Posicionament de nucleosomes en cromatina mitjançant tècniques
Posicionament de nucleosomes en cromatina mitjançant tècniques
Effect of cytosine methylation on DNA structural properties and nucleosome binding affinity Federica Battistini [email protected] Nucleosome Workshop, May 13th 2012, Haifa F. Battistini 2 Nucleosome and Positioning GC Nucleosome Positioning well defined at TSS and TTS Nucleosome Positioning encoded in DNA sequence Segal E. et all, A genomic code for nucleosome positioning. Nature, 2006; 442. Jiang C. and Pugh B.F., Nucleosome positioning and gene regulation: advances through genomics. Nature Reviews Genetics, 2009;10. F. Battistini 3 Trifonov E.N., Cracking the chromatin code: Precise rule of nucleosome positioning. Physics of life Reviews, 2011; 8. Epigenetics: Cytosine Methylation One of the most important epigenetic modification/mark Biological processes, gene silencing, tumor suppressor… In mammals 70-80% of CpG content is methylated CpG islands non methylated, hypermethylation in cancer cell. Controversy on methylation location and effect Chodavarapu RK,. Relationship between nucleosome positioning and DNA methylation. Nature 2010;466:388-392. F. Battistini 4 Felle M., Nucleosomes protect DNA from DNA methylation in vivo and in vitro. Nucleic Acid Researc. 2011 Methylated Cytosine Pointing to the major groove Steric hindrance and hydrophobicity of methyl group REDUCE FLEXIBILITY DNA. F. Battistini 5 Methylation Process DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) Dnmt 1: Maintenance methyltransferase, preferentially methylates one DNA strand. Hemi-methylation. Dnmt 3a and 3b: De novo methyltransferases, in germ cells or the early embryo, Methylation of both DNA strands. Homo-methylation. F. Battistini 6 Methylation and gene repression Direct effect : promoter methylation prevents the binding of transcription factors. TF TF Direct effect : DNA methylation may recruit proteins that have competitive binding/effect (Repressor or MBD_proteins) MBD prot TF repressor Indirect effect: change in nucleosome structure or nucleosome positioning at TF binding site TF F. Battistini 7 Workflow Nucleosome Positioning DNA physical properties MD simulations, Nucleosome conformational and energetical analysis Methylated CpG Yeast Nucleosome Maps Nucleosome Reconstitution DNA Circularization Assay CpG in CpG islands F. Battistini 8 DNA Physical Properties F. Battistini 9 Elastic/Deformation Energy ΔE xeq (i+1) ki+1 ΔE x (i+1) xeq (i) ki x(i) xeq (i-1) ki-1 x(i-1) F. Battistini 10 Mesoscopic Method 2 E k ( x x ) Hooke’s Law: o ( x xo ) k w k wr k wt k ws k wl k wf k k k k k k wr r rt rs rl rf k k k k k k st tl tf 2 1 wt rt t kBT E X k k ws k rs k st k s ls k lf k k k k k k lf wl rl tl ls l k k wf k rf k tf k lf k lf f F. Battistini 11 Deformation Energy at TSS Deformation energy reproduces coverage profile at TSS (and TTS) and describes accurately nucleosome-depleted region, nucleosome +1 and -1 at the border. Deniz O et all, Physical properties of naked DNA influence nucleosome positioning and correlate with transcription start Battistini 2011;12:489 12 and termination sites in yeast. BMCF.Genomics, DNA Physical Properties F. Battistini 13 CpG Physical Properties MD simulations BP in Tetramers, importance of the neighboring steps XAAY, XACY….. AA F. Battistini AC AG AT CA CC CG GA GC TA MG 14 CpG Physical Properties MD simulations FORCE CONSTANT VALUES: CpG and GpC steps in CpG island environment are STIFFER when methylated AA F. Battistini AC AG AT CA CC CG GA GC TA MG 15 CpG Physical Properties Roll CG Roll GC GC Roll MG G C G C C G C M G M G C G G M G F. Battistini CpG islands not as poli (CG) or poli(GC), and even more when methylated! 16 CpG Physical Properties Bending stiffness Studied 18-mer duplexes. (CpG)9 segment is not distinguishable from the others in stiffness or properties. Methylation increases stiffness Dramatic effect on CpG islands bending Total Curvature F. Battistini 17 CpG methylation and curvature Estimation of DNA circularization with Monte Carlo calculation : 120180 bp long met oligo with methylation every 21 bp. Methylation disfavour circle formation (J factor 0.05 to 0.2 for not met) Circularization experiments with a 21mer oligo with any or a single CpG methylation. Methylation decreases circularization efficiency F. Battistini 18 Elastic/Deformation Energy ΔE xeq (i+1) ki+1 ΔE x (i+1) xeq (i) ki x(i) xeq (i-1) ki-1 x(i-1) F. Battistini 19 Deformation Energy Reduction in flexibility is an important responsible of the lower affinity of methylated DNA for the histones. CpG methylation disfavours F.CpG containing sequence to wrap around histones Battistini 20 Nucleosome reconstitution Methylation disfavour nucleosome formation. F. Battistini 21 Nucleosome re-positioning Methylation disfavours nucleosome formation: Global effect: translational repositioning NFR TF NFR F. Battistini Perez A., Castellazzi C. et all, The impact of methylation on the physical properties of DNA, The Biophysical Journal,22 2012 Conclusions CpG are quite curve and flexible Methylation increases the curvature of CpG and CpG islands, and makes the CpG stiffer The effect of CpG methylation propagates in the sequence Methylation reduces DNA affinity for nucleosomes, probably due to the increased rigidity and average conformation. Methylation might reduce/repress gene activity by reorganizing nucleosome positioning around the TSS F. Battistini 23 Acknowledgments Prof. Modesto Orozco Dr. Guillem Portella Oscar Flores Chiara Castellazzi Özgen Deniz Dr. Alberto Perez EBL and Orozco group F. Battistini THANK YOU for the ATTENTION 24 DTI Results: single/multiple mutations DDG kcal/mol BAD GOOD Major groove Minor groove Multiple mutations Cumulative effect F. Battistini 25 DDG kJ/mol Elastic Energy vs Free Energy Outliers mutations in very kinked and open positions… not explain only by the elastic deformation… something else is going on…. Sequence/position dependent? F. Battistini 26 Conclusions Methylation disfavours nucleosome formation: Local effect ---> Rotational repositioning histones negative positive roll F. Battistini 27
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