Introduction of H-FAME Technology H-FAM E (Partially Hydrogenated FAM E) : New alternative biodiesel superior in ox idation and therm al stabilities, and produced after the partial hydrogenation of the current FAM E. H-FAM E is m onoene-rich FAM E. Dr. Yuji YOSHIMURA Leader/Research Director of Thailand-Japan SATREPS Project, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan Dr. Paritud BHANDHUBANYONG Project Director of Thailand-Japan SATREPS Project, Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM) -TISTR, Thailand WS on higher blending of biodiesel (17-18, September 2015 @Bangkok) 1 H-FAME from Thailand-Japan collaboration H-FAME technology is developed through Thailand-Japan collaboration SATREPS PJ of “Innovation on production and automotive utilization of biofuels from non-food biomass” (FY2010-FY2015) Japan Kingdom of Thailand KMUTNB Japan Science and Technology Agency Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Japan International Cooperation Agency • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) • Waseda University • National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) •Thailand Institute of Science and Technological Research (TISTR) •King Mongkut’s University of Technology NB 2 Contents 1. Background and motivation 2. What is H-HAME ? How to produce H-FAME ? P artially Hydrogenated FAM E (H-FAM E) as a new alternative biodiesel 3. Properties and advantages of H-FAME 4. Feasibility of H-FAME 5. On-road durability tests by using B20 fuel blended with Palm H-FAME 6. Future plan for H-FAME technology 7. Conclusions 3 1. Background: Importance of quality assurance FAME as an alternative fuel, and used as a diesel blend stock, but easy to be oxidized….. Bx Fresh B100, and Bx Storage/delivery Quality assurance Vehicle use Low er blending Bx can be used safely in vehicles, if Bx quality is assured. Thai standard, B100, Bx (EEBS):2008 WWFC Bx: X vol % B100 spec for B5, B7, FAME and etc., e.g., 1,000 ppm (100-x) vol % petrodiesel BHT in B100 for B7. Bx (FAME blended diesel) spec.. Antioxidants will retard oxidative degradation of polyunsaturated FAME. 4 Increased cautions for the higher FAME blending With increasing the FAME blending ratio, … Bx Storage/ delivery Low Oxidation stability High Fresh B100, and Bx Vehicle use Will cause several damages on engine systems. enough AO Minimum level of quality More degradation of FAME in fuel station, fuel tank, engine oil pan, etc. e.g., engine oil sludging via. expirering of antioxidants, metals due to biodiesel aging contaminants assisted oxidation, in engine oil inappropriate handling/storage, etc. Storage time/oxidation severity (Mercedes-Benz Biodiesel Brochure) 5 1-2. Key compounds for FAME upgrading OCH3 <Oxidative degradation issue> O FAME is mixtures of several types of fatty acid methyl esters, and polyunsaturated FAMEs are key components to determine the oxidative/thermal stabilities of FAME. O OCH3 O O <Precipitation/filter plugging issues> HO Not yet standardized in FAME specifications, but .. HO Saturated monoglyceride (SMG) will precipitate even at higher temperature than cloud point, mainly after blending of FAME with petrodiesel (Bx). Sterol glucoside (SG) will Precipitate during the storage of FAME, mainly for B100 FAME. 6 1-3. Properties of unsaturated FAME molecules e.g., C18:n FAME molecule OCH3 C18:3 Oxidation Peroxide Cold flow Solvency stability formation property effect Acid corrosion, Elastomer filter cleaning polymers damage plugging effect and sludge formation (98*) ✕✕ ✕✕ ◎◎ ○ ✕ ✕ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ✕ ○ O C18:2 OCH3 (41) O C18:1 OCH3 O C18:0 OCH3 (1) (<1) ◎ O Methyl ester group • Ease of oxidation: E.N. Frankel, Lipid Oxidation, 2005 M onoene (m onounsaturated FAM E) seem s to be reliable com ponent. 7 2. What is H-FAME ? H-FAM E (P artially Hydrogenated FAM E) : New alternative biodiesel superior in ox idation and therm al stabilities, and produced after the partial hydrogenation of the current FAM E. H-FAM E is m onoene (m onounsaturated FAM E)-rich FAM E. Hydrogen FAME T<140 ºC P<0.5 MPa H-FAME Hydrogenation catalysts FAME + Hydrogen = H-FAME e.g., C18:n FAME molecule C18:3 OCH3 But, partial hydrogenation ! Degree of hydrogenation O OCH3 C18:2 O C18:1 Partial hydrogenation OCH3 O C18:0 OCH3 O Complete hydrogenation 8 2-1. How to produce the H-FAME ? < B5-B7 antioxidant Current biodiesel production process Conventional FAME MeOH Catalyst(H2SO4/KOH) H2 Catalyst Vegetable /Plant oils, etc. Esterification /Transesterification FAME Partial hydrogenation < B10-B20 H-FAME Incidental facility Glycerin H2 Catalyst Hydrodeoxy -genation H2 Catalyst Gas (C3H8, H2O, CO2, CO, etc.) Isomerization Gasoline H-FAM E is a friendly fuel to the current biodiesel com panies: High-pressure and high-temperature P <0.5M P a, T<140 ºC facility (e.g., P>5 MPa, T>280 ºC) HVO,BHD Large plant size to get a scale merit Very high hydrogen consumption 9 Comparison between H-FAME and HVO/BHD BHD/HVO H-FAME O O Main reaction OCH3 O O OCH3 O OCH3 O Mono/Polyunsaturated FAME OCH3 O Monounsaturated FAME Oil (Triglyceride) O O O Hydrocarbons Hydrogen consumption Partial hydrogenation : 3H2 Hydrogenolysis/hydrogenation : 18H2 Decarboxylation: 9H2 More hydrogen for the isomerization reaction Reaction Conditions Low pressure (atmospheric~0.5MPa) Low temperature (80~140ºC) High pressure (>5MPa) High temperature (>280ºC) 10 Oxidation stability of B100 (h) Production cost for B100 2-2. Positioning of H-FAME in biodiesels Blending limitation of FAME (B5-B7) JAMA’s recommendation 80 HVO, BHD, etc. (Hydrocarbons and not FAME) 60 Very reliable fuel, but relatively higher costincrease 40 15 10 5 0 Hydrogen ~0.10.2 wt%/FAME H-FAME 1st gen. P alm M E R apeseed M E Jatropha M E Soybean M E B5 B10 Hydrogen ~3 wt%/VO Reliable and affordable fuel Thai standard of 10 h Conventional FAME B15 B20 // Biodiesel blended with petroleum diesel (Bx*) *X vol% of biodiesel and (100-X) vol% of petroleum diesel 11 2-3. Palm H-FAME from TISTR’s pilot plant Conventional Palm FAME FAME partial hydrogenation PP@TISTR (100 L/batch), H-FAME HYD reaction conditions: Temperature: 80 ºC〜140 ºC H2 pressure: < 0.5 MPa Pd-based catalyst: 12 3. Properties of palm H-FAME (Pilot Plant @TISTR) Items Density Viscosity Flashpoint Sulfated ash Ash content Water content Total contamination Oxidation stability Iodine value Monoglyceride content Trace metals Cloud point CFPP Additive Saturated monoglyceride in MG Sterol glucoside Units kg/m3 mm2/s ºC mass% mass% mg/kg mg/kg hrs. mass% ºC ºC mass% ppm Thailand DOEB 2014 860-900 3.50-5.00 120 min. 0.02 max. 500 max. 24 max. 10 min 120 max. 0.70 max. Report Report Approval EAS-ERIA BDF Std (EEBS):2008 860-900 2.00-5.00 100 min. 0.02 max. 500 max. 24 max. 10.0 min. (**) Reported (*) 0.80 max. - WWFC March, 2009 Report 2.0-5.0 100 min. 0.005 max. 0.001 max. 500 max. 24 max. 10 min. 130 max. 0.80 max. no addition - - - - TISR's PP H-FAME 872 4.5 168 <0.001 375 1 86.3 42 0.18 16 ºC 16 ºC 0.08 24 EAS: East Asia Summit ; ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia; WWFC: World Wide Fuel Charter 13 3-1. Advantages of H-FAME and H-FAME process 1. Meets with all of FAME standards 11. No need of high pressure facilities and distillation facilities. 10. Volume-up reaction 9. Make ease of metals removal 2. High oxidation stability (>>10h) (less acids/ corrosion) 3. Less peroxides formation (more elastomer tolerance) H-FAME 8. Make ease of sterol glyceride (SG) removal 4. Decrease in heavier fraction (less polymerization/ deposits) 5. Increase in Cetane number 7. Make ease of removal 6. Less sludge formation during of saturated fatty acid oxidative/thermal degradation (less deposits) monoglyceride (SMG) 14 3-2. Less sludge formation via. H-FAME H-FAM E is very effective to m inim ize After ox idation, the sludge form ation ! Depth of Hydrogenation light medium B20 B20 H-FAME B20 H-FAME Diesel (B0) Current FAME (Japanese Before oxidation, EURO V diesel) (Thai Palm FAME) Accelerated oxidation condition: Bx=20g, T=135 ºC (>115 ºC*), O2 Flow=100 ml/min, Oxidation period=16 h. B0 B20 B20 deep B20 H-FAME B20 B20 *Testing condition for oxidation stability in Japanese quality assurance law for B5 (former method). Now PetroOXY method is used. 15 4. Feasibility of H-FAME (affordability) 1,800 1,800 Production cost of several biofuels(US$/ton) 1,600 1,600 1,400 1,400 BDF 100,000 t/y Plant size of 100,000 t/y Palm FAME Less cost-up 1,200 1,200 1,000 Petroleum diesel 1,000 800 Diesel price in Thailand (2011)( ) ROI 10% ROI 10% Fixed costs Variable固定費 costs 変動費 ROI: Return on investment 800 600 600 Market price of Palm oil(USCIF): 800 US$/ton (2010.Apr). 400 400 200 200 0 0 1G-BDF 1st gen. FAME (PalmFAME) 1.5G-BDF H-FAME (Palm H-FAME) 2G-BDF HVO (Palm NExBTL) Environmental Research Institute, Waseda University (2011) 3G-BDF FT-BTL (BTL) Small cost up for H-FAME compared with 1st gen. FAME, but much less than HVO (BHD), even after newly installation of an on-site H2 package unit. High proportion of variable costs for FAME, H-FAME and HVO. i.e., more than 80 % of the total production cost , so reduction of raw materials costs will be the key to increase its feasibility. 16 5. On-road test by using B20 (Palm H-FAME) Verification of automotive compatibility of H-FAME, with the collaboration of Isuzu Thailand group and petroleum company . Testing fuel of B20: 20 vol % of Palm H-FAME blended with 80 vol % of Thai petro-diesel. Testing periods: Jan.5, 2015 〜 Mar. 2015 (50.000 km). Testing vehicle: ISUZU pick up truck, D-MAX Super Daylight (EUROIV) Isuzu D-Max Petroleum diesel (S<50 ppm) H-FAME B100, Blending & property check Successfully finished ! Fuel: B20 of P alm H-FAM E 17 6. Future proposal of demonstration PJ To confirm the process m aturity of H-FAM E technologies, etc. Plant capacity : 10-30 tons of H-FAME /day (1/10-1/30 in size of the commercial FAME plants) H-FAME plant package e.g., P<0.5 MPa T<140 ºC WHSV> 20 h-1 FAME standards Palm FAME Palm H-FAME Thai standard, I f w e w ill apply for Japanese NEDO’s I nternational Collaboration Project Japanese organization (NEDO) subsidy Japanese private sectors, collaborating with AIST, etc. MOU Thai organization Tentative ID Implementation document Thai private sectors, collaborating with NSTDA/MTEC, TISTR, etc. 18 7. Conclusions 1. Partially hydrogenated FAME (H-FAME) is a new alternative biodiesel, and can be produced from any kinds of FAME , e.g., Palm FAME, Jatropha FAME and Waste cooking oil FAME, etc. 2. H-FAME is a reliable and affordable biodiesel, and can be used as a nation-wide high-speed biodiesel blend stock even at the higher blending use, e.g., up to B20 for Palm H-FAME. 3. H-FAME will support the Thai Alternative Energy Development Action Plan (AEDP) as one of the new alternative biodiesels. 19 Acknowledgements Japan Kingdom of Thailand KMUTNB We deeply appreciate JST and JICA for their financial supports. We also deeply thank all of the research participants of NSTDA/MTEC, TISTR. KMUTNB, WASEDA U. and AIST for their contributions to this Project. We also deeply thank the ISUZU Thailand group for their kind supports on the on-road tests, and PTT, Bangchak and Thai oil for supplying the FAME(B100) and petro diesel (B0) and for measuring the fuel quality. Thank you for your kind attention 20 The 60th birthday 21
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