QSR Conventional Pizza Training
QSR Conventional Pizza Training
Whether you’re operating a Primo’s Express, a Strike Zone, Java Café or other MWR foodservice operation operation, if you’re offering pizza it will likely be a centerpiece of your particular menu. Primo’s Pizza is a signature item, using carefully developed production procedures. The procedures outlined here must be followed in order to consistently produce the high quality pizza products that our guests expect. CAPICHE?!! Pizza Production Procedures for Dough Balls The procedures in this section must be followed in order to consistently produce the high quality pizza products for a great guest experience. These procedures include: 1. Equipment and Smallwares 2. Ingredients 3. Proofing the Dough • Dough Balls 4. Preparing the Pizza Sauce 4 Preparing the Pizza Sauce 5. Preparing the Toppings 6. Preparing the Dough • Dough Balls 7. Assembling the Pizza 8. The Importance of Portion Control 9. Storing the Assembled Pizza 10 Baking the Pizza 10. Baking the Pizza 11. Pizza Presentation 12. Pizza Slice Cutting Guide 13. Troubleshootingg 14. Maintenance Program 15. Additional Resources Equipment Needed to Produce Perfect Pizza for Dough Balls Pi P Pizza Prep Cooler C l Pi Di l W Pizza Display Warmer Click here for Standard Specification Click here for Standard Specification Conveyor Pizza Oven Click here for Standard Specifications Pi C tti T bl Pizza Cutting Table Click here for Standard Specification Pizza Dough Press (where applicable) H t H ldi C bi t Hot Holding Cabinet Click here for Standard Specification Digital Scale Click here for Standard Specification Click here for Standard Specification Smallwares Needed to Produce Perfect Pizza Seasoned Pizza Baking Screens Pizza Display (Warming) Pans Pizza Serving Pans Pizza Wire Racks Pizza Screen Rack Pizza Cutting Wheels or Rocker Knife Dough Boxes (where applicable) Dough Box Dolly (where applicable) Smallwares Needed to Produce Perfect Pizza Dough Docker Pizza Pan Gripper Pizza Cutting Board Bubble Popper Kleen (Sanitizer) Pails Delivery Bags (where applicable) Pizza Sauce Spoodle (Flat Bottom Ladle) Pizza Serving Spatula Pizza Peel Ingredients Needed to Produce Perfect Pizza Fresh ingredients matter…..here are the most common offered: Pizza Dough Balls Pizza Sauce Pizza Cheese Pepperoni Sausage Green Peppers O nions Mushroom Ground Beef Jalapenos Pineapple Ham B lack Olives Receipt & Storage of Ingredients for Dough Balls Proper Receipt & Storage of all Ingredients is the 1st step in ensuring we serve the best possible product to our guests 1. Inspect all items for wholesomeness and freshness. 2. Remove green peppers and mushrooms from shipped‐in boxes, place into clean containers and refrigerate. Rotate all stock with fi R ll k ih label & date using First‐In, First‐Out (FIFO) method. 3. Place onions in clean container and store in dry storage. 4. Inspect dough to ensure all are frozen and individually intact. 5. Record date received on boxes and store in freezer immediately. 6. Apply FIFO method of rotation. 7 Th 7. Thaw all items under refrigeration ll it d fi ti from freezer based on product usage. 8. All items should be thawed in clean containers. 9 Label, date & refrigerate until 9. L b l d & fi il needed. *NOTE: never place new items on top of left over items! Proofing the Dough for Dough Balls When using dough balls, keep in mind that they are a “live” product which means they contain yeast and require special handling. • A 26 oz. dough ball makes a 16 A 26 oz. dough ball makes a 16” pizza pizza • A 16 oz. dough ball makes a 12” pizza • A 12 oz. dough ball makes a 9” pizza NOTE: some size variations may occur depending on your prime vendor Proofing the Dough (2) for Dough Balls To begin the proofing procedure, remove the dough balls from the freezer 1 ½ ‐2 days in advance of when it will be needed for baking. 1. Coat the dough container with 2 oz. of olive oil blend per container for large or medium dough balls. DO NOT OVER OIL as this will prevent the dough from properly rising. 2. Place 6 each large frozen dough balls into 6” deep dough box OR Place 8 each medium frozen dough balls p g into 3” deep dough box NOTE: Dough balls should be spaced evenly throughout the dough boxes to ensure proper proofing. 3. Proof dough in walk‐in cooler for 1 1/2 – 2 days. Ensure dough containers are covered with airtight lid. Proofing the Dough (3) for Dough Balls BEFORE AFTER After 1 ½ ‐ 2 days in the walk‐in cooler, dough is now ready for use in preparing pizzas. Preparing the Pizza Sauce 4. In a separate mixing bowl, whisk 6 oz. of olive oil blend into 1 each #10 can of cold water & 20 oz. spice pack. 5. Let stand for 20 minutes. NOTE: To order pizza spice packs, contact: 1. Empty 3 each #10 cans of tomato puree into a large mixing container. 2 Fill 1 each #10 can with cold water 2. Fill 1 h #10 ith ld t and add to puree. 3. Use a spatula to scrape any puree clinging to side of container. Nation’s Pizza Products (847) 397‐3320 ext. 5910 or (847) 397‐3320 ext. 7107 Reference: MFB Extra Spicy Pizza Sauce Seasoning Product #10232 6. Use spatula to scrape entire mixture into puree. 7 Whisk oil/water/spice mixture into 7. Whisk oil/water/spice mixture into container w/ puree. Mix vigorously to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly incorporated. 8. Refrigerate overnight before use. The Importance of Proper Sanitation What’s Wrong Wrong with → this this Picture? BLING Preparing the Toppings • In addition to pizza sauce and cheese, typical pizza toppings include sliced onions, sliced green peppers, pepperoni, Italian sausage crumbles, ground beef crumbles, sliced ham, sliced black olives, sliced jalapenos, chopped bacon, sliced mushrooms, chopped tomatoes. Other items may be appropriate in your specific market. • All prepared Pizza Sauce & toppings should be stored in clean containers and labeled to include date, time, item and initial of person preparing. This applies to any and all ingredients that have been thawed for use or hand‐cut from fresh product….NO EXCEPTIONS! Rotate toppings using FIFO (First In, First Out) method. • Only prepare enough ingredients for immediate needs, typically 2‐3 days use for prepared sauce and 1 days use for other toppings This days use for prepared sauce and 1 days use for other toppings. This will ensure pizza is always the freshest it can be. • Consistency of topping preparation is key…always follow the standardized recipes and all posted guidelines on how to prepare each topping! • Your pizza prep table should be laid out logically based on your particular kitchen set up The basic rule of thumb is to place particular kitchen set‐up. The basic rule of thumb is to place individual toppings based on sequence of topping placement and popularity of the items…i.e. pizza sauce 1st, then cheese, next pepperoni…so on. FOLLOW RECIPES & ALL POSTED GUIDELINES! Preparing the Dough for Dough Balls 1. Turn to the on position. 2. Set the temperature control to 150°F (or 66°C). Plate will heat in 15‐20 Plate will heat in 15‐20 minutes. 3. Set the thickness adjustment arrow to the center position. 4. Swing out bottom plate. 5. Lightly spray the bottom plate with non‐stick oil spray spray. Preparing the Dough (2) for Dough Balls 1. Place the dough ball (olive oil blend side up) in the center of the plate. Gently flatten the dough ball with your fingers so the dough ball fits between the plate. 4. Swing out bottom plate and gently lift the dough from the plate plate. 5. Ensure you have plenty of seasoned pizza screens available. NOTE: Spray the upper and lower plates with non‐stick oil spray where needed to ensure dough balls do not stick to plates. 2. Return the swing out plate and the dough ball to below upper plate. 3. Gently press the dough ball between the plates for 5 seconds. DO NOT over‐press. Preparing the Dough (3) for Dough Balls 6. Place the stretched dough on the center of a seasoned pizza screen. 7. Gently stretch the dough around and to the outer edge g of the pizza screen. ASSEMBLING PIZZA What is a Seasoned Pizza Screen? How do you season a pizza screen? New pizza screens used to bake pizza before they are seasoned will cause the dough to stick to the screen, ruin the pizza, waste time & money. To avoid this, spray each screen thoroughly on both sides with any non‐stick oil spray and run thru your pizza oven at normal temperature & speed at least 2x prior to full use. SEASONING IS ONLY REQUIRED UPON 1st TIME USE, and screens should not be washed or they will require re‐seasoning. *NOTE: No seasoning necessary when using anodized pizza screens→ Assembling the Pizza 2. Placed the docked crust onto the digital bump scale. 3. Set scale to 0. 1. Roller‐dock the entire surface of the pizza before baking as this promotes even baking and also allows air to escape (so bubbles don’t form). One pass over the entire surface is sufficient –DO NOT OVER‐DOCK! NOTE: some pre‐sheeted dough is pre‐docked. DO NOT dock again! All Pizza Should be Assembled at Pizza Prep Table Ensure that the prep table is properly stocked & the digital scale is in perfect working order 4. Ladle the proper amount of sauce in the center of the pizza. 5. Spread sauce to with ½ inch from the pizza’s edge using ladle or spoodle. 6. Set scale back to 0. 6. Set scale back to 0. 7. Spread the proper amount of cheese from outside in covering the sauce evenly. Sauce & cheese should be spread to within 1” of crust edge. 8 Set scale back to 0 after placement of 8. Set scale back to 0 after placement of each ingredient. 9. Always add meat items 1st followed by vegetables. Follow the 6/5/4/3 Method for placement of pepperoni. The 6/5/4/3 Method for Pepperoni Pizzas 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 As illustrated above, place 6 slices of As illustrated above place 6 slices of pepperoni down the middle of the pizza. Work out from the middle row of 6 to left & right by placing 5 slices, then 4, then 3 until all 30 slices are placed. The Importance of Proper Sanitation CYG! It means Clean‐as‐You‐Go and needs to be practiced throughout the day to maintain both a practiced throughout the day to maintain both a cleanly appearance and ensure we don’t get anyone sick It’ss not optional, it anyone sick. It not optional it’ss a must!! a must!! What is a Bump Scale? Digital scales are often called bump scales because the red button (displayed at left) can be simply bumped by your elbow arm or hip to reset the scale bumped by your elbow, arm or hip to reset the scale back to 0…hence the name. Some scales come with a foot pedal that resets the scale to 0, making them essentially “touchless”. y *Note: Always use the posted Pizza Toppings Chart as the reference to ensure weights are followed for all ingredients/toppings The scale used to weigh each pizza topping is critical to maintaining proper portion control. This provides each maintaining proper portion control. This provides each guest with a consistent pizza and keeps costs in line with budget. The Importance of Portion Control Not only does it make sense that we produce a consistent Not only does it make sense that we produce a consistent product our guests can count on each & every time they visit, let’s look at the cost of over‐portioning just 1 item over the course of 1 year. Let’s say you over‐portion pizza cheese by only 1 oz for every Let’s sa o o er portion pi a cheese b onl 1 o for e er pizza you serve. If you sell 30 pizzas a day and are open an average of 5 days a week, and the cost of pizza cheese is 13¢ per ounce…it might look something like this: 30 X 5 X 52 X .13= $1014.00 Over $5000 lost after 5 years The Importance of Portion Control (2) → Follow the Posted Follow the Posted Pizza Toppings Chart → Storing the Assembled Pizza It is always preferable to make any menu item to order, yet there will It is always preferable to make any menu item to order yet there will naturally be periods where preparing pizzas in advance will be required to maintain a proper service flow. However, in order to maintain the freshest possible quality, some simple rules of thumb are necessary to follow: Tip #1: Tip #1: Prep only what is needed for the next shift in the same day (don’t pre‐sauce & cheese pizzas for the following day unless absolutely necessary) Tip #2: Place the prepared pizzas on racks as indicated above Tip #2: Place the prepared pizzas on racks as indicated above Tip #2: Tip #3: Tip #3: Place unused prepared pizzas back into cooler after shift for use later same day. Baking the Pizza 1. Ensure the pizza oven is set to 450°F/233°C and the belt speed is 5 ½ minutes (varies slightly based on manufacturer). 2. Place the pizza on the conveyor so the edge of the pizza is not in the tunnel entrance. Let the conveyor do the work of pulling the pizza into the oven! h ! 3. When the pizza is half‐way through the oven, check for bubbles. If bubbles are present, pop using the bubble popper (example above). Baking the Pizza (2) 4. Only remove the baked pizza from the conveyor once the pizza has entirely cleared the tunnel. entirely cleared the tunnel. 5. Place the pizza peel between the pizza and the baking screen and yp p y firmly push the peel all the way under the pizza, being careful to ensure the pizza crust isn’t damaged. NOTE: This will take practice to p master. 6. Place the pizza from the peel onto the cutting guide board. Pizza Presentation for Take‐Out & Delivery (where applicable) 3. 1. In order to achieve a uniform cut apply steady downward cut, apply steady, downward pressure & a fluid motion when cutting the pizza. NOTE: The use of a pizza slice cutting guide board (above & gg ( below) can assist in cutting perfect slices and transferring the pizzas into to‐go boxes! 2. Cut 8 slices for take‐out & d li & delivery (where ( h applicable). Use your pizza cutting board to slide the cut pizza i into to‐go boxes for take‐out b f k or delivery service (where applicable). Pizza Slice Cutting Guide Whole Pizza Sales * Birthday Party Sales Large – 8 Slices Large – 16 Slices Medium – 6 Slices Medium – 12 Slices Small Small ‐ 4 Slices 4 Slices Slice Pizza Sales Large – 6 Slices Pizza Presentation (2) for In‐House Whole Pizza Service 1. In order to achieve a uniform cut apply steady downward cut, apply steady, downward pressure & a fluid motion when cutting the pizza. NOTE: The use of a pizza slice cutting guide board (above & gg ( below) can assist in cutting perfect slices and transferring the pizzas onto serving pans! 2. Follow the below slice guide when cutting different size pizzas for in cutting different size pizzas for in‐ house service: 3. When serving whole pizzas to guests for in‐house consumption, use your pizza cutting board to use your pizza cutting board to slide the cut pizza onto clean serving pans. Serve with a small spatula for excellent guest service! For pizza slice sales, always use your pizza cutting board to slide the cut pizza onto a perforated or dimple pan for displaying or h ldi holding the pizza. This will h i hi ill prevent the pizza crust from becoming soggy! Pizza Presentation (3) for In‐House Slice Sales Program Service 1. 2. In order to achieve a uniform cut apply steady downward cut, apply steady, downward pressure & a fluid motion when cutting the pizza. The use of a pizza slice cutting guide board (above & gg ( below) can assist in cutting perfect slices! Cut in 16 slices for successful Kid’s Birthday Party or Pizza Buffet programs. Serve on pizza p g p pan with a small spatula for quality in‐house service! Cut in 6 slices for a successful Cut in 6 slices for a successful Pizza Slice & Combo sales program! *Note: When placing pizza in any type of warming or holding cabinet, always use either perforated or dimple pizza pans to ensure crust doesn’t become soggy! Sell within 45 minutes of initial baking. within 45 minutes of initial baking Apple Dessert Pizza Troubleshooting Issue Reason & Solution Pizza is soggy Pizza can be become soggy if not properly placed on a dimple or perforated for display or holding, instead of a regular flat serving pan. The dimple or perforated pans allow for air flow between the pan and crust, preventing condensation which causes the pizza to become soggy. Pizza crust is oily Too much oil in the dough boxes when proofing will often cause this, resulting in an off‐tasting and under‐baked crust. Follow the recipe, which calls for 2 oz only in dough g p , y g boxes for proofing. One side of pizza is fully cooked, while other side isn’t other side isn’t Uneven cooking is due to problems with internal airflow, and typically clogged air vents (baffles) are the culprit. Remove the interior vents, clean and replace. See your pizza oven l owner operators manual. All toppings have slid toward the center Portions are too heavy (remember to follow Pizza Toppings Chart) and/or toppings aren’t properly spread across entire pizza‐ See Assembling the Pizza. Pizza does not rise well Oven temperature is incorrect. Double‐check temperature with remote thermometer and service where necessary. Where that is not the cause, review your proofing procedures based on your type of dough. Where further questions arise, e‐mail [email protected] or call 210‐808‐0368 Maintenance Program? Just like your car, if you want your equipment to perform properly you have to provide for regular service. Maintaining each piece according to manufacturer’s guidelines will also ensure your warranties remain valid. Be informed & create a maintenance program that ensures peak performance of all your facility’s equipment! Consult your Operator Manuals for details *Tip: Tip: Many manufacturers (like the example provided to the Many manufacturers (like the example provided to the right) make their manuals available for easy download on their websites!