Llantarnam Development Framework - Tor-faen
Llantarnam Development Framework - Tor-faen
Llantarnam Development Framework November 2011 Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Planning. Design. Economics. Pegasus Urban Design CONTENTS 1Introduction 1 2 Vision & Key Principles 5 3 Planning Policy Context 9 4 Physical Context 13 5 The Sites 17 6 Site Constraints 21 7 Design principles 27 8 Strategic Masterplan 31 9 Masterplan Principles 35 10Delivery 45 © Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd 2011. Trading as Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners. All Rights Reserved. Registered Office: 14 Regent’s Wharf All Saints Street London N1 9RL All plans within this document produced by NLP are based upon Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright reserved. Licence number AL50684A Llantarnam Abbey Gatehouse LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 This document has been prepared on behalf of Redrow Homes and in conjunction with Torfaen County Borough Council to establish the land use and design parameters of the development land parcels at Llantarnam. It is intended that this brief will guide and inform any future planning applications on this site The key objectives of this document are: 1.to establish the development principles, vision and objectives into a strategic masterplan; 2. to ensure the Strategic Masterplan is 1.3 These key objectives will be achieved by: • Setting out a contextual analysis of the site and surrounding area; • Defining the broad scale and distribution of the proposed land uses for each of the land parcels; • Defining the key masterplanning objectives; • Producing an illustrative strategic masterplan that responds to the context analysis; and • Establishing the delivery mechanism for bringing the site forward including phasing and headline planning gain topics. 1.4 This document will be subject to the Council’s protocol for the preparation of development briefs. Once finally approved it will form a material consideration in the determination of any future planning applications for the sites. 1.5 The Development Brief encompasses an area indicated overleaf. This area extends beyond the land controlled by Redrow Homes to include adjacent sites that are important when considering the longer term planning of Llantarnam. It is not considered that Redrow Homes would bring these wider sites forward but proposals will be considered in such a way that their future development potential is recognised and not prejudiced. consistent with emerging LDP planning and design policy; and 3. to produce an outline urban framework that responds to the development objectives and context analysis. 1 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Aerial photograph of the site with development areas 2 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 2.0 VISION & KEY PRINCIPLES 2.1 The vision for the proposed development is: The Key Principles 2.7 “ To unite the fragmented employment and residential areas in south Llantarnam through the creation of a quality mixed use community with a new neighbourhood centre providing facilities for both the existing and future community.” The key principles which must be considered as part of the masterplanning process for Llantarnam are: • A mix of uses, including residential, employment and commercial/community uses; • A phased development, to ensure that essential facilities and infrastructure is provided when required; • Integration, with the existing community of Llantarnam and the Llantarnam Industrial Park 2.2 2.3 2.4 New development will provide a choice of where to live and work for new residents and the existing community. New development will build upon and enhance the existing character of Llantarnam and respect the landscape setting. The development will not only provide new amenity space for existing and new residents but also enhance the profile of the area and increase opportunities for the local economy. Given the necessity to promote more sustainable patterns of development, it is important to seek a closer alignment between employment uses and residential communities both in qualitative and quantitative terms. The development potential of these sites in Llantarnam provides an opportunity to achieve this whilst simultaneously creating a development that reflects the character and unique qualities of the surrounding area. 2.5 2.6 Locating prestigious employment development adjacent to the existing – and highly successful – Llantarnam Industrial Park will allow the local economy to grow in a controlled manner and residential development will support this growth by providing much needed housing within this accessible and attractive location. • A sense of place with an integrated design approach to buildings and public spaces; The development proposals set out in this document seek to provide not only quality residential and prestigious employment development, but also create a much needed local neighbourhood centre within an area of Llantarnam that currently lacks such facilities. This centre would create a focus for the neighbourhood and would serve both the new and existing residential and employment areas. • Design Quality, providing high quality, sustainable buildings, landscape and public spaces; and • S ustainability, incorporating good practice across all aspects of design, construction, management and maintenance regimes; • Movement & accessibility, e.g. cycleways, walking routes, accessible public transport. 2.8 These key principles inform the masterplanning principles and proposed design response set out in section 9 of this development brief. 3 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Entrance to Llantarnam Park 4 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 3.0 PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT Introduction 3.1 3.2 3.3 This section summarises and interprets planning policy relevant to the proposed development. It includes strategic and local planning policy guidance contained within Planning Policy Wales, the adopted Torfaen Local Plan and the emerging Local Development Plan. In addition to this, a brief planning history of the site is detailed. Wales Spatial Plan Update 2008 3.4 The Wales Spatial Plan identifies Cwmbran (located to the north of Llantarnam) as a key settlement and states that as a key settlement it must be successful in its own right. Indeed it states: “…key settlements will provide the central Planning Policy Wales framework around which high capacity Planning Policy Wales (PPW) sets out the land use planning policies of the Welsh Assembly Government. Its central objective is to promote and provide a framework for sustainable development within Wales. sustainable transport links will be developed. PPW outlines that planning can help to reduce the need to travel, especially by private car, and enhance the access to new development locations by public transport, bicycle and on foot. PPW also encourages the creation of sustainable residential environments and encourages local authorities to promote: Technical Advice Note 12: Design 3.5 PPW is supplemented by a series of Technical Advice Notes (TANs). TAN12 (2009) considers design issues and sets out the Assembly’s objectives for new development. 3.6 TAN12 notes that the appearance of development and its relationship to its surroundings are important factors in considering planning applications. Early consideration of design issues is seen as being essential and central to good planning. The following objectives are set out in order to achieve good design: A wider range of facilities and services, which add to employment opportunities, should be a Achieving sustainable design solutions; delivered locally within the key settlements to b Sustaining and enhancing character; reduce the overall need to travel”. c Promoting innovative design; d Promoting a successful relationship between public and private space; e Designing attractive, safe public places; f Ensuring ease of access for all; a Mixed tenure communities; g Promoting legible development; b Easily accessible developments; h Designing for change; c Mixed use development; i Promoting quality, choice and variety; and d Attractive landscapes around dwellings; j Promoting sustainable means of travel. e An emphasis upon quality and designing places for people; f An efficient use of land; and g The creation of well designed residential environments at an appropriate density. 5 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 3.7 TAN12 highlights the importance of ensuring that new developments are sensitive to the local context and requires the design and layout of new developments to reinforce the distinctiveness of new development, factors such as scale, density, height, massing, layout, landscape and access should all be taken into consideration. Statutory Development Plan 3.8 The existing statutory development plan for the area is the Torfaen Local Plan 1991-2006 (adopted 2000) and the Gwent Structure Plan 1991-2006 (adopted 1996). 3.9 Within the Torfaen Local Plan, the majority of the site is allocated for employment development with the remainder allocated as ‘green space’ or simply remaining as white land. Policy ED1 is the key policy for the area and allocates land at Ty Coch Lane, Cottage Farm, Land north of Malthouse Lane and Land adjacent to Newport Road and Ty Coch Lane for prestige industrial development. The Gwent Structure Plan also identifies Llantarnam as an important strategic employment area. “Design is the relationship between all elements of the natural and built environment. To create sustainable development, design must go beyond aesthetics and include the social, environmental and economic aspects of the development, including its construction, 3.10 operation and management, and its relationship to its surroundings”. (para. 2.4, TAN 12: Design 2009). 3.11 The site has been identified for development for over 20 years. However, whilst the existing allocation is for employment, it is considered that the proposed mixed use scheme will better integrate with the existing community, providing benefits such as areas of public open space and local shops and services. 3.13 Within the document the Council states that the vision for the site is to “unite the fragmented employment and residential areas in South Llantarnam through the creation of a quality mixed use community with a new neighbourhood centre providing facilities for both the existing and future community”. 3.14 The site has therefore been identified as being suitable for mixed use development. As such, this Development Framework is intended to support the proposed allocations and provide additional information in relation to the site specific policies within the draft LDP. Specifically, as detailed within the draft LDP, the Framework aims to detail how the employment, neighbourhood centre and residential allocations will be brought forward in a holistic and comprehensive manner, respecting the landscape setting of South Cwmbran. Planning History 3.15 In the Torfaen Local Plan (1991-2006) the majority of the site is allocated for employment development under policy ED1. There are three main employment areas identified within this part of Llantarnam: Land north of Malthouse Lane (ED1/3); Land Adjacent Newport Road / Ty Coch Lane (ED1/4iii) and; Cottage Farm (ED1/2). As such, the principle for the development of this land appears to have been largely established. 3.16 Outline planning permission was subsequently granted in December 2007 for employment use on the land north of Malthouse Lane. A renewal of this planning permission was granted in November 2010 and runs until November 2015. Both these plans are now time expired and as such will be replaced in due course by the emerging Local Development Plan. Torfaen Local Development Plan 3.12 6 Torfaen County Borough Council published their Deposit Local Development Plan and Proposals Map for public consultation on 28 March 2011. The majority of the site has been identified as a Strategic Action Area (SAA) for “the construction of 450 dwellings, 8 hectares of employment land, a neighbourhood centre and informal recreation provision aided by strategic highway infrastructure improvements”. Parcel A to the west, which is owned by the Council, has been identified as a Regional Employment Allocation for regionally important employment development. Office units located at Llantarnam Park LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework The Three Blackbirds Inn, Llantarnam 8 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 4.0 PHYSICAL CONTEXT 4.0 Llantarnam is located within the jurisdiction of Torfaen County Borough Council. The town centre of Cwmbran is located immediately to the north of Llantarnam and offers a variety of shops and services. Llantarnam Industrial Park is a successful employment area located within Llantarnam. 4.1 Llantarnam is around 6km north of Newport City Centre along the A4042 and 3.5km north of junction 26 of the M4 motorway. The A4042 and A4051 (Cwmbran Drive) are the main roads running north to south through Llantarnam. Malthouse Road and Pentre Lane run east to west through Llantarnam. 4.2 Llantarnam has a range of facilities in close proximity including leisure facilities at Cwmbran Stadium and Best Western Parkway Hotel. Cwmbran railway station is located to the north served by trains on the Welsh Marches Line. There are community facilities at Court Farm & Oakfield Community Centre, Llantarnam Youth Centre, Cwmbran Library and education at: Key: Existing settlement Primary movement corridors Secondary movement corridors Key junctions/ nodes Existing road closure along Ty Coch Lane • Brookfield Junior and Infant’s School; • Oakfield Primary, Special Needs Resource Base; • Our Lady of the Angels R.C. Primary School; and • L lantarnam School and Special Needs Unit & Partially Hearing Unit; and Llantarnam Comprehensive Lower School Hall. 612 North © Copyright Pegasus Planning Group llp. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093 I Promap Licence number 100020449 . • Pegasus Urban Design is part of Pegasus Planning Group LLP. Drawing prepared for planning. Any queries to be reported to Pegasus for clarification Llantarnam - Existing Movement | T 01285 641717 | F 01285 642348 | www.ppg-llp.co.uk | Team AC/EJT/AM | 13th May 2010 | NTS @A3 | Pegasus Urban Design | drwg. R.0183_10 I Client: Redrow Homes (South Wales) Ltd I 0 Existing Movement Plan 9 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 4.3 4.4 Within close proximity of the sites is the Three Blackbirds Public House and the Best Western Parkway Hotel, which has a leisure club open to members of the public. Llantarnam High School and Oakfield Primary School are within walking distance of the sites. It is evident that there is a significant shortage of local shops. There is a neighbourhood shop located within the Oakfield Housing estate although, due to the lack of a direct route, this is located approximately 2km walk away from the nearest point of the site. In addition, there is a Marks & Spencer Simply Food located along approximately 1.1km walk away along Malpas Road. As such, neither of these shops are considered to be accessible to the majority by foot. Key: Llantarnam Abbey Historic Core 1930-50s Ribbon development along main routes Post 1980s housing development Existing employment area Recent residential development Opportunity for leisure, recreational walks and cycling exist along the Brecon and Monmouthshire Canal which travels through 35 miles of countryside from Brecon to Cwmbran. A cycleway runs along certain sections of the canal, including Pontymoile Basin to Solomon’s Bridge in Cwmbran. South of this the cycle network continues alongside the canal to Newport, which at this point is unnavigable. An access way onto the cycle route is located approximately 1km along Pentre Lane from the Three Blackbirds public house. 612 North © Copyright Pegasus Planning Group llp. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093 I Promap Licence number 100020449 . • Pegasus Urban Design is part of Pegasus Planning Group LLP. Drawing prepared for planning. Any queries to be reported to Pegasus for clarification Llantarnam - Existing Character Assessment | T 01285 641717 | F 01285 642348 | 0 Existing Assessment Plan 10 www.ppg-llp.co.uk | Team AC/EJT/AM | 13th May 2010 | NTS @A3 | Pegasus Urban Design | drwg. R.0183_10 I Client: Redrow Homes (South Wales) Ltd I View of south eastern corner of site taken from north east LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework A B(i) B(ii) D E C F Aerial photograph of the site with site parcels 12 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 5.0 THE SITES 5.0 There are six identified sites in Llantarnam which benefit from being highly accessible to the local, regional and national road network. Rail and bus interchanges are also located nearby. New residents to the area would also benefit from the excellent connections to local, regional and national infrastructure and the natural amenities that are available in the immediate surrounding area. See plan on page 12. Cottage Site (Parcel C) 5.5 Parcel C benefits from an existing gated access off Ty Coch Lane, which provides access to Cottage Farm. The site is approximately 9.6ha and is formed by Cwmbran Drive to the west, the rear of the existing properties along Pentre Lane, Ty Coch Lane to the east and the electricity sub station to the north. There is a natural line of trees that runs east to west across the middle of the field and splits the site in two. 5.6 The north eastern part of the site is primarily level, adjacent to Ty Coch Lane, however, travelling away from Ty Coch Lane the land undulates and falls by approximately 20 metres in a south westerly direction towards Cwmbran Drive. This site has easy access to the Brecon and Monmouthshire Canal and the cyclepath which runs alongside the canal. South of Holly Bush Way Site (Parcel A) 5.1 5.3 5.4 This site is approximately 13.7ha and is bounded by Cwmbran Drive to the east, Holly Bush Way to the north, Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal to the west and open land and woodland to the south. The land to the west of Llantarnam drops away towards the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal, before rising again to the west. The majority of this land is farmland which is designated as ‘green space’ within the adopted Local Plan. The current site access into this land parcel is from Holly Bush Way in the north. This parcel contains existing trees, hedgerows and overhead wires and a pylon. The site is within the ownership of Torfaen County Borough Council. It is understood that the site is a former tip. 5.7 The site is within the ownership of Torfaen County Borough Council and as such, progression of this site will be the responsibility of the Council. Ty-Coch Lane, which provides frontage access to this parcel is only around 3.8 metres wide to the south of Parkway Hotel and no footways are present along its entire length. Vehicular access is restricted by traffic bollards to the south of Cottage Farm to prevent vehicles from travelling between Pentre Lane in the south and Llantarnam Park Way in the north. Pentre Lane also has no footways in the vicinity of this site. Welsh Government (WG) Site (Parcel D) North Ty Coch Lane Site (Parcel B(i) and B(ii)) 5.8 The site, which is divided into two, is approximately 3.9 ha in total and measuring just 30m at its narrowest section located to the hotel land. Existing properties lie outside of the boundary to the centre of the parcel. Cwmbran Drive forms the western boundary, the electricity sub station forms the southern boundary, Ty Coch Lane forms the eastern boundary and an existing office block on Llantarnam Park Way creates the northern boundary. This land parcel benefits from four existing farm gate accesses off Ty Coch Lane. Ty Coch Lane is accessed from Llantarnam Park Way which has a continuous footway on its northern side and therefore offers suitable access. This broadly diamond shaped site is approximately 2.5ha and does not benefit from any existing accesses. The site is to the centre of the other parcels and is owned by the Welsh Government. It is enclosed by Ty Coch Lane to the west, Pentre Lane to the south, Newport Road to the east and employment development to the north. 5.9 The land is currently overgrown with dense vegetation and trees around its southern fringes. To the north the site opens up falling away from Ty Coch Lane in a north easterly direction. The popular Three Blackbirds public house is located adjacent to this site on the corner of Pentre Lane and Ty Coch Lane. 5.10 Although Newport Road provides a frontage to Parcels D and E, the vertical alignment and limited development frontage strongly influences the type of access which can be provided. Newport Road provides a pedestrian footpath on the eastern side of the carriageway. Newport Road provides the nearest public transport corridor to the parcels. This provides local bus services to Pontypool, Cwmbran, Newport, Ebbw Vale, Abergavenny and Cardiff. Around 12 bus services per hour use this corridor. Malthouse Road Site (Parcel E) 5.11 This approximately 8.9ha parcel benefits from an existing farm gate with Malthouse Road. The existing crossroad junction between Newport Road, Pentre Lane and Malthouse Road has limited visibility from the side roads and has been subject to a number of personal injury accidents. There is limited scope to serve additional development from Malthouse Road (which provides a frontage to Parcel E and the only frontage to Parcel F) based on its current geometry. Malthouse Road also has limited facilities for pedestrians, with no footpaths provided. 5.12 The site has an imposing 2.5 metre high stone wall that runs continuously along its western and southern boundaries. The site is bounded by the A4042(T) to the east, the A4051 (Newport Road) to the west, Malthouse Road to the south and the access road into Llantarnam Abbey to the north. 5.13 The site undulates considerably and is currently used for grazing. It contains a number of mature trees, together with a length of regenerating woodland along its western boundary and there are a number of small watercourses in the field. A public right of way enters the south-easterly corner of the site from Malthouse Road and continues through the site adjacent to the eastern boundary. The Triangle Site (Parcel F) 5.14 This land parcel is approximately 1.9ha and does not benefit from any existing accesses. The Triangle Site is located to the south of Parcel E. The site is bounded by Malthouse Road to the north, the A4042(T) to the east and residential development/open space to the south west. The site is currently used for grazing land and the falls towards the A4042 to the south. 13 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Housing at Cwm Calon by Redrow Homes 14 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 6.0 SITE CONSTRAINTS 6.0 A number of constraints associated with the proposed development on the site have been identified. Each of these constraints has been used to inform the design concept for the site. 6.4 6.5 6.1Western Power Distribution (WPD) was contacted and requested to provide details of existing electricity supply services and apparatus in and around the proposed development site. 6.2 6.3 WPD provided details of existing electricity supply apparatus in the vicinity of the proposed development. These details show that 132kv overhead power lines cross land parcels C, D, E and F to/from a substation to the northwest of land parcel C, crossing site diagonally east to west. A 132kV power line crosses land parcel C in the western corner of the land parcel. Two 11kV power lines also cross the northern part of land parcel E in a north easterly bearing. It is also indicated that overhead and underground power lines cross land parcel D from north to south from Llantarnam industrial park to Ty Coch Lane, and other overhead lines and underground cables are located to the south of the site serving the houses adjacent to Pentre Lane, Ty Coch Lane and Malthouse Road. WPD confirmed that a 15m clearance (measured horizontally from the outer conductor) from 132kV and 11kV overhead lines should be maintained and that if the developer intends to alter ground levels, erect buildings or other structures within 15m of the outside conductors, WPD should be contacted. It was also stated that a minimum of 3m clearance is required for low voltage power lines. Work in the vicinity of underground WPD apparatus should be undertaken in accordance with HS(G)47 “Avoiding Danger from Underground Services”. WPD stated that any excavations or other work within 15m (measured horizontally from the outer conductor) of 66kV and 132kV overhead lines should be undertaken in accordance with HS(G)6 “Avoidance of Danger from Overhead Electric Lines”. Water Main 6.8 Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) confirmed that they have water supply infrastructure inside and within the vicinity of the proposed development site. DCWW indicated that a 700mm raw water main crosses land parcels C, D and E. A 30” (750mm) and 48” (1200mm) trunk/ distribution water main cross land parcels C and D and a 24” (600mm) trunk/distribution watermain crosses land parcel F and the northeast corner of land parcel E. There is also a 4” (100mm) water supply main located under Ty Coch Lane between land parcels C and D and a 90mm water supply main and 469mm trunk/distribution main are located beneath Newport Road between land parcels D and E. 6.9 DCWW stated that due to the strategic nature and size of the water mains crossing the proposed development, DCWW would object to any new development on this land. DCWW stated that diversions can be made at a cost to the developer. DCWW also advised that their water mains have a minimum easement of 6m from the centreline of the water main. However, the easement strip is dependant on the diameter of the water main and the depth of the water main which should be verified on site by DCWW. Electricity Sub Station Constraints Pylons and Overhead Wires The suggested clearance/buffer distances are required for maintenance rather than safety. Therefore, there is no health and safety concern by providing public open space in these areas. A sub station is located adjacent to Ty Coch Lane between parcels B(ii) and C. Western Power recommends that there is a buffer of approximately 10 metres around the electricity sub-station. There is no statutory requirement to provide this buffer, however development must be of such a distance away that the utilities company can access the sub station boundary and there is a requirement that no climbing aids can be attached to the sub station boundary as a result of the development (such as planting trees directly adjacent to the sub station boundary). High Pressure Gas Main 6.6 6.7 We have been advised by Wales and West Utilities (W&WU) that existing gas supply apparatus are located within the vicinity of the proposed development site. Specifically, W&WU indicate that a 300mm high pressure gas pipeline crosses land parcels C, D and E of the proposed development site with further low pressure gas pipelines of various materials and diameters located along Pentre Lane to the south of land parcels C and D, for a short distance along Ty Coch Lane to the south west of land parcel D, and along Newport Road to the west of land parcel E. W&WU have advised that their high pressure gas pipelines have an easement strip of 18m (9m either side of the centreline of the pipe) and their low pressure gas pipelines have an easement strip of 3m (1.5m either side of the centreline of the pipe), and any development within an easement strip would require written consent from W&WU. W&WU have also advised that the recommended Building Proximity Distance from W&WU high pressure gas pipelines for normally occupied buildings is 64m (32m either side of the centre line of the pipeline); however W&WU noted that this is a recommendation only and that they only have powers to enforce the easement strips stated above. Sewerage 6.10 DCWW confirmed that there are public sewers within and adjacent to the proposed development site. DCWW confirmed that a 225mm diameter combined gravity sewer crosses land parcel D from the southwest to the northeast and then runs through the eastern side of land parcel D parallel to Newport Road in a north easterly direction. A 150mm diameter combined sewer is shown under Ty Coch Lane, which connects to the 225mm sewer. The drawing also indicates that separate foul and surface water sewers exist to the northeast of the proposed development. DCWW confirmed that ‘no development (including the raising or lowering of ground levels) will be permitted by within 3m either side of the centreline of the safety zone of the existing public sewers’ (i.e a 6m strip over the centreline of the sewer). 15 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework High Winds 45 Beech Cottage Pembroke House Issues Croes-y-mwyalch Farm Llantarnam TY COCH LANE / LLWYBR TY COCH House 55.8m CWMBRAN DRIVE MAL THO USE ROA D/ LON Y BRA CTY Hotel Pump Hotel Ty Gwyn 9 30 5 JO SEPH PLAC E 1 12 13 ABBEY GROVE S WILLIAM ST The Glen The Meads GA RD Raglan House 15 Llantarnam Industrial Park EN Pond D BM 45.66m NE W / HE PO RT OL RO CA AD SN EW YD wdd -du N CLOS E Cla BROW Clawdd-du Shelter E CL OS LLANTARNAM SID KE LA Industrial Park 1 RY CO Pond Lakeside House 5 PA RK RC / PA RY CO 24 7 Pond PARK WAY MAGNA Bungalow 9 28 14 Llantarnam Clawdd-du PORTA E 34.7m Pond Do wla is LAKE VIEW / GWEL Y LLYN 20 Br oo k 1 Pond L ET 8 SM Usk House SM Talgarth House b Su El LA NE / Subway Lake View House Dowlais Brook BM OC H 2 35 -C The Oaklands .1 6m TY Weir Sta LL W YB R TY Dowlais Bridge Skenfrith House CO CH El Sub Sta 50.9m Mast Magna Porta 7575 YD D Ty Gwent HE OL CA SN EW Kestral House 38.4m NE W PO RT RO AD / Gas Governor BM 52.66m Spreads Collects Well Spreads BM 45 .1 4m Cottage Farm 55.5m TL ETL TY s Issue E CH CO NE LA / LL Issu YB W R es TY R MB CH CO CW AN GP DR IVE Posts 50.3m Stray Spreads Spreads High Winds Leaves Collects 53.3m ETL Beech Cottage TY CH CO Croes-y-mwyalch Farm BM 56.98m NE LA Issues MALTH / LL YB W Ararat R TY 55.8m CH CO / LON Y BRACTY MALTHOUSE ROAD OUS E ROA D / LON Y BRA CTY H (P Bla ck Th re bir e ds ) Sinks LB Issues on Jesm Grindlewald ETL PENTRE PENTRE LANE / LON Dan-y-derwen Windy ne d-de Oakdean 6 The Llys 49.1m 33 faen BLACKBIRDS Brynawelon Ivory House CLOSE 39 es Ridg e rew Inve ven Din ea okl Bro en Gre n Have d-ha Tall Chimneys Borrowdale Nirvana 1 Broa CROES-Y-MWYALCH Ridge Hafan gle Issues um Sar ll De 5 Bryn Teilo St Ives 45 Ardlui 27 Greenacres The Homestead Rhiwbina House d Re 24 22 Spreads sh s dru ay in irw Fa s ble Ga W Paddocks 59.1m Kynmel Weir Reservoir 20 6 e olm (covered) 19 Collects 20 16 7 1 ft ro h en Gre s nd la ad Bro hc at He Site Constraints Plan Collects El Sub Sta 4 10 16 Lay-By El Sub Sta LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Newport Road 6.11 Prior to the building of the A4042(T) dual carriageway, Newport Road (A4051) formed part of the primary route between Newport and Abergavenny. Despite the new trunk road, Newport Road provides access to Llantarnam Industrial Park and forms a barrier between parcels D and E. This barrier is further emphasised by a 2.5 metre high stone wall that runs continuously along the western and southern boundaries of parcel E. 6.15 An initial broad level appraisal was completed on the majority of the site in 2009. This survey identified that three existing trees have potential to support roosting bats and that there is an active Badger sett located within a woodland that would need to be retained. 6.16 However, the report concluded that there are no ecological constraints for the development of the site. In addition, through a series of recommendations, the report identifies significant potential to promote ecological enhancements and increase the site’s floristic diversity. Ecology 6.12 6.13 6.14 The Environment Agency (EA) was contacted in order to establish the environmental constraints relating to the proposed development. The EA confirmed that there are watercourses/culverts on the site and that any works affecting the flow of watercourses requires prior written consent from the EA, and a minimum clear width of 5m “either side of the watercourses must be provided for wildlife and be free of development”. The EA advised that appropriate ecological surveys will be required and all wetland habitats must be identified and evaluated. 6.17 In 2011 extensive habitat and protected species survey work has been undertaken at the site during the optimum survey periods. The results show that the site is relatively unconstrained from an ecological perspective, and with sensitive mitigation and ecological management, a net increase in biodiversity can be achieved. 6.19 The Council have identified Parcels E and F as having archaeological potential. However, Parcel E is subject to an outline planning permission for employment development (December 2007) and no archaeological issues were identified. Furthermore, an archaeological assessment undertaken by Cotsworld Archaeology did not identify any significant archaeological features which would be adversely affected by development. 6.20 It is therefore not considered that there are any archaeological features on the site which would limit the development potential. Historic Environment 6.21 Archaeology 6.18 The Grade II listed Llantarnam Abbey Park is located close to the east of Parcel E. There is no evidence that the medieval settlement of Llanvihangel Llantarnam extended into the development area and no finds or features have been recorded in the immediate vicinity of the site. No listed buildings or Scheduled Ancient Monuments are readily visible from the parcels. Only the lodge of Llantarnam Abbey is visible from Parcel E and this is well screened by vegetation and only visible from the northwestern corner of the site. The site is located within close proximity to a number of historic features including the Grade II listed Llantarnam Abbey and historic park. As such, full consideration will be given to how the proposals can preserve the visual, architectural and historic character of the area and will be respectful in terms of scale, layout and character. Topography 6.22 Parcels A, C, E and F have undulating topography within at least part of the parcel. This is important and needs to be carefully considered in the development proposals. The topography also represents an opportunity through the creation of interesting and varied streetscapes. Buildings placed on higher parts of the site need to be considered for their visual impact on the surrounding open land. Existing Residents 6.23 Existing properties along Pentre Lane, Ty Coch Lane and Lansdowne Gardens front or back onto the development parcels. It is important to minimise the impact of the development on these existing residential properties, particularly immediately adjacent to the site. Existing Access 6.24 Whilst potentially acceptable on an individual parcel by parcel basis, the existing transport infrastructure is inappropriate to accommodate the likely numbers of trips made by all modes of transport, when considered as part of a comprehensive development. 17 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Housing at Cwm Calon by Redrow Homes 18 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 7.0 DESIGN PRINCIPLES Access 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Opportunities for accessing the site by all forms of transport will be maximised including those for people arriving on foot, by cycle, train, bus or car. The needs of disabled people and those with pushchairs will also be taken into account when developing the site’s accessibility strategy. All access points will be safe, secure and legible, thus enabling efficient, direct and convenient movement between existing areas of Llantarnam and also the constituent parts of the site. All access points will be integrated within the movement framework and hierarchy established within and between the site parcels. Key access points will herald a sense of arrival at the development, and be of appropriate scale, nature and form, given the local context. The creation of key arrival points into the site will require the enhancement of existing access points and additional new access points. Opportunities for improving both the level and quality of pedestrian and cycle access will be maximised, and a full review of the opportunities for the potential for improvement within the existing urban form adjoining the site will be assessed and where practical implemented. It is understood that there are existing issues in relation to traffic along Pentre Lane. The proposal is accessed via a new roundabout on Newport Road and will not link directly to Pentre Lane. As a result it is not anticipated that the development will significantly affect existing traffic flows on Pentre Lane. This issue will be explored in more detail through the full planning application. However, as part of the S106 agreement, there may be opportunity to explore the possibility of providing some highway mitigation measures in order to help alleviate these existing problems for local residents. Movement 7.5 “Ensuring ease of access for all” • Realignment of Malthouse Road to integrate development into the existing vehicular movement network; • Convenient, safe and direct access for all residents to the existing local services and facilities including retail, community uses and employment opportunities; and • Maximisation of the connections to the ‘Village Core’ and surrounding areas via sustainable routes for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users. All streets within and between the site parcels will be part of a clear hierarchy in terms of being primary, secondary and tertiary. All of which will be legible for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists and will offer a safe environment for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. “Promoting sustainable means of travel” • Provision of, and easy access to, a range of types of community green spaces encompassing various forms of recreational activities for different age groups; • Creation of a clear movement hierarchy providing easily recognisable routes which balances the street as a space alongside its function as a movement corridor; • Consideration of the proposals in relation to the location of the buildings on the site, gradients and the relationship between various uses and transport infrastructure, particularly for those with disabilities; • M aintain a human dimension in terms of the scale of the built form for ease of orientation; and • Provision of landmark and keynote buildings that assist in navigation through the development. Vehicular access to the site will make good use of existing roads and links such as Newport Road and Malthouse Road. A full Transport Assessment will inform the need for improvements to the existing highway network to cater for the demands of the new development. 19 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Character 7.6 The physical characteristics of a neighbourhood influences the way in which it functions. Whilst a comprehensive approach will be taken to the overall site design, due to the fragmented nature of the site, opportunity exists to create a number of distinct character areas through variations in key elements of the built form. 7.7 Basic design principles will be applied in each area. The purpose is to achieve areas with separate identities and in which residents and visitors will take pride. This will apply to residential and employment areas as well as public spaces. Each area will be designed as a place for people being safe, secure and of high design quality. 7.8 Each parcel will be defined in terms of the following: • Use and Mix • Layout and Urban Form • Scale, Height and Massing • Appearance, Materials and Design Features • Public Realm and Public Open Space “Sustaining or enhancing local character. Promoting legible development. Promoting a successful relationship between public and private space. Promoting quality, choice and variety. Promoting innovative design.” • Integration of the development into the existing built fabric of Llantarnam in terms of scale, height and massing; • R etention of the existing landscape to create an attractive landscaped backdrop; • Respond to the built context of Llantarnam through the use of materials within the residential element which reflect those found locally; • Minimise the impact of the development on the surrounding context through the setback of upper storeys and positioning of buildings away from sensitive boundaries. • Integration of existing and proposed landscape features in order to soften the built form, particularly towards the open edge of the development; and • New development provides the opportunity to establish a distinct identity to a place which, whilst having its own character, integrates with the surrounding built form and landscape context. 20 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Environmental Sustainability 7.9 7.10 Sustainability principles will be at the heart of the development, and a full Sustainability Statement will be required as part of any future planning application. Regard will need to be given to the UK Government definition of sustainability which identifies the following four priority areas: • Sustainable Consumption and Production; • Climate Change and Energy; • Natural Resource Protection and Environmental Enhancement; and • Sustainable Communities. 7.11 In terms of environmental building technical standards, all residential units will be developed to meet the required Code for Sustainable Homes level and all commercial units will be developed to meet the appropriate BREEAM level at the time of construction. “Achieving efficient use and protection of natural resources. Enhancing biodiversity. Designing for change.” • Encouragement of walking, cycling and public transport use through the creation of a traffic calmed environment with full width footways and shared surfaces within the quieter residential parts of the development; • Retention of the existing landscape features and habitats on the site and promotion of increased biodiversity; • Use of energy efficient building techniques; and • Achievement of high levels of passive solar gain through the careful orientation of buildings. Community Safety “Ensuring attractive, safe public spaces. Security through natural surveillance.” • Provision of private and/or communal amenity space for all new residents including gardens, patio areas and balconies; • Providing good natural surveillance particularly where there is access to private areas and parking courts; • Creation of a clearly defined public realm through the provision of strong building frontage lines and variations in enclosure of private spaces; • Control of access to private areas, particularly rear gardens and parking courts; and • Provision of a variety of accessible public open spaces and recreation areas to meet the needs of the local community whilst encouraging social activity. Example of play equipment 21 Strategic Masterplan W YD D Ty Gwent HE OL CA SN E Kestral House 38.4m W PO RT RO AD / Gas Governor NE LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework BM 52.66m Spreads 8.0 STRATEGIC MASTERPLAN Collects Well 45 .1 4m NE This employment development located along the Cwmbran Drive corridor will supplement the large existing employment area around Llantarnam Park Way and provide new jobs for the area as well as the new development. A range of jobs associated with the retailing and community employment within the neighbourhood centre are expected to come forward as a result of the development. / LL R YB W TY CH CO The variety of housing provided will create lifetime neighbourhoods where different generations of people will be able to live, work and play together without needing to leave the area to find alternative accommodation and thereby minimising the potential of social exclusion. Posts 50.3m Stray High Winds The new development will achieve an appropriate density to ensure a balanced approach to housing and greenspace. This density will be supplemented by higher density accommodation in the form of a small number of flats over shops in the neighbourhood centre around the mixed use areas and lower density areas to the northern and eastern edge of the Malthouse Road parcel which is adjacent to existing woodland and views to and from Llantarnam Abbey. Leaves Potential flats above shops CH CO Croes-y-mwyalch Farm BM 56.98m NE LA / LL W R YB Ararat TY CH CO 55.8m H ac Th r kb ee ird s ) 8.9 (P Bl Green infrastructure / LON Y BRACTY MALTHOUSE ROAD LB PENTRE PENTRE LANE / LON Neighbourhood Centre Inset Windy Dan-y-derwen Ridge Oakdean Hafan 6 The hav adBro Hav 8.6 Borrowdale Nirvana Lly en 49.1m en sfa en we ere BLACKBIR 8.10 ll De 5 Bryn Teilo Ardlui 8.11 The Homestead Rhiwbina House d Re 24 s Spreads Paddocks an dl oa Br ds 7 1 ft ro hc at He (covered) 19 Reservoir 6 e m ol 20 Kynmel 20 nh ee Gr 59.1m Collects 22 s ble sh u dr ay irw in W Fa Ga El Sub Sta Using these ratios and based on a proposal of 450 dwellings and a household size of 2.4 persons the requirement will be Children’s Playing Space of 0.85ha and Outdoor Sports provision of 1.7ha. To be accessible to children on the development, the play areas will be located within appropriate distances of dwellings, 240m to a LEAP and 60m to a LAP. All dwellings are also within 600m walking distance of formal sports pitch provision. If there is a shortfall in on-site POS provision, a commuted sum will be provided, subject to scheme viability. 27 Greenacres 45 The neighbourhood centre is located within 600m of all new dwellings and the employment area of the Cottage parcel. The neighbourhood centre should therefore be accessible on foot from the new and existing residential areas. The amount of open space provided has been designed in order to cater for the recreational needs of the existing and new community. The open space has been calculated based on the Fields in Trust (formerly National Playing Fields Association) standard equating to 2.4ha per 1,000 population, of which 1.6 to 1.8ha should be for outdoor sport and 0.6 to 0.8ha for children’s playing space. 33 Ivory House DS CLOSE 39 gle St Ives Brynawelon The neighbourhood centre will serve as a physical and functional integration element between the existing and new residents. At this stage, it is envisaged that it will be anchored by a convenience store with other appropriate uses which could include a surgery or dentist which would serve the local community. These uses will be subject to market demand and community needs. The site is formed by parcels of private land, which are not currently accessible to the public. As such, development of the site creates significant opportunity to provide high quality areas of public open space to the benefit of both the existing and future community of Llantarnam. CROES-Y-MWYALCH El Sub Sta 10 4 Inv s ge Rid en Gre ea okl Bro Din rum Sa There is a need for an increased level of convenience shopping provision to meet the day to day needs of the new community, the new residential development and the surrounding areas. The proposed neighbourhood centre will be developed in order to ‘design out crime’ and will be an attractive courtyard development which will act as a community hub. Tall Chimneys 1 e den ndmo Jes Grindlewald Neighbourhood Centre – 0.9 hectares ETL TY Issues Potential neighbourhood centre access 53.3m Sinks 8.5 8.8 GP Issues 8.4 New employment land for B1 uses will be proposed across all four land parcels. The intention is to create a high quality office development. Whilst there are some short term vacancies within the existing Llantarnam Business Park as a result of current economic conditions, overall it is very successful as a cheaper alternative to those occupiers looking to locate along the M4 corridor. The Council’s Employment Land Study (April 2011) identifies a need for additional quality employment sites within South Torfaen over the LDP Period. Potential neighbourhood centre access ETL LA 8.3 The new development will deliver high quality, sustainable, open market and affordable homes. A mix of housing types and tenures will be provided that enable an integrated and balanced community and that meet the future housing needs in the area. CH CO 8.2 8.7 16 Residential – up to 450 dwellings 8.1 Employment Areas – Up to 15 hectares 55.5m TY s Issue Spreads The strategic masterplan shows capacity for accommodating: BM 8.0 23 Weir LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 8.12 In addition to the formal greenspace, a network of greenspaces will be provided that promote more natural areas. These could include parkland, incidental open space, ornamental areas and accessible natural green space. 8.17 Approximately three new ‘all movement’ accesses will be provided to Parcel B with Ty-Coch Lane. Pedestrian and cycle facilities will be enhanced on Ty-Coch Lane between Llantarnam Park Way and the northern (emergency) access to Parcel C. 8.13 Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) will also be incorporated into the green infrastructure and will relate to the existing watercourses on the site. A range of SUDS will be explored including pervious surfaces, swales, basins, soakaways and water bodies. The present mix of SUDS options suitable within the development will require a detailed geotechnical investigation of the whole site. 8.18 It is understood that there are existing congestion problems along the A4042. The Transport Assessment will look to consider the existing flows and congestion levels, calculate the proposed impact of the development and consider ways in which these impacts arising from this development can be mitigated. Proposed Transport Strategy 8.19 The following access strategy is proposed and this will be considered in further detail as part of the detailed Transportation Assessment which will be required to consider the transportation aspects of the development proposals, assess the impact and identify mitigation measures where appropriate. It is noted that a significant amount of new development proposed in the LDP will also add to pressure on this route. As a result it will be necessary to assess the impacts of these developments for contributions to be sought towards transport/highway improvements where appropriate. 8.14 8.20 In terms of the wider network, the proposed pedestrian and cycle improvements will tie in to existing facilities in the vicinity of the site, such as the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal to encourage travel to and from the site on foot and by cycle. 8.15 The proposed Access Strategy is illustrated on the strategic masterplan. 8.16 Malthouse Road will be realigned to the north through Parcel E. Its existing junction with Pentre Lane and Newport Road will be closed to through traffic and provide access to Malthouse Farm only. This route will be a single carriageway road with footpaths and facilities for cyclists. It will also provide access for all modes of transport to Parcel F. Malthouse Road will form a new four-arm roundabout with Newport Road and a new link road providing access to Parcels C and D. This road will also be a single carriageway road with footways and facilities for cyclists. The new link road will provide an access to Ty Coch Lane to the north of the bollards preventing access to Pentre Lane, which will remain. Ty Coch Lane will be locally widened in the vicinity of the southern part of Parcel B and the northern part of Parcel C in order to provide enhanced facilities for pedestrians, cycles and vehicles. However, Ty Coch Lane will remain closed to vehicular traffic travelling north. 24 Strategic Masterplan - North Ty Coch Lane Site (Parcels Bi and Bii) LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 8.22 New bus stops are proposed to be provided on the Newport Road corridor in the vicinity of Parcel D (the proposed neighbourhood centre). Liaison with the local bus operator will be carried out to determine the viability of increasing service provision in the vicinity of the site, for example via Ty Coch Lane and Llantarnam Park Way, to increase the potential for travel to and from the development by bus. Key: ETL 45 0.25ha .14m Spreads BM 8.21 Neighbourhood Centre 0.9ha 0.86haResidential 10.6ha (425 dwellings @40dph excl children's playspace) (Potential for additional 25 dwellings in Neighbourhood Centre totaling overall 450 dwellings, this area includes the existing building on the Cottage site) Employment 15.0ha 1.12ha 8.63ha A Framework Overarching Travel Plan will be prepared for the entire site which will provide measures and initiatives to promote sustainable travel and to minimise the need to travel by private car. 1.97ha 3.31ha 0.25ha 3.46ha 5.01ha 0.86ha 0.35ha 1.50ha North Strategic Masterplan Land Budget © Copyright Pegasus Planning Group llp. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093 I Promap Licence number 100020449 . • Pegasus Urban Design is part of Pegasus Planning Group LLP. Drawing prepared for planning. Any queries to be reported to Pegasus for clarification Llantarnam - Strategic Masterplan Land Budget | T 01285 641717 | F 01285 642348 | www.ppg-llp.co.uk | Team AC/EJT | 19th August 2010 | 1:5000 @A3 | Pegasus Urban Design | drwg. R.0183_07A I Client: Redrow Homes (South Wales) Ltd I 0 25 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Housing at Cwm Calon by Redrow Homes 26 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 9.0 MASTERPLAN PRINCIPLES The key design principles of the site are to: • Create a new village core through the formation of new community facilities within a neighbourhood centre that is centred around a new green to the north of Pentre Lane; Structuring Element 01: Focal Greenspace 9.1 The creation of a new focal greenspace, triangular in shape is proposed bounded by Ty Coch Lane to the west, Pentre Lane to the south, Newport Road to the east and the neighbourhood centre to the north. The position of this green is at the convergence of primary vehicular and pedestrian routes and adjacent to the exiting public house. 9.2 The ‘Green’ will be formal in character and contain a focal point, marker or piece of public art that will define its position and contribute to the legibility of the development. The focal green space will also contain seating and ornamental planting and provide a meeting point for existing and new residents within the village. • Closure and realignment of part of Malthouse Road adjacent to the existing farm through the Malthouse Road site connecting with a new four arm roundabout on Newport Road; • Creation of a new multi functional movement corridor through the WG site and into the Cottage site; • Creation of a 10 to 15m wide structural planting buffer to the eastern boundary of the Malthouse Road site and the Triangle site; • C reation of a series of linked greenspaces within an overall green infrastructure strategy; • Creation of areas of new residential served by new infrastructure; and • C reation of new employment areas served by new infrastructure. Masterplan structuring elements 9.0 The identified sites in Llantarnam provide an opportunity to create a development that will unify the separate areas in Llantarnam and provide quality housing, complementary employment use and a much-needed small neighbourhood centre that could provide local facilities such as a local shop, a crèche, a gym and other community facilities. There is also the potential to create a number of live-work units within the area to encourage new business start ups. A set of elements or masterplan components are proposed that will help form a well connected, structured, distinctive and sustainable development. These structuring elements are as follows: Focal Greenspace Plan 27 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Structuring Element 02: Green Infrastructure 9.3 An interconnected series of spaces are located around the development that aid in legibility, add variety to the urban grain and create an experience as you travel through the area. The main space and structuring element of the development is the ‘Green’ that acts as the focus for the development. Connecting to the ‘Green’ are linear areas of greenspace and smaller keynote spaces that interconnect with the system of streets. These public spaces are seen as areas of high activity and vitality. 9.4 Landscape design is an integral part of the design of the development proposals through integration of a strong landscape structure across the site. Through the considered location and use of open space across the development, the landscape structure also provides a clear definition to public and private spaces whilst adding colour and seasonal interest to the residential environment. The development will look to sensitively integrate the existing landscape structure and will seek to preserve the visual setting of the existing village and create an environment where biodiversity is protected and enhanced. 9.5 The green infrastructure will provide recreational opportunities for the existing and new population of Llantarnam. A range of open space types are proposed across the site. Amenity space, enhanced ecological habitats and semi-natural open space. 9.6 Existing landscape features such as the important hedgerows and trees are to be retained and protected, wherever possible, to form an integral part of the landscape framework within the proposed development. The setting of Llantarnam Abbey will be visually protected from development by a 10 to 15m planted buffer alongside the eastern site boundary of the Malthouse Road and the Triangle site, providing a buffer between the built form and open land. 9.7 28 The proposed green infrastructure area will accommodate variations in the depth of planting. The proposed northern development parcels within the Malthouse Road site will offer opportunity for a more landscape dominated environment that can provide green links to the existing New Landscape/Green Infrastructure Plan woodland framework to the north of the site. The southern edge of the development parcels within the Malthouse Road site and the northern edge of the development parcels in the triangle site will enclose a new greenspace that could be planted as common land with long grass and wildflower areas. This would utilise the existing corridor of the overhead wires and create a strong green link and landscape edge to the proposed road. The residential and employment within the Cottage site will integrate the existing groupings of trees and hedgerows. The future employment site to the west of Cwmbran Drive will also integrate the existing trees and hedgerows wherever possible. There is also potential in this site to integrate the canal corridor by providing new frontage and walking/ cycling routes to this route alongside the canal. 9.8 Particular care will be required in the treatment of the interface with the existing urban edge to ensure a satisfactory transition. The scale and massing of the planting will aim to create a natural new urban edge to the site, accommodating both areas of thick and denser planting suitable for screening developing and thinner areas allowing for framed and glimpsed views into and out of the site. Where possible, the larger and more dense areas of planting will connect into a larger landscape structure of open spaces, trees and verge. LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Structuring Element 03: Balanced Mix of Uses 9.9 The broad disposition of land use needs to respond to the needs of existing and new residents alongside provision of a robust setting within Llantarnam. The Strategic Masterplan proposes a mix of residential and employment that will provide new jobs and new housing within a balanced approach. 9.10 The new development parcels are formed around strong desire lines across the site linking key spaces and the retained existing hedgerow field pattern. Many of the key routes radiate out from the neighbourhood centre and recreation areas providing direct pedestrian routes to these key facilities. These key routes and existing field boundaries create perimeter blocks that provide a strong frontage to the public realm. 9.11 The continuity of the street pattern assists in defining the public realm, promotes an active street scene and helps to create a safe and attractive environment. This will not only increase the variety of place experience possible but will also help focus social activity and interaction in public spaces. Mix of Uses - Structuring Elements Plan 29 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Structuring Element 04: New Street Hierarchy 9.12 A well connected movement network, accessible by all users, is proposed which helps ensure that all areas of the development are easy to navigate, safe and secure. The development is laid out around a permeable system of streets and spaces that recognise the need to combine the function of the street as a movement corridor alongside its place function. 9.13 A hierarchy of streets not only provides for the necessary vehicle circulation but also allows for footpath and cycleway connections with the wider area in order to assist in the creation of an integrated movement network. Within the hierarchy a variety of street types are proposed which represent a site specific approach to the development, these include: 9.14 Proposed primary road – this new road defines the main vehicular access through the development from the realigned Malthouse Road in the east through the Stark site to Newport Road and then west through to the Cottage site. This road will be more direct than the other street types allowing efficient use of land and maximising connections through the development, better serving pedestrians who prefer direct routes. 9.15 Village Streets – these streets provide access around the development once off the primary road and direct access to plots. They are designed to promote low vehicle speed to allow spaces to be shared by a number of users and create a sense of greater enclosure due to their decreased corridor width. These streets will benefit from on street parking, tree planting and traffic calming measures thereby aiming to strike a balance between vehicles and other street users. 9.16 30 Limited access roads – this type of route is limited to the closed part of Malthouse Road off Newport Road. This closed section of road will provide limited access to the farm and existing bungalow as well as providing a pedestrian/ cycle and emergency link. Limited access will be retained to the few properties along Ty Coch Lane, accessing from the south of Pentre Lane. The northern section of Ty Coch Lane will provide pedestrian/cycle links and emergency access to the Cottage Site. Employment access will be taken from Ty Coch Lane to the two most northern parcels. New Street Hierachy Plan LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Structuring Element 05: Walkable Development 9.17 New routes are created linking key destinations with the proposed employment and housing and the surrounding context. The development will provide attractive and direct pedestrian and cycle routes to reduce the need to travel and promote the use of more sustainable transport modes. 9.18 The green infrastructure provides direct walking/cycling routes that encourage residents to use them. Pedestrians are led into the site from well-lit links created between existing and proposed residential areas including a direct pedestrian/cycle only link from Ty Coch Lane and Malthouse Road. 9.19 The main walking and cycle routes that are envisaged to have higher pedestrian densities are: • East/West along Malthouse Road connecting neighbourhood centre, new residential and employment areas and Pentre Lane; • East/west along new primary road from Malthouse Road to Newport Road; • North/south along Newport Road; and • North/south along Ty Coch Lane. 9.20 9.21 The location of the parcels close to established community and long-established neighbourhoods with links to public transport nodes are positive characteristics that need to be maximised through the provision of safe, direct, convenient and interesting pedestrian routes. In order to achieve this, safe and convenient routes through the site, particularly for those people with disabilities, require a fundamental understanding of the elements required to achieve inclusive access and should be used to inform the detailed design proposals. Walking Distances Plan A bus stop will be proposed adjacent to the new village green on Newport Road providing public transport within 400m of the most of the dwellings and employment on the Cottage site and within 600m of all of the dwellings and all of the employment on the Cottage site. The aspiration is for all people living and working in the new development to be within easy walking distance of a bus stop. 31 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Structuring Element 06: Character Areas 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 32 A network of streets, squares, open and incidental spaces will shape people’s view of the development. The development will provide for a coherent sense of place and the foundation for the creation of a legible environment in combination with a hierarchy of street types that provide an extensive choice of routes. This will be achieved through defining a number of character areas within the development. Proposed character areas are: 9.26 CA1 Village Core: This area will provide integration between the new development and the existing area. It will incorporate the neighbourhood centre and residential at a higher density. The building materials will incorporate grey stone effect and pale coloured render which reflects the existing building materials around Pentre Lane and Ty Coch Lane. The buildings will be 2 to 2.5 storey with flats and community uses above the shops at ground floor. 9.27 CA2 Northern Employment: This area will provide B1 uses. The areas are well screened by existing planting and will utilise green strips of planting through the development to break up any views to the buildings and also address the canal with a building frontage set within a landscaped environment. Particular attention will be paid to the relationship of the proposed development to the Parkway Hotel in terms of height, scale, massing and visibility. The development scheme will potentially provide a number of economic benefits to the hotel and therefore its sensitive integration with the rest of the scheme will be promoted. CA3 Cottage Employment: This area will provide B1 uses. The site is at the same level as Cwmbran Drive and screened by existing planting with a glimpses through the hedgerow to the site. There is opportunity here for 2 storey employment buildings to be laid out within separate courtyards, similar in character to converted farm outbuildings. This more domestic scaled approach will relate to the proposed residential area to the south and also reflect the existing character of the village. CA4 Cottage Residential: This area will be more informal with meandering village streets. Existing tree and hedgerows will be incorporated within the area where possible. The existing hedgerow will form a natural boundary between the residential and the employment. Buildings will be predominantly 2 storey and the materials will be a mixture of red brick and rough cast render in white or ivory to create an informal character. 9.30 • The landscape character of the site and the surrounding area including existing features and topography; • The provision of a sustainable development built around a community focus and well defined street hierarchy; CA5 Common Frontage: This area will be more linear with development fronting the new road and area of open space reflecting the linear ribbon development of Pentre Lane and Newport Road. Buildings will be predominantly 2 storeys with the opportunity for 2.5 storey nearer to Newport Road. The area will use grey stone effect to dwellings with render to key buildings and buildings at junctions that turn the corner to link into the village core materials. 9.28 CA6 Woodland Frontage: This area will be integrated with the woodland to the north. Woodland planting will wrap around the northern part of the new development parcels. The buildings will be predominately 2 storey with grey stone effect and rendered dwellings. 9.29 CA7 Malthouse Road Residential: This area will create interesting streetscapes due to the undulating topography in this parcel. Planting will be incorporated along the eastern development parcels to minimise views of the development from the east. The buildings will be 2 storey and predominantly consist of red brick with render to key elevations. Village streets will be informal with tree planting and on-street parking. The designation of the 7 character areas has taken into account a range of factors relating to the site itself, the local context and the proposed distribution of land uses. These specifically include: • Existing patterns of development coupled with the aim of creating a development with subtle contemporary characteristics; and • The relationship between the proposed movement network, built form and existing/retained features on the site. 9.31 Each character area will contain its own individual design elements which aid in making it distinct from other areas. The approach to character areas is a framework only at this stage and will naturally evolve as the design progresses. LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Character Areas Plan 33 Housing at Cwm Calon by Redrow Homes LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework 10.0 DELIVERY Delivery 10.1 10.2 The site is located within a strong housing market area and is immediately available for development. The scheme is also considered to be viable, subject to the requested level of Section 106 contribution. Through the preparation of this development framework, Redrow Homes has shown a clear commitment to the delivery of this site, which they intend to bring forward for development in the early part of the LDP period. Phasing and Flexibility 10.3 Development will be undertaken in phases and the masterplan will need flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and market demands. Infrastructure provision and facilities will be phased in accordance with the rate of development. Such an approach will allow the creation of a sustainable community resulting in the provision of facilities and services when they are needed. It will be essential to ensure that unnecessary front loading is avoided so that the scheme’s viability is not jeopardised. 10.4 The key consideration for the phasing will be to ensure that the large up-front infrastructure costs (e.g. the realignment of the new road and implementation of a roundabout) are offset by residential release. At this stage, it is likely that development would consist of three key phases: 10.5 Phase 1: Highway improvements and implementation of site access including off site works. Development of the Malthouse Road site (Parcel E) for residential. 10.6 Phase 2: Development of the site owned by WG (Parcel D) for community uses, retail units, sports pitch, residential units over the shops and associated infrastructure. Work on this phase could overlap with the Malthouse Road site, given that the majority of units on this parcel will be affordable. In terms of marketing the retail units, it will be in the developer’s best interest to undertake this at the earliest opportunity. 10.7 Phase 3: Development of residential infrastructure, and spine road to employment area of the Cottage site (Parcel C). The residential element would be built at the same time as work on employment is carried out. Section 106 Contributions 10.8 It is considered that residential build rate is likely to be in the region of 60 dwellings per annum. 10.9 Overall, it is considered that the proposed phasing of the scheme will allow for the creation of a sustainable community resulting in the provision of facilities and services when they are needed. 10.10 It should also be noted that the above assumes that no grant funding will come forward from either Torfaen County Borough Council or the Welsh Government. However, if funding is made available there is scope for earlier release of the employment elements of the scheme. Llantarnam SPG 10.11 It is intended that this Development Brief will be adopted as supplementary planning guidance and will therefore be an important material consideration in determining planning applications on this site. Planning Application Requirements 10.12 Although the likely s106 contributions will be largely dependent on the mix of the development and the degree to which the scheme is able to incorporate the required quantum of public open space, public art etc, it is anticipated that s106 negotiations between the developer and the Council will include discussion on the following topics in accordance with national guidance set out in PPW and Circular 13/97 as well as adopted local plan policies and SPG: a Affordable housing; bEducation; c Public open space; d Community facilities; eTransport; f Leisure; and g Waste and recycling facilities. 10.10 A single outline planning application should be submitted for the whole site within Redrow’s ownership/control. This will ensure a comprehensive approach to the delivery of the development. 10.11 Any outline application must be accompanied by a: a Plan showing the site boundary; b Information on use, amount of development, indicative layout, scale parameters and indicative access points; c Environmental Statement (including technical appendices); d Design and Access Statement (in accordance with TAN12); e Sustainability Statement; and f Planning Statement. 35 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Estimated Phasing Plan 36 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Annex 1 Issue Summary of Representations How the Development Framework Responds to the Concerns Loss of Green Space/Loss of View Local residents are concerned over the loss of open green space and views. • • • • • Ecology Concern over the loss of wildlife. Residents refer to the following species: dormice, nesting birds, birds of prey, bats, voles, squirrels, rabbits, woodpecker, butterflies, badger, hedgehogs, field mice, owl, foxes and pheasants. • • • • • Historic Context Parcel F Residents identify that part of the site along Malthouse Road has a boundary of the original stone wall of Llantarnam Abbey and that the walls are Grade II Listed. Residents are concerned that these walls will be demolished or damaged to support the new road infrastructure. Residents state that part of the site is classified as ‘outstanding’ in the Cultural Landscape layer on LANDMAP. Residents consider that this site was added as an afterthought and is not paramount to the scheme. Residents highlight that the site is constrained for development with 2 mature oak trees, a pylon and a phone mast and question the viability of the site. • • • • • • • Given the nature of the development, it is inevitable that there will be a loss of open agricultural land and a loss of view for some residents. The development of this land has been earmarked for many years with the allocation of the site for employment uses and the extant planning permission on the Malthouse Road site. The existing agricultural land is private and not accessible to the general public except for the public rights of way. The proposals will bring forward extensive areas of public open space for the benefit of both the existing and future communities. The design of the proposed development will minimise landscape and visual impacts where possible. In 2011, extensive habitat and protected species survey work has been undertaken at the site during the optimum survey periods. The results of the surveys show that the site is relatively unconstrained from an ecological perspective. A limited abundance of protected species have been recorded and the masterplan allows for the provision of suitable mitigation measures. A number of enhancements are to be provided which will improve existing habitats and create a number of new habitats that are not currently present. The Countryside Council for Wales and Torfaen County Borough Council have been consulted and agree with the approach that has been taken to date. It is acknowledged that the site is located within close proximity to a number of historic features including the Grade II Listed Llantarnam Abbey and historic park. Full consideration is being given to how the proposals can preserve the visual, architectural and historic character of the area. The proposals will be respectful in terms of scale, layout and character. The boundary walls will be retained with only slight adjustments for access. Parcel E has an extant planning permission for major employment uses until 2015. The impact of the mixed use framework proposals will be far less than the employment scheme The site constraints have been considered within the strategic masterplan. This site remains suitable and viable for development. The development of this site is logical for residential development given its location adjacent to the properties at Lansdowne Gardens and the strong physical boundary of the A4042. 37 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Neighbourhood Centre Residents are concerned that the development will encourage anti-social behaviour • as seen in other areas (g. Malpas Road), with the centre’s proximity to the pub a key concern. There are already shops within a 1 mile radius and concerns were highlight- • ed that units will remain unoccupied for long periods. The development could have a negative impact on Cwmbran Town Centre. Residents are further concerned that • there are no clear satisfactory plans for pedestrian access to the shops for existing residents. • • Coalesence This area is the last thin wedge of green land between Cwmbran and Newport and its • development will lead to the coalescence of the two settlements. • • Traffic & Congestion 38 Pentre Lane is used as a back route ‘rat run’ which traffic calming measures have not improved and residents have concerns that this issue will worsen with more housing. Resident’s highlight that the Woodlands roundabout and Newport Road are both already congested at rush hour and that any proposed widening of road will be impeded by the road bridge. Residents are concerned that Ty Coch Lane will be opened up to traffic. • • The design of the neighbourhood centre will be carefully considered in order to minimise crime and anti-social behaviour including consultation with the Crime Prevention Design Advisor. Safe pedestrian links from both the existing and proposed properties will be provided as the uses will serve the existing and future residents. There is an existing neighbourhood shop located within the Oakfield Housing estate although, due to the lack of a direct route, this is located approximately 2km walk away from the nearest point of the site. In addition, there is a Marks & Spencer Simply Food located approximately 1.1km walk away along Malpas Road. Neither of these facilities is accessible to the majority by foot. The proposed units will be well marketed in order to attract suitable tenants and the finalised design will be sub ject to detailed discussions with TCBC. The development is of a local scale and will not impact upon Cwmbran Town Centre. These issues have already been considered through the historic employment allocations in the existing Local Plan and the extant planning permission for employment development on Parcel E which runs to 2015. The existing road network (particularly the A4051 and A4042) acts as strong, defensible and logical barriers between the built area and the green space to the east and west. The development would not take the settlement limit any closer to Newport than the adjacent existing development. Redrow Homes has commissioned a transport consultancy to examine these issues in detail and to suggest appropriate mitigation to minimise any impacts as well as considering ways to tackle existing problems eg. highway safety. Ty Coch Lane will remain closed to vehicular traffic travelling north. LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Issue Summary of Representations How the scheme seeks to address concerns Industry/Offices Residents consider that there are already more than enough empty industrial units in • the local area and therefore there is no need to provide more in this location. • • Safety Residents are concerned that developing residential properties close to substations and power lines is a health risk. Also question whether it is safe to build a play area on a main gas line. • • • Parkway Hotel Both the residents and the owner of the Parkway Hotel are concerned that the development will affect tourism and force the business to close. Specifically, there is concern that the Ty Coch Lane employment sites will impact on views and outlook. • • • • Llantarnam Abbey Residents are concerned that development will have a negative effect on the Abbey which is an important historical and archaeological site. There is also concern that the development could increase rates of trespass and anti-social behaviour within the Abbey grounds. • • • • Pressure on Existing Facilities There is concern as to what effect an influx of new residents will have on existing services such as GP Practices, Schools, Dentists, Emergency Services etc. • • • Provision of a Community Centre Some residents have highlighted concern that a new community centre is to be • provided at the site which will lead to traffic congestion and anti-social behaviour and will also impact on Llantarnam Town Hall. The intention is to create a high quality office development. Whilst there are some short term vacancies within the existing Llantarnam Business Park as a result of current economic conditions, it is very successful as a cheaper alternative to those occupiers looking to locate along the M4 corridor. The Council’s Employment Land Study (April 2011) identifies a need for additional quality employment sites within South Torfaen over the LDP Period and the allocated Llantarnam site will meet this demand. Redrow Homes will fully comply will all national guidance and the guidance provided by the utility companies in relation to building distances. It also must be noted that the suggested clearance/buffer distances in relation to the gas line on the proposed open space are required for maintenance rather than safety. There are no health and safety concerns with the proposed development. The design of the proposed scheme will be fundamental and particular attention will need to be paid to the relationship of the proposed development to the Parkway Hotel in terms of height, scale, massing and visibility. Landscape treatment will be important in minimising any environmental and visual effects. The development scheme will potentially provide a number of economic benefits to the hotel, with new businesses and homes locating to the area. The sensitive integration of the employment proposals with the existing hotel will be examined. The nearest part of the site to the Abbey is Parcel E which benefits from extant planning permission for employment development. Residential uses in this location will be more sympathetic to the Abbey. There is significant screening between this part of the site and the Abbey which will be maintained and enhanced as part of the development. The proposed dwellings will be designed and orientated to minimise impact. As part of a future planning application a Section 106 legal agreement will be negotiated with the local planning authority. Appropriate contributions towards local services eg. education will be made based on the impact of the development and the availability of existing local services. There will be opportunity for health services to be provided within the Neighbourhood Centre subject to demand. There are no plans to provide a community centre within the development scheme at the current time. 39 LLANTARNAM I deVELOPMENT framework Affordable Housing Residents are concerned that the provision of affordable housing is not in-keeping with the area and will encourage anti-social behaviour. • • • Alternative Sites Residents consider that brownfield land should be considered before the development of this site. • • • Location of Play Area/Open Space 40 Residents have concerns in relation to the provision of play areas towards the rear of the housing development which they consider to be unsafe with limited surveillance. Residents are also concerned that the POS/Play Areas within close proximity of the existing pub could have implications for anti-social behaviour. • • • The level of affordable housing within the development scheme will be guided by Torfaen County Borough Council (TCBC) and site viability. The purpose of providing affordable housing is to create sustainable, mixed communities and is a requirement in national planning policy. The design of the affordable housing will not be distinguishable from the open market units and will be entirely in keeping with the local area. TCBC undertook an extensive ‘call for sites’ and ‘alternative sites’ consultation within which this site was rigorously assessed against an extensive criteria and put forward for allocation accordingly. The site has already been considered appropriate for development through its overall employment allocation and extant planning permission. The site will make an important contribution to meeting TCBC housing land requirements. The detailed layout of the development has not been finalised. Redrow Homes will ensure that all play areas are designed so that they benefit from natural surveillance and do not encourage anti-social behaviour. It is in Redrow Homes’ interests to design safe play areas which have good surveillance and will be well used by existing and future residents Helmont House Churchill Way Cardiff CF10 2HE Please contact Gareth Williams for further information T: E: 029 2043 5880 [email protected] www.nlpplanning.com