- Gillingham Town Council


- Gillingham Town Council
The Town Hall, School Road, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4QR
Tel: 01747 823588 Email: [email protected]
of the General Purposes Committee held on
Monday, 6th June 2016 in the Jubilee Room, Town Hall, School Road,
Gillingham commencing at 7.30pm.
of a meeting
These minutes do not constitute a true record until ratified by Full Council.
CUr Mrs B Ridout (Deputy Chair)
CUr Ms A Baker, CUr Mrs A Beckley,
CUr REvill, CUr M Gould,
CUr Mrs A Hunt, CUr S Joyce,
CUr Mrs D Toye and CUr B Von Clemens (Mayor).
Members of the
Public & Press:
There was one member of the public present.
No members of the press were present.
In Attendance:
Mrs C Ratcliffe, Deputy Clerk/Office Manager.
CUr D Milsted (Chair) and CUr Miss N Purkis.
101. To approve the minutes ofthe last meeting held on Tuesday, 3rd May 2016.
Cllr Von Clemens proposed that "the minutes ofthe meeting held on Tuesday, 3rd May 2016, were
approved as a correct record ofthe meeting". Cllr Joyce seconded and the vote was unanimous. In
the absence of Cllr Milsted (Chair), Cllr Mrs Ridout (Deputy Chair), signed the minutes.
102. Questions. There were no questions.
103. Declarations of Interest - Members are required to comply with the requirements of the
Localism Act 2011, section 27 disclosable pecuniary interests.
There were no disclosable pecuniary interests declared.
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- Monday 6th June 2016 (continued):
104. To receive Terms of Reference for the General Purposes Committee for consideration and
The Terms of Reference for the General Purposes Committee had been circulated prior to the meeting.
Cllr Mrs Ridout informed members that an amendment was required under paragraph 2. The pavilion
will shortly be removed and should therefore be deleted from the list and the recently refurbished bus
shelter in the High Street should be included. There were no other amendments.
Cllr Mrs Hunt proposed that "the Terms of Reference for the General Purposes Committee should
be amended as per the recommendation made by Cllr Mrs Ridout and approved".
Cllr Ms Baker seconded and the vote was unanimous. RESOLVED.
105. To receive Terms of Reference for the Working Parties reporting to the General Purposes
Committee for consideration and approval.
Cllr Mrs Ridout informed members that an amendment was required to paragraph 3. Working party
membership is reviewed annually at the June meeting of the parent committee not May, as stated.
Cllr Joyce proposed that "the Terms of Reference for the Working Parties reporting to the
General Purposes Committee should be amended as per the recommendation made by
Cllr Mrs Ridout above and approved".
Cllr Evill seconded and the vote was unanimous.
106. To review the Working Parties reporting to the General Purposes Committee and to agree
their membership and lead member.
A list of working parties and their membership had been circulated to members prior to the meeting.
Allotment and Burial Provision Working Party
Cllr Mrs Ridout asked members if the Allotment and Burial Provision Working Party was still
required. Cllr Evill confirmed that the working party was still required and that meetings are usually
held in the evenings.
The current membership of the working party is as follows: Cllr Evill, Cllr Frith, Cllr Mrs Hunt,
Cllr Milsted, Cllr Mrs Pothecary, Cllr Mrs Ridout, Mrs Hawkins (staff) and Mr Dobie (staff).
Cllr Mrs Toye asked if she could join the working party.
Cllr Milsted and Cllr Mrs Pothecary were not present at the meeting and it was not known whether
they still wished to remain on the working party.
Cllr Mrs Hunt proposed that "the membership of the Allotment and Burial Working Party
remains the same (with the proviso that Cllr Milsted and Cllr Mrs Pothecary may wish to
withdraw as they were not at the meeting) with the addition of Cllr Mrs Toye and that Cllr Evill
remains as Lead Member of the working party". Cllr Joyce seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Estate Management Working Party
Cllr Mrs Ridout, acting as Chair for the meeting, asked members if the Estate Management Working
Party was still required. Cllr Von Clemens confirmed that the working party was still required and
that meetings are usually held during the daytime for up to 2 hours with the occasional site visit.
The current membership is as follows: Cllr Mrs Hunt, Cllr Mrs Ridout, Cllr S Joyce, Cllr Von
Clemens, Mrs Ratcliffe (staff) and Mr Dobie (staff). Cllr Ms Baker and Cllr Gould asked if they could
join the working party.
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- Monday 6th June 2016 (continued):
106. To review the Working Parties reporting to the General Purposes Committee and to agree
their membership and lead member (continued):
Future Workshop Provision
Cllr Mrs Ridout confirmed that the Future Workshop Provision Working Party was still required and
that meetings are usually held during the daytime but could also include evening meetings.
The current membership of this working party is as follows: Cllr Mrs Ridout, Cllr Milsted, Cllr Joyce,
Cllr Mrs Hunt, Cllr Von Clemens, Mrs S Dobie (Town Clerk), Mrs C Ratcliffe (staff) and Mr S Dobie
Cllr Milsted was absent from the meeting but it was presumed that he still wished to remain on the
working party.
Cllr Von Clemens proposed that "the membership of the Future Workshop Provision Working
Party remains the same (with the proviso that CUr Milsted may wish to withdraw as he was not
at the meeting) and that CUr Milsted remains as Lead Member of the working party".
CUrMrs Hunt seconded and the vote was unanimous. RESOLVED.
High Street Facilities Working Party
CUr Mrs Ridout confirmed that this working party was still required and that the meetings usually
occur in the daytime but could also be held in the evenings.
The current members are as follows: CUr Milsted and CUr Walsh; however, Cllr Walsh no longer
wished to remain a member of this working party.
CUr Milsted was absent from the meeting but it was presumed that he still wished to remain on the
working party.
CUrMrs Hunt, CUrMs Baker and CUrMrs Toye wished to join the working party.
CUr Mrs Hunt proposed that "the High Street Facilities Working Party should include the abovenamed (with the proviso that CUr Milsted may wish to withdraw as he was not at the meeting)
and that Cllr Milsted remains as Lead Member of the working party". CUr Ms Baker seconded
and the vote was unanimous. RESOLVED.
Town Seating and Planted Areas
CUr Mrs Ridout informed members that this new working party was required to help drive a project
forward to enhance the former war memorial site next to the 'D' shaped flower bed in the High Street.
The flower bed next to the bus shelter also needs to be improved. There is some money set aside in
the precept to help towards an enhancement plan that was originally instigated by the Town Team.
The Town Team now has few members and no resources to drive the project forward.
The following nominated themselves to set up a new working party: Cllr Joyce, CUr Mrs Beckley,
CUrMrs Hunt, Cllr Von Clemens and Cllr Mrs Ridout. Mrs Hawkins, a staff member, would also like
to join the working party as she has been involved with the Town Team looking at ideas to improve
the appearance of the High Street.
CUr Von Clemens proposed that "the Town Seating and Planted Areas Working Party should
include the above-named and that Cllr Mrs Ridout was appointed as Lead Member of the
working party". Cllr Mrs Hunt seconded and the vote was unanimous. RESOLVED.
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- Monday 6th June 2016 (continued):
106. To review the Working Parties reporting to the General Purposes Committee and to agree
their membership and lead member (continued):
Future Workshop Provision
Cllr Mrs Ridout confirmed that the Future Workshop Provision Working Party was still required and
that meetings are usually held during the daytime but could also include evening meetings.
The current membership of this working party is as follows: Cllr Mrs Ridout, Cllr Milsted, Cllr Joyce,
Cllr Mrs Hunt, Cllr Von Clemens, Mrs S Dobie (Town Clerk), Mrs C Ratcliffe (staff) and Mr S Dobie
Cllr Milsted was absent from the meeting but it was presumed that he still wished to remain on the
working party.
Cllr Von Clemens proposed that "the membership of the Future Workshop Provision Working
Party remains the same (with the proviso that CUr Milsted may wish to withdraw as he was not
at the meeting) and that CUr Milsted remains as Lead Member of the working party".
CUrMrs Hunt seconded and the vote was unanimous. RESOLVED.
High Street Facilities Working Party
CUr Mrs Ridout confirmed that this working party was still required and that the meetings usually
occur in the daytime but could also be held in the evenings.
The current members are as follows: CUr Milsted and CUr Walsh; however, Cllr Walsh no longer
wished to remain a member of this working party.
CUr Milsted was absent from the meeting but it was presumed that he still wished to remain on the
working party.
CUrMrs Hunt, CUrMs Baker and CUrMrs Toye wished to join the working party.
CUr Mrs Hunt proposed that "the High Street Facilities Working Party should include the abovenamed (with the proviso that CUr Milsted may wish to withdraw as he was not at the meeting)
and that Cllr Milsted remains as Lead Member of the working party". CUr Ms Baker seconded
and the vote was unanimous. RESOLVED.
Town Seating and Planted Areas
CUr Mrs Ridout informed members that this new working party was required to help drive a project
forward to enhance the former war memorial site next to the 'D' shaped flower bed in the High Street.
The flower bed next to the bus shelter also needs to be improved. There is some money set aside in
the precept to help towards an enhancement plan that was originally instigated by the Town Team.
The Town Team now has few members and no resources to drive the project forward.
The following nominated themselves to set up a new working party: Cllr Joyce, CUr Mrs Beckley,
CUrMrs Hunt, Cllr Von Clemens and Cllr Mrs Ridout. Mrs Hawkins, a staff member, would also like
to join the working party as she has been involved with the Town Team looking at ideas to improve
the appearance of the High Street.
CUr Von Clemens proposed that "the Town Seating and Planted Areas Working Party should
include the above-named and that Cllr Mrs Ridout was appointed as Lead Member of the
working party". Cllr Mrs Hunt seconded and the vote was unanimous. RESOLVED.
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- Monday 6th June 2016 (continued):
107. To receive working party reports for consideration and approval, if available:
Allotments and Burial Provision
Cllr Evill, Lead Member of the Working Party, informed members that no meeting had taken place
recently but that a meeting will be convened later in the month so there should be a report for next
Estate Management
Cllr Von Clemens, Lead Member of the working party, reported that a meeting had been held on
Thursday, 19thApril 2016, and the notes taken had been circulated prior to the meeting. Please refer
to Appendix A.
There was an amendment to the Himalayan Balsam bashing days. There are two dates in August and
none in September. The dates for August are Wednesday, 10 August, and Saturday, 13thAugust.
Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) is organising the work parties, so please contact them direct for more
information. The balsam bashing will only occur where prior permission has been obtained from the
land owner.
The Green Flag judging will take place on Thursday, 16th June, and there is a Community Clean Day
at Rolls Bridge on Wednesday, 16thJune, from lOam till 4pm.
Cllr Ms Baker added that she had met with Cllr Mrs Hunt and Cllr Mrs Ridout to organise an open
event on the public open space at Jubilee Fields (Peacemarsh) to help promote the area. The event is
planned to coincide with the schools autumn half term. The northern boundary hedge may be in the
process of being laid at this time. Portable toilets may be required. Full details of the event need to be
discussed further.
Festive Lighting
Cllr Von Clemens, Lead Member of the working party, reported that no meeting had taken place
recently but that a meeting is scheduled and that a report will be available next month.
Future Workshop Provision
Cllr Milsted, Lead Member of the working party, was absent from the meeting and there was no report
High Street Facilities
Cllr Milsted, Lead Member of the working party, was absent from the meeting and there was no report
1) Traffic Management
Cllr Mrs Ridout, Lead Member of the working party, reported that a meeting had been held on
Thursday, 14thApril 2016, and the notes taken had been circulated prior to the meeting. Please refer
to Appendix B. Cllr Mrs Ridout summarised the report, which contained one recommendation, as
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The bridal party requested chairs without arms in the Civic Hall as they had employed
someone to cover all of the chairs. The room did look spectacular but it did involve a lot of
work moving chairs around the building prior to the event and also afterwards.
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General Purposes Committee - 6th June 2016
Minute no. 107(b)
Estate Management Working Party
Report of the meeting held on
Thursday 19th April 2016 at 9.30am in the Civic Hall
Author: Mrs C Ratcliffe, Deputy Clerk
Cllr Barry Von Clemens (Acting Lead Member)
Cllr Stephen Joyce
Cllr Mrs Su Hunt
Cllr Mrs Belinda Ridout
Mr Simon Dobie, Works Manager
Mrs Clare Ratcliffe, Assistant Town Clerk
By Invitation:
Mr Bob Messer (GANG)
Cllr Ms Anna Baker
Mr Mike Champman, Bourton Wildlife Group
Ms Briony Baxter, Dorset Wildlife Trust
Mr Jacob Dew, Dorset Wildlife Trust
Ms Jen Newman, Dorset Countryside
Mr Neville Anderson, Wydnham Farm, Silton
1. The Control of Himalayan Balsam (HB)
Cllr Von Clemens welcomed Mr Chapman to the meeting and introduced Ms Briony Baxter
and Mr Jacob Dew from Dorset Wildlife Trust.
Mr Anderson, a landowner at Silton, who is very keen to help with the control of Himalayan
Balsam was unable to attend the meeting but had met with Cllr Von Clemens and Mrs Clare
Ratcliffe prior to the meeting.
All present agreed that a concerted effort was required to help control the spread of HB. It
was agreed the following:
DWT would survey the river with Bourton Wildlife Group to assess the amount of HB.
DWT would organise permission from landowners.
DWT would ask Mr Anderson if he would be able to burn the HB.
DWT would provide black bin liners. GTC may be able to provide some bin liners for work
carried out in Gillingham.
GTC have nowhere to dispose of HB.
DWT will co-ordinate the work parties and produce a flyer with the following dates:
Tuesday, 14th June from 10 an onwards
Either Thursday 23rd or Friday 24th June from 10am onwards
Wednesday, 29th June from 10am onwards
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Saturday, 2nd July from 1Dam onwards
Wednesday, 1D August from 1Dam onwards
Saturday, 13th August from 1Dam onwards
The starting point for each work day will depend on how much work has been achieved the
previous work day.
GTC grounds staff will programme HB bashing for the River Lodden, particularly along POS
Upper Lodden, Lodden River road bridge (Shaftesbury Road), Lower Lodden.
DWT will liaise with the Environment Agency about some of their staff helping on one of the
work days.
It is not known whether Shreen Water has HB.
Possibly the upper reaches of the River Lodden towards East Knoyle may have HB. DWT
will liaise with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.
DWT will need to liaise with landowners in the Stours Parish Council catchment. Contact
Michelle Cox, Stours Parish Clerk.
2. Report on Managed Sites - Countryside Rangers
Jen Newman is unable to attend the meeting but sent a written report, as follows:
We are investigating a more permanent path surface for Chantry Fields after this
winter's floods. This will be paid for by the rangers.
Green Flag Date - Proposed judging date Thursday 16th June. Rangers will be
working on the sites from Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th, any help welcome!
Ham Farm Pond adoption - Site visit with Clare and Taylor Wimpey. Annual
maintenance quote provided, still waiting to hear from them regarding works to be
done now.
Shires Gate - Contractors working this week to complete path
Attended meeting with Works Manager re Upper Lodden.
3. Report from GTC - Works Manager
In addition to the usual daily tasks:
Help oversee and sign off bus shelter refurbishment.
Grass cutting all areas with a Demo machine from New Forest Garden Machinery.
The machine is a John Deere out-front mower with a Trimax Flail cutting deck.
Overseeing the installation of new play equipment at Harding's park.
Refurbished six old blue metal seats; these are now pillar box red and ready for
installation at Harding's park.
Another small section of the cemetery has been 'topple tested'.
The newly laid turf at Harding's park and recently planted oak trees at Upper Lodden
have been watered.
Attended site meetings with the rangers, Sutcliffe play, and franks builders.
SID being erected as per schedule.
Milk churns stored in the garden of remembrance have been delivered to the station
for planting, as requested.
The spoil heap in the cemetery has been removed.
Graves have been marked as requested and the chapel cleaned and used for a
Some summer beading has been planted out. The rest is currently being hardened off
and kept watered over the weekends.
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Blue bin along Shaftesbury Rd has been replaced with a black one. The blue bin will
be cleaned and used at Harding's park.
An oak post has been placed at the avenue of trees; this has been shaped to house
the information plaque.
Three members of the grounds team have completed a one day Basic Tree
Identification Course.
Attended a site meeting with Jen Newman on Thursday 1th May regarding a request
from the owner of Grosvenor Cottage along Shaftesbury Road to remove some
Blackthorn from the river bank boundary at Upper Lodden. This work would be rather
drastic and costly - estimate £8-9k. A further site visit will be arranged before the
next meeting. A letter has been sent to the property owner.
4. Report from Assistant Town Clerk
Ham Farm Attenuation Pond - this is in the process of being adopted and the Town
Council's solicitor has written to Taylor Wimpey as follows:
Further to my email of yesterday, I note that when the other pieces of land for play areas
were transferred to Gillingham Town Council, contributions were made by Wimpeys towards
future upkeep. My Client has received details of a 10 year Service Level Agreement from
Dorset Countryside stating that the annual cost of maintenance will be £1499.20 plus vat with
an annual increase with reference to RPI. Please can you confirm if a contribution of £15, 000
will be made at the same time as the attenuation pond is transferred to Gillingham Town
Council for £1.
Ham Farm - footbridge - Young people are congregating under the stanchions of the
footbridge. PCSOs are aware. The culprits are mainly 14 years plus who are smoking
illegally. An old sofa has been put under the stanchions. Dorset Waste Partnership has
been notified about the sofa ('fly-tipping'). The sofa is too big for Town Council grounds staff
to remove. Dorset Countryside will provide a quotation to plant something appropriate nearby
to prevent access under the bridge.
Rolls Bridge - request to fell trees - This matter was discussed at General Purposes
Committee on 3rd May 2016. A letter has been sent to the resident confirming the outcome
of the meeting and advising him to liaise with Dorset Countryside (as they manage the site)
before removing any limbs from the trees which over hang his garden and as permitted
under 'common law'. Cllr Von Clemens saw sight of the letter sent.
Saxongate - transfer of land - This is still in progress although still awaiting to hear from
Persimmons regarding the work required to bring the site up to an adoptable standard as
outlined below:
To summarise what was agreed on site this morning to bring the site up to an adoptable
Restore paths to full width with new surface.
Provide concrete pads at the entrances to the play area
Provide a Tree Condition Survey and Risk Management Plan for the site and carry
out any works recommended.
On transfer provide money for the replacement of six trees with tree guards at £130
each = £780, which will be carried out by Town Council staff during the correct
planting season.
If possible, establish who is responsible for the boundary fence.
Church View Play Area - The agreed 'Teenzone' goal was installed in early May. The
equipment has been used. There have been complaints about footballs hitting the fences of
the properties along Common Mead Avenue that back onto the play area. Following
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complaints Cllr Von Clemens and Cllr Milsted visited the area on two separate occasions.
Since the initial complaints no further complaints have been received.
Gyllas Green (off Gyllas Way and Downsview Drive) - the agreed multi use games end
style goal end was installed mid May. A 1Ox1Om2 tarred area will accompany this equipment
on 23rd May. The goal end has been installed taking into account the surrounding landscape,
nearby housing and the occasional use by the air ambulance. This facility has received
some very positives comments by all ages. A Press Release for these new goals will be
organised next week.
Litter bins - three additional 'Topsy 2000' bins coloured light blue have been purchased for
the Hardings Park (refer to Policy and Resources Meeting of 16thMay). Still awaiting to hear
from Spectrum about a bin for Lawrence Walk (six months at least in the waiting!).
Public Seating - the metal seat removed from the tarred footpath at Milton has been missed
and two residents have asked for its reinstatement. The seat is used by elderly residents
who cannot walk the path without a place to stop and rest. It is possible to purchase a seat
using funds from the Environment Budget. It was agreed to move the metal and wood seat
further up the path to the lower end of the path.
Basic Tree Inspection Course (LANTRA Certificate in Basic Tree Inspection with Derek
Brinsley Ltd Arboriculture Training and Consultancy) - This training was recommended
in the Tree Condition Survey and Risk Management Plan. Four members of staff attended
this one day training on Thursday, 28thApril 2016; three members of the grounds staff and
the Assistant Town Clerk.
Voluntary Registration of Land - update on work agreed last year - the Town Council's
solicitor is making steady progress with the registration of all our public open space that has
not been registered. This work is particularly required for land such as: Hardings Park, The
Garden of Remembrance, the Town Cemetery, Withy Woods and other anomalies which
have come to light.
Bee Friendly Town - Bridgit Strawbridge will be making a presentation prior to Full Council
on Monday 2ih June at 7pm. Prior to the presentation she will visit Rolls Bridge, Jubilee
Fields, King Edmund Green and Hawthorne Avenue to see whether these areas could be
improved to help the bee population. This will enable Ms Strawbridge to comment on
Gillingham's current bee habitat and any improvements that can be made. Dorset
Countryside do not use weed killer (which is causing a decline in the bee population) on our
managed sites and GTC staff do not use weed killer in the town. However, weed killer is
used once a year by DCC on pavements and highway verges in the Town as there is no
other suitable or affordable substitute. This may, preclude Gillingham from becoming a Bee
Friendly Town; an obstacle that Shaftesbury Town Council has also encountered.
5. Green Flag Accreditation
Two judges from Poole Borough Council have confirmed that they will be attending on
Thursday 16thJune. The judging will take place at 1pm. Further details to be confirmed.
A display will need to be organised to show community involvement. Refreshments will be
provided at the Town Hall after the judges have visited the site.
6. Additional Car Parking - Chaffinch Chase
Chaffinch Chase LAP - Taylor Wimpey have offered to drop the kerb in this area ready for
when the LAP is refurbished as a car parking area. The idea has been approved by DCC
Adoptions (Mr Vernon Phillips) and DCC Highways (Mr Steve Savage), as follows:
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I (Mr Veron Phillips) have spoken with Cllr Ridout (Gillingham Town Council) in relation to the
removal of the LAP in Chaffinch Chase. Mr Savage, Transportation Development
Management Team leader, has confirmed that the proposal to remove the LAP, lower the
existing footpath, and create an area of unassigned parking does not present a highway
safety issue.
The stipulation is that the footway is lowered across the frontage of the proposed spaces to
ensure the footway maintains priority across those spaces. The area beyond the rear of the
footpath will not form part of, or become, highway maintainable at the public expense. The
parking spaces must not discharge water onto the highway so should be constructed with a
slight fall away from the footpath. The construction of the dropped section of the footpath
must comprise full carriageway construction with the rear of the footpath retained by a flush
CS2 channel kerb set on edge (125mm wide) with 150mm bed and surround C10 /ST2
I have no objection to this amendment and it will not have an impact upon the proposed
adoption process.
An estimate to refurbish the area as a car park will be sought over the next couple of months.
Additional Car Parking - Maple Way
Cllr Mrs Ridout has received comments from Mr Steve Savage, DCC Highways, who has
supplied a suggested car park plan.
8. Summer Bedding (CUr Su Hunt/CUr Barry Von Clemens/CUr Belinda Ridout)
Nothing to report this month; invoices received from the Town Council will be paid shortly.
9. Friends Group (CUr Anna Baker)
A Press Release was agreed by the Mayor and sent to local press w/c 2nd May 2016. Cllr
Anna Baker and Cllr Nicky Perkis had a 'table' at the RiversMeet launch event on Sunday,
15th May between 12 noon and 2pm.
Cllr Ms Baker reported that the day was just busy enough but a little disappointing with a
trickle of people rather than a flood. A few email addresses and comments were collected.
There were lots of positive comments about the new play equipment. There were negative
comments about the state of the Addison play park - of course it was explained that it is not
under Town Council ownership. There were similar comments about the play area at
Comments received, as follows:
Request for Football goals near Fernbrook
Request for more equipment in the Fernbrook play park (as it gets quite busy at
Request for something that spins/spinning bowl at The Gillings, Wyke
Request that gates on the play parks should open inwards so that children can't
escape if they push outwards.
Request for Lodbourne Green - desiqnated ball area away from the houses (resident
Lodbourne Terrace)
Cllr Ms Baker thanked everyone for their kind donation of sweets and also to GTC staff for
the help with the display. The sweet tombola raised £20. Conclusion: it would have been
beneficial to get people to complete a surveyor to ask them fill out a comments sheet.
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10. Any Other Business
Promotion of our public open spaces - to be discussed another time.
11. Date of Next Meeting
Suggested date: Thursday, 23rd June - TO BE CONFIRMED
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General Purposes Committee - 6thJune 2016
Minute no. 107(f)
Thursday, 14thApril, 2016 - 6.00pm in the Jubilee Room, Town Hall
Author: Cllr Mrs Belinda Ridout, Lead Member
Cllr Mrs Belinda Ridout
Cllr Barry Von Clemens
Cllr David Walsh
PCSO Nicola Fear.
Roger Bell (Community Highways Officer)
Cllr Mrs Val Pothecary
Cllr Mrs Su Hunt.
1. SID update: Cllr Mrs Ridout gave a summary of data downloaded to date. Figures are
for vehicles entering the town only:
Peacemarsh (2.3.16 - 5.4.16) - 43.09% vehicles exceeding 30mph
New Road (9.5.16 - 23.5.16) - 30.61% vehicles exceeding 30mph
Breakdown of 68,607 vehicles recorded:
16,169 - 31-35mph
3,710 - 36-40mph
840 - 41-45mph
225 - 46-50mph
59 - Excess of 50mph
2. Updates on current/outstanding issues:
• B3092 traffic calming- Milton-on-Stour
Speed survey - BR gave a summary of the survey results, conducted in March between
the exit and entrance to Milton on Stour Primary School on the B3092:
Between Monday 14thand Sunday zo" March 2016:
Southbound to Gillingham: 7 day average volume: 2099: 39.2% over 40mph
Northbound to A303: 7 day average volume: 2287: 39.8% over 40mph
Noted that from Monday 14thMarch to Friday 18thMarch, between 8am - 9am and 3pm5pm, of the 2986 vehicles: 1147 travelling 40mph or above, 63 of which were above
The question was raised as to how these figures compare with national averages. This is
something which needs to be investigated. 39.8% is not that different from results we
have recorded using the SID for Peacemarsh.
Nicky Fear (PCSO) suggested chevrons on the straight between the roundabout and the
school to keep vehicles at a reasonable distance, which might help with traffic calming.
Action: Cllr Mrs Ridout to discuss with Roger Bell and to organise a meeting with Doug
Musgrove, Governor at the school and Roger Bell to discuss the speed survey results.
Pedestrian refuge crossing - seems to have had mixed feedback. It was agreed that if
the road markings were refreshed at the Peacemarsh roundabout it would help to
minimise any driver confusion on the approach from the Mere direction. This has been
requested via Gillingham Direct.
• Resident Parking Permit - Buckingham Road - following approval of this request at
the May General Purposes Committee meeting, this has now been forwarded to Roger
Bell, Community Highways Officer. Restriction: 8am to 6pm with ~ or 1 hour waiting
time allowance for non-permit holders. Action: R Bell
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Bus Bay parking - Parking Services have been busy ticketing at both the Waitrose and
Nat West locations. Chris Parry, Branch Manager of Waitrose has confirmed their
continued cooperation with helping to address the problem.
Station Road - review of traffic calming - Cllr Mrs Ridout confirmed that a letter is to
be sent as agreed at May General Purposes Committee meeting.
3. Marlott Road - resident concerns about HGV's taking the Marlott Road route to Neals
Yard. Cllr Mrs Ridout explained that the situation is exacerbated at the moment by Neals
Yard employees having to find alternative parking because of building works. Limited
temporary additional parking has been agreed with the Bublshop, Peacemarsh. Attempts
to get the postcode changed have failed. NF suggested that black and white HGV route
signs might be appropriate through the town. The new layout and signage of the Neals
Yard entrance might resolve these issues in due course. Cllr Mrs Ridout has spoken with
Sue Herman, Site Manager and Roger Bell with regard to temporary signage and Sue
has been directed to the DCC Sign Shop.
4. Fernbrook Lane - parking by care home users- concerns highlighted by a local
resident. PCSO Nicky Fear reported that the Police had not found any vehicles causing
an obstruction to road users. It is perfectly legal to park along Fernbrook Lane. The
annual route exercise with Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue did not highlight a
problem. To monitor.
5. PCSO updates and new items:
• The annual exercise with Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue highlighted the
following areas of concern on public safety grounds:
Rookery Close, Shaftesbury Road - the Fire and Rescue Appliance could not
access King's Chase because of vehicles parked in front of the knock down bollards
at the end of Rookery Close, which are designed to give emergency access to King's
ChaseiTrent Square.
Lockwood Terrace, Shaftesbury Road - the same problem as above. The Fire
and Rescue Appliance could not access Fernbrook Lane because of vehicles parked
in front of the knock down bollards at the end of Lockwood Terrace.
Cresscombe Close, Peacemarsh - again, the same problem as above with vehicles
parked in front of the knock down bollards, which are designed to give emergency
access into the back of Cresscombe Close and Ridgeway Road.
It was noted that if an appliance has to go the long way round to access, for example,
King's Chase/Fernbrook Lane, vital minutes are lost. It was also noted that the
Wiltshire fire appliances are wider than Dorset's, therefore it is important that access
is wide enough. Members of the working party supported the request for additional
parking restrictions at these locations and agreed to make the following
recommendation to General Purposes Committee:
To request Highways to consider the continuation of the
parking restriction (double yellow lines) and/or the addition of cross hatching
with the words "emergency vehicles only", both sides of the knock-down
bollards at the end of Rookery Close, Lockwood Terrace and Cresscombe
Close. This recommendation being made in the interest of public safety
following the annual exercise of the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
which found all three emergency access routes blocked by parked vehicles.
Hardings Lane - concerns raised by bus drivers about parents stopping on the zigzag markings for the school. Action: Cllr Mrs Ridout to make a request for the
markings to be refreshed (75% worn) via Gillingham Direct.
NF enquired about parking restrictions on Hardings Lane, particularly the
entrance/exit to Riversmeet Leisure Centre and the 'hammerhead' area at the top of
Hardings Lane. Cllr Mrs Ridout informed the meeting that it was decided at a
previous working party meeting to defer requests for parking restrictions until after the
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Hardings Park and GTC workshop projects have been completed and then request a
complete review of parking restrictions along Hardings Lane.
Todber - bend - PCSO Nicky Fear confirmed that the missing sign has been
reinstated and lines repainted on the bend. It was decided against a barrier on the
bank - considered a hazard in itself and the quarry owner was against it. Accidents
are mostly driver error and weather condition related.
Any Other Business
• Speedwatch Group - PCSO Nicky Fear agreed to advertise for more volunteers.
• Motorbikes - Milton on Stour (83092) - resident concerns about speeding motorcyclists
particularly on Sunday afternoons/early evening. Action: peso Nicky Fear to flag this
up and invite the 'Caught No Excuse' team to visit. To also look into a 'Caught No
Excuse' sign for SID pole at this location.
The meeting closed 7pm
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General Purposes Committee - 6th June 2016
Minute no. 108
Report from Gillingham Direct - 28th April-1st
June 2016
The following matters have been dealt with by Gillingham Direct:
Rubbish piled up in the former Co-op car park and rats have
been seen.
Marlott Road play area is over grown
Request received for a replacement bin at Peacemarsh near the
A tree has been cut down at Church View by a resident
Complaints received about ball games at King John Road
outside of the play area
Sofa dumped under the footbridge between Upper Lodden and
Road surface on the ramp into the ford on Peacemarsh Road is
breaking up.
A mattress has been dumped on the footpath behind the Hyde
Road play area.
Manhole cover is loose and sticking up in Fairy Crescent
Footpath blocked by utilities work between Rolls Bridge and King
Edmund Court
Pothole on Milton Lane just past Woolfield Farm
Loose paving slab outside the fish and chip shop in Station Road
Blocked drain outside Orchid Haven in Wyke Road. Previously
reported in April.
Dog bins overflowing in Thurstin Way and Downsview Drive
Grass needs cutting at St Martins
The hand drier, water and soap dispenser in the disable toilet in
the High Street are not working
Gate to the Old School House in School Road, keeps being left
sticking out into the road, and needs removing.
Cheveron sign on the B3092 by Cole St Lane junction of the
Madjeston bends is covered in mold and the black paint is
Request for the zig zag lines outside Gillingham School to be
Reference No.
Reported to
Environmental Health
GTC advised
DWP notified
GTC to investigate
Estate Management to
DWP advised
DCC 1056593
DWP advised
DCC 1057091
DCC 1057095
DCC 1057279
DCC 1057289
Roger Bell from
Highways will chase.
DWP advised
DCC estates advised
GTC advised
Magna Housing
DCC 1057779
DCC 1057811
N.B: Gillingham Direct is a reporting service and it is not a common practice of the bodies to
which GO reports to issue confirmations of works completed. Any specific enquiries
regarding pending or completed issues should be directed to GO staff including the relevant
reference number.
20 Replacement recycle bins have been collected.
1 Wedding took place in May.
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The bridal party requested chairs without arms in the Civic Hall as they had employed
someone to cover all of the chairs. The room did look spectacular but it did involve a lot of
work moving chairs around the building prior to the event and also afterwards.
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