Dr. Robert Andrews - Florida Christian School
Dr. Robert Andrews - Florida Christian School
Florida Christian School The Declaration www.floridachristian.org SUMMER 2014 According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, over 28,000 people received the gift of an organ transplant in 2013. In the same report it stated that one million people received tissue transplants that helped them recover from trauma, bone damage, spinal injuries, burns, hearing impairment, and vision loss. There are many stories behind these statistics about how people choose to donate their organs or tissue in order to help someone else live. The people waiting for these donations are often on the brink of death, and are waiting on the news that might give them a chance for life or sight. Organ and tissue donations are good news that generate hope. The organs and tissue often transform the recipient’s life and provide them with hope for their future. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has the same kind of effect on people. When people are suffering through a difficult life without hope, they need to hear that God has a plan that can change their life. The Gospel will change their lives forever. A transformed life is proof positive that we know Jesus and have experienced his life-changing gift. In the Bible, Jesus used the example of living water to describe this gift of hope. In John 4:10, He told the woman at the well that He could give her this water and she would never thirst again. “Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” She did not understand his imagery of a physical need representing a spiritual one as He spoke of new life. There are many people all around us who are dissatisfied with their lives and are looking for something different. As Christians we have the opportunity to tell others that Jesus is the way to a new life. Jesus himself gives us the example of the work of sharing our faith with others. His encounter with the woman at the well is not unlike our opportunities. It was no accident that Jesus met the woman at the well that day. It is no acci- dent that you as a believer will have the opportunity to share your faith with someone today or tomorrow. If you aren’t sure if you have received the gift of eternal life Jesus offered, maybe it is no accident that you are reading this article. From the desk of Dr. Robert Andrews When a person has a physical need for an organ transplant, the barriers of social class, race, ethnicity, and language don’t seem very important. Sometimes these boundaries are obstacles when it comes to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth is that most people give more attention to their physical needs than to their spiritual needs because they seem more immediate and important. When a person’s physical life is in danger, most people respond with urgency. Around the world today there are untold numbers of people without Jesus who urgently need to meet the only one who can provide them with hope. Our choice is whether or not we will share what we know with those people who need Christ so desperately or we will choose to withhold the very remedy that would offer them the blessed hope of salvation. IMPORTANT AUGUST DATES 4-8 & FCS Bookstore Open 11-15 8:00am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-3:00pm 4-8 FCS Recycled Uniform Store Open, C105 8:00am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-3:00pm 14 Open House K3-5th Grade 6:00-7:00pm 5th Grade Orientation - 5:30pm In John 4:39-42, we can read about the results of the Samaritan woman’s new life in Christ. “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did, so when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers. They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.” The result of this one woman’s salvation was that many believed her testimony, many had increased interest in Jesus, and many more came to believe after hearing Jesus themselves. 18 WELCOME BACK - 1ST DAY OF 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Meet & Greet - Welcome to all Parents in both cafeterias 8:00-9:30am (Main Campus and West Campus) 18 Prayer Meeting Open Houses 8:00-9:30am Main Campus and West Campus Cafeterias 20 New Parent Breakfast 8:00am-10:00am For all Parents NEW to FCS Main Campus Cafeteria A new and changed life is offered through Jesus Christ. It is available to all, to the entire world, every culture and all religious backgrounds. As believers we simply have to open our eyes to see all of the people around us who need to hear the message. 26 25 Middle School Open House (Grades 6-8) 7:00-9:00pm in the gym High School Open House (Grades 9-12) 7:00-9:00pm in the gym Accredited by: AdvancED, Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions. GIFTS TO FCS We want to gratefully acknowledge those who have financially contributed during the months of December through May to the ongoing work at Florida Christian. The following contributed the Sharing in Excellence Annual Fund: Robert & Katie Andrews Jim & Mary Arnold Griselda Bain Angel & Olga Barrios Simon & Laura Bazyler Derwin & Audrey Brigham Lino & Cary Calvo Luis & Eva Camejo Marty & Rebeca Capogreco Elio & Graciela Casanas Diane Class James and Monica Class Steve & Melissa Class Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela Carlos & Maria Cuervo Jorge & Tracy Cuesta De Paz Holdings LLC Jorge & Ana Del Valle Ernesto & Iris Delgado Edwin & Gloria Dossett Dan & Kelly Pruessner Keith & Gladys Quinlan Jorge & Tania Reynardus Iliana Rodriguez Nordia Roman Juan & Esther Roque Boris & Susan Rubio Al & Patti Ruiz Joey & Yami Saad Nancy Safreed Danny & Gina Trapero Juan & Daisy Valdes Frank & Wendy Vann Bernalt & Kimberly Velasquez Deborah Warner Mary Whitfield Bill & Kerry Wicks Steve & Laura Willoughby Stephen & Penny Wright Robert & Patti Evelyn Robert & Sheila Felder James & Jessica Fox Chris & Helen Garner Joel Gonzalez & Ileana Silva-Gonzalez Andrew & Amanda Guilfoyle George & Mayra Gulla Robert & Debbie Hale John & Susan Hanna Alberto & Dasha Hernandez Gus & Gloria Herrera Frank & Melanie Hopkins Paul & Pam Howell Paul & Sandy Jeannin Todd & Alida Jolly Bryan & Jan King David & Beth King Pete & Barbara Kingman James & Livia Koepp Doug & Karen Kostowski Robert & Clare Landau Alejandro & Ana Ledon Gary & Maria Lehnhard Hector & Lydia Lopez Damian Lue Lazaro & Maria Martinez Janet Mattern Jorge & Karla Megias Domingo & Iris Mendez Jorge & Ivette Menendez Fernando & Monica Mesa Tim & Katie Miner Luis & Marcia Montaner Bill & Sherril Nealey Joseph & Rebecca Padron Peter & Lea Padron Hugues & Lisa Pericles Michael & Alicia Pertierra Perry & Anncey Pitelli Ontoniel & Diana Frometa Armando & Ana Gomez George & Mayra Gulla Robert & Debbie Hale Pete & Barbara Kingman Marisa Lauria Damian Lue Jorge & Karla Megias Domingo & Iris Mendez Jorge & Ivette Menendez Sam & Kristy Miro Luis & Marcia Montaner Peter & Lea Padron Hugues & Lisa Pericles Michael & Alicia Pertierra Jorge & Tania Reynardus Ed & Debbie Riggan Joey & Yami Saad Nancy Safreed Scott & Jeannine Stemmer Danny & Gina Trapero Frank & Wendy Vann Deborah Warner Bill & Kerry Wicks Jeffrey Figueroa Maria Gori Ron & Su Green George & Mayra Gulla Robert & Debbie Hale Rick & Maria Harris Todd & Alida Jolly David & Beth King Damian Lue Lazaro & Maria Martinez Jorge & Karla Megias Domingo & Iris Mendez Jorge & Ivette Menendez Luis & Marcia Montaner Peter & Lea Padron Jesus & Maby Perez Hugues & Lisa Pericles Michael & Alicia Pertierra Jorge & Tania Reynardus Joey & Yami Saad Celeste Serralta Chris & Christina Sierra Danny & Gina Trapero Juan & Daisy Valdes Frank & Wendy Vann Deborah Warner Media Center Building: Larry & Monica Arroyo Steve & Leigh Byers Luis & Eva Camejo Marty & Rebeca Capogreco Steve & Melissa Class Jorge & Tracy Cuesta Jorge & Ana Del Valle Alex & Madeline Diaz Bob & Sheila Felder Martin Fund: Luis & Eva Camejo Marty & Rebeca Capogreco Steve & Melissa Class Thomas & Michelle Collazo Jorge & Tracy Cuesta Jorge & Ana DelValle Edwin & Gloria Dossett James & Natasha Erwin Robert & Sheila Felder Cafeteria Expansion Fund: Bob & Sheila Felder, Gary & Joyce Johnson, Lazaro & Maria Martinez, Scott & Rebecca Prinz and Bill & Kerry Wicks Endowment Fund: Steve & Melissa Class Equip-A-Classroom Fund: Steve & Melissa Class and Damian Lue Financial Aid Fund: Steve & Melissa Class, Anthony & Gladys Perez, Delfin Pernas, Luis and Dinah Rodriguez, Waldo & Desiree Tejedor Raul Rodriguez Fund: Chris & Leidy Brigman Danny Angel Fund: Danny & Gina Trapero Band Fund: Margie Nieves Security Fund: Robert & Patti Evelyn Technology Fund: Marlo & Sandra Dieguez To find out how you can be a part of giving to FCS, contact Wendy Vann in the Development Office at 305-226-8152, extension 222 or email [email protected] 2 REQUIRED SUMMER READING This summer, the students will be REQUIRED to read one or more books. When they return in the fall, they can expect a test (covering the novel(s) they were assigned) during the first week of school. In addition to reading the assigned novel(s) from the list below, students will also be REQUIRED to complete an assignment that will be posted on our website. This assignment will be turned in for a grade when they return in the fall. RE-ENROLLMENT - Now On-Line Current Student Re-Enrollment On-Line We are excited to announce that our re-registration process is now more convenient than ever and available online. To re-enroll your student for the 2014-2015 school year you can now use our online re-enrollment process. In order to begin the re-enrollment process you must access our ParentsWeb through your existing RenWeb login at www.renweb.com or go to www.floridachristian.org and follow the link to re-registration. These novels can be purchased or ordered from any major bookstore in town or online. 6TH GRADE Incoming 6th Graders Regular 6th Grade classes • Star of Light by Patricia St. John • Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell Honors 6th Grade • Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell • Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor 7TH GRADE Incoming 7th graders Regular 7th Grade classes: •: Stealing Freedom by Elisa Carbone Honors 7th Grade • Stealing Freedom by Elisa Carbone • Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan 8TH GRADE Incoming 8th graders • The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway • Hatchet by Gary Paulsen 9TH GRADE Incoming 9th graders • Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths by Bernard Evslin 10TH GRADE Incoming 10th graders • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury 11TH GRADE Incoming 11th graders • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain • Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck 12TH GRADE Incoming 12th graders • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 3 Families who have already taken advantage of the on-line re-registration process have expressed their enthusiasm for the user-friendly, more convenient method of securing their students’ places for the upcoming school year. NEW STUDENTS New Student Inquiries - On-line Requests Those who wish to receive more information about FCS before beginning the admissions process may use the following link to request information: https://fcs-fl.client.renweb.com/oa/inquiry.cfm?memberid=1044 Applications On-line New students can access the on-line application at the FCS website under the Admissions tab. K-3 - 1st Grade - Call or email to schedule an interview 2nd - 12th Grade - Call or email to schedule testing Email: [email protected] Phone: 305-226-8152 x257 THE DARYL SAFREED LIBRARY A very special tribute was made during the 2014 FCS graduation ceremony. Mrs. Nancy Safreed was presented with a plaque which stated the following: The Daryl Safreed Library By decree of the Florida Christian School Board, the library at Florida Christian School will bear the name of our beloved English teacher, Mr. Daryl Safreed. Mr. Safreed taught Senior English, AP English, and Speech at Florida Christian School from 1990 until 2013. His impact on students transcended the classroom as he influenced their career choice, college choices and admission, and their spiritual life as well. His name on the Florida Christian School library will forever honor his passion for reading and for books. Mrs. Nancy Safreed receives a plaque from Mr. Bob Felder, President of the FCS Board of Directors as Dr. Robert Andrews looks on. 4 HONOR ROLL - 2ND GRADING PERIOD Principal’s List (All A’s) Kindergarten Five: Jacob Alvarez, Abigail Ardois, Anjuli Balart, Javier Bichara, Daniela Canosa, Dylan Casal, Gino Chacon, Danny De Los Santos, Eden Del Rey, Hailey Dieguez, Sophia DiTommaso, Carolina Echevarria, Mia Echevarria, Austin Fernandez, Bianca Fluxa, Gabriel Garcia, Sofia Garcia, Brianna Gonzalez, Charles Gonzalez, Nicholas Lavandera, Brandon Luis, Allison Mantecon, Alexander Marquez, Madison Mederos, Isaac Menendez, Osmanny Montano, Alejandro Nunez, Diego Pacheco, Joseph Padron, Danielle Perez Matthew Perez, Madeline Rodriguez, Dominick Rubio, Markus Ruiz, Olivia Serralta, Lucas Suarez, Daniella Torres, Leonardo Trejos, Michael Valdes, Nicholas Velazco First Grade: Joshua Acuna, Isabella Aguilera, Kiara Bango, Joshua Barba, Manuel Barcelo, Arianna Barrios, Sean Benedit, Genesis Bosque, Andres Brito, Nicholas Bustos, Nicole Casamayor, Noah Caso-Markey, Alyssa Ceballos, Sofia Cecchi, Malia Chang, Skye Dickinson, Diego Farina, Carlos Gonzalez, Catherine Gonzalez, Joaquin Gonzalez, Ajay Jimenez, Kaleb Jolly, Rebecca Kemerer, Christopher Marquez, Gabriel Martinez, Daniela Mendez, Brianna Moreno, Alyssa Noguera, Jair Obando, Andrew Pena, Ella Pino, Amanda Rodriguez, Gina Rodriguez, Jason Rodriguez, Richard Rollheiser, Alejandro Ruiz, Brian Sanchez, Michael Say, Milana Sepulveda, Samuel Stemmer, Alejandro Suarez, Isaac Treto, Edward Vaz Second Grade: Joshua Aguirre, Roberto Alvarez, Aubree Arango, Isabella Bonilla, Justin Brigman, Matthew Capo, Thomas Caskey, Alejandro Cejas, Charlie Cisneros, Aiden Cuervo, Emma Dieguez, Angelo DiTommaso, Damian Farina, Ethan Gonzalez, Camila Hernandez, Sofia Hernandez, Aniyah Herring, Isabella Jorge, Justin Montoya, Valeria Moriano, Gabriela Netto, Sofia Netto, Samuel Oliva, Angelica Otero, Katherine Padron, Aaron Perez, Ashley Perez, Cristina Pernas, Emely Ravelo, Ricardo Rios, Katia Rivera, Katherine Rodriguez, Gabriela Ruiz, Amy Suarez, Carolina Tapanes, Gabriela Tapanes, D’Andre Toledo, Matthew Valero, Nicole Vaz, Romel Vivar Third Grade: Sofia Acuna, Meagan Alvarez, Hannah Ayala, Austin Bailey, Zachary Bailey, Andres Balart, Miguel Bichara, Juliette Bryant, Jose Cabrera, Jake Camejo, John Castellanos, Mayaluna Castellanos, Nicholas Chong, Adrian Cordoba, Kevin Cruz, Nicole Denis, Ella Diaz, Evan Garcia, Aarik Gomez, Sebastien Grillo, Matheus Guerra, Abby Hernandez, Kirsten Hernandez, Natalie Hernandez, Patrick Herrera, Jessica Leake, Gabriela Membreno, Natalya Mesa, Madison Noguera, Maya Ortiz, Cole Pruessner, Sofia Raurell, Christopher Rivera, Ana Rosas, Lucas Ruiz, Matthew Say, Matthew Sicle, Amanda Soriano, Charlie Stemmer, Amanda Tejeda, Emily Torres, Sophia Valdes, Sophia Viera Fourth Grade: Aliya Acosta, George Alexander, Samuel Alvarez, Christian Bosque, Jacob Brigman, Rachel Burke, Valery Casamayor, Sasha Cejas, Angelica Cueto, Diego De La Maza, Miranda De La Noval, Amanda Diaz, Matthew Diaz, Luna Dieguez, Michael English, Nina Gonzalez, Edwardo Grillo, Gabrielle Grillo, Matthew Jalil, Samantha Kemerer, Mikaela King, Joel Lago, Jason Losada, Chloe Markey, Madison McDonald, Carolina Morales, Lucas Perez, Jorge Pernas, Christian Ramos, Abigail Rashid, Karina Rendon, Alexa Rodriguez, Raphael Ruiz Fifth Grade: Raziel Aparicio-Gomez, Alexa Brown, Priscilla Cevallos, Chloe Chang, Angelica Chavez, Carlos Cordoba, Joseph Delgado, AJ Diaz, Megan Diaz, Domenick Espinosa, Nicholas Fernandez, Olivia Fernandez, Tommy Fernandez, Joseph FernandezAndes, Jonathan Gomez, Donald Harrington, Daniella Harris, Katrina Hernandez, Raquel Hernandez, Rocio Lopez, Matthew Megias, Nicole Molina, Elizabeth Pella, Adrian Perez, Priscilla Pruna, Nicole Ramirez, Manuel Riesgo, Sofia Rivero, Thomas Rowsey, Amanda Stoker, Max Torres, Emma Valenti, Yasmin Valiente, Isabella Vazquez, Alexa Vivar Sixth Grade: Joshua Amedee, David Araya, Rebecca Atencio, Richard Burke, Christian Davila, Eric Estape, Madison Estape, Evelyn Gonzalez, Laura Gonzalez, Rachel Hernandez, Orlando Hernandez Bosch, Carolina Ledon, Dillon Lue, Elizabeth Lyons, Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta, Rebecca Menendez, Joseph Oceguera, Jason Pertierra, Priscilla Pozo, Julianna Rendon, Carlos Rios, Isabella Rodriguez, Emily Ruiz, Renee Ruiz, Brandon Sanchez, Eric Sosa, Lucas Villanueva Seventh Grade: Sofia Abreu, Michelle Agudo, Joshua Bartley, Elizabeth Binef, Audrey Castellanos, Sophia Donato, Jenna English, Andres Ledon, Jonathan Lorenzo, Stephany Matat, Hunter Norris, Kenneth Northerner, Gianna Ortiz, Jacqueline Padron, Hannah Reynardus, Robert Ricelli, Stephanie Salcines, Natalie Santovenia, Brittany Scoggins, Santiago Stapel, Sergio Tejeda, Christopher Touma, Jonathan Touma, Hannah Vivar Eighth Grade: Nathan Blanco, Nicolas Camejo, Gabriel Carreira, Natasha Gonzalez, Emily Herrera, Camila Hidalgo, Katrina Padron, Jose Pereira, Nicole Rodriguez, Taylor San Miguel, Karina Tohme Ninth Grade: Joseph Abella, Manuel-Alejandro Chong, Nicole Fontela, Grace Harrington, Mayte Lezcano, Ian Mendez, Hope Morales, Shannon Rowsey Tenth Grade: Rebecca Abreu, Jessica Barcelo, Kristine Bover, Alana Buznego, Alexis Castaneda, Carolina Goizueta, Daniela Guevara, Kenneth Hernandez, Arthur Lievano, Sydni Liotta, Fernando Mihaic, Alexandra Perez, David Ramos, Jacqueline Roque, Faith Vazquez, Stephanie Watkins Eleventh Grade: Emily Abella, Josiah Bazyler, Victoria Camargo, Natalie Fernandez, Cassandra Fernandez-Dieguez, Katie Godoy, Genesis Koussiafes, Michelle Lopez, Casey Lue, Vanessa Marquez, Jonathan Martinez, Matthew Padilla Brizuela, Rafael Paz, Catherine Ravelo, Emily Roberts, Rachel Rosal, Gabriela Sarmiento, Mark Simonitis Twelfth Grade: Alandra Alonso, Vanessa Alvarez, Daniela Amador, Ariana Amargos-Lopez, Armando Camejo, Angelica Carcasses, Abdiel Cotto Irizarry, Michael Fernandez, Shantel Gomez, Richard Guerra, Alyssa Junco, Jazmin Liotta, Daniela Ruadez, Wyatt Sikora If your child made one of the Honor Rolls, you may pick up a “My Child Made the Honor Roll” bumper sticker in the school office. The bumper stickers are free of charge. 5 HONOR ROLL - 2ND GRADING PERIOD Honor Roll (A&B Honor Roll - At least 3.5 GPA) Kindergarten Five: Camila Echevarria First Grade: Vanessa Alvarez, Camila Flores, Carolina Flores, Bella Garcia, Daniel Gonzalez, Glacey Lugo, Elias Marcayda, Samuel Miro, Havana Nunez, Nicolas Oropesa, Maddox Paige, Oscar Quinones, Jayden Ramos, Joseph Saad Second Grade: Christina Almuina, Adrian Amador, Santiago Garcia, Sebastian Llosa, Jason Nunez Third Grade: Julian Acuna, Amaris Alvarez, Ayleen Amador, Jonathan Estrada, Adel Garcia, Jade Medina, Ashlyn Nunez, Perry Pitelli, Bianca Santalla, Julio Silva Fourth Grade: Adrian Alvarez, Jasmine Araoz, Christopher Bayo, Ashton Beck, Joie-Lucia Diaz, Jose Fernandez, Lizette Frometa, Preston Howell, Ethan Jimenez, Daniel Lopez, Cecilia Marcayda, Kristina Megias, Sarah Milton, Linney Mirabal, Chloe Montenegro, Julian Montoya, Michael Morales, Stephen Pella, Christopher Rodriguez, Emmee Rodriguez, Javier Sanchez, Angelica Santana, Javier Taylor, Anthony Vazquez Fifth Grade: Andrew Acosta, Jonathan Aguirre, Lauren Alonso, Sofia Araya, Gabriel Arria, John Bentacourt, Victoria Bonilla, Brandon Carrillo, Asia Castellanos, Gabrielle Delatour, Cristina Fanfani, Natalie Gonzalez, Elizabeth Herrera, Caden Irvine, Bryan Leal, Daniella Marrero, Matthew Mederos, Lucas Mendez, Sophia Milton, Samaya Perez, Amanda Ramos, Daniel Rodriguez, Gabriel Rodriguez, Orestes Soler, Amanda Tesserot, Damian Vilarchao Honor Roll (3.7 average - a minimum of four A’s, no grade lower than C) Sixth Grade: Elizabeth Alonso, Victoria Alonso, Dena Barros, Matthew Borrego, Jonathan Carnero, Andrea Delgado, Emily Gonzalez, David Jimenez, Leonard Lam, Julianne Manash, Cristina Northerner, Jessica Pankey, Nicolina Pereira, Sebastian Ponce, Karina Raventos, Daniella Rubio, Gianna Sanchez, Manuel Sarmiento, Keilah Serralta, Fernando Serrano, Rommy Silva, Abigail Soriano, Gabriella Valencia, Maxwell Weihl, Katherine Yac Seventh Grade: Isabella Alicea, Fernando Arias, Lauren Cerda, Matthew Fagin, Joseph Fernandez, Vanessa Figueredo, Janelle Forte, Joshua Gonzalez, Nicole Gonzalez, Cleyton Howell, Giuliana Jas, Gabriella Jim, Charisma Jolly, Annelee Kiliddjian, Adrian Lengua, Mia Melo, Justin Nunez, Michael Padron, Eduardo Palenzuela, Sandra Pedre, Camila Perez, Zoe Rafols, Kyra Ramirez, Michael Ramos, Lia Ramsey, Julian Rashid, Kayla Rivera, Alanna Rodriguez, Megan Rodriguez, Samuel Rodriguez, Bianca Suarez, Isaac Sullivan Eighth Grade: AJ Alvarez, Emanuel Arias, Emily Beltran, Jose Blanco, Nia Blanco, Alexia Borges, Ty Botana, Isabella Corrales, Jacob Delgado, Javier A. Fernandez, Michael Fernandez, Alexia Fleites, Lillian Frometa, Nicole Garcia, Kassandra Gomez, Kylie Hunt, Sophia Irias, Joshua Jimenez, Richard Leal, Nicholas Maggi, Marcos Mau, Maia Miloslavich Salvador, Sally Mina-Vargas, Adam Octala, Justin Oro, Brandon Perez, Nicholas Perez, Emily Ramos, Emily Raspall, Ryan Rivas, Hannah Rosa, Britney Rubio, Jessica Torrente, Daniel Villamil, Kevin Vittoria Ninth Grade: Victoria Alonso, Matthew Benitez, Marcos Buznego, Madeleine Byers, Jeffrey Caldwell, Rebekah Carp, Diego Coviella, Lauren Diaz, Cassidy Dorway, Danielle Garcia, Elyzabeth Hernandez, Michael Herrera, Nicole Hoffmeister, Ellianne Isidron, Kayla Jolly, Matthew Lawrence, Melania Maccari, Hansel Marrero, Christian Marsellos, Kevin Meehan, Naia Mion-Bet, Marc Montero, Megan Nunez, Ana Oceguera, Abi Perez Sotolongo, Jack Pertierra, Giancarlo Ponce, Camila Ramirez, Gabriela Rodriguez, Nicky Ruiz, Joel Sosa, Emily Wahlenberg, Brittany Wellinghoff Tenth Grade: Sabrina Acosta, Karina Alvarez, Anthony Arango, Erika Arias, Chase Beck, Belinda Blanco, Daniela Cerboncini, Michelle-Su Chin, Victoria Cortizo, Christopher Dahlan, Stephanie Diaz, Laura Fernandez, Lauren Fuster, Melanie Garcia, Gabriela Garrido, Veronica Gomez, Maikol Gonzalez, Carlos Henao, Cody Jimenez, Jessica Maristany, Adriana Martinez, Jessica Matat, Lucie Mau, Lauren Penland, Gabriela Pineiro, Paula Pulgar-Vidal, Daniela Ramos, Katerina Rey, Amanda Rodriguez, Damaris Rodriguez, Emily Sosa, Elliette Utset, Stephanie Valdes, Emily Vazquez Eleventh Grade: Cynthia Acosta, Lorin Acosta, Alexander Alfonso, Brian Bolanos, Melissa Cabanas, John Cabauy, Mary-Angie Canales, Ashley Castillo, Frank Chacon, Alyssa Chang, Nathalie De La Torre, Sabrina Donato, Andrew Echezabal, Nicholas Esparragoza, Ray Fernandez, Kryten Garcia, Eduardo Hernandez, Christian Herschman, Nicole Javech, Emily Lago, Amanda Lorenzo, Jenna Maggi, Alejandro Nodarse, Kaylee Padron, Eduardo Ramos, Oscar Ramos, Katie Reeder, Kristine Reynardus, Kaitlyn Rodriguez, Megan Rodriguez, Seve Rodriguez, Casey Ruiz, Samantha Sardinas, Elizabeth Suarez Twelfth Grade: Stephanie Acosta, Bianca Alonso, Natalia Baixeras, Christina Berndt, Zoilan Cabrera, Jose Campos, Jonathan Cerra, Natalie Cora, Daniel Creel, Isabella Cueto, Carolina Dans, Gabriella DeMatas, Gabriel Diaz, Thalia Diaz, Haley Felder, Christian Fernandez-Andes, David Gonzalez, Lilyette Gonzalez, Amanda Gutierrez, Amarys Hernandez, Hani Jardack, Orlando Mendez, Erick Mendez-Boldt, Brandon Milian, Priya Nathani, Jared Octala, Joanthony Paris, Elise Pericles, Samuel Pimienta, Amanda Portillo, Kristine Ramsey, Jenna Reisert, Christina Rodriguez, Matthew Santovenia, Sarah Serralta, Samantha Sosa, Jeremiah Tejedor, Natalia Tohme, Enrique Vila Morales, Garrett Wicks, Veronica Williams, Lauren Williamson-Magarino, Rebekah Wright, Alexander Zimmerman If your child made one of the Honor Rolls, you may pick up a “My Child Made the Honor Roll” bumper sticker in the school office. The bumper stickers are free of charge. 6 HONOR ROLL - 3RD GRADING PERIOD Principal’s List (All A’s) Kindergarten Five: Jacob Alvarez, Anjuli Balart, Javier Bichara, Danny De Los Santos, Sophia DiTommaso, Austin Fernandez, Bianca Fluxa, Sofia Garcia, Charles Gonzalez, Brandon Luis, Allison Mantecon, Alexander Marquez, Madison Mederos, Isaac Menendez, Diego Pacheco, Leonardo Trejos, Nicholas Velazco First Grade: Joshua Acuna, Isabella Aguilera, Kiara Bango, Joshua Barba, Manuel Barcelo, Arianna Barrios, Sean Benedit, Genesis Bosque, Andres Brito, Nicholas Bustos, Nicole Casamayor, Noah Caso-Markey, Alyssa Ceballos, Sofia Cecchi, Malia Chang, Skye Dickinson, Diego Farina, Carlos Gonzalez, Catherine Gonzalez, Joaquin Gonzalez, Kaleb Jolly, Rebecca Kemerer, Christopher Marquez, Gabriel Martinez, Daniela Mendez, Brianna Moreno, Jair Obando, Andrew Pena, Ella Pino, Amanda Rodriguez, Gina Rodriguez, Jason Rodriguez, Richard Rollheiser, Brian Sanchez, Michael Say, Samuel Stemmer, Alejandro Suarez, Isaac Treto Second Grade: Joshua Aguirre, Roberto Alvarez, Christina Almuina, Aubree Arango, Isabella Bonilla, Justin Brigman, Matthew Capo, Thomas Caskey, Alejandro Cejas, Aiden Cuervo, Emma Dieguez, Angelo DiTommaso, Damian Farina, Ethan Gonzalez, Camila Hernandez, Sofia Hernandez, Aniyah Herring, Justin Montoya, Valeria Moriano, Gabriela Netto, Sofia Netto, Jason Nunez, Samuel Oliva, Angelica Otero, Katherine Padron, Aaron Perez, Ashley Perez, Cristina Pernas, Ricardo Rios, Katia Rivera, Katherine Rodriguez, Gabriela Ruiz, Amy Suarez, Carolina Tapanes, Gabriela Tapanes, D’Andre Toledo, Matthew Valero, Nicole Vaz, Romel Vivar Third Grade: Meagan Alvarez, Hannah Ayala, Austin Bailey, Zachary Bailey, Andres Balart, Miguel Bichara, Juliette Bryant, Jake Camejo, John Castellanos, Mayaluna Castellanos, Nicholas Chong, Adrian Cordoba, Kevin Cruz, Ella Diaz, Evan Garcia, Aarik Gomez, Sebastien Grillo, Matheus Guerra, Kirsten Hernandez, Patrick Herrera, Gabriela Membreno, Madison Noguera, Maya Ortiz, Cole Pruessner, Sofia Raurell, Christopher Rivera, Lucas Ruiz, Matthew Say, Matthew Sicle, Amanda Soriano, Charlie Stemmer, Amanda Tejeda, Emily Torres, Sophia Valdes, Sophia Viera Fourth Grade: George Alexander, Samuel Alvarez, Christian Bosque, Jacob Brigman, Rachel Burke, Valery Casamayor, Sasha Cejas, Angelica Cueto, Miranda De La Noval, Amanda Diaz, Matthew Diaz, Luna Dieguez, Michael English, Nina Gonzalez, Gabrielle Grillo, Matthew Jalil, Samantha Kemerer, Mikaela King, Joel Lago, Jason Losada, Chloe Markey, Madison McDonald, Carolina Morales, Michael Morales, Jorge Pernas, Christian Ramos, Abigail Rashid, Alexa Rodriguez, Raphael Ruiz Fifth Grade: Raziel Aparicio-Gomez, Sofia Araya, Gabriel Arria, John Betancourt, Victoria Bonilla, Alexa Brown, Victoria Cabrera, Priscilla Cevallos, Chloe Chang, Angelica Chavez, Carlos Cordoba, Joseph Delgado, AJ Diaz, Megan Diaz, Domenick Espinosa, Nicholas Fernandez, Olivia Fernandez, Tommy Fernandez, Joseph Fernandez-Andes, Jonathan Gomez, Donald Harrington, Daniella Harris, Katrina Hernandez, Raquel Hernandez, Caden Irvine, Bryan Leal, Rocio Lopez, Daniella Marrero, Matthew Megias, Sophia Milton, Nicole Molina, Elizabeth Pella, Adrian Perez, Priscilla Pruna, Nicole Ramirez, Manuel Riesgo, Daniel Rodriguez, Thomas Rowsey, Orestes Soler, Amanda Stoker, Amanda Tesserot, Max Torres, Emma Valenti, Yasmin Valiente, Isabella Vazquez, Damian Vilarchao, Alexa Vivar Sixth Grade: Joshua Amedee, David Araya, Rebecca Atencio, Richard Burke, Christian Davila, Rachel Hernandez, Carolina Ledon, Elizabeth Lyons, Rebecca Menendez, Joseph Oceguera, Jason Pertierra, Carlos Rios, Isabella Rodriguez, Emily Ruiz, Renee Ruiz, Brandon Sanchez Seventh Grade: Sofia Abreu, Michelle Agudo, Joshua Bartley, Elizabeth Binef, Audrey Castellanos, Sophia Donato, Jenna English, Andres Ledon, Stephany Matat, Hunter Norris, Kenneth Northerner, Gianna Ortiz, Jacqueline Padron, Hannah Reynardus, Robert Ricelli, Stephanie Salcines, Natalie Santovenia, Brittany Scoggins, Santiago Stapel, Sergio Tejeda, Christopher Touma, Jonathan Touma, Hannah Vivar Eighth Grade: Nicolas Camejo, Gabriel Carreira, Natasha Gonzalez, Emily Herrera, Camila Hidalgo, Nicole Rodriguez, Karina Tohme Ninth Grade: Nicole Fontela, Grace Harrington, Hope Morales Tenth Grade: Rebecca Abreu, Jessica Barcelo, Kristine Bover, Alana Buznego, Arthur Lievano, Alexandra Perez, Jacqueline Roque, Faith Vazquez, Stephanie Watkins Eleventh Grade: Josiah Bazyler, Natalie Fernandez, Katelyn Godoy, Genesis Koussiafes, Michelle Lopez, Casey Lue, Vanessa Marquez, Rafael Paz, Emily Roberts Twelfth Grade: Alandra Alonso, Angelica Carcasses, Abdiel Cotto Irizarry, Michael Fernandez, Shantel Gomez, Richard Guerra, Jazmin Liotta, Wyatt Sikora If your child made one of the Honor Rolls, you may pick up a “My Child Made the Honor Roll” bumper sticker in the school office. The bumper stickers are free of charge. 7 HONOR ROLL - 3RD GRADING PERIOD Honor Roll (A&B Honor Roll - At least 3.5 GPA) Kindergarten Five: Abigail Ardois, Daniela Canosa, Dylan Casal, Gino Chacon, Eden Del Rey, Hailey Dieguez, Camila Echevarria, Carolina Echevarria, Gavriel Garcia, Brianna Gonzalez, Nicholas Lavandera, Osmanny Montano, Joseph Padron, Danielle Perez, Matthew Perez, Dominick Rubio, Markus Ruiz, Olivia Serralta, Lucas Suarez, Daniella Torres, Michael Valdes First Grade: Brandon Cruz, Camila Flores, Carolina Flores, Daniel Gonzalez, Ajay Jimenez, Glacey Lugo, Elias Marcayda, Allyssa Noguera, Nicolas Oropesa, Maddox Paige, Oscar Quinones, Jayden Ramos, Alejandro Ruiz, Joseph Saad, Milana Sepulveda, Edward Vaz Second Grade: Adrian Amador, Charlie Cisneros, Santiago Garcia, Isabella Jorge, Sebastian Llosa, Emely Ravelo Third Grade: Sofia Acuna, Julian Acuna, Amaris Alvarez, Julian Alvarez, Ayleen Amador, Jose Cabrera, Nicole Denis, Jonathan Estrada, Adel Garcia, Bradley Garcia, Abby Hernandez, Natalie Hernandez, Jessica Leake, Jade Medina, Natalya Mesa, Perry Pitelli, Nicolas Restrepo, Ana Rosas, Bianca Santalla Fourth Grade: Aliya Acosta, Adrian Alvarez, Jasmine Araoz, Christopher Bayo, Ashton Beck, Diego de la Maza, Joie Diaz, Jose Fernandez, Lizette Frometa, Edwardo Grillo, Ethan Jimenez, Daniel Lopez, Cecilia Marcayda, Kristina Megias, Sarah Milton, Linney Mirabal, Chloe Montenegro, Julian Montoya, Stephen Pella, Lucas Perez, Christopher Rodriguez, Emmee Rodriguez, Javier Sanchez, Angelica Santana, Javier Taylor, Anthony Vazquez Fifth Grade: Andrew Acosta, Jonathan Aguirre, Lauren Alonso, Brandon Carrillo, Asia Castellnos, Gabrielle Delatour, Cristina Fanfani, Daniel Garcia, Natalie Gonzalez, Kyle Guso, Elizabeth Herrera, Matthew Mederos, Lucas Mendez, Amanda Ramos, Priscilla Raventos, Sofia Rivero, Gabriel Rodriguez Honor Roll (3.7 average - a minimum of four A’s, no grade lower than C) Sixth Grade: Elizabeth Alonso, Dena Barros, Matthew Borrego, Andrea Delgado, Eric Estape, Madison Estape, Emily Gonzalez, Evelyn Gonzalez, Laura Gonzalez, Orlando Hernandez Bosch, Leonard Lam, Dillon Lue, Julianne Manash, Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta, Jessica Pankey, Nicolina Pereira, Sebastian Ponce, Priscilla Pozo, Gianna Sanchez, Keilah Serralta, Fernando Serrano, Rommy Silva, Eric Sosa, Gabriella Valencia, Lucas Villanueva, Maxwell Weihl, Katherine Yac Seventh Grade: Isabella Alicea, Lauren Cerda, Matthew Fagin, Joseph Fernandez, Janelle Forte, Joshua Gonzalez, Nicole Gonzalez, Annelee Kiliddjian, Adrian Lengua, Jonathan Lorenzo, Mia Melo, Justin Nunez, Michael Padron, Camila Perez, Michael Ramos, Lia Ramsey, Kayla Rivera, Alanna Rodriguez, Megan Rodriguez, Bianca Suarez Eighth Grade: Emily Beltran, Jose Blanco, Nathan Blanco, Nia Blanco, Alexia Borges, Isabella Corrales, Jacob Delgado, Javier A. Fernandez, Lillian Frometa, Kassandra Gomez, Joshua Jimenez, Richard Leal, Marcos Mau, Adam Octala, Justin Oro, Katrina Padron, Jose Pereira, Brandon Perez, Nicholas Perez, Emily Ramos, Hannah Rosa, Briney Rubio, Taylor San Miguel, Jessica Torrente, Kevin Vittoria Ninth Grade: Joseph Abella, Victoria Alonso, Marcos Buznego, Madeleine Byers, Jeffrey Caldwell, Rebekah Carp, Manuel-Alejandro Chong, Diego Coviella, Lauren Diaz, Elyzabeth Hernandez, Nicole Hoffmeister, Ellianne Isidron, Kayla Jolly, Matthew Lawrence, Mayte Lezcano, Hansel Marrero, Kevin Meehan, Ian Mendez, Naia Mion-Bet, Marc Montero, Megan Nunez, Ana Oceguera, Abi Perez Sotolongo, Giancarlo Ponce, Camila Ramirez, Gabriela Rodriguez, Shannon Rowsey, Emily Wahlenberg, Brittany Wellinghoff Tenth Grade: Karina Alvarez, Anthony Arango, Erika Arias, Chase Beck, Belinda Blanco, Alexis Castaneda, Daniela Cerboncini, Michelle-Su Chin, Victoria Cortizo, Christopher Dahlan, Laura Fernandez, Lauren Fuster, Melanie Garcia, Gabriela Garrido, Carolina Goizueta, Veronica Gomez, Maikol Gonzalez, Daniela Guevara, Carlos Henao, Kenneth Hernandez, Cody Jimenez, Sydni Liotta, Jessica Maristany, Adriana Martinez, Lucie Mau, Fenando Mihaic, Lauren Penland, Gabriela Pineiro, Paula Pulgar-Vidal, Daniela Ramos, David Ramos, Amanda Rodriguez, Damaris Rodriguez, Emily Sosa, Stephanie Valdes, Emily Vazquez Eleventh Grade: Emily Abella, Cynthia Acosta, Alexander Alfonso, Brian Bolanos, Melissa Cabanas, John Cabauy, Victoria Camargo, Ashley Castillo, Frank Chacon, Alyssa Chang, Sabrina Donato, Andrew Echezabal, Nicholas Esparragoza, Cassandra FernandezDieguez, Krysten Garcia, Emily Lago, Amanda Lorenzo, Jenna Maggi, Jonathan Martinez, Matthew Padilla Brizuela, Kaylee Padron, Eduardo Ramos, Oscar Ramos, Catherine Ravelo, Kristine Reynardus, Kaitlyn Rodriguez, Megan Rodriguez, Rachel Rosal, Casey Ruiz, Gabriela Sarmiento, Mark Simonitis Twelfth Grade: Bianca Alonso, Vanessa Alvarez, Daniela Amador, Natalia Baixeras, Christina Berndt, Zoilan Cabrera, Armando Camejo, Jose Campos, Jonathan Cerra, Natalie Cora, Daniel Creel, Isabella Cueto, Carolina Dans, Gabriel Diaz, Thalia Diaz, Christian Fernandez-Andes, David Gonzalez, Amanda Gutierrez, Amarys Hernandez, Nicole Herrera, Hani Jardack, Alyssa Junco, Orlando Mendez, Brandon Milian, Priya Nathani, Jared Octala, Elise Pericles, Samuel Pimienta, Amanda Portillo, Kristine Ramsey, Jenna Reisert, Christina Rodriguez, Daniela Ruadez, Mathew Santovenia, Sarah Serralta, Jeremiah Tejedor, Natalia Tohme, Enrique Vila Morales, Garrett Wicks, Veronica Williams, Lauren Williamson Magarino, Rebekah Wright, Alexander Zimmerman If your child made one of the Honor Rolls, you may pick up a “My Child Made the Honor Roll” bumper sticker in the school office. The bumper stickers are free of charge. 8 GEOGRAPHY BEE A NOTE FROM KEY CLUB During the second grading period, all students from fourth to eighth grade participated in the class-level rounds of the National Geography Bee, conducted annually by the National Geographic Society. Every Social Studies class conducted seven rounds, and the student with the most correct answers for each class was invited to compete in the school level competition. The school’s competition was held Wednesday, January 15, 2014, where the winner, second and third runners-up were determined. The following students represented their class at the school bee: 4A: 4B: 4C: 5A: 5B: 5C: 6A: 6B: 6C: 6D: 7A: 7B: 7C: 7D: 8A: 8B: 8C: 8D: Raphael Ruiz, Alt: Matthew Diaz Anthony Vazquez, Alt: Jasmine Araoz Joie-Lucia Diaz, Alt: Jacob Brigman Katrina Hernandez, Alt: John Betancourt Nicholas Fernandez, Alt: Cristina Fanfani Gabriel Arria, Alt: Adrian Perez Sebastian Ponce, Alt: David Araya Priscilla Pozo, Alt: Orlando Hernandez Dillon Lue, Alt: Joshua Amedee Jason Pertierra, Alt: Julianna Rendon Hannah Vivar, Alt: Adrian Lengua Robert Sotolongo, Alt: Anabelle Mendoza Hannah Serralta, Alt: Samuel Rodriguez Lauren Silva, Alt: Marc Maasland Valentina Rueda, Alt: Emily Acosta Tim King, Alt: Michael Fernandez Javier A. Fernandez, Alt: Jayde Leake Eric Alvarez, Alt: Sally Mina-Vargas Special Congratulations to the School Winner and Runners-Up: Winner: Tim King (8B), 2nd Place: Eric Alvarez (8D), and 3rd Place: Javier A.Fernandez. Tim King qualified to participate at the state-level competition! We are proud of Tim and all the Geo-Bee students! Timothy King 1st Place 9 Eric Alvarez 2nd Place Javier Fernandez 3rd Place On Dec. 7, 2014, the Key Club visited the Florida Baptist Children’s Home during a Christmas Open House for 16 children who live there. We volunteered by face painting, serving food and drinks and spending time with these wonderful children. On Dec. 24th, we surprised each of the children with a $25 Visa gift card as a Christmas gift on behalf of FCS Key Club. All members had a great time with the children. By: Amanda Lorenzo, Key Club Treasurer ISSF STAR STUDENTS Each year, the Independent Schools of South Florida (ISSF), recognizes outstanding students from its member schools. This year, Florida Christian’s Star Students are: 12th grader Elise Pericles, 8th grader Britney Rubio and 5th grader Isabella Vazquez. Elise Pericles is an officer in the National Honor Society and the Key Club. She is an outstanding student and was selected as a Hall of Fame student and a Silver Knight nominee. She volunteers at Baptist Hospital and with the FCS Soccer program. She is also very active at her church where she teaches 3-year-olds, sings in the choir, provides child care during small group and teaches baptism classes. Elise is caring and compassionate, always willing to help her fellow students. Britney Rubio exudes responsibility through her involvement in school, extracurricular activities and the local church. She is an outstanding student and a member of the softball and cross country teams. Britney is passionate about helping people, especially working with kids, but her zeal for the Lord exceeds all else. Her actions are evidence of her desire to know, walk in truth and be used by the Lord. Isabella Vazquez Along with being an excellent student, Isabella is a champion figure skater who enjoys reading, drawing and baking. Isabella wants to be a lawyer and a skating coach when she grows up. Every year her family volunteers with the Michael J. Fox Foundation and distributes Christmas gifts to children in hospitals. 10 FROM SCHOOL THE GUIDANCE & COUNSELING DEPARTMENT MIDDLE STUDENTS MAKING A POSITIVE IMPACT Mattern, M.F.T. KerryJanet Wicks, MiddleM.S., School Principal Fruit of the Spirit 6th Grade Fruit of the Spirit Award Winners: Gianella Martinez Gugliotta, Faith Escarda, Joshua Amedee, David Araya, Jake Garcia, Carolina Ledon, Lucas Villanueva, Elizabeth Alonso, Jessica Panky, Madison Estape, Leonard Lam A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Matthew 7:18-20 6th Grade “By their fruit you will recognize them.” It is with hearts overflowing with joy that the 6th grade teachers bestow the Fruit of the Spirit award to our students. Elizabeth Alonso Jake Garcia Love: If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I am a resounding gong or clanging cymbal. I Corinthians 13. Kindness: And be ye kind, one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God, for Christ’s sake, hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32. Madison Estape and Carolina Ledon Faith Escarda and Jessica Panky Joy: Christian joy is manifested as we choose God’s presence and promises in our lives. Goodness: The good person, out of his good treasure, brings forth good. Matthew 12:35 Gianella Martinez Gugliotta, Leonard Lam, David Araya Lucas Villanueva Peace: Whatsoever things are true, pure, lovely, praiseworthy, think on these things. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:13. Gentleness: Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:5 Joshua Amedee and Jonathan Carnero Self- Control: For the grace of God teaches us to live selfcontrolled, upright and godly lives in this present age. 11 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS MAKING A POSITIVE IMPACT Fruit of the Spirit - By their fruit you will recognize them. Matthew 7:18-20 7th Grade Fruit of the Spirit Award Winner: Joshua Gonzalez - Goodness and Kindness Joshua has the gift of goodness and kindness. Joshua is always willing to help with carrying and setting up the equipment. His kindness towards his classmates is seen in his encouraging words and positive actions. 8th Grade Fruit of the Spirit Award Winners: In His word, God purposely isolates 9 specific qualities, letting us know the extreme importance of these FRUITS of the SPIRIT which he has made available to us through the HOLY SPIRIT. In Galatians 5:22, God says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Mareena Rodriguez has made it a priority in her life to “hide God’s word in her heart so that she might not sin against Him.” Eve del Rey, Gabriel Carreira, Mareena Rodriguez, Tim King She is willing to allow the Holy Spirit to work and transmit the fruit into her personality making her a light that radiates the presence of God through her. She is willing to learn what changes God will want to make in her, and then live, walk and operate in those changes with the help of the Holy Spirit. Mrs. Quinlan God sends each student into my class for them to learn from me and for me to learn from them. Through the talents that God has given them, they have shown me reflections of Him. No student is perfect of course, but these make me smile and I can honestly say that I am proud to be their teacher. Eve del Rey – From the beginning, she has been kind, honest, and happy for others, - a true Patriot. She encourages others to represent FCS well. I have watched her embrace her underclassmen with true respect and honor. She is a beautiful person. Tim King – My absentminded professor is a follower of the Lord, honest and steadfast in his faith. He may be quiet – but I know the Lord will use him to move mountains. Gabriel Carreira - Gabriel has the gift of faithfulness. He is true and trustworthy in the performance of the classroom procedures. Gabriel is seen doing the right thing at the right time. Mrs. Pericles 12 6TH GRADE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM & BOTANICAL GARDENS TRIP Last semester, the 6th grade class had the special opportunity to visit the Miami Beach Holocaust Museum and Botanical Gardens. The field trip encompassed many scholarly experiences about history and the abounding plants of South Florida. In addition, the students met a World War II survivor named Henry Flescher and asked him questions about his inspirational journey. It was truly a memorable experience for all of the students. Sixth Grade Class President, Rebecca Menendez, graciously wrote a letter to Mr. Flescher on behalf of the 6th grade class and presented it to him as a memento of their learning experience. Dear Mr. Henry Flescher, My name is Rebecca Menendez and I am writing on behalf of my 6th grade FCS class. In Language Arts, we read a historical fiction piece about a young Jewish boy who endured the horrific time of World War II while relying on a promise from his father to generate courage, faith, and benevolence. Although we learned about the horrors of warfare and combat, we never forgot the discrimination and persecution the Jews underwent during World War II. While watching the enthusiasm from the class growing, our English teacher assigned a group class project to learn through the literary world about the causes and effects of World War II. Because of our famishment for history, we really indulged ourselves in the fact of how vulnerable the twenty-first century really is. Although the 6th grade class became quite adept historians, it could have never occurred without the progression of this tremendous experience. While learning about the oppression of one innocent and guiltless race, questions came to mind about how bigots can easily develop into everlasting assailants. The idea of ghettos and concentration camps bewildered us and continually established an awareness of the maltreatment of World War II. This made us mindful of how thankful we should be to live in the society we live in today, instead of a communist or socialist country. My class understood that freedom in America should be cherished and should remind us of the responsibility a sincere citizen should have. This excursion through the “echoes” of World War II created an epitome of knowledge for my 6th grade class. Despite the different cultures, backgrounds, and talents my classmates have, we all increased our love for reading and history. I hope this letter finds you well and brings you joy. With Admiration, The 6th grade FCS Class 13 6TH GRADE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM & BOTANICAL GARDENS (con’d) 14 FROM THE OFFICE OF COLLEGE COUNSELING Griselda Bain, M. Ed. The Miami Herald Silver Knight Award The Miami Herald Silver Knight Award is one of the nation’s most highly regarded student award programs. This prestigious award is given to 15 academically outstanding high school seniors in Dade and Broward County who use their talents and abilities to serve their school and communities. The essential qualification for a Silver Knight Nominee is community service. A Silver Knight is one whose record of service to the school and community is consistent throughout their high school years. Leadership skills, academic achievement, and excellence in a specific subject area are important requirements as well. As a Christian school, teaching students the importance of service is a vital part of our mission and this is evidenced by the caliber of our nominees. This year Florida Christian School is honored to be represented by four outstanding seniors who embody the ideals of the Silver Knight Award. English: Jenna Reisert Jenna has a passion for helping students with disabilities and has spent many hours volunteering at the Learning Experience School. She became aware of the financial needs of the Down Syndrome Association of Miami and decided to plan a minigolf tournament. All proceeds of the event went to the Down Syndrome Association of Miami to assist students affected by Down syndrome and their families. It is with great pride that Florida Christian School presents 2014 Silver Knight Nominees and their projects: Science: Elise Pericles Because of her love for science, Elise desired to see a Science National Honor Society chapter at FCS. She initiated the chapter last year and then began to work on a recycling project for the school. This year she launched the Florida Christian Recycling Awareness Project as part of her efforts to encourage eco-friendly habits at school. It was a school-wide project that allowed students to participate in a recycling initiative. Digital and Interactive Media: Lauren Magarino Lauren’s concern for victims of sex trafficking led her to get involved with The Glory House of Miami, a nonprofit organization for survivors of this crime against humanity. Lauren produced the video Doll to educate students about this issue. She is also involved in fundraising for this project. Journalism: Isabella Cueto Isabella spent some volunteer time at the Miami Rescue Mission and was deeply touched by the suffering of victims of domestic violence. She decided to interview the women and children at the Miami Rescue Center and publish these interviews. Her hope is that this book will serve as a way to educate others about domestic violence. FCS congratulates all four nominees and their families for their outstanding community work and dedication to academic excellence. L to R: Isabellla Cueto Lauren Magarino Jenna Reisert Elise Pericles 15 FROM THE OFFICE OF COLLEGE COUNSELING Griselda Bain, M. Ed. Congratulations to the FCS 2014 Graduating Class Florida Christian School is very proud of the 2014 graduating class and wishes to congratulate them on their many accomplishments. This year’s talented class applied to over 100 universities and they received acceptances to 65 of them. Students will be attending universities throughout our state and country. The class of 2014 received over $500,000 in scholarships for academic and community service achievements. Their talents were numerous and Florida Christian School was blessed by the impact they made on the students, the faculty and administration. As they take this next step in their educational journey, the college guidance office wishes to congratulate all of our graduates and their families for their outstanding contributions to FCS and to our community. May the future bring many new chapters of success as the graduates continue to grow academically, professionally and spiritually. Abilene Christian University Barnard College Baylor University Barry University Bluefield College Boston University Brigham Young University-Idaho Broward College Chapman University Daytona State College The Citadel Columbia College Covenant College Drexel University Elon University Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Emerson College Flagler College Florida Atlantic University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida International University Florida Institute of Technology Florida Polytechnic Institute Florida State University Fordham University Full Sail University Georgia Institute of Technology George Washington University Harding University Hofstra University Johnson & Wales University Liberty University Louisiana State University Marymount Manhattan College Miami Dade Miami Dade Honors College New York University Northeastern University Otterbein University Pepperdine University Presbyterian College Purdue University Savannah College of Art and Design 16 St. Leo University St. John’s University St. Thomas University Stetson University Sterling College Trinity International University University of Alabama University of Central Florida University of Florida University of Louisville University of Massachusetts University of Miami University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of North Colorado University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Richmond University of Rochester University of South Florida University of South Florida St. Petersburg University of Texas-Austin Wheaton College Wingate University SNAPSHOTS OF FCS Learning Fun Students in Mrs. Trapero’s class have fun with fruit. Treats and Love Valentines Day in 2nd grade where the verse of the day was John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, He gave his only Son...” Father’s Day in 3K Mrs. Jeannin’s students and their fathers, grandfathers and mothers enjoyed working with wood and tools. Fashion Fun Shark! Jeremiah begins his investigation of a baby shark in Mr. Willoughby’s class. 17 The students in Consumer Science repurposed donated clothing to create new outfits. The students enjoyed coming up with their designs and those who donated clothing were surprised to see how beautifully their castoffs were transformed. SNAPSHOTS OF FCS Valedictorian Vanessa Alvarez, Class of 2014 Valedictorian, turns to her fellow graduates as she speaks during the senior graduation in the FCS Alumni Gymnasium. Salutatorian Jazmin Liotta, Class of 2014 Salutatorian, gives her speech during the senior graduation in the FCS Alumni Gymnasium. Characters on Parade Mrs. Ledon dressed as Raggedy Ann, along with all of the first grade classes and teachers, paraded from the West Campus to the Main Campus wearing their book character costumes. 18 Book Characters Bear Hugs First grade classes wearing their book character costumes. Mrs. Garner’s 4K class enjoy their teddy bears. SNAPSHOTS OF FCS “I Pledge Allegiance” Fifth graders say the pledges at the 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony. Nature by God New ferns planted between the Martin and Costner buildings help to beautify our campus. Awards Mrs. Wright presents an award to Chloe Chang during the 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony. Student Honored All-Dade Baseball Players Ruben Someillan and Alex Valverde at the All-Dade Awards Breakfast. 19 Orlando Mendez and Elise Pericles were voted Mr. and Miss FCS and were crowned at the Disney-themed Junior/Senior Banquet. Congratulations to Elise and Orlando! SNAPSHOTS OF FCS Rent-A-Senior Day Lauren Sosa, Kyra Ramirez Science Exploration Mrs. Velasquez guides Benji Safreed as he conducts a science experiment. Natasha Gonzalez, Sabrina Huici, Carolina Gonzalez, Nicole Herrera Test Time High schoolers concentrate on their exams. 20 Michael Simko, James Swindoll FROM THE GUIDANCE & COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T. - Director of Guidance Counseling “Discipline or Punish?” According to the article, “Discipline or Punish” (1) , do we punish or do we discipline? That is the question. It would be profitable to take some time to look at the difference between these two terms. Although punishment and discipline are often used interchangeably, in reality they are two very different concepts. Webster’s Dictionary’s (2) definition of ‘punish’ is to prescribe a form of suffering in penalty for (an offense), to treat harshly, to inflict punishment. Discipline on the other hand is defined as, the training of the mind and character, a branch of learning, control, order, obedience to rules. The article goes on to say that punishment is something that comes from an outside source and insists on obedience even as it stresses what a child should not do. Discipline, on the other hand, emphasizes what a child should do, and is something that comes (or ought to come) from within the child. Why do we punish children? As parents and educators, we punish with the intent that the punishment will lead to better discipline. The purpose of the punishment is to make a child remember that something he or she did was not acceptable and should not be repeated. For a punishment to be effective it needs to be tailored to fit the offence and offender both and it needs to be preceded/succeeded by an explanation. The explanation is the discipline. In more simple terms, discipline should precede punishment. If we discipline first, in some situations it could eliminate the need for punishment. The ultimate purpose and goal of punishment and discipline is for the improvement or prevention of mistakes or unacceptable behavior. The author suggests the idea that when punishment and discipline are effectively used, a child can be molded into a complete and organized individual ready to take his or her place in the world. Discipline without punishment is easier when the parent or educator make an effort to explain things to the child and the child comes to recognize the rationale behind a suggested act. The ultimate goal is for the act to become a routine, systematized part of life- and then we have discipline! Establishing a cause-and-effect relationship before either disciplining or punishing will ensure that the child is aware of the implications of his or her actions. 21 As Christian parents and educators, every possible opportunity should be utilized to train up our children according to God’s word, as we read Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (3) Notice that the first word in the verse is, “Train”. Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of discipline begins with the word training. Our goal is to train and discipline, our children so they know from within what they should do, as the meaning of the word discipline entails. We want their minds and characters to be molded from within so they will always know what the right thing to do is. This is why God’s word says it will never depart from them. How will it not depart from them? Deuteronomy 11:1819 says, “Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liests down, and when thou risest up” (3). Simply put, God wants us to teach His word to our children every waking moment that we are with them. When you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. The key is to keep God’s word in the fore front of the minds of our children with consistency. With the foundation of God’s Word instilled in our children, their minds and characters will be molded so they can become complete and organized individuals ready to take their place in the world. Does this mean they will never make mistakes? Of course not. Yet, perhaps some mistakes can be avoided if we follow God’s way of discipline. “A man who never makes mistakes loses opportunities to learn something”(4). With a clearer understanding of punishment and discipline, I pray it is helpful in raising your children. Any comments and questions are welcomed. You can email me at [email protected]. Next article: To Spank or Not To Spank? Resources: 1.Nayar, Nandini, Discipline or Punish?, July 30, 2009, www.teacherplusorg/cover-story/discipline-or-punish, retrieved from the internet on 2/2/2014. 2.The New Webster’s Library of Practical Information. 3.The Scofield Reference Bible, The Holy Bible, King James Version. 4.Author unknown. “To Spank or Not To Spank?” The previous Declaration article from Guidance and Counseling found on the previous page, addressed the topic of discipline and punishment. This article addresses the topic of spanking. “To Spank or Not to Spank”, (1) that is the question. This following article on spanking was written by Archibald D. Hart, Ph.D. who writes for the American Association of Christian Counselors periodical, and it is reprinted here with permission. It is one of the best articles I have read on spanking and I believe it will answer the question, “To Spank or Not to Spank”, and put your mind at ease. “To Spank or Not To Spank” In this day when the risk of being accused of child abuse is high, is there any question more vexing to parents than that of whether or not to spank a child? Most experts now believe that physical discipline is a throwback to an uncivilized age. Spanking is outdated, they say, an inferior and unnecessary form of punishment. But is a “spanking”, when administered reasonably and as a last resort, always bad? Is there no redeeming aspect to the biblical mandate: “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him”? (Proverbs 13:24 NIV). Are there not at least some circumstances that justify a physical consequence to some bad behavior? Why is spanking considered to be bad? One of the reasons why any physical discipline is viewed negatively is that it is seldom done reasonably and properly. Invariably it teaches a child that hitting someone is acceptable. I don’t doubt that this is a form of aggression that can lead to child abuse when a parent’s anger is out of control. Most parents who resort to spanking, do so because they have lost control over their anger, and when that happens the punishment becomes abusive - and always destructive to the parent/child relationship. Even Christian parents, believing that they are following the biblical mandate to “not spare the rod” have been known to go too far and abuse a child. There have even been cases where such parents, believeing that 22 they are doing what God intends have punished a child to the point of maiming or even killing the boy or girl hardly a witness to our faith! I am sure that most parents reading this are not in this category. They only want what is best for their child. So, to clarify this issue, let me put the question this way: does the potential for abuse mean that any form of spanking, carried out reasonably and without anger, is an unacceptable way to raise children today? I don’t think so. How common is spanking? When you look at the research, pediatricians and child psychologists can be divided over this issue. One recent survey showed that 80% of parents admitted that they had spanked a child - but only 10% felt it was a good method of discipline. 70% regretted their actions and wished they knew better methods. Does a reasonable, minor spanking that does not harm a child constitute abuse? I don’t believe so. Black’s Law dictionary defines child abuse as, “An intentional or neglectful physical or emotional injury imposed on a child, including sexual molestation” - clearly minor spanking does not qualify. Does a spanking that bruises or causes a child to be harmed constitute abuse? Yes it does. And here is the rub: How can an angry parent know what constitutes a reasonable punishment? You can’t take a spanking back, nor can you undo the emotional harm that occurs when a child experiences an unjust physical punishment. However, Let me also say that a parent withholding love as punishment can be just as abusive as one who beats a child. I have had many of my patients say to me that they wished they had been spanked as a child. The prolonged cold rejection of an indifferent parent had done far more harm to them! Balancing your discipline So how can we achieve balance here? Here are some suggestions: 1. First, let me make my position very clear here. FROM THE GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Janet Mattern, M.S., M.F.T. - Director of Guidance Counseling “To Spank or Not To Spank” (Continued) The Proverbs 13:14 statement is NOT a mandate to only use a physical form of punishment. We always only read the first part and not the whole verse. It is a mandate to discipline a child, and there are many ways a parent can do this biblically besides reaching for the nearest belt or stick and dragging your child to the woodshed. It is the parent who never disciplines ‘that hates his or her child’. 2. No matter what discipline you use, at all costs avoid doing it in anger. Wait until you have calmed down. If necessary, tell your child that you will wait, and then address the discipline issue when your anger has passed - it will be more effective. Angry parents who impulsively lash out and then rationalize their behavior on the grounds that they are “doing it biblically”, will have a lot to answer for! 3. Reserve a spank (which I prefer over ‘spanking’) for severe misbehaviors, especially those that involve the child being a danger to him/herself or others. Throwing sand in another child’s eyes, in play or when angry, or running into a busy street when told not to, may warrant a physically painful, though not damaging spank. The consequences of such behavior more than justify this response. 4. Work at developing a better general system of discipline that applies definite consequences for unacceptable behaviors. These consequences should ALWAYS be spelled out ahead (e.g. ‘timeout’) and should be applied consistently. It is inconsistency of discipline that undermines it. Whenever you say, “The next time you do..., I will...”, mean it! Then do it! You will be quite surprised how easy discipline then becomes. If you want more help, see my book “Stress and Your Child”, Word Books. Reference: 1. Hart, Archibald D., Ph.D., To Spank or Not to Spank, Christian Counseling Connection, 2002/Issue 4, A publication of the American Association of Christian Counselors. This article originally appeared in the 2002, Issue 4 edition of Christian Counseling Connection, a quarterly newsletter published by the American Association of Christian Counselors (www.AACC.net). Used with permission. JUNIOR CLASS COLLEGE TRIP Junior Class College Trip Mrs. Bain, our College Counselor, led the annual college tour trip in February. This trip allows FCS juniors to visit major state universities, have guided tours and meet current students who share their experiences with our students. At Florida State University, Tallahassee 23 CONGRATULATIONS Florida Christian Senior High Choral Ensembles and solos for earning all superiors at Florida Vocal Association Solo and Ensemble Performance Assessments. SENIOR HIGH SATB CHORUS received superiors for their performances of TonThe and Cantate Domino. Front Row: Nina Hernandez, Samantha Sardinas, Jo Reynardus, Josiah Bazyler, David Ramos, Michael Herrera, Amanda Gutierrez, Paola Cadena, Cynthia Acosta. Second Row: Alyssa Chang, Melinda Diaz, Michelle Lopez, Jose Guillermo-Chayeb, Lucas Tejedor, Samuel Pimienta, Natalie Silva, Mary-Angie Canales, Jacqueline Perez, Amarys Hernandez. HONORS SENIOR HIGH WOMEN earned superiors in two different categories for their performances of Psalm 100, Three Spanish Ballads, The Rose, and Ma, He’s Makin’ Eyes at Me . Front Row: Elise Pericles, Hope Morales, Lauren Fuster, Gabriela Rodriguez, Jazmin Liotta. Second Row: Emily Roberts, Sarah Serralta, Laura Fernandez, Lauren Alonso, Alexandra Perez, Christina Rodriguez. Third Row: Victoria Cantrelle, Lauren Penland, Kristine Bover, Rebekah Carp. SUPERIOR VOCAL SOLOS: Sixth Grader: Keilah Serralta. Seventh Graders: Hannah Serralta, Isabella Alicea, Isabel Alvarez, Priscilla Del Prado, Jacqui Padron. Eighth Grader: Mareena Rodriguez. Senior High: Lauren Fuster, Sarah Serralta, Laura Fernandez, Lauren Alonso, Christina Rodriguez, Victoria Cantrelle, Lauren Penland, Kristine Bover, Melinda Diaz. 24 ALL-DADE ATHLETICS AWARDS BREAKFAST L to R: Brianna Ernst, Nicole Jimenez, Katelyn Godoy, Ruben Someillan, Alex Valverde, Katia Rivera, Karli Smith, Wyatt Sikora, Stephanie Acosta, Jonathan Cardoza, Faith Vazquez, Kristen Gomez 25 Coach of the Year Alicia Rivera “STEPHANIE HERO” This spring, the FCS Drama department performed “Stephanie Hero”, a magical theatrical experience for all ages. With her father the king away and her mother not wanting the responsibility, Stephanie is left to deal with all of the issues that arise in their kingdom due to the evil Leopold T. Bosco wanting Stephanie all to himself. Despite being a young princess, Stephanie sets off to tackle the tasks that right all the wrongs. Congratulations to the drama students and Mrs. Fox, who presented an exciting and fun production. 26 DRAMA DEPARTMENT Mrs. Jessica Fox The 2013-2014 school year held many highlights for the drama department! We are actively involved in the International Thespian Society competitions for both middle and high school. October: Senior troupe performed Almost, Maine at Districts. -Earned straight Superior scores -Alan Vives was awarded the All Star Cast member recognition -Sabrina Diehl and Mark Simonitis won Best Supporting Actress and Actor for all of Dade County -Best set and lighting for all of District 8 Thespians. -Chosen to represent our district and perform our oneact at States! November and December: The Jr. and Sr. Thespians performed over 60 Individual Event scenes ranging from monologues, musical theatre, costume construction, playwriting, and set design. Far too many students earned superior scores to list or even to register for states! Listed are the Critic’s Choice winners from our troupe (best in the district in their category): A.J. Alvarez (Pantomime), Emmyn Calleiro (Ensemble Acting), Natasha Gonzalez (Pantomime), Camila Hidalgo (Ensemble Acting), Kaylin Jacamino (Ensemble Acting), Andres Mendez (Ensemble Acting and Pantomime), Danielle Rayon (Costume Construction), Tatiana Perez-Villamayor (Ensemble Acting). Taylor San Miguel (Pantomime), and Karina Tohme (Pantomime). December: The Jr. Troupe took their one-act Penelope, Pride of the Pickle Factory to districts and was the highest scoring production in the district. We were chosen to represent our district and perform our one-act at States! Spring: Our Main Stage production this year was Stefanie Hero. Students “flew” on silk lines above the audience’s heads, learned to wield swords, and all performers adapted beautifully to their first performance in the round. There was even an appearance from a 10 ft. tall dragon! We performed our show for elementary through high school in matinees and family and friends in the evening performances. Both Jr. and Sr. one-act productions earned straight superior scores again at the state level. A.J. Alvarez was awarded All Star Cast member for Penelope; David Gonzalez earned a Critic’s Choice at the State level and performed his monologue for thousands (a first for our school!). In the spring our middle school drama students competed at the FACCS regional and state Jr. Fine Arts competition and helped contribute to FCS being the High Point Cup winner. It was a great year for the drama department; the Lord truly blessed our work. The end of the year held many sad goodbyes, as usual. Below are listed the Honor Thespian seniors who received recognition at graduation: Honor Thespians: (Over 600 hours served in the theatre department, outside of class) Jordan Cox, Isabella Cueto, Lauren Magarino, Sophia Treto, Alan Vives National Honor Thespians: (Over 1,200 hours served in the theatre department, outside of class) David Gonzalez, Jared Octala International Honor Thespian: (Over 1,800 hours served in the theatre department, outside of class) Orlando Mendez Orly is the first to be awarded International Honor Thespian status in FCS Troupe history! We begin now thinking toward what next year will hold; production titles to be announced early in the fall semester! 27 HIGH SCHOOL RECOGNITION AWARDS Subject 12th Grade 11th Grade 10th Grade Alandra Alonso Mark Simonitis Honors English Angelica Carcasses Ashley Castillo Jacqueline Roque Hope Morales English Richard Guerra Emily Lago Emily Vazquez Madeline Cisneros Pre AP English Alexandra Perez Speech/Debate Alexander Zimmerman AP Calculus Jazmin Liotta Honors Calculus Alandra Alonso Calculus Adrian Abreu Honors Pre Calculus Hani Jardack Pre Calculus Abdiel Cotto Irizarry Honors Algebra II Daniela Guevara Algebra II Emily Lago Honors Geometry Naia Mion-Bet Geometry Gabriela Rodriguez Algebra I Shannon Rowsey Bible Philosophy Erick Mendez-Boldt Bible Michael Fernandez Honors Economics Alandra Alonso Economics Isabella Cueto Honors Government Gabriel Diaz Government Jazmin Liotta Michelle Lopez AP US History Ralph Paz Honors US History Rachel Rosal US History Josiah Bazyler Alexis Castaneda World Geography Emily Vazquez Honors World History Hope Morales World History Nicole Fontela Giancarlo Ponce AP Biology Alandra Alonso AP Physics Vanessa Alvarez Physics Mark Simonitis Honors Anatomy Katelyn Godoy Anatomy Orlando Mendez AP Chemistry 28 9th Grade AP English Oscar Ramos Honors Chemistry Daniela Guevara Chemistry Michael Parra Honors Marine Biology Cindy Weber Marine Science Alexander Zimmerman Honors Environmental Science Daniel Creel Environmental Science Jared Octala Honors Biology Hope Morales Biology Giancarlo Ponce HIGH SCHOOL RECOGNITION AWARDS Subject 12th Grade 11th Grade AP Spanish Naomi Nunez-Leon Spanish II Rachel Rosal Spanish II NonSpeaker Jonathan Martinez Spanish I 10th Grade 9th Grade Jessica Barcelo Spanish I NonSpeaker AP Art Michelle Lopez Kristine Ramsey Honors Art Emily Abella Art Ashley Keen Band - John Philip Sousa Award Amanda Portillo Director’s Choice: Women’s Honors Choir Christina Rodriguez Sarah Serralta Director’s Choice: Women’s Choir Carina Ruiz-Revuelta Director’s Choice: Mixed Choir Samuel Pimiento Consumer Science Angelica Agosto Computers II Melanie Morales Computers I Danielle Garcia Drama Sabrina Diehl Seiny Gonzalez Music Ministry Christina Rodriguez Speech/Debate Alexander Zimmerman Team Sports Mario Fernandez Personal Fitness Ian Mendez Shannon Rowsey Health Naia Mion-Bet Yearbook Isabella Cueto Lauren Magarino Outstanding Christian Testimony 12th Grade - Jeremiah Tejedor and Christina Berndt 11th Grade - Josiah Bazyler and Raquel Jauregui 10th Grade - David Ramos and Jacqueline Roque 9th Grade - Jeffrey Caldwell and Rebecca Jauregui “Even small children are known by their actions...” Proverbs 20:11 29 SENIOR HONORS Valedictorian: Vanessa Alvarez Salutatorian: Jazmin Liotta President’s Award for Educational Excellence Adrian Abreu Jazmin Liotta Alandra Alonso Lauren Magarino Bianca Alonso Jose Marrero Vanessa Alvarez Orlando Mendez Daniela Amador Brandon Milian Melanie Armero Melissa Montemor Lawrence Arroyo Jared Octala Christina Berndt Ivan Permuy Zoilan Cabrera Samuel Pimienta Armando Camejo Amanda Portillo Sophia Cazanas Kristine Ramsey Jonathan Cerra Jenna Reisert Daniel Creel Jo Reynardus Isabella Cueto Brian Rodriguez Carolina Dans Christina Rodriguez Gabriel Diaz Michael Rodriguez Melinda Diaz Daniela Ruadez Thalia Diaz Sarah Serralta Haley Felder Wyatt Sikora Michael Fernandez Tyler Solorzano Ace Fernandez Natalia Tohme Christian Fernandez-Andes Sophia Treto Shantel Gomez Enrique Vila David Gonzalez Kyle West Aaron Hale Veronica Williams Nicole Herrera Rebekah Wright Sabrina Huici Alexander Zimmerman Hani Jardack Mr. & Miss FCS: Orlando Mendez and Elise Pericles Principal’s Academic Athlete: Vanessa Alvarez Outstanding Christian Athlete: Christina Berndt Outstanding Christian Testimony: Jeremiah Tejedor & Christina Berndt Class Officers President Gabriel Diaz Vice President Isabella Cueto Secretary Carolina Dans Treasurer Jazmin Liotta Chaplain Luke Blosser Class Rpresentatives: Gaby DeMatas and Nicole Herrera National Honor Society Officers: President Nicole Herrera Vice President Elise Pericles Secretary Sarah Serralta Treasurer Vanessa Alvarez Chaplain Isabella Cueto 30 Senior Athletic Awards Vanessa Alvarez Elise Pericles Christina Berndt Joshua Salazar Moises Brador Matthew Sanotvenia Gabriel Diaz Christopher Steel Haley Felder Jeremiah Tejedor Outstanding Academic Achievement: (Cumulative 4.35 grade point average or better for 4 years) Alandra Alonso Jazmin Liotta Vanessa Alvarez Orlando Mendez Daniel Creel Elise Pericles Isabella Cueto Kristine Ramsey Gabriel Diaz Daniela Ruadez Thalia Diaz Sarah Serralta Hani Jardack Wyatt Sikora Christian Fernandez-Andes Senior Bible Presentations: Alandra Alonso Nina Hernandez Bianca Alonso Nicole Herrera Lawrence Arroyo Christian Jane A.J. Barba Anthony Lopez Steven Bencomo Jose Marrero John Benitez Orlando Mendez Luke Blosser Melissa Montemor Moises Brador Jared Octala Carolina Cavada Amanda Portillo Angela Cosculluela Jo Reynardus Daniel Creel Brian Rodriguez Gabriella DeMatas Michael Anthony Rose Gabriel Diaz Matthew Sanchez Thalia Diaz Luis Santamarina Haley Felder Samantha Sosa David Gonzalez Ellie Spanioli Jose Guilarte Sophia Treto Amanda Gutierrez Cynthia Weber Amarys Hernandez Kyle West Erik Hernandez Garrett Wicks Yearbook Editors: Isabella Cueto and Lauren Magarino Hall of Fame: Vanessa Alvarez Christina Berndt Isabella Cueto Gabriel Diaz Thalia Diaz Haley Felder Nicole Herrera Jazmin Liotta Lauren Magarino Orlando Mendez Jared Octala Elise Pericles Sarah Serralta Natalia Tohme RECOGNITION AWARDS Outstanding Academic Achievement 11th 10th Rafael Paz Alexandra Perez Genesis Koussiafes Lauren Fuster Katelyn Godoy Kristine Bover Vanessa Marquez Alana Buznego Casey Lue Jessica Barcelo Kristine Reynardus David Ramos Emily Roberts Carolina Goizueta Matthew Padilla Brizuela Jacqueline Roque Mark Simonitis Stephanie Watkins Rachel Rosal Faith Vazquez Jonathan Martinez Rebecca Abreu Michelle Lopez Jessica Maristany John Cabauy II Alexis Castaneda Amanda Lorenzo Amanda Rodriguez Victoria Camargo Daniela Guevara 9th 8th Hope Morales Jose Blanco Nicole Fontela Nicolas Camejo Grace Harrington Gabriel Carreira Brittany Wellinghoff Lillian Frometa Naia Mion-Bet Emily Herrera Ian Mendez Camila Hidalgo Megan Nunez Nicole Rodriguez Madeleine Byers Karina Tohme Marcos Buznego Mayte Lezcano Diego Coviella Manuel-Alejandro Chong 7th 6th Audrey Castellanos Rebecca Atencio Stephany Matat Richard Burke Kenneth Northerner Carolina Ledon Natalie Santovenia Rebecca Menendez Sergio Tejeda Jason Pertierra Hannah Vivar Carlos Rios Isabella Rodriguez Brandon Sanchez Eric Sosa 31 President’s Award for Educational Excellence - 8th Grade Brooke AlvarezJayde Leake Sebastian Alvarez Issaiah Llanes Angelo AmbutNicholas Maggi Emanuel AriasJoshua Mederos Dalton Beck Andres Mendez Emily Beltran Adam Octala Jose Blanco Justin Oro Nathaniel Blanco Marissa Orsini Emmyn Calleiro Katrina Padron Nicolas Camejo Laura Pedre Gabriel Carreira Brandon Perez Isabella Corrales Nicholas Perez Jacob Delgado Dorien Pericles Javier A. Fernandez Nicholas Queen Michael Fernandez Emily Ramos Lillian Frometa Nicole Rodriguez Aldo Garcia Hannah Rosa Kryssa Garcia Britney Rubio Natasha Gonzalez Karina Tohme Kelly HenaoJessica Torrente Kylie Hunt Kevin Vittoria Joshua Jimenez Timothy King 11th Grade: 10th Grade: 9th Grade: 8th Grade: 7th Grade: 6th Grade: Outstanding Christian Testimony Josiah Bazyler and Rachel Jauregui David Ramos and Jacqueline Roque Jeffrey Caldwell and Rebecca Jauregui Timothy King and Britney Rubio Mia Melo and Matthew Reisert Dillon Lue and Andrea Delgado MIDDLE SCHOOL RECOGNITION AWARDS Subject 8th Grade Art Amanda Puigcerver Marina VanderWal Foundation Artist Choice Award Lauren Walker Bible Emily Herrera 7th Grade 6th Grade Audrey Castellanos Dillon Lue Audrey Castellanos Alanna Rodriguez Rebecca Atencio, Elizabeth Lyons, Gianella MartinezGugliotta,Rebecca Menendez, Katherine Yac Band - Director’s Award Kelly Henao Samuel Rodriguez Emily Ruiz Band - Most Improved Gabriel Carreira Ethan Isidron Leonard Lam Choir Emily Acosta Hannah Vivar Keilah Serralta Computers Timothy King Christopher Touma Consumer Science Nia Blanco Lia Walker and Isabella Martinez (Most Improved) Drama Andres Mendez Patrizia Mariano Victoria Alonso, Dena Barros Language Arts Priscilla Pozo Language Arts Honors Rebecca Atencio Rebecca Menendez English Honors Gabriel Carreira Hannah Vivar English Ryan Feldman Camila Perez English Most Improved Kelly Henao, Katie Oneto Math Ty Botana, Richard Leal Alanna Rodriguez Math Honors Gianella Martinez-Gugliotta Rebecca Menendez PreAlgebra Honors Jenna English, Hannah Vivar Algebra I Honors Nicolas Camejo Science Maia Miloslavich Salvador Mia Melo Dillon Lue Science Honors Gabriel Carreira Taylor San Miguel Stephany Matat Rebecca Menendez Science Fair 1st Place Christopher Touma Social Studies Katherine Yac Social Studies Honors Rebecca Atencio Rebecca Menendez World Studies Megan Rodriguez World Studies Honors Hannah Vivar History Ryan Feldman History Honors Gabriel Carreira Spanish 32 Physical Education - Boys Nick Camejo, Timothy King Fernando Arias Eric Estape Physical Education - Girls Eve Del Rey Audrey Castellanos Rebecca Menendez ELEMENTARY RECOGNITION AWARDS Outstanding Christian Testimony Student who demonstrates the highest level of Christian attitude and testimony. 5KA Brandon Luis 5KB Mia Echevarria 5KC Carolina Echevarria 1A Ariana Barrios 1B Sofia Cecchi 1C Samuel Stemmer 2A Amy Suarez 2B D’Andre Toledo 2C Gabriela Netto 3A Christopher Rivera 3B Madison Noguera 3C Julian Alvarez 4A Abigail Rashid 4B Valery Casamayor 4C Chloe Markey 5A John Betancourt 5B Nicholas Fernandez 5C Daniel Rodriguez Principal’s Award Outstanding Academic Achievement Highest Overall Average 5KA Javier Bichara 5KB Leonardo Trejos 5KC Bianca Fluxa 1A Manuel Barcelo 1B Jair Obando 1C Alyssa Ceballos 2A Alejandro Cejas 2B Aaron Perez 2C Sofia Netto 3A Maya Ortiz 3B Adrian Cordoba 3C Jake Camejo 4A Abigail Rashid 4B Carolina Morales 4C Christian Bosque 5A Katrina Hernandez 5B Daniella Harris 5C Carlos Cordoba President’s Award for Educational Excellence - 5th Grade Andrew Acosta Raziel Aparicio-Gomez Gabriel Arria John Betancourt Alexa Brown Asia Castellanos Priscilla Cevallos Carlos Cordoba Joseph Delgado AJ Diaz Megan Diaz Nicholas Fernandez Olivia Fernandez Tommy Fernandez Josheph Fernandez-Andes Donald Harrington Daniella Harris Katrina Hernandez Raquel Hernandez Caden Irvine Rocio Lopez Daniella Marrero Matthew Megias Sophia Milton Elizabeth Pella Priscilla Pruna Nicole Ramirez Daniel Rodriguez Thomas Rowsey Amanda Stoker Amanda Tesserot Max Torres Emma Valenti Yasmin Valiente Isabella Vazquez Damian Vilarchao Alexa Vivar Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24 33 AND THE BAND PLAYED ON... Mrs. Angela Goff and Mr. Tim Miner 2013-2014 High School Band Awards First Year Award (Certificate) Cassidy Dorway Morgan Bert Ellianne Isidron Natalia Rosas Andrews Mendoza Kevin Meehan Jack Pertierra Denisse Velez Matthew Lawrence Jeffrey Caldwell Nicholas Ruiz Madeleine Byers Grace Harrington Rebecca Jauregui Manny Chong Mario Laborde Christian Marsellos Victor Cabrera Rene Diaz Hansel Marrero Matthew Benitez Joshua Arauz Second Year Award (Band Pin) Eric Echeverria David Ramos Maikol Gonzalez Melanie Garcia David Santamarina Andres Alvarez Josh Rivero Carlos Henao Daniela Guevara Chase Beck 34 Third Year Award (Letter) Kaitlyn Rodriguez Megan Rodriguez Andrew Echezabal Raquel Jauregui Alexander Alfonso Cesar Laborde Antonio Vives Michael Lopez Ashley Castillo Trey Beck Matthew Martin Fourth Year Award (Bar Pin) Cindy Weber Melissa Montemor Nicole Herrera Ellie Spanioli Kimberly Clein Jose Marrero Austin Guilbeau Jose Guilarte Christian Fernandez-Andes Vanessa Alvarez Luis Santamarina Amanda Portillo Michael Rose AND THE BAND PLAYED ON... 2013-2014 High School Band Awards Jazz: First Year Award (Certificate) Second Year Award (Swing) Matthew LawrenceDavid Ramos Madeleine ByersAndres Alvarez Grace HarringtonJosh Rivero Manny ChongAmanda Portillo Mario LabordeMegan Rodriguez Matthew BenitezChristian Fernandez-Andes Maikol Gonzalez Third Year Award (Blue Note) Fourth Year Award (Record) Austin GuilbeauNone Andrew Echezabal Cesar Laborde Raquel JaureguiFifth Year Award (SSM) Antonio VivesJose Marrero Trey Beck Michael Rose Matthew Martin Florida Bandmaster’s Association District 20 Honor Band (Certificate) Madeleine Byers Matthew Lawrence Manuel Chong Melissa Montemor Andrew EchezabalAmanda Portillo Daniela GuevaraDavid Ramos Jose GuilarteMichael Rose Grace HarringtonEllie Spanioli Nicole HerreraStephen Cuesta Solo and Ensemble MPA (Medal) District - ExcellentDistrict Superior - State Excellent Jeffrey CaldwellAndrew Echezabal District - SuperiorDistrict Superior - State Superior Manny Chong David Ramos (2 District) Cassidy DorwayMelissa Montemor Grace HarringtonAmanda Portillo Nicole Herrera Matthew Lawrence Nicholas Ruiz 35 AND THE BAND PLAYED ON... 2013-2014 High School Band Awards Band Officers: President: Amanda Portillo Vice President: Jose Guilarte Secretary/Treasurer: Nicole Herrera Public Relations: Cynthia Weber Chaplain: Rachel Jauregui Technology Officer: Antonio Vives Librarian: Megan Rodriguez Librarian: David Ramos Fruit of the Spirit Pens: Love: Kevin Meehan Joy: Ellianne Isidron Peace: Morgan Bert Patience: Jack Pertierra Kindness: Michael Rose Goodness: Mario Laborde Gentleness: Cassidy Dorway Faithfulness: Austin Guilbeau Self-Control: Matt Benitez All-State Band:Unsung Hero Award: Andrew EchezabalMelissa Montemor David Ramos Patrick S. Gilmore Award: Louis Armstrong Jazz Award: Cassidy DorwayJose Marrero Esprit de Corps Award:John Philip Sousa Award: Cynthia WeberAmanda Portillo 36 AND THE BAND PLAYED ON... 2013-2014 Middle School Awards - FBA District Music Performance Assessment 6th Grade Solo and Ensemble 7th Grade Solo and Ensemble Excellent: Lauren Fuentes Evelyn Gonzalez Sofia Rueda Brandon Sanchez Excellent: Brandon Moreno Justin Nunez Matthew Reisert Robert Ricelli Santiago Stapel Superiors: Joshua Amedee Ricky Burke III Jonathan Carnero Andrea Delgado (2) Abigayle Marrero Michael McDonald Rebecca Menendez (2) Jessica Pankey Joseph Oceguera Christopher Perez Emily Ruiz Gianna Sanchez Fernando Serrano Rommy Silva Jr. Abigail Soriano (2) Lucas Villanueva Katherine Yac Solo and Ensemble Above and Beyond: Rebecca Menendez Most Improved: Leonard Lam Director’s Award: Emily Ruiz 37 Superiors: Sofia Abreu Samantha Gonzalez Ethan Isidron Andres Ledon Sofia Lopez Anabelle Mendoza Kyra Ramirez Lia Ramsey Samuel Rodriguez James Swindoll Sergio Tejeda Solo and Ensemble Above and Beyond: Samuel Rodriguez Honor Band (Certificates): Lia Ramsey Most Improved: Ethan Isidron Director’s Award: Samuel Rodriguez AND THE BAND PLAYED ON... 2013-2014 Middle School Awards - FBA District Music Performance Assessment 8th Grade Band: FBA: Combined with 7th grade received an Excellent rating at FBA District Music Performance Assessment. FACCS Regional Competition: First Place FACCS State Competition: First Place Solo and Ensemble Excellent: Nelson Molina Adam Octala Isabel Vera Superior: Angelo Ambut Jose Blanco Jr. Gabriel Carreira Isabella Corrales Nicholas Donnelly Aldo Garcia Kelly Henao Richard Leal Julian Millan Emily Raspall Nicholas Queen Ryan Rivas Nicole Rodriguez Joshua Goff Brandon Perez Most Improved: Gabriel Carreira Director’s Award: Kelly Henao 38 Honor Band: Jose Blanco Gabriel Carreira Joshua Goff Kelly Henao Adam Octala Emily Raspall Ryan Rivas Solo and Ensemble All Star Award: Aldo Garcia Joshua Goff Richard Leal Brandon Perez Emily Raspall Ryan Rivas Isabella Corrales BRAIN BOWL From February 5 to February 9, 2014, 28 high schoolers and 3 chaperones went to Orlando to compete in the FACCS Brain Bowl competition. For two days our Teams competed in what could be compared to a ‘team jeopardy’, where we were questioned on various topics ranging from all levels of mathematics to world history and social studies to Literature. Our C Team placed second in the state, and our A and B teams excelled in the consolation rounds. When not competing, we also had the amazing opportunities to dive/snorkel in the Living Seas at EPCOT and to participate in the Survival of the Fittest camp in Busch Gardens. Not only did we have an absolutely incredible trip, but we grew closer as friends and made memories I will never forget. - Kristine Reynardus 39 ART GALLERY Florida Christian School’s Art Department presented the 17th Annual Art Gallery on Friday, May 9, 2014. The theme was “Unfailing Love”. This is a very well-attended event and this year’s turnout was outstanding. Students and their families came to enjoy and admire the artists’ work. First through 12th grade students had works on display that evening. The night was a celebration of talent: from the artwork to the fashions to the delicous foods, some prepared by our Consumer Science students and all served by these students. This year’s graduating class was honored and recognized for their outstanding talents. Many pieces were available for sale and proud parents and other art collectors bought pieces in support of the Marina VanderWal Art Foundation. The Art Gallery was a testimony to the God-given talent so many FCS students have. We all look forward to enjoying next year’s Gallery! 40 ELEMENTARY NEWS Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal Elementary Spiritual Emphasis Week was April 14-17 and featured Stephen Wilson from GodScience (www. Godscience.info). Through the use of chemical demonstrations, Mr. Wilson illustrated “how sin can shatter our lives and get us into an extreme mess. However, if we turn from our sins in true repentance, God will take away our sins & make us as white as snow.” The Little Farm at FCS Our 3K and 4K students enjoyed a visit from the many small animals brought to us by The Little Farm. Many students held farm animals for the very first time! We are were grateful for the opportunity our young students had to enjoy God’s creatures. 41 ELEMENTARY NEWS Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal Dr. Seuss Day Theodor Seuss Geisel, an American writer, poet and cartoonist ,was known as Dr. Seuss to countless children. Our 3K - 5K classes have read many of his books. “Dr. Seuss Day” was celebrated with costumes and special snacks including green eggs and ham. Even our teachers dressed the part! 42 UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL by: Isabella Cueto “Our goal here is to make efficacious citizens,” Close Up Program Instructor Candace Wilkinson told the students of Workshop 2 upon their arrival. Junior and seniors traveled to Washington, D.C. on January 12th to join one of the many weekly seminars for high schoolers in the nation’s capital. What those students did not know, however, was how much greater their experience would be. From touring the Jefferson Memorial to taking an impromptu metro trip to Old Town Alexandria with their chaperone, History teacher Mr. Chris Rivera, the nine students got the experience of a lifetime with the help of the Close Up Foundation. Senior Alexander Zimmerman said, “I especially enjoyed debating alongside [senior] Gabriel Diaz in the mock Congress and sneaking back to the Capitol for what we called a ‘Closer Up’ tour with Congressman Joe Garcia. I appreciated the chance to meet students from across the country and to hear what they think on key issues, as well as to meet key leaders, including Congresswoman Ileana RosLehtinen on the steps of the Capitol, Senators John McCain and Marco Rubio, and staffers (just a few years older than us) from Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart and Senator Bill Nelson’s offices.” After taking an FCS-only tour of the Capitol with South Afri- can diplomats and Congressman Garcia, the representative responded to junior Casey Ruiz on Twitter, writing, “It was my pleasure. Hope you learned a lot @CloseUp_DC.” Besides learning about history, government, and politics, students also got to meet scores of other high schoolers from across the United States. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors from New Jersey, California, Illinois, and Georgia became peers in discussions and debates. In addition to workshops, the students were randomly arranged into buses, and got to socialize during transfers between memorials and museums. Overall, the Close Up trip was five days of becoming familiar with the unfamiliar and expanding horizons. Students became closer with one another, friendly with strangers, and educated in effective citizenship. LtoR: Andrew Zimmerman, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Hani Jardack, Elizabeth Suarez, Casey Ruiz, Natalie Baixeras, Isabella Cueto, Sophia Cazanas, Carolina Dans, Gabriel Diaz, Mr. Rivera Senior students at the World War II Memorial Meeting with Senators Marco Rubio and John McCain 43 Florida Christian School The Declaration www.floridachristian.org SCHOOl ADMINISTRATION Dr. Robert Andrews, Headmaster Jim Arnold, Senior High School Principal Kerry Wicks, Middle School Principal Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal Sherril Nealey, Assistant Elementary Principal BOARD OF DIRECTORS Manuel Bersach Ernie Diaz Bob Felder, President Ramon Fernandez-Andes, Treasurer Frank Rivas Emanuel Roque Eric Schlottman, Secretary David Swindoll Bill Wicks, Vice President CORPORATE BOARD Manuel Bersach Ernie Diaz Herb Evelyn Bob Felder Ramon Fernandez-Andes Gary Johnson Bryan King Joseph Padron Frank Rivas Ronell Rivera Luis Rodriguez Emanuel Roque Eric Schlottman David Swindoll Bill Wicks “AN EDUCATION TO BELIEVE IN” Since 1968 K3-12th Grade Biblical Worldview Training College Prep Curriculum AP and Honors Programs Music and Fine Arts Full Athletic Program FCSmart Technology Initiative Florida Christian School - 4200 SW 89 Avenue Miami, FL 33165 - (305) 226-8152 www.floridachristian.org
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