REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF DJ714 (county road) GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA, DAMBOVITA COUNTY GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION Situated at north from Bucharest, Dâmboviţa County lies in the central-southern part of Romania, covering almost 1.7 percent of the surface of the Country, home for 541,000 inhabitants. The urban population is about 33 percent from the total number of inhabitants. Damboviţa County is included in the South-Muntenia Region that is situated in the south-east of Europe and the south of Romania. This region is mainly industrially developed, with 3 million people and enjoys a special location because Bucharest, the Capital of Romania, lies in the centre of a Region with 4 million citizens. REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF DJ714 (county road) GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA, DAMBOVITA COUNTY The mountains area of the Dambovita County is easily accessible for about 7 million people, the county road 714 is the only impediment to easily access the sightseeing. REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF DJ714 (county road) GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA, DAMBOVITA COUNTY REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF DJ714 (county road) GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA, DAMBOVITA COUNTY DN7, DN1 MOECIU MOECIU DJ 714 – Moroieni-Moeciu DJ 713 – DN71-Dichiu Padina-Pestera Padina-Pestera BUSTENI BUSTENI DJ 713 – Subcarpatica SINAIA SINAIA Other roads Bucegi MOROIENI DJ – county road DN – national road REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF DJ714 (county road) GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA, DAMBOVITA COUNTY SIGHTSEEING OR TOURIST ATTRACTIONS THE SPHINX BABELE (THE OLD LADIES) REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA POTENŢIALUL SCHIABIL The priceless jewel of the Bucegi Mountains is their special ski potential. If Romania organizes any competition like ‘ The Winter Olympics’, this will be the only place in the Country where there have been identified small distances, of maximum 12 km, suitable for ski tracks and facilities which could be homologated by international federations. Only for mountain skiing, tracks of different degrees of difficulty of about 56.1 kilometers can be validated; two tracks of them have Olympic features. It may consider the idea, agreed by the Romanian Olympic Committee, National Agency for Sports and the Romanian Federation of ski-bob and skating to create the Olympic National Centre for Winter Sports. REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF DJ714 (county road) GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA, DAMBOVITA COUNTY The rehabilitation of the county road 714 Glod – Pestera will make the access more easily to some of the most important tourist attractions in Romania and also it will be the link with the most important integrated project of the tourism potential development in Romania, which includes: • Swimming pools, physical therapy pools; • Building of sites for winter sports • Construction of tracks for practising winter sports, creation and expansion of leisure infrastructure, including related facilities • Building ski tracks including: -Cable transport facilities for people -Installation of equipment producing artificial snow -Installation of night lighting equipment for the ski tracks - maintenance of equipment for ski slopes REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF DJ714 (county road) GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA, DAMBOVITA COUNTY Taking into account that currently, the road is partially compromised, with two lanes, having degraded clothing and reduced road capacity which doesn’t answer to the current and future traffic, with direct implications on safety and speed, the investment proposed by this project aims to: suppression of infrastructure damage in operating and maintaining the transport system; bringing in the operating parameters and improving the existing capacity by repairing and modernizing it; improving the transport capacity to ensure the interconnection and the interoperability between routes and modes of transport; promotion of the transport organic technologies; maintenance of the county infrastructure network; improving the transport system in order to develop the technical standards and the level services corresponding to the market requirements; facilitate and enhance the connections between county, national and international transport networks; facilitating the access to the region and also to the national traffic transit through the existing lanes of transport, that cross the region, in normal conditions of comfort and security; economical and ecotourism development in adjacent areas of the capacity of the route, with implications for the economic development of the whole mountains area of Dambovita County; increasing the speed of transport. The rehabilitation of the county roads will eliminate the disadvantages mentioned above and it shall ensure: attracting tourists and investors and implicate them in tourism; important savings in fuel and time access to Padina Plateau Rehabilitated roads attract more traffic, improve the transport speed and will relax the traffic. REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF DJ714 (county road) GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA, DAMBOVITA COUNTY • The necessity of this project arose due to the economic exchanges between related areas located in the mountains in Dambovita County, and consists in building the connection on a relatively short way between areas of tourism interest in Padina Plateau and connect the area with the European roads. Therefore, the implementation of the • • project will generate the development of the tourism at a large scale in the crossed area. General objective – developing the transport infrastructure in that touristic area by offering to the users, a public road network, which will meet all their requirements on road safety, convenience, by promoting and implementing market principles, for the execution of the works and services required to accomplish the main purpose. This project proposal is relevant to the improving of the regional and local transport infrastructure, whose purpose is to improve REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA Vedere de ansamblu a DJ 714 REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA Vedere de ansamblu a DJ 714 REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA • • • Proiectul concură la atingerea obiectivelor de dezvoltare a turismului prin modernizarea şi dezvoltarea infrastructurii rutiere, prin realizarea unei căi de comunicaţie rapide spre locatiile turistice din Bucegi de-a lungul axei Zanoaga , Bolboci, Cheile Tatarului, Padina, Pestera . La capatul nordic al investiţiei, Consiliul judetean Dambovita va materializa un proiect de dezvoltare turistica de anvergura dupa care se va asigura legătura prin Moeciu cu axele menţionate în „Documentul cadru de Implementare a Programului Operational Sectorial Transport”. Astfel, zona turistica montana descrisa va căpăta acces rapid la Axa prioritara TEN – T nr. 22, identificata ca operaţiune (1.2) în cadrul Programului Operaţional Sectorial de Transport ( POS – T), căruia i se acordă sprijin financiar nerambursabil prin Fondul de Coeziune şi Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională (FEDR). REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA • Conectarea drumului la reţeaua TEN, prevăzută a se realiza, are impact pozitiv asupra dezvoltării regionale, astfel: – va determina o implicare mai activă a comunităţilor locale în procesul progresiv de creştere a nivelului de trai al populaţiei din zonă; – va crea condiţii optime de desfăşurare a activităţii operatorilor din turism locali şi regionali; – va permite accesul mai rapid la serviciile medicale, de învăţământ, administrative, juridice pentru populaţia din zonă, atrăgând în circuitul economic zone izolate, cu infrastructură economico-socială deficitară; – va determina creşterea volumului şi a calităţii transportului, precum şi satisfacerea mai bună a nevoilor de deplasare a cetăţenilor. – se vor genera activitati turistice generatoare de profit REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA • • Solutia propusa: lucrările de drum sunt proiectate avand la baza un sistem rutier semirigid , prin refacerea fundatiei prin stabilizare cu DOROPORT. Avantajele scenariului recomandat: - Crearea unui sistem rutier modern cu una sau doua benzi de circulatie, care permite accesul pe strazi din orice sens si in acelasi timp asigurandu-se astfel un trafic sigur si fluent. -Preluarea apelor pluviale prin intermediul santurilor pereate se realizeaza pe toata lungimea strazilor, neexistand pericolul inundarii acestora. - Circulatia pietonilor/ turistilor se va realiza pe acostamentul drumului, care permite acest lucru. - Intretinerea sistemului rutier cu imbracaminti asfaltice usoare nu implica cheltuieli mari, daca acestea sunt efectuate corespunzator si ori de cate ori este nevoie. - Intretinerea si curatarea santurilor pereate se fac cu usurinta si nu necesita prezenta personalului calificat in realizarea acestora. REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA • • • • • • • • • Traseul proiectat Traseul proiectat se suprapune în totalitate pe traseul existent. Viteza de proiectare este de 25 km/h in serpentine. Drumul prin caracteristicile geometrice se încadrează în clasa tehnică V, fiind necesara proiectarea in domeniu exceptional. Puncte de belvedere 5 bucati in pozitiile : Km 09+279 stanga Km 12+259 stanga Km 22+849 dreapta Km 24+520 dreapta Km 29+730 stanga REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA BELVEDERE 1 REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA BELVEDERE 2 REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA BELVEDERE 3 REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA BELVEDERE 4 REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA BELVEDERE 5 REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA Captura proiect REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA INCADRARE IN ZONA REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA INCADRARE IN ZONA ORTOFOTO REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA GRUPARE PE PRINCIPALELE CATEGORII DE LUCRARI PE TOTAL INVESTITIE *unitati de masura in forma Anexa 1 la Normativ privind intretinerea si repararea drumurilor publice indicativ AND 554-2002 cu aplicare la drumuri judetene conform art.4 litera b. 0001 Pod nou km 0+000 0002 Sistem rutier Ialomicoara 0003 Ziduri de sprijin 0004 Copertine 0005 Siguranta circulatiei 0006 Rigole beton, camere,praguri 0007 Podete 0008 Reparatii pod km 23+740 0009 Reparatii pod 5m km 22+079 0010 Pod peste Oboarele km 22+769 0011 Pod peste Bolboci km 25+749 0012 Viaduct Tataru km 29+979 0013 Pod peste Ialomita km 32+236 1buc 54m lungime 34.6 km Detaliate pe obiect -320 m -semne 612 buc -prapet metalic 25 km -marcaje axiale si laterale fizic drum marcat 34.6 km - 34.6 km rigole beton si ranforsare taluz -praguri de regularizare 8m – 14 buc -praguri de regularizare 4m – 5buc -tubulare 15 buc -dalate integral prefabricate 5m 20 buc Reparatii Reparatii Nou Nou Reparatii Nou REABILITARE SI MODERNIZARE DJ714 GLOD-SANATORIU MOROIENI-PESTERA
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