THE 10 STEP FASTER FAT-LOSS FORMULA STEP 3: Understanding Your Body Type Why you need to understand your body type No single program could possibly work for everyone because your metabolism and physiological processes are completely unique. So you need to: Develop the ability to recognize your body type Understand your body type Adjust your nutrition and training accordingly Understanding Your Body Type As long as you adjust nutrition & training strategies for your body type, most factors involved in losing fat are under your control! Three basic body types: Endomorphs: Excess body fat, large joints ("big bones"). Often have difficulty in losing body fat. Mesomorphs: Lean, muscular, naturally athletic. Lose fat and gain muscle with ease. Ectomorphs: The lean, skinny types. Usually very thin and bony, with fast metabolisms and extremely low body fat. Hard to gain muscle. So which body type am I? Look at the characteristics of each body type Construct a list of all the characteristics you think apply to you Determine your body type For example: Yours consists of 7 characteristics. 4 from Endomorph 2 from Ectomorph 1 from Mesomorph Body type: Endomorph 4 : Ectomorph 2 : Mesomorph 1 (combination) Now to adjust exercise & nutrition to suit you Endomorph Characteristics Naturally high levels of body fat Usually large boned, large joints, large frame (but not always) Round or pear shaped body, Wide waist and hips Tendency to always store excess calories as fat (can’t get away with overeating) Keeping fat off after it is lost is a challenge Tendency to be sluggish, slow moving and lacking energy Fairly good strength levels Carbs easily stored as fat Responds better to diets with higher protein and low (or moderate) carbs Naturally slow metabolic rate/low set point (fewer calories burned at rest) Falls asleep easily and sleeps deeply A lot of cardio is necessary to lose weight and body fat Extremely difficult to lose weight (requires great effort) Often describe themselves as having a "slow metabolism" Tendency to gain fat easily as soon as exercise is stopped Tendency to lose fat slowly, even on a "clean," low fat, low calorie diet. Often overweight, even though they don't eat very much Mesomorph Characteristics Medium joint circumference Small waist Broad/square shoulders Chest dominates over abdominal area Naturally lean (low levels of body fat without even working out) Naturally muscular (muscular before they even started working out) Naturally strong (strong before they even started working out) High energy levels Don’t store carbohydrates as fat – high carbohydrate diets are ok Highly efficient (fast) metabolism Controlling body fat is easy Gaining strength is easy Gaining muscle is easy Losing body fat is easy Responds very quickly to just about any type of training (fast results) Natural born athlete (successful at strength and power sports) Ectomorph Characteristics Naturally skinny, wiry Long limbs, linear Small joints, small-boned Small waist, narrow shoulders Angular, projecting bones Naturally lean (low levels of body fat without even working out) Often call themselves "Hardgainers" Low strength levels prior to starting a training program Fast metabolism – they burn up everything, even when overeating. Don’t store carbohydrates as fat – high carbohydrate diets are ok High energy levels Tendency to be overactive and restless (hyperactive) Natural born endurance athletes (successful at distance/endurance sports) Sometimes hard to maintain weight Extremely hard to gain weight Sometimes insomniacs Training And Nutrition Strategies • Take a look at the strategies which apply to your body type. • Notify your trainer of changes you may need to accommodate your body type • Make all appropriate changes to your strategies and lifestyle. Endomorph Training Strategies Exercise is an absolute MUST Do everything in their power to stimulate their metabolism, this means combining good nutrition with weight training and aerobic training. To diet without exercising means certain failure for the endomorph. Large amounts of cardio Most endomorphs will lose fat with surprising ease by doing some type of cardio at least 4 – 5 times per week. Extreme endomorphs usually need cardio every day (seven days per week). All endomorphs will tend to gain the fat back if they stop doing cardio completely. Make a lifelong commitment to fitness Train hard Increase your training frequency Use metabolism-stimulating exercise High rep compound leg exercises (squats, lunges, leg presses, etc) are particularly effective for this purpose. Toning classes, yoga, pilates and similar activities are NOT the ideal way to lower body fat. Use these activities to supplement regular weights & cardio. Be consistent and persistent Endomorphs will lose body fat just like everyone else, but it almost always takes a little longer. The results will come, but not without time and effort. Increase your training duration Avoid over-sleeping. Getting up early for morning cardio is one of the best strategies for the endomorph. Ectomorph Training Strategies Get extra sleep By their nature, ectomorphs tend to require less sleep and often suffer from insomnia. Because they burn so many calories even while not physically active, it’s important for ectomorphs to get plenty of quality sleep every night and to do so on a regular schedule. Taking naps is also helpful. Reduce stress and worry Ectomorphs tend to be high strung, stressed and hyperactive. Stress reduction techniques can help the ectomorph get better results from their nutrition and exercise programs. Avoid overtraining Ectomorphs respond best to brief, high intensity training programs. Daily training and marathon workouts are incredibly counterproductive. The ectomorph must get in and out of the gym quickly and allow plenty of recuperation between workouts. Keep cardio vascular exercise to a minimum Cardio should be kept to a minimum and done mainly for health reasons. 15-30 minutes a day, three days a week is usually sufficient. Tip: Respond best to low volume, brief, infrequent, high intensity weight training It takes years of hard weight training and heavy eating to overcome this body type Endomorph Fat Loss Nutrition Strategies High protein, medium to low carbs High protein, low to moderate carb diets work best for the endomorph. Sugar is a major no-no. Restrict carbohydrates, but never remove them completely Most endomorphs tend to be carbohydrate sensitive. Tend to get fat from eating moderate levels of carbs (50-60%). Keep cheat meals to only once per week You cannot “cheat” frequently and get away with it. Cheat days should be reserved for special occasions or directly after a intense workout. Ectomorph Muscle Building Nutrition Strategies Keep the calories high and don’t miss a meal Ectomorphs need calories - and lots of them. They need to eat high calorie density foods and use moderate amounts of good fats such as flax oil, nuts, seeds, natural peanut butter and cold-water fish such as salmon. Skipping meals is the #1 cardinal sin for the ectomorph. Use a diet moderately high in complex carbohydrates Carbohydrate restriction is an effective fat loss strategy, but since ectomorphs burn up nearly everything they consume, there’s usually no reason to restrict carbohydrates. Fifty or even fifty-five percent of total daily calories should come from carbohydrates in the ectomorph diet with 30% from lean proteins and 15-20% from fats. Pay attention to food quality Nutrition is not just for cosmetic improvements; it’s about your health. Never use a muscle-building program as an excuse to “pig out” on junk food, even if you find you can “get away with it.” Ectomorphs must think about the nutritional value of everything they eat and about the effect of food on their health. Mesomorph Training & Nutrtion Strategies Yes, we genetically average people envy the mesomorphs, but they do have their downfall: They often have the tendency to coast on their genetics. Because they get results so easily, they often don’t even train hard. As a result, many of them never realize their full potential. The gift of good genetics sometimes makes a person lazy. Often, the less genetically blessed a person is, the more discipline, willpower and determination they develop, and it’s this desire and drive that propels them to high levels of physical achievement. Their weakness actually becomes their strength. Of course, a mesomorph with clear goals and a superior work ethic will always shoot to the top and quickly become a superstar. • Here are two tips for the mesomorph to live by: Don’t “coast” on your genetics just because you can Pay attention to food quality Like the ectomorph, those with mesomorph tendencies quickly discover that they can also “get away with” eating certain foods without ill effects on body composition, so they often do exactly that – eat anything and everything. Again, keep in mind that nutrition is not just about cosmetic improvements; it’s about your health. “Pigging out” just because you can get away with it is not a wise practice. In the best-case scenario, it will limit your development. In the worst scenario, it could compromise your health in the long run. The Most Accurate Measure of Your True Body Type • Look at how you looked before you started ANY training • Take note of the way you respond to training and nutrition • • • • How quickly does your body respond to a reduction in training? What happens when you stop training? Do you hold your muscle mass? Does the body fat stay off? All of this information will help you determine how to craft your Transformation to work for you Assume 100% responsibility for your results The primary cause of excess body fat = your own behavior and attitudes The factors you control: How much you eat, what you eat & when you eat What type of exercise you do & how frequent you exercise How long you exercise How hard you exercise Your overall lifestyle Your mental attitude about your situation We create our circumstances through positive thinking and positive action, and we create negative circumstances through negative thinking, lack of action and wrong actions. Make no excuses, you are in control! No matter what your genetic endowment is, you can totally transform yourself with hard work, dedication, persistence and a positive attitude