Hip Pain in Children


Hip Pain in Children
Hip Pain in Children
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth)
The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
RNOH founded 1837 by
William Little
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Prevalence of Paediatric Orthopaedic
• By far the most common conditions
presenting to the primary care clinicians are
assessments of torsion,
• bowlegs, knock knees
• Gait abnormalities
• and flat feet
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Gait abnormalities in Children
• Hip Pathology
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Gait abnormalities in Children
What is physiological?
• Parental Concern
• perfect children
• Normal Toddlers do not walk like small
• wide bases gait, arm swing, foot drop
• Toddlers proportion are different
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Gait abnormalities in Children
• neurological/
milestones determine
age of sitting, crawling
and walking
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Development of a mature gait
• 1 year old with flexed
elbow and plantar
flexed foot
• 3 yr old with arm
swing and heel strike
• 6 yr old with adulttype gait
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Tripping and Falling
• Many Toddlers trip and fall
• Immature gait
• wide base, improve by 3
• Variation at each step
• Flexed rotated knee
• less ground clearance
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
A Causes of limp in 60 young children Data from Choban and Killian (1990).
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
A cliché is an expression, idea, or element of an artistic
work which has become overused to the point of losing
its original meaning, or effect
• Just Because It’s a Cliché Doesn’t Mean It’s Not
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Causes of hip pain in children
Acute onset injury or a
rapid onset of infection. Acute slips.
Spontaneous movement
arthritis of the hip is a loss of spontaneous
movement of the affected limb.
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Systemic illness
septic arthritis,
less sick with toxic synovitis, rheumatoid spondylitis, and tumours.
Resting position of the limb
Intra-articular hip disorders spontaneous positioning in
slight flexion and externalrotation.
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Hip rotation test
Guarding and a loss of internal rotation
suggest the problem is within the joint
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Night pain
Nocturnal pain suggests the possibility of a
malignancy or infection
Back stiffness
Limitation of forward bending suggests that the
disorder may be referred from the spine.
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Kocher’s Criteria for infection
ESR> 40 mm/hr,
WBC >12,000 mm3
4/4 criteria are met, 99%
3/4 criteria are met, 93%
2/4 criteria are met, 40%
when 1/4 criteria are met, there is a 3% chance of septic
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Hip pain and major diagnostic features
clinical features that differentiate each cause of pain.
Case Discussion
• History
• 2 yr old:
• I never noticed anything, but then grandma
said she walks oddly and then I noticed
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
The Limping Toddler
• painless limp
• short leg, one sided
toe walking
• waddle bilateral
• limited abduction in
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Development Dysplasia of The
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Clinical screening
• Infant relaxed and warm
• Nappy removed
• Firm surface
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Clinical screening
• Look for thigh asymmetry
(Buttock crease)
• Range of movement
abduction in flexion
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Clinical screening
•Barlow’s Test (1962)
attempt to
dislocate the head
posteriorly with the hip
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Clinical screening
•Ortolani’s Test (1937)
reduction in
flexion and abduction
pushing with finger on
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Differentiation of septic arthritis
• Sick Child
• Non weight bearing
T > 38’C
Raised WCC
Raised CRP
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
The Limping Toddler
• Transient Synovitis
• acute joint pain
• commonest age 3-8 yrs
• not systemically unwell, may be pyrexial
• Exclude infection
• Rx: rest NSAID
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Juvenile Idiopathic
• Incidence - 10/100000
• Prevalence – 1/1000
• Arthritis for 6/52 in the
under 16 with no cause
Juvenile Idiopathic
• Systemic – 10-20%
• Oligoarthritis – 50-60%
• Polyarthritis – 20-30%
Case Discussion
• History
• 5 year old:
• He has been limping when he is tired. This
has been occurring on and off for several
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
The Limping Child
• Perthes
• Transient interruption
of the blood supply to
the femoral head
which goes through a
cycle of necrosis,
fragmentation and
• Boys 5-10
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Differential Diagnosis
Transient synovitis
Septic hip
Late presentation dysplasia
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Back pain in Children
• Difficulty in walking or
refusal to bend spine to
pick up things may
indicate discitis
• Back pain in athletes
with hyperextension
movements (gymnasts,
cricket) ..
Case Discussion
• History
• 13year old:
• He limps now and again
walks a little out-toed
and complains of knee
Slip of the Upper Femoral Epiphysis
• Acute or chronic, boys –
prepubescent, present with
pain in hip or groin or knee
• Need a good quality AP and
lateral radiograph to make
the diagnosis.
Differential Diagnosis
• Spine
• Late presentation dysplasia
• Trauma
• Hypermobile joint
• Snapping TFL, labral pathology
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Labral tears
Pain and clicking in
Do not like flexion,
adduction and internal
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Hip Pain in children
• Urgent diagnoses
• Infection
• Fracture
• Tumour
Soon diagnoses
Irritable hip
Snapping hip
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Thank You
Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS(Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital

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