State Fair STAR - Missouri State Fair
State Fair STAR - Missouri State Fair
MISSOURI State State Fair Fair THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE MISSOURI STATE FAIR MISSOURI STATE FAIR STAR 2503 W. 16th St. Sedalia, MO 65301 • 800-422-FAIR (3247) Mark Wolfe, Director • Kari Mergen, Marketing Director FALL 2015 MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR CONTENTS Livestock Shows/Competitive Exhibits Overview pg 3 FFA and 4-H Overview pg 4 Survey Results pg 5 2015 MSF Queen pg 6 Who’s Who at the Fair? pg 6 Sponsors pg 7 2015 Photos pg 8 2016 Theme and Fair Dates pg 9 COMPETITION RESULTS AND PHOTOS available on Fair’s website RESULTS PHOTOS GALLERY OF 2015 FAIR PHOTOS 2015 VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Dear Fair Guest: The 113th Missouri State Fair, themed “Show Offs Welcome!” was an outstanding showcase of Missouri agriculture! There was much to be celebrated, from record-breaking numbers in show rings, to high quality entertainment, special events and more. Beautiful weather and mild temperatures were enjoyed throughout the 11-day event. Final attendance was 352,888. The 2015 Fair enjoyed many noteworthy highlights: • Nearly 30,00 Livestock and Competitive Entries were shown • Nearly 4,000 Missouri 4-H and FFA Youth participated • The new Let’s Talk Livestock program, sponsored by Tractor Supply Co., provided fairgoers with a structured setting to learn about caring for and showing livestock. Thirteen demonstrations were conducted throughout the Fair by Missouri 4-H and FFA students who volunteered their time and expertise to educate the public. • The World Renowned Budweiser Clydesdales returned for the full 11 days of the 2015 Missouri State Fair with appearances in the Opening Day Parade and near-daily parades through the grounds. • The new AgriMissouri Bistro and Market was a new vendor highlight at the 2015 State Fair, offering Missouri grown options for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Building. • 100 Boys and Girls Club Youth from West Central Missouri were treated to a day at the State Fair Thursday, Aug. 13. Their fun experience was sponsored by the Kansas City Area Toyota Dealers Association, with contributions from Murphy Bros. Exposition, the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association/Beef House and the State Fair. • Destiny Reed of Warrenton was crowned the 2015 Missouri State Fair Queen - read more about Destiny on page 6. • Dr. Linda Hickam of Thompson was named the Missouri Woman in Agriculture and Ashley Bauer of Warrenton was named the Missouri Woman in Agriculture Rising Star in the contest sponsored by Monsanto. A Tea Social was held, honoring all the women who participated in the third Missouri State Fair Woman in Agriculture contest. I am very pleased with this year’s accomplishments and am looking forward to planning the 2016 Missouri State Fair. Next year’s event will be held Aug. 11-21 in Sedalia. Stay in touch with us by visiting our website,, and by following us on Facebook and Twitter. Sincerely, Mark Wolfe Fair Director 2 Missouri State Fair STAR Fall 2015 LIVESTOCK SHOWS AND COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS OVERVIEW Nearly 30,000 livestock & competitive entries were shown in 2015 The Missouri State Fair continues to be a platform that fosters growth among Missouri youth. This year’s premier showcase was evidence that both Missouri youth and Missouri agriculture are strong. LIVESTOCK ENTRIES COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS ENTRIES 3 Missouri State Fair STAR Fall 2015 FFA and 4-H Nearly 4,000 Missouri FFA and 4-H youth participated in the 2015 Fair TOP THREE FFA EXHIBIT CATEGORIES OTHER FFA ENTRY NUMBERS Ag Mechanics 692• Sheep 525 • Beef 381 • Hams & Bacon 223• Rabbits 142 Goats (Meat and Dairy) 136 • Poultry 213 • Building Displays 65 TOP THREE 4-H EXHIBIT CATEGORIES OTHER 4-H ENTRY NUMBERS Rabbits 325 • Poultry 385 • Goats (Boer and Dairy) 240 • Dogs 134 4 Missouri State Fair STAR Fall 2015 Attendees listed many reasons on the survey for attending the 2015 Missouri State Fair. Family Outing/ Tradition was added as a new category to our survey this year and it came in as the #1 reason! REASONS FOR ATTENDING 1. Family Outing/ Tradition 30.8% 2. Concerts/Other Ticketed Entertainment 18.3% 3. Livestock Shows/ Competitive Events 13% 4. Free Entertainment Shows 8.1% 5. Fair Food 5.9% 6. Agriculture Showcase 5.6% 7. Carnival Midway 2.9% A near sell-out crowd enjoyed the Alabama concert on Friday, Aug. 21 in the Pepsi Grandstand. More than 85 percent of fairgoers ranked the Fair as excellent or good! 5 Missouri State Fair STAR Fall 2015 2015 Missouri State Fair QUEEN Destiny Reed Destiny Reed was crowned the 2015 Missouri State Fair Queen on August 14th in the Mathewson Exhibition Center. Destiny participated in the Fair Queen Pageant as the reigning Marion County Fair Queen. She grew up in Palmyra, Missouri and is a 2014 graduate of Palmyra R-I High School, graduating salutatorian. Destiny is the daughter of Lance and Tamara Reed of Palmyra, Missouri. Currently, Destiny attends Truman State University, where she is majoring in English. After obtaining her Bachelors of Arts degree in 2017, Destiny plans to obtain her Masters in both English and Education. Upon graduating from Truman, Destiny plans to work in the public school system as an educator for grades 5-12. Destiny has always had a passion for reading and writing and is excited to share her passion with children. She also plans to become a leader in her chosen field so she can advocate for both English education and agricultural education. One day, she hopes to raise a family, and Destiny cannot imagine her children going through a school system that does not have a strong, agricultural program. In addition to serving as the 2015 Missouri State Fair Queen, Destiny is involved in many campus organizations at Truman State University. As a Truman Leadership Scholar, Destiny is a participant in the university’s leadership development program. As a pre-MAE student, she spends time in local classrooms preparing for her career as an educator. She serves on the executive board for the Missouri State Teachers Association and the leadership team for Campus Christian Fellowship. In her free time, she enjoys taking dance classes through The Society of Dance Arts and performing in the yearly recitals. In her hometown of Palmyra, Destiny is a member of Palmyra United Methodist Church. Destiny feels truly blessed to be the 2015 Missouri State Fair Queen. She is proud to be a representative for the number one industry in the state of Missouri. As a future educator and former FFA member, Destiny promises to do her best to represent the Missouri State Fair in a way that promotes agriculture, tourism, and rural living in the most professional manner. Destiny is looking forward to sharing her excitement for agriculture with the people of Missouri. WHO’S WHO AT THE MISSOURI STATE FAIR? A staff of 23 individuals work year-round in preparation for the annual Missouri State Fair as well as maintain the 396-acre Missouri State Fairgrounds. These individuals, along with the Fair Commission, Foundation, volunteers and hundreds of seasonal and Fair-time staff, work together to create the state’s largest agriculture expo annually in August. Director: Mark Wolfe Maintenance Supervisor: Dennis Brown Events/ Concessions Manager: Steve Allison Director’s Office: Nancy Bouse Business Office: JoAnn Cooper Events/Concessions: Vickie Embree Painter: Wayne Fizer 6 Missouri State Fair STAR Fall 2015 Marketing: Brittny Goran Fiscal Officer: Jennifer Grabau Maintenance: John Bob Hughes Maintenance: Ryan Keele Marketing Director: Kari Mergen Marketing: Melba Merrick Building Manager: Jason Moore Plumber: Steve Morris Electrician: Steve Ozburn Carpenter: Jeff Ransdell Maintenance: Tom Seifner Landscaper: Monica Shirky Security Supervisor: Jimmie Smith Maintenance: Jaret Snapp Competitive Entry Supervisor: Edna Vollmer Maintenance: Jim Wulff GRAND 7 Missouri State Fair STAR Fall 2015 showing r o f s k n a h T ! 5 1 0 2 n i s u off with Follow us on Facebook and Twitter this winter for news about 2016! 8 Missouri State Fair STAR Fall 2015 2016 MISSOURI STATE FAIR • AUGUST 11-21 • SEDALIA 2016 SEDALIA AUG 11-21 9 Missouri State Fair STAR Fall 2015