
+ Holy Trinity, Middleton + St. Michael and All Angels, Onibury + All Saints, Richard’s Castle + St. Peter, Stanton Lacy + St. Milburga, Stoke St. Milborough +
Ludlow and Ludford
Parishes Magazine
St. John
St. Giles
St. Laurence
Keeping us all together with the news…
(A donation of 50p would help to cover printing costs)
+ St. Paul, Knowbury + The Heath Chapel + All Saints, Culmington + St. Margaret, Clee St Margaret +
+ St. Andrew, Ashford Bowdler + St. Mary Magd alene, Ashford Carbonel, + St. Mary, Bitterley + St. Mary the Virgin, Bromfield + St. Mary, Caynham +
St, Laurence, Ludlow + St. John the Evangelist, Ludlow + St Giles, Ludford +
2 College Street, LUDLOW, Shropshire. SY8 1AN
01584 872073
[email protected]
The Office is staffed and phone calls responded to each day,
but only open to the public on Mondays and Fridays between
10 am and 12.30 pm.
Parishes’ Secretary
Parishes’ Administrator
Mrs Lesley Draper
Sue Bremner
Lyddia Pearson
(Days off are shown in brackets)
Rector Designate:
The Venerable Colin Williams (Thur)
Rector’s Office direct: (e-mail: [email protected])
Team Vicars
Revd Maree Wilson
Revd Kelvin Price
Assistant Priest
Revd Prebendary Ann Barge (Wed)
St Laurence
8.00 am
9.30 am
Holy Communion BCP
Parish Eucharist
3rd Sunday Sung Eucharist
11.30 am
2nd and 4th Sunday Choral Matins
3.30 pm
1st and 3rd Sundays Choral Evensong
(No 3rd service on the 5th Sunday of the month)
St John
9.30 am
Holy Communion with Hymns
St Giles
11.15 am
Holy Communion
- 1st Sunday Family Service
Sunday Services & Bible Readings for September Insert sheet
Pattern of Daily Worship
Insert Sheet
Calendar and Thought for the Month
Clergy Letter
From the Bishop
Notes from the Rector
Churchwardens Corner
From the Registers
Harvest Festival, Church Flowers & Pew Sheets
Cards for Good Causes & Mediaeval Bazaar
News from St John’s and News from St Giles
Outward Concern Group & Committees
Children’s Page
Mother’s Union
CTAL — ‘Young at Art’ & Wesley’s Café
Volunteer Drivers Needed
Alzheimer’s Society Meeting & GIFT AID
Life and Learning @ Ludlow & Lifts to Church
“Ludlow Under Pressure” Meeting
Ludlow Food Bank & Parkinson’s Support Group
Magazine deadline dates and Guidelines
Contact List
(SJL=St John; SLL=St Laurence; SGL=St Giles
LMC = Ludlow Mascall Centre)
Fri 01
All Saints
08:00 – 09:00
09:15 – 11:14
13:00 – 14:00
17:30 – 18:00
Sat 02
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
Toddler Group (SJL)
Church Development Plan (?)
Compline (SLL)
All Souls
12.00 - 13:00 All Souls Service [Said] (SLL)
19:00 – 22:00 Ludlow Choral Society - Messiah
Sun 03
Fourth Sunday before Advent
08:00 – 09:00 Holy Communion (SLL)
09:30 – 10:45 Parish Eucharist
11:00 – 11:30 War memorial Dedication (SLL)
15:30 – 16:30 Bereavement Service (SJL)
Mon 04
08:00 – 09:00
15:15 – 16:15
16:30 – 17:30
19:30 – 21:30
Tue 05
08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)
18:15 – 19:15 Hand bells (SLL)
Wed 06
11:00 – 11:45 Holy Communion (SLL)
14:30 – 15:30 Korean Veterans Remembrance Service (SLL)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)
Thurs 07 08:00 – 09:00
16:00 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:30
18:00 – 20:00
18:30 – 19:30
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
Junior Choristers Teas (2 College St)
Junior Choristers Practice
Bells Practice (SLL)
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
Simple Service of Psalms & Silent Prayer (SJL)
Evening Prayer (SLL)
Choir Practice (SLL)
Post Confirmation Group (2 College St)
Fri 08
08:00 – 09:00
09:15 – 11:14
17:30 – 18:00
11:00 – 12:00
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
Toddler Group (SJL)
Sat 09
St Leonards Remembrance Service
(St Leonards Churchyard)
Sun 10
Remembrance Sunday
08:00 – 09:00 Holy Communion (SLL)
09:00 – 10:00 Parish Eucharist
10:40 – 11:40 Remembrance Service
Mon 11 08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
11:00 – 11:30 Remembrance Service (Castle Square)
15:15 – 16:15 Junior Choristers Teas (2 College St)
16:30 – 17:30 Junior Choristers Practice (SLL)
19:30 – 21:30 Bells Practice (SLL)
Tue 12
08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
14:00 – 15:30 Mothers Union AGM (LMC)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)
18:15 – 19:15 Hand bells (SLL)
Wed 13 11:00 – 11:45 Holy Communion(SLL)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)
Thurs 14 08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
10:30 – 11:00 Silent Prayer Group (SLL)
16:00 – 17:00 Simple Service of Psalms & Silent Prayer (SJL)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)
18:00 – 20:00 Choir Practice (SLL)
Fri 15
08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
09:15 – 11:14 Toddler Group (SJL)
17:30 – 18:00 Compline (SLL)
Sun 17
Second Sunday before Advent
08:00 – 09:00 Holy Communion (SLL)
09:00 – 10:00 Parish Eucharist (SLL)
14:00 – 15:00 Quarter Peal (SLL)
15:30 – 16:30 Confirmation (SLL)
Mon 18 08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
15:15 – 16:15 Junior Choristers Teas (2 College St)
16:30 – 17:30 Junior Choristers Practice (SLL)
19:30 – 21:30 Bells Practice (SLL)
Tue 19
08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)
18:15 – 19:15 Hand bells
Wed 20
11:00 – 11:45 Holy Communion (SLL)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)
Thurs 21 08:00 – 09:00
16:00 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:30
18:00 – 20:00
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
Simple Service of Psalms & Silent Prayer (SJL)
Evening Prayer (SLL)
Choir Practice (SLL)
Fri 22
08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
09:15 – 11:14 Toddler Group (SJL)
17:30 – 18:00 Compline (SLL)
Sat 23
10:00 – 16:00 Christmas Medieval Bazaar
13:30 – 14:30 Full Peal (SLL)
Sun 24
Christ the King (Next before Advent)
08:00 – 09:00 Holy Communion (SLL)
09:30 - 10.45 Parish Eucharist (SLL)
16:00 – 17:00 Songs of Praise (SJL)
Mon 25
08:00 – 09:00
15:15 – 16:15
16:30 – 17:30
19:30 – 21:30
Tue 26
08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer
18:15 – 19:15 Hand bells
Wed 27
11:00 – 11:45 Holy Communion (SLL)
17:00 – 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)
Thurs 28 08:00 – 09:00
16:00 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:30
18:00 – 20:00
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
Junior Choristers Teas (2 College St)
Junior Choristers Practice (SLL)
Bells Practice (SLL)
Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
Simple Service of Psalms & Silent Prayer (SJL)
Evening Prayer (SLL)
Choir Practice (SLL)
Fri 29
08:00 – 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)
09:15 – 11:14 Toddler Group (SJL)
17:30 – 18:00 Compline (SLL)
Sat 30
16:30 – 17:30 Wedding Dearden & Atkinson
December First Sunday of Advent
Sun 01
08:00 – 09:00 Holy Communion (SLL)
09:00 – 10:00 Parish Eucharist
17:30 – 19:30 Advent Carol Service (SLL)
19:00 – 20:00 Baptism of Eleanor Reeve (SGL)
SEND TO [email protected]
God never asks about our ability or our
inability - just our availability.
“I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I
send, and who will go for us?’ Then said I, ‘Here I
am; send me’.”
Isaiah 6:8
P.C.C. - Bank Charges
We have received notification from our bank of new charges for
customers with transactions exceeding either £100k cash or 600
cheques deposited per annum.
We are exploring other options, but in the meantime please note that
donations given through standing orders or electronic transfers are
much preferred as there is a direct monetary benefit. Thank you!
Parishes Office
Clergy Letter
November is a month for remembering. At 12 noon on Saturday, 2
November, the Feast Day of All Souls, we shall hold a said
celebration of Holy Communion at St. Laurence’s at which we shall
by name remember before God loved ones who have passed from
this life to the next. On the following day, at 3.30 pm at St. John’s
Ludlow, we shall hold our Annual Team Service at which we invite
back families and friends of those for whom the clergy of the
Ludlow Team ministry have presided at funeral or cremation
services. Together we will give thanks for those whom at those
services we have commended to God’s keeping. Finally , on 10
November, throughout the Ludlow Team, we shall keep silence to
remember and give thanks for those who in the past century have
laid down their lives in armed conflict.
Remembering is an important part of being alive. For those who
cannot remember – because their brain no longer forms memories,
or because physical damage has removed memories, or because
remembering is simply too painful – life is stunted and hobbled.
Being able to call to mind and treasure memories of families, friends,
all whom we have loved, is a key part of God’s wonderful gift to us
of being alive, of being wonderfully made as the Psalmist puts it.
The rising again of Jesus Christ from the dead enables us to
remember with a purpose those who have died. It is not for nothing
that at our All Souls service and at our Bereavement service we hold
individuals before God by name, one by one. Our remembering of
them is an active remembering. Not just treasuring past memories
of time spent together, but also asking God to give force to our
remembering. In our remembering , we are saying to God, as one of
the prayers on the modern funeral service puts it ‘Remember for
good this your servant, as we also remember her/him. Bring him/her
into the fullness of your kingdom.’
This month we remember those whom we have loved, giving thanks
for all that we have treasured about them. And as we remember
them before God, thanking him for the joy of sharing part of our
lives with them, we place them in his hands, trusting him to be at
work in them and with them. In our prayers for them in this life we
have already done that, already trusted God with them, asked his
blessing, his healing his forgiveness for them. In our remembering
before God those who have died we trust that the victory of Jesus
Christ over sin and death means that God’s love for them may
extend not just to this life but to the life beyond this life which he
holds out to us as a gracious gift. Our remembering of those who
have died is not just an idle remembering. It is an active
remembering. A remembering in and through which God uses our
prayer to fulfil his purposes in those whom we remember.
And so this month we pray, ‘Father, remember for good your
servants as we also remember them. Bring them and all who rest in
Christ into the fullness of your Kingdom where sins have been
forgiven and death is no more.’
Colin Williams
From the BISHOP
The Archbishop of Canterbury over these last few months continues
to raise the question of fairness and what it means to be a just
society. While focusing on this in all its aspects, this has been
especially so in respect of money, banking and loans. Somewhat
unfortunately the media have picked on a sound bite aspect of his
serious and well informed comments and concerns reducing them to
‘War on Wonga.’ Indeed the activities of pay day loan companies and
the interest they charge are and continue to be part of the wider
concern. However the heart of the matter is providing alternatives
and standing up to any and every body who by their practices enslave
others. This is surely something that every person and every
organisation should take seriously.
In the famous account of Cain and Abel, Cain is brought to account
and asked by God: ‘Where is your Brother?’ He replies: ‘Am I my
brother’s keeper?’ It’s a sharp question and the Bible answer
throughout is, Yes. We are to love our neighbours. There is such a
thing as an indebtedness that frees and in contrast an indebtedness
that enslaves. The indebtedness that frees is when one receives a
kindness, is provided with a service or gift which carries you through
a set of circumstances which would have otherwise been too great
and leaves no lasting burden. Acting in a way that helps a person live
within their means or helps them when they are beyond their means
is love in action. This is the kind of love God shows and has given us
in Christ. The other kind of indebtedness places people into
circumstances whereby they are not sure how to recover. They end
up bound and entrapped.
Last month I had the opportunity to visit the Hereford and Telford
Credit Unions and a similar low or no interest loans group in
Tenbury. Each are seeking to provide an alternative to the wrong
kind of indebtedness. On a non profit making basis, they are
providing credit but in a way that does not entrap. These non profit
financial cooperatives are enabling the most vulnerable in our society
to gain necessary credit without being placed into overwhelming
debt. They seek to serve as their neighbours’ keeper.
Some dioceses have already launched a 100 x 100 scheme, with the
aim of signing up 100 new credit union members, each investing at
least £100. The resulting £10,000 savings enables these credit unions
to increase the number of small loans they make: Important especially
in the run-up to Christmas. How about giving your local credit union
a look? Think what a difference we can make.
Notes From the Rector
The Revd. Brigitte Malik
As previously announced in the ‘The Towers’, but a little later than
was originally intended, the number of full time clergy serving within
the Ludlow Team will be swollen during November by the arrival
among us of the Revd. Brigitte Malik, a pastor within the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Bavaria. The Diocese of Hereford has long been
in partnership with the Bavarian Church, and this is meant as a
further step towards cementing that relationship.
Brigitte has been seconded to serve among us for a period of three
years. She comes to us as an experienced pastor of many years
standing and has served for the last twelve years as Pastor of Bad
Reichenhall on the German/Austrian border. By the time this edition
of ‘The Towers’ hits the streets, Brigitte and her husband Christoph
will already have settled into their new home in St. Giles Vicarage on
Sheet Road. Brigitte begins work among us on 1 November and will
be formally commissioned to her new responsibilities in the course of
St. Giles’ Sunday morning celebration of Holy Communion at 11.15
am on Sunday, 17 November.
All Soulstide
The Feast of All Souls, the day on which we traditionally remember
before God all loved ones who have died, falls on Saturday, 2
November. There will be a said celebration of Holy Communion in St.
Laurence’s at 12 noon on that day. Lists are available in all churches of
the Team Ministry so that any who wish to do so can request that
particular individuals be prayed for by name on that day.
On Sunday, 3 November in St. John’s Church at 3.30 pm we shall hold
our annual Bereavement Service to which we invite back relatives and
friends of those at whose Funeral or Cremation Service the clergy of
the Ludlow Team Ministry have presided during the course of the last
twelve months. All are welcome to join us for that service so as to
help us welcome those who attend.
Confirmation 2013
Bishop Alistair will come to St. Laurence on Sunday, 17 November
at 3.30 pm to preside at this year’s Service of Confirmation. Please
pray for those candidates from the churches of the Ludlow Team
Ministry who are due to be confirmed that day:
Miles Dearden
Archie Meddins
Emily Giles
Dowie Owen
Joseph Giles
Jasper Grimes
Elizabeth Williams
Jack Williams
Remembrance Sunday – 10 November
A reminder that as usual St. Laurence’s Parish Communion will take
place at the earlier time of 9.00 am on Remembrance Sunday, so as
to give us time to prepare the church for the Civic Service which
begins at 10.45 am that morning (please be seated by 10.35am)
Advent Sunday – Sunday, December 1
During Advent, we shall have a series of ‘new voices’ preaching at St.
Laurence’s Parish Communion – voices of those who are reasonably
new to ministry here. Our preacher on Advent Sunday itself –
Sunday, 1 December – will be our new Team Vicar, the Revd. Kelvin
Our Advent Carol Service takes place at 5.30 pm on Advent Sunday
evening. One of the most moving and effective services of the year,
we worship in candlelight and share in word and music. Do join us –
you won’t regret it!. Incense will be used at this service.
Heating St. Laurence’s
Thank you to all those who have already given so generously towards
the cost of providing improved heating for St. Laurence’s this coming
winter. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. More about the
heating project elsewhere in this edition of ‘The Towers’.
Sleepover Thank you to all those who so generously supported
Barry Forrester and me as we spent a night out in the open to raise
funds for homeless young people. It
was quite an experience. As at the
date of writing, I have been
generously donated just over £500.
Many thanks to the many people
who kindly sponsored us.
[Photographic evidence of my actually
having done this!]
St. John’s Church Development Plan All members of St. John’s
congregation are invited to spend the afternoon of Wednesday,
November 27 reflecting together on what St. John’s priorities in
Mission should be for the coming years. The afternoon will be led by
the Revd. Caroline Pascoe, Lay Development Officer for the Diocese
of Hereford. More details to follow soon.
May they rest in Peace
I mark in this edition of ‘The Towers’ the sad deaths of two good
friends of St. Laurence’s:
Shirley Lloyd Kitchen had been part of the life of St. Laurence’s
for many years, as well as being a familiar figure in the life of Ludlow
as a whole. Her death was a great shock to the very many people
who were glad to be able to call her friend – and the numbers of
people who attended her Thanksgiving Service bore rich testimony to
the impact Shirley had made locally. Our prayers are with Bill,
Henrietta and Georgina and with all the family. May Shirley rest in
peace and rise with Christ in glory.
Ken Priddey, who died during October, had been prevented by
illness from coming to worship during the last few years, but had been
a well known and respected member of the family of St. Laurence’s and
we have missed having him with us on Sundays. Our prayers go out to
Ann and to all the family
Colin Williams
Churchwarden’s Corner
News from the Greater Churches Network
I began writing this newsletter on 10th October on the train returning
from Leeds, where Shaun Ward and I had spent three incredibly full
days at the 12th Annual Conference of the Greater Churches Network
(GCN). The conference was an inspiring experience in the company of
some of the incumbents, churchwardens, directors of music,
fundraisers etc. from the forty-plus members of the GCN. This was a
group of people who face similar challenges to those confronting us at
St Laurence’s.
The conference theme was ‘Beyond these walls – our ministry and
engagement with the wider community’ and there was a determination
and a will amongst us all to analyse and address the issues that the
Greater Churches face in the light of contemporary societal change.
We recognised that this would mean not just facing up to the demands
of our ancient and historically valuable buildings, but also reaching out
to serve the diverse needs of our local communities.
One of the most inspiring speakers was Canon Dr Alan Billings of the
Youth Justice Board. He spoke on ‘Social and economic change:
consequences for Christianity and the Church’ and his quiet but convincing
presentation showed us that a typology of Humanity-Centred
Christianity could be a way to formulate our future mission. His
description of three categories (not necessarily mutually exclusive) of
Church of England attenders – those who ‘belong’, ‘attend’ and
‘believe’, really struck a chord in the light of our on-going work
with the Church Development Plan (CDP).
We visited two Greater Churches, the Minsters at Leeds and
Halifax. Leeds is a magnificent Victorian building standing on the
site of a former mediaeval church, but it faces a particular
challenge in meeting its civic role in the 21st century. Halifax, on
the other hand, has seized the opportunities offered by its large
and diverse local ethnic communities to develop a tremendous
inter-faith dialogue and practice within its walls. The economy of
Halifax, like Ludlow’s, was originally based on the wool trade and
today it faces similar problems with high unemployment rates,
particularly amongst young people. The Minster mission strategy
involves welcoming into its space all the local populations, but also
reaching out in numerous imaginative ways. In their leaflet they
describe how once “everything took place inside the Minster – the
weekly market, administration of law and order, political meetings
and the occasional bit of worship” and that their ministry today is
about “engaging with the secular community who long ago were a
part of our daily life.”
The entire conference experience, but especially observing the
imaginative developments at Halifax, challenged us to see that St
Laurence’s is at a historic turning
point as a hub in the community. We
asked ourselves, “Does the church
seize the opportunity to develop as a
meeting space for people of all faiths,
and none, from within the local and
wider community?” This is a question
that only the wider St Laurence’s
community can answer, but the GCN
conference experience left us in no
doubt that taking the alternative
course of action could lead to
stagnation and decay.
Over the next few months we shall
explore some of these issues as we consider the CDP, and make
crucial decisions on the future directions of the Vision Project. Please
join us in these vitally important debates!
Jane Robinson, Churchwarden
From the Registers
Baptisms / Services of Thanksgiving
15 September
29 September
29 September
13 October
Sienna Grogan
Chelsea Rebecca Davies
Oliver James Gittoes
Ebony & Charlie Miles
St Giles
St Giles
St John’s
St John’s
14 September
21 September
28 September
5 October
Justin Jefferies & Zori Chtereva
St Giles
Ian Whittingham & Samantha Muncster St Giles
Tom Siddons & Jemma Jones
St Laurence
Nick Fisher & Karen Williams
St Giles
4 September
14 September
16 September
20 September
24 September
28 September
3 October
4 October
7 October
7 October
10 October
Barbara Bishop
David Lewis
Simon Turner
Stanley Preece
Alma Jacks
David ‘Henry’ Preece
John Hollick
Archie Davies
Shirley Lloyd-Kitchen
Louise Chalmers
John Price
St John’s
St John’s
St Giles
St John’s
St Laurence’s
St John’s
St Giles
St John’s
St Laurence’s
St John’s
St Laurence’s
Harvest Festival
St Laurence’s looked splendid on 6 October for this year’s harvest
festival. Thanks to everyone who contributed gifts of food and
fruit for the Ludlow Food Bank and Ludlow foyer for young
homeless people, flowers for the housebound, and donations to
Christian Aid’s mission to brazil nut farmers in the Amazon forest.
The latter raised £184.
Thanks also to Paul Harris and helpers for the splendid
arrangement of the donated items, which made a lovely display,
and to all who helped afterwards to distribute the food and
flowers. Together with the Harvest Supper, this was a lovely
Jane Robinson
Church flowers and pew sheets
The donations that we receive throughout the year towards the
costs of these items are greatly appreciated. From 1 October
2013 we therefore propose the following arrangements:
Flowers: We recommend that in future a donation of £20 for
flowers should be made to a general ‘St Laurence’s Flower Fund’
together with a request that the gift be marked by reference to a
particular event or anniversary (as now) on the back of the
appropriate Sunday pew sheet.
Pew sheets: Here we recommend that a donation of £20 is
appropriate for this item, again with reference to a particular event
or anniversary (as now) on the back of the appropriate Sunday
pew sheet. This is an increase of 12.5% over the previous
suggested donation, justified we believe by increased printing costs.
A simple form for completion by anyone wishing to make one or
both donations is available at the back of the church.
Jim Hooper and Jane Robinson, churchwardens
CARDS for Good causes
Buy once, give twice this Christmas
Cards for Good Causes sells charity
Christmas cards for more than 320 charities from a
nationwide network of temporary shops and online.
CFGC LTD strives to keep operating costs as low as possible and pays
participating charities at least 75p in every pound from their card sales.
are available from
17th October until 16th December
at St Laurence’s Church Shop
Open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Christmas Mediaeval Bazaar
The annual Christmas Bazaar will take place in St Laurence’s on
Saturday, 23 November 2013 from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Contributions in the form of cakes, preserves, knitted, other handmade goods, bric-a-brac, will be welcomed as will all the usual
attractions: lucky dip, hampers, games, face and nail painters etc.
For further details please contact Jill Swift (01584 872494) who also
has knitting patterns and wool if needed.
News from St John’s
September has been an interesting month for St John’s. Two of our
retired priests, Rev. Keith Crouch and Rev. Juergen Bridstrup
celebrated respectively their 40 and 25 years in the priesthood at
Eucharists in our church. We were honoured that St John’s was their
chosen venue. Eddie Perks’ licensing as a Reader was also, by his
choice, at St John’s. We have therefore had the opportunity to
participate in forms of worship which differ from our usual pattern.
The Parent and Toddler Group is thriving, so much so that a request
from the mums is being seriously considered that we hold a second
session on a Wednesday morning. Our committee is greatly in favour
of this especially as through contact with young families we can fulfil a
need in the community. But we do have to look into providing better
heating. The church gets very cold during the winter, and while the
toddlers run around, play and keep warm, it is hardly cosy for the
mums as they chat over coffee. It is possible that ‘Living Waters’ may
play a leading part in the setting-up of a Wednesday group. Meanwhile
we thank Sue, Sandi, Bron and Rosie for their continued commitment
and enthusiasm.
The kneelers group will have met in late October to assess how near
to completion the project is. As the designer, I am only too aware of
the difficulties the intricacies of the design caused, even to the most
experienced of embroiderers. However, I am humbled and overwhelmed by the superb work we have seen to date. The kneelers are
heritage in the making.
Harvest has been and gone with the church beautifully decorated for
the occasion and an anthem sung by the choir. As in the previous two
years, our focus on the produce has been towards supporting the
Ludlow Food Bank, and we thank our congregation for having given so
generously. But as we know, we must continue to support the initiative
on a regular basis to help those in need in our community.
Our Harvest Lunch will have been enjoyed on 20 October, with
grateful thanks to Carla Phelps who so efficiently master-minds this
important social occasion.
Under the guidance of Peter Phelps a gardening party has been set up
and masses of ivy has been removed from around the boundary walls
and trees. There are many jobs that we at St John’s can do ourselves,
not only gardening. Please come forward and offer your help and
A Parish Bereavement Service will take place on Sunday, 3 November
at 3.30 pm and the Mothers’ Union has expressed the wish to join
our 9.30 am Eucharist on November 24th , the same Sunday as our
‘Songs of Praise’ which takes place at 4.00 pm.
The service of simple prayer and psalms continues every Thursday at
4.00 pm, and the bereavement coffee morning continues every third
Wednesday, although the day may have to change if the new Toddler
Group is established. John Robson continues to lead the Bible Study
Group which takes place generally once a fortnight. Details of the
venue and passages for study are to be found in the pew sheets.
Sheila French
News from st giles
Harvest Thanksgiving: We had a wonderful sunny, warm
morning to celebrate Harvest and to thank God for all His many
gracious gifts to us each and every day and especially for the bountiful
harvest of fruit and grain this year. The church had been beautifully
decorated by Liz and her team with all the rich autumn colours in
flowers and fruit and it was a real joy to behold. Our grateful thanks
to you all. A lovely service filled with thanksgiving and praise was
followed by a delicious and delectable “Bring and Share” lunch in the
church where there was much warm and interesting fellowship
together. Many thanks are due to the churchwardens and helpers for
all they did to make such a happy occasion.
Stewardship Campaign: All the promises given through the
Stewardship Campaign were collected and blessed on the altar at the
Harvest Thanksgiving service. On behalf of all of St Giles’ we wish to
thank all who responded so generously to the appeal. The special
collection for the Food Bank at the Harvest Thanksgiving amounted
to £105.50 and we wish to thank all who gave so generously.
Welcome to Rev. Brigitte Malik, recently Pastor of a church in
Bavaria, and her husband Christoph who are living in St Giles’
vicarage from October onwards. Brigitte will be licensed to work
in the parish on Sunday, 17 November at the Communion
service starting at 11.15 am. and the service will be followed by a
“Bring and Share” lunch to welcome Brigitte and her husband and
to get to know them. Every-one is more than welcome to come to
either or both these occasions.
Prayer Fellowship: We continue to study St Luke’s Gospel using
different themes each time. The study is followed by Prayer for
any in need or distress of any kind. If you want us to pray for
anyone or anything please let us know. Our meetings in
November are as follows:- Monday, 4 November and Monday, 18
November both at 3 Greenacres at 10.30 am. and we welcome
anyone who would like to join us.
M. Wright
Outward Concern Group
& Committees
Volunteers to help with the Social, and the Events Committees
would be welcomed.
Assistance is particularly requested for the Xmas Mediaeval Bazaar
on 23 November when help with stalls, and contributions of cakes,
plants, bric a brac etc. would be appreciated.
Please contact Jill Swift, Tim Hughes or Jane Robinson.
The Outward Concern Committee would welcome suggestions of
charities as possible recipients for St Laurence’s 2014 Outward
Giving (10% of planned giving). The categories are international,
national and local charities.
Please let Jane Robinson or Penny Bridstrup know in time for the
next Outward Concern meeting on 12 November.
Jane Robinson
Children’s page - NOVEMBER 2013
EVENTS IN November & other reports :
Corporate Communion:
Wednesday, 6 November at 11.00 am at St Laurence’s, Ludlow.
Team Branch meeting: 12 November – AGM 2.30pm
Team Branch Annual Service: 24 November – 9.30 am
at St John’s Church, Ludlow
5 th Sunday Services in the Ashford & Culmington Groups:
This year we have had the privilege of joining both St Paul’s,
Knowbury and St Michael’s, Onibury for their Patronal Festival
Services which coincided with their 5th Sunday Groups Services.
As always we received a very warm welcome and enjoyed meeting old
and new friends. It was particularly good to see the children in
Onibury taking an active part in the service and seeing them very
obviously ‘at home’ in church.
Cathedral Prayers
Ludlow Branch led prayers in Hereford Cathedral in October.
Churches throughout the Diocese take turns once a month to lead
prayers at 12 noon at the time when MU members pray for members
and their work worldwide.
MOTHERS’ UNION has just launched it’s new website –
There are many interesting articles, the MU shop, and more:MU is Passionate about Parenting and wants to help you do
the most rewarding job in the world…
We want you, as parents, to enjoy your relationship with your child.
We believe that flourishing and loving family relationships are key to
building stable family life and, ultimately, these stable families are what
build strong societies. Yet parenting isn't always easy! Every parent every family - goes through difficulties at times.
As an organisation, our members reach out to support parents in a
number of ways: we support parents as they develop the faith life of
their child; we campaign at the national and international level for
governments to promote stable family life and put family policy at the
heart of their agendas; and we train members as parenting facilitators
to run parents’ groups.
Parenting advice in a hurry? See our top tips below For more indepth advice and help on parenting issues, as well as where to get
further support on specific issues, visit our Family Life, Issues of
Concern and Faith in the Family sections on our website.
[ One of our retired priests, The Revd Andrew Body, has recently
contributed six articles for new web pages on the Mothers Union website. If
you want to read them, go to, click on 'Practical
Support' at the top of the page, then on the link 'Couples' , and you will
find short pieces on Celebrate, Children, Commit, Communicate, Concerns
and Connect. AB]
Our top tips for mums and dads:
What are the most important things we can offer our children?
Unconditional love – love them always, no matter what they do.
A sense of security – try and make their home a safe and
loving place.
Encouragement – notice the good things they do. Praise and
affirm them.
Attention – every day spend some quality time with each child.
Guidance – backed up by being a good example.
Boundaries – set age appropriate boundaries for your children and
stick to them. Be kind but firm.
Respect – never dismiss what they say because they are only
Forgiveness – when things go wrong, deal with it and move on.
Apologise yourself when you make mistakes.
Growing independence – learn to let go so that your child
can grow in confidence and independence.
Elizabeth Nixon
Christians Together - or ‘CTAL’
One of the regular CTAL activities that need support is the monthly
service at Four Rivers Home.
This is greatly appreciated by the residents but they struggle to find
enough volunteers to lead it. If anyone could help with this please
contact Anna Branson on 01584 876958.
Sandi Burley
‘Young at Art’
The exhibition sponsored by the Young Persons’ Group of the
‘Churches Together around Ludlow’ (CTAL) was held in St Laurence’s
on 14 & 15 September. Virtually every organisation concerned with
young people in Ludlow was involved, and submitted artwork.
Feedback on the wonderful art displayed has been enthusiastic, and
there is a suggestion that the event might be repeated in twelve
months’ time. Thanks to everyone who supported us and worked so
hard to make this such a successful event.
Neil Richardson and Jane Robinson
Wesley’s Café
Wesley’s Café has been in business since Easter 2006 in the Methodist
Church, Broad Street, and is staffed and run by volunteers from the
churches in the town and from some of the surrounding villages.
Over the past 12 months our volunteer numbers have fallen enough
to make it difficult sometimes to get a full team. We have five teams
(Monday to Friday) and each team takes it in turn to staff Saturdays.
We need some new volunteers, mostly for occasional duty, and even
more especially if you could be available sometimes on a Saturday. If
you would like to know more, please contact Elizabeth Wright
(874548, email: [email protected]) or call into the café and ask
for an application form.
New Ludlow Traveller ring and ride
bus service needs volunteer drivers
The new Ludlow Traveller ring and ride bus service needs volunteer
drivers to help a growing number of people signing up to use it.
The service, funded by a Government sustainable transport grant
awarded to Shropshire Council, will use a 14-seater minibus and a
wheelchair-accessible people carrier to take people who currently find
it difficult to access existing public transport from their door to their
destination to go shopping, meet friends, make medical appointments
or go on group outings.
The minibus will be available three days a week (Monday, Wednesday
and Friday) and the adapted people carrier for 7 days. The vehicles will
be based at Helena Lane Day Centre in Hamlet Road. The service will
be run by an existing Shropshire community transport scheme which
will register new members and bookings using the local booking
number 01584 700907. Routes and schedules can only be established
when available volunteer drivers come forward.
To volunteer you need a clean driving licence and a DBS (ex - CRB)
check. There will be a free one day MiDAS training course delivered
locally. Drivers can leave their cars safely at Helena Lane whilst out
driving the vehicles.
Chair of the steering group overseeing the introduction of the new
service, Councillor Rosanna Taylor-Smith, said: “It is encouraging to see
the level of interest in the new service but if demand is to be met and for
the service to flourish in the future, it's really important the service recruits
sufficient volunteer drivers.”
Please contact The Ludlow Traveller 01584 700907 for more details of
how to become a volunteer driver.
To use the bus, people need to register and pay a £12 annual
membership fee (free for Shropshire Link users), with trips then
costing £1 for a single journey and £2 for a return. Children would
pay 50p for a single and £1 for a return. Group membership will cost
£30 a year, with mileage of £1.25 per mile.
Mike Beazley
CTAL - Alzheimers’ Society Meeting
On Monday, 14 October, the Links Group were lucky to have an
excellent meeting with Christine LLoyd-Knight who is the area representative for the Alzheimers' Society.
She talked to us about all the different aspects of dementia and, in
general terms, how it is being dealt with today. The real value was
that she is willing to put us in touch with the correct body to deal
with any particular aspects that we may be interested in.
I think for most of us the main concern is not knowing where to
turn in any problem that might arise, so I found this very helpful. She
left a booklet for me to keep so if anyone would like to look at it,
please contact me. She is also willing to procure leaflets on special
subjects concerning dementia, such as caring for sufferers. She herself is very keen to expand the Friends of Dementia that she has
started in this area so we all ended up enrolled in the "club".
Do please contact me over any of the above that interests you.
Jen Pollard. (877834)
Thank you
If you are able to Gift Aid your donations by Standing
Order arranged either through our Congregation Giving
Forms, or you make arrangements yourself online, please
remember always to notify the Gift Aid Secretary. If any
of your circumstances change at any time, e.g. if your Tax
status changes, you move house or your name changes, we
need to know in order to claim from HMRC.
The Life & Lea rning progra mme connues in November wi th a series of
talks entled ‘Four Modern Ma rtyrs ’. The course will explore the life and
ma rtyrdom of four tweneth century ma rtyrs : Ma xi milian Kol be, Dietri ch
Bonhoeffer, Ma rn Luther King and Os car Romero.
The talks are to be given by Kirsty Clarke, a history graduate who is
currently undertaking ministerial training at the Queen's Foundation in
Birmingham. They will take place at the Ludlow Mascall Centre on
Saturdays, 2, 9, 16 & 30 November beginning with coffee at 10am.
Lifts to Church
Some of those who have helped with lifts for the less mobile over
the years are no longer able to help and it is proving difficult to
maintain the rota. So a further appeal to anyone who may be in a
position to help either once a month or as a reserve to
be available occasionally.
Michael Day 01584 873940
A Report on Urgent Social Matters
You are invited to an opening Meeting
on 7th November
at 7.30 pm
Methodist Church Broad Street Ludlow
In November 2012 the report Ludlow under Pressure
was enthusiastically endorsed by a full meeting. A
steering group was formed to carry forward the
recommendations. This is an opportunity to learn what
has been achieved during a time of increasing hardship
for many in our community and consider future plans.
Your support is vital if we are to make further progress.
Many volunteers will be required to help those in need
over these coming years. Attendance will show whether
together we can make a difference
How do fish go into business?
They start on a small scale.
“HOST” Hospitality appeal
Could you make the world a friendlier place by offering an
invitation to an international student at a UK university, for just a
day, a weekend, or 3 days at Christmas?
Young adults from many countries would love to have a homely
break and discover the real life of this country. HOST is a wellestablished charity which takes care in linking students with
volunteer hosts. or call Lynette Chappin on 02920 693903.
Advent Quiet Day.
Saturday 7th December. 10am - 1pm
at 6 Summerfields.
Led by the Revd. Keith Crouch.
Details from Pat Helm 318169 or Helen Blyth 875041
Diocesan News Service for Magazine Editors.
Copy in writing for De issue by 1 October 13 to: Anni
Holden, Communications Officer,
The Palace, Hereford HR4 9BL
Please continue to remember those who depend on
the Rockspring Food Bank at times of crisis. Thank
you to all who have contributed food items to the
basket in St Laurence’s - please continue to give as
the need is increasing.
There is still a need for volunteers to help meet the
increasing demand and to increase the number of days the Bank is
open each week.
Please help if you can - if you think you might be able to help,
even if only occasionally, or for more information please
contact Ruth Davies on 07896 706189.
Are you affected by Parkinson’s? - Living with someone with Parkinson’s?
Caring for someone with Parkinsons?
Come along and join us at the Ludlow Parkinson’s Support Group!
When and Where do we meet? (No need to book, just turn up):
Main Hall, Ludlow Mascall Centre,
Lower Galdeford, Ludlow, SY8 1RZ
Every 2nd Thursday of each month at 1:30pm.
Parking and refreshments are available
Regional Contact is: Jackie Conn – Branch and Volunteer Support
Officer - 0844 225 3644 - [email protected]
Thank you to all our contributors.
Material arriving after the preferred date cannot be guaranteed to be
included . Material arriving after the final date will definitely
NOT be included until the following month:
Preferred Date
December / January 2014 5 November
7 January 2014
4 February
11 March
Final Date
12 November
14 January 2014
11 February
18 March
Please send articles by email to [email protected]
Please send information about events and subjects that you would like to
appear in the magazine. We ask contributors to limit their articles to:
No more than two A5 pages or 650 words (Gill Sans 12pt)
There may be special circumstances when more space is required but we
ask that you please check with the Editorial Committee and request
larger space at least two weeks ahead of the submission date to
determine if sufficient space will be available in that month’s issue.
Towers Editorial Committee
The present members of the Towers editorial committee are:
Sue Bremner - Parishes Office
Diana Thomas - Tallis House, Overton
John Burley - ‘Burleys’, 72 Dahn Drive , Ludlow
Editor’s Note
Opinions expressed in contributed articles in this magazine are those of the
contributor and do not necessarily represent the position or opinions of the
PCC or the Editorial Committee.
THANK YOU to these local retailers and businesses who
have supported us by purchasing advertising space:
W e A L FI
f ur ni t ur e m ak e r s
Trevor Hewett
▪ Planning applications ▪
Locally mad e to measur e
traditional kitchen s and pin e furniture
▪ Listed building consent ▪
▪ Building regulations ▪
▪ Alterations and extensions ▪
Wednesdays - in the Market
Marcus Field and Sarah
▪ Church inspections ▪
▪ Green building ▪
4 The Terrace, Norton, Presteigne, LD82EL
The Architecture Studio
w w w. w eal fi . co . u k
01 544 2600 33
22 Broad Street, Ludlow SY8 1NG
Tel: 01584 877992
Email: [email protected]
Say Cheese!
Say Mark!
Market Square, always there
(Look for the cheese van)
Victoria Allen
Funeral Services
Castle Bookshop
5 Castle Street, LudlowY8 1AS
Tel: 01584 872562
e-mail: castle-
Traditional and Green Funerals
Private Chapel of Rest
Pre- Paid Funeral Plans
All Areas Covered
01584 879035
24 Hour Service
8 Charlton Rise, Ludl ow, SY8 1ND
[email protected]
Fruit / Vegetables / Flowers
1 Mill Street, Ludlow
Extensive range of quality local produce
Specialist Suppliers to
Hotel and Catering Trade
Tel: 01584 873534
The real beauty is the service we offer
Best of all agencies for local knowledge
Specialists in the town market from small
cottages to grand
Ludlow office
26 Bull Ring
[email protected]
Tel: 01584 873711
Parishes’ Office
Dr Jane Robinson, 6 Clifton Court, Ludlow
Mr Jim Hooper, 37 Beech Close, Ludlow SY8 2PD
Deputy Churchwardens Mrs Maureen Stinton, 28 Friars Gardens, Ludlow
Mr Brian Gardner, 29 Lower Broad Street, Ludlow
PCC Secretary
Mrs Val Hardwick, Culmington
Electoral Roll
Mrs Elizabeth Nixon, Parishes Office
8am Sidesmen’s Rota
Mr and Mrs R Burns, 8 Poyner Road, Ludlow
Children’s Church
Children’s Committee, Parishes Office
Communion Rota
Mrs Fay Carson, Fairfield, Linney, Ludlow
Conservation Trust
Mr John Aitken, St Leonards Cottage, Linney, Ludlow
Director of Music
Mr Shaun Ward, Parishes’ Office
Mrs Louise Griffiths, 35 Friars Garden, Ludlow
Gift Aid Secretary
Mrs Elizabeth Nixon, Parishes Office
Pastoral Links
Jen Pollard, ‘Minia’, Livesey Road, Ludlow
Sacristan / Servers Sec. Mrs Antonia O’Kennedy, 17 Friars Garden, Ludlow
Mrs Fay Carson, Fairfield, Linney, Ludlow
St Laurence Shop
Mrs Di Corston, 13 Whitbatch Close, Ludlow
Tower Captain
Tony Greatrex, Church House, Bell Lane, Orleton 01568 780764
Tower Floodlighting
Forms at St Laurence Shop
Mr Mike Beazley, Old Gate House, Ludlow
Mr Paul Harris, c/o Parishes Office
Deputy Wardens
Mrs Sheila French, 4, Coach House Fields, Livesey Rd
Dr Brian Childs
Mr Peter Phelps, Hill Crest, Gravel Hill, Ludlow
Mr John French, 4, Coach House Fields, Livesey Road
Organist SJL/SGL
Mr Colin Reeves
Mrs Barbara Foster, 6 James Close, Ludlow SY8 1UH
Mr Merlin Unwin, 8 Corve Street, Ludlow
Mrs Barbara Foster, 6 James Close, Ludlow SY8 1UH
Minutes Secretary
Mrs Karen Unwin, 8 Corve Street , Ludlow
Electoral Roll
Mr Rob Downes, 30 Wheeler Road, Ludlow
Ms Elizabeth Woodall
Wedding Flowers
Bible Reading F’ship
Penelope Bridstrup, 4, The Vineyard, Lower Broad Street 876992
M.U. Leader
Mrs Barbara Penson, 31, Henley Orchards, Ludlow
Towers Editorial Com. Sue Bremner / Diana Thomas / John Burley
872073 / 873155
Hello! - Can you read me? – over!
The Editorial Committee are always pleased to get your
feedback and comments on the magazine, so we can try to do
Please contact Sue Bremner at the office on 872073 with your
thoughts and comments. Thank you!!
Copies in large print are available from
Sue Bremner at the Parishes Office –
01584 872073.