Jt,,z, .U? - Sezione di Farmacologia
Jt,,z, .U? - Sezione di Farmacologia
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI BRESCIA DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN NEUROSCIENZE Settore Scientifico Disciplinare Preminente BI0/14 Farmacologia XXVI Ciclo A. A. 2013 - 2014 Tesi di MARCO BORTOLATO Role of neurosteroids in the modulation of behavioral responses elicited by dopaminergic agonists: relevance to Tourette Syndrome Il coordinatore ~· /Jt,,z,· .U?_g_ Il relatore .., i /]fuA--e.z Il dottorando A papà e mamma i ABSTRACT – VERSIONE ITALIANA La sindrome di Tourette è un disturbo neuropsichiatrico dello sviluppo ad alta prevalenza nel sesso maschile, caratterizzato dalla presenza cronica e ricorrente di tic motori e fonici. Queste manifestazioni, tipicamente semi-volontarie ed esplosive, sono aggravate in presenza di condizioni ambientali stressanti, e rispondono generalmente alla somministrazione di farmaci antipsicotici, che sopprimono l’espressione di tic per via del blocco dei recettori D2 per la dopamina. Tali farmaci, nonostante siano efficaci nel ridurre i tic, inducono spesso una serie di onerosi effetti collaterali, che spesso comportano una significativa riduzione della compliance terapeutica. Queste premesse sottolineano la necessità di sviluppare nuovi approcci terapeutici per la sindrome di Tourette. Recenti studi neuropsicologici hanno dimostrato che, al di là della loro natura di manifestazione patologica motoria, i tic sono espressioni epifenomeniche di urgenze psicologiche incoercibili, tipicamente avvertite prima dell’esecuzione dei tic stessi, e direttamente collegate ad alterazioni della sfera sensoriale. In particolare, lo studio della fenomenologia di queste pulsioni ha rivelato che i pazienti affetti da sindrome di Tourette presentano caratteristicamente un deficit del sensorimotor gating, ovvero la capacità di filtrare adeguatamente informazioni provenienti dall’ambiente. Il quadro risultante comporta un sovraccarico percettivo che faciliterebbe l’insorgenza dei tic. Evidenze precliniche suggeriscono che il sensorimotor gating sia regolato dagli stessi processi imputati come responsabili per la manifestazione dei tic, ovvero alterazioni del segnale dopaminergico nel contesto dei circuiti cortico-striatali. Ciononostante, i meccanismi neurobiologici che comportano lo scatenamento di tic in presenza di stress, nonché le cause fisiopatologiche della predominanza maschile della sindrome rimangono essenzialmente ignoti. A questo proposito, recenti studi hanno evidenziato la possibilità che tali fenomeni riflettano meccanismi modulatori della neurotransmissione dopaminergica operati da steroidi neuroattivi. Nella fattispecie, il nostro gruppo di lavoro ha dimostrato che la 5α- riduttasi, uno degli enzimi chiave nella sintesi di steroidi neuroattivi e metaboliti androgenici del testosterone, è direttamente coinvolta nella fisiopatologia della sindrome di Tourette. In uno studio clinico preliminare in aperto, la finasteride, l’inibitore prototipico della 5α- riduttasi approvato in clinica da oltre vent’anni, ha infatti significamente ridotto l’intensità dei tic in pazienti resistenti agli antipsicotici, senza ii indurre alcuno degli effetti collaterali extrapiramidali tipicamente associati a questi farmaci. Inoltre, in modelli animali, la finasteride ha prevenuto i deficit di sensorimotor gating ed altri fenomeni correlati ai tic (quali le stereotipie), secondari alla stimolazione non selettiva di recettori dopaminergici. La ricerca presentata in questa tesi riguarda una serie di esperimenti, condotti su modelli animali, finalizzati alla delucidazione delle basi neuroanatomiche e neurochimiche degli effetti della finasteride e del coinvolgimento della 5α-riduttasi ed altri enzimi steroidogenici rispetto alla modulazione degli effetti comportamentali derivati dall’attivazione dei recettori dopaminergici. In particolare, tali studi sono stati condotti con una particolare attenzione rivolta verso il protocollo della prepulse inhibition del riflesso di startle acustica, il parametro di elezione per la misurazione del sensorimotor gating. I risultati di questi studi dimostrano un coinvolgimento diretto dei neurosteroidi rispetto ai meccanismi di segnale del recettore dopaminergico D1 nel contesto della corteccia prefrontale e del nucleo accumbens, aree critiche per la fisiopatologia della sindrome di Tourette. Nell’insieme, questi risultati potrebbero fornire importanti indicazioni sui meccanismi tramite i quali lo stress e i fattori ormonali maschili possano influenzare il decorso della sindrome di Tourette. Inoltre, i nostri dati mettono in luce come i pathway di sintesi steroidea possano rappresentare una fonte importante per lo sviluppo di nuovi farmaci per la sindrome di Tourette, con un migliore profilo di sicurezza e tollerabilità. iii ABSTRACT – ENGLISH VERSION Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, with a marked male predominance, characterized by chronic, recurring motor and phonic tics. These semi-voluntary and explosive manifestations, are typically exacerbated by stressful environmental contigencies, and suppressed by antipsychotic drugs, through the antagonism of dopamine D2 receptors. These drugs, albeit generally effective in reducing tic severity, are often associated to burdensome extrapyramidal side effects, which often result in poor therapeutic compliance. This background highlights the need for the development of novel approaches for TS treatment. Recent neuropsychological studies have shown that tics are the epiphenomena of premonitory urges, underpinned by sensory alterations. In particular, the phenomenological analysis of these endophenotypes has revealed that TS patients exhibit deficits in sensorimotor gating, i.e. the ability to filter out irrelevant environmental information. This defect leads to perceptual overload and may facilitate tic ontogeny. Notably, preclinical evidence suggests that sensorimotor gating is regulated by the same processes responsible for tics, namely dopaminergic signaling within cortico-striatal circuits. Although the involvement of dopamine in TS has been confirmed by ample experimental evidence, the neurobiogical bases of its male predominance and stress sensitivity remain unknown. Recent studies have evidenced that these phenomena are likely reflective of the modulation of dopamine neurotransmission by neuroactive steroids. Specifically, our group has documented that the key neurosteroidogenic enzyme 5α-reductase (5αR) is implicated in TS pathophysiology. In a preliminary open-label clinical trial, the 5αR inhibitor finasteride - which was approved for clinical use more than twenty years ago - significantly reduced tic severity without inducing any of the extrapyramidal effects typically associated with benchmark antipsychotic drugs used in TS treatment. Furthermore, in animal models, finasteride potently counters the gating deficits and other behavioral effects (such as stereotypies) induced by non-selective dopamine agonists. The research presented in this thesis focuses on a series of experiments on rodent models, aimed at elucidating the neuroanatomical and neurochemical bases of the effects of finasteride, as well as the implication of 5αR and other neurosteroidogenic enzymes in the modulation of dopamine signal. In particular, the main theme of this research is the implication of neuroactive steroids in sensorimotor gating, as examined by the prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex. Our results indicate that neurosteroids are directly iv involved in the modulation of the behavioral effects induced by dopamine D1 receptor activation, and that these processes are likely mediated by key brain dopaminoceptive regions, such as the prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens. Taken together, these results may shed light on the mechanisms whereby stress and male sex can predispose to TS, and point to novel molecular targets for the development of novel treatments with better safety and tolerability profiles. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. M. Cristina Missale, for the help and support she has provided over the years, as well as my colleagues at the Universities of Southern California and Kansas, and my collaborators at the Universities of Cagliari and Milan, without whom this work would not have been possible. My sincere gratitude should be particularly addressed to Prof. GianLuigi Gessa, PierFranco Spano, Daniele Piomelli, Francesco Marrosu and Jean C. Shih, who mentored me during my scientific and professional career in its early steps. The financial and infrastructural support for this work was partially provided by several funding bodies, including the Tourette Syndrome Association, Italian Ministry of Health and Government of Sardinia. A special and heartfelt thanks goes out to my parents, who have been always and consistently dedicated to foster my curiosity and have given me unflinching support through any rough period of my life. I also wish to thank my friends, and in particular Matt and Sean, whose support has been tremendously important for my life away from my family. This work is also dedicated to the loving memory of Joel, Emanuele and Priscilla. You are not forgotten. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT – ITALIAN VERSION ii ABSTRACT – ENGLISH VERSION iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xi CHAPTER 1 – GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 TIC DISORDERS AND TOURETTE SYNDROME (TS) 2 1.1.1. Clinical definition and phenomenology of tics 2 1.1.2. Prevalence and clinical features of tic disorders and TS 3 1.1.3. Pathophysiology and neurobiology of TS 3 1.1.4. Etiology of TS: genetic, environmental and sex factors 5 1.1.5. Pharmacological therapy of TS 8 1.1.6. Animal models of tic disorders and TS 9 1.1.7. TS-related neurobehavioral phenotypes in animal models 11 1.1.8. Models of TS based on pharmacological stimulation of dopamine receptors 15 1.1.9. Models of TS based on environmental manipulations 16 1.2. ROLE OF NEUROACTIVE STEROIDS IN TS 17 1.2.1. Pathways of synthesis and metabolism of neuroactive steroids 17 1.2.2. Steroid 5α-reductase (5αR) 20 1.2.3. 5αR inhibitors 22 1.2.4. Implication of neuroactive steroids in TS 25 vii 1.2.5. Application of 5αR inhibitors in TS therapy 1.3. AIMS OF THE THESIS 26 30 CHAPTER 2 – ROLE OF STEROIDOGENIC ENZYMES IN THE MODULATION OF SENSORIMOTOR GATING 31 2.1. RATIONALE OF THE STUDIES 32 2.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 32 2.3. RESULTS 36 2.3.1. Effects of abiraterone and finasteride on startle and PPI parameters 36 2.3.2. Effects of indomethacine on startle and PPI parameters 36 2.3.3. Effects of trilostane on startle and PPI parameters 39 2.3.4. Effects of androgen-receptor ligands on startle and PPI parameters 39 2.4. DISCUSSION 43 CHAPTER 3 – ANATOMICAL SUBSTRATES OF THE EFFECTS OF 5αR INHIBITORS ON SENSORIMOTOR GATING 48 3.1. RATIONALE OF THE STUDIES 49 3.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 49 3.3. RESULTS 53 3.3.1. Effects of FIN on behavioral performances of castrated rats 54 3.3.2. Effects of intracerebroventricular FIN on APO-induced PPI disruption 57 viii 3.3.3. Effects of local FIN injections on APO-induced PPI disruption 57 3.3.4. Effects of systemic and local FIN on dopamine extracellular levels 61 3.4. DISCUSSION 64 CHAPTER 4 – ROLE OF 5αR AND NEUROSTEROIDS IN THE GATING DEFICITS SECONDARY TO ISOLATION REARING 70 4.1. RATIONALE OF THE STUDIES 71 4.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 71 4.3. RESULTS 74 4.3.1. Effects of FIN and HAL on IR-induced changes in startle and PPI 74 4.3.2. Effects of FIN on IR-induced changes in NS profile in the NAc 76 4.4. DISCUSSION 78 CHAPTER 5 – IDENTIFICATION OF THE DOPAMINE RECEPTORS MEDIATING THE ANTIPSYCHOTIC-LIKE EFFECTS OF 5αR INHIBITORS: EVIDENCE IN MICE 83 5.1. RATIONALE OF THE STUDIES 84 5.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 84 5.3. RESULTS 87 5.3.1. Effects of FIN and dopaminergic agonists on startle and PPI 87 5.3.2. Effects of FIN and DAergic agonists on open-field behaviors 90 ix 5.3.3. Effects of FIN on APO-induced stereotypies and catalepsy 5.4. DISCUSSION 93 94 CHAPTER 6 – IDENTIFICATION OF THE DOPAMINE RECEPTORS MEDIATING THE ANTIPSYCHOTIC-LIKE EFFECTS OF 5αR INHIBITORS: EVIDENCE IN RATS 100 6.1. RATIONALE OF THE STUDIES 101 6.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 101 6.3. RESULTS 104 6.3.1. Effects of FIN versus the non-selective DAergic agonist APO on ASR and PPI in SD and LE rats 104 6.3.2. Effects of FIN versus D1 agonists on ASR and PPI in SD and LE rats 105 6.3.3. Effects of of FIN versus D2 agonists on ASR and PPI in SD and LE rats 107 6.3.4. Effects of FIN versus D3 agonist on ASR and PPI in SD rats 109 6.4. DISCUSSION 110 CHAPTER 7 – GENERAL DISCUSSION 114 REFERENCES 120 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 152 x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS %PPI: percent prepulse inhibition 17β-HSD: 17β-hydroxysteroidodehydrogenase 3α-diol: 5α-androstane, 3α-diol 3α-HSOR: 3α- hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase 3β-diol: 5α-androstane,3β diol 3β-HSD: 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3β-HSOR: 3β-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase 5-HT2: Serotonin 2 receptor 5-HT3: Serotonin 3 receptors 5αR: 5α-reductase 5αR1: 5α-reductase type 1 5αR2: 5α-reductase type 2 ABI: abiraterone ADHD: attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder AI: activity index AMPA: α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid AMPH: amphetamine ANOVA: analysis of variance AP: allopregnanolone (3α,5α-tetrahydroprogesterone) AP: anterior-posterior APO: apomorphine AR: androgen receptor ASD: autism-spectrum disorder ASR: acoustic startle reflex BPH: benign prostatic hyperplasia CDX/R: hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin/Ringer solution CNS: central nervous system CREB: cAMP response element-binding protein CSTC: cortico-striatal-thalamo-cortical D1: dopamine 1 receptors D2: dopamine 2 receptors D3: dopamine 3 receptors DA: dopamine xi DARPP-32: dopamine- and cAMP-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein, 32 KDa DHEA: dehydroepiandrosterone DHP: dihydroprogesterone DHT: dihydrotestosterone DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide DOPAC: 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid DSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- 5th Edition DV: dorsal-ventral ERα: Estrogen receptor α ERβ: Estrogen receptor β FIN: finasteride FLU: flutamide GABA: γ-amino butyric acid GABA-A: γ-amino butyric acid A receptor GABA-B: γ-amino butyric acid B receptor GPER1: G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 GWAS: Genome-wide association study GxExS: gene x environment x sex HAL: haloperidol HPA: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPLC: High-performance liquid chromatography ICDs: impulse control disorders ICV: intracerebroventricular INDO: indomethacine IP: intraperitoneal IR: Isolation rearing Ki : Inhibition constant KO: knock-out KO: Long-Evans LH: luteinizing hormone ML: medial-lateral mPFC: medial prefrontal cortex mPR: membrane progesterone receptor MS: mass spectrometry NAc: Nucleus Accumbens NADP: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, oxidated form xii NADPH: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced form NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate NS: neurosteroids OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder ORX: orchidectomized PFC: prefrontal cortex PGRMC1: progesterone membrane receptor component 1 PKA: protein kinase A PPI: prepulse inhibition PR: cytoplasmic progesterone receptor PREG: pregnenolone PROG: progesterone pXR: pregnane X receptor QUIN: quinpirole RIA: radioimmunoassay SAL: saline SC: subcutaneous SD: Sprague-Dawley SHBG: Sex hormone binding globulin SNP single-nucleotide polymorphism SR: Social rearing SUM: sumanirole T: testosterone T1/2 : half-life THDOC: 3α,5α-tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone TRI: trilostane TS: Tourette syndrome TSA: Tourette Syndrome Association TSAICG: Tourette Syndrome Association International Consortium for Genetics VEH: vehicle ∆PPI: differential prepulse inhibition σ1 receptors: sigma-1 receptors xiii CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 TIC DISORDERS AND TOURETTE SYNDROME (TS) 1.1.1. Clinical definition and phenomenology of tics Tics are repetitive, semi-voluntary, sudden movements and/or vocalizations, which typically mimic normal and purposeful motor or vocal activities (such as eye blinking, touching objects, hopping, uttering meaningful words) in a contextually incongruous fashion (Leckman et al., 2006). Tics are manifested across highly heterogeneous modalities and localizations, with variable degrees of frequency, duration and complexity. Motor tics are non-rhythmic movements, frequently confined to the head, neck, face and mouth muscles, but also observed in the trunk and limbs (Jankovic, 1997). Phonic tics are rapid vocalizations due to rapid air movements through the upper respiratory tract, which can sometimes be associated with copro-, echo- or palilalia (Jankovic, 2001). Tics can also be classified as simple or complex, based on the degree of involvement of different muscles. Simple tics are brief and repetitive actions, such as eye blinking, facial grimacing, head jerking, sniffing or grunting sounds; conversely, complex tics engage multiple muscle groups in coordinated and stereotyped patterns akin to purposeful activities, including touching objects or people, hopping and jumping as well as uttering words or phrases (Jankovic, 1992). Another pathognomonic characteristic of tics, which is commonly used as a key criterion for differential diagnosis from other similar manifestations (such as twitches and myoclonus), lies in their association with premonitory urges. These sensations, which precede tic execution, are typically perceived as increasingly intrusive and uncomfortable feelings, sometimes accompanied by a sense of somatic tension (Kwak et al., 2003; Belluscio et al., 2011; Cohen et al., 2013). Although the nature of premonitory urges has not yet been fully clarified, these manifestations have been proposed to reflect an interoceptive “hyperattentional state”, characterized by psychological fixation and excessive awareness of stimuli from specific body parts (Kane, 1994). The intensity of the urges is typically exacerbated by stress and by any attempt to suppress tics, while it is alleviated by tic execution; nevertheless, the severities of tics 2 and urges are not correlated (Steinberg et al., 2010; Ganos et al., 2012), and urges appear to be directly linked to obsessive-compulsive and depressive symptoms (Steinberg et al., 2010). 1.1.2. Prevalence and clinical features of tic disorders and TS Although tics can occasionally occur in every individual, their persistent manifestation is regarded as pathological (in view of potentially serious repercussions on psychosocial and professional functioning of the affected subjects) and classified as a tic disorder. Tic disorders are neurodevelopmental conditions affecting nearly 3% of the population (Knight et al., 2012). The most severe tic disorder, Tourette syndrome (TS), is a familial, childhood-onset neurobehavioral disorder characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one phonic tic, with a duration greater than one year (APA, 2013). The prevalence of TS has been recently estimated at 0.4-1% of the population (Robertson, 2008). In addition to tics, approximately 90% of patients are affected by comorbid psychiatric conditions, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and impulse-control disorders (ICDs) (Ghanizadeh and Mosallaei, 2009; Frank et al., 2011). The typical onset of TS occurs at 6-7 years of age and is characterized by the appearance of simple, recurrent motor tics, followed by the manifestation of phonic tics after several months (Robertson, 2011). In most children, TS symptoms undergo a progressive exacerbation, which reaches its zenith at the beginning of puberty (11-12 years of age), and is then followed by a gradual remission in the majority of patients (Leckman et al., 1998); conversely, 30-40% of TSaffected children retain their symptoms in adulthood (Singer and Walkup, 1991). In addition to these temporal changes, tic severity exhibits numerous fluctuations throughout life and is typically increased during periods of high mental and physical stress (Leckman, 2002). 1.1.3. Pathophysiology and neurobiology of TS Tics are commonly regarded as isolated or concatenated segments of automatic behavioral sequences, which are dissociated from their original valence and thereby executed in a misplaced, maladaptive and often reverberative fashion. Although the neurobiological bases of tics remain 3 partially unclear, converging lines of evidence have shown that the disorder is underpinned by functional and/or morphological impairments of the cortico-striatal-thalamo-cortical (CSTC) pathway, and in particular, of the basal ganglia (Peterson et al., 1996; Albin and Mink, 2006; Gilbert et al., 2006; Yoon et al., 2007; Gomis et al., 2008; Wong et al., 2008; Leckman et al., 2010; Felling and Singer, 2011; Ranjan et al., 2011; Eichele and Plessen, 2013). These structures are directly implicated in the generation of extrapyramidal motor patterns and modulation of automated motor performances. Tics appear to result from imbalances of the inhibitory and excitatory inputs in these regions, either related to insufficient inhibition from select families of corticostriatal interneurons (Kalanithi et al., 2005; Kataoka et al., 2010), or excessive stimulation of specific neuronal clusters (Albin and Mink, 2006). Irrespective of the source, the common outcome of these impairments is likely an inadequate “center-on surround-off” interaction in these structures, which leads to the activation of ectopic foci and a partial inability to suppress competing or unwanted motor sequences (for a comprehensive review of this issue, see Albin and Mink, 2006 and Singer, 2005). It should be noted that most tics tend to involve the activation of facial and neck muscles, possibly suggesting a preferential localization of ectopic foci within the neurons of the ventromedial in the striatum (which represent these regions, based on the somatotopic organization of this brain area; see Maillard et al., 2000; and Nambu, 2011) and their downstream projections. While multiple lines of evidence have underscored the role of basal ganglia in TS ontogenesis, several findings indicate that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) may have an equally important role in tics. Indeed, the ability to suppress tics temporarily is likely to reflect the ability of this region to control the automatic functions of the basal ganglia (Peterson et al., 1998a). Cortical disinhibition of striatal circuits has been documented in TS (Heise et al., 2010). Furthermore, impairments in cortical activation have also been evidenced in the execution of “go- no go” tasks in TS patients (Ganos et al., 2014; Thomalla et al., 2014), which likely underpin their slower performance in these tests (Eichele et al., 2010). Although the alterations in CSTC circuits underlying tics involve multiple neurotransmitter systems, a number of neuroimaging studies and postmortem analyses have clearly documented 4 that tics are likely supported by excess activation of dopamine (DA) receptors or other alterations of its system (Minzer et al., 2004; Gilbert et al., 2006; Steeves et al., 2010). Accordingly, DA receptor antagonists, such as haloperidol (HAL) and pimozide, are highly effective in reducing tic severity (Bloch et al., 2011; Roessner et al., 2013), while DAergic agonists have been associated with an exacerbation of tics (Shale et al., 1986). Recent studies indicate that one of the main impairments in the involvement of DAergic neurotransmission in tics may lie in the dysregulation of (reduced) tonic and (overactive) phasic DA levels in the basal ganglia (Wong et al., 2008; Buse et al., 2013). Tics may be underpinned by rapid variations in synaptic DA content, leading to a prominent activation of postsynaptic D1 receptors in the striatum. These receptors govern the activation of the “direct pathway” projections to globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata, and may therefore lead to the stimulation of ectopic foci. Accordingly, the results of a recent clinical trial sponsored by the Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA) on the D1 receptor antagonist ecopipam suggest that this drug may be highly effective as a therapeutic option for TS (Gilbert et al., 2014). It is worth noting that the implication of the DAergic system in the pathophysiology of TS may also involve the key role of this neurotransmitter in the ventral striatum with respect to the orchestration of critical behavioral functions, such as habit formation, incentive motivation, configuration of salience maps and sensorimotor gating (Berns and Sejnowski, 1998; Suri and Schultz, 1998; Hikosaka et al., 2002; Seymour et al., 2004). Indeed, TS patients feature alterations in all these behavioral domains (Castellanos et al., 1996; Swerdlow and Young, 2001; Marsh et al., 2004; Palminteri et al., 2011). In addition to DA, other neurotransmitters are implicated in tic disorders, such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The contribution of serotonin and norepinephrine in tics is more controversial and may be related to specific subgroups of TS and comorbid manifestations, rather than to the whole spectrum of tic disorders (Steeves and Fox, 2008; Udvardi et al., 2013). 1.1.4. Etiology of TS: genetic, environmental and sex factors Over the past decade, research into the etiology of TS has afforded fundamental contributions to our current understanding of the biological bases of this disorder. In particular, a large body of 5 evidence has indicated that, similarly to other neuropsychiatric conditions, TS is a multifactorial disorder governed by multiple genetic, environmental and sex-related factors (Deng et al., 2012; Paschou, 2013; Hoekstra et al., 2013). Genetic factors. The genetic basis of TS was originally postulated by several groups in the late 1970’s, based on clinical observations on the high familiality of the syndrome (Kidd et al., 1980; Pauls et al., 1981). These findings spurred a great number of analyses on genetic variants in TS. Specifically, some of the first genetic studies on TS focused on genes directly implicated in DA and serotonin regulation. Recently, several candidate genes have been discovered based on sporadic and familial mutations associated with TS. Among these genes, particular interest has been recently raised by SLITRK1 (Abelson et al., 2005; Miranda et al., 2009; Karagiannidis et al., 2012), which encodes for a molecule involved in the organization of neurite growth. In addition to specific studies on select genes, recent whole-genome analyses have been conducted to identify potential single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variants associated with TS. Recently, the TSA International Consortium for Genetics (TSAICG) reported the results of the first genome-wide association study (GWAS) on TS, based on the analysis of 484,000 SNPs in the DNA of 1496 TS patients and 5249 controls (Scharf et al., 2013). Although the data revealed the possible association of TS with several genes, none of the identified SNPs reached the threshold of genome-wide significance, further confirming the complex genetic architecture of TS inheritance. An alternative approach to study inheritance patterns in TS is afforded by genetic linkage studies across families with high TS prevalence. The largest linkage study for TS and tic disorder to date, also conducted by the TSAICG (TSAICG, 2007) on 238 nuclear families and 18 large multigenerational families totaling 2040 individuals, identified regions of high linkage to the disorder in the chromosome 2p23 (TSAICG, 2007; O’Rourke et al., 2009). Environmental factors: TS pathogenesis is influenced by the exposure to several environmental variables (Swain et al., 2007). The severity of tics and other behavioral symptoms in TS is typically exacerbated by the exposure to environmental and psychosocial stress (Bornstein et al., 1990; Lombroso et al., 1991; Nelson and Pribor, 1993; Silva et al., 1995; Conelea and Woods, 2008). For example, stressful contingencies lead to a reduced ability in suppressing tics (Conelea et al., 2011). The relation between TS and stress appears to be bidirectional, insofar as patients 6 have higher stress perception than non-affected controls, and short-term future tic severity is predicted by current levels of psychosocial stress (Lin et al., 2007). These findings underscore a critical involvement of stress-response mechanisms in TS pathogenesis. In addition to the emotional impact of current contingencies, TS has been associated with the occurrence of several adverse events during pre- and perinatal stages (Saccomani et al., 2005; Motlagh et al., 2010; Bos-Veneman et al., 2011), including maternal psychosocial stress (Leckman et al., 1990) as well as severe nausea and vomiting during the first gestational trimester (Leckman et al., 1990). Maternal smoking and consumption of medications are also significant risk factors for the disorder (Mathews et al., 2006). Finally, exposure to infections (particularly from β-hemolytic streptococcus) has been associated with higher incidence of TS and associated syndromes (Swedo et al., 1998). In general, the involvement of neuroinflammatory events in TS is suggested by numerous findings (Mell et al., 2005; Leslie et al., 2008), and may also reflect the involvement of autoimmune processes (Martino et al., 2009). Notably, it is possible that the exposure to prenatal complications (including infections) may indirectly influence the clinical course of TS by altering stress reactivity (Lin et al., 2010; Zohar and Weinstock, 2011). Sex factors and gender differences in TS. One of the most striking epidemiological aspects of TS lies in its marked gender differences. Similarly to other neurodevelopmental conditions, such as ADHD and autism-spectrum disorder (ASD), male gender is a major risk factor for TS (with a male: female prevalence ratio estimated at ~4:1) (Jankovic and Kurlan, 2011). Although the biological mechanisms underlying the higher TS vulnerability in boys remain elusive, genetic studies have clearly ruled out that this phenomenon may reflect the involvement of X-linked heritability patterns. The implication of sex factors in TS is also indirectly indicated by the observation that temporal variations of tic severity are characteristically time-locked with all the major phases of sex maturation. For example, the typical age of onset coincides with adrenarche (6-7 years old); symptoms increase in severity until the beginning of puberty (12 years old) and then undergo a spontaneous amelioration, which becomes apparent with the end of puberty (at 18-19 years of age). 7 In males, TS onset is characterized by anger-related manifestations and simple tics; conversely, females exhibit complex tics more often than males. TS is diagnosed later in females than males, with different age distributions (Santangelo et al., 1994); furthermore, recent data indicate that, while male gender increases vulnerability for tics in childhood, female gender may predict greater tic severity in adulthood (Lichter, 2008). Interestingly, male TS patients exhibit significant deficits in cortical and callosal thickness, which are not observed in females (Baumgardner et al., 1996; Mostofsky et al., 1999; Fahim et al., 2010). 1.1.5. Pharmacological therapy of TS The current armamentarium for the therapy of tic disorders is based on drugs that target the key neurotransmitter systems implicated in TS, such as DA receptor antagonists (antipsychotics) and the α2 receptor agonist clonidine. While antipsychotics are often effective in reducing the severity and frequency of tics, their numerous side effects, including extrapyramidal symptoms, sedation, cognitive impairments and anhedonia, often result in poor therapeutic compliance. In addition to standard therapies, GABA-A receptor positive allosteric modulators (such as clonazepam) (Jimenez-Jimenez and Garcia-Ruiz, 2001; Reid, 2004), GABA-B receptor agonists (baclofen) (Singer et al., 2001) and blockers of 5-HT2 receptors (such as atypical antipsychotics) (Bruun and Budman, 1996; Budman et al., 2001) have shown some therapeutic efficacy in TS. The lack of diagnostic biomarkers for TS dictates that the bases for the therapeutic management of this disorder are empirical, often resulting in suboptimal clinical outcomes. In this perspective, the recent advances in our understanding of the endophenotypic architecture and multifactorial nature of TS, may facilitate the development of novel therapeutic agents tailored for specific “neurobiological subtypes” of tic disorders, with greater tolerability and fewer side effects. Animal models capturing a distinct set of deficits related to specific genetic and environmental vulnerability factors promise to afford highly valuable experimental platforms for the development of more selective and effective therapeutic strategies for tic disorders. 8 1.1.6. Animal models of tic disorders and TS As in the case of other neuropsychiatric disorders, animal models provide a powerful tool to test hypotheses on the biological substrates of TS and other tic disorders in a controlled experimental setting. Given the high complexity of tics and related behavioral phenomena, animal modeling of these condition is generally based on mammalian species, and, in particular, rodents, given their high cost-effectiveness and acceptable degree of neurobiological similarity with humans. The validation of an animal model of TS is essentially based on three major criteria (Willner, 1986): 1. Face validity, which refers to the analogy between the behavioral performance of the animal models and the signs and symptoms in tic disorders; 2. Construct validity (encompassing also etiological validity), which evaluates the congruence between the etiological and pathophysiological processes in tic disorders and the neurobiological basis of the behavioral manifestations in the animal models; 3. Predictive validity, which qualifies the responsiveness of the animal model to treatments validated for tic disorders (such as antipsychotic agents and clonidine). The application of each of these criteria to animal models of tic disorders poses a number of challenges. For example, testing an animal model for face validity implies the presentation of ticlike behaviors; nevertheless, given that the behavioral repertoire of rodents is distinctly different from that of humans, and tics reproduce purposeful behaviors in a repetitive and maladaptive fashion, it is to be expected that tic-like behaviors in these species may markedly diverge from those observed in TS patients. For example, it is difficult to predict whether these manifestations should involve vocalizations, in consideration of the different development of laryngeal motor apparatus in humans, as compared to rats and mice. Thus, it is clear that the substantiation of a potential model of TS based on face validity bears significant risks of anthropomorphic bias, and can lead to numerous confounds. In relation to this issue, Swerdlow and Sutherland (2006) indicated several instances of animal models (such as the stargazer rats and mice) in which spontaneous motor jerks in animals have been sometimes framed as “tic-like” manifestations, 9 even though their neurobiological underpinnings are strikingly different from the substrates of TS. These examples show that, while face validity remains a key criterion in the analysis of animal models of tic disorders, a superficial assessment based uniquely on this parameter has very limited translational value and should not be deemed sufficient for drug development studies. The low reliability of face validity in the evaluation of tic-like manifestations is further underscored by recent studies, showing marked variations in the expression of tic-like behaviors induced pharmacologically across different murine strains (Proietti-Onori et al., 2014). Finally, the nature of tic-like behaviors cannot be fully validated due to the impossibility to ascertain the existence of premonitory urges or internal experiences in animals. While predictive validity can be an effective complement to face validity, excessive reliance upon this criterion should also be avoided, in consideration of the fact that several TS patients do not respond to any of the available treatments. Furthermore, the excessive refinement of animal models and behavioral paradigms aimed at enhancing their responsiveness to well-validated therapies can constrain their translational potential, by reduce their ability to capture the effects of novel treatments based on divergent mechanisms of action. The most problematic aspect of the verification of construct validity in animal models of tic disorders lies in our limited knowledge of the pathophysiological bases of these conditions. This problem is compounded by the limitations of our current diagnostic classification of tic disorders, which are based on symptomatic parameters, but not on quantitative, measurable indices. Indeed, the diagnostic guidelines of the DSM-5 (APA, 2013) differentiate subtypes of tic disorders based on the severity and pervasiveness of tics, but not on their neurobiological bases. This classification is likely to mix in the same category a number of potentially heterogeneous conditions that share similar symptomatic aspects, but depend on different pathophysiological mechanisms and also respond to different therapies. This reliance on signs and symptoms as central diagnostic criteria may also be applied to several other types of neuropsychiatric conditions. In order to overcome these limitations, researchers have begun dissecting complex neuropsychiatric conditions, such as TS into more elementary “building blocks”. In this respect, a very important innovation in our conceptual framework for animal models of tic disorders is a new focus on intermediate phenotypes, (Leboyer et al., 1998) which are defined as measurable 10 indices posited to reflect a more elementary set of neuroanatomic, functional or psychological deficits, than the whole array of deficits associated with TS. The best-known example of intermediate phenotypes is afforded by endophenotypes, defined as heritable features corresponding to elements of vulnerability to a given disorder (Gottesman and Shields, 1973). Endophenotypes may encompass behavioral, neuroanatomical, biochemical, neurophysiological, neuropsychological, or cognitive traits related to specific genetic factors (Gould and Gottesman, 2006; Arts et al., 2008; Viswanath et al., 2009). Endophenotypes are not inherently pathological, but should be regarded as vulnerability elements, which can facilitate the development of a disorder in the presence of other critical abnormalities (derived from other genetic factors or environmental variables). It is worth noting that the “atomistic” approach afforded by intermediate phenotypes is more amenable to the implementation of effective translational strategies, particularly when referring to cross-species parameters (which can be dependably measured in both humans and animal models) (Rutter, 2008; Bearden et al., 2009; Markou et al., 2009). This background highlights that research on animal models of tic disorders and TS refers to two main objectives: 1) the development of animal models based on either genetic mutations or environmental interventions aimed at replicating the key factors associated with the etiology of these disorders; and 2) the confirmation of endophenotypes in TS models across the criteria of face, construct and predictive validity. While it is beyond the scope of this section to illustrate the multiple models based on genetic manipulations (for a general review on the topic, the interested reader can refer to Godar et al., 2014), we will mostly focus on key phenotypes and paradigms that enable the analysis of the DAergic functions in TS, as well as the impact of stress as an environmental trigger. 1.1.7. TS-related neurobehavioral phenotypes in animal models Neurobiological deficits in the CSTC circuits. As stated above, several findings have elucidated that tics are underpinned by alterations of the basal ganglia. In particular, a host of studies have documented that TS is accompanied by low caudate volume, thinning of sensorimotor cortices and high corticostriatal activity during tic execution (Hyde et al., 1995; Peterson et al., 2003; Bloch et al., 2005; Makki et al., 2009; Plessen et al., 2009; Fahim et al., 2010). 11 The reduction in caudate volume has been highlighted as a potential predictive measure of tic severity in adulthood (Bloch et al., 2005). Based on the well-documented striatal disinhibition in TS (Baym et al., 2008; Mazzone et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2011; Bronfeld et al., 2013) and the finding of a selective loss in parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the striatum of TS patients (Kalanithi et al., 2005; Kataoka et al., 2010), a number of studies have begun addressing direct neurobiological hypotheses by producing selective lesions and/or pharmacological treatments in the basal ganglia. Remarkably, selective ablation of D1-receptor expressing striatal neurons has recently been shown to exhibit tic-like movements sensitive to treatment with the DAergic blocker HAL, as well as other locomotor impairments and striatal atrophy (Kim et al., 2014). The thinning of the somatosensory cortex in TS (Fahim et al., 2010) has also appeared to serve as a potential index for symptom severity (Sowell et al., 2008; Fahim et al., 2010), and may underpin the perceptual alterations associated with tics. Interestingly, Steiner and Kitai (2000) found that DAergic stimulation activates barrel fields (the rodent equivalent of somatosensory cortex, which regulate the sensory input and activity from vibrissae) through D1-like receptors in the striatum, suggesting that the connectivity between these two regions may play a key role in the execution of tics. Stereotyped behaviors. Stereotypies are defined as motor and behavioral sequences that are repeated purposelessly (Ridley, 1994). These behaviors are typically exhibited by most captive animals kept in spatial restriction (which interferes with the expression of behavioral needs) and are interpreted as a spontaneous manifestation of environmental discomfort, likely linked to the expression of functional responses (such as foraging) in the absence of adequate sensory feedback (Dantzer, 1991). The relevance of animal stereotypies to TS is defined by all three validity criteria; like tics, stereotypies are repetitive, habit-forming motor patterns, which typically mimic purposeful behaviors. Oro-facial and head-bobbing stereotypies can be induced in experimental rodents by several pharmacological agents that impinge on neurochemical substrates related to tics, including agonists for DA and serotonin 5-HT2 receptors. Studies have shown that, like tics, animal stereotypies (either spontaneous or pharmacologically induced) reflect alterations of the basal ganglia (Garner and Mason, 2002); more specifically, the injection of DAergic agonists in the dorsal striatum has been shown to evoke stereotyped behaviors in rodents, with a mechanism 12 that involves both D1-like and D2-like DA receptors. Finally, the predictive validity of stereotyped behaviors with respect to tics, is confirmed by the ability of antipsychotic agents to fully suppress these manifestations (Arnt, 1985; Arnt et al., 1988; Conti et al., 1997). With respect to the analogy between tics and stereotypies in humans, it should be noted that, while tics used to be regarded as stereotyped behaviors, the DSM-5 has clearly defined a separation between these two phenomena. According to the current diagnostic classifications, stereotypies are defined as more severe and pervasive than tics, and typically associated with intellectual disabilities (such as in fronto-temporal dementia, ASD and some subtypes of schizophrenia). Furthermore, they are characterized by greater rhythmicity, fewer temporal fluctuations, and no relation to premonitory antecedents. However, it is worth noting that this distinction has not yet led to a reorganization of the corresponding nomenclature in animal ethology, and thus it is likely that animal stereotypies may correspond to a broader set of phenomena than the human homonyms. Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex. PPI is the reduction in startle response elicited by a strong sensory stimulus that occurs when the latter is preceded by a weaker signal (Fig.1.1) (Hoffman and Ison, 1980; Braff et al., 1992; Braff et al., 2001a). This index is considered a highly dependable measure of sensorimotor gating, the cognitive function that enables the formation of salience maps by filtering out non-relevant information. PPI deficits have been documented in TS (Castellanos et al., 1996; Zebardast et al., 2013). Although the severity of tics and OCD manifestations is not correlated with PPI impairments, this index is regarded as a key intermediate phenotype for tic disorders. Of note, PPI disruptions are found in several other neuropsychiatric disorders, thus studies that examine the effects of pharmacological manipulations on PPI should be interpreted in this context. The phenomenological connection between sensorimotor gating deficits and PPI is posited to reflect sensory alterations in TS patients, which may also underpin the enhanced sensory feedback and somatic sensitivity in this disorder (Bliss, 1980; Kane, 1994; Biermann-Ruben et al., 2012; Cohen et al., 2013). In addition, the high construct validity of PPI for tic disorders is supported by the overlapping neurobiological and neurochemical substrates of sensorimotor gating with the brain regions involved in TS pathophysiology; indeed, PPI deficits can be induced in rodent models by lesions of the CSTC loops as well as stimulation of DA and 5-HT2 receptors (Geyer et al., 2001; 13 Swerdlow et al., 2001a). In parallel, PPI deficits in TS patients have been shown to be associated with altered patterns of caudate activation (Zebardast et al., 2013). Finally, PPI deficits in rodents can be reversed by TS medications (Geyer et al., 2001). Nevertheless, it should be noted that the efficacy of antipsychotic agents in reversing PPI alterations has not been validated in TS patients and has produced equivocal results in mental patients with gating disturbances (Kumari et al., 2000; Graham et al., 2001; Kumari and Sharma, 2002; Kumari et al., 2002; Xue et al., 2012). Of relevance to the work presented in this thesis, it should be noted that, although the focus of our sensorimotor gating and PPI research remains on TS, this paradigm is used also in relation to multiple other neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, OCD and mania. For a more detailed description of the importance of PPI in schizophrenia research, see Braff et al., 2001a and Geyer et al, 2001). Fig. 1.1 Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle reflex. (A) Photograph of acoustic startle apparatus (Med Associates, St. Albans, VT). (B) Image of a mouse placed into the testing cage, mounted across a speaker and on a piezoelectric platform for signal transduction. (C and D) Examples of pulse-alone and prepulse-pulse waves during PPI testing. 14 1.1.8. Models of TS based on pharmacological stimulation of dopamine receptors In line with the multifactorial nature of tic disorders, multiple neurotransmitters have been implicated in the pathophysiology of TS by brain-imaging studies, postmortem analyses, and, above all, the effectiveness of specific pharmacological agents in reducing tic severity and frequency. In addition to the well-known implication of DA in tics, deficits in GABAergic neurotransmission are a likely concurring factor of TS pathogenesis, as signified by the reduction in GABAergic interneurons documented in this disorder (Kalanithi et al., 2005; Kataoka et al., 2010). While the implications of other neurotransmitters in TS are less well-documented, it is likely that both serotonin (at least through 5-HT2A receptor activation) and norepinephrine may exert a modulatory function on the alterations of the CSTC circuitry observed in tic disorders. Based on these notions, systemic or intracerebral treatment with drugs that can reproduce some of the neurochemical alterations observed in TS can afford a crude, yet rapid, cost-effective way to investigate the pathophysiology of tic disorders and screen for novel potential therapies. The stimulation of DA receptors through non-selective indirect or direct agonists is known to produce stereotypies as well as PPI deficits (Randrup et al., 1963; Ridley et al., 1982; Mansbach et al., 1988; Geyer et al., 2001; Ralph et al., 2001; Lind et al., 2004). In addition, both D1-like and D2-like receptor activation plays a role in these two phenomena (Doherty et al., 2008; Frau et al., 2013). The impact of D1-like and D2-like receptor agonists on PPI varies depending on the species and strain of experimental animals (Ralph and Caine, 2005; Ralph and Caine, 2007); however, it appears that, in most cases, these phenotypes are contributed by both families of DA receptors. The mechanisms supporting the cooperation between D1 and D2 receptors in the striatum remain partially unclear, but are likely to reflect their confinement on striatonigral neurons of the direct pathway and striatopallidal neurons of the indirect pathway, respectively (Gerfen et al., 1990; Robertson et al., 1992; Planert et al., 2013). In this perspective, it is worth noting that the stereotypies induced by stimulant drugs, such as amphetamine (AMPH) and cocaine, have been shown to reflect the disequilibrium of activation in the striosomes (which display abundant D1 receptors) with respect to the matrix (which features high levels of D2 receptors) (Canales and Graybiel, 2000). Conversely, PPI deficits in response to DAergic agonists have been shown to reflect the activation of D1 and D2 receptors in the nucleus 15 accumbens (Wan et al., 1995; Wan and Swerdlow, 1996; Swerdlow et al., 2007). As expected, the behavioral changes produced by DAergic stimulation are sensitive to antipsychotic agents, signifying high predictive validity for these preparations (Arnt, 1995; Geyer et al., 2001; Gilbert et al., 2014). 1.1.9. Models of TS based on environmental manipulations Pharmacologically induced states, albeit extremely useful to represent specific aspects of TS, afford a non-naturalistic approach that is poorly suited for the study of neurochemical and functional imbalances in TS. This limitation is particularly problematic when addressing the relation between tics and their environmental triggers, and particularly stress. An experimental model that more closely capture the neurobiological relationship between stress and TS is the isolation-rearing (IR) paradigm (for a general review on this mdoel, see Fone and Porkess, 2008). IR consists of subjecting rats to the deprivation of social interactions for 6–9 weeks after weaning, a critical phase of rodent life span characterized by the development of social play (Einon and Morgan, 1977). As a result of this manipulation, IR rats exhibit a spectrum of persistent behavioral alterations in adulthood, including hyperactivity, increased responsiveness to psychostimulants, perseverative behaviors, cognitive deficits, and, particularly, PPI disruption (Weiss and Feldon, 2001). These abnormalities are paralleled by multiple neurochemical changes, such as aberrant DA levels in PFC and NAc (Fulford and Marsden, 1998; Brenes et al, 2008), and altered mesocortical transmission (Peters and O’Donnell, 2005). Although IR has not been generally studied as a model of schizophrenia, rather than TS, the PPI deficits induced by this manipulation are particularly relevant to the relation between dopamine, stress and the pathophysiology of TS. Accordingly, these impairments are countered by typical antipsychotics. Furthermore, IR facilitates the ontogeny of stereotypies induced by dopaminergic agonists and leads to CTSC deficits (see Heidbreder et al., 2000). 16 1.2 ROLE OF NEUROACTIVE STEROIDS IN TS The epidemiological evidence outlined in the previous section suggests that the neural underpinnings of TS may result from complex gene-environment-sex (GxExS) interactions. Although the molecular bases of these putative interactions remain unknown, one of the best candidate systems that may contribute to these mechanisms is based on neuroactive steroids, which play key roles in both stress response regulation and sex differences. In this section, we will briefly outline the pathways of steroidogenesis related to these molecules, and then focus more specifically on 5α-reductase, the enzyme catalyzing one of the main rate-limiting steps in this process. We will then review the available evidence on the involvement of neuroactive steroids in TS, and highlight the major knowledge gaps in this emerging field of research. 1.2.1. Pathways of synthesis and metabolism of neuroactive steroids While the influence of stress on the brain has been long known, converging lines of research have elucidated that the CNS itself can synthesize multiple classes of endogenous steroids (named neurosteroids; NSs), which then act directly in the modulation of their major neurotransmitter systems. These compounds act in coordination with the abundant endocrine input received from adrenal and gonadal steroids to regulate a broad set of neurobehavioral functions, including stress response and gender-related characteristics. Interestingly, various studies indicated that neuroactive steroids mediate pivotal processes to be considered with specific attention in the pathophysiology of multiple neural disorders (Mensah-Nyagan et al., 2001; Mensah-Nyagan et al., 2008). Although not all the details of steroidogenic reactions have been fully elucidated, it has become clear that both the biosynthesis and metabolism of all major sex steroids can occur in the brain, through a number of tightly interwoven reactions (Fig.1.2). The precursor of all steroids is cholesterol, which is converted into pregnenolone (PREG) by cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (CYP450scc). PREG is then further transformed into progesterone (PROG) by the action of the enzyme 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) (Melcangi et al., 2008). PROG undergoes multiple metabolic processes, mediated by different enzymes expressed in neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells (Pelletier, 2010). One of the most predominant and best-characterized enzymatic reactions of PROG metabolism is 17 its transformation into dihydroPROG (DHP) by the enzyme 5αR; in turn, DHP is further converted into either 3α,5α-tetrahydroPROG (commonly named AP; AP) or 3α,5βtetrahydroPROG (isopregnanolone) by 3α-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (3α-HSOR) and 3βhydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (3β-HSOR), respectively (Melcangi et al., 2008). Alternatively to this metabolic pathway, both PREG and PROG can be substrates for 17α-hydroxylase/C17,20 Fig. 1.2 Schematization of the main pathways of neurosteroidogenesis. Enzymes: CYP450scc: Cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage; CYP450-17A1: 17α-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase 3β-HSD: 3βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 5α-R; 5α-reductase; 3α-HSOR; 3α-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase; 3β HSOR; 3β-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase 17β-HSD: 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; CYP45019A1: aromatase. Receptors: PGRMC1: Progesterone receptor membrane component 1; αER: estrogen receptor α; βER: estrogen receptor β; GPER1: G-protein estrogen receptor 1; mPRs: membrane progesterone receptors; PR: cytoplasmic progesterone receptor; AR: androgen receptor; PXR: Pregnane X receptor; GABA-A: γ-amino butyric acid A receptor 18 lyase (cytochrome P450 17A1; CYP17A1) which converts them into their 17-hydroxylated metabolites and then into dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 4-androstenedione (Melcangi et al., 2008). These neuroactive steroids are further converted into T and other androgens by 17βhydroxysteroidodehydrogenase (17β-HSD). Similarly to PROG, in neurons and glial cells T is then converted by 5αR into dihydroT (DHT) (Lephart et al., 2001) and subsequently by the action of 3α-HSOR or 3β-HSOR into 5αandrostane, 3α-diol (3α-diol) or 5α-androstane,3β diol (3β-diol) respectively (Jin and Penning, 2001). It is worth noting that, in neurons and glia, 4-androstenedione and T can also be respectively converted into estrone and 17β-estradiol by aromatase (Garcia-Segura et al., 2003). While estrone mediates its effects through activation of the estrogen receptor α (ERα), estradiol also activates estrogen receptor β (ERβ) and the membrane receptor GPER1. The metabolism of PROG and T into their numerous derivatives has a deep impact on the mechanism of action of these neuroactive steroids, through the involvement of multiple receptors and signaling pathways. For example, while PROG and DHP interact with the classical PROG receptor (PR), AP is a potent ligand of a non-classical steroid receptor, such as GABA-A receptor (Lambert et al., 2003; Belelli and Lambert, 2005). Conversely, 3β-THP, albeit unable to bind directly to GABA-A, can antagonize the effect of AP on this receptor (Melcangi et al., 2008). In addition to these wellknown mechanisms, emerging lines of evidence are revealing a number of novel receptors that may contribute to the effects of PROG and AP. For example, PROG has been shown to bind to a number of membrane receptors, including the family of membrane PROG receptors (mPRs) and the PROG membrane receptor component 1 (PGRMC1), which are abundantly distributed in several brain regions (Intlekofer and Petersen, 2011; Thomas and Pang, 2012; Cooke et al., 2013). Furthermore, several effects of AP appear to be mediated by mPRs and by the pregnane X receptor (PXR) (Cooke et al., 2013), as well as the modulation of the glutamate N-methyl-Daspartate (NMDA) receptor. A similar variety of receptor-mediated mechanisms has been shown for T and its 5α-reduced metabolites; whereas DHT and T activate ARs (ARs), 3α-diol and 3β-diol act as a positive allosteric modulator of GABA-A receptor and an a potent ERβ agonist, respectively (Melcangi et al., 2008; Handa et al., 2008). Although several authors posited the involvement of membrane19 bound receptors to account for several rapid actions of T, the molecular identity of these targets remains currently elusive (Foradori et al, 2008). From this perspective, it is apparent that 5αR plays a key role in modulating the functions and signaling mechanisms of NSs in the brain, by enabling the conversion of PROG and T into numerous neuroactive metabolites that can modulate brain functions and behavior through the action of a broad array of receptors. In the next sections, we will review the current background on this family of enzymes, and highlight our previous work on it, which will serve as fundamental background for the hypotheses and experimental work presented in this dissertation. 1.2.2 Steroid 5α-reductase (5αR) The family of 5αRs catalyzes the saturation of the 4,5 double bond of the A ring of several ∆4-3ketosteroid substrates, including PROG, deoxycorticosterone, corticosterone, aldosterone, androstenedione and T (Fig.1.3). This process, which requires nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as a cofactor, consists in the formation of an enolate intermediate on the C3 position of the substrate ketosteroid, which consequently results in the protonation of C4 and direct transfer of a hydride ion from NADPH to C5 (Berseus, 1967; Bjorkem, 1969; Wilton, 1976). The reaction catalyzed by 5αR increases the susceptibility of the carbonyl group in C3 to be reduced by 3α-HSOR or 3β-HSOR, or conjugated with hydrophilic moieties, such as sulfate and glucuronyl groups, in order to facilitate their elimination. In addition to its role in the regulation of steroid catabolism, 5α reduction is the rate-limiting step in the metabolism of non-aromatic steroids, in view of its irreversibility under physiological conditions. Several 5αR products play a pivotal role in a large number of physiological processes. For example, DHT is the most potent androgen hormone in vivo, and orchestrates the development of male external genitalia and secondary sex traits, as well as the trophism of the prostate (Liao, 1969; Gomez and Frost, 1972; Mooradian et al., 1987). The role of 5αR in male hormone metabolism also encompasses the conversion of the adrenal androgen androstenedione into its 5α-reduced metabolite androstanedione, which is further converted into androsterone by 3α-HSOR (Weisser et al., 1996). The functions of 5αRs are not 20 Fig. 1.3. Scheme of the reaction catalyzed by steroid 5α-reductase (5αR). NADP+/NADPH: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (in reduced and oxidized form). The atomic numbering (C1-C17) and ring nomenclature (A-D) refer to the cyclopentanoperhydrophenantrene ring system. Fig. 1.4 Structure of the FDA-approved 5αR inhibitors finasteride and dutasteride 21 limited to endocrine regulation. Several 5α-reduced steroids play central roles in the modulation of key physiological functions across different organs and systems. In the eye, the metabolite of cortisol, 5α-dihydrocortisol, plays a role in the production of aqueous humor (Weinstein et al., 1991). In the kidney, 5α-dihydroaldosterone exerts a potent natriuretic function (Morris et al., 1989). In the liver, the 5αR-mediated conversion of cholestenone into cholestanone is a fundamental step for the synthesis of cholestanol (Bjorkhem and Karlmar, 1974); moreover, the glucocorticoids 5α-dihydrocorticosterone and 3α,5α-tetrahydrocorticosterone are posited to regulate glucose metabolism (McInnes et al., 2004). Finally, in the brain, the 5α-reduced metabolites of PROG and deoxycorticosterone, DHP and 5α-dihydrodeoxycorticosterone, are respectively converted by 3α-HSD in AP and 3α,5α-tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC), which modulate the behavioral reaction to environmental stress by activating the GABA-A receptor (Barbaccia et al., 2001; Girdler and Klatzkin, 2007). Of the five types of 5αR enzymes characterized to date, the first two (termed 5αR1 and 5αR2) play major roles in steroidogenesis and mediate overlapping reactions (for a thorough presentation on the characteristics of both isoenzymes and their regulation, see Paba et al., 2011); however, they differ by patterns of localization and expression. 5αR1 is highly expressed in the epidermal cells, neurons and adrenal glands; conversely, 5αR2 is predominantly expressed in the male urogenital tract, as well as genital skin, hair follicles and liver. While 5αR2 is not as abundant as 5αR1 in the brain, it can be found across most structures, and particularly in the cortex and cerebellum (Castelli et al., 2013). 1.2.3. 5αR inhibitors The prototypical 5αR inhibitor, finasteride (FIN) [17β-(N-tert-butylcarbamoyl)-4-aza-5αandrost-1-en-3-one] (Fig.1.4) is an unsaturated derivative of 4-MA, with relatively high selectivity for 5αR2 over 5αR1 (Rasmusson et al., 1986). The inhibition of 5αR mediated by FIN is based on the transfer of a hydride group from NADPH to the ∆1-double bond of the drug. This process results in the formation of a covalent NADP-dihydroFIN adduct, which potently binds to the free 5αR enzyme, competing with its endogenous substrates (Bull et al., 1996). The extremely low dissociation constant of this compound for 5αR2 (Ki = 3–5 nM), however, results 22 in a very slow turnover of the enzyme-adduct complex (T1/2 ≈ 30 days), rendering the inhibition virtually irreversible. In the 1990s, the quest for novel 5αR inhibitors led to the development of dutasteride ((5α,17β)N-{2,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl}-3-oxo-4-azaandrost-1-ene-17-carboxamide) (Fig. 1.4), a 4azasteroid with much higher potency than FIN in inhibiting both 5αR1 and 5αR2 (100 and 3 times greater, respectively). A large body of data from randomized clinical trials has demonstrated the efficacy of 5αR inhibitors in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Several clinical trials have shown the long-term efficacy of FIN and dutasteride in alleviating symptoms, improving urinary flow rates, reducing prostate volume and decreasing the risk of acute urinary retention and the need for surgical intervention (Nickel et al., 1996). Lower doses of FIN are also indicated for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, both orally (1 mg/day) or locally (by gel). The drug significantly diminishes the progression of the baldness and often stimulates new growth. The mechanism of action is based on the reduction of DHT levels, which play a key role in male-pattern hair loss (Price et al., 2000). Both FIN and dutasteride are reported to elicit very limited side effects in volunteers and patients (Paba et al., 2011). The most common untoward effects induced by 5αR inhibitors include decreased libido, ejaculatory disorders and erectile dysfunction, and are ascribed to the reduction in DHT levels as well as the increased estrogen synthesis (due to enhanced availability of T and androstenedione for aromatization) (Amory et al., 2007). The reported incidence of these adverse effects is variable across different studies, but is generally low (around 5%) and mainly reported during the initial stages of treatment (Ishikawa et al., 2006). None of these side effects has been found to significantly interfere with therapeutic compliance, as indicated by comparable rates of treatment withdrawal between FIN- and placebo-treated groups (Makridakis and Reichardt, 2005). In addition to its endocrine and metabolic effects, inhibition of 5αR results in a broad array of effects in emotional and cognitive regulation in rodents, which stem from the ensuing alterations in the profile of neuroactive steroids within cortical and limbic brain regions. While only few clinical studies have analyzed the psychotropic effects of 5αR inhibitors, numerous investigations in experimental animals have focused on the behavioral implication of FIN treatment. 23 The best-characterized and most frequently investigated behavioral effect of pharmacological 5αR blockade in rodents is the suppression of the synthesis of AP and THDOC, which leads to perturbed modulation of GABA-A receptor function and altered responsiveness to environmental stimuli and stress (Mostallino et al., 2009; Molina-Hernandez et al., 2009; de Sousa et al., 2010). Indeed, both AP and THDOC have been shown to elicit anxiolytic-like actions in different animal models (Crawley et al., 1986; Zimmerberg et al., 1994). Furthermore, AP has been shown to regulate aggression and fear responses in male mice (Agis-Balboa et al., 2007; Pibiri et al., 2008). Systemic administration of FIN has been shown to increase indices of anxiety-like behaviors in the open field and elevated plus maze paradigms and depression-like behavior in the forced swim test (Frye and Walf, 2002; Mann, 2006). Several brain regions, including hippocampus and amygdala, have been shown to play a role in these effects (Frye and Walf, 2002; Walf et al., 2006; Martin-Garcia et al., 2008). FIN may exert its effects on anxiety and mood by decreasing the levels of other 5α-reduced neuroactive steroids, such as androsterone and 3α-diol, which have been shown to exert anxiolytic and antidepressant properties (Reddy and Rogawski, 2002; Reddy, 2003; Frye et al., 2008). The translational value of the preclinical investigations on FIN’s behavioral effects is partially limited by the fact that, in rats, FIN has a high affinity for both 5αR1 and 5αR2 (Azzolina et al., 1997). This characteristic is strikingly at variance with the relative selectivity of FIN for 5αR2 in humans, suggesting possible differences in the neuropsychological outcomes of this drug. Accordingly, several studies have even reported potential beneficial effects of FIN on anxiety and mood in BPH patients, but this outcome is arguably influenced by their enhancement in quality of life due to the reduction of urinary symptoms (Girman et al., 1996). Few studies have actually shown an association between FIN administration and increased anxiety and depression in patients with BPH and androgenetic alopecia (Altomare and Capella, 2002; Rahimi-Ardabili et al., 2006). In line with this concept, several studies have reported an inverse relationship between AP levels and anxiety and depression symptoms in patients (Uzunova et al., 1998). The role of NSs in mediating antidepressant effects, however, has been recently challenged (Rupprecht, 2003; Eser et al., 2006). 24 1.2.4. Implication of neuroactive steroids in TS The first studies on endocrine changes in TS were published in the late 1980’s, and suggested that this disorder may feature functional alterations in the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), the main regulator of gonadal androgen synthesis (Sandyk and Bamford, 1988a; Sandyk et al., 1988). In the following years, a number of clinical observations showed that tics in TS patients could be exacerbated by anabolic androgens (Leckman and Scahill, 1990). In addition, TS patients were found to exhibit behavioral features typically associated with androgens, including aggressiveness, precocious sex drive and pervasive erotic urges (Comings and Comings, 1987; Budman et al., 1998). Furthermore, studies on the behavioral characteristics of TS-affected children have also assessed that tic severity correlates with their preference for masculine play, irrespective of gender (Alexander and Peterson, 2004). One of the most intriguing aspects of the postulated involvement of male sex hormones in TS is the possibility that steroidogenic enzymes and ARs may serve as putative therapeutic targets for this disorder. The AR antagonists flutamide and cyproterone were tested in adult TS patients with positive results (Peterson et al., 1994; Peterson et al., 1998b; Izmir and Dursun, 1999). In particular, flutamide (750 mg/day) was tested in a cross-over, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 10 men and 3 women affected by TS. Treatment was evaluated for 21 days, and resulted in a very modest (7%), yet significant amelioration of motor tic severity; conversely, no significant effects were observed on phonic tics and OCD symptoms (Peterson et al., 1998b). Overall, the limited and short-lived efficacy of the drug undermined its therapeutic suitability, also in consideration of its potential severe hepatic side effects (Brahm et al., 2011). The temporal trajectory of TS in females diverges from that in males, in that tic severity is typically increased after puberty. Interestingly, preliminary surveys appeared to indicate that, in women, tic severity can be conditioned by variations in hormonal profile during the menstrual cycle. In particular, 26% of females were found to experience exacerbation of tics in the estrogenic phase of the menstrual cycle, and this phenomenon was found to be correlated with increased tic severity at menarche (Schwabe and Konkol, 1992). While these data clearly support direct implication of estrogens in TS pathogenesis, evidence in this respect remains limited and controversial. Indeed, in a different study, no significant correlation was found between 25 fluctuation in tic severity and frequency and variations in estradiol or PROG through the menstrual cycle in female TS patients (Kompoliti et al., 2001). Although the neurobiology of sex steroid involvement in TS is not clear, numerous animal studies have shown that sex hormones (including T, estradiol and PROG) yield multiple modulatory effects on DAergic responses in the striatum and nucleus accumbens (Di Paolo, 1994; Petitclerc et al., 1995; Tomas-Camardiel et al., 2002; De Souza et al., 2009; Tye et al., 2009; Sanchez et al., 2010). The involvement of neuroactive steroids in TS is also postulated in view of the increased stress sensitivity of TS patients (Leckman et al., 1995; Chappell et al., 1996), which has been linked to alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and glucocorticoid receptor function. Indeed, abnormal functional enhancements of HPA axis were found in TS patients in response to stressful medical procedures (Chappell et al., 1994; Corbett et al., 2008), as well as injection of the opioid antagonist naloxone (Sandyk and Bamford, 1988b). Furthermore, synthetic glucocorticoid treatment increased tics in two cases of tic disorders (Dietl et al., 1998). Several rodent studies suggest that glucocorticoids modulate brain DA levels (Imperato et al., 1989; Piazza et al., 1996), underscoring the possibility that this neurotransmitter may be involved in the link between these neuroactive steroids and TS. It should be noted, however, that cortisol does not appear to play a prominent role in the variations in stress responsiveness in TS; indeed, Corbett and coworkers (2008) did not identify significant differences in the natural cortisol circadian variations between TS-affected children and healthy probands. Further studies are required to ascertain the degree of implication of each major glucocorticoid hormone in the modulation of TS symptoms. 1.2.5. Application of 5αR inhibitors in TS therapy As stated above, both 5αR1 and 5αR2 are present in the brain. In particular, the expression of 5αR2 in the brain appears to be related to the surges in T levels in this organ. In fact, the expression of this enzyme has been mainly documented in early developmental stages. In adults, the expression of the enzyme is posited to depend on androgens. Although the reactions mediated by 5αR1 and 5αR2 are largely overlapping, it is interesting to notice that 5αR2 has a 26 higher affinity for PROG and T, possibly suggesting that these two isoenzymes may be differentially activated in the brain, in relation to different concentrations of substrates. Furthermore, unlike 5αR1, 5αR2 is distinctly absent from glial cells (Castelli et al., 2013), likely signifying a topographical segregation of their functional roles. Both 5αRs have been shown to play a role in stress response. Specifically, short-term stress increases the expression of these enzymes, thereby allowing the synthesis of neuroactive steroids. In the brain, the increased 5αR activity leads to higher synthesis of AP, THDOC and other NSs, which appear to modulate stress response through multiple mechanisms, including the direct regulation of HPA axis (Sarkar et al., 2011). The best characterized of such mechanisms is the positive modulation of GABA-A receptor by AP; however, emerging data indicate that other 5αreduced NSs may play a key role in the responses to stress. In addition, it should be noted that, while stress-induced increases in 5αR activity have been well characterized in brain regions, recent data support that this phenomenon may also occur in peripheral organs, such as the prostate (Sanchez et al., 2013). In view of these premises, our group worked on the evaluation of FIN and other 5αR inhibitors as potential therapeutic tools for TS. Our studies began with the preclinical evaluation of FIN and dutasteride in animal models. In particular, we observed that these agents could lead to a dramatic reduction of the PPI deficits and a significant decrease in stereotypies induced by the non-selective DAergic agonists AMPH and apomorphine (APO) (Bortolato et al., 2008) (Fig.1.5). Although FIN exhibited anti-DAergic mechanisms similar to those elicited by HAL across several behavioral tasks, it strikingly failed to induce catalepsy (Bortolato et al., 2008). Prompted by these preclinical results, we studied the therapeutic potential of FIN in adult male TS patients. The first patient who gave informed consent for experimental treatment with FIN as an adjunctive therapy was a severe case of TS with explosive vocalizations, stereotyped coprolalic utterances, self-injuring motor tics and excessive sex drive. Previous therapeutic attempts with typical antipsychotics had resulted in transient improvements, but the high rate of extrapyramidal and cognitive side effects had led him to repeated withdrawals (Bortolato et al, 2007). FIN (5 mg/day) led to a gradual improvement of his motor and vocal tics, as assessed by the Yale Tic Severity Scale with no reported side effects. The discontinuation of the regimen after 18 weeks, however, resulted in an abrupt, dramatic exacerbation of the symptoms, which was countered by reinstatement of the 5αR inhibitor. 27 The therapeutic effects of FIN as an adjunctive treatment in TS have been confirmed in a first open-label study with adult male patients, who exhibited a significant reduction of the severity of tics and associated compulsive (but not obsessive) manifestations by the sixth week of therapy (Muroni et al, 2011). At the time of this writing, the open trial of FIN has been extended to 16 TS male adult patients. As shown in Fig. 5, our patients consistently showed a fully significant reduction in tic severity by the 6th week of treatment, and reached a plateau in therapeutic effects by the 12th week of FIN administration. Notably, three patients have shown that FIN discontinuation led to a sudden exacerbation of their symptoms. Interestingly, in contrast with antipsychotics, FIN does not elicit extrapyramidal side effects in patients (Paba et al., 2011; Muroni et al., 2011). Our preliminary surveys on the psychological mechanisms of FIN in tic suppression revealed that, in most patients, this drug confers an attenuation of the premonitory urges and a greater ability to control the execution of tics and other impulses, resulting in lower interference and higher functioning. In addition, our results seem to suggest that FIN is more efficacious in reducing simple, rather than complex tics. Following these results, our group has begun a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial at the TS Center of the University of Cagliari, Italy. The idea that 5αR inhibitors may reduce tic severity by improving impulse control is indirectly supported by our recent clinical observations on the effects of FIN in ICDs. Indeed, we found that, in males, FIN reduced pathological gambling induced by DA receptor agonists + levodopa in Parkinson’s disease patients (Bortolato et al, 2012). Although our current data do not allow for a full characterization of the role of this enzyme in TS, a number of interesting observations raise the possibility that both 5αR isoenzymes may be directly involved in the genetic bases of the disorder. Specifically, the largest linkage study for TS and tic disorder has identified a region of high linkage in the chromosome 2p23 (TSAICG, 2007; O’ Rourke et al, 2009), in a position directly proximal to (or partially coinciding with) the gene SRD5A2, which encodes for 5αR2 (Morissette et al, 1996). Furthermore, two previous TS genome scan studies pointed to chromosomal regions proximal to the gene SRD5A1 (encoding for 5αR1) on chromosome 5p15 (Barr et al, 1999; Curtis et al., 2004). While FIN is not likely to be an optimal therapy for TS, given its potentially serious side effects on masculinization in boys, ongoing studies in our laboratory are currently analyzing the contribution of different androgen steroids in the anti-tic mechanisms of FIN, using animal 28 models. These investigations may yield important contributions to our understanding of the neuroendocrine alterations underpinning tic disorders. Another corollary of our study has led to the analysis of association of TS and SRD5A2, the gene encoding 5αR type 2 (the primary target of FIN in humans). Indeed, the location of this gene on chromosome 2p23 (Morissette et al., 1996) is directly proximal to one of the regions with high linkage for TS, as recognized by the largest linkage study for tic disorders to date (TSAICG, 2007). Fig.1.5 Effects of finasteride (FIN) on TS male adult patients (n=16). Readapted from Bortolato et al, 2013. See text for more details 29 1.3. AIMS OF THE THESIS As shown in the previous section, our preliminary clinical and preclinical work has documented that the pharmacological inhibition of 5αR reduces the impact of DA receptor agonist in a number of rodent models related to TS and other tic disorders. The purpose of the studies presented in this thesis is to further the understanding of the neural mechanisms whereby neuroactive steroids influence DAergic signals in sensorimotor gating and other behavioral manifestations related to TS. In particular, three main issues will be explored. First, these studies will analyze the mechanisms of steroid involvement in sensorimotor gating, by verifying the implication of neurosteroidogenic enzymes other than 5αR in the regulation of DAergic modulation of gating, and by verifying the role of this enzyme in the PPI deficits induced by IR. Second, we will present evidence on the neuroanatomical substrates accounting for the effects of finasteride, as injected in different brain regions. Third, this thesis will determine the specific role of DA receptors in the effects of FIN using both mouse and rat models of PPI deficits, in consideration of the differences between these two species with respect to PPI sensitivity to D1 or D2 receptor agonists. The studies presented in Chapter 2 will examine what neurosteroidogenic enzymes other than 5αR contribute to the modulation of dopaminergic responses in PPI, through the employment of selective inhibitors. This perspective will be particularly useful to chart the specific involvement of specific subsets of neuroactive steroids in the regulation of DAergic responses. In chapter 3, we will present the results of studies aimed at the characterization of the anatomical substrates of the PPI-ameliorating effects of FIN, by investigating the contribution of gonads and different brain regions to the antiDAergic effect of this 5αR inhibitor. Chapter 4 will focus on the impact of FIN on the spontaneous PPI deficits and alterations in brain-regional neurosteroid profiles induced by IR, an experimental manipulation that may help capture the relation between psychosocial stress and DAergic neurotransmission, particularly vis a vis the regulation of sensorimotor gating. Finally, Chapters 5 and 6 will present the results of studies aimed at identifying the mechanisms of the DAergic receptors responsible that mediate the effects of FIN in mouse and rat models, respectively. These results wil help understand why FIN elicits antiDAergic and PPIameliorative effects without inducing extrapyramidal effects. 30 CHAPTER 2 ROLE OF STEROIDOGENIC ENZYMES IN THE MODULATION OF SENSORIMOTOR GATING 31 2.1. RATIONALE OF THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES Our previous studies showed that the pharmacological inhibition of 5αR, the key rate-limiting enzyme in NS and androgen metabolism (Martini et al., 1993; Martini et al., 1996; Paba et al., 2011), counters several behavioral effects of non-selective DAergic receptor agonists in SpragueDawley rats, such as the deficits in sensorimotor gating (Bortolato et al., 2008). In addition, we have documented that the anti-DAergic actions of the prototypical 5αR inhibitor FIN, albeit strikingly akin to those induced by classical antipsychotic agents, are not accompanied by catalepsy (Bortolato et al., 2008). These results have been supported by preliminary clinical observations documenting the efficacy and high tolerability of FIN in adult male, treatmentrefractory patients affected by TS (Bortolato et al., 2007; Muroni et al., 2011) and chronic schizophrenia (Koethe et al., 2008). These premises highlight that the enzymatic machinery for synthesis, metabolism and signaling of androgenic NSs may be a very promising source of novel therapeutic options for schizophrenia and TS. To fully explore this issue, in the present study we analyzed whether the PPI disruption induced by the DAergic receptor agonist APO may be affected by the blockade of three critical enzymes in neurosteroidogenesis and androgen synthesis, CYP17A1, 3αHSOR/HSD, 3β- HSOR/HSD, as well as ARs (see Fig.2.1). 2.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals. A total of 327 male Sprague—Dawley (Harlan, Italy) rats weighing 250—300 g were used for this study. Animals were group-housed in cages (n=4) with ad libitum access to food and water. The room was maintained at 22±0.2ºC on a 12/12-h dark/light cycle (with lights off at 07:00 PM). Each animal was used only once throughout the study and all efforts were made to minimize animal suffering throughout this study. All experimental procedures were executed in compliance with the National Institute of Health guidelines and approved by the Animal Use Committees at the University of Cagliari and University of Kansas. Drugs. The following drugs were used: abiraterone (ABI), FIN, T, DHT, FLU, trilostane (TRI), indomethacin (INDO) and (R)-(-)-APO hydrochloride. For systemic injections, 32 Fig. 2.1. Schematic view of main steroid pathways of androgen synthesis and metabolism. The numerical codes represent the enzymes described in the table. Listed are all enzyme inhibitors used in the present study. 33 ABI, FIN, T, DHT, FLU, TRI, INDO were suspended in a VEH solution containing 5% Tween 80 and 95% SAL (0.9% NaCl). For intracerebral infusions, ABI was dissolved in hydroxypropylβ-cyclodextrin/Ringer solution (CDX/R). APO was dissolved in 0.9% SAL containing 0.1% (v/v) of ascorbic acid to prevent oxidation. All solutions were freshly prepared on the day of testing and administered SC and IP in an of injection volume of 1 and 2 ml/kg body weight, respectively. The doses of each compound were selected based on preliminary data or on previous reports indicating their biological and behavioral efficacy (Nayebi and Rezazadeh, 2004; Ugale et al., 2004; Ahboucha et al., 2008). Stereotaxic surgery and intracerebroventricular (ICV) Infusion procedures. Rats were anaesthetized with Equithesin and placed in a stereotaxic apparatus (Kopf, Tujunga, CA), with blunt ear bars to avoid damage of the tympanic membranes. Under aseptic conditions, rats were shaved and their scalp was retracted. Bilateral craniotomies were performed above the target sites, and stainless steel 22-G guide-cannulae (Plastics One, Roanoke, VA) were lowered slowly into place and implanted using dental cement and two skull screws. The lengths of the cannulae were selected so as to end 1 mm above the targeted areas with the corresponding injector projecting 1 mm beyond guide tip. Cannulae were plugged with wire stylets, and wounds were closed with surgical staples. According to the stereotaxic brain atlas (Paxinos and Watson, 1998), the stereotaxic coordinates for lateral ventricles were: AP = -1 mm, ML = ±1 mm; DV = -3 mm, referring to bregma. Rats were given antibiotic therapy for 5 days (enrofloxacin, Bayer HealthCare, Shawnee Mission, KS) and allowed to recover in their home cages for 7-10 days prior to testing. The day of the test, rats were subjected to ICV administrations through 33-gauge internal cannulae (Plastics One) connected to a 50 µl syringe (Hamilton, Reno, NV, USA) by PE tubing (Intramedic, New York, NY, USA). The rate of infusion (0.5 µl/min) was controlled by microinjection pumps (CMA Microdialysis, Stockholm, Sweden). Injections were confirmed by monitoring movement of liquid in the tubing via a small air bubble. The injectors were left in place for 2 min after infusion, to fully allow diffusion of fluid. PPI testing took place immediately after completion of infusion. On completion of testing, the location of cannula tips was verified by injecting 5 µl of methylene blue dye into the cannula. Rats were euthanized after 5 min and their brain was removed and sliced at the point of cannula entry. Trained operators assessed the diffusion of the dye through the target ventricle into both hemispheres. 34 Startle reflex and PPI. Startle and PPI testing were performed as previously described (Bortolato et al., 2004), between 10 AM and 4 PM. Rats were placed in the PPI chamber for a 5-min acclimatization period consisting of 70 dB background white noise, which continued for the remainder of the entire session. The PPI protocol included three consecutive blocks of pulse, prepulse+pulse and “no-stimulus” trials. Specifically, unlike the first and the third block, during which rats received only five pulse-alone trials of 115 dB, throughout the second block rats were exposed to a pseudorandom sequence of 50 trials, consisting of 12 pulse-alone trials, 30 trials of pulse preceded by 74, 78 or 82 dB pre-pulses intensities (ten for each level of prepulse loudness) and eight “no stimulus” trials, where the only background noise was delivered. Intertrial intervals were selected randomly between 10 and 15 s. Sound levels were assessed using an A Scale setting. Percent PPI was calculated with the following formula: with and representing the mean startle amplitudes for all pre-pulse+pulse trials and pulse alone trials, respectively. The first 5 pulse-alone bursts were excluded from the calculation. Except for the ICV microinjection experiment, all rats received two systemic injections: a pretreatment IP 40 min and a treatment SC immediately before starting PPI session. Data analysis. Normality and homoscedasticity of data distribution were verified by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett’s tests. Analyses were performed by multiple-way ANOVAs, as appropriate, followed by Tukey’s test (with Spjøtvoll-Stoline correction for unequal N whenever required) for post-hoc comparisons of the means. For % PPI analyses, main effects for prepulse levels were consistently found throughout all the analyses, showing loudness-dependent effects. Since no interactions between prepulse levels and other factors were found, however, data relative to different prepulse levels were collapsed. Significance threshold was set at 0.05. 35 2.3. RESULTS 2.3.1.Effects of abiraterone and finasteride on startle and PPI parameters. The first experiment was aimed at investigating the impact of the selective CYP17A1 inhibitor ABI (10-50 mg/kg, IP), on the effects on startle and PPI mediated by APO (0.25 mg/kg, SC), in comparison with the 5αR inhibitor FIN (100 mg/kg, IP). Neither ABI pretreatment [F(3,67)=1.20, NS] nor APO treatment [F(1,67)=0.16, NS] had significant main effects on startle amplitude. Furthermore, ANOVA did not reveal any significant ABI x APO interactions [F(3, 67)=0.61, NS] (Fig. 2.2A). In contrast with ABI, FIN significantly reduced baseline startle amplitude [main effect of pretreatment: F(1,35)=32.85, P<0.001]. The combination of FIN and APO, however, did not produce significant effects on startle parameters [pretreatment x treatment interaction: F(1,35)=1.03, NS]. The analysis of PPI revealed a significant pre-treatment x treatment interaction, indicating that the dose of 25 mg/kg of ABI significantly reduced the PPI-disruptive properties of APO {[F(3,67)=3.16, P<0.05]; P<0.05 for comparison VEH+APO vs ABI 25+APO; Tukey's}, albeit only partially (Ps<0.01 for all comparisons between SAL- and APO-treated rats) (Fig. 2.2B). In line with our previous results, FIN significantly countered APO-mediated PPI disruption [F(1,35)=4.33, P<0.05] (Fig. 2.2B). To verify the involvement of brain structures in the PPI-ameliorating properties of systemic ABI, we studied the effects of ICV injections of this compound (1 µg/1 µl) on startle reflex and PPI parameters. Startle analyses did not disclose significant main effects of ABI [F(1, 30)=3.80, NS] or APO [F(1,30)=0.46, NS]. The interaction of the two treatments also failed to affect startle amplitude [F(1,30)=0.41, NS] (Fig. 2.3A). In addition, we found a significant pre-treatment x treatment interaction with respect to PPI values, indicating that ICV ABI infusions significantly ameliorated APO-mediated PPI deficits [F(1, 30)=3.63, P<0.05] (Fig. 2.3B). 2.3.2.Effects of indomethacine on startle and PPI parameters. In the third set of experiments, we tested the effects of the 3α-HSD inhibitor INDO (5 mg/kg, IP), on the PPI disruption mediated by APO (0.25 mg/kg, SC). The analysis of startle amplitude revealed a significant interaction between pretreatment and treatment [F(1, 31)=5.47, P<0.05] 36 Fig. 2.2. Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 100mg/kg, IP) and abiraterone (ABI, 1050mg/kg, IP) on startle reflex (A) and %PPI (B) in relation to the gating deficits induced by systemic apomorphine (APO, 0.25mg/kg, SC). FIN and ABI doses are indicated in mg/kg. VEH, vehicle of FIN and ABI; SAL, saline. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. N= 814/group. **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001 vs rats treated with the same pre-treatment and SAL (pretreatment x treatment interaction); #, P<0.05 vs rats treated with VEH and APO (pretreatment x treatment interaction). Main effects are not indicated; for further details, see text. 37 Fig.2.3. Effects of intracerebroventricular abiraterone (ABI, 1µg/µl) on startle reflex (A) and %PPI (B) in relation to the gating deficits induced by systemic apomorphine (APO, 0.25mg/kg, SC). ABI doses are indicated in µg (in 1µl of solution). VEH, vehicle of ABI (Hydroxypropyl β-Cyclodextrin/Ringer solution, 20% w/v). Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M, N= 8-9/group. *, P<0.05 vs rats treated with VEH and saline (pretreatment x treatment interaction); #, P <0.05 vs rats treated with VEH and APO. For further details, see text. 38 (Fig. 2.4A). Post-hoc comparisons disclosed that this effect reflected a statistical trend for a difference between INDO+SAL vs INDO+APO (P<0.10; Tukey’s test). PPI analyses disclosed a significant main effect for APO [F(1, 31)=37.52, P<0.001], but not for INDO [F(1, 31)=0.53, NS] treatment. Finally, no significant pretreatment x treatment interactions were found [F(1, 31)=0.31, NS], indicating that INDO was not able to counter the PPI disruption mediated by APO (Fig. 2.4B). 2.3.3. Effects of trilostane on startle and PPI parameters. To investigate the role of 3β-HSD in the DAergic regulation of PPI, we then measured the impact of different doses of TRI (15-60 mg/kg, IP), the selective inhibitor of this enzyme, in association with APO (0.25 mg/kg, SC). The analysis of startle amplitude detected a significant pretreatment x treatment interaction [F(3,72)=4,56, P<0.01] (Fig. 2.4C). Post-hoc analyses evidenced that the combination of APO and the higher dose of TRI significantly decreased startle amplitude in comparison with the association of VEH and SAL (P<0.05, Tukey’s). PPI analyses did not reveal a significant main effect for pretreatment [F(3, 72)=0.19, NS]. As expected, however, APO produced a marked PPI deficit [main treatment effect F(1, 72)=109.2, P<0.001], which was not reversed by TRI pretreatment [pretreatment x treatment interaction: F(3,72)=0.64, NS] (Fig. 2.4D). 2.3.4. Effects of Androgen-receptor ligands on startle and PPI parameters. For the evaluation of the role of AR on startle reflex and gating functions, we studied the effect of its natural ligands (T and DHT; 100 mg/kg, IP) and antagonist (FLU, 10 mg/kg, IP). As shown in Fig. 2.5A, startle amplitude was not modified by either T pretreatment [F(1,22)=0.81, NS] or APO treatment [F(1,22)=0.04, NS]. A statistical trend was identified for pretreatment x treatment interaction [F(1,22)=3.34; P=0.07]. PPI analyses (Fig. 15B) revealed that T did not modify PPI, while APO significantly reduced gating [F(1,22)=26.08, P<0.001], even though this effect was not prevented by T pretreatment [F(1, 22)=0.01, NS]. The systemic effects of DHT (Fig.2.5C-D) were similar to those observed after T injection, with no overall effects on startle amplitude [F(1,27)=0.05, NS]. In addition, statistical trends were 39 Fig. 2.4. Effects of systemic indomethacin (INDO, 5mg/kg, IP) and trilostane (TRI, 1560mg/kg, IP) on startle reflex (A-C) and %PPI (B-D) in relation to the gating deficits induced by systemic apomorphine (APO, 0.25mg/kg, SC). VEH, vehicle of TRI and INDO; SAL, saline. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., N= 7-17/group. #, p<0.05 vs rats treated with VEH and APO; °, p<0.05, °°, p<0.01 vs rats treated with TRI 15 and APO (pretreatment x treatment interaction). Main effects are not indicated. For further details, see text. found for the main effect of APO [F(1,27)=3.38, P=0.07] and for pretreatment x treatment interactions [F(1,27)=3.87, P=0.06]. Furthermore, DHT did not significantly affect PPI [F(1, 27) = 0.05, NS], while APO significantly reduced this parameter [F(1, 27)=36.33, P<0.001]. Finally, the administration of DHT was not able to reverse APO-mediated PPI impairments [F(1, 27)=2,46, NS]. 40 Fig. 2.5. Effects of systemic testosterone (T, 100mg/kg, IP) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT, 100mg/kg, IP) on startle reflex (A-C) and %PPI (B-D) in relation to the gating deficits induced by systemic apomorphine (APO, 0.25mg/kg, SC). VEH, vehicle of T and DHT; SAL, saline. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. N= 6-10/group. Main effects are not indicated. For further details, see text. The last series of experiments investigated the effects of AR blockade by systemic injections of FLU, on startle and PPI parameters. ANOVA detected a significant pretreatment x treatment interaction on startle amplitude [F(1, 28)=30.82, p<0.001] (Fig. 2.6A). Post-hoc analyses conducted with Tukey’s test revealed significant differences between VEH+SAL and FLU+SAL (P<0.001), VEH+APO and FLU+SAL, (p<0.01), VEH+APO and FLU+APO (P<0.05), FLU+SAL and FLU+APO (p<0.001). Finally, PPI analysis detected a significant main effect for APO treatment [F(1, 28)=31.30, p<0.001], but not for FLU pretreatment [F(1, 28)=0.20, NS]. No pretreatment x treatment interactions were found [F(1, 28)=0.72, NS] (Fig. 2.6B). 41 Fig. 2.6. Effects of systemic flutamide (FLU, 10mg/kg, IP) on startle reflex (A) and %PPI (B) in relation to the gating deficits induced by systemic apomorphine (APO, 0.25mg/kg, SC). VEH, vehicle of FLU; SAL, saline. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. N= 8/group. #, p<0.05 vs rats treated with VEH and APO. Main effects are not indicated. For further details, see text. 42 2.4. DISCUSSION The major result of this study is that ABI, the selective CYP17A1 inhibitor, led to a dosedependent reversal of the PPI deficits induced by the direct DA receptor agonist APO. Notably, these effects were observed after both systemic and ICV injections, and were not paralleled by changes in startle amplitude. CYP17A1 is a member of the cytochrome P450 enzyme family, responsible for the biosynthesis of androgens from pregnane derivatives (such as PROG and PREG). The enzyme catalyzes two separate reactions, consisting in the hydroxylation of the 17α terminal (17α-hydroxylase) and the cleavage of the bond between carbons 17 and 20 (C17,20 lyase), respectively (for a review on the enzyme, see Porubek, 2013). In particular, the latter component is responsible for the synthesis of androgenic steroids; accordingly, males with a selective C17,20 lyase deficiency exhibit reduced sex hormone levels and severe undervirilization (Miller, 2012). These premises, together with our previous evidence on the antipsychotic-like actions of 5αR inhibitors (Bortolato et al., 2008; Devoto et al., 2012), point to a potential involvement of androgen synthesis for the modulation of DAergic control of information processing, and may help account for the male predominance of schizophrenia, TS and other neuropsychiatric disorders featuring gating deficits and DAergic perturbations. The effects of ICV infusion of ABI were comparable with those ensuing systemic treatment, suggesting the involvement of brain CYP17A1 in mediating the antipsychotic-like effects of ABI. Although CYP17A1 expression is most abundant in the adrenal cortex, this enzyme has also been documented in several brain regions by immunoreactivity, such as hippocampus, hypothalamus, brainstem and cerebellum (Stromstedt and Waterman, 1995; Yamada et al., 1997; Kohchi et al., 1998; Hojo et al., 2004). In addition, in situ hybridization studies have documented the presence of CYP17A1 mRNA across the whole brain (Allen Atlas; http://mouse.brain-map.org/gene/show/12855), including the cortex and the striatum, key regions for the DAergic regulation of PPI (Swerdlow et al., 2001a). While our experiments do not allow for a characterization of the specific brain regions involved in the anti-DAergic effects of ABI, it is worth noting that APO-induced PPI deficits are supported by multiple areas of the CSTC circuitry, including the NAc core, medial PFC and ventral subiculum (Hart et al., 1998; Swerdlow et al., 2001a). 43 Our results showed that ABI and FIN elicited analogous effects on PPI regulation, although the effects of the latter drug were more marked. It is possible that the antipsychotic-like properties of these agents may be partially supported by similar substrates. With respect to this hypothesis, it is worth noting that the systemic effects of FIN were reproduced by local injections into the shell and core of the nucleus accumbens, but not other brain regions (Devoto et al., 2012). These findings suggest that the nucleus accumbens may be responsible for the contribution of NSs in sensorimotor gating modulation, and point to the implication of this region in the antipsychoticlike properties of ABI. The possibility that ABI and FIN elicit similar effects is particularly interesting, in view of the translational potential of our results. Indeed, our preclinical findings on the antipsychotic-like properties of FIN (Bortolato et al., 2008) were matched by therapeutic effects of this agent in patients affected by TS (Bortolato et al., 2007; Muroni et al., 2011) as well as schizophrenia (Koethe et al., 2008) and other disorders (Paba et al., 2011). Notably, ABI is already approved for clinical use as a chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer (Attard et al., 2009; de Bono et al., 2011). Inhibitions of 5αR and CYP17A1 share a number of similar outcomes with respect to neurosteroidogenesis. Indeed, both enzymes lead to a significant reduction of 5α-reduced androstane derivatives, such as androsterone and 5α-androstanedione. It is worth noting that this latter compound, in particular, may be implicated in the antiDAergic effects of FIN and ABI, as it is postulated to result from the combined metabolic action of 5αR and CYP17A1. Nevertheless, the lack of neurochemical analyses in the present study does not allow us to fully exclude that the anti-DAergic effects of these antiandrogenic drugs may be supported by differential underpinnings; indeed, only FIN produced a significant reduction of startle amplitude, likely reflecting partially divergent mechanisms of the two drugs on behavioral reactivity. It is worth noting that the greater impact of FIN on PPI regulation in comparison with ABI may suggest the participation of non-androgenic NSs (not directly affected by ABI), such as AP. Recent studies have actually suggested the implication of this neurosteroid in the regulation of PPI (Darbra and Pallares, 2010; Darbra et al., 2012; Darbra et al., 2013). We found that the inhibition of 3α-HSD and 3β-HSD by INDO and TRI, respectively, did not elicit significant effects on sensorimotor gating. Both enzymes have been described in the brain of humans and rodents (Dupont et al., 1994; Khanna et al., 1995a; Khanna et al., 1995b; Yu et 44 al., 2002), where they are posited to play key roles in neurosteroid biosynthesis, by catalyzing the conversion of ∆5-hydroxysteroids into ∆4-ketosteroids. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the failure to elicit effects may signify that INDO and TRI are competitive inhibitors and their activity may therefore be limited by substrate accumulation. Thus, a conclusive assessment of the role of 3α-HSD and 3β-HSD in PPI regulation awaits the development of novel, highly selective non-competitive inhibitors for these enzymes. The lack of effects of FLU suggests that the effects of androgens in PPI might not be mediated by AR. The existence of membrane-bound receptors has been postulated by several authors, based on the ability of androgens to rapidly modulate the activity of ion channels and intracellular calcium levels (Heinlein and Chang, 2002). Non-genomic effects are likely mediated through membrane ARs or act through SHBG or the c-Src kinase-AR complex. Interestingly, a human membrane receptor for PROG has been cloned (Gerdes et al., 1998; Bernauer et al., 2001). Furthermore, new membrane receptors for other steroid hormones have been recently identified (Fernández-Pérez et al., 2008). Notably, FLU has been used as a potential therapy for TS (Peterson et al., 1998), yielding very limited and short-lived effects. Thus, while both FIN and FLU are generally labeled as “antiandrogenic” drugs, the contrast in effects between these two agents may reveal a greater implication of 5αR in TS pathophysiology. Future double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials on FLU will help settle this interesting issue. Systemic administrations of both T and DHT did not exert any intrinsic PPI-disrupting properties, in further support that these potent activators of AR may not be directly responsible for the effects of FIN and ABI on DAergic responses. Interestingly, our data complement previous results by Van den Buuse and Eikelis (2001), who documented that, in female rats, T and estradiol, but not DHT, enhanced PPI. These divergent effects suggest the existence of sexspecific differences in the metabolic fate of T, which may result in different roles of this steroid with respect to the regulation of PPI. In addition, our results do not exclude the possibility that, in males, T may still play a facilitatory role for DAergic impairments. Acute T has been reported to increase DA levels in the neostriatum and in the nucleus accumbens (de Souza Silva et al., 2009), while chronic T may increase DA metabolism and turnover, but not content (Thiblin et al., 1999). In addition, recent findings indicate that T and DHT increase the expression of biosynthetic and metabolic DA enzymes in the substantia nigra of male rats (Purves-Tyson et al., 45 2012). Future studies are warranted to analyze whether the combination of these steroids with sub-threshold doses of DA releasers (such as d-AMPH) may result in PPI impairments. Although the inability of T, DHT and FLU to affect APO-induced PPI deficits may seemingly contradict our findings on the anti-DAergic properties of ABI and FIN, it should be noted that, unlike T and DHT, most 5α-reduced androgenic NSs do not exert their neuroactive properties through ARs. For example, 3β-diol has been shown to be a potent agonist of β estrogen receptors (Kuiper et al., 1997), while 3α,5α-androstanediol acts as a positive modulator of GABA-A receptors (Reddy and Jian, 2011). Furthermore, androsterone has been shown to activate farnesoid receptors (Wang et al., 2006). The implication of these receptors in information processing awaits further investigations. Several limitations in the present study should be acknowledged. First, our analyses were restricted to males, thereby limiting our ability to predict whether the observed antipsychotic-like effects of CYP17A1 inhibition may be applicable to females. Second, another important caveat of our study lies in the lack of available selective 3α- and 3β-HSD inhibitors. Indeed, both INDO and TRI are known to elicit their actions also through other mechanisms, namely the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and the activation of β-estrogen receptors, respectively (Vane and Botting, 1998; Espallergues et al., 2011). Third, the conclusions that INDO and FLU did not protect from the APO-induced PPI deficits are limited by the lack of dose-response curves; although the doses for both compounds were selected based on a careful literature search, we cannot completely rule out that higher concentrations (or chronic treatments) may have elicited ameliorative effects in sensorimotor gating. Fourth, our interpretation of the reported effects of neurosteroidogenic inhibitors on startle and PPI is restricted by the lack of accompanying measurements of their effects on steroid profile; nevertheless, it should be clarified that this limitation may not be easily overcome at present, since the levels of most NSs (particularly among 3α,5α- and 3β,5α-androstane derivatives) cannot be accurately detected in rat brain regions, due to their relatively low content. Irrespective of the specific mechanisms, the present set of results point to CYP17A1 as a potential target for certain behavioral disorders characterized by gating disturbances, such as schizophrenia and TS. In particular, following our discovery of 5αR inhibitors as antipsychoticlike agents using the rat model of APO-induced PPI disruption, we have pursued the possibility that 5αR inhibitors may have therapeutic efficacy for these conditions (Bortolato et al., 2007; 46 Koethe et al., 2008; Muroni et al., 2011). Following this perspective, it is possible that CYP17A1 inhibitors may be novel therapeutic avenues for mental disorders featuring alterations of sensorimotor gating. In particular, this possibility is highlighted by the recent development of drugs that inhibit more specifically C17,20 lyase and spare 17α-hydroxylase, such as orteronel (TAK-700; Hara et al., 2013). These next-generation drugs, which induce fewer side effects due to the lack of effects on glucocorticoid synthesis, may have important implications in the therapy of psychiatric disorders. 47 CHAPTER 3 ANATOMICAL SUBSTRATES OF THE EFFECTS OF 5αR INHIBITORS ON SENSORIMOTOR GATING 48 3.1. RATIONALE OF THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES The background section presented in Chapter 1 showed that extensive evidence suggests a role of NSs in the pathophysiology of TS. Our previous findings showed that 5αR blockade elicits antipsychotic-like effects (Bortolato et al, 2008). Based on this evidence, we sought to identify the anatomical substrates of FIN-mediated antipsychotic-like effects, using the rat model of PPI deficits induced by DA receptor agonists. Furthermore, we explored whether the effects of FIN may be paralleled by brain-regional changes in DA efflux, as measured by microdialysis. 3.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals. A total of 448 male Sprague–Dawley albino rats (Harlan, San Pietro al Natisone, Italy) weighing 225–300 g were kept on a 12/12-h reverse light/dark cycle (with lights off from 7 AM to 7 PM), with food and water available ad libitum. All experimental protocols were carried out in strict accordance with the Italian Ministry of Health regulation for the care and use of laboratory animals (DL 11692). Each animal was used only once throughout the study, with the exception of 8 gonadectomized and 12 sham-operated rats, which were treated with vehicle (VEH) + SAL in the first PPI experiment and subsequently (7 days after) injected with either VEH + SAL or VEH + AMPH for the second PPI experiment. Drugs. For systemic injections, FIN (Sigma Aldrich, St Louis, MO) was suspended in a VEH (VEH) solution of Tween 80 in distilled water (1:9 vol:vol). For intracerebroventriculal infusions, FIN was dissolved in DMSO-Ringer solution (final concentration, 1:1 vol:vol). Intracerebral regional infusions were performed with a solution of FIN in cyclodextrine/Ringer solution (final concentration, 1:5 vol:vol). APO (Sigma Aldrich) was dissolved in a solution containing 0. 9% SAL with 0.1 mg/ml ascorbic acid to prevent oxidization. AMPH (Sigma-Aldrich) was dissolved in SAL. All systemic administrations were performed in an injection volume of 1 (subcutaneous, SC) or 2 ml/kg body weight (intraperitoneal, IP). Doses of FIN (both systemic and intracerebral), APO and AMPH were based on preliminary studies. 49 Orchidectomy. Gonadectomy and sham surgeries were performed under aseptic conditions using Equithesin (0.97 g pentobarbital, 2.1 g MgSO4, 4.25 g chloral hydrate, 42.8 ml propylene glycol, 11.5 ml 90% ethanol, distilled water up to 100 ml, 5 ml/kg, IP) for anesthesia. For both operations, the sac of the scrotum and underlying tunica were incised; orchidectomy was performed by bilateral ligation of the vas deferens and removal of the testes. Incisions were closed using sterile surgical staples. Stereotaxic surgery. Rats were anaesthetised with Equithesin and placed in a stereotaxic apparatus (Kopf, Tujunga, CA), with blunt ear bars to avoid damage of the tympanic membranes. Under aseptic conditions, rats were shaved and their scalp was retracted. Bilateral craniotomies were performed above the target sites, and stainless steel 22-G guide-cannulae (Plastics One, Roanoke, VA) were lowered slowly into place and implanted using dental cement and two skull screws. The lengths of the cannulae were selected so as to end 1 mm above the targeted areas with the corresponding injector projecting 1mm beyond guide tip. Cannulae were plugged with wire stylets, and wounds were closed with surgical staples. The target locations for cannulation from bregma were: lateral ventricles (monolaterally; AP= -1 mm, ML= ± 1 mm; DV= -3 mm); medial PFC (mPFC) (AP= +3.0 mm, ML= ± 0.5 mm; DV= -3 mm from the skull surface); nucleus accumbens (NAc) core (AP= + 1.2 mm, ML= ± 2 mm; DV= -7 mm from the skull surface); NAc shell (AP= +1.7 mm, ML= ± 0.8 mm; DV= -7.4 mm from the skull surface), dorsal caudate nucleus (AP= +0.5 mm, L= ± 3.0 mm; DV= -4 mm from the skull surface), basolateral amygdala (AP= -2.6 mm, L= ± 4.8 mm; DV= -7 mm from the skull surface), and ventral hippocampus (AP= -5.0 mm, L= ± 5.0 mm; DV= -6 mm from the skull surface). These locations were selected based on their well-characterized role in the regulation of sensorimotor gating (Swerdlow et al., 2001a). Coordinates were taken from bregma, according to the stereotaxic brain atlas (Paxinos and Watson, 1998). Bilateral guides were used for mPFC and NAc shell, with center-to-center distances between the stainless steel tubing of 1 and 1.6 mm, respectively. Rats were given antibiotic therapy for 5 days (enrofloxacin, Bayer HealthCare, Shawnee Mission, KS) and allowed to recover in their home cages for 10-15 days before testing. For microdialysis, animals were implanted with a vertical microdialysis probe (membrane AN 69-HF, Hospal-Dasco, Bologna, Italy; cut-off 40,000 Dalton) as previously described (Devoto et 50 al., 2008). For intracerebral administration, microdialysis probes were coupled to a 26-G injection cannula, whose tip terminated just above the dialyzing portion of the probe and 1 mm lateral. These modified probes were placed in the mPFC (AP= +3.0 mm, L= ±0.6 mm, V= -6.5 mm from bregma), or in the NAc shell (AP= +1.9 mm, L= ±0.7 mm, V= -8.3 mm from bregma), according to the rat stereotaxic atlas by Paxinos and Watson (1998). The probes were oriented to set dialysis and injection cannulae along the antero-posterior axis. The dialyzing membrane length was 3 mm in mPFC and 2 mm in NAc shell. On completion of testing, rats were sacrificed and the locations of cannula tips and dialysis probes were histologically verified by trained operators blind to behavioral results. Rats with errant locations of either device or damage of the targeted areas were excluded from analysis. Startle reflex and PPI. Startle and PPI testing were performed as previously described (Bortolato et al., 2008). All animals used in these studies were tested between 10 AM and 3 PM. Each session was performed with a 70-dB white noise background and consisted of a 5-min acclimatization, followed by five 115-dB pulse-alone trials and a pseudo-random sequence of trials, including: 17 pulse-alone trials; 20 prepulse+pulse trials, in which the same acoustic bursts were preceded by 74, 78 or 82 dB prestimuli; 8 no-stimulus trials (with only background noise). Sound levels were assessed using an A Scale setting. All experiments were performed with a between-subject design. The first series of experiments was performed on orchidectomized (ORX) rats or their shamoperated (sham) controls (N=109), to verify whether gonadectomy may either reproduce or limit FIN-induced behavioral effects by reducing plasma levels of T and its 5α-reduced metabolite DHT. Fourteen days after castration, rats were injected with FIN (50-100 mg/kg, IP) or its VEH. Forty min later, each group received either APO (0.25 mg/kg, SC) or SAL. After 5 min, all animals were placed in the testing cages. In a second experiment (N=64), we injected ORX and sham rats with FIN (100 mg/kg, IP) followed by AMPH (2.5 mg/kg, SC). The time interval between AMPH administration and testing lasted 10 min. The second group of experiments (N=53) was aimed at the evaluation of the ICV effects of FIN (1-10 µg/1 µl) or its VEH (DMSO/Ringer solution, 1:1, v:v) in relation to the PPI deficits induced by subcutaneous APO (0.25 mg/kg) or SAL. Immediately after APO injection, rats were subjected to administration of FIN or DMSO/Ringer solution through 33-gauge internal 51 cannulae (Plastics One) connected to a 10-µl syringe (Hamilton, Reno, NV, USA) by PE tubing (Intramedic, New York, NY, USA). The rate of infusion (0.5 µl/ min) was controlled by microinjection pumps (CMA Microdialysis, Stockholm, Sweden). Injections were confirmed by monitoring movement of liquid in the tubing via a small air bubble. The injectors were left in place for 2 min after infusion, to allow diffusion of fluid. PPI testing took place immediately after completion of infusion. The third set of experiments mirrored the previous one, but targeted six brain areas (mPFC, NAc core and shell, dorsal caudate, basolateral amygdala and ventral hippocampus) in bilaterally cannulated rats (N=216: 8-10 rats/treatment group/region). Following APO (0.25 mg/kg, SC) or SAL, rats immediately received either intracerebral FIN (0.5 µg/0.5 µl/side) or VEH (cyclodextrine/Ringer solution, 1:5, v:v) with the aforementioned infusion conditions, and were then tested for startle and PPI. Microdialysis. Experiments were performed as previously described (Devoto et al., 2008). The day after probe implantation, an artificial cerebrospinal fluid (147 mM NaCl, 4 mM KCl, 1.5 mM CaCl2, pH 6-6.5) was pumped through the dialysis probes at a constant rate of 2.2 µl/min via a CMA/100 microinjection pump (CMA Microdialysis, Stockholm, Sweden). Samples were collected every 20 min, and DA and DOPAC simultaneously evaluated in real time by HPLC with electrochemical detection (ESA Coulochem II detectors, Chelmford, MA, USA). In the first experiment (N=15), we tested the effects of FIN (100 mg/kg, IP) on extracellular DA and DOPAC values. When a stable baseline was obtained, FIN was injected and changes in DA and DOPAC levels were calculated as percent of mean basal value obtained from three consecutive samples with a variance not exceeding 15%. In the second series of experiments (N=27), we tested the effects of intracerebral FIN injections (0.5 µg/0.5 µl for each side) in either mPFC or NAc shell on the local DA and DOPAC concentrations. When a stable baseline was obtained (with variations ≤15% over three consecutive time points), 33-G injection cannulae connected to pump-operated Hamilton syringes were inserted into the guide cannulae, and either FIN (0.5 µg/0.5 µl for each side) or its VEH (DMSO-Ringer solution) were bilaterally infused. Then, two further samples were collected and analyzed. 52 The third series of experiments (N=28) was aimed at ascertaining whether the combined action of intracerebral FIN and systemic APO (with the same regimen and treatment schedule used to test PPI effects) may affect DA extracellular concentrations in the areas of infusion (mPFC and NAc shell). Testing was performed with the same procedure as in the previous one, but intracerebral infusions of FIN were administered 5 min following systemic injection of APO (0.25 mg/kg, SC). Data analysis. Normality and homoscedasticity of data distribution were verified by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett’s tests. For PPI analysis, data relative to different prepulse levels were collapsed, as no interaction between prepulse and any other factor was found in any experiment. Percent PPI was calculated according to the formula: with and , indicating the mean startle amplitudes for all pre-pulse+pulse and pulse-alone trials, respectively. The first 5 pulse-alone trials were excluded from the calculation. In consideration of FIN’s ability to reduce startle magnitude (Bortolato et al., 2008), we envisioned the possibility of drug-induced artifacts in %PPI calculation due to “floor” effects; to avoid this occurrence, the results of %PPI analyses were always confirmed using ∆PPI values, calculated with the formula: ∆PPI = defined as the ratio of (Bortolato et al., 2004). Furthermore, an activity index (AI), and mean activity during no-stimulus trials ( was calculated and analyzed for each animal. Analyses were performed by multiple-way ANOVAs (with repeated measures for microdialysis data), as appropriate, followed by Tukey’s test (with Spjøtvoll-Stoline correction for unequal N whenever required) for post-hoc comparisons of the means. Significance threshold was set at 0.05. 3.3. RESULTS Throughout all PPI experiments, AIs were always between the values of 8 and 12. Furthermore, this parameter was never affected significantly by any treatment combination; thus, its analysis will not be presented here. 53 3.3.1. Effects of FIN on behavioral performances of castrated rats. The effects of FIN and APO on the magnitude of startle reflex in ORX rats were compared with those observed in sham-operated controls (Fig. 3.1A). Values were analyzed by a 3-way ANOVA, with post-surgical conditions (ORX vs sham), pre-treatment (FIN doses vs VEH) and treatment (APO vs SAL) as factors. Startle amplitude was not affected by orchidectomy [F(1,97)=1.29, NS], but was reduced by FIN [F(2,97)=26.85, P<0.001; P<0.01 VEH vs FIN 100, Tukey’s] and APO [F(1,97)=6.45, P<0.05]. No specific interactions among factors were detected [F(2,97)=0.49, NS], indicating that orchidectomy did not significantly affect the decrement in startle produced by FIN or APO. The %PPI analysis, performed with the same design as the one employed for startle amplitude values (Fig. 3.1B), detected that ORX rats did not exhibit any change in PPI parameters [F(1,97)=1.29, NS]. Conversely, main effects were found for both pretreatment [F(2,97)=6.04, P<0.01] and treatment [F(1,97)=4.80, P<0.05]. A highly significant pre-treatment x treatment interaction was found [F(2,97)=11.38, P<0.001]. Post-hoc comparisons revealed that APO significantly disrupted PPI (VEH+APO vs VEH+SAL, P<0.001, Tukey’s) and that this effect was prevented by FIN (FIN 50+SAL vs FIN 50+APO, NS; FIN 100+SAL vs FIN 100+APO, NS) specifically, while only a statistical trend was found for the 50 mg/kg dose of FIN (VEH+APO vs FIN 50+APO, P<0.10, Tukey’s), the 100 mg/kg dose fully countered the gating deficits induced by APO (VEH+APO vs FIN 100+APO, P<0.001, Tukey’s). FIN did not affect the baseline %PPI in comparison to VEH-treated animals. The effects of FIN and APO on %PPI were not influenced by surgical castration, as indicated by the lack of interactions among the three factors [F(2,97)=0.52, NS]. The analysis of ∆PPI values (Fig.3.1C) did not confirm any main effect for pre-treatment [F(2,97)=0.41, NS], but revealed significant main effects for treatment [F(1,97)=13.60, P<0.001]. Orchidectomy did not appear to affect ∆PPI [F(1,97)=0.57, NS]. In parallel to the previous set of results, ANOVA identified a significant pre-treatment x treatment interaction [F(2,97)= 11.68, P<0.001]. Tukey’s test revealed significant ∆PPI differences between VEH+APO and VEH+SAL (P<0.001) and between VEH+APO and FIN 100-APO (P<0.05). In a second set of experiments, we tested the effect of FIN (100 mg/kg, IP) on the PPI deficits induced by AMPH (2.5 mg/kg, SC) (Fig.3.2A) in ORX and sham-operated rats. ANOVA revealed that, while orchidectomy did not induce changes in startle amplitude [F(1,56)=0.79, NS], 54 this parameter was reduced by FIN [F(1,56)=17.72, P<0.001] and enhanced by AMPH [F(1,56)=5.84, P<0.05]. No interactions among factors were found. In line with the results obtained on APO, we found that AMPH induced a deficit in %PPI [F(1,56)=9.76, P<0.01], while neither orchidectomy [F(1,56)=1.95, NS] nor FIN pretreatment [F(1,56)=3.32 NS] had any significant effect on this index (Fig. 7B). A significant pretreatment x Fig. 3.1 Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 50-100 mg/kg, IP) and apomorphine (APO, 0.25 mg/kg, SC) on startle reflex (A), %PPI (B) and ∆PPI (C) in sham-operated (SHAM) and orchidectomized (ORX) rats. FIN doses are indicated in mg/kg (IP). VEH, VEH of FIN; SAL, SAL. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. N=8-12/group. ***, P<0.001 vs rats treated with VEH and SAL (pre-treatment x treatment interaction); ###, P<0.05; ###, P<0.001 vs rats treated with VEH and APO. Main statistical effects are not indicated. For further details, see text. 55 treatment interaction was found [F(1,56)=10.69, P<0.01]. Post-hoc analyses revealed that the latter effect depended on the %PPI-disrupting effects of AMPH (VEH+SAL vs VEH+AMPH, P<0.01, Tukey’s), which were reversed by FIN (VEH+AMPH vs FIN+AMPH, P<0.001, Tukey’s). The evaluation of ∆PPI did not reveal any main effect {orchidectomy: [F(1,56)=0.91, NS]; pre-treatment [F(1,56)=0.18, NS]; treatment [F(1,56)=0.30, NS]}, but confirmed a significant pre-treatment x treatment interaction [F(1,56)=7.60, P<0.01]. In contrast with the results on %PPI, Tukey’s test identified no significant difference among treatment groups, although a statistical trend (P<0.10) was found for the comparison between VEH+SAL and VEH+AMPH. Fig. 3.2 Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 50-100 mg/kg, IP) and d-amphetamine (AMPH, 2.5 mg/kg, SC) on startle reflex (A), %PPI (B) and ∆PPI (C) in sham-operated (SHAM) and orchidectomized (ORX) rats. VEH, VEH of FIN; SAL, SAL. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. N=8/group. *,P<0.05; **,P<0.01 vs rats treated with VEH and SAL (pre-treatment x treatment interaction); ###, P<0.001 vs rats treated with VEH and AMPH. Statistical trends (P<0.10) for comparisons with rats treated with VEH and SAL (both SHAM and ORX) are indicated on the respective columns. Main statistical effects are not indicated. For further details, see text. 56 3.3.2. Effects of intracerebroventricular FIN on APO-induced PPI disruption. To verify whether the effects of FIN reflect central mechanisms, we next measured the effects of ICV injections of FIN (1,10 µg/1 µl) in countering the PPI disruption mediated by subcutaneous APO (0.25 mg/kg). While no significant change was observed in startle amplitude (Fig. 3.3A), the analysis of %PPI revealed a main effect of APO [F(1,47)=32.77; P<0.001], and a significant interaction of APO and FIN [F(2,47)=4.74; P<0.05]. Post-hoc analyses revealed that rats treated with DMSO/Ringer solution + APO and FIN (1 µg) + APO manifested a significant %PPI deficit in comparison with their SAL-treated counterparts (P<0.001 and P<0.05, respectively). Conversely, no significant difference was found between animals treated with FIN (10 µg) + APO and FIN (10 µg) + SAL. Moreover, the highest ICV FIN dose was found to significantly prevent APO-mediated PPI disruption, as revealed by the significant enhancement of PPI in the FIN (10 µg) + APO group as compared to the rats treated with DMSO/Ringer solution and APO (P<0.05) (Fig. 3.3B). These results were further borne out by the examination of ∆PPI values [FIN x APO interaction: F(2,47)= 4.92, P<0.05] (Fig. 3.3C). 3.3.3. Effects of local FIN injections on APO-induced PPI disruption. The next series of experiments was aimed at the identification of the brain structures involved in the antipsychotic-like effects of FIN. Thus, we tested the effects of FIN injections (0.5 µg/0.5 µl/side) in different forebrain regions, in combination with systemic APO (0.25 mg/kg, SC), on startle and PPI parameters. While APO significantly reduced startle amplitude in all experiments [Main effects for APO: mPFC: F(1,36)=19.91, P<0.001; NAc shell: F(1,36)=17.66, P<0.001; NAc core: F(1,36)=5.20, P<0.05; dorsal caudate: F(1,28)=30.59, P<0.001; basolateral amygdala: F(1,28)=40.79, P<0.001; ventral hippocampus: F(1,28)=61.00, P<0.001], locally administered FIN failed to elicit any significant alterations in startle amplitude or to elicit significant interactions with APO on this parameter, irrespective of the region of infusion (Table 3.1). The analysis of %PPI parameters in mPFC (Fig.3.4A-B) revealed a significant main effect for APO [F(1,36)=66.50, P<0.001], but not for FIN [F(1,36)=1.40, NS]. The interaction between the two treatments was also significant [F(1,36)=4.70, P<0.05]; post-hoc calculations revealed that 57 this effect was due to significant differences between the VEH+SAL and the VEH+APO groups (P<0.001) and between the FIN+SAL and the FIN+APO groups (P<0.001); furthermore, the difference between VEH+APO and FIN+APO, although not significant, was found to be associated to a statistical trend (P<0.10, Tukey’s test; Fig.9B). Fig. 3.3 Effects of intracerebroventricular finasteride (FIN) on startle reflex (A), %PPI (B) and ∆PPI (C) in relation to the gating deficits induced by systemic apomorphine (APO, 0.25 mg/kg, SC). FIN doses are indicated in µg (in 1 µL of solution). VEH, VEH of FIN (DMSO-Ringer solution, v:v=1:1). Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. N=614/group. *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001 vs rats treated with DMSO-Ringer solution (or FIN1) and SAL (pre-treatment x treatment interaction); #, P<0.05 vs rats treated with DMSO-Ringer Solution and APO. For further details, see text. 58 PFC NAcS NAcC DC BLA VHip INTRACEREBRAL TREATMENT SYSTEMIC TREATMENT STARTLE AMPLITUDE S.E.M. VEH SAL 689.11 ± FIN SAL 653.56 ± 40.82 32.92 VEH APO 436.82 ± 31.33 FIN APO 495.97 ± 21.67 VEH SAL 691.20 ± FIN SAL 711.77 ± 43.12 38.15 VEH APO 413.20 ± 26.61 FIN APO 555.48 ± 28.92 VEH SAL 680.26 ± FIN SAL 632.42 ± 65.84 34.46 VEH APO 443.62 ± 29.69 FIN APO 616.66 ± 44.63 VEH SAL 715.57 ± FIN SAL 720.74 ± 18.53 30.15 VEH APO 362.21 ± 28.04 FIN APO 505.20 ± 40.21 VEH SAL 730.52 ± FIN SAL 714.96 ± 37.50 47.82 VEH APO 423.50 ± 30.55 FIN APO 427.25 ± 31.41 VEH SAL 727.16 ± FIN SAL 720.86 ± 43.96 35.12 VEH APO 346.82 ± 25.64 FIN APO 360.83 ± 12.18 }*** }*** }* }*** }*** }*** Table 3.1 Effects of intracerebral finasteride (FIN; 0.5 µg/0.5 µl/side, bilaterally) on startle reflex across medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS), nucleus accumbens 59 core (NAcS), dorsal caudate (DCau), basolateral amygdala (BLA) and ventral hippocampus (VHip). APO, apomorphine (0.25 mg/kg, SC). SAL, SAL; VEH, VEH of FIN (CyclodextrineRinger solution). Braces indicate main effect for APO vs SAL. Values are expressed in arbitrary units, as mean ± S.E.M. N=8-10/group.*, P<0.05; ***, P<0.001 vs SAL. For further details, see text. 60 Fig. 3.4 Topographical schematizations of cannulae placements and effects of local FIN (FIN, 0.5 µg/0.5 µl/side, bilaterally) on %PPI and ∆PPI across medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC; A-C), nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS, D-F), nucleus accumbens core (NAcC, G-I), dorsal caudate (CPu, J-L), basolateral amygdala (BLA, M-O) and ventral hippocampus (VHip, P-R). APO, apomorphine (0.25 mg/kg, SC). The black lines represent the injectors placements while the signs + and – refer to the presence of a drug or its VEH (Ringer solution-cyclodextrine for FIN, SAL for APO). Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. N=810/group **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001 vs rats treated with Ringer solution-cyclodextrine and SAL (pre-treatment x treatment interaction); #, P<0.05; ##, P<0.01 vs rats treated with VEH and APO. Statistical trends (P<0.10) for comparisons with rats treated with VEH and APO are indicated on the respective columns. Significant main effects are not indicated. For further details, see text. 61 In the analysis of %PPI values related to the experiments in the NAc core (Fig. 3.4G-I), ANOVA disclosed significant main effects for both FIN [F(1,36)=7.10, P<0.05] and APO [F(1,36)=21.20, P<0.001], as well as a significant interaction between the treatments [F(1,36)=6.13, P<0.05]. Post-hoc scrutiny of this effect revealed that FIN reversed the PPI decrement produced by subcutaneous APO (Fig. 3.4H) (VEH+SAL vs VEH+APO, P<0.001; VEH+APO vs FIN+APO, P<0.01, Tukey’s]. ∆PPI analysis (Fig. 3.4I) revealed a significant main effect for APO [F(1,36)=15.68, P<0.001], but not FIN [F(1,36)=0.21, NS]. A significant FIN x APO interaction was also found [F(1,36)=10.35, P<0.01], which was found to depend on significant differences between VEH+SAL and VEH+APO (P<0.001; Tukey’s test). The comparison between VEH+APO and FIN+APO, albeit not significant, was associated with a statistical trend (P<0.10). Administration of FIN in dorsal caudate (Fig. 3.4J-L), basolateral amygdala (Fig. 3.4M-O) and ventral hippocampus (Fig. 3.4P-R) did not elicit any significant effect on either startle or PPI, and failed to reverse the %PPI deficit caused by systemic APO administration [Main effects for APO: dorsal caudate: F(1,28)=26.95, P<0.001; basolateral amygdala: F(1,28)=34.20, P<0.001; ventral hippocampus: F(1,28)=65.49, P<0.001]. Analyses of ∆PPI values confirmed these results [Main effects for APO: dorsal caudate: F(1,28)=64.77, P<0.001; basolateral amygdala: F(1,28)=63.97, P<0.001; ventral hippocampus: F(1,28)=117.80, P<0.001]. 3.3.4. Effects of systemic and local FIN injections on dopamine extracellular levels. We then tested whether the effects of systemic FIN (100 mg/kg, IP) in PPI may be accompanied by changes in DA levels in the two regions that mediated its antipsychotic-like effects, mPFC and NAc shell. In the mPFC (mean baseline values ± S.E.M: DA= 1.2 ± 0.1 pg/40 µl dialysate; DOPAC= 162.4±30.2 pg/40 µl dialysate), FIN induced a significant increase in DA extracellular concentrations [F(11,83)=4.33, P<0.001], which started at 40 min after FIN injection and lasted for the whole duration (3 h) of the experiment (Fig. 3.5A). Likewise, DOPAC concentrations were significantly enhanced [F(11,83)=6.53, P<0.001] in a time-dependent fashion, from 100 min after FIN injection onwards (Fig. 3.5A). In the NAc shell (mean baseline values ± S.E.M: DA = 6.0 ± 1.6 pg/40 µl dialysate; DOPAC = 3046.7 ± 681.9 pg/40 µl dialysate). FIN also induced a significant enhancement in DA [F(11,95)=5.66, P<0.001] and DOPAC [F(11,95)=4.05, P<0.001], starting by 80 and 180 min after FIN injection, respectively (Fig. 3.5B). 62 Fig. 3.5. Time-related effects of systemic FIN (FIN, 100 mg/kg, IP) on extracellular concentrations of DA(DA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) (A) and nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS) (B). Arrows represent injection time of FIN or its VEH. The period corresponding to PPI testing is indicated by a bar alongside the time axis. Values are expressed as mean percent of the baseline (average values of the three first samples) ± S.E.M. N=7-8/group. *, In contrast with these results, intracerebral FIN injections failed to induce alterations of local levels of DA (Fig.3.6) and DOPAC (data not shown) in either mPFC [F(2,22)=0.11, NS] (Fig. 3.6A) or NAc shell [F(2,28)=1.57, NS] (Fig. 3.6B). As expected (Shilliam and Heidbreder, 2003; Devoto and Flore, 2006), APO time-dependently decreased extracellular DA levels in the Nac shell [2-way, repeated measure ANOVA: Main effect for time: F(2,20) = 23.59, p<0.001; APO 0’ vs APO 40’, P<0.01, Tukey’s test], but not in the mPFC [F(2,28) = 4.09, NS]; notably, no significant treatment x time interaction was found, indicating that these effects were equivalent for FIN- and VEH-treated animals (Fig.3.6 C-D). 63 Fig.3.6 Time-related effects of local infusions of FIN (FIN, 0.5 µg/0.5 µl/side) in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC; left column) and nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS; right column) on local DA(DA) concentrations, by itself (A-B) or in combination with apomorphine (APO, 0.25 mg/kg, SC) (B-C). VEH, VEH of FIN. Arrows represent the injection time for FIN/VEH (A-B) or APO+FIN/APO+VEH (with APO injection immediately preceding FIN/VEH administration) (C-D). The period corresponding to PPI testing is indicated by a bar alongside the time axis. Each time point represents the content of DA in the sample relative to the baseline. N=6-7/group. **, P<0.05 vs baseline (Main time effect; APO 0’ vs APO 40’). Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M. For further details, see text. 64 3.4. DISCUSSION The major finding of the present study is that PPI deficits induced by DAergic stimulation were dose-dependently reversed by systemic and intracerebral administration of the 5αR inhibitor FIN. This phenomenon was mainly observed in the NAc (particularly in its shell subdivision), the key terminal of the DAergic mesolimbic pathway; additionally, our data indicated a statistical trend for the involvement of the mPFC in FIN’s role on PPI regulation. Conversely, we found that the same dose of FIN did not affect DAergic modulation of PPI when infused in other forebrain regions, such as the dorsal caudate, basolateral amygdala and ventral hippocampus. In addition, orchidectomy did not modify the effects of FIN on PPI, suggesting that the mechanisms mediating these effects are not directly dependent on plasma levels of androgens. These results extend and complement our previous reports on the antipsychotic-like profile of 5αR inhibitors in rats (Bortolato et al., 2008) and in patients affected by schizophrenia (Koethe et al., 2008), TS (Bortolato et al., 2007; Muroni et al., 2011) and levodopa-induced pathological gambling (Bortolato et al., 2011). In addition, these findings delineate a preliminary topographical assessment of the neural underpinnings of 5αR’s role in the regulation of sensorimotor gating and DAergic signaling. The implication of NAc in the 5αR-mediated modulation of DA signaling is supported by recent studies from our group and others, documenting the expression of 5αR isoforms and their products in this region (Saalmann et al., 2007; Bortolato et al., 2011). Furthermore, both the core and the shell of this area have been implicated in the behavioral actions of FIN and 5αR products (Rhodes and Frye, 2001; Frye et al., 2002; Molina-Hernandez et al., 2005; Engin and Treit, 2007) and are pivotal substrates for the DAergic regulation of PPI (reviewed in Swerdlow et al., 2001a). In particular, the activation of accumbal DA receptors induces a remarkable PPI disruption in rats (Swerdlow et al., 1992; Wan et al., 1994; Wan et al., 1996; Kretschmer and Koch, 1998). Notably, Hart and colleagues (1998) showed that the PPI deficits induced by systemic APO administration was significantly prevented by infusions of the typical antipsychotic HAL in mPFC, NAc core, ventral tegmental area and ventral subiculum, but not in NAc shell. Although the role of both compartments of NAc, core and shell, was tested in our study, it should be noted that, in consideration of the lipid nature of FIN and the extremely rapid rate of diffusion of steroids throughout biological membranes (Oren et al., 2004), it is extremely likely that the 65 effect of the 5αR inhibitor in each subdivision of NAc may have been affected by the contribution of the other area or other adjacent structures. Future studies with non-lipophilic 5αR inhibitors (with lower levels of diffusion) will be required to ultimately define the potential contribution of NAc core and shell on the control of DAergic modulation of sensorimotor gating. Notably, FIN injection in other brain regions, such as amygdala, hippocampus and caudate, failed to counter APO-induced PPI deficits, suggesting that the involvement of these areas in the 5αR-mediated gating regulation may be less critical than NAc (and possibly mPFC). Nevertheless, the participation of those structures in the systemic effects of FIN in PPI cannot be excluded; in fact, each experiment was performed following intracerebral administration of only one dose of the 5αR inhibitor in one individual region, raising the possibility that either higher doses of the compound or the concomitant engagement of different regions (with multiple simultaneous stereotaxic injections) could still attenuate the PPI deficits induced by DA receptor activation. In agreement with previous data, we showed that the reduction of plasma androgen levels in ORX rats did not elicit any significant effect on startle and PPI responses at 2 weeks after surgery (Gogos and van den Buuse, 2003; Turvin et al., 2007); additionally, gonadectomy failed to change the effects of DAergic agonists (Wong et al., 2002) and FIN on PPI responses. These results strongly suggest that peripheral sex hormones may play only a negligible role on gating functions. This possibility is also confirmed by our observation that FIN exerts significant antipsychotic-like effects also in female rats, irrespective of the phase of estrous cycle (unpublished data). Similarly to our previous results (Bortolato et al., 2008), FIN IP administration induced a significant reduction in startle amplitude, irrespective of gonadectomy; in contrast, intracerebral FIN injections that reduced the PPI-disruptive action of APO in NAc and mPFC did not significantly affect startle magnitude, indicating a dissociation between the outcomes of FIN on startle reflex and gating regulation. Notably, the reduction in startle amplitude elicited by systemic administration of the 5αR inhibitor was accompanied by hypolocomotion (Bortolato et al., 2007), as well as overt muscle relaxation (unpublished data); this last outcome was also observed in orchidectomized rats, but not in animals subjected to intracerebral FIN infusion. These phenomena could be due to non-androgenic 5αR substrates, such as PROG; the blockade of 5αR mediated by FIN is likely to enhance the concentrations of this hormone by inhibiting its 66 conversion into its 5α-reduced metabolites, 5α-DHP and AP. Interestingly, PROG has been found to reduce locomotor activity and startle response in rats (Rupprecht et al., 1999); the apparent lack of involvement of forebrain regions may indicate that the hormone may induce myorelaxation via the brainstem nuclei (which also regulate startle reflex) or by reducing the respiratory function of skeletal muscles (Gras et al., 2007). Throughout the study, startle amplitude was significantly reduced by APO and increased by AMPH. Previous evidence showed that, while indirect DAergic activators are generally conducive to a potentiation of startle reactivity (Kehne and Sorenson, 1978; Davis, 1980; Johansson et al., 1995), the effects of APO on this parameter vary in relation to the dose, with low dosages typically exerting a depressing influence on startle amplitude (likely due to the preferential activation of presynaptic autoreceptors) and high doses increasing it (Davis and Aghajanian, 1976). In addition, other factors have been shown to govern the effect of APO on startle responsiveness in rats, including: genetic background (Swerdlow et al., 2000a; Swerdlow et al., 2000b; Conti et al., 2006); duration of the time interval between treatment and testing (Davis and Aghajanian, 1976; Young et al., 1991); functional integrity of specific brain areas, such as the hippocampus and PFC (Swerdlow et al., 1995; Swerdlow et al., 2000c). Based on these premises, the opposite effects of APO and AMPH on startle amplitude may reflect differential degrees of activation of DAergic receptors, with respect to their synaptic and brainregional location. Irrespective of this issue, the finding that both systemic FIN and DAergic activators induced significant changes in introduces potential confounds in the interpretation of %PPI data (Mansbach et al., 1988; Davis et al., 1990; Swerdlow and Geyer, 1993; Kinney et al., 1999). Because %PPI is defined as a function of and , its alterations can be unequivocally assessed when the reduction of the startle reflex induced by pre-pulses are not accompanied by significant changes in overall startle reactivity. A major caveat in %PPI computation is that increases or reductions in startle magnitude can respectively lead to artefactual changes of this index, due to “ceiling” or “floor” effects (Davis et al., 1990; Swerdlow et al., 2000a). Floor effects consequent to marked reductions of variations of are particularly problematic, since even small or general activity may lead to substantial changes in %PPI. Thus, in the event of significant modifications of , alternative strategies are required to rule out false-positive results due to computational issues. In our study, two complementary approaches were adopted 67 to ascertain this eventuality. First, we verified that AI (the activity index, defined as the / ratio) was always comprised between 8 and 12 for all animals; in fact, preliminary tests conducted in our laboratory found that AI values in this range robustly predict against floor and ceiling effects (unpublished observations); furthermore, statistical analyses showed that AI was not significantly affected by any treatment combination (data not shown). Second, we controlled for computational false positives by counter-analyzing the results of each experiment using ∆PPI values; this double assessment is a stringent and dependable method to exclude potential floor effects in %PPI calculations due to overall reductions in startle magnitude (Bortolato et al., 2004). The majority of significant effects in the analysis of %PPI were matched by similar results in the statistical computation of ∆PPI, albeit with generally lower Ps or, in the case of FIN infusion in NAc core, only a statistical trend. Collectively, these convergent results indicate that, across most experiments, the impact of FIN and/or DAergic agonists on PPI did not reflect substantial modifications of startle amplitude. This conclusion was also confirmed by separate analyses on unlike values, which showed that, , this parameter was not diminished by VEH+APO treatment in comparison with VEH+SAL controls; conversely, the combination of systemic FIN with either SAL or APO produced consensual reductions of both indices (data not shown). The main discrepancy between %PPI and cognate ∆PPI values was found in the post-hoc analysis of the significant interactions between FIN and AMPH. The possibility that the effects on PPI of the two drugs may be spurious is challenged by several observations. Both APO and AMPH are posited to disrupt PPI by activating postsynaptic DAergic receptors in NAc (Swerdlow et al., 1990), in a fashion unrelated to variations in startle amplitude (Kinney et al., 1999); thus, it appears unlikely that FIN’s ability to counter the PPI impairment caused by APO is not matched by analogous properties in the presence of AMPH. Additionally, we previously reported that FIN significantly reversed the %PPI deficits induced by 5 mg/kg (s.c.) of AMPH (Bortolato et al., 2008) - a result that was further corroborated by ∆PPI analyses (unpublished data). Notably, the effects of direct DA agonists in PPI are consistently more pronounced than those elicited by AMPH, due to the latter’s dependence on endogenous mesolimbic DA levels to exert its effects on sensorimotor gating (Geyer et al., 2001; Swerdlow et al., 2001b). Given the statistical strictness of ∆PPI analysis, this parameter appears only sensitive to profound gating 68 impairments, and higher doses of AMPH may therefore be needed to elicit significant reductions of ∆PPI and capture FIN’s antipsychotic-like effects with this computational approach. In keeping with previous evidence, we found that the antipsychotic-like effects of systemic FIN treatment were paralleled by a time-dependent increase in extracellular DA and DOPAC levels in both NAc and mPFC (Dazzi et al., 2002). These neurochemical effects, however, were dissociated from the antipsychotic-like actions of FIN and did not reflect the blockade of 5αR in either region, as shown by the lack of effects on DA concentrations following intracerebral FIN treatment under the same conditions that elicited PPI-restorative effects. The divergence between the neurochemical effects of IP and intracerebral injections suggests that the increase in accumbal and medial prefrontal DA levels induced by systemic FIN may reflect the modulation of its release due to a direct action of 5αR on the somata of DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area or on other regions, rather than alterations in DA reuptake in the presynaptic boutons. Notably, the administration of 5αR substrate PROG has been shown to induce DA release in striatum (Petitclerc et al., 1995), while its metabolite AP has been reported to induce a reduction of DA release in NAc (Motzo et al., 1996; but see Rouge-Pont et al., 2002 for contrasting evidence). T and its metabolite β-estradiol have also been shown to affect DA release (Thompson and Moss, 1994; Putnam et al., 2003). Although the subcutaneous doses of APO used in this study are arguably consistent with activation of DA autoreceptors and post-synaptic receptors, the observed effects of intracerebral FIN injections suggest that the antipsychotic-like actions of this drug are likely supported by post-synaptic processes, as they were not accompanied by significant alterations in DA concentrations. Furthermore, previous studies suggest that the gating impairments induced by DA direct agonists is mainly mediated by post-synaptic mechanisms (Swerdlow et al., 2001b). Interestingly, both prefrontal pyramidal cells and accumbal medium spiny neurons, which receive most DAergic projections in mPFC and NAc respectively (Meredith et al., 1992; Santana et al., 2009), feature high levels of 5αR (Agis-Balboa et al., 2006). In these neurons, 5αR substrates and products are known to modulate the signaling of several targets, such as GABAA, AMPA, NMDA, 5-HT3 and σ1 receptors (Rupprecht and Holsboer, 1999), which may in turn interact with - and modify - the downstream cascade of DA receptors. In line with this possibility, preliminary studies have provided functional and anatomical evidence on a modulatory role of NSs on cortical and striatal DAergic functions (Engel et al., 1979; Menniti 69 and Baum, 1981; Savageau and Beatty, 1981; Beatty et al., 1982; Dluzen et al., 1986; Bitar et al., 1991; Hernandez et al., 1994; Fabre-Nys, 1998). Since 5αR isoforms catalyze an irreversible reaction on the metabolism of several ketosteroids, including progestagens, androgens and glucocorticoids, its blockade is likely to induce profound modifications of the steroidal profile in the targeted neurons. Several limitations of the present study need to be acknowledged. First, we did not analyze the specific impact of FIN on steroid concentrations in each brain region; nevertheless, it should be noted that the content of several NSs in rat mPFC and NAc may be below the detection limit of currently available methods, such as radioimmunoassay or HPLC/MS (Donatella Caruso, personal communication). Second, our study did not include the analyses of full intracerebral dose-response curves for FIN and omitted several important brain structures implicated in gating regulation, such as the ventral tegmental area, dorsal subiculum and globus pallidus. Third, the high affinity of FIN for both 5αR1 and 5αR2 isozymes in rats (Thigpen and Russell, 1992) does not allow us to elucidate the specific contribution of each isoenzyme to the antipsychotic-like effects of 5αR inhibition. Fourth, our behavioral analyses were mainly focused on startle reflex and PPI; however, the reduction of this index is currently regarded as one of the endophenotypes with highest relevance to schizophrenia-associated perturbations, in view of its high degree of isomorphism with the alterations featured in psychotic disorders (Braff et al., 2001b; Cadenhead et al., 1993) and its sensitivity to antipsychotic agents (Braff et al., 2001a; Leumann et al., 2002; Kumari et al., 2007). Whereas further research is needed to address these limitations, our findings highlight the critical role of 5αR in the pathophysiology of gating deficits and psychosis, and point to both NAc subdivisions as the key substrates implicated in the link between NSs and a number of disorders featuring gating deficits and alterations of DAergic signaling. In particular, given the growing evidence collected by our group in support of a potential therapeutic efficacy of FIN in TS (Bortolato et al., 2007; Muroni et al., 2011), the current results may help elucidate the neurobiological underpinnings of the well-characterized male predominance of this condition (Tanner and Goldman, 1997) as well as the mechanism of action of 5αR inhibitors in this and other related neuropsychiatric disorders (see Paba et al., 2011 for an overview of the issue). 70 CHAPTER 4 ROLE OF 5αR AND NEUROSTEROIDS IN THE GATING DEFICITS SECONDARY TO ISOLATION REARING 71 4.1.RATIONALE OF THE STUDIES Isolation rearing (IR) is an experimental manipulation consisting in subjecting rodents to prolonged social deprivation from weaning through adulthood. This manipulation results in PPI deficits. Recent findings have shown that these impairments are underpinned by alterations in DA (Jones et al., 1992; Hall et al., 1998; Roncada et al., 2009), one of the key neurotransmitters implicated in the pathophysiology of psychotic disorders. In particular, IR has been shown to lead to PPI disruption through DAergic imbalances in the NAc (Powell et al., 2003), the terminal of the mesolimbic DA system. We recently showed that IR results in a profound reduction in 5αR expression in the NAc (Bortolato et al., 2011). This finding, however, did not qualify whether this down-regulation is etiologically relevant with respect to the PPI deficits observed in IR-subjected rats, or rather represent a compensatory adaptive response aimed at balancing other molecular changes associated with those impairments. To address this question, in the present study we examined the functional role of 5αR in IR-induced PPI deficits by testing the impact of FIN on the PPI deficits and NS profile in the NAc of IR-subjected rats, as compared with socially reared (SR) counterparts. 4.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals and isolation procedure. Sprague–Dawley (SD) dams (Harlan Italy, S. Pietro al Natisone, Italy) were mated with sires and single-housed for the whole duration of their pregnancy. Following delivery, litters were culled to 6 pups. At postnatal day 22, rats were weaned and males were randomly assigned to either IR or SR groups. To avoid litter effects, no more than two SR littermates were placed together in the same cage. IR-subjected rats were reared individually in plastic cages, while SR rats were housed four per cage. Animals were disturbed only for cleaning purposes, which consisted of changing the cage (once a week for IRsubjected rats and twice a week for SR controls). Both groups were housed in the same room so that IR rats maintained visual, auditory, and olfactory contact with the other animals. The room 72 was kept under standard conditions of temperature and humidity, and food and water was available ad libitum. Artificial light was on from 8 PM to 8 AM. Experiments were conducted during the light-off phase of the day. Drugs. FIN and HAL were used in this study. FIN (Polichimica, Bologna, Italy) was suspended in Tween 80 and diluted with 0.9% SAL solution (1% Tween 80/SAL; 1:9 vol:vol). HAL (Sigma Aldrich, Milan, Italy) was dissolved in a single drop of 1 M HCl and diluted with SAL. Both drugs were administered IP in an injection volume of 2 ml/kg, 40 min before testing. All experimental procedures were approved by the local ethics committee and carried out in strict accordance with the guidelines for experimental animals care (EEC Council 86/609; Italian D.L. 27/01/92, No. 116). Startle reflex and PPI. Startle testing was performed as described in Frau et al. (2007). Briefly, the apparatus used for detection of startle reflexes (Med Associates, St Albans, VT, USA) consisted of four standard cages placed in sound-attenuated chambers with fan ventilation. Each cage consisted of a Plexiglas cylinder of 9 cm diameter, mounted on a piezoelectric accelerometric platform connected to an analog-digital converter. Two separate speakers conveyed background noise and acoustic bursts, each one properly placed so as to produce a variation of sound within 1 dB across the startle cage. Both speakers and startle cages were connected to a main PC, which detected and analyzed all chamber variables with specific software. Before each testing session, acoustic stimuli and mechanical responses were calibrated via specific devices supplied by Med Associates. After 8 weeks of IR manipulation, IR- and SRsubjected rats were injected with FIN (25-100 mg/kg, i.p.), HAL (0.1 mg/kg, i.p., as positive control) or their VEHs, and placed 35 min later in the testing cages, for a 5-min acclimatization period with a 70 dB white noise background that continued for the remainder of the session. Each session consisted of three consecutive sequences of trials (periods). Unlike the first and the third period, during which rats were presented with only five pulse-alone trials of 115 dB, the second period consisted of a pseudorandom sequence of 50 trials, including 12 pulse-alone trials, 30 trials of pulse preceded by 74, 78, or 82 dB pre-pulses (10 for each level of pre-pulse loudness), and eight no stimulus trials, where only the background noise was delivered. Intertrial intervals were selected randomly between 10 and 15 s. Percent PPI was calculated using the 73 following formula: 100-[(mean startle amplitude for pre-pulse pulse trials/mean startle amplitude for pulse alone trials) x 100]. As no significant interactions between prepulse levels and treatment were found in the statistical analysis, the % PPI values were collapsed to represent average PPI. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses. A separate set of IR-subjected rats and SR controls were sacrificed. NAc samples were harvested according to the indication of the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1998). Given the low size of this region, analyses were performed on a broader area of the brain, also including the ventral and mediodorsal striatum, in order to achieve a critical content of NSs that may be detected by LC-MS/MS analysis. Sample extraction and purification were performed as previously described (Caruso et al., 2008). Briefly, samples were added with internals standards, homogenized in 2 ml of MeOH/acetic acid (99:1, v/v) using a tissue lyser (Qiagen, Italy). After an overnight extraction at 4 °C, samples were centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 5 min and the pellet was extracted twice with 1 ml of MeOH/acetic acid (99:1, v/v). The organic phases were combined and dried with a gentle stream of nitrogen in a 40 C water bath. The samples were resuspended with 3 ml of MeOH/H2O (10:90, v/v) and passed through a SPE cartridges, previously activated with MeOH (5 ml) and MeOH:H2O 1:9 (v/v) (5 ml), the steroids were eluted in MeOH, concentrated and transferred in autosampler vials before the LC–MS/MS analysis. Positive atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI+) experiments were performed with a linear ion trap-mass spectrometer (LTQ, ThermoFisher Co., San Jose, CA, USA) using nitrogen as sheath, auxiliary and sweep gas. The instrument was equipped with a Surveyor liquid chromatography (LC) Pump Plus and a Surveyor Autosampler Plus (ThermoFisher Co., San Jose, CA, USA). The mass spectrometer was employed in MS/MS mode using helium as collision gas. The LC mobile phases were (A) H2O/0.1% formic acid and (B) methanol (MeOH)/0.1% formic acid. The gradient (flow rate 0.5 ml/min) was as follows: T0 70%A, T1.5 70%A, T2 55%A, T3 55%A, T35 36%A, T40 25%A, T41 1%A, T45 1%A, T45.2 70%A, T55 70%A. The split valve was set at 0–6.99 min to waste, 6.99–43.93 min to source and 43.93–55 to waste. The Hypersil Gold column (100 mm × 3 mm, 3 µm; ThermoFisher Co., San Jose, CA, USA) was maintained at 40 C. The injection volume was 25µl and the injector needle was washed with MeOH/water 1/1 (v/v). Peaks of the LC–MS/MS were evaluated using a Dell workstation by means of the 74 software Excalibur® release 2.0 SR2 (ThermoFisher Co., San Jose, CA, USA). Quantitative analyses were performed on the basis of calibration curves prepared and analyzed using internal standards. Analyses targeted the following NSs: PREG, PROG, DHP, AP, isopregnanolone, DHEA, T, DHT, 3α-diol and 17β-estradiol. Calibration curves were extracted and analyzed as described above for samples. Limits of quantification, precision, and accuracy have been previously reported (Caruso et al., 2008). Statistical analyses. Normality and homoscedasticity of data distribution were verified by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett’s test. Statistical analyses were performed with one-way or two-way ANOVAs, as appropriate. Post-hoc comparisons were performed by Tukey’s test for factorial designs and Dunnett’s test for repeated measures. Significance threshold was set at 0.05. 4.3. RESULTS 4.3.1. Effects of FIN and HAL on IR-induced changes in startle and PPI. The effects of FIN on startle magnitude were analyzed by a two-way ANOVA design, with treatment and rearing condition as factors (Fig. 4.1A). While no effect of rearing conditions was identified [F(1,63)=2.38, NS], ANOVA detected a significant main effect for FIN treatment [F(3,63)=2.79, P<0.05], which was found to reflect a significant difference between the dose of 100 mg/kg (i.p.) and the VEH (P<0.05, Tukey’s test). Furthermore, a significant interaction between rearing conditions and treatment was found [F(1,63)=3.69, P<0.05]. Post-hoc comparisons assessed that this effect reflected a significant difference between SR rats treated with the dose of 100 mg/kg and VEH (P<0.01). Analyses of %PPI values, performed with the same statistical design, (Fig. 4.1A), disclosed that IR-subjected rats displayed a significant reduction in this index in comparison with SR controls [F(1,63)=4.62, P<0.05]. While no main effects were found for the treatment [F(1,63)=2.20, NS], a significant rearing condition x treatment interaction was detected [F(3,63)=4.06, P<0.05]. Tukey’s test revealed that IR-induced PPI disruption (P<0.05 for IR-VEH vs SR-VEH comparison) was reversed by both 50 mg/kg (P<0.05) and 100 mg/kg (P<0.01) FIN doses. 75 Fig. 4.1 Effects of finasteride (F) and haloperidol (HAL) on startle magnitude (A) and %PPI (B) in isolation-reared (IR) and socially-reared (SR) rats. Values represent mean ± SEM for each experimental group. Treatments are indicated below the horizontal axis. Data related to animals treated with HAL’s vehicle are not represented. All doses are given in mg/kg (IP). VEH, vehicle of finasteride. * P<0.05, ** P<0.01 in comparison to SRVEH group; # P<0.05, ## P<0.01, in comparison to IR-VEH group. For further details, see results section. 76 It should be noted that, in a separate set of observations, none of the doses of FIN induced catalepsy or other extrapyramidal manifestations in either IR or SR rats (data not shown). In a parallel set of studies, we verified the effects of HAL on IR-induced changes in startle amplitude and PPI (Fig. 4.1B). HAL reduced startle amplitude [Main treatment effect: F(1,33)=7.18, P<0.05]. Conversely, no significant main effects for rearing condition or significant interactions between factors were found. PPI analyses detected significant differences between SR and IR-subjected rats [F(1,33)=26.69, P<0.001]. Furthermore, ANOVA found a main effect for treatment [F(1,33)=22.56, P<0.001], as well as a significant rearing condition x treatment interaction [F(1,33)=5.89, P<0.05]. Post-hoc analyses revealed that HAL significantly reversed the PPI deficit induced by IR condition (P<0.001). 4.3.2 .Effects of FIN on IR-induced changes in NS profile in the NAc. We then evaluated the effect of FIN (100 mg/kg, i.p.) on the NS profile in the NAc and striatum of IR-subjected rats and their controls. As shown in Fig. 4.2A, IR resulted in a profound reduction in the concentration of PREG. [Main effect for condition: F(1,36)=11.55, P<0.05]. Furthermore, FIN led to a marked enhancement in the concentration of this NS [Main effect for treatment: F(1,36)=25.10; P<0.0001]. No interactions between condition and treatment were found [F(1,36)=7.63, NS]. Analyses of PROG levels (Fig. 4.2B) found that this NS was not influenced by IR [[Main effect for condition: F(1,36)=1.42, NS], FIN treatment [Main effect for treatment: F(1,36)=0.45, NS] or their interaction [F(1,36)=1.00, NS]. In line with these results, the analysis of PROG/PREG ratio disclosed a significant enhancement in IR-subjected rats (Main effect: IR vs SR: P<0.05) and a dramatic reduction caused by FIN treatment (Main effect: FIN vs VEH: P<0.0001) (Fig. 4.2H). As shown in Fig. 4.2C, we found that DHP levels were significantly reduced by IR [Main effect for condition: F(1,38)=4.25, P<0.05], but not by FIN [Main effect for treatment: F(1,38)=0.98, NS] or by condition x treatment interactions [F(1,38)=1.49, P<0.05]. In addition, the DHP/PROG ratio (Fig. 4.2I) was found to be reduced by IR (Main effect for rearing condition: P<0.05). Analysis of AP levels revealed no main effects for either rearing condition [F(1,36)=0.11, NS] or treatment [F(1,36)=0.34, NS]; however, a significant interactions of these factors was found [F(1,36)=7.86, P<0.01]. Post-hoc analyses 77 Fig. 4.2. Effects of finasteride (FIN; 100 mg/kg, i.p.) and its vehicle (VEH) on the levels of neuroactive steroids in the Nucleus Accumbens and striatum of isolation-reared (IR) and socially-reared (SR) rats. The administration of FIN inverted these imbalances increasing the AP levels in the same brain region. Values are expressed as pg/mg ± SEM for each experimental group. Treatments are indicated below the horizontal axis. **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001 in comparison with vehicle-treated rats (main treatment effect); °, P<0.05; °° , P<0.01 in comparison with SR rats (main rearing condition effect); ^ P<0.05, ^^ p<0.01 in comparison to VEH-SR group (rearing condition x treatment interaction); $$ p<0.01 in comparison to VEH-IR group (rearing condition x treatment interaction). VEH, vehicle; FIN, finasteride. For further details, see results section. 78 revealed that, while VEH-treated IR-subjected rats exhibited a significant reduction in AP levels in comparison with their SR counterparts (P<0.05), FIN treatment induced a paradoxical enhancement in AP levels in IR rats (P<0.05) (Fig. 4.2D). These results were paralleled by the changes in AP/DHP ratio, which revealed a positive rearing x treatment interaction [F(1,36)=9.14; P<0.01]. Indeed, SR VEH-treated rats were found to display higher ratios than either IR VEH-treated (P<0.05) or SR FIN-treated (P<0.01) rats. Furthermore, in IR rats FIN enhanced this ratio (P<0.01) in comparison with VEH-treated counterparts (Fig. 4.2J). While DHEA levels were not affected by IR [Main effect for condition: F(1,39)=0.77, P<0.05], we found a statistical trend for a reduction induced by FIN [Main effect for treatment: F(1,39)=3.43, P=0.07], but no condition x treatment interactions (Fig. 4.2E). The DHEA/PREG ratio was found to be increased by IR and reduced by FIN (Main effects: Ps<0.01) (Fig. 4.2K). While IR failed to affect T levels (Fig. 4.2F), it caused a reduction in estradiol levels [Main effect for condition: F(1,38)=5.51, P<0.05] (Fig. 4.2G); conversely, FIN failed to affect the levels of either steroid (Figs. 3F-G). No significant differences were found in the analysis of the estradiol/T ratio (Fig. 4.2L). Levels of isopregnanolone, DHT, and 3α-diol could not be compared reliably, as their concentrations remained under detection limits in more than 70% of samples. 4.4. DISCUSSION The main finding of the present study is that the potent 5αR inhibitor FIN dose-dependently countered the deficits in PPI caused by IR, a well-characterized neurodevelopmental model of juvenile psychosocial stress leading to schizophrenia-related alterations. Similarly to previous experiments (Bortolato et al., 2008), the effects of FIN were generally similar to those of the benchmark antipsychotic HAL; in spite of this analogy, the 5αR blocker failed to induce catalepsy or other overt extrapyramidal manifestations. This result confirms and extends our previous observations on the ameliorative effects of FIN and other 5αR inhibitors on psychosisrelated alterations elicited by direct and indirect DAergic agonists in rodents (Bortolato et al., 2008; Devoto et al., 2012; Frau et al., 2013). Furthermore, these data support preliminary clinical evidence on the possible therapeutic potential of FIN in schizophrenia (Koethe et al., 2008), as well as other disorders featuring DAergic alterations, including TS (Bortolato et al., 79 Fig. 4.3 Synoptic schematization of the observed effects of isolation rearing (IR) and finasteride (FIN) on neurosteroid (NS) levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc). Black and white arrows represent increased and decreased enzyme activities, respectively. For further details, see text. 2007; Muroni et al., 2011) and impulsive behaviors induced by DAergic agonists in susceptible patients (Bortolato et al., 2012). In agreement with our previous findings (Bortolato et al., 2008; Devoto et al., 2012), startle reflex was significantly reduced by FIN in SR animals. This phenomenon, however, was not observed in IR-exposed animals, suggesting that IR may reduce sensitivity to the effects of 5αR inhibitors with respect to startle reactivity. Notably, the lack of a selective effects of FIN on startle amplitude in IR animals also rules out possible confounds in PPI analysis due to alterations in this parameter (Swerdlow et al., 2000a). We previously showed that the effects of FIN on the regulation of PPI are likely supported by changes in the signaling of the postsynaptic DA receptors in the NAc (Devoto et al, 2009). 80 Furthermore, several studies have shown that the gating deficits induced by IR are primarily mediated by this region (Powell et al., 2003; Leng et al., 2004). Our results showed that IR leads to significant reductions in PREG, DHP, AP and estradiol in the NAcc. These data are in substantial agreement with previous findings from our group and others, indicating that IR leads to an overall reduction in NS levels in the cortex (Serra et al., 2000; Bortolato et al., 2011). We also documented no significant changes in PROG, DHEA and T levels, suggesting that the generalized reduction in NS biosynthetic pathways may be partially offset by the downregulation of catabolic enzymes and/or the activation of alternative anabolic processes. The significant changes in steroid ratios are in keeping with the previously documented downregulation of 5αR in IR-subjected rats (as indicated by the reduction in DHP/PROG ratio); furthermore, our data suggest that this manipulation may lead to functional alterations of other neurosteroidogenic enzymes, such as a potential enhancement of the activities of 3β-HSD and CYP17A1, which catalyze the conversion of PREG into PROG and DHEA, respectively (see Fig. 4.3). The behavioral effects of FIN were paralleled by a marked increase in the concentrations of PREG and a statistical trend for an enhancement of DHEA levels in the NAc and striatum. The increased content of these 3β-hydroxy-∆5-steroids may signify their accumulation in response to the inhibition of 5αR, given that they are the precursors of the two main 5αR substrates, i.e. PROG and T. The possibility that the antipsychotic-like actions of FIN may be contributed by the enhancement of PREG (and, possibly, DHEA) levels is in keeping with emerging evidence supporting the therapeutic potential of these NSs for cognitive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia (Strous et al., 2003; Marx et al., 2009; Marx et al., 2011; Ritsner et al., 2014). Furthermore, PREG was recently shown to rescue the spontaneous PPI deficits in DA transporter knockout mice, which are also reflective of DA receptor hyperactivation in the NAc (Wong et al., 2012). Although the biological actions of PREG and DHEA are not completely understood, they act as potent agonists of σ1 receptors (Maurice et al., 2001), which have been shown to be essential for the modulation of DA D1 receptor signaling (Navarro et al., 2010). Notably, we recently showed that the PPI-ameliorating properties of FIN are due to the suppression of D1 receptor signaling (Frau et al., 2013). In addition, PREG and DHEA have been shown to exert neuroprotective properties against apoptosis and oxidative damage, which may play an important role in cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Future studies will be needed 81 to elucidate whether the effects of FIN in IR-subjected rats are mediated by PREG and DHEA, and substantiate the role of σ1 receptors on the regulation of PPI and other schizophrenia-related endophenotypes. We found that, while FIN reduced AP levels and AP/DHP ratio in SR rats, this drug had surprisingly opposite effects in IR-subjected rats. This paradoxical phenomenon may have been caused by functional changes in 3α-HSOR, the reversible enzyme involved in the interconversion of AP and DHP. Indeed, this enzyme has been shown to serve both the synthesis and degradation of AP, depending on the prevalence of its cytosolic or membrane-bound isoform (Mellon and Vaudry, 2001). Depending on the changes induced by IR on the expression and activity of this enzyme, the acute 5αR inhibition may have altered the inter-regulatory cross-talk between these two enzymes, leading to a reduction of the conversion of AP into DHP. Alternatively, the increase in AP may reflect an altered mechanism of action of FIN, due to alterations in 5αR structure and intracellular localization in IR-subjected rats. In order to inhibit 5αR, FIN needs to be accepted as a substrate of this enzyme and reduced to dihydroFIN; in turn, this metabolite forms an adduct with NADP, which is then covalently bound to the enzyme (Bull et al., 1996). Thus, it is possible that the down-regulation of 5αR may limit its transformation into dihydroFIN and unmask other secondary mechanisms of this drug, such as the inhibition of 5β-reductase (Drury et al., 2009), which may paradoxically enhance the synthesis of AP and other 5α-reduced NSs. The enhancement in AP in IR rats may play a key contributory role in the effects of FIN. AP is known to activate GABA-A receptors, whose action may indeed interact with potential changes in DA receptor signaling in DAergic regions. Interestingly, AP has been shown to counter the enhancement of aggression and fear-related memory in isolated mice (Pinna et al., 2008). Future studies will be needed to test the potential role of AP in the modulation of PPI by FIN in IRsubjected rats. Although our results may provide critical element of insight into the role of 5αR in the regulation of PPI, several limitations need to be acknowledged. Our neuroactive steroid analyses could not be limited to NAcc, in view of the small size of this region, and incorporated also the striatum; however, it is possible that the two regions, albeit organized similarly, may different 82 significantly with respect to NS profiles. In addition, our studies failed to test whether the changes in NSs may be directly conducive to changes in PPI. Future studies with systemic and intra-accumbal infusion of PREG and AP are warranted to further confirm the potential involvement of these NSs in the therapeutic actions of FIN. Another important limitation of our study lies in our lack of data on the relevance of the two major 5αR types, 1 and 2, in the anti-psychotic-like effects of FIN in IR-subjected rats. Both isoforms are expressed in the NAc and down-regulated by IR (Bortolato et al., 2011; Castelli et al., 2013). In particular, the involvement of 5αR2 in the observed effects of FIN may be particularly meaningful from a translational perspective, given that FIN has a higher affinity for this isoenzyme in humans (Paba et al., 2011). Furthermore, given the importance of 5αR2 in the synthesis of androgens, its implication in the antiDAergic mechanisms of FIN may account for recent findings from our group on PPI-ameliorating properties of abiraterone, the main androgen-synthetic enzyme, in rats (Frau et al., 2014). The involvement of androgens in the effects of FIN may also provide a mechanistic frame to account for the well-documented sex differences in schizophrenia and their relation to DAergic signaling (Godar and Bortolato, 2014). Due to the relatively small size of our biological samples, we were unfortunately unable to obtain a reliable measurement of 5α-reduced androgens, such as DHT, 3α-diol and 3β-diol. Future studies with different detection systems, such as RIA, will be necessary to verify the potential involvement of androgens in the sequelae of IR and antipsychotic-like effects of FIN. Irrespective of these limitations, our findings have confirmed FIN’s antipsychotic-like properties, by documenting its ability to correct the gating alterations associated with IR, a neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia with high face, construct and predictive validity. The actions of FIN are accompanied by changes in NS levels, such as an increase in PREG and AP, which countered the effects of IR. These data further confirm previous evidence pointing to 5αR as a promising target for the development of novel treatments for schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders featuring stress-related gating impairments, such as TS and OCD. 83 CHAPTER 5 IDENTIFICATION OF THE DOPAMINE RECEPTORS MEDIATING THE ANTIPSYCHOTIC-LIKE EFFECTS OF 5αR INHIBITORS: EVIDENCE IN MICE 84 5.1. RATIONALE OF THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES As highlighted in the background, our research has shown that the pharmacological inhibition of 5αR, counters several behavioral effects of non-selective DAergic receptor agonists in SpragueDawley rats, including hyperlocomotion, stereotypies and sensorimotor gating deficits (Bortolato et al., 2008; Devoto et al., 2012). In addition, we have documented that the antiDAergic actions of the prototypical 5αR inhibitor FIN, albeit strikingly akin to those induced by classical antipsychotic agents, are not accompanied by overt extrapyramidal effects (Bortolato et al., 2008). Although these promising translational findings highlight the potential for 5αR inhibitors as a valuable therapeutic target for TS, the biological bases of the neuropsychiatric effects of 5αR inhibitors, however, remain elusive. In particular, a crucial yet unresolved issue concerns the specific involvement of the two main DA receptor families, D1- and D2 –like, in the antipsychotic-like profile of 5αR inhibitors. To address this problem, in the present study we analyzed the impact of FIN on the behavioral responses to DA receptor agonists in C57BL/6 mice, including the disruption of PPI. Previous studies on the pharmacological modulation of PPI have clearly indicated marked interspecies and interstrain differences in the response of rats and mice to different DAergic agonists (Ralph and Caine, 2005; Ralph and Caine, 2007). For example, previous research has shown that, in sheer contrast with rats, the activation of D1-like, but not D2 –like receptors induces hyperlocomotion and PPI deficits in C57BL/6 mice (GeterDouglass et al., 1997; Halberda et al., 1997; Ralph and Caine, 2005; Ralph-Williams et al., 2003a), the most common inbred murine strain used in research and the only one whose genome has been entirely sequenced to date (Waterston et al., 2002). This background prompted us to test the differential impact of FIN on PPI and other behavioral responses of C57BL/6 male mice to D1-and D2-like, as well as non-selective agonists. The rationale for these experiments was further informed by our need to broaden the translational value of our previous findings with an additional preclinical platform that may allow for future investigations on transgenic mice. 5.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals. A total of 242 male adult C57BL/6 mice (25-35 g) (Charles River; Como, Italy and Wilmington, MA, USA) were used. Animals were group-housed in cages (n=4) with ad libitum 85 access to food and water. The room was maintained at 22±0.2ºC on a 12/12-h dark/light cycle (with lights off at 07:00 PM). All experimental procedures were executed in compliance with the National Institute of Health guidelines. Drugs. For systemic injections, FIN (Sigma Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) was suspended in a VEH (VEH) of 1% Tween 80 in 0.9% SAL. APO (Sigma Aldrich) was dissolved in SAL with 0.1 mg/ml ascorbic acid to prevent oxidization. The full D1-like agonist SKF82958 and D2-like agonist quinpirole (QUIN) (Sigma-Aldrich) were dissolved in SAL. Systemic administration volume was 10 ml/kg body weight (IP). Startle reflex and PPI. Startle and PPI testing were performed as previously described (Bortolato et al., 2007), between 10 AM and 3 PM. Animals were injected with either FIN (25-50 mg/kg, IP) or VEH, followed, 30 min later, by a DAergic agonist [SKF82958 (0.3 mg/kg, IP), QUIN (0.5 mg/kg, IP), APO (0.5 mg/kg, IP)] or SAL. Behavioral testing began 10 min after the last injection; each session lasted 28-30 min and was performed with a 70-dB white-noise background. Following a 5-min acclimatization period, mice were exposed to five consecutive 115-dB pulse-alone bursts; subsequently, the speakers delivered a pseudo-random sequence of trials, including: 1) pulse-alone 115-dB trials (n=17); 2) pre-pulse+pulse trials, in which the same pulse were preceded by 74, 78 or 82 dB pre-pulses (n=60; 20 for each pre-pulse level); 3) nostimulus trials, in which only background noise was delivered (n=8). Sound levels were assessed using an A Scale setting. Percent PPI was calculated with the following formula: with and representing the mean startle amplitudes for all pre-pulse+pulse trials and pulse alone trials, respectively. The first 5 pulse-alone bursts were excluded from the calculation. Open-field locomotor behaviour. Locomotor activity was measured in a novel open field. The apparatus was a Plexiglas square grey arena (40 x 40 cm) surrounded by 4 black walls (40 cm high). On the floor, two concentric zones of equivalent areas were defined: a central square quadrant and a peripheral frame directly adjacent to the walls. Background light and noise were maintained at 10 lux and 70 dB, respectively. Each experimental session lasted 120 min. Mice 86 were initially placed in the center of the arena; after 30 min, they were briefly removed and treated with either FIN (50 mg/kg, IP) or VEH, and quickly repositioned in the center of the open field. Thirty min later, mice were treated with SKF82958 (0.3 mg/kg, IP), QUIN (0.5 mg/kg, IP) or SAL, and monitored for the remainder of the session (60 min). Analyses of locomotor activity were performed using Ethovision pathway tracking software (Noldus Instruments, Wageningen, The Netherlands). Behavioral measures included the distance travelled, time spent in the central zone, number of rearing episodes and meandering (defined as the ratio between turn-angle degrees and total distance) (Kalueff et al., 2007). Stereotyped behavior. Mice were injected with either FIN (50 mg/kg, IP) or its VEH; 30 min later, they received either APO (3 mg/kg, IP) or SAL. Stereotyped behaviors were then evaluated throughout the following 30-min period, by two separate trained observers blinded to the treatments. Behaviors were monitored for 30 s, at intervals of 2 min, for a total of 15 observations. At the end of each period, behaviors were assigned numerical scores based on a modified version of the rating scale used by Benus et al. (1991) for the evaluation of APOinduced stereotyped behaviors (for a detailed description of the scale, please see the legend of Fig. 6). Stereotypy scores were calculated as mean values of the scores of the two observers. Inter-observer consistency was evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (Cronbach, 1951), which was consistently higher than 0.85. Catalepsy. Catalepsy, defined as the reduction in the ability to initiate movement and a failure to achieve correct posture, was assessed via the bar test. Thirty minutes following treatment with FIN (25-200 mg/kg, IP), the forepaws of the mice were placed on a bar positioned 4-cm above the bench and the length of time during which the animal retained this position was recorded by an observer unaware of the treatment. Data analysis. Normality and homoscedasticity of data distribution were verified by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett’s tests. Analyses were performed by multiple-way ANOVAs (with repeated measures for the analyses of the time-related effects on locomotor behaviors in the open field and stereotypies), as appropriate, followed by Tukey’s test (with Spjøtvoll-Stoline correction for unequal N whenever required) for post-hoc comparisons of the means. For %PPI 87 analyses, data relative to different prepulse levels were collapsed, since no interactions were found between prepulse levels and other factors throughout the study. Significance threshold was set at 0.05. 5.3. RESULTS 5.3.1. Effects of FIN and DAergic agonists on startle and PPI. The first experiment (n = 63; 9—14/group) was aimed at the evaluation of the effects of FIN (25—50 mg/kg, IP) or VEH on the PPI disruption induced by the D1-receptor agonist SKF82958 (0.3 mg/kg, IP) (Fig. 5.1). The effects of FIN on startle amplitude were studied with a two-way ANOVA, with pre-treatment (FIN vs VEH) and treatment (SKF-82958 vs SAL) as independent factors (Fig. 5.1A). ANOVA revealed that SKF- 82958 significantly decreased baseline startle magnitude [main effect: F(1,57) = 4.54, P < 0.05]. Conversely, FIN did not reduce startle amplitude [main effect: F(2,57) = 1.50, NS]; furthermore, no significant pretreatment x treatment interactions were detected [F(2,57) = 0.05, NS]. The same design was Fig.5.1. Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 25—50 mg/kg, IP) and SKF-82958 (SKF, 0.3 mg/kg, IP) on startle reflex (A) and %PPI (B) in C57BL/6 mice. FIN doses are indicated in mg/kg. VEH, vehicle of FIN; SAL, saline. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., N = 9—14/ group. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001 vs rats treated with SAL (pre-treatment x treatment interaction); ºººP < 0.001 vs rats treated with VEH and SKF (pre-treatment x treatment interaction). 88 used to run %PPI analyses (Fig. 5.1B). Significant main effects were found for both pretreatment [F(2,57) = 8.30, P < 0.001] and treatment [F(1,57) = 28.53, P < 0.001]. Furthermore, pretreatment x treatment interactions were also statistically significant [F(2,57) = 5.16, P < 0.01]. Post hoc comparisons revealed that SKF-82958 produced a PPI impairment (P < 0.001 for VEH + SAL vs VEH + SKF-82958 comparisons) which was completely reversed by the highest FIN dose (P < 0.001 for VEH + SKF- 82958 vs FIN 50 + SKF-82958; Tukey’s test). In the second experiment (n = 57; 8—10/group), we studied the combined impact of FIN (25— 50 mg/kg, IP) and QUIN (0.5 mg/kg, IP) on the startle magnitude and PPI (Fig. 5.2). Analyses of startle amplitude (Fig. 5.2A) revealed significant effects for the pre-treatment (FIN vs VEH) [main effect: F(2,51) = 4.10, P < 0.05], treatment (QUIN vs SAL) [main effect: F(1,51) = 46.91, P < 0.001], and their interaction [F(2,51) = 7.19, P < 0.01]. This latter effect was found to reflect a significant reduction induced by the combination of the highest FIN dose with QUIN as compared with their counterparts treated with FIN and SAL (P < 0.001 for comparison FIN 50 + QUIN vs FIN 50 + SAL). The analysis of %PPI revealed significant main effects for pre-treatment [F(2,51) = 4.76, P < 0.05], treatment [F(1,51) = 37.62, P < 0.001] and their interaction [F(2,51) = 3.80, P < 0.05]. Fig. 5.2 Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 25—50 mg/kg, IP) and quinpirole (QUIN, 0.5 mg/kg, IP) on startle reflex (A) and %PPI (B) in C57BL/6 mice. FIN doses are indicated in mg/kg. VEH, vehicle of FIN; SAL, saline. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., N = 8-10/ group. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 vs rats treated with SAL (pre-treatment x treatment interaction); ººP < 0.01 vs rats treated with VEH and QUIN (pre-treatment x treatment interaction). 89 Post-hoc analyses revealed that, while neither FIN nor QUIN significantly affected PPI, this parameter was markedly reduced by their combination (P < 0.001 for FIN 50 + QUIN vs FIN 50 + SAL; Tukey’s test) (Fig. 5.2B). These results were confirmed by ∆PPI analyses {main effect for pre-treatment: [F(2,51) = 3.78, P < 0.05]; main effect for treatment: [F(1,51) = 42.91, P < 0.001]; pre-treatment x treatment interaction: [F(2,51) = 4.42, P < 0.05]; post hoc comparisons: P < 0.001 for FIN 50 + QUIN vs FIN 50 + SAL} (data not shown). The third experiment (n = 32; 8/group) (Fig. 5.3) was aimed at the assessment of the combined effects of FIN and APO (0.5 mg/kg, IP). With respect to startle, ANOVA detected a main effect only for the treatment [F(1,30) = 28.61, P < 0.001], but not for either pre-treatment [F(1,30) = 2.44, NS] or pre-treatment x treatment interactions [F(1,30) = 3.38, NS] (Fig. 5.3A). Similarly, %PPI analyses highlighted a main effect for treatment [F(1,30) = 46.21, P < 0.001], but not for either pre-treatment [F(1,30) = 0.07, NS] or pre-treatment x treatment interactions [F(1,30) = 0.01, NS] (Fig. 5.3B). The evaluation of ∆PPI also revealed a significant effect for treatment [F(1,30) = 38.59, P < 0.001], but not pre-treatment [F(1,30) = 1.67, NS] or their interactions [F(1,30) = 1.64, NS] (data not shown). Fig.5.3.Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 50 mg/kg, IP) and apomorphine (APO, 0.5 mg/kg, IP) on startle reflex (A) and %PPI (B) in C57BL/6 mice. VEH, vehicle of FIN; SAL, saline. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., N = 8/group. 90 5.3.2. Effects of FIN and DAergic agonists on open-field behaviors. We then studied the combined impact of FIN and DAergic agonists (SKF-82958 and QUIN) on locomotor activity and other open-field behaviors. After 30 min in the arena, FIN (50 mg/kg, IP) produced a significant reduction in locomotor activity [main effect for treatment: F(1,43) = 60.67,P < 0.001] at 15-20 min after administration [time x treatment interaction: F(6,258) = 17.05, P < 0.001; P < 0.05 for comparisons with baseline values, Tukey’s]. Subsequently, mice were injected with either SAL or DAergic agonists, and their behavior was studied for further 60 min. The analysis of the effects of FIN and SKF-82958 on locomotor parameters was run with 3-way ANOVA designs, factors being pre-treatment (FIN vs VEH), treatment (SKF-82958 vs SAL) and time (repeated measures, using the last measure before SKF82958/SAL injection as baseline). FIN significantly reduced the locomotor activity {main pretreatment effect: [F(1,26) = 24.85, P < 0.001]}, while SKF-82958 increased it {main treatment effect: [F(1,26) = 29.33, P < 0.001]}. A significant interaction between these two drugs was also found [F(1,26) = 9.89, P < 0.01], which was shown to reflect the ability of SKF-82958 to enhance locomotor activity in both VEH- and FIN-pretreated animals, as compared to SALtreated counterparts (P < 0.001 for both comparisons, Tukey’s). A significant effect for time [F(12,312) = 6.22, P < 0.01] was found. Dunnett’s test revealed that the hyperlocomotive effect of SKF-82958 was significant after 150 from its injection (Fig. 5.4A). Meandering was significantly increased by FIN {main pretreatment effect: [F(1,24) = 18.35, P < 0.001]}. Notably, ANOVA detected a significant pre-treatment x treatment x time interaction [F(12, 288) = 3.23, P < 0.001]. Post hoc comparisons revealed that SKF-82958 significantly reduced meandering in VEH-, but not FIN-pretreated mice for the whole duration of the experiment, with the greatest effects measured at 25—30 min after treatment (Fig. 5.4B). Rearing behavior was significantly reduced by FIN [F(1,24) = 8.70, P < 0.01] and increased by SKF-82958 [F(1,24) = 11.80, P < 0.01]. Significant pre-treatment x - treatment [F(1,24) = 5.05, P < 0.05] and pre-treatment x treatment x time [F(6,144) = 2.25, P < 0.05] interactions were found. Post hoc scrutiny of this effect indicated that SKF-82958 increased rearing in VEH-pretreated mice, at 20— 40 min after treatment. Of note, this effect was significantly antagonized by FIN pre-treatment (Fig. 5.4C). 91 Fig. 5.4 Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 50 mg/kg, IP) and SKF-82958 (SKF, 0.3 mg/kg, IP) on locomotor and exploratory behavior in an open field. (A) Distance traveled, (B) meandering, (C) rearing behaviors, and (D) Time spent in the central compartment. VEH, vehicle of FIN; SAL, saline. Arrows correspond to the times of injection. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., N = 8—12/group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 for comparisons with baseline values at 60 min; 8P < 0.05, ººP < 0.01 for comparisons between VEH + SKF and FIN + SKF (pre-treatment x treatment x time interaction). 92 No statistically significant differences were detected with respect to the effect of SKF-82958 on the duration of the time spent in the central compartment (Fig. 5.4D). The analysis of the effects of QUIN and FIN co-treatment on locomotor activity was conducted with the same design as described for the experiment with SKF-82958. ANOVA revealed main effects for pre-treatment [F(1,26) = 39.69, P < 0.001], treatment [F(1,26) = 4.51, P < 0.05] and time [F(12,312) = 4.41, P < 0.001], but not for their interactions (Fig. 5.5A). No significant differences were observed on meandering, rearing or time spent in center (Figs. 5B-D). Fig.5.5. Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 50 mg/kg, IP) and quinpirole (QUIN, 0.5 mg/kg, IP) on locomotor and exploratory behavior in an open field. (A) Distance traveled, (B) meandering, (C) rearing behaviors, and (D) time spent in the central compartment. VEH, vehicle of FIN; SAL, saline. Arrows correspond to the times of injection. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., N = 8-12/group. 93 5.3.3. Effect of FIN on APO-induced stereotypies and catalepsy. As shown in Fig. 5.6A, APO caused a significant increase in stereotyped behavior in a timerelated fashion [F(6,84) = 96.36, P < 0.001], which was not affected by FIN (50 mg/k g, IP) at any time [pre-treatment x time interaction: F(6,84) = 1.31, NS]. In line with our previous results in rats (Bortolato et al., 2008), FIN did not induce catalepsy at any tested dose [F(4,20) = 0.76, NS]; conversely, the antipsychotic agent HAL induced a robust cataleptic effect [F(1,8) = 114.06, P < 0.001] (Fig. 5.5B). Fig. 5.6. (A) Effects of systemic finasteride (FIN, 50 mg/kg, IP) on the stereotyped responses induced by apomorphine (APO, 3 mg/ kg, IP) The average stereotypy score was based on a modification of the rating scale of Benus et al. (1991), as follows: 0: nonstereotyped behaviors (locomotion, grooming, rearing, sniffing, digging, sitting); 1: hypolocomotion and behavioral freezing; 2: hypolocomotion with bouts of stereotyped sniffing and gnawing the sawdust; 3: stereotyped behavior in a particular pattern; 4: compulsive sniffing and gnawing the sawdust; front paws occasionally on cage wall; 5: slow climbing or stretched-out, near-vertical position; 6: continuous gnawing and/or licking the walls and bars of the cage. (B) Effects of FIN and haloperidol (HAL) on catalepsy. FIN and HAL doses are indicated in mg/kg. VEH, vehicle of FIN. Values are expressed as mean ± S.E.M., N = 8/group. ***P < 0.001 for comparisons with baseline values at 30 min. 94 5.4. DISCUSSION We found that, in C57BL/6 mice, the prototypical 5αR inhibitor FIN produced a dramatic reduction in locomotor activity, but failed to modify startle reflex, impair PPI, or induce catalepsy at any tested dose. Furthermore, this agent exerted divergent modulatory actions on the effects of D1- and D2–like receptor activation, insofar as it reduced the PPI deficits and rearing responses induced by the full D1 receptor agonist SKF82958, but surprisingly synergized with the D2-like activator QUIN to produce marked gating impairments. Taken together, the present findings extend and complement previous evidence on the anti-DAergic properties of 5αR blockers (Bortolato et al., 2008; Devoto et al., 2012) and suggest that, at least in C57BL/6 mice, the role of 5αR in behavioral organization may vary, in relation to the differential engagement of distinct DAergic receptor classes. In agreement with previous findings, the full D1 receptor agonist SKF82958 significantly reduced startle and PPI (Ralph-Williams et al., 2002; Ralph-Williams et al., 2003), increased locomotor activity and enhanced rearing responses. FIN potently prevented the gating and rearing alterations induced by SKF-82958, but did not significantly affect the startle deficits elicited by this agent. Furthermore, although FIN countered the overall motor activation in response to D1 receptor stimulation, this phenomenon did not reflect a specific effect, but rather FIN’s intrinsic hypolocomotive properties, as revealed by the lack of significant statistical interactions between the two treatments. These results may signify that FIN is able to significantly modulate only select effects of D1 receptor activation, such as its role in the regulation of sensorimotor gating and exploratory behavior, rather than motor organization. Accordingly, we have recently identified that, in rats, the anti-DAergic effects of systemic FIN administration are reproduced by local infusions of this agent in the NAc, but not in dorsal striatum (Devoto et al., 2012); within this conceptual framework, it is worth noting that, in contrast with the well-documented role of the dorsal striatum in motor orchestration (Voorn et al., 2004), the NAc has been shown to mediate and organize motor activity mainly in response to motivational inputs and limbic activation (Groenewegen and Trimble, 2002). Irrespective of these considerations, the ability of SKF82958 to produce a significant increase in locomotion in FIN-treated animals, together with previous binding data (see Bortolato et al., 2008) clearly indicates that FIN is not a D1–like receptor antagonist; nonetheless, it is likely that this compound may still affect open-field 95 behaviors through the negative modulation of D1 downstream signaling cascade. In further support of this possibility, multiple studies have shown that the negative modulation of D1 receptors does not produce intrinsic changes in PPI (Doherty et al., 2008; Ralph et al., 2001; Ralph-Williams et al., 2003), but markedly reduces locomotor activation (Centonze et al., 2003; Kelly et al., 2008) and increases meandering (unpublished observations). In conformity with other reports, the D2 receptor agonist QUIN did not elicit any significant change in PPI in C57BL/6 mice (Ralph-Williams et al., 2003). Nevertheless, its combination with FIN surprisingly reduced this parameter in a fashion dependent on the dose of the 5αR blocker. Furthermore, in striking contrast with our previous findings in Sprague-Dawley rats (Bortolato et al., 2008), FIN failed to affect the PPI deficits and stereotyped behaviors induced by the mixed D1-D2 agonist APO. The divergent effects mediated by FIN on the behavioral outcomes of the two families of DA receptors may suggest that the signaling of these targets may be distinctively modulated by different balances in NSs, at least with respect to their roles on the regulation of PPI and other specific behavioral responses. Ample evidence has documented that, while both D1-like and D2-like receptors participate in the regulation of sensorimotor gating and information processing, the relative contribution of these two subfamilies is highly variable, depending on the species and the genetic background (Kinney et al., 1999; Ralph and Caine, 2005; Ralph and Caine, 2007; Swerdlow et al., 2000a; Swerdlow et al., 2000b). While most D1-like agonists have been shown to have no intrinsic PPI-disrupting effects in rats, they robustly impair this index in C57BL/6 and other commonly used inbred and outbred strains of mice (Holmes et al., 2001; Ralph and Caine, 2005); vice versa, activation of D2-like receptors appears to be a fundamental prerequisite for the PPI deficits induced by DAergic compounds in rats (Geyer et al., 2001), but not in C57BL/6 mice (Ralph-Williams et al., 2003; Ralph and Caine, 2005). Irrespective of these differences, the DAergic regulation of PPI, locomotor activity and other behaviors has been shown to be contributed by a complex set of synergistic and antagonistic interactions between D1- and D2-like receptors (Eagle et al., 2011; Ralph and Caine, 2005; Swerdlow et al., 2005; Wan et al., 1996). The finding that the same doses of FIN that silenced the PPI-disrupting effects of SKF82958 precipitated the gating impairments induced by QUIN suggests that different conditions of baseline NS concentrations may partially contribute to the interstrain and interspecies differences in DAergic regulation. In 96 this respect, it is interesting to note that previous studies documented very low levels of PROG, one of the key brain substrates for 5αR, in C57BL/6 mice (Phan et al., 2002). The signaling of D1-like receptors is largely mediated by Gαs and Gαolf proteins, which stimulate adenylyl cyclase and trigger the activation of cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and its downstream targets, including several ion channels, CREB and DARPP-32 (Romanelli et al., 2010). Conversely, D2-like receptors exert opposite intracellular effects through the inhibition of adenylyl cyclase mediated by Gi and Go proteins. Given that the action of FIN on PPI regulation are likely to be postsynaptic (Devoto et al., 2012), our results may signify that the variations in NS levels may interfere with the common signaling pathways of D1 and D2 receptor signaling. The two best-characterized isoforms of 5αR (1 and 2) catalyze the irreversible saturation of the 4,5 double bond of the A ring of ∆4-3 ketosteroids, such as PROG, deoxycorticosterone, androstenedione and T (Paba et al., 2011). The neuroactive metabolites of these precursors are involved in the organization of several key brain functions. For example, the 5α-reduced product of PROG is converted into the potent NS AP, which plays an important role in stress responsiveness and other brain functions by acting as a positive allosteric modulator of the γamino-butyric acid (GABA)A ionotropic receptor (Purdy et al., 1991; Morrow et al., 1995; Barbaccia et al., 2001). The T derivative dihydroT (DHT), on the other hand, is a potent activator of ARs in the brain and contributes to a number of critical behavioral functions (Zuloaga et al., 2009). In separate experiments, we found that the NS concentrations in mouse brain regions were generally below detectability levels for HPLC/MS analyses; thus, we are currently unable to fully elucidate the specific molecular mechanisms underlying the antiDAergic properties of FIN. Nevertheless, given that 5αRs catalyze the rate-limiting step of neurosteroidogenesis (Paba et al., 2011), it is likely that their inhibition results in profound imbalances in NS concentrations, due to the decreased synthesis of AP and DHT and accumulation (or metabolic shift towards alternative pathways) of ketosteroid precursors, such as PROG and T. Notably, previous studies have documented that PROG and other NSs interact with the signaling and functions of D1 receptors (Apostolakis et al., 1996; Petralia and Frye, 2006; Dong et al., 2007). Interestingly, DARPP-32 has been shown to mediate some of the actions of PROG on D1-like receptors (Mani et al., 2000; 97 Frye and Walf, 2010). Another interesting possibility to partially account for the observed effects may reflect the action of PROG and other NSs on σ1 receptors; indeed, recent studies show that these targets amplify DA D1 receptor signaling (Fu et al., 2010) and form heteromers with D1 receptors in the brain (Navarro et al., 2010). In line with previous results in rats (Bortolato et al., 2008), FIN significantly reduced open-field locomotion in C57BL/6 mice. This phenomenon was paralleled by a marked increase in meandering and a decrease in rearing responses and time of permanence in the center. Collectively, these findings indicate that FIN shifted the locomotor patterns of mice from broad exploratory movements across the arena to a predominantly local activity in the periphery. This variation was not induced by intrinsic alterations in motor competence, as indicated by the absence of catalepsy in the present study and/or impairments in the rotorod test (unpublished results). The decrement in the time spent in the center quadrant of the open field may signify an increase in anxiety-like behavior; this interpretation is consistent with the notion that 5αR inhibition results in the block of the synthesis of AP, which exerts an anxiolytic action by positive modulation of GABA-A receptors (Dubrosky et al., 2006; Eser et al., 2008). Nevertheless, this possibility is challenged by several ideas: first, we previously showed that the same doses of FIN used in the present study reduced, instead of increasing, marble burying in mice (Bini et al., 2009); second, in our experimental setting FIN was injected after 30 min of acclimation to the open field; evaluation of thigmotaxis are generally considered meaningful of anxiety during the first 5-10 min of introduction of a rodent in an open arena; third, alterations in locomotor activity greatly limit the interpretation of variations in locomotor trajectory as dependent on anxiety-like responses. This caveat is particularly relevant in the interpretation of our data, in consideration of the highly significant correlation between locomotor activity and time spent in center in FIN-treated animals. In sheer contrast with our previous data in Sprague-Dawley rats, FIN did not prevent the PPI deficits or the stereotyped responses mediated by the mixed D1/D2 agonist APO (Bortolato et al., 2008). Although most of the behavioral effects of APO have been shown to depend on the synergism of D1 and D2 receptors (Braun and Chase, 1986; Bordi and Meller, 1989; Plaznik et al., 1989; LaHoste and Marshall, 1996), previous research documented that, in C57BL/6 mice, the PPI deficits induced by this drug depend on the activation of D1, rather than D2 receptors 98 (Ralph-Williams et al., 2003a; Ralph-Williams et al., 2003b). In this perspective, it is somewhat surprising that the same dose that fully antagonized the PPI deficits induced by SKF82958 did not attenuate the behavioral outcomes of APO on gating; nevertheless, the PPI-disrupting potential of FIN in the presence of D2 receptor activation may offset and counterbalanced its PPI-ameliorating properties related to the outcomes of D1 receptor. More in general, the divergent effects of FIN on APO-mediated effects in Sprague-Dawley rats and C57BL/6 mice are likely to depend on interspecies and interstrain differences in the role of DA receptors on the regulation of sensorimotor gating. For example, unlike C57BL/6 mice, Sprague-Dawley rats do not generally exhibit PPI deficits following activation of D1 receptors (Bortolato et al., 2005; Wan et al., 1996; Wan and Swerdlow, 1993), although these targets afford a major contribution to the PPI-disrupting properties of APO (Hoffman and Donovan, 1994; Wan et al., 1996). On the other hand, QUIN produces a significant reduction of PPI in rats, but not in C57BL/6 mice (Ralph and Caine, 2005). These divergences parallel other differential outcomes of QUIN on locomotor activity: while this drug yields biphasic effects on locomotor activity in rats, it lowers locomotor activity in C57BL/6 mice irrespective of the dose (Halberda et al., 1997), possibly reflecting different patterns of D2 and D3 receptor activation across different species and strains. Further studies on the effects of FIN on the PPI-disrupting effects of DAergic agonists in Sprague-Dawley rats are needed to better qualify potential interspecies differences in the role of NSs in gating regulation. Throughout our experiments, startle amplitude was significantly reduced by all DA receptor agonists, in line with previous results (Byrnes et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2000). These results suggest that activation of both D1- and D2-like receptors may exert a startle-attenuating effect in mice. Indeed, previous studies showed that the reduction in startle amplitude induced by APO remains unaffected in D1 or D2 knockout mice (Ralph-Williams et al., 2002), potentially suggesting a contribution of both DA receptor subfamilies in this phenomenon. In contrast with our results in rats, FIN did not inherently affect startle amplitude in C57BL/6 mice, potentially suggesting a different role of NSs in the modulation of startle responses. While future studies are warranted to explore the neurobiological bases of these differences, the fact that the marked reduction in locomotor activity induced by FIN was not paralleled by changes in startle amplitude confirms the dissociation between these two phenomena, in line with previous results (Davis et al., 1986). 99 Several limitations of the present study should be acknowledged, including the lack of experiments that may better differentiate the relative contribution of subtypes within D1-like and D2-like receptors. Furthermore, the high affinity of FIN for both 5αR1 and 5αR2 isozymes in rodents (Thigpen and Russell, 1992) does not allow us to elucidate the specific contribution of each isoenzyme to the antipsychotic-like effects of 5αR inhibition. Whereas further research is needed to address these limitations, our findings highlight the critical role of 5αR in the pathophysiology of gating deficits and psychosis, and point to an important functional link between NSs and the signaling cascade of D1 receptors, which may be involved in the pathophysiology of a number of neuropsychiatric disorders, including TS and schizophrenia. 100 CHAPTER 6 IDENTIFICATION OF THE DOPAMINE RECEPTORS MEDIATING THE ANTIPSYCHOTIC-LIKE EFFECTS OF 5αR INHIBITORS: EVIDENCE IN RATS 101 6.1. RATIONALE OF THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES In general, most studies have shown that the role of DA in PPI is mediated by both D1, D2 and D3 receptors. Nevertheless, the specific contribution of these receptors to these phenomena has been shown to vary across different rodent models. In SD albino rats, PPI deficits are elicited by D2 and D3 DAreceptor agonists, but not by D1 receptor agonists (Peng et al., 1990; Bristow et al., 1996; Varty and Higgins, 1998); nevertheless, D1 receptor activation has been shown to be directly involved in the PPI deficits induced by non-specific DAergic agonists, such as APO (Peng et al., 1990). Conversely, we recently found that the selective activation of D1 and D2, but not D3 receptors produces a stable PPI deficits in the hooded Long-Evans (LE) strain (Mosher et al., submitted). In previous studies we documented that, in SD rats, the PPI deficits induced by non-selective DAergic agonists are enabled by 5αR (Bortolato et al., 2008), the enzyme catalyzing the ratelimiting step in the synthesis of NSs and androgenic metabolites of T (Martini et al., 1993; Martini et al., 1996; Paba et al., 2011). Accordingly, the selective 5αR inhibitor FIN attenuates the PPI deficits induced by non-selective DAergic agonists in SD rats (Bortolato et al., 2008; Devoto et al., 2012). In parallel with these preclinical results, our group found that FIN elicited therapeutic properties in patients affected by chronic schizophrenia (Koethe et al., 2008) and TS (Bortolato et al., 2007; Muroni et al., 2011). Notably, the anti-DAergic effects of FIN and other 5αR blockers were not accompanied by extrapyramidal side effects. While these premises point to these agents as promising options for the therapy of these neuropsychiatric conditions, the specific involvement of DA receptors in the PPI-enhancing effects of FIN remain elusive. Based on this background, in the present study we investigated the specific contributions of different DA receptor subtypes on sensorimotor gating using SD and Long Evans (LE) rats. 6.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Subjects. A total of 240 male SD (Harlan, Italy) and 186 LE rats (Harlan, U.S.) weighing between 275 and 320 g were used for these experiments. Animals were group-housed in cages (n=4) with ad libitum access to food and water. The room was maintained at 22±0.2ºC on reversed 12-hr light/dark cycle (with lights off at 07:00 PM). Each animal was used only once throughout the study and all efforts were made to minimize animal suffering throughout this 102 study. PPI and microdialysis studies occurred between 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM. All experimental procedures were executed in compliance with the National Institute of Health guidelines and approved by the Animal Use Committees at the University of Cagliari and University of Kansas. Drugs and solutions. The following drugs were used in the present study: FIN, (R)-(-)-APO hydrochloride, SKF 38,393 hydrobromide, SKF 82,958 hydrobromide, SKF-83959, Sumanirole (SUM) maleate, (-)-QUIN hydrochloride, (+)-PD 128907 hydrochloride and GR-103691. FIN was suspended in a VEH solution containing 5% Tween 80 and 95% sterile SAL, while the other drugs were dissolved in SAL solution. Drug doses are based on mg/kg of salts. All solutions were freshly prepared on the day of testing and administered SC and IP in injection volumes of 1 and 2 ml/kg body weight, respectively. The doses and the latency time of the drug used in these experiments were determined by our previous studies and in accordance with those commonly used in PPI studies on rats (Bortolato et al., 2008; Wan et al., 1996; Zhang et al., 2007; for a review, see Geyer et al., 2001). Startle Reflex and PPI. Startle and PPI testing were performed as previously described in Frau et al. (2013). Rats were placed in the PPI chamber for a 5-min acclimatization period consisting of 70 dB background white noise, which continued for the remainder of the entire session. The PPI protocol consists of three consecutive blocks with pulse, pre-pulse+pulse and “no-stimulus” trials. Specifically, during the first and the third block rats received only five pulse-alone trials of 115 dB, whereas throughout the second block they were exposed to a pseudorandom sequence of 50 trials, including 12 pulse-alone trials, 30 trials of pulse preceded by 74, 78 or 86 dB pre-pulses intensities (ten for each level of prepulse levels) and eight “no stimulus” trials, in which the only background noise was delivered. Intertrial intervals were randomly selected between 10 and 15 s. The sound levels were assessed using an A Scale setting and the sensitivity of the stabilimeter was calibrated among the four startle chambers each day prior to start the PPI sessions. Percent PPI was calculated with the following formula: 103 with and representing the mean startle amplitudes for all pre-pulse+pulse trials and pulse alone trials, respectively. The first 5 pulse-alone bursts were excluded from the calculation. Experimental Design. The present study was composed of five distinct experiments: In the first experiment, we tested the impact of FIN on APO-induced PPI deficits in SD and LE rats. Briefly, rats (n=8–12 per group) were treated with FIN (100 mg/kg, IP) or VEH. Sixty minutes later, rats were treated with either APO (0.5 mg/kg, SC) or SAL (control), and immediately subjected to behavioral testing. The second experiment was aimed at evaluating the combined effects of FIN and the selective D1 agonists on startle and PPI values of SD and LE rats. Both strain of rats (n=8–12 per group) then received FIN or VEH followed by SKF-38,393 (5 mg/kg, SC), SKF-82,958 (1 mg/kg, SC), SKF83,959 (10 mg/kg, SC) or SAL. The goal of the third and fourth experiments was to study the ability of FIN to counter the PPI impairments induced by D2 agonists, quinpirole (QUIN) and sumanirole (SUM) (n=8-10 animals per group). Animals were treated with FIN or VEH (100 mg/kg, IP) QUIN and SUM (or SAL control) were injected 60 min after. 10 min after the last treatment, rats were underwent PPI sessions. In the fifth experiment, FIN (100 mg/kg, IP) or VEH (control) was administered 50 min before PD (0.1 mg/kg, IP) or SAL (control), in SD and LE rats. Furthermore, in a separate cohort of SD rats, we also tested the efficacy of the selective D3 antagonist GR in attenuating the PPI disruptive effects of PD. Thus, animals were injected with GR or SAL, and 10 min after, with PD. Then, 10 min after the latter treatment, animals were placed in the startle chamber and tested (n=8–11 per group). Data analysis. Normality and homoscedasticity of data distribution were verified by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett’s tests. Analyses were performed by multiple-way ANOVAs, as appropriate, followed by Tukey’s test (with Spjøtvoll-Stoline correction for unequal N whenever required) for post-hoc comparisons of the means. For % PPI analyses, main effects for 104 prepulse levels were consistently found throughout all the analyses, showing loudness-dependent effects. Since no interactions between prepulse levels and other factors were found, however, data relative to different prepulse levels were collapsed. Significance threshold was set at 0.05. 6.3. RESULTS 6.3.1. Effects of FIN versus the non-selective DAergic agonist APO on ASR and PPI in SD and LE rats. We first investigated the effects of FIN and APO on sensorimotor gating in LE and SD rat strains. In line with previous studies from our group (Bortolato et al., 2008), FIN significantly reduced baseline startle magnitude [main effect of pretreatment: F(1, 35)=32.85, P<0.001], while APO significantly increased startle amplitude in SD rats [main effect of treatment: F(1, 35)=6.91, P<0.05]. However, no significant interactions between pretreatment and treatment were found [F(1, 35)=1.03, NS]. In contrast to SD rats, APO induced a significant reduction in startle amplitude in LE rats [(main effect of treatment: F(1, 29)=4.63, P<0.05], however, FIN did not show any effect on startle [F(1, 29)=0.18, NS]. No significant interactions between pretreatment Fig. 6.1. Effects of finasteride (FIN, 100 mg/kg, IP) and apomorphine (APO, 0.25 mg/kg, SC) on Startle Reflex (A) and PPI (B) in Sprague Dawley (SD) and Long Evans (LE) rats. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. Veh, vehicle of FIN; Sal, saline. N=8-12/group. ***p<0.001 vs rats treated with Veh and Sal, °°p <0.01 vs rats treated with Veh and APO. 105 and treatment were found in LE rats [F(1, 29)=0.79, NS] (Fig. 6.1A). Examination of sensorimotor gating in SD rats revealed main effects for both pretreatment [F(1, 35)=10.93, P<0.01] and treatment [F(1, 35)=15.62, P<0.001]. Furthermore, PPI analysis also showed a significant pretreatment X treatment interaction [F(1, 35)=4.33, P<0.05]. In keeping with previous findings by our group (Bortolato et al., 2008; Devoto et al., 2012), FIN prevented APO-induced PPI disruptions in this strain (P<0.05). Conversely, PPI analyses conducted on LE rats showed robust main effects of APO [main effects of treatment: F(1, 29)=15.62, P<0.001], but not of FIN [main effects of pretreatment: F(1, 29)=0.09, NS]. Interestingly, no APO X FIN interaction was detected, suggesting that FIN was not able to counteract the APO-induced PPI deficits in this strain [pretreatment X treatment: F(1, 29)=0.08, NS] (Fig. 6.1B). 6.3.2. Effects of FIN versus D1 agonists on ASR and PPI in SD and LE rats. Our results in the first experiment suggest that the PPI-disruptive effects of APO may be due to the activation of different DA receptors. Thus, we investigated the impact of D1 receptors in sensorimotor gating using the selective D1 agonists. In comparison with SAL-treated controls, SKF-38,393 and SKF-82,958 significantly modified startle parameters of SD rats, by increasing and decreasing their values, respectively [P<0.05]. SKF-83,959, however, did not induce any alterations in startle amplitude. Conversely, neither SKF-82,958 nor FIN affected startle parameters [main effect of pretreatment: F(1, 28)=0.03, NS; main effect of treatment: F(1, 28)=1.07, NS; pretreatment treatment interaction: F(1, 28)=0.99, NS] (Fig. 6.2A). In SD rats, D1 receptor activation did not affect sensorimotor gating [SKF-38, 393: t(19)=2,11 NS; SKF-82,958: t(18)=0.09, NS; SKF-83,959, t(23)=1.65, NS]. Two-way ANOVA analyses of treatment and pretreatment in LE rats revealed a significant main effects [treatment: F(1, 28)=52.01, P<0.001; pretreatment: F(1, 28)=8.25, P<0.01]. Moreover, we found a significant pretreatment X treatment interaction [F(1, 28)=15.39, P<0.001]. Post-hoc comparisons showed that D1 activation significantly impaired PPI of LE rats (P<0.001), an effect that was countered by FIN (P<0.001) (Fig. 6.2B). 106 Fig. 6.2. Effects of finasteride (FIN, 100 mg/kg, IP), SKF 38,393 (5 mg/kg, SC), SKF 82, 958 (APB; 1 mg/kg, SC), SKF 83,959 (10 mg/kg, SC) on startle reflex (A) and PPI (B) in Sprague Dawley (SD) and Long Evans (LE) rats. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. Veh, VEH of FIN; Sal, Saline. N=8-10/group. ***p<0.001vs rats treated with Veh and Sal, °°°p <0.001 vs rats treated with Veh and APB. Fig. 6.3. Effects of finasteride (FIN, 100 mg/kg, IP), sumanirole (SUM, 3 mg/kg, SC) on Startle Reflex (A) and PPI (B) in Sprague Dawley rats. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. Veh, vehicle of FIN; Sal, SAL. N=8-10/group. 107 6.3.3. Effects of FIN versus D2 agonists on ASR and PPI in SD and LE rats. Next, we evaluated the role of the D2 receptor in sensorimotor gating. In SD rats, SUM did not affect startle magnitude (Fig. 6.3A) [F(1,31)=1.16; NS]. Although FIN significantly reduced acoustic startle response [F(1,31)=20.50; P<0.001], no significant effect interaction between SUM and FIN was observed [F(1,31)=0.81; NS]. Analyses of sensorimotor gating showed that SUM disrupted PPI [F(1,31)=8.64; P<0.001], however, this effect was not affected by FIN pretreatment (Fig. 6.3B) [F(1,31)=0.09; NS]. Treatment with QUIN did not elicit any alterations in startle amplitude in SD rats (Fig. 6.4A) [F(1,37)=2.80; NS], however, this parameter was reduced by FIN [F(1,37)=13.50; P<0.001]. Two-way ANOVA revealed a marked difference in the interaction between FIN and QUIN [F(1,37)=46.68; P<0.001]. In particular, both FIN and QUIN reduced startle responses compared to VEH and SAL treatments (Ps<0.001), but the combination of QUIN-FIN significantly increased startle magnitude compared to animals treated with SAL and FIN (P<0.001). Although startle values were not affected by FIN pretreatment in LE rats [F(1,33)=1.71; NS], QUIN induced a marked reduction of this index [F(1,33)=11.27; P<0.01]. No differences in the FIN X QUIN interaction were found [F(1,33)=0.01; NS]. Examination of the D2 receptor effects on PPI in SD rats showed that while QUIN did reduced sensorimotor gating (Fig. 6.4B) [F(1,37)=16.76; P<0.001], FIN increased this parameter [F(1,37)=8.64; P<0.001]; however, no significant pretreatment X treatment interaction was detected between FIN and QUIN [F(1,37)=0.80; NS]. In marked contrast to SD animals, the PPI disruptive effect of QUIN [F(1,33)=48.47; P<0.001] was not affected by FIN [Main effect of FIN: F(1,33)=0.34; NS; pretreatment X treatment interaction: F(1,33)=0.90; NS]. 108 Fig. 6.4. Effects of finasteride (FIN, 100 mg/kg, IP) and quinpirole (QUIN, 0.6 mg/kg, SC) on Startle Reflex (A) and PPI (B) in Sprague Dawley (SD) and Long Evans (LE) rats. Veh, VEH of FIN; Sal, SAL. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. N=8-10/group. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs rats treated with Veh and Sal. °°°p <0.001 vs rats treated with Veh and QUIN. Fig. 6.5. Effects of finasteride (FIN, 100 mg/kg, SC) and PD 128907 (PD, 0.1 mg/kg, IP) on Startle Reflex (A) and PPI (B) in Sprague Dawley rats. Veh, VEH of FIN; Sal, SAL. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. N=8-12/group. *p<0.05 vs rats treated with Veh and Sal, °°p <0.01 vs rats treated with Veh and PD. 109 6.3.4. Effects of FIN versus D3 agonist on ASR and PPI parameters in SD rats. To investigate the contribution of D3 receptors in sensorimotor gating, SD rats were treated with the D3 agonist PD 128907 (PD). FIN [F(1,43)=25.39; P<0.001] and PD [F(1,43)=6.10; P<0.05] altered acoustic startle amplitude, but not the combination of both agents [F(1,43)=1.36; NS] (Fig. 6.5A). Two-way ANOVA analyses of PPI parameters showed a significant main effect of pretreatment [F(1,43)=10.56; P<0.01] and a significant pretreatment x treatment interaction (Fig. 6.5B) [F(1,43)=6.71; P<0.05], but not treatment [F(1,43)=1.03; NS]. In particular, PD induced PPI deficits (P<0.05) that were prevented by FIN (P<0.01). To reveal whether the PPI-disruptive effects of PD were mediated by D3 receptor subtypes, and not by the contributions of other DAergic receptors (Zhang et al., 2007), we investigated the effects of the selective D3 antagonist GR-103691 on the PPI impairments produced by PD in SD rats. Startle amplitude values were evaluated with a two-way ANOVA, with pretreatment (GRor VEH) and treatment (PD or SAL) as factors. Although PD reduced startle parameters (Fig. 6.6A) [F(1,28)=4.41, P<0.05], GR showed no effect [F(1,28)=0.75, NS]. Similarly, we detected an interaction between PD X GR [F(1,28)=3.99, P<0.06], however, this effect did not reach statistical significance. Two-way ANOVA showed that both compounds altered PPI values (Fig. 6.6B) [main effect of pretreatment: F(1, 28)=21.07, P<0.001; main effect of treatment: F(1, 28)=14.00, P<0.001; pretreatment x treatment interaction: F(1, 28)=6.97, P<0.05]. Posthoc comparisons revealed that GR significantly attenuated PD-mediated PPI disruption (Ps<0.001). 110 Fig. 6.6. Effects of GR-103691 (GR, 0.2 mg/kg, SC) and PD 128907 (PD, 0.1 mg/kg, IP) on Startle Reflex (A) and PPI (B) in Sprague Dawley rats. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. Veh, VEH of GR; Sal, SAL. N=8-11/group. ***p<0.001 vs rats treated with Veh and Sal, °°°p <0.001 vs rats treated with Veh and PD. 6.4. DISCUSSION The major result of the present study is that the prototypical 5αR inhibitor FIN prevented the PPI deficits induced by the activation of D1 and D3, but not D2 receptors across different rat strains. Specifically, in LE rats - which exhibit PPI deficits following activation of D1 and D2, but not D3 receptor agonists (Mosher et al., submitted) - FIN significantly prevented the PPI deficits mediated by the potent D1 receptor agonist SKF82958, but not by the D2 receptor agonist quinpirole or by the non-selective, D1-D2 receptor agonist APO. The involvement of D1, but not D2 receptors in FIN-mediated effects was supported by our findings on SD rats (a strain that exhibits PPI impairments following treatment with D2 and D3, but not D1 receptor agonists) (Bortolato et al., 2005; Mosher et al., submitted). While FIN treatment was confirmed to reduce APO-mediated PPI deficits in SD rats (Bortolato et al., 2008), this mechanism was likely not supported by an action on D2 receptors, as confirmed by the inability of the 5αR inhibitor to affect the behavioral changes induced by the D2 receptor agonists quinpirole and sumanirole. Indeed, previous studies showed that D1 receptor antagonists potently attenuate the PPI deficits induced by APO in SD rats (Bortolato et al., 2005; Wan et al., 1996). 111 Taken together, these findings extend and complement previous evidence on the involvement of D1 receptors in the antiDAergic properties of FIN in C57BL/6 mice (Frau et al., 2013). In particular, our data strongly suggest that, irrespective of interspecies and interstrain differences, the regulation of sensorimotor gating is contributed by a direct interaction between D1 receptors and 5αR, plausibly through the mediation of 5α-reduced NSs or neuroactive androgens. Indeed, we previously showed that the PPI-ameliorative effects of FIN do not depend on gonadal androgens, but rather its effect on neurosteroid synthesis in the NAc, which are likely related to the modulation of the responses of DA receptors. From this perspective, it is particularly interesting to observe that the changes mediated by FIN are related to both D1 and D3 receptors, which are abundantly distributed in extrasynaptic locations in the striosomes of the striatum and NAc shell (Gonon et al., 1997; Diaz et al., 2000). This configuration may be particularly important for volume transmission and phasic activation (Fuxe et al., 2012). Thus, it is possible to speculate that the importance of NSs and 5αR in the regulation of the role of DA in sensorimotor gating may be reflective of a specific dynamic activity of this neurotransmitter, which may be particularly relevant in the context of extrasynaptic locations. The signaling of D1 receptors is largely mediated by Gαs and Gαolf proteins, which stimulate adenylyl cyclase and trigger the activation of cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) and its downstream targets, including several ion channels, CREB and DARPP-32 (Romanelli et al., 2010). Given that the action of FIN on PPI regulation are likely to be postsynaptic (Devoto et al., 2012), our results may signify that the variations in neurosteroid levels may interfere with the common signaling pathways of D1 receptor signaling. In line with this evidence, previous studies have shown that key NSs, such as pregnanolone, potently modulate the phenotypes associated with D1 receptor activation (for a review, see Paba et al., 2011). In line with previous studies, we found that APO induced marked PPI deficits in both SD and LE rats (Swerdlow et al., 2011; Breier et al., 2010; Qu et al., 2009). While FIN was confirmed to counter this deficit in SD rats, it did not in LE counterparts, possibly due to a greater contribution of D2 receptor in APO-mediated effects in the latter strain. Indeed, SD and LE rats have been shown to exhibit different sensitivity to the PPI-disruptive effects of APO and quinpirole (Swerdlow et al., 2001b). This divergence is likely to parallel other documented variations in the behavioral (Qu et al., 2009), genetic (Swerdlow et al., 2004b), and neurochemical (Swerdlow et al, 2004a) profiles of these two strains. Further comparative studies will be needed to compare 112 the relative contribution of D1 and D2 receptors in the regulation of sensorimotor gating across SD and LE rats. Irrespective of the potential elements of difference between LE and SD rats, the lack of involvement of D2 receptors in the effects of FIN may help explain the lack of extrapyramidal effects associated with this drug, which sets it apart from other antiDAergic drugs currently used in the therapy of schizophrenia and TS. This aspect may be particularly important in consideration of preliminary data from our group indicating the therapeutic potential of FIN in the treatment of these disorders. Furthermore, these data hint at the possibility that antiDAergic drugs devoid of D2 receptor antagonist properties may still exert significant antipsychotic and/or anti-tic properties; this intriguing concept may have profound implications in the design and development of novel drugs with better tolerability and compliance than most of the currently available therapeutic agents. In line with previous findings (Zhang et al., 2007), PD exerted PPI deficits in SD rats in a D3dependent fashion, as shown by the reversal of this effect mediated by the selective inhibition of this receptor. Interestingly, the effects of APO on PPI appear to be exacerbated, instead of attenuated, by D3 receptor antagonists, likely highlighting a clear distinction between the two antiDAergic mechanisms of FIN. D3 receptors have been widely implicated in schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders associated with DA and gating dysfunctions, such as TS and ICDs, has been recently proposed (Lieberman et al., 1997; Richtand et al., 2001). Our data strongly suggest that NSs may play a prominent role in the modulation of the behavioral outcomes of D3 receptor activation, which may be particularly relevant for those disorders. The two best-characterized isoforms of 5αR (1 and 2) catalyze the irreversible saturation of the 4,5 double bond of the A ring of ∆4-3 ketosteroids, such as PROG, deoxycorticosterone, androstenedione and T (Paba et al., 2011). The neuroactive metabolites of these precursors are involved in the organization of several key brain functions. For example, the 5α-reduced product of PROG is converted into the potent NS AP, which plays an important role in stress responsiveness and other brain functions by acting as a positive allosteric modulator of the γamino-butyric acid (GABA)A ionotropic receptor (Barbaccia et al., 2001; Morrow et al., 1995; Purdy et al., 1991). The T derivative DHT, on the other hand, is a potent activator of ARs in the brain and contributes to a number of critical behavioral functions (Zuloaga et al., 2009). 113 Nevertheless, given that 5αRs catalyze the rate-limiting step of neurosteroidogenesis (Paba et al., 2011), it is likely that their inhibition results in profound imbalances in NS concentrations, due to the decreased synthesis of AP and DHT and accumulation (or metabolic shift towards alternative pathways) of ketosteroid precursors, such as PROG and T. Notably, previous studies have documented that PROG and other NSs interact with the signaling and functions of D1 receptors (Apostolakis et al., 1996; Dong et al., 2007; Petralia and Frye, 2006). Interestingly, DARPP-32 has been shown to mediate some of the actions of PROG on D1-like receptors (Mani et al., 2000; Frye and Walf, 2010). Another interesting possibility to partially account for the observed effects may reflect the action of PROG and other NSs on σ1 receptors; indeed, recent studies show that these targets amplify DAD1 receptor signaling (Fu et al., 2010) and form heteromers with D1 receptors in the brain (Navarro et al., 2010). Several limitations of the present study should be acknowledged. For example, the high affinity of FIN for both 5αR1 and 5αR2 isozymes in rodents (Thigpen and Russell, 1992) does not allow us to elucidate the specific contribution of each isoenzyme to the antipsychotic-like effects of 5αR inhibition. In addition, most experiments were not performed with a full dose-response curve, thereby limiting a comprehensive assessment of the interstrain differences in the DAergic regulation of rat PPI, as well as a closer understanding of the relation between NSs and DA receptors. Whereas further research is needed to address these limitations, our findings highlight the critical role of 5αR in the pathophysiology of gating deficits and psychosis, and point to an important functional link between NSs and the signaling cascade of D1 and D3 receptors, which may be involved in the pathophysiology of a number of neuropsychiatric disorders, including TS and schizophrenia. 114 CHAPTER 7 GENERAL DISCUSSION 115 The studies described in the previous chapters explored the relation between the key neurosteroidogenic enzyme 5αR, its steroid products and the modulation of PPI and other endophenotypes related to TS, using a variety of animal models and complementary approaches. The results of the studies presented in Chapter 2 elucidated that, in addition to 5αR, the enzyme CYP17A1, which is essential for the synthesis of androgen steroids, is also likely to participate to the contro of DAergic modulation of PPI. These findings shed further light into the involvement of androgens in TS and DAergic neurotransmission, and may help provide important elements of insight into the male predominance of the syndrome. In contrast with these findings, however, we found that neither T nor DHT are directly able to reduce PPI, and that FLU, the prototypical AR antagonist, is equally ineffective to counter PPI deficits induced by APO. These data suggest that other androgenic steroids, which enact their physiological effects through different receptors, may be ultimately responsible for the mechanisms of FIN and ABI. Several potential candidates can be considered, such as 3α-diol, 3β-diol and androsterone. As discussed in Chapter 1, these steroids mediate their neuroactive effects through different receptors, such as GABA-A, ERβ and PXR. Unfortunately, current analytical methodologies do not allow for the measurement of these NSs in small brain regions, such as the NAc; however, future studies will need to investigate whether exogenous administration of these molecules (both systemic and intracerebral) may result in alterations of DAergic signaling and/or modifications of sensorimotor gating. The possibility that 3α-diol, 3β-diol and androsterone, rather than T and DHT, may be implicated in the pathophysiology of TS is particularly intriguing, as it may provide a solution for one of the most puzzling aspects of the male predominance in TS. Indeed, the pubertal surge in T and other gonadal androgens typically coincides with an amelioration, rather than an exacerbation, of the severity of tics and other TS symptoms. As noted above, the median age of TS onset coincides essentially with adrenarche, the first stage of sexual maturation characterized by the development of the inner zona reticularis in the adrenal cortex. The biochemical hallmark of adrenarche is the acquisition of 17,20 lyase activity by CYP17A1 (Mapes et al., 1999), which is promoted by cytochrome b5 and the phosphorylation of serine residues (Katagiri et al., 1995; Zhang et al., 1995; Auchus et al, 1998; Geller et al., 1999; Pattison et al, 2007). The result of this process is the increased synthesis of DHEA and androstenedione, which leads to the growth of axillary and 116 pubic hair as well as enhancement in the oiliness of the skin (Auchus and Rainey, 2004). Recent studies have documented the existence of an alternative “backdoor pathway” for the synthesis of androgens, which appears to be predominant before adrenarche. In this series of reactions, 17OH PREG is converted into 17-OH AP, and then androsterone (Kamrath et al., 2012). Recent findings show that the shift from the backdoor pathway to the main pathway of androgen synthesis in puberty (∆5 pathway) is based on the functional antagonism between 5αR and CYP17A1. The prevailing activity of 5αR allows the predominance of the backdoor pathway, by facilitating the synthesis of 17-OH-AP. This premise suggests that 5αR hyperactivation in the periphery may lead to the persistence of the backdoor pathway even after adrenarche; upon these conditions, it is possible that the imbalance in androgens would lead to a persistent increase in 3α-diol, 3β-diol and androsterone. Alternatively, it is even possible that the persistence of 5αR2 throughout childhood may facilitate the conversion of androstenedione (which has high affinity for this isoenzyme) into androstanedione, which would then be re-converted into androsterone by 3α-HSOR. The results of Chapter 3 indicate that, in line with the observed effects of FIN, its mechanisms are likely based on key dopaminoceptive brain areas, such as the NAc and, possibly, the PFC. The finding that the effects of FIN are not associated with changes in the concentrations of DA in either region is particularly significant, as it appears to indicate that the mechanisms are likely mediated by post-synaptic, rather than presynaptic effects of NSs. Indeed, this possibility is in alignment with the general interpretation of the PPI-disrupting properties of APO, which are assumed to reflect the activation of postsynaptic DA receptors. As mentioned in Chapter 1, both major 5αR isoforms have been found in the dopaminoceptive neurons of each regions, i.e. the pyramidal cells of the PFC and the medium-spiny neurons of the NAc. The lack of available isoform-selective inhibitors for 5αR in rats leaves the question open as to whether these effects are primarily mediated by 5αR1 or 5αR2. In humans, FIN is considered to be relatively selective for 5αR2, suggesting that this enzyme may be directly implicated in the pathophysiology of TS. This possibility would reveal an important, as-yet unknown function of 5αR2 in the regulation of behavioral responses and information processing. Indeed, although both isoforms serve similar enzymatic functions, they are likely to play a significantly different functional role. To address this issue, ongoing studies in our lab are analyzing the differential effects of FIN and D1 receptor 117 agonists in 5αR1 and 5αR2 knockout (KO) mice. Our preliminary results indicate that, while 5αR1 may be primarily implicated in the regulation of gating functions, 5αR2 may be important in the regulation of the role of NSs in stress response. In fact, 5αR1 KO mice failed to exhibit any PPI deficits in response to D1 receptor stimulation, while 5αR2 KO did not respond to other behavioral effects of FIN, including the reduction in locomotor activity and stress-coping responses. If confirmed, these data may indicate that both isoenzymes may play a key role (possibly through multiple brain-region-specific contributions) in the pathophysiology of TS and other neuropsychiatric disorders. An alternative approach that may be particularly helpful in providing meaningful answers about the region-specific implication of each isoenzyme in sensorimotor gating regulation may lie in the injection of antisense oligonucleotides for both genes within the NAc and PFC. The findings of Chapter 4 revealed that the PPI deficits induced by IR, a manipulation aimed at reproducing the impact of psychosocial stress throughout adolescence, are reversed by FIN injection, through alterations of the NS profile in the NAc/striatum. In particular, it was found that FIN increased the concentrations of PREG in IR rats. This result sheds light on another important mechanism that may account for the effects of FIN, consisting in the accumulation of NS precursors. Taken together with the evidence outlined in Chapter 3, these data suggest that the involvement of 5αR in the regulation of gating is likely to be mediated by multiple, potentially synergistic mechanisms, which may be mediated in turn by a constellation of different receptors. Given that TS is primarily a childhood disorder, FIN is not a viable therapy for the majority of patients, given its potential interference with sexual development. Our hope is to map the NS pathways involved by the actions of FIN, so as to identify novel therapeutic targets that may reduce tic severity without inducing extrapyramidal symptoms. If PREG plays a role in the therapeutic effects of FIN, this would indicate that its attending receptor, σ1, may have an important role in TS pathophysiology. Indeed, this receptor has been implicated in the modulation of D1 receptor agonists, through the formation of homo- and heterodimers (Navarro et al., 2001). PREG has been successfully used in recent clinical trials for schizophrenia, suggesting that this NS may be also available for TS therapy. Ongoing studies in our lab are testing whether PREG and synthetic σ receptor ligands can modify the behavioral effects of 118 DAergic agonists (and alter the properties of FIN in co-treatment with these drugs) to verify whether this receptor may be an interesting target for TS. The studies reported in Chapters 5 and 6 focused on the specific role of D1 and D2 receptors with respect to the antipsychotic-like effects of FIN. This issue was addressed in both mice and rats, given that evidence on these species has shown some elements of divergence with respect to their sensitivity to DAergic agonists in the modulation of PPI. Indeed, C57/BL6 and other major murine strains have been shown to be highly sensitive to D1, but not D2 receptor agonists; in contrast, D1 receptor agonists do not induce PPI deficits in albino rats (SD and Wistar), but potentiate the effects of D2 receptor stimulation in this paradigm. Our collective results unequivocally indicate that, in both species, the effects of FIN were based on the silencing of D1, but not D2, receptor signal. Assuming that the therapeutic effects of FIN in TS rely on the same mechanisms, these results highlight the potential importance of D1 receptors in TS pathophysiology, and explain why FIN does not induce extrapyramidal symptoms, which are primarily driven by D2 antagonism. Interestingly, our experiments on mouse models documented that FIN treatment dose-dependently sensitized C57BL/6 mice to D2-dependent PPI deficits; these results possibly indicate that the changes in NS profile secondary to 5αR inhibition may play an important role in the responsiveness to different classes of DA receptors with respect to sensorimotor gating. Previous studies have shown that DARPP-32, a key gatekeeper of DA receptor signaling, is targeted by PROG, possibly through the activation of mPRs (see Chapter 1). These data point to DARPP-32 as a key candidate mediator for the effects of FIN. While the involvement of DARPP-32 in TS remains unknown, future studies are warranted to explore the potential of this enzyme as a therapeutic target for TS. In addition to these results, our experiments on SD rats showed that FIN also interferes with the effects on PPI of D3 receptor agonists. While these effects are not likely implicated in the ability of FIN to counter the outcomes of AMPH and APO in PPI, these results highlight an implication of NSs in the regulation of these receptors. In line with this concept, we recently showed that FIN treatment reduced the severity of pathological gambling in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with the D3 receptor agonist pramipexole. Ongoing studies in our lab have replicated these results in animal models of probability discounting, which recapitulate key neuroeconomic functions related to pathological gambling. 119 One of the major limitations of our studies lies in the fact that our key readout criterion, PPI, is not specific for TS, but is also compromised in a broad number of mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and mania. A more direct approach to study the mechanisms of FIN (and, potentially, ABI) in TS may be based on the utilization of specific models that feature spontaneous tic-like responses, such as the D1CT-7 mice (Campbell et al., 1999). In these transgenic animals, the promoter region for the D1 receptor was fused with the enzymatic portion of cholera toxin subunit α1 gene, which leads to a persistent activation of Gs proteins. D1CT-7 mice display explosive jerking movements of the head, trunk and limbs, which are highly reminiscent of tics (Nordstrom and Burton, 2002). In conformity with the gender discrepancies in TS patients, D1CT-7 male mice exhibit more tic flurries than females. Furthermore, the onset of twitching occurs at postnatal day 16 (Nordstrom and Burton, 2002); interestingly, recent studies have found that the changes in steroidal profile at day 16 in rodents are similar to those featured in adrenarche in primates (Pignatelli et al., 2006). Initial studies in our lab recently showed that D1CT-7 mice exhibit a significant reduction in tic severity and stress-dependent PPI deficits following FIN and ABI treatment, further supporting the potential relevance of these mechanisms in TS. In summary, the results of the studies presented in this thesis point to a highly complex set of processes and mechanisms related to the enzymatic functions of 5αR, and reveal this enzyme as a core mediator of important behavioral processes, ranging from motor control to information processing and emotional/motivational functions. Irrespective of mechanistic issues, which await further studies, the scientific progress outlined in this thesis underscores the importance of NSs in the pathophysiology of TS and other psychopathological states related to DAergic imbalances. 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The Role of Negative Life Events in Comorbid Reactive Aggression and Marijuana Use Initiation among Latino Adolescents. J Aggress Maltreat Trauma, in press 5. Stetler DA, Davis C, Leavitt K, Schriger I, Benson K, Bhakta S, Wang LC, Oben C, Watters M, Haghnegahdar T, Bortolato M. Association of low-activity MAOA allelic variants with violent crime in incarcerated offenders. J Psychiatr Res. 2014 Nov;58:69-75 6. Fraschini M, Demuru M, Puligheddu M, Floridia S, Polizzi L, Maleci A, Bortolato M, Hillebrand A, Marrosu F. The re-organization of functional brain networks in pharmacoresistant epileptic patients who respond to VNS. Neurosci Lett, 2014 Sep 19;580:153-7. 7. Godar SC, Bortolato M, Castelli MP, Casti A, Casu A, Chen K, Ennas MG, Tambaro S, Shih JC. The aggression and behavioral abnormalities associated with monoamine oxidase A deficiency are rescued by acute inhibition of serotonin reuptake. J Psychiatr Res. 2014 Sep;56:1-9. 8. Moskovitz J, Walss-Bass C, Cruz DA, Thompson PM, Bortolato M. Methionine sulfoxide reductase regulates brain catechol-O-methyl transferase activity. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 Oct;17(10):1707-13. 9. Frau R, Bini V, Pillolla G, Malherbe P, Pardu A, Thomas AW, Devoto P, Bortolato M. Positive Allosteric Modulation of GABA(B) Receptors Ameliorates Sensorimotor Gating in Rodent Models. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2014 Jul;20(7):679-84. 10. Godar SC, Bortolato M. Gene-sex interactions in schizophrenia: focus on dopamine neurotransmission. Front Behav Neurosci. 2014 Mar 6;8:71. 11. Bortolato M, Bini V, Frau R, Devoto P, Pardu A, Fan Y, Solbrig MV. Juvenile cannabinoid treatment induces frontostriatal gliogenesis in Lewis rats. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 Jun;24(6):974-85. 12. Frau R, Bini V, Pes R, Pillolla G, Saba P, Devoto P, Bortolato M. Inhibition of 17αhydroxylase/C17,20 lyase reduces gating deficits consequent to dopaminergic activation. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Jan;39:204-13. 13. Bortolato M, Godar SC, Tambaro S, Li FG, Devoto P, Coba MP, Chen K, Shih JC. Early postnatal inhibition of serotonin synthesis results in long-term reductions of perseverative behaviors, but not aggression, in MAO A-deficient mice. Neuropharmacology. 2013 Dec;75:223-32. 14. Singh C, Bortolato M, Bali N, Godar SC, Scott AL, Chen K, Thompson RF, Shih JC. Cognitive abnormalities and hippocampal alterations in monoamine oxidase A and B knockout mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jul 30;110(31):12816-21. 153 15. Bortolato M, Frau R, Godar SC, Mosher LJ, Paba S, Marrosu F, Devoto P. The implication of neuroactive steroids in tourette's syndrome pathogenesis: a role for 5α-reductase? J Neuroendocrinol. 2013 Nov;25(11):1196-208. 16. Davis DA*, Bortolato M*, Godar SC, Sander TK, Iwata N, Pakbin P, Shih JC, Berhane K, McConnell R, Sioutas C, Finch CE, Morgan TE. Prenatal exposure to urban air nanoparticulate in mice causes neuronal differentiation and depression-like responses. PLoS One. 2013 May 29;8(5):e64128. 17. Wyatt LR, Godar SC, Khoja S, Jakowec MW, Alkana RL, Bortolato M, Davies DL. Sociocommunicative and sensorimotor impairments in male P2X4-deficient mice. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2013 Sep;38(10):1993-2002. 18. Tambaro S, Tomasi ML, Bortolato M. Long-term CB1 receptor blockade enhances vulnerability to anxiogenic-like effects of cannabinoids. Neuropharmacology. 2013 Jul;70:268-77. 19. Bortolato M, Pivac N, Muck Seler D, Nikolac Perkovic M, Pessia M, Di Giovanni G. The role of the serotonergic system at the interface of aggression and suicide. Neuroscience 2013 Apr 16;236: 160-85. 20. Fraschini M, Puligheddu M, Demuru M, Polizzi L, Maleci A, Tamburini G, Congia S, Bortolato M, Marrosu F. VNS induced desynchronization in gamma bands correlates with positive clinical outcome in temporal lobe pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Neurosci Lett. 2013 Mar 1;536: 14-8. 21. Bortolato M, Yardley MM, Khoja S, Godar SC, Asatryan L, Finn DA, Alkana RL, Louie SG, Davies DL. Pharmacological insights into the role of P2X4 receptors in behavioural regulation: lessons from ivermectin. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2013 Jun;16(5):1059-70. 22. Stancampiano R, Frau R, Bini V, Collu M, Carta M, Fadda F, Bortolato M. Chronic tryptophan deprivation attenuates gating deficits induced by 5-HT(1A), but not 5-HT(2) receptor activation. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2013 Oct;23(10):1329-35. 23. Alzghoul L, Bortolato M, Delis F, Thanos PK, Darling RD, Godar SC, Zhang J, Grant S, Wang GJ, Simpson KL, Chen K, Volkow ND, Lin RC, Shih JC. Altered cerebellar organization and function in monoamine oxidase A hypomorphic mice. Neuropharmacology. 2012 Dec;63(7):1208-17. 24. Frau R, Pillolla G, Bini V, Tambaro S, Devoto P, Bortolato M. Inhibition of 5α-reductase attenuates behavioral effects of D(1)-, but not D(2)-like receptor agonists in C57BL/6 mice. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Apr;38(4):542-51. 25. Bortolato M, Godar SC, Alzghoul L, Zhang J, Darling RD, Simpson KL, Bini V, Chen K, Wellman CL, Lin RC, Shih JC. Monoamine oxidase A and A/B knockout mice display autistic-like features. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2013 May;16(4):869-88. 26. Castelli MP, Casti A, Casu A, Frau R, Bortolato M, Spiga S, Ennas MG. Regional distribution of 5α-reductase type 2 in the adult rat brain: An immunohistochemical analysis. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Feb;38(2):281-93. 154 27. Bortolato M, Godar SC, Melis M, Soggiu A, Roncada P, Casu A, Flore G, Chen K, Frau R, Urbani A, Castelli MP, Devoto P, Shih JC. NMDARs mediate the role of monoamine oxidase A in pathological aggression. J Neurosci. 2012 Jun 20;32(25):8574-82. 28. Davies DL, Bortolato M, Finn DA, Ramaker MJ, Barak S, Ron D, Liang J, Olsen RW. Recent advances in the discovery and preclinical testing of novel compounds for the prevention and/or treatment of alcohol use disorders. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 Jan;37(1):8-15. 29. Bortolato M, Cannas A, Solla P, Bini V, Puligheddu M, Marrosu F. Finasteride attenuates pathological gambling in patients with Parkinson disease. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2012 Jun;32(3):424-5. 30. Yardley MM, Wyatt L, Khoja S, Asatryan L, Ramaker MJ, Finn DA, Alkana RL, Huynh N, Louie SG, Petasis NA, Bortolato M, Davies DL. Ivermectin reduces alcohol intake and preference in mice. Neuropharmacology. 2012 Aug;63(2):190-201. 31. Tambaro S, Bortolato M. Cannabinoid-related agents in the treatment of anxiety disorders: current knowledge and future perspectives. Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov. 2012 Apr 1;7(1):25-40. 32. Devoto P, Frau R, Bini V, Pillolla G, Saba P, Flore G, Corona M, Marrosu F, Bortolato M. Inhibition of 5α-reductase in the nucleus accumbens counters sensorimotor gating deficits induced by dopaminergic activation. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2012 Oct;37(10):1630-45. 33. Bortolato M, Shih JC. Behavioral outcomes of monoamine oxidase deficiency: preclinical and clinical evidence. Int Rev Neurobiol. 2011;100:13-42. 34. Bortolato M, Chen K, Godar SC, Chen G, Wu W, Rebrin I, Farrell MR, Scott AL, Wellman CL, Shih JC. Social deficits and perseverative behaviors, but not overt aggression, in MAO-A hypomorphic mice. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011 Dec;36(13):2674-88. 35. Muroni A, Paba S, Puligheddu M, Marrosu F, Bortolato M. A preliminary study of finasteride in Tourette syndrome. Mov Disord. 2011 Sep;26(11):2146-7. 36. Paba S, Frau R, Godar SC, Devoto P, Marrosu F, Bortolato M. Steroid 5α-reductase as a novel therapeutic target for schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Curr Pharm Des. 2011;17(2):151-67. 37. Bortolato M, Devoto P, Roncada P, Frau R, Flore G, Saba P, Pistritto G, Soggiu A, Pisanu S, Zappala A, Ristaldi MS, Tattoli M, Cuomo V, Marrosu F, Barbaccia ML. Isolation rearing-induced reduction of brain 5α-reductase expression: relevance to dopaminergic impairments. Neuropharmacology. 2011 Jun;60(7-8):1301-8. 38. Godar SC*, Bortolato M*, Frau R, et al. Maladaptive defensive behaviors in monoamine oxidase A-deficient mice. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2011 Oct;14(9):1195-207. 155 DICHIARAZIONE DI CONFORMITÀ DELLE TESI PER IL CONSEGUIMENTO DEL TITOLO DI DOTTORE DI RICERCA (DICHIARAZIONE SOSTITUTIVA DI ATTO NOTORIO E DI CERTIFICAZIONE (artt. 46-47 del D.P.R. 445 del 28.12.00 e relative modifiche) Il/La sottoscritto/a…MARCO BORTOLATO………… Nato/a il…9/1/1976……………………. a …CAGLIARI……………….………………. Provincia/Stato …CA………………………………. Dottorato di ricerca in …NEUROSCIENZE……………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………… a conoscenza del fatto che in caso di dichiarazioni mendaci, oltre alle sanzioni previste dal Codice Penale e dalle Leggi speciali per l’ipotesi di falsità in atti ed uso di atti falsi, decade dai benefici conseguenti al provvedimento emanato sulla base di tali dichiarazioni, DICHIARA sotto la propria responsabilità, ai fini dell’ammissione all’esame finale per il conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di ricerca, di essere a conoscenza che, in conformità al Regolamento dell’Università degli Studi di Brescia per l'ammissione all'esame finale ed il rilascio del titolo per il conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di Ricerca, è tenuto a depositare all’U.O.C. Dottorati e Scuole di Specializzazione: - n. 1 copia in formato cartaceo della propria tesi di dottorato e l’esposizione riassuntiva (abstract) in italiano, se la redazione della tesi è stata autorizzata in lingua straniera; - n. 2 copie della tesi su DVD o CD-ROM per il deposito presso le Biblioteche Nazionali di Roma e di Firenze; DICHIARA inoltre - che il contenuto e l’organizzazione della tesi sono opera originale e non compromettono in alcun modo i diritti di terzi, - che sarà consultabile immediatamente dopo il conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di ricerca, in quanto non è il risultato di attività rientranti nella normativa sulla proprietà industriale, non è stata prodotta nell’ambito di progetti finanziati da soggetti pubblici o privati con vincoli alla divulgazione dei risultati, e non è oggetto di eventuali registrazioni di tipo brevettale o di tutela. - che l’Università è in ogni caso esente da qualsiasi responsabilità di qualsivoglia natura, civile, amministrativa o penale e sarà tenuta indenne da qualsiasi richiesta o rivendicazione da parte di terzi; - che la tesi in formato elettronico (DVD o CD-ROM ) è completa in ogni sua parte ed è del tutto identica a quella depositata in formato cartaceo all’U.O.C. Dottorati e Scuole di Specializzazione dell’Università degli Studi di Brescia e inviata ai Commissari. Di conseguenza va esclusa qualsiasi responsabilità dell’Ateneo per quanto riguarda eventuali errori, imprecisioni od omissioni nei contenuti della tesi. Dichiara inoltre di essere consapevole che saranno effettuati dei controlli a campione. Eventuali discordanze od omissioni potranno comportare l’esclusione dal dottorato di ricerca; Luogo e data Cagliari, 20/1/2015.. Firma del dichiarante ………………………. 155 MODULO DI EMBARGO DELLA TESI (da compilare solo se si richiede un periodo di segretazione della tesi) Il/La sottoscritto/a…MARCO BORTOLATO…………… Nato/a il…9/1/1976………………………………. a (indicare anche l’eventuale paese estero)……CAGLIARI…………………………………….. provincia di (ovvero sigla del paese estero)……CAGLIARI……………………………………. dottorato di ricerca in ……NEUROSCIENZE........…………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………… DICHIARA - che il contenuto della tesi non può essere immediatamente consultabile per il seguente motivo: PARTE DELLA RICERCA NON È ANCORA STATA PUBBLICATA SU RIVISTE SCIENTIFICHE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La motivazione deve essere dettagliata e controfirmata obbligatoriamente dal Tutor e/o Coordinatore (Brevetto, segreto industriale, motivi di priorità nella ricerca, motivi editoriali, altro) - che il testo completo della tesi potrà essere reso consultabile dopo: X 12 mesi dalla data di conseguimento titolo 24 mesi dalla data di conseguimento titolo altro periodo _______________ - che sarà comunque consultabile immediatamente l’abstract della tesi, che viene consegnato alla U.O.C. Dottorati e Scuole di Specializzazione Luogo e Data Firma del Dichiarante Cagliari, 20/1/2015 _____________________________________ Controfirma del Tutor e/o Relatore e/o Coordinatore del Dottorato per la motivazione di embargo e il periodo. ______________________________________ 156