Clouds, Crowds and Open Innova]on (Chmury, tłumy i otwartych
Clouds, Crowds and Open Innova]on (Chmury, tłumy i otwartych
Clouds, Crowds and Open Innova2on (Chmury, tłumy i otwartych innowacji) pred pred Cloud compu*ng pred Crowdsourcing / Open Innova2on Patent Quality Impact of IP Market pred Power of The Cloud What is “The Cloud”? “Cloud compu2ng is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-‐demand access to a shared pool of configurable compu2ng resources” (NIST, 2014) The Cloud in patents? One of the few fields that has not changed. Patent searching is s2ll done in a very tradi2onal way! Quantum leap can be predicted. Image Credit: Cloudshepherd pred Seman2c Search in Networked Clouds will Increase Patent Quality The world is geUng more and more digi2zed • Patents • Publica2ons • Disserta2ons • Transla2ons • OCR Almost everything is digi2zed going forward and BACK! Image Credit: Summer Blount pred Predic2ve Analy2cs for Patents • A predic2on of quality by seman2c searching • Reducing significant backlogs of pendency • In cases such as Brazil the pendency is longer than 7 years • Protec2ng only patentable ma\er reducing significant cost of paten2ng • Improving quality of patents overall pred Cloud compu2ng pred Crowdsourcing / Open Innova*on Patent Quality Impact of IP Market pred What is Innova2on? An innova2on according to Marshall McLuhan (Univ. of Toronto – predicted the WWW 30 years before it was created) ... • Enhances something: Think about how Google was a late entrant into the search biz but lapped the field with its simple approach • Eliminates something: Think about how Charles Schwab eliminated the need for stock brokers by connec2ng the back office of the trading house directly to the customer • Returns Us to Something in Our Past: Think about how the desire to have home cooked family meals has lead to the prolifera2on of underground dining and slow food restaurants • Over Time Reverses into Its Opposite: Think about how e-‐ mail was going to set us all free but instead enslaved us with its ubiquitous and overwhelming demands Inc. Magazine pred Innova2on works well in Crowd! "No ma\er who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else,” a\ributed to Sun Microsystems co-‐founder Bill Joy [called "Joy's Law" NASA uses crowdsourcing for Open Innova2on on contracts Not every experiment works! Image Credit: Commonwealth Bank pred Credits: Vasily RyzhonKov & Anna pred Innova*on Ecosystem Academia Government Industry Research Educa*on Open Innova*on hub TTO Grants/Awards Industry sponsored research Incubator/ Accelerator POC, e.g. SBIR/ iCorp Consor*a Industry engagement Regula*on/Policy Venture Capital pred Open Innova2on As a Model to Jumpstart Public Private Partnership • Crowdsourcing and open innova2on are not the same. • Crowdsourcing is one way to achieve open innova2on Derived from Henry Chesbrough, 2003 pred Startups Licensing Marke2ng Inven2on Research Funding Academic Tech Transfer Varying Development Timeline for Innova*on Open Innova2on Industry Product Development pred Why the US has been closed for open innova2on? • Open innova2on on the university tech transfer side has not improved • 1-‐1 research agreements between university and industry • Challenge in nego2a2ng intellectual property ownership • Not enough incen2ve for companies to play together • Tesla and NASA contribu2on to open innova2on pred Cloud compu2ng pred Crowdsourcing / Open Innova2on Patent Quality Impact of IP Market pred Effort to Increase Patent Quality Patent Literature including: • • • • United States WO Publica2ons European Patent Office India Substan2al Non-‐patent literature including: • Scien2fic Journals • Disserta2ons • “Gray Literature” including conference presenta2ons Full text machine transla2ons of foreign patent literature including: • • • • • • Japan China Korea Germany Spain Russia pred The world’s first Predic2ve Plaqorm for Patent Claim Validity This proprietary plaqorm is the only plaqorm capable of reviewing every element of every claim in a patent to determine if there is poten2al invalida2ng §102 and/or §103 prior art By seman2cally searching each claim element, the plaqorm is capable of iden2fying the best poten2ally invalida2ng prior art that is then subject to expert and patent a\orney review Meet the Patent “Friends” Myriad, Bilski, Alice and Prometheus pred Cloud compu2ng pred Crowdsourcing / Open Innova2on Patent Quality Impact on IP Market pred The gis of America Invents Act pred Efficiencies in Patent Markets • Con2nual increase in patent quality through new mechanisms like Inter Partes Review, Post Grant Review and Covered Business Method Patents • Cases like Alice vs. CLS Bank and Bilski have slowed down the frivolous sosware patents and business method patents • Public scru2ny of pharmaceu2cal patents through IPR will make patents be\er as well pred Market Dynamics • Sharp decline in patent asser2on en2ty (PAE) based li2ga2on • Con2nual decline in market acquisi2on of patents • Efficient ways of dealing with Non-‐ Prac2cing en22es (NPEs) such as IPR • Price per patent is coming down since Nortel porqolio transac2on ($750K / patent) • More strategic buyers in the market RPX PAE Report 2014 pred pred Thank you! Dipanjan “DJ” Nag, Ph.D., MBA, CLP, RTTP President and CEO, Prediqtus, LLC Director, Program on Innova*on and Technology Transfer (POINTT) Rutgers University [email protected] Prediqtus Learn more at @prediqtus pred