The 2016 Summer Olympics Local Market Cable
The 2016 Summer Olympics Local Market Cable
Olympics Sponsorship Package Available in Every US Market August 2016 The 2016 Summer Olympics Local Market Cable Network and Digital Advertising Sponsorships NCC “Olympian” Sponsorships Connect Your Brand with America‟s Most Desirable and Engaged Consumers The 2016 Summer Olympic Games from Rio de 10,000+ Janeiro will deliver extraordinary, patriotic, Athletes family-friendly advertising opportunities 306 Projected to be the most- watched event in television Medal Events history, the Olympic Games convey honor, integrity, 206 determination and a commitment to excellence. Associating your brand with the Olympics on a local level 641 will deliver unmatched consumer engagement. NCC’s 2016 OLYMPIAN and OLYMPIAN+ ad packages Hours of LIVE Olympics TV Coverage in Every Market connect your brand to America’s best consumers in local markets, through LIVE Olympics coverage across multiple cable networks, amplified with TV Everywhere, Digital Countries 28 Sports 17 Days 6+ Video, Online, Spanish Language and Co-Branded Promotional Platforms. Cable Networks On Local Cable: Because „where‟ matters! Package Package :30 spots in The 2016 Rio Olympic Games 172 86 TV Everywhere Olympic Audience In-stream P P Exclusive Online High-Impact on DMAX & A+ P P Olympic Features On Demand P Co-Branded :30 Tune-in TV spots P Co-Branded :30 Olympian Profile P Hispanic Audience Extension+ Available The ’16 games take place August 5-21, just one hour ahead of Eastern US Time. With more LIVE events, higher ratings, and new TV Everywhere convenience, geo-targeted advertising in your key markets will bring home gold! Online and On Demand: Get amplified! Guaranteed Online impressions deliver Olympic fans and your best consumer prospects with in-stream video and high-impact ads, plus… pre and post-roll on demand Olympic features. Branded Olympian Features: Brand proud! • Olympics in-market sponsorship branding/ brought to you locally by… • Sponsored hometown athlete profiles deliver incredible brand association Hispanic Audience Extension 40 :30 second announcements in LIVE Olympics Available programming reaching acculturated Hispanics* *Spanish or English language creative – subject to markets. In-market Promotions, Sponsorships and Branding Opportunities Synchronized cable, digital video and online sponsorship campaigns will highlight your company‟s local affiliation with Olympic programming, and maximize your brand exposure before, during and after the Games :20 Second Profile Market relevant local athlete profiles feature hometown connections DAVID BOUDIA Abilene, TX GABBY DOUGLAS Virginia Beach, VA :10 Second Tag Voice over and video tag copy: brought to you locally by… MISSY FRANKLIN Centennial, CO JORDAN BURROUGHS Camden, NJ :20 Second Olympics Tune-in messages generate enthusiasm :10 Second Voice over and video tag copy: Brought to you locally by… Make a deep brand impression with passionate American consumers by running sponsorship messages across dozens of cable networks. *Athletes shown are examples only. Only a one-hour time difference & live TV Everywhere and Guaranteed events in key dayparts means higher Online impressions viewership on TV and TV Everywhere! Delivering Olympic fans and your best consumer prospects with in-stream video and high-impact solutions. 86 programming blocks across On Demand Pre and Post-Roll on up to Geo Targeting Demo Targeting Behavioral Targeting five Features Your Best Consumer Prospects in a Family Friendly Environment A18-49 viewers of the Olympics on Cable TV are 24% more likely to have $100K+ HHI & 92% more likely to have $250K+ in investments 87% Parents that say “The Olympics is one of the few major television events that whole families can watch together” Source: Source: NBC Olympics Family Friendly Study conducted by Research Results on 2/12/14 using a general population sample among 882 A18-54 parents with children ages 5-17 / 2014 Doublebase GfK MRI weighted to Population (000) & Nielsen National TV Toolbox Live+SD│TV│Linear 2012 Olympics - Index to P18+ Cable nets only The 2016 Olympiad August 5th – 21st Across NBC Universal Cable Networks Event competitions Gold medal events Exhibition gala Pete Schlossmacher Vice President - Business Development and Sports Sales [email protected] (404) 267-3613