Individual Tours ∙ Guided Tours ∙ Corporate


Individual Tours ∙ Guided Tours ∙ Corporate
Individual Tours ∙ Guided Tours ∙ Corporate Services
Who We are
About JTB··········································································05
JTB's Global Network························································06
JTB Netherlands ································································07
About Japan
Seasons ·············································································10
The Japan Rail Pass···························································12
Sunrise Tours ·····································································13
Special Air Fairs in Japan ··················································13
Where to Go ······································································14
Individual Customized Tours
Our Popular Tours ······························································17
Tours with Special Interests ··············································18
Regional Tours ···································································19
Short Period Tours ·····························································19
Sample Itineraries······························································20
Guided Tours
Dear valued customer!
Hokkaido Snow Festival Tour·············································25
Tokyo & Kyoto Spring Tour·················································26
Sakura (cherry blossoms) Japan Tour································28
JTB corp. was established in 1912 as Japan Tourist Bureau with the objective of contributing to
the Japanese economy by bringing foreign visitors to Japan. During the subsequent 100 years, the
group served as a driver of growth in Japan’s tourism industry while establishing itself as a leading
innovator in its mission of contributing to society through its business.
Today that DNA has in fact been passed down to each and every JTB group employee. We are
committed to provide the best, most efficient, creative and competitive travel solutions. Innovation
and eyes and ears to your wishes and travel needs are keys to our future success not only in Asia but
around the globe.
It is with pride to inform you that especially for the Dutch and Belgium market we have the best
staff members to serve your needs. Knowledge of your personal wishes, majority of our staff
carries minimum of 5 years’ experience, multilingual (minimum 3 languages), and familiar with all the
services JTB can offer. So no matter if you like to go on holiday, like to organize an exclusive event or
go on a business trip, our JTB Netherlands office is your one-stop shop for all your travel needs.
But what makes our JTB Netherlands office even more unique is that they combine Japanese
efficiency and hospitality with the informal and direct way of communication the people in the
Benelux are known for. Of course I am also very proud of our other 26,000 staff members working in
our other 516 offices around the globe. So no matter where you are, JTB is always around the corner
to help you. That being said, I would like to thank you for your continuing support. It has been and will
always be an honor and pleasure to serve your needs.
Snow Wall Japan Alps Tour ···············································30
More Selected Guided Tours·············································32
Special Features
Winter Sports ····································································35
Japan for Families ·····························································36
Honeymoon ·······································································37
Travel Tips ·········································································38
Discover the World ····························································40
Corporate Services
Business Travel ·································································43
Incentives & Events ··························································44
MICE Services···································································45
Incentive Travel ·································································46
Special Interest Tours & Incentives ···································47
Shuji Okamoto
President & CEO
About JTB
100 years of Trust, Professionalism
and Expertise
Who We are
About JTB·····································································05
JTB's Global Network···················································06
JTB Netherlands ···························································07
In March, the Japan Tourist Bureau is
established, taking on the mission of the
Japan Travel Bureau Inc. is established.
Sunrise Tours is launched in the inbound
travel market.
The LOOK brand is launched.
Sales through the ACE brand are launched.
Establishment of JI Accident & Fire Insurance
Co., Ltd., in a joint venture with AIG of the
United States.
JTB Benefit Service Corp. is established to
handle the outsourcing of welfare and other
Headquarters, Japan Tourist Bureau, 1912
Source: Japan Travel Bureau Semicentennial history
JTB was founded in 1912 with a mission to invite and serve
the needs of visitors from overseas. As the Japanese economy
expanded, demand for travel increased among the Japanese
people, and JTB grew too. JTB is a leading figure in the history
of the Japanese travel industry and the formation of Japan’s
travel culture.
Over the years JTB has acquired a diverse wealth of travel
expertise, gathered not only by its well-informed and
professional staff but also by its numerous Group companies
operating a wide array of business models.
Today JTB has grown to become Asia’s No. 1 travel agent, with
offices in 34 countries and regions worldwide. Its longstanding
relationships with customers and business partners have made
JTB a company that people trust and look to for great results.
In March, Tavigator Inc. is established by
Yahoo and the Softbank Group as an online
travel ticket sales agency. In December
JTB-CWT Business Travel Solutions, Inc., is
established as a business travel company, in
a joint venture with Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Creates joint Nice Gift vouchers with JCB
Co., Ltd. valid at 500,000 retailers throughout
Acquisition of shares in Tumlare Group.
“Rurubu” is officially recognized by the
Guinness Book of Records™ as the largest
selling travel guide series in the world.
JTB Group Philosophy
In China, New Century International Tour Co.,
Ltd. acquires permission for overseas travel
sales to People’s Republic of China citizens.
In September of the same year, the company
starts to sell the travel product “Youyi”.
Through creation of multicultural human exchange contribute to
harmony and understanding throughout the global society.
Our Promise
Formulation of a new group brand message,
“The JTB Way.”
100th anniversary of JTB establishment
JTB Group's mission is to bring satisfying and joyful experiences
to customers through creation of opportunities, providing
multicultural exchange and understanding with people, nature
and history in the global environment based on 100 years of
serving customers with the objective to enhance their lifestyle
Brand Slogan
Our commitment is to always be by our customers’ side, to help
plan and create the perfect moment.
Current JTB Headquarters in Tokyo Japan
Who We are
JTB Global Network
The JTB's global network extends to 516
offices in 100 cities, covering 36 countries
and regions.
Your one-stop shop for
all your travel wishes!
JTB Netherlands
The JTB Group covers every aspect of travel from sales
to service at the destination. Our integrated Destination
Management Company network both sends off and welcomes
international travelers everywhere. The JTB global network
extends to 516 offices in 100 cities, covering 36 countries and
regions. With roots in countries around the world and deep
understanding and affection for the cultures of those regions,
JTB employees foster cultural exchange, telling the world about
the many attractions of the places in which they serve.
Our team
Dear Customers,
The dedication of our entire JTB Netherlands' team is integral to
providing excellent service that stands out in our industry. Our
commitment is to always be by our customers’ side, to help,
plan and create perfect moments.
I can tell you that there is a big world between Hawaii and
The Netherlands. It’s also a beautiful world waiting to be
discovered and explored.
JTB offices are vital hubs that both send off and welcome
international travelers. Wherever in the world our customers are
coming from or heading to, JTB is proud to handle all aspects of
the travel business. With a proprietary network that spans the
globe, the JTB global network is a rare group of companies that
can provide all the travel services customers desire, all around
the world.
Is one sound better than the other?
Our services
JTB Netherlands is the full service travel agency providing all
products for all of your travel needs
Customized tours
Individual tours
Guided tours
Worldwide destinations
JTB European Network
The JTB Europe organization consists of 16 sales offices. Each office offers all the JTB products making us your one-stop-shop no
matter where you are. Thanks to a close and strong cooperationship with each office JTB guarantees you the best service.
Special Ethnic Service
Multilingual tours
Unique locations
Special prices
Cultural services
おもてなし (Omotenashi)
Who We are
How do I know? My family and I crossed this distance
being transferred from our Hawaii office to become JTB’s
Netherlands' branch manager. As I used to wake up with
the sound of the ocean waves I now hear the sound of
hundreds of bicycle bells.
Business Meetings
VIP Service
Events / Conference
Definitely not. Amsterdam is the place where Aloha meets
Hallo. Each sound, each smell, each impression has its
own beauty and uniqueness. With these thoughts I am
proud and honored to lead a group of international, highly
experienced and motivated people in our organization. Each
one of them is unique and that makes them special and
precious. And at JTB we are honored to have unique staff
because they serve unique customers... WE SERVE YOU!!
At JTB Netherlands, every client is a VIP. We approach
each request with a fresh look and do our outmost best
to make every trip a unique and a special experience. No
matter if you go on a business trip, like to have us to take
a look at your holiday plans, or you would like to thank your
own unique staff with a big reward show. The world is a
big place to discover, but you always have to start from one
point. JTB Netherlands is that point.
Best regards and aloha,
Business Travel
Air Tickets
Hotel Reservations
Car Rental
Visa Service
Abrar Uppal
Branch Manager JTB Netherlands
Who We are
About Japan
Seasons ········································································10
The Japan Rail Pass ·····················································12
Sunrise Tours ································································13
Special Air Fairs in Japan ··············································13
Where to Go ·································································14
Japan is a destination like no other — its very special highlights and attractions
fascinate the first-time visitor, but bring people back again and again.
A rich and highly-developed culture
Being an island nation, Japan has developed its own way of
looking at things, its own way of life and social conventions.
The country’s art and religions show the influences of nearby
countries such as China and Korea, but have been refined and
adapted to a uniquely Japanese pattern. Simple activities such
as writing, drinking tea, bathing, are rituals, art-forms in
High technology and ancient traditions
Japan’s research into robotics, high-speed trains, and consumer
electronics puts it at the forefront of technology. But the people
have a profound respect for tradition — which can be seen in
the festivals held in cities and towns throughout the country,
and in Japanese gardens, meticulously
cultivated to produce an understated serenity.
Japanese food is more and more well-known and available
worldwide. But for the real thing, the freshest ingredients, the
best regional specialities, go to Japan and sample it for yourself.
From the humble bowl of noodles from a food stall, to a Kaiseki
full-course menu at a deluxe restaurant, Japanese food is a
delight not to be missed.
Seasonal and regional delights
Japan’s four seasons are clearly defined, spring and autumn
being the most pleasant and comfortable times to visit. But
from the incredible powder snow in the northern island of
Hokkaido in winter, to the sub-tropical forest and beaches of
Kyushu and the Okinawa islands in the south, this long and
varied country offers a complete range of climate and scenery.
Anyone who has travelled in Japan will attest to the hospitality
of the people and their positive welcome of overseas visitors.
And when language problems mean it’s not possible to give
directions, it is quite common for a local to go out of their way
to take you where you want to go. Such is the goodwill and
politeness shown to visitors from overseas which makes Japan
a safe destination
with a warm welcome.
About Japan
Japan has all the major worldwide hotel chains, particularly in the major cities of Tokyo and
Osaka. There are also many Japanese hotel companies and groups offering western-style
accommodation throughout the country. And while in Japan, why not try a more traditional
stay at a ryokan, or Japanese inn?
The spring, March/April/May, is an ideal time to visit Japan.
The weather is pleasant, and of course Japan’s famous cherry
blossom comes out, the buds opening first in the warmer south
and working up through the country. Best estimates are that full
bloom will be 2–3 April in Kyushu, through to 8 May in Sapporo,
on the northern island of Hokkaido. Although during the “Golden
Week” period of national holidays (2–6 May) the country is very
busy (hotels and transportation), spring is a very good time to go.
Summertime can be hot and humid, especially in the big cities.
But the Japanese enliven summer with many traditional festivals
and colourful processions, which are well worth seeing if you
can. They are typical of the Japanese reverence for custom and
tradition in the midst of modern life. Many towns hold firework
displays in summer too, adding drama and atmosphere to
evenings when families stroll around in the cool of the evening.
The autumn season is a very popular and recommended time to
visit Japan. There is less heat and humidity, and in late October /
early November in the forests of Japan, the leaves change to a
lovely palette of autumn colours. The temples of Nikko and the
hilly regions around Matsumoto and Takayama appear at their
best in the colours of autumn. “Momiji” is the maple tree —
which the Japanese themselves flock to see when its leaves
turn a blazing red in autumn.
The highland and north parts of Japan enjoy massive snowfall
in winter — dry powder snow which is ideal for skiing and
snowboarding. The Nagano area, in the so-called “Japan
Alps” of Japan’s main island, hosted the Winter Olympics in
1980, and since then both Nagano resorts and those on the
northern island of Hokkaido have developed further to cater for
international skiers. January typically sees clear weather and
good visibility throughout Japan, ideal for touring and being a
quieter season, there are fewer crowds and often lower prices.
Not just Japanese-style accommodation, but a cultural experience:
a fascinating way to see some traditional Japanese culture and
escape the bustle and noise of modern life.
A ryokan is a type of traditional Japanese inn that offers Japanesestyle rooms with tatami mat floors, and futon mattresses are laid
out on the floor for sleeping. Ryokans are typically located in scenic
areas, such as in the mountains or by the sea, but they are possible
to find in some cities such as Kyoto.
Ryokan accommodation is usually on halfboard basis (i.e. includes
Japanese dinner and breakfast), and for this reason is often
more expensive than a moderate hotel would be. But even for
one night, staying in a ryokan is highly recommended to
experience Japanese style and cuisine.
JTB has been dealing with the major ryokans through the
country for many years, for both international visitors and our
substantial domestic tourism business. So you can benefit from
our excellent prices and good relations with a wide range of the
best establishments.
As Japan’s largest and longest-established travel organisation,
JTB has good relations and excellent prices with all the
major hotels in Japan, and a powerful internal online booking
system for instant confirmation. So whether you prefer deluxe
accommodation or more modest hotels, we have a wide range
available at very competitive prices to include in your tour or
tailor-made itinerary. Japan does not operate the “star” system
of hotel grading, but we rate them as economy, standard,
superior or deluxe.
About Japan 11
Taking the train is a great way to
travel around Japan. The country’s
rail network is comprehensive,
punctual and reliable, and of
course it includes the famous
Shinkansen “bullet train” services.
Sunrise Tours
How to Order and Exchange
The Japan Rail Pass
Order the voucher via an order form from our website.
The Japan Rail Pass is an ideal way to economically and
efficiently travel through Japan. Unlimited use of the JR train
network for 7, 14 or 21 days. The trains in Japan are famous for
being safe, clean, fast and punctual, hence making traveling by
them the way to get around in Japan. Get on the super-fast
Hikari or Kodama shinkansen trains and travel lightning fast from
one city to another. Read more about this money-saving and
easy-to-use train pass below.
Great Value with the Japan Rail Pass
Train fare between
Tokyo – Kyoto – Hiroshima –Tokyo (example)
Ordinary class adult fare
7-day Japan Rail Pass
(ordinary class, within a 7-day period)
The Japan Rail Pass Variety
• 7-day ordinary class (valid for 7 days)∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ €221
• 14-day ordinary class (valid for 14 days)∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ €353
• 21-day ordinary class (valid for 21 days)∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ €452
• 7-day first class (valid for 7 days)∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ €296
• 14-day first class (valid for 14 days)∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ €479
• 21-day first class (valid for 21 days)∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ €623
About Japan
After completing the payment you will receive the voucher
within a few days by mail. It is also possible to pick up the
voucher at our Amsterdam office or last minute at Schiphol
Airport (19,36 EUR).
Fill in the visa form provided on board. The visa form will be
exchanged for a 90 days tourist visa stamp at a passport
control. The Japan Rail Pass can only be exchanged with
this “Temporary Visitor” stamp.
To exchange the actual Japan Rail Pass, take your passport
(with the temporary visitor stamp) and the voucher to a
ticket office located at many large JR stations. Fill in a form,
show your passport and submit your voucher. The starting
day can be decided at this point. It does not have to be the
date you have exchanged the pass. The definition of “one
day” for this pass is from 00:00 AM - 00:00 PM. So
activating your pass around 22:00 PM would be a waste, as
it means it is only valid for two hours.
Obtain the actual rail pass and commence your train journey.
• Japan Rail Pass is a paper ticket without any magnetic side,
therefore you must always show your pass to the personnel
at the ticket gates and not insert it into the magnetic slots.
The personnel will let you pass through the side gates.
• Keep the restrictions of the pass in mind. The Japan Rail Pass
does not allow you to board the Nozomi/Mizuho shinkansen
without paying a large additional fee. All other trains operated
by Japan Rail (JR) are covered by the Japan Rail Pass. This
also includes some local bus lines and the ferry from
Hiroshima to Miyajima. We also sell regional passes like the
Kansai Pass, Hokkaido Pass, Kyushu Pass and many others.
In preparation for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 1964, JTB
devised a range of tours and excursions with English-speaking
guide — JTB Sunrise Tours — designed to make it easy and
convenient for overseas visitors to get the most of their trip to
Japan. Now the Olympics are coming round again to Tokyo in
2020, and JTB’s Sunrise Tours are still going strong. This range
of tours, excursions and hands-on activities operates reliably
and regularly, with pickup services from major hotels: joining a
Sunrise Tour is a cost-effective way to see the sights and
appreciate aspects of Japanese culture.
Examples of Sunrise Excursion Tours
Dynamic Tokyo
This full day tour begins with the ascent of Tokyo Tower. Then
on to a traditional Japanese tea ceremony at the Happo-en
Garden. “Happo-en” means “beautiful from every angle”.
This garden is a haven of restful beauty in the midst of Tokyo.
After lunch in the picturesque surroundings of the Chinzanso
Restaurant, take a cruise on the Sumida River to Asakusa. Then
on to the Nakamise Shopping Arcade, leading up to Asakusa
Kannon Temple, before passing through Ginza, the famous
shopping and entertainment district.
Tokyo Sumo Tournament
Three times every year, Japan’s national Sumo tournament
takes place in Tokyo. After arriving in Ryogoku with the Englishspeaking guide, visit the Sumo Museum then continue on to the
Kokugikan arena to watch the real thing. FM radio earphones
give you English commentary, explaining the action. Afterwards,
sample the traditional food of Sumo wrestlers – Chanko stew.
Mt. Fuji – Hakone 1-day tour
It is an iconic symbol of Japan recognised worldwide. This
guided tour takes you to the Fuji Visitor Centre, and to Mt. Fuji’s
5th station to enjoy the view from 2,300m above sea level.
Afterwards, take in Hakone’s beautiful scenery on a cruise around
Lake Ashi and a ride on the Komagatake Ropeway, for great views
of Mt. Fuji, weather permitting. You can choose to return to Tokyo
by Bullet train, by coach, or to finish the excursion at Odawara
station if you plan to take the Bullet train onwards to Kyoto or Osaka.
Nikko World Heritage 1-day tour
Nikko, around 95 miles north of Tokyo, is one of Japan’s most
beautiful shrines. Take a relaxing excursion out of Tokyo to visit
this magnificent historic complex. Now protected in a National
Park, Nikko is one of the Japan’s most important UNESCO
World Heritage sites.
Kyoto 1-day tour
The Kyoto full day tour visits all the main highlights of this
historic city: Nijo Castle, with palace buildings arguably the
best surviving examples of castle palace architecture of Japan’s
feudal era, and a UNESCO World Heritage site; the Golden
Temple (Kinkakuji), a Zen temple in northern Kyoto whose
top two floors are completely covered in gold leaf; then on to
the Imperial Palace. After a Japanese lunch, continue to the
Heian Shrine, and Sanjusangendo the world’s longest wooden
structure, housing 1,001 life-size statues of Buddhist Kannon
deities dating back to the 13th century, and Kiyomizu Temple,
a Buddhist Temple dating from 1633, built high on a hillside
offering magnificent views of Kyoto. By coach with Englishspeaking guide throughout.
Special Air Fares in Japan
As an IATA travel agent, we can book and issue all the air
tickets you need for your trip. And in addition to flights from
the Netherlands to Japan on all airlines, we can also provide
you with the special domestic air fares within Japan offered
by Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways. Contact us for a
quotation with or without air travel.
About Japan 13
Where to Go
Over 3,000 km from one end to the other, the archipelago of Japan has a rich variety of
landscapes, regional differences and traditions and climate. From the wide spaces and
natural wilderness of Hokkaido in the north to the subtropical Okinawa Islands in the
south, Japan has so much to explore.
Winter sports
Hokkaido has wide open spaces and plenty of natural beauty to
explore in winter or summer.
Hokkaido’s powder snow is second to none: resorts such as
Niseko, Rusutsu and Furano offer great snowboarding and skiing.
Travel from December right through to the end of March if you want
to include winter sports in your Japan trip.
Explore by car
Hiring a car is a great way to visit Hokkaido in summer: the road
network is very good, and not busy. With so much nature to
explore, hiring a car allows you to go at your own pace. In the east
of the island, go whale-watching off the coast of the Shiretoko
National Park, or see red-crowned cranes and other wildlife in the
Kushiro marshlands. Hokkaido has over 1,200 festivals and events
held throughout the year, including the world-famous Sapporo
Snow Festival.
Japan’s main island of Honshu has all the main attractions: Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka,
Hiroshima… And all these cities are linked by bullet train (Shinkansen) services offering
reliable high-speed transportation all the way from Aomori in the north to Hiroshima
in the south and onwards to Kyushu. To take the route less travelled between Tokyo
and Kyoto, and see some of the more traditional countryside of Japan, travel via
Matsumoto, Takayama and Kanazawa.
Mt. Fuji
© Niseko Village
The smaller island of Shikoku is less frequented by tourists. Its restful
countryside is great for cycling, or there is a regional rail pass which
makes exploring by rail easy and convenient. The towns of Kochi and
Matsuyama have well-preserved traditional castles which are well worth
a visit: Matsuyama Castle occupies an impressive position on a steep hill
in the centre of the town, and the surrounding garden with its 200 cherry
trees is a well-known cherry blossom spot from late March to early April
each year. The Seto Inland Sea between Shikoku and the mainland of
Honshu is dotted with small islands — a very picturesque view from
many locations along the coast.
With a subtropical climate, plenty of hot springs and natural beauty,
Kyushu is well worth a visit. See Nagasaki, one of Japan’s most
historic cities, Kumamoto with its impressive traditional castle,
or Kagoshima, stronghold of the powerful Shimazu clan.
JR Kyushu regional Rail Passes make travel easy on
the island’s rail network.
Land of volcanoes and hot springs
The whole island shows its volcanic origins — from the enormous
caldera crater of Mt. Aso, to the numerous hot springs dotted around
the island. Beppu is the most popular of the island’s hot spring
resorts, but there are others such as Yufuin which have a small-town
feel. We have various packages to Kyushu on our website which can
be taken alone or as part of a longer trip around Japan.
About Japan
The name Okinawa means “rope in the open
sea”, a fair description of this long stretch of
islands between mainland Japan and Taiwan.
There are regular domestic flight connections
from Tokyo and Osaka to the major islands.
The area’s subtropical climate, with white sand
beaches, emerald-green sea and reefs to swim
and dive, make it one of the best dive sites in
the world!
About Japan 15
Our Individual customized tours are
based on the JTB Sunrise range of tours
and excursions. This means that during
your trip you will join several different
excursions with English-speaking guide
and transportation included a very costeffective way of seeing the major sights.
Always wanted to go to
Japan? Now is the time!
These are the ultimate
individual tours for you!
Our Popular Tours
Customized Tour
Our Popular Tours ·························································17
Tours with Special Interests ·········································18
Regional Tours ······························································19
Short Period Tours ························································19
Sample Itineraries ·························································20
Discover Japan by Shinkansen Train
15-day tour
Customized especially for you to discover Japan’s most
famous sights between Tokyo to Nagasaki by Bullet train
(Shinkansen). You can explore the temples, shrines and
experience the large cities, countryside, nature and culture, all
in one single bullet train (shinkansen) train travel!
23-day tour
Customized especially for you to discover Japan’s even more
famous sights in Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Nagasaki, Hiroshima,
Kyoto, Tokyo, Sendai, Naruko Onsen, Aomori, Akita.
Spring Sakura Tour
Destinations: Tokyo, Hakone, Tsumago, Takayama, Kanazawa,
Kyoto, Hiroshima, Fukuoka | Duration: 18 days
Travel period: spring 2016 (Japanese spring is from late March
until May.)
This beautiful season is the perfect one to visit Japan due to
its gentle temperature as it is not too cold and not too warm.
The cherry blossoms are in bloom and the whole country
is painted in a mesmerizing pink color. The Japanese love
spring season and often celebrate it by picnicking underneath
the sakura trees and enjoying the petals.
Japan, in a nutshell
Fall in Japan – Gorgeous Colors
Destinations: Tokyo, Hakone (Mt. Fuji) and Kyoto
Duration: 11 days
Destinations: Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Kanazawa,
Takayama, Matsumoto, Yudanaka, Tokyo | Duration: 16 days
Travel period: Fall
This 11-day tour will take you through Japan’s highlights.
First, you will visit Tokyo with short excursions to
surrounding areas such as Kamakura, or Nikko. After Then
you will travel to Hakone and spend two nights at a Japanese
ryokan to enjoy the hot springs amongst others. Hakone is
also known for its gorgeous view of Mt. Fuji and its National
Park. Then travel to Kyoto the cultural capital of Japan which
is renowned for traditional beauty.
Japanese fall is from September until mid-November. During
this season the whole country is colored in a glorious palette
of autumn leaves. The different seasons are embraced in
Japanese culture, but fall brings out a beauty that makes this
nation come alive in a unique way. You will experience this
beauty during the special tour visiting a selection of the most
gorgeous scenery that Japan has to offer.
Individual Customized Tours 17
Tours with Special Interests
Regional Tours
Kyushu Discovery by Car
Art Japan
Destinations: Tokyo, Kanazawa, Naoshima, Kyoto
Duration: 12 days | Travel period: 2015 – 2016
Japan is known for rich traditions and enchanting natural
beauty, but also for its innovative technology, commerce and
modernity. This tour will take you on a leisurely journey to
get acquainted with both aspects. First you'll enjoy Tokyo’s
modern architecture and its unique culture. Then going to
Kanazawa which is famous for its 21st Century Museum of
Contemporary Art, beautiful Kenroku-en gardens and samurai
houses. Then visit “Art Island” of Naoshima. End your journey
in Kyoto by enjoying its many breathtaking sights rooted in
elegant history.
Otaku Japan!
Destinations: Tokyo, Kyoto, Himeji, Nara
Duration: 6 days | Travel period: 2016
Japan, the birthplace of anime, manga, character figurines
and video games. Classics such as Dragonball, Hello Kitty or
Nintendo are often linked to Japan and as most enthusiasts
know Japan is a true paradise for fans of the Otaku
subculture. Akihabara is the first place fans dream of visiting
when in Japan and this will be your first destination of this
tour. Overwhelm and enjoy yourself in “Electric City” and its
enormous amount of anime, manga, retro and contemporary
video games, figures and toy collections.
Destinations: Sapporo, Sounkyo, Shiretoko, Kushiro
Duration: 8 days
Hokkaido is Japan’s northern island. It makes for a great
location in every season: it is nice and cool in the summer
because of the low humidity and a true white beauty covered
in powdery snow during winter time. The JR Hokkaido Pass is
a great way to explore this island. Hokkaido is a natural beauty
as it is home to the Daisetsuzan National Park, the remote
Shiretoko-Hanto peninsula, Kushiro Marsh, the Japanese crane
and the Shikotsu-Toya National Park with its volcanoes and
lakes. Don’t forget to relax in the hot springs in Noboribetsu,
Jozan Kei and Sounkyou!
Narrow Road to the Deep North of Japan
(Tohoku Tour)
Destinations: Kobe, Tokushima, Takamatsu, Naoshima,
Kotohira, Matsuyama, Hiroshima, Mt. Koya, Osaka, Kyoto
Duration: 13 days | Travel period: 2016
Beautiful scenery, a laid-back atmosphere, tranquility, amazing
sights and friendly people. This tour provides all of the above by
focusing on Shikoku (literally: four countries), Japan’s fourth
island located southwest of Honshu. This little gem is a true
natural beauty covered in an allure of simplicity and spirituality.
Individual Customized Tours
This tour starts in Fukuoka. After enjoying this city for a few
days you will pick up your rental car on day 3 in order to
explore Kyushu’s raw beauty. Kyushu is known for its active
volcanoes and astonishing nature. You will witness this
first-hand from behind the wheel of your own rental car. This
might be challenging because cars are driven on the left side
of the road, but you can always rely on an English language
GPS system. Visit many places unreachable for tourists
without a car and indulge yourself in Kyushu’s nature.
Short Period Tours
Shikoku Bicycle Tour
Destinations: Hiroshima, Onomichi, Matsuyama
Duration: 4 days
Rural Spirit
Destinations: Fukuoka, Yabakei, Aso, Takachiko, Miyazaki,
Kagoshima, Nagasaki | Duration: 16 days
Destinations: Tokyo, Nikko, Sendai, Hiraizumi, Naruko Onsen,
Aomori, Akita, Yamagata, Kanazawa, Tsuruga, Ogaki, Kyoto
Duration: 21 days | Travel period: Late March – Late November
The work ‘Narrow Road to the Deep North’ or ‘Oku no
Hosomichi’ created by poet Matsuo Bashou is considered
one of the most prominent works in Japanese literature.
It is based on Bashou’s epic foot journey throughout the
Northeast of Japan. This tour will follow his great footsteps
and to witness Tohoku’s magnificent beauty. Tour starts
from Tokyo, followed by the popular areas of the poet’s visit
and continue further south to Kyoto and depart from Kansai
This one’s for the bicycle lovers! A biking trail across Shikoku’s
many small islands all the way from Onomichi until Imabari.
The trail is 65 km long and you can pick-up and drop-off rental
bikes at many places. The tour starts in Hiroshima, known for
its atomic bomb museum, and continues by train to Onomichi.
Hop on a bike from there and enjoy the magnificent view along
the way. Take a rest halfway and rest your legs at a hot spring
or bath house. Continue your journey to Imabari, the tour’s final
destination. You will travel to Matsuyama and visit Dogo
Onsen: one of Japan’s oldest hot springs. You will return to
Hiroshima by boat the next day.
Destinations: Yakushima | Duration: 4 days (3 nights in
Yakushima) | Travel period: 2016
Yakushima Island is located close to Kyushu’s coast. Its
unique climate and wilderness led to Japan’s first UNESCO
World Natural Heritage Site. The island is often called
“Alps of the Ocean” as approximately 75% of Yakushima is
Kyushu Traditional Tour
Destinations: Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, Kumamoto,
Aso, Yufuin | Duration: 11 days
Kyushu is Japan’s south western Island with capital Fukuoka
as an excellent place to start exploring the island. Kyushu is
renowned for its astonishing nature, mountains, hot springs,
volcanic areas and of course its culture. Because of its
geographical location, Kyushu knows many influences from
Korea and Taiwan, but also from the West.
Okinawa’s Ishigaki
Destinations: Okinawa | Duration: 5 days
This tour is an extension to Okinawa, an island group located
in the south of Japan. Ishigaki Island is known for being a
tropical paradise where people love enjoying the beach and
island life. Visitors can enjoy water sports in the beautiful
blue ocean filled with coral reefs. It is a perfect place for
scuba diving and some R&R.
Individual Customized Tours 19
Sample Itineraries
Historic Japan
Duration: 8 nights 10 days
For those with a little more time to spend, this trip includes Tokyo, Mt. Fuji and Kyoto, and Hiroshima & Miyajima.
We have created the following sample itineraries for your inspiration. The tours contain
individual elements combined with guided tours.
Japan’s Golden Route
Duration: 5 nights 7 days
An ideal tour for the first-time visitor to Japan, this trip includes Tokyo, Mt. Fuji and a ride on the bullet train to the historic city of Kyoto.
Mt. Fuji
Depart for Narita airport by economy
class flight.
Arrive at Tokyo Narita airport and take
the airport bus to your hotel in Tokyo.
Morning tour of Tokyo by coach with
guide, afternoon free at leisure.
Kyoto, a former capital of Japan, has
many historic buildings designated as
World Heritage sites. After a morning
tour and lunch, continue to nearby
Nara to visit Todaiji Temple housing
the Great Buddha, Kasuga Taisha
Shrine and the Nara Park.
What’s included
▪▪ Return flights economy class
▪▪ Airport transfer service
▪▪ 5 nights accommodation in Japan
at standard-grade hotel sharing
twin room incl. breakfast
▪▪ 2 lunches
▪▪ Sightseeing as mentioned by
coach with English-speaking guide
Individual Customized Tours
Mt. Fuji
Depart for Narita airport by
economy class flight.
Arrive at Tokyo Narita airport.
Meeting staff will provide assistance
to take a reserved taxi to the hotel in
▪▪ Visit Tokyo with half-day city tour
▪▪ Coach to the Fuji/Hakone National
Park for views of Mt. Fuji, then
take the bullet train to Kyoto
▪▪ Stay in Kyoto, with guided
▪▪ Full-day excursion to Nara, a
former capital of Japan
Half-day tour in Tokyo, ending in
Akihabara, the district known as
“Electric Town” famous for high-tech
and electrical goods.
Full-day excursion to Kamakura and
Yokohama by coach. In Kamakura
visit the Great Buddha (44 ft tall),
Hasedera temple and Tsurugaoka
Hachimangu shrine. After lunch,
continue to Yokohama, to visit the
Sankeien garden with its trees,
ponds, and important historic
buildings. Return to Tokyo via the
Yokohama Bay Bridge.
▪▪ Visit Tokyo with half-day city tour
▪▪ Excursion to Kamakura and
Full day free in Kyoto
Today’s excursion to Japan’s most
sacred mountain Mt. Fuji, takes you by
coach halfway up, to a height of 2,300
meters. After a Japanese-style lunch,
continue to Hakone for a cruise on Lake
Ashi and Mt. Komagatake Ropeway.
Then board the bullet train to Kyoto.
▪▪ Stay overnight at a hotel in
Hakone, near Mt. Fuji
▪▪ Based in Kyoto, visit Nara, a
former capital of Japan, Hiroshima
and the Itsukushima Shrine
2,300 meters. After a Japanese-style
lunch continue to Hakone for a cruise
on Lake Ashi and Mt. Komagatake
Ropeway. Stay overnight in Hakone.
Morning drive to Odawara for a bullet
train to Kyoto. Lunch at hotel in
Kyoto. Afternoon tour to Nara, the
first permanent capital of Japan. Visit
Todaiji temple, Kasuga Taisha shrine
and Nara Park. Return to Kyoto in the
Full-day sightseeing of Kyoto, visiting
Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion),
Nijo Castle and Kyoto Imperial
Palace. After lunch, continue visiting
Sanjusangendo temple with its 1,001
images of Buddha, Heian Jingu
shrine and Kiyomizu Dera temple.
Transfer to Kyoto station for a bullet
train to Hiroshima, then continue by
coach and short ferry ride to
Miyajima island, to see the
picturesque Itsukushima Jinja shrine.
Return to Hiroshima to visit the
Peace Memorial Park, Memorial
Museum and the Atomic Bomb
Dome. Return to Kyoto by a bullet
train in the evening.
Full day free in the historic city of
Transfer to Kansai Airport for flight
What’s included
▪▪ Return flights economy class
▪▪ Airport transfer service
▪▪ 8 nights accommodation in Japan
Transfer to Kansai Airport for flight
at standard grade hotel sharing
twin room incl. breakfast
▪▪ 4 lunches
▪▪ Sightseeing as mentioned by
coach with English-speaking guide
The excursion to Japan’s most
sacred mountain, Mt. Fuji, takes you
by coach halfway up, to a height of
Individual Customized Tours 21
Spiritual Journey
Duration: 9 nights 11 days
This tour visits Mt. Koya, where some of the most historic Buddhist temples in the country nestle in peaceful hillside and forest.
Stay overnight in a shukubo (temple lodging), enjoy the monks’ vegetarian dinner and breakfast.
Hiroshima Osaka
Mt. Fuji
Depart for Kansai airport by
economy class flight.
Arrive at Kansai airport, and take
airport bus to hotel in Kyoto. Stay
for 4 nights.
Morning tour of Kyoto, a former
capital of Japan, visiting Nijo Castle,
Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion),
and the Imperial Palace. Afternoon
free at leisure.
Mt. Koya
▪▪ Visit Kyoto with half-day city tour
▪▪ Travel to Mt. Koya for overnight
▪▪ Bullet train to Tokyo, half-day city
▪▪ Excursion to the Shinto shrines of
▪▪ Coach to the Fuji/Hakone National
Park for views of Mt. Fuji
What’s included
▪▪ Return flights economy class
▪▪ Airport transfer service
▪▪ 9 nights accommodation in
Japan at standard grade hotel
sharing twin room incl. breakfast
(except in Mt. Koya where
accommodation is at temple
lodging Fukuchi-in, with basic
▪▪ 3 lunches, 1 dinner
▪▪ English-speaking guide services
on day 3, and day 6–10
▪▪ Trains (standard class) and coach
transfers as specified
Individual Customized Tours
Full day free to explore this historic
<Optional tours offered today>
- Half-day excursion to Nara
- Tea ceremony and Ginkakuji
Temple walking Tour
- Kyoto special night tour
Another opportunity to tailor-make
this tour according to your own
preferences by taking optional tours.
<Offered today>
- Sagano bamboo grove and
Arashiyama walking tour
- Hiroshima & Miyajima full-day tour
- Maiko dinner
Make your way to Granvia Hotel in
Osaka to meet English-speaking
guide who will travel with you to Mt.
Koya by train, cable car and coach.
After lunch, walk to Okuno-in temple
with guide, then to the Danjo Garan
complex on other side of Mt. Koya.
Arrive at the shukubo (temple
lodging) around 16:00. Stay 1 night at
Fukuchi-in (temple lodging). Dinner is
included (shojin ryori: Japanese-style
vegetarian — typical monk’s fare).
Pilgrim’s Path — the Kumano Kodo
Experience the tradition of the Kumano Kodo — the pilgrims’ path to the Kumano Shrine through the woods and hills of the Kii
Peninsula, south of Kyoto.
After dinner, futon mattresses will be
prepared on the tatami mat floor.
Those who wish may participate in
the morning devotions from 6:00 am.
Japanese breakfast served at around
8:00. This day is free at leisure, to
visit other notable places around the
small town on foot. At around 15:15
return to Osaka, to take the bullet
train to Tokyo. On arrival, travel to
hotel by yourself (take taxi or Tokyo
Metro). Stay for 4 nights.
In the morning, join a Tokyo tour with
English-speaking guide, visiting
Tokyo Tower, the Imperial Palace
Plaza and Nakamise shopping
arcade. Afternoon free at leisure.
Full-day excursion to Nikko. The
Toshogu shrine with its Yomeimon
gate, decorated with more than 500
carvings, is a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. After lunch, return via
the Tamozawa Imperial Villa and
Kirifuri Waterfall.
Full-day excursion to the Mt. Fuji
Hakone National Park. Drive up to
the 5th station, halfway up the
mountain. After lunch, cruise on Lake
Ashi, and take the Mt. Komagatake
Ropeway for a view of Mt. Fuji from
a distance (weather permitting).
Airport bus coupon provided for
transfer to Narita Airport for
departure flight.
Duration: 9 nights 11 days
Mt. Fuji
Depart for Narita airport by economy
class flight.
Free at leisure in the historic city of
Arrive at Tokyo Narita Airport and take
the “Airport Limousine” bus to the
hotel in Tokyo. Stay 3 nights at the
Shinagawa Prince Hotel or similar.
Join morning tour of Tokyo with
English-speaking guide. Afternoon
free at leisure.
Take the train from Kyoto to Tanabe
via Osaka, using the Japan Rail Pass.
Continue by local bus to Yunomine
for an overnight stay in Japanese
room at the Yunomine-so Ryokan or
at nearby Kawayu Onsen. Japanese
dinner is included.
Full day free at leisure or take an
excursion tour.
Take the local bus to HosshinmonOji, to walk part of the Kumano kodo
pilgrims’ path (7 km, 2.5 hours) to
Kumano Hongu. In the afternoon,
make your way to Katsuura by bus,
and stay overnight in Japanese room
at the Hotel Urashima or similar.
Japanese dinner is included.
In the morning, take a short bus ride
to Daimon to walk another part of the
Kumano Kodo (2.5 km, 1.5 hour) to
Kumano Nachi Taisha and Nachi
Waterfalls. Return to Katsuura by bus
and after lunch, take the train to
Osaka. Stay overnight at the Nikko
Kansai airport hotel or similar.
Depart from Kansai Airport
▪▪ Visit Tokyo, with half-day city tour
▪▪ Stay in Kyoto, with a full-day
sightseeing tour of Kyoto and Nara
▪▪ Travel to Yunomine on the Kii
Peninsula, and travel the Kumano
Kodo (pilgrims’ path) by bus and
on foot (moderate walking)
What’s included
▪▪ Return flights economy class
▪▪ Transfer from airport to hotel
Travel to Kyoto on the bullet train. A
Japan Rail Pass is included. Free at
leisure for the rest of the day in Kyoto.
Stay for 3 nights at the New Miyako
Hotel or similar.
Morning sightseeing of Kyoto with a
guide. After lunch, continue to Nara
visiting Todaiji temple housing the
Great Buddha, Kasuga Taisha shrine
and the Nara Park. Return to Kyoto in
the evening.
(airport bus coupon)
▪▪ 2 guided sightseeing excursions
(in Tokyo and Kyoto) as specified,
by coach with English-speaking
▪▪ 9 nights accommodation in Japan
at specified hotels or similar
▪▪ 2 Japanese dinners at Ryokan
accommodation as specified
▪▪ 9 breakfasts
▪▪ 7-day Japan Rail Pass for bullet
train Tokyo–Kyoto, and local trains
Kyoto–Tanabe, Katsuura–Kansai
Individual Customized Tours 23
JTB’s guided tours are the ideal way to discover Japan by the hand of our experts.
From beginning to the end of the tours you will be guided by a Dutch speaking tour
leader who'll support your great experience in Japan.
Hokkaido Snow Festival Tour
04 Feb
The Sapporo Snow Festival is one of Japan's largest winter event. Amaze yourself with large number of splendid
snow and ice sculptures lining Odori Park and Susukino
4 Feb
5 Feb Chitose
Guided Tours
Sakura (cherry blossoms) Japan Tour ···························28
Snow Wall Japan Alps Tour ··········································30
More Selected Guided Tours ········································32
6 Feb Tokyo
Sightseeing in Tokyo by Charter
motor coach. Visit Asakusa Temple,
Ueno Park, Ameya yoko-cho and
Imperial Palace.
Tokyo & Kyoto Spring Tour············································26
Shikotsu-Toya National Park. This
region features one of Japan's
youngest and still active volcanoes
- Mt. Showa Shinzan. Located on
the east flank of Mt. Usu, Showa
Shinzan was created as a result of
hundreds of explosive eruptions
and mudslides.
Leave for Brussels Airport by
charter bus from Amsterdam.
Depart for Narita Airport by ANA.
Arrive at Narita Airport and after the
immigrations and customs leave for
Hokkaido Snow Festival Tour········································25
Duration: 11 nights 13 days
7 Feb Haneda-Chitose-Sapporo
Leave hotel for Haneda Airport then
depart for Chitose. Arrive in Chitose
and proceed to Sapporo. We will
enjoy sightseeing at Lake Shikotsu,
Sapporo Odori Park and Susukino.
▪▪ Visit snow festival sights in
▪▪ Visit Ice Festival in Lake Shikotsu
▪▪ Susukino Ice Festival and Ramen
▪▪ Enjoy viewing the ice sculptures in
What’s included
▪▪ Return flights economy class
▪▪ 11 nights hotel accommodations
in Sapporo,Sunkyo, Noboribetsu,
Hakodate, Hirosaki, Sendai &
▪▪ Sightseeing to Sapporo,Sounkyo,
Noboribetsu, Hakodate, Hirosaki,
Sendai & Tokyo
▪▪ English speaking guide during
sightseeing tour
▪▪ Bilingual tour escort provided by
JTB Netherlands
▪▪ Pre-departure meeting
12 Feb Aomori
Visit the Hakkoda mountains which
are a rage of volcanic mountains
located in the south of Aomori city.
Board a cable car up to the peak of
Mt. Tamoyachi in the northern
Hakkoda mountain range to view
unique Ice Monsters.
13 Feb Hachimantai
Continue traveling to Hachimantai,
a mountainous region in northern
Akita and Iwate Prefectures. Enjoy
a Kiritanpo making, a traditional
dish in the region. It is a toasted
rice dumpling cooked with
seasonal vegetables and chickens.
15 Feb Sendai - Tokyo
Transfer to Sendai Station and
board the bullet train to Tokyo in
the morning. On arrival, board our
motorcoach to enjoy a Tokyo
half-day tour. Visit Ameya Yokocho, a busy market street with
many indoor and outdoor vendors
offering a variety of food products
and various merchandise at
discounted prices.
10 Feb Noboribetsu
Travel along the scenic Uchiura bay,
passing by Toya-ko, a large and
attractive caldera lake located in the
14 Feb Morioka
Travel to the Morioka city to visit
the Morioka Tezu-kuri Mura
(Morioka Handi-Works Square). A
village of shops offering handcrafted traditional goods, it's one of
the few places in Japan where you
can view, purchase, or create
traditional craft products.
9 Feb Sounkyo valley
Visit the Sounkyo Hyobaku Festival
in the morning. A fantastic world of
ice featuring man-made ice
sculptures such as ice caves, pillars,
and tunnels lined on the riverbed of
the Ishikari River. Continue on to
Sounkyo gorge, a spectacular gorge
extending along the Ishikari River
and renowned for its impressive
8 Feb Sapporo-Otaru-Sapporo
We will travel to historic Otaru, a
charming and romantic port city
located in western Hokkaido facing
Ishikari Bay. A well-known symbol of
the city is the historic Otaru Canal.
Beautifully restored with old-fashioned
gas lamps and preserved stone
warehouses, this scene provides a
nostalgic and romantic atmosphere.
Enjoy strolling through Sakaimachi
Dori, a preserved merchant street
featuring many shops, museums and
cafes. Featured at the southern end
of the street is a Music Box Museum
with a wide variety of elegant music
boxes. Standing in front of the building
is an old-fashioned steam clock,
presented to Otaru by the city of
Vancouver, British Columbia.
11 Feb Hakodate
Enjoy our shopping excursion at the
exciting Hakodate Morning Market
(Asaichi), a large marketplace
where many indoor and outdoor
vendors offer a huge selection of
dried seafood products, such as
scallops, dried squid and cuttlefish.
16 Feb Tokyo
Depart from Narita Airport by ANA
Guided Tours 25
Tokyo & Kyoto Spring Tour
05 Mar
Duration: 7 nights 9 days
Spring in Japan is very popular and well-known for its beautiful cherry blossoms. Experience Tokyo's famous
highlights such as Mt. Fuji, Hakone, Nagoya Castle and Kyoto.
Continue driving to the south to Shimizu, a ward of
Shizuoka city to visit Miho no Matsubara (Miho Pine Grove).
Renowned as a scenic seashore with beautiful green pine
trees and sand located on the Miho Peninsula. This scene
is designated as one of New Three Views of Japan (Shin
Nihon Sankei) and has also been selected as one of the
top 100 white sand beaches and green pine groves of
Japan. Enjoy an all-you-can-eat experience tasting fresh
delicious strawberries you pick off the vines in covered
greenhouses at a local orchard. Shizuoka prefecture is
also known as the largest tea producing region in Japan.
05 Mar
Depart for Narita Airport by ANA
09 Mar Shizuoka - Nagoya
11 Mar Kyoto & Nara
Visit the ancient city of Nara located at the northern end
of the Yamato Plain - a fertile valley where members of
the Yamato clan rose to power as the original emperors
of Japan. On arrival, visit the Todai-ji temple complex,
a magnificent Buddhist temple in Nara-koen - a park that
is home for many sacred deer roaming freely about.
The Daibutsu-den (hall of the great buddha) is considered
the largest wooden structure in the world and home to
the Daibutsu, an enormous bronze statue of Buddha,
perhaps the most famous sight in Nara. Within the hall
there is a large wooden pillar with a hole at its base. It is
a local tradition that those who pass through the opening
will find their way to an afterlife of paradise.
06 Mar Tokyo
Arrive Narita Airport in the afternoon
Kyoto Nagoya
Mt. Fuji
07 Mar Tokyo
Enjoy a full day of sightseeing in this exciting metropolitan city. Travel to Shinjuku,
a major commercial and administrative canter of Tokyo, housing the busiest train
station in the world (Shinjuku Station) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Building, the administration center for the government of Tokyo. Weather
permitting, enjoy a panoramic view of the city and the surrounding areas from
the observation deck at the top of one of the towers of the building. Continue
traveling to Asakusa, the center of Shitamachi, one of Tokyo's districts where an
atmosphere of the Tokyo of the past decades survives. Asakusa's main attraction
is Sensoji (Asakusa Kannon Temple).
▪▪ Visit Tokyo, Hakone, Mt. Fuji,
Nagoya, Kyoto and Nara
▪▪ Sightseeing the highlights of Tokyo,
Asakusa Temple, Nakamise Dori
▪▪ Visit Famous Mt. Fuji and Hakone
▪▪ Visit Miho no Matsubara (Miho
Pine Grove)
▪▪ Visit famous Kinkakuji temple and
Nara temple
What’s included
▪▪ Return flights economy class
▪▪ 7 nights hotel accommodations in
Tokyo, Hakone, Nagoya, Kyoto and
▪▪ Sightseeing in Tokyo, Hakone,
Shizuoka, Nagoya, Arashiyama,
Kyoto and Nara
▪▪ English speaking guide in Japan
▪▪ Pre-departure meetings
Guided Tours
10 Mar Nagoya - Kyoto
This morning, visit Nagoya Castle, one of the largest and
greatest castles in the country, constructed on the orders
of Ieyasu Tokugawa of the Owari branch. One of the main
features of the castle are the kinshachi (golden dolphins)
adorning the main ridge of the castle roof, signifying
prosperity. Travel to Kyoto and stay two nights. Kyoto is
formerly the imperial capital of Japan and now the capital
of Kyoto prefecture. On arrival, visit Kinkakuji temple
(golden pavilion), an impressive Zen Buddhist Temple designated as a National Special Historic Site.
This morning, we'll travel to Osaka to spend our last
night in Japan. On arrival, enjoy some sightseeing of
this exciting city. Enjoy a hands-on experience to make
some wax food samples at a shop in Dotombori, located
in the Namba ward of Osaka. This exciting district
runs alongside the Dotombori Canal, famous for its
many shops, restaurants, and neon signs. Enjoy a stroll
through the Kuromon Ichiba market - the most active
and busiest food market in Osaka, lined with specialty
shops and general-purpose stores that supply many of
the local restaurants as well as residents of the city with
their products. Kaiyukan aquarium is one of the largest
aquariums in the world.
08 Mar Hakone - Mt. Fuji
Travel to Hakone, a mountainous region that is part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu
National Park and noted as one of Japan's most popular hot spring resorts with
its volcanic hot springs and natural beauty. Enjoy a relaxing boat cruise on scenic
Ashino-ko lake, a beautiful crater lake formed in the caldera of Mount Hakone.
Weather permitting, enjoy a breathtaking view of Mt. Fuji – Japan's most sacred
mountain as we cruise on the serene lake.
12 Mar Kyoto - Osaka
13 Mar Osaka
Breakfast at the hotel and depart to the Kansai Airport for
the flight back.
Guided Tours 27
28 Mar
Sakura (cherry blossoms) Japan Tour
Duration: 11 nights 13 days
02 Apr Nagoya
Visit the Hatcho Miso Factory to see the process of
making miso. Hatcho Miso is featured in many of the miso
based dishes of the Nagoya area and has recently become
popular worldwide. You can enjoy shopping for miso
related products at the factory store. Later go to the
Toyota Automobile Factory to see the process of
assembling Toyota cars and visit its museum.
Sakura is the Japanese word for cherry blossoms, which bloom across Japan between March and May each year.
Enjoy Japan's most popular cherry blossom spots in Tokyo, Lake Kawaguchi, Nagoya, Kyoto & more.
In the morning visit Ritsurin Garden which is considered
“the most beautiful historical garden in Shikoku Island”.
The garden is skillfully laid-out to harmonize with 330
cherry blossom trees and the magnificent 1,400 pine
trees which have been expertly landscaped for centuries
to twist into fantastic shapes. If timing is right cherry
blossoms are blooming in the garden. Each step you take
reveals a new view of the different tasteful aspect of the
exquisitely arranged garden. Later cross the “Great Seto
Bridge” a series of suspension bridges spanning
between Honshu and Shikoku island.
03 Apr Nagoya - Kyoto
Visit the symbol of Nagoya, Nagoya Castle. The interior of
the castle is a modern museum displaying the castle’s
history includes samurai armour, helmets and swords etc.
If the timing is right, you will see cherry blossoms around
the castle grounds. Next go to Kyoto which used to be the
capital city of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a
reputation as “Japan’s Most Beautiful City”.
28 - 30 Mar Depart for Narita Airport
<Tokyo City Tour> Visit the outer garden of the Imperial Palace to see Niju Bashi
the main bridge of the Imperial Palace. After lunch in Asakusa, join a boat cruise
on the Sumida River. Enjoy the view of Tokyo from the boat including “Tokyo Sky
Tree” a brand new landmark of Tokyo, which opened in May 2012 boasting a
height of 2,080 feet and is “The World’s Tallest Tower”. If timing is right, you will
see cherry blossoms along the river side. Accommodations at Hotel Grand
Pacific Odaiba or similar.
Mt. Fuji
04 Apr Kyoto
<All-Day Kyoto City Tour>
In the morning visit the colorful Heian Shrine with its
beautiful Japanese garden. Enjoy walking around the
stroll-style landscape gardens designated as a “National
Scenic Spot”. Then visit one of the symbols of Kyoto,
Kinkakuji temple, known as the “Golden Pavilion” and is
situated picturesquely in its garden.
Arrive at Narita International Airport. Check-in the hotel in Odaiba a new major
shopping district of Tokyo.
spots in Tokyo
▪▪ Travel to Lake Kawaguchi and
spend a night in Onsen hotel
▪▪ Visit Nagoya which recently has
become popular worldwide
▪▪ Visit famous Nagoya Castle
▪▪ Enjoy Kyoto's famous temples
07 & 08 Apr Hiroshima - Fukuoka
Ride the Shinkansen (bullet train) from Okayama to
Hiroshima. Upon arrival proceed by bus to visit beautiful
and sacred Miyajima island and the colorful Itsukushima
Shrine, a World Heritage Site. It is one of the Japan’s
most popular tourist attractions and one of Japan’s
“Scenic-Trio”. This famous floating shrine is a complex of
brightly colored pavilions built by Taira no Kiyomori. Later
proceed to the Peace Park. See the Atomic Bomb Dome
(ruins of the industry promotion hall) and visit the Peace
Memorial Museum. It is the most important museum in
Hiroshima, and relates the details and history of the first
atomic bomb dropped on the city. Accommodations at
Hotel Rihga Royal Hiroshima or similar
31 Mar Lake Kawaguchi
Head to Lake Kawaguchi, a very popular area with a spectacular views of Mt.
Fuji a symbol of Japan. Drive up the Fuji Subaru Line to the 5th Station (7,562
feet) of Mt. Fuji (weather permitting) which overlooks the Japan Alps, Fuji Five
Lakes, etc. Then head to the hotel located at the foot of Mt. Fuji, with the picture
window of all the rooms facing it. Soak and relax in the hot spring bath and enjoy
a delicious Japanese “Kaiseki Dinner” in the evening. Accommodations at Hotel
Regina Kawaguchiko or similar.
▪▪ Visit famous cherry blossom
06 Apr Okayama
and relax at the most breathtaking
cherry blossom sights
What’s included
▪▪ Return flights economy class
▪▪ 11 nights hotel accommodations
▪▪ English speaking guide in Japan
▪▪ Bilingual tour escort provided by
JTB Netherlands
01 Apr Lake Hamana
In the morning have fun at strawberry-picking. Try fresh and sweet Japanese
strawberries in season. Then go to Kakegawa Kachoen a theme park with
fabulous flowers and lovely birds etc. Enjoy strolling through several
greenhouses filled with magnificent flowers, plants and birds. You can also enjoy
a fun time feeding the birds in the cage. Later, proceed to Lake Hamana.
Guided Tours
05 Apr Kyoto - Tokushima
Head to Shikoku island via the Akashi Kaikyo bridge the
“Longest Suspension Bridge in the World” (6,532ft) and
drive on Awaji Island in the eastern part of the Seto Inland
Sea. The ocean current here is so complicated that the
tide creates a whirl current “Uzushio”. Enjoy watching a
Joruri Puppet Show with accompany of Shamisen
(Japanese traditional string instrument). It is a traditional
Japanese art dating back about 300 years.
Accommodations at Hotel Clement Tokushima or similar.
09 Apr
Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to Narita Airport.
Guided Tours 29
Snow Wall Japan Alps Tour
11 May
Duration: 11 nights 13 days
Proceed to Mt. Tateyama (9,892 ft) which has long been
respected as being sacred mountain. Visit Murodo-daira,
one of the heaviest snow fall areas in the world. If timing
is right, we will enjoy driving and even walk through the
Great Wall of Snow (0.3 miles long) formed by expelling
heavy snow, which annually becomes over 52 ft in
height. Enjoy this amazing experience of snow only
available in this period. Proceeds to “Owara Kaze no Bon
Dance Museum” and learn about one of the most famous
traditional Bon dance festivals in Japan dating back over
310 years. Accommodations at Toyama Excel Hotel Tokyu
or similar.
The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route is a unique and spectacular route through the Northern Japan Alps. This tour
offers great opportunity to visit Japan's famous Tateyama and Kurobe Alpine Route with breathtaking sceneries.
16 May Matsumoto
11 May Depart to Tokyo
12 May Tokyo - Yokohama
Gujo Hachiman
Mt. Fuji
▪▪ Visit famous Wall of Snow in Mt.
▪▪ Visit Lake Motosu Shibazukra
Festival and enjoy watching Bon
dance show
▪▪ Visit the historic village of
▪▪ Enjoy relaxing nights in Onsen
hotels in various destinations
What’s included
▪▪ Return flights economy class
▪▪ 11 nights hotel accommodations
▪▪ English speaking guide during
sightseeing tours
▪▪ Bilingual tour escort provided by
JTB Netherlands
▪▪ Pre-Departure meeting
Guided Tours
13 May Yokohama
Proceed to Yokosuka, home to one of the biggest military seaports shared by the
US Navy and Maritime Self Defence forces in Japan. Visit Mikasa Park located
right next to Yokosuka U.S. Naval Base. It is the home to a historic warship
“Mikasa” which once led Japan's fleet to defeat attackers during the RussoJapanese War. Accommodations at Yokohama Bay Sheraton.
17 May Matsumoto - Kamikochi
Visit Matsumoto Castle, one of the most complete and
beautiful among 12 of Japan’s original castles. This Japan’s
oldest castle donjon is designated as National Treasures.
Wisteria and azalea in its Japanese garden should be in
bloom this time of season. Then go to Kamikochi, the south
entrance of the Northern Japan Alps with 10,000 feet high
mountains. Best season to visit one of the most famous
mountain sightseeing spots in Japan. Kamikochi Valley is
located along the upper reaches of the Azusa River and
surrounded by lofty peaks of the Japan Alps. Pass by
Taisho Pond and visit the Kappa Bridge (a suspension
bridge) over the crystal clear waters. All you will see is
perfect postcard-like scenery. Later head to Okuhida and
charming Mountain Resort Hotel surrounded by beautiful
nature. Accommodations at Hotakaso Yamano Hotel.
Arrive at Narita International Airport and head to the hotel in Yokohama, the 2nd
largest city in Japan. Free at leisure after check-in. The hotel is located within
easy walking distance to department stores and the big electronics stores, 100
Yen Shop and an underground shopping mall. Accommodations at Yokohama Bay
14 May Hakone - Lake Kawaguchi
15 May Lake Motosu - Tateshina
In the morning, visit beautiful Fuji Begonia Garden with its colorful and fragrance
Begonia flowers with a variety of owls. Then proceed to the Lake Motosu to visit
the Shibazakura (Pink Moss Phlox) Festival. If the timing is right, you'll enjoy a
very impressive view of the hill covered by a pretty pink carpet of flowers with a
snow capped Mt. Fuji as a back drop. Later enjoy driving the Venus Line Scenic
Road with panoramic mountain view along the way to popular resort area
“Tateshina Heights”. Stay at Mountain Resort Hotel located in front of the mystic
and beautiful Lake Megami (Goddess). Soak and relax in the Onsen (hot spring
bath) and Roten-buro (opened-air bath) with beautiful lake view.
Accommodations at Hotel Ambient Tateshina.
21 May Inuyama - Nagoya
Visit Urakuen Japanese Garden with National Treasure
tea house “Joan”. Enjoy strolling around beautiful garden
in the morning. Then to Monkey Park with its big
collection of many different monkeys from all over the
world, such as gorillas, squirrel monkeys, Japanese
macaques and gibbons etc. Then proceed to the hotel in
Nagoya the 4th largest city in Japan. The hotel is close to
train station and shopping area. Good chance to enjoy
shopping after check-in. Accommodations at ANA Crown
Plaza Hotel Grand Court Nagoya.
Enjoy shopping at Yokohama Central Wholesale Market to buy Tsukemono and
Umeboshi (Japanese traditional food) etc. at a wholesale price. Then head to
Hakone, part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park with colorful flowers and scenic
views including Mt. Fuji and the lake Ashi etc. Visit Azalea Garden by the Lake
Ashi which has a 36 acre garden overlooking the lake with colorful 3,000 azaleas
which are in seasonal bloom. Accommodations at Hotel Regina Kawaguchiko.
20 May Shirakawa-go - Gujo Hachiman
Visit World Heritage site Shirakawa-go the remote and
small mountain villages of Gassho-style houses. The
atmosphere of the villages, and with traditional houses
standing looks like a Japanese fairy tale. Proceed to
Gujyo Hachiman city to visit the plastic food sample
factory. The ubiquitous plastic food sample which can be
seen at most restaurants in Japan was invented in this
town. Enjoy sample making and shopping incredible food
samples. Accommodations at Meitetsu Inuyama Hotel.
Head to the Lake Shirakaba, main sightseeing spots in the
Venus highlands area. Visit World Silhouette Museum
features the fairy-tale like works of Shadowgraph.
Fantastic space made by light, mirrors and water is
extremely beautiful. Later visit Tsurimine Park with its
abundant azalea bushes. This park is the best azalea
viewing spot in the Chubu region. If the timing is right,
the park will be filled with colorful azaleas (30 species,
30,000 roots. Accommodations at Hotel Buena Vista.
19 May Toyama
Visit the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry
and Technology. Learn through big exhibitions the history
of how Toyota established and has developed from very
early period when it was a department of loom making
company. Later enjoy shopping and lunch at AEON
shopping centre. Free at leisure after check-in.
Accommodations at ANA Crown Plaza Hotel Grand Court
18 May Kamikochi - Toyama
In the morning, ride the Shin Hotaka Rope Way, one of
the highest cable car in Japan as it goes up to the summit
station (7,073 ft) at the side of the Mt. Hotaka Range.
Enjoy the sensational ride of the Japan’s first double deck
cable car above the clouds. Weather permitting enjoy the
splendid and spectacular views of the snowy Japan’s
Northern Alps mountains such as Mt. Yarigatake (10,430 ft)
and Mt. Hotaka (10,470 ft) the Japan’s third highest peak.
Then proceed to the hotel located near the Toyama station.
Accommodations at Toyama Excel Hotel Tokyu or similar.
22 May Nagoya
23 May
Depart Nagoya to Chubu International Airport.
Guided Tours 31
More Selected Guided tours
JTB’s guided tours are the ideal way to discover Japan by the hand of our experts.
From the beginning to the end of your tour you will be guided by a Dutch speaking tour
leader who will support your great experience in Japan.
Hokkaido Autumn Tour
Journey Trough Izu and Kii Peninsula
Duration: 9 nights 11 days
Duration: 11 nights and 13 days
This tour promises the great time in Hokkaido. Enjoy visiting
beautiful sightseeing places in Hokkaido such as Otaru. Otaru
Canal (Otaru Unga) used to be a central part of the city's busy
harbor in the first half of the 20th century, when large vessels
had to be unloaded by smaller ships, which then transported
the goods to warehouses along the canal.
The Kii Peninsula which includes the prefectures of Wakayama,
Osaka, Nara and Mie, is an important religious centre in Japan,
with many sacred Shinto and Buddhist sites. These central
mountains are home to many pilgrimage trails, where temples
and shrines are side-by-side and to which we could add the
words “this is where it all began”.
©Taito City, JNTO
Summer Japan Adventure Tour
Duration: 10 nights 12 days
Duration: 7 nights 9 days
In Japan a new year starts with the custom called “Hatsumode”,
the first visit to shrines to pray for happiness and a healthy year.
This 12-day tour is customized especially for you to experience
the best of the Japanese New Year’s celebrations, including
cuisine, Onsen (hot spring bath), and famous sights in rural
Chiba, Tokyo and Yokohama.
Embark on this adventure tour introducing the highlights of
ancient Japan. Visit historical sites in Tokyo, Nagoya and Kyoto
and learn about its history. Experiencing a mixture of modern
and traditional culture is one of a very unique attractions of
Japan trip. Also enjoy beautiful early summer scenery in FujiHakone-Izu National Park with breath taking views of Mt. Fuji.
29 Nov
©Yasufumi Nishi, JNTO
©Yasufumi Nishi, JNTO
Summer Matsuri Tohoku Festival Tour
Autumn Izu & Shinshu Tour
Duration: 10 nights 12 days
Duration: 11 nights and 13 days
Enjoy the excitement of the summer festivals in Tohoku.
Summer is the season of festivals in Japan. This tour offers you
a great opportunity to participate in various festivals such as the
Nagaoka Fireworks Festival, the Aomori Nebuta Festival (floats
of brave warrior-figures moving through the city), the Sendai
Tanabata Festival (paper star festival), which are some of the
biggest and popular summer festivals held in the Tohoku Region.
This tour visits sights especially selected for you to experience
the beautiful Japanese autumn such as Shosenkyo gorge
which is known as the most beautiful gorges, Ena gorge, Lake
Kawaguchi and Yokohama. Relax in Japanese Onsen (hot
spring) hotel.
Deep Hokkaido Tour
Duration: 10 nights 12 days
Duration: 10 nights 12 days
Experience the unique beauty of Japan and the arrival of
Spring. This tour lets you enjoy breath taking “Ohanami”
(cherry blossom flower viewing) in various prefectures in Japan,
along with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. You will be
introduced to the scenic beauty of rural Tohoku, make visits to a
variety of flower parks, shrines, traditional Samurai house, and
Onsen (hot spring) & spa. The tour ends in bustling Tokyo.
This tour will introduce the northern island of Japan which is
famous for its breathtaking nature. The silence of the large
volcanic caldera of Lake Shikotsu, the enticing smells of lavender
flower fields at Furano, and the scenic beauty of Daisetsu-san
National Park are just some of the highlights that will leave
lasting impressions. Also learn about the rich history and culture
of the Ainu, the original inhabitants of the island. Be amazed
at the contemporary artisanship of the beautiful glass work at
Kitaichi glass factory in Otaru.
Guided Tours
Tohoku Ohanami Tour
22 Oct
08 Nov
©Kanazawa City, JNTO
Autumn Tokaido Tour
Nonbiri Central Japan Tour
Duration: 11 nights 13 days
Duration: 11 nights and 13 days
Start in Tokyo and end in Osaka. With the combo tour Tokaido
Express 13-day Trip, you have a 11-day tour taking you through
Tokyo and six other destinations in Japan. 11 nights tour includes
hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.
This Tour offers the highlights of central Japan. Begins in Kansai
and ends in Takayama. Enjoy apple picking and visit Nomura
Samurai House. Monkey performance show and visit to textile
Guided Tours 33
Winter Sports
Japan’s powder snow is second to none.
The winds coming across from Siberia
drop large amounts of powder snow on
Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido, and
the mountains of the main island known
as the “Japan Alps”. The snow is reliable
and consistent from November to March,
anything up to 3 meters in many places.
Hakuba is in Nagano prefecture, part of the Japan Alps on the
mainland and relatively easy reach of Tokyo. The JR Hokuriku
Shinkansen (bullet train) takes just 1 hour 40 mins from Tokyo
to Nagano, connecting with a 1-hour bus service to Hakuba.
The town hosted several competitions during the 1998 Nagano
Winter Olympics and in addition to skiing and snowboarding
facilities, there are Onsen (hot spring) around the town.
Our suggested package is a combination of a Tokyo stay and
7 nights in Hakuba, travelling with the JR East Pass.
11-day package including ski in Hakuba (sample)
Sharing twin room at the Happokan Hotel including daily breakfast,
ski pass, JR East Pass and return flights by economy class.
Fly to Tokyo.
Arrive Tokyo Haneda, then take the train to Nagano
and bus service to Hakuba (JR East Pass and bus
tickets provided). 7 nights accommodation at
Happokan Hotel, in a Japanese-style room.
D3-8: Skiing in Hakuba (5-day ski pass included, and Snow
Monkey Tour).
D9-10:Time for skiing in the morning. Take the bus from
Hakuba to Nagano and bullet train to Tokyo. Stay 2
nights in Tokyo (Shiba Park Hotel or similar).
D11: Depart Tokyo Haneda Airport.
Special Features
Winter Sports ·······························································35
Japan for Families ························································36
Honeymoon ··································································37
Travel Tips ····································································38
Discover the World ·······················································40
Niseko is the most famous ski resort in Japan, popular with
foreign skiers and snowboarders. As well as long ski runs, great
powder and many after-ski spots, Niseko also has off-trail skiing,
which is unusual among resorts in Japan. Niseko has three main
resort areas: Grand Hirafu, Niseko Village and Annupuri, all
around the central mountain of Niseko-Annupuri. The Niseko All
Mountain Pass (provided in our package) gives access to all
three resorts, and the regular bus from Sapporo Chitose Airport
stops right outside the Green Leaf Hotel.
Niseko 7-day ski package (sample)
Sharing twin room at the Green Leaf Hotel including daily
breakfast, ski pass, transfers and return flights by economy class.
D1: Fly to Sapporo via Tokyo Haneda.
D2: Arrive Sapporo, take the bus to Niseko (ticket provided).
5 nights accommodation at Green Leaf Hotel.
D3-6: Skiing in Niseko (5-day ski pass included).
D7: Time for skiing in the morning. Take the bus from
Niseko to Chitose Airport (ticket provided). Depart
Chitose Airport for flight via Tokyo (Haneda).
Zao is also known as Zao Onsen because of its hot springs.
There are three public bathhouses and open-air sulphurous hot
springs in the village. The area has wonderful mountain scenery
and is famous for the Juhyo or “ice monsters”: pine trees clad in
layers of ice make a forest of strange shapes. The JR Yamagata
Shinkansen (bullet train) takes around 2.5 hours from Tokyo to
Yamagata, connecting with a 40 mins bus service to Zao Onsen.
Our suggested package is a combination of 5 nights in Zao and
2 nights in Tokyo.
9-day package including ski in Zao (sample)
Sharing twin room at the Hotel Jurin including daily breakfast,
train & bus tickets and return flights by economy class.
D1: Fly to Tokyo.
D2: Arrive Tokyo Haneda, then take the train to Yamagata
and bus service to Zao Onsen (tickets provided).
5 nights accommodation at Hotel Jurin.
D3-6:Free in Zao Onsen for winter sports.
D7-8: Time for skiing in the morning. Take the bus from Zao
to Yamagata, and bullet train to Tokyo. Stay 2 nights in
Tokyo (Shiba Park Hotel or similar).
D9: Depart Tokyo Haneda Airport
Special Features 35
Japan is a wonderful place for a honeymoon: whether you stay in a small typical
Ryokan, enjoying the peaceful surroundings, or at a Western-style hotel with all
facilities, the attentive service will make your stay a treat. Explore the country together,
or just relax at a resort, or do a combination of both. It’s your choice: our Japan
specialists are on hand to help you plan your perfect trip.
Japan for Families
Travelling to Japan with children? There are various attractions and activities to help
them appreciate a little of Japanese culture or just to keep them amused!
Ghibli Museum Mitaka
Hands-on crafts
Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle,
Porco Rosso… all these animated films
and others from Studio Ghibli are well
known to younger generations all over
the world. The museum created by Studio
Ghibli founder Hayao Miyazaki reflects
the scenery and style of the animated
films. There are exhibits on the techniques
of animation, a recreation of an animation
artist’s workshop, and even a “Catbus”
for younger visitors to bounce and climb
on. It’s a museum where every aspect
is designed to be child-friendly, and is
well worth an hour or two’s visit. Easy to
access in the western suburbs of Tokyo.
Why not join a sightseeing tour of Kyoto which ends up at the
Kyoto Handicraft Center, where you and the family can all carve
a wood-block print or design a cloisonne copper enamel art
piece? A tailor-made trip is an ideal way to include something for
all the family. Contact us to discuss your trip to Japan, and we’ll
give you some ideas!
Japan with Teenagers
©Museo d’Arte Ghibli
A full day excursion out of Tokyo to Nikko includes a visit to the
famous Toshogu Shrine, but also to the “Edo Wonderland” park.
Wander along streets recreated as they would have been in the
days of the samurai. Actors in kimono and ninja costumes
mingle with the visitors and act out fun and entertaining scenes
and shows.
Tokyo Disneyland®
Just 15 mins by JR train from central Tokyo, Tokyo Disneyland was
the first Disney park to be built outside the USA. It has basically
all the same themed areas and attractions as Walt Disney World®
— but the trackless ride “Pooh’s Hunny Hunt” in the Fantasyland
area is unique, and the park’s most popular attraction. The park
has 22 rides and activities to appeal especially to young children.
Special Features
Older children and teenagers seem to “get” Japan. They will
enjoy strolling in the trendy areas of Tokyo such as Harajuku,
and shopping in Akihabara or for anime-related merchandise in
Mandarake stores. Shops such as Tokyu Hands or Don Quijote
are Aladdin’s caves of fascinating and often inexpensive goods,
ideal places for weird souvenirs and hard-to-find gifts and
Sample honeymoon package including Okinawa
Stay for four nights in Tokyo. Experience the nightlife, dine at
restaurants offering panoramic views of the city, or at a cosy
and informal pub-style izakaya. Explore the department stores
or shops such as Tokyu Hands or Don Quixote with quirky and
original products, or find gardens and shrines tucked away in the
midst of the city.
Tokyo DisneySea®
Next door to Tokyo Disneyland, DisneySea is less busy, and
geared to older kids. Among the many rides is “Toy Story
Mania!®”, a very technically-advanced attraction where guests
wear 3-D glasses during their ride in spinning vehicles equipped
with shooters to let riders shoot at targets.
Universal Studios Japan®
This theme park is similar to Universal Orlando® Resort in the
USA, but includes particular Japanese attractions such as the
“ONE PIECE Premier Show”. Since July 2014, it boasts the very
successful “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™”, with a dark
ride “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™” which uses
ground-breaking robocoaster technology.
Then take the bullet train to Kyoto to stay four nights and take in
the sights of this former capital of Japan, with many of its
historic buildings designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Why not stay one night at a typical Japanese Ryokan, with
Japanese dinner and breakfast served in your room?
Then from Kansai Airport fly to the southern islands of Okinawa.
With their sub-tropical climate, several of the islands offer great
diving, with clear warm waters, coral reefs and dive hire shops
to provide equipment for taster dives. Go island-hopping, or
simply relax at one of Okinawa’s large resort complexes or small
luxury hotels. Stay for four nights before flying back to Tokyo for
the homeward flight to Amsterdam.
Special Features 37
Travel Tips
European Passport holders do not need a visa for Japan.
Be sure that your passport is valid for the duration of your stay.
When entering Japan for tourism or business, you will get a
“Temporary Visitor” stamp in your passport which gives you a
maximum stay of 90 days (this temporary visitor stamp will be
essential if you will be using a Japan Rail Pass).
Japan remains very much a cash economy: credit cards are
not as widely used as in Europe or other holiday destinations.
Larger hotels and department stores will usually accept
Mastercard / Visa / American Express, but restaurants may not,
so be sure to have plenty of cash with you. Japan is a very safe
country and cash machines can be found at 7/11 stores and
post offices.
Most staff at hotels and transportation services speak adequate
English. Announcements on the bullet trains are made in
English as well as Japanese, and station names are shown in
both languages on signs of metro, rail and bus services. But
when out and about, or when taking taxis, it is often useful to
be able to show a paper with the name and address of your
hotel or destination written in Japanese.
When to Go and Where to Go
The electricity supply throughout Japan is 100 Volts AC, 50Hz in
eastern Japan including Tokyo, 60Hz in western Japan including
Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka. Because of the difference in voltage,
if you take an appliance from the Netherlands make sure it is a
dual-voltage one, or take a transformer. The electric sockets are
the type with two flat pins. An international adaptor is therefore
essential. They are available in Japan, but buying one before you
travel might save time.
There are really two times of the year that are ideal. Late March
/ early April is relatively inexpensive and you have the chance to
see the cherry blossoms in bloom. Wherever there are cherry
blossoms you'll have crowds; but it's quite a sight. The other
time of the year is late October / early November. At this time of
year you have autumn colors; again, you can run into crowds in
some places, but it's worth it.
We always recommend you to take out travel insurance for your
trip. There is no need for immunisations of any kind for Japan,
and malaria is not endemic, so malaria tablets are not needed.
Especially in summer and autumn, you may need insect
repellent. Various sprays and creams can be bought cheaply in
Japan, or bring some from home.
If you want to go when it's cheap and fairly un-crowded, then
late May or late September are good. There aren't any local
holidays to contend with (like Golden Week in late April / early
May or Obon around 15 August), it isn't too hot, it's a true low
season. If you don't mind cold, we recommend early December
as the airfare is very cheap. It's a good season especially if you
like onsen / hot springs.
As for where to go, a lot depends on how much time you have.
If you have a week, then the Osaka area is best; Kyoto alone
takes two days to see the highlights, and the more time you
have the deeper you can go (it's got a lot to see). You might
squeeze in a trip to Hiroshima if you have a week. If you have
two weeks then you can do Tokyo, Takayama, Kyoto, and
Hiroshima as well as some other places.
Mobile Phones / Internet
As long as you have a 3G phone, it should work in Japan. If you
are in doubt about your phone or it is not 3G, a good solution is
to hire a mobile phone during your stay. We can arrange this for
you for pickup at the airport on your arrival.
Internet access: make sure data roaming is turned off to avoid
high data charges. If you need regular internet access during
your stay for your phone or laptop, a good option is to hire a Wifi
router, which will give you data at a reasonable daily rate. We
can arrange this for you on request. Wifi hotspots are also
available in many areas, usually free but with a sign-up.
Special Features
Kaiseki: typical Japanese full course lunch/dinner
Shojin-ryori: vegetable course
Tempura: deep-fried fish and vegetables in a light batter
Sushi, Sashimi: raw fish
Ramen: Chinese noodles in soup
Yakitori: grilled chicken on a skewer
Kushiage: deep-fried vegetables and meat on a skewer
Tonkatsu: deep-fried pork cutlet
Okonomiyaki: savory pancakes
Yakiniku: Japanese dish of grilled meat similar to Korean
Non-Japanese food: Japan is home to some of the world’s
best French, Italian and Chinese restaurants (not to mention
excellent Thai, Korean and Indian restaurants)
Special Features 39
Vietnam and Bangkok Tour (winter)
Sightseeing in Bangkok, visit Golden Buddah Temple, local
flower market and China Town. Move to Siem Reap enjoy
sightseeing at Grand Angkor Thom Temple and Banteay. Travel
to Sigon and enjoy sightseeing there.
Bangkok and Chiang Mai Tour (all year around)
Discover the Kingdom of Thailand from the lively streets of
the capital of Bangkok to the ancient ruins of Ayuthaya and the
hill tribes of Chiang Rai with a colourful mix of night markets
historic WWII sites and bathing elephants thrown in!
Wonders of India and Nepal Tour
This is truly diversed adventure, from an elephant ride in Jaipur
to exploring New Delhi and have a tour of Red Fort, built in
1648 by Mughal Emperor Shahjhan. Visit Fatehpur and Agra
where you will have a chance to visit the famous Taj Mahal
which was built by the Emperor for his queen in 1630. Take
a safari in to Chitwan National Park, home to the critically
endangered Asiatic rhinoceroses and Bengal tigers.
Discover the World
We arrange tours not only to Japan but also to several other destinations. Following
are sample itineraries. Please contact us for more details.
USA Tours (east & west coasts + Hawaii)
East Coast Tours: East & west coast of the United States
contain cities and sights that are famous the world over. From
places like Boston and New York to destinations like Orlando
and sights like Niagara Falls. From San Diego to Seattle, the
west coast is home to artists of all skills.
Hawaii: Visit all islands or enjoy your time on Oahu, visit Oahu's
famous Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head and Polynesian Cultural
Center. Or just relax at famous Hawaiian beaches.
Spring Break (April)
This tour offers 10 nights in Busan, JEJU Island, Gyeongju
Hyundae and Seoul. Showing off their dazzling white petals at
Seogwipo on Jeju island in late March, Cherry blossoms will
be bursting into bloom during last week of March through first
week of April in southern areas and 2nd week of April in the
central region. The northern parts of Gyeonggi-do, Gangwondo and mountainous areas will have to wait until the later part
of two week of April to open their blankets of snowy white
Autumn Maple (November)
This tour offers 10 nights in Inchon, Yangyang, Sorak, Kangwaon
Land, Cheongju and Seoul. Cool tempratures and colors change
from vibrant greens of summer to a rich palette of red orange
and yellow signaling the arrival of autumn. Though numerous
areas across Korea offer brilliant displays of autumn leaves, the
mountains are still considered quintessential destination.
Special Features
We work closely with MSC Cruises as they provide a high
standard of comfort thanks to the modern ships with an average
age of five years. Most of the cabins have an ocean or sea view
so there is no better way to explore five breathtaking continents.
Being on a cruise is a unique experience with a non-stop offer of
fabulous destinations and their local sights and traditions which
you can explore at your own pace!
China Discovery Tour
Visit Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, Suzhou, Guilin, Shenzhen and Hong Kong
Herbin Ice & Snow Festival
Visit Harbin, Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun & Beijing
3-Majecstic Tibet Tour
Lhasa, Yamdrok Tso Lake, Gyangtse, Guangzhou, Shanghai
We offer a wide
variety of all inclusive
cruises around
the globe!
The philosophy on board is "the Mediterranean way of life", the
authentic passion for food with ingredients inspired from every
destination's cuisine. Everything is provided with countless
possibilities to relax, to have a wonderful time and to have fun
every night by being entertained by many artists and spectacular
shows. Of course, the atmosphere will be warm, authentic
and Mediterranean combined with high quality service and the
assistance of the friendly, educated and multilingual staff.
▪▪ French Antilles & Caribbean
▪▪ Northern Europe (7 fjords and 37 harbors)
▪▪ South America
▪▪ Canary Island & Morocco
▪▪ Western and Eastern Mediterranean
▪▪ Dubai, the Emirates and Oman
▪▪ South Africa
▪▪ New Destination: Australia
We also have a contract with Disney Cruise and many more!
Please contact us for more destinations and detailed itinerary.
Special Features 41
In an ever-changing business environment it is
reassuring that some things never change, such
as our personal service that is your one-stop for
all business travel needs and any other corporate
arrangement supporting your business.
We continue a long tradition of providing the highest
quality of service, excellence in every detail, creativity
and efficiency that ensure peace of mind for our each
of our corporate customers.
JTB Netherlands, your
one-stop partner for all
your travel needs
5 Reasons to Choose Us as Your Partner
Corporate Services
Business Travel ·····························································43
Incentives & Events ······················································44
MICE Services ······························································45
Incentive Travel ·····························································46
Special Interest Tours & Incentives ······························47
Business Travel
How can it be efficient and convenient?
Cost awareness
We work with small teams that ensure quick, reliable, creative,
and cost-efficient service from your own travel concierge. Our
professionals today continue a long tradition of supporting your
business by ensuring tailor-made solutions for your travel needs.
Every euro counts in today’s challenging business environment.
We understand cost management is more than just offering the
lowest price. Our account managers are your partners in travel
cost management by monitoring your companies travel
expenses through regular analysis and reporting. We share
trends and changes in travel patterns and offer advice regarding
your travel policy.
Why JTB?
Preparing your business trip is one of the things you wish
to spend less time and money on. As a longtime expert in
business travel, we are here for your convenience and provide
efficiency in every stage of your preparation: searching for the
best deal, booking and paying according to your company’s
policy and traveler’s needs.
Risk Management
There are cases when you need to confirm the whereabouts of
your staff. We provide instant information on your staffs travel
details when something unexpected happens in the world. Our
support to assess and minimize risk starts when booking your
business travel. Our professionals inform you regarding any
issue that may affect your travel plans, enabling your travellers
to act even before a possible disruption occurs. Pro-active
information sharing is just another of our added-value services
that make many of our clients to choose JTB.
Corporate Services 43
MICE Services
New concepts to grow
your business
Incentives & Events
Product Promotion
Let’s do it together! We understand how motivated and
knowledgeable people are foundational to your business
success. We offer a wide variety of options when it comes to
incentive trips, reward programs and training events that make
employees ambassadors of your company. Our experienced
professionals are local experts, yet work in close cooperation
Europe-wide to provide the creative programs or conference
packages best suited to your requirements. Our extended
network guarantees that a unique event can be organized
whenever and wherever needed.
You want the world to know about your product. We create
the perfect occasion by bringing the right people together to
take the promotion of your product to the next level. Whether
it requires putting the best sales people from all over Europe
in one room, exposure at the right exhibitions or trade shows,
or the training of people for excellence in technical support,
we are your partner in business. NEW CONCEPTS helps
maximize efficiency and exposure for your promotional activities
without losing sight of the personal service that makes people
committed to your success.
Employee incentive trips
Customer and supplier incentive programs
Team building events & company outings
Training seminars & study trips
Promotional seminars
Trade show and exhibition arrangements
Training events
Production facility tours
With signature creativity, pursue of perfection, and tailor-made arrangement service,
we are your partner in bringing people together to grow your business! JTB promises
a fresh look on how to expand your business, fully understanding the advantage of the
Netherlands as your hub for business in the EMEA region. We are specialist in bringing
people together. With comprehensive trilingual service we bridge the gap between
business cultures. Our network is your gateway to business synergy!
A bow or a handshake? First impressions count and we know
that doing business internationally can be challenging in
unexpected ways. Whether it is about a longstanding business
relationship or new client development, our team is ready to be
your consultant in bringing together the right people at the right
place and time. We support you from the very first ideas to the
execution of every little detail, so you can focus on your core
business. Our aim is to contribute to your success, by providing
creative concepts, producing and realizing your ideas, while
offering effective budget control.
Business Meetings & Events
VIP Service
Whether it is about a meeting with longstanding business
relationship or an event for new client development, our team is
ready to be your consultant in bringing together the right people
at the right place and time. JTB supports you from the very first
ideas to the execution of every little detail, so you can focus on
your core business. Our aim is to contribute to your success, by
providing creative new concepts, producing and realizing your
ideas, while offering effective budget control.
Japanese perfection meets European creativity. We
understand visits of your headquarters’ VIP guests need to be
planned carefully. It requires a high level of professionalism,
understanding of Japanese culture and corporate traditions.
Our core values, quality of service, personal attention, desire
for perfection, and our Europe-wide network empowers us to
provide excellence in VIP-arrangements crossing borders and
languages. Whether multi-city limousine transportation, guide
services or Japanese and local cuisine fusion, our dedicated
team is ready to make tailor-made arrangement for your
Corporate Services
European dealer network gatherings
Shareholders meetings
Conferences, seminars, corporate events
Business anniversary celebrations
VIP airport transfer & limousine transportation
Entertainment or culinary arrangements
Business meeting & network reception
Interpreter or bilingual guide services
Corporate Services 45
Incentive Travel
Meeting & Incentive in Milan
Our incentive tours have a proven track record being highly effective improving brand
loyalty, promoting your products, or rewarding employees. Below are few sample
itineraries which promise perfect moments in your incentive travels.
Whenever time allows it is always nice to give your delegates a chance to get to know each other. Milan is a perfect place for a
meeting of those delegates from European branches. It has convenience access from neighbouring countries as well as great
cultural attractions. This sample itinerary suggests two-day meeting include sightseeing.
Tokyo Trade Show & Experience Japan Incentive
Japan is a popular incentive destination for auto-mobile manufacturers, especially during the Tokyo Motor Show. This itinerary is
at the same time the perfect introduction to Japan, and is very popular with first time visitors. We make sure that VIP clients feel
completely looked after: stay in the most luxurious hotels, dine in at Japan’s most exclusive restaurants, and experience the best
of what Japan has to offer.
Welcome to Milan
Upon arrival in Milan your delegates will be welcomed by
a local guide, and transfer by chartered coach to a hotel.
Introductions over a business lunch will be followed by
and intense afternoon in the boardroom. A private dinner
in an authentic Milanese restaurant located in a historical
centre of Milan.
Full-day meeting in the hotel with lunch and two coffee
breaks. Relax with colleagues in the evening, try an
authentic local pizza and wines!
Full-day meeting in the hotel with lunch and two coffee
breaks. Delegates are given the opportunity to explore
Milan on their own, experience its nightlife and have
dinner at one of the many bars and restaurants in the town.
Time to reflect and unwind
After two days of meetings, we recommend giving your
delegates a chance to unwind. In the morning, a boating
regatta race is the perfect way to bring your team
together. Over lunch, your guests will enjoy views of the
beautiful lake Garda before a tour and tasting at one of the
many regional vineyards. End the day on a high note with
a private dinner at a Michelin Star restaurant.
Return home
Transfer to the airport and leave for home.
Special Interest Tours & Incentives
Discover new flavours during a special cooking trip, get new inspiration during a
pilgrimage tour, exchange ideas, knowledge and creativity with fellow students
during a school or university trip. JTB promises a perfect tailor-made tours for a group
incentive tours.
Arrival in Japan
Arrival at the airport and transfer to your luxury hotel in
Tokyo. Guests are given time to settle in to their rooms
before a welcome dinner in an Izakaya-style restaurant.
Welcome to Tokyo
Welcome your guests to Japan with a tour taking in the
highlights of modern and traditional Tokyo. Experience
Tokyo’s newest sightseeing spot, Tokyo Sky Tree, and
experience a taste of traditional Japan in the Asakusa
area of the city. Finish the day with a dinner with fabulous
view over Tokyo Bay.
A change of scenery
After the excitement of the Tokyo Motor Show, we suggest
giving your guests a little time to enjoy Japan before they
return home. Catch a glimpse of Mt. Fuji as you speed
towards Kyoto in the world famous bullet train. Upon
arrival, your guide will introduce you to Japan’s most iconic
shrines and temples.
Factory tour
During the day, your guests will be given the opportunity
to visit one of the company’s foremost research and
development sites. After returning to Tokyo in the
evening, dine at one of Tokyo’s most exclusive venues,
with panoramic views over the city.
Historical Nara
Travel to historical Nara, for a guided chauffeur driven tour
of the historical monuments in this beautiful UNESCO
World Heritage Site. After returning to Kyoto in the early
evening, dine at a top restaurant in the historical Gion area
of the city.
Motor Show day 1
Spend the day at the Tokyo Motor Show, discovering the
future of the automobile industry. In the evening, dine at
a traditional Japanese venue with views over beautiful
Japanese gardens.
Motor Show day 2
Discover the new trends for the future of motorised
society during your second day at the Tokyo Motor Show.
For dinner, dine around in the most carefully selected
Tokyo restaurants.
Corporate Services
Traditional Kyoto
In the morning, immerse yourself in Kyoto culture with a
private tea ceremony in traditional Japanese dress. In the
afternoon, see the beautiful Sagano bamboo grove and
the scenic Arashiyama district from a rickshaw. On your
final night, discover the mysterious flower and willow
world over a private dinner with a Geisha in Kyoto.
Return home
Transfer to airport (Kansai International) and return to
home country.
School and University Exchange Tours
Learn with and about other students. Nothing is more effective
to promote cultural exchange and create cross-cultural
understanding than student exchange programs. Exchange
ideas, knowledge, share opinions and make friends.
Sports Teams Tours
Want to improve your sport skills in a unique environment?
Thanks to our network we can introduce you to some of the
best martial arts teams and schools in Japan. But also sports
like baseball and football are highly popular. So tell us your
sport, we find you the team.
Hobby & Special Interest Group
Are you a member of a train hobby club? Do you spend time
with friends in a cooking club or are you completely into comics
and manga? JTB has the experience and network to connect
your organization with the right partner in Japan for a unique
journey to Japan. We open doors in Japan that make your
circle experience Japan beyond the tourist hot spots. You will
learn the secret recipe of the Japanese dish you like so much,
take your calligraphy skills to the next level, or learn from the
Japanese Bonsai Tree Growing Masters. We promise a unique
journey for your group that will bring you together like never
Faith-based Organization Tours
We have the experience to handle your faith-based
organization’s overseas trip. Whether a spiritual journey to
discover the rich heritage of Japan along ancient pilgrimage
routes, or an exchange of church choirs, JTB will arrange a
tour for your group that will impact people’s hearts. We believe
in the power of travel to cross borders of culture and religion,
enriching people, and promoting cultural exchange.
Corporate Services 47
JTB Netherlands
Eurocenter II, Barbara Strozzilaan 384, 1083 HN Amsterdam
[email protected] | Tel: 020-570-9810
Find us on Facebook! Reizen naar Japan (for leisure) or JTB Netherlands (for corporate)