there`s a whisper airpump
there`s a whisper airpump
THERE'S A WHISPER AIRPUMP JUSTFORYOUR TA}IK! Because there are 9 sizes of Whisper Airpump you can choose a modol which almost certainlywill satisfy your exact requirements.Now it is not necessaryto have a pump which is too small so that you don't have adequateair. Equally important, you don't have to have a punrp which gives too much air! By choosinga Whisperyou can avoid overstressing your pumpand overstressrng your fish! f ha rew Whrsper l0OO rdeat lor lhe snEll ftslr h@se- The secret's in the valvel The |ll/hisper secrat for a long. quiet tile The Whrsper pump ls tlre fust and only pump with Sifaflex valves.These new valves will add years of fife to the pump and have a big z-1/./.r, plus - they are quiet -'Whis ;per'quier. ' /,r'A VqD THE RANGE MODEL 100 Th. Moto. Filtrs Mate For all fishbowls & aquariuns up to 4 gallons.ldeal for aeratinga motor filter equipped10 gall.aquariumwiln an actron ornament or aifstone. MODEL 200 A grcat dcal For up to 18" aquariurrs using a bottom fiher or standardundergravelfilter.Also use with airston€sor action ornanEntsin larger rnotor filter equipped aquariums. MODEL 30O Unrivellcd performance For up to 24" aquariumsustngany type of bottom filter, standard undergravelfiltgr or an outside filter. MODEL tloo A littl. mor. For up ro 30" aquariurns using I or 2 bottom lihers, undergravelfilter or an outsido filter & airsrone. MOOEI 600 Thc ideal fint pump For 16" to 3O" aquariuns. Sinply turn the electronic llow control dial for more or less air as's the idealfirst urnp to grow with. MODEL 5OOA porvorful onc For up ro 48" aquariuns using vude tube undergravel filters high capacityoutsidetiltersor to aerateand frlter several smaller aquariuns. "Tee" provrded to converl to one nozzle. MODEL 70O Thc powerhourc For aquariums of 3'6" and aboveand for aeratingand filteringan assortment ol tar*s. "Tee" provided to convert to one nozzle. MOOEL8{XtThc Powcr Hourc Plur For l0 galt. up to | 35gall.aquariums.Turn the elecironc flow controllo' rmre or less air. "Tee" Frovrded lo Convenru one nozzle.You nny' nbver need another dir punrp. !O9EL 1000 Fl.g.hip ot thc rrngo. For 30 to 200gallons.Wth elecrronia llow control.ldeal for the serious aguaflstor the pfotessionalwith severaltanks.. INTERPETTTD Curtrs Roa4 Dorking, Surrey RH4 IDP Distributors of the Whisper - rhe world's best selling airpurnp FOREWORD The 8€station period of most livebearing fishes in this book is around 609 days. 28 days. That ofthe asiaticelephantaverages This book has taken well over 2 years of hard work by many interested peoplebefore its final birth. The complete revision and updating ofthc standardsis ofnecessity a slow painstaking business. Checking and recheckingdrawings and descriptions and has ensureda high degreeofaccuracy. This is the first time that standardsfor guppieshave been included and we are indebted to the Fancy Guppy Association for allowing us to use their outline drawings. The Judges& StandardsCommittee wish to acknowledgethe help given by B. Risbridger, D. Renton, The Newcastle Guppy & Uvebearer Society, A. Blake, D. Hickman, R. Calrow and A. Smith in the preparation of this booklet. Judges& StandardsCommittee: P.W.Cottle,Chairman MrsS.M.Brown,Secretary C.A.T.Brown J.A.Camey D.C.M.Durrant R.D.Esson R. Paine THEGENUSPTEROPHYLLUM To date there are four members of the genus known to the aquarist:-Pterophyllum alnm, P- dumerilii, P. eimeki and P. scalare. These fishes (members of the family Cichlidae) in the wild state originaie from tropical South America. The question as to whether they are really speciesor sub-specieshas yet to be resolved. The fact that crossesgive fertile offspring suggeststhat they are subspecies. A final deicision, however, can only be arrived at by more intensive investigationin the field. Alrhoit all of the specimensavailabieat thb presenttime are products of crosses between P- eimeki and P. scalare and usuallv resemble one or,other of the species. Suprisingly it is evidently nruch easier to interbreed the hybrids than it is to backcrossa hybrid with a pure form, or to breed from wild fishes. Bearing in nrind the fact that most Pterophyllum bred and sold commercially at the presenttime are hybrids, th€ Judges& StandardsCommittee has arrived at what they feel is the desirableshapeand finnagefor thesefishes. On the following pageswe presenta standardfor this fish which we havetermed Pterophrllum Spectur,with a further standardfor the Veittail Angel. Wrere non-standardfishesare exhibited in the sameclassasstandardfishes.due consideration musl be given by the judges that the non-standardtypes do not gain an unfair advantage over those entries that are representativeof the standard. Dal - STANDARDVARIETY PTEROPHYLLUM SPECIES Ouractefistics: Body discJike, strongly compressed. The dorsal and anal fins are approximately equal in length, the dorsalbeing rounded at th€ tip, while the anal terminatesin a point. Both llns to be longer than the body depth. The pelvic lins are produc€d to form filaments, thes€ should be of equal length, shape and form. Split, bent or damagedfilaments are a fault and will be downpointed. Caudal fin to be carried extended, the ouler rays being produced to form filaments. Theseshould be ofthe same length and foreshortened or damaged lilaments are considereda fault and will be downpointed. Both the male and female have the body and finnage shaped as illustrated. Sexing is difficult. However,a reliable method is the ovipositor. When a fish is in breedingcondition this becomesvisibleand is thicker and longer in th€ cas€of the t'emalethan the male. Starulardcolour: Silvery grey overlaid with four black bars, the foremost bar passingthrough the eye; the second crossesthe body; while the third crossesthe body and conlinues into the dorsal and anal fins, terminating at the tips; the fourth bar is situated at the base of the caudal peduncle,anal, dorsal and caudal fins with indistinct black bars, pectoral tins clear, pelvic lins to be matchedand identical in colour. A number of colour varietieshave been developed,among them being the following: Blsck: whete the body and fins are completely black with silvering. Marbled: where the body and fins are marbledwith a pleasing pattern of black and silver. The pelvic filaments to be marbled and matched one to the other, filaments of a singlecolour will be considereda fault and will be downpointed. Blushing: wlrcte the body is without colour, the blushing aspect being achieved because the blood contained in the gills shows through the operculum, which is transparent. Blue: where the basic silver-greybody colour is replacedby steelblue. Gokien: where the basic silver-greybody colour is replacedby paleyellow. Lace: where the colour is darker than the staldard colour, the fins havinga black lace pattern. It is apparent that further colour varieties may appearas well asfisheswith variouslinnage configerations. F.B.A.S. FISHSTANDARD Da2 F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD Da3 _ VEILTAIL VARIETY PTEROPHYLLUM SPECIES Characteristics: Body and fins as illustrated, the body tending to be smaller than the Standard Pterophyllum, but identical in shape. Dorsal and anal fins of approximately the samelength, being almost twice the depth of the body; both fins terminatinSin a point. Pectoral fins longer than in the standard variety. Pelvic fins modified to fomr filaments; these should be equal in length, shap€ and form. Split, bent or damagedfilaments are a fault and will be downpointed. The caudal fin is lengthened, th€ rays of the fin extendinginto filaments,which form a fringe to the extremity of the fin. Unfortunately frayed finnage appearsto be a charactcristicof this variety. This is considereda fault and will be downpointed. Colour: Silveryjrey overlaid with four black bars, the foremost passing through the eye; the second crossesthe body; the third cross€sthe body and continues into both the dorsal and anal fins ending in the extremitiesof the fins; the fourth bar is at the base of the caudal peduncle. Anal, dorsal and caudal luts crossedwith indistinct black bars as illustrated. Pectoral fins clear; Pelvic fins to be matched and identical in colour. F.B.A.S.FISHSTANDARD Da4 t..B.A.S.FISTISTANDARD Das Notes Da6 THE GENUSBETTA Thesefish, nrembersof the AnabantidaeFamilyare in the wild statedistributed throughoutAsia. The rnemberso[ lhe genusknown to aquaristsat the present time arc Bctto brederi, B. etnbellis, ll. fasciata, B. picta, B. pictum, B. pugnLr, B, splendetrs,B. warogdina and Il- tacniata- The best known member of the genus is B. splenlerts, rvhich has becn known and bred by aquaristsfot ntany species for the beginner ycars,and is still regardedasone of the es.sential The other speciescontainedwithin the genus,being not vr wqll known as B. splcndensand only beingseeninfrequeotlyon the show bench,haveyet Io reach the popularity that has been lchieved by the B. splendens. The malesof B. splcndeusarc extrcmelypugnacioustowardsone another,seldomattrcking femxlescxcept at breedingtinre when they cxn be somewhatboistrousduring courtship. 'fhe poprrlarnamefor this particularlish is "The SiameseFighter",so called becauselhe inhabitantsof Sianr (now Thailand) used the natural aggressive instinctso[ the malesto arrangecontests,during which bets were slruck as to who llle winner(sttrvivor)would be To understand the rnethod of fighting of these fishes it is necessaryto appreciatethe mannerin which the anabantidsor labyrinlh fishesas they are called,breathe. Ur ike thc rnajorityofour fisheswho obtainoxygen sonretimes from the water by passingil over their gill rackers,whereby the oxygen is exlractedfrom the water, the labyrinthsobtain a minute amountof oxygenin of their oxygenis oltlaioedwith the help this manner,but the greaterpercentage which permitsthem to take oxygen organ an accessory of "the l-abyrinth" tlre air being taken into the mouth at the surfaceof the liom lhe atmosphere, water and forced throughthe labyrinthwherc an oxygenexchangetakesplace. The labyrinth is not ptesent in newly born fry, only developilrgsome weeks after hatching. Like other groups of fisheswhich have evolved various air breathing organs, the purpose of the evolvementis to enable thesefisheskl live in waters that are badty polluted which would prohibit the fish front living in that particular environment. 'lhus we come back to the fighting aspectof B. splcndens fhe males have rvell devekrpcddorsal,caudal and anal fins, which are used to enveklpethe opponent, prevent hirn from reachingthe surfaceof the water to obtain atlnospheric air, virtually the fish able to refrain from obtaining air from the surfaceis the winner, the los€r stlffocatingfrom lack of oxygen. Surprisinglythe fins are usednot only as a meansof takinglife but of also givingit. llost of the Bettasbuild a bubble nestat the surfaceof the water. This is built by the male,and consistsof a nestof air bubbles,eachbubblebeing enclosedby a hardenedsecretionfrom the male'smouth. It is into this nest that the eggs are hid. The eggsare obtained by the male enveloping a ripe femalewith his analfin, compressing the femaleand forcingthe eggsfrom her vent,the malefertilisingthe eggsat the sametime asthey areexpelled.Theeggs are then collectedby the malein his mouth,and arethen placedin the bubble nest. Two membersof the genuswho do not conformto the acceptedbreeding pattem are B. brederi and B. pugrux, who somevvhatsurprisinglyare mouthbrooders. Finally to sum up, B. splendensis a fish that is easyto keepandspawn,but it must alwaysbe kept in mind that one male per tank must be the rule otherwiselos of fish will result. Charscteistics: A fish noted for the pugnacity of the malestowards each other, Male: Body shapedas illustrated,its greatestdepth to be at least one-third body length. Fins asillustrated. Dorsal and caudal fins to be at leasttwo-thirds body length. L,engthof anal fin to be the same as length of body. Pectoral fins rounded,pelviclins slim and pointeL. Female: Body shapedas illustrated,its greatestdepth to be more than one-third body length. Fins asillustrated,being virtually smallerversionsof the male's. Remarks: The required colours are red, blue, green, black, yellow, cream and gold. Such fish to be selfcoloured, i.e. body, fins and mask all of the samecolour. 'Cambodian' vadety has a cream body and mask The with red fins. 'Cambodian'variety, Multi-coloured fish, apart from the are undesirableand will be down-pointed for colour. The behaviour of the males should be aggressive,this being expressedby the spreadingof the fins and the extensionof the mask. F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD EaZ O"... BETTASPLENDENS. I ' ,I S I IS T A N D A R D T'.R.4.S Ea3 On removingthe operculumand removingthe gillsand gill archesof a labyrinth fish, one would see the Labyrinth. This is an auxillary breathingorgan that enables these fishes to survive in waters with very low oxygen contents; as they are able to take in oxygen from the air at the water's surlace. A The ldhyinth B-Agirydrch Ea4 BETTA SPLENDENS.n"*-,. CrownVarietv MALE: Thecoudolfin roysto exlendto o minimumof I % timesthe lengthof ihe lengthof the fin membrone-Dorsolond onol fin rqyslo exlendo moximumof the some length of their fin membrone. The perimeterof lhe roysof lhe dorsolond onol fins lo form o pleosingcurve. The perimeterof the roys of lhe coudolfin to form o semi-circle.All fins to be corriederect. Coudol pedunclelo be copobleof corrying the coudolfin. FEMALE: The coudolfin to be smollerthon lhot of lhe mole,forming more like o delto shope. Dorsol,onol ond ventrolfins ore olso shorler. Fin membroneto covero minimum of lhree quorlers lhe length of the fins. Coudol pedunclelo be norrowerthon ihe mole. All fins to be cqrriederect. a tBAS 2006 FBASFISII GUIDE BETTA SPLENDENS. n"g"". Half Moon Variety MALEI with the diomeleredge Thecoudolfin to form o semi-circle lo be os slroightos possible. lJpperond lower diometer edgesto be ;n line wilh eoch other. Coudol diometerto be lessthon the exlremitiesof the top of ihe dorsolfin ond the boitom of the onol fin. Fin roysof the coudqlmusl nol protrudebeyondthe perimeleredge of the fin. Dorsolond onol fins io be os the guide drowing. All fins to be corried erecl. Coudol peduncleto be copoble of corryingthe coudolfin. FEMALE:As ihe mole exceplthol the coudolfin diometerto be less thon th ree timesthe depthof the coudol peduncle.Dorsol, onol ond venlrolfins io be smollerlhon lhose of lhe mole ond os per the guide drowing. Coudol peduncle1o be norrowerthon ihol of the mole. All {insio be corriedereci. l-- FBAS 2006 fJo I : B A SF I S I ] ( ; I , 1 I ) I BETTA SPLENDENS.rr"*",' Plakat Varietv MAI.E: lhis is o relotivelyshorl-finnedvorietywhich is somewhot closerto lhe wild form of Seftospiendens. The fish should generolly presenl o robust oppeqronce. The verJicol height of the dorsollo be no greolerlhon the hei.Jhtof the deepestport of the body. Thecoudoltobewiderfrom lop lo bollom lhon its lengih ond should be'spode' shoped. The leodingedgesof the coudolshouldform on ongle of lessthon 180 degrees. Core shouldbe loken lo downpoini exhibitslhoi disploytroits o{ the Holf t*oon vorietyin theirfinnoge. Thedorsolqndonolfins to extend oboveond below lhe coudolfin respeclively ond to culminole in o discernoblepoinl. The roys of lhe fins extend slightlyfrom the fin membronelo give lhe edge of ihe fins o 'wovy'oppeoronce.All fins shouldbe corriederecl. FEMALEI The finnoge is generollysimilor to thot of the mole but should be somewhotshorler ond lhe ierminol poinls of lhe dorsolond onolfins ore lesspronounced.The coudol is more rounded (lessdiscernobly'spode'shoped). The dorsolshouldnol be os high os the body is deep. All fins shouldbe corriederecl. o IBAS 200? IIIAS llsll \,1 1111, POECILIA RETICUTATA. PEtETS For the lirst time ever the Federation is able to incorporate the Cuppys into this booklet, Cultivated Tropical Show Standards. This has bein made possibleby the co{rperation of the Fancy Guppy Association,in that th€y granted pernrissionto the Federation to use their Standard Outlines. ln expressingour gratitude we also acknowledgetheir work and exDertisein this their chosenfield. We have taken the standardoutlines and filled them in, an<lby doing so we hope, brought thenr to life. For while it may be true that the "Guppy Enthusiastmay only requirea basicstandardoutline as a suide to which he will try and breedhis fish, we feel that the generalfishkeeper, not beingan expert, requiresa standardthat represenlsthe fish in a nnre lifelike way to enable him to assesshis fish against the standard wittr any degree of accuracy, We would stress that none of the standard outlines have been altered or modifted in any way from the originals,the generaldescriptionsofthe fishes are freely based on those issued by the Fancy Guppy Association, as are those for the recognisedcolours. Finally the Federation would draw to show organise$'attention the Show CJassLettering System itr which guppys havebeenallotted basicclasslerrers, 'O' for malesand 'P' for females. Within thesebasicclassesevery variety has been given a subdivision letter which allows the variety to be shown only competing againstits own type. We all agreethis is the ideal way for guppys to be shown, for in keeping with other man-madefisbes the guppy"h at a disadvantagewhen shown in clases with natural fish. BASICBODYCOLOURS GREY Femalewith olivegrey body and dark-edgedscales.Fins clear or any colour. Male has body basically the samecolour as the femalewith variedoverlay of other coloun, fins any colour. F.B.A.S.FTSHSTANDARD o1 GOLD (= DLOND = CREAM) Eye black seenfrom any angle. Femalewith buttercup-yellowbody (8.S. Colour Code 53 is the ideal) and no black markingson body except in halfblacks and three{uarter blacks. Fins clear or any colour. Male has body basically the samecolour as the female with varied overlay of other colours. Finsany colour. GOLD-LACED Femalewith old gold body and all scalesedgedwith black. Fins clear or any colour. Male has body basically the samecolour as the female with varied overlayofother colours. Finsany colour. ALBINO Eyes must appearpink or red seenfrom any angle. Femalewith light yellow body, fins clear or any colour. Male has body basically the samecolour as the femalewith variedoverlay ofother colours. BLUE Thele is a basic body colour Blue in which there is very reduced red and yellow pigmentation. It is very rare in this country and will normallY be judged as Grey. WHITE This is the combination Blue + Gold. Thesefish have black eyes and white bodies with no strong red or yellow colours. They will be jtdged as Gold. AssessingBasicEody colours Basic body colours are defined initially with respect to females(or fry). In highly coloured malesit may be necessaryto look at the top of the head to seeexactly what basicbody colour the fish is. Half-black and threequafter black are deltned as secondarybody colours and can occur on any basic body colour, though they may be faint on Gold and virtually undetectableon Albino. Half-black: black pigmentation fiom caudalbaseto half-wayalongthe body. blackpigmentation from caudal baseto the joints of the pectoral fins. Fins may be any colour in either case. F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD 02 MALEG;PPIES ROUNDTAIL just under half the body length' Abroad A completety round€d caudal fin, ' rounded basediorsal fin, shortand slightly COFERTAIL Short slim pointed dorsal fin' Caudal fin in the shape of a cofer shovel' SPEARTAIL point' long narrow dorsal fin tapering Spearshapedcaudalfin, taPeringto a id a poini, stightlyupturnedat the end' , ,03 F.B.A.S.'FISHSTANDARD MALE GUPPIES PINTAIL Rounded caudal fin the centrethree rays forming a pointed extension. Short pointed dorsal lin. LYRETAIL Caudal fin similar in shape to a lyre vr'ith the extensions curved and pointed as shown in th€ dmwlng. Dorsal fin pointed, its postcrior point curved. F.E.A.S.FISH STANDARD I o4 t MALEGUPPIES TOPSWOBD Sword extension from the top of a round caudal fin, tapering to a point. l,ong and pointed dorsal fin, extendingbeyond caudalpeduncle. BOTTOMSWORD Sword extension from the bottom of a round caudalfin, taperingto a point. lrng pointed dorsal fin, extendingbeyond caudalpeduncle DOUBLESWORD Caudal fin round with the upper and lower rays forming extensionsat an angle, as shown in the drawing. ldrng pointed dorsal fin, extending beyond caudalDeduncle. F.B.A.S.FISHSTANDARD o5 MALE GUFPIES LONG DORSAL VEILTAIL Caudal fin wide, held well spread,shapeas illustrated. Dorsal fin long aliil rounded at tip, extendingbeyond the caudalpeduncle. S H O R TD O F S A LV E I L T A I L Caudal fin is the same shape as for the l-ong Dorsal Veiltail. Dorsal fin short and rounded. O F I G I N A LV E I L T A I L Caudal fin longer and less rounded at the extremities than with the Long Dorsal Veiltail. The dorsallin short and shapedas illustrated. F.B.A,S.FISII STANDARD o6 MALE GUPPIES DELTATAIL rounded' Cauclalfin shapedas an equilateralt angle,cornelsmay be slightly peduncle' Dorsal fin rounded,extendingto the caudal FANTAIL Caudalfir approximatelyequalto ihe body length,triangular.inslrape,well rounded at-.ilie extremities, marginsstraight. (lt is permissiblefor this fish to of carry its caudalfin at an angleto the body. Unlike all theother varieties, to fins straight caudal their which both the males and femalesshorrldcarry extending rounded long and fin body) Dorsal extension ofthe the rear,asan well beyond the caudalpeduncle. r.B.A.S.FIS}ISTANDARD 01 t MALE GUPPIES I DOVETAIL in Caudal fin long ancl giadually widening with straight margins,nearly equal the beyond extending pointed, to fin be l;ngth to that;f thJbody. Dorsal caudalpeduncle. I SCARFTAIL the length Length of the caudal fin to be approximatelyone and a half times ti" nn- which should be striignt. Dorsal fin to be pointed' extending "f beyond caudalpeduncle. F.B:A.S.FISHSTANDARD o8 FEMALEGUPPIES WEDGETAIL The caudal fin -to form an equilateraltriangle, the corners of which may be sliglrtlv rounded. Dorsal fin very short and rounded. SCALLOPTATL Caudal fin with pointed extensionsto upper and lower margins, posterior margin to b€ convex. Dorsalfin short and Dointed. r.B.A.S.FISHSTANDARD P1 FEMALEGUPP]ES METROPOLITAN Caudal fin extending to a point, the length and width to be equa! to half the body length. Dorsal fin short and pointed. terminatingpiior to the caudalpeduncle. SUPERBA Caudal fin rounded, the length and width to be equal to half the body length. Dorsal fin short and rounded, t€rminating prior to the caudal peduncle, F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD P2 FEMALEGUPPIES COFERTAIL Caudalfin shapedasillustrated.Dorsallin pointed,termlnatingbeforethe caudalDeduncle. F.8.4.S.FISHSTANDARD, P3 FEMALEGUPPIES ROUNDTAIL Caudal fin circular, the diameter to be just under half the body length. Dorsal tb shod and curved,shapedasillustrated. NATURALTAIL The upper and lower outlines of tlre caudal fin to form part of a circle lusr less than half body length, the posterior margin to be slightly nattened. Do.sal fin short, curved and shapedasillustrated. F.B.A.S.FISII STANDARD P4 THE GENUSXIPHOPHORUS This gcnrrsconsistsof a group of livebearingfisheswhich include Xiphophorus clemenciae, X. couchianus, X. gordini, X. hellert, X. maculatus, X- millei, X. mot ezunue, X- ptgnaes, X. variatus and X. xiphidium. Of these,X. helleri, X, maculalus and,X. vari0tushave for many years been selectivelybred for a variety of colours which are stable, i.e. the fisheswithin a parlicular colour variety breed true to the standardcolours. Along with the variouscolour varieties,a great deal ofwork llas beencarried out in developing the finnage, and we have included at the reguest of the Newcastle Guppy and Livebeater Society, standards lor the X. hel]eri, X. maculatus and X. rariatus lJi-fins. We also include once again the X. helleri Simpsontype lli'fin. Further nerr varietiesconsideredby the Judges& StandatdsCommittee were the brush and pintail varietiesof platies. lt was reasorredthat to include both types could result in a number of interrnediatefishesbeing exhibited. Therefore it wasdecidedthat the pintail would be the acceptedstandard. Colour varietiescontained within this booklet not only include thosc published in the previous editions, but also a number of varicties that have sincelhe lasl revision. becomeslandardised Finally, the Judges & Standards Committee wishes to point out that the colour standard for the black X. helleri is unacceptableto the Newcastle Guppy and Livebearer Society, who state that attempts to breed for black pigmentation in the linnage, results in engendering cancer in the aforementioned finnage. Wrile acceptingthe sincerity of the N.G.L.S. the Judges& StandardsCommittee feel that it should adhereto the standardthat has been accepted over the years, but at the same time it is prepared to publish any to it. informationon this phenomenathat is presented ot XIPHOPHORUS HELLERI(Heckel) ,i' 'r:: i ,' rr i:',! 1: Chardcteristics: Of streamlined appearance. The male only carrying the swordlike extensionto the caudalfin. Male: Body and linnage shapedas illustrated. Dorsal fin held erect, the first ray not extendingto the outer marginof the fin' The caudal fin has a sword-like extension which in adult fish shoutdideallybe equalin lengthto that of lhe body. Pectoral fins roundetl. Pelvic fins pointed. Anat fin adaptedto form a frrllvdcvelopedgonoPodium- Fentale: Body and finnage shapedas illustrated. The dorsal fin to be held erect, the first ray not extending to the outer margin. Caudal fin without extended rays, well spreadand contoured as illustrated. Pectoral,pelvic and anal fins rounded. Anal fin to be without gonopodial charactelistics. The exhibiting of male characteristicsis to be considered a fault and will be down pointed. The female is also deeper bodied and larger than the male. IT.B.A.S. IJISHSTANDARD a2 HELLERI{HI-FINI XIPHOPHORUS The body and Snnage of tlis variety is the sarneas that for the standardX. hetleri, excepl for the saillike dsrsal fin, which is rounded in the male, and truncated in the female. The finnageofboth sexesto be asillustrated. It is realisedthat becauseof the exaggerateddevelopmentof the dorsal fin' especially in the male, that some specimenswhen exhibited may not display this fin to its fullest extent. Therefore, fishesthat fail to display their dorsal fin in the mannet illustrated will be downpointed for deportment, and females showingmale charactedsticswill aldo be downpointed. F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD o3 HELLERI HI-FIN XIPHOPHORUS (SIMPSON} VARIETY Male: Body and finnage shaped as illustrated. Dorsal fin higNy developed,to be carried in an erect Position. Other chamcter. istics as for th€ standardX. hellerl Female: Dorsal fin highly developed as for the male, but shorter in lengh. Body and rest of fins as for the standard X. hellei. Fernalesexhibiting male characteristicswill be downpointed. Cobur: As for the standard X. hellen. F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD 04 HELLERI XIPHOPHORUS SICKLEVARIETY Mdle: Body and finnage shaped as illustrated. The drosal fin is developedbeyond that of the standardX- hellei,the forutafi. rays being produced to a point. The caudal fin is developed with the upper rays forming a form of second sword; this developmentis shorter than the sword proper and is curved stightly downwards. Anal fin developedinto a fully developed gonopodium reaching to the base of the caudal peduncle. as for Pelvicfins extendedand poinled. Otlter characteristics the slzrrdafi X. helleri. Fennle: Body and {innage shaped as illustrated. Dorsal fin lesswell developedthan the male. Caudal fir with upper and lower sword-like extensions, these to be straight and somewhat shorter than the male. Pectoral,pelvic and alal fins rounded. Femalesexhibiting male characteristicswill be downpointed. Colour: As for the standardX. hellei with the exception ofthe upper caudal extension which will be the same as the basic body colour. This does not apply to the Wagtailwhere the whole of the caudal fin must be black. Colour for femalesis as for F.B.A.s.FISHSTANDAiTb the appropriatemale. I COLOUBS STANDARD Although it is accepted by the Judges& StandardsCommittee that through selectivebreedingcolour varieliesotlter than those recognlsedcan be produced. The standard colours listed here have a history of proven colour stability, and will be given preferencewhen exhibits are being judged for colour. The following colour pattelns apply to both malesand females. llikl fomt: The basic body colour is a light-olive green, with an intense red lateral line, some specimensmay be seen that have a pattern of black mottling on the basic body colour, this mottling if present should be even and ofa pleasingappearance. The colour of the sword must be either light orange, red or green, the entire sword should be edged qdth black. Albino: The body and fins to be free of all pigmentation. The eye must be red or pink. Berlin: The ground colour of the body to be light red, the front half to be spangledas in the lnndon variety, lhe rear half to be 'll|e fins to be light red with black devoid of spangling. 'l'he sword yellow edgedwith black. markings. Illack: The body to be an evenshiny black, the black spreadingas far aspossibleinto all the fins including the sword. Golden: The body and fins, including tlre sword, to be a clear golden yellow without reflectionsor olher markings, Lodon: Thebasicbodycolourorange,regularlyscattered with metallic green,blackedgedspangles. The finsyellow,the swordyellow edgedwith black. F"B.A,S.FISH STANDARD Red: Tlre body and fins to be an intensescarletwithout metallic reflections or other markings. (The lack of red colouralion beneath the throat and anal contour of the body is considered a fault and will be downpointed.) The sword to be yellow edgedwith black. Red Eyed Red: The body, fins, includingsword and the eye, to lre an intense scarlet without metallic reflections or other markings. (l.ack of red colouration benaath throat, and anal contour of the a fault and will be downpointed.) body,ls considered Tbxedo: Basic body colour to be either buff, scarletor green, wlth a black triangle superimposedupon it, the basecoincidlng with the caudalpeduncle,the apex with the eye, the coloursto be well-defined. The fins to match the basic body colour. The swordyellowedgedwilh black. Wdgtail: Body colour to be either red, yellow, or light olive-green. The lattel to carry an intensered lateral line. All fins, including the sword, to be matt black. (Fishesexhibiting a lack of black plgment in the meml)ranebetween the rays of the fins will be downpointed for colour.) F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD . o7 Comet: Body and fins red or yellow,caudalfin with Cometmarketing in black. Sword centreas body colour edgedwith black. MarEoA: Forepartof body yellow, with rear lhird of body red, ihe rneetingof the lwo coloursbeingill-defined. Dor<alandanal finsyellow,caudalfin andswordred. Wehbaden: The upper half of the body to be either intensescarletwilhout metallic reflections, or light olive-greenwith an intense red lateral line. The lower half of tlro body being an intenseblack. The two zones to be sharply defined. The fins to be coloured accordingto their zones. The sword to be yellow edgedwilh black. F.B.A.S.FISHSTANDARD o8 MACULATUS(Gunther) XIPHOPHORUS Male: Body and linnage as illustrated, the head between the eyos being convex. The dorsal fin to be held erect, the front rays being longer than the hind rays. Caudal fin rounded, the $eatest v/idth when spread to approximate the depth of the body. Pectoral ffns rounded. Pelvic fins pointed, the first my being modified. The anal fin is adaptedto form a f-ully developedgonopodium. Female: Body and finnage as illustrated, somewhat laryer than the male. Dorsal, caudal and pectonl fins similar to the male. Pelvic and anal fins rounded. The exhibiting of male characteristics is considered a fault and will be down pointed. F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD RI MACULATUS{HI-FIN) XIPHOPHORUS The body and finnage of this variety is the same as that for the standardX. nuculatus except for the saillike dorsal fin, which is rounded in the male, and pointed in the female. The finnageof both sexesto be as illustrated. It is realisedthat becauseof the exaggerateddevelopmentof the dorsal fin, especially in the male, that some specimenswhen exhibited may not display this fin to its fullest extent- Therefore, fishes that fail to dislay their donal fin in the manner illustrated will be downpointed for depo{tment, and females showing male characteristicswill also be downpointed. F,B.A.S.FISII STANDARD. R2 XIPHOPHORUS MACULATUS(PIN-TAIL} The body and finnage of this variety is the same as that for the standardXmaaiatus, except that the central rays of the cauda! fin are produced to form a point, givingthe variety its common name. The shape of the caudal fin is illustrated in the accompanyingdrawing and any deviation from the presentedoutline is considereda fault and will be downpoinied. Only the mald is illustmted, but the female also carriesthe produced caudal lin as in the male, but females showing male characteristicswill be downpointed. F.B,A.S.FISH STANDARD R3 MACULATUS XIPHOPHORUS STANDARDCOLOURS Although it is accepted by the Judges& StandardsCommittee that through selectivebreedingcotour varietiesotller than those recognisedcan be produced, the standard colours listed here have a history of proven colour stability and will be given preference when exhibits are being judged for colour. The following colour patternsapply to both malesand females. Camet: Basicbody colourred, blue or yellow. The fins to be of the of the samecolourasthe body exceptthat the outerrnargins caudalfin will be black(cometmarking). Black: Body an evenshiny black - this colour spreadingas far as possibleinto the fins. BIue: Body an evenmetallicblue without other marking. All fins hyaline. Marigold: Forepartof body yellow, with rear third of body red, the meetingof the two coloursbeingill defined.Dorsalfin yellow, analfin red. F.B.A.S,FISH STANDARD I R4 Moon: Threecolourvarietieshavenow beenapprovedby the Judges & StandardsCommittee,i.e. YellawMoon, wherethe basic body colour will be chromeyellow,caudalfin yellow,dorsal fin red; this colour beingconfinedto the fin. BlueMoon, bodymetallicbluewith hyalinefins. RedMoon,bodyan even as far as possibleinto the matt scarlet,this colour spreading fins. The moon effect on the threebasiccoloursis to be either the half.moonor the full-moonand thesewill be portrayedin blackon the caudalpeduncle. Spangkd: Body to be of any self colour,bodyandfins regularlyscattered with blacksDots. Sunset: Forepartof body yellow with rear third of body bright red, the meetingof the two coloursbeingill-defined.Dorsaland caudalfinsred. F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD llc Tuxedo: Basic body colour to be either buff or scarlet with a black triangle superimposedupon it, the base coinciding with the eye. The colours to be well defined. The resDectivefins to match the body colour. Victory: Body antl fins chrome yellow, other than the dorsal fin which is briglrt red. Outer rays of caudalfin black. llteisbaden: The upper half of the ttody to be scarlet or buff without metallic reflections, the lower half of the body being an intense black. Dorsal and caudal lms coloured the same as the upper part of the body. Anal fin black. F,B.A.S.FISH STANDARD Wugtail: Body cotourto be eitherred,yellowor blue. All finsto be an intense black. (Fishesexhibiting a lack of black pigment in the membranesbetween the rays of the fins will be downpointedfor colour.) Yellow: Body an even chrome yellow, this colour spreadingas far as posible into the fins. Red: Body an even matt scarlet, this colour spreadingas far as posslbleinto the fins. F.B.A.S.FISHSTANDARD R7 VARIATUS{Meek} XIPHOPHORUS Mole: Female: Body and finnageshapedas illustrated. Dorsal fin as large as possible. Caudalfin well spread. Pectoralfins rounded. Pelvic fins pointecl. The anal fin is adaptedto form a fully developed gonopodium. Body and finnageshapedasillustrated. Dorsal fin smallerthan the male but similar in shape. Caudal fin rounded and well spread. Pelvic, pectoral and anal fins rounded. The femaleis largerand deeperbodiedthan the male and the exhibitingof male characteristicsare a fault and will be down pointed' F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD RB XIPHOPHORUS VAR]ATUS{HI-FIN} The body and finnage of this variety is the same as that for the standardX. vdriatus, except for the sailJike dorsal fin, which is rounded in the male, and pointed in the female- The finnageofboth sexesto be as illustrated. It is realisedthat becauseof the exaggerateddevelopmentof the dorsal fin, especially in the male, that some specimenswhen exhibited may not disolav lhis fin to its fullest extent. Therefore.fishesthat fait lo dhplay their donal fin in the manner illustrated will be dolvnpointed for deportmlnt, and females showingmale characteristicswlll also be do\r,nDointed. F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD Hb VARIATUS- STANDARDCOLOURS XIPHOPHORUS Although it is accepted by thc Judges& StandardsCommittee that tlrrough seleclivebreedingcolour varietiesoth€r than those recognisedcan be produced, the standard colours listed here have a history of proven colour stability and will be givenpreferencewhen exhibits are beingjudged for colour. MALES Leopard: Basic body colour yellow, overlaid with mauve and blue, upper half of body speckled with black spots. Dorsal fin yellow with even black border, caudal fin bright red, this colour extending forwards along caudalpeduncle. Maigod: Forepart of bo<ly yellow with rear third of body bright red' the meeting of the two colours being ill{efined. Dorsal and anal fins yellow, caudal fin red. Sunset: Foreparfof body yellow with rear third of body bright red, the meeting of thi two colours being ill-defined. Dorsal and caudalfins red, F.B.A.S.FISI{ STANDARD R10 ;' Tigcr: Basic body colour yellow, overlaid willr mattveor blue. Sides have a number of evenly spaced vertical black bars. Dorual fin yellow wilh an evenblnck border. Cnudalfin bright red. ntxedo: Ilasic body colour to be either buff or scarlet with a black triangle superimposedupon it, the bese coinciding wltlr the caudal peduncle, the ap€x with the eye, the colours to be welldefirred- The fins to match the body colour. FEMALES lintire body and fins to be either olive greenor scintillaling light brown, a well delined dark line being apparentalong the mlddle of the sides. Any other pignrcntationon the body ir considereda fault, and will be downrrointsd. F.B.A.S.FISHSTANDARD I R11 ' R12 THE GENUSPOECILIA The genus Poeciliawhich, since its revision by Rosen and Bailey in 1963, contains some 32 species,thereby being secondonly to the genusGambusiain the numb€r oflivebearing speciesit contains. The membersof the genusthat we are especiallyinterestedin here, Poecilia Iatipinna, P. mexbaru and P. velifera, are contained among those fisheswho, prior to the revisionin 1963, were known as Mollienesia. These specieshave been selectivelybred for a variety of colours which are stable, i.e. the fisheswithin a colour variety breed true to the standardcolours. Along with the various colour vdrieties lhe P. mexicana has also had its finnage developedinto the variety known asthe lyretail. A further development is included with the P m*icana x P. latipinna cross, and while it is not the policy of the Judges& StandardsCommittee to indiscriminantly encouragethe exhibiting and breeding of hybrids, the P. mexicano x P. latipirun cross, has been found to breed true to form and colour, It is also undetstood that this hybrid occurs naturally in the wild and was at one time known as Mollienesia "Fomtosa". The Committee has tlrerefore include a standard for this fish following discussionswith the NewcastleGuppy and LivebearerSociety s1 POECILIAMEXICANA(Cuvier& Valenciennesl Male: Fentale: Dody ancl finnage shapedasillustrated. The dorsal fin is short based, 8 to 1l rays, commencing midway along the body' Caudal fin rounded and well spread' Pectoral fins rounded' Pelvic tins pointed. Anal fin adaptedto form a gonopodium' Colouring metallic blue'green. pectoral' Botly and ftnnage shaped as itlrrstrated' Caudal' pelvic an<l anal fins rounded. Colour as in the male The down exhjbiting of mal€ characteristicsis a fault and will be pointed. I F.e.A.s. FIsHstaNoann s2 PoEclLlA MEXIcANA (Cuvier& Valenciennesl LIBERTYVARIETY Male: Body and fins shapedasillustrated, the dorsal {in commencing half-way along the body. Caudalfin rounded and well spread. Pectoral fins rounded. Pelvic fins pointed. Anal ftn adapted to form a fully developedBonoPodium. C.olour: toody steel blue. Dorsal and caudal fins, inner third black, centre third yetlow, outer third red, all other fins hyaline. Female: Body somewhatdeeperthan for the male. Dorsal fin shaped as for the male but smaller. Caudal fin rounded and well spread. Pectoral, pelvic and anal fins rounded. Females exhibiting male characteristicswill b; downpointed. C;olour:body bl.ueArey.lins hyaline. F.B.A.S.FISH STANDARD s3 POECILIAMEXICANA(Cuvier& Valenciennes) LYRETAILVARIETY Molc: Body and finnageshapedas illustrated,the upper and lowcr rays of the caudal fin being extendedto forrn the lyre-tail whicir should be well spread,wittr the extremitiesof the fin equal in length. Dorsal,pectoraland pelvic fins alsoslightly extended.Anal fin adaptedto form a gonopodium. Fenulc: Body and finnage shapedas illustrated. Finnagesmallerthan with the nrale,the anal fin to be without gonopodialcharacteristics. Rentarks: The illustrations are of the black variety, which should be completely matt black without spangling. Other colour varietiesare: albino (wherethe eyeshouldbe distinctlyred or pink), bluegreenand speckled(wherethe patterningshouldbe a pleasing one of silverand black. F.B.A.S.FISI'ISTANDARD s4 POECILIAMEXICANAX POECILIALATIPINNA VARIETY BLACKAND SPECKLED Male: Body and finnage shapedas illustrated. Dorsal fin to be carried erect. Caudal fin rounded and well spread. Pectoral fins rounded. Pelvic fins pointed. Anal fin adaptedto form a fully developedgonopodium. Colour: Two colour varietiesare accepted. Black - where the entire body and fins are entirely matt black (any white or silver on the fish is considered a fault and will be downpointed). Speckled - where the entire body and finnage shouldbe a pleasingpatternof blackand silver. Female: Body similar to the male but deeperand longer. Dorsalfin much smallerthan the rnalebeingsimilarin shapeand sizeto that of the femaleP. mexicana. Caudal fin rounded and well spread. Pectoral, pelvic and anal fins rounded. Females exhibitingmalecharacteristics will be downpointed. Colour; As for the male. F,B.A.S.FTSNSTANDARD J5 POECILIAVELIFERA(Reganl Male: . Fenrule: Body and finnage shapedas illustrated' Dorsal fin extrem€ly large and long based, containing 18 or 19 rays This fin in show specinrensshould be held erect. Caudalfin rounded and well spreadbut not symmetrical,the lower rays extendingto a spike-like extension. Pectoral fins rounded. Pelvicfins point' ed. The anal fin adapted to form a fully developedSonoPodium. The body colouring resemblesthat of P. latipinna'.b\l is more intense, being bluegreen on the sides, overlaid with silver-greento blue sPots. A number of dark blue streaksare bars at the apparent on the sides,with 3 to 5 dark trarLsverse fins may someand pelvic dorsal caudal fins. The level of the times be borderedwith orange. Other colour varietiesare: albino (where the eye should be distinctly red or pink), gold, black and speckled(wbere the patterning should be a pleasing one of silver and black)' Frequently this specie, as with P. lLtipinna, ts seen with a nodule precedingthe first ray of the dorsal fin (see insert)' This. is considereda fault and as such will be down pointed' Bocly and finnage shaped irs illustrated. Dorsal fin rounded' Caudal fin rounded and without spike. Pectoral, pelvic and ahal fins rounded. The exhibiting of male characteristicsis a fault and will be down Pointed' Greyish in colour with rows of dark spots in the bluegreenvariety. Other colours asfor the male. F,B.A.S.FISH STANDARD s6 F.B.A.S.FISHSTANDARD" POECILIALATIPINNA(LeSueur) Male: Body and linnage shaped as illustrated. Dorsal fin large and sailJikehaving 13 to 16 rays. This fin in show specimens to be held erect. Caudal fin rounded and well spread. Pectoral fins rounded, pelvic fins pointed. The aaal fin adapted to form a fully developedgonopodium. Colouring sinrilar to P. wlilero, but less intense, being blue-green to brorvn above, with a pearly iridescencc,and 6 or 6 horiz-ontalbandsof red, blue and greenspots,with 4 or 5 faint transversebars at the level of the pelvic fins. The dorsal and caudal fins ,nay sometimesbe bordered with orange. Other colour varietiesare albino (where the eye should be distinctly red or pink), gold, black and speckled(where the patterning should be a pleasingone of silver arrd black). Frequently this specie, as with P velifera, is seen with a nodule preceding the first ray of the dorsal fin (see inser). This is considereda fault and as suchwill be down oointed. Female: Body and finnage shaped as illustrated. Dorsal fin rounded. Caudallin roundedand well spread. l,ectoral,pelvicand anal fins rounderl. The exhibitingof male characteristics is to be colsidereda fault and will be down pointed. Colour is nruch iess intensethan the male in the bluegreenvariety;other colourvafietiesasfor the male. F.B.A.S.FISII STANDARI) F.B.A.S.FISTISTANDARD s9 il[lltr tll The fresh approachto flaked fish food. \A/hatdifferencewill Aquarian make to my fish? Feedingyour fish Aquarian will make them bieeerand brighter becauseit's madefrom {resh fodil. lt provid6svour fish with essential vitaminl, protein'sand amino acidsin a scientificallv balanceddiet that none of the world's fish foods canmatch for quaiity. Aquarian hasa tasiefish actuallypreferas it's dosestto their naruralfood. Beciule of this your fish will thrive, reachinepeakcondition. Fbr breeding fish this is esp"eiiallyimportant. Aquariai fed fish show their'true coloursand wfethgr y9u're a -* .. s ' noDDylstor specralst I nothing canbe more rewarding. 14( Manulaclued and dishibuted by Thomas's, Pellon Lane, Hatilax -' ytlulfish 0ive ll|e[esf Tetrais a complele rangeof carefully balancedfoods developedover 20 yearsof researchinto the diet of virtuallyeverytype of lish. So when you feedyourf ish Tetra foodvou canbe surethat you aregivingthem the bestthat monevcan buy. e !'ilrtn ra