Assessing Team Strategy using Spatiotemporal
Assessing Team Strategy using Spatiotemporal
Assessing Team Strategy using Spatiotemporal Data Patrick Lucey Dean Oliver Disney Research Pittsburgh, PA, USA ESPN Bristol, CT, USA [email protected] [email protected] Peter Carr Joe Roth Iain Matthews Disney Research Pittsburgh, PA, USA Disney Research Pittsburgh, PA, USA Disney Research Pittsburgh, PA, USA [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT The Moneyball [14] revolution coincided with a shift in the way professional sporting organizations handle and utilize data in terms of decision making processes. Due to the demand for better sports analytics and the improvement in sensor technology, there has been a plethora of ball and player tracking information generated within professional sports for analytical purposes. However, due to the continuous nature of the data and the lack of associated high-8. level labels to describe it - this rich set of information has[1] had very limited use especially in the analysis of a team’s tactics and strategy. In this paper, we give an overview of[2] the types of analysis currently performed mostly with handlabeled event data and highlight the problems associated with the influx of spatiotemporal data. By way of exam-[3] ple, we present an approach which uses an entire season of ball tracking data from the English Premier League (20102011 season) to reinforce the common held belief that teams[4] should aim to “win home games and draw away ones”. We do this by: i) forming a representation of team behavior by chunking the incoming spatiotemporal signal into a series of quantized bins, and ii) generate an expectation model of[5] team behavior based on a code-book of past performances. We show that home advantage in soccer is partly due to the conservative strategy of the away team. We also show that[6] our approach can flag anomalous team behavior which has many potential applications. [7] Categories and Subject Descriptors [8] H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous;[9] I.2.6 [Learning]: General Keywords Sports Analytics; Spatiotemporal Data; Representation [10] Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation [11] on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or [12] republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. KDD’13, August 11–14, 2013, Chicago, Illinois, USA. [13] Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2174-7/13/08 ...$15.00. 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[31] STATS SportsVU. www.sportvu. ure 1(a)). the Understanding data is in this A. Hervieu and P. Once Bouthemy. sportsform, most approaches Statsheet. for relevant dataInfrom a database, applying sportvideoquery using players trajectories. J. Zhang, L. Shao, then [32] [33] D. Stracuzzi, A. Fern, K. Ali, R. L. Zhang, G. Jones, Intelligent Video methods, basedand rules and editors, standard statistical including reT. Konik, and D. Shapiro. An A Event Analysis and Understanding. Springer Berlin / gression and optimization. to American Football: From Obs Heidelberg, 2010. Video to with Control in a Simulated Asand most sporting environments tend to be dynamic S. Intille A. Bobick. A Framework for Recognizing Magazine, 32(2), 2011. multiple players and competing against Multi-Agent Action fromcontinuously Visual Evidence.moving In AAAI, [34] X. Wei, P. Lucey, S. Morgan, and 1999.each other, simple event statistics do not capture the comSweet-Spot: Using Spatiotempor K. Kim, Grundmann, A. 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Learning Multi-Modal Densities on Discriminative Temporal Interaction Manifold for Group Activity Recognition. in professional leagues [9, 26, 29, 32]1 - to determine where and how events happen. Even though there is potentially an enormous amount of hidden team behavioral information to mine from such sources, due to the sheer volume as well as the noisy and variable length of the data, methods which can adequately represent team behaviors are yet to be developed. The value of this data is limited as little analysis can be conducted. What compounds the difficulty of this task is the low-scoring and/or continuous nature of many team sports (e.g. soccer, hockey, basketball) which makes it very hard to associate segments of play with high-level behaviors (e.g. tactics, strategy, style, system, formations). Without these labels, which essentially give the game context, inferring team strategy or behavior is impossible as there are no factors to condition against (see Figure 1(b)). Due to these complexities, there has been no effective method of utilizing spatiotemporal data in continuous sports. Having suitable methods which can first develop suitable representations from imperfect (e.g. noisy or impartial) data, and then learn team behaviors in an unsupervised or semisupervised manner, as well as recognize and predict future behaviors would greatly enhance decision making in all areas of the sporting landscape (e.g. coaching, broadcasting, fantasy-games, video games, betting etc.). We call this the emerging field of Sports Spatiotemporal Analytics - and we show an example of this new area of analytics by comparing the strategies of home and away teams in the English Premier League using ball tracking data. 2. RELATED WORK The use of automatic sports analysis systems have recently graduated from the virtual to the real-world. This is due in part to the popularity of live-sport, the amount of live-sport being broadcasted, the proliferation of mobile devices, the rise of second-screen viewing, the amount of data/statistics being generated for sports, and demand for in-depth reporting and analysis of sport. Systems which use match statistics to automatically generate narratives have already been deployed [2, 33]. Although impressive, these solutions give a low-level description of match statistics and notable individual performances without any tactical analysis about factors which contributed to the result. In tennis, IBM Slamtracker [10] provides player analysis by finding patterns that characterize the best chance a player has to beat another player from an enormous amount of event labeled data - although no spatiotemporal data (i.e. player or ball tracking information) has been used in their analysis yet. Spatiotemporal data has been used extensively in the visualization of sports action. Examples include vision-based systems which track baseball pitches for Major League Baseball [31], and ball and players in basketball and soccer [29, 32]. Hawk-Eye deploy vision-based systems which track the ball in tennis and cricket, and is often used to aid in the officiating of these matches in addition to providing visu1 As nearly all professional leagues currently forbid the use of wearable sensors on players, unobtrusive data capture methods such as vision-based systems or armies of human annotators are used to provide player and ball tracking information. However, this restriction may change soon as monitoring the health and well-being of players has attracted significant interest lately, especially for concussions in American Football [19], as well as heart issues in soccer [3]. alizations for the television broadcasters [9]. Partial data sources normally generated by human annotators such as shot-charts in basketball and ice-hockey are often used for analysis [23], as well as passing and shot charts in soccer [26]. Recently, ESPN developed a new quarterback rating in American Football called “TotalQBR” [25] which assigns credit or blame to the quarterback depending on a host of factors such as pass or catch quality, importance in the match, pass thrown under pressure or not. As these factors are quite subjective, annotators who are reliable in labeling such variables are used. In terms of strategic analysis, [37] describes a soccer match from a tactical and formation point of view. This approach is very qualitative and is based solely on the opinion of the analyst. As the problem of fully automatic multi-agent tracking from vision-based systems is still an open one, most academic research has centered on the tracking problem [1, 5, 17,27]. The lack of fully automated tracking approaches has limited team behavioral research to works on limited size datasets. The first work which looked at using spatiotemporal data for team behavior analysis was conducted over 10 years ago by Intille and Bobick [12]. In this seminal work, the authors used a probabilistic model to recognize a single football play from hand annotated player trajectories. Since then, multiple approaches have centered on recognizing football plays [15, 16, 30, 34], but only on a very small number of plays (i.e. 50-100). For soccer, Kim et al. [13] used the global motion of all players in a soccer match to predict where the play will evolve in the short-term. Beetz et al. [4] proposed a system which aims to track player and ball positions via a vision system for the use of automatic analysis of soccer matches. In basketball, Perse et al. [28] used trajectories of player movement to recognize three types of team offensive patterns. Morariu and Davis [21] integrated interval-based temporal reasoning with probabilistic logical inference to recognize events in one-on-one basketball. Hervieu et al. [11] also used player trajectories to recognize low-level team activities using a hierarchical parallel semi-Markov model. In addition to these works, plenty of work has centered on analyzing broadcast footage of sports for action, activity and highlight detection [8, 36]2 . The lack of extensive tracking data to adequately train models has limited the success of the above research. It is clear from the overview given above, that there exists a major disparity in resources between industry and academia to deal with this problem domain. Sporting organizations receive large volumes of spatiotemporal data from third-party vendors but often lack the computational skills or resources to make use of it. Research groups on the otherhand, have the necessary analysis tools can not access these large data repositories due to the proprietary nature of commercial tracking systems. Recently however, due to the potential payoff, some industry groups are investing in analytical people with these skill sets, or have teamed up with research groups to help facilitate a solution. The release of STATS Sports VU data [32] to some research groups has enabled interesting analysis of shots and rebounding in the NBA [7, 20]. In tennis, Wei et al. [35] used ball and player tracking information to predict shots using data from the 2012 Australian Open. For soccer, researchers have charac2 These works only capture a portion of the field, making group analysis very difficult as all active players are rarely present in the all frames. N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Team Man Utd Chelsea Man City Arsenal Tottenham Liverpool Everton Fulham Aston Villa Sunderland West Brom Newcastle Stoke City Bolton Blackburn Wigan Wolves Birmingham Blackpool West Ham SUM AVG(per game) W 18 14 13 11 9 12 9 8 8 7 8 6 10 10 7 5 8 6 5 5 179 0.47 D 1 3 4 4 9 4 7 7 7 5 6 8 4 5 7 8 4 8 5 5 111 0.29 L 0 2 2 4 1 3 3 4 4 7 5 5 5 4 5 6 7 5 9 9 90 0.24 Home P GF 55 49 45 39 43 34 37 33 36 30 40 37 34 31 31 30 31 26 26 25 30 30 26 41 34 31 35 34 28 22 23 22 28 30 26 19 20 30 20 24 648 617 1.71 1.62 SF 347 379 306 350 383 319 321 307 273 287 329 300 298 311 254 290 256 231 296 325 6162 16.2 GA 12 13 12 15 19 14 23 23 19 27 30 27 18 24 16 34 30 22 37 31 446 1.17 SA 191 233 216 154 228 220 227 262 263 243 237 250 256 256 259 227 266 324 297 317 4926 13.0 W 5 7 8 8 7 5 4 3 4 5 4 5 3 2 4 4 3 2 5 2 90 0.24 D 10 5 4 7 5 3 8 9 5 6 5 5 3 5 3 7 3 7 4 7 111 0.29 L 4 7 7 4 7 11 7 7 10 8 10 9 13 12 12 8 13 10 10 10 179 0.47 Away P GF 25 29 26 30 28 26 31 39 26 25 18 22 20 20 18 19 17 22 21 20 17 26 20 15 12 15 11 18 15 24 19 18 12 16 13 18 19 25 13 19 381 446 1.00 1.17 SF 272 367 240 305 274 266 259 245 233 246 273 209 186 261 200 221 205 174 240 250 4926 13.0 GA 25 20 21 28 27 30 22 20 40 29 41 30 30 32 43 27 36 36 41 39 617 1.62 SA 271 208 298 251 339 270 279 271 340 311 297 256 294 346 360 284 306 362 441 378 6162 16.2 Table 1: Table showing the statistics for the home and away performances for each team in the 2010 EPL season: (left columns) home matches (right columns) away columns (Key: W = wins, D = draws, L = losses, P = points (3 for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss), GF = goals for, SF = shots for, GA = goals against, SA = shots against). terized team behaviors in the English Premier League using ball-motion information across an entire season using OPTA data [18]. In this paper, we extend this method to explain that the home advantage in soccer is due to the conservative strategy that away teams use (or more aggressive approach of the home team) which reinforces the commonly held belief that teams aim to win their home games and draw their away ones. 3. CASE STUDY: HOME ADVANTAGE IN SOCCER 3.1 “Win at Home and Draw Away” In a recent book [22], Moskowitz and Wertheim highlight that the home advantage exists in all professional sports (i.e. teams win more at home than away). The authors hypothesized that referees play a significant role by giving home teams favorable calls at critical moments. They then quantitatively showed this in baseball through the use of pitch tracking data. For soccer, hand-labeled event statistics such as the amount of injury time, number of yellow cards and number of penalties awarded to reinforce their hypothesis. As soccer is a very tactical game, we hypothesize that the strategy of the home and away teams also plays a role in explaining the home advantage. A great case study of home advantage is the 2010-2011 English Premier League soccer season. In that season, the home team earned an average 1.71 points out of a total 3 points per match. This is in stark contrast with the away team, which earned only 1.00 points per game: a rather large discrepancy, especially considering that teams play every other team both at home and away so that any talent disparities apply to both home and away averages. In terms of shooting and passing proficiency, there was no significant difference between teams at home and away (10.01% vs 9.05% for shooting and 73.46% vs 72.99% for passing see the bottom row in Table 1). However, there is a large difference between the amount of shots (16.2 vs 13.0) and goals scored (1.62 vs 1.17) at home and away. An illuminating example is the league champions for that season, Manchester United (see top row in Table 1). At home, they were unbeaten (winning 18 and drawing 1), but away from home they only won 5 games, drew 10 and lost 4. The telling statistic is that at home they scored 49 goals from 347 shots, compared to only 29 goals from 272 shots away from home. Comparatively, the opposition at home games only scored a paltry 12 goals from 191 shots while at away games they scored 25 goals from 271 shots. In soccer, there is the commonly held belief that team should aim to win their home games and draw their away ones. If you skim down Table 1, you will find that: i) all teams won more home games (except for Blackpool who won the same amount), ii) all teams score more goals at home (except Arsenal and Blackburn), iii) all teams had more shots at home compared to away, and iv) all teams gained more points at home. These event statistics tell us what has occurred, in the rest of the paper we use spatiotemporal data to help explain where and why this occurred. Before we detail the method, we first describe the data. 3.2 Ball Tracking and Event Data Due to the difficulty associated with accurately tracking players and the ball, data containing this information is still scarce. Most of the data collected is via an army of human annotators who label all actions that occur around the ball - which they call ball actions. The F24 soccer data feed collected for the English Premier League (EPL) by Opta [26] is a good example of this. The F24 data is a time coded feed that lists all player action events within the game with a player, team, event type, minute and second for each action. Each event has a series of qualifiers describing it. This ing partial team tracings. 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In AAAI Fall Sym a team’s performance. show the efficacy and usability of 25 and usability of shows viability to used for amateur level use. cupancy map on ball movement over fixed Allen, Allen, N.; N.; Templo Temp Allen, Allen, Allen, Allen, N.; Allen, N.; Allen, N.; Templon, Allen, Allen, N.; Templon, Templon, N.; N.; Allen, N.; Templon, Allen, Templon, Templon, N.; N.; J.; Templon, N.; Templon, J.; McNally, Templon, J.; N.; McNally Templon J.; McNally J.; Temp J.; McN J.; Mc M problem as team identification task. ish League soc30 Problem Formulation tics. MAPR problems in the model using a first-cut of single and multi-agent plan recognition, and patio-temporal ement over fixed windows English Premier League Ball Action Data Problem Formulation To D ficacy and usability brary of full team plans were given as input (?). glish Premier League soc30 30 our method on the 2010-2011 English Premier League socments. By analyzing aof match proach, provided that a fully observed team trace and a l Problem Formulation of time, which we call play-segments. By analyzing a match English Premier League Ball Action Data problem as a team identification task. aproach, team’s performance. We show the efficacy and usability 25 solve problems in the model using aBy first-cut approvided that aanalyze fully team trace and a2of our method on the 2010-2011 English League soc2 2tics. 25li22 2 2 222 Problem Formulation Problem Formulation sueMAPR by representing team behavior aobserved spatio-temporal occupancy map based on,show ball movement over fixed Hammond, Hammond, K. K. 201 2SS Hammond, Hammond, Hammond, Hammond, Hammond, K.Hammond, Hammond, K. K. 2010. Hammond, 2010. K. Hammond, 2010. K. K.K. StatsMonkey: 2010. 2010. 2010. K. K. StatsMonke 2010. StatsMonk 2010. K. 2010. StatsMo StatsM K. Stats Stat 201 20 30Problem 9 13 30 1windows 17Hammond, team’s performance. We the efficacy and usability Avrahami-Zilberbrand, D.; Banerje brary of full team plans were given asHammond, input (?). brary of full team plans were given asPremier input (?). The of paper describes the method of doing this, inof242solve data. our method on the 2010-2011 English Premier League socan unseen match in terms tacFormulation we can of time, which analyzing aof match shPremier Premier League socproblems in the model using aof first-cut aptatrest ,,cer tas ,,data. t2•the , ttAutomatically tAutomatically tProblem twe t9as proach, provided that aanalyze fully observed team and ver fixed windows Problem Formulation ents. Bycharacterize analyzing a the match 0our 1method 3,, ton 4,, tthe 5,,t2010-2011 6,,ttcall 7, ttplay-segments. 8, ,tanalyze hnts, League soccer data. Formulation brary of full team plans were given as2010. input (?). 33 3t2• 3 The 333 3MAPR 3 33 30 Automatically an unseen match in terms rest of the paper describes the method doing this, in as atime, playbook of play-segments, we can characterize the •full an unseen match in353terms of tacNarrative Narrative Writer. Writer. IF Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Writer. Narrative Writer. Narrative Writer. Narrative Writer. Narrative In Writer. Writer. Narrative AAAI Writer. In Intrace Writer. AAAI Writer. AAAI In In Fall In Writer. AAAI In AAAI Writer. AAAI Fall Fall Sympo AAAI In InFall AA Sym AA Sym Fa In Fa we can characterize the English Premier League socLyle, J.Narrative Multi-Agent Plan Re t , t , , t , t , t , t , t , t , t t t , cer proach, provided that a fully observed team trace and a licupancy map based on ball movement over fixed windows • Show the utilization of this approach on an iPad, which Problem Formulation of which we call play-segments. By analyzing a match brary of team plans were given as input (?). 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Table 2: Table showing the identificatio 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 our method on the 2010-2011 English Premier League socProblem Formulation cer data. • Automatically analyze an unseen match in te t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t as as a playbook of play-segments, we can characterize the Table 2: Table showing the identification rate by breaking tics. addition to experiments which show the suitability of these for tactical of the Table showing the rate by breaking provided team trace and a D.; lit040,brary ,t4t•1441Table ,t4Show t22:2experiments t2: tthe ,team , fully , ttthe ,,observed ttidentification ,,ashow tidentification 11 , trefer 22 , tof 3 4 , team Problem Formulation of given as input (?). of this approach on an iPad, 46 4proach, 4 addition 444a t4team 4 t0behavior ,We tas , each tto t55team ,play-segments. t66of,behaviors, twhich 3full 7 88were B, aswe short, observable seganalyzing aanalysis match over match. Given possession string is ,to ,,,ttaTable ,,,that ttto tt55a5utilization ,time tt666plans ,which t99team’s and Algorithms. In AAAI. s, we cantactical characterize 0cer 3playbook 4 77, t88, tallows 99 By Table rate by breaking tics. Avrahami-Zilberbr Avrahami-Zilberb Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Avrahami-Zilberbra Avrahami-Zilberb D.; D.; Banerjee, D.; Banerj Baner D.; D.; D.; Ba Btw for tactical analysis of the suitability of these 3 44,,showing 7that 9plans data. the into different time series and Table 2: Table showing the identification rate by breaking tics. ows for analysis of t , t , t t , t , t , t , t We refer team behaviors, B, as short, observable seg of time, which we call analyzing a match as a play-segments, can characterize the brary of full team plans were given as input (?). the plans into different series and the field into differEnglish Premier League Ball Action Data We refer to team behaviors, B, as short, observable seg0 1 2 3 4 7 8 cer shows viability used for level use. athe team over match. aof team’s possession string is plans into different time series and the field into differork ,We tdata. ,English trefer tit’s ,,Premier tteach , tbehaviors, ,,team ttmovement ttto , be t B, 5shows 575of 5 555of5 5English 5full which allows foramateur tactical analysis brary oflength team plans given as input (?). 2: showing the identification rate by breaking Premier League Ball Action Data 23,,ttcoordinated 34,to 5 6behaviors, 78,,describe 8 refer team B, asBall short, observable segLyle, Lyle, J. J. 2010. 2010. Mul Mu Lyle, Lyle, Lyle, J. Lyle, 2010. Lyle, J. J. Lyle, 2010. 2010. J.amateur Lyle, J. Lyle, Multi-Agent 2010. J. 2010. 2010. Lyle, Multi-Agent Multi-Agent 2010. J. Lyle, J. Multi-Agent 2010. 2010. Multi-Agent J. Multi-Agent Multi-Agent J. 2010. Plan 2010. Multi-Ag Multi-Ag Plan Plan Multi Recog Mu Pla Pl R RP refer behaviors, B, as short, observable segtasks We our dataset. plans time series and the field into differfficacy usability of T ,tinto the resulting play-segments for each it’s be used for level use. Related Work ,We t5t515a2the ,English trefer ,team ,ato ttics. ,Table tmatch. ,areas. tGiven ,different ttmovement ,,that ttto ,that ttime t0 ,tas t0awe t1playbook ,behavior tof ,of t45of 1 Banerjee, B.; Kraemer, L.; and Lyl League Action Data a2Table over awere Given that aand possession string is an the ent quantization areas. The results are th 3 45team 6behaviors, 7 8are 9 to team as short, observable segments and action executed team asteam’s short, observable seg Work plans series and the field into differ1We 2mentioned. 6 , tteam 7first 9 9we over ateam Given aB, team’s possession string is team’s We show the efficacy and usability of wscharacterize for and tactical tasks mentioned. We first describe our dataset. • performance. Show the utilization of this approach on an iPad, ,6tments t06we ,We ,team tof tcoordinated ,to tdifferent ,into t5viability ,match. tbehaviors, ,number quantization areas. The results the trace the team a, behavior of play-segments, can characterize the Premier League Ball Action Data action executed by 1 3 ,T 6into 8 9(T The results are the trace of the team We B, as short, observable segRelated Work of ,to the resulting number of play-segments for each the efficacy and analysis usability of of as ork 66ent 6refer 6by 6of 6a 6which 6t60ent 6 6length each which allows for tactical analysis of •quantization Show the utilization of this approach on an iPad, athe over a7The match. Given that aof team’s possession string 10 14team the plans different time series and the field into differ−T )+1 ments of coordinated movement and action executed by aiPad, and and Algorithms. Algorithms. InI and and and Algorithms. and Algorithms. Algorithms. and and Algorithms. Algorithms. Algorithms. and and Algorithms. In and Algorithms. Algorithms. and AAAI. In In Algorithms. AAAI. AAAI. Algorithms. In In In AAAI. In AAAI. AAAI. AAAI. In In AAA AAA In ent quantization areas. results are the trace of the team Related Work a team’s performance. We show the efficacy and usability ork Plan Recognition: Formalization an We refer to team behaviors, B, as short, observable seg6 ments of coordinated movement and action executed by a recognition. 2 10 14 English Premier League Ball Action Data • Show the utilization of this approach on an which ent quantization areas. The results are the trace of the team length T , the resulting number of play-segments for each ments of coordinated movement and action executed by a possession is therefore: N = . If the possession Related Work h Premier League socof length T , the resulting number of play-segments for each We refer to team behaviors, B, as short, observable se recognition. 1 18 )+1 English Premier League Ball Action Data 1 the ments coordinated movement and action executed by We refer to team behaviors, B, as short, observable segtactical analysis of rest of the paper describes the method of doing •quantization Show the ofshort, this approach on an ourWith method on the 2010-2011 English Premier League socments ofthe coordinated movement and action executed by athis, team (e.g. pass from agent Ashow to agent B) .analysis A plan can bedede7 7recognition. 7of 7use. 7 7 777 in 7We 7possession 77The T−T and military domains, 15 refer to team B, as observable seghe and League usability of behavior of each team which allows for tactical of shows it’s viability to be used for amateur level ent areas. The results are the of the team Problem Formulation of Tbehaviors, ,viability the resulting number of play-segments for ea rest of describes the method of doing thiaa team (e.g. pass from agent A(Tto to agent B) .trace A plan can be de ments of coordinated movement and action executed by aan obvious applications to sport and military domains, recognition. rkefficacy aThe team’s performance. We the efficacy and usability of shows it’s be used for amateur level use 1paper islength therefore: Nutilization = .Banerjee, If the possession Problem Formulation Banerjee, Banerjee, B.; B.; Krae Kra Banerjee, Banerjee, Banerjee, Banerjee, Banerjee, B.; Banerjee, Banerjee, Kraemer, B.; Banerjee, Kraemer, Banerjee, B.; Kraemer, B.; B.; Banerjee, B.; Kraemer, Kraemer, Kraemer, B.; L.; B.; Kraemer, L.; and Kraemer, L.; B.; Kraemer, B.; and L.; and Kraem Lyle, L.; L.; Kra and L.; Ly Ly nglish Premier socRelated Work (T −T )+1 (T −T )+1 team (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) .Premier A plan can bebe our method on the 2010-2011 English League socBeetz, M.; von Hoyningen-Huene recognition. T port and military domains, kort string is smaller in duration than T we discard To reprePremier League Ball Action Data Related Work team (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) .B.; Ait. plan can be deProblem Formulation With the obvious applications to sport and military domains, ments of coordinated movement and action executed by a10 English Premier League Ball Action Data possession isProblem therefore: = .it. If the possession 10 10 10 10 10 1010 10 10 10 10 10 (T −T )+1 ments of coordinated movement and action executed by possession isfrom therefore: N = .Recognition: If the possession Formulation team (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) .A A plan can deshows it’s viability to be used for amateur level use. ort and military domains, 20 recognition. team (e.g. pass agent AN toT,Plan agent .Siles, A plan can be de With the obvious applications to sport and military domains, cer data. shows it’s viability to used for amateur leve acy and usability of soc- English of coordinated movement and action executed by a TB) Plan Plan Recognition: Recognition Plan Plan Recognition: Plan Recognition: Plan Recognition: Plan Plan Recognition: Recognition: Plan Recognition: Plan Formalization Recognition: Recognition: Plan Formalization Formalization Recognition: Recognition Formalizatio Formalizat Formaliza Formaliz Form Form and F aaA aments team’s performance. We show thewhich efficacy and usability of Tbe addition to experiments show the suitability of these ments of coordinated movement and action executed by a team (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) . plan can be defined as an ordered sequence of team behaviors describing string is smaller in duration than , we discard To reprePartial Team Tracing from Ball Action Data port and military domains, grown quite substantially fined as an ordered sequence of team behaviors describin possession is therefore: N = . If the possessi addition to experiments which show the suitability of glish Premier League team (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) . A plan can be deresearch interest into MAPR has grown quite substantially Partial Team Tracing from Ball Action Data our method on the 2010-2011 English Premier League socWith the obvious applications to sport and military domains, Gedikli, S.; F.; Durus, M.; an Tthe each play-segment pduration {p .of . .than ,agent p,Twe quantized cer data. Formulation Formulation 15 15 15 1515 15 15 15 15 15 fined as an ordered of team behaviors describing 09 rest the paper describes the of doing this, in The rest the paper describes the of doing string is inp T−1 , }, we discard it. To repregrown quite substantially is smaller in than Tteam discard it. To repreas ordered team behaviors describing t0fined ,With tWith , tresearch , The tpass ,obvious tthe ,from t52010-2011 ,of tapplications , sequence tsequence ,MAPR t8A , tto 25 tsent ,fined tsent ,15 tstring ,step tpass ,string t4ordered ,from tsmaller ,of tsmaller , sequence tsequence ,= tduration , duration tto interest into MAPR has grown quite substantially team (e.g. pass from A,achieve to B) .method A plan can be d team pass from A to agent B) .method A(?). plan can be de015 115 2 3an 5is 6Problem 8A 1 2(e.g. 3 4 6Problem 7agent 9 the to sport and military domains, rt and military domains, fined as an of behaviors describing as an ordered of team describing research interest into has grown quite substantially Beetz, Beetz, M.; M.; von von H Beetz, Beetz, Beetz, M.; Beetz, M.; Beetz, M.; von Beetz, Beetz, M.; von M.; von M.; Hoyningen-Huene, Beetz, M.; Beetz, von Hoyningen-Huen von Hoyningen-Huen M.; von M.; von Hoyningen-H M.; Hoyningenvon Hoyningen von M.; Hoyninge von Hoynin Hoyni von Ho rown quite each play-segment = {p ,tof .9time .POGAMO: .team ,Beetz, pstep the quantized in than T ,A we discard it. To repr our method on English Premier League socAutomated Sports Gam emier League soceach is then used to populate ea team (e.g. agent agent .}, plan can be de0populate TB) −1 each time is then used to76agent populate each entry. the obvious applications to sport and military domains, team (e.g. agent agent B) .behaviors A plan can be dea recipe used by a team to a goal (?). A team pe and military domains, fined as an ordered sequence of team behaviors describing fined as an ordered sequence behaviors describing recently. The significance of considering group actions in ortasks we mentioned. We first describe our dataset. a recipe used by a team to achieve a goal A team pertasks we mentioned. We first describe our dataset. t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , cer data. research interest into MAPR has grown quite substantially grown quitesubstantially substantially ering group actions in orProblem Formulation 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ball position at each time step is then used to populate each each time step is then used to each entry. Problem Formulation The rest of the paper describes the method of do The rest of the paper describes the method of doing this, in 30 sent each play-segment p = {p , . . . , p }, the quantized sent each play-segment p = {p , . . . , p }, the quantized each time step is then used to populate each entry. experiments which show the suitability 0ternational T −1 ,afined taA , ,trefer ,addition tused tteam ,to ,, sequence tt16 0{p T −1 recipe used by team to achieve aGedikli, goal (?). A team per,afined tresearch , ,trefer ,addition tused tteam ,into ,,MAPR tt16 to experiments which show the suitability oft725 these recently. The of considering group actions inororaWe recipe used by ainto team to achieve aa goal (?). AA team perWe behaviors, B, as short, observable segGedikli, Gedikli, S.; S.; Siles, Siles F Gedikli, Gedikli, Gedikli, Gedikli, S.; Gedikli, S.; Siles, S.; Gedikli, Gedikli, S.; Siles, S.; Gedikli, S.; F.; Siles, Gedikli, S.; Siles, Siles, Durus, F.; F.; S.; Siles, S.; Durus, Durus, F.; Siles, Siles, S.; F.; F.; Durus, S.; M.; F.; Siles, Durus, Durus, F.; Siles, Durus M.; F.; M.; and Du Du M F. ao aL M deringgroup groupactions actionsininoror- t10 10 11 as an ordered of team behaviors describin of Computer Sc 11 13 14 15 behaviors, B, as observable research interest MAPR has grown quite substantially ball position time is then used to populate each 3describing 19 sent each play-segment p = ,goal .short, .Figure .Journal ,Siles, paentry. }, the quantiz recipe by aa15 team to achieve aas (?). A team per as an sequence of team behaviors description of this process is in Figure 4. Given each time step is then used to populate each entry. of this process is given recently. The significance considering group actions in rown quite substantially t25 t12 ,ball tposition ,to t,time ,14 teach ,taof teach ,step tprocess ,given tachieve tdescription 11 cer data. 0goal Tmajor −1 recipe by aFigure team to achieve goal (?). team perering trecipe t12 ,to t,ordered tteam ,tsignificance tsequence , 3: tto ,rather tachieve ,considering tteam fined an ordered sequence of team behaviors 0as 1description 3at 4 515 6 7used 8A,step 9 25 25 25 25 252525 25 25 25 25 interest has grown quite substantially a213 group these plans to achieve goal (e.g each step is then to populate each A description of this is given in 4. Given aforming recipe used by team to aPOGAMO: (?). Adescribing team perder to, trefer isolate plans, than abehaviors sequential process of Figure 3. fined asrecently. of 0 1an 3 ,to 4significance 5team 6behaviors, 7of 8 9 The of group actions insegorentry. We refer to team behaviors, B, observable seg Related Work wn substantially aforming used by aof ashort, goal (?). Adescribing team perA of this process is given in Figure 4.POGAMO: Given a2ordered group these plans to achieve amajor major goal (e.g. ball at time step is then used to populate each dering group actions in orn a aquite sequential process of We team B, as short, observable segposition at each time is then used to populate each k addition to experiments which show the suitabil POGAMO: POGAMO: Autom Auto POGAMO: POGAMO: POGAMO: POGAMO: POGAMO: POGAMO: Automated POGAMO: POGAMO: Automated Automated POGAMO: Automated Automated Automated Automated Sports Automated Automated Sports Sports Automa Game Sports Auto Sport Spo Ga Spo Ga tasks we mentioned. We first describe our dataset. addition to experiments which show the suitability of these forming a group of these plans to achieve a major goal (e.g. There has been an explosion in the interest in live-sport t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t the possession string a = {a .to .the .time ,achieve aprocess }step shown, we first der to isolate team plans, rather than a sequential process of ments of coordinated movement and action executed by a entry. ball position at each is then used to populate ea Cohen, P., and Levesque, H. 1990. possession string a = {a , . . . , a A description of this is given in Figure 4. Given tasks we mentioned. We first describe our dataset. 0 ,= 13 a recipe used by a team a goal (?). A team pe forming a group of these plans to achieve a goal (e.g. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Related Work There has been an explosion in the interest in live-sport recently. The significance of considering group actions in or0 1 han sequential process of 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t , t forming a group of these plans to achieve a major goal (e.g ments of coordinated movement and action executed by a der to isolate team plans, rather than a sequential process of A description of this process is given in Figure 4. Given Work the possession string a {a , . . . , a } shown, we first We refer to team behaviors, B, as short, observable s a recipe used by a team to achieve a goal (?). A team per0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ring group actions in orthe possession aprocess = {a , . .0given .to , aternational }and shown, we first abreak recipe used bypossession awe to achieve afield goal (?). A team perTable 2: Table showing the identification rate bycan breaking 13 Aments description ofstring this in Figure 4. Given forming group of these plans toagents. achieve major goal (e.g. recently. The significance of considering group actions in orwinning aentry. match), be said be employing tactics. nan sequential process of 0is 13 forming aof group of these plans achieve a13 major goal (e.g. recognizing plans ofplans, individual Outside oftactics. the sport ternational ternational Journa Journ ternational ternational ternational ternational ternational ternational Journal ternational ternational Journal Journal ternational Journal Journal Journal Journal Computer of of Journal Journal Computer Computer ofwe of4 of Journal Comput of Compu Journ Comp Scien Com of C SC S entry. We to team behaviors, B,and short, observable segder toarefer team rather than aas sequential process of coordinated movement executed by a recipe used by aplans to achieve afrom goal (?). A team perngaagroup actions in orforming aof group of these plans to achieve aamajor goal (e.g. winning aisolate match), can be said be employing Partial Tracing Ball Action D sequential process of the field up into aof grid of 4grid × and then itof ents. Outside of the sport ments coordinated movement action executed by awhich tasks mentioned. We describe our datase Commitment. Artificial Intelligence break the into aternational grid of × 5of an the string a5of = {a ,and .,vectorize .aobservable .up ,action aA shown, first Related Work Aentry. description of this process isreal-time in Figure 4. Given 0first winning match), can be said to be employing tactics. Partial Tracing Ball Action Data We refer to team behaviors, B, as short, seghas created aTeam demand for statistics and virecognizing of individual agents. Outside of the sport team (e.g. from A to agent .in plan can be detasks we mentioned. We first describe our dataset. the possession string a = {a ,from .5achieve .and }vectorize shown, we first With the applications sport and domains, break field up into athis 4.given × then vectorize itgoal forming aAthe group these plans to a}Cohen, major (e. der to isolate team plans, rather than aemploying sequential process break the field up into athis grid of × 5 and then it 0be 13 Work the plans into different time series and the field into differwinning aapass match), can be said to employing tactics. winning aobvious match), can be said to be employing tactics. recognizing plans of individual agents. Outside of the sport which has created aTeam demand for real-time statistics and vi-of gents. Outsideof ofthe thesport sport We refer to team behaviors, B, as short, observable segthe possession string aagent = {a ,4A .recognize .grid ,is aagent }B) shown, we first ments of coordinated movement action executed bHt team (e.g. pass from agent A toto agent B) .military A plan can be deA description of process given Figure 4. Given tnts. and military domains, forming ashowing group of these plans to achieve aball major goal (e.g. description of is.employing given in Figure 4.P., Given 0process 13 forming a group of these plans to a major goal (e.g. Cohen, Cohen, P., P., and and Lev Le Cohen, Cohen, Cohen, Cohen, P., Cohen, and Cohen, P., P., Cohen, and Cohen, and P., Levesque, P., P., and Levesque, P., Levesque, and Cohen, and P., and P., Levesque, Levesque, Levesque, and and P., H. Levesque, and Levesque 1990. H. Levesqu H. and 1990 Leve H. 1990 H. Le H. In 19 der to isolate team plans, rather than aachieve sequential process of naussed a sequential process of winning match), can be said to be tactics. realm, most of this work has focussed on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to team tactics for soc to give quantized ball positions. At each time step, the quanRelated Work winning a match), can be said to be tactics. recognizing plans of individual agents. Outside of the sport team (e.g. pass from agent to B) . A plan can be de Outside With the obvious applications to sport and military domains, to give quantized positions. At each ments of coordinated movement and action executed by a break the field up into a of 4 × 5 and then vectorize it Hervieu, A., and Bouthemy, P. 201 forming a group of these plans to achieve a major goal (e.g. the possession string a = {a , . . . , a } shown, we first A description of this process is given in Figure 4. Giv Table Table 2: Table Table Table showing the the identification identification rate rate by by breaking breaking Table Table Table Table 2: Table 2: Table Table 2: Table Table 2: Table Table 2: Table Table Table 2: showing Table Table 2: showing Table 2: showing Table 2: showing 2: Table 2: showing Table showing Table the showing the showing the identification showing showing the identification the showing identification the identification the identification identification the the identification the identification the rate identification identification rate identification rate by rate by breaking rate by breaking rate by breaking by rate by rate breaking by breaking rate breaking by rate breaking by breaking by breaking by breaking breaking sequential process of winning a match), can be said to be employing tactics. break the field up into a grid of 4 × 5 and then vectorize it ents. Outside of the sport 0 13 on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for socteam (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) . A plan can be deto give quantized ball positions. At each time step, the quansport and military domains, ent quantization areas. The results are the trace of the team to give quantized ball At each time step, the quanments ofteam coordinated movement and executed by a Intellig Team Tracing Ball Action realm, of work has focussed onwith dynamic Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for socfined as an ordered sequence of team describing sualizations. Due to the difficulty associated with tracking research interest into MAPR has grown quite substantially winning aPartial match), can be said to be tactics. tseries ,series tpossession ,time tthe ,series tcan ,apositions. tdiffer,athe ,into t{a recognizing plans of individual agents. Outside of the sport Commitment. Commitment. Arti Ar Ar Commitment. Commitment. Commitment. Commitment. Commitment. Commitment. Commitment. Commitment. Commitment. Artificial Artificial Artificial Commitment. Artificial Artificial Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligenc Intelligen Artificial Artificial Artifi Intell Inte Art Int 4D break the field up into grid of 4 × 5 and then vectorize it the string = ,action .differabehaviors }behaviors shown, we first realm, most of this work has focussed on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for soc the possession string a = {a ,.each .,from .employing shown, first 10 11 12 13 15 16 tized ball position is used to populate a. Using T 10, we (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) .Commitment. A plan can be 0differ4plans 8different With the obvious applications to sport and domains, of movement action executed by ateams cussed ondynamic dynamic teamsments Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for socTeam Tracing from Ball Action Data sualizations. Due to the difficulty associated tracking 0.differwinning aball match), be said to be tactics. tized ball position to populate a. fined as ordered sequence of team behaviors describing 12 recognizing plans of individual agents. Outside of the sport to give quantized ball positions. At each time the quanown quite substantially 16 20 video trajectories. tcoordinated ,an tmatch), ,most tpass ,individual tcan ,this tlike ,Formulation tto ,and tA (i.e. where individual agents can leave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer istpositions. low-scoring, continuous and com winning aPartial match), can be said to be employing tactics. the the plans plans into into into different different time time series series and and the the field field into into differthe the plans the the plans the the plans into the plans into the plans into the different plans the into the plans different into plans into different plans plans different into into different time into into different time different time different series time different time different time series time and series time series and time and time series the series and and series field the and series field and the the field the and into and the field into and field into the and the field into the differinto field into differfield into field differdifferfield differinto differdifferinto differrealm, most of this work has focussed onmilitary dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for socfined as an ordered sequence of team describin nts. Outside the sport to give quantized ball At step, the quanresearch interest into MAPR has grown quite substantially break the field up into a14 grid of 4into × 5employing then itwe the possession string a = {a ,.13 .,= .atime .13 ,isplayers a}vectorize }step, shown, we fi Problem 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 recognition. ssed on teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for soctized ball position is used to populate a. Using Tused = 10, we tized position is used to populate a. Using T = 10, we Figure 3: Figure 3. 0using 13 team (e.g. from agent to agent B) .domains, A plan can be deport and domains, winning awhere be said to be employing tactics. s. Outside ofof the sport team (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) .and plan can be deWith the obvious applications sport and military ussed onmilitary dynamic teams Ideally, we would to recognize team tactics for soceave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and comfined as an ordered sequence of team behaviors describing (i.e. where agents can leave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and coma recipe used by a team achieve a goal (?). A team pers grown quite substantially Partial Team Tracing from Ball Actio break the field up into athe grid of 4team × 5A and then vectorize it tion to give quantized ball positions. At each time step, the quanplayers and ball, data containing this information is still recently. The significance of considering group actions in orthen chunk athe into N = (14 − 10 + 1)/10 = 5the play-segments Hervieu, Hervieu, A., A., and and BP Hervieu, Hervieu, Hervieu, Hervieu, Hervieu, Hervieu, A., Hervieu, A., and A., Hervieu, Hervieu, and A., and Hervieu, Bouthemy, A., A., Hervieu, A., and Bouthemy, Bouthemy, and and A., A., and Bouthemy, Bouthemy, Bouthemy, and A., and Bouthemy P. A., and Bouthe Bouth 2010. P. P. and 20 Bo 20 P. break the field up into a grid of 4 × 5 and then vectorize it realm, most of this work has focussed on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for so igure 3. There has been an explosion in the interest in livethen chunk a into N = (14− 10+ 1)/10 (i.e. individual agents can leave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and com Zhang, L.; and Jones, G., eds., Intel tized ball position is used to populate a. Using T = 10, we ent ent quantization quantization areas. areas. The The results results are are the the trace trace of of the team team ent ent quantization ent ent quantization ent quantization ent quantization ent quantization ent quantization ent quantization ent ent quantization areas. quantization quantization areas. quantization areas. areas. The areas. areas. The The areas. results The areas. results The areas. results The areas. areas. The results results are The results are The results the The are The results the are results are trace the are results results trace the are the trace the are of are the trace of the trace are the of are the trace the team the the of of trace the of trace team team of trace the trace of the team of team team the of the team of the team the team team t , t , t , t , t , t , t fined as an ordered sequence of team behaviors describ research interest into MAPR has grown quite substantially tized ball position is used to populate a. Using T = 10, we 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 team (e.g. pass from agent A to agent B) . A plan can be derealm, most of this work has focussed on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for socleave and jointeams teams over players cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and comdssed military domains, chunk a into N = (14 − low-scoring, 10 +At 1)/10 = 5a play-segments to give quantized ball positions. each time the quanbreak field into grid of 4continuous × 5Using and then vectorize Partial Team Tracing from Ball Action Data then chunk a the into N =up (14−10+1)/10 = 5step, play-segments and the data containing this information is still a cer. recipe used by team achieve aquite goal (?). Arecognition. team per(i.e. where individual can leave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is and comathen recipe used aball team to achieve goal (?). A team pe ing group actions inteams orrecently. The significance of group actions in orThere has been explosion in the interest in live-sport on dynamic we like to recognize team tactics for socave and join over However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and comvideo video using using playe play video video using video video using using video players video using video using using players video using using players using trajectories. players players players using trajectories. trajectories. using players players trajectori trajector trajecto players trajec play In tra tas tball, ,would taby ,like ,an tagents ,toautomatically t15 ,considering t16 Figure 3: 3.recognition. resulting in five play-segments {p ,team . (14−10+1)/10 .− ,is p }in shown. fined an ordered sequence of behaviors describing toordered give quantized At each step, the quanfined as an sequence of behaviors describing grown quite substantially tized ball position isby used topositions. populate a. Using T = 10, we research interest into MAPR has substantially 0 4 10 ,used 11 12 14 ed on dynamic teams Ideally, we would to recognize team tactics for socresulting five play-segments {p .qua .tra .Bp , give quantized positions. time step, the quanrecognition. recognition. recognition. recognition. recognition. recognition. recognition. recognition. recognition. recognition. forming ato group of plans to achieve aarmy goal (e.g. Understanding. Springer der to isolate team plans, rather than ateam sequential process of eave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and comthen aused into N = = 5video play-segments aIdeally, recipe at13 team achieve aFigure goal (?). A team perscarce. Most of the data collected via an of human Inas this paper, we are looking to answering the 0 , com sidering group actions in orthen chunk asoccer into N = (14 + 1)/10 5players play-segments (i.e. where individual agents can leave and join teams over cer. However, as is low-scoring, continuous and which has demand for real-time statistics an resulting in five play-segments {p ,10 .0Zhang, .,Zhang, ,a. p }At shown. Using There has been explosion in the interest in liv resulting in five play-segments {p .and .L.; ,each pL.; }= shown. Using aforming recipe used by a12 team atime goal (?). A team to give quantized ball positions. each time step, the tized ball position is to populate Tmajor = 10, we recently. The significance ofgrown considering group actions inrecognition. or0,achieve 4Using 4 tinto ,chunk tcreated ,these tto ,ball ta− ,an tto t.ysis ,.At t{p (i.e. where individual agents can leave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and cometically 3: Figure 3. process fined an ordered sequence of team behaviors describing quite substantially 10 11 13 14 15 16 a group of these plans to achieve a major goal (e.g Zhang, Zhang, L.; L.; and and Jon Jo Zhang, Zhang, Zhang, Zhang, and L.; Zhang, and Zhang, L.; and Jones, L.; L.; Zhang, and L.; Jones, Jones, Zhang, and and L.; and L.; G., Jones, Jones, Jones, and L.; and G., eds., G., Jones, L.; and Jones, eds., G., Jones, eds., G., Intellig and G., G., eds., Jone eds. Inte Inte ed Jo G G ef der to isolate team plans, rather than a sequential process of thisbehavior process, we can get play-segments from all the possesforming a group of these plans to achieve a major goal (e.g. scarce. Most of the data collected is via an army of human answering the adering sequential of tized ball position is used to populate a. Using T = 10, we ave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and comthis process, we can get play-segments then chunk a N = (14 10 + 1)/10 = 5 play-segments which has created a demand for real-time statistics and via recipe used by a team achieve a goal (?). A team perresulting in five play-segments , . . . , p } shown. Using tized ball position is used to populate a. Using T = 10, we recently. The significance of considering group actions in orresulting in five play-segments {p , . . . , p } shown. Using can look at the short-term of a team from a particThere has been an explosion in the interest in live-sport a recipe used by a team to achieve a goal (?). A team perHess, R., and Fern, A. 2009. Discr 0 4 group actions in orFigure 3: Figure 3.the this process, we can get play-segments from all the possest10 , soccer tquestions ,ofof t12 , tlow-scoring, , plans trather t15 , achieve t16 0 for 4a.the winning a match), can be said to be employing tactics. recognizing plans individual Outside of sport this process, we can get play-segments from all possese and join teams over cer. However, as is continuous and comannotators who label all actions that occur around the ball following tactical for soccer: 11 13 14 ,agents. forming a group these to a major goal (e.g. tized ball position is used to populate Using T = 10, w then chunk a into N = (14−10+1)/10 = 5 play-segments than a sequential process of sualizations. Due to the difficulty associated with tra which has created a demand real-time statistics forming a group of these plans to achieve a major goal ( ysis ysis and and Understan Understa ysis ysis ysis and ysis and and ysis Understanding. ysis and Understanding. Understanding. and ysis ysis and Understanding. Understanding. ysis Understanding. and and ysis Understanding. and Understanding Understanding and Springer Understand Springer Understa Springer Spring Spri Ber Spr Sp der to isolate team plans, than a sequential process of sion winning strings to represent a team’s behavior. We this asplay-segments wethe There has been an in interest i used by a team toProblem achieve aFormulation goal (?). Aprocess team peraof match), can be said to tactics. then chunk atointo N (14−10+ = 5from sion to4employing aall team’s behavio group actions in recognizing plans ofsaid individual agents. Outside of thegoal sport ure 3: Figure resulting in five play-segments {s ,behavior. .,explosion ..1)/10 .be ,Filters sdo }represent shown. Using this process, we can get play-segments the possesular region. By not chunking into play segments, this local this process, can get play-segments from all the possesticle for Complex Multi-Obj winning awho match), can be to employing tactics. then chunk awe into N = (14−10+1)/10 = 5goal play-segments ts. Outside of3. theorsport ofa recipe sion strings tofive represent a= team’s behavior. do this as we annotators all actions that occur around the ball -can 0strings forming athey group these plans to achieve major (e.g. der toforming isolate team plans, rather abe sequential of sion strings represent ateam team’s We do this as we sualizations. Due to the difficulty with tracking which has created athan demand for real-time statistics and vithen chunk a into N = (14−10+1)/10 = 5feed play-segmen group of these plans to acan major (e.g. realm, most of this work has focussed onassociated dynamic teams Ideally, we would like recognize team tactics for socresulting in play-segments .behavior. .,R., ,.aWe s.R., },short-term shown. Using han a sequential process which call actions. The F24 soccer data colcan look at the behavior team from particThere has been an inagoal the interest in live-sport 0a{s 4 can can look look at the at the the short-term short-term behavior aparticteam ato from from aHess, particaparticparticcan can look can look can look can look atmaybe can at look the can look atthe can at look short-term the can at look the short-term atlook the look short-term at look the short-term atthe short-term at short-term the atat the short-term behavior the short-term behavior short-term behavior short-term short-term behavior behavior behavior of behavior of athe behavior of team behavior astrings behavior aball of team of behavior team of aabehavior from of ateam from of team afrom ofteam arepresent of aof from from particteam of afrom team aaof afrom team particaafrom ateam from particparticparticfrom particfrom a{s particparticaparticsualizations. Due to the difficulty with Hess, Hess, R., R., and and Fern Fer Hess, Hess, Hess, and Hess, R., Hess, and Fern, Hess, R., R., and R., Hess, Fern, and and Hess, R., A. R., and Fern, Fern, Fern, A. 2009. and R., A. and Fern, R., 2009. A. 2009. and Fern, Fern, A. A. and Discrim 2009. A. Fern, 2009. 2009 Disc A. Disc A. 200 Fer 2 players and the ball, data containing this information winning aaoflabel match), can be said toexplosion beaachieve employing tactics. winning ashort-term match), can be said to be employing tactics. agents. Outside the sport recognizing plans of individual agents. Outside of the sport can at the behavior of atriD resulting in five play-segments .R., saand }associated shown. Using behavior lost as we will see in next subsection. sion to aaof team’s We do this as we sion strings to represent aaaalook team’s behavior. We do this as we which has created demand for real-time statis 0team 4tactics. this process, we can get play-segments from all the possescan look atresulting the short-term behavior of aHess, from a.Fern, particrmulation realm, most of this work has focussed on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for soc resulting in five play-segments {s , . . . , s } shown. Using forming a group these plans to achieve major (e.g. 1. What type playing style can we expect from team? Hess, R.; Fern, A.; and Mortensen quential processofof can look at the short-term behavior of a team from a partic0 4 winning a match), can be said to be employing Problem Formulation recognizing plans of individual agents. Outside of the sport sed on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for socin five play-segments {s , . . , s } shown. Usi which(i.e. they callmost ball actions. The F24 soccer data feed colthis process, we can get play-segments from all the possesular region. By not chunking into play segments, this local ular ular region. region. By By By not not not chunking chunking into into play play segments, segments, this this local local ular ular ular region. ular ular ular region. region. ular region. ular By ular By ular region. ular not By By not By region. not chunking region. By not chunking By not chunking not By chunking not By chunking not into not chunking not into chunking into chunking chunking into chunking play into play segments, into play play segments, into play segments, into segments, segments, into play segments, this segments, play play segments, this segments, this local segments, local this segments, this local this this local local local this this local this local this local local local ticle ticle Filters Filters for for Com CT ticle ticle ticle Filters ticle Filters ticle Filters for Filters Filters ticle Filters ticle for Complex Filters for ticle Filters Complex for Filters Complex ticle for for Complex for Complex Filters Complex Multi-Object for for Complex Multi-Ob Multi-Ob Complex for Comple for Multi Com Mul Mu Co M 0team 4 Filters where agents can leave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is continuous and complayers and the ball, data containing this information is still sualizations. Due to the difficulty associated tracking winning aindividual match), can be said toautomatically be employing tactics. ular region. By not chunking into play s for the Premier League (EPL) by Opta (?) players and the ball, containing this information gents. Outside of the sport aanswering =region. {a ,teams aregion. aregion. ,region. a ,By achunking ,strings ,region. aplay ,process, ainto ,English arepresent ,into aplay ,play achunking ,achunking acan ,low-scoring, aget ,data a }behavior look at the short-term behavior of aticle from alocal partic10 this we can get play-segments from all the posses60with 9lected 9ascarce. 9can 9Most 14 15 15 12 12 12difficulty can at the short-term of afrom team from aand particof the data collected is via an army of h which has created a demand for real-time statistics 15, soc2the 3 , asion 49and 5ular 6vi7 8 9look 10 11 12 13 14 In this paper, we are looking to By not into play segments, this local realm, of this work has focussed on dynamic Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for s Parts Pictorial Structures for Object to team’s behavior. We used this apocussed on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for pect from a team? this process, we play-segments all the possesular region. By not into play segments, this sualizations. Due to the associated wi (i.e. where individual agents can leave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous com afor match), can be of said to be employing tactics. m Formulation behavior behavior maybe maybe maybe lost lost lost as as we we will will see see in in the the next next subsection. subsection. behavior behavior behavior behavior behavior behavior maybe behavior maybe behavior maybe behavior maybe behavior behavior maybe lost maybe lost maybe lost as maybe lost as we maybe lost maybe as lost we as will lost we as lost will as we we lost will see as we lost will as see will we as in see will we as as in we will the see see we in will see the we will next the in see in will in next will see the the next see in the subsection. see in next the see subsection. in next subsection. the in the next in subsection. subsection. the next subsection. the next subsection. next subsection. next subsection. subsection. subsection. behavior maybe lost as we will see inget the next subsection. Outside of theteams sportover2: winning this process, we can play-segments from all the posse realm, most of this work has focussed onthe dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to team tactics for socsion strings to represent arecognize team’s behavior. We used this apHess, Hess, R.; R.; Fern, Fern, A. Hess, Hess, Hess, R.; Hess, Hess, R.; Fern, R.; Hess, Fern, Hess, R.; Fern, Hess, R.; R.; A.; R.; Hess, Fern, Fern, Fern, Hess, A.; R.; A.; and R.; Fern, A.; and Fern, R.; and Fern, Mortensen, A.; A.; R.; A.; and Fern, Mortense Mortense and and A.; Fern, A.; and Morte and A.; Mo and MA Figure (From the XML feed, we can infer behavior maybe lost as we will see inMort the ve and join cer.Are However, as soccer isball, low-scoring, continuous and comular region. By not chunking into play segments, this local lected the English Premier League (EPL) by Opta (?) ular region. By not chunking into play segments, this local maybe as we will see in Problem Formulation to aall team’s We used this aptEA players and the data containing information is 2. there any areas the field which they tend to utilize scarce. Most of collected via an army of In In this paper, we are looking to automatically answering is astill example of data is time coded scarce. Most of the data collected is viathis an army of human automatically answering the behavior maybe we will in next subsection. proach it allows to analyze behavior of on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team for socwho label actions that occur around the following tactical questions for soccer: aa14 We used this ap(i.e. where individual agents can leave and join teams over as soccer low-scoring, continuous and co = a{a = {a ,14a,,a6annotators ,35a{a asion ,2a25However, ,a336strings a ,to a a,to a a ,the ,The ,ais ,a ,behavior. ,a a13 ,a}Parts aPictorial ,is aa }Structures } atactics a= a ={a a= {a = a a {a = a{a ,= a {a ,,a = a{a a,with a = ,{a ,aa= ,a= {a ,31a = ,1,0{a a,a{a ,the ,402a a0,2,10{a ,4a ,good ,a513a acer. ,10abehavior ,= a ,1a ,3as a ,,a a ,sion a ,behavior a aas ,,84a a ,sion ,a a ,a ,9,57a ,a,a7,4a ,10 ,8a a ,3maybe a ,,lost a8,a56aa ,7us a ,10 ,a ,6represent a ,4a ,lost a ,,7,this. ,represent a aa ,5to ,as a9,8,aa ,represent ,analyze a11 a,12 aa ,a ,a,10 a,7we a12 ,13 a,data ,a,11 ,the a ,10 a ,team’s a }F24 ,see a ,a14 a ,11 a}912 ,short-term ,the a}Parts ,see a a ,14 aaICCV. a ,14 }the anext ,behavior. }14 ,aParts ,aa }a ,subsection. }13 ,next a14 }14 } sualizations. Due to the difficulty associated tracking a ,a6a9,a5,astrings ,a ,a13 a a ,a aPictorial }Structures ncussed leave and join teams over cer. However, as soccer is low-scoring, continuous and com0 2 2 3 3 44strings 4 6 6 712 89 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 0 ,Maps 0 1 0a 01 2 01a 0 1 2a 02 3 2 13a 3,a 24a 3 21 5 2 4 2 4 6 7 3 5 4,6a 3 5 4 7 6 5,1 7,a 6 4a 5 8 7 6a 8,2 5 55 8 6 79 6 9 7 810 11 9 7 8 7 8 10 11 9 11 10 8 9 8 10 11 12 11 10 9a 11 10 12 13 12 11 10 12 13 11 13 13 12 13 12 14 13 12 13 13 14 14 14 and the ball, data containing this informa a,a14 team’s behavior. We used this aO 0 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 Parts Parts Pictorial Str Parts Parts Pictorial Parts Pictorial Pictorial Parts Pictorial Pictorial Parts Structures Pictorial Parts Pictorial Parts Pictorial Structures Pictorial Structures for Pictorial for Objects Structure for Objec for Struc Objec for for Ob fo w proach as itplayers allows us the short-term behavior Entropy (i.e.possession where individual agents can leave and join teams over cer. However, soccer is low-scoring, continuous and comlost as will in the subsection. on dynamic teams Ideally, we would like to recognize team tactics for soca = {a ,see a ,14 a,that ,a a11 ,,Structures a ,Structures ,Structures aof aof ,Stru aStr a = {a , a , a , a , a , a , a , , a , a , a , a , a , } behavior maybe lost as we will in subsection. 0 1 2the 3next 4,2012. 5 6a,14 7a 8},e ball position and at every time step (solid proach as it allows us to analyze the short-term behavior 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 a = {a , a , a , a , a , a , a , a , a , a a , a a , a , m Formulation IBM SlamTracker. www.aus annotators who label all actions occur around th h they tend to utilize following tactical questions for soccer: � a team over a particular region, which maybe lost otherwise. more than others? is a good example of this. The F24 data is a time coded 0 player 2 ball 3 us 4 actions. 5events 6Inanalyze 7In 8 9F24 10 11game 12 13 feed 14 scarce. Most ofthe the data collected is via this an army ofcomhuman proach as1call it,asaallows to analyze the short-term behavior ofa feed -Tthe that lists all action the with ng to automatically answering = 10 annotators who label all actions that automatically occur around the ball soccer: which they The soccer In ICCV. ICCV. ICCV. ICCV. In In ICCV. In ICCV. In In ICCV. ICCV. leave and joinover teams overcer. the cer. However, asof soccer isball, low-scoring, continuous and proach short-term behavior team region, maybe otherwise. =aa particular {a ,aaallows , a (1) ,awhich a ,data aen_AU/ibmrealtime/index. awithin ,a a7ICCV. ,aalost , ICCV. aICCV. aICCV. adata a13 scarce. Most via army players and data containing information isaMaps still In this paper, we are looking answering Tto 1it 4the 8the 11 T =Tover 10 = ,particular ,,region, aa3us ,region, awhich ,,In awhich ,In ,ICCV. ,InIn a,is , a,otherwise. ,an a, 12 , a, 13 a{6, team a0{a particular maybe otherwise. H(X) = p(x) log p(x) 12, a23of 45,= 5610 67collected 89, alost 910 10 1112 r1 nd join teams However, as all soccer iswho low-scoring, continuous and com1.lists What type playing style can we expect from aEntropy team? Entropy Maps Maps Entropy Entropy Entropy Entropy Entropy Maps Entropy Entropy Maps Maps Entropy Entropy Entropy Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps =a.over 10 lines and dots are annotated, dotted lines are in-to s� p = 5, .team .� ,� 15} awhich team over a0type, maybe lost they call ball actions. The F24 soccer data fe 0 aMaps player, team, event minute and second for each acannotators label all actions that occur around the ball -� s for soccer: IBM IBM SlamTracker. SlamTracke IBM IBM IBM SlamTracker. IBM SlamTracker. IBM SlamTracker. IBM SlamTracker. IBM SlamTracker. SlamTracker. IBM SlamTracker. IBM SlamTracker. 2012. IBM SlamTracker. 2012. SlamTracker. 2012. SlamTracker www.austr 2012. 2012. 2012. 2012. www. 2012 2012 www ww w2 aannotators over a particular region, which maybe lost otherwis feed thatscoring player action events within the game with � � � � � � � T = 10 lected for the English Premier League (EPL) by Op sp� which they call ball actions. The F24 soccer data feed col= {6, 5, . . . , 15} 00� T = 10 1. What type of playing style can we expect from a team? who label all actions that occur aroun following tactical questions for soccer: x∈X s 3. In situations where are their strengths and weakscarce. Most of the data collected is via an army of human king to automatically answering the p = {6, 5, . . . , 15} 00 Intille, S., and Bobick, A. 1999. A p =H(X) {5, 9, . . . , 12} s ferred). s H(X) H(X) = = p(x) p(x) log log p(x) p(x) (1) (1) H(X) H(X) H(X) H(X) = H(X) H(X) = H(X) = H(X) = H(X) = p(x) = H(X) p(x) = p(x) log = p(x) = p(x) log = p(x) log = p(x) p(x) log log p(x) p(x) log p(x) p(x) log p(x) p(x) p(x) log log log p(x) log p(x) p(x) (1) p(x) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) n we expect from a team? a player,, 1 en_AU/ibmreal en_AU/ibmrea en_AU/ibmrealtime/ en_AU/ibmrealtime/index en_AU/ibmrealtime/index en_AU/ibmrealtime/ind en_AU/ibmrealtime/i en_AU/ibmrealtime/in en_AU/ibmrealtime/ en_AU/ibmrealtim en_AU/ibmrealtim en_AU/ibmrealt en_AU/ibmrea 0 lected for the English Premier League (EPL) by O p0 9, .5, . . ., .15} s=0has sp11 as= {5, . {6, .= . ,.{6, 12} tion. Each event a5, ofEntropy qualifiers describing it.a Evwhich they call ball actions. The F24 soccer data feed colMaps . ,of 15} Are there areas ofPremier the and fieldsecond which they tend to utilize is good example this. The F24 data issoccer timeda event type, minute for eachby acp 9, .they . ,series 12} nizing Multi-Agent Action from Vic lected for theany English League (EPL) Opta (?) 1x∈X which ball actions. F24 p = {9, .1x∈X .{5, .p ,012} 19, 2ball sx∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X s= annotators who label actions that occur around the -is ons for we soccer: yle can expect from a team? nesses? 2 pa = {5, 9, .9, . . ., call strengths and weakIntille, Intille, S., S., and Bob Bo Intille, Intille, Intille, Intille, S., Intille, S., and Intille, S.,The Intille, and Intille, S., and Bobick, S., S., Intille, and S., Bobick, Bobick, and Intille, and S., and S., Bobick, Bobick, A. Bobick, and S., and Bobick, A. S., 1999. A. and Bobick, Bobick, and 1999. A. 1999. A. Bobi A. A A. 199 Bo 19 F1A Analysis Using Maps 2.1.than Are there anyofareas ofallthe field they tend toOpta utilize 1 x∈X example ofaction this. The F24 data is aand time = {9, 9, . x∈X .= . ,.{5, 12} sgood spx∈X What type playing style canwhich we expect from aEntropy team? 11lists p .12} .for , 12}a � 22{9, ery event collected by Opta given match is listed within s p = {9, 9, . . , 12} more others? lected for the English Premier League (EPL) by (?) feed that all player events within the game p = 9, . . . , 12} 2 2 Kim, K.; Grundmann, M.; Shamir, 3 tion. Each event has a series of qualifiers describing it. Evtype of data is currently used for the real-time online visuallected for the English Premier League (EPL) bf s3 colsp22 9, ld which they tend to utilize nizing nizing Multi-Agen Multi-Age nizing nizing nizing Multi-Agent nizing nizing Multi-Agent Multi-Agent nizing nizing Multi-Agent nizing Multi-Agent Multi-Agent nizing Multi-Agent nizing Action Multi-Agent Multi-Agent Action Action Multi-Agent Multi-Age Action from Action Action Action from from Visua Acti Act from frp V V {9, 9, .9, . .all isdefine a good example ofofball this. The F24 data isAnalysis aAnalysis time coded = {9, . Maps .Maps ,.lists 12} H(X) = p(x) log s= which they call actions. The F24 soccer data feed spMaps more than others? feed that action events within the gam p =.of {9, ., .12} . ,player 12} Determining Parameters 22Maps 33{9, Analysis Using Using Using Entropy Entropy Maps Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Using Analysis Analysis Using Analysis Using Analysis Analysis Using Using Entropy Using Entropy Using Entropy Using Entropy Using Entropy Using Entropy Maps Entropy Entropy Maps Entropy Entropy Maps Entropy Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps p = {9, 9, . . , 12} s We a team as a set agents having a shared obp = 9, . . . , 10} gins, J.; and Essa, I. 2010. Motio 3 3 this feed. The type events listed are: goals, shots, passes 4 he field they tend toautilize a player, team, event type, minute and second for eac is a good example of this. The F24 data is a time coded p = {9, 9, . . . , 12} style canwhich we expect from team? s Kim, Kim, K.; K.; Grundma Grundm Kim, Kim, Kim, K.; Kim, Kim, K.; K.; Grundmann, Kim, Grundmann, K.; Kim, Grundmann, Kim, K.; K.; K.; Grundmann, Kim, Grundmann, Grundmann, Kim, K.; K.; Grundmann, M.; K.; Grundmann, Grundmann, K.; M.; M.; Grundman Shamir, Grundm M.; Shami Shami M.; M.; M.; Sh S A M S 3 izations of events, well as post-analysis for prominent telep = {9, 9, . . . , 10} 2. Are there any areas of the field which they tend to utilize 3 is a good example of this. The F24 data is a ery as event collected by Opta for a given match is listed within 4 x∈X s33 9, p = .{9, .is, .event . ,do 12} type, feed listsmental all the player action events within the game with 3.andInthat situations where are their strengths and weakteam, minute and second for ea How discriminative are our representations? paMaps = {9, .That .tackles, ,.9, 10} Evolution in Dynamic Sports Scene lected for English Premier League (EPL) by Opta (?) Determining Parameters Parameters Determining Determining Determining Determining Determining Determining Determining Determining Determining Determining Parameters Determining Parameters Parameters Parameters Parameters Parameters Parameters Parameters Parameters Parameters Parameters 4 player, jectiveentities ascoring shared state (?). As we are their dealing with pMaps = {9, 9, . .has , 10} Entropy gins, gins, J.; J.; and and Essa, gins, gins, gins, gins, gins, J.; and J.;gins, and and J.; Essa, gins, J.; gins, and Essa, J.; Essa, and gins, and J.; I. gins, and J.; Essa, Essa, Essa, 2010. and I.and I. J.; Essa, J.; 2010. 2010. and I.Essa, Essa, I.I. and 2010. Motion I.2010. Essa, 2010. Moti 2010 I.Essa Moti I.Essa 20 2M (with start/end clearances, cards, free kicks, 3.(e.g. Inmore scoring situations where are strengths and weak4point), tion. Each event a series ofJ.; qualifiers describing iI feed that lists all player action events within the game with Entropy vision and newspaper ESPN, The Guardian). p = {9, 9, . . . , 10} than others? feed that lists all player action events within the s having a shared obteams have unique styles of play? And if so, can we detect 4 Entropy Maps Entropy Maps 4 this feed. The type of events listed are: goals, shots, passes nesses? tion. Each event has a series of qualifiers describing Laviers, K.;Dynamic G.; Molin a each player, event type,fixed and second for each acHow How discriminative are are our our representations? representations? That That is, is, do do How How How How discriminative How discriminative How discriminative How discriminative How discriminative How discriminative How How discriminative discriminative discriminative are discriminative are are our are our are our are representations? our are representations? our are representations? our are our representations? are representations? are our representations? our representations? our our representations? representations? representations? representations? That That That is,That That That is, do is,That is, That do is, That is, do That is, do do That is, is, do is, do do is, do do Evolution Evolution in in Dynam Dyn Evolution Evolution Evolution Evolution Evolution in Evolution Evolution in Evolution inSukthankar, Dynamic Dynamic Evolution in in in Evolution Dynamic in Dynamic Dynamic Sports Dynamic in in Sports Sports Dynamic Dynamic in Scenes. Sports in Dynam Sports Sport Dyn Scen Spor Scen SS Entropy Maps Entropy Maps fieldstrengths which they tend to utilize is ateam, good example ofminute this. The F24 data is adiscriminative time coded soccer, agent isteam, permanently to no one team. Unless Analysis Using Entropy Maps nesses? corners, offsides, substitutions and stoppages. An example The information content of ado random discrete variable, X � rethe their and weakwhen they deviate from this style and quantify it? ery event collected by Opta for aEvolution given match is w Entropy Maps player, eventclearances, type, minute and second for each acEven though this data hasa been widely used, there are The information content of aby random discrete variable, X 2009. Improving Offensive Perform aofevent player, team, event type, minute and second fM � teams teams have unique unique unique styles styles of of play? play? And And if if so, so, can can we we detect detect teams teams teams teams have teams have teams have teams have unique teams have unique teams teams have teams unique have unique have unique styles unique have styles have have unique styles unique styles of unique styles unique styles of play? of styles play? styles of play? of styles of And styles play? play? styles of play? And of And play? if play? And of And so, if play? of And if play? so, And can play? so, if ifAnd can if And so, can we if so, And And we if so, can detect we if can so, if detect so, can we we detect ifwe so, can can so, we detect detect detect can we can we we detect detect we detect detect The information content of adetect random variable, X Entropy Maps we are their dealing with ery collected Opta for adiscrete given match islisted listed (with start/end point), tackles, cards, free kicks, Laviers, Laviers, K.; K.; Sukth Suk Laviers, Laviers, Laviers, Laviers, Laviers, K.; Laviers, K.; K.; Sukthankar, Laviers, Laviers, K.; Sukthankar, Sukthankar, Laviers, K.; K.; Laviers, K.; Sukthankar, Sukthankar, Sukthankar, K.; K.; Sukthankar, G.; K.; Sukthanka Sukthanka K.; G.; G.; Molinea Suktha G.; Sukt Mol Mol G.; GG H(X) = p(x) log p(x) (1) here are strengths and weaktion. Each event has a series of qualifiers describing it. Ev3. In scoring situations where are their strengths and weak� The information content of a random discrete variable, X Entropy Maps with a probability distribution p(x)was defined by Shannon an agent has been dismissed from the match, each team alfeed that lists all player action events within the game with of the data feed is given in Figure 5(a). This type of data We define a team as a set of agents having a shared obEntropy Maps H(X) = p(x) log p(x) (1) � Modeling. In AAAI Conference on with afrom probability distribution p(x)was defined by Shannon this feed. The type of events listed are: goals, shots, pO when when they deviate deviate deviate from from this this style style and and quantify quantify it? it?a2009. when when when when they when they when they when deviate they when deviate they when they deviate when when deviate they deviate they from deviate they from they deviate they from deviate this from deviate from deviate this from this style from this style from this style this from and style this from style and this style and quantify this style this and quantify and style this quantify and style style and quantify quantify style quantify and it? and quantify it? and it? quantify and quantify it? quantify it? quantify it? it? it? it? it? Determining Parameters systems which use this data or data like this for automatic with a probability distribution p(x)was defined by Shannon tion. Each event has a series of qualifiers describing it. Ev2009. 2009. Improving Improving 2009. 2009. Improving 2009. 2009. Improving Improving 2009. 2009. Improving 2009. Improving Improving 2009. Improving Offensive 2009. Improving Improving Offensive Offensive Improving Offensive Offensive Improving Offensive Performan Offensive Perfor Offens Perfor Offen Pe O P tion. Each event has series of qualifiers descri We define a team as a set of agents having a shared obthis feed. The type of events listed are: goals, shots, x∈X � H(X) = p(x) log p(x) (1) Mutual Information to one team. Unless corners, offsides, substitutions and stoppages. An example with a probability distribution p(x)was defined by Shannon H(X) = p(x) log p(x) (1) Figure 3: Given a possession string, we break it up (?) nesses? Interactive Digital Entertainment. ery event collected by Opta for a given match is listed within � x∈X ways has the asame of by agents (11). refer to team (?)(with iswith currently used for the real-time online visualizations of jective and anumber shared mental state (?). As weAs are dealing with player, event type, minute and second for each acModeling. Modeling. In In AAA AA Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. In Modeling. AAAI Modeling. In AAAI Modeling. AAAI In Modeling. In Conference In AAAI In AAAI AAAI Conference Conference AAAI In Inrepresenta Conference AAAI AAAI Conferen In Confere Confere In AAAI on Con AAA Con Art on on (?) (with start/end point), tackles, cards, free H(X) =tackles, p(x) log p(x) (1) The information content of aclearances, random discrete variable, tactical analysis. How discriminative are our ery event collected Opta for aWe given match is listed within jective andteam, a shared mental state (?). we dealing ery event by Opta for aIn given match is lik x∈X start/end point), clearances, cards, free H(X) =Information − p(x) log p(x) (2) x∈X Mutual Information Information Information Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Information Mutual Information Mutual Information Mutual Information Mutual Mutual Information Information Information Information Information (?) where are their strengths and weakcan be into N equal chunks and use thecollected quantized ball pomatch, each team alLaviers, K.; Sukthankar, G.; Molin the data feed isThe given in Figure 5(a). This type ofare data Interactive Interactive Digital Digita Interactive Interactive Interactive Interactive Interactive Interactive Interactive Digital Interactive Interactive Digital Digital Interactive Digital Entertainment. Interactive Digital Digital Digital Entertainment. Entertainment. Digital Digital Entertainme Entertainm Entertain Digital Entertai Digita Ente EnteE can be � � � � � � � � � � � � � agents having a shared ob-ofwe Analysis Using Entropy Maps behaviors, B, as short, observable segments of coordinated can be this feed. type of events listed are: goals, shots, passes events, as well as post-analysis for prominent television and with a probability distribution p(x)was defined by Shann x∈X soccer, each agent is permanently fixed to one team. Unless teams have unique styles of play? And i corners, offsides, substitutions and stoppages. An exa tion. Each event has a series of qualifiers describing it. EvFor this work used the 2010-2011 EPL season F24 Opta Analysis Using Entropy Maps We define a team as a set of agents having a shared obset of agents having a shared obsoccer, each agent is permanently fixed to one team. Unless x∈X this feed. The type of events listed are: goals, sh this feed. The type of events listed are:sition goals,values shots, passes corners, offsides, substitutions and stoppages. An ex can be The information content, namely (Shannons) entropy of H(X) H(X) = = − − p(x) p(x) log log p(x) p(x) (2) (2) H(X) H(X) H(X) H(X) = H(X) H(X) = −H(X) =− H(X) = − H(X) =H(X) = − p(x) − = −H(X) p(x) = − p(x) = log − = p(x) p(x) − = log p(x) − log − p(x) p(x) log log p(x) p(x) log p(x) p(x) log p(x) p(x) log log log p(x) log p(x) p(x) (2) p(x) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)Laviers, (2) (2) 2011. Improving Offensive Perform The information content, namely (Shannons) entropy of as our play-segment representation, s. Laviers, Laviers, K.; K.; Sukth Suk Laviers, Laviers, Laviers, Laviers, K.; Laviers, K.; K.; Sukthankar, Laviers, Laviers, K.; Sukthankar, Sukthankar, Laviers, K.; K.; Laviers, K.; Sukthankar, Sukthankar, Sukthankar, K.; K.; Sukthankar, G.; K.; Sukthanka Sukthanka K.; G.; G.; Molinea Suktha G.; Sukt Mol Mol G.; G G M The information content, namely (Shannons) entropy of Analysis Using Entropy Maps 1). We refer to team when they deviate from this style and qu �of (?) Analysis Using Entropy Maps iswith currently used for the real-time visualizations ofdealing movement and action executed by aonline team (e.g. pass from Determining Parameters with newspaper entities (e.g. ESPN, The Guardian). Even though start/end point), tackles, clearances, cards, free kicks, an (with agent has been dismissed from the match, each team althe data feed is given in Figure 5(a). This type of feed, consists of(with 380 games and more than 760,000 Modeling. In International Joint anjective agent has dismissed from the match, each team alThe information content, namely (Shannons) entropy of x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X x∈X and abeen shared mental state As we are with a discrete random variable X that has a probabilitydistribuery event collected by Opta for a(?). given match isH(Y listed within l (?). stateAs (?).weAsare wedealing arewhich dealing of the data feed is given in Figure 5(a). This type Determining Parameters (with start/end point), tackles, clearances, cards, start/end point), tackles, clearances, cards, free kicks, 2011. 2011. Improving Improving O 2011. 2011. 2011. Improving 2011. 2011. Improving Improving 2011. 2011. Improving 2011. Improving Improving 2011. Improving Offensive 2011. Improving Improving Offensive Offensive Improving Offensive Offensive Improving Offensive Performan Offensive Perfor Offens Perfor Offen Pe O P Analysis Using Entropy Maps a� discrete random variable X that hashas a probabilitydistribu) = −� p(y) log p(y) (3) aDetermining discrete random variable X that a probabilitydistribucan be � � � � � � � � � � Parameters ments coordinated agent Aways to agent B). These behaviors are observed from parHow discriminative are our representations? That is, do Intelligence Conference. Determining Parameters events, as well as post-analysis for prominent television and this data has been widely used, there are no systems which fixed to oneto team. Unless has the same number of agents (11). We refer to team a� discrete random variable X(3) that has aonline probabilitydistributionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: events. Each team plays 38corners, games each, which corresponds Modeling. Modeling. In Inte In Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. Modeling. In Modeling. Modeling. International In InModeling. International International In Modeling. In In International In International International In Internationa In Internati Joint Internati InInIn Joint Inter Joint Co In Jo is currently used for the real-time visualizatio corners, offsides, substitutions and stoppages. An example ways has the same number of agents (11). refer toH(Y team currently used for the real-time online visualizat soccer, each agent isof permanently fixed toWe one team. Unless aly set ofoffixed agents having a shared oby∈Y tionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: How discriminative are our representations? That is, do anently one team. Unless corners, offsides, substitutions and stoppages. A this feed. The type events listed are: goals, shots, passes tionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: H(Y H(Y H(Y )− )= = )p(y) = − − p(y) log log p(y) p(y) (3) (3) H(Y H(Y )H(Y = H(Y ) H(Y = )teams −= H(Y )− )H(Y = − )= H(Y H(Y = − )have p(y) − = )− p(y) )= p(y) − )is = log p(y) p(y) log − = log − − p(y) p(y) log log p(y) p(y) log p(y) p(y) log p(y) p(y) p(y) log log p(y) log p(y) log p(y) p(y) (3) p(y) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) offsides, substitutions and stoppages. An example Mutual Information Determining Parameters The information content, namely (Shannons) entropy unique styles of play? And if so, can we detect Intelligence Intelligence Confer Conf Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Conference. Intelligence Intelligence Conference. Conference. Intelligence Intelligence Conference. Conference. Conference. Conference. Conference Confere Conf Li, R., and Chellappa, R.Conference 2010. Gro � � tionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: tial spatio-temporal tracings, which in this case refers to ball How discriminative are our representations? That is, do number of play-segments for a possession, and M is the toIn [85], Shannon uses probability theory to model inforHow discriminative are our representations? That is, do eam (e.g. pass from use this data or data like this for automatic tactical analysis. behaviors, B, as short, observable segments of coordinated teams have unique styles of play? And if so, can we detect newspaper entities (e.g. ESPN, The Guardian). Even though with each team playing each other team twice (once home behaviors, B, as short, observable segments of coordinated events, as well as post-analysis for prominent televisio om the match, each team al� In [85], Shannon uses probability theory to model infory∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y events, as well as post-analysis for prominent televisi In [85], Shannon uses probability theory to model inforof the data feed is given in Figure 5(a). This type of data an agent has been dismissed from the match, each team alof the data feed is given in Figure 5(a). This ty tal from state (?). As we are with of the ed the match, eachdealing team ala discrete random variable X that has a probabilitydistrib when they deviate from this style and quantify it? (with start/end point), tackles, clearances, cards, kicks, data feed is given in Figure 5(a). This type H(X, Y ) of =free −data p(x, y) log p(x, y) (4) Using a Spatio-Temporal Driving F How discriminative are our representations? That is, do teams have unique styles ofproduced And ifaby so, can we detect teams have unique styles of play? And if so, can we detect Li, Li, R., R., and and Chellap Chella Li, Li, R., Li, R., and Li, R., and R., and Li, Chellappa, R., Li, and Chellappa, R., Li, Chellappa, and and R., Li, and R., Chellappa, Chellappa, Li, Chellappa, and R., and Chellappa, R. R., and Chellappa, 2010. Chellappa, R. R. and 2010. Chellapp 2010. R. R. Chella Group R. 2010. R. 2010 201 Gro Gr 20 R RT In [85], Shannon uses probability theory to model infor� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � H(X) = − p(x) log mation sources, i.e., the data produced by aLi, source is treated when they deviate from this style and quantify it? movement infer from hand-annotated ball-action (see tal number of play-segments for a team over aplay? match. Given mation sources, i.e., the data by source is treated For our work we used the 2010-2011 EPL season F24 and action executed byof a agents team (e.g. pass from mation sources, i.e., the data produced aGuardian). source is treated movement and action executed by a data team (e.g. pass from once The team names and rankings for the 2010observed from parentities (e.g. ESPN, The Even th newspaper entities (e.g. ESPN, The Guardian). Even data has been widely used, there are no systems which tionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: gents (11).fixed Weand refer toaway). team ways has the same number (11). We refer to team ismovement currently used for the real-time online visualizations of x∈X y∈Y is currently used for the real-time visua H(X, H(X, H(X, YY− ))− Y = = )p(x, = − −p(x, p(x, p(x, y) y) log log p(x, p(x, y) y) (4) (4) H(X, H(X, H(X, H(X, YH(X, )Y H(X, = Y )H(X, Y = )H(X, −Y= )H(X, − Y H(X, )= − )Y =of = − Y)a−Y = )− Ynewspaper )= )p(x, = =p(x, − − y) − p(x, y) p(x, log y) log p(x, p(x, log y) y) p(x, y) p(x, p(x, log p(x, y) y) log p(x, p(x, y) p(x, log y) y) y) log y) log p(x, y) y) y) log (4) p(x, p(x, log y) (4) p(x, (4) y) p(x, y) (4) (4) (4) y) y) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) teams have unique styles of play? And can we detect remanently of agents (11). refer to this team Using Spatio-Tem aSpatio-Te Spatio-T Using Using Using aUsing Spatio-Temporal Using aManya, aUsing Spatio-Temporal Spatio-Temporal Using aUsing aif Spatio-Temporal Spatio-Temporal Using aso, Spatio-Temporal Using aUsing aonline Spatio-Tempora Spatio-Tempora aaDriving Spatio-Tem ais Driving Driving Drivi Forc Driv Dr D toWe one team. Unless when they deviate from this style and quantify it? when they deviate from this style and quantify it? Li, C.; F.; Mohamedou, N is currently used for the real-time online visualizations corners, offsides, substitutions and stoppages. An example mation sources, i.e., the data produced by aSpatio-Temporal source treated x∈X as random variable. The information content, namely as a random variable. The information content, namely as a random variable. The information content, namely that a team’s possession string is of length T , the resultnext subsection). Mutual Information 1 agent A to agent B). These behaviors are observed from parOpta feed, which consists of 380 games and more than agent A to agent B). These behaviors are observed from par2011 EPL data is given in Table 1. In our approach, to this data has been widely used, there are no systems In [85], Shannon uses probability theory to model info this data has been widely used, there are no systems w when they deviate from this style and quantify it? x∈X x∈X x∈X y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y x∈X x∈X x∈X y∈Y x∈X y∈Y x∈X x∈X y∈Y x∈X y∈Y y∈Y x∈X y∈Y x∈X y∈Y x∈X x∈X y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y his refers tocoordinated ball behaviors, B, post-analysis as is short, observable segments of coordinated Cycle Structures inMoh M use this dataevents, orofas data like this for automatic tactical analysis. Mutual Information ble segments ofmatch, well as The post-analysis for prominent tel � Li, Li, C.; C.; Manya, Manya, F.; Li,Exploiting Li, C.; Li, C.; Li, C.; Manya, Li, Li, Manya, C.; Manya, C.; Li, Li, C.; Manya, F.; Manya, Manya, Li, C.; C.; Manya, Li, F.; Mohamedou, F.; C.; Manya, Manya, Mohamedou, C.; F.; Mohamedou, F.; Manya, F.; Mohamedo F.; Manya, Mohamed Mohame F.; F.; Moham N.; Moh F.; FF N as aevents, random variable. information content, namely events, well as post-analysis for prominent television and servable segments of coordinated (Shannons) entropy ofas ay) discrete random variable X that has as well as for prominent television and ssedcase from theanalyze each team al� the data feed given in Figure 5(a). This type of data (Shannons) entropy of a discrete random variable X that has (Shannons) entropy of a discrete random variable X that has � � � ing number of play-segments for each possession is therefore: p(x, mation sources, i.e., the data produced by a source is treat tial tracings, which incase this case refers to ball A plan can bespatio-temporal defined as anaction ordered sequence ofteam team Mutual Information tional Conference on Theory and H(X) = − p(x) log p(x) (2) Mutual Information use this data or data like this for automatic tactical an 760,000 events. Each team plays 38 games each, which the tactics of a team we are required to know the tial spatio-temporal tracings, which in this refers to ball Exploiting Exploiting Cycle Cycle Exploiting Exploiting Exploiting Exploiting Exploiting Exploiting Exploiting Cycle Exploiting Exploiting Cycle Cycle Exploiting Structures Cycle Exploiting Cycle Cycle Structures Cycle Structures Cycle Cycle Structures Structures Structure Cycle Structur in Cycle Struc Struc MAX in in S M i use this data or data like this for automatic tactical ana movement and executed by a (e.g. pass from H(Y ) = − p(y) log pM (Shannons) entropy of a discrete random variable X that has ball-action data (see I(X; Y ) = − p(x, y) log (5) newspaper entities (e.g. ESPN, The Guardian). E a probabilitydistributionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: H(X) = − p(x) log p(x) (2) � For our work we used the 2010-2011 EPL season F24 by a team (e.g. pass from � cuted by a team (e.g. pass from a probabilitydistributionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � a probabilitydistributionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: newspaper entities (e.g. ESPN, The Guardian). Even though newspaper entities (e.g. ESPN, The Guardian). Even though ber of agents (11). We ofrefer team p(x, p(x, y) y) p(x, p(x, p(x, y) p(x, p(x, y) p(x, y)variable. p(x, y) y) p(x, y) p(x, y) p(x, y) p(x, y) y) y) bility Testing. Mutual Information as a each random The information content, name ismovement currently used forThese the online visualizations of p(x)p(y) tional tional Conference Conferenc tional tional tional Conference tional tional Conference Conference tional tional Conference tional Conference Conference tional Conference on tional Conference Conference on Theory on Conference Theory on Theory Conference on on Theory on and Theory Theor on Theo on and and Ap TTo x∈X =I(X; (T TY)data ))I(X; 1. If possession string is smaller in durainfer from hand-annotated 1I(X; behaviors describing atofrom recipe used byitareal-time team toNball-action achieve For our work we used the 2010-2011 EPL seaso position the to ball and movement which team has possession of at corresponds with team playing each other team twice infer hand-annotated ball-action data (see H(X) = − p(x) log p(x) (2) y∈Y a=p(x, probabilitydistributionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: H(X) =log − p(x) log p(x) (2) YY− )− )Ywhere )p(x, = = − − p(x, p(x, y) y) log log I(X; I(X; Y− I(X; Y )I(X; I(X; Y = Y+ = )Y I(X; )= I(X; − I(X; )(see Y=− Y = )I(X; − = Y )Ywhere − )= )the = =− = − p(x, − − y) − p(x, y) p(x, log p(x, y) log p(x, log y) y) p(x, y) p(x, log y) log p(x, p(x, y) log y) log y) log y) log (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) x∈X y∈Y For our work we used the 2010-2011 EPL season � x∈X 0 log = 0 and the base of the logarithm determines agent A agent B). behaviors are observed from parwhere 0 log = 0 and the base of the logarithm determines this data has been widely used, there are no sys 0 log = 0 and the base of the logarithm determines � feed, which ofas 380 games and more thanTtelevision bility bility Testing. Testing. bility bility bility Testing. bility bility Testing. Testing. bility Testing. bility bility Testing. Testing. Testing. bility Testing. bility Testing. Testing. viors are observed from par-Opta behaviors are observed par(Shannons) entropy of a− discrete random variable X that h p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) p(x)p(y) this data hasconsists been widely there areare nonosystems which this data has been widely used, there systems which Li, R.; Chellappa, R.;Testing. and Zhou, observable segments of from coordinated next subsection). tion than , =we discard it. To represent each play-segment x∈X H(X) = p(x) log p(x) (2)S. asdo well post-analysis for prominent and � x∈X x∈X x∈X y∈Y y∈Y x∈X x∈X x∈X y∈Y x∈X y∈Y x∈X x∈X y∈Y x∈X y∈Y y∈Y x∈X y∈Y x∈X y∈Y x∈X x∈X y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y y∈Y Opta feed, which consists of 380 games and mor a goal (?). Aevents, team performing a used, group ofwhich these plans to where 0if log =2measure 0the and the base of the logarithm determines x∈X every time step (i.e. every second). To this, we infer the (once home once away). The team names and ranking next subsection). the unit, e.g. base 2base is inLi, bits, if its the natural H(X) + H(Y )and − H(X, Y )the � � H(Y )y∈Y = − p(y) log p(y) (3) Opta feed, which consists of 380 games and more the unit, e.g. measure is in bits, if its the natural the unit, e.g. if base 2data the measure is in bits, if its the natural tial spatio-temporal tracings, in thistactical case refers to ball this or data like this for automatic tactic Modal Densities on Discriminativ aifuse probabilitydistributionpX =(p1,...,pn)isthendefinedas: Li, Li, R.; Chellappa, Chellappa Li, R.; Li, R.; Li, Chellappa, R.; Li, Chellappa, R.; Li, Chellappa, R.; Li, Li, R.; Chellappa, Chellappa, Chellappa, R.; Li, R.; Chellappa, R.; Li, Chellappa, R.; Chellappa, R.; and R.; R.; Chellappa, and R.; and Zhou, Chellappa R.; R.; R.; and Zhou, Zhou, and and R.; R.; and S. Zho Zh an Z a2R SS H(Y ))Y = − p(y) log p(y) (3) � dichsequence team gs, which incase this case refers to ball 760,000 events. Each team plays 38 games each, which in this refers to ball � use this data or data like this for automatic analysis. x∈X use this data or data like this for automatic tactical analysis. H(X, Y ) = − p(x, y) s = {s , . . . , s }, the quantized ball position is tabulated the unit, e.g. if base 2 the measure is in bits, if its the natural A plan can be defined as an ordered sequence of team = = = H(X) H(X) + + H(Y H(Y ) − ) − H(X, H(X, Y ) Y ) = = = H(X) = H(X) = H(X) = H(X) = + H(X) = H(X) + H(Y = H(X) + = H(Y H(X) + H(Y + H(X) ) + H(X) H(Y − H(Y H(X) ) + H(Y ) − H(X, + − H(Y + H(X, ) ) H(Y H(X, + − ) − H(Y + − Y H(Y ) H(X, H(Y − ) H(X, ) Y − H(X, ) − ) H(X, Y ) − H(X, Y − ) H(X, ) Y H(X, ) Y Y ) ) Y Y ) ) xecuted by aof team (e.g. pass from 760,000 events. Each team plays 38 games each, 0 T −1 e then its in in nats, The term log 1/pi indicates aAmajor goal (e.g. winning ahand-annotated match), can beball-action saidof team ball location fromachieve the data feed. We be describe our y∈Y number ewhere then in nats, etc. The term log 1/pi indicates newspaper entities (e.g. ESPN, Guardian). Even though fornumber the 2010-2011 EPL data is given in Table 1. number e then its nats, The term log 1/pi indicates plan can defined as method an orderedThe sequence Manifold for Group Activity Recog Modal Modal Densities Densities o Modal Modal Modal Modal Densities Modal Modal Densities Densities Modal Modal Densities Densities Densities Modal on Densities Modal Densities on Densities Discriminative on Densities Discriminati on Discriminat on Densities on on Discrimi Discrim Discri on on Discr D o Dw 760,000 events. Each team plays 38 games each, H(Y )− =and − p(y) log p(y) (3) movement infer from data (see 0its log =etc. 0etc. the base of the logarithm determin y∈Y H(Y ) = p(y) log p(y) (3) For our work we used the 2010-2011 EPL � x∈X y∈Y d-annotated ball-action data (see number e then its in nats, etc. The term log 1/pi indicates yse abehaviors team to are achieve corresponds each team playing each other team twice otated ball-action data 2. (see For our work we used the EPL season F24 behaviors describing athe recipe aeach team tosystems achieve the amount of uncertainty with the atEPL time step. An example of description is given in the amount of the uncertainty associated with the corresponding corresponds each team playing each other team Manifold Manifold for for Grou Gro Manifold Manifold Manifold Manifold Manifold Manifold for Manifold for Group Manifold for Manifold Group for Manifold Group for for Manifold Activity Group for Group Group Activity for Group Activity Group for Activity Group Activity Recognit for Activity Activit Group Reco Reco Gro Act AcR Forwith our work we used 2010-2011 season F24 the amount ofunit, uncertainty associated with the corresponding via observed Figure At t0partheemploying ball is passed to the at t2010-2011 to be tactics. However, as soccer is low-scoring, from y∈Y 1 .used Molineaux, M. 2008. Working Spe To analyze the tactics of a team, we require to know where this data has been widely used, there are no which behaviors describing alocation recipe used by a by team to achieve H(Y )y∈Y =the − p(y) log p(y) (3) the e.g.with ifassociated base 2team measure iscorresponding in bits, iffor its the natur corresponds with each playing each other team next subsection). Opta feed, which consists of 380 games and the amount ofalso uncertainty associated with the corresponding Summary and Future Work outcome. It can also be viewed asas the amount of information outcome. It can beits viewed asy∈Y the amount of information goal (?). Aconsists team performing agames group of these plans to outcome. It can also be viewed the amount of information 3. Molineaux, Molineaux, M. M. 200 2W Molineaux, Molineaux, Molineaux, Molineaux, Molineaux, Molineaux, Molineaux, M. Molineaux, Molineaux, M. 2008. M. Molineaux, 2008. M. Molineaux, 2008. M. M. Working M. 2008. 2008. 2008. M. Working Working M. 2008. Working 2008. M. 2008. Workin Specifi Work M. Work 200 Sp Sp 20 W up theseinplans to refers (once home and once away). The team names and r Interface. Technical report, Knexus Opta feed, which consists of 380 games and more than (once home and once away). The team names and ranking The action labeled at ta4(?). where a player takes an number eWork then in nats, etc. The term log 1/pi indicat continuous and complex due to the various multi-agent inOpta feed, ofonthis and more than the ball is and who has possession of it at every time step (i.e. ngs,ofwhich this next case to ball aisgoal Aplan team a380 group ofFigure these plans toSummary (once home and once away). The team names and ra use this data orperforming data like for automatic tactical analysis. Summary Summary Summary and and Future Future Work Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary and Summary Summary and and Future and and Future and Future and Future and Future Future and Work and Future and Work Future Work Future Future Work Future Work Work Work Work Work Awhich can be defined as an ordered of team outcome. It can also beWork viewed as the amount of 760,000 events. Each team plays 38 games e gained by observing that outcome. Thus, entropy isinformation merely gained by observing that outcome. Thus, entropy is merely Interface. Interface. Technica Techni Interface. Interface. Interface. Interface. Interface. Interface. Technical Interface. Interface. Technical Technical Interface. Interface. Technical Technical Technical Interface. report, Technical report, Technical report, Technical report, Knexus Technical report, report, Technic Knexu report, Knexu rep rep Kn R K To Do sequence gained by observing that outcome. Thus, entropy is merely achieve a major goal (e.g. winning a match), can be said Opta. 2012. www.optasports. for the 2010-2011 EPL data is given in Table 1. From our set of play-segments for a given team, S or S , the amount of uncertainty associated with the correspondi as an ordered sequence of team A B 760,000 events. Each team plays 38 games each, which match), can be said opposition player. As nothing occurred between the time t forteractions, the EPL is(e.g. given Table 1. labeling and segmenting the game into series 1 a38 ordered sequence of team every Tobyaverage do this, we the ball location from 760,000 events. Each team plays games each, which achieve aFor major goal match), can be said for theaverage 2010-2011 data isOpta. given in Table 1. and-annotated ball-action data (see2010-2011 gained observing thatinfer outcome. Thus, entropy iswww.opta merely To To Do Doa statistical Toa ToDo To To Do To Do To Do To Do ToDo To To Do To Do Do Do a statistical ofEPL uncertainty information. describing ain recipe used by aDo team to achieve ourdata work we winning used the 2010-2011 EPL F24 ofItof uncertainty or information. corresponds with team playing each other Opta. Opta. 2012. 2012. www. www Opta. Opta. 2012. Opta. Opta. 2012. 2012. Opta. Opta. 2012. Opta. 2012. 2012. www.optasports. www.optasports 2012. Opta. Opta. 2012. www.optaspor 2012. www.optaspo www.optasp www.optasp 2012. 2012. www.opt www.o www asecond). statistical average uncertainty orRiley, information. outcome. can also beeach viewed as the amount of informati tobehaviors be employing tactics. However, aseach soccer is low-scoring, P., and Veloso, M. To analyze the tactics of aor team, we require to2002. know we can build aseason distribution to characterize the expected becipe used a team toinfer achieve and t4 , achieve we the ball dribbled inwith aeach straight line and each team playing other team twice of plans iscorresponds difficult. Hence recognizing team tacoccer is low-scoring, a statistical average of uncertainty or information. the data feed. The method of doing this is best described in To analyze the tactics of a team, we require to know where towas beextremely employing tactics. However, as soccer is low-scoring, used by a by team to To analyze the tactics of a team, we require to know corresponds with team playing each other team twice � Riley, Riley, P., P., and and Velo Ve Riley, Riley, Riley, P., Riley, Riley, P., and P., Riley, and Riley, and P., Riley, Veloso, P., P., and Riley, P., Veloso, Veloso, and and Riley, P., and P., Veloso, M. Veloso, Veloso, and and P., Veloso, M. P., M. 2002. and Veloso, Veloso, and M. 2002. M. 2002. Velos M. M. Ve 200 Re 20 M M 2 � a goal (?). A team performing a group of these plans to tic Opponent Movement Models. � (once home and once away). The team names aw gained by observing that outcome. Thus, entropy is mere Opta feed, which consists of 380 games and more than continuous and complex due to the various multi-agent inthe ball is and who has possession of it at every time st havior in each location. We do this as follows: Given the a inuniform velocity between these two locations. We dovarious rming a group of these to (once home and once away). The team names and ranking H(X) = p(x) p(x) log p(x) (1)Move thewho MAPR framework we described previously isand tic tic Opponent Opponent Mov Mo tic tic Opponent tic Opponent Opponent tic ticTadorokoro, Opponent tic Opponent Opponent tic Movement Opponent tic Opponent Movement tic Opponent Movement tic Opponent Movement Movement Opponent Movement Movement Models. Movemen Movemen Models. Models. Mode Mod Mo In Mo M � H(X) = log p(x) (1) Figure 5(b). rious multi-agent S.; and S., eds., RoboC H(X) =has p(x) log p(x) (1) and complex due to the multi-agent inthetics ballusing iscontinuous and has possession of it at every time step (i.e. the ball is and who possession of it at every time ste of at these plansplans to a statistical average of uncertainty or information. (once home and once away). The team names ranking achieve a major goal (e.g. winning a match), can be said for the 2010-2011 EPL data is given in Table 1. d. awinning asgroup an ordered sequence of team teractions, labeling and segmenting the game into a series 760,000 events. Each team plays 38 games each, whichwe every second).H(X) To do this, infer the ball locatio observations of a team, determine the of playS.; S.; and and Tadorokoro Tadoroko S.;World S.; and S.;we and S.; and Tadorokoro, S.; and S.; Tadorokoro, Tadorokoro, and S.; and S.; Tadorokoro, Tadorokoro, Tadorokoro, and S.; and Tadorokoro, S.; S., and Tadorokoro, Tadorokoro, and S., eds., S., Tadorokoro, eds., Tadoroko S., eds., S., RoboCu S., eds., S., eds., Robo Robo eds. S., eds S.,R =subset p(x) log p(x) (1) the samecan thing between t5 for and t ,2010-2011 before the ball is passed Cup V. Springer Verlag. a match), be said x∈X impossible without these labelled plans. the data is given in Table x∈Xx∈X teractions, labeling and segmenting theinlocation game into a series ening game into aby series every ToThe do this, we infer the ball location second). To do this, weEPL infer ball to6plans be employing tactics. However, as soccer low-scoring, � a used match), can belocation said the 2010-2011 EPL data isthe given Table 1.from Toinfeed. analyze the tactics of aCup team, we require to of issame extremely difficult. Hence recognizing team tac- twice World World Cup Cup V. Sprin Spk World World World Cup World World Cup World V.World Cup Springer World V. Cup V. Cup World Springer Cup Springer V. World V. Cup V. Cup Springer V. Springer Springer Verlag. Cup Springer V. V. Cup Verlag. Verlag. Springer Springer V.V. Verlag. V. Verlag Sprin Verla Ver Spr V thesecond). data method of doing this is best descr recipe a isthe team to every achieve corresponds with each team playing each other team x∈X segments S , which originated quantized area d. From d from atTo t6 for to t . Using the procedure, we 7 owever, as soccer low-scoring, overcome issue, we quantize aismatch into equal To analyze theand tactics ofthis aHence team, we require to know where H(X) =via p(x) log ( ofToplans isthis extremely difficult. team tacthe data feed. The method ofpossession doing thisp(x) isMaps best describ Measuring Team Tactics Entropy Analysis Using Entropy Maps ecognizing team taccontinuous complex due torecognizing thedescribed various multi-agent intics using the MAPR framework we previously is the data feed. The method of doing best described in the ball is and who has of it at every tim Analysis Using Entropy Maps er, as soccer is low-scoring, Analysis Using Entropy Maps Figure 5(b). analyze the tactics of a team, we require to know where the play-segment vectors within S , we keep a count of the forming a group of these plans to d (once home and once away). The team names and ranking can estimate the inball position andthe possession for we thedescribed x∈X due to the various multi-agent temporal chunks which we use describe team behavior. ball isteam and who hasto possession ofplans. it at every time step (i.e. Figure Analysis Using Entropy Maps ticsthe using MAPR framework previously isa series 5(b). labeling and segmenting the game into impossible without these labelled Determining Parameters scribed previously is can every second). To do this, these we infer the ball loc Figure 5(b). thewinning various inDetermining Parameters Determining Parameters locations of where the ball travels or occupies during the ball isteractions, and who has possession of itgiven at every time step (i.e. Play-Segment Representation remaining times asthese the stoppages are tagged in the data .g. amulti-agent match), be-As said for the 2010-2011 EPL data is in Table 1. segments do not describe a method of achieving a egmenting the game into a series impossible without these labelled plans. every second). To do this, we infer the ball location from Determining Parameters of plans is extremely difficult. Hence recognizing team tacTo overcome this issue, we quantize a match into equal How discriminative are our representations? the data feed. The method of doing this is do bestMd Analysis Using Entropy Maps . Measuring Team Tactics via Entropy play-segments. As this representation will yield a very highHow discriminative are our representations? ThatThat do How discriminative are our representations? That is, is, do nting the game intoItis aisseries every second). this, weof infer the ball location fromin feed. worth noting here all data isdo normalized onto However, as soccer low-scoring, To analyze tactics of a team, we to know where specific goal, we dofeed. notTo call them plans, but play-segments. Given partial spatio-temporal tracings of the team (i.e. cult. Hence recognizing team tacTo overcome this issue, we quantize athis match intodescribed equal thethat data The method doing isrequire best teams have unique styles of Tactics play? And if so, can detect 2 How discriminative are our representations? That is,Ma do temporal chunks which we use to we describe team behavior. tics using thethe MAPR framework described previously isthe Measuring Team via Figure 5(b). teams have unique styles ofplay? play? And ifdimenso, canEntropy we we detect teams have unique styles of And if so, can we detect dimensional feature vector (D ), we would prefer the eework a match into equal Determining Parameters a field of size 100 × 100, with all positions given for teams Hence recognizing team tacthe data feed. method of doing this isteam best described in Play-Segment Representation Measuring Team Tactics via Entropy Maps due towethedescribed various previously multi-agent when they deviate from this style and it?can wesegWe use these play-segments to form a possession library or playbook of ballwhen movement), we chunk this signal upquantify into discrete the ball issegments and who has of it at every time step (i.e. teams have unique styles ofand play? And ifit?so, detect isintemporal chunks which we use to describe behavior. Figure 5(b).The As these do not describe aplans. method of achieving a when they deviate from this style quantify they deviate from this style and quantify it? impossible without these labelled sionality to be D for visualization purposes. To achieve this, it? That is, attacking left is to right. team behavior. Representation kcribe we described previously How discriminative are ourrepresent representations? Figure 5(b). when they deviate from this and quantify play-segments, Psegments {p1 , do pwe pdo .not . issue, . ,call pm }, where m but isaachieving the -Play-Segment called play-segments. Westyle theseofplaysegmenting the game into a series abelled plans. As these awe method aments specific goal, them plans, Given the partial spatio-temporal tracings the tea 2 ,not 3 , describe every To do this, infer the ball from To=second). overcome this we quantize match into equal Play-Segment Representation weof canplay-segments. use location either the mean, median, mode, total count or ifvia Mutual Information Measuring Team Tactics Entropy teams have unique styles of play? And so, can we dete ethod of achieving a � Mutual Information Mutual Information d plans. number of unique play-segments within the playbook. Using segments as an occupancy map which describes which areas We use these play-segments to form a library or playbook of ball movement), we chunk this signal up into discre goal, we do not call them plans, but play-segments. Given the partial spatio-temporal tracings of the � ficult. Hence recognizing tac- specific � we quantize a match intoteam equal the data feed. The method of doing this is best described in temporal chunks which we usevia to describe behavior. Measuring Team Tactics Entropy Maps even an team entropy measure Mutual to when describe each ),p(x) which will they deviate fromd� this style and quantify it? (2)team Information H(X) = p(S − log p(x) H(X) = − p(x) log p(x) (2) H(X) = − p(x) log p(x) (2) s,mework but play-segments. Given the partial spatio-temporal tracings of the team (i.e. Play-Segment Representation this playbook we can: of the field the ball was during that play-segment. play-segments, P = {p , p , p , . . . , p }, where m is the ments called play-segments. We represent these quantize a match into equal use these play-segments a3 library or playbook of we chunk this signal up into discrete 1form 2describe m 4. team OCCUPANCY MAPS described previously e use to we describe behavior. is We Measuring Team Tactics via Entropy As these segments dotonot ayield method ofMaps achieving Figure 5(b). an occupancy oraball teammovement), behavioralH(X) map. Vectorizing the x∈X =− p(x) log p(x) (2) x∈X x∈X Play-Segment Representation � number of unique play-segments within the playbook. Using segments as an occupancy map which describes whic brary or playbook of ball movement), we chunk this signal up into discrete segplay-segments, P = {p , p , p , . . . , p }, where m is the ments called play-segments. We represent these Mutual Information to describe team behavior. 3call them m plans, method of achieving a tracking specific � goal,possession we 1do 2not inforbut play-segments. the partial spatio-temporal tracings(3) of th edescribe labelledaplans. � occupancy map, gives us ourGiven D-dimensional spatiotemporal Given we have ball and team x∈X H(Y ) = − p(y) log p(y) � Play-Segment Representation this playbook we can: of the field the ball was during that play-segment. � H(Y )occupancy = − p(y) logp(y) p(y) (3) of unique play-segments within thethese playbook. H(Y )= −H(X) p(y) (3)which as an map which describes mmation, isaachieving the called play-segments. We ibe a where method of aments m }, We use these play-segments to form a library orUsing playbook ofsegments movement), we chunk thislog signal into(3)d( all them plans, but play-segments. Given the partial spatio-temporal tracings ofplaythe team (i.e. feature vector x.Maps The mean ball occupancy maps entropy we into can partition the ball tracking data intorepresent pos=using −log p(x) p(x) up ue, we quantize match equal- number H(Y )y∈Y =y∈Y − p(y) log p(y) Measuring Team Tactics via Entropy y∈Y this playbook we can: of the field the ball was during that play-segment. the playbook. Using segments as an occupancy map which describes which areas x∈X play-segments, P = {p , p , p , . . . , p }, where m is the ments called play-segments. We represent session strings (i.e. continuous movement of the ball for to describe each area is shown in Figure 4 and can give a ints to form a library or playbook of ball movement), we chunk this signal up into discrete segm plans, but play-segments. Given the partial spatio-temporal tracings of the team (i.e. 1 2 3 m we use to describe team behavior. y∈Y Play-Segment Representation number of unique play-segments the discrete playbook. Using patterns. segments as an occupancy which describes w aor team without turnover or- was stoppage), where OAsignal = Wewithin dication of redundant The top ranked teamsmap have ofthe the field the ball during that play-segment. p2describe , pa3 ,library . . . ,apm },single where mof is ments called play-segments. represent these playorm playbook movement), we chunk this up into segot method of achieving aBball A A B B {o , . . . , o } and O = {o , . . . , o } refer to the poshigher entropy over most of the field compared to the lower this playbook we can: of the field the ball was during that ments within the playbook. Using segments as an occupancy map which describes which areas 0 0 I−1 J−1 , . . . , p }, where m is the ments called play-segments. We represent these play3call them m plans, but play-segments. Given the partial spatio-temporal tracings of the- this teamgives ( indication that these teams uti- play-segmen session strings associated with each team and Iwas −1 and Jwhich −1 ranked teams of the field the ball during that play-segment. sents within the playbook. Using segments as an occupancy map describes which areas to form a are library playbook of ballWemovement), we the chunk up into discrete lize more options (i.e.segless predictable) which is intuitive the or number of possessions. then quantize fieldthis signal field the- ball wasplay-segments. during that play-segment. pm },D where m isDthe=ofl the called We represent play-have more skilled players. As the 1 , p2 , p3 , . . . ,into as these teamsthese normally bins where × wments equal size areas and vectorize egments within playbook. as an strings occupancy describes which areas frequency counts incorporate temporal information (more thethe field via the Using columns. As segments the possession vary map in which means the ball is moving quicker), we used the tolength, we apply a sliding window of field length to quantize or thatcounts, of the theT ball was during play-segment. 1 1 1 chunk each possession string, o, into a set of play-segments S = {s0 , . . . , sN −1 } of equal length, where N is the total 1 1 tal count of entires as the entropy measure normalizes this information. 7 66 (1) Manchester United (2) Chelsea (3) Manchester City (4) Arsenal (5) Tottenham 55 44 (6) Liverpool (7) Everton (8) Fulham (9) Aston Villa (10) Sunderland 33 22 (11) West Bromwich Albion (12) Newcastle (13) Stoke City (14) Bolton (15) Blackburn 11 0 0 (16) Wigan (17) Wolverhamption (18) Birmingham City (19) Blackpool (20) West Ham United Figure 4: The mean entropy maps for each of the twenty English Premier League teams characterizing their ball movement patterns. The maps have been normalized for teams attacking from left to right. The bright red refers to high entropy scores (i.e. high variability) and the blue areas refer to low entropy scores (i.e very predictable behavior). 5. 5.1 STRATEGY ANALYSIS Discriminating Team Behavior Evaluating team strategy is a very difficult task. The major hurdle to overcome is the absence of strategy labels. But given we know the team identity, and assuming that teams exhibit similar behaviors over time, we can treat the task as an identification problem. We can do this by answering the question: using only ball movement information, can we accurately identify the most likely team? We model team behavior using a codebook of past performances. If a team’s behavior is consistent, then previous matches will be a good predictor of future performances. For the experiments, we used 380 games of the season and used a leave-one-out cross validation strategy to maximize training and testing data. Before we investigate the difference between home and away performances, we first need to obtain the best possible representation. To evaluate this, we wanted to see how effective event-labeled data was in discriminating between different teams, and if having knowledge of where teams operate could boost the discriminating power. To conduct the experiments, we compared our occupancy representation, to twenty-three match statistics currently used in analysis (e.g. passes, shots, tackles, fouls, aerials, possession, time- in-play etc.). We also combined the two 50 40 30 20 10 0 % Teams Correctly Identified Statistics Occ Maps Combined Figure 5: The identification rate for correctly identifying home performances using event-labeled data (i.e. no location information), occupancy maps (i.e. no event information, just location), and a combination of the two. inputs by concatenating the feature vectors. For classification, we used a k-Nearest Neighbor approach (with k = 30) and all experiments were conducted using D = 10 × 8 spatial areas (heuristically, we found those values of k and D gave the best performance). To reduce the dimensionality but maintain class separability for the spatiotemporal representation and the combined representation, we used linear discriminant analysis (LDA). We used the number of teams 1 Actual Team Ranking 20 0 1 Predicted Team Ranking (a) Home vs Home 20 Figure 6: Confusion matrices of the team identification experiments using the combined representation. as classes (C = 20), which resulted in a C − 1 = 19 dimensional input feature, y = WT x, where W can be found via solving WΣb W ) (1) WΣw W where Σb and Σw are the between-scatter and within-scatter matrices respectively. To test the various representations, only identity experiments on home performances were tested (home and away comparisons will be presented next). Results for these experiments are shown in Figure 5. This figure illustrates how spatiotemporal data greatly improves the discriminability between different teams (19.26% vs 38.79%), and fusing traditional and spatiotemporal statistics boosts performances again (46.70%). The confusion matrix of the combined representation shows that teams who play a similar style often get confused with each other (e.g. the top 5 teams and teams 13-15) and from viewing the entropy maps in Figure 4, we can see that these teams have similar characteristics. arg max Tr( W 5.2 Exp HvH HvA AvA AvH 18 Comparing Home vs Away Behavior If a team plays in the same manner at home as they do away, the home model should be able to yield similar performance in identifying away matches as they do to the home matches. To test this theory, we used our home models to identify away performances and our away models to identify home performances. From the results (see Table 2), we can see that there is a drop in the hit-rate of the occupancy map representation – 8.69% for the home model tested on the away matches and 6.07% on the reverse case. Even though not excessive, this drop in performance suggests there is a change in the spatial behavior between home and away performances. To explore this aspect further, we visualized the difference in occupancy between the home and away performances. To do this, we simply subtracted the home occupancy maps from the away maps and divided by the away occupancy to obtain a relative measure. The difference maps for all twenty Event-Labeled 19.26 16.09 13.98 16.36 Occupancy Maps 38.79 30.08 36.41 30.34 Table 2: The hit rate accuracy of experiments which tested home (H) and away (A) models against home and away matches (e.g. HvH refers to home model tested on home matches and HvA refers to the home model being tested on away matches). teams is given in Figure 7. To make it easier to quantify the difference in occupancy, we calculated the difference with respect to certain areas of the field. Specifically we calculated the difference: for the whole field (W), the attacking half (H), and the attacking-third (T) - these values are listed below each difference map. As can be seen from the difference maps, nearly all the teams (18 out of 20) had more possession in the attacking half. More telling is that 19 out of the 20 teams had more possession in the attacking third. Seeing that the shooting proficiency is essentially the same (10% vs 9%), we can point to the observation that the more possession in the attacking third leads to more chances, which in-turn leads to more goals. A potential statistic to back this observation up is that Chelsea - who were the only team to have less occupancy in the attacking third - had the smallest discrepancy between home and away shots (only 12, the next was Arsenal with 45). With the absence of labels to compare against it is impossible to say whether this was actually this case as other factors may have contributed to the home advantage (i.e. referee’s [22], shooting chance quality, game context (winning, losing, red-cards, key injury, derby matches etc.)) – essentially our analysis provides correlation and not causation. However, this analysis does provide a effective method of automatically flagging behavioral differences which can quickly alert an expert (such as a coach or commentator) into further or deeper analysis which can aid in the decision making process. In the next section we show some methods which can do this. 6. PRE/POST GAME ANALYSIS Given a coach or analyst is preparing for an upcoming match, having a measure of how variable a team’s performance is would be quite beneficial. For example, the coach or analyst may have viewed a previous match and formed a qualitative model based on their expert observation. However, this model is only formed by a single observation and may be subject to over-fitting. Having a measure which could indicate how variable a team’s performance is would be quite useful. Given they have a feature representation of each of the previous performances of a team, our approach could be a method of determining the performance variance. To do this, the distance in feature space between each of the past performances, y, and the PMmean, ŷ, can be calculated 1 where the mean is ŷ = M i=1 yi , and where M is the number of previous performances. A distance measure such as the L2 norm could be used given that the input space has been scaled appropriately, which generates the distance measure via distm = kym − ŷk2 (2) where m refers to the game of interest. Returning to our home and away performance example, one way to quantify 100 (1) Man United W=3.8%, H=7.6%, T=10.7% (4) Arsenal W=3.9, H=4.2%, T=9.5% (5) Tottenham W=0.1%, H=3.0%, T=8.9% 50 (6) Liverpool (7) Everton (8) Fulham W=1.8%, H=3.5%, T=9.5% W=-2.9%, H=-0.3%, T=5.6% W=-0.2%, H=1.6%, T=4.5% (9) Aston Villa W=0.1%, H=0.6%, T=0.2% (10) Sunderland W=2.6%, H=7.1%, T=8.4% 0 (11) West Bromwich Albion (12) Newcastle W=0.6%, H=3.1%, T=9.0% W=5.2%, H=6.7%, T=0.5% (13) Stoke City W=-3.7%, H=2.1%, T=1.9% (14) Bolton W=6.2%, H=5.4%, T=8.0% (15) Blackburn W=8.1%, H=3.6%, T=7.3% (16) Wigan (17) Wolverhamption W=8.1%, H=12.4%, T=8.1% W=-4.3%, H=0.4%, T=4.1% (18) Birmingham City (19) Blackpool (20) West Ham United W=5.0%, H=8.3%, T=13.8% W=-1.0, H=3.4%, T=11.9% W=-2.2%, H=-0.7%, T=3.6% (2) Chelsea W=1.1%, H=2.5%, T=-0.5% (3) Man City W=1.5%, H=3.1%, T=8.7% -50 -100 Figure 7: The normalized difference maps between home and away performances for all the 20 EPL teams. In all maps, teams are attacking from left-to-right and a positive value refers to a team having more occupancy in home games, while a negative value refers to more occupancy in away games. Percentages underneath each team give a value on this difference (Key: W is whole field, H refers to forward half and T refers to the attacking third.) Distortion Variance 120 80 40 0 0 5 10 15 20 15 20 (a) Home Performances 120 80 40 0 0 5 10 (b) Away Performances Figure 8: Variance in distortion for (a) home and (b) away performances. the variation in performance for each team in the EPL is through calculating the “feature variance” or “variance in distortion” using Equation 2 (see Figure 9). As can be seen in Figure 9(a), the variation in playing style of most home team’s is small - with the exception of teams 10 and 11 (Sunderland and West Brom). Conversely, the majority of team’s away performances were highly variable, with only teams 10 and 14 (Sunderland and Bolton) having low variance. These results suggest that predicting the playing style of home teams is quite feasible while predicting performances of away teams would be unreliable. In terms of post-match analysis, a similar approach could be used to see if a team’s performance was within the expectation range (i.e. ±σ). A good example was Fulham’s away performance against Manchester United. In this match, they lost 2-0 and conceded both goals in the first half (12th and 32nd minute). The comparison between this game and their typical performance can be visualized through their occupancy maps which are given in Figure 10. In this match, Fulham occupied a lot more possession in the middle of the field than they normally do. This example highlights the importance of the match context, as after scoring two early goals, based on the data it appeared that Manchester United sat back and allowed Fulham to have the majority of possession(52% of overall possession) [6], but this possession was in non-threatening positions (i.e. possession outside of the attacking third). To account for this behavior, analysis would have to normalize for variations in behavior caused by changes in match context (i.e. score, strength of opposition etc.). However, this is a major problem as we would limit the amount of data we would have to train our model. Future work will be focussed on clustering styles unsupervised to maximize the amount of context dependent data. Distance from Mean 60 40 20 (a) 0 0 5 10 Opponent Number 15 20 Figure 9: Example of the distortion for each away performance of Fulham in the 2010-2011 season. In match 16 they played Manchester United, and the performance on the day was far different from their other away performances (they lost 2-0 on this occasion). 7. SUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK Most sports analytics approaches only use event-based statistics to drive analysis and decision-making despite the influx of ball and player tracking data becoming available. The reason why this new and rich source of information is being neglected stems from the fact that it is continuous, high-dimensional and difficult to segment into semantic groups. The emerging field of sports spatiotemporal analytics uses spatiotemporal data such as ball and player tracking data to drive automatic team behavior/strategy analysis which would be extremely useful in all facets of the sports industry (e.g. coaching, broadcasting, fantasy-games, video games, betting etc.). In this paper, we gave an overview of the types of sports analytics work being done both in industry as well as academia. Additionally, we gave a casestudy which investigated possible reasons for why the home advantage exists in continuous sports like soccer. Using spatiotemporal data, we were able to show that teams at home play have more possession in the attacking third. Coupled with the fact that the shooting and passing proficiencies are not significantly different, this observation can partially explain why home teams have more shots and score more, and in-turn win more at home compared to away matches. Using our feature representation, we also showed examples where pre and post game analysis can be performed. Specifically, we were able to show the variation in home and away performances for each team, as well as the ability to flag anomalous performances. Our work also highlighted the importance of match context and the limiting factor it could have on training examples. In future work, we will look at unsupervised methods to cluster playing similar playing styles, which can enrich our training data set, without effecting its discriminating power. Additionally, we will explore how player tracking information can be used to discover team formations and plays. Predicting team interactions and subsequent performances and outcomes, especially when they have not played each other, is another application of our research. As reliable high-level labels are almost impossible to obtain, predicting match outcomes may be the best indicator of of successful analytical modeling. (b) Figure 10: Occupancy maps of the: (a) mean away performance for Fulham, and (b) their performance against Manchester United - in this match they lost 2-0 and conceded early in the match. 8. REFERENCES [1] S. Ali and M. Shah. Floor Fields for Tracking in High Density Crowd Scenes. In ECCV, 2008. [2] N. Allen, J. Templon, P. McNally, L. Birnbaum, and K. Hammond. 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