CLAWSON HIGHLIGHTS CLAWSON PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Fall 2015 CLAWSON PARKS AND RECREATION HUNTER COMMUNITY CENTER 509 Fisher Court (248) 589-0334 Mon-Fri 8am to 7pm CLAWSON CITY HALL 425 N. Main (248) 435-4500 Mon-Thur 7:30am to 5:30pm CLAWSON D.P.W. 635 W. Elmwood (248) 288-3222 After Hours: (248) 524-3477 Mon-Thur 6:30am to 3:30pm BLAIR MEMORIAL LIBRARY 416 N. Main (248) 588-5500 CLAWSON HISTORICAL MUSEUM 41 Fisher Court (248) 588-9169 We create community through people, parks and programs! Visit us online! ALL CITY OFFICES CLOSED Thanksgiving November 27-28 In This Issue: Mayor’s Message Upcoming Events City Information Youth Activities Adult Activities Senior Activities Department of Public Works Blair Memorial Library Community Activities Clawson Public Schools 2 2-3 4 5-7 8-9 10 11-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 Mayor’s Message / Upcoming Events Our children returned to school and the weather turned cooler but here in Clawson we continue to heat things up with our activities and upgrades throughout the city. The Farmers Market, 4th of July and Kids Community Theater received “best of the best” event and venue awards with the Market receiving an award for the 5th year in a row. Clawson was noted as the 4th best city, 5th best city, 10th best city and 8th safest city to live in Michigan, depending on what report you read. The bottom line is that Clawson is a family friendly city earning its name of “The Little City with a Big Heart”. It is nice to see so many people enjoying the City Park with new and exciting areas. It seems that almost everyone has a dog to walk in the park – remember to keep the dogs on a leash and pick up after the dogs so we can all continue to enjoy outdoor activities. Recycling has begun in our parks. Recycle bins are ready for your empty plastic water bottles. A free service for businesses is recycling. Simply purchase a recycle bin and call SOCCRA at (248) 288-5150 to place your address on the pick up list. City updates: -We are participating in a One, Stop Ready program through Oakland County to evaluate our present operations and increase customer service. This is a year long program and we are excited to learn the lessons that will allow us to provide the best services in all departments. -Sidewalk replacement will continue in the area of Stephen to Langley this year. -Did you know we have a City Announcement system? The City Announcement system will provide alerts about events, warnings and alerts by email, phone or text. Sign up is as simple as calling 248 435 4500 #116. -The City of Clawson owns and operates a Senior Citizen Apartment Complex located at 121 Renshaw. It is a twostory building with 14 one bedroom apartments and one efficiency apartment. The apartments are offered to applicants over the age of 60 with a rental fee of $450 per month. It is a wonderful service we offer to our residents. The City pays for water and outside upkeep. Complete an application online at or at City Hall. There are no vacancies at present but we are happy to keep a wait list. Thanks for living and working in Clawson. We are here to serve you! See you at the Trick or Treat Trail, Fall Festival and other Clawson events. As always, please join council for Coffee with Council the first Tuesday of each month, 77:30 pm at City Hall. Your voice is important to us. 2 All-Class Clawson High School Reunion Clawson City Park All alumni are invited to this annual event! Visit with Clawson students both young and old to share memories of growing up and attending school in our city. The coffee and donuts will be provided, you just bring the stories and pictures! Please contact Jake Stirnemann at (248) 5065102 or [email protected] with questions. Tuesday, September 8 10am Clawson Farmers Market Clawson City Park The Market is located on the corner of Elmwood and Custer in the heart of Clawson. Our many vendors include farmers, food (baked goods, lunch, etc.), crafters, musician, info and more. If you are interested in volunteering, please call (248) 259-6208 or (248) 435-6500. Every Sunday from 9am to 1pm through September 27 (closed Labor Day weekend) Downtown Block Party This event has been postponed until next year to work on some improvements for 2016! Please visit to help out next year! American Red Cross Blood Drive City Hall Every minute of every day, someone needs blood. Please help support your community. To make an appointment, visit Thursday, October 1 1 to 7pm Fall Auction Club Venetian in Madison Heights Don't miss another year of this fun event! There will be live and silent auctions, duck pond, strolling dinner and large raffle to benefit the Chamber of Commerce. To purchase tickets or to join the committee, please contact Mary at (248) 435-6500 or [email protected]. Thursday, October 1 6 to 10pm Fall Festival Car Show Clawson City Park This United Street Machine Association Annual Car Show is back for another year! Proceeds benefit the Clawson Baseball Program. Visit for an entry form and additional information. Sunday, October 4 Registration 10am to noon Judging 10am to 1pm / Trophies at 4:30pm Fall Festival Clawson City Park Celebrate the beginning of fall with an afternoon of fun! The day includes free hayrides, farm animals, free inflatables and baked goods. The day ends with a bonfire conducted by the Clawson Fire Department. Sunday, October 4 3 to 6pm / Bonfire at 6:15pm Fall 2015 Upcoming Events Clawson Fire Department Fire Prevention Week & Open House October 4-10, 2015 The Clawson Fire Department will once again visit local elementary schools to discuss the importance of fire safety. This year’s theme is “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep: Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm!” It is important to have a smoke detector in every bedroom of your home - and test them every month! Don’t forget to change the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors, too! It is also necessary for those with fireplaces to properly clean the chimney before using them this winter. Open House - 111 Gardner Sunday, October 11 Noon to 3pm Fire Safety Smoke House - Noon to 3pm Bounce Around for the Kids - Noon to 3pm Vehicle Extrication Demonstration - 1:30 to 2pm Mother/Son Night Out Toys for Goodfellows City Hall / Hunter Community Center Please help this longtime community organization see that “no child goes without a Christmas.” Drop boxes will be available for anyone who would like to donate toys, games or non-perishable food items. The Goodfellows will then distribute all donated goods to local families in need of assistance. Please help our local families in need! November through December Christmas in Clawson Craft Show Clawson High School A variety of exhibitors will be displaying their crafts! Come enjoy a wonderful lunch, while you get your holiday and personal shopping done. For more info and applications for space, contact Andrea Hodges at (248) 629-9818 . Saturday, November 14 9am to 4pm White Elephant Sale Bounce U at 1101 Rochester in Troy This is a special evening for moms and their boys! Price includes an hour of bounce time, a souvenir picture, dessert, beverage and some door prizes! Buy your tickets in advance at Hunter Community Center. Thursday, October 15 6:15pm $20 per couple / $5 each additional son Hunter Community Center Take a stroll through donations and find some new treasures for yourself or loved ones! There is also a lunch counter, raffle and bake sale! All proceeds benefit the Clawson Senior Center. Admission is $1. Saturday, November 14 9am to 3pm Trick-or-Treasure Time All Major Clawson Intersections Extra, extra! Members will be selling their paper, which features community news and Goodfellows updates, for a monetary donation of your choice. One hundred percent of proceeds will go to help a Clawson family. If you would like to send a tax-deductible donation, please send a check or money order to the Clawson Goodfellows, P.O. Box 239, Clawson, MI 48017. For more info, call (248) 407-5522 or email [email protected]. Saturday, December 5 9am to 3pm Downtown Clawson Allergies are tough enough, but miss trick-or-treating with all the other kids? We say, no way! Kids in costume will travel through the downtown businesses collecting allergy-free treats and maybe a few tricks along the way! Head to for more info! Saturday, October 24 Noon to 3pm The Great Pubkin Crawl Downtown Clawson This bit of Halloween fun allows adult ‘kids’ in costume to enjoy food & drink specials at our favorite downtown spots. Register at Leon & Lulu, then head out for the spirits! Visit for more info! Saturday, October 24 Registration 6-7pm $15 Trick or Treat Trail Clawson City Park Sponsored by Clawson Youth Assistance, this is a fun way for your ghost or goblin to get in the spirit of things! Bring a flashlight and a bag for all the candy you’ll collect from local businesses and organizations along the trail. Stay and enjoy cider and donuts courtesy of the Parks and Recreation Department. Sunday, October 25 6 to 7:30pm Fall 2015 Goodfellows Paper Drive Christmas Tree Lighting Memorial Park at Blair Memorial Library Families are invited to kickoff the holiday season with this annual tradition. Co-sponsored by the Clawson/Troy Optimist Club, the evening includes caroling and the arrival of Santa Claus by fire truck! Refreshments will be served at Clawson Middle School immediately following. Event is held rain, snow or shine. Monday, December 7 6:30pm Lunch with Santa Hunter Community Center The GFWC Women’s Club will once again host this festive event. Tickets may be purchased at Hunter Community Center and include lunch, a visit with Santa and a small gift! Pictures are also available at an additional fee. Tickets are limited, so don’t miss out on this fun lunch! Saturday, December 12 11am 3 City Information Park Improvements The park improvements are just about complete. The new stadium field, tennis court, skate park, sand volleyball courts, lighting, irrigation, bleachers, play equipment and more have progressed over the summer and are now being used by the schools, residents and visitors! The Grant soccer fields, baseball fields, softball field and practice field should be ready for use in the spring once the grass has grown in! A special THANK YOU to the residents, city council, schools, city works and youth sport teams for their encouragement and cooperation during these projects. Clawson City Park is upgraded and improved! Caring for these new facilities is a top priority. As part of maintaining these new facilities, we want to stress some of the current Park Ordinances that have been in place for years. Breaking of these ordinances will result in possible fines up to $500. Please see below a list of ordinances for all of the parks in Clawson. First offences will be given a warning, but subsequent violators will be ticketed: ■ Hours of operation are 7am to 11pm daily ■ Alcoholic beverages of any kind are prohibited ■ No vending or peddling without a city permit ■ All pets must be in control AND on a leash at all times ■ No pets allowed on any athletic field, with the exception of any pet that is necessary for the assistance to a person who may be physically or mentally impaired or otherwise physically handicapped ■ Any person having a pet in the park shall be responsible for the immediate cleanup of any debris caused by that pet ■ No overnight parking Please know that our police department will be enforcing these ordinances. Tax Information Information is available for free via a self-serve computer located in the lobby of City Hall or online for a fee through Property Gateway at or by calling (888) 600-3773. Your 10-digit parcel number is required to access your information by telephone. Drop Box There is an drop box available for payments and ballots in the south entrance vestibule of City Hall below the police/ fire telephone. To avoid penalties or late charges, payments must be received BEFORE closing on the date the bill is due. When a due date falls on a weekend or a city-designated holiday, payment will be accepted without penalty before close of the next business day. Payment of Water Bills Payments may be “direct debited” from your savings or checking account. Authorization forms can be picked up at the Treasurer’s Office at City Hall or online at Water bill payments can also be made online through the city’s website. Winter Taxes Upcoming Elections Deadlines for the November 3, 2015 City General Election: ■ Absentee ballots will be available after September 19; ■ Last day to register to vote is Monday, October 5; ■ Last day for electors who wish to receive an absentee ballot is Saturday, October 31 by 2pm; ■ Electors eligible for an absentee ballot may vote in-person at the Clerk’s office on Monday, November 2 by 4pm; ■ All absentee ballots must be received before the close of polls on Election Day (Tuesday, November 3); and ■ Polls will be open from 7am to 8pm on Election Day. March 8, 2016 Presidential Primary - more information to come For a complete guide to local candidates and any possible updates on elections and future elections, please visit the City Clerk’s website at or Oakland County’s website at Should you have any questions regarding your voter registration or other election questions, contact the City Clerk, Machele Kukuk at (248) 435-4500 ext. 116 or 118 or through the city’s website listed above. These will be mailed out on December 1 and are due by February 14, 2016. Payments may be made online at 4 Fall 2015 Youth Activities Spanish Immersion Montessori Preschool/Kindergarten & Daycare - Ages 0-10 Hunter Community Center Founder & Director: Maria Van Dyke (248) 597-9932 / (248) 797-6947 / / [email protected] Spanish for Toddlers is a Spanish-immersion program that uses the Montessori philosophy, It is one of a few schools in the U.S.A. that combines the Montessori philosophy of education with language-immersion schooling and has been enjoying steady growth since February 2002. ■ The Spanish environment surrounding our activities enables your child to develop a functional use of Spanish at the same time as practicing early childhood educational concepts. The curriculum also incorporates group activities to reinforce the fun of Spanish language in song, movement and games. ■This program is designed for children who have no previous knowledge of Spanish and incorporates those who already speak the language. A minimum of two days attendance is required for infant room and preschool. School runs Mon – Fri 7:30am – 5:30pm. Class hours are 9:15am – 12:15pm, and extended care is available. Preschool runs from September 9, 2015 to June 2, 2016. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Open during summer as well. After School Program – Ages 6-10 years old This program will be a fun way for your children to reinforce and practice their Spanish skills and learn new vocabulary after school. The class is taught in a play-based method by a native Spanish speaker who will make a fun class for the students. This class is still forming, so call us to inquire about schedule and pricing. Summer Camp 2016 – June 13-August 26 This is a fantastic opportunity for children to enjoy camp and Latin culture, and to experience an introduction to our preschool. For more information please call 248-597-9932 or 248-797-6947, e-mail us or visit our website! PlayAway Hunter Community Center Instructors: Stacy McFarlen and Claire South (248) 884-5572 / PlayAway is a community-based, family owned program that has been proudly serving the Royal Oak and Clawson area since 2002. Our parent-child classes support the cognitive, physical, and social development of children ages infant to three years, while recognizing the importance of caregiver involvement. We learn through play. We get messy. We play and create in mediums that you would not at your home; offering an exciting sensory experience. Think pudding, shaving cream, dirt, water, and even flour. We play in homemade play dough. We sing songs, dance, make music, role play, and have good old fashion fun. Our friends learn through play and we play hard. Parents and children explore, discover and grow together; after all you are your child’s first teacher. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers are welcome. Come explore our classes. Classes include: Art in the Park: Join us this spring and summer for special art classes held outside at the Hunter Community Center. You and your child will enjoy creating art side by side, while we explore creating art out of objects found in nature using a variety of different mediums. Play Friends: Play Friends, our most popular class, is a loosely themed based class. Each week we read, sing, create art, have sensory play, and parachute time. Warning we get messy and have tons of fun! Play Science: This class mixes two of our favorite subjects, art and science. This action packed hour will have age appropriate art and science activities. Expect lots of oooohs and aaaaahs. Dress your child in play clothes. We will get messy. Smocks will be provided. Music Friends: Learning and playing are so much more fun with music. We will sing and dance and make music while exploring what the children are capable of. Be ready for a fun overload! Additionally, we offer Open Play, Drop in Story, Sensory and Art and we are also available for birthday parties. For class schedules and more information visit the website or call! Fall 2015 5 Youth Activities Premiere Plus Dance Program Hunter Community Center The City of Clawson and Premiere Plus have been partners in bringing you quality dance education for children age 3 to teen since 1993. Our Spring production of “Let’s Go to the Movies” will let us enjoy the music and dancing from our favorite blockbuster movies. We must have Minions! Also, Super Heroes, some not so “dirty “ Dirty Dancing, Footloose, Step Up, Finding Nemo, and Toy Story are just a few of the ideas for choreography! Our Musical Production will be everyone’s favorite, “ANNIE!” Our program is divided into two sessions, with payment due at registration and again in January. A late fee will be charged after January 15. Dancers must register for both sessions and a costume will be ordered for each class. A $30 costume deposit per costume is due in November, with the balance due in February. Session 1 begins: September 14, 2015* Session 2: begins January 4, 2016 Preschool Dance: Clapping and counting, singing and skipping, enjoying the music and making new friends! Students will improve large motor skills, listen to directions, learn to take turns and cooperate as a group. Intro to Dance/Combo: Students will be introduced to a bit of jazz, ballet, hip hop and some Broadway -style song and dance. Class is designed to be fun while it helps out little dancers transition into more challenging movement. Body positions and terminology is explored. Excel Lyrical Ballet: For students in 5th grade and older with at least three years of dance training. Miss Megan must approve younger students. Ballet and lyrical jazz is combined to strengthen technique and challenge experienced dancers. Musical Theatre: Students will be divided by age and ability into groups and cast accordingly. Our new vocal coach and choreographer Joey Fontana will assist Ms. Megan as we bring “Annie” movie versions-old and new-to life on our Clawson stage! Tap: Traditional terms and rhythms, finding the beat, counting the measures while learning basic steps and adding some personality. Hip Hop Jazz: Students will enjoy an energetic warm-up, isolation and pop-and-lock hip hop moves, traditional jazz turns, floorwork and progressions. Attention is paid to insure that our music selection is appropriate for each age group. Excel Jazz/Tap Classes: For students in 5th grade and older with at least three years of dance training. Miss Megan must approve younger students. Students may be new to tap, but must have a strong foundation in other dance forms. Monday Instructor: Tiffany 5pm Preschool Dance - Ages 3 & 4 (30 min) $80 5:30pm Preschool Dance - Ages 4 & 5 (40 min) $90 6:15pm Intro to Dance Combo - Grades K-2 (55 min) $105 7:15pm Hip Hop Jazz - Grades 2-4 (40 min) $90 8pm Tap - Grades 2-4 (30 min) $80 Wednesday Instructor: Megan 4pm Intro to Dance - Grades 1-3 (40 min) 4:45pm Boys Hip Hop Jazz* - Grades 2-5 (40 min) 5:30pm Hip Hop Jazz - Grades 4-6 (40 min) $90 6:15pm Excel Lyrical Ballet - Grades 5 and up (40 min) $90 7pm Musical Theatre* - Grade 1-teen (75 min) $110 8:15pm Excel Jazz/Tap Combo - Grades 5 & up (55 min) $105 6 Kelly Horne Mike Sadler Jason Abrahamson Melissa Clapp Per session $90 $60/$90 *Boys Hip Hop begins October 21st. Prices shown reflect shorter first session. Joey Fontana will be the instructor for this class. Don’t forget, dancers get half off additional classes - less expensive class reduced. Adult Musical Theater Tap Stretch Combo class will be held on Thursdays from 8-9:30pm at the Madison Heights studio. This class offers many options; come for the warm-up, stay for the tap, be a part of the “Annie” Production in Clawson and/or perform in the Madison Heights production of “Toy Shop.” Registration for that class ONLY will be through Madison Heights at The Premiere Plus staff is excited about offering a quality dance program to Clawson. We hope we have answered your questions, but if you need further assistance, call (248) 541-6651 for more info! Youth Sports Contacts Basketball Baseball Football Soccer Softball Per session After School Drop-In Gym (248) 655-4200 (248) 229-6710 (248) 953-3732 (248) 629-0180 (248) 882-0139 Hunter Community Center Clawson Middle School Students can “drop in” and participate in supervised activities in the gym! All CMS students are welcome, but must have a signed permission slip turned into the Recreation office in order to attend. Slips can be found on our website, the Recreation office or the CMS office. Contact the Recreation Department for more information! Thursdays (except non school days) 3 to 4:30pm Fall 2015 Youth Activities Skateboard Clinic Skyhawks Clawson City Park Skateboarding is fun! Skateboard Clinic will focus on safety, etiquette and most importantly: HAVING FUN! Skaters will be taught on their own individual skill level. Skateboard basics will be covered for the beginner to the intermediate skater. Skaters will learn how to navigate the skate park safely, how to properly wear safety equipment, and how to fall to minimize impact. Instructors are from PLUS Skateboard Camp with over 15 years of teaching experience. Skaters must bring their own board and helmet. Pads (knee, elbow, wrist) are strongly encouraged. Call PLUSkateboarding for more info at (248) 426-0899. Register at Hunter. Tuesday Sept 15-Oct 13 6 to 7pm $80 Please bring a water bottle and wear gym clothes/shoes. SNAG Golf Program - Ages 6 to 11 Worden Park in Royal Oak - Field #5 Boys and girls will learn the fundamentals of swinging, putting, body positioning and etiquette. Using the SNAG® (Starting New At Golf) system, we have simplified instruction so that young players can make an effective transition onto the golf course. All equipment, shirt and merit awards provided. Friday Sept 18-Oct 23 6 to 6:50pm $79 Junior Trojan Basketball JTB is an instructional and developmental basketball league for boys and girls in grades 1-6. Registration of $115 includes team T-shirt, weekly practices, 10 games and playoffs as well as a skills clinic conducted by varsity coaches and players before all games. Registration will be Wednesday, October 28 OR Thursday, October 29 in the Clawson High School Cafeteria from 5-7 p.m. For more Information, contact League Director Kelly Horne at [email protected] or at 655-4200. Clawson Youth Wresting Wrestling builds character and self-confidence. It’s a great foundation for developing a strong work ethic and life skills such as: self-discipline, motivation, sportsmanship, fitness and nutrition. The Clawson MYWA team is looking for boys and girls that are 5 years old through 8th grade. No experience is necessary. Wrestlers are paired according to weigh age and level of experience, with a Novice division for all first year kids. There will be a sign up the 2nd or 3rd week in December. In the mean time you can direct any questions to Coach Terry Downs at (248) 302-3225 or email to [email protected]. Revolution Championship Martial Arts 120 W. Maple in Troy / (248) 259-1346 Head Instructor: Conell Loveless Isshin-Ryu Karate is an excellent program that caters to everyone from complete beginners to advanced students of all ages. Our emphasis for our youth students will be on character, promoting good grades safety-smart kids, handling bullies, fitness & fun. ALL students will participate in various martial arts activities and games that will improve the students balance, coordination, discipline, confidence, courtesy, self-defense and endurance, all while having fun. Students must wear loose fitting clothing with no jewelry. Uniforms can be purchased at class. Note an additional one time $25 for a uniform will be paid directly to the instructor. Session I: Sept 14-Oct 24 $63 / $105 family Session II: Oct 26-Dec 5 Class descriptions and times can be found on the website! Fall 2015 Tennis with Quickstart Program - Ages 5 to 10 Hunter Community Center Skyhawks Tennis with Quickstart is a new format to help kids ten and under learn and play tennis. To create a successful learning environment, we have made modifications to our traditional tennis program. The court is smaller and has shorter nets, the racquets are smaller, and the balls are foam. In addition to developing a love for tennis, athletes will learn the rules and etiquette that make tennis such an exciting game to play. All coaches are trained by USTA professionals. Equipment is provided, price includes award and shirt. Friday Nov 6-Dec 11 (no class 11/27) 6 to 6:50pm $69 Acting Out Kids Community Theatre—Ages 8-18 Facebook: Acting Out Kids Community Theatre Drop-in Events—Every 1st & 3rd Friday (October-December) Hunter Community Center 7 to 9pm $10 Kids will learn acting and improvisation skills through a variety of acting games and activities. Great for building confidence and making friends in a non-competitive, friendly environment! Joey Jonka and the Caramel Warehouse Fun Fair Hunter Community Center Come and spend the evening with the characters from the Joey Jonka and the Caramel Warehouse movie! They will be running a variety of games and activities for kids of all ages. There will be prizes, entertainment, a raffle and a bake sale! Friday, Sept 18 7 to 9pm $5 Joey Jonka and the Caramel Warehouse Movie Premiere/ Fundraiser and Reception Clawson High School Auditorium Red carpet premiere of the Joey Jonka and the Caramel Warehouse movie! On Friday, September 25 the cast will host a reception immediately following the movie. This event is a fundraiser for Acting Out Kids Community Theatre. Families and kids of all ages are welcome to attend. Come see a great movie, have a fun night out and help support the theatre and all of the kids that have worked so hard to make this happen! Tickets sold at the door for a suggested $5 minimum or in advance at Hunter Community Center for $5. Friday, Sept 25 & Saturday, Sept 26 $5 7pm (Doors open 6:30pm) 7 Adult Activities Clawson High School Pool 101 John M. (248) 404-2537 POOL UPDATE: Instructional Swim Classes Construction is continuing at the pool at this time. We hope to offer Instructional Swim Classes and Water Fitness Classes this fall - please continue to check our website at for all updates to our class schedules. We thank you for your patience during these improvements. Aqua Babies / Aqua Tots—Ages 6 months-3 Parents and babies play together with toys and learn to be comfortable in the water. No skills necessary. Babies/tots must wear swim diaper. Water Fitness Classes Instructor: Karla McGahey A fun and safe way to get in shape while increasing flexibility! This power-packed workout combines high-intensity aqua aerobics and muscle conditioning. Held in three-to-five foot water. Deep water classes require a buoyancy belt/noodle and will be held in nine foot water. Tadpoles—Ages 3-5 Swimmer learns to be comfortable in the water without the aid of a parent. Fun and playful environment. No skills required. Level 1—Water Exploration Swimmer learns supported floats, basic kicks and facesubmersion. Emphasis on safety and fun in the water. Level 2—Primary Skills Swimmer learns to float and kick without support. Alternate arm-action and the beginning of strokes are introduced. Level 3—Stroke Readiness Swimmer learn basics to different strokes, as well as correct breathing, treading and basic dives. Level 4—Stroke Development Swimmer will improve strokes and aquatic skills. Rotary/bilateral breathing is practiced. Side and breast stroke are focused. Level 5—Stroke Refinement Swimmer will learn coordination and refinement of key strokes. Turns, butterfly stroke and endurance swimming are focused. Extended Travel Opportunities for all! Prices listed are double occupancy, though single and triple occupancy are available. Please stop by Hunter Community Center or visit our website for more information! Deposits and balance due dates are listed online. National Parks and Canyonland of the West - Tuesday, September 15 - Tuesday, September 22 / Cost: $2899 Scenic Sandusky - Wednesday, September 23 / Cost: $78 Vermont-New Hampshire & Fingers Lake - Saturday, October 10 - Saturday, October 17 / Cost: $1799 Taste of Northern Michigan - Monday, October 12 Wednesday, October 14. Cost: $469 Niagara Falls Getaway - Saturday, October 17 - Sunday, October 18. Cost: $259 Paint with Steve Wood Hunter Community Center Includes all supplies needed to complete a painting during the class. Steve Wood, from the popular television show, “Anyone Can Paint” will instruct. Pre-register by calling (248) 583-6700. Second Thursday each month 9:30 to 11:30am $25 Socrates Club Hunter Community Center Group discussion in a relaxed, informal setting. Third Tuesday of the month 5pm $1 Line Dance Hunter Community Center There are currently two different groups to join! Enjoy learning new moves while having fun. Both are ongoing classes. Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 1 to 3pm $5 drop-in Thursdays Beg 6:30pm / Inter 7:30pm $7 drop-in Chicago Christmas - Saturday, December 5 - Sunday, December 6 / Cost: $249 8 Fall 2015 Adult Activities Get fit with us! Registration and classes held at Hunter Community Center Wear comfortable fitness clothing and shoes. Bring a mat and water. Tone & Strength Zumba A fun class with a light, aerobic warm-up and filled with a variety of movements targeting every muscle group! Energizing instructors lead you through exercises using free weights, exer-tubing and Body Bars®. Classes geared for all levels of participants. Ongoing classes $5 drop-in Tuesday & Thursday 9:15 to 10:15am Instructor: Ivy Mitchell This class fuses hypnotic international rhythms and easy-tofollow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away! You can achieve long-term benefits while having fun and burning calories. The routine combines interval and resistance-training to tone and sculpt your body! Ongoing classes—drop-in for $5 Tuesday & Thursday (Toning) 6 to 7pm Saturday 10 to 11am FUNctional FITness for Women Instructor: Anne Davis This class combines fitness and fun and is great for anyone! You will be stronger, faster and have more energy as a result. These exercises train your muscles for everyday situations. By doing a circuit-based workout focusing on core stability, muscular strength and endurance those everyday movements become much easier. Late sign-up will be prorated. Ten students required to run class. BONUS - sign up with a friend to receive $10.00 off per person! Tuesday & Thursday 7:15 to 8:15pm Sept 15 - Oct 22 $84/6 weeks ($74 w/ friend) Nov 3 - Dec 10 $84/6 weeks ($74 w/ friend) Yoga for All Instructor: Donna Raphael Come practice yoga and learn how to release tension and stress as you strengthen your muscles and build flexibility and balance. Research has shown that yoga can help lower blood pressure, relieve anxiety and help you sleep better. Beginners and all skill levels welcome. Ongoing classes $42 / 6 classes Saturday 9 to 10am Hunter Fitness Center Instructor: Christine Eads This energetic class is 30 minutes of aerobic cardio, followed by 20 minutes of toning and a relaxing cool down. Come join us for a fun new class! Call our office for fall dates! Friday 9:15 to 10:15am $5 drop-in We offer participants a safe, friendly, non-competitive environment where members can improve their health and lifestyle. This room is equipped with everything you need to achieve your fitness goals. For your safety, everyone must be shown proper use by a staff member prior to usage. Only $9 a month—and only pay for the months you attend! Monday—Friday 7:30am to 7:30pm Saturday 8:30 to 11:30am Puppy Training with Total Dog Basic Computer Class You love your new puppy, but you may not love all of the behaviors that come with a new puppy! Let us show you how to take your puppy from "wild child" to having manners. Puppies get socialization (and get tired!) and have fun while learning the basics and more! Your own puppy will amaze you! Julie Bennett is Michigan's only trainer to have hosted and worked with Cesar Millan, Nat. Geo's The Dog Whisperer. First class meets at 7pm without dogs. Friday Sept 18 6:30-7:20pm $80/7 weeks Learn computer basics in a non-threatening environment. Subjects covered include internet, email, Windows, computer safety and more! Class size is limited to five. See what a computer can do for you in this class. Bring your laptop or use one of our desktops. A new session begins the first Monday of each month. Monday Each month Noon to 1pm $40 Cardio Sculpt & Tone Dog Training with Total Dog Does your dog pull on the leash, jump on people, not come when called? These and many other behaviors can be reshaped with this fun and informative class. It is the perfect time to let your dog learn great manners and show them off! Basic commands and so much more! Julie Bennett is Michigan's only trainer to have hosted and worked with Cesar Millan, Nat. Geo's The Dog Whisperer. First class meets at 7pm without dogs. Friday Sept 18 7:30-8:20pm $80/7 weeks Fall 2015 Intermediate Computer Class Learn how to use more of the programs on your computer. You must have a basic understanding of computers. Learn about email filtering, advanced searches, customizing Windows and more! Class size is limited to five. Bring your laptop or use one of our desktops. A new session begins the first Monday of each month. Monday Each month 1:30 to 2:30pm $40 9 Senior Activities Clawson Senior Center Hunter Community Center 509 Fisher Court Director of Recreation and Senior Services: Kathy Leenhouts (248) 583-6700 / [email protected] Hours: Monday—Thursday 8am to 4pm The City of Clawson provides recreation and social services to our community’s mature population. A balanced lunch is served Monday through Thursday at noon. A $3 donation is suggested. Home-delivered meals are available to homebound residents. Please call the Senior Center to learn if you or a loved one qualifies. Regular Monthly Activities Bingo—Second and last Wednesday Birthday celebration—Second Wednesday Canasta — First and third Tuesday of the month 12:30pm Casino Trip—Last Thursday of the month Chair Exercise Class—Mon/Wed/Fri 10:30 to 11:30am Computer time—Monday through Thursday 8am to 4pm Euchre—Second and last Tuesday of the month 1pm Income Tax Assistance—February to April Knit & Crochet—Wednesday 10am to noon Line Dancing—Monday-Wednesday 1 to 3pm ($5 fee) Lunch Bunch—One Monday a month Monthly Movie at Hunter — See calendar Pinochle—Monday 1pm NEW! Podiatrist Visits - First Wednesday starting October 9am Quilting Club—Tuesday 10am to noon Scrabble Wii Bowling Check out our offerings! A monthly newsletter detailing upcoming activities, travel opportunities, informative presentations and our lunch menu is available at City Hall, Blair Memorial Library, Hunter Community Center and online at Click on Parks and Recreation, then Senior Adult Programs on the left. If you would like the newsletter mailed to you, please provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope and drop them off at the Senior Center. If you would like it emailed to you, please provide your email address to Kathy Leenhouts. Medical Equipment There is a medical equipment loan closet available to the community. We have wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, shower chairs, bedside commodes and other items. Please call ahead for availability. Transportation Available for Clawson Residents Our regular boundaries are Long Lake Road to the north, 11 Mile Road to the south, Ryan Road to the east and Southfield Road to the west. The extended boundaries are for medical appointments only and include South Boulevard to the north, Nine Mile Road to the south, Van Dyke Avenue to the east and Telegraph Road to the west. When traveling in the extended boundaries, there is a $5 fee. Scheduling hours are from 8am to 12:30pm Monday through Thursday Transportation hours from 8am to 2:30pm Monday through Thursday and from 8am to noon on Friday SHARP (Senior Home Assistance Repair Program) Our program started in 2008 and we have had a great group of volunteers who have helped seniors with over 500 small projects in their homes. Volunteers are background-checked and trained in the process that SHARP uses to help seniors in our community. This is a wonderful program and if you are interested in learning more about it, please contact Kathy Leenhouts at (248) 589-0334. This program helps Clawson residents 60 and older or those with disabilities with home repair. The work is done by volunteers. Though the labor is free, supplies must be paid for. Financial assistance may be available. Call (248) 589-0334 during office hours to make a request or inquiry. Examples of work performed: ■ Clean-up and debris removal ■ Grab bar installation ■ Gutter repair and cleaning ■ Installing or replacing locks ■ Moving items to curb ■ Repairing stairs ■ Replace broken glass ■ Replacing faucets ■ Securing loose tiles 10 ■ Installing window air conditioners ■ Installing house address numbers ■ Installing smoke detectors ■ Painting related to repairs ■ Repairing holes in drywall ■ Replacing electrical outlets ■ Replacing light fixtures ■ Installing storm windows ■ Window caulking Fall 2015 Department of Public Works D.P.W. 635 W. Elmwood Superintendent: Doug Ballard (248) 288-3222 / [email protected] Hours: Monday—Thursday 6:30am to 3:30pm Leaf Pick-Up The burning of leaves in the City of Clawson is PROHIBITED. The city will pick-up leaves during the months of October and November ONLY as follows: ■ Do not park in the street on your collection day until leaves ■ Leaf collection will begin the week of October 19, have been cleared. according to the map on the next page, and will end the week of Thanksgiving. Due to the holiday work week, please ■ No sticks, stones, glass or debris of any kind will be have your leaves out on Sunday, November 22 for the final picked-up by the leaf collection equipment and may injure city pick-up, as the last days of collection for the entire city will workers. be Monday, November 23 through Wednesday, November ■ It is requested that residents use paper compost bags or 25. properly labeled cans for the remaining part of the year. ■ On main roads - leaves may not be raked into the street. Those who do not wish to rake leaves for collection may Please place your leaves on the edge of your curb, continue to do so. remaining on your property, in rows less than four feet wide. ■ On residential streets - leaves will be picked up from the street in front of your property, 12 inches from the curb to allow for water flow, in rows less than four feet wide. Do not rake leaves into the street until the night before your scheduled pick-up. Trash Pick-up ■ When a holiday occurs on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, trash collection will be postponed until Thursday of that week. Brush, Shrub, Log and Stump Removal ■ Christmas trees will be picked-up curbside on Wednesdays from January 6 until January 20. Trees must be bare, without any decorations or bags. ■ Branches smaller than two inches in diameter and shrubs with roots removed should be put out with yard waste—cut into lengths of four to four-and-a-half feet and bundled with twine. Bundles cannot weigh more than 50 pounds. Please set bundles with ends cut ends at curb. Both smaller branches and branches with thorns must be cut up and placed in yard waste bags or in marked yard waste containers (35 gallon maximum). You may pickup yard waste stickers at D.P.W. or City Hall during office hours. ■ Please note: Christmas trees may also be taken to the SOCRRA facility at no charge. ■ Branches larger than two inches in diameter must be disposed of privately. ■ Garbage cans or bags are not to be places at the curb earlier than 6pm on the day preceding your collection. ■ Stumps and logs must be disposed of privately. ■ Logs, stumps, branches and dirt may be brought to the SOCRRA transfer station for a fee. For more information, visit Fall 2015 11 1 12 2 1 4 Leaf Pick-Up Map 3 Section 4 - collected on Thursdays Section 3 - collected on Wednesdays Section 2 - collected on Tuesdays Section 1 - collected on Mondays Every effort will be made to adhere to this schedule: Leaf collection will begin the week of October 19 and will end the week of Thanksgiving. Due to the holiday work week, please have your leaves out on Sunday, November 22 for the final pick-up, as the last days of collection for the entire city will be Monday, November 23 to Wednesday, November 25. Department of Public Works Fall 2015 Department of Public Works Snow and Ice Removal Snow Plowing Procedure It won’t be long before the snow will begin to fall! Along with all the fun that winter brings, so come the hazards of cold weather. Snow and ice that accumulates on the sidewalks causes undue hardships on our seniors, students and neighbors who regularly use these pathways for recreation, fitness and convenience. The D.P.W. snow removal procedure is to start plowing after four or more inches of snowfall. When plowing the residential streets, the city is divided into five areas, which are plowed simultaneously, according to availability and equipment. DO NOT PARK YOUR VEHICLE IN THE STREET UNTIL THE ROADWAY HAS BEEN CLEARED. Section 29-3: Removal of snow and ice from sidewalks required: ■ The occupant or owner of any property, whether or not it is currently occupied, is required to keep the width of the sidewalk in front of or adjacent to the premises cleared of snow and ice to facilitate safe pedestrian use. Where there are no sidewalks, the occupant or owner must clear a path free from snow or ice where the pathway would otherwise be. Whenever any snow or ice has fallen to the height of one inch or more, it must be cleared within 24 hours of accumulation. Given the nature of the varied and sometimes rapidly changing climatic conditions that impact our city, the following is a prioritized list of our snow removal plan, based on past experience and allotted resources: Don’t forget! PLACING SNOW IN THE STREET IS ILLEGIAL. The uniform traffic code states, “A person shall not deposit, or cause to be deposited, snow, ice or slush on any roadway or highway.” Barring any unforeseen or unusual circumstances, such as major incapacitating blizzards, all four priorities should be maintained simultaneously and kept open at all times. Though when this is not possible, city workers will concentrate all available resources on higher priority areas. Yard Waste Policy Street Light Problems The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) takes a very active role in enforcing the ban on the disposal of yard waste (compost) into landfills. As a result the City of Clawson and the Department of Public Works will only accept yard waste materials during the compost season. To file a complaint about a faulty or malfunctioning street light, please contact DTE Energy. You may do so by either calling (800) 477-4747 or going online to Once you complete your report, someone will attempt to resolve the problem in three-tofive business days. 1: Major streets and intersections 2: Fire route 3: Residential area streets 4: Dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs Compost collection will end on Wednesday, December 16 2016 compost collection will begin Wednesday, April 6 Residents who wish to dispose of yard waste material after the collection season ends may drop off such materials at the SOCRRA location on Coolidge Highway in Royal Oak. Your Energy Savings Program Get rid of the extra old working refrigerator by letting DTE Energy recycle it for you. Schedule a no-hassle pick-up online or call DTE Energy at 866.796.0512. They’ll pick up your old working refrigerator and mail you a check for $40! They recycle 98% of that old refrigerator so it’s good for the environment as well as your wallet. If you also have an old working freezer you want to get rid of, DTE Energy will also recycle that and pay you another $40. At the same time, they will also pick up your old working room air conditioner and/or dehumidifier, which will qualify for a $20 rebate (must be picked up with a refrigerator or freezer). Rebates are also available for furnace tune-ups, water heaters and air conditioners. Call today! Fall 2015 13 Blair Memorial Library Blair Memorial Library Regular Hours: Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday 416 North Main Street Library Director: Jenni Gannod (248) 588-5500 / Summer Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day): Noon to 8pm Monday & Wednesday Noon to 8pm 10am to 6pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am to 6pm 9am to 5pm Friday 9am to 5pm Book Sale The Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale will offer a wide selection, with proceeds going to fund programs and projects throughout the year. Hardcovers, paperbacks, magazines and audio-visual materials will be sold. Saturday, October 10 to Saturday, October 17 eBooks / OverDrive Residents of Clawson with a valid library card are able to have access to downloadable eBooks and digital audio books through a variety of mobile devices with our new subscription to OverDrive. Please find more information at the library and on our website. Clawson Genealogy Group Both new and experienced genealogists are welcome! Third Tuesday of every month 2:30 to 4pm Be a Friend! The Friends of the Blair Memorial Library invite you to become actively involved as they support the library in many special ways. A variety of Friends activities could use your help. Please ask at the library for more information. First Monday of each month Sept-June 6:15pm September is Library Card Sign-up Month! Make sure everyone in your family has their own "smartest card." A library card provides access to not only books but movies, music, computers, and a variety of electronic databases. Come to the library and get your card today!! Learn a Language! Residents of Clawson with a valid library card are able to study 72 languages online, using Pronunciator, a languagelearning lab funded by the Friends of the Library. Please follow the link on the library’s home page. These free programs are held at the library and sponsored by the Friends of the Library. To register, stop by or call! Unique Detroit Street Names A presenter from the Detroit Historical Society will explore the 300 years of Detroit’s history through everyday street signs, such as Woodward, Beaubien, and Mount Elliot. Registration begins August 17 Monday, September 14 7pm Coloring Party!! Join us for the latest craze in relaxation – coloring! We will provide the black and white drawings, colored pencils and markers, you provide the inspiration. Registration begins September 14 Wednesday, October 7 6:30pm – 7:30pm Healing Pets & Saving Vets Laurie Carr, director of the East Michigan Chapter of Pets for Vets, will talk about her organization and how they assist returning soldiers by pairing them with a specially trained shelter animal. Registration begins September 14 Monday, October 5 7pm A Discussion on Death and Grief Paul Gramer, owner of Gramer Funeral Home in Clawson, along with Chaplin David Palmer, will be sharing helpful information on how to better prepare and plan for when end of life stages approach. Registration beings October 5 Monday, November 2 7pm 14 Fall 2015 Blair Memorial Library Youth Activities These free programs are held at the library and sponsored by the Friends of the Library. To register, stop by or call (248) 588-5500 Pre-School Storytime - Ages 3-5 For children aged 3-5 years. We will listen to stories and participate in songs and creative movement activities to encourage development of early literacy skills in your preschooler. Please sign-up at the library or by phone. Tuesdays 10:30 to 11am September 8-October 6 Registration begins August 18 November 3-December 8 Registration begins October 6 Parent & Tot Time - Ages 3 & Younger For toddlers up to three years old accompanied by an adult. Enjoy an interactive storytime with your child that includes early literacy fun with books, songs and movement activities. Please sign-up at the library or by phone. Thursdays 10 to 10:20am Thursdays 10:30 to 10:50am September 10-October 8 Registration begins September 20 November 5-December 10 Registration begins October 8 LEGO @ your library! Calling all LEGO fans - join us at the library to build and create with Legos. We will provide the Legos - bring your ideas and imagination! Registration begins September 12 Saturday, September 26 10:30 – 11:30am Readers Theatre Workshop Join us for a readers theatre workshop with Jadelyn Bailey at the library. We will take a piece of literature and bring it to life by using voice, facial expressions and props. At the end of the session, families will enjoy a readers theatre performance! Suggested for ages 7 to 11 years old. Registration begins September 26 Saturday, October 10 1 to 2pm Teen Read Week This year’s theme for Teen Read Week (October 18 – 24) is GET AWAY @ your library! Information about the Teen Read Week contest will be available at the Blair Memorial Library and Clawson schools in October. Happy Halloween! Wear your costume to the library for a Halloween program full of spooky stories and crafts. Registration begins October 10 Saturday, October 24 10:30 – 11:30am Fall 2015 The Green Golly Project’s Little Kids Little Songs: Audience 101” This original and highly interactive program is an introduction to live music, comedy and theatre for children. Each song is a mini-tale requiring just the right amount of attention. Presented through the eyes of a child “Little Kids Little Songs: Audience 101” addresses the emotional needs of the beginner. The original music of award winning actor-songwriter-storyteller Keith Torgan, and the virtuosity of Juilliard trained flutist and educator Barbara Siesel, will tickle not only the newest and youngest of audience members but anyone within earshot! This program is great for children ages 2 to 8 years old. Registration begins October 24 Saturday, November 14 10:30 – 11:30am Youth Readers Thank Local Businesses The following businesses and organizations generously supported our youth programs this summer: Summer Reading Program / Teen Read Donations Provided by: Barb’s Pasties & Pizza Chicken Shack Clawson Financial Diversified Members Credit Union Clawson Women’s Club Dairy-O Del Taco Friends of the Blair Memorial Library Green Lantern Pizzeria Kahve House Leon & Lulu Paperback Trade Inn Perry’s Pizza PK Yarn Over Knit Sonic Drive-In Tease Salon Triple Thread Tropical Smoothie Café Warp 9 Comics 15 Community Activities Clawson Historical Museum Clawson Youth Assistance 41 Fisher Court / (248) 588-9169 [email protected] “Like us” on Facebook! Hours: Wednesday & Sunday 1 to 4pm Free admission / Group tours by appointment only Baker School 626 Phillips (248) 655-4414 It’s more than just a building… when was the last time you visited the Historical Museum? Youth Assistance's mission is to strengthen youth and families in our community. The Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who live or work in the Clawson community. We meet the first Tuesday of each month to plan programs for our community. The meeting is from 5.30pm-6.30 pm at Baker Center. Upcoming Events: Historic Clawson Bus Tour We will again be conducting our popular bus tour of your favorite city, with a special focus on kit houses. This tour will include many new houses, and will also provide some history of Clawson’s early settlers, origins of street names, and more. Cost is $10 per person and space is very limited. Reservations can be made through the Clawson Parks and Rec. department. Tours depart from the library parking lot. Saturday, October 10 1pm Do you have ideas about how to help kids and families in Clawson? Please consider volunteering with our Board. It is through citizen involvement that our organization comes to life. Our organizations' diversity is what makes us uniquely responsive to the needs of our community. We are a non profit organization and your donations are tax deductible. Your donation can be sent to us directly. One hundred percent of all contributions go directly to programming for youth and families. We provide family recreation (trips to the tiger game, waterpark), funding for camps, free counseling by a licensed master social worker and education workshops all related to children and families. Exhibits: Uniforms, September – December A new exhibit of a dozen uniforms, including Scouts, Baseball, Fire and Police and more will be on exhibit in the museum’s Special Exhibit Space until the end of the year. Clawson Food Pantry Quarterly Newsletters Sign up for our quarterly newsletter, via email or snail-mail, to keep you informed and entertained. Email the curator at [email protected] to be added to the list. 700 E. Elmwood / (248) 307-0850 If you or someone you know is in need of food assistance, our dedicated team is here to help you. If you would like to make a donation, visit City Hall or Hunter Community Center. Third Monday 5:30 to 7pm Books for sale: Clawson the Way it Was, By Deloris Kumler, $20 Images of America: Clawson, By Deloris Kumler, $20 Two Square Miles, vols 1 and 2, by Bill Hayes, $20 each Pummychug, the foundation of the village of Clawson, by Maurice Blair, $10 Pummychug, a Boy’s Life in Clawson, by Melodie Nichols, $6 Baseball caps, Clawson Michigan in gold letter on dark blue adjustable cap, $10 If you are interested in receiving our quarterly newsletter delivered to your email inbox, please send a message to [email protected] with “newsletter subscription” in the message line. A paper copy of the newsletter can be mailed to you directly with your paid Historical Society Membership of $5 a year. 16 Clawson Community Garden 529 Grove / (248) 588-5061 Looking for interested neighbors and friends to plant and attend a community garden. Everything grown is donated! Next meetings are September 10 and October 10 at 7pm at Parkland Park. Clawson / Troy Optimist Club Help bring out the best in kids and support volunteerism in Clawson! Meets the first and third Tuesdays each month. First Tuesday - at Clawson Grill from 6 to 7pm Third Tuesday - at Shield’s Pizza from 11:30am to 12:30pm Awesome Clawson [email protected] Facebook: Awesome Clawson Kids The Awesome Clawson and Awesome Clawson Kids TV shows are local cable TV shows that talk about the people, businesses, organizations and events in Clawson. If you would like to be a guest on the show or have an event that you would like to promote, please feel free to contact the Awesome Clawson Kids (Madison and Max Siwak) via email. Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook for updates! Fall 2015 Community Activities Fall 2015 17 Clawson Public Schools 18 Fall 2015 Clawson Public Schools Fall 2015 19 Additional City Information To register for classes, visit: Hunter Community Center at 509 Fisher Court Questions? Call or email us! Monday through Friday from 8am to 7pm 248.589.0334 / [email protected] Summer Beautification Award Winners Holiday Beautification Awards Recently, the City Council honored five residents for their outstanding front yard landscaping and property appearance! The City Council would like to recognize homeowners for their efforts in the community during these chilly months! The Parks and Recreation Board will be seeking nominations this winter for impressively-decorated homes and city blocks. Awards will be presented at the January City Council meeting. If you would like to nominate a home or street, please call or email the Parks and Recreation Department at (248) 589-0334 or [email protected] by December 11. Judging will be December 14, so make sure your lights are on! Please congratulate: Doug & Judy Francis Gary & Janet Ganeko Diane Mitchell & Sharon Rhodes Frank & Elaine Pearcy Marybeth & Craig White Important District Numbers City Numbers Animal Control Blair Memorial Library Chamber of Commerce City Cable Channels City Municipal Offices Department of Public Works/Water Historical Museum Parks & Recreation Police/Fire Dispatch Senior Center SOCCRA Teen Center School Numbers Clawson Public Schools Clawson High School Clawson Middle School Clawson Youth Assistance Kenwood Elementary Schalm Elementary 391-4102 588-5500 435-6500 435-5960 435-4500 288-3222 588-9169 589-0334 524-3477 583-6700 288-5150 589-2322 655-4400 655-4200 655-4250 288-6808 655-3838 655-4949 In case of emergency, dial 911 Mayor Penny Luebs Mayor Pro Tem Howie Airriess Councilmember Jim Horton Councilmember Gregory Kucera, Jr. Councilmember Deborah Wooley City Manager Mark Pollock [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Visit us online! CR-RT BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID City of Clawson 425 N. Main St. Clawson, MI 48017 POSTAL CUSTOMER CLAWSON, MI 48017 Permit #96
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