Community Life - The Community of the Good Shepherd
Community Life - The Community of the Good Shepherd
Now for Good Shepherd Guidelines of the Church Regarding Involvement in Political Issues……………………………………… 2 Harvest Celebration Photos……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Chili & Soup Cookoff Photos………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 CHANGE IN DATE—A Teachable Moment: Faithful Citizenship and Pope Francis: Integrating Faith and 3 Coming Events for Good Shepherd Communion Service—7:00 a.m. Monday-Friday in the Chapel and Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Mass—8:30 a.m. Monday-Friday in the church. Sunday, October 9 Wednesday, October 12 Sunday Social after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses in the Community Room 7:30 a.m. Mass 9:00 a.m. Mass—Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:05 a.m. Theology Bytes 10:30 a.m. Mass—Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sunday Preschool 12:00 Noon Mass 4:00 p.m. Mass with Contemporary Music Music begins at 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. The Flock (High School Ministry) 5:15 p.m. 8th Grade Confirmation 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group The Holy Rosary Live It…Build It… Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life Bereavement Ministry K-6 Faith Formation Anointing Mass (in the chapel) Marriage Matters Bell Choir Women’s AA Thursday, October 13 9:00 a.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Monday, October 10 9:30 a.m. Knitters and Crocheters 9:30/10:10/11 a.m. Healing Christ Ministry 7:00 p.m. Earth Shepherds 7:00 p.m. The Church of Mercy book discussion 7:00 p.m. Education Commission 7:00/7:40 p.m. Healing Christ Ministry 7:00 p.m. New Visions 8:00 p.m. AA Group/Alanon Group Eucharistic Exposition Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary Group RCIA Pastoral Care and Outreach Commission Mindful Living Group Friday, October 14 Saturday, October 15 4:30 p.m. Mass Tuesday, October 11 4:45 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. K-6 Faith Formation Sacrament of Reconciliation (chapel) 1-6 Faith Formation Jr. High Faith Formation Adult Choir Community Life IN MEMORIAM We remember Fr. Bill Reichel, OFM; and parishioner Philip Maechling, husband of Joan. New Requests for Prayers Kristen English and Family Gary Franke Teresa Hinrichsen Betsey Kohls Gary Rivet Elizabeth Wurzelbacher Baptism We pray for all the newly baptized of our parish. Two Missionary priests from Nepal, Fr. Cap Miller, SJ and Fr. Mathew Assarikudy, SJ will be concelebrating at the 10:30 a.m. Mass this Sunday. We welcome them to our parish! You are invited to meet them in the Community Room after Mass for a light breakfast. Need to Know and Contact Information on pages 10 and 11 1 Guidelines of the Church Regarding Involvement in Political Issues We would like to remind you that Good Shepherd follows the Archdiocesan guidelines regarding Church involvement in political issues. The Church is responsible for helping parishioners understand and accept the importance of their involvement in the political process by participating in the elections and speaking to the moral dimension of political issues. Even though the Church provides moral guidance on political issues, the Church does not engage in political activity. The Church will not endorse political parties, candidates or take any action that could be construed as an endorsement of a party or candidate. In keeping with these guidelines, we do not permit political flyers or pamphlets to be placed on cars in our parking lot, “voter guides” distributed on parish premises, or signs to be placed on the parish grounds. Friday, Family, Faith, Fun and Food Harvest Celebration Thank you to all who attended our Friday, Family, Faith, Fun and Food Harvest Celebration held September 30. Tina and Mark Caudill prepared the picnic supper and helped the children with their s’mores. Our “Saints” who told the story of their life were: St. Kateri Tekawitha (Maria Clay), St. Scholastica (Lisa Curran), St. Damien (Sandy Rivet), St. Julie (Gayle Oeters), St. Dominic (Emily Weierman), and St. Isaac Jogues (Chris Clay). The children and their parents worked on a craft that helped reinforce the saint story. Families enjoyed a hayride, roasted their marshmallows for s’mores around the firepit and concluded the evening with a prayer service led by Walter Plummer. 2 Chili & Soup Cookoff Held on Sunday, October 2—Thanks Family Fellowship Committee for a fun time! NEW DATE FOR A TEACHABLE MOMENT (program stays the same) Mark your calendars for MONDAY, OCTOBER 17 Due to unforeseen circumstances, our A Teachable Moment is rescheduled to Monday, October 17. Check our website, parish office and Facebook page for more information as this event draws near. The Community of the Good Shepherd & The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Present A Teachable Moment: N ATE EW D FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP AND POPE FRANCIS: INTEGRATING FAITH AND POLITICS NEW Monday, October 17, 2016, 7:00-8:30 p.m. DATE The Community of the Good Shepherd and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are hosting A Teachable Moment—Faithful Citizenship and Pope Francis: Integrating Faith and Politics. The speaker for the evening is national speaker, John Carr. John will answer such questions as: What is the mission and message of the Church in public life? How is Pope Francis challenging American Catholics with his powerful words and humble ways? What are some directions and challenges for Catholics in this election year? John Carr is the Director of the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University and is a long-time leader at the intersection of faith and public life in Washington. For more than two decades, he served as director of the U.S. Catholic Bishops Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development. FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC • NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED QUESTIONS & REFRESHMENTS FOLLOWING 3 Worship Questions? Contact Steve Lindner at 489-8815 ext. 702 or e-mail [email protected]. Servers Needed If you are in the fifth, sixth or seventh grade and are interested in being a server at the 9:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses, we could use your help. We will train you at a time that is convenient for you. Please call Steve Lindner if you are interested in serving. (Contact information listed above.) Gift Bearers Needed for the 7:30, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon and 4:00 p.m. Masses The role of Gift Bearers is really very simple. Gift Bearers carry the cross and two candles in the opening procession and closing procession—they also bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar at Offertory. It is a simple ministry and the training takes only 15 minutes to learn the process. You are needed at all of the weekend Masses. If we could get a few more Gift Bearer groups or families for each Mass, we would be able to schedule you only once per month or even less. Please contact Steve Lindner to sign up. Lectors/Announcers Needed for the 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass We are in need of lectors/announcers for the 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass. A lector/announcer role is one of great importance in proclaiming the Word of God. We look for people with a good speaking voice who can be easily understood. Lector workbooks are given to all lectors. Contact Steve Lindner if you have any questions or would like to join this ministry. Fr. Bill (Rocky) Reichel April 12, 1933—September 29, 2016 We are extremely saddened by the news of the death of Fr. Bill Reichel, O.F.M. Fr. Bill has not only been an assisting priest here at Good Shepherd for many years, but has been a dear friend who will be missed greatly. Please join us for a Mass said in honor of Fr. Bill this Tuesday, October 11 at 8:30 a.m. Special prayers will be said in his memory at this Mass. All are welcome! Ushers Needed for the 4:30 p.m. Saturday Mass, 12:00 Noon and 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses We are looking for individuals, men, women, or teens, to serve as an usher at all of the weekend Masses. You would be trained at a time that best fits your schedule. Once trained, you would be scheduled as an usher at the same Mass once a month or biweekly. Contact Steve Lindner if you are interested in joining this ministry. Scripture for Next Week—29th Sunday in Ordinary Time by Deacon Max Schellman First Reading—Exodus 17:8-13: As Joshua battles a nomadic tribe led by Amalek, Moses raises his hands and holding his staff, prays to God. As long as Moses’ hands are raised Joshua and his army prevail. When Moses drops his hands, Amalek and his army gain the advantage. Aaron and Hur, who are at the top of the hill with Moses, help him by holding up his arms. In the end, Joshua wins the battle. Second Reading—2 Timothy 3:14—4:2: Paul says it is important to be persistent and encouraging in advancing the faith. He encourages Timothy to be faithful in his ministry. Pointing out that Scripture is inspired by God, Paul cites its importance in teaching and training, as well as its usefulness in helping us to live our lives. Gospel—Luke 18:1-8: Jesus instructs his disciples about the need to pray always without becoming “weary.” He tells a parable about a judge who dreads the persistence of a widow seeking a favorable decision from him. To stop the widow from bothering him, the judge delivers a “just decision for her.” Jesus tells us that God answers those who always reach out to him. 4 Pastoral Care and Outreach Whitley City Toy Collection Next weekend, October 15/16 at Activity Center B, we will be collecting both new and gently used toys, games, puzzles, etc. after all Masses. You may also bring items to the “Take it or Leave it” Room, across from the parish office, during the week prior. Our efforts this year are for the age group of infant to 12 years of age. We ask that all puzzles, games and board games be complete and that boxes be taped so that we don’t lose parts. If you wish to donate newborn/infant clothing, we ask that it be new or clean, gently used clothing. This collection will help deliver Christmas gifts to children who otherwise may not get a visit from Santa. If you would like to help with the collection the weekend of October 15/16 or if you have questions, please call Tom Kilgore at 779-9220 or e-mail Tom at [email protected]. Parish Twinning— Your Ideas are Welcome! In the fall of 2015, the Assembly of Leaders identified the establishment of a parish “twinning” relationship as a top priority for the fiscal year 2016-2017. Twinning is the forming of a reciprocal relationship with a Catholic parish and a people of a different culture in order to: grow together in our faiths’ journeys; learn from each other’s worship styles, culture, and struggles; and share our gifts with each other. The purpose of the twinning relationship is not about giving money or changing the other parish, but it is about learning from each other and growing together in our faith through our relationship. It is coming together with people in the U.S. or a foreign mission of the world in an active, mutual and on-going faith commitment. It is about solidarity. A committee composed of representatives of the Pastoral Care and Outreach Commission, Psalm 23, and other outreach ministries have been meeting this year to examine the possibility of twinning, hearing from other parishes involved in a twinning relationship, determining the benefits and challenges of twinning, and making a recommendation for a twinning partner parish. If parishioners have any suggestions for a possible twinning partner parish near or far, please contact Deacon Mark Westendorf at [email protected] or by calling 489-8815 ext. 714 by Tuesday, November 1. We will continue to provide twinning updates and ask for your prayers as we move forward with this twinning process. Tender Mercies Meal Each month, members of Shepherd’s Care deliver and serve an evening meal to 40-50 occupants of Tender Mercies’ housing. Tender Mercies provides housing and individualized supportive services to homeless persons with histories of mental illness in Over-the-Rhine. Sign-ups for the meal will be held this weekend, October 8/9, at Activity Center B for a meal to be served the following Sunday. Questions? Contact Mary John Trouy at 469-2195 or Mary Tom Westendorf at 644-9296. 5 New Day Grief Support Group— A Journey from Grief to Healing Presented by The Community of the Good Shepherd This program is a structured way for adults to work through the “tasks of grief” when mourning the death of a loved one from any cause. Each program is made up of nine grief support sessions and follows the same format. They are offered at different times. Please register for the time that works best for you. Two of the three series of nine Grief Support sessions remain: Program 2: 9 Mondays, October 24 through December 19, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Program 3: 9 Mondays, January 23 through March 20, 2017, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Donations to Good Shepherd gratefully accepted. For more information, call Kathy Teipen at 489-7489 or 474-6907, Shelley Jensen at 891-9494 or Pegge Mirus at 891-5178. Please register early. Group size of 8-12 people is ideal. Name_____________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City_______________________________________________ State__________Zip Code_________ Program 2___ or 3___ Phone: (W) ________________________________________ (H)____________________Cell #______________________ E-mail_____________________________________________ Please send form to: The Community of the Good Shepherd, Attention: Kathy Teipen, 8815 E. Kemper Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45249. Pastoral Care and Outreach Healing Christ Ministry A non-sacramental ministry of Good Shepherd Healing Christ Ministry invites you to our healing sessions on Monday, October 10. Morning sessions are at 9:30, 10:10 and 11:00 a.m. Evening Sessions are at 7:00 and 7:40 p.m. A third session will be held if needed. All sessions are in Room 33. No reservations are needed for this free service. Sign-up sheets are available before the sessions—first come, first served. All are welcome—parishioners and non-parishioners. Our healing ministry combines the Catholic Tradition of invocation of God, prayer and care for others. We also follow a Catholic Document—the guidelines for a non-liturgical healing ministry by the laity (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Instruction on Prayers for Healing, written by Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI, 9/14/00). The ministry healers also follow the Healing Principles of an accredited educational nursing curriculum: Healing Touch Program™ (ANCC and NCCA)—the first and only energy medicine to achieve this distinction. Marriage: What Should We Expect? Marriages typically progress through a predictable series of stages. Romance is usually the first phase which evolves into the “kids and career” stage when both spouses are consumed by the demands of others. The challenge is to not take each other for granted. Please join us for our marriage discussion group this Wednesday evening, October 12 in Room 15 from 7:008:30 p.m. We watch a DVD and share our responses in conversation. All are welcome, whatever your relationship status. Co-facilitated by Drs. Jack Peltz and Judy Condit. To aid in our planning, please pre-register by calling Jack at 489-8815 ext. 709 or e-mail [email protected]. Annual Mary Magdalen House Drive coming the next two Weekends Next month, our healing sessions will be on the second Again this year Shepherd’s Care is striving to answer the call Monday of the month, November 14. to aid the homeless of Cincinnati through the Mary Magdalen House. This oasis, located on Main Street in We also have individual healing sessions for parishioners in Over-the-Rhine, provides a safe and pleasant place to need—for example, surgery, cancer therapy or in the hospital. shower, shave, brush teeth, use the toilet, have dirty clothes Contact Theresa Kajs at 706-6398 or [email protected] for laundered, receive clean clothes, use the phone, access inforhealing requests or joining the ministry. More information is mation, etc. Their mission is to restore dignity to those on on the Good Shepherd website: http://www.good- the street. So, new or gently used warm clothing, toiletries, Our healing and other items are necessary for MMH to carry out their ministry equally invites those who are ill and those who seek mission. Also, money is always very welcome. wellness. More details will be included in next week’s bulletin. Members of Shepherd’s Care will be at Activity Center A to answer questions and hand out reminder slips of specific needs next weekend, October 15/16. Collection of items will Thank You from Good Shepherd take place the weekend of October 22/23. in Whitley City, KY Fr. Joseph Von Handorf sent the following letter of thanks to our parish for the $6,084 collected on Mission Sunday in support of Good Shepherd, Whitley City. Your generosity is appreciated. Thanks for the letter and the check—good news all around. I’ll pass it on to the community at our parish retreat tomorrow. Bishop John will be there with us to guide us in mission and ministry. It was good to get up your way, but how good it is that all of you are doing the “big” job there, and we are keeping at the smaller (and sometimes harder) one here. What a blessing to be able to serve people! Thanks be to God, and to people like all of you at the “other” Good Shepherd who make this possible. Rev. Joseph Von Handorf 6 A Prayer For Our Earth “All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty… Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth. Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey toward your infinite light.” —Pope Francis, On Care for Our Common Home, Laudato Si’ Education and Formation All teens, grades 9-12, come and join our October events! We’ll have pizza, games and God! Flock Night: Sundays, October 9, 16, & 23 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room Flock Social Night: Saturday, October 29 (event/location TBD) Jr. High Faith Formation Schedule th th Tuesdays (7 & 8 Grades) Oct. 11: Regular session location/time Oct. 18: Regular session location/time Oct. 25: Regular session location/time Sundays (8th Grade) Oct. 9: Regular session location/time Oct. 16: Regular session location/time Oct. 23: Regular session location/time Oct. 30: Regular session location/time Experiencing God: The Three Stages of Prayer by Thomas H. Green, S.J. For some of us prayer is a regular part of our spiritual life while for others we pray occasionally. Many of us feel our prayer life could be better. As we move through life we encounter situations which prompt us to want to pray. These situations range from wanting to pray for others to praying for ourselves; prayers in times of need to prayers of worship or thanksgiving. Deacon Max Schellman, in addition to his duties at Good Shepherd, is an Adjunct Faculty member at The Athenaeum of Ohio and teaches in the Deacon Formation Program. He has also taught in the Lay Pastoral Ministry Program. The sessions will meet at Good Shepherd in the Community Room at 7:00 p.m. on: Wednesday, October 19; Wednesday, October 26 and Thursday, November 3 If you are interested in participating, please call the parish office at 489-8815 to register. Books will cost $12.00. Call Emily Weierman in the parish office at 489-8815 ext. 726 or e-mail her at [email protected] with any questions. 7 Calling all 20 and 30-somethings of our parish! Come and join us from 7:00-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19 for our monthly faith discussion evening. Contact Walter for location details. Please keep our Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) candidates and catechumens in your prayers as they continue the first steps of the RCIA process. During this Year of Mercy, Good Shepherd will be starting a book discussion on the book The Church of Mercy, by Pope Francis. The first session will be this Monday, October 10, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 31 and will be led by Kris Grout, a Good Shepherd parishioner. Call the parish office, 489-8815, to register for this small group book discussion. Books are $13.00 and can be purchased in the parish office. Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life is a book and DVD program that will begin at Good Shepherd this Wednesday, October 12 at 9:30 a.m. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Weierman at 489-8815 ext. 726 or e-mail [email protected]. The Book of Exodus with Fr. Tim Schehr The Book of Exodus gives us some of the best known scenes in the Bible. Let’s take a closer look at some of them and enjoy their message all over again. Let’s also look for the spiritual lessons we can apply to our own journeys away from oppression and toward the freedom only God can give. Join Fr. Tim Schehr when he returns to Good Shepherd on Thursday, October 20 and Thursday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. We will meet in Room 32/33. Call Emily Weierman at 489-8815, ext. 726 or e-mail her at [email protected] with any questions. Contact information for Walter Plummer: 489-8815 ext. 737 or e-mail [email protected]. Stewardship $165,600 $165,000 $155,000 $145,000 $135,000 $125,000 $115,000 $88,108 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Special Projects Last week, $328 was received through the Special Projects envelopes. This brings our total to $88,108 for this fiscal year. Our current balance in the fund is now $235,690. Sunday Social Join us in the Community Room after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses every Sunday in October. We will have a light breakfast of fruit, yogurt cups, assorted doughnut holes, cinnamon rolls, assorted turnovers, bagel bites with cream cheese, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and juice boxes. DO YOU WANT THE LATEST NEWS AND INFORMATION? DO YOU WANT TO SEE OUR COMMUNITY IN ACTION? Now’s the time to logon or sign up and “Like Us On Facebook!” @thecommunityofthegoodshepherd HAVE YOU HEARD? We’re going MOBILE! Yes it is true, this year we will be going mobile with our very own parish app. Just imagine being able to stay even more connected with Good Shepherd for all the latest parish news, prayers, Catholic faith resources and more, all at the touch of a button. We’ve just started the process… so stay tuned! Patty Lindner Director of Communications Around Our Parish Respect Life Month—Available Resources October is “Respect Life Month.” The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have made a number of resources available, including the following brief pamphlets: Caring for Loved Ones at Life’s End Every Suicide is Tragic Bridges of Mercy for Post-Abortion Healing Serene Attentiveness to God’s Creation Seven Considerations While Navigating Infertility Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption If you would like any of these pamphlets, please e-mail Deacon Mark Westendorf at [email protected] and he will make sure you receive the pamphlet. 8 Around the Parish Sunday, October 9, 2016 Saturday 4:30 p.m. Fr. Jack Wessling Dan Dutro Meldon/Maurath Moyer Family Presider Announcer Lector Gift Bearer Audio Visual: With Grateful Heart I Thank You, Lord Artist: Jeanné Kilgore Presiders for the Weekend of October 15/16, 2016 Sunday 7:30 a.m. Fr. Jack Wehman Nicole Stettler Kenneally/Metzger Daumeyer Family 9:00 a.m.* Fr. Jack Wehman Nick Hummel Bierschbach/Fadayel Niehaus Family 12:00 Noon Fr. Tom Mannebach Kelly Watson Hartman/Lavely Adams Family 10:30 a.m.* Fr. Jack Wehman Jim Buehler Buehler/Blom Muennich Family 4:00 p.m. Fr. Tom Mannebach Doug Parsley M. & L. Heckenmueller Heckenmueller Family *An interpreter for those with hearing impairments will be present at the 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses in the Church. Collection Information Masses for the Week Mon., October 10 8:30 a.m. In memory of Anna Mae Beckman Tues., October 11 8:30 a.m. In memory of John Banovich, Richard (Myke) Myklebust, Irene Haaf, Dan September 25, 2016 $ 65,068 YTD Collections $ 516,109 Bender, Carrie Beck, Julie Schraffenberger, Eric Woolhiser, James E. King, YTD Budget $ 534,180 Pauline W. Carman, James Johns, Marian Niehaus and deceased family/ Surplus/(Deficit) $ -18,071 Contribution Breakdown: Quantity friends, Peter Marino Wed., October 12 8:30 a.m. In memory of Joseph Minh Le 6:15 p.m. In memory of Charles F. Even Dollars Thurs., October 13 8:30 a.m. In memory of Sang Hoang $ 21,212 Fri., October 14 8:30 a.m. In memory of Laura Hamilton, Ethel Williamson, John Harmon, Peter Loose Checks $ 5,885 Loose Cash $ 1,535 EFT/Charge Card Donors $ 33,896 Stock/Gift $ 2,540 9:00 a.m. $ 65,068 10:30 a.m. Avg. donation per envelope $ 51.49 Envelopes 412 Total (Thank You!) Marino, Dorothy Ruwe, Randee Austin Hall, Bruno Anello, Judy Taft, Mike Wilson, Sr., James Johns, Marian Niehaus and deceased family/friends Sat., October 15 4:30 p.m. In memory of Bill Wood Sun., October 16 7:30 a.m. The Community of the Good Shepherd 12:00 noon 4:00 p.m. In memory of Don VonHolly Jennie Banovich Special Intention In memory of Anthony Saliba Hadley Hummel Birthday Prayers Are Requested for the health and well being of the following: Michael Adler Mark Anastasi Chloe Anderson Jane Anderson Travis Baker Jennie Banovich Aidan Barker Bobbie Baxter Amy Beal Randy Bell Norah Birkmeyer Karissa and Mike Boston Julie Bowen Family Maureen Bramlage Esther Brotherton Dale Brown Rose Marie Bruns Nicholas Bucci Doris Buckman Frank Budetti Ginny Burd John Burke Jamie Busemeyer Dottie Campbell Nick Carrelli Angela Carroll Beverly Chartier Richard Chisholm Bill Cleary Bob Comorosky Norah Cooney Randy Corgan LeAnne Crew William H. Curran Jr. Geoffrey Davies Joseph Degliuomini Jackie Donoghue Angela/John Dornbach Terri Doyle Laurel Linnea Deubell Debbie Eberhart Betty Effimoff Hazel Elder Tim Field Nancy Fisher Joanne Fittro Sam Fogle Dianne Forgacs John Forsthoefel Rebecca Gallaher Paulette Gerstemeier Maureen Giglio Judy Glassmeyer-Sullivan Hannah Gluck Andrew Goad Mary Golden Tom Gray Pat Hack Fred Hartman Helt Family Linda Henkel Zsolt Hertelendy Helen Hess Ed Hubbart Sr. Mary Ann Humbert Michelle/Kyle Hummel Family Janet Hutzell Betsy Jacquez Max Jenkins Pat and Jerry Jenkins Mindy Johnson John Jolley Annemarie Joyce Janice F. Jungclas Nicholas Kaelin Lollie Kasulones Bob Keegan Doug Koehne Richard Kohne Elizabeth Daly Koon Jim Krekeler Helen Kruse Carol Ann (Doucette) Kuklar Mary Kulkarni Claire Kuprowicz Megan Langheim Wendy Laughlin Dan Lavely Francis Lazar Denise Leguillon Frank Lerner William/Shirley Littlepage Eric L. Losekamp Nancy Losekamp Rhonda Losekamp David Lovell Helen Martin Anna May Pat McConkey Bud McEvoy Dick McKeever Fran McKenzie Abigail Means Paul Meinking Al Meisman Matthew Merkle Tom Mickel Military Personnel Michael Miller Jeanine Monzel Ann Morgan Tracy Morgan Marilyn Myklebust Rich (Mike) Myklebust Laurie O’Brien Kandace Pandzik William Parker Ursula Pledger Robert Purtee Trevor Quan-Lazar Erin Radulski Fran Rainier Madeline Hope Rebori (Roelker) Daniel Reesor Evangeline Reyes Richard Riedy and Family Zofia Rohres Melanni Rohrig Betty Romito Veronica Roth Jackie Sandow Ralph/Jean Schlueter Laura Schuckman Janet Schwartz Chuck Sellars Mary Frances Sharpshair Sophia Sharpshair Natalie Sheipline Pat Sick Doug Skender Diane Skie Kacey Spontak Joe Stemple Betty Stewart Apryl Strittholt Ed and Ann Strotman Sturdy Family Natalia Tanguma Don Taphorn Bob Tate John Tate Family Ron Taylor Joseph Theil Bob Thieman Margaret Thompson Transplant patients Scott Trapp Andy Tucker Anthony Ullman Mary Vailati Brian Vonderhaar Tracy Waechter Mike Walker Patricia Wallace Walton Family Karen Weitzel Ed Weis Bryan Wernicke Pauline Westendorf Maureen Whitfield Don Whitney Dan White Patricia Woeste Stephanie Woodward Sylvia Yutuc Michael Zegarski Military Personnel of our families currently in harm’s way... 9 Jeffrey Scott Calder FC1 Michael Clines Jason Haskin Ben Scott Massingale Major Molly Chester SSGT Eric Halchak SPC Jarrod Lundy Mason McCosham Welcoming Need to Know We warmly welcome our new parishioners and guests who are joining us today. If you are interested in learning more about Good Shepherd, or would like to register as an official member of the parish, please stop by the Welcome Desk located in our main foyer. A member of our Welcoming Ministry will be honored to assist you. Baptism Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Please register for Baptism by calling Steve Lindner (513-489-8815 ext. 702 or e-mail: [email protected]). Before the Baptism, parents need to attend a session to explore the meaning of Baptism. Sessions are held on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Adult Initiation Into the Church Adults and children (7 years of age or older) who wish to become Catholics are invited to call Emily Weierman, (513-4898815 ext. 726 or e-mail [email protected]). First Eucharist (First Communion) First Eucharist (First Communion) is celebrated on three occasions in late winter and early spring. Parents are invited to call Nancy Dallas (513-489-8815 ext. 761). Children are invited to the Sacrament when they are in the second grade or have reached the age of 7. Children receiving First Eucharist (First Communion) need to be prepared to receive First Reconciliation (Confession). Preparation for First Reconciliation (Confession) begins early fall each year. Confirmation for Youth Confirmation is celebrated in the spring each year for youth who have not yet received the Sacrament. Confirmation Preparation takes place within the 8th grade Faith Formation curriculum. Classes run September through April for next year’s candidates. Please contact Walter Plummer with any questions (513-489-8815 or e-mail: [email protected]). Marriage Marriages are celebrated throughout the year with exceptions made for Christmas holidays and the season of Lent. Please contact Steve Lindner for information (513-489-8815 ext. 702 or e-mail: [email protected]). Preparation for marriage begins eight months before the Sacrament is celebrated. For preparations, call Steve Lindner (513-489-8815 ext. 702 or e-mail: [email protected]). Pastoral Care of the Sick Anointing of the Sick The Anointing of the Sick can be offered when someone is seriously ill, requires surgery, or if the same illness or condition becomes more serious. Each week on Wednesday at 6:15 p.m., the anointing is offered within Mass (in the Chapel). Please notify Deacon Dennis Berry (513-489-8815, ext. 708, or e-mail: [email protected]) in advance of your need. Our parish priests also come to the sick person at home, in the hospital, or at Hospice. Ministry to the Dying: Anointing and/or Viaticum If a person is near death, he or she may be anointed. However, if the dying person is able to swallow, it is recommended that they receive the Eucharist as Viaticum. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick ought to be celebrated at the beginning of an illness. Viaticum is to be celebrated when death is close. The Eucharist, given as Viaticum, is food for the passage through death to eternal life. A priest or a deacon may give Viaticum to the dying person. When a priest is unavailable, it is important that the deacon visit the dying to pray with that person and the family and offer Viaticum. Please call the parish office (489-8815). After hours, please leave a message about the location of the dying person and your contact phone number. That message will be relayed to a priest or deacon. Reconciliation (Confessions) Tuesdays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. in the Reconciliation Room in the chapel. Those attending the Sacrament can enter through the doors to the chapel, prepare in the chapel and enter the Reconciliation Room when they see the priest is not occupied with another penitent. Vocations Single men or women interested in answering the call to Priesthood or Religious Life are encouraged to contact the pastor or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 513-421-3131. Annulment For confidential information concerning annulments, please call Fr. Jack Wehman at 513-489-8815 ext. 748. Decree on Child Protection The Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Decree on Child Protection is our way of protecting all of the vulnerable individuals in our community. If you suspect that someone is being abused, please contact the Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse at the Archdiocese at 513-263-6623 as well as local law enforcement. In Hamilton County, you can contact Child Protective Services at 513-241-KIDS (5437). To Report Financial Misconduct If you suspect the misuse or misconduct of Church finances, you may call the EthicsPoint hotline at 1-888-389-0381 or see the Archdiocese website ( under Ministries & Offices, Finance and click the link “To Report Financial Misconduct.” You will be taken to a secure site to file your report. 10 Need to Know The Bulletin All articles for the parish bulletin should be submitted 10 days before the given weekend. Please call Nancy Niehaus 513-489-8815 ext. 725 or e-mail: [email protected]. Parish Meetings Meetings of the Assembly of Leaders, the Finance Commission, the Education/Formation Commission, the Worship Commission, and the Pastoral Care/Outreach Commission are open to all parishioners to observe. Please call the parish office for information (513-489-8815). Meetings are announced in the Coming Events for Good Shepherd page of the bulletin. Parish Ministries All members of the parish are welcome to join any of the parish ministries. For information and contact, please see the Staff Page of this bulletin. Psychological and Spiritual Care To encourage professional, personal, or family counseling as well as spiritual direction, Dr. Jack Peltz or Deacon Dennis Berry, on staff here at Good Shepherd, would be happy to make referrals to psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and spiritual directors for those in need. Recorded Homilies All homilies preached on weekends are available by downloading them from our webpage— Low Gluten Hosts Low Gluten (0.01%) hosts are available at all weekend Masses. Please come to the Sacristy 10 minutes before the start of Mass and let the Sacristan know that you are in need of this Low Gluten Host. At Communion time, come to the hand rail by the statue of Mary to receive the Eucharist. St. Vincent de Paul If you have furniture or appliances that you wish to donate, St. Vincent de Paul will accept these donations and will pick them up from your home. To schedule a pick up, donate to a thrift store or donate a car, boat or RV, please call 421-CARE (2273). Contacts Accoutrements Audio Visual Baptism Robe/Embroidery Blood Pressure RN Caregiver Support Group Caring Hands/B-North Communion Distributors Caring Hands/ Home Assistance Caring Hands/Home Communion Distributors Caring Hands/Lodge Christmas Gift-Giving Couples Bridge Club Earth Shepherds Steve Lindner Bob Losekamp Judith Whitton Julia Theil Alex Poon 513.489-8815 513.325.9283 513.677.8837 513.229.0229 513.271.2717 Deacon Dennis Berry 513.489.8815 Good Shepherd 513.489.8815 Jeanne Markle Charlotte Finch Marion Stickle Ruth Inderhees James Heileman David Oen Eucharistic Exposition Luisa Cerda Family Fellowship CMTE Sandy Rivet GS-SOS Nancy Niehaus Habitat for Humanity Gerry Ellspermann Healing Christ Ministry Theresa Kajs —A non-sacramental ministry of Good Shepherd Knitters & Crocheters Jeanné Kilgore Mary Albright Lambtenders Tina Caudill Meadowbrook Care Center Jeanne Markle Men’s Fellowship Group Bill Cleary M.O.M.S. Group Colleen Furey New Vision Sandra Smith Prayer Blanket Ministry Lou Ullrich Sanctity of Life Sandy Robinson St. Vincent de Paul Sandy Robinson Scholarship Ministry Mary Lahti White Shelter House (Drop Inn Ctr) Kathy Schibi Shepherds Care Jim Stickle 11 513.489.3609 513.677.2277 513.733.0816 513.891.0565 513.531.7336 513.205.8603 513.328.2315 513.309.6018 513.793.7035 513.774.7595 513.706.6398 513.779.9220 513.677.2140 513.530.0650 513.489.3609 513.312-5009 513.239.6612 513.563.1868 513.247.9466 513.469.9251 513.469.9251 513.793.9817 513.678.3054 513.733.0816 Shepherds Share Special Olympics Tender Mercies Third Image (Widow/Widowers) Ushers Whitley City Builds Project Whitley City Donations Whitley City Shoebox Project Women’s Prayer Group Carol Geers Bill Sutman Mary John Trouy Frank Bruening Steve Lindner Tom Kilgore Paul Inderhees Sandy Rivet Barb Hemmerle 513.234.0974 513.793.6112 513.469.2195 513.984.4289 513.489.8815 513.779.9220 513.891.0565 513.309.6018 513.793.4918 Quips and Blessings by Fr. Jack A tale of 2 dogs There is a story of two dogs who, at separate times, walked into a room filled with mirrors. One happy dog came in grinning and wagging his tail, and a thousand happy dogs looked back at him. The angry dog snarled and growled, and a thousand angry dogs snarled and growled back at him. What you see in the world around you often is a reflection of who you are. Which dog are you? From Reprinted with permission Call me (513-489-8815) about: Rev. Tom Mannebach Rev. Jack Wehman Pastor, ext. 723 Associate Pastor, ext. 748 fr.mannebach@good‐ fr.wehman@good‐ Deacon Dennis Berry, ext. 708 Care for the sick, dying & bereaved dennis.berry@good‐ Rick Hagee, ext. 706 Music Ministries rick.hagee@good‐ Jack Peltz*, ext. 709 Marriage & Wellness Minister jack.peltz@good‐ Tina Caudill*, ext. 741 Preschool Forma on [email protected] Pa y Lindner, ext. 713 Communica ons pa y.lindner@good‐ Rev. Michael Graham, SJ Weekend Presider Teri Cunningham, ext. 738 Welcoming/Finances teri.cunningham@good‐ Steve Lindner, ext. 702 Worship/Bap sm/Weddings steve.lindner@good‐ Rev. Jack Wessling Weekend Presider Nancy Dallas*, ext. 761 Sacrament Prep/CLOW Dianne Moore ext. 703 Parish Recep onist dianne.moore@good‐ Walter Plummer, ext. 737 Nick Pierok, ext. 715 Youth Minister Music Minister nick.pierok@good‐ walter.plummer@good‐ Deacon Max Schellman** ext. 719 Human Resources John Fink*, ext. 724 55+ Ministry john.fink@good‐ Dan Parker, ext. 793 Facili es/Scheduling dan.parker@good‐ Colleen Smith*, ext. 740 55+ Ministry colleen.smith@good‐ Assigned Deacons Sr. Debra Wischmeyer, SND Deacon Mark Westendorf* Sr. Elaine Winter, SND Emily Weierman, ext. 726 ext. 717 ext. 714 ext. 716 Coordinator of Adult Faith Forma on Bookkeeping emily.weierman@good‐ Coordinator of Outreach Ministries K‐6 Faith Forma on m.westendorf@good‐ sr.elaine@good‐ sr.deb@good‐ Deacon Rick Gallenstein** ext. 719 Deacon Jim Jones** ext. 714 *denotes part‐ me staff member **denotes unpaid assigned Deacon Cullen Anderson* Chris Banzhaf Audio‐Visual Technicians Mike Nigg Patrick Conklin Maintenance Staff, ext. 729 12 Robert Tims Part‐ me office staff—first row, le to right: Ellen Obert, full‐ me clerical assistant, ext. 701. Part‐ me front office staff: Chris ne Bissmeyer, Diane Blasch, and Susan Dickerson. Second row, le to right: Gidg Lazar, and Marcia Schuckman, ext. 700. Nancy Niehaus, Bulle n Editor, ext. 725, nancy.niehaus@good‐