The recovery edge in training and performance


The recovery edge in training and performance
LAC MASQUELIER's® French Pine Park Extract
can help maximize your recovery and give you
the performance edge by:
The stronger an athlete's recovery is,
the more ready and developed their
body is for training!
Recovery is just as important as exercise itself
The recovery phase of an effective training program gives the body
the time and opportunity to respond and adapt to the increased
demand that exercise has put on it. Also, while physical exercise
triggers muscle growth, the growth that takes place is actually
during recovery.
The recovery edge that combats the training paradox
The paradox of physical exercise is that intense muscular work
generates considerable amounts of free radicals. Free radicals
can lead to cell damage and when training volume and intensity
are increased, the cells of the body are at greater risk.
LAC MASQUELIER's French Pine Bark Extract provides
nutritional support for athletes wanting to recover faster
and better, to strengthen their condition for training
and performance.
LAC MASQUELIER's® French Pine Bark Extract can help the body
combat the damaging effects of free radicals generated during
exercise. It provides powerful antioxidant protection and potent
collagen support for strength and flexibility. LAC MASQUELIER's®
French Pine Bark Extract supports blood vessel and capillary
health to assist circulation, vital for removal of waste products
from physical excercise.
Professor Masquelier
dedicated a lifetime of
research to his OPCs and the
beneficial effects they have on
vascular health.
Professor Masquelier – ground-breaking
scientist in the field of nutrition and health
– is the inventor of LAC MASQUELIER’s® French
Pine Bark Extract, and MASQUELIER’s® Original
OPCs. Originally known as Flavan® is still
considered so potent that it continues to be produced by the
French Ministry of Health for its remarkable health benefits.
The recovery
edge in training
and performance
Quality Assurance
An important part of LAC MASQUELIER’s® French Pine Bark
Extract production is a process called Complex Phytonutrient
Authentication (CPA). This process not only confirms its
unique, unmatched composition, but ensures each batch of
LAC MASQUELIER’s® ingredients is consistent with Professor
Masquelier’s discoveries, research, original ingredients and
their proven, product specific health benefits.
Pine Bark Extract assists recovery
after exercise by promoting vascular
health and providing antioxidant
Manufactured in Netherlands for the exclusive distribution by:
ONI Global (Trading) Pte Ltd – 65 Ubi Avenue 1, OSIM Headquarters,
Singapore 408939, T (65) 6281 5688
MASQUELIER’s® and Flavan® are registered trademarks of International Nutrition
Company BV, The Netherlands.
The information presented in this leaflet is intended for educational purposes only. It is not
intended as a substitution for the treatment, cure, diagnosis or mitigation of a disease or condition.
Persons with potentially serious medical conditions should seek professional advice.
Maximise recovery
– maximise results!
• supporting blood vessel flexibility,
elasticity and strength for optimal
circulatory function.
• supporting capillary health
which is essential for the
effective delivery of nutrients
and oxygen and removal of
waste materials during and
after exercise.
• helping protect against excess
free radicals generated
during sports activity.
Studies have shown
that both strength and
endurance athletes produce
more free radicals than
untrained individuals.
During exercise, organs, muscles and
tissue are fed and powered by nutrients
from our blood. Our blood vessels ensure
that these vital nutrients are delivered
where they are needed. Blood vessel
health is vital to our circulatory system
which feeds performance, and ensures
the removal of CO2 and waste materials
created during excercise.
Blood vessel health feeds results.
Heightened nutrition helps optimise performance in training
and in recovery. LAC MASQUELIER's® French Pine Bark Extract
helps veins stay strong and supple so that oxygen and nutrients
keep flowing to muscles and organs that need them for healthy
functioning during exercise.
Once oxygen and nutrients arrive where they are needed, the
smallest blood vessels – capillaries – are solely responsible for
their effective delivery to actual muscles and tissue. Capillaries
also support waste material and CO2 to flow harmlessly out of
the bloodstream and body during and after exercise.
The active ingredients in LAC MASQUELIER's® French Pine Bark
Extract help support capillary health and protect vascular cells
against oxidative stress with its powerful antioxidant protention
and collagen support.
Free radicals have been associated with decreased physical
performance, muscular fatigue, muscle damage and overtraining.
During training and the subsequent recovery phase, natural
Effective recovery is essential for the
lifelong sustainability of sports and
workout activities.
The best programs for sports people and workout enthusiasts are not just focused
on exercise. They also have a strong focus on faster and more effective recovery.
antioxidant defences can become overwhelmed by
increased generation of free radicals, which can cause
muscle damage. The body's natural antioxidant balance
shifts, with the rate of free radical production
exceeding the rate of their removal by antioxidants.
During recovery the body tries to adapt to the
stress imposed during periods of activity, which
is when actual gain in condition and stamina
is made.
Antioxidant action for increased recovery.
The powerful antioxidants found in LAC
MASQUELIER's® French Pine Bark Extract
are known as some of nature’s most powerful
antioxidants, providing a unique and natural source
of protection. Its antioxidants help neutralize excess
free radicals throughout the body, helping the body
adapt to stress imposed through training.
The collagen connection in strength
and flexibility.
Collagen is a group of extra cellular proteins
that form strong, insoluble fibers that serve as
connective tissue throughout the body to keep
athletes supple and firm. Collagen quality
normally diminishes over time and through
free radical damage.
Blood vessels are largely made of and held together
by collagen which provides flexibility and resilience.
So maintaining collagen quality is essential for the
vascular system. The powerful antioxidant action of LAC
MASQUELIER's® French Pine Bark Extract helps protect
collagen from free radical damage, which helps maintain
overall collagen quality throughout the body.
Get the LAC MASQUELIER's® French Pine Bark Extract
fitness, training and recovery edge with:
• Nutrient delivery support during and after exercise
LAC MASQUELIER's® French Pine Bark Extract helps
support the overall condition of blood vessels,
keeping them supple and flexible to promote
healthy circulation.
• Powerful antioxidant protection
Powerful antioxidant protection is essential to help
protect cells, tissue and muscles from the excess free
radicals produced during exercise.
• Fast and effective recovery
Healthy veins, capillaries, antioxidant protection
and cellular nutrition support are essential for optimum
recovery from exercise and fast relief from heavy legs
and minor sports associated injuries.
Blood flow and nutrient delivery is the foundation
for optimum stamina, training and recovery.