Visitor Guide
Visitor Guide
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North East Victoria has a wellkept secret and for years we’ve been keeping it safe for you to discover. It’s Rutherglen and Wahgunyah, Beechworth, Chiltern and Yackandandah... the Secret of North East Victoria. We have a history of preserving our heritage. We’ve kept our picturesque gold-mining towns, protected the surrounding natural beauty, preserved the mystery behind our legends, and nurtured the land for an abundance of fine foods and wines. Maybe that’s why we’ve become Victoria’s premier food and wine tourist destination. Each of our towns has its own distinct attraction and opportunity for adventure. Their close location and ease of access makes this the perfect holiday destination. We’re centrally located in North East Victoria, just off the Hume Freeway and only 3 hours away from Melbourne or 30 minutes from Albury and Wodonga. Contents Calendar of Events................................................1 Features Our Wine & Soul.................................................3 Our History.........................................................5 Our Passion: Food & Produce ..............................7 Our Indulgences: Shopping & Culture. ..................9 Our Escapes.....................................................11 On A Bike..........................................................13 Your Family . ....................................................14 Our Celebrations: Events & Special Occasions.....15 Our Hospitality: Accommodation & Tours. ............17 Stay another day: Explore our region..................20 BUSINESS LISTINGS DISCLAIMER: Care has been taken to ensure that details in this publication were correct at the time of printing. Destination Rutherglen Inc. and the Rutherglen Wine Experience accept no responsibility for any inaccuracies, misprints or omissions. Information or images may not be reproduced without the written consent of Destination Rutherglen Inc. and Rutherglen Wine Experience. Wine Guide.......................................................22 Accommodation................................................27 Food & Produce ..............................................33 Tour Operators..................................................37 Retail Guide......................................................38 Regional Features ...........................................40 Unique Experiences Guide . ............................40 Getting to Rutherglen / Useful info .....................44 Map References .................................................45 Cover image: Leaf from a Durif vine changing colour during Autumn. Original photo by Rowly Milhinch Graphic Design: Renee Paola Printed by: Prominent Press Please recycle to your nearest Visitor Information Centre Our region is known throughout Australia as a place of great celebration. It is home to some of the world’s greatest wines and Australia’s most enduring events. Come, stay, relax, unwind and recharge here in Rutherglen. Embrace the country lanes and lush vineyards. Explore the historic villages of Rutherglen and Wahgunyah. Discover the stories behind our proud 19th century buildings, award winning B&B’s, grand old pubs and the struggles of the gold rush. Treat yourself in distinctive cafes, step past our shopfronts to discover unexpected delights, savour fine dining restaurants and meet genuine, friendly locals. We have great food and wine and we are proud of it. Whether you are eating yabbies with a sparkling shiraz camped on the banks of the Murray, or curled up in front of an open fire with a Grand Rutherglen Muscat, you’ll discover a real depth and truth to the food and wine from our region. Over 150 years of our dedication and commitment have been mixed with a unique climate, skill, youthful vibrancy and sense of fun to create a wine region that truly is full of flavour. We invite you to jump on a bike, take the time... better still... take the family to experience this remarkable place. The story of the Rutherglen region is one that continues to unfold. Discover your part in it as you uncover our secrets. RUT HERG L EN H AS s o me thing for everyo ne. . . JANUARY Rutherglen Rowing Regatta Australia’s oldest rowing regatta Sat 14 & Sun 15 January 2012 02 6033 0817 February A Day On The Green Date to be confirmed A sensational day of food, wine and music. 03 9685 7822 March Valhalla Winemaker For A Day Sat 3 March 2012 Sat 2 March 2013 Try your hand at winemaking. 02 6033 1438 Cofield Vintage Dinners Sat 10 & Sat 17 March 2012 Sat 9 & Sat 16 March 2013 Get dressed up and celebrate vintage with great food & wine. 02 6033 3798 Tastes Of Rutherglen 10 -11 & 17-18 March 2012 9 - 10 & 16 -17 March 2013 Celebrate vintage as wineries and chefs join together to host the ultimate party for gourmands. 1300 787 929 Rutherglen Triathlon Sun 11 March 2012 Sun 10 March 2013 1 Rutherglen & District Artists Society Annual Art Exhibition 9 - 18 March 2012 8 - 17 March 2013 02 6032 9096 April PfEiffer Easter Breakfast On The Bridge Annually on Easter Sat & Sun 02 6033 2805 Bullers Rock In The Vines Annually over Easter weekend 02 6032 9660 Cofield Sparkling Burgundy Breakfasts Sat 9 & Sun 10 June 2012 Sat 8 & Sun 9 June 2013 Kick off your day with the original Winery Walkabout Breakfast. 02 6033 3798 Young Bloods Wine Down Sat 9 June 2012 Sat 8 June 2013 A lively and fun evening with the ‘Young Bloods’. “Get smarter & have fun” is the catchcry. 1300 787 929 MAY Campbells Bobbie Burns Day Annually in May Enjoy the new release vintage of ‘Bobbie’ and join in the frivolity at the annual black tie dinner in the cellars – kilts encouraged! 1800 359 458 JUNE Country Fair Sun 10 June 2012 Sun, 9 June 2013 Browse over 350 stalls lining the Main Street. Participate in the barrel rolling race & the grape stomp. Apex Bush Dance Sun 10 June 2012 Sun, 9 June 2013 A bush dance like no other. [email protected] Winery Walkabout 9 - 10 June 2012, 8 - 9 June 2013 Victoria’s original wine festival. Held each year over the Queen’s birthday long weekend. 1300 787 929 for our full list of events visit // w w Lake Moodemere Bonfire Breakfast Mon 11 June 2012 Mon 10 June 2013 02 6032 9449 AUGUST all year round DECEMBER Rutherglen Farmers’ Market 2nd Sunday every month 1800 622 871 SEPTEMBER Golden Olive Awards Annually in September Celebrating the diversity and delight of Australian olives. 02 6032 7022 Rutherglen Wine Show Annually in September Australia’s second oldest wine show. Gourmet dinner and presentation, and public tasting. 02 6032 8044 www.rutherglenwineshow. OCTOBER Valhalla Anniversary Dinner & Warehouse Sale Annually in October Enjoy great food and wine while you dance the night away. It’s our birthday but you get the presents! Previous vintages at special prices to celebrate. 02 6033 1438 Tour De Rutherglen Annually in Spring Get on your bike and tour through the majestic vineyards and country roads of the famous Rutherglen Wine Region. 1800 622 871 Bullers - “A Night With The Stars” Dinner, Wine & Show Annually in December 02 6032 9660 Agricultural Show Annually in October An old fashioned show with something for the whole family. 02 6032 8044 Rutherglen Estates Lunch Sat 22 October 2011 Annually in October Rutherglen’s famous long lunch. 02 6032 7999 Valhalla Green Living Fair Annually in October A celebration of sustainability. 02 6033 1438 Arts Rutherglen Sculpture Trail Annually in Oct / Nov Local artists show and sell their sculptures which are displayed in businesses around town. 0429 401 835 NOVEMBER Pfeiffer Pfrolic – Annual Gamay Long Lunch Sun 30 October 2011 Sun 4 November 2012 Celebrate the new vintage Gamay with our long lunch on the Sunday Creek Bridge 02 6033 2805 Cofield Garage Sale 1st Weekend of December each year 02 6033 3798 Pfeiffer Carols By The Creek Annually in December 02 6033 2805 Lions Carols By Candlelight 2nd Friday of December each year 1800 622 871 Pfeiffer Wines Art Show 27 December - 26 January 2012 27 December - 27 January 2013 02 6033 2805 for our full list of events visit w w for our full list of events visit // w w 2 WE DARE TO BE DIFFERENT... Alternative Varieties Our dry, warm climate provides ideal conditions for a broad range of varieties and styles. Exciting opportunities have been identified by experimenting with old vine fruit, such as Portuguese variety Touriga Nacional and French variety Mondeuse, which have been in the ground for a century. Sample wonderful examples at Stanton & Killeen Wines and Bullers Winery, Rutherglen. Southern European Varieties Rutherglen has seen a resurgence of the famous Southern European varieties, with a real affinity to the region and its climate. Recently it has been the white varieties that are proving most successful, with Marsanne, Roussanne and Viognier producing aromatic and generously layered wines, with ripe fruit flavours and excellent structure. Rutherglen Estates, Cofield Wines and Pfeiffer Wines have some great examples of these styles of wine to savour at their cellar doors. 3 DISCOVER SOMETHING NEW FROM ONE OF AUSTRALIA’S OLDEST WINE REGIONS Traditional Varieties made in Rutherglen include Shiraz, Durif and Cabernet, shining examples of the classic reds Rutherglen is renowned for... full bodied and structured to pair with rich, winter dishes. For lovers of ‘big reds’ a visit to Warrabilla Wines is a must. New take on traditional varieties Our winemakers continue to experiment and search for ways to move forward in the vineyard and winery, including looking at long-established varieties in new ways. You will find fantastic examples of this fresh approach to old favourites at wineries such as Jones Winery & Vineyard, Lake Moodemere Vineyard and St Leonards Vineyard. Fortified Wines “There’s no denying that the twin peaks of Rutherglen wine are the luscious fortified Muscadelle (Topaque) and Muscat. A few years ago, the winemakers of Rutherglen developed a four-tier system of quality classification for their Muscat. At the base of the pyramid is straight ‘Rutherglen’ Muscat - youthful, easy drinking, everyday wine - and at the top of the pyramid are tiny quantities of ‘Rare’ Muscat - unbeatable, extraordinary, powerful, died-and-gone-to-heaven deliciousness. When you taste a top ‘Rare’ Muscat you can’t help feeling that you’re tasting perfection. I mean, really: how could wine get any better than this?” Max Allen Rutherglen is characterised by people who *respect the traditions of the past and embrace new ideas for the future. OUR WINE & SOUL // Where else can you visit over 20 wineries in close proximity and find such an inspiring collection of award winning wines to experience and enjoy? So consistent is the standard of both our table wines and world renowned fortified wines that James Halliday’s Wine Companion 2012 Edition awarded eight Rutherglen wineries red five star rankings. This places them in the top 5.1% of the Australian wine industry. Come and be rewarded by the vast array of varieties and styles on offer within our region. To find out more about our unmissable wine events ries and dinners contact our wine directly or visit www.rutherglenv discover our wine & soul THE HEART OF RUTHERGLEN… Families that founded winemaking in Rutherglen and Wahgunyah over 150 years ago are still making wine in the region today. Those legendary pioneers inspire a new generation of entrepreneurial newcomers, building on our rich history with fresh ideas of their own. We invite you to meet the people behind our world famous wines. Our cellar doors, each with their own unique sights, aromas and tastes, are wide open with friendly faces ready to share their stories and their love of Rutherglen while guiding you through the wide variety of wines on offer. The fascinating architecture of our wineries provides a real insight into the history of Rutherglen, from majestic castles to modern contemporary cellar doors with views over the vines. You can visit some of Australia’s oldest family run wineries such as All Saints Estate, Campbells Wines, Chambers Rosewood and Morris Wines... or look to the future at Vintara Winery’s modern cellar door and the sustainable straw bale winery of Valhalla Wines. WINE MUST DO For fabulous wine, food, and fun join us at one of Rutherglen’s iconic wine festivals. Winery Walkabout is held over the June long weekend and Tastes of Rutherglen is held over two weekends in March. Both are a ‘must do’ in your lifetime! - Tour’ : Mondays WINE essential Get the inside story on a ‘Behind the Scenes Winery Estates, Thursdays - Cofield len Pfeiffer Wines, Tuesdays - Campbells Wines, Wednesdays - Rutherg 871. 622 1800 e Telephon l. essentia bookings free It’s Wines. // OUR WINE & SOUL 4 * An AUSTRALIAN FIRST Back in 1873 All Saints Estate won Australia’s first international gold medal at the Paris Exhibition. This medal is currently on display in the cellar door area of this beautifully maintained castle with an entrance to take your breath away. Here you will find a Chinese Dormitory, the last remaining example of its kind, in its original state of the 1880’s. The government GOLD battery First installed in 1899 it operated until 1949. It has been restored and opened in time for the 150th anniversary of the discovery of gold in Rutherglen. Further information on the battery can be found in the Indigo Gold Trail brochure available at the Visitor Information Centre. Jump on a bike or take a drive and find the old mine sites and mullock heaps. A visit to Rutherglen today is to tap into the rich vein of heritage that was the foundation for the Australian wine industry. This is Victoria’s premier wine region. Taste and be inspired by our fascinating history and learn why we are truly full of flavour. LIQUID GOLD... the wine revolution begins In 1884 the Rutherglen region had 50 working vineyards covering around 3,000 acres. By 1900 it was recorded that the region produced 25% of Australia’s wine, however by 1905 yields were reduced by half due to the devastation of Phylloxera. By 1925 wine production had recovered with 750,000 gallons of wine per year being exported to England from Victoria. Most of this, we can proudly say, was from our region. Unfortunately in the 1950’s, half gallon flagons decimated the bulk wine trade and many winemakers opted for growing wool. Sadly, only 12 wineries remained. However, in true Australian spirit our people know how to make the most of what they have. In 1967 the inaugural Rutherglen Wine Festival, the forerunner of the Winery Walkabout, was held which began the popular revival of Rutherglen and its winery tourism. Today Rutherglen is a thriving and vibrant region boasting over 20 wineries and cellar doors. HISTORY MUST DO The Indigo Gold Trail takes in some of the most picturesque countryside in Australia. The fascinating historic trail travels through Rutherglen and the surrounding region. A self-guided tour of history and gold discovery. To download a brochure visit exploring Rutherglen Heritage Walk is a self guided walking tour an audio hire and re brochu a up pick ters Rutherglen’s remarkable architecture, history and charac nce. experie the in lf yourse e immers to Centre headset from the Visitor Information HISTORY essential 5 OUR HISTORY // Standing tall on the horizon, the water tower was transformed into Rutherglen’s iconic Wine Bottle in 1969. It signifies our famous heritage and proud winemaking traditions. a region rich in HISTORY Come on a journey, explore our fascinating heritage, Imagine... prior to the 1820’s the Kwat Kwat people occupied the land around the Rutherglen region. Following Major Mitchell’s 1936 expedition, local pioneers Henry Foord and John Crisp took up cattle runs in the Wahgunyah area in 1839. In 1851 Lindsay Brown selected the Gooramadda cattle run and planted vines at Browns Plains and Edwin Sanger planted vines at Corowa. Little did they know what the future held... In the spring of 1860, the first gold prospecting party reached the hills on which the present day town of Rutherglen stands. The township was initially known as the Wahgunyah Diggings, then Calico Town, then Barkly, and was finally named Rutherglen by the entrepreneur John Wallace, owner of the Star Hotel. John promised to shout the bar at his hotel if the name of the town was changed to his birthplace in Scotland. Over the next 50 years the scale of gold mining operations grew. There was reputed to be 21 pubs in the main street, only 3 of which still exist today. Over 11,000 inhabitants occupied the town including many Chinese. After 1919 mining was no longer viable and our region turned to agriculture... A district pioneer agriculturalist is noted as saying, “there is *more gold to be won from the top twelve inches of soil than from the depths below” // OUR HISTORY 6 PURE indulgence for A sweet tooth... Visit the Couverture Room at Renaissance Chocolates and experience the aroma and taste of unique, quality artisan chocolates. Watch the handcrafting of truffles and pralines and share their chocolate passion. FACT: Yes, you can get a great coffee in the country! Try Jones Cafe, Parkers Pies or The Pickled Sisters Cafe - with a delicious home made cake of course! 7 Celebrate the Olive With its Mediterranean climate, olives thrive in Rutherglen. Sample award winning olive oils, table olives and tapenades from our local producers. Go behind the scenes at Gooramadda Olives to experience how olive oil is made. our Wineries are perfect for a leisurely lunch Choose from The Terrace Restaurant at All Saints Estate, The Pickled Sisters Cafe at Cofield Wines, the Cafe at Jones Winery & Vineyard or Vintara Winery. Relax with a picnic hamper at Lake Moodemere Vineyard or on the historic Sunday Creek bridge at Pfeiffer Wines. Or why not try a wood fired pizza at Valhalla Wines? You can’t beat the atmosphere of a traditional country ‘pub!’ Make sure you pop in for a drink and a meal at one of Rutherglen’s three remaining original pubs, Poachers Paradise, The Star or ‘The Vic’, each with their own unique character and charm. If you are in the mood for fine dining treat yourself at one of our many restaurants. Start your evening with a classic cocktail in Tuileries’ stylish new wine bar before moving into Tuileries restaurant. Or dine in the traditional and intimate setting of Mrs Brown’s at The Victoria Hotel. you can’t decide on where to eat, why not *putIftogether a picnic with a loaf of bread from one of our local bakeries, some local olives, cheese and a bottle of wine... OUR PASSION // WINE & CHEESE... a perfect partnership. Find your favourite at the Indigo Cheese Company. MEET THE MAKER Discover the *passionate men and women behind our fabulous produce: Rutherglen Farmers’ Market is held the second Sunday of every month 9am - 12.30pm at Lions’ Park. one taste & you’ll know our passion Imagine a place where neighbours still drop by with excess produce from their gardens, where olive groves dot the landscape and lambs graze in the vineyards and where you can chat to the farmer who reared the lamb or grew the vegetables... you can experience this all in Rutherglen. Situated on rich fertile river plains, Rutherglen has a strong farming heritage. Our passionate growers and producers are committed to quality produce such as Murray Cod, succulent local lamb and award winning olives and olive oil. Great produce deserves great cooking, and our chefs in Rutherglen and Wahgunyah deliver, creating dishes which celebrate the abundance and quality of the produce available on our doorstep. Whether it be a delicious country breakfast, an alfresco long lunch or a romantic dinner for two, you will find the perfect place when you visit us! Taste... savour... immerse yourself in the flavours of Rutherglen... FOODIES MUST DO Whether by bike, car or on a tour, Rutherglen’s Seasonal Food Foray allows you to experience the region’s iconic wine and produce… at your own pace. For further information visit pie shop, Parker Pies. n is home to Australia’s greatest FOODIES essential Ruthergle over 15 years… discover for pies been making his award winning With over 24 varieties, Fred has your favourite. // OUR PASSION 8 Be inspired by local artworks in one of several galleries Admire diverse creations and paintings, quality textiles and artisan jewellery. Visit: • Main Street Gallery • Rutherglen and District Artists Gallery The Butcher, the Baker and the Chocolate Maker Our edible retail therapy includes delicious local sausages, gold medal winning pies, local cheeses, preserves and decadent chocolates. Take home a delicious gift or better still, enjoy them all for yourself! Creatively Inspired Must See’s • • • • • Rutherglen Artist’s Society Exhibition held in March View the Bike Trail artwork Jones Winery and Vineyard outdoor artworks Pfeiffer Wines Art Show held Dec-Jan each year View Foreign Films last Tuesday of the month INDULGE YOURSELF WITH SOMETHING SPECIAL... SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL... SOMETHING UNIQUELY ‘RUTHERGLEN’ Step behind the old world charm of the street façade... you will be surprised! Visit Rutherglen Antiques & Collectables to discover hidden treasures, everything from fine china to rustic curios and beautiful Australian colonial furniture. Be truly tempted by gorgeous fragranced candles and body products, jewellery and fashion at Passion Flora Gifts & Homewares. Lovers of bric-a-brac must head to the Murray Brass Shop or for old fashioned handicrafts call into the Rutherglen Craft Shop. Nearby Howlong is home to Ro-Junique offering exquisite hand felted designs of scarves, hats and bags made of wool, silk and alpaca fibres. A Word on Retail Therapy “You just don’t find shops like this in the city with such an interesting and different collection of things”, Melbourne visitor glen, held Be inspired! Follow the Sculpture Trail around Ruther out of discarded res sculptu create who artists g buddin local annually in Oct / Nov. View the talents of town. the businesses around and recycled materials which are displayed at various CULTURE essential 9 OUR INDULGENCES // Rutherglen offers everything from vintage & designer clothing, contemporary homewares, quirky children’s gifts, unique handcrafted items, antiques and collectables, works of art, old fashioned lollies and clocks of distinction …. be spoilt by our indulgences Take a break, in Rutherglen you have all the time in the world! Time to relax, wander, meander… Time to take in everything around you! Retail therapy is always most beneficial when you have the time to be tempted... Wander Rutherglen’s charming Main Street, vibrant with its wine barrels of olive trees and bright red geraniums and take in the largely unchanged historic architecture. Make time to enjoy our relaxed and friendly country retail style! Chat to the owners as they wrap that special gift for you to take home. Ask them about their favourite places to eat, drink or visit... visit The Rutherglen Wine experience for the best in local produce and wines... // OUR INDULGENCES 10 Lake Moodemere - a PARADISE For nature lovers A short drive from town with a 4 km circuit walk accessing the Murray River at Hiskins Bend. The lake is a natural billabong formed as a result of changes in the flow of the Murray many years ago. This tranquil, majestic area is surrounded by an ancient Red Gum forest. Get out on the open road Grab a coffee and a map from the Visitor Information Centre and follow the Rutherglen Tourist Route. By bike or car you will find your own piece of paradise within a short distance. Read the storyboards en route to uncover the tales of our historic wineries, explore the pioneer cemeteries with the Chinese Burning Towers and relive our goldmining past. Visit the Mass Tree, and take in the magnificence of the grand old homesteads, century old dormitories and schools. We are situated in some of the best landscapes... anywhere. Soak up the sunshine, breathe in the fresh country air and enjoy our natural attractions and scenic walks. CAMPING The Murray River is renowned for camping and boating. We will let you in on a little secret... the best places are: Stantons Bend, Granthams Bend, Shaws Flat and Police Paddocks. Campers need to take fully self contained toilets. If you prefer some of the comforts of home, you can stay at one of our many caravan and tourists parks. Maps are available at the Rutherglen Wine Experience and Visitor Information Centre. FISHING So you think you can catch the elusive Murray Cod, Golden Perch, Redfin or pull up a freshwater crayfish? Pick up your fishing licence at the Rutherglen BP Service Station or SportsPower in Corowa. Tackle is available at True Value Hardware in Rutherglen. Get a fishing fact sheet from the Rutherglen Information Centre or to find out when the fish are biting. ROWING The Rutherglen, Wahgunyah and Corowa Rowing Clubs can trace their history back to the paddleboats that used to work the Murray. Both the Murray River and Lake Moodemere are ideal spots for rowing, with the region boasting the highest number of clubs per head of population in Victoria. Don’t miss the Rutherglen Regatta, the oldest in Australia, held each January at Lake Moodemere. escapes MUST DO Experience the mighty Murray River... there is nothing else like it! You can camp, fish, water ski, bush walk, picnic, swim, canoe...whatever takes your fancy! magical place with Visit Black Swamp on Boorhaman East Road. It is a may be lucky you and Road adda Gooram out fantastic bird life - a photographers paradise! Or drive . Brolgas t enough to see our residen escapes ESSENTIAL 11 OUR ESCAPES // Picnic on the *Murray River... watch the sun come up... and go down rest, restore & revive our escapes A PLACE you will want to get lost in Our region lies on the fertile plains of Victoria’s High Country and the undulating terrain alongside Australia’s greatest river, the mighty Murray. It is a landscape of lush vineyards, rich yellow canola fields, quiet country lanes, idyllic farmscapes, riverside trails and sandy river beaches. The area is a mecca for cyclists, golfers and campers. Lovers of the water come to fish, boat, kayak, jet and water ski. * Just a ‘three iron’ away from the renowned Murray River golf courses at Corowa, Howlong and Yarrawonga. Rutherglen also has its own 18 hole golf course with unique ‘sand scrape’ greens. // OUR INDULGENCES 12 A CYCLING & CULINARY ADVENTURE PLAYGRound The Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail follows historic railway lines providing 94km of bitumen sealed track well suited to both cycling and walking. It links the beautiful, historic townships of Wahgunyah, Rutherglen and Wangaratta at the Murray River end to Beechworth, Myrtleford, Porepunkah and Bright at the mountains end. Pedal to Produce A delicious initiative that combines the very best of cycling, food and wine. rutherglen region on A Bike The gentle, flat terrain makes exploring the Rutherglen and Wahgunyah area perfect on a bike! Whether for serious riders or family friendly weekend rides, we cater to literally every taste and in fact have made it our mission to be a dedicated cycling-friendly destination. Cycle in safety along the Wahgunyah to Rutherglen section of the Rail Trail, stopping at various wineries and cafes along the way to enjoy brunch, lunch and produce tastings. Alternatively, pack a picnic and relax on the banks of the Murray River and maybe even take a refreshing dip! CYCLING TIPS Find a variety of mapped rides throughout the region, ranging from 20 to 80 kilometres. Maps are available from the Visitor Information Centre or Buying wine on the way? We can deliver it free to your accommodation. Download a map and cycle from cellar doors and breweries, meeting the makers and growers of fresh farm gate produce or enjoying one of the many restaurants and cafes ‘en route’. Hire a bike from the Rutherglen Wine Experience at 57 Main Street. up to 30 bikes. Just jump off and start riding! We even have kiddy carriers so you can take your little ones on the adventure too! Don’t want to bring your car to Rutherglen? *V/Line has now added special carriages to carry CYCLING MUST DO The Tour de Rutherglen, held annually in spring, combines the best aspects of cycling! Gorgeous countryside, fabulous local produce, wines and great fun with friends and family! CYCLING ESSENTIAL Humpty Doo Loop, Gooramadda Discovery, Gourmet Ride … with names like these, you will want to experience the fun for yourself! Download ride maps from 13 ON A BIKE // An old fashioned *country show Rutherglen Agricultural Show is held annually in October. As well as side show alley there are arts, craft and cooking exhibitions, pet parades and horse events. spend time with YOUR family THERE IS SO MUCH ON OFFER FOR FAMILIES... A place to play: Apex Park in Rutherglen has a well equipped playground and skate park with a small bike circuit for the ‘little ones’. Challenge older children to a game of tennis or golf. Bangerang Park in Corowa has a playground and miniature steam engine operating over holidays. FAMILY ADVENTURES >> See ducks and long necked tortoises at Lake King. >> Visit the Bird Park at Bullers Wines. >> Feed the tortoises from the historic bridge over Sunday Creek at Pfeiffer Wines – a must for kids of all ages! Fancy a swim? Cool off in the local Rutherglen swimming pool, enjoy a picnic on the shady lawns and brave the high diving board! Stantons Bend and the Lagoon at Corowa are popular spots for families with young children. >> Grab a sweet treat or ice cream at the Rutherglen Lolly Shop. Local wetlands are a great place to explore - located at Lake Moodemere and in Corowa at Bridge Road, on the walking/bike track on Federation Avenue, and in Nixon Street. >> Make your own giant freckles at the Corowa Chocolate Factory. Cycle in safety along the Rail Trail between Wahgunyah and Rutherglen (maps and bike hire including kid’s buggies available from the Rutherglen Visitor Information Centre). >> In winter go to a real country footy match; in summer cricket is in full swing. Take a walk around Lake Moodemere or Lake King. Our cafes, restaurants and wineries welcome families and most have children’s menus along with toys, playgrounds and activities - and space to play and explore. >> Enjoy a BBQ with the family - in Apex Park (Murray Street) and Lions Park (Douglas Street). >> Step back in time with a visit to the Rutherglen School Museum (Sundays 1-4pm). View the photo board at the old port of Wahgunyah. // YOUR FAMILY 14 Imagine your perfect wedding among the vines... Can’t mix business with pleasure? rutheRglen can... It’s the ideal location for your next event, conference or seminar. Get down to business at Tuileries, Vintara Wines or All Saints Estate. These unique venues are fully equipped for large conventions or intimate meetings. Partners can enjoy a range of wineries, cafes, shopping, golf and tours. With a variety of great restaurants in our region, let us cater for your business dinner or work function. For your copy of the Rutherglen Functions Guide or for a list of venues contact the Visitor Information Centre on 1800 622 871 or visit: “We were absolutely delighted with our Rutherglen wedding. Everything ran so smoothly, the food & wine were sensational, our guests had a fabulous time and our wedding night accommodation was just perfect” Kerissa, Bride THE IDEAL LOCATION FOR ALL YOUR CELEBRATIONS We have been putting out the welcome mat for over 150 years now and Rutherglen knows how to throw a party. We are confident that we can make your event something special, whether it be a wedding, family occasion or Christmas party. Conveniently located half way between Melbourne and Sydney, the Rutherglen region is the perfect place for your next celebration. We boast historic country homesteads, Mediterranean styled courtyards, garden settings, historic barrel halls, and contemporary function rooms. There are so many exquisite venues to choose from, many with magnificent vineyard and river settings. Our region is renowned for its fabulous and extensive range of fresh regional produce from which our chefs will create a truly memorable meal for you and your guests. celebration MUST HAVE The Rutherglen Wine Experience and Visitor Information Centre can arrange personalised gift bottles of our fabulous Rutherglen wines for you to present to your guests. “Our staff who attended the conference can’t wait to return Michael, CEO, Melbourne ”. friends and family to Rutherglen with their A word on conferences 15 OUR CELEBRATIONS // * Flavours and soundS Rutherglen and Wahgunyah boast great music events. “A Day on the Green” at All Saints Estate combines food & wine with the best Australian and international artists. Celebrate Australia’s classic music history at Bullers with “Rock in the Vines” or kick back and relax to the sound of local talent at St Leonards’ “Music on the Murray”. we welcome you to our celebrations! Welcome to some of Australia’s great food, wine and music events: >> Tastes of Rutherglen March, over two weekends North East Victoria’s favourite food and wine festival. Join us to celebrate vintage under autumn skies with leading chefs and winemakers presenting a selection of entrees matched to the best Rutherglen wines at 20 different wineries. >> Winery Walkabout >> RUTHERGLEN Wine Show Victoria’s original wine festival. Taste, compare and buy some of Rutherglen’s best new wines. Team this with great entertainment, gourmet dinners and fantastic events such as the Country Fair and Apex Bush Dance. The Rutherglen Wine Show is one of Australia’s premier wine shows and has been held annually for over 120 years. After the official judging, celebrate with the winner at the Awards Dinner. Then test your wine tasting skills at the public tasting the following day. June Long weekend An iconic event not to be missed! September www.rutherglenwineshow. // OUR CELEBRATIONS 16 SOMEWHERE you will FALL IN LOVE *with You can wake up in beautiful surroundings to a fully cooked breakfast, curl up in front of a fire with a Rutherglen Muscat, indulge in a spa with a glass of sparkling wine or simply do nothing but relax. Just for the girls... Boobs, Bikes and Bubbles is a cycling package for women. Get the girls together for a relaxing cycling break and explore the culinary delights of our region along with wine tasting and retail therapy. Perfect for hens parties, a relaxing weekend away with your girl friends or a gift for someone who deserves a pampering break. To book visit www.victoriahotelrutherglen. Put your feet up, relax, unwind and spoil yourself… Rutherglen and Wahgunyah have so many choices of unique accommodation ranging from an old still house to a former post office, 100 year old miners’ cottages and large guest houses designed to cater for families and groups. We have cosy B&Bs, magnificent historical homesteads, luxury getaways, secluded cottages on the Murray, grand old country pubs, welcoming motels and caravan parks. Our region has comfy beds and warm, welcoming smiles for all our guests no matter what your needs or budget are. See the accommodation listings in this guide or contact the Rutherglen Wine Experience and Visitor Information Centre for more information on all your accommodation and tour needs on 1800 622 871. TOUR MUST DO For the ultimate historical experience, take a ‘Ghost’ or ‘Wine and Spirit’ Tour of Rutherglen hosted by Beechworth Ghost Tours. Hear stories of old Rutherglen , Barkly and Calico Town. You might even get to experience the paranormal… l birthday or girls weekend For your next work party, sporting function, specia or coach and let the fun ne limousi s, minibu Book a away, a Rutherglen winery tour is the perfect day out. begin... Tour essential 17 OUR hospitality // ASK YOUR HOSTS about a tailor made tour. Many accommodation houses offer this pily service for their guests or will hap our of one with you for tour a nge arra many tour operators. experience our country hospitality LET US SHOW YOU AROUND... take all the stress out of your time with us. Tour our world famous region and let someone else do the driving! ‘Do It With Style’ in a vintage Mercedes or enjoy the luxury of a stretch limousine with Walkabout or Country Cottages Limousines. For larger groups, Grapevine Getaways offer a guided minibus tour and groups of all sizes are catered for by local coach companies such as Cann’s Bus Lines. Be chauffeured to lunch, dinner or a secluded picnic spot on the Murray River. Rutherglen’s tour operators know all the best spots. They’ll share the history, highlights and secret stories (believe what you will) and at the end of the day they will return you to your accommodation safe and sound. take time out to discover We have many self guided walk, ride and drive tour options on offer... they are free and allow you the time and space to discover our region at your own pace. For more information contact the Rutherglen Visitor Information Centre. Rutherglen Heritage Walk and Cycle Loops *Corowa and Indigo Shire Cycling and Walking Trail Guide // Pedal to Produce Cycling Trail // Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail // Indigo Gold Trail Yarra Valley to High County Touring Route // OUR hospitality 18 19 COROWA // MUST DO’s: • Visit the Burke Museum, one of the oldest and finest regional museums in Victoria. • Go to the snow during winter or enjoy magnificent views and scenery in Bright, Mt Beauty and the Alpine Region all year round. • Get lost in Australia’s largest living hedge maze at Wandiligong near Bright • Cross the Murray and visit Corowa, the birthplace of Federation. Explore its Art Deco streetscape and visit the Federation Museum. stay another day at our place Make Rutherglen your base to explore Victoria’s High Country villages and Murray River towns... Chiltern 20 kms Step back in time and explore Chiltern’s National Trust listed heritage streetscape. Visit the Athenaeum Museum, Dow’s Pharmacy and the Motor Museum with its antique petrol bowsers, vintage cars and motor bikes. Stop at Federal Standard Printing Works, one of the few remaining newspaper and printers from the goldmining era! Yarrawonga/ Mulwala 46 kms Lake Mulwala, nestled between the popular tourist towns of Yarrawonga and Mulwala, is a year-round playground for all aquatic activities, perfect for boating, fishing and waterskiing. Championship rated golf courses suit every style and handicap. Mount Beauty 127 km Beechworth 46 kms Bright 114 km With over 30 National Trust The drives to Mount Beauty, or to listed buildings, Beechworth the top of Mount Buffalo, are some is Australia’s best preserved of the most scenic in the region. In gold mining town. Enjoy the Autumn, the many European trees breathtaking Gorge Scenic Drive. turn the landscape into a glorious Take a guided walking tour and explore the Historical and Cultural amber. In summer, relax with a Precinct. Visit the Old Beechworth picnic beside the river. Visit one Gaol and stand in the dock where of the Alpine wineries en route for lunch with a view. For the more Ned Kelly stood for his committal energetic, cycle the scenic 6km hearing before being hanged route along the Rail Trail between in 1880. There are quirky and interesting shops as well as cafes Bright and Porepunkah. and restaurants in which to recharge. Stop on your Chiltern Mt Pilot National way back and explore Park with more than 220 species the scenic Woolshed of birds, including many rare or Falls or detour through endangered, a diversity of native flora the very picturesque and fauna, gold mining relics and village of Yackandandah. indigenous artifacts. // OUR PLACE 20 Tastes of Rutherglen Rutherglen hosts the ultimate “fete de gourmand”, with chefs and winemakers presenting entrees matched to the best wines of Rutherglen. Held annually over two weekends in March. Rutherglen Winery Walkabout Join in the excitement of Victoria’s original wine festival held annually each June on the Queens Birthday long weekend. ALL SAINTS ESTATE PH 1800 021 621 ANDERSON WINERY PH 02 6032 8111 BULLER WINES RUTHERGLEN PH 02 6032 9660 CAMPBELLS WINES PH 02 60 33 6000 CHAMBERS ROSEWOOD WINERY PH 02 6032 8641 COFIELD WINES PH 02 6033 3798 GEHRIG ESTATE WINES PH 02 6026 7296 JONES WINERY & VINEYARD PH 02 6032 8496 LAKE MOODEMERE VINEYARDS PH 02 6032 9449 MORRIS WINES PH 02 6026 7303 MOUNT PRIOR VINEYARD PH 02 6026 7309 PFEIFFER WINES PH 02 6033 2805 RUTHERGLEN ESTATES PH 02 6032 7999 SCION VINEYARD AND WINERY PH 02 6032 8844 STANTON & KILLEEN WINES PH 02 6032 9457 ST LEONARDS VINEYARD PH 02 6033 1004 VALHALLA WINES 02 6033 1438 VINTARA WINERY PH 0447 327 517 WARRABILLA WINES PH 02 6035 7242 WATCHBOX WINES P: 02 6026 9299 MAP REF: 21 WINE GUIDE // no. 16, map A I6 L6=<JCN6= "MM4BJOUT&TUBUF 0OFPG"VTUSBMJBµTMBOENBSLXJOFSJFTFTUBCMJTIFEJOTFUBNJETU IJTUPSJDBMCVJMEJOHTBOECFBVUJGVMHBSEFOT8JUIBOPVUTUBOEJOHSBOHF PGQSFNJVNUBCMFXJOFTBOEGPSUJ¾FETUIFNBHOJ¾DFOUFTUBUFBMTP IPTUTUIFSFOPXOFE5FSSBDF3FTUBVSBOUBOE*OEJHP$IFFTF$PPGGFSJOH 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"UJOZQSFNJVNQSPEVDFSTQFDJBMJTJOHJOIBOEDSBGUFESFEXJOFT JODMVEJOH$JOTBVU5FNQSBOJMMP.FSMPUBOE%VSJG&TUBUFHSPXONBEF BOECPUUMFE7JOUBSBXJOFTBSFVOJRVFMZTPGUZFUHFOFSPVT&OKPZMVODI JOUIF7JOUBSB3FTUBVSBOUXJUIEFMJDJPVTNFBMTDBLFTBOEDPGGFF L>C:GN &WFOJOHGVODUJPOTBWBJMBCMF ▪NJDIBFM!WJOUBSBDPNBV ▪XXXWJOUBSBDPNBV GJI=:G<A:C ▪'SBTFS3E3VUIFSHMFOKVTUPGG.VSSBZ7BMMFZ)8:."13&'OPNBQ#* ▪ ▪8JOFSZBNQNEBZT3FTUBVSBOUQN5IVSTUP.PO 8BSSBCJMMB8JOFT L>C:GN /PWJTJUUP/PSUI&BTU7JDUPSJBXPVMECFDPNQMFUFXJUIPVUBUSJQUP8BSSBCJMMB8JOFT*GZPV FOKPZVOJRVFGVMMCPEJFETUZMFTGVMMPG¿BWPVSSJQFGSVJUDIBSBDUFSTBOETUSVDUVSFUIFOJUµT XPSUIBWJTJU8FTQFDJBMJTFJO%VSJG4IJSB[$BCFSOFU4BVWJHOPOBOEDMBTTJDXIJUFUBCMF XJOFWBSJFUJFTTVDIBT3JFTMJOH.BSTBOOFBOE$IBSEPOOBZ5IJTSFHJPOFOKPZTBHMPCBM SFQVUBUJPOGPSGPSUJ¾FEXJOFTBOE8BSSBCJMMBTUPDLBTNBMMIJHIRVBMJUZSBOHFJODMVEJOH 7JOUBHF1PSU5BXOZ1PSUBOE.VTDBU ▪.VSSBZ7BMMFZ)JHIXBZ3VUIFSHMFO."13&'OPNBQ#" ▪ ▪BNQNEBZT$MPTFE$ISJTUNBT#PYJOH%BZ(PPE'SJEBZ ▪BOESFX!XBSSBCJMMBXJOFTDPNBV ▪XXXXBSSBCJMMBXJOFTDPNBV // WINE GUIDE 26 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▪JOGP!QBTTJPO¿PSBDPNBV ▪XXXQBTTJPO¿PSBDPNBV 3P+VOJRVF 0SJHJOBMEFTJHOTIBOENBEFCZ+VEZGSPN'JOF4PGU.FSJOP'MFFDF XJUIUIFBEEJUJPOPG4JMLBOE"MQBDB'JCSFT0OFEBZXPSLTIPQTCZ BSSBOHFNFOU ▪4IPXSPPN4IPSU4USFFU)PXMPOH."13&'OPNBQ#+ ▪DBMMGPSBOBQQPJOUNFOU ▪KBOESXJMTPO!CJHQPOEDPN ▪XXXSPKVOJRVFDPNBV G:I6>A GJI=:G<A:C G:I6>A 3VUIFSHMFO%JTUSJDU"SUJTUµT(BMMFSZ 7JTJUPVSGSJFOEMZHBMMFSZBOEJOTQFDUPVSEJTQMBZPGQBJOUJOHTIBOE NBEFDBSETGPSBMMPDDBTJPOTQPUUFSZRVJMUFEDPUCMBOLFUTBOE KFXFMMFSZ8FBMTPTFMMMPDBMMZNBEFXBMLFSµTTUJDLTBOECFBVUJGVMIBOE NBEFQVSFXPPMTDBSWFTBOEIBUT ▪.BJO4USFFU3VUIFSHMFO."13&'OPNBQ"* ▪ ▪QSPCJOTPO!CJHQPOEDPN ▪XXXSVUIFSHMFOWJDDPN // RETAIL GUIDE 38 GJI=:G<A:C #BSSZBOE*SFOBXFMDPNFZPVUP3VUIFSHMFO"OUJRVFTBOE$PMMFDUBCMFT IPVTFEJOBCFBVUJGVMMBUFµTTIPQ8FCVZTFMM7JDUPSJBO &EXBSEJBO"SU%FDPµTSFUSPHMBTTXBSFDIJOBBOEDPMMFDUBCMFT QMVTSVTUJDGBSNNBDIJOFSZJNQMFNFOUTBMMFYDFMMFOUQJFDFTBUWFSZ SFBTPOBCMFQSJDFT ▪.BJO4USFFU3VUIFSHMFO."13&'OPNBQ"' ▪PS ▪BNQN5IVSTEBZ.POEBZ ▪SVUIFSHMFOBOUJRVFT!CJHQPOEDPN ▪XXXSVUIFSHMFOWJDDPN 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Chat to the owners as they wrap that special gift for you to take home. 39 RETAIL GUIDE // GJI=:G<A:C G:<>DC6A;:6IJG: GJI=:G<A:C G:<>DC6A;:6IJG:H GJI=:G<A:C JC>FJ::ME:G>:C8: GJI=:G<A:C JC>FJ::ME:G>:C8: 3VUIFSHMFO3PUBSZ 5IF3PUBSZ$MVCPG3VUIFSHMFOJTEFEJDBUFEUPPSHBOJTJOHGVOESBJTJOH FWFOUTGPSUIFCFOF¾UPGDIBSJUZUIFDPNNVOJUZ8FNFFU 8FEOFTEBZTGPSQNBU5IF7JDUPSJB)PUFM .BKPS&WFOUT -3VUIFSHMFO5SJBUIMPO -$PVOUSZ'BJS.VTDBU'VO3VO)PMF*O -5PVSEF3VUIFSHMFO -3PUBSZ(PMG%BZ OE4VOEBZJO.BSDI 2VFFOµT#JSUIEBZ8& TUXFFLFOEJO0DUPCFS OEMBTU4VOEBZJO0DUPCFS ▪XXXSVUIFSHMFOSPUBSZPSH."13&'OPNBQ"( 3VUIFSHMFO8JOF4IPX 5IF3VUIFSHMFO8JOF4IPXBOE5IF"VTUSBMJBO'PSUJ¾FE8JOF4IPXBSF IFMEJO4FQUFNCFSFBDIZFBSBOESFDFJWFFOUSJFTGSPNBDSPTT"VTUSBMJB 5IF"XBSET%JOOFSBOEXJOFUBTUJOHTBSFQPQVMBSQVCMJDFWFOUTBOE NPSFJOGPSNBUJPOJTBWBJMBCMFPOUIFXFCTJUF ▪3VUIFSHMFO"HSJDVMUVSBM4PDJFUZ*OD."13&'OPNBQ"' ▪10#PY3VUIFSHMFO7JDUPSJB ▪PS ▪XJOFBHTIPX!XFTUOFUDPNBV ▪XXXSVUIFSHMFOXJOFTIPXDPNBV #FFDIXPSUI(IPTU5PVST +PJOVTGPSBOJHIUPGNVSEFSNZTUFSZBOENBZIFNBTXFFYQMPSFUIF IFBSUPG0ME3VUIFSHMFOCZOJHIU0SFOKPZBUPVSPG3VUIFSHMFOµTNPTU IBVOUFEXJOFSJFTCZEBZ-FBSOBCPVUHIPTUTJHIUJOHTBTZPVUBTUF UIFXJOFJOTJEFIBVOUFEMPDBUJPOT ▪%FQBSUT5IF3VUIFSHMFO8JOF&YQFSJFODFBU .BJO4USFFU3VUIFSHMFO."13&'OPNBQ"* ▪#PPLJOHTBSFFTTFOUJBM ▪CBJMFEVQ!HNBJMDPNPSJOGP!CFFDIXPSUIHIPTUUPVSTDPN ▪XXXCFFDIXPSUIHIPTUUPVSTDPN #PPCT#JLFTBOE#VCCMFT (FUUIFHJSMTUPHFUIFSGPSBSFMBYJOHDZDMJOHCSFBLJOPVSQSFNJFSXJOF SFHJPO0VSQBDLBHFUBJMPSFEFYDMVTJWFMZGPSXPNFODPNCJOFTBO FBTZQBDFESJEFXJUIMPDBMHBTUSPOPNJDBEWFOUVSFTBOEUJNFGPSTPNF SFUBJMUIFSBQZXJOFUBTUJOHBOETJHIUTFFJOHBMPOHUIFXBZ ▪.BJO4USFFU3VUIFSHMFO."13&'OPNBQ"( ▪ ▪JOGP!WJDUPSJBIPUFMSVUIFSHMFODPNBV ▪XXXWJDUPSJBIPUFMSVUIFSHMFODPNBV // REGIONAL FEATURES & UNIQUE EXPERIENCE GUIDE 40 For all the news, events and hits, tune into your local radio stations: 41 a seasonal of FOOD, WINE & BEER For information on wineries, restaurants, breweries and food producers go to or call 1800 801 065 for your copy of the Seasonal Indulgence food & wine guide. 42 Red. White. or Blue? Watch out when you’re wine tasting! Five 20ml tastings equals one standard drink. 43 USEFUL INFORMATION POLICE High St, Rutherglen 02 6032 9612 HOSPITAL Guy St, Corowa 02 6033 7555 DOCTOR Rutherglen Medical Centre, 172 High St 02 6033 6280 DENTAL AFTER HOURS Alliance Dental Group, Corowa 02 6033 1813 PHARMACY Miegel’s Pharmacy 02 6032 8613 MECHANIC McCartie Motors 02 6032 8562 Rod Stones 02 6032 7277 Veterinarian CLINIC Rutherglen Vet Clinic 02 6032 8022 ATMs Bendigo Bank Commonwealth Bank Hume Building Society IGA Supermarket FREE INTERNET ACCESS Rutherglen Library Computer/Internet - Free All Saints Estate WiFi - Free McDonalds WiFi - Free Rutherglen Visitor Info Centre Computer/Internet Minimal Cost TAXI SERVICES Corowa Wahgunyah Rutherglen Taxis 02 6033 1634 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE 02 6033 2299 FIRE DANGER 106.5FM or 39$.%9 9ASS 'OULBURN 7AGGA7AGGA 9ARRAWONGA #ANBERRA #OROWA 254(%2',%. 7ANGARATTA !LBURY7ODONGA "EECHWORTH "RIGHT -%,"/52.% how to get to to rutherglen BY PLANE Albury Airport is 45 minutes from Rutherglen, with daily flights from Melbourne and Sydney and regular flights from Canberra. Brindabella, Qantaslink, Rex and Virgin Blue operate to and from Albury. For service details visit BY TRAIN V/Line and Countrylink Trains and buses run via Albury and Wangaratta, with connecting bus services to Rutherglen. For more information contact: V/Line - 136 196 or // Countrylink - 132 232 or BY BUS Websters Corowa-Rutherglen-Albury Bus Service runs Monday-Friday (except public holidays) 0419 244 897. For limousine and mini bus pick-ups, see Page 37 or visit DESTINATION DISTANCE ROAD AIR TRAIN / BUS SYDNEY 601 km 6 hrs 45 mins 1 hour 20 mins 7 hrs 30 mins to Albury MELBOURNE 295 km 3 hrs 30 mins 1 hour 3 hrs 45 mins via Wangaratta CANBERRA 389 km 4 hrs 30 mins 45 mins 5 hours ALBURY 49 km 40 minutes N/A 1 hour // GETTING HERE 44 Find your way around rutherglen & Surrounds WINERIES 1 All Saints Estate 2 Bullers Winery 3 Campbells Wines 4 Chambers Rosewood Winery 5 Cofields Winery 6 Jones Winery & Vineyard and Jones Café 7 Lake Moodemere Vineyard 8 Morris Wines 9 Pfeiffer Wines 10 Rutherglen Estates 11 St Leonards Vineyard 12 Stanton and Killeen Wines 13 Valhalla Wines 14 Vintara Wines 15 Warrabilla Wines 16 Winemakers of Rutherglen ACCOMMODATION B D8 B D5 B D6 A C1 B C7 B F6 B B B A B C6 J7 C7 D4 D9 B B B B D6 D8 I6 A5 A I6 1 7 Admurraya House A 18 Ball Park Caravan Park B 19 Bundalong Holiday Resort B 20 Best Western Heritage Motor Inn B 21 Cottage on the Murray B 22 Country Cottages B&B Limousine Service A 23 Cuddledoon Cottages B&B A 24 Econolodge Motel Woongarra A 25 Golden Chain Wine Village Motor Inn A 26 John Foord GuestHouse B 27 Murray Rest Cottages B 28 Must Love Dogs B&B A 29 Poachers Paradise Motel A 30 Ready Cottage A 31 Rivergum Holiday Retreat B 32 Rutherglen Caravan and Tourist Park A 45 J8 C8 C8 G8 C5 J4 D5 D4 C8 C8 J6 F5 H4 C9 F6 33 Rutherglen Motor Inn A 3 4 The Old Post Office B&B B 35 The Still House at Terravinia Vineyard B 36 The Victoria Hotel A 37 Treverna B&B B 38 Tuileries Accommodation A 39 Walkabout Motel A FOOD & PRODUCE 4 0 Gooramadda Olives 1 Indigo Cheese Co 41 Mulwala Water Ski Club 42 Parkers Pies 29 Poachers Paradise Hotel Motel 43 Renaissance Chocolates 44 Rutherglen Seasonal Food Foray 45 Star Hotel Rutherglen 36 The Victoria Hotel 44 The Pickled Sisters Cafe 38 Tuileries Restaurant 38 Tuileries Wine Bar 38 Tuilieries Café By Night 38 Tuileries Le Café TOUR OPERATORS 4 6 Canns Bus Lines 47 Do It with Style 32 Grapevine Getaways 39 Walkabout Limousines C5 J9 H9 G6 C8 D4 B5 B I8 B D8 B A G6 A F5 B A4 B A A B A A A A C7 F5 G6 C7 D4 D4 D4 D4 B B A A C8 C8 F6 B5 RETAIL 4 8 Main St Gallery Rutherglen 49 Passion Flora 50 Ro-Junique 51 Rutherglen & District Artist’s Gallery 52 Rutherglen Antiques and Collectables 53 Rutherglen Wine Experience & Visitor Information Centre MAP REFERENCES // A F5 A F5 B J9 A I6 A F5 A I6 REGIONAL FEATUREs 5 4 Rutherglen Rotary 55 Rutherglen Wine Show A G6 A F7 UNIQUE EXPERIENCE 56 Beechworth Ghost Tours A I6 36 Boobs Bike and Bubbles A G6 Rutherglen Touring Route, Natural, Historical & Cultural Attractions 5 7 Granthams Bend 58 St Leonards 59 Carlyle Community Hall 60 Shaws Flat 61 Police Padocks Gooramadda State Forest 62 Mt Ochtertyre - (225m) 63 Major Mitchell Memorial 64 Browns Plains Chapel 65 Fairfield House* 66 Olive Hills* 67 Great Northern Mine* 68 Mt Ophir - cellars* 69 Great Southern Mine* 70 Cornishtown Hall 71 Gold Battery 72 Red Hills Ruins 73 Mt Carmel Convent* 74 Vidal Cellars* 75 Buller’s Bird Park 76 Lake Moodemere 77 Carlyle Cemetery 78 Pfeiffer’s Bridge 79 John Foord Cemetery 80 Mass Tree 81 Chinese Dormitory 82 Stantons Bend *no public access B B B B B D9 D9 E8 F9 F9 B B B B B B B B B B B A B B B B B B B B B I8 J8 J6 I7 I7 G6 G5 G6 I5 E7 E7 H3 E6 D5 C6 C7 C7 C7 C8 D8 B7 Rutherglen has so much to explore. Visit the Visitor Information Centre or go to MAP B 2)6% " REGIONAL map 2). ! (7 / & 8 4 0 6 5 ) 8"- &4 9 34 . % 6!,, ' 2$ $ '2 7, /. (/ 5 #//+)." XXXSVUIFSHMFOWJDDPN XXXSVUIFSHMFOWJDDPN +. ! " # 234 ,%. 254(%2' % YACK ANDA NDAH N ER ILT H C (5-% & 79 302).'(5234 $ ). $ #(),4%2. no. 1, map B D8 & ' $ 22! -AGENTA-INE 7)4(%23 2$ ( ) )' RD / #2 %% + RD 0//,%93 2$ 7HITE"OX 7ALK RD MAP REF: %& TO !LBURY 3YDNEY 79 2$ TO-ELBOURNE +. (5 "!2.!7!24(! 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