLLAND, MI (616)396-2933 MANISTEE, MI (231) 723-6650 MASON, MI (517)676-9870 MUSKEGON, MI (231)760-4322 NEWAYGO, MI (231)652-1273 PORTLAND, MI (517)647-7222 REED CITY, MI (231)832-8000 RICHMOND, MI (586)727-4364 SPARTA, MI (616)205-5470 ST JOHNS, MI (989)224-3095 SWARTZ CREEK, MI (810)630-6464 THREE RIVERS, MI (269)278-2222 WAYLAND, MI (269)792-2236 AUBURN, IN (260)333-0980 PERU, IN (765)472-0363 BOWLING GREEN, OH (419)352-5855 DEFIANCE, OH (419)783-1702 APT1 - PG15- ALL STORES 24 $ 99 WITH TRADE SALE Lawn & Garden Battery UIL-5, 195 CCA (89284) UIL-4, 230 CCA (89243) $28.99 SALE With Trade U1R-4, 230 CCA (89300) $28.99 SALE With Trade UIL-2, 300 CCA (142315) $34.99 SALE With Trade UIR-2, 300 CCA (301796) $34.99 SALE With Trade 26 $ 22 $ 15 $ 99 SALE 2-Gallon Tank Sprayer 5,000 sq. ft. coverage. (472350) $8.99 SALE $ 15000 sq. ft. coverage. (231115) 20 303 Tractor Hydraulic Fluid SALE Water Softener Salt Cubes 40 lbs. (343632) (T131385) 2499 SALE Trimec Lawn Weed Killer 1 gallon. (2308286) OFF 39¢/lb SALE The Regular Price of All SALE SALE 30-0-3 Weed & Feed % 99 3 $ 99 99 #1 Pot Nursery Stock in-stock! Includes flowering shrubs and evergreens. 5 gallons. (109220) 40470 $ Seed Potatoes Choose from Yukon Gold, Red Pontiac, Red Norland, Kennebec and Russet (112980,85,160335, 226925, 248965) 3999 $ SALE Aquashade® Pond Treatment 1 gallon. Aquatic plant growth control and lake dye. (204940) $13.49/gallon Imitator® Plus Glyphosate Herbicide 41% concentrate and formulated with a full surfactant load for your convenience. Fully licensed for use overthe-top of Roundup Ready Corn, Cotton and Soybeans. 30-gallon drum. (135245) Drexel® AMS Supreme 2.5 gallons. (324985) $19.99 4 11999 $ 69 $ SALE 100% Pine Shavings SALE 1299 $ 6’ Folding Poly Picnic Table #2119 (359125) SALE Everyday Essential™ Chair 3 cu. ft. (276660) #FCH002 (485225) 10 $ SALE Mens 6-Pack Work Socks Black or White. #1119507. Reg. $15.99 (517265, 270) Manufacturer may vary. While quantities last, no rainchecks. 2999 $ SALE SAVE $5 100% Rubber Stall Mat Rugged and durable. 4’x6’x3/4”. 15-year warranty. (765677) 1499 YOUR CHOICE 7 $ 99 SALE Layer Crumbles $ Black Oil Sunflower Seed Hunter’s Special® Kibble Variety 40 lbs. (190560) 40 lbs. (944306) 1999 $ 16% Poultry Layer Pellet SALE Farm & Ranch Recipe. Both beef and chicken flavors. 19% protein, 8% fat, 4% fiber. 33 lbs. (454735) 40 lbs. (77720) 66 ¢/lb PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE 4/4/15–4/12/15 Monday-Saturday 8AM-8PM Sunday 9AM-7PM 1799 $ SALE Bulk Thistle Seed #15111-8 (941344) SALE Gravy Train® Beef Dog Food 35 lbs. (302750) APT1 - PG16A - STORES 02–05, 07–25, 27–34, 36 *R3
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