section 0.p65
section 0.p65
2-46 Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 10. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM LAY-OUT 8000 1) POSITION OF INTERIOR UNIT & SENSOR Under the I/P (Driver Seat) SSPS Sensor (D27DT) / Immobilizer SSPS Sensor Immobilizer DR Lock Relay Chime Curtain Air-Bag Module Sun Sensor PAS Buzzer TV ANT AMP STICS PAS Unit Driver Seat Memory SW TCCU / TCU TCCU Electrical Wiring Diagram TCU (LHD) Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 2-47 01 Rain Sensing Unit (Auto Light)/ECM Sensor Cluster S/Roof Unit / Motor 02 S/Roof Unit S/Roof Morot Air-Bag ECU 03 04 Curtain Air-Bag Module 05 TV ANT AMP DVD Changer Curtain Air-Bag Sensor DSP AMP Sub Woofer TV Tuner ENG ECU / SSPS Unit Incar Sensor SSPS Unit (Under the ENG ECU) Electrical Wiring Diagram (LHD) 2-48 Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 2) ENGINE ROOM SWITCH, UNIT & SENSOR FFH Ass’y Receiver Dryer/Tripple Pressure SW Horn (RH) AQS Sensor/Ambient Temp Sensor (FFH) Ambient Temp Sensor (FFH) AQS/Ambient Sensor Electrical Wiring Diagram (LHD) Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 2-49 01 ESP Pressure Sensor 1,2 ABS (ESP) HECU 02 03 04 05 IWE Solenoid Valve (4WD) Hood SW Horn (LH) Burglar Horn (Under the BATT) Electrical Wiring Diagram (Under the BATT TRAY) Fuse & Relay Box (LHD) 2-50 Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 3) INTERIOR SWITCH Steering Wheel Remocon SW Audio Remocon SW Audio Remocon SW O/S Mirror SW Bezel Ass’y O/S Mirror Fold’g SW ESP OFF SW O/S Mirror SW RR Fog Lamp SW Driver Seat Memory SW Electrical Wiring Diagram P/Window Main SW (Driver) (LHD) Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 2-51 S/Roof SW 01 Room Lamp Main SW S/Roof SW 02 03 Hazard SW Bezel Ass’y 04 RR DEF SW/ O/S Mirror DEF SW HDC SW 05 TRIP SW Deicer SW Hazard SW Center Fascia SW 4WD SW Passenger P/Window SW Driver Seat Warmer SW Passenger Seat Warmer SW Electrical Wiring Diagram (LHD) 2-52 Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 4) AV SYSTEM Center Speaker Audio Remocon DVD Changer DVD + Tape FRT DR Speaker (RH) GPS ANT Tweeter Speaker Woofer DVD Changer Center Speaker AV Head Unit Tweeter Speaker (LH) Woofer FRT DR Speaker (LH) AV System Electrical Wiring Diagram (LHD) Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 2-53 Position: Upper the G/Box panel 01 02 6pcs DVD Changer (AV System) 03 TV ANT AMP (RH) RR DR Speaker (RH) Tuner/AMP 04 Tweeter Speaker (RH) 05 Radio ANT AMP A V DSP/AMP S Y S T Tuner E Tweeter Speaker (LH) TV ANT AMP (LH) M RR DR Speaker (LH) Etc Audio Head Unit 1. 6pcs INDASH CD+TAPE+RADIO 6pcs Indash CD Insert Tape Electrical Wiring Diagram (LHD) 2-54 Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 5) A/CON SYSTEM Type A/Con Controller FATC Manual A/C Sun Sensor (Upper the IP LH) AQS Mode SW Compressor AQS/Ambient Temp Sensor AQS Sensor Ambient Temp Sensor Electrical Wiring Diagram (LHD) Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 2-55 01 A/Con Module Ass’y Intake Actuator Coolant Temp Sensor Heater Unit Air Mix Actuator 02 A/C Filter 03 Mode Actuator 04 Power TR W/H A/Con Control Unit W/H Main Intake Sensor 05 Blower Unit Condensor Receiver Dryer (LH) Electrical Wiring Diagram ENG ECU Coolant Temp Sensor (LHD) 2-56 Position of Connectors and Grounds 8000 X AIR-DUCT LAY-OUT X W/H A/CON MODULE A/Con Wiring Setting Coolant Temp Sensor Mode Actuator Intake Actuator Power TR W/H Main Connector Air-Mix Actuator Intake Air Temp. Sensor Blower Motor Incar Sensor A/Con Control Unit Electrical Wiring Diagram (LHD)