Stave West Open House_Board 6
Stave West Open House_Board 6
EBNAVSIER O N M E N T A L A N A L Y S I S M A P EStave N V I R O N M E N T A L A N A L Y S I S West Recreation Master Plan Mapping Workshop #3 Stave West Recreation Master Plan - Mapping Workshop #3 -- August August 25, 25, 2014 2014 Proposed Recreation Zones Proposed Recreation Zones Stave West Recreation Master Plan - Mapping Workshop #3 - August 25, 2014 The Mission Interpretive Forest is located within Tree Farm License No. 26 (TFL 26) that was granted to the District of Mission in 1958. This community run forest operation has provided numerous benefits including local employment, over $17 million in revenue to community coffers and capital projects, sustainable forestry practices, environmental stewardship, and numerous recreation and tourism amenities and opportunities. T E U O L A E T Proposed Tim Horton Children’s Foundation Camp for economically disadvantaged kids. MORGAN LAKE STAVE LAKE E K A L Potential to develop a destination ridge top hiking trail with spectacular views of Stave Lake. Mt Crickmer is the highest elevation viewpoint in Mission. Potential to add a new ridge trail to the existing hiking trail. SAYRES LAKE [ Electric motor and non-motorized boat access LEGEND [ Tenure Applications Mineral Claims LEGEND Rec Area Boundaries ROCKY [LEGEND Creek Classification POINT Recreation Tenure Applications Presence ofSite fish (s1 - s4) Recreation Reserve LEGENDMineral Claims No fish presence (s5 - s6) [ [ KE A MAPLE RIDGE RS Potential pull through campsite and motorized use staging area. Access Discussion Required LE Y StaveBoundaries West Interpretative Forest Boundary Presence of -fish unknown (Unsurveyed) Rec Area Mud Flats access management plan and education program required.* District of of Mission Mission Boundary Recreation Site Boundary District Trails West Stave - Interpretative Forest Boundary Existing Florence Lake Forest Road New Approved Road Alignment District of Mission Boundary Secondary Roads CR EE K ! ! ! ! ! ExistingLine Florence Lake Forest Road and In Progress Existing Recreation Trails Approved Power Secondary Roads Trails fresh_water ! ! ! ! ! Power LineofReserves Discharge Firearms Bylaw Boundary: New Approved Road Alignment Long Term Hunting In-Season Only fresh_water Existing Florence Lake 1:15,000 Forest Road Old Growth Management Areas Proposed Recreation Zones SEVENTY NINE CREEK Secondary Roads Zajac Ranch Private Children’s Camp ! ! ! ! ! Non-Motorized Shared Use Power Line 0 Potential 500 1,000 DEVILS LAKE Hiking Potential. 1:15,000 Includes: walking, Steep Slope: 30 - 60% dog walking, hiking, running, Meters Steepsnowshoeing, Slope: over 60% cross country skiing. 1,000 2,000 1:15,000 Mountain Biking Potential 0 500 1,000 Meters 2,000 Motorized Use Potential: 4WD, ATV, Dirt Biking, Snowmobiling more detailed designation required. LA K Additional planning and design work is required prior to the implementation of these user zones. LEGEND Proposed Amenities and Facilities Creek Classification ST AV E [ 500 Equestrian Potential E [ 0 Potential trail along Stave Lake with views of Stave Lake. [ Meters 2,000 fresh_water ROCKWELL DELTA [ ±± ± Existing Recreation Approved and In Progress Recreation Reserve New Approved RoadTrails Alignment Presence ofExisting fish (s1 -Camp s4) Facility No fish presence (s5 - s6) Existing Boat Launch Facility Presence of fish unknown (Unsurveyed) BC Hydro Owned Stave Lake Reservoir Lodge & Group Campsite District of Mission Boundary Camping New Approved Road Alignment Hike-in camping Existing Florence Lake Forest Road Rolley Lake Provincial Park Campground BC Hydro Owned Stave Lake Reservoir Boat Launch Secondary Roads RV/trailer camping ! ! ! ! ! Power Line fresh_water Boat access camping Long Term Reserves Equestrian camp/staging Old Growth Management Areas Lodge Interpretive Area ± Non-motorized boat access Steep Slope: 30 - 60% Steep Slope: over 60% Viewpoints Significant [ 1:15,000 1:15000 @ 42x30” * in cooperation with BC Hydro, Ministry of Environment, First Nations, Stave West Governance Committee, and the motorized user groups. 0 500 1,000 Meters 2,000 Esri, DeLorme, GEBCO, NOAA NGDC, and other contributors, Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community, Sources: Esri, GEBCO, NOAA, National Geographic, DeLorme, HERE,, and other contributors LEES+Associates OPEN HOUSE SERIES 2 November 19, 20, 22 2014 LEES+Associates DRAFT Maps October 8, 2014 Landscape Architects and Planners Landscape Architects and Planners