warta kerajaan persekutuan federal government gazette
warta kerajaan persekutuan federal government gazette
WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 31 Disember 2014 31 December 2014 P.U. (A) 363 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PERINTAH FI (PERUBATAN) (KOS PERKHIDMATAN) 2014 FEES (MEDICAL) (COST OF SERVICES) ORDER 2014 DISIARKAN OLEH/ PUBLISHED BY JABATAN PEGUAM NEGARA/ ATTORNEY GENERAL’S CHAMBERS P.U. (A) 363 AKTA FI 1951 PERINTAH FI (PERUBATAN) (KOS PERKHIDMATAN) 2014 PADA menjalankan kuasa yang diberikan oleh seksyen 3 dan 10 Akta Fi 1951 [Akta 209], Yang di-Pertuan Agong membuat perintah yang berikut: Nama, permulaan kuat kuasa dan pemakaian 1. (1) Perintah ini bolehlah dinamakan Perintah Fi (Perubatan) (Kos Perkhidmatan) 2014. (2) Perintah ini mula berkuat kuasa pada 31 Disember 2014. (3) Perintah ini hendaklah terpakai hanya bagi orang asing sahaja. Tafsiran 2. Dalam Perintah ini, melainkan jika konteksnya menghendaki makna yang lain— “anggota tiruan atau prothesis” ertinya suatu alat yang digunakan di dalam atau di luar untuk mengembalikan pesakit supaya berada dalam keadaan berfungsi bagi membolehkannya berdikari dalam aktiviti hariannya; “fi pembedahan” ertinya suatu fi yang dikenakan ke atas mana-mana pesakit yang memerlukan apa-apa pembedahan bagi rawatan atau maksud-maksud diagnostik; “fi pergigian” ertinya suatu fi yang dikenakan bagi apa-apa rawatan pergigian; “fi rawatan” ertinya suatu fi yang dikenakan bagi layanan perubatan, keselesaan perubatan, ubat, pembalut dan lain-lain perkhidmatan yang diberikan kepada mana-mana pesakit yang dirawat di mana-mana hospital; 2 P.U. (A) 363 “fi siasatan” ertinya suatu fi yang dikenakan ke atas apa-apa prosedur yang merupakan satu bantuan kepada diagnosis selain daripada perkara-perkara yang diliputi oleh fi pembedahan; “fi wad” ertinya suatu fi yang dikenakan bagi diet dan tempat tidur; “hospital” ertinya mana-mana hospital Kerajaan meliputi mana-mana hospital pengajaran sesuatu universiti, klinik Kerajaan dan mana-mana Institusi Perubatan Persekutuan yang lain; “Institusi Perubatan Persekutuan” ertinya mana-mana hospital dan institusi perubatan yang diisytiharkan oleh Kerajaan sebagai suatu Institusi Perubatan Persekutuan; "jagaan harian" ertinya penjagaan pesakit yang dimasukkan ke unit rawatan harian di hospital atau pusat rawatan khas, bagi tempoh kurang daripada dua puluh empat jam atas rujukan oleh pegawai perubatan bagi prosedur perubatan termasuk bagi tujuan pencegahan, penyiasatan, terapi dan rehabilitasi; “Kementerian” ertinya Kementerian Kesihatan; “Ketua Setiausaha” ertinya Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Kesihatan; “orang asing” ertinya seseorang yang bukan warganegara Malaysia tetapi tidak termasuk— (a) seseorang suatu kad yang bukan pengenalan warganegara yang yang dikeluarkan memegang di bawah perenggan 5(3)(b) Peraturan-Peraturan Pendaftaran Negara 1990 [P.U. (A) 472/1990]; atau 3 P.U. (A) 363 (b) pasangan isteri atau suami yang bukan warganegara kepada warganegara Malaysia; “pakar” ertinya seseorang yang dilantik di bawah Perintah-perintah Am Bab F Perubatan Tahun 1974; “pegawai perubatan” ertinya seseorang pengamal perubatan berdaftar atau pengamal pergigian berdaftar yang berkhidmat dengan Kerajaan Malaysia. Fi pesakit luar 3. Fi bagi perkhidmatan yang diberikan di Jabatan Pesakit Luar, selain daripada fi pergigian hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Pertama dan hendaklah dikenakan di— (a) hospital besar; (b) hospital daerah; (c) poliklinik; dan (d) mana-mana tempat lain yang boleh dinyatakan oleh Menteri Kesihatan bagi maksud perenggan ini. Fi wad 4. (1) Fi wad hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kedua. (2) Bagi maksud pengiraan fi wad— (a) hari kemasukan hendaklah dikira sebagai satu hari genap; dan (b) hari keluar hendaklah dikira sebagai satu hari genap jika ia melebihi dua belas jam. 4 P.U. (A) 363 (3) Jika pada pendapat pegawai perubatan, adalah perlu bagi ibu atau bapa menemani anaknya, dia hendaklah tertakluk kepada fi wad separuh daripada kadar yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kedua. Fi rawatan 5. Fi rawatan hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Ketiga. Fi siasatan 6. (1) Fi siasatan hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Keempat. (2) Jika suatu siri x-ray diambil untuk membantu membetulkan aturan suatu retakan, hanya satu fi mengikut kadar yang dinyatakan dalam Bahagian 1 Jadual Keempat boleh dikenakan bagi retakan itu. (3) Sekiranya pemeriksaan radiologi ulangan dijalankan selepas pemeriksaan dalam subperenggan (2), fi berasingan hendaklah dikenakan bagi tiap-tiap pemeriksaan itu. Fi makmal 7. Fi makmal hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kelima. Fi pembedahan 8. Fi pembedahan hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Keenam. Fi pergigian 9. Fi pergigian hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Bahagian 9 Jadual Ketiga. Fi anggota tiruan atau prothesis 10. Fi bagi anggota tiruan atau prosthesis hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Bahagian 10 Jadual Ketiga. 5 P.U. (A) 363 Fi pelbagai 11. Fi pelbagai hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Ketujuh. Fi jagaan harian 12. Fi bagi jagaan harian hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Ketiga hingga Jadual Keenam, dan fi wad adalah berdasarkan kadar wad kelas tiga dalam Jadual Kedua. Pesakit yang dimasukkan ke dalam wad kelas lebih tinggi 13. Seseorang pesakit yang pada mulanya dimasukkan ke dalam wad kelas yang lebih rendah dan kemudiannya dipindahkan ke dalam wad kelas yang lebih tinggi atas permintaannya sendiri, hendaklah membayar semua fi termasuklah fi wad kelas yang terlibat. Deposit 14. (1) Seseorang pesakit hendaklah sebelum diterima masuk ke dalam wad— (a) membayar suatu deposit yang akan ditentukan oleh Ketua Setiausaha; atau (b) mengadakan suatu jaminan pembayaran yang memuaskan sebagaimana diluluskan oleh Ketua Setiausaha. (2) Jika seseorang pesakit menanggung perbelanjaan tambahan yang tidak diliputi oleh depositnya semasa dia masih di dalam wad, dia hendaklah dikehendaki membayar deposit tambahan. (3) Jika fi yang ditanggung oleh seseorang pesakit adalah kurang daripada depositnya, apabila dia dibenarkan keluar dari hospital, hospital hendaklah mengembalikan perbezaan tersebut kepadanya. 6 P.U. (A) 363 Peremitan 15. Ketua Setiausaha boleh meremitkan sebahagian atau keseluruhan daripada mana-mana fi yang dikenakan di bawah Perintah ini. Pertikaian mengenai fi 16. Jika terdapat suatu pertikaian mengenai apa-apa fi yang dikenakan di bawah Perintah ini, pertikaian itu hendaklah dirujuk kepada Ketua Setiausaha yang keputusannya adalah muktamad. 7 P.U. (A) 363 JADUAL PERTAMA [Perenggan 3] FI PESAKIT LUAR Fi bagi satu lawatan (RM) (a) Hospital Pesakit luar am 40 Pesakit luar pakar 120 Jabatan Kecemasan 100 (b) Klinik kesihatan Pesakit luar am 40 Pesakit luar pakar 120 (c) Klinik 1 Malaysia 40 (d) Klinik Desa 40 (e) Lain-lain Perkhidmatan kesihatan kanak-kanak 40 Rawatan obstetrik dan ginekologi 40 Perkhidmatan postnatum 40 8 P.U. (A) 363 Calitan pap 45 Perkhidmatan bersalin (termasuk di Pusat Bersalin Alternatif dan di rumah) 200 Perkhidmatan perubatan di luar hospital 300 untuk setiap lawatan selain dari apa-apa tuntutan bagi perjalanan, sara hidup dan penginapan mengikut kadar yang ditentukan oleh Kerajaan *Fi dalam Jadual ini tidak termasuk apa-apa fi lain yang dinyatakan dalam Perintah ini. 9 P.U. (A) 363 JADUAL KEDUA [Subperenggan 4(1)] FI WAD Fi bagi sehari (RM) (a) Eksekutif Bilik 1 katil (VIP) 500 Bilik 1 katil 400 Bilik 2 katil 340 (b) Kelas satu Bilik 1 katil 320 Bilik 2 katil 240 Bilik 3 katil atau lebih 200 (c) Kelas dua 180 (d) Kelas tiga 160 (e) Bilik bersalin 300 (f) Unit Rawatan Intensif atau Unit Rawatan Koronari (dewasa) 360 (g) Unit Rawatan Intensif atau Unit Rawatan Koronari (kanak-kanak) 300 10 P.U. (A) 363 (h) Nurseri 60 (i) Nurseri rawatan khas 140 (j) Nurseri dengan rawatan incubator 170 Berdasarkan kelas wad dan mengikut bilangan katil (k) Wad psikiatri 11 P.U. (A) 363 JADUAL KETIGA [Perenggan 5] FI RAWATAN BAHAGIAN 1 RAWATAN PESAKIT DALAM Fi (RM) 100 sehari Rawatan pesakit dalam BAHAGIAN 2 RAWATAN PSIKIATRI Fi (RM) 1,500 setiap kali dimasukkan ke hospital Rawatan psikitrik BAHAGIAN 3 RAWATAN BERSALIN Fi (RM) Caesarean 3,021 Bersalin dengan bantuan : forsep/breech/vakum/bersalin kembar/bersalin normal 2,593 BAHAGIAN 4 LAIN-LAIN RAWATAN Fi (RM) Kardiotokograf 120 12 P.U. (A) 363 Toilet and suture per stich 50 Fine needle aspiration 275 Incision and drainage 275 Catheterisation 85 BAHAGIAN 5 RAWATAN RADIOTERAPI Fi (RM) SIMULASI DAN PERANCANGAN BERKOMPUTER Penandaan setempat 50 Simulasi konvensional 1,000 Simulasi CT - biasa (tanpa contrast) 1,500 Simulasi CT - kompleks (dengan contrast) 3,000 Simulasi CT - IMRT/Rapid Arc , TBI, TNI, TBE 5,000 Simulasi CT - Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRT) 20,000 RAWATAN RADIOTERAPI 2D/Single field/parallel opposed per fraction 350 3D/any plans with 3 or more fields per fraction 450 IMRT/Rapid arc per fraction 500 TBI per fraction 500 TNI per fraction 700 SRT per fraction 500 SRS (rawatan pakej - sekali caj sahaja) 13 30,000 P.U. (A) 363 AKSESORI PAKAI BUANG Beam direction shell 250 Vac-Lock 250 Cerroband 500 Wax 300 RAWATAN BRAKITERAPI Intra-cavitari : dhobbies/single line source per session 5,000 Intra-cavitari : paired ovoids per session 5,000 Intra-cavitari : full intra- cavitary per session 5,000 Intra-cavitari : for nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) per session 7,000 Intra-luminal : esophagus, bronchus, ano-rectal per session 300 Interstitial brachytherapy implants : breast brachytherapy implants per implant 6,500 Interstitial brachytherapy implants : extremities implants per implant 6,000 Interstitial brachytherapy implants : oral cavity/anorectal/prostate implants per implant 7,500 Prostate brachytherapy procedure 10,000 Iodine-131 therapy (not Iodine scan) per session 14 800 P.U. (A) 363 KEMOTERAPI (a) Single Agent Jenis A Low dose cisplatin 65 Methotrexate 65 Doxorubicin 65 Vinorelbine 65 Jenis B Carboplatin 260 Paclitaxel 260 5-fuFluorouracil 260 Oxaliplatin 260 High dose cisplatin 260 Jenis C Gemcitabine 1,100 Bleomycin 1,100 Docetaxel 1,100 Ifosphamide 1,100 Mitoxantrone 1,100 Mitomycin 1,100 Irinotecan 1,100 Jenis D Alimta (pemetrexed) Pemetrexed 5,500 Caelyx pegylated liposomal doxorubicin 5,500 15 P.U. (A) 363 (b) Double agent Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide 70 Doxorubicin + Ifosphamide 661 Doxorubicin + Cisplatin 89 Doxorubicin + Docetaxel 971 Doxorubicin + Paclitaxel 227 Doxorubicin + Gemcitabine 325 Carboplatin + Fluorouracil 148 Carboplatin + Paclitaxel 398 Carboplatin + Etoposide 105 Carboplatin + Gemcitabine 564 Carboplatin + Docetaxel 1,033 Carboplatin + Vinorelbine 292 Cisplatin + Paclitaxel 231 Cisplatin + Etoposide 133 Cisplatin + Fluorouracil 126 Cisplatin + Pemetrexed 6,160 Cisplatin + Gemcitabine 592 Cisplatin + Vinorelbine 69 Cisplatin + Ifosphamide 1,018 Cisplatin + Methotrexate 44 Cisplatin + Cyclophosphamide 68 Cyclophosphamide + Vincristine 33 Cyclophosphamide + Epirubicin 334 Etoposide + Fluorouracil 147 16 P.U. (A) 363 Gemcitabine + Vinorelbine 318 Gemcitabine + Paclitaxel 742 Gemcitabine + Oxaliplatin 433 Ifosphamide + Vinorelbine 774 Ifosphamide + Epirubicin 1,389 Irinotecan + Fluorouracil 528 Mitomycin + Fluorouracil 674 Oxaliplatin (130 mg/m2) + Capecitabine 1,293 Oxaliplatin + Fluorouracil 317 Paclitaxel + Fluorouracil 304 Capecitabine + Irinotecan (240 mg/m2) 1,560 (c) Triple agent Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide + Etoposide 220 Doxorubicin + Cisplatin + Ifosphamide 488 Doxorubicin + Dacarbazine + Ifosphamide 1,645 Bleomycin + Etoposide + Cisplatin 1,236 Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide + Cisplatin 92 Cyclophosphamide + Methotrexate + Fluorouracil 62 Epirubicin + Cisplatin + Fluorouracil 310 Fluorouracil + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide 68 Fluorouracil + Epirubicin + Cyclophosphamide 278 Ifosphamide + Carboplatin + Etoposide 1,125 Ifosphamide + Dactinomycin + Vincristine 1,120 Gemcitabine + Paclitaxel + Carboplatin 17 924 P.U. (A) 363 Procarbazine + Lomustine + Vincristine 2,472 Ifosphamide + Cisplatin + Etoposide 1,019 Docetaxel + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide 888 Paclitaxel + Ifosphamide + Cisplatin 1,015 Docetaxel + Cisplatin + Fluorouracil 1,070 Paclitaxel + Carboplatin + Etoposide 912 Paclitaxel + Carboplatin + Fluorouracil 981 Mitomycin + Ifosphamide + Cisplatin 766 Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide 90 Vincristine + Dactinomycin + Cyclophosphamide 515 Vincristine + Epirubicin + Cyclophosphamide 258 Vincristine + Etoposide + Carboplatin 581 Etoposide + Cisplatin + Ifosphamide 745 Vinblastine + Ifosphamide + Cisplatin 695 Vinorelbine + Ifosphamide + Cisplatin 1,148 (d) Complex regime Etoposide + Dactinomycin + Methotrexate + Vincristine + Cyclophosphamide 338 Etoposide + Cisplatin + Dactinomycin + Methotrexate 217 Etoposide + Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Ifosphamide + Dactinomycin 1,110 Ifosphamide + Vincristine + Dactinomycin + Doxorubicin 975 Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide + Dactinomycin 392 Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Ifosphamide + Dactinomycin 18 1,157 P.U. (A) 363 Vincristine + Ifosphamide + Carboplatin + Etoposide 944 Vincristine + Ifosphamide + Doxorubicin + Etoposide 1,141 Methotrexate + Dactinomycin + Chlorambucil + Cyclophosphamide 354 Methotrexate + Vinblastine + Doxorubicin + Cisplatin 232 (e) Oral agent Capecitabine 1250mg/m2 658 Capecitabine 1000mg/m2 534 Capecitabine 850mg/m2 441 Chlorambucil 94.50 Cyclophosphamide 3 Etoposide 405 Procarbazine 516 Tegafur 255 Temozolomide 5,405 TARGETED THERAPY Erlotinib 100mg 4,705 Erlotinib 150mg 5,800 Gefitinib 5,043 Imatinib 100mg 4,492 Imatinib 400mg 9,210 Pazopanib 200mg 1,848 19 P.U. (A) 363 Pazopanib 400mg 2,790 Trastuzumab (loading dose) 6,977 Trastuzumab (maintainence dose) 5,074 Cetuximab (2 weekly regime) 6,112 HORMONE THERAPY Anastrazole 74 Bicalutamide 74 Exemestane 796 Flutamide 91 Letrozole 126 Lucrin leuprolide acetate 3.75mg 315.90 Leuprolide acetate 11.25mg 971.45 Medroxyprogesterone acetate (IM) 26 Megestrole acetate 800 Tamoxifen 16 Zoladex goserelin 10.8 depot (setiap 3 bulan) 992 Goserelin 3.6 depot 265.35 IMMUNO THERAPY Interfelon alfa 1,136 20 P.U. (A) 363 BAHAGIAN 6 PERUBATAN NUKLEAR Fi (RM) Teknetium - 99M pirau kardiak 140 Teknetium - 99M kajian pirofosfat 240 Teknetium - 99MIBI kajian latihan dan rehat 1,700 Talium - 201 kajian latihan dan rehat 1,800 Imbasan limpahan hati berlawang 1,360 Pengimejan tertangguh 24 jam 400 BAHAGIAN 7 NEFROLOGI Fi (RM) Intermitent peritoneal dialysis bagi setiap rawatan Rawatan CAPD (sebulan) 300 2,100 Renal biopsy (tidak termasuk laporan) 500 Femoral/subclavian catherisation 1,000 Haemoperfusion 1,000 Implantation of tenchoff catheter 200 Pretransplant dialysis treatment 2,000 Lawatan di rumah bagi setiap haemodilaisis 200 setiap lawatan Cycle-PD/Automated PD 800 Intermitent peritoneal dialysis stab 800 Intermitent peritoneal dialysistenckhoff 800 Continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration 800 Continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration 2,000 21 P.U. (A) 363 Continuous venovenous haemodialysis 2,000 Continuous venovenous haemofiltration 890 Nightly intermitent peritoneal dialysis 2,100 Plasma exchange 1,900 Plasmapharesis 1,900 Haemofiltration 300 Haemodialysis single use kidney 200 Haemodialysis single use kidney high - flux 200 Haemodialysis single use kidney low - flux 200 Haemodialysis single use kidney middle - flux 200 Catheter insertion surgical tenckhoff peritoneal sco 2,500 Catheter removal medical tenckhoff (non OT) 500 Catheter removal surgical tenckhoff ( non OT) 500 Kt/v (CAPD) 150 Catheter insertion central venous 1,000 Catheter insertion CV under US guidance 1,000 Catheter insertion femoral double lumen (non cuffed) 800 Catheter insertion femoral single lumen 1,000 Catheter insertion permanent 2,500 Haemodiafiltration online 300 Haemodialysis reuse kidney 180 Haemodialysis reuse kidney high - flux 180 Haemodialysis reuse kidney low - flux 180 Haemodialysis reuse kidney middle - flux 180 Renal biopsy - biopty gun 500 Renal biopsy - cooks 500 22 P.U. (A) 363 Renal biopsy - tru cut 500 Slow continuous ultrafiltration 1,000 setiap hari Ultrafiltration 200 Catheter removal central venous 200 Catheter removal femoral double lumen 200 Catheter removal central venous under US 200 Catheter removal femoral single lumen 200 Renal allograft ultrasound 100 Renal allograft ultrasound doppler 150 BAHAGIAN 8 FISIOTERAPI Fi (RM) ELECTROTHERAPY MODALITIES Biofeedback/myofeedback 80 Direct current/iontophorosis 80 Didynamic current 80 Interrupted Direct Current (IDC) 80 Interferential Therapy (IT) 80 Shortwave diathermy (SWD) 80 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) 80 Ultrasound therapy (US) 80 Realtime ultrasound 80 Functional electrical stimulation 80 Shockwave therapy 80 23 P.U. (A) 363 THERMAL THERAPY/CRYOTHERAPY Hot pack 40 Wax bath 40 Infrared radiation 40 Cryotherapy 40 PHOTOTHERAPY Laser therapy 80 Ultraviolet light therapy 80 CARDIORESPIRATORY THERAPY Active Cycle Breathing Technique (ACBT) 60 Breathing exercise 60 Bronchial suction 60 Flutter/incentive spirometer 60 Inspiratory muscle training 60 Inhalation therapy 60 Percussion/vibration 60 Positive expiratory pressure 60 Postural drainage 60 24 P.U. (A) 363 MECHANO THERAPY Cervical traction 80 Lumbar traction 80 Sequential pump 80 HYDROTHERAPY Pool exercise 120 Whirlpool 120 MANUAL THERAPY Soft tissue manipulation 120 Myofascial release 120 Manual lymphatic drainage 120 Accupressure 120 TAPING/BANDAGING/STRAPPING 120 COMPRESSION THERAPY (LYMPHOEDEMA) 80 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES Canalith repositioning technique 80 Gaze stabilisation exercise 80 Icing/brushing 80 25 P.U. (A) 363 Joint mobilisation 80 McKenzie technique 80 Motor relearning programme (MRP) 80 Accupuncture 80 Neurodevelopmental technique 80 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) 80 EXERCISE THERAPY Active, passive, resisted 80 Ambulation/gait training 80 Ante/postnatal exercise 80 Balance training 80 Bladder/bowel training 80 Circuit training/gymnic ball exercise 80 Counter bracing technique 80 Functional activities 80 Group exercise 80 Isokinetic exercise 80 Mechanical exercise 80 Pelvic floor exercise 80 Pelvic floor exercise with PFX educator 80 Relaxation techniques 80 Sensory re-education 80 Special hand regime 80 Treadmill 80 26 P.U. (A) 363 CONSULTATION/STRUCTURED PATIENT EDUCATION/ CAREER TRAINING 40 SPECIAL TEST – DIAGNOSTIC TOOL Berg’s balance test 120 Clinical Test for Sensory Interaction and Balance (CTSIB) 120 Computerized dynamic posturography 120 Computerized hand evaluation 120 Dix-hall pike test 120 Dynamic gait index 120 Oculomotor assessment 120 Pelvic floor per vagina/per rectal assessment 120 Perionometer 120 Sensory testing 120 Strength duration curve 120 Voluntary muscle testing 120 Vestibular test 120 BAHAGIAN 9 PERGIGIAN Fi (RM) Cabutan sebatang gigi kekal 50 Cabutan gigi supernumerari / tunggul akar 50 Cabutan sebatang gigi desidus 25 Cabutan - komplikasi - rawatan soket terinfeksi 50 Cabutan - komplikasi - pemberhentian pendarahan 50 27 P.U. (A) 363 Cabutan - komplikasi 50 Tampalan gigi kekal - satu permukaan 75 Tampalan gigi kekal - permukaan berganda/dengan pin retensi 100 Tampalan - gigi desidus 30 Tampalan sementara 30 Penskaleran dan penggilapan 214 Dentur penuh (akrilik) - setiap rahang - termasuk bahan 900 Dentur separa (akrilik) - setiap rahang gigi pertama 500 Dentur separa (akrilik) - maksimum 800 Dentur separa - setiap gigi tambahan 20 Pembaikan plat dentur (tidak termasuk penggantian setiap gigi) 70 Pembaikan dentur (setiap gigi tambahan) 20 Relining/Rebasing - setiap denture 120 Pelindung mulut 50 Soft splint 50 Hard splint 200 Splint lain : contohnya oyster 50 Obturator - acrylic 100 Obturator - molloplast 200 Feeding plate 50 Aplians pergigian lain 100 Prosthesis muka 200 Jahitan semula kecederaan tisu lembut orofasial 120 Buka jahitan kecederaan tisu lembut orofasial 60 Rawatan semula kecederaan tisu lembut orofasial 120 28 P.U. (A) 363 Insisi dan saliran - abses orofasial 120 Inlai/onlai - setiap gigi (tidak termasuk fi bahan dan makmal) 120 Korona/venir - setiap unit (termasuk korona sementara tetapi tidak termasuk fi bahan dan makmal) 200 Jambatan setiap abutmen/pontik (termasuk jambatan sementara tetapi tidak termasuk fi bahan dan makmal) 200 Korona keluli tahan karat - setiap unit 50 Korona strip - setiap unit 30 Pembaikan korona/jambatan 50 Tiang dan teras sebatang gigi 150 Restorasi provisional - setiap gigi 30 Rawatan kanal akar - anterior 150 Rawatan kanal akar - premolar 200 Rawatan kanal akar - molar 300 Rawatan kanal akar semula - anterior 250 Rawatan kanal akar semula - premolar 300 Rawatan kanal akar semula - molar 400 Apeksifikasi - setiap gigi 200 Pemberhentian resopsi gigi - setiap gigi 150 Coronal pulpotomi - setiap gigi kekal 150 Cvek pulpotomi - setiap gigi kekal 150 Pulpotomi - setiap gigi decidous 150 Pulpektomi - setiap gigi 200 Pelapikan pulpa (termasuk tampalan sementara) langsung/tidak langsung 30 Rawatan pembuangan pulpa (extirpasi pulp) 50 Pengeluaran alat yang terpisah/patah 200 29 P.U. (A) 363 Pemutihan gigi (luaran) - setiap rahang 500 Pemutihan gigi (dalaman) - setiap gigi 50 Mikroabrasi - setiap gigi 50 Fluorida topikal - setiap rahang 50 Pengapan fisur - setiap gigi 40 Desensitisasi - setiap gigi 30 Aplians tetap - pakej rawatan dua rahang 5,500 Aplians tetap - pakej rawatan satu rahang 2,700 Aplians fungsi tetap - setiap rahang 2,000 Pembukaan aplians tetap - setiap rahang 300 Aplians penyambung tetap 370 Aplians penyambung tetap - pengganti - setiap rahang 370 Aplians penyambung tetap - pembaikan - setiap rahang 100 Aplians penyambung tetap - simen semula - setiap rahang 100 Retainer tetap - setiap rahang 300 Retainer tetap - pengganti - setiap rahang 200 Retainer tetap - pembaikan - setiap gigi 100 Retainer tetap - setiap rahang - penanggalan 200 Aplian fungsi boleh tanggal - setiap rahang 2,000 Aplian fungsi boleh tanggal - pengganti 2,000 Aplian fungsi boleh tanggal - pembaikan 250 Aplian boleh tanggal - pakej rawatan - setiap rahang 1,500 Aplian boleh tanggal aktif - pengganti - setiap rahang 400 Aplian boleh tanggal pasif - pengganti -setiap rahang 400 Penyenggara ruang boleh tanggal setiap rahang 400 Aplian aktif boleh tanggal - pembaikan - satu rahang 250 30 P.U. (A) 363 Retainer boleh tanggal- pembaikan - setiap rahang 250 Penyenggara ruang boleh tanggal - setiap rahang pembaikan 250 Essix retainer 300 Aksesori rahang palatal/lingual 250 Aksesori rahang palatal/lingual - pengganti 250 Pemasangan peralatan traction (on plant) - setiap alat 400 Pemasangan traction chain - gigi terimpak 800 Pengaktifan traction chain untuk pergerakan gigi minor setiap gigi 200 Impresi bagi model kerja - setiap rahang (atas/bawah) 200 Gegelang ortodontik - pengganti 100 Braket ortodontik - satu gigi - pengantian 100 Dawai ortodontik - setiap rahang - pengantian (atas/bawah) 200 Pembaikan komponen boleh tanggal - setiap rahang 100 Rawatan facemask 400 Rawatan chin cup 400 Rawatan palatal expander 400 Rawatan headgear 400 Periodontik - pembedahan flap dengan pembedahan tulang 674 Pembedahan flap dengan regenerasi tulang 800 Pembedahan mukogingiva 500 Pemanjangan korona dengan ostektomi 617 Pemanjangan korona tanpa ostektomi 550 Hemiseksi gigi 1,312 Regenerasi tulang dipandu 1,036 Regenerasi tisu dipandu 1,648 31 P.U. (A) 363 Pembedahan flap 674 Gingivektomi 400 Gingivoplasti 400 Pembedahan baji 400 Furkasionplasti - penembusan 1,419 Furkasionplasti - grufplasti 1,419 Reseksi akar 1,312 Pengetaman akar setiap kuadran (debridmen subgingiva) 421 Pengetaman akar keseluruhan mulut (debridmen subgingiva) 637 Pensplinan gigi 158 Venir gingiva labial 300 Perisisi ligamen periodontium 150 Pengubahsuaian morfologi gigi 150 Pengkonturan semula restorasi sedia ada 150 Penyelarasan oklusal 134 Frenotomi/frenektomi 647 Sendi temporomandibel (TMJ) reduksi - tertutup 150 Antralplasti maksila (sinus lift) dengan autograf (graf tulang) Antralplasti maksila (sinus lift) dengan allograft Penutupan fistula oro - antral 1,000 400 1,000 Pencucian antrum Caldwell - Luc (sebelah) 200 Eksisi lesi maksilofasial - dengan rekonstruksi - allograft 750 Eksisi lesi maksilofasial 200 Marsupialisasi lesi tulang maksilofasial 200 Marsupialisasi lesi tisu lembut mulut 100 Reduksi dan fiksasi fraktur tulang maksilofasial - tertutup 600 32 P.U. (A) 363 Reduksi dan fiksasi tulang maksilofasial - sementara 20 Vestibuloplasti oral (setiap rahang) - dengan graf 750 Vestibuloplasti mulut setiap rahang 300 Penanggalan fiksasi dalaman - maksilofasial 300 Sekuestrektomi maksilofasial 120 Pembuangan kalkulus duktus liur - terbuka 400 Pembuangan kalkulus duktus liur - tertutup 30 Miatoplasti bukaan duktus kelenjar liur 200 Duktus kelenjar liur - dilasitasi 150 Duktus kelenjar liur - peligaturan 150 Eksisi lesi tisu lembut mulut dengan laser 200 Eksisi lesi tisu lembut mulut - 2 cm atau kurang 120 Saraf trigeminal - krioterapi/keratan 300 Penanggalan benda asing - orofasial - mudah 120 Biopsi tulang maksilofasial 200 Biopsi tisu lembut mulut 120 Biopsi lesi tru-cut 50 Ablasi lesi mukosa oral 200 Frenoplasti 170 Frenotomi/frenektomi dengan laser 170 Apisektomi (setiap gigi) - gigi belakang dengan tampalan retrograde 1,000 Apisektomi (setiap gigi) - gigi belakang 750 Apisektomi (setiap gigi) - gigi anterior dengan tampalan retograd 300 Apisektomi (setiap gigi) - gigi hadapan 120 Pengeluaran gigi terimpak melalui pembedahan - setiap gigi rumit 33 1,000 P.U. (A) 363 Pengeluaran melalui pembedahan - gigi/akar - setiap gigi 400 Pengeluaran melalui pembedahan - gigi/akar tersesar - setiap gigi 400 Pengeluaran melalui pembedahan - gigi terimpak/unerupted setiap gigi - mudah 400 Transplantasi gigi 750 Peletakan semula dan/atau penstabilan gigi - pembedahan 400 Peletakan semula dan/atau penstabilan gigi - tanpa pembedahan 150 Penanaman semula gigi 200 Pembedahan pendedahan gigi - dengan penempatan penyambung - setiap gigi 400 Pembedahan pendedahan gigi - tanpa penempatan penyambung setiap gigi 150 Implan pergigian (setiap implan) - pembedahan peringkat pertama dengan autograph 600 Implan pergigian (setiap implan) - pembedahan peringkat pertama 400 Implan pergigian (setiap implan) - pembedahan peringkat pertama dengan pengganti tulang 400 Implan pergigian (setiap implan) - pembedahan peringkat kedua 50 Implan maksilofasial (setiap implan) - pembedahan peringkat pertama 400 Implan maksilofasial (setiap implan) - pembedahan peringkat kedua 50 Penanggalan implan pergigian/maksilofasial - rumit 300 Penanggalan implan pergigian/maksilofasial - mudah 75 Debridemen tisu lembut orofasial 60 Pendawaian pergigian - setiap rahang 75 Pemberhentian pendarahan - selepas pembedahan 75 Pemberhentian pendarahan - lesi 50 34 P.U. (A) 363 Pemberhentian pendarahan - selepas cabutan 30 Terapi - orofasial laser lembut - setiap kitaran 75 Terapi oromaksilofasial ultrasound 75 Prosthesis - obturator 120 Sitologi aspirasi jarum halus - orofasial 50 Operkulektomi mulut 30 Penanggalan pendawaian pergigian (setiap rahang) 30 Suntikan ubatan - orofasial 30 BAHAGIAN 10 ANGGOTA TIRUAN/PROSTHESIS Deskripsi Fi (RM) Cosmetic silicone glove Amputasi pergelangan tangan 2,800 Cosmetic fingers Amputasi jari 1,200 Trans radius cosmetic Amputasi trans radius 4,000 Trans radius mechanical function hand Amputasi trans radius 6,300 Trans humerus cosmetic Amputasi trans humerus 7,500 Trans humerus mechanical functional hand Amputasi trans humerus 9,500 Chopart modular prosthesis kanan/kiri 1,800 Peralatan upper limb prosthesis Peralatan lower limb prosthesis Chopart 35 P.U. (A) 363 Symes prosthesis Chopart symes prosthesis kanan/kiri 3,800 Transtibial prosthesis K1 berjalan dalam rumah (indoor walker) Terhad kepada pergerakan dalam rumah. Orang yang menjalani amputasi boleh berjalan pada paras permukaan lantai secara perlahan-lahan. 3,550 Transtibial prosthesis K2 limited outdoor Pergerakan luar rumah yang terhad. Orang yang menjalani amputasi boleh berjalan dengan perlahan dan sederhana laju serta berkeupayaan untuk melangkah pada permukaan tidak rata. 5,500 Transtibial prosthesis K3 active walker Aktiviti harian termasuk berjalan pantas dan boleh melangkah tanpa halangan. 9,500 Transtibial prosthesis K4 very active/sport Aktiviti harian dan pelbagai aktiviti lasak melebihi daripada berjalan biasa seperti bersukan. 18,800 Through knee prosthesis K1 hingga K4 Tahap pergerakan adalah di antara KI hingga K4. 13,800 Transfemoral prosthesis K1 berjalan dalam rumah (indoor walker) Terhad kepada pergerakan dalam rumah. Orang yang menjalani amputasi boleh berjalan pada paras permukaan lantai secara perlahan-lahan. 7,500 Transfemoral prosthesis K2 limited outdoor Pergerakan luar rumah yang terhad. Orang yang menjalani amputasi boleh berjalan dengan perlahan dan sederhana laju serta berkeupayaan untuk melangkah pada permukaan 9,000 36 P.U. (A) 363 tidak rata. Transfemoral prosthesis K3 active walker Aktiviti harian termasuk berjalan pantas dan boleh melangkah tanpa halangan. 15,000 Transfemoral prosthesis K4 very active/sport Aktiviti harian dan pelbagai aktiviti lasak melebihi daripada berjalan biasa seperti bersukan. 35,000 Hip disarticulated prosthesis K1 hingga K4 Tahap pergerakan adalah di antara KI hingga K4. 15,000 Knee orthoses hinge knee 450 Knee orthoses weekender knee brace 1,100 Knee orthoses revolution brace 700 Knee orthoses knee ranger post operation brace 450 Knee orthoses fracture hinges 400 Lower limb orthoses Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses (KAFO) 3,800 Ankle foot orthoses 350 Super lite ankle foot orthoses 250 Ankle foot orthoses sweeder ankle brace 400 Suprameleolar prosthesis 500 seunit 500 Ankle foot orthosis- ankle foot orthosis (custom made/polypropelyne) 350 Foot care wonder spur 70 Foot care wonder cup 70 Foot care wonder sport 130 37 P.U. (A) 363 Foot care soft sock 200 Foot care gel squares 140 Paediatric orthoses pavlic harness 450 Paediatric orthoses Dennis Brown shoes (straight last) full set 700 Paediatric orthoses Dennis Brown shoes (full abduction) full set 700 Cervical soft collar Penggunaan kecederaan servikal (dibuat daripada bahan lembut). Cervical adjustable collar (plastik) Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. 55 65 Philadelphia A series collar Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. (padding orthowick foam boleh ditanggalkan). 280 Atlas collar Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. Terdapat penambahan ke atas pengurangan pergerakan servikal dan keselesaan boleh diperolehi dengan melaraskan strap di bahagian belakang kolar ini. 300 Philadelphia collar Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. Ringan dan terdiri daripada dua keping foam polythene dengan plastik keras yang menyokong bahagian hadapan dan belakang. 130 Minerva cervical support Penggunaan kecederaan servikal dengan penyokongan servikal yang optima. Satu saiz yang boleh dilaraskan untuk pelbagai saiz. 38 1,000 P.U. (A) 363 Philadelphia collar with stabilizer and halo Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. Kebolehan tambahan untuk kawalan memusingkan leher serta flexion/extension. 550 S.O.M.I brace Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. Orthosis servikal yang boleh dilaraskan untuk flexio, neutral atau hyperextension dan mengehadkan pergerakan. 900 USMC halo system Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. 3,000 Halo liner Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. 1,100 PMT halo system Penggunaan kecederaan servikal. 3,000 Torque screw driver 1,000 Cervical- thoracic lumbar-sacralorthosis 2,800 Juwett brace 700 Knight taylor brace (TLSO) 800 Knight taylor brace (LSO) 650 Kydex Knight Taylor brace 900 Kydex chair back brace 700 TLSO body jacket (moulded polypropelyne) 2,800 Sacro - lumbar support (fabric) 150 Scoliosis boston brace (moulded polypropelyne) 3,000 39 P.U. (A) 363 Peralatan rehabilitasi Aluminium axilla crutch Kanak-kanak (S) 55 Remaja (M 55 Dewasa (L) 55 Dewasa bersaiz besar (XL) 55 Adjustable elbow crutch 140 Adjustable aluminium walking stick with strap in bronze colour 45 Adjustable aluminium crooked handle walking stick in bronze colour 55 Adjustable folding walking frame in bronze colour 125 Quadruped walking aid 58 Quadruped walking aid - narrow base 58 Standard wheel chair 18” with detachable armrest and footrest 680 Standard wheel chair 18” 280 Semi light weight wheel chair 800 Reclining wheel chair with detachable armrest and elevating footrest 1,200 Light weight wheel chair 1,400 Commode wheel chair 1,400 Major buggy 1,500 Commode chair 200 40 P.U. (A) 363 BAHAGIAN 11 PERKHIDMATAN PERUBATAN TRADISIONAL DAN KOMPLEMENTARI Fi (RM) PERUBATAN TRADISIONAL MELAYU/PRIBUMI (a) Urut tradisional melayu/pribumi Rawatan penyakit kronik 50 / sesi Rawatan pasca angin ahmar 50 / sesi (b) Rawatan penjagaan ibu selepas bersalin Rawatan urut selepas bersalin 50 / sesi Pakej rawatan pemulihan selepas bersalin - urut, tungku dan bengkung 150 / sesi Rawatan pemulihan selepas bersalin - tangas 50 / sesi PERUBATAN TRADISIONAL CINA (a) Akupunktur Rawatan penyakit kronik 50 / sesi Rawatan pasca angin ahmar 50 / sesi Akupunktur dan tambahan moxibustion untuk rawatan sakit kronik dan pasca angin ahmar 60 / sesi Lain-lain indikasi 50 / sesi 41 P.U. (A) 363 (b) Herba Rawatan sampingan untuk pesakit onkologi (termasuk kos bagi herba) 250/ *kitaran (*1 kitaran = 2 minggu) PERUBATAN TRADISIONAL INDIA (a) Ayurveda Shirodhara 150/sesi Abhyanga 150/sesi (b) Terapi komplementari Kiropraktik 150/sesi Osteopatik 200/sesi BAHAGIAN 12 BEKALAN DARAH DAN HASIL DARAH Fi (RM) Sel darah utuh 120 Darah lengkap 120 Pati platlet 120 Krioendapan 120 Plasma beku segar 120 Kriosupernatan 120 42 P.U. (A) 363 Platlet aferes 630 Sel darah utuh pediatrik 110 Filtered red cell 200 Irradiated sel 160 Patogen inactivated plasma 600 Patogen inactivated platelet 800 Patogen inactivated platelet aferesis 1,350 Irradiated aferasis platelet 690 Irradiated platelet 160 Produk pecahan plasma High purity factor VIII concentrate - 250 IU/vial 540 Intermediate purity factor VIII - 250 IU/vial 300 Pure factor IX -500 IU/vial 790 Prothrombin complex concentrate - 500 IU/vial 590 Recombinant factor VIIa - 60 KIU/vial 2,970 Albumin - 20% 100ml 180 Intravenous immune globulin (IV) - 3g/50ml 700 Recombinant VIII - 250 IU/vial 670 Recombinant IX - 500 IU/vial 1,190 Autologous plasma eye drop 450 43 P.U. (A) 363 BAHAGIAN 13 PEMULIHAN CARA KERJA Fi (RM) ASSESSMENT (a) ADL assessment Canadian Occupational Therapy Performance Measure (C.O.P.M) 40 Camberwell Assessment of Needs Short Schedule (CANSAS) 40 Functional Ability Assessment (FAA) 40 Functional Independence Measure (FIM) 40 Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skill (KELS) 40 Modified barthel index 40 Pediatric Evaluation Disabilities Inventory (PEDI) 40 Self care skills (PASS) 40 Kohlmens 40 AMPS 40 (b) Physical assesment Muscle Manual Test (MMT) 40 Strength - dynamometer/pinch gauge 40 2 Point discrimination test 40 9 Hole peg test 40 Berg balance test 40 Grooved peg board 40 Jebsen Taylor hand function test 40 Minnesota manual dexterity test 40 O’connor finger dexterity test 40 O’connor tweezer dexterity test 40 Pain visual analog scale 40 Purdue pegboard test 40 44 P.U. (A) 363 Range of motion - goniometer 40 Roeder manipulative aptitude test 40 Semmes - Weinstein monofilaments test 40 Sensory profile 40 Stereognosis test 40 Vibration 40 Volumeter 40 Tinnetti balance test 40 Microcomputer Upper Limb Exerciser (MULE) 40 (c) Development assessment Bruiniks Oseretsky test 40 Denver 40 Oral motor rating scale 40 Peabody 40 (d) Perceptual and cognitive assessment Berry VMI 40 Chessington Occupational Therapy Neurological Assessment Battery (C.O.T.N.A.B) 40 Hospital anxiety depression scale 40 Lowerstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (L.O.T.C.A) 40 Mini mental state examination 40 Rivermead perceptual assessment battery 40 (e) Preschool assesment Miller assessment pre schoolers 40 School Function Assessment (SFA) 40 Test of handwriting skill 40 Behavior assessment 40 45 P.U. (A) 363 Threshold Assessment Grid (TAG) 40 Hospital anxiety and depression scale 40 Irritability - depression anxiety scale 40 Shaan's function questionaire 40 The Beck depression scale 40 (f) Wheel chair assessment 40 (g) Driving assessment Pre-driving assessment 400 Stroke driving screening assessment 400 (h) Home/Work place/School assessment Home fast tool 40 (i) Work/Vocational assessment BTE 400 Laser 400 LIDO 400 Role check list 400 T pal 400 Valpar 400 Work cube 400 46 P.U. (A) 363 ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) TRAINING (a) Instrumental activities of daily living Ability to use telephone 40 Early ambulation 40 Self hygiene 40 Transfer 40 Ability to handle finance 40 Bathing 40 Bladder management 40 Bowel management 40 Cleaning work 40 Device care 40 Domestic skill 40 Dressing 40 Eating/feeding 40 Food/meal preparation 40 Functional communication 40 Functional mobility 40 Grooming 40 Health eminence 40 Household maintenance 40 Housekeeping 40 Laundry 40 Mode of transportation 40 Money management 40 Responsibility for medication 40 Safety procedure 40 Sexual expression 40 Shopping 40 Toileting 40 47 P.U. (A) 363 (b) Aids and adaptation (bagi setiap peralatan modifikasi yang dibekalkan) Cooking utensil 80 Dressing 80 Feeding/drinking utensil 80 Mobility 80 Bathing 80 Reading/writing 80 Wheel chair seating 80 Behavioral therapy 40 (c) Cognitive and perceptual training Basic concepts 40 Body part identification 40 Cognitive stimulation 40 Educational activities 40 Right/left discrimination 40 Figure ground discrimination 40 Reality orientation 40 Topographical orientation activities 40 Sequencing 40 Categration 40 (d) Dynamic splint - harga mekanisme (mengikut harga pasaran) + harga statik splint 240 48 P.U. (A) 363 (e) Creative therapy Art therapy 40 Drama/role play 40 Music therapy 40 (f) Social skill training Assertive training 40 Coping skill training 40 Group support 40 Group therapy 40 Individual therapy 40 Interpersonal skill 40 Self awareness activities 40 Self control 40 Self expression 40 Social conduct 40 Social skill training 40 Time management 40 Role checklist 40 (g) Patients and career education Body mechanic and ergonomic 40 Edema control 40 Energy conservation/work simplication 40 Environment therapy 40 Joint protection techniques 40 49 P.U. (A) 363 (h) Play and leisure Leisure check list 40 Play and leisure exploration 40 Play and leisure training 40 (i) Relaxation Bio-feedback 40 Deep breathing 40 Diaphragmatic breathing 40 Imaginary relaxation 40 Progressive muscular relaxation techniques 40 (j) Sensory training Sensory desensitization 40 Sensory integration 40 Sensory re-education 40 Sensory stimulation 40 Fluidotherapy 40 (k) Motor training Above elbow prothesis 40 Above knee prothesis 40 Active assisted exercise 40 Below elbow prothesis 40 Below knee prothesis 40 Bilateral integration 40 Crossing midline 40 50 P.U. (A) 363 Ergonomic training 40 Fine motor skills 40 Finger prosthesis 40 Gait training 40 Gross motor activities 40 Hand-eye coordination 40 Improve balance 40 Motor re-education 40 Neuro developmental technique 40 Normalize muscle tone 40 Oral muscle stimulation 40 Strengthening exercise 40 Endurance training 40 Reduce muscle tone 40 Above elbow prothesis 40 (l) Compression therapy Corban bandage 40 Pressure splint 40 Tubigrip 40 Fi (RM) Bayi Kanak-kanak Dewasa (0 hingga 12 (1 hingga 18 (18 tahun bulan) tahun) ke atas) Finger strap 10 10 10 Gauntlet 20 30 30 Glove 30 40 40 (m) Pressure garment 51 P.U. (A) 363 Forearm A sleeve 20 30 40 Full length arm sleeve 30 40 50 Vest with long sleeve 60 80 120 Vest with short sleeve 40 60 100 Chin strap 20 20 30 Mask 40 60 80 Short pants 40 60 80 Long pants 60 80 120 Thigh strap 30 40 50 Calf strap 30 40 50 Socks (1 unit) 30 40 50 Finger toe 10 10 10 Hand/foot 20 20 30 Hand to forearm 30 50 80 Finger to forearm 30 60 120 Forearm to upper arm 30 60 120 Hand to upper arm 60 120 240 Upper arm 40 60 160 Hard collar 40 80 160 Foot to calf 60 120 160 Foot to mid thigh 120 160 300 Mid calf to mid thigh 40 120 160 Plaztozote insole 10 20 30 Tennis elbow 40 70 70 Ulnar driff 10 20 30 Ergonomic A sling 60 60 70 Foot drop check 60 30 40 Buddy strap 10 10 10 Body brace 100 250 500 Pelvis harness 360 10 0 (n) Static splint 52 P.U. (A) 363 BAHAGIAN 14 FI IMPLAN BAGI PERKHIDMATAN OFTALMOLOGI Fi (RM) Paediatric and strabismus 600 Frontalis sling ; silastic material 1,125 Frontalis sling ; ptose up Lacrimal intubation ; Ritleng tube 600 Lacrimal intubation ; Crawford tube 608 Mini monoka 600 Glaucoma ; Baerveldt implant 2,055 Glaucoma ; Ahmad valve implant 2,400 Medpor orbital sphere implant 1,950 Customised artificial eye 3,900 Ready-made artificial eye 120 Conformer 480 Silicone band for squint surgery 120 3,000 Low vision optical devices Surgical vitreoretina Silicone oil 675 Gas C3F8 225 Gas SF6 225 Silicone band 120 Silicone sponge 450 Silicone tyre 150 53 P.U. (A) 363 Glaucoma Baerveldt implant (standard) 2,055 Baerveldt implant (pars plana) 2,055 Ahmad valve (standard) 2,400 Ahmad valve (pars plana) 3,300 Molteno implant 1,950 750 Amniotic membrane Implant tube extender 1,200 Cataract and refractive surgery 1,200 525 Capsular tension ring 1,125 Aniridia ring Cornea Corneal - precut 6,000 Corneal - tissue in optisol 2,700 Corneal tissue - tissue in glycerol 1,500 Amniotic membrane 750 Bandage contact lens - weekly 15 Bandage contact lens - monthly 45 Keratoprosthesis - ocular landers 2,997 Keratoprosthesis - boston 12,000 Intrastromal corneal ring segment - INTACS 4,500 Optical cylinder for ssteo - odonto - keratoprostesis (OOKP) 3,000 585 Symblepharon ring 54 P.U. (A) 363 Oculoplastic Crawford lacrimal intubation 435 O'Donoghue lacrimal intubation 375 Ritleng intubation set 600 Bicanaliculus intubation set 225 Snug plug - punctal plug 300 Ptosis probe - silicone 600 Ptosis probe - gortex 990 Conformer - silicone, perforated 480 Symblepharon ring 585 Titanium plate 1,425 Titanium screw 225 Gold weight implant 3,150 Platinum weight implant 3,900 Silicone tyre 276 150 Fixation sleeve 75 Sponge 450 Mini monoka 600 Monoka 600 Upper eyelid spacer 1,350 Lower eyelid spacer 1,350 75 Acrylic implant Hydroxyapatite orbital implant 2,400 MEDPOR - micro thin sheet 1,050 MEDPOR - ultra thin sheet 1,050 MEDPOR - sheets 1,050 MEDPOR - titanium sheets 1,425 55 P.U. (A) 363 MEDPOR enophthalmos wedges 1,950 MEDPOR orbital conical implant 2,025 MEDPOR orbital sphere implant 1,950 MEDPOR blocks 1,170 Orbital sphere tissue expander 2,700 PESS implant 3,300 Customised artificial eye 3,900 Ready-made artificial eye 120 BAHAGIAN 15 FI IMPLAN BAGI PERKHIDMATAN ORTOPEDIK Fi (RM) 1.5mm Cortical screw, 0.5mm pitch, full thread (length range : 6mm - 30mm) 15 2.0mm Cortical screw, 0.6mm pitch, full thread (length range : 6mm - 40mm) 16 2.7mm Cortical screw, 1.0mm pitch, full thread (length range : 8mm - 50mm) 17 2.7mm Cortical screw, 1.0mm pitch, self tapping, full thread (length range : 6mm - 40mm) 18 Epiphysis mini plates 2.0mm (range : left / right l-obligue, left/right 90 degree t-plate) 67 Quarter tubular plate 2.7mm (hole range : 3mm - 8mm) 77 Self compression plates 2.0mm (hole range : 4mm - 8mm) 104 Self compression plates 2.7mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 141 Straight mini plate 2.0mm (hole range : 3mm - 6mm) 94 4.0mm Cancellous screws, 1.75mm pitch, full thread (length range : 10mm - 70mm) 18 4.0mm Cancellous screws, 1.75mm pitch, long thread (length range : 16mm - 72mm) 56 13 P.U. (A) 363 4.0mm Cancellous screws, 1.75mm pitch, short thread (length range : 10mm - 80mm) 11 3.5mm Cortical screws, 1.25mm pitch, full thread (length range : 10mm - 70mm) 16 3.5mm Cortical screws, 1.25mm pitch, self tapping, full thread (length range : 10mm - 65mm) 17 Clover leaf plate 3.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 5mm) 334 LC-self compression plate 3.5mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 256 One third tubular plate 3.5mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 71 Self compression plate 3.5mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 94 Small t-plate (obligue angled) 3.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 5mm) 168 Small t-plate (right angled) 3.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 6mm) 168 6.5mm Cancellous screw, 2.75mm pitch, 32mm thread length (length range : 30mm - 110mm) 30 6.5mm Cancellous screw, 2.75mm pitch, full thread (length range : 16mm - 110mm) 31 4.5mm Cortical screw, 1.75mm pitch, full thread (length range : 14mm - 80mm) 16 4.5mm Cortical screw, 1.75mm pitch, self tapping, full thread (length range : 14mm - 80mm) 17 4.5mm Malleolar screw, 1.75mm pitch, threaded length (length range : 25mm - 100mm) 33 Broad self compression plate 4.5mm (holes range : 4mm - 18mm) 211 Butress l-plate (right angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 6mm) 281 Buttress l-plate (left angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 8mm) 281 Buttress t-plate 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 8mm) 234 Cobra head plate 4.5mm (hole range : 8mm - 11mm) 667 Condylar buttress plate (left angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 7mm - 15mm) 585 57 P.U. (A) 363 Condylar buttress plate (right angled) 4.5mm (hole range: 7mm - 15mm) 585 Large t-plate 4.5mm (hole range: 3mm - 9mm) 328 Lateral tibia plate (left angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 5mm - 13mm) 585 Lateral tibia plate (right angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 5mm - 13mm) 585 Limited contact - broad self compression plate 4.5mm (holes range: 6mm - 18mm) 422 Limited contact - narrow self compression plate 4.5mm (holes range : 2mm - 16mm) 375 Narrow self compression plate 4.5mm (holes range : 2mm - 18mm) 153 Semi-tubular plate 4.5mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 78 Spoon plate 4.5mm (hole range : 5mm - 6mm) 312 Bone screw washers (range : Outer 6.5mm, 7.2mm, 10.0mm, 13.0mm) 10 4.0mm Cannulated screw, 16mm thread length (length range : 25mm - 50mm) 206 4.5mm Cannulated screw, 16mm thread length (length range : 20mm - 80mm) 206 6.5mm Cannulated screw, full thread (length range : 25mm - 115mm) 206 7.0mm Cannulated screw, 16mm thread length (length range : 30mm - 130mm) 206 7.0mm Cannulated screw, 32mm thread length (length range : 45mm) 217 7.0mm Cannulated screw, full thread (length range : 20mm - 130mm) 217 Curved reconstruction plate 3.5mm (holes range : 6mm - 18mm) 410 Straight reconstruction plate 3.5mm (hole range : 5mm - 22mm) 234 Straight reconstruction plate 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 16mm) 328 DHS plate 130 (hole range : 2mm - 9mm) 585 58 P.U. (A) 363 DHS plate 135 (hole range : 2mm - 9mm) 585 DHS plate 140 (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 702 DHS plate 145 (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 702 DHS plate 150 (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 702 Hexagonal head compression screw, length 36mm 43 Lag screw, thread 12.5mm, thread length 22.0mm (length range : 50mm - 145mm) 234 Calibrated guide wires, 2.5mm, length 230mm 94 Austin Moore narrow stem stainless steel (head size range : 38mm - 56mm) 953 Austin Moore standard stem stainless steel (head size range : 38mm - 56mm) 953 Austin Moore standard stem titanium (head size range : 38mm - 56mm) 1,521 Thompson standard stem stainless steel (head size range : 38mm - 56mm) 953 Thompson standard stem titanium (head size range : 38mm - 55mm) 1,521 130 Angled blade plates (hole range : 4mm - 12mm) 95 Angled blade plates (condylar plate 95) (hole range : 5mm - 18mm) 634 1,112 Supracondylar plates 95 degress (hole range : 6mm - 16mm) 913 Carbon fibre rods 11.0mm (length range : 100mm - 600mm) 153 Schanz screws 4.0mm (length range : 100mm - 250mm) 57 Schanz screws 4.0mm/3.0mm (length range : 80mm - 100mm) 52 Schanz screws 5.0mm (length range : 100mm - 250mm) 57 Schanz screws 6.0mm (length range : 100mm - 250mm) 113 Tube to pin clamp, connection Schanz screw 5.0mm to 11.0mm tube 223 Tube to tube clamp, end connector 11.0mm to 11.0mm tube 223 59 P.U. (A) 363 Tube to tube clamp, mid shaft connector 11.0mm to 11.0mm tube 223 Ender nails 4.5mm (length range : 420mm - 520mm) 195 Ender nails 4.8mm (length range: 220mm - 520mm) 161 Kuntcher nails 10.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 385 Kuntcher nails 11.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 390 Kuntcher nails 13.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 413 Kuntcher nails 14.0mm (length range : 30 cm - 52 cm) 425 Kuntcher nails 15.0mm (length range : 30 cm - 52 cm) 436 Kuntcher nails 16.0mm (length range : 30 cm - 52 cm) 459 Kuntcher nails 6.0mm (length range : 14 cm - 40 cm) 331 Kuntcher nails 7.0mm (length range : 14 cm - 40 cm) 344 Kuntcher nails 8.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 356 Kuntcher nails 9.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 367 Cerclage wires (10's) (diameter range : 1.0mm - 1.2mm) Cerclage wires, length 10 meters (diameter range : 1.0mm - 1.2mm) 1,404 134 Kirchner wires 0.9mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 70mm - 150mm) 6 Kirchner wires 1.2mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 6 Kirchner wires 1.0mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 6 Kirchner wires 1.4mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 6 Kirchner wires 1.5mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 300mm) 8 Kirchner wires 1.6mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 8 Kirchner wires 1.8mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 8 60 P.U. (A) 363 Kirchner wires 2.0mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 400mm) 9 Rush pins 2.4mm (length range : 25mm - 254mm) 84 Rush pins 3.2mm (length range : 102mm - 356mm) 102 Rush pins 4.8mm (length range : 203mm - 356mm) 102 Rush pins 6.4mm (length range : 298m - 431mm) 127 Steinmann pins 3.5mm with trocar tip (length range : 125mm - 150mm) 34 Steinmann pins 4.0mm/5.0mm mid thread (length range : 175mm - 200mm) 141 Steinmann pins 4.0mm with trocar tip (length range : 150mm - 175mm) 34 Steinmann pins 4.5mm with trocar tip (length range : 125mm - 250mm) 34 Steinmann pins 5.0mm with trocar tip (length range : 150mm - 300mm) 34 Interlocking femoral nail 880 Interlocking tibia nail 880 Distal tibia plate 3,300 Osteotomy plate 2,860 Calcaneal plate 2,200 Bone staples 110 Stainless steel elastic nail 1,760 Bone cement (plain) 220 External fixator 2 tubes and 8 clamps 4,950 Wrist external fixator 4,950 Reconstruction external fixator set tibia 8,800 Reconstruction external fixator set femur 13,200 61 P.U. (A) 363 IMPLAN KAKI DAN BUKU LALI Suture anchor - 2.4mm - 5.5mm (titanium, bio absorbable, PEEK) 1,375 Syndesmosis tightrope 1,750 Bio tenodesis screw 1,690 Break away screw 360 Triple threaded screw 6.0mm 900 Cannulated screw 2.4mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm, 6.5mm, 7.0mm and 7.3mm (titanium) 525 Locking plate (mini and calcaneum) 2,350 Compression staple 475 Pilon plate (distal end tibia) 2,000 Ankle distractor (external fixator) 6,000 Bone graft (bonalive) 2,800 Radiofrequency coblation probe (topaz) 1,300 Arthroscopic radiofrequency probe (covac) 950 Arthroereisis screw 2,575 Total ankle replacement 15,500 Taylor spatial frame 12,000 Hind foot nail 3,350 Metatarsophalangeal joint arthroplasty (hemi and total) 6,125 62 P.U. (A) 363 GENERAL/TRAUMA IMPLANTS DHS 650 Interlocking femoral nail 695 Interlocking tibial nail 695 Kuntscher intramedullary nail tibia 195 Kuntscher intramedullary nail femur 195 Steinman pin 39 Schanz screw 59 Cortical screw 3.5mm 10 Cortical screw 4.5mm 13 Circlage wire 0.2mm - 1.5mm 105 6.5mm Cancellous screw (16/32/full thread) 22 4.0mm Cancellous screw (full/short thread) 17 Cannulated screw 4.0mm, 6.5mm, 7.0mm 190 Mini plates 169 Mini screws 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.7mm 24 Angle blade plate 750 K-Wires various sizes and length 13 Rush nails 649 Straight reconstruction plate 2.7mm 158 Reconstruction plate 3.5mm (straight/curved) 273 Reconstruction plate 4.5mm (straight/curved) 275 Broad DCP plate (4.5mm) 147 Narrow DCP (4.5mm) 113 Small fragments plate (3.5mm) 90 63 P.U. (A) 363 One third tubular plate (3.5mm) 52 Semi tubular plate (4.5mm) 71 T-buttress plate 4H - 6H (4.5mm) 179 T-plate (4.5mm) 212 L-buttress plate 4H - 6H (4.5mm) 195 Small t-plate (3.5mm) : oblique/right/left 120 Condylar buttress plate (4.5mm) 450 Clover leaf plate 265 Spoon plate 229 Distal tibial plate 1,125 Osteotomy plate 650 LC-DCP plate (3.5mm, 4.5mm) 225 Calcanel plate 525 Y-plate 225 Bone staples 40 Washer 15 JOINT ARTHROPLASTY Hemi hip prosthesis (Austin Moore/Thompson) 725 MISCELLANEOUS Bone cement (plain) 250 64 P.U. (A) 363 BASIC LCP SMALL FRAGMENT 3.5MM LCP straight plate 3.5mm : (stainless steel) (a) 6 - 9 holes (1 set) 1 plate and screws (b) 10 - 12 holes 800 1,100 LCP metaphyseal 3.5mm (titanium) (a) 6 - 9 holes (1 set) 1 plate and screws 1,800 (b) 10 - 12 holes 2,000 LCP T Plate 3.5mm : (stainless steel) (a) Right angled (3 - 6 holes) 800 (b) Obloque angle (3 - 5 holes) 800 LCP reconstruction plate 3.5mm (6 - 9 holes) stainless steel LCP plate (1.0mm, 1.3mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm) - 1 plate and screw Screw only 850 1,600 150 Proximal humeral locking plate 3,000 Distal humeral locking plate 3,900 Distal radius locking plate (volar) 2,200 Distal radius locking plate (dorsal) 2,300 LCP distal radius plate 2.4mm (a) Dorsal plate (2 plates) 2,300 (b) Volar plate (extraarticular or juxta articular) 1,800 (c) Extra long volar plate (10 holes) 2,700 (d) LCP wrist fusion 2.7mm/3.5mm 2,800 (e) LCP ulna hook 2.0mm 1,600 (f) 3.0mm Headless compression screw Variable angle 2 column distal radius plate 2.4mm 65 700 2,500 P.U. (A) 363 LOCKING PLATE (ANGGOTA ATAS) (STAINLESS STEEL) Clavicular locking plate 1,800 Proximal humeral locking plate 2,200 Distal humeral locking plate 3,900 LCP extra-articular distal humerus plate 3.5mm (6 holes, 8 holes, 9 holes, 10 holes) 3,900 LCP hook plate 3.5mm 1,200 Olecranon locking plate 3,000 Unreamed humeral nail 1,600 Without end caps 1,200 With end caps 1,600 LCP compact hands (1.0mm, 1.3mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm) 1,600 BASIC LCP LARGE FRAGMENT 4.5MM/5.0MM LCP narrow 4.5mm/5.0mm humerus/tibia (a) 6 - 9 holes 1,000 (b) 10 - 16 holes 1,600 (c) 8 - 9 holes 1,100 (d) 10 - 14 holes 1,650 (e) 16 holes 2,000 LCP T-buttress plate 4.5mm/5.0mm (4 - 5 holes) 900 LCP T plate 4.5mm/5.0mm (4 - 6 holes) 900 LCP L-buttress plate 4.5mm/5.0mm (4 - 6 holes) 900 LCP metaphyseal 3.5mm/4.5mm/5.0mm BROAD ( 3 - 9 holes) 2,200 LCP reconstruction plate 4.5mm/5.0mm (6 - 10 holes) 2,000 66 P.U. (A) 363 INTERLOCKING NAIL (STAINLESS STEEL) LCP dynamic hip screw 4.5mm/5.0mm 2 - 6 holes (a) 1 plate and srews 1,000 (b) 1 plate + 1 lag screw + 1 compression screw + screws 1,200 (c) 8 - 10 holes 1,400 (d) 12 - 14 holes 1,800 Femur interlocking nail 850 Retrograde nail 1,500 Femur reconstruction nail 1,500 Proximal femoral nail (standard) 1,800 Proximal femoral nail (long stem) 2,500 Gamma nail 1,800 Distal femoral nail 2,400 Tibial interlocking nail 850 LCP hook plate 3.5mm 1,200 LCP 1/3 tubular 1.3mm (a) 5 - 7 holes 1,200 (b) 8 - 10 holes 1,400 LCP medial proximal tibia plate 3.5mm (4 - 8 holes) 2,400 LCP medial distal tibia plate 3.5mm (a) low bend 6 - 8 holes 2,100 (b) 12 - 14 holes 2,600 LCP anterolateral distal tibial plate 3.5mm (5 - 11 holes) 2,100 LCP compact foot : (LCP plate 2.0mm/2.4mm/2.7mm) 1,600 LCP 2 hole plate 2.7mm (consists of 1 plate and screws) 800 67 P.U. (A) 363 Screw only (2.0mm, 2.4mm, 2.7mm) 150 LCP calcaneal plate 3.5mm 2,000 Midfoot fusion bolt 1,800 INTERLOCKING NAIL (TITANIUM) Femur interlocking nail 1,600 Gamma nail 2,200 Distal femoral nail 2,000 Spiral locking 2,400 Tibial interlocking nail 850 Expert tibial nail (cannulated) 2,000 Expert A2FN standard locking 1,800 Periarticular plate LCP tomofix 3.5mm 2,600 LCP distal fibula plate 2.7mm/3.5mm (lateral/posterolateral) 2,900 LCP proximal tibia plate 3.5mm, lateral (6 - 8 holes) 2,400 OTHERS Expert nail 1,800 DISTAL FEMUR/PROXIMAL AND DISTAL TIBIA FRACTURES 15,800 (consist of : posts, 3 hole wire clamps, 2 hole wire clamp, supplementary screw holder bar and clamps, HA coated orthofix tapered cortical screws) ACUTE TRAUMA/POST-TRAUMATIC STIFFNESS (Consist of : complete orthofix elbow fixator kit with HA coated orthofix tapered cortical screws ) 68 15,000 P.U. (A) 363 GENU VARUM/GENU VALGUM/LLD/ANKLE VALGUS ETC. (consist of : brand : orthofix, Italy) Trauma paediatric orthopedik 2,400 Titanium Elastic Nail (TEN) (a) without end caps (consists of 2 pcs TEN only) 1,200 (b) with end caps (consists of 2 pcs TEN and 2 pcs end Cap) 1,600 Capos 3.5mm and 4.5mm (consists of 1 plate and screw) (stainless steel) 1,200 Paediatric hip plate (3.5mm and 5.0mm) 1 plate and screw (stainless steel) 2,200 Telescopic nail 9,000 Paediatric hip locking plate 2,500 8 Plate 2,500 Paediatric limb reconstruction system 15,000 Arthrodiastasis 15,000 Scoliosis instrumentation (anterior) 30,000 Scoliosis instrumentation (anterior - posterior) 30,000 Scoliosis instrumentation (posterior) 25,000 Anterior cervical fusion system (single level) 6,000 Posterior cervical fusion 10,000 Spinal cages 3,000 Anterior spinal instrumentations 10,000 Lower back instrumentations (single level) 9,000 Artificial discs (cervical) 11,000 Artificial discs (lumbar) 11,000 Kyphoplasty (per level) 7,875 Vertebroplasty (per level) 4,500 69 P.U. (A) 363 Halo vest system 9,450 Scoliosis bracing 840 Juwett, SOMI,TLSO, LSO bracing 998 Pedicle screws 1,155 Sports surgery and arthroscopy (a) Primary ACL reconstruction (single bundle) 4,643 (b) Primary ACL reconstruction (double bundle) 6,943 (c) Primary PCL reconstruction (single bundle) 5,976 (d) Primary PCL reconstruction (double bundle) 7,068 (e) Primary PLC reconstruction (single bundle) 4,515 (f) Primary PLC reconstruction (double bundle) 7,005 (g) Primary MCL reconstruction (single bundle) 4,515 (h) Primary MCL reconstruction (double bundle) 7,005 Multiligament reconstruction without allograft (a) 2 ligaments 7,873 (b) 3 ligaments 10,108 (c) 4 ligaments 13,558 Multiligament reconstruction with allograft - 2 ligaments 16,873 Patella stabilization surgery 4,010 Knee malalignment surgery 4,400 Meniscus repair surgery 4,343 Meniscus transplantation surgery 27,255 Shoulder stabilization surgery 4,500 Anterior and posterior stabilization 7,723 Single row (small or medium size tear) 12,500 Single row (massive tear) 4,670 70 P.U. (A) 363 Double row (small or medium size tear) 7,945 Double row (massive tear) 7,370 Biceps tendon repair or tenodesis 6,995 ACJ repair 10,795 ACJ reconstruction 3,513 Osteochondral transplantation surgery 4,438 IMPLAN BAGI ARTHROSCOPY DAN SPORT SURGERY Bioabsorbable interference screw 1,245 Extracortical button 1,335 Suture anchor 1,370 Meniscus repair 1,100 Tight rope repair kit 875 AC graftrope 1,500 Meniscus implant 25,000 Allograft tissue (freeze - dried) 6,000 Allograft tissue (fresh frozen) 11,500 Osteochondral implant 3,000 Force fibrewire 210 Knee brace 1,500 Shoulder brace 475 Osteotomy plate 2,500 Bone substitute 1,400 71 P.U. (A) 363 OSTEOTITE HA COATED SCREWS Osteotite bone screw 180mm/50mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 180mm/60mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 200mm/50mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 150mm/30mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 150mm/40mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 170mm/40mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 170mm/60mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 170mm/80mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 160mm/70mm diameter 6mm, thread 6 -5mm 360 BASIC LRS COMPONENTS LRS extra short rail length 12cm 2,427 LRS standard rail length 30cm 2,558 LRS long rail length 40cm 3,534 LRS straight central clamp 4,167 LRS straight outer clamp 3,033 LRS t-clamp 2,904 Sandwich clamp with C/D unit for LRS 3,676 Compression distraction unit long clicker model 2,242 Compression distraction unit short 1,319 Compression distraction unit STD clicker model Dyna-ring with C/D unit attach for LRS 909 1,055 72 P.U. (A) 363 ACUTE/GRADUAL CORRECTION CLAMPS LRS multiplanar clamp 4,537 Micrometric swivelling clamp for LRS 3,534 LRS hinged rail coupling 3,745 LRS of-garches t-clamp 3,941 Of-garches standard compression/distraction unit 985 Of-garches long compression/distractionunit 985 Pelvic fixator long model kit with 6 pieces of screws 11,500 Hand/forearm applications 5,500 Articulated hip distraction/perthes 16,000 Orthofix dynamic wrist fixator system with screws (Kit No: 37000 or 37001) 6,500 SS half rings (diameter 80mm - 240mm) 160 SS 5/8 rings (diameter 80mm - 220mm) 180 Carbon fibre half ring (diameter 80mm - 240mm) 320 SS Italian femoral arches : (a) 90 degree arch, small/large size 200 (b) 120 degree arch, small/large size 200 (c) Threaded rods (size: 40mm - 450mm) 34 (d) Slotted threaded rods (size : 40mm - 100mm) 62 Telescopic rods Telescopic rods : 100mm 94 Telescopic rods : 150mm 109 Telescopic rods : 200mm 125 73 P.U. (A) 363 Telescopic rods : 250mm 156 Telescopic rods : 300mm 187 Telescopic rods : 350mm 187 Telescopic rods : 400mm 187 Posts female (size: 2 - 4 holes) 59 Male post (size : 2 - 4 holes) 59 Hinges female standard 59 Hinges male standard 59 Hinges - 90 degree standard 59 Hinges - 90 degree low profile 59 Short connection plates Short connection plate 2 holes length 35mm 62 Short connection plate 3 holes length 45mm 62 Short connection plate 4 holes length 55mm 62 Short connection plate 5 holes length 65mm 62 Short connection plate 6 holes length 75mm 62 Short connection plate 7 holes length 85mm 94 Short connection plate 8 holes length 95mm 94 Short connection plate 9 holes length 105mm 94 Short connection plate 10 holes length 115mm 94 74 P.U. (A) 363 Long connection plate Long connection plate size : 8 holes length 155mm 94 Long connection plate size : 12 holes length 235mm 94 Long connection plate size : 17 holes length 335mm 109 Connected plates with threaded ends Connection plates with threaded ends : 5 holes length 135mm 94 Connection plates with threaded end : 7 holes length 175mm 94 Connection plates with threaded ends : 9 holes length 215mm 125 Connection plates with threaded ends : 11 holes length 255mm 125 Twisted plates Twisted plates : 2 holes length 45mm 50 Twisted plates : 3 holes length 65mm 50 Twisted plates : 4 holes length 85mm 50 Curved plates : 3 holes 62 Bushing (for big RFS) 31 Threaded sockets (20mm - 60mm) 40 Connection bolts and nuts Connection bolts : 10mm 9 Connection bolts : 16mm 9 75 P.U. (A) 363 Connection bolts : 20mm 22 Connection bolts : 30mm 22 Nut 6mm 3 Nut 13mm 5 Thin nut 4 Nylon insert nut 6 Square nut 16 Spacing washers 1.5mm 4 Spacing washers 2.0mm 4 Split locking washer 2.0mm 6 Flat sided washers 2.0mm 7 Flat sided washers 4.0mm 7 Slotted washers 4.0mm 9 Conical washer couple 31 Wire fixation bolt slotted 34 Wire fixation bolt cannulated 34 Pin fixation bolts for 3mm pins 62 Pin fixation bolts for 4mm pins 62 Pin fixation bolts for 5mm pins 62 Pin fixation bolts for 6mm pins 62 Single pin fixation bolt 125 Multiple pin fixation clamp 406 Wire fixation buckle 218 76 P.U. (A) 363 Blocks for half pins (rancheo cubes) Blocks for half pins : 1 hole 39 Blocks for half pins : 2 holes 39 Blocks for half pins : 3 holes 39 Blocks for half pins : 4 holes 56 Blocks for half pins : 5 holes 62 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 1 holes 42 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 2 holes 42 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 3 holes 42 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 4 holes 56 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 5 holes 62 Centre sleeve for block for half pins Centre sleeve for block for half pins - 3mm 12 Centre sleeve for block for half pins - 4mm 12 Centre sleeve for block for half pins - 5mm 12 Centre sleeve for block for half pins - 6mm 12 Universal joint 187 Rotational translation device 270 Oblique support connection 53 77 P.U. (A) 363 Wayar K - wires - cortical 1.5mm x 300mm 25 K - wires - cortical 1.8mm x 370mm 25 K - wires - cancellous 1.5mm x 300mm 25 K - wires - cancellous 1.8mm x 370mm 25 Olive wires - (bayonet point) 1.5 x 300mm 29 Olive wires - (bayonet point) 1.8 x 400mm 29 Set screws 3.0mm 6 Schanz screws 5 x 175mm 35 Schanz screws 5 x 150mm 35 Proximal humerus endoprosthesis 17,500 Distal humerus endoprosthesis 35,000 Total humerus endoprosthesis 40,000 Proximal femur endoprosthesis 21,000 Total femur endoprosthesis 41,500 Proximal tibia endoprosthesis 33,000 Bone cement 350 Expandable endoprosthesis 97,000 Long stem bipolar 7,250 Shoulder arthroplasty 7,900 Radio-capitellum prosthesis 8,500 Total wrist prosthesis 12,000 Distal ulnar head prosthesis 5,600 Sigmoid notch (DRUJ) prosthesis 4,800 Radial head modular Co Ci / Ti 6,500 78 P.U. (A) 363 Radial head prosthesis 5,000 Bipolar radial head 6000 Silicone PIP, MCP, MCP preflex 1,000 Silicone PIP, MCP, MCP preflex with bone cement 1,150 Semi constrained PIP arthoplasty 6,300 Semi constrained MCP arthoplasty 5,600 Surface replacement PIP arthoplasty 4,700 Surface replacement MCP arthoplasty 3,600 CMC thumb arthroplasty 5,250 Carpal fusion plate 3 holes 1,700 Carpal fusion plate 4 holes 2,100 Carpal fusion plate 5 holes 2,450 Hunter’s rod (silastic rods) 800 Stainless steel mini plates Straight 1.5mm 20 holes 310 Straight 2.0mm 20 holes 280 Condylar plate 1.5mm R/L 445 Condylar plate 2.0mm R/L 500 Condylar plate 2.7mm R/L 440 T plate 1.5mm ; shaft 9 holes; 3/4 holes 500 T plate 2.0mm ; shaft 9 holes; 3/4 holes 420 H plate 2.0mm 340 H plate 1.5mm 160 Reconstruction plate 2.7mm, 5 - 8 holes 400 79 P.U. (A) 363 Reconstruction plate 2.7mm 5 - 8 holes 520 Adaptation plate 2.0mm 20 holes 300 Low profile titanium plates 1.3mm 1.5mm 1,600 Condylar blade plate 1,600 Y, T plate 1,600 H, extended H plate 1,600 Straight plate 1,600 1.0mm, 1.3mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm screws 1,600 Scaphoid screws Accutrac micro 2.8mm/2.2mm 1,200 Accutrac mini 3.8mm/3.2mm 1,000 Headless compression screw 3.0mm 700 Autofix 2.0mm/2.5mm 600 Autofix 3.0mm/4.0mm 600 3.0mm Cannulated screw 450 Locking plates Dorsal 2,300 Volar (extra/intra articular) 1,800 10 Holes 2,700 80 P.U. (A) 363 Variable angle 2,500 Wrist fusion 2.7mm/3.5mm 2,800 3.5mm LCP 6 - 9 holes 800 3.5mm LCP 10 - 12 holes 1,100 3.5mm locking reconstruction plate 6 - 9 holes 850 3.5mm LCP metaphyseal plate 6 - 9 holes 1,800 3.5mm LCP metaphyseal plate 10 holes 2,000 3.5mm LCP T plate 3 - 6 holes 800 Proximal humerus internal locking system 2,200 LCP distal humerus 2.7mm/3.5mm 3 - 9 holes (2 plates) 3,900 LCP olecranon 3.5mm 2 - 8 holes 2,700 Anchor sutures Minilok 2.3mm absorbable 850 Microfix 1.6mm absorbable 850 Hinged elbow external fixator 1 hinge, 4 clamps, 4 schantz screws 7,500 SURGERY SYSTEM Total knee replacement system Total knee replacement system for young 12,000 Total knee replacement system mobile bearing 8,000 Ts tibial total knee replacement system 13,000 Total stabilization total knee revision replacement system 19,000 81 P.U. (A) 363 Modular Rotating Hinged (MRH) total knee replacement system 22,000 Global Modular Replacement System (GMRS) proximal femur total knee replacement system 48,000 Global Modular Replacement System (GMRS) proximal tibial total knee replacement system 35,000 Global Modular Replacement System (GMRS) distal femur total knee replacement system 35,000 Global Modular Replacement System (GMRS) total femur total knee replacement system 48,000 Total hip replacement system Bipolar hemi hip replacement system 4,100 Total hip replacement system (cemented) 7,500 Total hip replacement system for young adult 13,000 Total hip replacement system (cementless) 10,750 Total hip replacement system - long stem (cemented) 8,000 Total hip replacement system - gap ii and mesh (cemented) 13,100 Total elbow replacement system 8,500 Hemi shoulder replacement system 7,250 Total shoulder replacement system 8,000 Reversed shoulder 17,000 Total ankle replacement 9,500 Revision accessories Acetabulum reconstruction ring 4,500 Revision stems 8,000 82 P.U. (A) 363 Mesh femoral 2,000 Mesh acetabulum 2,000 Cables 500 Pulse lavage 300 Plate 1,500 Cement 270 Antibiotic bone cement 350 Antibiotic bone cement (tobramycin) 1,100 Trabecular metal cone/wedges 3,500 Constraint cup with head 3,500 Cement joint spacer 4,000 Trochanteric hook plate 12,000 83 P.U. (A) 363 JADUAL KEEMPAT [Subperenggan 6(1)] FI SIASATAN BAHAGIAN 1 SIASATAN RADIOLOGI Fi (RM) X RAY Dada Dada (satu pandangan) 40 Dada (dua pandangan) 60 Dada (tiga pandangan) 80 Dada (empat pandangan) 100 Tulang muka dan hidung Tulang muka (satu pandangan) 40 Tulang muka (dua pandangan) 60 Tulang muka (tiga pandangan) 80 Tulang hidung (satu pandangan) 40 Abdomen Abdomen (satu pandangan) 40 Abdomen (dua pandangan) 60 Abdomen (tiga pandangan) 80 84 P.U. (A) 363 Ginjal, ureter dan pundi kencing (satu pandangan) 100 Pelvimetri lateral 50 Pelvimetri antero - posterior dan lateral 80 Spina Spina servikal (satu pandangan) 40 Spina servikal (dua pandangan) 60 Spina servikal (tiga pandangan) 80 Spina servikal (empat pandangan) 100 Spina servikal (lima pandangan) 120 Spina torasik (satu pandangan) 40 Spina torasik (dua pandangan) 60 Spina torasik (tiga pandangan) 80 Spina lumbo - sakral (satu pandangan) 40 Spina lumbo - sakral (dua pandangan) 60 Spina lumbo - sakral (tiga pandangan) 80 Spina lumbo - sakral (empat pandangan) 100 Sakrum (satu pandangan) 40 Sakrum (dua pandangan) 60 Sendi sakro iliak (satu pandangan) 40 Sendi sakro iliak (dua pandangan) 60 Simfisis pubis 40 Sendi sakrooksigeal (satu pandangan) 40 Sendi sakrooksigeal (dua pandangan) 60 Kaji skeletal 250 85 P.U. (A) 363 Tengkorak Tengkorak (satu pandangan) 40 Tengkorak (dua pandangan) 60 Tengkorak (tiga pandangan) 80 Tengkorak (empat pandangan) 100 Mandibel Mandibel (satu pandangan) 40 Mandibel (dua pandangan) 60 Mandibel (tiga pandangan) 80 Sendi temporo mandibular Sendi temporo mandibular (satu pandangan) 40 Sendi temporo mandibular (dua pandangan) 60 Sendi temporo mandibular (tiga pandangan) 80 Sendi temporo mandibular (empat pandangan) 100 Mastoid Mastoid (satu pandangan) 40 Mastoid (dua pandangan) 65 Mastoid (tiga pandangan) 95 Mastoid (empat pandangan) 115 86 P.U. (A) 363 Sinus paranasal Sinus paranasal (satu pandangan) 40 Sinus paranasal (dua pandangan) 60 Sinus paranasal (tiga pandangan) 80 Foramina optik Pandangan foramina optik - sesisi 60 Pandangan foramina optik - dwisisi 90 Orbit Orbit (dua pandangan) 40 Orbit (tiga pandangan) 60 Orbit (empat pandangan) 80 Kanal auditori dalaman Kanal auditori dalaman (satu pandangan) 40 Kanal auditori dalaman (dua pandangan) 60 Kanal auditori dalaman (tiga pandangan) 80 87 P.U. (A) 363 Bahu Bahu (satu pandangan) 40 Bahu (dua pandangan) 60 Bahu (tiga pandangan) 80 Bahu (empat pandangan) 100 Sendi akromio - klavikular - kedua-dua belah menanggung berat 50 Lengan (humerus) Lengan humerus (satu pandangan) 40 Lengan humerus (dua pandangan) 60 Sendi siku Sendi siku (satu pandangan) 40 Sendi siku (dua pandangan) 60 Sendi siku (tiga pandangan) 80 Sendi siku (empat pandangan) 100 Lengan bawah (radius/ulna) Lengan bawah (radius/ulna) (satu pandangan) 40 Lengan bawah (radius/ulna) (dua pandangan) 60 88 P.U. (A) 363 Pergelangan tangan Pergelangan tangan (satu pandangan) 40 Pergelangan tangan (dua pandangan) 60 Pergelangan tangan (tiga pandangan) 80 Pergelangan tangan (empat pandangan) 100 Tangan Tangan (sebelah - satu pandangan) 40 Tangan (sebelah - dua pandangan) 60 Tangan (sebelah - tiga pandangan) 80 Tangan (kedua-dua belah - satu pandangan) 50 Tangan (kedua-dua belah - dua pandangan) 70 Tangan (kedua-dua belah - tiga pandangan) 90 Tangan kiri bagi usia tulang 40 Ibu jari atau setiap jari Ibu jari atau setiap jari lain (satu pandangan) 25 Ibu jari atau setiap jari lain (dua pandangan) 35 Klavikel Klavikel (satu pandangan) 40 Klavikel (dua pandangan) 60 89 P.U. (A) 363 Sendi sternoklavikular Sendi sternoklavikular (satu pandangan) 40 Sendi sternoklavikular (dua pandangan) 60 Sendi sternoklavikular (tiga pandangan) 80 Sternum (satu pandangan) 40 Skapula Skapula (satu pandangan) 40 Skapula (dua pandangan) 60 Pandangan skafoid 80 Pandangan kanal karpal 60 Pelvis Pelvis (satu pandangan) 45 Pelvis (dua pandangan) 65 Pelvis (tiga pandangan) 85 Sendi pinggul Sendi pinggul (satu pandangan) 45 Sendi pinggul (dua pandangan) 65 Sendi pinggul (tiga pandangan) 85 Sendi pinggul (empat pandangan) 105 Sendi pinggul (lima pandangan) 125 90 P.U. (A) 363 Femur (paha) Femur (paha) (satu pandangan) 45 Femur (paha) (dua pandangan) 60 Lutut Lutut (satu pandangan) 40 Lutut (dua pandangan) 60 Lutut (tiga pandangan) 80 Lutut (empat pandangan) 100 Lutut (lima pandangan) 120 Tulang keting (tibia/fibula) Tulang keting (tibia/fibula) (satu pandangan) 40 Tulang keting (tibia/fibula) (dua pandangan) 60 Pergelangan kaki Pergelangan kaki (satu pandangan) 40 Pergelangan kaki (dua pandangan) 60 Pergelangan kaki (tiga pandangan) 80 Pergelangan kaki (empat pandangan) 100 Pergelangan kaki (lima pandangan) 120 91 P.U. (A) 363 Kaki Kaki (satu pandangan) 40 Kaki (dua pandangan) 60 Kaki (tiga pandangan) 80 Kedua-dua belah kaki (dua pandangan) 70 Kedua-dua belah kaki (tiga pandangan) 90 Sendi subtalar Sendi subtalar (satu pandangan) 40 Sendi subtalar (dua pandangan) 60 Sendi subtalar (tiga pandangan) 80 Sendi subtalar (empat pandangan) 100 Kalkaneum Kalkaneum (lateral) (satu pandangan) 40 Kalkaneum (lateral) (dua pandangan) 60 Kalkaneum (aksial) (satu pandangan) 40 Kalkaneum (aksial) (dua pandangan) 60 Densitometri tulang Densitometri tulang - dexa 150 Densitometri tulang - ultrasound 130 92 P.U. (A) 363 Fluroscopy jantung, paru-paru dan diafragma 400 Tomografi 250 Mammografi 295 Periapikal/bite wing - setiap imej 70 Oklusi 70 Pergigian OPG dan OPG lateral 70 Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) 700 PEMERIKSAAN DENGAN KONTRAS MEDIA Sistem kardiovaskular Free flush arch aortogram 400 Coronary arteriogram 400 Sistem vaskular Free flush 400 Abdominal aortogram 400 Superior mesentric arteriogram 400 Inferior mesentric arteriogram 400 Femoral arteriogram - unilateral 400 Femoral arteriogram - bilateral 400 Splenoportography 400 93 P.U. (A) 363 Salur gastrousus Barium telan 115 Barium makan dengan follow through 205 Gastrograffin makan dan enema 205 Hypotonic duodenography 205 Barium enema (usus besar, usus kecil) 205 Barium makan 170 Sistem hempedu Kolesistogram oral 170 Intravenous cholangiogram 285 Operatif kolangiogram tiub-T 135 Sistem kencing Urogram intravena (IVU) 400 Sistouterogram kencing 285 Urethrogram 230 Pyelography retrograde 205 Sistem saraf pusat Myelography 605 Air-encephalogram 605 Ventriculogram 605 94 P.U. (A) 363 Sistem lain Dacriocystography 230 Sialography 230 Fistulography 230 Arthrography 400 Bronchography - unilateral 230 Bronchography - bilateral 345 Lymphangiography 800 Hysterosalphingography 230 Presacral air insufflation 800 Sinogram 170 Sialogram 460 Sistogram 205 Sistogram kencing 250 Venogram 640 IMBASAN TOMOGRAFI BERKOMPUTER (CT SCAN) Kepala 915 Toraks 570 Abdomen 630 Pelvis 915 Seluruh badan 1,260 Anggota atas 630 Anggota bawah 630 95 P.U. (A) 363 CT spina - servikal 745 CT spina - dorsal 745 CT spina - lumbo sakral 745 CT spina - lumbar 745 PENGIMEJAN RESONANS MAGNETIK (MRI) Kepala 2,060 Toraks 1,030 Abdomen 1,485 Pelvis 1,485 Seluruh badan 1,490 Anggota atas 1,490 Anggota bawah 1,490 Spina - servikal 1,375 Spina - dorsal 1,375 Spina - lumbo 1,375 Spina - sakral 1,375 ULTRASOUND Ultrasound - abdomen atas 150 Ultrasound - pelvis 120 Ultrasound - abdomen dan pelvis 200 Ultrasound - ginjal dan pundi kencing 100 Ultrasound - ginjal, pundi kencing dan anggaran isipadu baki urin 120 96 P.U. (A) 363 Ultrasound - otak (neonatal) 120 Ultrasound - tiroid 100 Ultrasound - payu dara 140 Ultrasound muskuloskeletal untuk setiap bahagian 150 Ultrasound - scrotum 100 Ultrasound - scrotum dengan doppler 200 DOPPLER ULTRASOUND Doppler ultrasound - karotid ekstra kranium 350 Doppler ultrasound - arteri satu kawasan 250 Doppler ultrasound - vena satu anggota 250 Doppler ultrasound - vena dua anggota 400 Doppler ultrasound - arteri satu anggota 300 Doppler ultrasound - arteri dua anggota 450 Doppler ultrasound bagi apa-apa organ yang tidak disenaraikan di atas – setiap organ 300 Endocavitary ultrasound 150 BAHAGIAN 2 SIASATAN KARDIOLOGI Fi (RM) Elektrokardiogram (EKG) (dengan laporan) 80 Ekokardiogram transtorasik 230 Signal averaging ECG 237 Ekokardiogram transesofageal 440 97 P.U. (A) 363 EKG (stress/senaman) dengan laporan 270 Eko farmakologi stres 300 Stress echo - treadmill 380 Pemantauan holter (pemantauan ECG 24 jam) 457 Susulan perentak 288 Stress echocardiografi 380 Doppler echocardopgraphy 380 BAHAGIAN 3 SIASATAN NEUROLOGI Fi (RM) Elektroencefalografi 70 BAHAGIAN 4 SIASATAN OFTALMOLOGI Fi (RM) Refraksi/refraksi psikloplegik 55 Orthoptics/binocular vision/vision therapy 70 Kanta lekap 70 Penglihatan terhad 70 Colour vision kecuali ishihara 70 Diagnostik khas Visual Field (VF) 70 Hess test 70 98 P.U. (A) 363 BSV 70 Corneal topography 220 Keratometry dan A Scan 110 Contrast Sensitivity 70 Heidelberg Retinal Tomography (HRT) 70 GDx 70 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 70 Fundus photography 55 Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) 70 Electroretinography (ERG) 220 BAHAGIAN 5 SIASATAN TELINGA, HIDUNG DAN KERONGKONG Fi (RM) Pure tone audiometri 70 Ujian elektrofisiologi (diagnostik) (a) Auditori evoked potential 70 (b) Otoacoustic emission test 70 (c) Vestibular function test (kalorimetri) 70 Hearing aid management 70 Ujian khas (a) Free field 70 (b) Tone decay test 70 (c) SISI test 70 (d) Bekesy 70 (e) Impedance test 70 99 P.U. (A) 363 BAHAGIAN 6 PENYIASATAN IMBASAN PET CT Fi (RM) Pet CT 6,500 BAHAGIAN 7 SIASATAN PEMULIHAN PERTUTURAN BAHASA Fi (RM) Pemulihan pertuturan bahasa 70 Prosedur FEES (Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing) 70 Rawatan vitalstim 70 BAHAGIAN 8 SIASATAN DIETETIK Fi (RM) Nutrition assessment 70 Medical nutrition therapy presumption 70 Medical nutrition therapy intervention 70 Enteral nutrition formula 70 100 P.U. (A) 363 JADUAL KELIMA [Perenggan 7] FI MAKMAL Fi (RM) 2 Hours post parandial 20 17 - Oxosteroids 30 17 - Oxogenic steroids 30 3 - Methyoxy - 4 - hydroxy - mandelic acid (HMMA/VMA) (urine) 30 5 - Hydroxy indoles total 20 5 - Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5 - HIAA) 100 ABO + grouping (anti D only) 20 Acetone 5 Acid Fast Bacilluss (AFB) culture 45 Acid phosphatase 70 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV antibody) 60 ACTH stimulation test 50 Alanine transaminase 10 Albumin (blood) 10 Albumin (urine) 10 Alcohol 50 Aldosterone 84 Alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) 70 Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 30 Allergy skin test 70 Alpha antitrypsin 60 Amino acid by TLC (urine) 100 101 P.U. (A) 363 Amino acid by TLC screening 100 Ammonia 60 Amylase 20 Antenatal screening 58 Anti Streptolysin O Titre (ASOT) 30 Anti-antibodies/haemagglutination test 20 Antibiotic sensitivity 50 Anti-DNA antibody (anti dsDNA) 108 Antigen detection specific pathogens 20 Antinuclear factor (ANF) 40 Ascorbic acid 20 Aspartate transaminase 10 Aspirate for cylology 100 Augmentin histamine test 50 Bacteriological sterility test 60 Barbiturate 60 Barbiturate (serum) 110 Barbiturate (urine) 110 Bence Jones protein 10 Beta carotene 10 Beta Human Chorionic Ganadotropin (Beta HCG) 60 Bicarbonate 10 Bile pigment 8 Bilirubin 20 Bilirubin conjugated 10 Bilirubin unconjugated 10 102 P.U. (A) 363 Bilirun (total) 20 Bleeding time 10 Blood gases 65 Blood group and cross matching 11 Blood Urea Serum Elektrolytes (BUSE) 38 Blood urea nitrogen 10 Bramsulphathelein excretion test 30 Bronchial brushing cytology 30 Bronchial lavage/washing cytology 30 Brucella agglutination test 20 C reactive protein - quantitative 60 Caeruloplasmin 50 Calcium 20 Cannabinoids 50 Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA) 55 Cardiac enzymes 48 Cardiac isoenzyme (CK) 50 Cathecolamine 180 Cerebro - spinal fluid (CSF) routine 50 Cerebro - spinal fluid cultural and sensitivity 40 Cerebrospinal fluid cytology 30 Chlamydial (screening) 40 Chlamydial Immunoglobin G (IgG) antibody 95 Chlamydial Immunoglobulin G (IgG) 75 Chloride 10 Cholesterol (total) 20 103 P.U. (A) 363 Cholinesterase 20 Chromosomal analysis 600 Clot test 45 Clotting time 10 Coagulation factor anti - xa 50 Coagulation factor ix activity 50 Coagulation factor ix antigen 215 Coagulation factor v antigen 50 Coagulation factor v leiden mutation 215 Coagulation factor vii activity 215 Coagulation factor vii antigen 50 Coagulation factor vii inhibitors 50 Coagulation factor viii activity 215 Coagulation factor viii antigen 50 Coagulation factor viii inhibitors 215 Coagulation factor x antigen 50 Coagulation factor x activity 215 Coagulation factor xi activity 215 Coagulation factor xi antigen 50 Coagulation factor xi inhibitors 50 Coagulation factor xii activity 215 Coagulation factor xii antigen 50 Coagulation factor xiii activity 450 Coagulation factor xiii clot lysis test 50 Coagulation profile 115 Cold agglutin/cryoglobulin titre 125 104 P.U. (A) 363 Complement C3 50 Complement C4 50 Complement fixation test 20 Coomb test direct 55 Coomb test indirect 54 Copper 70 Cortisol 55 Cortisol AM 55 Cortisol PM 55 Cortisol profile 55 C-Peptide 3 specimen 180 Creatine 20 Creatine Kinase (CK) 20 Creatine Kinase - Muscle Bound (CK - MB) 55 Creatinine 35 Creatinine clearance test 35 Creatinine phosphate 35 Cryoglobulin 120 Cryoprecipitate 20 CSF biochemistry 20 Culture of clinical specimen (e.g. tissue culture, animal innoculation) 40 Culture of mycoplasma 20 Cystic fluid cytology 30 Cystine 5 Cytologi peritoneal fluid 30 Cytological examination of clinical specimen 30 105 P.U. (A) 363 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) 70 Delta amino leavulinic acid urine 70 Dengue fever study 160 Dexamethasone suppresion test 50 Diastase 10 Dibucaine number 20 Differential count 10 Direct smear (grain stain) 30 Drug analysis (per drug) 30 Electrolytes 30 Electrone microscopy 250 Electrophoresis (for Bence Jones protein) 30 Electrophoresis protein 72 ELISA for hepatitis A virus 30 Erythrocyte transketolase and TPP effect 20 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 20 Faecal fat 30 Ferritin 130 Fibrinogen 80 Fibrinogen (immuno method) 115 Filtered RBC 600 Flourescent microscopy 30 Folate RBC 40 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 60 Free tyroxine index 35 Fructosamine 45 106 P.U. (A) 363 Full blood count 40 Full blood picture 80 Gamma glutamine transferase 30 Gastric brushing cytology 30 Gastric function test 50 Gastric lavage cytology 30 Gentamicin, peak 30 Gentamicin, random 30 Gentamicin, trough 30 Gentamycin 30 Globulin 18 Glucose 10 Glucose fasting blood sugar 20 Glucose tolerance test 50 Glucose - 6 - Phosphte Dehydrogenase (G6PD) screening test 20 Glucostix 62 Group and crossmatch (GXM) 11 Group Screen and Hold (GSH) 68 Growth hormone 78 Haemagglutination inhibition test (denggue serology) 60 Haematocrit pack cell volume (PCV) 20 Haemoglobin and allied pigment 5 Haemoglobin (Hb) 10 Haemoglobin A I C (HbA1C) 60 Haemoglobin electrophoresis 60 Haptoglobin 50 107 P.U. (A) 363 Hb analysis 60 HDL and LDL cholesterole (pakej) 40 Hepatitis A Virus Immunoglobulin G Antibody (HAV IgG Ab) 50 Hepatitis A Virus Immunoglobulin M Antibody (HAV IgM Ab) 78 Hepatitis B e Antibody (HBV e Ab) 60 Hepatitis B surface Antibody (HBs Ab) 60 Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBs Ag) 60 Hepatitis C (antibody) 70 Hepatitis C Virus Immunoglobulin G (HCV IgG Ab) 60 Hepatitis C Virus Immunoglobulin M (HVC IgM Ab) 80 Hepatitis E (antigen) 60 Herpes simplex type 1 immunoglobin G 54 Herpes simplex type 2 immunoglobin G 60 High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol 20 High density lipoprotein concentration 20 Histopalogy examination type B (medium specimens) 100 Histopalogy examination type C (small specimens) 80 Histopatology examination type A (large specimens) 125 HIV antigen test 50 HIV antibody confirmation test 150 HLA - B27 291 Homogentisic acid 5 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 60 Hydroxy butyrate dehydrogenase 35 Hydroxyproline 30 IFA test for legionella ab 30 108 P.U. (A) 363 Immunoelectrophoresis 30 Immunofixation 30 Immunoglobulin A (quantitive) 30 Immunoglobulin E (quantitive) 30 Immunoglobulin G (quantitive) 30 Immunoglobulin M (Quantitive) 30 Immunological techniques (agglutination, flocculation, hemolysis) 20 Indirect immunoperoxidase test 30 Iron serum 25 Isoenzyme studies 50 Ketone bodies 40 Kleihaurs test 60 Lactate dehydrogenase 15 Lactic dehydrogenase 15 Lange's colloidal gold curve 30 Lead 55 Leuteinising Hormone (LH) 42 Light microscopy 10 Lipid profile (cholestreole, tryglicerides) 48 Lipoprotein electrophoresis 270 Lithium 38 Liver function test 100 Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) 40 Lupus Erythematous cells (LE cell) 15 Lysozyme serum 20 Magnesium 15 109 P.U. (A) 363 Malaria parasite 15 Mantoux test 15 Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) 6 Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) 6 Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 6 Menopausal hormone studies 120 Menstrual cycle study 135 Mercury 125 Microbiological analysis of water, milk, ice cream, other foods 50 MICS of antibiotics 50 Monospot test 30 Morphine/Cannabinoids 80 Mucopolysaccharides 70 Myeglobin 10 Nipple discharge cytology 30 Nuclear sexing (buccal smear) 35 Occult blood 16 Oesophageal brushing cytology 40 Oestradiol 48 Oestrogen total 30 Orosamucoid 30 Osmolaliti 20 Osmotic fragility test 60 Others brushing cytology 30 Others cytology 30 Pack cell 20 110 P.U. (A) 363 Pack Cell Volume (PCV) (haematocrit value) 20 Paracetamol 50 Paraprotein (serum elektrophoresis) 100 Paraquat 30 Particle agglutination for mycoplasma 20 PCO2 10 Pericardial fluid cytology 30 Peripheral blood film 20 Peritoneal / Ascitic fluid cytology 30 PH urine, blood, fluid 10 Phagocytic function test 100 Phenylketones 10 Phospate 20 Phospate inorganic 11 Phosphorous 15 Platelet agregation test 105 Platelet concentration 20 Platelet count 10 Pleural fluid cytology 30 PO2 10 Porphyrin 30 Porphyrinogen 10 Potassium 10 Puus FEME 20 Pregnancy test semi quantitative/qualitative 40 Pregnantriol 30 111 P.U. (A) 363 Progesterone 70 Prolactin 40 Protein (total) plasma 65 Protein (total) urine 30 Protein electrophoresis 65 Prothrombin Time (PT) 30 Pus swab culture and sensitivity 40 Pyruvate 30 Pyruvate kinase 30 Random blood sugar 20 Red blood cell (blood) 20 Red blood cell (urine) 5 Red cell folate 20 Renal profile 80 Reticulocyte count 40 RH antibody screening 52 Rhesus grouping (anti D only) 20 Rheumatiod arthritis factor (RA factor) 40 Riboflavin 30 Rubella antibody 50 Rubella immunoglobulin G antibody 50 Rubella immunoglobulin M antibody 80 Salicylate 50 Schumn's test 10 Screening test for the presence of inhibitors to coagulation factors 50 Seminal analysis 30 112 P.U. (A) 363 Seminal assay 30 Seminal examination 30 Serum ferritin 20 Serum folate 30 Smear for acid fast bacilii 40 Smear wet preparation tricomonas/monilis 10 Sodium 20 SP Fallopian tube 80 SP Abdominal wall 80 SP Adrenal 80 SP Anus 80 SP Appendix 80 SP Back and vertebral column 80 SP Bartolin's gland 80 SP Bone 80 SP Brain and spinal cord 80 SP Breast 80 SP Bronchus 80 SP Cardiac valve 80 SP Cervix 80 SP Chest 80 SP Colon 80 SP Ear 80 SP Endocardium 80 SP Endometrial 80 SP Extra hepatic duct 80 113 P.U. (A) 363 SP Eye/Eye appendages 80 SP Gall bladder 80 SP Head 80 SP Heart 80 SP Joint 80 SP Kidney 80 SP Larynx 80 SP Lip 80 SP Liver 80 SP Lower extremity 80 SP Lung 80 SP Lymph node 80 SP Mandible and maxilla 80 SP Mediastinum 80 SP Meninges 80 SP Muscle 80 SP Myocardium 80 SP Myometrium 80 SP Nasal cavity and parasinus 80 SP Nasopharynx 80 SP Neck 80 SP Oesophagus 80 SP Omentum 80 SP Oral cavity and oropharynx 80 SP Ovary 80 SP Pancreas and ampullary region 80 114 P.U. (A) 363 SP Paraganglion 80 SP Parathyroid 80 SP Pelvis and sacral 80 SP Penis and scrotum 80 SP Pricardium 80 SP Peritoneum 80 SP Placenta 80 SP Pleural 80 SP Product of conception 80 SP Prostate and seminal vesicle 80 SP Rectum 80 SP Retroperitoneum 80 SP Salivary gland 80 SP Skin 80 SP Small bowel 80 SP Soft tissue 80 SP Spleen 80 SP Stomach 80 SP Testis and testicular adnexae 80 SP Thymus 80 SP Thyroid 80 SP Tongue 80 SP Tonsil/adenoid 80 SP Trachea 80 SP Upper extremity 80 SP Ureter 80 115 P.U. (A) 363 SP Urethra 80 SP Urinary bladder 80 SP Uterus 80 SP Vagina 80 SP Vessel 80 SP Vulva 80 Specific gravity 5 Specific protein CSF (e.g. immunoglobulin) 30 Spectroscopy, blood pigment 10 Sputum cytology 30 Sputum FEME 20 Stercobilinogen 5 Stones analysis 62 Stool FEME 20 Sugar 5 Sugar by TLC 30 Sugar chromatography urine 30 Sugar profile 30 Synovial fluid cytology 30 T and B cell enumeration 100 Test for hemolysin 10 Test for platelet antibodies 170 Testosterone 45 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) 10 Thiamin 30 Thriglycerides 40 116 P.U. (A) 363 Thyroid profile 65 Thyroid Simulating Hormone (TSH) 60 Thyroid uptake 40 Thyroxine 3 (T3) 60 Thyroxine 4 (T4) 40 Tissue typing (HLA - A and B) 360 Tissue typing (HLA - DR and DO) 360 Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) 30 Total RBC 10 Total White and Differential Count (TWDC) 10 Total White Blood Cell Count (TWBC) 10 Transferrin 90 Treponema Pallidum (TPHA) Hemagglutination 30 Triglycerides 40 Urea 10 Urea clearance test 30 Uric acid 20 Uric acid (urates) 20 Urine antenatal 58 Urine concentration test (pitressin test) 30 Urine creatinine 30 Urine cytology 30 Urine FEME 40 Urine protein 30 Urobilin 10 Urobilinogen 20 117 P.U. (A) 363 VDRL flocculation test 20 Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) 30 Vitamin A 20 Vitamin B12 40 Von Willebrand factor assay (ELIZA) 66 Wash RBC 100 Weil Felix agglutination test 20 White blood cell 10 Widal agglutination test 30 Widal Weil Felix 30 Xylose absorption test 30 118 P.U. (A) 363 JADUAL KEENAM [Perenggan 8] FI PEMBEDAHAN Fi (RM) PEMBEDAHAN AM Pharyngo - laryngo - oesophagectomy with reconstruction 11,024 Tracheo - oesophageal fistula 8,578 Total pancreatectomy 7,837 Pancreato duodenectomy (e.g. Whipple’s operation) 7,837 Adrenalectomy 6,080 Adrenalectomy - bilateral 6,505 Total parotidectomy - preserving of facial nerve 5,595 Partial parotidectomy - preserving of facial nerve 4,890 Total thyroidectomy 4,005 Partial thyroidectomy 3,870 Hemithyroidectomy 3,870 Subtotal thyroidectomy bilateral 3,945 Thyroglossal cyst 2,147 Block dissection of cervical glands 7,068 Parathyroidectomy 4,533 Mastectomy with/without axillary clearance 2,951 Wide excision for carcinoma breast 2,367 Total oesophagectomy and interposition of intestine 11,607 Repair of diaphragmatic hernia - transabdominal 4,240 Total gastrectomy 5,284 119 P.U. (A) 363 Partial gastrectomy (benign disease) 4,079 Partial gastrectomy (malignant disease) 4,669 Gastro - jejunostomy 3,592 Vagotomy with drainage 3,497 Drainage of liver/subphrenic and pelvic abscesses 2,367 Cholecystectomy (laparoscopic) 4,369 Splenectomy (subtotal) 6,232 Intestinal obstruction - resection/anastomosis of small/large intestines 4,580 Resection of small bowel 3,487 Ileo - transverse anastomosis 6,822 Hemicolectomy right/left 3,976 Anterior resection of rectum 7,068 Abdomino - perineal resection 7,546 Rectopexy/rectosigmoidectomy for rectal prolapsed 3,346 Orchidectomy 2,294 Excision of retro peritoneal tumours 4,172 Femoro distal bypass (vein graft) 8,769 Femoro distal bypass (prosthetic graft) 12,385 Femoro popliteal bypass (vein graft) 8,781 Femoro popliteal bypass (prosthetic graft) 11,179 Femoro - femoral crossover graft 8,985 Axillo femoral bypass 10,456 Axillo - bifemoral bypass 11,235 Femoral endarterectomy 6,807 Carotid endarterectomy (patch) 10,288 Removal of sub-mandibular gland 2,181 120 P.U. (A) 363 Gastrostomy 2,596 Herniorrhaphy - umbilical 1,833 Herniorrhaphy - inguinal 1,928 Herniorrhaphy - femoral 1,768 Herniorrhaphy - incisional 2,358 Fistulectomy 1,012 Excision of breast tumours/cyst 1,927 Oesophageal dilatation (under general anaesthesia) 1,136 Excision operation for varicocele 1,708 Haemorrhoidectomy 1,764 Adrenalectomy - left - open 6,080 Adrenalectomy - left - laparoscopic 5,794 Adrenalectomy - right - open 6,080 Adrenalectomy - right - laparoscopic 5,794 Adrenalectomy - bilateral - open 6,505 Adrenalectomy - bilateral - laparoscopic 6,219 Block dissection of axillary lymph nodes 2,872 Block dissection cervical nodes - right 5,620 Block dissection cervical nodes - left 5,620 Extended radical neck dissection cervical nodes - right 5,620 Extended radical neck dissection cervical nodes - left 5,620 Splenectomy 2,885 Hemithyroidectomy - left 3,537 Hemithyroidectomy - right 3,537 Mastectomy simple - left 2,826 Mastectomy simple - right 2,826 121 P.U. (A) 363 Mastectomy and axillary sampling - left 2,951 Mastectomy and axillary sampling - right 2,951 Mastectomy and axillary sampling - bilateral 2,951 Mastectomy + axillary clearance - left 2,951 Mastectomy + axillary clearance - right 2,951 Subtotal thyroidectomy 3,909 Total thyroidectomy 3,909 Ultra low anterior resection 9,453 Wide local excision and axillary clearance 2,242 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGDS) 989 Pembedahan torasik Bronchoscopy - flexible bronchoscopy - rigid bronchoscopy 3,606 Rigid oesophagoscopy 3,333 Throscopy for pleural and lung biopsy 3,553 Mediastinoscopy 7,075 Anterior mediastinotomy 6,130 Vats for spontaneous pneumathorax 7,120 Vats and lobectomy 10,370 Vats and wedge biopsy 6,870 Vats and thymectomy 7,370 Vats and biopsy of lymph node 7,120 Thoracotomy excission of bublae and pleurodesis - pleuropectomy 18,137 Thoracotomy and lung resection (lobectomy, pneumonectomy) 18,136 Decortication for empyema thorax 8,602 122 P.U. (A) 363 Rib resection for empyema 6,492 Thoracostomy for permanent chest drainge 8,427 Thoracoplasty 8,415 Transhiatal oesophgectomy with gastric pull up 15,091 Oesophygectomy with colon interposition 17,223 Oesophygectomy with jejunum replacement, roux-en-y 17,056 Oesophygectomy with gastric replacement ivor lewis 17,223 Thoracic repair of hiatus hernia 7,354 Mediastinotomy of ant mediastinal mass 12,581 Thymectomy 7,890 Excision of teratoma 10,466 Corrective surgery for pectus excavatum of pectus carinatum 8,239 Excision of chest wall lessions with reconsruction 7,481 Plication of diaphragm 7,526 Hepatobiliari Open cholecystectomy 7,425 Open chole with cbd exploration 8,033 Choledhocectomy and hepaticojejunostomy 18,675 Radical cholecystectomy with segment 4b/5 liver resection 28,710 Radical cholecystectomy with segment 4b/5 liver resection with excision of bile duct and roux-en-y hepaticojejunostomy 38,500 Radical choledhocectomy and hepaticojejunostomy 55,305 Surgery for klatskins tumour - radical holedhochectomy with left or right hemihepatectomy, caudate lobectomy, roux-en-y, cholangiojejunostomy 55,000 123 P.U. (A) 363 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 6,930 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 9,765 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and intraop cholangiogram 10,643 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cbd exploration 11,385 Transhepatic cholangioscopy and lithotripsy 11,385 Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy with reconstructions 37,500 Distal pancreatectomy 11,385 Distal pancreatectomy + splenectomy 14,153 Central pancreatectomy and reconstruction 23,490 Frey's procedure 23,490 Modified puestow 18,540 Total pancreatectomy 37,500 Pancreatic necrosectomy - open 11,385 Pancreatic necrosectomy - retroperitoneal 11,385 Hemihepatectomy and cholecystectomy (right or left) 33,798 Extended right/left hemihepatectomy and cholecystectomy 41,250 Central hepatectomy 41,250 Lateral sectionectomy 22,660 Right posterior sectionectomy 28,710 Segment 8 resection 28,710 Other anatomical monosectionectomy 17,298 Non-anatomical monosectionectomy 13,915 Non-anatomical bisectionectomy 17,298 Intraoperative ablative procedure , ultrasound guided 13,915 Appendicectomy - laparoscopic 2,531 124 P.U. (A) 363 Kolorektal Colonoscopy 1,590 Repair of colonic fistula 3,030 Wedge resection of rectum 2,680 Excision mesenteric cyst - open 2,723 Caecopexy - open 2,476 Reduction of bowel volvulus - open 2,939 Repair - rectovesico fistula 3,552 Laser treatment of lesion - large intest 1,685 Cauterisation of lesion - colon - endoscopic 1,685 Sigmoidoscopy + cautery of lesion - endoscopic 1,265 Dilatation stricture - small bowel - open 2,423 Balloon dilatation of stricture - colon 2,095 Biopsy of lesion of ileum - laparoscopic 3,868 Excision of colonic lesion - endoscopic 2,770 Sigmoidoscopy + excision colonic lesion - endoscopic 2,770 Snare resection of rectal lesion - endoscopic 4,960 Exploratory colostomy 2,821 Colostomy and removal of foreign body 2,491 Anal fistulotomy 2,457 Laser treatment - anal lesion 1,673 Ileo - transverse anastomosis 4,200 Anterior resection of rectum 6,571 Abdomino - perineal resection 10,764 Pancolectomy 7,701 125 P.U. (A) 363 Abdomino - anal pull through resection 10,076 Fistulectomy 1,893 Colonoscopy polypectomy 2,062 Fissurectomy 953 Haemorrhoidectomy 1,771 Thirsch’s wiring of rectal prolapsed 2,280 Drainage of perianal, ischiorectal or breast abscesses 890 Sphincterotomy for fissures - in - ano 872 Anal dilatation (lord’s procedure) 718 Sigmoidoscopy 1,093 Injection of haemorrhoids 643 Banding of haemorrhoid 624 Colonoscopy 1,590 Vaskular Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (tube graft) 12,032 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (bifurcated graft) 14,403 Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) 56,338 Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) 55,088 Aorta femoral bypass 10,883 Renal artery surgery 7,502 Femoro - femoral crossover graft 9,463 Axillo femoral bypass 10,704 Peripheral aneurysm surgery 6,462 Operations for varicose veins of the lower limbs 3,874 126 P.U. (A) 363 Endovenous RF surgery for varicose veins 8,462 Endovenous laser surgery for varicose veins 2,752 Stripping of varicose veins 2,124 Creation of arteriovenous (AV) fistula including subsequent closure 2,229 Repair of arteriovenous (AV) fistula 5,286 Creation of arteriovenous (AV) fistula with graft 8,257 Gastrointestinal Reconstruction of oesophagus 10,556 Vagotomy, truncal with pyloroplasty 3,511 Vagotomy, highly selective 3,146 Transhiatal total oesophagectomy p-g anastomosis 15,181 Duodenoduodenostomy 3,386 Duodenojejunostomy 3,386 Duodenoileostomy 3,386 Oesophagomyotomy 3,576 Sphincterotomy duodenal papilla - open 2,996 Creation of duodenostomy - open 2,996 Excision of diverticulum of oesophagus 6,258 Resection of gastric ulcer by cautery 3,666 Ligation of oesophageal varices - open 4,569 Trans-gastric stapling for varices - open 6,206 Devascularisation of stomach - open 4,581 Removal of stent from oesophagus - open 3,425 Removal of foreign body from oesophagus - open 3,436 127 P.U. (A) 363 Repair of stricture of oesophagus 9,806 Repair perforated oesophagus - upper 9,681 Repair perforated oesophagus - middle 7,931 Pyloroplasty - laparoscopic 2,871 Closure perforated duodenal ulcer - open 2,871 Correction of volvulus of stomach 2,871 Total gastrectomy, node dissection, roux-en-y 8,514 Gastric stappling for obesity - open 6,316 Fundoplication - laproscopic 4,566 Adjust implanted antireflux prosthesis - laparoscopic 5,256 Reduction gastroenterostomy intussusception 2,871 Closure of gastroenterostomy - open 3,666 Revision gastropexy - open 3,541 Excision of oesophageal lesion - endoscopic 3,386 Excision of polyp of stomach - endoscopic 3,136 Excision of gastric polyp - endoscopic 3,136 Insertion oesophageal stent via stomach 5,127 Insertion oesophageal prosthesis - open 5,127 Insertion oesophageal tube prosthesis - rigid 5,127 Insertion oesophageal prosthesis - endoscopic 5,127 Percutaneus endoscopic gastrostomy 4,196 Insertion - stent - endoscopic 5,921 Appl haemostatics gastric bleed - endoscopic 2,794 Change of gastrostomy tube 2,629 Cryotherapy of oesophageal lesion 1,287 Electrocoagulation upper oesophageal lesion 1,287 128 P.U. (A) 363 Electrocoagulation middle oesophageal lesion 1,287 Electrocoagulation lower oesophageal lesion 1,287 Dilation of oesophageal stricture 1,287 Dilation of oesophageal stricture - endoscopic 2,724 Division of oesophageal web - endoscopic 1,727 Operations for achalasia cardia 5,196 Tanner’s operation and other operation on oesophageal varices (siguira) 3,022 Vagotomy with drainage 3,511 Ramstedt’s operation (pyloromytomy) 2,871 Oesophageal dilatation (under general anaesthesia) 3,406 Endoscopic oesophageal intubation/dilatation/stent 6,719 Injection sclerotherapy of oesophageal varices 2,392 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP) therapeutic 5,186 Gastroscopy 848 Dermatologi Laser destruction of skin lesion 1,500 Laser resurfacing 1,709 Laser therapy for pigmented skin lesion 1,500 Laser therapy for vascular skin lesion 1,500 Laser therapy : CO2 1,500 Cauterisation of skin lesion 727 Cautery of a verrucae pedis 727 Cautery of skin lesion 727 129 P.U. (A) 363 Cautery of wart 727 Chemical cautery of a corn - left foot 825 Chemical cautery of a corn - right foot 825 Chemical cautery of skin lesion 825 Chemical peeling of lesion of skin - superficial peel 500 Chemical peeling of lesion of skin - medium depth 550 Chemical peeling of lesion of skin - deep peel 830 Botulinumtoxin 2,375 Biopsy of lesion of subcutaneous tissue 1,149 Biopsy of nail bed 1,499 Biopsy of skin 516 Excision intradermal naevus 874 Excision of basal cell carcinoma 1,254 Excision of lipoma 999 Excision of maglinant skin tumour 1,254 Excision of neurofibromata 999 Excision of papilloma 874 Excision of redundant skin or fat of rig 1,039 Excision of sebaceous cyst 544 Excision of skin carcinoma 1,144 Excision of skin cyst 544 Excision of skin lesion 1,039 Excision of skin or subcutaneous tissue 1,039 Excision of skin scar 574 Excision of skin tag 509 Incision and drainage of sebaceous cyst 509 130 P.U. (A) 363 Incision and drainage of wound 509 Incision biopsy of skin 544 Incision biopsy of skin lesion 544 Insertion of therapeutic substance 1,150 Intralesional steroid for keloid 300 Intralesional steroid for skin lesion 300 Bath PUVA 810 Phototheraphy : PUVA 748 Phototheraphy : UVAI 490 Topical PUVA 720 Cryotherapy of basal cell carcinoma 630 Cryotherapy to skin lesion 313 Cryotherapy to wart 313 Needle prick for skin lesion 329 UROLOGI Transplantation and donor nephrectomy 13,991 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) 3,000 Nephrectomy (simple) and nephroureterectomy 3,944 Nefrectomy (radical) and nephroureterectomy 5,504 Nephrectomy (partial) and nephroureterectomy 4,294 Pyeloplasties 3,809 Nephrolithotomy 5,418 Pyelolithotomy 4,163 Nephropyelolithotomy 4,163 131 P.U. (A) 363 Vascular surgery - renal artery stenosis 8,333 Nephrostomies - unilateral 2,154 Nephrostomies - bilateral 2,601 Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) 5,953 Reimplantation/tailoring 3,319 Replacement of - by bladder 3,285 Replacement of - by gut 4,845 Replacement of - by ureter 3,540 Ureteroscopy (URS) 5,018 Total cystectomy 6,154 Partial cystectomy 3,869 Endoscopic surgery 1,500 Bladder reconstruction 9,025 Urethroplasty 3,203 Partial amputation of penis 2,913 Total amputation of penis 3,568 Reconstruction of hypospadias (severe) 6,420 Reconstruction of epispadias 4,130 Orchidectomy 2,208 Transurethral resection 3,322 Open prostatectomy 3,628 Fistula repair (very severe) 2,432 Ureterolithotomy 3,393 Vesicolithotomy 2,256 Vesicolithopaxy 2,752 Trans-urethral resection of bladder neck 2,187 132 P.U. (A) 363 Trans-urethral resection of bladder tumours 3,367 Excision of stricture 1,612 Urethral dilation 982 Reconstruction of hypospadias (moderate) 5,471 Orchidopexy 1,843 Vasovasastomy 2,913 Trans-urethral resection of stricture 3,322 Arteriovenous (AV) fistula 2,182 Fistula repair (moderate) 5,297 Excision operation for varicocele 1,708 Renal biopsy 1,507 Cystoscopic examination/biopsy 1,717 Cystoscopic examination and retrograde pyelogram 4,202 Vasectomy 1,158 Micturating cysto urethrogram 388 Circumcision 1,441 Repair of vesicovaginal fistula 3,520 Reconstruction of bladder neck 8,075 Colposuspension - laparoscopic 3,495 OBSTETRIK DAN GINEKOLOGI Pelvic exenteration 9,697 Wertheim’s hysterectomy 8,877 Radical vulvectomy 3,256 Extended hysterectomy 8,045 133 P.U. (A) 363 Abdominal hysterectomy 3,802 Vaginal hysterectomy 4,822 Myomectomy 3,552 Ovarian cystectomy/salpingo - oopherectomy 5,402 Simple vulvectomy 2,831 Tubal repair surgery 3,030 Ventral suspension - sling operation 2,550 Ectopic pregnancy 3,267 Abdominal sterilization/minilaparotomy 3,017 Laparoscopy 2,495 Second look laparotomy 3,160 Vaginal reconstruction 6,193 Manchester repair 3,190 Repair for stress incontinence 4,065 Pelvic floor repair 3,345 Cervical cerlage 1,572 Cone biopsy 1,592 Cauterization 971 Insufflation 1,036 Cervical biopsy (punch) 916 Secondary suturing 1,036 Polypectomy/avulsion of polyp 1,191 Cryocautery/cryosurgery 900 Incision and drainage 567 Marsupialisation of bartholin abscess 1,511 Excision of labial/vaginal cyst 1,511 134 P.U. (A) 363 Vulval biopsy 926 Open operation of fetus - repair of diaphragma 5,426 Open operation of fetus 5,426 Placental ablation 1,162 Cervical biopsy 872 Amnio reduction 1,446 Insertion of contraceptive implant 923 Removal of contraceptive implant 923 Termination of pregnancy 1,508 Removal of cerclage from cervix 923 Breech extraction 1,647 Abdominal sterilisation/minilaparotomy 2,216 Ectopic pregnancy 2,826 Second look laparotomy 3,160 Repair for stress incontinence 4,065 Tubal repair surgery 3,030 Vaginal reconstruction 6,193 Ventral suspension - sling operation 2,566 Cervical cerclage 996 Laparoscopy and ovarian drilling 3,067 Vaginectomy - total 4,230 Vulvectomy - extended 3,681 Pelvic exenteration 9,697 Myomectomy - laparotomy 3,552 Hysterectomy total and bilateral salphingoopho 5,012 Hysterectomy vaginal 3,235 135 P.U. (A) 363 Hysterectomy total abdominal 2,977 Vaginectomy - partial 2,770 Salphingo - oophorectomy - right - open 3,212 Salphingo - oophorectomy - left - open 3,212 Salphingo - oophorectomy - right - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingo - oophorectomy - left - endoscopic 2,676 Hysterectomy Wertheim's 8,877 Hysterectomy - extended 8,045 Vag. Tot Hyster bilateral salphingoophorect 4,825 Fenton's operation 3,385 Caeserean hysterectomy 3,136 Repair of bladder fistula 3,155 Oophorectomy - bilateral - open 2,797 Oophorectomy - bilateral - endoscopic 2,791 Salphingectomy - right - open 3,372 Salphingectomy - left - open 3,372 Salphingectomy - bilateral - open 3,622 Salphingectomy - right - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingectomy - left- endoscopic 2,676 Salphingectomy - bilateral - endoscopic 3,620 Gamete intrafallopian transfer - right 1,535 Gamete intrafallopian transfer - left 1,535 Zygote intrafallopian transfer - right 1,535 Zygote intrafallopian transfer - left 1,535 Tubal embryo transfer - right 1,185 Tubal embryo transfer - left 1,185 136 P.U. (A) 363 Laparoscopic adhesiolysis 2,856 Sclerosing injection into vulval vein 888 Reversal of tubal sterilization 6,257 Uterine ligament operation - open 1,517 Uterine ligament operation - endoscopic 2,136 Repair of uterovaginal fistula 4,160 Repair of ruptured uterus 3,906 Repair of urethrovaginal fistula 3,130 Vaginoplasty 4,766 Repair of enterocele - abdomino - vaginal 2,687 Repair of enterocele - endoscopic 2,685 Transvaginal tape 2,650 Plication of round ligament - open 2,682 Plication of round ligament - endoscopic 6,001 Uterine ventrosuspension - open 2,142 Uterine ventrosuspension - endoscopic 2,136 Sacrocolpopexy - endoscopic 5,001 Hysterostomy 4,570 Extraperitoneal caesarean section 3,215 Postmortem caesarean section 3,215 Surgical control of postpartum haemorrhage 2,152 Ovary reconstruction - bilateral 3,122 Reconstruction fallopian tube - bilateral - endoscopic 6,255 Reconstruction fallopian tube - left - endoscopic 4,550 Reconstruction fallopian tube - right - endoscopic 4,550 Reconstruction fallopian tube - bilateral - open 5,257 137 P.U. (A) 363 Reconstruction fallopian tube - left- open 2,682 Reconstruction fallopian tube - right - open 2,682 Salphingotomy - left - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingotomy - right - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingotomy - left - open 2,142 Salphingotomy - right - open 2,142 Repair of bladder 3,155 Sling operation - tension free vaginal tape 2,612 Sling operation - bladder neck 2,872 Bisection of ovary - right - open 2,142 Bisection of ovary - left - open 2,142 Bisection of ovary - bilateral - open 3,122 Bisection of ovary - right - endoscopic 2,676 Bisection of ovary - left - endoscopic 2,676 Bisection of ovary - bilateral - endoscopic 5,251 Drainage of ovary - right - open 2,872 Drainage of ovary - left - open 2,872 Drainage of ovary - bilateral - open 5,257 Drainage of fimbrial cyst - right - open 2,682 Drainage of fimbrial cyst - left - open 2,682 Drainage of fallopian tube - right - open 2,682 Drainage of fallopian tube - left - open 2,682 Drainage of fimbrial cyst - right - endoscopic 2,676 Drainage of fimbrial cyst - left - endoscopic 2,676 Drainage of fallopian tube - right - endoscopic 2,676 Drainage of fallopian tube - left - endoscopic 2,676 138 P.U. (A) 363 Endometrial sampling - transorifice intra 1,486 Endometrial sampling - transorifice intra 1,486 Endometrial ablation thermal 2,111 Endometrial ablation microwave 2,401 Myomectomy - laparoscopic 3,142 Colposcopy of cervix - Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone (LLETZ) 590 Colposcopy of cervix - Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) 1,350 Laparoscopy diagnostic 2,457 Myomectomy - hysteroscopic 3,552 Colposcopy of vagina 810 Colposcopy of vulva 795 Laparoscopy second look 3,160 Laparoscopy and dye insufflation 1,036 Minilaparotomy tubal ligation 2,142 Laparoscopic sterilisation 5,001 Colpocleisis 2,142 Repair of vault of vagina 1,300 Colpoperineorrhaphy 4,802 Repair of hymen 916 Sacrocolpopexy - vaginal 2,682 Hysteroscopic resection uterine septum 2,606 Colposcopy of cervix - cervical biopsy 590 Colporrhaphy 2,006 Drainage of ovary - bilateral - endoscopic 6,251 Drainage of ovary - right - endoscopic 4,546 139 P.U. (A) 363 Drainage of ovary - left - endoscopic 4,546 Cauterisation vulva - right 900 Cauterisation vulva - left 900 Cauterisation vulva - bilateral 900 Cryotherapy of lesion of vulva - right 900 Cryotherapy of lesion of vulva - left 900 Cryotherapy of lesion of vulva - bilateral 900 Cervical cerclage - McDonald's 1,506 Cervical cerclage - Shirodkar's 1,506 Cryocautery/cryosurgery - cervix 820 Cauterisation cervix 820 Cryotherapy of lesion of vagina 830 Cauterisation vagina 820 Cryosurgery perineum 1,010 Dilatation cervix 900 Vaginal dilatation procedure 900 Evacuation of vaginal haematoma 1,026 Cone biopsy 1,592 Amputation of cervix 1,760 Hysteroscopy 1,401 Excision of vaginal adhesions 1,486 Repair of cervical tears 1,032 Cervical cerclage - abdominal 1,506 Secondary suturing - perineum 1,036 Excision of female periurethral tissue 916 Drainage of labial minora abscess - right 1,511 140 P.U. (A) 363 Drainage of labial minora abscess - left 1,511 Drainage of labial minora abscess - bilateral 1,511 Drainage of labial majora abscess - right 1,511 Drainage of labial majora abscess - left 1,511 Drainage of labial majora abscess - bilateral 1,511 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's abscess 1,511 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's cyst - left 1,356 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's cyst - right 1,356 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's cyst - bilateral 1,511 Biopsy of ovary - right 2,142 Biopsy of ovary - left 2,142 Biopsy of ovary - bilateral 2,392 Cystectomy - open - right 2,547 Cystectomy - open - left 2,547 Cystectomy - open - bilateral 2,797 Cystectomy - endoscopic - right 4,546 Cystectomy - endoscopic - left 4,546 Cystectomy - endoscopic - bilateral 4,546 Excision of tubo - ovarian mass - right 2,142 Excision of tubo - ovarian mass - left 2,142 Excision of tubo - ovarian mass - bilateral 3,122 Excision of fimbria - right - open 2,682 Excision of fimbria - left - open 2,682 Excision of fimbria - bilateral - open 2,932 Excision of fimbria - right - endoscopic 2,682 Excision of fimbria - left - endoscopic 2,682 141 P.U. (A) 363 Excision of fimbria - bilateral - endoscopic 5,251 Excision of fimbrial cyst - right - open 2,682 Excision of fimbrial cyst - left - open 2,682 Excision of fimbrial cyst - bilateral - open 2,682 Excision of fimbrial cyst - right - endoscopic 2,676 Excision of fimbrial cyst - left - endoscopic 2,676 Excision of fimbrial cyst - bilateral - endoscopic 2,676 Hysterectomy subtotal 2,997 Hysterectomy total - laparoscopic 3,245 Hysterectomy vaginal - laparoscopic assist 3,255 Polypectomy - endometrium 1,486 Hymenectomy 916 Excision of excess labial minora tissue - left 1,321 Excision of excess labial minora tissue - right 1,321 Excision of excess labial minora tissue - bilateral 1,321 Excision of excess labial majora tissue - left 1,331 Excision of excess labial majora tissue - right 1,331 Excision of excess labial majora tissue - bilateral 1,331 Biopsy of vulva - right 900 Biopsy of vulva - left 900 Biopsy of vulva - bilateral 900 Excision of vulval polyp - right 1,080 Excision of vulval polyp - left 1,080 Excision of vulval polyp - bilateral 1,110 Vulvectomy - hemi - right 2,831 Vulvectomy - hemi - left 2,831 142 P.U. (A) 363 Vulvectomy - hemi - bilateral 2,831 Vulvectomy - wide local excision 3,681 Excision of Bartholin gland - left 1,356 Excision of Bartholin gland - right 1,356 Excision of Bartholin gland - bilateral 1,511 Removal of foreign body - vagina 900 Falloposcopy 2,136 Colposcopy of cervix 590 Exploration of vagina 900 Removal of pessary from vagina 900 Ovary reconstruction - right 2,142 Ovary reconstruction - left 2,142 Burch's colposuspension - with graft 4,152 Burch's colposuspension - endoscopic 6,251 Fimbroplasty - right - open 2,682 Fimbroplasty - left - open 2,682 Fimbroplasty - bilateral - open 2,676 Fimbroplasty - right - endoscopic 2,680 Fimbroplasty - left - endoscopic 2,680 Fimbroplasty - bilateral - endoscopic 5,257 Reconstruction of vagina with flap 3,625 Repair of vaginal wall prolapse - vagina 2,940 Vaginal repair - anterior mesh 2,690 Repair of vaginal tear 1,042 Repair of vaginal wall prolapse - endoscopic 5,255 Clitoroplasty 4,546 143 P.U. (A) 363 Repair of enterocele - abdominal 2,932 Repair of enterocele - vaginal 2,695 Repair of perineal tear 1,034 Sacrospinous fixation of vaginal vault 2,687 Sacrocolpopexy - vagino - abdominal 2,682 Drainage of vulval hematoma - right 1,071 Drainage of vulval hematoma - left 1,071 Drainage of vulval hematoma - bilateral 1,546 Biopsy of uterus 1,486 Removal of foreign body - uterus 1,486 Biopsy of cervix 845 Biopsy of vagina 900 Excision of vaginal lesion 1,501 Biopsy perineum 900 Dilatation and curettage - ERPOC 1,061 Dilatation and curettage - diagnostic 1,061 Insertion pessary into vagina 680 Insertion intrauterine device 690 Examination under anaesthesia - staging 900 Examination under anaesthesia - vagina 900 Removal of intrauterine device 690 Repair of genital tract tear 1,495 Polypectomy - cervix 900 Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 900 Curettage of delivered uterus 1,151 Manual removal of placenta 1,186 144 P.U. (A) 363 Uterine exploration 951 Repositioning of r/verted gravid uterus 1,527 Vaginal pack procedure 1,010 Removal of vaginal pack 1,008 Drainage of vulval abscess - left 886 Drainage of vulval abscess - right 886 Drainage of vulval abscess - bilateral 1,511 Secondary suturing 1,035 Exploratory laparotomy 2,707 Incision and drainage 1,027 Amniocentesis 1,021 Chorionic villus sampling - procedure 1,161 Amnioinfusion 1,456 OFTALMOLOGI Complicated strabismus surgery requiring complex procedures or repeat operations 5,853 Repair of severe ptosis : elevator resection/brow suspension 3,761 Excision of eyelid tumours with major reconstruction 9,800 Dacryocystorhinostomy 4,975 Conjunctivo - dacryocystorhinostomy/Lester-Jones tube 5,350 Repair of severed lacrimal passages 5,350 Reconstruction of contracted socket 7,040 Dermis - fat graft 4,130 Removal of deep seated orbital tumours 9,785 Repair of blowout fracture 9,722 145 P.U. (A) 363 Orbital and optic nerve decompression 6,117 Exenteration of orbit 6,625 Examination under anaesthesia 1,380 Release of symblepharon/with mucous membrane graft 1,434 Scleral graft 2,989 Cataract extraction - intracapsular and extracapsular 3,970 Lens aspiration 3,970 Removal of dislocated/subluxated lens not requiring vitreous surgery 3,095 Secondary intraocular lens implantation 2,905 Paracentesis 1,761 Trabeculectomy/trabeculotomy/goniotomy/cyclodialysis 4,037 Laser panretinal photocoagulation : new case 1,852 Repair of moderate perforating injury of eyeball 2,989 Simple strabismus surgery - recession/resection/myectomy 3,429 Repair of mild ptosis 3,396 Repair of congenital eyelid deformities 3,646 Repair of severe lecerations of eyelids and/or region around the eyes 1,691 Dacrycystectomy 4,901 Removal of superficial orbital tumours 3,906 Enucleation 3,681 Pterygium surgery 2,247 Conjunctivectomy/conjunctival grafts and flaps 1,482 Iridectomy - peripheral or optical 2,247 Posterior capsulotomy - surgical/laser 1,487 Posterior capsule polishing 1,487 Cryopexy - retina and glaucoma 2,067 146 P.U. (A) 363 Laser treatment other than panretinal photocoagulation 1,960 Repair of minor perforating injury of eyeball 4,094 Instralesional corticosteroid injection of capillary haemangiomas etc. 1,169 Cosmetic lid surgery 3,179 Ectropian or entropion correction 2,419 Tarsorrhaphy 2,624 Syringing/probing of lachrymal apparatus 906 Incision and drainage of orbital abscess 3,091 Biopsy of ocular appendages/superficial orbital tumours 2,921 Evisceration 4,056 Use of tissue adhesive for ocular perforation 1,333 Excision of granulomas - eyelid, conjunctival 928 Incision and curettage/intra lesional conticosteroid injection of chalazion 928 Epilation 393 Electrolysis/cryopexy for trichiasis 928 Repair of minor laceration of eyelid and/or region around the eyes Punctal occlusion 1,093 963 Fitting of ocular prosthesis 2,202 Removal of conjunctival concretions 1,208 Incision and drainage of stye/lid abscess 1,018 Release of tarsorrhaphy 863 Keratoplasty - lamellar or penetrating 5,839 Keratoplasty with cataract surgery with/without intraocular lens implant 7,027 Refractive corneal surgery 3,273 Cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation 3,970 147 P.U. (A) 363 Removal of intraocular lens 2,845 Lensectomy 6,420 Combined trabeculectomy with cataract extraction with/without intraocular lens implantation 4,236 Shunt/valve placement for glaucoma 8,626 Vitreous surgery 3,896 Retinal detachment surgery 7,086 Intraocular foreign body removal 11,711 Repair of severe perforating injuries of the eyeball 3,951 TELINGA, HIDUNG DAN KERONGKONG Base of skull surgery 19,927 Cranio facial resection 16,270 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy 14,975 Commando operation for jaw and oral pharyngeal 26,776 Total laryngopharyngectomy with reconstruction 29,214 Acoustic neuroma surgery 16,224 Meatal atresia surgery 4,958 Modified radical mastoidectomy 5,306 Radical mastoidectomy 5,030 Facial nerve decompression 5,632 Facial nerve repair 6,506 Tympanoplasty 3,740 Stapedectomy 3,687 Saccus decompression 5,110 Labryinthectomy 5,555 148 P.U. (A) 363 Tympanic nerve 3,137 Surgery of pterygopalatine fossa 3,755 Maxillectomy 9,480 Fronto ethmoidectomy 3,464 Intranasal endoscopic ethmoidectomy 2,019 Repair of frontal sinus fractures 5,000 Rhinoplasties - augmentation 6,621 Rhinoplasties - reduction 6,631 Rhinoplasties - prosthesis insertion 6,629 Laryngectomy - total/partial 6,838 Laryngofissure operation 3,282 Partial pharyngectomy without reconstruction 6,669 Repair of laryngeal and tracheal stenosis 8,878 Pharyngotomy 1,986 Excision of laryngocele 3,532 Cordopexy for adductor palsy of vocal cords 3,282 Parotidectomy - complete of partial 5,913 Radical neck dissection 7,524 Cortical mastoidectomy 4,496 Myringoplasty 3,160 Excision of preauricular sinus 1,789 Flap repair for postauricular fistula 1,215 Excision of pinna - total 5,480 Excision of pinna - partial 4,980 Reduction of facial fractures 2,292 Submucous resection of nasal septum (SMR) 2,012 149 P.U. (A) 363 Septoplasty 2,262 Nasal polypectomy 1,844 Repair of vestibular stenosis 1,278 Sublabial radial antrostomy (CWL) 1,828 Surgical treatment of posterior choanal tumours 3,143 Ligation of ethmoidal vessels 2,548 Surgical treatment of blow out fractures 5,742 Repair of oroantral fistula 2,280 Pharyngoplasty 3,725 Adenoidectomy 951 Tonsillectomy 1,970 Adenotonsillectomy 2,765 Surgery of tonsillar fossa 1,970 Removal of submandibular salivary gland 1,841 Excision of bronchial cyst and fistula 6,512 Elective microlaryngeal surgery 2,017 Myringotomy - with grommet 1,525 Myringotomy - without grommet 902 Examination of ear under general anaesthesia Examination of nose or post nasal space under general anaesthesia 1,361 808 Intranasal antrostomy 1,052 Partial turbinectomy 1,287 Submucus diathermy under general anaesthesia 852 Trephine drainage of frontal sinus 1,198 Intranasal polypectomy for single polyp 1,844 Drainage of retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess 3,267 150 P.U. (A) 363 Oesophagoscopy 1,582 Bronchoscopy 1,512 Direct laryngoscopy and biopsy 1,367 Panendoscopy 4,147 Tracheostomy - open 1,951 Removal of foreign bodies from the ear, nose and throat 1,352 Examination of the ear under microscope 1,361 Aural polypectomies and biopsies 1,153 Submucous diathermy of nasal turbinates 852 Drainage of peritonsillar abcess 771 Per oral removal of the salivary calculus 1,841 Drainage of postauricular abcess 724 Antral washouts 1,052 Punch biopsies for nasal and oropharyngeal tumours 1,032 Nasal polypectomy 1,844 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar - laser 2,836 Rigid endoscopic procedure 808 Examination under microscope 1,361 Operculectomy oral 1,348 Incision and drainage orofacial abscess 540 Nasal packing - anterior 1,060 Biopsy 1,032 Removal of foreign body - nose 808 Removal of foreign body - ear 778 Removal foreign body - throat 1,352 Alveolectomy/Alveoplasty - maxilla < 4cm 654 151 P.U. (A) 363 Alveolectomy/Alveoloplasty - mandible < 4cm Antral washout 654 1,052 Wiring dental upper arch 589 Wiring dental lower arch 589 Temp. reduction + fixation - midfacial bone 588 Temp. reduction + fixation - mandible 588 Aural polypectomies and biopsies 1,153 Drainage of peritonsillar abscess 771 Drainage of postauricular abscess 724 Removal of foreign bodies from nose 808 Removal of foreign bodies from throat 1,352 Per oral removal of salivary calculus 1,841 Submucous diathermy of nasal turbinates 852 Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) 3,143 Myringoplasty with atticotomy - right 3,160 Myringotomy with insertion tube - right 1,525 Myringotomy with insertion tube - left 1,525 Bronchoscopy 1,499 Rigid endoscopic procedure 808 Examination under microscope 1,361 Acoustic neuroma surgery 16,224 Atticotomy - right 3,583 Implantation cochlear prosthesis device - right 14,789 Implantation cochlear prosthesis device - left 14,789 Extended frontal sinus surgery - bicoronal flap - right 5,000 Extended frontal sinus surgery - bicoronal flap - left 5,000 152 P.U. (A) 363 Excision glomus tumour - lateral skullbase - right 19,927 Excision glomus tumour - lateral skullbase - left 19,927 Laryngotracheal reconstruction - with cartilage 12,880 Laryngectomy + pharyngectomy + reconstruction 7,004 COMMANDO operation - with reconstruction 26,776 Laryngopharygectomy total + reconstruction 23,209 Total laryngopharyngo - oesophag + reconstruction 29,214 Partial resection of temporal bone and reconstruction - right 10,266 Partial resection of temporal bone and reconstruction - left 10,266 Partial resection of temporal bone - right 10,266 Partial resection of temporal bone - left 10,266 Petrosectomy - right 10,266 Petrosectomy - left 10,266 Total resection temporal bone and reconstruction - right 10,266 Total resection temporal bone and reconstruction - left 10,266 Total resection temporal bone - right 10,266 Total resection temporal bone - left 10,266 Craniofacial surgery - with reconstruction 16,270 Vestibular neurectomy 19,814 Cochlear neurectomy 19,814 Intranasal endoscopic optic nerve decompression 6,305 Endoscopic repair CSF rhinorrhoea - autograft 4,763 Endoscopic repair CSF rhinorrhoea - allograft 4,770 Facial nerve repair with grafting - right 6,344 Facial nerve repair with grafting - left 6,344 Facial - hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - right 7,806 153 P.U. (A) 363 Facial - hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - left 7,806 Facial nerve repair - right 6,506 Facial nerve repair - left 6,506 Endo dacryocystorhinostomy - right 5,017 Endo dacryocystorhinostomy - left 5,017 Intranasal (endoscopic) orbital decompression - right 6,305 Intranasal (endoscopic) orbital decompression - left 6,305 Rhinoplasty, augmentation - open - autograft 6,621 Rhinoplasty, augmentation - open - allograft 6,629 Rhinoplasty, augmentation - close - autograft 6,631 Rhinoplasty, augmentation - close - allograft 6,639 Rhinoplasty, reduction (hump/tip/alar) 6,631 Stapedotomy - with prosthesis - right 3,588 Stapedotomy - with prosthesis - left 3,588 Endoscopic ligation maxillary artery 2,548 Endoscopic ligation sphenopalatine artery 2,548 Ligation maxillary artery (transantral) 3,068 Anterior ethmoidal artery cautery 2,548 Labyrinthectomy - membraneous - right 5,673 Labyrinthectomy - membraneous - left 5,673 Labyrinthectomy - osseous - right 5,763 Labyrinthectomy - osseous - left 5,763 Tympanic neurectomy - right 3,137 Tympanic neurectomy - left 3,137 Vestibular neurect - retrolabyrinthine - right 16,304 Vestibular neurect - retrolabyrinthine - left 16,304 154 P.U. (A) 363 Vestibular neurect - translabyrinthine - right 16,304 Vestibular neurect - translabyrinthine - left 16,304 Vidian nerve neurectomy - endoscopic 3,568 Vidian nerve neurectomy - transantral 3,318 Excision pinna, partial + reconstruction (autograft) - right 5,480 Excision pinna, partial + reconstruction (autograft) - left 5,480 Excision pinna, partial + reconstruction (allograft) - right 4,980 Excision pinna, partial + reconstruction (allograft) - left 4,980 Stapedectomy - with prosthesis - right 3,687 Stapedectomy - with prosthesis - left 3,687 Mastoidectomy - cortical - right 4,496 Mastoidectomy - cortical - left 4,496 Mastoidectomy - modified radical- right 5,306 Mastoidectomy - modified radical - left 5,306 Excision lesion - int auditory canal - right 16,324 Excision lesion - int auditory canal - left 16,324 Biopsy - sinus maxillary - right (endoscopic) 2,934 Biopsy - sinus maxillary - left (endoscopic) 2,934 Excision lesion - frontal sinus - right (endoscopic) 3,184 Excision lesion - frontal sinus - left (endoscopic) 3,184 Biopsy - sinus frontal - right (endoscopic) 3,184 Biopsy - sinus frontal - left (endoscopic) 3,184 Ethmoidectomy - external - right (with endoscope) 2,854 Fronto - ethmoidectomy - endoscopic - right 3,464 Fronto - ethmoidectomy - endoscopic - left 3,464 Fronto - ethmoidectomy extended - right 3,464 155 P.U. (A) 363 Fronto - ethmoidectomy extended - left 3,464 Ethmoidectomy - intranasal - right 2,019 Ethmoidectomy - intranasal - left 2,019 Ethmoidectomy - extended - right 2,269 Ethmoidectomy - extended - left 2,269 Excision lesion - ethmoid sinus - right 3,214 Excision lesion - ethmoid sinus - left 3,214 Ethmoidectomy - external - right 3,464 Ethmoidectomy - external - left 3,464 Biopsy - sinus ethmoidal - right 3,214 Biopsy - sinus ethmoidal - left 3,214 Sphenoidectomy - right 1,974 Sphenoidectomy - left 1,974 Excision lesion - sphenoid sinus - right 1,974 Excision lesion - sphenoid sinus - left 1,974 Biopsy - sinus sphenoidal - right 1,974 Biopsy - sinus sphenoidal - left 1,974 Insertion of bone anchored hearing aid - right 2,644 Insertion of bone anchored hearing aid - left 2,644 Exploration middle ear - right 4,843 Exploration middle ear - left 4,843 Mastoid exploration - right 5,616 Mastoid exploration - left 5,616 Exploration frontal sinus - right 5,248 Exploration frontal sinus - left 5,248 Frontal recess exploration - right 3,803 156 P.U. (A) 363 Frontal recess exploration - left 3,803 Obliteration mastoid cavity - right 5,283 Obliteration mastoid cavity - left 5,283 Obliteration semicircular canal - right 5,566 Obliteration semicircular canal - left 5,566 Pinnaplasty - cartilage - right 6,284 Pinnaplasty - cartilage - left 6,284 Pinnaplasty - prosthesis - right 6,524 Pinnaplasty - prosthesis - left 6,524 Division adhesions middle ear - right 3,904 Division adhesions middle ear - left 3,904 Pinnaplasty - lobule reposition - right 3,650 Pinnaplasty - lobule reposition - left 3,650 Excision pinna, total + reconstruction (autograft) - right 6,663 Excision pinna, total + reconstruction (autograft) - left 6,663 Excision pinna, total + reconstruction (allograft) - right 6,663 Excision pinna, total + reconstruction (allograft) - left 6,663 Excision glomus tumour - transtympanic - right 5,166 Excision glomus tumour - transtympanic - left 5,166 Mastoidectomy - radical - right 5,813 Mastoidectomy - radical - left 5,813 Excision glomus tumour - transmastoid - right 6,066 Excision glomus tumour - transmastoid - left 6,066 Rhinectomy 3,928 Excision postnasal space tumours - open 8,951 Resection angiofibroma - endoscopic 9,059 157 P.U. (A) 363 Resection angiofibroma - external 9,076 Resection angiofibroma - transpalatal 7,224 Fronto - ethmoidectomy - right 4,053 Fronto - ethmoidectomy - left 4,053 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - endoscopic - right 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - endoscopic - left 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - transantral - right 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - transantral - left 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - sublabial - right 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - sublabial - left 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - transeptal - right 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - transeptal - left 8,434 Pinnaplasty - revision - right 8,581 Pinnaplasty - revision - left 8,581 Meatoplasty - ear - revision - right 2,737 Meatoplasty - ear - revision - left 2,737 Canalplasty - ear - revision - right 6,253 Canalplasty - ear - revision - left 6,283 Mastoidectomy - revision - right 5,093 Mastoidectomy - revision - left 5,093 Rhinoplasty, revision - autograft 5,215 Rhinoplasty, revision - allograft 5,215 Tracheal stenosis - resection and anastomosis 9,328 Sliding tracheoplasty - autograft 9,328 Sliding tracheoplasty - syn. substitute 9,328 Closure tracheocutaneous fistula - flap 3,953 158 P.U. (A) 363 Tracheal stenosis rep - extraluminal device 4,146 Tracheal stenosis rep - intraluminal device 3,016 Closure tracheocutaneous fistula 2,948 Closure tracheo - oesophageal fistula - flap 9,078 Closure tracheo - oesophageal fistula 7,225 Cricotracheal resection 9,073 Pharyngotomy 1,986 Cricothyroidotomy tube insertion 1,500 Pharyngectomy, partial + reconstruction 13,953 Pharyngectomy, partial + reconstruction 13,953 Excision pharyngeal pouch - open 4,841 Excision pharyngeal pouch - close 3,103 Pharyngectomy, partial (laser) + reconstruction 13,910 Pharyngectomy, partial (laser) 5,422 Arytenoidectomy - external - left 8,788 Arytenoidectomy - with laser - left 2,116 Arytenoidectomy - external - right 8,788 Arytenoidectomy - with laser - right 2,116 Laryngectomy - partial 5,770 Laryngectomy - near total 6,743 Laryngectomy - partial - laser 5,562 Laryngeal stenosis rep - extraluminal device 3,298 Laryngeal stenosis rep - intraluminal device 3,298 Laryngeal stenosis rep - external 3,298 Closure pharyngocut fistula - flap 8,828 Closure pharyngocut fistula - primary 7,475 159 P.U. (A) 363 Epiglottopexy 2,696 Laryngeal fracture - rep - allograft 8,221 Laryngeal fracture - rep - autograft 8,221 Laryngotracheal reconstruction - castellation 8,156 Construction neoglottis 9,578 Chondroplasty larynx - with implant 9,578 Cordopexy - right 2,116 Arytenoid add/rot/medial - implant - left 4,040 Arytenoid add/rot/medial - implant - right 4,040 Pharyngectomy, total + reconstruction 14,953 Laryngectomy - total 6,493 Excision laryngocele 4,083 Superficial parotidectomy - left 5,996 Excision pharyngeal cyst - right 3,249 Excision pharyngeal cyst - left 3,249 Neck dissection - modified - right 4,339 Neck dissection - modified - left 4,339 Neck dissection - selective - right 4,339 Neck dissection - selective - left 4,339 Excision of neck lesion - right 1,861 Excision of neck lesion - left 1,861 Cordopexy - laser - right 6,231 Cordopexy - laser - left 6,231 Chondroplasty of larynx 3,363 Fronto - ethmoidectomy extended - endoscopi 8,809 Facial - hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - right 9,820 160 P.U. (A) 363 Facial - hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - left 9,820 Exploration of facial nerve - right 5,866 Exploration of facial nerve - left 5,866 Facial nerve repair with grafting - right 9,361 Facial nerve repair with grafting - left 9,361 Facial nerve repair - right 5,748 Laryngeal fracture - repair 4,333 Laryngotracheoplasty 4,333 Laryngotracheal reconstruction - anterior 8,828 Neck exploration 3,203 Superficial parotidectomy - right 5,996 Pharyngoplasty 4,461 Sphenoidectomy - left 5,365 Sphenoidectomy - right 5,365 Stapedectomy - left 5,115 Stapedectomy - right 5,115 Tracheal stenosis repair - external 4,583 Drainage abscess - mastoid - right 1,327 Drainage abscess - mastoid - left 1,327 Antrostomy - Caldwell - Luc - right 1,694 Antrostomy - Caldwell - Luc - left 1,694 Excision pinna, partial without reconstruction - right 2,573 Excision accessory auricle - right 1,324 Excision pinna, partial without reconstruction - left 2,573 Excision lesion - bony - external auditory canal - right 1,383 Excision lesion - bony - external auditory canal - left 1,383 161 P.U. (A) 363 Adenoid currettage 982 Excision postnasal space tumours - endoscopic Biopsy adenoid 5,666 825 Excision postnasal tumours - transpalatal 5,636 Ligation ethmoidal vessel - external 2,948 Ligation ethmoidal vessel - endoscopic 4,060 Reattachment pinna - right 3,536 Reattachment pinna - left 3,536 Release nasal synechiae 1,890 Removal nasal implants 1,887 Suturing - ear - right 954 Suturing - ear - left 954 Myringoplasty with atticotomy - right 4,881 Myringoplasty with atticotomy - left 4,881 Repair vestibular stenosis with reconstruction 3,318 Septorhinoplasty - close 5,090 Septoplasty - endoscopic 3,510 Reduction nasal bone fracture 1,210 Septorhinoplasty - open 5,215 Septoplasty 2,140 Repair perforation nasal septum 2,708 Submuc. resection nasal septum 1,335 Enlargement nasal septum perforation 1,700 Excision pinna, total without reconstruction - left 2,581 Excision preauricular cyst - right 2,129 Excision preauricular sinus - right 2,129 162 P.U. (A) 363 Excision pinna, total without reconstruction - right 2,456 Excision preauricular cyst - left 2,129 Excision preauricular sinus - left 2,129 Polypectomy with micro - debrider - endoscopic 2,398 Polypectomy - intranasal 2,391 Resection maxillary sinus mucus (Caldwell - Luc) - right 1,951 Resection maxillary sinus mucus (Caldwell - Luc) - left 1,951 Replacement tracheal stent - open 2,956 Placement tracheal stent - open 2,956 Removal tracheal stent - open 2,956 Tracheal stenosis - laser 4,168 Arrest post tonsillectomy haemorrhage 1,665 Endo cautery pharyngocutaneous fistula 1,933 Dilatation pharynx 1,676 Marsupialisation pharyngeal cyst 1,683 Marsupialisation laryngeal cyst 1,683 Biopsy lesion pharynx 1,116 Excision arytenoid lesion - left 1,866 Excision arytenoid lesion - right 1,866 Uvulectomy with parightial palatectomy 1,540 Excision lesion - oropharynx 2,215 Biopsy lesion hypopharynx 1,676 Excision lesion - hypopharynx 1,866 Uvulectomy 1,540 Biopsy tonsil 1,532 Biopsy lesion larynx - open 1,353 163 P.U. (A) 363 Endoscopic microlaryngeal surgery 1,873 Endoscopic microlaryngeal surgery - with laser 1,873 Cordectomy vocal cord - without laser - right 1,866 Cordectomy vocal cord - with laser - right 1,866 Cordectomy vocal cord - left 1,866 Cordectomy vocal cord - laser assisted - left 1,866 Release pharyngeal adhesions - open 2,913 Laryngeal stenosis rep - endoscopic 3,030 Laryngeal stenosis rep - with laser 3,030 Endoscopic removal prosthesis from larynx 1,873 Endoscopic stapling pharyngeal pouch 2,853 Inversion pharyngeal pouch 2,850 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 2,830 Uvulopalatoplasty - laser assisted 2,827 Uvuloplasty 2,705 Uvuloplasty - laser assisted 2,702 Aryepiglottoplasty 1,676 Aryepiglottoplasty - laser assisted 1,905 Arytenoid add/rot/medial - left 1,968 Arytenoid add/rot /medial - right 1,968 Tonsillectomy 1,915 Adenoid – debrider 1,162 Excision of tumour - cervical 1,746 Biopsy of lesion - oesophagus 1,676 Excision of lesion - larynx 1,683 Excision of lesion - vocal cord - left - laser 1,866 164 P.U. (A) 363 Excision of lesion - vocal cord - right - laser 1,866 Excision of lesion - vocal cord - left 1,866 Excision of lesion - vocal cord - right 1,866 Laser ablation of turbinates 906 Submandibulectomy - right 2,041 Submandibulectomy - left 2,041 Change mastoid pack - right 722 Change mastoid pack - left 722 Insertion epistaxis balloon - left 895 Nasal cauterisation - diathemy 799 Nasal packing - posterior 715 Diathermy post nasal space 959 Excision pinna lesion - cautery - right 1,324 Excision lesion pinna - laser - right 1,311 Excision pinna lesion - cautery - left 1,324 Excision lesion pinna - laser - left 1,311 Intratympanic injection gentamycin - right 1,565 Intratympanic injection gentamycin - left 1,565 Cryotherapy superficial hemangioma 1,495 Dilation choanal stenosis 2,410 Myringotomy - right 854 Myringotomy - left 854 Marsupialisation concha bullosa 1,343 Drainage nasal septum 1,315 Antrostomy - intranasal - right 916 Antrostomy - intranasal - left 916 165 P.U. (A) 363 Frontal sinus trephining - right 923 Frontal sinus trephining - left 923 Cannulation and irrigation sphenoid sinus - right 1,343 Cannulation and irrigation sphenoid sinus - left 1,343 Nasal toilet under GA 1,307 Excision lesion - external auditory canal - right 1,029 Excision lesion - external auditory canal - left 1,029 Excision lesion - nasal cavity 937 Submucosa cauterisation nasal turbinates 937 Excision lesion - maxillary sinus - right 2,148 Excision lesion - maxillary sinus - left 2,148 Frontal sinusectomy - right 2,398 Frontal sinusectomy - left 2,398 Antrostomy - sphenoidal sinus - left 2,148 Insertion intranasal splints - left 840 Insertion intranasal splints - right 840 Ear examination under anaesthesia - right 1,487 Ear examination under anaesthesia - left 1,487 Ear examination under microscope - right 1,487 Ear examination under microscope - left 1,487 Tympanotomy - right 3,984 Tympanotomy - left 3,984 Endo examination under GA - nose 1,182 Nasopharyngoscopy - rigid 680 Antroscopy - intranasal - right 680 Antroscopy - intranasal - left 680 166 P.U. (A) 363 Frontal sinus obliteration - right 3,063 Frontal sinus obliteration - left 3,063 Intratympanic injection steroid - right 1,439 Intratympanic injection steroid - left 1,439 Myringoplasty - endaural approach - right 4,789 Myringoplasty - postaural approach - right 4,789 Myringoplasty - transcanal approach - right 4,789 Myringoplasty - endaural approach - left 4,789 Myringoplasty - postaural approach - left 4,789 Myringoplasty - transcanal approach - left 4,789 Correction choanal atresia - endoscopic 3,845 Correction choanal atresia - transnasal 3,845 Correction choanal atresia - transeptal 3,845 Correction choanal atresia - laser assisted 3,821 Correction choanal atresia - transpalatal 3,863 Turbinoplasty - endoscopic 1,190 Turbinoplasty - intranasal 1,190 Turbinoplasty - endo laser assisted 1,193 Tracheostomy - percutaneous 1,889 Tracheo - oesophageal valve change 1,182 Tracheostomy tube change 776 Ablation lesion trachea - laser 2,781 Dilatation trachea stenosis + stent 1,748 Dilatation trachea stenosis 1,748 Tracheal aspiration - bronchoscope 1,541 Tracheo - oesophageal puncture - primary 2,716 167 P.U. (A) 363 Tracheo - oesophageal puncture - secondary 2,386 Tracheal stoma lesion - biopsy 1,182 Bronchoscopic removal foreign body 1,186 Tracheo - oesophageal valve - insertion 1,362 Insertion tracheal stent 2,656 Bronchoscopy 1,676 Exploration tracheostomy 2,033 Endoscopic tracheascopy 1,689 Injection botulinum toxin - intralaryngeal 4,003 Ablation lesion pharynx - laser 4,041 Ablation lesion hypopharynx - laser 4,041 Ablation lesion vocal cord - right - laser 1,991 Ablation lesion vocal cord - left - laser 1,991 Division laryngeal web - external (implant) 2,781 Division laryngeal web - external 2,781 Division laryngeal web - endoscopic 2,781 Division laryngeal web - laser assisted 2,781 Drainage retropharyngeal abscess - oral 1,532 Drainage peritonsillar abscess 767 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from pharynx 1,429 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from larynx 1,429 Insertion laryngeal keel 2,823 Endoscopic examination larynx 991 Release pharyngeal adhesions - endoscopic 2,116 Injection for laryngeal palsy 1,991 Dilatation oesophageal stenosis 1,676 168 P.U. (A) 363 Insertion stent - oesophagus 3,105 Drainage parapharyngeal abscess - right 3,021 Drainage retropharygeal abscess - external - right 3,021 Drainage superficial neck abscess - right 1,331 Drainage parapharyngeal abscess - left 3,021 Drainage retropharygeal abscess - external - left 3,021 Drainage superficial neck abscess - left 1,106 Ablation of lesion - oesophagus 2,116 Excision of pinna lesion - left 1,414 Excision of pinna lesion - right 1,414 Excision postnasal space tumours - trans 970 Insertion epistaxis balloon - right 987 Insertion intranasal splints 840 Grafting skin neck 850 Drainage of head abscess 1,629 Wound debridement of head/neck 2,004 Tracheal stoma stenosis - repair - open 2,033 Tracheal stoma stenosis - repair - laser 1,991 Tympanotomy - left 3,104 Uncinectomy - left 2,015 Uncinectomy - right 2,015 Nasal packing - anterior 660 Nasal cauterization - chemical 1,004 Excision lesion pinna - cryosurgery - right 1,307 Excision lesion pinna - cryosurgery - left 1,307 Steroid infiltration nasal lesion - external 722 169 P.U. (A) 363 Steroid infiltration nasal lesion - intranasal 722 Drainage abscess - postauricular - right 1,331 Drainage - pinna - right 1,331 Drainage abscess - postauricular - left 1,331 Drainage - pinna - left 1,331 Biopsy lesion - pinna - right 1,315 Biopsy lesion - pinna - left 1,315 Biopsy lesion - external auditory canal - right 1,307 Biopsy lesion - external auditory canal - left 1,307 Excision external nasal lesion 1,324 Excision external nasal lesion - cryotherapy 1,307 Excision external nasal lesion - laser 1,311 Biopsy - post nasal space (nasopharynx) 722 Removal of foreign body - external auditory canal - right 777 Removal of foreign body - external auditory canal - left 777 Removal of foreign body - middle ear - right 3,992 Removal of foreign body - middle ear - left 3,992 Removal of foreign body - inner ear - right 8,481 Removal of foreign body - inner ear - left 8,481 Removal of nasal foreign body 722 Removal of impacted wax - right 777 Removal of impacted wax - left 777 Removal of mastoid pack - right 777 Removal of mastoid pack - left 777 Aural polypectomy - right 1,307 Aural polypectomy - left 1,307 170 P.U. (A) 363 Ablation lesion oropharynx - laser 5,640 Removal of foreign body - oesophagus 1,318 Toilet and suturing of head/neck 829 Antral washout - Caldwell - Luc - right 1,826 Antral washout - right 895 Antral washout - Caldwell - Luc - left 1,826 Antral washout - left 895 Biopsy - lesion external nose 777 Biopsy - nasal cavity 722 Biopsy - lesion nasal turbinate 777 Biopsy - lesion nasal septum 777 Removal of ventilation tube - right 777 Removal of ventilation tube - left 777 Biopsy - lymph node - neck - left 1,324 Biopsy - lymph node - neck - right 1,324 Biopsy of tongue lesion 777 Drainage of pre auricular sinus abscess 1,324 Examination under anaesthesia with biopsy 2,112 Examination under anaesthesia 777 FNAC lymph node 794 Release of tongue tie 777 PERGIGIAN Open reduction and fixation of fractured mandible 2744 Reduction and cranio - maxillary fixation of midface fracture 6,395 171 P.U. (A) 363 Open reduction and fixation of zygomatic complex fracture 4,949 Major repair of oro-facial wounds 10,130 Surgery of massive cysts of the jaw 2,931 Surgery of oral cancer 12,388 Resection and reconstruction of the jaws 4,536 Temporomandibular joint surgery 11,859 Surgical correction of developmental jaw deformity 14,620 Preprosthetic surgery 4,893 Surgical procedure utilizing plates/implant systems 3,420 Management of severe infections of the jaw with surgery 1,600 Surgery of salivary glands 3,377 Repair of cleft lip and cleft palate 7,355 Closed reduction and immobilization of jaw fractures 2,310 Elevation of depressed fractures of zygoma 4,729 Excision of benign lesions 6,733 Surgical removal of impacted teeth and unerupted teeth 2,727 Periodontal surgery - per quadrant 1,459 Removal of root in antrum and close of oroantral fistula 2,712 Periodontal graft 4,032 Treatment using laser 3,712 Removal of salivary calculus 1,841 Repair of minor orofacial lacerations 1,228 Extraoral incision and drainage of abscess Enucleation or marsupialization of cysts of the jaw 540 1,348 Cervical lymph node biopsy 981 Intraoral incision and drainage 540 172 P.U. (A) 363 Incision biopsy - intraoral 933 Alveolectomy 589 Apicectomy 2,290 Surgical removal of root 2,712 Frenectomy 1,310 Management of infected socket 269 Management of traumatic injury - per tooth 589 Toilet and suture of superficial wounds 1,341 Augmentation - alveolar bone - 4cm - allograft 3,327 Ablat. lesion retromolar area - cryosurgery 1,403 Excision lesion maxilla 3,071 Removal of foreign body - orofacial - simple 901 Removal of foreign - orofacial - complicated 2,544 Place temporary restoration - deciduous 662 Place temporary restrotation - permanent 662 Extraction of retained root - permanent 932 Repair of dentures 358 Antralplasty maxillary + bone autograft - right 4,432 Antralplasty maxillary + allograft - right 3,677 Antralplasty maxillary + bone autograft - left 4,432 Antralplasty maxillary + allograft - left 3,427 Excision lesion upper lip - > 2cm with autograft 2,232 Excision lesion upper lip - > 2cm with allograft 3,877 Excision lesion lower lip - > 2cm with autograft 3,232 Excision lesion lower lip - > 2cm with allograft 8,703 Excision lesion hard palate - > 2cm with autograft 3,236 173 P.U. (A) 363 Excision lesion hard palate - > 2cm with allograft 7,008 Excision lesion soft palate - > 2cm with autograft 3,234 Excision lesion soft palate - > 2cm with allograft 6,859 Excision lesion buccal - > 2cm with autograft 3,468 Excision lesion buccal - > 2cm with allograft 7,111 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar + allograft > 2cm 3,236 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar - > 2cm 3,236 Glossectomy, partial + autograft - laser 7,460 Glossectomy, partial + autograft 7,460 Total parotidectomy + facial and reconstruction 4,926 Extended parotidectomy + facial and reconstruction 11,026 Superficial parotidectomy 4,926 Total parotidectomy 5,913 Extended parotidectomy 7,221 Excision sublingual gland 3,677 Excision submandibular gland 2,119 Excision lesion floor of mouth > 2cm + autograft 7,113 Excision lesion floor of mouth > 2cm + allograft 3,486 Cleft lip repair 3,530 Cleft hard palate repair 4,140 Cleft soft palate repair 4,140 Vestibuloplasty - gingiva/alveolar < 1 qua 2,616 Vestibuloplasty - gingiva/alveolar 3,486 Glossectomy, total + partial laryngectomy 9,917 Glossectomy, total + total laryngectomy 9,917 Augmentation - zygomatic complex - autograft 5,919 174 P.U. (A) 363 Augmentation - zygomatic complex - allograft 4,655 Augmentation - alveolar bone = 4cm - autograft 5,036 Augmentation - alveolar bone > 4cm - autograft 5,193 Augmentation - alveolar bone = 4cm - allograft 4,785 Augmentation - alveolar bone > 4cm - allograft 5,037 Augmentation - chin - autograft - bone graft 4,905 Augmentation - chin - allograft 4,655 Enucleation maxilla + bone autograft - = 4cm 5,922 Enucleation maxilla + bone autograft - > 4cm 5,922 Maxillectomy, partial - external + autograft 9,810 Enucleation lesion maxilla - > 4cm + allograft 3,820 Maxillectomy, partial - external 5,906 Maxillectomy, partial - endoscopic 5,002 Maxillectomy, partial - i/oral + autograft 8,946 Maxillectomy, partial - intraoral 4,916 Enucleation mandible + bone autograft - = 4cm 7,301 Enucleation mandible + bone autograft - > 4cm 7,342 Mandibulectomy, marginal + bone autograft 7,842 Mandibulectomy, segmental + bone autograft 8,627 Enucleation mandible + allograft - > 4cm 6,221 Mandibulectomy, marginal + allograft 6,221 Mandibulectomy, segmental + allograft 6,856 Mandibulectomy - segmental 6,606 Alveolar bone grafting 6,287 Open reduction and internal fixation - midfacial bone 7,726 Internal fixation panfacial - mandible 6,431 175 P.U. (A) 363 Exploratory orbital floor + bone autograft 8,765 Exploratory orbital floor + allograft 6,728 Exploratory orbital floor + bone autograft - endo 8,510 Exploratory orbital floor + allograft - endo 6,711 Open reduction and internal fixation - mandible 2,744 Reconstruction - maxilla - = 4cm - autograft 5,872 Reconstruction - maxilla - > 4cm - autograft 7,372 Reconstruction - maxilla - free flap 15,454 Reconstruction - maxilla - = 4cm - allograft 6,552 Reconstruction - maxilla - > 4cm - allograft 7,702 Reconstruction - mandible = 4cm - autograft 5,629 Reconstruction - mandible > 4cm - autograft 7,387 Reconstruction - mandible - free flap 15,516 Reconstruction - mandible = 4cm - allograft 4,806 Reconstruction - mandible > 4cm - allograft 5,706 Distraction osteogenesis - alveolar bone 3,790 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 1 - autograft 16,808 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 2 - autograft 19,557 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 3 - autograft 21,502 Distraction osteogenesis - midfacial bone 14,025 Osteotomy - midfacial bones - segmental 7,873 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 1 13,924 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 2 15,672 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 3 18,718 Distraction osteogenesis - mandible 14,026 Osteotomy - mandible - segmental 7,685 176 P.U. (A) 363 Osteotomy - mandible - genioplasty 6,000 Osteotomy - mandible - ramus 12,120 Osteotomy - mandible - body 11,870 Maxillectomy external + autograft 13,995 Maxillectomy, total + autograft 13,997 Maxillectomy external + orbital exenteration + reconstruction 31,785 Maxillectomy, external + orbital exenteration 22,003 Maxillectomy, total 12,040 Internal fixation panfacial - midfacial bones 12,489 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - eminence augmentation 11,287 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - condylotomy 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arch downfracture 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - myotomy 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthrocentesis 1,882 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - discectomy with implant 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - synovectomy 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - discectomy 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - diagnostic - with biopsy 2,089 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - debridement 2,089 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - non arthroscopy - therapy lavage + lysis 2,089 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - therapy lavage + lysis 2,089 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - diagnostic - wtihout biopsy 2,089 Suture soft tissue orofacial - complicated 8,556 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroplasty - interposition autograft 8,449 177 P.U. (A) 363 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroplasty - interposition allograft 5,564 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - disc repair 3,575 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroplasty - gap 4,075 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - joint reconstruction - autograft 14,859 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - joint reconstruction - allograft 12,075 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - reduction - open 7,275 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - capsular plication 6,698 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - disc repositioning + stabilization 6,698 Reposition muscle attachment - oral 6,698 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - condylectomy 6,698 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - coronoidectomy 6,448 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - eminectomy 6,698 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - synovectomy 2,339 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - discectomy 2,339 Revision suture - orofacial - complicated 5,365 Maxillectomy, partial - endoscopic 6,402 Trigeminal nerve repositioning 6,751 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - orbit - right 5,420 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - orbit - left 5,420 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - ext ear - right 5,406 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - ext ear - left 5,406 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - ext ear - bilateral 5,406 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - nose 5,407 Ablation lesion upper lip - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion upper lip - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion lower lip - cryosurgery 1,503 178 P.U. (A) 363 Ablation lesion lower lip - laser 1,648 Ablation hard palate lesion - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation hard palate lesion - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion soft palate - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion soft palate - laser 1,648 Ablation buccal lesion - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation buccal lesion - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion retromolar area - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion retromolar area - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion tongue - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion tongue - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion floor of mouth - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion floor of mouth - laser 1,648 Excision lesion upper lip - = 2cm with autograft 4,376 Excision lesion upper lip - = 2cm with allograft 2,410 Excision lesion upper lip - laser 1,664 Excision lesion upper lip - = 2cm 2,204 Excision lesion upper lip - > 2cm 3,577 Excision lesion lower lip - = 2cm with autograft 4,376 Excision lesion lower lip - = 2cm with allograft 2,410 Excision lesion lower lip - laser 2,962 Excision lesion lower lip - = 2cm 2,205 Excision lesion lower lip - > 2cm 3,827 Excision lesion hard palate - = 2cm with autograft 4,376 Excision lesion hard palate - = 2cm with allograft 2,410 Excision lesion hard palate - laser 2,961 179 P.U. (A) 363 Excision lesion hard palate - = 2cm 2,291 Excision lesion hard palate - > 2cm 3,668 Excision lesion soft palate - = 2cm with autograft 4,446 Excision lesion soft palate - = 2cm with allograft 2,479 Excision lesion soft palate - laser 3,712 Excision lesion soft palate - = 2cm 2,292 Excision lesion soft palate - > 2cm 3,933 Excision lesion buccal - = 2cm with autograft 4,460 Excision lesion buccal - = 2cm with allograft 2,479 Excision lesion buccal - laser 2,975 Excision lesion buccal - = 2cm 2,309 Excision lesion buccal - > 2cm 3,933 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar + autograft = 2cm 2,815 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar + allograft = 2cm 3,063 Operculectomy oral - laser 1,810 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar - = 2cm 2,292 Glossectomy,partial - laser 2,962 Excision lesion tongue - = 2cm 2,296 Excision lesion tongue - > 2cm 3,933 Glossectomy, partial 2,304 Frenectomy - laser 1,310 Excision lesion floor of mouth = 2cm + autograft 4,475 Excision lesion floor of mouth = 2cm + allograft 2,260 Excision lesion floor of mouth - laser 2,010 Excision lesion floor of mouth - = 2cm 2,309 Excision lesion floor of mouth - > 2cm 3,931 180 P.U. (A) 363 Removal parotid duct calculus - open 2,041 Removal parotid duct calculus - closed 2,041 Removal submandibular duct calculus - open 1,941 Removal submandibular duct calculus - closed 1,841 Vestibuloplasty - gingiva/alveolar - autograft 4,132 Repair parotid duct 1,941 Repair submandibular duct 1,941 Reposition parotid duct 2,859 Reposition submandibular duct 2,859 Excision maxilla + reconstruction - bone autograft 5,036 Enucleation lesion maxilla - = 4cm + allograft 3,270 Excision maxilla + reconstruction - allograft 4,320 Enucleation lesion maxilla - = 4cm 3,370 Enucleation lesion maxilla - > 4cm 3,310 Excison lesion maxilla 3,371 Exc mandible + reconstruction - bone autograft 9,690 Enucleation mandible + allograft - = 4cm 3,622 Excision mandible + reconstruction - allograft 6,086 Enucleation lesion mandible - = 4cm 3,045 Enucleation lesion mandible - > 4cm 3,311 Mandibulectomy, marginal 3,048 Excision lesion mandible 3,031 Exploratory orbital floor 6,414 Exploratory orbital floor - endoscopic 4,024 Elevation maxillofacial - zygomatic arch 4,829 Closed reduction + fixation - midfacial bone 2,410 181 P.U. (A) 363 Closed reduction + fixation - mandible 2,410 Implant dental stage 1 surgery - maxilla 2,731 Implant dental stage 1 surgery - mandible 2,481 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - face 2,729 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar - laser 2,729 Excision lesion tongue - laser 2,729 Gingivectomy - laser 1,615 Closure oro - antral fistula 2,549 Control of haemorrhage - post extraction 1,027 Removal impacted/unerupted tooth - complic 2,927 Removal displaced tooth/root 2,912 Transplantation tooth 2,912 Control of haemorrhage - lesion 2,403 Ablation lesion orofacial - cryosurgery 1,621 Ablation lesion orofacial - laser 1,866 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - midface 3,607 Trigeminal nerve cryotherapy 1,127 Marsupialisation upper lip 1,448 Marsupialisation lower lip 1,448 Marsupialisation hard palate soft tissue 1,448 Marsupialisation soft palate 1,448 Marsupialisation buccal soft tissue 1,448 Marsupialisation retromolar/palatoglossal arch 1,448 Marsupialisation tongue 1,462 Marsupialisation parotid duct 1,448 Marsupialisation submandibular duct 1,448 182 P.U. (A) 363 Marsupialisation floor of mouth 1,462 Operculectomy oral 1,448 Closure parotid gland fistula 2,212 Closure submandibular gland fistula 2,209 Marsupialisation bony maxilla 1,448 Marsupialisation bony mandible 1,448 Gingivectomy 1,559 Removal impacted/unerupted tooth - simple 1,427 Crown lengthening with ostectomy 1,442 Incision and drainage orofacial abscess 640 Examination/exploration - orofacial 1,605 Suture soft tissue orofacial - simple 1,328 Revision suture - orofacial - simple 1,332 Suture Removal (STO) extra - oral 574 Trigeminal nerve section 2,868 Biopsy - lymph node - open - facial 1,066 Biopsy - lymph node - tru - cut - facial 1,031 Biopsy - lymph node - tru - cut - neck - right 1,031 Biopsy - lymph node - tru - cut - neck - left 1,031 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - orbit - right 622 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - orbit - left 622 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - ext ear - right 622 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - ext ear - left 622 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - ext ear - bilateral 623 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - nose 623 Frenoplasty 1,410 183 P.U. (A) 363 Frenotomy 1,410 Biopsy - upper lip 1,033 Biopsy - lower lip 1,033 Biopsy - hard palate soft tissue 1,033 Biopsy - soft palate 1,033 Biopsy - buccal soft tissue 1,033 Biopsy - gingiva/alveolar soft tissue 1,033 Biopsy - retromolar/palatoglossal arch 1,033 Biopsy - tongue 1,033 Biopsy of lesion - parotid gland - tru - cut 1,033 Biopsy - floor of mouth 1,033 Ligation parotid duct 1,408 Ligation submandibular duct 1,408 Meatoplasty parotid duct 2,575 Meatoplasty submandibular duct orifice 2,575 Biopsy - maxilla 1,033 Implant dental stage 2 surgery - maxilla 603 Biopsy - mandible 1,033 Implant dental stage 2 surgery - mandible 603 Sequestrectomy - maxilla 1,016 Sequestrectomy - mandible 1,016 Removal dental implants - maxilla 1,641 Removal dental implants - mandible 1,641 Removal internal fixation - maxillofacial 1,641 Removal external fixation - maxillofacial 1,641 Removal maxillofacial implants 1,641 184 P.U. (A) 363 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - face 651 Alveolectomy/Alveoloplasty - mandible > 4cm 689 Alveolectomy/Alveoloplasty - mandible < 4cm 754 Alveolectomy/Alveoloplasty - maxilla > 4cm 689 Biopsy - lymph node - open - neck - left 1,066 Biopsy - lymph node - open - neck - right 1,066 Tooth hemisection 1,018 Apicectomy + R/G root filling - anterior tooth 1,858 Apicectomy + R/G root filling - posterior tooth 2,390 Apicectomy - anterior tooth 1,638 Apicectomy - posterior tooth 2,389 Removal tooth/root 754 Exposure tooth with placement attach 2,809 Exposure tooth without placement attach 1,339 Removal dental wires - upper arch 618 Removal dental wires - lower arch 618 Crown lengthening without ostectomy 737 Root resection 755 Debridement soft tissue orofacial 1,341 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - midface 604 Removal of foreign body - orofacial - simple 1,001 Removal of foreign body - orofacial - complicated 2,594 Fine needle aspiration cytology - orofacial 982 Injection medication - orofacial 1,949 Antral washout - Caldwell - Luc - right 1,949 Antral washout - Caldwell - Luc - left 1,949 185 P.U. (A) 363 Dilation parotid duct 1,427 Dilation submandibular duct 717 Temporary reduction + fixation - midfacial bone 737 Temporary reduction + fixation - mandible 732 Wiring dental upper arch 718 Wiring dental lower arch 718 Reimplantation tooth 2,199 Surgical reposition/stabilization of tooth 2,199 Non-surgical reposition/stabilization of tooth 1,302 Soft laser therapy - orofacial 402 Ultrasound therapy - oromaxillofacial 374 Excision of mucocoele 275 Localised periodontal flap - per tooth 300 Comprehensive treatment of early childhood caries Inhalation sedation (nitrous oxide) 2,747 406 TRAUMATIK DAN ORTOPEDIK Reattachment/revascularization of severed part(s) 7,505 Toilet and suture with reduction of major compound fractures and dislocations 2,421 Open reduction of dislocations - hip 4,523 Open reduction of dislocations - knee 3,328 Open reduction of dislocations - shoulder 3,328 Open reduction of dislocations - elbow 3,328 Open reduction of dislocations - ankle 3,328 Open reduction and internal of external fixation of major fractures 4,808 186 P.U. (A) 363 Crush injury with repair of tendon and/or nerve 5,156 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - hip 2,823 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - shulder 2,243 Patallectomy 2,243 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - knee 2,243 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - elbow 2,243 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - ankle 2,243 Closed reduction of spine 1,808 Closed reduction of femur 1,808 Closed reduction of tibia/fibula 1,808 Closed reduction of humerus 1,808 Closed reduction of radius and ulna 1,808 Crush soft tissue injures - exploration, toilet and suture for extensive or multiple soft tissue injuries 1,178 Closed reduction of shoulder 1,558 Closed reduction of elbow 1,558 Closed reduction of knee 1,558 Closed reduction of hip 1,558 Closed reduction of ankle 1,558 Open reduction of metacarpophalangeal 2,338 Open reduction of inter - phalangeal 2,338 Open reduction of minor fractures with internal fixation (e.g.malleonar, olecranon etc.) 2,588 Toilet and suture of finger involving tendon/nerve 3,313 Closed reduction and immobilization of - colles fracture 1,558 Closed reduction and immobilization of - fractures of the carpus, metacarpals, tarsus, metatarsals and phalanges 2,048 187 P.U. (A) 363 Closed reduction and immobilization of - dislocation of PIP,IP,DIP joints of fingers toes 1,873 Closed reduction and immobilization of - ankle fractures 1,808 Removal of foreign bodies (needles, splinter, etc.) 1,148 Amputation of fingers and toes 1,933 Closed reduction/immobilization of scapula/clavicle 1,503 Application of traction - skull traction 1,289 Application of traction - skin traction with Thomas splint or Bohler Braun frame 759 Application of traction - Steinmann pin insertion and traction 1,289 Removals of external fixators 1,199 Removals of external fixators : Kirschnir wires (k-wires) 1,024 Removals of external fixators : Steinmann pin 1,024 Removals of external fixators : Schantz screw etc. 1,024 Change of POP 714 Change of POP : POP slabs 710 Change of POP : u slabs 710 Change of POP : dorsal slabs 710 Change of POP : colles cast 710 Change of POP : above elbow cast 710 Change of POP : POP cylinder 710 Change of POP : POP boot 710 Change of POP : PTB cast 710 Change of POP : full length leg cast 715 Excision of bone tumour and reconstruction with free composite flap (osteocutaneous or free fibular graft) 12,367 Composite tissue transfer e.g. free fibular or iliac crest graft 12,367 188 P.U. (A) 363 Amputations - forequarter, hindquarter 5,202 Total hip replacement - cemented or cementless 6,230 Revision total hip replacement 10,380 Total knee replacement, cemented or cementless 6,233 Revision total knee replacement 10,130 Spine - fusion and instrumentation 8,640 Spine - osteotomy, vertebrectomy 8,640 Spine - scoliosis with instrumentation 13,145 Amputation - above knee 4,511 Amputation - through knee 4,511 Amputation - below knee 4,511 Amputation - disarticulation of shoulder 3,016 Amputation - disarticulation of hip 4,511 Amputation - syme’s amputation 4,511 Amputation - mid - tarsal amputation 4,511 Excision of bone tumours and resection arthrodesis 6,730 Excision of myositis ossificans 2,842 Bone grafting 4,507 Deformities - correction of club foot complete soft tissue release including lengthening of tendons 4,105 Deformities - open reduction of congenital dislocation of hip 5,585 Arthrodesis - shoulder, hip, knee, ankle 4,647 Arthrodesis - triple arthrodesis 4,457 Tendon surgery - primary or secondary tendon suture 3,452 Tendon surgery - transplantation of tendon(s) 3,970 Transposition of peripheral nerves 2,670 Sequestrectemies 3,197 189 P.U. (A) 363 Tumour surgery - curretage of tumour and bone graft 2,842 Tumour surgery - excision biopsy of tumours 3,452 Osthotomies - neck of femur, supracondylav of femur upper tibia 4,511 Contracture release - hip 3,247 Contracture release - knee 3,247 Contracture release - neck (forticolis) 3,247 Correction of hallus varum/valgus deformities 3,627 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - decompression 8,447 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - laminectomy 7,887 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - drainage of psoas abscess 3,249 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - percutaneous discectomy 4,532 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - exploration of spine with or without internal fixation 4,511 Shoulder - operation for recurrent dislocation 4,457 Hip - pelvic osteotomy/derotation osteotomy for congenital dislocation hip 7,657 Hip - hemiarthroplasty, unipolar/bipolar for fracture neck of femur 4,975 Knee - operative video arthroscopy 2,420 Knee - menisectomy 4,457 Foot - wedge tarsectomy 3,599 Release of finger contractures 3,534 Application/change of - plaster of paris cast 800 Application/change of - shoulder spica 800 Application/change of - hip spica 800 Application/change of - minerva jacket 800 Application/change of - scoliosis/localizer casts 800 Application/change of - spinal casts 800 190 P.U. (A) 363 Neutral position (manipulation and plaster of Paris following osteotomies) 800 Bone biopsy or excision of any bone 3,202 Osteotomy - osteoclasis 3,478 Removal of metal work (implants) 3,637 Excision biopsy of ganglion 1,930 Excision biopsy of popliteal cyst 1,924 Excision small cysts/tumours 1,924 Release and/or synovectomy for trigger finger/wrist joint 2,648 Correction of club foot - lengthening of tendon archilles only 1,221 Proximal radius - ulna - excision of head of radius 1,952 Manipulation of joint under general anaesthesia 1,442 Tumour surgery - incisional/marginal biopsy 1,905 Tenotomies (closed) 1,267 Arthrodesis - wrist 3,717 Arthrodesis - toe 2,053 Arthrodesis - finger 2,188 Proximal radius - ulna 3,728 Carpal tunnel release 1,918 Wadge resection of toe/finger nails 1,123 Avulsion of finger or toe nails 1,123 Aspiration of joints - knee 908 Aspiration of joints - elbow 908 Aspiration of joints - ankle 908 Incision and drainage 908 Arthroscopic ligament reconstruction - anterior 5,566 Arthroscopic ligament reconstruction - posterior 5,566 191 P.U. (A) 363 Arthroscopic ligament reconstruction - revision 5,566 Spinal fusion - anterior - cervical region 8,640 Spinal fusion - anterior - thoracic 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - anterior - cervical 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - posterior - cervical 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - thorocoscopic 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - anterior - thoracic 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - posterior - thoracic 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - posterior - lumbar 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - anterior - lumbar 8,640 Reconstruction of bony defect using autograft 3,689 Reconstruction of bony defect using prosthesis 10,931 Reconstruction of bony defect using allograft 8,304 Internal fixation - femur - intramedulla 3,003 Internal fixation - tibia - intramedulla 3,003 Spinal instrumentation - anterior - scoliosis 8,640 Spinal fusion - anterior - > 5 levels 8,640 Stabilization - open - shoulder joint - right 3,090 Arthroscopic stabilization - shoulder joint 3,090 Stabilization - open - shoulder joint - left 3,090 Arthroscopic stabilization - shoulder joint 3,090 Replacement - thoracic intervertebral 7,690 Revision arthroplasty - shoulder joint - right 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - shoulder joint - left 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - elbow joint - right 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - elbow joint - left 3,562 192 P.U. (A) 363 Revision arthroplasty - wrist joint - right 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - wrist joint - left 3,562 Spinal fusion - anterior - lumbosacral right 8,640 Reconstruction - Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) - open - knee joint 3,940 Reconstruction - Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) - open - knee joint 3,940 Arthroplasty - ankle joint - left 3,562 Revision of joint replacement - hip joint 10,380 Resection of tumour - spine with replacement 6,730 Exploration of wound - upper extremity - right 1,200 Replantation - upper arm - right 7,505 Replantation - upper arm - left 7,505 Replantation - forearm - right 7,505 Replantation - forearm - left 7,505 Replantation - wrist - right 7,505 Replantation - wrist - left 7,505 Replantation - hand - right 7,505 Replantation - hand - left 7,505 Replantation - thumb - right 7,505 Replantation - thumb - left 7,505 Replantation - index finger - right 7,505 Replantation - index finger - left 7,505 Replantation - middle finger - right 7,505 Replantation - middle finger - left 7,505 Replantation - ring finger - right 7,505 Replantation - ring finger - left 7,505 Replantation - little finger - right 7,505 193 P.U. (A) 363 Replantation - little finger - left 7,505 Revision arthroplasty - hand region - right 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - hand region - left 3,562 Transposition - finger - right 3000 Transposition - finger - left 3,000 Amputation - hemi pelvectomy (hindquater) 5,202 Arthrodesis - triple - foot - right 4,457 Arthrodesis - triple - foot - left 4,457 Reconstruction of bony defect using autograph 3,689 Reconstruction of bony defect using prosthesis 10,931 Reconstruction of bony defect using allograph 8,304 Reconstruction posterolateral complex 3,000 Exploration of wound - lower extremity - left 3,609 Exploration of wound - lower extremity - right 3,609 Arthroscopic tenotomy - biceps tendon - left 2,856 Arthroscopic tenotomy - biceps tendon - right 2,856 Peroneal tendoscopy - right 2,997 Peroneal tendoscopy - left 2,997 Arthroscopic repair - rotator cuff - right 1,986 Arthroscopic repair - rotator cuff - left 1,986 Reconstruction - achilles tendon (chronic) 1,845 Arthroscopic repair - rotator cuff - revision 3,361 Synovectomy - open - shoulder joint - right 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - shoulder joint 2,648 Synovectomy - open - shoulder joint - left 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - shoulder joint 2,648 194 P.U. (A) 363 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - elbow joint 2,648 Synovectomy - open - elbow joint 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - hip joint 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - knee joint 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - ankle joint 2,648 Ligament repair - elbow joint - right 2,811 Ligament repair - elbow joint - left 2,811 Ligament repair - wrist joint - right 2,811 Ligament repair - wrist joint - left 2,811 Ligament/capsule repair - hand - right 2,811 Ligament/capsule repair - hand - left 2,811 Ligament/capsule repair - upper extremities 2,811 Reconstruction ligament collateral - knee 2,416 Repair ligament - primary - knee joint 2,416 Reconstruction of ligament - ankle joint 2,416 Drainage of abscess of vertebra - cervic 3,855 Laminectomy - cervical 6,647 Laminectomy - thoracic 6,647 Biopsy of vertebra - thoracic region 2,282 Debridement - clavicle - right 5,960 Debridement - clavicle - left 5,960 Laminotomy - cervical 5,960 Laminotomy - thoracic 5,960 Corpectomy and fusion - cervical 7,500 Spinal fusion - posterior - cervical region 10,440 Corpectomy and fusion - thoracic 7,500 195 P.U. (A) 363 Spinal fusion - posterior - thoracic 8,640 Internal fixation of spine - odontoid sc 10,763 Laminoplasty - cervical 5,400 Laminoplasty - thoracic 5,400 Osteotomy - pelvic bone - right 7,907 Osteotomy - pelvic bone - left 7,907 Osteotomy - femur - right 5,007 Osteotomy - femur - left 5,007 Osteotomy - calcaneum - right 3,882 Osteotomy - calcaneum - left 3,882 Osteotomy - tibia - right 5,007 Osteotomy - tibia - left 5,007 Osteotomy - fibula - right 5,007 Osteotomy - fibula - left 5,007 Laminectomy - lumbar 6,647 Patellectomy - partial - right 3,670 Patellectomy - partial - left 3,670 Laminotomy - lumbar 5,960 Corpectomy and fusion - lumbar 7,500 Corpectomy and fusion - sacral 7,500 Foraminotomy 7,500 Laminoplasty - lumbar 5,400 Internal fixation - pelvic bone - right/left 4,808 External fixation of fracture - pelvic 4,808 Internal fixation - acetabulum - anterior 4,808 Internal fixation - acetabulum - posterior 4,808 196 P.U. (A) 363 Internal fixation - femur - proximal - right 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - proximal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - shaft - right 4,808 External fixation of fracture - femur - right 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - femur - right 2,900 Internal fixation - femur - shaft - left 4,808 External fixation of fracture - femur - left 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - femur - left 2,900 Internal fixation - calcaneum - right 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - distal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - distal - right 4,808 Internal fixation - patella - right 4,808 Internal fixation - calcaneum - left 4,808 Internal fixation - patella - left 4,808 Internal fixation - tibia - distal - right 4,808 Internal fixation - medial malleolus - right 4,808 Internal fixation - posterior malleolus 4,808 Internal fixation - tibia - shaft - right 4,808 External fixation of fracture - tibia - right 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - tibia - right 2,900 Internal fixation - tibia - proximal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - tibia - distal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - medial malleolus - left 4,808 Internal fixation - posterior malleolus 4,808 Internal fixation - tibia - shaft - left 4,808 External fixation of fracture - tibia - left 4,808 197 P.U. (A) 363 Open reduction of fracture - tibia - left 2,900 Internal fixation - lateral malleolus - right 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - fibula - right 2,900 Internal fixation - lateral malleolus - left 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - fibula - left 2,900 Internal fixation - talus - right 4,808 Internal fixation - talus - left 4,808 Spinal fusion - posterior - (scoliosis) 8,640 Arthrodesis - shoulder joint - right 4,647 Arthrodesis - shoulder joint - left 4,647 Arthrodesis - elbow joint - right 4,647 Arthrodesis - elbow joint - left 4,647 Arthrodesis - wrist joint - right 3,717 Arthrodesis - wrist joint - left 3,717 Arthrotomy - shoulder joint - right 1,993 Arthroscopy diagnostic - shoulder joint 2,374 Arthrotomy - shoulder joint - left 1,993 Arthroscopy diagnostic - shoulder joint 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - elbow joint - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - elbow joint - left 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - wrist joint - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - wrist joint - left 2,374 Arthroplasty - shoulder joint - hemi 3,272 Arthroplasty - shoulder joint - total 3,272 Arthroplasty - finger/thumb phalangeal 1,957 Discectomy - cervical - open 14,787 198 P.U. (A) 363 Discectomy - cervical - percut 4,045 Discectomy - cervical - endoscopic 14,787 Microdiscectomy - cervical 14,787 Discectomy - thoracic - open 14,787 Discectomy - thoracic - percutaneous 5,100 Discectomy - thoracic - endoscopic 7,095 Removal of loose/foreign body - knee joint 1,148 Spinal fusion - posterolateral - 3 or 4 8,640 Spinal fusion - posterolateral - 1 or 2 8,640 Spinal fusion - posterior - lumbosacral 8,640 Internal fixation - Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) avulsion - right 5,178 Internal fixation - Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) avulsion - right 5,178 Internal fixation - Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) avulsion - left 5,178 Internal fixation - Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) avulsion - left 5,178 Resection of tumour - spine 6,730 Amputation - transfemoral (above knee) 4,511 Amputation - transtibial (below knee) 4,511 Amputation - syme - right 4,511 Amputation - syme - left 4,511 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - hip - right 4,647 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - hip - left 4,647 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - knee - right 4,647 Arthrodesis + external fixation - knee - right 4,647 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - knee - left 4,647 Arthrodesis + external fixation - knee - left 4,647 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - ankle - right 4,647 199 P.U. (A) 363 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - ankle - left 4,647 Arthrodesis + external fixation - ankle - left 4,647 Arthrodesis - tarsometatarsal - right 4,457 Arthrodesis - tarsometatarsal - left 4,457 Arthrodesis - tarsotarsal - right 4,457 Arthrodesis - tarsotarsal - left 4,457 Arthroscopy diagnostic - hip - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - hip - left 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - knee - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - knee - left 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - ankle - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - ankle - left 2,374 Discectomy - lumbar - percutaneous 4,532 Revision of replacement - hip - total - right 10,380 Revision of replacement - hip - hemi - left 10,380 Revision of replacement - hip - total - left 10,380 Revision of replacement - knee - total - right 10,130 Revision of replacement - knee - unicompartment - right 10,130 Revision of replacement - knee - total - left 10,130 Revision of replacement - knee - unicompartment - left 10,130 Reconstruction of ligament - elbow joint 2,416 Repair ligament - ankle joint - right 2,416 Repair ligament - ankle joint - left 2,416 Repair ligament - foot - right 2,416 Repair ligament - foot - left 2,416 Biopsy of vertebra - cervical region 2,282 200 P.U. (A) 363 Debridement - cervical vertebra 2,095 Biopsy of vertebra - thoracic region 2,282 Internal fixation - scapula - right 2,318 Internal fixation - scapula - left 3,003 Internal fixation - clavicle - right 4,118 Internal fixation - clavicle - left 4,118 Internal fixation - humerus - proximal 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - distal -right 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - right 3,003 External fixation - humerus - right 4,808 Internal fixation - humerus - interlocking - right 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - proximal 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - distal - left 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - left 3,003 External fixation - humerus - left 4,808 Internal fixation - humerus - interlocking - left 3,003 Internal fixation - radial head or neck 3,003 Internal fixation - radius - distal - right 3,003 Internal fixation - radius - right 3,003 External fixation - radius - distal - right 4,808 External fixation - radius - right 4,808 Internal fixation - radial head or neck 4,808 Internal fixation - radius - left 4,808 External fixation - radius - distal - left 4,808 External fixation - radius - left 4,808 Internal fixation - olecranon - right 2,588 201 P.U. (A) 363 Internal fixation - ulna - distal - right 4,808 Internal fixation - ulna - right 4,808 External fixation - ulna - right 4,808 Internal fixation - olecranon - left 2,588 Internal fixation - ulna - distal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - ulna - left 4,808 External fixation - ulna - left 4,808 Internal fixation - carpus - other - right 1,998 Internal fixation - carpus - other - left 1,998 Internal fixation - metacarpal - right 1,998 External fixation - metacarpal - right 3,313 Internal fixation - metacarpal - left 1,998 External fixation - metacarpal - left 3,313 Internal fixation - thumb phalanx - right 1,998 Internal fixation - thumb phalanx - left 1,998 Internal fixation - finger phalanx - right 1,998 Internal fixation - scaphoid - right 3,003 Internal fixation - finger phalanx - left 1,998 Internal fixation - scaphoid - left 3,003 Biopsy of vertebra - lumbar region - open 2,282 Debridement - lumbosacral vertebra 2,095 Biopsy of vertebra - lumbar region - percutaneous 2,282 Biopsy of vertebra - sacral region - open 2,282 Biopsy of vertebra - coccygeal region 2,282 Internal fixation - other tarsal bones - right 1,998 Internal fixation - other tarsal bones - left 1,998 202 P.U. (A) 363 Internal fixation - metatarsal - right 1,998 Internal fixation - metatarsal - left 1,998 Internal fixation - toe phalanx - right 1,998 Internal fixation - toe phalanx - left 1,998 Arthrotomy - wrist joint - right 2,273 Arthrotomy - wrist joint - left 2,273 Biopsy - open - shoulder joint - right 2,282 Biopsy - open - shoulder joint - left 2,282 Biopsy - open - elbow joint - right 2,282 Biopsy - open - elbow joint - left 2,282 Biopsy - open - wrist joint - right 2,282 Biopsy - open - wrist joint - left 2,282 Arthrodesis - metacarpophalangeal joint 2,188 Arthrodesis - finger/thumb phalangeal 2,188 Arthrodesis - intercarpal joint - right 2,188 Arthrodesis - finger/thumb phalangeal 2,188 Arthrodesis - intercarpal joint - left 2,188 Arthrotomy - elbow joint - right 2,273 Arthrotomy - elbow joint - left 2,273 Arthrotomy - metacarpophalangeal joint 2,273 Arthrotomy - finger/thumb phalangeal joint 2,273 Biopsy open - hip joint - right 2,282 Biopsy open - hip joint - left 2,282 Biopsy open - knee joint - right 2,282 Biopsy open - knee joint - left 2,282 Biopsy open - ankle joint - right 2,282 203 P.U. (A) 363 Biopsy open - ankle joint - left 2,282 Exploration of wound - upper extremity - left 1,200 Open reduction of fracture - metacarpus - right 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - metacarpus - left 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - thumb phalanges - right 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - thumb phalanges - left 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - finger phalanges - right 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - finger phalanges - left 2,338 Disarticulation - shoulder joint - right 3,896 Disarticulation - shoulder joint - left 3,896 Disarticulation - elbow - right 3,864 Disarticulation - elbow - left 3,864 Disarticulation - wrist joint - right 3,864 Disarticulation - wrist joint - left 3,864 Disarticulation - metacarpophalangeal joint - right 2,022 Disarticulation - metacarpophalangeal joint - left 2,022 Disarticulation - finger/thumb phalang - right 2,092 Disarticulation - finger/thumb phalang - left 2,092 Excision arthroplasty - wrist joint - right 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - wrist joint - left 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - metacarpophalang - right 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - metacarpophalang - left 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - finger/thumb - right 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - finger/thumb - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - shoulder - total - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - shoulder - hemi - left 2,437 204 P.U. (A) 363 Arthroplasty - elbow - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - elbow - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - wrist - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - wrist - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - finger/thumb phalangeal - right 2,437 Excision arthroplasty hip jt (girdleston) 437 Amputation - transmetacarpal - left 1,933 Amputation - thumb - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - thumb - phalanx distal - right 1,933 Amputation - thumb - phalanx distal - left 1,933 Amputation - index finger - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - index finger - phalanx middle 1,933 Amputation - index finger - phalanx distal 1,933 Amputation - middle finger - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - middle finger - phalanx mid 1,933 Amputation - middle finger - phalanx distal 1,933 Amputation - ring finger - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - ring finger - phalanx middle 1,933 Amputation - ring finger - phalanx distal 1,933 Amputation - little finger - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - little finger - phalanx middle 1,933 Amputation - little finger - phalanx distal 1,933 Amputation - transmetatarsal - right 1,933 Amputation - transmetatarsal - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 1st (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 1st - right 1,933 205 P.U. (A) 363 Amputation - metatarsal 1st (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 1st - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 2nd (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 2nd - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 2nd (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 2nd - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 3rd (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 3rd - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 3rd (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 3rd - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 4th (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 4th - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 4th (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 4th - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 5th (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 5th - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 5th (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 5th – left 1,933 Open reduction of fracture - scaphoid - left 2,338 Arthroplasty - hip - hemiarthroplasty - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - hip - total - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - hip - hemiarthroplasty - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - hip - total - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - knee - total - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - knee - unicompartment - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - knee - total - left 2,437 206 P.U. (A) 363 Arthroplasty - knee - unicompartment - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - ankle - right 2,437 Open reduction of fracture - scaphoid - right 2,338 Removal - prosthesis - shoulder - right 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - shoulder 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - shoulder - left 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - shoulder 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - elbow - right 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - elbow joint 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - elbow - left 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - wrist - right 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - wrist joint - right 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - wrist - left 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - wrist joint - left 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - finger - right 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - finger - left 1,148 Removal of loose/foreign body - hip joint - left 1,148 Removal of loose/foreign body - knee joint - right 1,148 Removal of loose/foreign body - ankle joint - right 1,148 Removal - implants - upper extremity 3,637 Removal - foreign body - upper extremity 1,148 Removal - foreign body- lower extremity 1,148 Removal - implants - upper extremity 3,637 Removal - foreign body - upper extremity 1,148 Removal - implants - hand/finger region 3,637 Removal - implants - hand/finger region 3,637 207 P.U. (A) 363 Removal - implants - foot/toe region 3,637 Aspiration - acromionclavicular joint - left 908 Aspiration - acromionclavicular joint - right 908 Aspiration - shoulder joint - right 908 Aspiration - shoulder joint - left 908 Aspiration - elbow joint - right 908 Aspiration - elbow joint - left 908 Aspiration - wrist joint - right 908 Aspiration - wrist joint - left 908 Manipulation under anaesthesia - shoulder 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - elbow joint 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - wrist joint 1,442 Aspiration - sacroiliac - right 908 Aspiration - sacroiliac - left 908 Aspiration - hip - right 908 Aspiration - hip - left 908 Aspiration - knee - right 908 Aspiration - knee - left 908 Aspiration - ankle - right 908 Aspiration - ankle - left 908 Aspiration - upper extremity - other - left 908 Aspiration - upper xtremity - other - right 908 Aspiration - lower extremity - other - left 908 Aspiration - lower extremity - other - right 908 Laparoscopy - diagnostic 2,136 Manipulation under anaesthesia - hip - right 1,442 208 P.U. (A) 363 Manipulation under anaesthesia - hip - left 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - knee - right 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - knee - left 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - ankle - right 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - ankle - left 1,442 Free tissue transfer 12,367 Replantation 7,505 Revascularisations 7,505 Arthrodesis - more than one joint 4,457 Bone graft 3,689 Open reduction/internal fixation 4,808 External fixation 4,808 Excision of benign bony tumours 3,452 Amputation (hand, ray, multiple digits) 1,933 Ligament repairs 2,811 Arthrodesis - one joints 3,056 Bone - close reduction/splinting 1,503 Removal of foreign body 1,148 Removel of internal fixators 1,199 Amputation of single digit 1,933 Aspiration 908 Incision and drainage 908 Removal of external fixator 1,199 209 P.U. (A) 363 NEUROSURGERI Craniotomy - supratentorial tumour removal (total) 12,797 Craniotomy - supratentorial tumour (debulking) 12,797 Craniotomy - pituitary tumour 12,797 Craniotomy - cerebral aneursym, clipping 12,797 Craniotomy - arteriovascular malformation, excision 12,797 Craniotomy - carotid cavernous fistula 12,297 Suboccipital craniectomy - total tumour removal 12,797 Suboccipital craniectomy - partial resection 12,797 Laminectomy - tumour removal 9,036 Laminectomy - disc removal 12,306 Nerve anastomosis 5,227 Orbital tumours - transcranial/lateral approach 12,797 Repair of nasal encephalocoele 12,797 Decompressive brain resection 12,797 Microvascular decompression 12,797 Cordotomy 7,121 Anterior cervical/thoracic/lumbar fusion 12,306 Transphenoidal pituitary surgery 12,297 Craniofacial deformities - corrective surgery 12,797 Hemispherectomy 12,297 Axial - occipitial fusion or atlanto - occipital fusion 11,756 Craniotomy - extradural haematoma 6,611 Craniotomy - subdural haematoma 6,611 Craniotomy - intracerebral haematoma 12,297 210 P.U. (A) 363 Craniotomy - excision abscess 8,822 Craniotomy - removal of foreign body 8,322 Craniotomy - cyst decompression 5,292 Craniotomy - tumour biopsy 8,322 Craniotomy - dural leak repair 6,344 Craniotomy - aneurysm : wrapping of aneurysm 12,797 Suboccipital craniectomy - biopsy 10,432 Suboccipital craniectomy - decompression 8,822 Repair of meningomyelocele 6,361 Laminectomy - biopsy 8,036 Laminectomy - decompression 8,036 Excision of skull bones tumours 4,172 Excision of scalp vascular malformations 6,797 Retrogasserian rhizotomy 2,816 Exploration of brachial plexus 3,018 Major repair of scalp, skull, dura and brain following trauma 12,797 Carotid endaeterectomy and/or arterial graft 9,198 Thalamotomy or papillidotomy 12,297 Wound debridement of compound fractures 2,602 Elevation of depressed fracture skull 3,650 Carotid artery ligation 3,787 Ventriculo - peritoneal shunt 3,554 Ventriculo - artial shunt 9,943 Lumboperitoneal shunt 3,429 Reservoir insertion - ventricular/spinal 3,429 Peripheral nerve decompression 2,082 211 P.U. (A) 363 Burr hole tapping - brain abscess 3,551 Burr hole tapping - brain haematoma 3,878 Repair of skull defect 5,418 Burr hole drainage - chronis subdural 4,918 Scalp wound debridement 1,573 Burr hole for intra - cranial pressure monitoring 2,685 Exfloration, repair or stripping of peripheral nerves 2,002 Subtemporal decompression 8,293 Section of transverse carpal arctarsal ligaments 1,696 Shunt removal 2,414 External ventricular drainage 2,479 Peripheral nerve blocks 2,039 Ventriculography 3,024 Skull traction 1,429 KARDIOSURGERI Close heart surgery - ligation of persistent ductus arteriosus 10,653 Close heart surgery - aorto-pulmonary shunts (blalock - taussig shunt or equivalent) 13,765 Close heart surgery - pulmonary artery banding 10,653 Close heart surgery - pulmonary valvotomy/valvectomy 14,075 Close heart surgery - repair of coarctation of the aorta 21,665 Close heart surgery - pericardiectomy 8,963 Close heart surgery - open pericardial drainage 7,135 Close heart surgery - pericardial biopsy 6,290 Close heart surgery - closed mitral valvotomy 19,400 212 P.U. (A) 363 Close heart surgery - repair of cardiac trauma not requiring pulmonary bypass 7,395 Close heart surgery - glenn shunt or equivalent 13,605 Close heart surgery - ligation of major aorto-pulmonary collateral arteries 9,383 Insertion of pacemaker unit and endocardial or epicardial lead 16,760 Replacement of pacemaker unit and/or lead 6,260 Coronary artery bypass surgery with or without excision of left ventricular aneurysm or repair of post - infarction ventricular septal defect or mitral incompetence 18,658 Single valve replacement or repair (inclusive of fee of prosthesis) 23,278 Open mitral valvotomy 23,278 Multiple valve replacement 24,008 Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connections 17,998 Repair of cortriatrium 13,800 Mitral valvuloplasty/valvotomy 19,660 Aortic valvuloplasty/valvotomy 19,060 Relief of infravalcular aortic stenosis 19,060 Repair of total atrio - ventricular canal defect 16,543 Double aortic arch repair/suspension of aortic arch 17,643 Closure of ASD 16,268 Closure of VSD 16,918 Right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction 16,918 Pulmonary arterioplasty including pulmonary artery debanding 16,268 Conduit interposition (with or without valve) 16,268 Surgery for transposition of great arteries - atrial switch 18,008 Surgery for transposition of great arteries - atrial switch 18,008 Fontan operation/modified fontan or equivalent 17,758 213 P.U. (A) 363 Septation of common atrium 16,258 Other surgical procedures performed under pulmonary bypass (exclusive of fee of prosthesis) 17,768 Aortic/peripheral vascular aneurysm repair and others 18,518 Insertion and/or removal of intraaortic balloon (inclusive of fee of balloon) 4,085 Vascular endarterectomy 7,463 Vascular graft 7,863 Replacement of pacemaker wire (epicardial) 6,000 Adjustment of endocardial lead 6,000 Insertion of epicardial lead 6,000 Open lung biopsy 8,780 Pleurodesis/Pleurectomy 7,715 Decortication 8,610 Bronchoscopy 4,533 Mediastinoscopy 4,533 Thoracoscopy 3,933 Correction of chest wall deformities 8,860 Excision of intrathoracic and mediastinal tumours 9,903 Chest wall resection (excision of rib sterna tumours) 8,695 Exploratory thoracotomy 6,550 Diagnostic thoracotomy 6,550 Tracheal resection/repair 10,643 Scalene node biopsy 5,379 Tracheal dilatation 5,379 Pericardial window 9,243 Thymectomy 5,528 214 P.U. (A) 363 Repair of congenital hernias 7,308 Repair of ruptured diaphragm 8,340 Anti - reflux procedures 8,340 Sternal resuturing/rewiring 5,768 Exploration of bleeding 5,768 Vascular embolectomy 5,768 Adjustment of pacemaker wire (transvenous) 6,000 Replacement of pacemaker wire (endocardial) 6,000 PEMBEDAHAN PLASTIK DAN PEMBENTUKAN SEMULA Free vascularised tissue transfer with micro surgical vascular and/or neuro anastomosis of soft and/or bony tissue 15,225 Loss of lid or lids with reconstruction 1,500 Epicanthus correction 2,367 Telecanthus correction 4,123 Repair of lachrymal duct 1,500 Dacryo cysto rhinostomy 4,222 Repair of ear injury (very severe) 1,847 Correction of other ear deformities (severe) 2,965 Excision of lesion with reconstruction (very severe) 7,412 Reduction rhinoplasty 5,662 Augmentation rhinoplasty (with silicone or bone or cartilage) 3,477 Lip - excision of lesion with reconstruction (very severe) 1,500 Repair of clefts - facial clefts (severe) 1,500 Tongue flaps 1,500 Tenolysis and tenodesis (severe) 2,547 215 P.U. (A) 363 Pollicisation 5,052 Reconstruction of hypospadias (severe) 6,420 Reconstruction of epispadias 4,130 Fistula repair (severe) 2,432 Bladder reconstruction 9,025 Radical vulvectomy 3,256 Scar revision (very severe) 3,352 Reconstructive surgery of haemangioma (very severe) 10,212 Reconstructive surgery of lymphangioma (severe) 10,212 Reconstructive surgery of arteriovenous (AV) lymphohaemangioma (severe) 10,212 Reconstructive surgery of arteriovenous (AV) malformation (severe) 8,310 Reconstructive surgery of arteriovenous (AV) fistula (severe) 8,860 Repair of lid injury (severe) 900 Lid resection for tumour with/without reconstruction 1,587 Exenteration of orbit 5,622 Epicanthus or telecanthus correction (moderate) 4,372 Blepharoplasty 3,277 Oriental eyelid correction 2,012 Catholasty 932 Tarsorrhaphy (severe) 1,722 Repair of ear injury (severe) 4,552 Excision of lesion and reconstruction (severe) 1,130 Bat ears correction 6,662 Correction of other ear deformities (moderate) 4,552 Cleft lip (unilateral) 3,527 216 P.U. (A) 363 Cleft lip (bilateral) 5,662 Cleft palate 3,202 Cranio - facial surgery e.g. correction nasal encephalocoele, treacher collins aperts, cruzon or anopthalmia 11,117 Head and neck malignancy with excision, immediate reconstruction and with or without radical neck dissection 3,000 Severe facial trauma needing major reconstruction 3,944 Partial glossectomy with radical block dissection of the neck 3,000 Total glossectomy with/without neck dissection 3,000 Malignant intraoral lesions with reconstruction 3,000 Reconstruction of facial fractures (very severe) 3,769 Reduction of fibrous dysplasia 3,000 Total and sub-total reconstructive rhinoplasty 1,500 Reconstruction for microtia (absent ear or presence of part of the ear) 1,500 Reconstruction for cranio-facial cleft (tessier cleft) 1,500 Tissue expansion 1,500 Scalp - excision of benign or malignant lesions with flap reconstruction 2,457 Coloboma correction (severe) 1,500 Correction of other ear deforminities (severe) 3,901 Burns - primary treatment (very severe) 3,641 Burns - treatment of sequelae (very severe) e.g. release of contractures and joints 2,645 Breast - augmentation (with prosthesis) 2,923 Breast - reduction 1,582 Breast - ptosis correction 1,500 Myo and osteo myo cutaneous flaps 6,901 Rib graft removal 1,500 217 P.U. (A) 363 Hand reconstruction with soft and/or bony injuries (very severe) 1,500 Repair of syndactyly - congenital or acquired (severe) 1,500 Reconstruction surgery of naevi, including congenital or giant hairy naevus (very severe) 2,407 Reconstructive surgery of malignant melanoma (severe) 1,500 Reconstructive surgery of squamous cell carcinoma (very severe) 1,500 Reconstructive surgery of basal cell carcinoma (very severe) 1,500 Reconstructive surgery of neurofibromatosis (very severe) 1,500 Rhytidectomy 1,500 Abdominoplasty 1,500 Dermo - lipectomy 1,500 Tatoo removal (very severe) 1,500 Keloids - excision injection or compression (very severe) 1,500 Scalp - burns with flap closure 984 Scalp - burns with skin grafts 800 Coloboma correction (moderate) 800 Nose - excision of lesion with reconstruction (severe) 800 Lip - excision of lesion with reconstruction (severe) 3,147 Mouth - commissure reconstruction 800 Mouth - leukoplakia excision and grafting (severe) 800 Facial clefts (moderate) 800 Pharyngoplasty 1,231 Facial sling 800 Facial nerve repair 800 Burn - primary treatment 2,508 Burn - treatment of sequelae e.g. release of contractures and joints (severe) 2,423 218 P.U. (A) 363 Nipple reconstruction 1,601 Reconstruction of hypospadias (moderate) 3,485 Urogenital - excision of stricture 800 Urogenital - fistula repair (moderate) 2,055 Split skin grafts (moderate) 2,992 Full thickness grafts (moderate) 3,052 Vagina reconstruction 5,205 Nose - excision of lesion without reconstruction 1,255 Lip - excision of lesion with primary closure (mild) 320 Reconstruction of facial injury - soft tissue (mild) 320 Mouth - node biopsy 320 Burn - primary treatment (mild) 2,187 Reconstruction surgery of epidermal naevus (mild) 2,165 Reconstructive surgery of sebaceous cyst 2,165 Reconstructive surgery of naevi including congenital or giant hairy naevi (mild) 2,165 Scar revision (mild) 2,165 Tatoo removal (mild) 650 Keloids - excision, injection or compression (mild) 323 Reconstructive surgery of haemangioma (mild) 6,030 Secondary suturing (moderate) 985 Secondary suturing (mild) 950 Skin biopsy 350 Toilet and suture of drainage of superficial wounds 350 Incision and drainage of abscess 896 Excision of slough (at first episode) 282 219 P.U. (A) 363 JADUAL KETUJUH [Perenggan 11] FI PELBAGAI Fi (RM) IMUNISASI Demam kuning 300 Tifoid 80 Jenis imunisasi lain 40 AMBULAN, KERETA JENAZAH DAN PASUKAN PERUBATAN TUNGGU SEDIA Ambulan 1.40 bagi setiap km Kereta jenazah Kurang daripada 30 km 40 30 km hingga 800 km 1.40 bagi setiap km Lebih daripada 800 km 1,200 Pasukan perubatan tunggu sedia (tidak termasuk pegawai perubatan) Hari pertama 400 Hari kemudiannya 250 220 P.U. (A) 363 PEMERIKSAAN PERUBATAN DAN LEMBAGA PERUBATAN Pemeriksaan perubatan termasuk x-ray 300 Pemeriksaan bagi Lembaga Perubatan 600 PENDAPAT ATAU LAPORAN PERUBATAN BERTULIS Laporan ringkas/pendapat disediakan oleh pegawai perubatan 120 Laporan ringkas/pendapat disediakan oleh pakar 240 400 hingga 2,000 bergantung kepada kerumitan menyediakan pendapat itu. Pendapat lengkap disediakan oleh pakar Dibuat 27 Disember 2014 [KK(S)-280(32/41); PN(PU2)86/XVII] Dengan Titah Perintah, DATUK SERI DR. S. SUBRAMANIAM Menteri Kesihatan (Akan dibentangkan dalam Dewan Rakyat menurut seksyen 4 Akta Fi 1951) 221 P.U. (A) 363 FEES ACT 1951 FEES (MEDICAL) (COST OF SERVICES) ORDER 2014 IN exercise of the powers conferred by sections 3 and 10 of the Fees Act 1951 [Act 209], the Yang di-Pertuan Agong makes the following order: Citation, commencement and application 1. (1) This order may be cited as the Fees (Medical) (Cost of Services) Order 2014. (2) This Order comes into operation on 31 December 2014. (3) This Order shall apply to foreign persons only. Definition 2. In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires— “artificial limbs or prosthesis” means an appliance used internally or externally to put patient back in a functional condition in order for him to be independent in his daily routine; “operation fee” means a fee charged on any patient who needs any surgical intervention for the treatment or diagnostic purposes; “dental fee” means a fee charged for any dental treatment; “treatment fee” means a fee charged for medical attention, medical comforts, medicines, dressing and other services rendered to any patient treated at any hospital; “investigation fee” means a fee charged on any procedure which is an aid to diagnosis other than those covered by operation charge; 222 P.U. (A) 363 “ward fee” means a fee charged for diet and the use of a bed; “hospital” means any Government hospital including any teaching hospital of the university, Government clinic and any other Federal Medical Institution; “Federal Medical Institution” means any hospital and medical institution declared by the Government as a Federal Medical Institution; "day care" means care of a patient admitted into a day treatment unit at the hospital or special treatment centre, for a period of less than twenty four hours on a referral by a medical officer for medical procedures including for the purposes of prevention, investigation, therapy and rehabilitation; “Ministry” means the Ministry of Health; “Secretary General” means the Secretary General of Ministry of Health; “foreign person” means a person who is not a citizen of Malaysia but does not include— (a) a non citizen who holds an identity card issued under paragraph 5(3)(b) of the National Registration Regulations 1990 [P.U. (A) 472/1990]; or (b) a non-citizen spouse to a citizen of Malaysia; “specialist” means a person so appointed under the General Orders Chapter F Medical 1974; “medical officer” means a registered medical practitioner or registered dental practitioner in the service of the Malaysian Government. 223 P.U. (A) 363 Outpatient fee 3. The fee for services rendered at the Outpatient Department, other than the dental fee, shall be as specified in the First Schedule and shall be charged at the— (a) general hospitals; (b) district hospitals; (c) polyclinics; and (d) any other places which the Minister of Health may specify for the purposes of this paragraph. Ward fee 4. (1) The ward fee shall be as specified in the Second Schedule. (2) For the purposes of the computation of ward fee— (a) the day of admission shall be counted as one full day; and (b) the day of discharge shall be counted as one full day if it exceeds twelve hours. (3) Where in the opinion of the medical officer, it is necessary for a parent to accompany a child patient, the parent shall be subjected to the ward fee at the half of the rate specified in the Second Schedule. Treatment fee 5. The treatment fee shall be as specified in the Third Schedule. Investigation fee 6. (1) The investigation fee shall be as specified in the Fourth Schedule. 224 P.U. (A) 363 (2) Where a series of x-rays are taken to assist in the proper alignment of one fracture, only one fee at the rate specified in Part 1 of the Fourth Schedule shall be charged for that fracture. (3) Where repeated radiological examinations are carried out subsequent to the examination in subparagraph (2), a separate fee shall be charged for each examination. Laboratory fee 7. Laboratory fee shall be as specified in the Fifth Schedule. Operation fee 8. Operation fee shall be as specified in the Sixth Schedule. Dental fee 9. Dental fee shall be as specified in Part 9 of the Third Schedule. Artificial limb or prosthesis fee 10. The fee for artificial limb or prosthesis shall be as specified in Part 10 of the Third Schedule. Miscellaneous fee 11. Miscellaneous fee shall be as specified in the Seventh Schedule. Daycare fee 12. The fee for the daycare patient shall be as specified in the Third Schedule to the Sixth Schedule, and the ward fee shall be based on the third class ward in the Second Schedule . Patient admitted into the higher class ward 13. A patient originally admitted into the ward of lower class and subsequently transferred into the ward of higher class at his own request, shall pay all fees including the related ward fee. 225 P.U. (A) 363 Deposit 14. (1) A patient shall before admission into a ward— (a) pay a deposit to be determined by the Secretary General; or (b) provide a satisfactory guarantee of payment as approved by the Secretary General. (2) If a patient incurs additional expenses not covered by his deposit while he is still in the ward, he shall be required to pay a further deposit. (3) Where the fee incurred by a patient is less than his deposit upon his discharge from the hospital, the hospital shall refund the difference to him. Remission 15. The Secretary General may remit a part of or the whole part of any fees imposed under this Order. Dispute on fee 16. Where there is a dispute on any fee charged under this Order, it shall be referred to the Secretary General whose decision shall be final. 226 P.U. (A) 363 FIRST SCHEDULE [Paragraph 3] OUTPATIENT FEE Fee per visit (RM) (a) Hospital General outpatient 40 Specialist outpatient 120 Emergency Department 100 (b) Health Clinic General outpatient 40 Specialist outpatient 120 (c) 1 Malaysia Clinic 40 (d) Klinik Desa 40 (e) Others Child health services 40 Obstetric and gynaecology treatment 40 Post natal services 40 Pap smear 45 Delivery service (including at the Alternative Birthing Centre and at home) 200 227 P.U. (A) 363 300 for every visit excluding any claims for travelling, subsistence and lodging expenses in accordance with the rate set by the Government Medical services outside hospital *Fees in this Schedule do not include any other fees specified in this Order. 228 P.U. (A) 363 SECOND SCHEDULE [Subparagraph 4(1)] WARD FEE Fee per day (RM) (a) Executive Single bed room (VIP) 500 Single bed room 400 Two beds in a room 340 (b) First class Single bed room 320 Two beds in a room 240 Three or more beds in a room 200 (c) Second class 180 (d) Third class 160 (e) Labour room 300 (f) Intensive Care Unit or Coronary Care Unit (adult) 360 (g) Intensive Care Unit or Coronary Care Unit (child) 300 229 P.U. (A) 363 (h) Nursery 60 (i) Special Care Nursery 140 (j) Nursery with incubator care 170 (k) Psychiatric ward Based on the classes of the ward and the number of bed 230 P.U. (A) 363 THIRD SCHEDULE [Paragraph 5] TREATMENT FEE PART 1 INPATIENT TREATMENT Fee (RM) Inpatient treatment 100 per day PART 2 PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT Fee (RM) 1,500 per hospitalisation Psychiatric treatment PART 3 DELIVERY FEE Fee (RM) Caesarean 3,021 Delivery with help : forcep/breech/vacuum/twin/normal delivery 2,593 PART 4 OTHER TREATMENT Fee (RM) Cardiotocograph 120 231 P.U. (A) 363 Toilet and suture per stich 50 Fine needle aspiration 275 Incision and drainage 275 Catheterisation 85 PART 5 RADIOTHERAPY TREATMENT Fee (RM) SIMULATION AND COMPUTERIZED PLANNING Mark on set 50 Conventional Simulation 1,000 CT Simulation - normal (without contrast) 1,500 CT Simulation - complex (with contrast) 3,000 CT Simulation - IMRT/Rapid Arc. , TBI, TNI, TBE 5,000 CT Simulation - Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRT) 20,000 RADIOTHERAPY TREATMENT 2D/Single field/parallel opposed per fraction 350 3D/Any plans with 3 or more fields per fraction 450 IMRT/Rapid Arc per fraction 500 TBI per fraction 500 TNI per fraction 700 SRT per fraction 500 SRS (package treatment - onetime charge) 232 30,000 P.U. (A) 363 CONSUMABLES Beam direction shell 250 Vac-lock 250 Cerroband 500 Wax 300 BRACHYTHERAPY TREATMENT Intra-cavitari : dhobbies/single line source per session 5,000 Intra-cavitari : paired ovoids per session 5,000 Intra-cavitari : full intra - cavitary per session 5,000 Intra-cavitari : for Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) per session 7,000 Intra-luminal : esophagus, bronchus, ano-rectal per session 300 Interstitial brachytherapy implants : breast brachytherapy implants per implant 6,500 Interstitial brachytherapy implants : extremities implants per implant 6,000 Interstitial brachytherapy implants : oral cavity/anorectal/ prostate implants per implant 7,500 Prostate brachytherapy procedure 10,000 Iodine-131 therapy (not iodine scan) per session CHEMOTHERAPY (a) Single agent 233 800 P.U. (A) 363 Type A Low dose cisplatin 65 Methotrexate 65 Doxorubicin 65 Vinorelbine 65 Type B Carboplatin 260 Paclitaxel 260 5-fuFluorouracil 260 Oxaliplatin 260 High dose cisplatin 260 Type C Gemcitabine 1,100 Bleomycin 1,100 Docetaxel 1,100 Ifosphamide 1,100 Mitoxantrone 1,100 Mitomycin 1,100 Irinotecan 1,100 Type D Alimta (pemetrexed) pemetrexed 5,500 Caelyx pegylated liposomal doxorubicin 5,500 (b) Double agent Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide 70 Doxorubicin + Ifosphamide 661 Doxorubicin + Cisplatin 89 234 P.U. (A) 363 Doxorubicin + Docetaxel 971 Doxorubicin + Paclitaxel 227 Doxorubicin + Gemcitabine 325 Carboplatin + Fluorouracil 148 Carboplatin + Paclitaxel 398 Carboplatin + Etoposide 105 Carboplatin + Gemcitabine 564 Carboplatin + Docetaxel 1,033 Carboplatin + Vinorelbine 292 Cisplatin + Paclitaxel 231 Cisplatin + Etoposide 133 Cisplatin + Fluorouracil 126 Cisplatin + Pemetrexed 6,160 Cisplatin + Gemcitabine 592 Cisplatin + Vinorelbine 69 Cisplatin + Ifosphamide 1,018 Cisplatin + Methotrexate 44 Cisplatin + Cyclophosphamide 68 Cyclophosphamide + Vincristine 33 Cyclophosphamide + Epirubicin 334 Etoposide + Fluorouracil 147 Gemcitabine + Vinorelbine 318 Gemcitabine + Paclitaxel 742 Gemcitabine + Oxaliplatin 433 Ifosphamide + Vinorelbine 774 Ifosphamide + Epirubicin 1,389 Irinotecan + Fluorouracil 528 Mitomycin + Fluorouracil 674 235 P.U. (A) 363 Oxaliplatin (130 mg/m2) + Capecitabine 1,293 Oxaliplatin + Fluorouracil 317 Paclitaxel + Fluorouracil 304 Capecitabine + Irinotecan (240 mg/m2) 1,560 (c) Triple agent Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide + Etoposide 220 Doxorubicin + Cisplatin + Ifosphamide 488 Doxorubicin + Dacarbazine + Ifosphamide 1,645 Bleomycin + Etoposide + Cisplatin 1,236 Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide + Cisplatin 92 Cyclophosphamide + Methotrexate + Fluorouracil 62 Epirubicin + Cisplatin + Fluorouracil 310 Fluorouracil + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide 68 Fluorouracil + Epirubicin + Cyclophosphamide 278 Ifosphamide + Carboplatin + Etoposide 1,125 Ifosphamide + Dactinomycin + Vincristine 1,120 Gemcitabine + Paclitaxel + Carboplatin 924 Procarbazine + Lomustine + Vincristine 2,472 Ifosphamide + Cisplatin + Etoposide 1,019 Docetaxel + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide 888 Paclitaxel + Ifosphamide + Cisplatin 1,015 Docetaxel + Cisplatin + Fluorouracil 1,070 Paclitaxel + Carboplatin + Etoposide 912 Paclitaxel + Carboplatin + Fluorouracil 981 Mitomycin + Ifosphamide + Cisplatin 766 Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide 90 236 P.U. (A) 363 Vincristine + Dactinomycin + Cyclophosphamide 515 Vincristine + Epirubicin + Cyclophosphamide 258 Vincristine + Etoposide + Carboplatin 581 Etoposide + Cisplatin + Ifosphamide 745 Vinblastine + Ifosphamide + Cisplatin 695 Vinorelbine + Ifosphamide + Cisplatin 1,148 (d) Complex regime Etoposide + Dactinomycin + Methotrexate + Vincristine + Cyclophosphamide 338 Etoposide + Cisplatin + Dactinomycin + Methotrexate 217 Etoposide + Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Ifosphamide + Dactinomycin 1,110 Ifosphamide + Vincristine + Dactinomycin + Doxorubicin 975 Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide + Dactinomycin 392 Vincristine + Doxorubicin + Ifosphamide + Dactinomycin 1,157 Vincristine + Ifosphamide + Carboplatin + Etoposide 944 Vincristine + Ifosphamide + Doxorubicin + Etoposide 1,141 Methotrexate + Dactinomycin + Chlorambucil + Cyclophosphamide 354 Methotrexate + Vinblastine + Doxorubicin + Cisplatin 232 (e) Oral agent Capecitabine 1250mg/m2 658 Capecitabine 1000mg/m2 534 Capecitabine 850mg/m2 441 237 P.U. (A) 363 Chlorambucil 94.50 Cyclophosphamide 3 Etoposide 405 Procarbazine 516 Tegafur 255 Temozolomide 5,405 TARGETED THERAPY Erlotinib 100mg 4,705 Erlotinib 150mg 5,800 Gefitinib 5,043 Imatinib 100 mg 4,492 Imatinib 400mg 9,210 Pazopanib 200mg 1,848 Pazopanib 400mg 2,790 Trastuzumab (loading dose) 6,977 Trastuzumab (maintainence dose) 5,074 Cetuximab (2 weekly regime) 6,112 HORMONE THERAPY Anastrazole 74 Bicalutamide 74 Exemestane 796 Flutamide 91 Letrozole 126 Lucrin leuprolide acetate 3.75mg 315.90 238 P.U. (A) 363 Leuprolide acetate 11.25mg 971.45 Medroxyprogesterone acetate (IM) 26 Megestrole acetate 800 Tamoxifen 16 Zoladex goserelin 10.8 depot (every 3 months) 992 Goserelin 3.6 depot 265.35 IMMUNO THERAPY Interfelon alfa 1,136 PART 6 NUCLEAR MEDICINE Fee (RM) Teknetium - 99M cardiac shunt 140 Teknetium - 99M phyrophosphate study 240 Teknetium - 99MIBI exercise and rest study 1,700 Talium - 201 exercise and rest study 1,800 Gated heart pool scan 1,360 24 Hours delay imaging 400 PART 7 NEPHROLOGY Fee (RM) Intermitent peritoneal dialysis per treatment CAPD treatment (monthly) 300 2,100 Renal biopsy (excluding report) 500 239 P.U. (A) 363 Femoral/subclavian catherisation 1,000 Haemoperfusion 1,000 Implantation of tenchoff catheter 200 Pretransplant dialysis treatment 2,000 Home visit per haemodialysis 200 per visit Cycle-PD/Automated PD 800 Intermitent peritoneal dialysis stab 800 Intermitent peritoneal dialysis tenckhoff 800 Continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration 800 Continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration 2,000 Continuous venovenous haemodialysis 2,000 Continuous venovenous haemofiltration 890 Nightly intermitent peritoneal dialysis 2,100 Plasma exchange 1,900 Plasmapharesis 1,900 Haemofiltration 300 Haemodialysis single use kidney 200 Haemodialysis single use kidney high - flux 200 Haemodialysis single use kidney low - flux 200 Haemodialysis single use kidney middle - flux 200 Catheter insertion surgical tenckhoff peritoneal sco 2,500 Catheter removal medical tenckhoff (non OT) 500 Catheter removal surgical tenckhoff ( non OT) 500 Kt/v (CAPD) 150 Catheter insertion central venous 1,000 Catheter insertion CV under US guidance 1,000 240 P.U. (A) 363 Catheter insertion femoral double lumen (non cuffed) 800 Catheter insertion femoral single lumen 1,000 Catheter insertion permanent 2,500 Haemodiafiltration online 300 Haemodialysis reuse kidney 180 Haemodialysis reuse kidney high - flux 180 Haemodialysis reuse kidney low - flux 180 Haemodialysis reuse kidney middle - flux 180 Renal biopsy - biopty gun 500 Renal biopsy - cooks 500 Renal biopsy - tru cut 500 Slow continuous ultrafiltration 1,000 per day Ultrafiltration 200 Catheter removal central venous 200 Catheter removal femoral double lumen 200 Catheter removal central venous under US 200 Catheter removal femoral single lumen 200 Renal allograft ultrasound 100 Renal allograft ultrasound doppler 150 PART 8 PHYSIOTHERAPY Fee (RM) ELECTROTHERAPY MODALITIES Biofeedback/myofeedback 80 241 P.U. (A) 363 Direct current/iontophorosis 80 Didynamic current 80 Interrupted Direct Current (IDC) 80 Interferential Therapy (IT) 80 Shortwave Diathermy (SWD) 80 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) 80 Ultrasound therapy (US) 80 Realtime ultrasound 80 Functional electrical stimulation 80 Shockwave therapy 80 THERMAL THERAPY/CRYOTHERAPY Hot pack 40 Wax bath 40 Infrared radiation 40 Cryotherapy 40 PHOTOTHERAPY Laser therapy 80 Ultraviolet light therapy 80 CARDIORESPIRATORY THERAPY Active Cycle Breathing Technique (ACBT) 60 Breathing exercise 60 242 P.U. (A) 363 Bronchial suction 60 Flutter/incentive spirometer 60 Inspiratory muscle training 60 Inhalation therapy 60 Percussion/vibration 60 Positive expiratory pressure 60 Postural drainage 60 MECHANO THERAPY Cervical traction 80 Lumbar traction 80 Sequential pump 80 HYDROTHERAPY Pool exercise 120 Whirlpool 120 MANUAL THERAPY Soft tissue manipulation 120 Myofascial release 120 Manual lymphatic drainage 120 Accupressure 120 243 P.U. (A) 363 TAPING/BANDAGING/STRAPPING 120 COMPRESSION THERAPY (LYMPHOEDEMA) 80 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES Canalith repositioning technique 80 Gaze stabilisation exercise 80 Icing/brushing 80 Joint mobilisation 80 McKenzie technique 80 Motor Relearning Programme (MRP) 80 Acupuncture 80 Neurodevelopmental technique 80 Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) 80 EXERCISE THERAPY Active, passive, resisted 80 Ambulation/gait training 80 Ante/postnatal exercise 80 Balance training 80 Bladder/bowel training 80 Circuit training/gymnic ball exercise 80 Counter bracing technique 80 Functional activities 80 244 P.U. (A) 363 Group exercise 80 Isokinetic exercise 80 Mechanical exercise 80 Pelvic floor exercise 80 Pelvic floor exercise with PFX educator 80 Relaxation techniques 80 Sensory re-education 80 Special hand regime 80 Treadmill 80 CONSULTATION/STRUCTURED PATIENT EDUCATION/ CAREER TRAINING 40 SPECIAL TEST – DIAGNOSTIC TOOL Berg’s balance test 120 Clinical Test for Sensory Interaction and Balance (CTSIB) 120 Computerized dynamic posturography 120 Computerized hand evaluation 120 Dix-hall pike test 120 Dynamic gait index 120 Oculomotor assessment 120 Pelvic floor per vagina/per rectal assessment 120 Perionometer 120 Sensory testing 120 Strength duration curve 120 Voluntary muscle testing 120 Vestibular test 120 245 P.U. (A) 363 PART 9 DENTAL Fee (RM) Extraction permanent tooth 50 Extraction supernumerary/retained root 50 Extraction deciduous tooth 25 Extraction - complication - treatment of infected socket 50 Extraction - complication - control of haemorrage 50 Extraction - complication 50 Restoration permanent tooth - single surface 75 Restoration permanent tooth - multiple surface/with pin retention 100 Restoration - deciduous tooth 30 Temporary restoration 30 Scaling and polishing per arch 214 Full denture (acrylic) - per jaw including materials 900 Partial denture (acrylic) - per jaw - first tooth 500 Partial denture (acrylic) - maximum 800 Partial denture - per additional tooth 20 Repair of denture plate (not including replacement of tooth) 70 Repair of denture (per additional tooth) 20 Relining/Rebasing - per denture 120 Mouth guard 50 Soft splint 50 Hard splint 200 Other splint : e.g. oyster 50 Obturator - acrylic 100 246 P.U. (A) 363 Obturator - molloplast 200 Feeding plate 50 Other dental appliances 100 Facial prosthesis 200 Resuture of soft tissue injury orofacial 120 Open suture soft tissue injury orofacial 60 Revision of soft tissue injury - orofacial 120 Incision and drainage - orofacial abscess 120 Inlay/onlay- per tooth (excluding material and laboratory fee) 120 Crown/veneer - per unit (inclusive of temporary crown but excluding material and laboratory fee) 200 Bridge per abutment/pontic (inclusive of temporary bridge but excluding material and laboratory fee) 200 Stainless steel crown - per unit 50 Strip crown - per unit 30 Repair of crown/bridge 50 Post and core per tooth 150 Provisional restoration - per tooth 30 Root canal treatment - anterior 150 Root canal treatment - premolar 200 Root canal treatment - molar 300 Root canal retreatment - anterior 250 Root canal retreatment - premolar 300 Root canal retreatment - molar 400 Apexification - per tooth 200 Arrest of tooth resorption - per tooth 150 Coronal pulpotomy - per permanent tooth 150 247 P.U. (A) 363 Cvek pulpotomi - per permanent tooth 150 Pulpotomy - per deciduous tooth 150 Pulpectomy - per tooth 200 Pulp capping (includes temporary restoration) - direct/indirect 30 Treatment of pulp removal (extirpasi pulp) 50 Retrieval of separated/broken instrument 200 Tooth bleaching (external) - per arch 500 Tooth bleaching (internal) - per tooth 50 Microabrasion - per tooth 50 Topical fluoride - per arch 50 Fissure sealant - per tooth 40 Desensitisation - per tooth 30 Fixed appliance - treatment package - both arches 5,500 Fixed appliance - treatment package - single arch 2,700 Functional fixed appliance - per arch 2,000 Debonding of fixed appliance - per arch 300 Fixed connector appliance - per arch 370 Fixed connector appliance - replacement - per arch 370 Fixed connector appliance - repair - per arch 100 Fixed connector appliance - recementation 100 Fixed retainers - per arch 300 Fixed retainers - replacement - per arch 200 Fixed retainers - repair - per tooth 100 Fixed retainer - removal - per arch 200 Functional removable appliance - per arch 2,000 Functional removable appliance - replacement 2,000 248 P.U. (A) 363 Functional removable appliance - repair 250 Removable appliance - treatment package - per arch 1,500 Active removable appliance - replacement - per arch 400 Passive removable appliance - replacement - per arch 400 Removable space maintainer per arch 400 Active removable - repair - per arch 250 Removable retainers - repair - per arch 250 Removable appliance (space maintainers) - repair - per arch 250 Essix retainer 300 Palatal/lingual accessory arch 250 Palatal/lingual accessory arch - replacement 250 Placement of traction device (on plant) - per device 400 Placement of traction chain - impacted tooth 800 Activation of traction chain for minor tooth movement per tooth 200 Impression for working model per arch (upper/lower) 200 Orthodontic bands - replacement 100 Orthodontic brackets - replacement per tooth 100 Orthodontic wire - replacement per arch (upper/lower) 200 Repair of removable appliance - per arch 100 Facemask treatment 400 Chin cup treatment 400 Palatal expander treatment 400 Headgear treatment 400 Flap surgery with osseous surgery 674 Flap surgery with bone regeneration 800 Mucogingival surgery 500 249 P.U. (A) 363 Crown lengthening with ostectomy 617 Crown lengthening without ostectomy 550 Tooth hemisection 1,312 Guided bone regeneration 1,036 Guided tissue regeneration 1,648 Flap surgery 674 Gingivectomy 400 Gingivoplasty 400 Wedge surgery 400 Furcationplasty - tunnelling 1,419 Furcationplasty - grooveplasty 1,419 Root resection 1,312 Root debridement per quadran (debridement subgingiva) 421 Root debridement whole mouth (debridmen subgingiva) 637 Splinting of teeth 158 Labial gingival veneer 300 Pericision of periodontal ligament 150 Modification of tooth morphology 150 Recontouring of pre-existing restoration 150 Occlusal adjustment 134 Frenotomy/frenectomy 647 Close reduction temporomandible joint (TMJ) 150 Antralplasty maxillary (sinus lift) with autograft - bone graft Antralplasty maxillary (sinus lift) with allograft Closure of oro-antral fistula 1,000 400 1,000 Antral washout Caldwell - Luc (per side) 200 250 P.U. (A) 363 Excision lesion maxillofacial - with reconstruction - allograft 750 Excision of maxillofacial lesion 200 Marsupialisation of bony maxillofaciallesion 200 Marsupialisation of oral soft tissue lesion 100 Reduction and fixation of bony maxillofacial fracture - closed 600 Reduction and fixation of bony maxillofacial fracture - temporary 20 Oral vestibuloplasty (per arch) with graft 750 Oral vestibuloplasty (per arch) 300 Removal of internal fixation - maxillofacial 300 Maxillofacial sequestrectomy 120 Removal of salivary duct calculus - open 400 Removal of salivary duct calculus - closed 30 Meatoplasty of salivary duct orifice 200 Salivary duct dilation 150 Salivary duct ligation 150 Excision of oral soft tissue lesion with laser 200 Excision of oral soft tissue lesion - 2cm or less 120 Trigeminal nerve - cryotherapy/sectioning 300 Removal of foreign body - orofacial - simple 120 Biopsy bony maxillofacial 200 Biopsy soft tissue oral 120 Biopsy lesion tru - cut 50 Ablation of oral mucosal lesion 200 Frenoplasty 170 Frenotomi/frenectomy with laser 170 Apicectomy (per tooth) - posterior tooth with retrograde filling 251 1,000 P.U. (A) 363 Apicectomy (per tooth) - posterior tooth 750 Apicectomy (per tooth) - anterior tooth with retrograde filling 300 Apicectomy (per tooth) - anterior tooth 120 Surgical removal of impacted tooth (per tooth) - complicated 1,000 Surgical removal of tooth/root (per tooth) 400 Surgical removal of displaced tooth/root (per tooth) 400 Surgical removal of impacted/unerupted tooth (per tooth) - simple 400 Transplantation tooth 750 Repositioning and/or stabilization of tooth - surgical 400 Repositioning and/or stabilization of tooth - non - surgical 150 Reimplantation of tooth 200 Surgical exposure of tooth with placement of attachment (per tooth) 400 Surgical exposure of tooth without placement of attachment (per tooth) 150 Dental implant (per implant) - first stage surgery with autograft 600 Dental implant (per implant) - first stage surgery 400 Dental implant (per implant) - first stage surgery with bone substitute 400 Dental implant (per implant) - second stage surgery 50 Maxillofacial implant (per implant) - first stage surgery 400 Maxillofacial implant (per implant) - second stage surgery 50 Removal of dental/maxillofacial implants - complicated 300 Removal of dental/maxillofacial implants - simple 75 Debridement of oro-facial soft tissue 60 Dental wiring - per jaw 75 Control of haemorrhage - post-surgery 75 252 P.U. (A) 363 Control of haemorrhage - lesion 50 Control of haemorrhage - post - extraction 30 Orofacialsoft laser therapy - per course 75 Oromaxillofacial ultrasound therapy 75 Prosthesis - obturator 120 Fine needle aspiration cytology - orofacial 50 Oral operculectomy 30 Removal of dental wires (per jaw) 30 Injection of medication - orofacial 30 PART 10 ARTIFICIAL LIMBS / PROSTHESIS Description Fee (RM) Upper limb prosthesis item Cosmetic silicone glove Wrist amputation 2,800 Cosmetic fingers Finger amputation 1,200 Trans radius cosmetic Trans radius amputation 4,000 Trans radius mechanical function hand Trans radius amputation 6,300 Trans humerus cosmetic Trans humerus amputation 7,500 Trans humerus mechanical functional hand Trans humerus amputation 9,500 Chopart modular prosthesis right/left 1,800 Lower limb prosthesis item Chopart 253 P.U. (A) 363 Symes prosthesis Chopart symes prosthesis right/left 3,800 Transtibial prosthesis K1 indoor walker Limited to inhouse movement. Amputee is able to walk slowly on the floor. 3,550 Transtibial prosthesis K2 limited outdoor Limited for external movement. Amputee is able to walk slowly and with moderate speed, with the ability to step on uneven surface. 5,500 Transtibial prosthesis K3 active walker Daily activity inclusive of walking fastly and and able to step without barrier. 9,500 Transtibial prosthesis K4 very active/sport Daily activity and various tough activity, which is more than normal walk such as sports. 18,800 Through knee prosthesis K1 to K4 Level of movement is between K1 to K4. 13,800 Transfemoral prostesis K1 indoor walker Limited to inhouse movement. Amputee is able to walk slowly on the floor. 7,500 Transfemoral prostesis K2 limited outdoor Limited for external movement. Amputee is able to walk slowly and with moderate speed, with the ability to step on uneven surface. 9,000 Transfemoral prostesis K3 active walker Daily routine inclusive of fast walk and ability to walk without barrier. 15,000 Transfemoral prostesis K4 very active/sport Daily activity and various tough activity more than normal walk such as sports. 35,000 254 P.U. (A) 363 Hip disarticulated prostesis K1 to K4 Level of movement is between K1 to K4. Knee orthoses hinge knee 15,000 450 Knee orthoses weekender knee brace 1,100 Knee orthoses revolution brace 700 Knee orthoses knee ranger post operation brace 450 Knee orthoses fracture hinges 400 Lower limb orthoses knee ankle foot orthoses (KAFO) 3,800 Ankle foot orthoses 350 Super lite ankle foot orthoses 250 Ankle foot orthoses sweeder ankle brace 400 Suprameleolar prosthesis 500 per unit 500 Ankle foot orthosis - ankle foot orthosis (custom made/polypropelyne) 350 Foot care wonder spur 70 Foot care wonder cup 70 Foot care wonder sport 130 Foot care soft sock 200 Foot care gel squares 140 Paediatric orthoses pavlic harness 450 Paediatric orthoses dennis brown shoes (straight last) full set 700 Paediatric orthoses Dennis Brown Shoes (full abduction) full set 700 255 P.U. (A) 363 Cervical soft collar Cervical injury usage (made from soft material) 55 Cervical adjustable collar (plastic) Cervical injury usage 65 Philadelphia A series collar Cervical injury usage removable padding orthowick foam 280 Atlas collar Cervical injury usage. Provides improvement in lessening the cervical movement and obtain comfort through adjusting the strap behind the collar. 300 Philadelphia collar Cervical injury usage. Light and consist of two keeping foam polythene with hard plastic that support anterior and posterior part. 130 Minerva cervical support Cervical injury usage. Adjustable optimum support for cervical. One adjustable size for various sizes. 1,000 Philadelphia collar with stabilizer and halo Cervical injury usage. Additional ability to control neck reversing and flexion/extension. 550 S.O.M.I brace Cervical injury usage. Adjustable orthosis cervical for flexio, neutral or hyperextension and restrain movement. 900 USMC halo system Cervical injury usage 3,000 Halo liner Cervical injury usage 1,100 PMT halo system Cervical injury usage 3,000 Torque screw driver 1,000 256 P.U. (A) 363 Cervical - thoracic lumbar - sacral - orthosis 2,800 Juwett brace 700 Knight taylor brace (TLSO) 800 Knight taylor brace (LSO) 650 Kydex knight taylor brace 900 Kydex chair back brace 700 TLSO body jacket (moulded polypropelyne) 2,800 Sacro - lumbar support (fabric) 150 Scoliosis boston brace (moulded polypropelyne) 3,000 Rehabilitation accessories Aluminium axilla crutch Children (S) 55 Teenage (M) 55 Adult (L) 55 Adult big size (XL) 55 Adjustable elbow crutch 140 Adjustable aluminium walking stick with strap in bronze colour 45 Adjustable aluminium crooked handle walking stick in bronze colour 55 Adjustable folding walking frame in bronze colour 125 Quadruped walking aid 58 257 P.U. (A) 363 Quadruped walking aid - narrow base 58 Standard wheel chair 18” with detachable armrest and footrest 680 Standard wheel chair 18” 280 Semi light weight wheel chair 800 Reclining wheel chair with detachable armrest and elevating footrest 1,200 Light weight wheel chair 1,400 Commode wheel chair 1,400 Major buggy 1,500 Commode chair 200 PART 11 TRADITIONAL AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE SERVICES Fee (RM) TRADITIONAL MEDICINE FOR MALAY/PRIBUMI (a) Traditional massage for malay/pribumi Chronic disease treatment 50/session Post-stroke treatment 50/session (b) Post-natal mother care Post natal massage treatment 50/session 258 P.U. (A) 363 Post natal recovery treatment packages - massage, furnase and bengkung 150/session Post natal recovery treatment - tangas 50/session TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE (a) Acupuncture Chronic disease treatment 50/session Post-stroke treatment 50/session Acupuncture and moxibustion in addition to the treatment of chronic pain and post stroke 60/session Other indication 50/session (b) Herbs Ancillary treatment for oncology patient (including the fee for herbs) 250/ *cycle (*1 cycle = 2 weeks) TRADITIONAL INDIAN MEDICINE (a) Ayurveda Shirodhara 150/session Abhyanga 150/session 259 P.U. (A) 363 (b) Complementary therapy Chiropractic 150/session Osteopatic 200/session PART 12 BLOOD SUPPLY AND BLOOD PRODUCT Fee (RM) Packed red cell 120 Whole blood 120 Platelet concentrate 120 Cryoprecipitate 120 Fresh frozen plasma 120 Cryosupernatant 120 Platelet apheresis 630 Paediatric packed cells 110 Filtered red cell 200 Irradiated sel 160 Patogen inactivated plasma 600 Patogen inactivated platelet 800 Patogen inactivated platelet aferesis 1,350 Irradiated aferasis platelet 690 Irradiated platelet 160 260 P.U. (A) 363 Plasma breakdown product High purity factor VIII concentrate - 250 IU/vial 540 Intermediate purity factor VIII - 250 IU/vial 300 Pure factor IX - 500 IU/vial 790 Prothrombin complex concentrate - 500 IU/vial 590 Recombinant factor VIIa - 60 KIU/vial 2,970 Albumin - 20% 100ml 180 Intravenous immune globulin (IV) - 3g/50ml 700 Recombinant VIII - 250 IU/vial 670 Recombinant IX - 500 IU/vial 1,190 Autologous plasma eye drop 450 PART 13 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Fee(RM) ASSESSMENT (a) ADL assessment Canadian Occupational Therapy Performance Measure (C.O.P.M) 40 Camberwell Assessment of Needs Short Schedule (CANSAS) 40 Functional Ability Assessment (FAA) 40 Functional Independence Measure (FIM) 40 Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skill (KELS) 40 Modified barthel index 40 Pediatric Evaluation Disabilities Inventory (PEDI) 40 Self care skills (PASS) 40 Kohlmens 40 261 P.U. (A) 363 AMPS 40 (b) Physical assesment Muscle Manual Test (MMT) 40 Strength - dynamometer/pinch gauge 40 2 Point discrimination test 40 9 Hole peg test 40 Berg balance test 40 Grooved peg board 40 Jebsen Taylor hand function test 40 Minnesota manual dexterity test 40 O’connor finger dexterity test 40 O’connor tweezer dexterity test 40 Pain visual analog scale 40 Purdue pegboard test 40 Range of motion - goniometer 40 Roeder manipulative aptitude test 40 Semmes - Weinstein monofilaments test 40 Sensory profile 40 Stereognosis test 40 Vibration 40 Volumeter 40 Tinnetti balance test 40 Microcomputer Upper Limb Exerciser (MULE) 40 (c) Development assessment Bruiniks Oseretsky test 40 Denver 40 Oral motor rating scale 40 Peabody 40 262 P.U. (A) 363 (d) Perceptual and cognitive assessment Berry VMI 40 Chessington Occupational Therapy Neurological Assessment Battery (C.O.T.N.A.B) 40 Hospital anxiety depression scale 40 Lowerstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (L.O.T.C.A) 40 Mini mental state examination 40 Rivermead perceptual assessment battery 40 (e) Preschool assesment Miller assessment pre schoolers 40 School Function Assessment (SFA) 40 Test of handwriting skill 40 Behavior assessment 40 Threshold Assessment Grid (TAG) 40 Hospital anxiety and depression scale 40 Irritability - depression anxiety scale 40 Shaan's function questionaire 40 The Beck depression scale 40 (f) Wheel chair assessment 40 (g) Driving assessment Pre-driving assessment 400 Stroke driving screening assessment 400 (h) Home/Work place/School assessment Home fast tool 40 263 P.U. (A) 363 (i) Work/Vocational assessment BTE 400 Laser 400 LIDO 400 Role check list 400 T pal 400 Valpar 400 Work cube 400 ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) TRAINING (a) Instrumental activities of daily living Ability to use telephone 40 Early ambulation 40 Self hygiene 40 Transfer 40 Ability to handle finance 40 Bathing 40 Bladder management 40 Bowel management 40 Cleaning work 40 Device care 40 Domestic skill 40 Dressing 40 Eating/feeding 40 Food/meal preparation 40 Functional communication 40 Functional mobility 40 Grooming 40 Health eminence 40 264 P.U. (A) 363 Household maintenance 40 Housekeeping 40 Laundry 40 Mode of transportation 40 Money management 40 Responsibility for medication 40 Safety procedure 40 Sexual expression 40 Shopping 40 Toileting 40 (b) Aids and adaptation (for each modification equipment supplied) Cooking utensil 80 Dressing 80 Feeding/drinking utensil 80 Mobility 80 Bathing 80 Reading/writing 80 Wheel chair seating 80 Behavioral therapy 40 (c) Cognitive and perceptual training Basic concepts 40 Body part identification 40 Cognitive stimulation 40 Educational activities 40 Right/left discrimination 40 Figure ground disrimination 40 Reality orientation 40 Topographical orientation activities 40 265 P.U. (A) 363 Sequencing 40 Categration 40 (d) Dynamic splint - the price of mechanism (according to market price) + the price of static splint 240 (e) Creative therapy Art therapy 40 Drama/role play 40 Music therapy 40 (f) Social skill training Assertive training 40 Coping skill training 40 Group support 40 Group therapy 40 Individual therapy 40 Interpersonal skill 40 Self awareness activities 40 Self control 40 Self expression 40 Social conduct 40 Social skill training 40 Time management 40 Role checklist 40 (g) Patients and career education Body mechanic and ergonomic 40 Edema control 40 Energy conservation/work simplication 40 266 P.U. (A) 363 Environment therapy 40 Joint protection techniques 40 (h) Play and leisure Leisure check list 40 Play and leisure exploration 40 Play and leisure training 40 (i) Relaxation Bio-feedback 40 Deep breathing 40 Diaphragmatic breathing 40 Imaginary relaxation 40 Progressive muscular relaxation techniques 40 (j) Sensory training Sensory desensitization 40 Sensory integration 40 Sensory re-education 40 Sensory stimulation 40 Fluidotherapy 40 (k) Motor training Above elbow prosthesis 40 Above knee prosthesis 40 Active assisted exercise 40 Below elbow prosthesis 40 Below knee prosthesis 40 Bilateral integration 40 267 P.U. (A) 363 Crossing midline 40 Ergonomic training 40 Fine motor skills 40 Finger prosthesis 40 Gait training 40 Gross motor activities 40 Hand-eye coordination 40 Improve balance 40 Motor re-education 40 Neuro developmental technique 40 Normalize muscle tone 40 Oral muscle stimulation 40 Strengthening exercise 40 Endurance training 40 Reduce muscle tone 40 Above elbow prosthesis 40 (l) Compression therapy Corban bandage 40 Pressure splint 40 Tubigrip 40 Fee(RM) Infant Children Adults (0 to 12 (1 to 18 (18 years months) years) above) Finger strap 10 10 10 Gauntlet 20 30 30 Glove 30 40 40 (m) Pressure garment 268 P.U. (A) 363 Forearm A sleeve 20 30 40 Full length arm sleeve 30 40 50 Vest with long sleeve 60 80 120 Vest with short sleeve 40 60 100 Chin strap 20 20 30 Mask 40 60 80 Short pants 40 60 80 Long pants 60 80 120 Thigh strap 30 40 50 Calf strap 30 40 50 Socks (1 unit) 30 40 50 Finger toe 10 10 10 Hand/foot 20 20 30 Hand to forearm 30 50 80 Finger to forearm 30 60 120 Forearm to upper arm 30 60 120 Hand to upper arm 60 120 240 Upper arm 40 60 160 Hard collar 40 80 160 Foot to calf 60 120 160 Foot to mid thigh 120 160 300 Mid calf to mid thigh 40 120 160 Plaztozote insole 10 20 30 Tennis elbow 40 70 70 Ulnar driff 10 20 30 Ergonomic A sling 60 60 70 Foot drop check 60 30 40 Buddy strap 10 10 10 Body brace 100 250 500 Pelvis harness 360 10 0 (n) Static splint 269 P.U. (A) 363 PART 14 IMPLANT FEE FOR OPHTALMOLOGY SERVICES Fee (RM) Paediatric and strabismus Frontalis sling ; silastic material 600 Frontalis sling ; ptose up 1,125 Lacrimal intubation ; Ritleng tube 600 Lacrimal intubation ; Crawford tube 608 Mini monoka 600 Glaucoma ; Baerveldt implant 2,055 Glaucoma ; Ahmad valve implant 2,400 Medpor orbital sphere implant 1,950 Customised artificial eye 3,900 Ready - made artificial eye 120 Conformer 480 Silicone band for squint surgery 120 Low vision optical devices 3,000 Surgical vitreoretina Silicone oil 675 Gas C3F8 225 Gas SF6 225 Silicone band 120 Silicone sponge 450 270 P.U. (A) 363 Silicone tyre 150 Glaucoma Baerveldt implant (standard) 2,055 Baerveldt implant (pars plana) 2,055 Ahmad valve (standard) 2,400 Ahmad valve (pars plana) 3,300 Molteno implant 1,950 Amniotic membrane 750 Implant tube extender 1,200 Cataract and refractive surgery 1,200 Capsular tension ring 525 Aniridia ring 1,125 Cornea Corneal - precut 6,000 Corneal - tissue in optisol 2,700 Corneal tissue - tissue in glycerol 1,500 Amniotic membrane 750 Bandage contact lens - weekly 15 Bandage contact lens - monthly 45 Keratoprosthesis - ocular landers 2,997 Keratoprosthesis - boston 12,000 Intrastromal corneal ring segment - INTACS 4,500 271 P.U. (A) 363 Optical cylinder for Osteo Odonto Keratoprostesis (OOKP) Symblepharon ring 3,000 585 Oculoplastic Crawford lacrimal intubation 435 O'Donoghue lacrimal intubation 375 Ritleng intubation set 600 Bicanaliculus intubation set 225 Snug plug - punctal plug 300 Ptosis probe - silicone 600 Ptosis probe - gortex 990 Conformer - silicone, perforated 480 Symblepharon ring 585 Titanium plate 1,425 Titanium screw 225 Gold weight implant 3,150 Platinum weight implant 3,900 Silicone tyre 276 150 Fixation sleeve 75 Sponge 450 Mini monoka 600 Monoka 600 Upper eyelid spacer 1,350 Lower eyelid spacer 1,350 Acrylic implant 75 272 P.U. (A) 363 Hydroxyapatite orbital implant 2,400 MEDPOR - micro thin sheet 1,050 MEDPOR - ultra thin sheet 1,050 MEDPOR - sheets 1,050 MEDPOR - titanium sheets 1,425 MEDPOR enophthalmos wedges 1,950 MEDPOR orbital conical implant 2,025 MEDPOR orbital sphere implant 1,950 MEDPOR blocks 1,170 Orbital sphere tissue expander 2,700 PESS implant 3,300 Customised artificial eye 3,900 Ready-made artificial eye 120 PART 15 IMPLANT FEE FOR ORTHOPAEDICS SERVICES Fee (RM) 1.5mm Cortical screw, 0.5mm pitch, full thread (length range : 6mm - 30mm) 15 2.0mm Cortical screw, 0.6mm pitch, full thread (length range : 6mm - 40mm) 16 2.7mm Cortical screw, 1.0mm pitch, full thread (length range : 8mm - 50mm) 17 2.7mm Cortical screw, 1.0mm pitch, self tapping, full thread (length range: 6mm - 40mm) 18 Epiphysis mini plates 2.0mm (range: left/right l-obligue, left/right 90 degree t-plate) 67 Quarter tubular plate 2.7mm (hole range : 3mm - 8mm) 77 273 P.U. (A) 363 Self compression plates 2.0mm (hole range : 4mm - 8mm) 104 Self compression plates 2.7mm (hole range : 2mm -12mm) 141 Straight mini plate 2.0mm (hole range : 3mm - 6mm) 94 4.0mm Cancellous screws, 1.75mm pitch, full thread (length range: 10mm -70mm) 18 4.0mm Cancellous screws, 1.75mm pitch, long thread (length range : 16mm - 72mm) 13 4.0mm Cancellous screws, 1.75mm pitch, short thread (length range : 10mm - 80mm) 11 3.5mm Cortical screws, 1.25mm pitch, full thread (length range : 10mm - 70mm) 16 3.5mm Cortical screws, 1.25mm pitch, self tapping, full thread (length range : 10mm - 65mm) 17 Clover leaf plate 3.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 5mm) 334 LC-self compression plate 3.5mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 256 One third tubular plate 3.5mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 71 Self compression plate 3.5mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 94 Small t-plate (obligue angled) 3.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 5mm) 168 Small t-plate (right angled) 3.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 6mm) 168 6.5mm Cancellous screw, 2.75mm pitch, 32mm thread length (length range : 30mm - 110mm) 30 6.5mm Cancellous screw, 2.75mm pitch, full thread (length range : 16mm - 110mm) 31 4.5mm Cortical screw, 1.75mm pitch, full thread (length range : 14mm - 80mm) 16 4.5mm Cortical screw, 1.75mm pitch, self tapping, full thread (length range : 14mm - 80mm) 17 4.5mm Malleolar screw, 1.75mm pitch, threaded length (length range : 25mm - 100mm) 33 Broad self compression plate 4.5mm (holes range : 4mm - 18mm) 211 274 P.U. (A) 363 Butress l - plate (right angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 6mm) 281 Buttress l - plate (left angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 8mm) 281 Buttress t - plate 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 8mm) 234 Cobra head plate 4.5mm (hole range : 8mm - 11mm) 667 Condylar buttress plate (left angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 7mm - 15mm) 585 Condylar buttress plate (right angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 7mm - 15mm) 585 Large t-plate 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 9mm) 328 Lateral tibia plate (left angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 5mm - 13mm) 585 Lateral tibia plate (right angled) 4.5mm (hole range : 5mm - 13mm) 585 Limited contact - broad self compression plate 4.5mm (holes range : 6mm - 18mm) 422 Limited contact - narrow self compression plate 4.5mm (holes range : 2mm - 16mm) 375 Narrow self compression plate 4.5mm (holes range : 2mm - 18mm) 153 Semi - tubular plate 4.5mm (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 78 Spoon plate 4.5mm (hole range : 5mm - 6mm) 312 Bone screw washers (range : outer 6.5mm, 7.2mm, 10.0mm, 13.0mm) 10 4.0mm Cannulated screw, 16mm thread length (length range : 25mm - 50mm) 206 4.5mm Cannulated screw, 16mm thread length (length range : 20mm - 80mm) 206 6.5mm Cannulated screw, full thread (length range : 25mm - 115mm) 206 7.0mm Cannulated screw, 16mm thread length (length range : 30mm - 130mm) 206 7.0mm Cannulated screw, 32mm thread length (length range : 45mm) 217 275 P.U. (A) 363 7.0mm Cannulated screw, full thread (length range : 20mm - 130mm) 217 Curved reconstruction plate 3.5mm (holes range: 6mm - 18mm) 410 Straight reconstruction plate 3.5mm (hole range : 5mm - 22mm) 234 Straight reconstruction plate 4.5mm (hole range : 3mm - 16mm) 328 DHS plate 130 (hole range : 2mm - 9mm) 585 DHS plate 135 (hole range : 2mm - 9mm) 585 DHS plate 140 (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 702 DHS plate 145 (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 702 DHS plate 150 (hole range : 2mm - 12mm) 702 Hexagonal head compression screw, length 36mm 43 Lag screw, thread 12.5mm, thread length 22.0mm (length range : 50mm - 145mm) 234 Calibrated guide wires, 2.5mm, length 230mm 94 Austin Moore narrow stem stainless steel (head size range : 38mm - 56mm) 953 Austin Moore standard stem stainless steel (head size range : 38mm - 56mm) 953 Austin Moore standard stem titanium (head size range : 38mm - 56mm) 1,521 Thompson standard stem stainless steel (head size range : 38mm - 56mm) 953 Thompson standard stem titanium (head size range : 38mm - 55mm) 1,521 130 Angled blade plates (hole range : 4mm - 12mm) 95 Angled blade plates (condylar plate 95) (hole range : 5mm - 18mm) 634 1,112 Supracondylar plates 95 degress (hole range : 6mm - 16mm) 913 Carbon fibre rods 11.0mm (length range : 100mm - 600mm) 153 276 P.U. (A) 363 Schanz screws 4.0mm (length range : 100mm - 250mm) 57 Schanz screws 4.0mm/3.0mm (length range : 80mm - 100mm) 52 Schanz screws 5.0mm (length range : 100mm - 250mm) 57 Schanz screws 6.0mm (length range: 100mm - 250mm) 113 Tube to pin clamp, connection Schanz screw 5.0mm to 11.0mm tube 223 Tube to tube clamp, end connector 11.0mm to 11.0mm tube 223 Tube to tube clamp, mid shaft connector 11.0mm to 11.0mm tube 223 Ender nails 4.5mm (length range : 420mm - 520mm) 195 Ender nails 4.8mm (length range : 220mm - 520mm) 161 Kuntcher nails 10.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 385 Kuntcher nails 11.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 390 Kuntcher nails 13.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 413 Kuntcher nails 14.0mm (length range : 30 cm - 52 cm) 425 Kuntcher nails 15.0mm (length range : 30 cm - 52 cm) 436 Kuntcher nails 16.0mm (length range : 30 cm - 52 cm) 459 Kuntcher nails 6.0mm (length range : 14 cm - 40 cm) 331 Kuntcher nails 7.0mm (length range : 14 cm - 40 cm) 344 Kuntcher nails 8.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 356 Kuntcher nails 9.0mm (length range : 20 cm - 52 cm) 367 Cerclage wires (10's) (diameter range : 1.0mm - 1.2mm) Cerclage wires, length 10 meters (diameter range : 1.0mm - 1.2mm) 1,404 134 Kirchner wires 0.9mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 70mm - 150mm) 6 Kirchner wires 1.2mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 6 Kirchner wires 1.0mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 6 277 P.U. (A) 363 Kirchner wires 1.4mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 6 Kirchner wires 1.5mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 300mm) 8 Kirchner wires 1.6mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 8 Kirchner wires 1.8mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 280mm) 8 Kirchner wires 2.0mm, trocar tip single or double (length range : 150mm - 400mm) 9 Rush pins 2.4mm (length range : 25mm - 254mm) 84 Rush pins 3.2mm (length range : 102mm - 356mm) 102 Rush pins 4.8mm (length range : 203mm - 356mm) 102 Rush pins 6.4mm (length range : 298mm - 431mm) 127 Steinmann pins 3.5mm with trocar tip (length range : 125mm - 150mm) 34 Steinmann pins 4.0mm / 5.0mm mid thread (length range : 175mm - 200mm) 141 Steinmann pins 4.0mm with trocar tip (length range : 150mm - 175mm) 34 Steinmann pins 4.5mm with trocar tip (length range : 125mm - 250mm) 34 Steinmann pins 5.0mm with trocar tip (length range : 150mm - 300mm) 34 Interlocking femoral nail 880 Interlocking tibia nail 880 Distal tibia plate 3,300 Osteotomy plate 2,860 Calcaneal plate 2,200 Bone staples 110 278 P.U. (A) 363 Stainless steel elastic nail 1,760 Bone cement (plain) 220 External fixator 2 tubes and 8 clamps 4,950 Wrist external fixator 4,950 Reconstruction external fixator set tibia 8,800 Reconstruction external fixator set femur 13,200 FOOT AND ANKLE IMPLANT Suture anchor - 2.4mm - 5.5mm (titanium, bio absorbable, PEEK) 1,375 Syndesmosis tightrope 1,750 Bio tenodesis screw 1,690 Break away screw 360 Triple threaded screw 6.0mm 900 Cannulated screw 2.4mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm, 6.5mm, 7.0mm and 7.3mm (titanium) 525 Locking plate (mini and calcaneum) 2,350 Compression staple 475 Pilon plate (distal end tibia) 2,000 Ankle distractor (external fixator) 6,000 Bone graft (bonalive) 2,800 Radiofrequency coblation probe (topaz) 1,300 Arthroscopic radiofrequency probe (covac) 950 Arthroereisis screw 2,575 Total ankle replacement 15,500 Taylor spatial frame 12,000 Hind foot nail 3,350 279 P.U. (A) 363 Metatarsophalangeal joint arthroplasty (hemi and total) 6,125 GENERAL/TRAUMA IMPLANTS DHS 650 Interlocking femoral nail 695 Interlocking tibial nail 695 Kuntscher intramedullary nail tibia 195 Kuntscher intramedullary nail femur 195 Steinman pin 39 Schanz screw 59 Cortical screw 3.5mm 10 Cortical screw 4.5mm 13 Circlage wire 0.2mm - 1.5mm 105 6.5mm Cancellous screw (16/32/full thread) 22 4.0mm Cancellous screw (full/short thread) 17 Cannulated screw 4.0mm, 6.5mm, 7.0mm 190 Mini plates 169 Mini screws 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.7mm 24 Angle blade plate 750 K-wires various sizes and length 13 Rush nails 649 Straight reconstruction plate 2.7mm 158 Reconstruction plate 3.5mm (straight/curved) 273 Reconstruction plate 4.5mm (straight/curved) 275 Broad DCP plate (4.5mm) 147 280 P.U. (A) 363 Narrow DCP (4.5mm) 113 Small fragments plate (3.5mm) 90 One third tubular plate (3.5mm) 52 Semi tubular plate (4.5mm) 71 T-buttress plate 4H - 6H (4.5mm) 179 T - plate (4.5mm) 212 L- buttress plate 4H - 6H (4.5mm) 195 Small t - plate (3.5mm) : oblique/right/left 120 Condylar buttress plate (4.5mm) 450 Clover leaf plate 265 Spoon plate 229 Distal tibial plate 1,125 Osteotomy plate 650 LC-DCP plate (3.5mm, 4.5mm) 225 Calcanel plate 525 Y-plate 225 Bone staples 40 Washer 15 JOINT ARTHROPLASTY Hemi hip prosthesis (Austin Moore/Thompson) 725 MISCELLANEOUS Bone cement (plain) 250 281 P.U. (A) 363 BASIC LCP SMALL FRAGMENT 3.5MM LCP straight plate 3.5mm : (stainless steel) (a) 6 - 9 Holes (1 set) 1 plate and screws (b) 10 - 12 Holes 800 1,100 LCP metaphyseal 3.5mm (titanium) (a) 6 - 9 Holes (1 set) 1 plate and screws 1,800 (b) 10 - 12 Holes 2,000 LCP t plate 3.5mm : (stainless steel) (a) Right angled (3 - 6 holes) 800 (b) Obloque angle (3 - 5 holes) 800 LCP reconstruction plate 3.5mm (6 - 9 holes) stainless steel LCP plate (1.0mm, 1.3mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm) - 1 plate and screw Screw only 850 1,600 150 Proximal humeral locking plate 3,000 Distal humeral locking plate 3,900 Distal radius locking plate (volar) 2,200 Distal radius locking plate (dorsal) 2,300 LCP distal radius plate 2.4mm (a) Dorsal plate (2 plates) 2,300 (b) Volar plate (extraarticular or juxta articular) 1,800 (c) Extra long volar plate (10 holes) 2,700 (d) LCP wrist fusion 2.7mm/3.5mm 2,800 (e) LCP ulna hook 2.0mm 1,600 (f) 3.0mm Headless compression screw Variable angle 2 column distal radius plate 2.4mm 282 700 2,500 P.U. (A) 363 LOCKING PLATE (UPPER LIMB) (STAINLESS STEEL) Clavicular locking plate 1,800 Proximal humeral locking plate 2,200 Distal humeral locking plate 3,900 LCP extra - articular distal humerus plate 3.5mm (6 holes, 8 holes, 9 holes, 10 holes) 3,900 LCP hook plate 3.5mm 1,200 Olecranon locking plate 3,000 Unreamed humeral nail 1,600 Without end caps 1,200 With end caps 1,600 LCP compact hands (1.0mm, 1.3mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm) 1,600 BASIC LCP LARGE FRAGMENT 4.5MM/5.0MM LCP narrow 4.5mm/5.0mm humerus/tibia (a) 6 - 9 holes 1,000 (b) 10 - 16 holes 1,600 (c) 8 - 9 holes 1,100 (d) 10 - 14 holes 1,650 (e) 16 holes 2,000 LCP t - buttress plate 4.5mm/5.0mm (4 - 5 holes) 900 LCP t plate 4.5mm/5.0mm (4 - 6 holes) 900 LCP l - buttress plate 4.5mm/5.0mm (4 - 6 holes) 900 LCP metaphyseal 3.5mm/4.5mm/5.0mm BROAD (3 - 9 holes) 2,200 LCP reconstruction plate 4.5mm/5.0mm (6 - 10 holes) 2,000 283 P.U. (A) 363 INTERLOCKING NAIL (STAINLESS STEEL) LCP dynamic hip screw 4.5mm/5.0mm 2 - 6 holes (a) 1 plate and screws 1,000 (b) 1 plate + 1 lag screw + 1 compression screw + screws 1,200 (c) 8 -10 holes 1,400 (d) 12 - 14 holes 1,800 Femur interlocking nail 850 Retrograde nail 1,500 Femur reconstruction nail 1,500 Proximal femoral nail (standard) 1,800 Proximal femoral nail (long stem) 2,500 Gamma nail 1,800 Distal femoral nail 2,400 Tibial interlocking nail 850 LCP hook plate 3.5mm 1,200 LCP 1/3 tubular 1.3mm (a) 5 - 7 holes 1,200 (b) 8 - 10 holes 1,400 LCP medial proximal tibia plate 3.5mm (4 - 8 holes) 2,400 LCP medial distal tibia plate 3.5mm (a) low bend 6 - 8 holes 2,100 (b) 12 - 14 holes 2,600 LCP anterolateral distal tibial plate 3.5mm (5 - 11 holes) 2,100 LCP compact foot : (LCP plate 2.0mm/2.4mm/2.7mm) 1,600 LCP 2 hole plate 2.7mm (consists of 1 plate and screws) 284 800 P.U. (A) 363 Screw only (2.0mm, 2.4mm, 2.7mm) 150 LCP calcaneal plate 3.5mm 2,000 Midfoot fusion bolt 1,800 INTERLOCKING NAIL (TITANIUM) Femur interlocking nail 1,600 Gamma nail 2,200 Distal femoral nail 2,000 Spiral locking 2,400 Tibial interlocking nail 850 Expert tibial nail (cannulated) 2,000 Expert A2FN standard locking 1,800 Periarticular plate LCP tomofix 3.5mm 2,600 LCP distal fibula plate 2.7mm/3.5mm (lateral/posterolateral) 2,900 LCP proximal tibia plate 3.5mm, lateral (6 - 8 holes) 2,400 OTHERS Expert nail 1,800 DISTAL FEMUR/PROXIMAL AND DISTAL TIBIA FRACTURES 15,800 (consist of : posts, 3 hole wire clamps, 2 hole wire clamp, supplementary screw holder bar and clamps, HA coated orthofix tapered cortical screws) 285 P.U. (A) 363 ACUTE TRAUMA/POST - TRAUMATIC STIFFNESS 15,000 (consist of : complete orthofix elbow fixator kit with HA coated orthofix tapered cortical screws ) GENU VARUM/GENU VALGUM/LLD/ANKLE VALGUS ETC. (consist of : brand : orthofix, Italy) Trauma paediatric orthopedik 2,400 Titanium Elastic Nail (TEN) (a) without end caps (consists of 2 pcs TEN only) 1,200 (b) with end caps (consists of 2 pcs TEN and 2 pcs end caps) 1,600 Capos 3.5mm and 4.5mm (consists of 1 plate and screw) (stainless steel) 1,200 Paediatric hip plate (3.5mm and 5.0mm) 1 plate and screw (stainless steel) 2,200 Telescopic nail 9,000 Paediatric hip locking plate 2,500 8 Plate 2,500 Paediatric limb reconstruction system 15,000 Arthrodiastasis 15,000 Scoliosis instrumentation (anterior) 30,000 Scoliosis instrumentation (anterior - posterior) 30,000 Scoliosis instrumentation (posterior) 25,000 Anterior cervical fusion system (single level) 6,000 Posterior cervical fusion 10,000 Spinal cages 3,000 Anterior spinal instrumentations 10,000 Lower back instrumentations (single level) 9,000 Artificial discs (cervical) 11,000 286 P.U. (A) 363 Artificial discs (lumbar) 11,000 Kyphoplasty (per level) 7,875 Vertebroplasty (per level) 4,500 Halo vest system 9,450 Scoliosis bracing 840 Juwett, SOMI,TLSO, LSO Bracing 998 Pedicle screws 1,155 Sports surgery and arthroscopy (a) Primary ACL reconstruction (single bundle) 4,643 (b) Primary ACL reconstruction (double bundle) 6,943 (c) Primary PCL reconstruction (single bundle) 5,976 (d) Primary PCL reconstruction (double bundle) 7,068 (e) Primary PLC reconstruction (single bundle) 4,515 (f) Primary PLC reconstruction (double bundle) 7,005 (g) Primary MCL reconstruction (single bundle) 4,515 (h) Primary MCL reconstruction (double bundle) 7,005 Multiligament reconstruction without allograft (a) 2 ligaments 7,873 (b) 3 ligaments 10,108 (c) 4 ligaments 13,558 Multiligament reconstruction with allograft - 2 ligaments 16,873 Patella stabilization surgery 4,010 Knee malalignment surgery 4,400 Meniscus repair surgery 4,343 Meniscus transplantation surgery 27,255 Shoulder stabilization surgery 4,500 287 P.U. (A) 363 Anterior and posterior stabilization 7,723 Single row (small or medium size tear) 12,500 Single row (massive tear) 4,670 Double row (small or medium size tear) 7,945 Double row (massive tear) 7,370 Biceps tendon repair or tenodesis 6,995 ACJ repair 10,795 ACJ reconstruction 3,513 Osteochondral transplantation surgery 4,438 IMPLANTS FOR ARTHROSCOPY AND SPORT SURGERY Bioabsorbable interference screw 1,245 Extracortical button 1,335 Suture anchor 1,370 Meniscus repair 1,100 Tight rope repair kit 875 AC graftrope 1,500 Meniscus implant 25,000 Allograft tissue (freeze - dried) 6,000 Allograft tissue (fresh frozen) 11,500 Osteochondral implant 3,000 Force fibrewire 210 Knee brace 1,500 Shoulder brace 475 Osteotomy plate 2,500 288 P.U. (A) 363 Bone Substitute 1,400 OSTEOTITE HA COATED SCREWS Osteotite bone screw 180mm/50mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 180mm/60mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 200mm/50mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 150mm/30mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 150mm/40mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 170mm/40mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 170mm/60mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 170mm/80mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 Osteotite bone screw 160mm/70mm diameter 6mm, thread 6-5mm 360 BASIC LRS COMPONENTS LRS extra short rail length 12cm 2,427 LRS standard rail length 30cm 2,558 LRS long rail length 40cm 3,534 LRS straight central clamp 4,167 LRS straight outer clamp 3,033 LRS t-clamp 2,904 Sandwich clamp with C/D unit for LRS 3,676 Compression distraction unit long clicker model 2,242 Compression distraction unit short 1,319 289 P.U. (A) 363 Compression distraction unit STD clicker model Dyna-ring with C/D unit attach for LRS 909 1,055 ACUTE/GRADUAL CORRECTION CLAMPS LRS multiplanar clamp 4,537 Micrometric swivelling clamp for LRS 3,534 LRS hinged rail coupling 3,745 LRS of - garches t - clamp 3,941 Of - garches standard compression/distraction unit 985 Of - garches long compression/distrraction unit 985 Pelvic fixator long model kit with 6 pieces of screws 11,500 Hand/forearm applications 5,500 Articulated hip distraction/perthes 16,000 Orthofix dynamic wrist fixator system with screws (Kit no: 37000 or 37001) 6,500 SS half rings (diameter 80mm - 240mm) 160 SS 5 / 8 rings (diameter 80mm - 220mm) 180 Carbon fibre half ring (diameter 80mm - 240mm) 320 SS Italian femoral arches: (a) 90 degree arch, small/large size 200 (b) 120 degree arch, small/large size 200 (c) Threaded rods (Size : 40mm - 450mm) 34 (d) Slotted threaded rods (size : 40mm - 100mm) 62 290 P.U. (A) 363 Telescopic rods Telescopic rods : 100mm 94 Telescopic rods : 150mm 109 Telescopic rods : 200mm 125 Telescopic rods : 250mm 156 Telescopic rods : 300mm 187 Telescopic rods : 350mm 187 Telescopic rods : 400mm 187 Posts female (size : 2 - 4 holes) 59 Male post (size : 2 - 4 holes) 59 Hinges female standard 59 Hinges male standard 59 Hinges - 90 degree standard 59 Hinges - 90 degree low profile 59 Short connection plates Short connection plate 2 holes length 35mm 62 Short connection plate 3 holes length 45mm 62 Short connection plate 4 holes length 55mm 62 Short connection plate 5 holes length 65mm 62 Short connection plate 6 holes length 75mm 62 Short connection plate 7 holes length 85mm 94 Short connection plate 8 holes length 95mm 94 Short connection plate 9 holes length 105mm 94 Short connection plate 10 holes length 115mm 94 291 P.U. (A) 363 Long connection plate Long connection plate size : 8 holes length 155mm 94 Long connection plate size : 12 holes length 235mm 94 Long connection plate size : 17 holes length 335mm 109 Connected plates with threaded ends Connection plates with threaded ends : 5 holes length 135mm 94 Connection plates with threaded ends : 7 holes length 175mm 94 Connection plates with threaded ends : 9 holes length 215mm 125 Connection plates with threaded ends : 11 holes length 255mm 125 Twisted plates Twisted plates : 2 holes length 45mm 50 Twisted plates : 3 holes length 65mm 50 Twisted plates : 4 holes length 85mm 50 Curved plates : 3 holes 62 Bushing (for big RFS) 31 Threaded sockets (20mm - 60mm) 40 Connection bolts and nuts Connection bolts : 10mm 9 Connection bolts : 16mm 9 292 P.U. (A) 363 Connection bolts : 20mm 22 Connection bolts : 30mm 22 Nut 6mm 3 Nut 13mm 5 Thin nut 4 Nylon insert nut 6 Square nut 16 Spacing washers 1.5mm 4 Spacing washers 2.0mm 4 Split locking washer 2.0mm 6 Flat sided washers 2.0mm 7 Flat sided washers 4.0mm 7 Slotted washers 4.0mm 9 Conical washer couple 31 Wire fixation bolt slotted 34 Wire fixation bolt cannulated 34 Pin fixation bolts for 3mm pins 62 Pin fixation bolts for 4mm pins 62 Pin fixation bolts for 5mm pins 62 Pin fixation bolts for 6mm pins 62 Single pin fixation bolt 125 Multiple pin fixation clamp 406 Wire fixation buckle 218 293 P.U. (A) 363 Blocks for half pins (rancheo cubes) Blocks for half pins : 1 hole 39 Blocks for half pins : 2 holes 39 Blocks for half pins : 3 holes 39 Blocks for half pins : 4 holes 56 Blocks for half pins : 5 holes 62 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 1 holes 42 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 2 holes 42 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 3 holes 42 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 4 holes 56 Blocks for half pins for centre sleeve : 5 holes 62 Centre sleeve for block for half pins Centre sleeve for block for half pins - 3mm 12 Centre sleeve for block for half pins - 4mm 12 Centre sleeve for block for half pins - 5mm 12 Centre sleeve for block for half pins - 6mm 12 Universal joint 187 Rotational translation device 270 Oblique support connection 53 294 P.U. (A) 363 Wires K - wires - cortical 1.5mm x 300mm 25 K - wires - cortical 1.8mm x 370mm 25 K - wires - cancellous 1.5mm x 300mm 25 K - wires - cancellous 1.8mm x 370mm 25 Olive wires - (bayonet point) 1.5 x 300mm 29 Olive wires - (bayonet point) 1.8 x 400mm 29 Set screws 3.0mm 6 Schanz screws 5 x 175mm 35 Schanz screws 5 x 150mm 35 Proximal humerus endoprosthesis 17,500 Distal humerus endoprosthesis 35,000 Total humerus endoprosthesis 40,000 Proximal femur endoprosthesis 21,000 Total femur endoprosthesis 41,500 Proximal tibia endoprosthesis 33,000 Bone cement 350 Expandable endoprosthesis 97,000 Long stem bipolar 7,250 Shoulder arthroplasty 7,900 Radio - capitellum prosthesis 8,500 Total wrist prosthesis 12,000 Distal ulnar head prosthesis 5,600 Sigmoid Notch (DRUJ) prosthesis 4,800 Radial head modular Co Ci/Ti 6,500 295 P.U. (A) 363 Radial head prosthesis 5,000 Bipolar radial head 6,000 Silicone PIP, MCP, MCP preflex 1,000 Silicone PIP, MCP, MCP preflex with bone cement 1,150 Semi constrained PIP arthoplasty 6,300 Semi constrained MCP arthoplasty 5,600 Surface replacement PIP arthoplasty 4,700 Surface replacement MCP arthoplasty 3,600 CMC thumb arthroplasty 5,250 Carpal fusion plate 3 holes 1,700 Carpal fusion plate 4 holes 2,100 Carpal fusion plate 5 holes 2,450 Hunter’s rod (silastic rods) 800 Stainless steel mini plates Straight 1.5mm 20 holes 310 Straight 2.0mm 20 holes 280 Condylar plate 1.5mm R/L 445 Condylar plate 2.0mm R/L 500 Condylar plate 2.7mm R/L 440 T plate 1.5mm ; shaft 9 holes ; 3/4 holes 500 T plate 2.0mm ; shaft 9 holes ; 3/4 holes 420 H plate 2.0mm 340 H plate 1.5mm 160 Reconstruction plate 2.7mm 5 - 8 holes 400 296 P.U. (A) 363 Reconstruction plate 2.7mm 5 - 8 holes 520 Adaptation plate 2.0mm 20 holes 300 Low profile titanium plates 1.3mm 1.5mm 1,600 Condylar blade plate 1,600 Y, T plate 1,600 H, Extended H plate 1,600 Straight plate 1,600 1.0mm, 1.3mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm screws 1,600 Scaphoid screws Accutrac micro 2.8mm/2.2mm 1,200 Accutrac mini 3.8mm/3.2mm 1,000 Headless compression screw 3.0mm 700 Autofix 2.0mm/2.5mm 600 Autofix 3.0mm/4.0mm 600 3.0mm Cannulated screw 450 Locking plates Dorsal 2,300 Volar (extra/intra articular) 1,800 10 Holes 2,700 297 P.U. (A) 363 Variable angle 2,500 Wrist fusion 2.7mm/3.5mm 2,800 3.5mm LCP 6 - 9 holes 800 3.5mm LCP 10 - 12 holes 1,100 3.5mm locking reconstruction plate 6 - 9 holes 850 3.5mm LCP metaphyseal plate 6 - 9 holes 1,800 3.5mm LCP metaphyseal plate 10 holes 2,000 3.5mm LCP T plate 3 - 6 holes 800 Proximal humerus internal locking system 2,200 LCP distal humerus 2.7mm / 3.5mm 3 - 9 holes (2 plates) 3,900 LCP olecranon 3.5mm 2 - 8 holes 2,700 Anchor sutures Minilok 2.3mm absorbable 850 Microfix 1.6mm absorbable 850 Hinged elbow external fixator 1 hinge, 4 clamps, 4 schantz screws 7,500 SURGERY SYSTEM Total knee replacement system Total knee replacement system for young 12,000 Total knee replacement system mobile bearing 8,000 Ts tibial total knee replacement system 13,000 Total stabilization total knee revision replacement system 19,000 298 P.U. (A) 363 Modular Rotating Hinged (MRH) total knee replacement system 22,000 Global Modular Replacement System (GMRS) proximal femur total knee replacement system 48,000 Global Modular Replacement System (GMRS) proximal tibial total knee replacement system 35,000 Global Modular Replacement System (GMRS) distal femur total knee replacement system 35,000 Global Modular Replacement System (GMRS) total femur total knee replacement system 48,000 Total hip replacement system Bipolar hemi hip replacement system 4,100 Total hip replacement system (cemented) 7,500 Total hip replacement system for young adult 13,000 Total hip replacement system (cementless) 10,750 Total hip replacement system - long stem (cemented) 8,000 Total hip replacement system - gap ii and mesh (cemented) 13,100 Total elbow replacement system 8,500 Hemi shoulder replacement system 7,250 Total shoulder replacement system 8,000 Reversed shoulder 17,000 Total ankle replacement 9,500 Revision accessories Acetabulum reconstruction ring 4,500 Revision stems 8,000 299 P.U. (A) 363 Mesh femoral 2,000 Mesh acetabulum 2,000 Cables 500 Pulse lavage 300 Plate 1,500 Cement 270 Antibiotic bone cement 350 Antibiotic bone cement (tobramycin) 1,100 Trabecular metal cone/wedges 3,500 Constraint cup with head 3,500 Cement joint spacer 4,000 Trochanteric hook plate 12,000 300 P.U. (A) 363 FOURTH SCHEDULE [Subparagraph 6(1)] INVESTIGATION FEE PART 1 RADIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION Fee (RM) X RAY Chest Chest (single projection) 40 Chest (two projection) 60 Chest (three projection) 80 Chest (four projection) 100 Facial and nasal bones Facial bones (single projection) 40 Facial bones (two projection) 60 Facial bones (three projection) 80 Nasal bones (single projection) 40 Abdomen Abdomen (single projection) 40 Abdomen (two projection) 60 Abdomen (three projection) 80 301 P.U. (A) 363 Kidney, ureter and bladder (KUB) (single projection) 100 Pelvimetri lateral 50 Pelvimetri antero - posterior and lateral 80 Spine Cervical spine (single projection) 40 Cervical spine (two projection) 60 Cervical spine (three projection) 80 Cervical spine (four projection) 100 Cervical spine (five projection) 120 Thoracic spine (single projection) 40 Thoracic spine (two projection) 60 Thoracic spine (three projection) 80 Lumbo - sacral spine (single projection) 40 Lumbo - sacral spine (two projection) 60 Lumbo - sacral spine (three projection) 80 Lumbo - sacral spine (four projection) 100 Sacrum (single projection) 40 Sacrum (two projection) 60 Sacroiliac joints (single projection) 40 Sacroiliac joints (two projection) 60 Symphysis pubis 40 Sacroocceigeal joint (single projection) 40 Sacroocceigeal joint (two projection) 60 Skeletal survey 250 302 P.U. (A) 363 Skull Skull (single projection) 40 Skull (two projection) 60 Skull (three projection) 80 Skull (four projection) 100 Mandible Mandible (single projection) 40 Mandible (two projection) 60 Mandible (three projection) 80 Temporo mandibular joints Temporo mandibular joint (single projection) 40 Temporo mandibular joint (two projection) 60 Temporo mandibular joint (three projection) 80 Temporo mandibular joint (four projection) 100 Mastoid Mastoid (single projection) 40 Mastoid (two projection) 65 Mastoid (three projection) 95 Mastoid (four projection) 115 303 P.U. (A) 363 Paranasal sinus Paranasal sinus (single projection) 40 Paranasal sinus (two projection) 60 Paranasal sinus (three projection) 80 Optic foramina Optic foramina projection - unilateral 60 Optic foramina projection - bilateral 90 Orbit Orbit (two projection) 40 Orbit (three projection) 60 Orbit (four projection) 80 Internal auditory canal Internal auditory canal (single projection) 40 Internal auditory canal (two projection) 60 Internal auditory canal (three projection) 80 304 P.U. (A) 363 Shoulder Shoulder (single projection) 40 Shoulder (two projection) 60 Shoulder (three projection) 80 Shoulder (four projection) 100 Acromio - clavicular joint - both weight bearing 50 Arm (humerus) Arm humerus (single projection) 40 Arm humerus (two projection) 60 Elbow joint Elbow joint (single projection) 40 Elbow joint (two projection) 60 Elbow joint (three projection) 80 Elbow joint (four projection) 100 Forearm (radius/ulna) Forearm (radius/ulna) (single projection) 40 Forearm (radius/ulna) (two projection) 60 305 P.U. (A) 363 Wrist joint Wrist joint (single projection) 40 Wrist joint (two projection) 60 Wrist joint (three projection) 80 Wrist joint (four projection) 100 Hand Hand (single - one projection) 40 Hand (single - two projection) 60 Hand (single - three projection) 80 Hand (both - one projection) 50 Hand (both - two projection) 70 Hand (both - three projection) 90 Left hand for bone age 40 Thumb or single digit Thumb or other single digit (single projection) 25 Thumb or other single digit (two projection) 35 Clavicle Clavicle (single projection) 40 Clavicle (two projection) 60 306 P.U. (A) 363 Sternoclavicular joint Sterno clavikular joint (single projection) 40 Sterno clavikular joint (two projection) 60 Sterno clavikular joint (three projection) 80 Sternum (single projection) 40 Scapula Scapula (single projection) 40 Scapula (two projection) 60 Scaphoid projections 80 Carpal tunnel projection 60 Pelvis Pelvis (single projection) 45 Pelvis (two projection) 65 Pelvis (three projection) 85 Hip joint Hip joint (single projection) 45 Hip joint (two projection) 65 Hip joint (three projection) 85 Hip joint (four projection) 105 Hip joint (five projection) 125 307 P.U. (A) 363 Femur (thigh) Femur (thigh) (single projection) 45 Femur (thigh) (two projection) 60 Knee Knee (single projection) 40 Knee (two projection) 60 Knee (three projection) 80 Knee (four projection) 100 Knee (five projection) 120 Lower leg (tibia/fibula) Lower leg (tibia/fibula) (single projection) 40 Lower leg (tibia/fibula) (single projection) 60 Ankle Ankle (single projection) 40 Ankle (two projection) 60 Ankle (three projection) 80 Ankle (four projection) 100 Ankle (five projection) 120 308 P.U. (A) 363 Foot Foot (single projection) 40 Foot (two projection) 60 Foot (three projection) 80 Both feet (two projection) 70 Both feet (three projection) 90 Subtalar joints Subtalar joints (single projection) 40 Subtalar joints (two projection) 60 Subtalar joints (three projection) 80 Subtalar joints (four projection) 100 Calcaneum Calcaneum (lateral) (single projection) 40 Calcaneum (lateral) (two projection) 60 Calcaneum (aksial) (single projection) 40 Calcaneum (aksial) (two projection) 60 Bone densitometry Bone densitometri - dexa 150 Bone densitometri - ultrasound 130 309 P.U. (A) 363 Fluroscopy heart, lung and diaphragm 400 Tomography 250 Mammography 295 Periapical/bite wing - every image 70 Occlusal 70 Dental OPG and OPG lateral 70 Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) 700 EXAMINATION USING CONTRAST MEDIA Cardiovascular system Free flush arch aortogram 400 Coronary arteriogram 400 Vascular system Free flush 400 Abdominal aortogram 400 Superior mesentric arteriogram 400 Inferior mesentric arteriogram 400 Femoral arteriogram - unilateral 400 Femoral arteriogram - bilateral 400 Splenoportography 400 310 P.U. (A) 363 Gastrointestinal tract Barium swallow 115 Barium meal with follow through 205 Gastrograffin meal and enema 205 Hypotonic duodenography 205 Barium enema (large intestine, small intestine) 205 Barium meal 170 Biliary system Oral cholecystogram 170 Intravenous cholangiogram 285 Operative T-tube cholangiogram 135 Urinary system Intravenous urography (IVU) 400 Micturating cystourethrogram 285 Urethrogram 230 Retrograde pyelography 205 Central nervous system Myelography 605 Air-encephalogram 605 Ventriculogram 605 311 P.U. (A) 363 Other systems Dacriocystography 230 Sialography 230 Fistulography 230 Arthrography 400 Bronchography - unilateral 230 Bronchography - bilateral 345 Lymphangiography 800 Hysterosalphingography 230 Presacral air insufflation 800 Sinogram 170 Sialogram 460 Cystogram 205 Micturating cystogram 250 Venogram 640 COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAPHY (CT SCAN) Head 915 Thorax 570 Abdomen 630 Pelvis 915 Whole body 1,260 Upper limb 630 Lower limb 630 312 P.U. (A) 363 CT spine - cervical 745 CT spine - dorsal 745 CT spina - lumbo sakral 745 CT spine - lumbar 745 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) Head 2,060 Thorax 1,030 Abdomen 1,485 Pelvis 1,485 Whole body 1,490 Upper limb 1,490 Lower limb 1,490 Spine - cervical 1,375 Spine - dorsal 1,375 Spine - lumbar 1,375 Spine - sacral 1,375 ULTRASOUND Ultrasound - upper abdomen 150 Ultrasound - pelvis 120 Ultrasound - abdomen and pelvis 200 Ultrasound - kidney and bladder 100 Ultrasound - kidney, bladder and residual urine volume estimation 120 313 P.U. (A) 363 Ultrasound - brain (neonatal) 120 Ultrasound - thyroid 100 Ultrasound - breast 140 Musculoskeletal ultrasound per region 150 Ultrasound - scrotum 100 Ultrasound - scrotum with doppler 200 DOPPLER ULTRASOUND Doppler ultrasound - extra cranial carotid 350 Doppler ultrasound - arteries per region 250 Doppler ultrasound - veins for sinlge limb 250 Doppler ultrasound - veins for two limbs 400 Doppler ultrasound - arteries for single limb 300 Doppler ultrasound - arteries for two limbs 450 Doppler ultrasound for other organs not listed above per organ 300 Endocavitary ultrasound 150 PART 2 CARDIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION Fee (RM) Elechtrocardiogram (ECG) (with report) 80 Echocardiogram transthoracic 230 Signal averaging ECG 237 Transoesophageal echocardiography 440 314 P.U. (A) 363 ECG (stress/exercise) with report 270 Stress echo - pharmacological 300 Stress echo - treadmill 380 Holter monitoring (24 hours ECG monitoring) 457 Pacemaker follow-up 288 Stress echocardiography 380 Doppler echocardopgraphy 380 PART 3 NEUROLOGICAL INVESTIGATION Fee (RM) Electroencephalography 70 PART 4 OPHTALMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION Fee (RM) Refraction/psychoplegic refraction 55 Orthoptics/binocular vision/vision therapy 70 Contact lense 70 Limited vision 70 Colour vision except ishihara 70 Special diagnostic Visual Field (VF) 70 Hess test 70 315 P.U. (A) 363 BSV 70 Corneal topography 220 Keratometry and A Scan 110 Contrast sensitivity 70 Heidelberg Retinal Tomography (HRT) 70 GDx 70 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 70 Fundus photography 55 Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) 70 Electroretinography (ERG) 220 PART 5 EAR, NOSE AND THROAT INVESTIGATION Fee (RM) Pure tone audiometri 70 Electrophysiology test (diagnostic) (a) Auditori evoked potential 70 (b) Otoacoustic emission test 70 (c) Vestibular function test (kalorimetri) 70 Hearing aid management 70 Special test (a) Free field 70 (b) Tone decay test 70 (c) SISI test 70 (d) Bekesy 70 (e) Impedance test 70 316 P.U. (A) 363 PART 6 PET CT SCAN Fee (RM) Pet CT 6,500 PART 7 LANGUAGE SPEAKING THERAPY INVESTIGATION Fee (RM) Language speaking therapy 70 Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) procedure 70 Vitalstim treatment 70 PART 8 DIETETIC INVESTIGATION Fee (RM) Nutrition assessment 70 Medical nutrition therapy presumption 70 Medical nutrition therapy intervention 70 Enteral nutrition formula 70 317 P.U. (A) 363 FIFTH SCHEDULE [Paragraph 7] LABORATORY FEE Fee (RM) 2 Hours post parandial 20 17- Oxosteroids 30 17- Oxogenic steroids 30 3 - Methyoxy - 4 - hydroxyl - mandelic acid (HMMA/VMA) (urine) 30 5 - Hydroxy indoles total 20 5 - Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5 - HIAA) 100 ABO + grouping (anti D only) 20 Acetone 5 Acid Fast Bacilluss (AFB) culture 45 Acid phosphatase 70 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV antibody) 60 ACTH stimulation test 50 Alanine transaminase 10 Albumin (blood) 10 Albumin (urine) 10 Alcohol 50 Aldosterone 84 Alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) 70 Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 30 Allergy skin test 70 Alpha antitrypsin 60 Amino acid by TLC (urine) 100 318 P.U. (A) 363 Amino acid by TLC screening 100 Ammonia 60 Amylase 20 Antenatal screening 58 Anti Streptolysin O Titre (ASOT) 30 Anti-antibodies/haemagglutination test 20 Antibiotic sensitivity 50 Anti-DNA antibody (anti dsDNA) 108 Antigen detection specific pathogens 20 Antinuclear factor (ANF) 40 Ascorbic acid 20 Aspartate transaminase 10 Aspirate for cylology 100 Augmentin histamine test 50 Bacteriological sterility test 60 Barbiturate 60 Barbiturate (serum) 110 Barbiturate (urine) 110 Bence Jones protein 10 Beta carotene 10 Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Beta HCG) 60 Bicarbonate 10 Bile pigment 8 Bilirubin 20 Bilirubin conjugated 10 Bilirubin unconjugated 10 319 P.U. (A) 363 Bilirun (total) 20 Bleeding time 10 Blood gases 65 Blood group and cross matching 11 Blood Urea Serum Elektrolytes (BUSE) 38 Blood urea nitrogen 10 Bramsulphathelein excretion test 30 Bronchial brushing cytology 30 Bronchial lavage/washing cytology 30 Brucella agglutination test 20 C reactive protein - quantitative 60 Caeruloplasmin 50 Calcium 20 Cannabinoids 50 Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA) 55 Cardiac enzymes 48 Cardiac isoenzyme (CK) 50 Cathecolamine 180 Cerebro - spinal fluid (CSF) routine 50 Cerebro - spinal fluid cultural and sensitivity 40 Cerebrospinal fluid cytology 30 Chlamydial (screening) 40 Chlamydial Immunoglobin G (IgG) antibody 95 Chlamydial Immunoglobulin G (IgG) 75 Chloride 10 Cholesterol (total) 20 320 P.U. (A) 363 Cholinesterase 20 Chromosomal analysis 600 Clot test 45 Clotting time 10 Coagulation factor anti - xa 50 Coagulation factor ix activity 50 Coagulation factor ix antigen 215 Coagulation factor v antigen 50 Coagulation factor v leiden mutation 215 Coagulation factor vii activity 215 Coagulation factor vii antigen 50 Coagulation factor vii inhibitors 50 Coagulation factor viii activity 215 Coagulation factor viii antigen 50 Coagulation factor viii inhibitors 215 Coagulation factor x antigen 50 Coagulation factor x activity 215 Coagulation factor xi activity 215 Coagulation factor xi antigen 50 Coagulation factor xi inhibitors 50 Coagulation factor xii activity 215 Coagulation factor xii antigen 50 Coagulation factor xiii activity 450 Coagulation factor xiii clot lysis test 50 Coagulation profile 115 Cold agglutin/cryoglobulin titre 125 321 P.U. (A) 363 Complement C3 50 Complement C4 50 Complement fixation test 20 Coomb test direct 55 Coomb test indirect 54 Copper 70 Cortisol 55 Cortisol AM 55 Cortisol PM 55 Cortisol profile 55 C-Peptide 3 specimen 180 Creatine 20 Creatine Kinase (CK) 20 Creatine Kinase - Muscle Bound (CK - MB) 55 Creatinine 35 Creatinine clearance test 35 Creatinine phosphate 35 Cryoglobulin 120 Cryoprecipitate 20 CSF biochemistry 20 Culture of clinical specimen (e.g. tissue culture, animal innoculation) 40 Culture of mycoplasma 20 Cystic fluid cytology 30 Cystine 5 Cytologi peritoneal fluid 30 Cytological examination of clinical specimen 30 322 P.U. (A) 363 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) 70 Delta amino leavulinic acid urine 70 Dengue fever study 160 Dexamethasone suppresion test 50 Diastase 10 Dibucaine number 20 Differential count 10 Direct smear (grain stain) 30 Drug analysis (per drug) 30 Electrolytes 30 Electrone microscopy 250 Electrophoresis (for Bence Jones protein) 30 Electrophoresis protein 72 ELISA for hepatitis A virus 30 Erythrocyte transketolase and TPP effect 20 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 20 Faecal fat 30 Ferritin 130 Fibrinogen 80 Fibrinogen (immuno method) 115 Filtered RBC 600 Flourescent microscopy 30 Folate RBC 40 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 60 Free tyroxine index 35 Fructosamine 45 323 P.U. (A) 363 Full blood count 40 Full blood picture 80 Gamma glutamine transferase 30 Gastric brushing cytology 30 Gastric function test 50 Gastric lavage cytology 30 Gentamicin, peak 30 Gentamicin, random 30 Gentamicin, trough 30 Gentamycin 30 Globulin 18 Glucose 10 Glucose fasting blood sugar 20 Glucose tolerance test 50 Glucose - 6 - Phosphte Dehydrogenase (G6PD) screening test 20 Glucostix 62 Group and crossmatch (GXM) 11 Group Screen and Hold (GSH) 68 Growth hormone 78 Haemagglutination inhibition test (denggue serology) 60 Haematocrit pack cell volume (PCV) 20 Haemoglobin and allied pigment 5 Haemoglobin (Hb) 10 Haemoglobin A I C (HbA1C) 60 Haemoglobin electrophoresis 60 Haptoglobin 50 324 P.U. (A) 363 Hb analysis 60 HDL and LDL cholesterole (package) 40 Hepatitis A Virus Immunoglobulin G Antibody (HAV IgG Ab) 50 Hepatitis A Virus Immunoglobulin M Antibody (HAV IgM Ab) 78 Hepatitis B e Antibody (HBV e Ab) 60 Hepatitis B surface Antibody (HBs Ab) 60 Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBs Ag) 60 Hepatitis C (antibody) 70 Hepatitis C Virus Immunoglobulin G (HCV IgG Ab) 60 Hepatitis C Virus Immunoglobulin M (HVC IgM Ab) 80 Hepatitis E (antigen) 60 Herpes simplex type 1 immunoglobin G 54 Herpes simplex type 2 immunoglobin G 60 High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol 20 High density lipoprotein concentration 20 Histopalogy examination type B (medium specimens) 100 Histopalogy examination type C (small specimens) 80 Histopatology examination type A (large specimens) 125 HIV antigen test 50 HIV antibody confirmation test 150 HLA - B27 291 Homogentisic acid 5 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 60 Hydroxy butyrate dehydrogenase 35 Hydroxyproline 30 IFA test for legionella ab 30 325 P.U. (A) 363 Immunoelectrophoresis 30 Immunofixation 30 Immunoglobulin A (quantitive) 30 Immunoglobulin E (quantitive) 30 Immunoglobulin G (quantitive) 30 Immunoglobulin M (quantitive) 30 Immunological techniques (agglutination, flocculation, hemolysis) 20 Indirect immunoperoxidase test 30 Iron serum 25 Isoenzyme studies 50 Ketone bodies 40 Kleihaurs test 60 Lactate dehydrogenase 15 Lactic dehydrogenase 15 Lange's colloidal gold curve 30 Lead 55 Leuteinising Hormone (LH) 42 Light microscopy 10 Lipid profile (cholestreole, tryglicerides) 48 Lipoprotein electrophoresis 270 Lithium 38 Liver function test 100 Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) 40 Lupus Erythematous cells (LE cell) 15 Lysozyme serum 20 Magnesium 15 326 P.U. (A) 363 Malaria parasite 15 Mantoux test 15 Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) 6 Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) 6 Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 6 Menopausal hormone studies 120 Menstrual cycle study 135 Mercury 125 Microbiological analysis of water, milk, ice cream, other foods 50 MICS of antibiotics 50 Monospot test 30 Morphine/Cannabinoids 80 Mucopolysaccharides 70 Myeglobin 10 Nipple discharge cytology 30 Nuclear sexing (buccal smear) 35 Occult blood 16 Oesophageal brushing cytology 40 Oestradiol 48 Oestrogen total 30 Orosamucoid 30 Osmolaliti 20 Osmotic fragility test 60 Others brushing cytology 30 Others cytology 30 Pack cell 20 327 P.U. (A) 363 Pack Cell Volume (PCV) (haematocrit value) 20 Paracetamol 50 Paraprotein (serum elektrophoresis) 100 Paraquat 30 Particle agglutination for mycoplasma 20 PCO2 10 Pericardial fluid cytology 30 Peripheral blood film 20 Peritoneal/Ascitic fluid cytology 30 PH urine, blood, fluid 10 Phagocytic function test 100 Phenylketones 10 Phospate 20 Phospate inorganic 11 Phosphorous 15 Platelet agregation test 105 Platelet concentration 20 Platelet count 10 Pleural fluid cytology 30 PO2 10 Porphyrin 30 Porphyrinogen 10 Potassium 10 Puus FEME 20 Pregnancy test semi quantitative/qualitative 40 Pregnantriol 30 328 P.U. (A) 363 Progesterone 70 Prolactin 40 Protein (total) plasma 65 Protein (total) urine 30 Protein electrophoresis 65 Prothrombin Time (PT) 30 Pus swab culture and sensitivity 40 Pyruvate 30 Pyruvate kinase 30 Random blood sugar 20 Red blood cell (blood) 20 Red blood cell (urine) 5 Red cell folate 20 Renal profile 80 Reticulocyte count 40 RH antibody screening 52 Rhesus grouping (anti D only) 20 Rheumatiod arthritis factor (RA factor) 40 Riboflavin 30 Rubella antibody 50 Rubella immunoglobulin G antibody 50 Rubella immunoglobulin M antibody 80 Salicylate 50 Schumn's test 10 Screening test for the presence of inhibitors to coagulation factors 50 Seminal analysis 30 329 P.U. (A) 363 Seminal assay 30 Seminal examination 30 Serum ferritin 20 Serum folate 30 Smear for acid fast bacilii 40 Smear wet preparation tricomonas/monilis 10 Sodium 20 SP Fallopian tube 80 SP Abdominal wall 80 SP Adrenal 80 SP Anus 80 SP Appendix 80 SP Back and vertebral column 80 SP Bartolin's gland 80 SP Bone 80 SP Brain and spinal cord 80 SP Breast 80 SP Bronchus 80 SP Cardiac valve 80 SP Cervix 80 SP Chest 80 SP Colon 80 SP Ear 80 SP Endocardium 80 SP Endometrial 80 SP Extra hepatic duct 80 330 P.U. (A) 363 SP Eye/Eye appendages 80 SP Gall bladder 80 SP Head 80 SP Heart 80 SP Joint 80 SP Kidney 80 SP Larynx 80 SP Lip 80 SP Liver 80 SP Lower extremity 80 SP Lung 80 SP Lymph node 80 SP Mandible and maxilla 80 SP Mediastinum 80 SP Meninges 80 SP Muscle 80 SP Myocardium 80 SP Myometrium 80 SP Nasal cavity and parasinus 80 SP Nasopharynx 80 SP Neck 80 SP Oesophagus 80 SP Omentum 80 SP Oral cavity and oropharynx 80 SP Ovary 80 SP Pancreas and ampullary region 80 331 P.U. (A) 363 SP Paraganglion 80 SP Parathyroid 80 SP Pelvis and sacral 80 SP Penis and scrotum 80 SP Pricardium 80 SP Peritoneum 80 SP Placenta 80 SP Pleural 80 SP Product of conception 80 SP Prostate and seminal vesicle 80 SP Rectum 80 SP Retroperitoneum 80 SP Salivary gland 80 SP Skin 80 SP Small bowel 80 SP Soft tissue 80 SP Spleen 80 SP Stomach 80 SP Testis and testicular adnexae 80 SP Thymus 80 SP Thyroid 80 SP Tongue 80 SP Tonsil/adenoid 80 SP Trachea 80 SP Upper extremity 80 SP Ureter 80 332 P.U. (A) 363 SP Urethra 80 SP Urinary bladder 80 SP Uterus 80 SP Vagina 80 SP Vessel 80 SP Vulva 80 Specific gravity 5 Specific protein CSF (e.g. immunoglobulin) 30 Spectroscopy, blood pigment 10 Sputum cytology 30 Sputum FEME 20 Stercobilinogen 5 Stones analysis 62 Stool FEME 20 Sugar 5 Sugar by TLC 30 Sugar chromatography urine 30 Sugar profile 30 Synovial fluid cytology 30 T and B cell enumeration 100 Test for hemolysin 10 Test for platelet antibodies 170 Testosterone 45 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) 10 Thiamin 30 Thriglycerides 40 333 P.U. (A) 363 Thyroid profile 65 Thyroid Simulating Hormone (TSH) 60 Thyroid uptake 40 Thyroxine 3 (T3) 60 Thyroxine 4 (T4) 40 Tissue typing (HLA - A and B) 360 Tissue typing (HLA - DR and DO) 360 Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) 30 Total RBC 10 Total White and Differential Count (TWDC) 10 Total White Blood Cell Count (TWBC) 10 Transferrin 90 Treponema Pallidum (TPHA) Hemagglutination 30 Triglycerides 40 Urea 10 Urea clearance test 30 Uric acid 20 Uric acid (urates) 20 Urine antenatal 58 Urine concentration test (pitressin test) 30 Urine creatinine 30 Urine cytology 30 Urine FEME 40 Urine protein 30 Urobilin 10 Urobilinogen 20 334 P.U. (A) 363 VDRL flocculation test 20 Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) 30 Vitamin A 20 Vitamin B12 40 Von Willebrand factor assay (ELIZA) 66 Wash RBC 100 Weil Felix agglutination test 20 White blood cell 10 Widal agglutination test 30 Widal Weil Felix 30 Xylose absorption test 30 335 P.U. (A) 363 SIXTH SCHEDULE [Paragraph 8] OPERATION FEE Fee (RM) GENERAL SURGERY Pharyngo - laryngo - oesophagectomy with reconstruction 11,024 Tracheo - oesophageal fistula 8,578 Total pancreatectomy 7,837 Pancreato duodenectomy (e.g. Whipple’s operation) 7,837 Adrenalectomy 6,080 Adrenalectomy - bilateral 6,505 Total parotidectomy - preserving of facial nerve 5,595 Partial parotidectomy - preserving of facial nerve 4,890 Total thyroidectomy 4,005 Partial thyroidectomy 3,870 Hemithyroidectomy 3,870 Subtotal thyroidectomy bilateral 3,945 Thyroglossal cyst 2,147 Block dissection of cervical glands 7,068 Parathyroidectomy 4,533 Mastectomy with/without axillary clearance 2,951 Wide excision for carcinoma breast 2,367 Total oesophagectomy and interposition of intestine 11,607 Repair of diaphragmatic hernia - transabdominal 4,240 Total gastrectomy 5,284 336 P.U. (A) 363 Partial gastrectomy (benign disease) 4,079 Partial gastrectomy (malignant disease) 4,669 Gastro - jejunostomy 3,592 Vagotomy with drainage 3,497 Drainage of liver/subphrenic and pelvic abscesses 2,367 Cholecystectomy (laparoscopic) 4,369 Splenectomy (subtotal) 6,232 Intestinal obstruction - resection/anastomosis of small/large intestines 4,580 Resection of small bowel 3,487 Ileo - transverse anastomosis 6,822 Hemicolectomy right/left 3,976 Anterior resection of rectum 7,068 Abdomino - perineal resection 7,546 Rectopexy/rectosigmoidectomy for rectal prolapsed 3,346 Orchidectomy 2,294 Excision of retro peritoneal tumours 4,172 Femoro distal bypass (vein graft) 8,769 Femoro distal bypass (prosthetic graft) 12,385 Femoro popliteal bypass (vein graft) 8,781 Femoro popliteal bypass (prosthetic graft) 11,179 Femoro - femoral crossover graft 8,985 Axillo femoral bypass 10,456 Axillo - bifemoral bypass 11,235 Femoral endarterectomy 6,807 Carotid endarterectomy (patch) 10,288 Removal of sub-mandibular gland 2,181 337 P.U. (A) 363 Gastrostomy 2,596 Herniorrhaphy - umbilical 1,833 Herniorrhaphy - inguinal 1,928 Herniorrhaphy - femoral 1,768 Herniorrhaphy - incisional 2,358 Fistulectomy 1,012 Excision of breast tumours/cyst 1,927 Oesophageal dilatation (under general anaesthesia) 1,136 Excision operation for varicocele 1,708 Haemorrhoidectomy 1,764 Adrenalectomy - left - open 6,080 Adrenalectomy - left - laparoscopic 5,794 Adrenalectomy - right - open 6,080 Adrenalectomy - right - laparoscopic 5,794 Adrenalectomy - bilateral - open 6,505 Adrenalectomy - bilateral - laparoscopic 6,219 Block dissection of axillary lymph nodes 2,872 Block dissection cervical nodes - right 5,620 Block dissection cervical nodes - left 5,620 Extended radical neck dissection cervical nodes - right 5,620 Extended radical neck dissection cervical nodes - left 5,620 Splenectomy 2,885 Hemithyroidectomy - left 3,537 Hemithyroidectomy - right 3,537 Mastectomy simple - left 2,826 Mastectomy simple - right 2,826 338 P.U. (A) 363 Mastectomy and axillary sampling - left 2,951 Mastectomy and axillary sampling - right 2,951 Mastectomy and axillary sampling - bilateral 2,951 Mastectomy + axillary clearance - left 2,951 Mastectomy + axillary clearance - right 2,951 Subtotal thyroidectomy 3,909 Total thyroidectomy 3,909 Ultra low anterior resection 9,453 Wide local excision and axillary clearance 2,242 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGDS) 989 Thoracic surgery Bronchoscopy - flexible bronchoscopy - rigid bronchoscopy 3,606 Rigid oesophagoscopy 3,333 Throscopy for pleural and lung biopsy 3,553 Mediastinoscopy 7,075 Anterior mediastinotomy 6,130 Vats for spontaneous pneumathorax 7,120 Vats and lobectomy 10,370 Vats and wedge biopsy 6,870 Vats and thymectomy 7,370 Vats and biopsy of lymph node 7,120 Thoracotomy excission of bublae and pleurodesis - pleuropectomy 18,137 Thoracotomy and lung resection (lobectomy, pneumonectomy) 18,136 Decortication for empyema thorax 8,602 339 P.U. (A) 363 Rib resection for empyema 6,492 Thoracostomy for permanent chest drainge 8,427 Thoracoplasty 8,415 Transhiatal oesophgectomy with gastric pull up 15,091 Oesophygectomy with colon interposition 17,223 Oesophygectomy with jejunum replacement, roux-en-y 17,056 Oesophygectomy with gastric replacement ivor lewis 17,223 Thoracic repair of hiatus hernia 7,354 Mediastinotomy of ant mediastinal mass 12,581 Thymectomy 7,890 Excision of teratoma 10,466 Corrective surgery for pectus excavatum of pectus carinatum 8,239 Excision of chest wall lessions with reconsruction 7,481 Plication of diaphragm 7,526 Hepatobiliary Open cholecystectomy 7,425 Open chole with cbd exploration 8,033 Choledhocectomy and hepaticojejunostomy 18,675 Radical cholecystectomy with segment 4b/5 liver resection 28,710 Radical cholecystectomy with segment 4b/5 liver resection with excision of bile duct and roux-en-y hepaticojejunostomy 38,500 Radical choledhocectomy and hepaticojejunostomy 55,305 Surgery for klatskins tumour - radical choledhochectomy with left or right hemihepatectomy, caudate lobectomy, roux-en-y, cholangiojejunostomy 55,000 340 P.U. (A) 363 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 6,930 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 9,765 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and intraop cholangiogram 10,643 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cbd exploration 11,385 Transhepatic cholangioscopy and lithotripsy 11,385 Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy with reconstructions 37,500 Distal pancreatectomy 11,385 Distal pancreatectomy + splenectomy 14,153 Central pancreatectomy and reconstruction 23,490 Frey's procedure 23,490 Modified puestow 18,540 Total pancreatectomy 37,500 Pancreatic necrosectomy - open 11,385 Pancreatic necrosectomy - retroperitoneal 11,385 Hemihepatectomy and cholecystectomy (right or left ) 33,798 Extended right / left hemihepatectomy and cholecystectomy 41,250 Central hepatectomy 41,250 Lateral sectionectomy 22,660 Right posterior sectionectomy 28,710 Segment 8 resection 28,710 Other anatomical monosectionectomy 17,298 Non-anatomical monosectionectomy 13,915 Non-anatomical bisectionectomy 17,298 Intraoperative ablative procedure, ultrasound guided 13,915 Appendicectomy - laparoscopic 2,531 341 P.U. (A) 363 Colorectal Colonoscopy 1,590 Repair of colonic fistula 3,030 Wedge resection of rectum 2,680 Excision mesenteric cyst - open 2,723 Caecopexy - open 2,476 Reduction of bowel volvulus - open 2,939 Repair - rectovesico fistula 3,552 Laser treatment of lesion - large intest 1,685 Cauterisation of lesion - colon - endoscopic 1,685 Sigmoidoscopy + cautery of lesion - endoscopic 1,265 Dilatation stricture - small bowel - open 2,423 Balloon dilatation of stricture - colon 2,095 Biopsy of lesion of ileum - laparoscopic 3,868 Excision of colonic lesion - endoscopic 2,770 Sigmoidoscopy + excision colonic lesion - endoscopic 2,770 Snare resection of rectal lesion - endoscopic 4,960 Exploratory colostomy 2,821 Colostomy and removal of foreign body 2,491 Anal fistulotomy 2,457 Laser treatment - anal lesion 1,673 Ileo - transverse anastomosis 4,200 Anterior resection of rectum 6,571 Abdomino - perineal resection 10,764 Pancolectomy 7,701 342 P.U. (A) 363 Abdomino - anal pull through resection 10,076 Fistulectomy 1,893 Colonoscopy polypectomy 2,062 Fissurectomy 953 Haemorrhoidectomy 1,771 Thirsch’s wiring of rectal prolapsed 2,280 Drainage of perianal, ischiorectal or breast abscesses 890 Sphincterotomy for fissures - in - ano 872 Anal dilatation (lord’s procedure) 718 Sigmoidoscopy 1,093 Injection of haemorrhoids 643 Banding of haemorrhoid 624 Colonoscopy 1,590 Vascular Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (tube graft) 12,032 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (bifurcated graft) 14,403 Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) 56,338 Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) 55,088 Aorta femoral bypass 10,883 Renal artery surgery 7,502 Femoro - femoral crossover graft 9,463 Axillo femoral bypass 10,704 Peripheral aneurysm surgery 6,462 Operations for varicose veins of the lower limbs 3,874 343 P.U. (A) 363 Endovenous RF surgery for varicose veins 8,462 Endovenous laser surgery for varicose veins 2,752 Stripping of varicose veins 2,124 Creation of arteriovenous (AV) fistula including subsequent closure 2,229 Repair of arteriovenous (AV) fistula 5,286 Creation of arteriovenous (AV) fistula with graft 8,257 Gastrointestinal Reconstruction of oesophagus 10,556 Vagotomy, truncal with pyloroplasty 3,511 Vagotomy, highly selective 3,146 Transhiatal total oesophagectomy, p-g anastomosis 15,181 Duodenoduodenostomy 3,386 Duodenojejunostomy 3,386 Duodenoileostomy 3,386 Oesophagomyotomy 3,576 Sphincterotomy duodenal papilla - open 2,996 Creation of duodenostomy - open 2,996 Excision of diverticulum of oesophagus 6,258 Resection of gastric ulcer by cautery 3,666 Ligation of oesophageal varices - open 4,569 Trans-gastric stapling for varices - open 6,206 Devascularisation of stomach - open 4,581 Removal of stent from oesophagus - open 3,425 Removal of foreign body from oesophagus - open 3,436 344 P.U. (A) 363 Repair of stricture of oesophagus 9,806 Repair perforated oesophagus - upper 9,681 Repair perforated oesophagus - middle 7,931 Pyloroplasty - laparoscopic 2,871 Closure perforated duodenal ulcer - open 2,871 Correction of volvulus of stomach 2,871 Total gastrectomy, node dissection, roux-en-y 8,514 Gastric stappling for obesity - open 6,316 Fundoplication - laproscopic 4,566 Adjust implanted antireflux prosthesis - laparoscopic 5,256 Reduction gastroenterostomy intussusception 2,871 Closure of gastroenterostomy - open 3,666 Revision gastropexy - open 3,541 Excision of oesophageal lesion - endoscopic 3,386 Excision of polyp of stomach - endoscopic 3,136 Excision of gastric polyp - endoscopic 3,136 Insertion oesophageal stent via stomach 5,127 Insertion oesophageal prosthesis - open 5,127 Insertion oesophageal tube prosthesis - rigid 5,127 Insertion oesophageal prosthesis - endoscopic 5,127 Percutaneus endoscopic gastrostomy 4,196 Insertion - stent - endoscopic 5,921 Appl haemostatics gastric bleed - endoscopic 2,794 Change of gastrostomy tube 2,629 Cryotherapy of oesophageal lesion 1,287 Electrocoagulation upper oesophageal lesion 1,287 345 P.U. (A) 363 Electrocoagulation middle oesophageal lesion 1,287 Electrocoagulation lower oesophageal lesion 1,287 Dilation of oesophageal stricture 1,287 Dilation of oesophageal stricture - endoscopic 2,724 Division of oesophageal web - endoscopic 1,727 Operations for achalasia cardia 5,196 Tanner’s operation and other operation on oesophageal varices (siguira) 3,022 Vagotomy with drainage 3,511 Ramstedt’s operation (pyloromytomy) 2,871 Oesophageal dilatation (under general anaesthesia) 3,406 Endoscopic oesophageal intubation/dilatation/stent 6,719 Injection sclerotherapy of oesophageal varices 2,392 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP) therapeutic 5,186 Gastroscopy 848 Dermatology Laser destruction of skin lesion 1,500 Laser resurfacing 1,709 Laser therapy for pigmented skin lesion 1,500 Laser therapy for vascular skin lesion 1,500 Laser therapy : CO2 1,500 Cauterisation of skin lesion 727 Cautery of a verrucae pedis 727 Cautery of skin lesion 727 346 P.U. (A) 363 Cautery of wart 727 Chemical cautery of a corn - left foot 825 Chemical cautery of a corn - right foot 825 Chemical cautery of skin lesion 825 Chemical peeling of lesion of skin - superficial peel 500 Chemical peeling of lesion of skin - medium depth 550 Chemical peeling of lesion of skin - deep peel 830 Botulinumtoxin 2,375 Biopsy of lesion of subcutaneous tissue 1,149 Biopsy of nail bed 1,499 Biopsy of skin 516 Excision intradermal naevus 874 Excision of basal cell carcinoma 1,254 Excision of lipoma 999 Excision of malignant skin tumour 1,254 Excision of neurofibromata 999 Excision of papilloma 874 Excision of redundant skin or fat of rig 1,039 Excision of sebaceous cyst 544 Excision of skin carcinoma 1,144 Excision of skin cyst 544 Excision of skin lesion 1,039 Excision of skin or subcutaneous tissue 1,039 Excision of skin scar 574 Excision of skin tag 509 Incision and drainage of sebaceous cyst 509 347 P.U. (A) 363 Incision and drainage of wound 509 Incision biopsy of skin 544 Incision biopsy of skin lesion 544 Insertion of therapeutic substance 1,150 Intralesional steroid for keloid 300 Intralesional steroid for skin lesion 300 Bath PUVA 810 Phototheraphy : PUVA 748 Phototheraphy : UVAI 490 Topical PUVA 720 Cryotherapy of basal cell carcinoma 630 Cryotherapy to skin lesion 313 Cryotherapy to wart 313 Needle prick for skin lesion 329 UROLOGY Transplantation and donor nephrectomy 13,991 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) 3,000 Nephrectomy (simple) and nephroureterectomy 3,944 Nefrectomy (radical) and nephroureterectomy 5,504 Nephrectomy (partial) and nephroureterectomy 4,294 Pyeloplasties 3,809 Nephrolithotomy 5,418 Pyelolithotomy 4,163 Nephropyelolithotomy 4,163 348 P.U. (A) 363 Vascular surgery - renal artery stenosis 8,333 Nephrostomies - unilateral 2,154 Nephrostomies - bilateral 2,601 Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) 5,953 Reimplantation/tailoring 3,319 Replacement of - by bladder 3,285 Replacement of - by gut 4,845 Replacement of - by ureter 3,540 Ureteroscopy (URS) 5,018 Total cystectomy 6,154 Partial cystectomy 3,869 Endoscopic surgery 1,500 Bladder reconstruction 9,025 Urethroplasty 3,203 Partial amputation of penis 2,913 Total amputation of penis 3,568 Reconstruction of hypospadias (severe) 6,420 Reconstruction of epispadias 4,130 Orchidectomy 2,208 Transurethral resection 3,322 Open prostatectomy 3,628 Fistula repair (very severe) 2,432 Ureterolithotomy 3,393 Vesicolithotomy 2,256 Vesicolithopaxy 2,752 Trans-urethral resection of bladder neck 2,187 349 P.U. (A) 363 Trans-urethral resection of bladder tumours 3,367 Excision of stricture 1,612 Urethral dilation 982 Reconstruction of hypospadias (moderate) 5,471 Orchidopexy 1,843 Vasovasastomy 2,913 Trans-urethral resection of stricture 3,322 Arteriovenous (AV) fistula 2,182 Fistula repair (moderate) 5,297 Excision operation for varicocele 1,708 Renal biopsy 1,507 Cystoscopic examination/biopsy 1,717 Cystoscopic examination and retrograde pyelogram 4,202 Vasectomy 1,158 Micturating cysto urethrogram 388 Circumcision 1,441 Repair of vesicovaginal fistula 3,520 Reconstruction of bladder neck 8,075 Colposuspension - laparoscopic 3,495 OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGY Pelvic exenteration 9,697 Wertheim’s hysterectomy 8,877 Radical vulvectomy 3,256 Extended hysterectomy 8,045 350 P.U. (A) 363 Abdominal hysterectomy 3,802 Vaginal hysterectomy 4,822 Myomectomy 3,552 Ovarian cystectomy/salpingo - oopherectomy 5,402 Simple vulvectomy 2,831 Tubal repair surgery 3,030 Ventral suspension - sling operation 2,550 Ectopic pregnancy 3,267 Abdominal sterilization/minilaparotomy 3,017 Laparoscopy 2,495 Second look laparotomy 3,160 Vaginal reconstruction 6,193 Manchester repair 3,190 Repair for stress incontinence 4,065 Pelvic floor repair 3,345 Cervical cerlage 1,572 Cone biopsy 1,592 Cauterization 971 Insufflation 1,036 Cervical biopsy (punch) 916 Secondary suturing 1,036 Polypectomy/avulsion of polyp 1,191 Cryocautery/cryosurgery 900 Incision and drainage 567 Marsupialisation of bartholin abscess 1,511 Excision of labial/vaginal cyst 1,511 351 P.U. (A) 363 Vulval biopsy 926 Open operation of fetus - repair of diaphragma 5,426 Open operation of fetus 5,426 Placental ablation 1,162 Cervical biopsy 872 Amnio reduction 1,446 Insertion of contraceptive implant 923 Removal of contraceptive implant 923 Termination of pregnancy 1,508 Removal of cerclage from cervix 923 Breech extraction 1,647 Abdominal sterilisation/minilaparotomy 2,216 Ectopic pregnancy 2,826 Second look laparotomy 3,160 Repair for stress incontinence 4,065 Tubal repair surgery 3,030 Vaginal reconstruction 6,193 Ventral suspension - sling operation 2,566 Cervical cerclage 996 Laparoscopy and ovarian drilling 3,067 Vaginectomy - total 4,230 Vulvectomy - extended 3,681 Pelvic exenteration 9,697 Myomectomy - laparotomy 3,552 Hysterectomy total and bilateral salphingoopho 5,012 Hysterectomy vaginal 3,235 352 P.U. (A) 363 Hysterectomy total abdominal 2,977 Vaginectomy - partial 2,770 Salphingo - oophorectomy - right - open 3,212 Salphingo - oophorectomy - left - open 3,212 Salphingo - oophorectomy - right - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingo - oophorectomy - left - endoscopic 2,676 Hysterectomy Wertheim's 8,877 Hysterectomy -extended 8,045 Vag. Tot Hyster bilateral salphingoophorect 4,825 Fenton's operation 3,385 Caeserean hysterectomy 3,136 Repair of bladder fistula 3,155 Oophorectomy - bilateral - open 2,797 Oophorectomy - bilateral - endoscopic 2,791 Salphingectomy - right - open 3,372 Salphingectomy - left - open 3,372 Salphingectomy - bilateral - open 3,622 Salphingectomy - right - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingectomy - left - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingectomy - bilateral - endoscopic 3,620 Gamete intrafallopian transfer - right 1,535 Gamete intrafallopian transfer - left 1,535 Zygote intrafallopian transfer - right 1,535 Zygote intrafallopian transfer - left 1,535 Tubal embryo transfer - right 1,185 Tubal embryo transfer - left 1,185 353 P.U. (A) 363 Laparoscopic adhesiolysis 2,856 Sclerosing injection into vulval vein 888 Reversal of tubal sterilization 6,257 Uterine ligament operation - open 1,517 Uterine ligament operation - endoscopic 2,136 Repair of uterovaginal fistula 4,160 Repair of ruptured uterus 3,906 Repair of urethrovaginal fistula 3,130 Vaginoplasty 4,766 Repair of enterocele - abdomino - vaginal 2,687 Repair of enterocele - endoscopic 2,685 Transvaginal tape 2,650 Plication of round ligament - open 2,682 Plication of round ligament - endoscopic 6,001 Uterine ventrosuspension - open 2,142 Uterine ventrosuspension - endoscopic 2,136 Sacrocolpopexy - endoscopic 5,001 Hysterostomy 4,570 Extraperitoneal caesarean section 3,215 Postmortem caesarean section 3,215 Surgical control of postpartum haemorrhage 2,152 Ovary reconstruction - bilateral 3,122 Reconstruction fallopian tube - bilateral - endoscopic 6,255 Reconstruction fallopian tube - left - endoscopic 4,550 Reconstruction fallopian tube - right - endoscopic 4,550 Reconstruction fallopian tube - bilateral - open 5,257 354 P.U. (A) 363 Reconstruction fallopian tube - left- open 2,682 Reconstruction fallopian tube - right - open 2,682 Salphingotomy - left - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingotomy - right - endoscopic 2,676 Salphingotomy - left - open 2,142 Salphingotomy - right - open 2,142 Repair of bladder 3,155 Sling operation - tension free vaginal tape 2,612 Sling operation - bladder neck 2,872 Bisection of ovary - right - open 2,142 Bisection of ovary - left - open 2,142 Bisection of ovary - bilateral - open 3,122 Bisection of ovary - right - endoscopic 2,676 Bisection of ovary - left - endoscopic 2,676 Bisection of ovary - bilateral - endoscopic 5,251 Drainage of ovary - right - open 2,872 Drainage of ovary - left - open 2,872 Drainage of ovary - bilateral - open 5,257 Drainage of fimbrial cyst - right - open 2,682 Drainage of fimbrial cyst - left - open 2,682 Drainage of fallopian tube - right - open 2,682 Drainage of fallopian tube - left - open 2,682 Drainage of fimbrial cyst - right - endoscopic 2,676 Drainage of fimbrial cyst - left - endoscopic 2,676 Drainage of fallopian tube - right - endoscopic 2,676 Drainage of fallopian tube - left - endoscopic 2,676 355 P.U. (A) 363 Endometrial sampling - transorifice intra 1,486 Endometrial sampling - transorifice intra 1,486 Endometrial ablation thermal 2,111 Endometrial ablation microwave 2,401 Myomectomy - laparoscopic 3,142 Colposcopy of cervix - Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone (LLETZ) 590 Colposcopy of cervix - Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) 1,350 Laparoscopy diagnostic 2,457 Myomectomy - hysteroscopic 3,552 Colposcopy of vagina 810 Colposcopy of vulva 795 Laparoscopy second look 3,160 Laparoscopy and dye insufflation 1,036 Minilaparotomy tubal ligation 2,142 Laparoscopic sterilisation 5,001 Colpocleisis 2,142 Repair of vault of vagina 1,300 Colpoperineorrhaphy 4,802 Repair of hymen 916 Sacrocolpopexy - vaginal 2,682 Hysteroscopic resection uterine septum 2,606 Colposcopy of cervix - cervical biopsy 590 Colporrhaphy 2,006 Drainage of ovary - bilateral - endoscopic 6,251 Drainage of ovary - right - endoscopic 4,546 356 P.U. (A) 363 Drainage of ovary - left - endoscopic 4,546 Cauterisation vulva - right 900 Cauterisation vulva - left 900 Cauterisation vulva - bilateral 900 Cryotherapy of lesion of vulva - right 900 Cryotherapy of lesion of vulva - left 900 Cryotherapy of lesion of vulva - bilateral 900 Cervical cerclage - McDonald's 1,506 Cervical cerclage - Shirodkar's 1,506 Cryocautery/cryosurgery - cervix 820 Cauterisation cervix 820 Cryotherapy of lesion of vagina 830 Cauterisation vagina 820 Cryosurgery perineum 1,010 Dilatation cervix 900 Vaginal dilatation procedure 900 Evacuation of vaginal haematoma 1,026 Cone biopsy 1,592 Amputation of cervix 1,760 Hysteroscopy 1,401 Excision of vaginal adhesions 1,486 Repair of cervical tears 1,032 Cervical cerclage - abdominal 1,506 Secondary suturing - perineum 1,036 Excision of female periurethral tissue 916 Drainage of labial minora abscess - right 1,511 357 P.U. (A) 363 Drainage of labial minora abscess - left 1,511 Drainage of labial minora abscess - bilateral 1,511 Drainage of labial majora abscess - right 1,511 Drainage of labial majora abscess - left 1,511 Drainage of labial majora abscess - bilateral 1,511 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's abscess 1,511 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's cyst - left 1,356 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's cyst - right 1,356 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's cyst - bilateral 1,511 Biopsy of ovary - right 2,142 Biopsy of ovary - left 2,142 Biopsy of ovary - bilateral 2,392 Cystectomy - open - right 2,547 Cystectomy - open- left 2,547 Cystectomy - open - bilateral 2,797 Cystectomy - endoscopic - right 4,546 Cystectomy - endoscopic - left 4,546 Cystectomy - endoscopic - bilateral 4,546 Excision of tubo - ovarian mass - right 2,142 Excision of tubo - ovarian mass - left 2,142 Excision of tubo - ovarian mass - bilateral 3,122 Excision of fimbria - right - open 2,682 Excision of fimbria - left - open 2,682 Excision of fimbria - bilateral - open 2,932 Excision of fimbria - right - endoscopic 2,682 Excision of fimbria - left - endoscopic 2,682 358 P.U. (A) 363 Excision of fimbria - bilateral - endoscopic 5,251 Excision of fimbrial cyst - right - open 2,682 Excision of fimbrial cyst - left - open 2,682 Excision of fimbrial cyst - bilateral - open 2,682 Excision of fimbrial cyst - right - endoscopic 2,676 Excision of fimbrial cyst - left - endoscopic 2,676 Excision of fimbrial cyst - bilateral - endoscopic 2,676 Hysterectomy subtotal 2,997 Hysterectomy total - laparoscopic 3,245 Hysterectomy vaginal - laparoscopic assist 3,255 Polypectomy - endometrium 1,486 Hymenectomy 916 Excision of excess labial minora tissue - left 1,321 Excision of excess labial minora tissue - right 1,321 Excision of excess labial minora tissue - bilateral 1,321 Excision of excess labial majora tissue - left 1,331 Excision of excess labial majora tissue - right 1,331 Excision of excess labial majora tissue - bilateral 1,331 Biopsy of vulva - right 900 Biopsy of vulva - left 900 Biopsy of vulva - bilateral 900 Excision of vulval polyp - right 1,080 Excision of vulval polyp - left 1,080 Excision of vulval polyp - bilateral 1,110 Vulvectomy - hemi - right 2,831 Vulvectomy - hemi - left 2,831 359 P.U. (A) 363 Vulvectomy - hemi - bilateral 2,831 Vulvectomy - wide local excision 3,681 Excision of Bartholin gland - left 1,356 Excision of Bartholin gland - right 1,356 Excision of Bartholin gland - bilateral 1,511 Removal of foreign body - vagina 900 Falloposcopy 2,136 Colposcopy of cervix 590 Exploration of vagina 900 Removal of pessary from vagina 900 Ovary reconstruction - right 2,142 Ovary reconstruction - left 2,142 Burch's colposuspension - with graft 4,152 Burch's colposuspension - endoscopic 6,251 Fimbroplasty - right - open 2,682 Fimbroplasty - left - open 2,682 Fimbroplasty - bilateral - open 2,676 Fimbroplasty - right - endoscopic 2,680 Fimbroplasty - left - endoscopic 2,680 Fimbroplasty - bilateral - endoscopic 5,257 Reconstruction of vagina with flap 3,625 Repair of vaginal wall prolapse - vagina 2,940 Vaginal repair - anterior mesh 2,690 Repair of vaginal tear 1,042 Repair of vaginal wall prolapse - endoscopic 5,255 Clitoroplasty 4,546 360 P.U. (A) 363 Repair of enterocele - abdominal 2,932 Repair of enterocele - vaginal 2,695 Repair of perineal tear 1,034 Sacrospinous fixation of vaginal vault 2,687 Sacrocolpopexy - vagino - abdominal 2,682 Drainage of vulval hematoma - right 1,071 Drainage of vulval hematoma - left 1,071 Drainage of vulval hematoma - bilateral 1,546 Biopsy of uterus 1,486 Removal of foreign body - uterus 1,486 Biopsy of cervix 845 Biopsy of vagina 900 Excision of vaginal lesion 1,501 Biopsy perineum 900 Dilatation and curettage - ERPOC 1,061 Dilatation and curettage - diagnostic 1,061 Insertion pessary into vagina 680 Insertion intrauterine device 690 Examination under anaesthesia - staging 900 Examination under anaesthesia - vagina 900 Removal of intrauterine device 690 Repair of genital tract tear 1,495 Polypectomy - cervix 900 Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 900 Curettage of delivered uterus 1,151 Manual removal of placenta 1,186 361 P.U. (A) 363 Uterine exploration 951 Repositioning of r/verted gravid uterus 1,527 Vaginal pack procedure 1,010 Removal of vaginal pack 1,008 Drainage of vulval abscess - left 886 Drainage of vulval abscess - right 886 Drainage of vulval abscess - bilateral 1,511 Secondary suturing 1,035 Exploratory laparotomy 2,707 Incision and drainage 1,027 Amniocentesis 1,021 Chorionic villus sampling - procedure 1,161 Amnioinfusion 1,456 OPHTHALMOLOGY Complicated strabismus surgery requiring complex procedures or repeat operations 5,853 Repair of severe ptosis : elevator resection/brow suspension 3,761 Excision of eyelid tumours with major reconstruction 9,800 Dacryocystorhinostomy 4,975 Conjunctivo - dacryocystorhinostomy/Lester-Jones tube 5,350 Repair of severed lacrimal passages 5,350 Reconstruction of contracted socket 7,040 Dermis - fat graft 4,130 Removal of deep seated orbital tumours 9,785 Repair of blowout fracture 9,722 362 P.U. (A) 363 Orbital and optic nerve decompression 6,117 Exenteration of orbit 6,625 Examination under anaesthesia 1,380 Release of symblepharon/with mucous membrane graft 1,434 Scleral graft 2,989 Cataract extraction - intracapsular and extracapsular 3,970 Lens aspiration 3,970 Removal of dislocated/subluxated lens not requiring vitreous surgery 3,095 Secondary intraocular lens implantation 2,905 Paracentesis 1,761 Trabeculectomy/trabeculotomy/goniotomy/cyclodialysis 4,037 Laser panretinal photocoagulation : new case 1,852 Repair of moderate perforationg injury of eyeball 2,989 Simple strabismus surgery - recession/resection/myectomy 3,429 Repair of mild ptosis 3,396 Repair of congenital eyelid deformities 3,646 Repair of severe lecerations of eyelids and/or region around the eyes 1,691 Dacrycystectomy 4,901 Removal of superficial orbital tumours 3,906 Enucleation 3,681 Pterygium surgery 2,247 Conjunctivectomy/conjunctival grafts and flaps 1,482 Iridectomy - peripheral or optical 2,247 Posterior capsulotomy - surgical/laser 1,487 Posterior capsule polishing 1,487 Cryopexy - retina and glaucoma 2,067 363 P.U. (A) 363 Laser treatment other than panretinal photocoagulation 1,960 Repair of minor perforating injury of eyeball 4,094 Instralesional corticosteroid injection of capillary haemangiomas etc. 1,169 Cosmetic lid surgery 3,179 Ectropian or entropion correction 2,419 Tarsorrhaphy 2,624 Syringing/probing of lachrymal apparatus 906 Incision and drainage of orbital abscess 3,091 Biopsy of ocular appendages/superficial orbital tumours 2,921 Evisceration 4,056 Use of tissue adhesive for ocular perforation 1,333 Excision of granulomas - eyelid, conjunctival 928 Incision and curettage/intra lesional conticosteroid injection of chalazion 928 Epilation 393 Electrolysis/cryopexy for trichiasis 928 Repair of minor laceration of eyelid and/or region around the eyes Punctal occlusion 1,093 963 Fitting of ocular prosthesis 2,202 Removal of conjunctival concretions 1,208 Incision and drainage of stye/lid abscess 1,018 Release of tarsorrhaphy 863 Keratoplasty - lamellar or penetrating 5,839 Keratoplasty with cataract surgery with/without intraocular lens implant 7,027 Refractive corneal surgery 3,273 Cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation 3,970 364 P.U. (A) 363 Removal of intraocular lens 2,845 Lensectomy 6,420 Combined trabeculectomy with cataract extraction with/without intraocular lens implantation 4,236 Shunt/valve placement for glaucoma 8,626 Vitreous surgery 3,896 Retinal detachment surgery 7,086 Intraocular foreign body removal 11,711 Repair of severe perforating injuries of the eyeball 3,951 EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Base of skull surgery 19,927 Cranio facial resection 16,270 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy 14,975 Commando operation for jaw and oral pharyngeal 26,776 Total laryngopharyngectomy with reconstruction 29,214 Acoustic neuroma surgery 16,224 Meatal atresia surgery 4,958 Modified radical mastoidectomy 5,306 Radical mastoidectomy 5,030 Facial nerve decompression 5,632 Facial nerve repair 6,506 Tympanoplasty 3,740 Stapedectomy 3,687 Saccus decompression 5,110 Labryinthectomy 5,555 365 P.U. (A) 363 Tympanic nerve 3,137 Surgery of pterygopalatine fossa 3,755 Maxillectomy 9,480 Fronto ethmoidectomy 3,464 Intranasal endoscopic ethmoidectomy 2,019 Repair of frontal sinus fractures 5,000 Rhinoplasties - augmentation 6,621 Rhinoplasties - reduction 6,631 Rhinoplasties - prosthesis insertion 6,629 Laryngectomy - total/partial 6,838 Laryngofissure operation 3,282 Partial pharyngectomy without reconstruction 6,669 Repair of laryngeal and tracheal stenosis 8,878 Pharyngotomy 1,986 Excision of laryngocele 3,532 Cordopexy for adductor palsy of vocal cords 3,282 Parotidectomy - complete of partial 5,913 Radical neck dissection 7,524 Cortical mastoidectomy 4,496 Myringoplasty 3,160 Excision of preauricular sinus 1,789 Flap repair for postauricular fistula 1,215 Excision of pinna - total 5,480 Excision of pinna - partial 4,980 Reduction of facial fractures 2,292 Submucous resection of nasal septum (SMR) 2,012 366 P.U. (A) 363 Septoplasty 2,262 Nasal polypectomy 1,844 Repair of vestibular stenosis 1,278 Sublabial radial antrostomy (CWL) 1,828 Surgical treatment of posterior choanal tumours 3,143 Ligation of ethmoidal vessels 2,548 Surgical treatment of blow out fractures 5,742 Repair of oroantral fistula 2,280 Pharyngoplasty 3,725 Adenoidectomy 951 Tonsillectomy 1,970 Adenotonsillectomy 2,765 Surgery of tonsillar fossa 1,970 Removal of submandibular salivary gland 1,841 Excision of bronchial cyst and fistula 6,512 Elective microlaryngeal surgery 2,017 Myringotomy - with grommet 1,525 Myringotomy - without grommet 902 Examination of ear under general anaesthesia Examination of nose or post nasal space under general anaesthesia 1,361 808 Intranasal antrostomy 1,052 Partial turbinectomy 1,287 Submucus diathermy under general anaesthesia 852 Trephine drainage of frontal sinus 1,198 Intranasal polypectomy for single polyp 1,844 Drainage of retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess 3,267 367 P.U. (A) 363 Oesophagoscopy 1,582 Bronchoscopy 1,512 Direct laryngoscopy and biopsy 1,367 Panendoscopy 4,147 Tracheostomy - open 1,951 Removal of foreign bodies from the ear, nose and throat 1,352 Examination of the ear under microscope 1,361 Aural polypectomies and biopsies 1,153 Submucous diathermy of nasal turbinates 852 Drainage of peritonsillar abcess 771 Per oral removal of the salivary calculus 1,841 Drainage of postauricular abcess 724 Antral washouts 1,052 Punch biopsies for nasal and oropharyngeal tumours 1,032 Nasal polypectomy 1,844 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar - laser 2,836 Rigid endoscopic procedure 808 Examination under microscope 1,361 Operculectomy oral 1,348 Incision and drainage orofacial abscess 540 Nasal packing - anterior 1,060 Biopsy 1,032 Removal of foreign body - nose 808 Removal of foreign body - ear 778 Removal of foreign body - throat 1,352 Alveolectomy/Alveoplasty - maxilla < 4cm 368 654 P.U. (A) 363 Alveolectomy/Alveoloplasty - mandible < 4cm Antral washout 654 1,052 Wiring dental upper arch 589 Wiring dental lower arch 589 Temp. reduction + fixation - midfacial bone 588 Temp. reduction + fixation - mandible 588 Aural polypectomies and biopsies 1,153 Drainage of peritonsillar abscess 771 Drainage of postauricular abscess 724 Removal of foreign bodies from nose 808 Removal of foreign bodies from throat 1,352 Per oral removal of salivary calculus 1,841 Submucous diathermy of nasal turbinates 852 Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) 3,143 Myringoplasty with atticotomy - right 3,160 Myringotomy with insertion tube - right 1,525 Myringotomy with insertion tube - left 1,525 Bronchoscopy 1,499 Rigid endoscopic procedure 808 Examination under microscope 1,361 Acoustic neuroma surgery 16,224 Atticotomy - right 3,583 Implantation cochlear prosthesis device - right 14,789 Implantation cochlear prosthesis device - left 14,789 Extended frontal sinus surgery - bicoronal flap - right 5,000 Extended frontal sinus surgery - bicoronal flap - left 5,000 369 P.U. (A) 363 Excision glomus tumour - lateral skullbase - right 19,927 Excision glomus tumour - lateral skullbase - left 19,927 Laryngotracheal reconstruction - with cartilage 12,880 Laryngectomy + pharyngectomy + reconstruction 7,004 COMMANDO operation - with reconstruction 26,776 Laryngopharygectomy total + reconstruction 23,209 Total laryngopharyngo - oesophag + reconstruction 29,214 Partial resection of temporal bone and reconstruction - right 10,266 Partial resection of temporal bone and reconstruction - left 10,266 Partial resection of temporal bone - right 10,266 Partial resection of temporal bone - left 10,266 Petrosectomy - right 10,266 Petrosectomy - left 10,266 Total resection temporal bone and reconstruction - right 10,266 Total resection temporal bone and reconstruction - left 10,266 Total resection temporal bone - right 10,266 Total resection temporal bone - left 10,266 Craniofacial surgery - with reconstruction 16,270 Vestibular neurectomy 19,814 Cochlear neurectomy 19,814 Intranasal endoscopic optic nerve decompression 6,305 Endoscopic repair CSF rhinorrhoea - autograft 4,763 Endoscopic repair CSF rhinorrhoea - allograft 4,770 Facial nerve repair with grafting - right 6,344 Facial nerve repair with grafting - left 6,344 Facial - hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - right 7,806 370 P.U. (A) 363 Facial - hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - left 7,806 Facial nerve repair - right 6,506 Facial nerve repair - left 6,506 Endo dacryocystorhinostomy - right 5,017 Endo dacryocystorhinostomy - left 5,017 Intranasal (endoscopic) orbital decompression - right 6,305 Intranasal (endoscopic) orbital decompression - left 6,305 Rhinoplasty, augmentation - open - autograft 6,621 Rhinoplasty, augmentation - open - allograft 6,629 Rhinoplasty, augmentation - close - autograft 6,631 Rhinoplasty, augmentation - close - allograft 6,639 Rhinoplasty, reduction (hump/tip/alar) 6,631 Stapedotomy - with prosthesis - right 3,588 Stapedotomy - with prosthesis - left 3,588 Endoscopic ligation maxillary artery 2,548 Endoscopic ligation sphenopalatine artery 2,548 Ligation maxillary artery (transantral) 3,068 Anterior ethmoidal artery cautery 2,548 Labyrinthectomy - membraneous - right 5,673 Labyrinthectomy - membraneous - left 5,673 Labyrinthectomy - osseous - right 5,763 Labyrinthectomy - osseous - left 5,763 Tympanic neurectomy - right 3,137 Tympanic neurectomy - left 3,137 Vestibular neurect - retrolabyrinthine - right 16,304 Vestibular neurect - retrolabyrinthine - left 16,304 371 P.U. (A) 363 Vestibular neurect - translabyrinthine - right 16,304 Vestibular neurect - translabyrinthine - left 16,304 Vidian nerve neurectomy - endoscopic 3,568 Vidian nerve neurectomy - transantral 3,318 Excision pinna, partial + reconstruction (autograft) - right 5,480 Excision pinna, partial + reconstruction (autograft) - left 5,480 Excision pinna, partial + reconstruction (allograft) - right 4,980 Excision pinna, partial + reconstruction (allograft) - left 4,980 Stapedectomy - with prosthesis - right 3,687 Stapedectomy - with prosthesis - left 3,687 Mastoidectomy - cortical - right 4,496 Mastoidectomy - cortical - left 4,496 Mastoidectomy - modified radical - right 5,306 Mastoidectomy - modified radical - left 5,306 Excision lesion - int auditory canal - right 16,324 Excision lesion - int auditory canal - left 16,324 Biopsy - sinus maxillary - right (endoscopic) 2,934 Biopsy - sinus maxillary - left (endoscopic) 2,934 Excision lesion - frontal sinus - right (endoscopic) 3,184 Excision lesion - frontal sinus - left (endoscopic) 3,184 Biopsy - sinus frontal - right (endoscopic) 3,184 Biopsy - sinus frontal - left (endoscopic) 3,184 Ethmoidectomy - external - right (with endoscope) 2,854 Fronto - ethmoidectomy - endoscopic - right 3,464 Fronto - ethmoidectomy - endoscopic - left 3,464 Fronto - ethmoidectomy extended - right 3,464 372 P.U. (A) 363 Fronto - ethmoidectomy extended - left 3,464 Ethmoidectomy - intranasal - right 2,019 Ethmoidectomy - intranasal - left 2,019 Ethmoidectomy - extended - right 2,269 Ethmoidectomy - extended - left 2,269 Excision lesion - ethmoid sinus - right 3,214 Excision lesion - ethmoid sinus - left 3,214 Ethmoidectomy - external - right 3,464 Ethmoidectomy - external - left 3,464 Biopsy - sinus ethmoidal - right 3,214 Biopsy - sinus ethmoidal - left 3,214 Sphenoidectomy - right 1,974 Sphenoidectomy - left 1,974 Excision lesion - sphenoid sinus - right 1,974 Excision lesion - sphenoid sinus - left 1,974 Biopsy - sinus sphenoidal - right 1,974 Biopsy - sinus sphenoidal - left 1,974 Insertion of bone anchored hearing aid - right 2,644 Insertion of bone anchored hearing aid - left 2,644 Exploration middle ear - right 4,843 Exploration middle ear - left 4,843 Mastoid exploration - right 5,616 Mastoid exploration - left 5,616 Exploration frontal sinus - right 5,248 Exploration frontal sinus - left 5,248 Frontal recess exploration - right 3,803 373 P.U. (A) 363 Frontal recess exploration - left 3,803 Obliteration mastoid cavity - right 5,283 Obliteration mastoid cavity - left 5,283 Obliteration semicircular canal - right 5,566 Obliteration semicircular canal - left 5,566 Pinnaplasty - cartilage - right 6,284 Pinnaplasty - cartilage - left 6,284 Pinnaplasty - prosthesis - right 6,524 Pinnaplasty - prosthesis - left 6,524 Division adhesions middle ear - right 3,904 Division adhesions middle ear - left 3,904 Pinnaplasty - lobule reposition - right 3,650 Pinnaplasty - lobule reposition - left 3,650 Excision pinna, total + reconstruction (autograft) - right 6,663 Excision pinna, total + reconstruction (autograft) - left 6,663 Excision pinna, total + reconstruction (allograft) - right 6,663 Excision pinna, total + reconstruction (allograft) - left 6,663 Excision glomus tumour - transtympanic - right 5,166 Excision glomus tumour - transtympanic - left 5,166 Mastoidectomy - radical - right 5,813 Mastoidectomy - radical - left 5,813 Excision glomus tumour - transmastoid - right 6,066 Excision glomus tumour - transmastoid - left 6,066 Rhinectomy 3,928 Excision postnasal space tumours - open 8,951 Resection angiofibroma - endoscopic 9,059 374 P.U. (A) 363 Resection angiofibroma - external 9,076 Resection angiofibroma - transpalatal 7,224 Fronto - ethmoidectomy - right 4,053 Fronto - ethmoidectomy - left 4,053 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - endoscopic - right 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - endoscopic - left 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - transantral - right 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - transantral - left 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - sublabial - right 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - sublabial - left 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - transeptal - right 8,434 Transphenoidal hypophysectomy - transeptal - left 8,434 Pinnaplasty - revision - right 8,581 Pinnaplasty - revision - left 8,581 Meatoplasty - ear - revision - right 2,737 Meatoplasty - ear - revision - left 2,737 Canalplasty - ear - revision - right 6,253 Canalplasty - ear - revision - left 6,283 Mastoidectomy - revision - right 5,093 Mastoidectomy - revision - left 5,093 Rhinoplasty, revision - autograft 5,215 Rhinoplasty, revision - allograft 5,215 Tracheal stenosis - resection and anastomosis 9,328 Sliding tracheoplasty - autograft 9,328 Sliding tracheoplasty - syn. substitute 9,328 Closure tracheocutaneous fistula - flap 3,953 375 P.U. (A) 363 Tracheal stenosis rep - extraluminal device 4,146 Tracheal stenosis rep - intraluminal device 3,016 Closure tracheocutaneous fistula 2,948 Closure tracheo - oesophageal fistula - flap 9,078 Closure tracheo - oesophageal fistula 7,225 Cricotracheal resection 9,073 Pharyngotomy 1,986 Cricothyroidotomy tube insertion 1,500 Pharyngectomy, partial + reconstruction 13,953 Pharyngectomy, partial + reconstruction 13,953 Excision pharyngeal pouch - open 4,841 Excision pharyngeal pouch - close 3,103 Pharyngectomy, partial (laser) + reconstruction 13,910 Pharyngectomy, partial (laser) 5,422 Arytenoidectomy - external - left 8,788 Arytenoidectomy - with laser - left 2,116 Arytenoidectomy - external - right 8,788 Arytenoidectomy - with laser - right 2,116 Laryngectomy - partial 5,770 Laryngectomy - near total 6,743 Laryngectomy - partial - laser 5,562 Laryngeal stenosis rep - extraluminal device 3,298 Laryngeal stenosis rep - intraluminal device 3,298 Laryngeal stenosis rep - external 3,298 Closure pharyngocut fistula - flap 8,828 Closure pharyngocut fistula - primary 7,475 376 P.U. (A) 363 Epiglottopexy 2,696 Laryngeal fracture - rep - allograft 8,221 Laryngeal fracture - rep - autograft 8,221 Laryngotracheal reconstruction - castellation 8,156 Construction neoglottis 9,578 Chondroplasty larynx - with implant 9,578 Cordopexy - right 2,116 Arytenoid add/rot/medial - implant - left 4,040 Arytenoid add/rot/medial - implant - right 4,040 Pharyngectomy, total + reconstruction 14,953 Laryngectomy - total 6,493 Excision laryngocele 4,083 Superficial parotidectomy left 5,996 Excision pharyngeal cyst - right 3,249 Excision pharyngeal cyst - left 3,249 Neck dissection - modified - right 4,339 Neck dissection - modified - left 4,339 Neck dissection - selective - right 4,339 Neck dissection - selective - left 4,339 Excision of neck lesion - right 1,861 Excision of neck lesion - left 1,861 Cordopexy - laser - right 6,231 Cordopexy - laser - left 6,231 Chondroplasty of larynx 3,363 Fronto - ethmoidectomy extended - endoscopi 8,809 Facial - hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - right 9,820 377 P.U. (A) 363 Facial - hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - left 9,820 Exploration of facial nerve - right 5,866 Exploration of facial nerve - left 5,866 Facial nerve repair with grafting - right 9,361 Facial nerve repair with grafting - left 9,361 Facial nerve repair - right 5,748 Laryngeal fracture - repair 4,333 Laryngotracheoplasty 4,333 Laryngotracheal reconstruction - anterior 8,828 Neck exploration 3,203 Superficial parotidectomy - right 5,996 Pharyngoplasty 4,461 Sphenoidectomy - left 5,365 Sphenoidectomy - right 5,365 Stapedectomy - left 5,115 Stapedectomy - right 5,115 Tracheal stenosis repair - external 4,583 Drainage abscess - mastoid - right 1,327 Drainage abscess - mastoid - left 1,327 Antrostomy - Caldwell - Luc - right 1,694 Antrostomy - Caldwell - Luc - left 1,694 Excision pinna, partial without reconstruction - right 2,573 Excision accessory auricle - right 1,324 Excision pinna, partial without reconstruction - left 2,573 Excision lesion - bony - external auditory canal - right 1,383 Excision lesion - bony - external auditory canal - left 1,383 378 P.U. (A) 363 Adenoid currettage 982 Excision postnasal space tumours - endoscopic Biopsy adenoid 5,666 825 Excision postnasal tumours - transpalatal 5,636 Ligation ethmoidal vessel - external 2,948 Ligation ethmoidal vessel - endoscopic 4,060 Reattachment pinna - right 3,536 Reattachment pinna - left 3,536 Release nasal synechiae 1,890 Removal nasal implants 1,887 Suturing - ear - right 954 Suturing - ear - left 954 Myringoplasty with atticotomy - right 4,881 Myringoplasty with atticotomy - left 4,881 Repair vestibular stenosis with reconstruction 3,318 Septorhinoplasty - close 5,090 Septoplasty - endoscopic 3,510 Reduction nasal bone fracture 1,210 Septorhinoplasty - open 5,215 Septoplasty 2,140 Repair perforation nasal septum 2,708 Submuc. resection nasal septum 1,335 Enlargement nasal septum perforation 1,700 Excision pinna, total without reconstruction - left 2,581 Excision preauricular cyst - right 2,129 Excision preauricular sinus - right 2,129 379 P.U. (A) 363 Excision pinna, total without reconstruction - right 2,456 Excision preauricular cyst - left 2,129 Excision preauricular sinus - left 2,129 Polypectomy with micro - debrider - endoscopic 2,398 Polypectomy - intranasal 2,391 Resection maxillary sinus mucus (Caldwell - Luc) - right 1,951 Resection maxillary sinus mucus (Caldwell - Luc) - left 1,951 Replacement tracheal stent - open 2,956 Placement tracheal stent - open 2,956 Removal tracheal stent - open 2,956 Tracheal stenosis - laser 4,168 Arrest Post tonsillectomy haemorrhage 1,665 Endo cautery pharyngocutaneous fistula 1,933 Dilatation pharynx 1,676 Marsupialisation pharyngeal cyst 1,683 Marsupialisation laryngeal cyst 1,683 Biopsy lesion pharynx 1,116 Excision arytenoid lesion - left 1,866 Excision arytenoid lesion - right 1,866 Uvulectomy with parightial palatectomy 1,540 Excision lesion - oropharynx 2,215 Biopsy lesion hypopharynx 1,676 Excision lesion - hypopharynx 1,866 Uvulectomy 1,540 Biopsy tonsil 1,532 Biopsy lesion larynx - open 1,353 380 P.U. (A) 363 Endoscopic microlaryngeal surgery 1,873 Endoscopic microlaryngeal surgery - with laser 1,873 Cordectomy vocal cord - without laser - right 1,866 Cordectomy vocal cord - with laser - right 1,866 Cordectomy vocal cord - left 1,866 Cordectomy vocal cord - laser assisted - left 1,866 Release pharyngeal adhesions - open 2,913 Laryngeal stenosis rep - endoscopic 3,030 Laryngeal stenosis rep - with laser 3,030 Endoscopic removal prosthesis from larynx 1,873 Endoscopic stapling pharyngeal pouch 2,853 Inversion pharyngeal pouch 2,850 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 2,830 Uvulopalatoplasty - laser assisted 2,827 Uvuloplasty 2,705 Uvuloplasty - laser assisted 2,702 Aryepiglottoplasty 1,676 Aryepiglottoplasty - laser assisted 1,905 Arytenoid add/rot/medial - left 1,968 Arytenoid add/rot/medial – right 1,968 Tonsillectomy 1,915 Adenoid - debrider 1,162 Excision of tumour - cervical 1,746 Biopsy of lesion - oesophagus 1,676 Excision of lesion - larynx 1,683 Excision of lesion - vocal cord - left - laser 1,866 381 P.U. (A) 363 Excision of lesion - vocal cord - right - laser 1,866 Excision of lesion - vocal cord - left 1,866 Excision of lesion - vocal cord - right 1,866 Laser ablation of turbinates 906 Submandibulectomy - right 2,041 Submandibulectomy - left 2,041 Change mastoid pack- right 722 Change mastoid pack - left 722 Insertion epistaxis balloon - left 895 Nasal cauterisation - diathemy 799 Nasal packing - posterior 715 Diathermy post nasal space 959 Excision pinna lesion - cautery - right 1,324 Excision lesion pinna - laser - right 1,311 Excision pinna lesion - cautery - left 1,324 Excision lesion pinna - laser - left 1,311 Intratympanic injection gentamycin - right 1,565 Intratympanic injection gentamycin - left 1,565 Cryotherapy superficial hemangioma 1,495 Dilation choanal stenosis 2,410 Myringotomy - right 854 Myringotomy - left 854 Marsupialisation concha bullosa 1,343 Drainage nasal septum 1,315 Antrostomy - intranasal - right 916 Antrostomy - intranasal - left 916 382 P.U. (A) 363 Frontal sinus trephining - right 923 Frontal sinus trephining - left 923 Cannulation and irrigation sphenoid sinus - right 1,343 Cannulation and irrigation sphenoid sinus - left 1,343 Nasal toilet under GA 1,307 Excision lesion - external auditory canal - right 1,029 Excision lesion - external auditory canal - left 1,029 Excision lesion - nasal cavity 937 Submucosa cauterisation nasal turbinates 937 Excision lesion - maxillary sinus - right 2,148 Excision lesion - maxillary sinus - left 2,148 Frontal sinusectomy - right 2,398 Frontal sinusectomy - left 2,398 Antrostomy - sphenoidal sinus - left 2,148 Insertion intranasal splints - left 840 Insertion intranasal splints - right 840 Ear examination under anaesthesia - right 1,487 Ear examination under anaesthesia - left 1,487 Ear examination under microscope - right 1,487 Ear examination under microscope - left 1,487 Tympanotomy - right 3,984 Tympanotomy - left 3,984 Endo examination under GA - nose 1,182 Nasopharyngoscopy - rigid 680 Antroscopy - intranasal - right 680 Antroscopy - intranasal - left 680 383 P.U. (A) 363 Frontal sinus obliteration - right 3,063 Frontal sinus obliteration - left 3,063 Intratympanic injection steroid - right 1,439 Intratympanic injection steroid - left 1,439 Myringoplasty - endaural approach - right 4,789 Myringoplasty - postaural approach - right 4,789 Myringoplasty - transcanal approach -right 4,789 Myringoplasty - endaural approach - left 4,789 Myringoplasty - postaural approach - left 4,789 Myringoplasty - transcanal approach - left 4,789 Correction choanal atresia - endoscopic 3,845 Correction choanal atresia - transnasal 3,845 Correction choanal atresia - transeptal 3,845 Correction choanal atresia - laser assisted 3,821 Correction choanal atresia - transpalatal 3,863 Turbinoplasty - endoscopic 1,190 Turbinoplasty - intranasal 1,190 Turbinoplasty - endo laser assisted 1,193 Tracheostomy - percutaneous 1,889 Tracheo - oesophageal valve change 1,182 Tracheostomy tube change 776 Ablation lesion trachea - laser 2,781 Dilatation trachea stenosis + stent 1,748 Dilatation trachea stenosis 1,748 Tracheal aspiration - bronchoscope 1,541 Tracheo - oesophageal puncture - primary 2,716 384 P.U. (A) 363 Tracheo - oesophageal puncture - secondary 2,386 Tracheal stoma lesion - biopsy 1,182 Bronchoscopic removal foreign body 1,186 Tracheo - oesophageal valve - insertion 1,362 Insertion tracheal stent 2,656 Bronchoscopy 1,676 Exploration tracheostomy 2,033 Endoscopic tracheascopy 1,689 Injection botulinum toxin - intralaryngeal 4,003 Ablation lesion pharynx - laser 4,041 Ablation lesion hypopharynx - laser 4,041 Ablation lesion vocal cord - right - laser 1,991 Ablation lesion vocal cord - left - laser 1,991 Division laryngeal web - external (implant) 2,781 Division laryngeal web - external 2,781 Division laryngeal web - endoscopic 2,781 Division laryngeal web - laser assisted 2,781 Drainage retropharyngeal abscess - oral 1,532 Drainage peritonsillar abscess 767 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from pharynx 1,429 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from larynx 1,429 Insertion laryngeal keel 2,823 Endoscopic examination larynx 991 Release pharyngeal adhesions - endoscopic 2,116 Injection for laryngeal palsy 1,991 Dilatation oesophageal stenosis 1,676 385 P.U. (A) 363 Insertion stent - oesophagus 3,105 Drainage parapharyngeal abscess - right 3,021 Drainage retropharygeal abscess - external - right 3,021 Drainage superficial neck abscess - right 1,331 Drainage parapharyngeal abscess - left 3,021 Drainage retropharygeal abscess - external - left 3,021 Drainage superficial neck abscess - left 1,106 Ablation of lesion - oesophagus 2,116 Excision of pinna lesion - left 1,414 Excision of pinna lesion - right 1,414 Excision postnasal space tumors - trans 970 Insertion epistaxis balloon - right 987 Insertion intranasal splints 840 Grafting skin neck 850 Drainage of head abscess 1,629 Wound debridement of head/neck 2,004 Tracheal stoma stenosis - repair - open 2,033 Tracheal stoma stenosis - repair - laser 1,991 Tympanotomy - left 3,104 Uncinectomy - left 2,015 Uncinectomy - right 2,015 Nasal packing - anterior 660 Nasal cauterisation - chemical 1,004 Excision lesion pinna - cryosurgery - right 1,307 Excision lesion pinna - cryosurgery - left 1,307 Steroid infiltration nasal lesion - external 722 386 P.U. (A) 363 Steroid infiltration nasal lesion - intranasal 722 Drainage abscess - postauricular - right 1,331 Drainage - pinna - right 1,331 Drainage abscess - postauricular - left 1,331 Drainage - pinna - left 1,331 Biopsy lesion - pinna - right 1,315 Biopsy lesion - pinna - left 1,315 Biopsy lesion - external auditory canal - right 1,307 Biopsy lesion - external auditory canal - left 1,307 Excision external nasal lesion 1,324 Excision external nasal lesion - cryotherapy 1,307 Excision external nasal lesion - laser 1,311 Biopsy - post nasal space (nasopharynx) 722 Removal of foreign body - external auditory canal - right 777 Removal of foreign body - external auditory canal - left 777 Removal of foreign body - middle ear - right 3,992 Removal of foreign body - middle ear - left 3,992 Removal of foreign body - inner ear - right 8,481 Removal of foreign body - inner ear - left 8,481 Removal of nasal foreign body 722 Removal of impacted wax - right 777 Removal of impacted wax - left 777 Removal of mastoid pack - right 777 Removal of mastoid pack - left 777 Aural polypectomy - right 1,307 Aural polypectomy - left 1,307 387 P.U. (A) 363 Ablation lesion oropharynx - laser 5,640 Removal of foreign body - oesophagus 1,318 Toilet and suturing of head/neck 829 Antral washout - Caldwell - Luc - right 1,826 Antral washout - right 895 Antral washout - Caldwell - Luc - left 1,826 Antral washout - left 895 Biopsy - lesion external nose 777 Biopsy - nasal cavity 722 Biopsy - lesion nasal turbinate 777 Biopsy - lesion nasal septum 777 Removal of ventilation tube - right 777 Removal of ventilation tube - left 777 Biopsy - lymph node - neck - left 1,324 Biopsy - lymphnode - neck - right 1,324 Biopsy of tongue lesion 777 Drainage of pre auricular sinus abscess 1,324 Examination under anaesthesia with biopsy 2,112 Examination under anaesthesia 777 FNAC lymph node 794 Release of tongue tie 777 388 P.U. (A) 363 DENTAL Open reduction and fixation of fractured mandible 2,744 Reduction and cranio - maxillary fixation of midface fracture 6,395 Open reduction and fixation of zygomatic complex fracture 4,949 Major repair of oro-facial wounds 10,130 Surgery of massive cysts of the jaw 2,931 Surgery of oral cancer 12,388 Resection and reconstruction of the jaws 4,536 Temporomandibular joint surgery 11,859 Surgical correction of developmental jaw deformity 14,620 Preprosthetic surgery 4,893 Surgical procedure utilizing plates/implant systems 3,420 Management of severe infections of the jaw with surgery 1,600 Surgery of salivary glands 3,377 Repair of cleft lip and cleft palate 7,355 Closed reduction and immobilization of jaw fractures 2,310 Elevation of depressed fractures of zygoma 4,729 Excision of benign lesions 6,733 Surgical removal of impacted teeth and unerupted teeth 2,727 Periodontal surgery - per quadrant 1,459 Removal of root in antrum and close of oroantral fistula 2,712 Periodontal graft 4,032 Treatment using laser 3,712 Removal of salivary calculus 1,841 Repair of minor orofacial lacerations 1,228 389 P.U. (A) 363 Extraoral incision and drainage of abscess Enucleation or marsupialization of cysts of the jaw 540 1,348 Cervical lymph node biopsy 981 Intraoral incision and drainage 540 Incision biopsy - intraoral 933 Alveolectomy 589 Apicectomy 2,290 Surgical removal of root 2,712 Frenectomy 1,310 Management of infected socket 269 Management of traumatic injury - per tooth 589 Toilet and suture of superficial wounds 1,341 Augmentation - alveolar bone = 4cm - allograft 3,327 Ablat. lesion retromolar area - cryosurgery 1,403 Excision lesion maxilla 3,071 Removal foreign body - orofacial - simple 901 Removal foreign - orofacial - complicated 2,544 Place temporary restoration - deciduous 662 Place temporary restrotation - permanent 662 Extraction of retained root - permanent 932 Repair of dentures 358 Antralplasty maxillary + bone autograft - right 4,432 Antralplasty maxillary + allograft - right 3,677 Antralplasty maxillary + bone autograft - left 4,432 Antralplasty maxillary + allograft - left 3,427 Excision lesion upper lip - > 2cm with autograft 2,232 390 P.U. (A) 363 Excision lesion upper lip - > 2cm with allograft 3,877 Excision lesion lower lip - > 2cm with autograft 3,232 Excision lesion lower lip - > 2cm with allograft 8,703 Excision lesion hard palate - > 2cm with autograft 3,236 Excision lesion hard palate - > 2cm with allograft 7,008 Excision lesion soft palate - > 2cm with autograft 3,234 Excision lesion soft palate - > 2cm with allograft 6,859 Excision lesion buccal - > 2cm with autograft 3,468 Excision lesion buccal - > 2cm with allograft 7,111 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar + allograft > 2cm 3,236 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar - > 2cm 3,236 Glossectomy, partial + autograft - laser 7,460 Glossectomy, partial + autograft 7,460 Total parotidectomy + facial and reconstruction 4,926 Extended parotidectomy + facial and reconstruction 11,026 Superficial parotidectomy 4,926 Total parotidectomy 5,913 Extended parotidectomy 7,221 Excision sublingual gland 3,677 Excision submandibular gland 2,119 Excision lesion floor of mouth > 2cm + autograft 7,113 Excision lesion floor of mouth > 2cm + allograft 3,486 Cleft lip repair 3,530 Cleft hard palate repair 4,140 Cleft soft palate repair 4,140 Vestibuloplasty - gingiva/alveolar < 1 qua 2,616 391 P.U. (A) 363 Vestibuloplasty - gingiva/alveolar 3,486 Glossectomy, total + partial laryngectomy 9,917 Glossectomy, total + total laryngectomy 9,917 Augmentation - zygomatic complex - autograft 5,919 Augmentation - zygomatic complex - allograft 4,655 Augmentation - alveolar bone = 4cm - autograft 5,036 Augmentation - alveolar bone > 4cm - autograft 5,193 Augmentation - alveolar bone = 4cm - allograft 4,785 Augmentation - alveolar bone > 4cm - allograft 5,037 Augmentation - chin - autograft - bone graft 4,905 Augmentation - chin - allograft 4,655 Enucleation maxilla + bone autograft - = 4cm 5,922 Enucleation maxilla + bone autograft - > 4cm 5,922 Maxillectomy, partial - external + autograft 9,810 Enucleation lesion maxilla- > 4cm + allograft 3,820 Maxillectomy, partial - external 5,906 Maxillectomy, partial - endoscopic 5,002 Maxillectomy, partial - i/oral + autograft 8,946 Maxillectomy, partial - intraoral 4,916 Enucleation mandible + bone autograft - = 4cm 7,301 Enucleation mandible + bone autograft - > 4cm 7,342 Mandibulectomy, marginal + bone autograft 7,842 Mandibulectomy, segmental + bone autograft 8,627 Enucleation mandible + allograft - > 4cm 6,221 Mandibulectomy, marginal + allograft 6,221 Mandibulectomy, segmental + allograft 6,856 392 P.U. (A) 363 Mandibulectomy - segmental 6,606 Alveolar bone grafting 6,287 Open reduction and internal fixation - midfacial bone 7,726 Internal fixation panfacial - mandible 6,431 Exploratory orbital floor + bone autograft 8,765 Exploratory orbital floor + allograft 6,728 Exploratory orbital floor + bone autograft - endo 8,510 Exploratory orbital floor + allograft - endo 6,711 Open reduction and internal fixation - mandible 2,744 Reconstruction - maxilla - = 4cm - autograft 5,872 Reconstruction - maxilla - > 4cm - autograft 7,372 Reconstruction - maxilla - free flap 15,454 Reconstruction - maxilla - = 4cm - allograft 6,552 Reconstruction - maxilla - > 4cm - allograft 7,702 Reconstruction - mandible = 4cm - autograft 5,629 Reconstruction - mandible > 4cm - autograft 7,387 Reconstruction - mandible - free flap 15,516 Reconstruction - mandible = 4cm - allograft 4,806 Reconstruction - mandible > 4cm - allograft 5,706 Distraction osteogenesis - alveolar bone 3,790 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 1- autograft 16,808 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 2 - autograft 19,557 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 3 - autograft 21,502 Distraction osteogenesis - midfacial bone 14,025 Osteotomy - midfacial bones - segmental 7,873 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 1 13,924 393 P.U. (A) 363 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 2 15,672 Osteotomy - midfacial - Le Fort 3 18,718 Distraction osteogenesis - mandible 14,026 Osteotomy - mandible - segmental 7,685 Osteotomy - mandible - genioplasty 6,000 Osteotomy - mandible - ramus 12,120 Osteotomy - mandible - body 11,870 Maxillectomy external + autograft 13,995 Maxillectomy, total + autograft 13,997 Maxillectomy external + orbital exenteration + reconstruction 31,785 Maxillectomy, external + orbital exenteration 22,003 Maxillectomy, total 12,040 Internal fixation panfacial - midfacial bones 12,489 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - eminence augmentation 11,287 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - condylotomy 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arch downfracture 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - myotomy 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthrocentesis 1,882 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - discectomy with implant 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - synovectomy 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - discectomy 6,822 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - diagnostic - with biopsy 2,089 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - debridement 2,089 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - non arthroscopy - therapy lavage + lysis 2,089 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - therapy lavage + lysis 2,089 394 P.U. (A) 363 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - diagnostic -wtihout biopsy 2,089 Suture soft tissue orofacial - complicated 8,556 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroplasty - interposition autograft 8,449 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroplasty - interposition allograft 5,564 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - disc repair 3,575 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroplasty - gap 4,075 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - joint reconstruction - autograft 14,859 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - joint reconstruction - allograft 12,075 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - reduction - open 7,275 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - capsular plication 6,698 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - disc repositioning + stabilization 6,698 Reposition muscle attachment - oral 6,698 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - condylectomy 6,698 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - coronoidectomy 6,448 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - eminectomy 6,698 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - synovectomy 2,339 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) - arthroscopy - discectomy 2,339 Revision suture - orofacial - complicated 5,365 Maxillectomy, partial - endoscopic 6,402 Trigeminal nerve repositioning 6,751 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - orbit - right 5,420 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - orbit - left 5,420 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - ext ear - right 5,406 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - ext ear - left 5,406 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - ext ear - bilateral 5,406 395 P.U. (A) 363 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - nose 5,407 Ablation lesion upper lip - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion upper lip - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion lower lip - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion lower lip - laser 1,648 Ablation hard palate lesion - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation hard palate lesion - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion soft palate - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion soft palate - laser 1,648 Ablation buccal lesion - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation buccal lesion - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion retromolar area - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion retromolar area - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion tongue - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion tongue - laser 1,648 Ablation lesion floor of mouth - cryosurgery 1,503 Ablation lesion floor of mouth - laser 1,648 Excision lesion upper lip - = 2cm with autograft 4,376 Excision lesion upper lip - = 2cm with allograft 2,410 Excision lesion upper lip - laser 1,664 Excision lesion upper lip - = 2cm 2,204 Excision lesion upper lip - > 2cm 3,577 Excision lesion lower lip - = 2cm with autograft 4,376 Excision lesion lower lip - = 2cm with allograft 2,410 Excision lesion lower lip - laser 2,962 Excision lesion lower lip - = 2cm 2,205 396 P.U. (A) 363 Excision lesion lower lip - > 2cm 3,827 Excision lesion hard palate - = 2cm with autograft 4,376 Excision lesion hard palate - = 2cm with allograft 2,410 Excision lesion hard palate - laser 2,961 Excision lesion hard palate - = 2cm 2,291 Excision lesion hard palate - > 2cm 3,668 Excision lesion soft palate - = 2cm with autograft 4,446 Excision lesion soft palate - = 2cm with allograft 2,479 Excision lesion soft palate - laser 3,712 Excision lesion soft palate - = 2cm 2,292 Excision lesion soft palate - > 2cm 3,933 Excision lesion buccal - = 2cm with autograft 4,460 Excision lesion buccal - = 2cm with allograft 2,479 Excision lesion buccal - laser 2,975 Excision lesion buccal - = 2cm 2,309 Excision lesion buccal - > 2cm 3,933 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar + autograft = 2cm 2,815 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar + allograft = 2cm 3,063 Operculectomy oral - laser 1,810 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar - = 2cm 2,292 Glossectomy, partial - laser 2,962 Excision lesion tongue - = 2cm 2,296 Excision lesion tongue - > 2cm 3,933 Glossectomy, partial 2,304 Frenectomy - laser 1,310 Excision lesion floor of mouth = 2cm + autograft 4,475 397 P.U. (A) 363 Excision lesion floor of mouth = 2cm + allograft 2,260 Excision lesion floor of mouth - laser 2,010 Excision lesion floor of mouth - = 2cm 2,309 Excision lesion floor of mouth - > 2cm 3,931 Removal parotid duct calculus - open 2,041 Removal parotid duct calculus - closed 2,041 Removal submandibular duct calculus - open 1,941 Removal submandibular duct calculus - closed 1,841 Vestibuloplasty - gingiva/alveolar - autograft 4,132 Repair parotid duct 1,941 Repair submandibular duct 1,941 Reposition parotid duct 2,859 Reposition submandibular duct 2,859 Excision maxilla + reconstruction - bone autograft 5,036 Enucleation lesion maxilla - = 4cm + allograft 3,270 Excision maxilla + reconstruction - allograft 4,320 Enucleation lesion maxilla - = 4cm 3,370 Enucleation lesion maxilla - > 4cm 3,310 Excison lesion maxilla 3,371 Exc mandible + reconstruction - bone autograft 9,690 Enucleation mandible + allograft - = 4cm 3,622 Excision mandible + reconstruction - allograft 6,086 Enucleation lesion mandible - = 4cm 3,045 Enucleation lesion mandible - > 4cm 3,311 Mandibulectomy, marginal 3,048 Excision lesion mandible 3,031 398 P.U. (A) 363 Exploratory orbital floor 6,414 Exploratory orbital floor - endoscopic 4,024 Elevation maxillofacial - zygomatic arch 4,829 Closed reduction + fixation - midfacial bone 2,410 Closed reduction + fixation - mandible 2,410 Implant dental stage 1 surgery - maxilla 2,731 Implant dental stage 1 surgery - mandible 2,481 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - face 2,729 Excision lesion gingiva/alveolar - laser 2,729 Excision lesion tongue - laser 2,729 Gingivectomy - laser 1,615 Closure oro-antral fistula 2,549 Control of haemorrhage - post extraction 1,027 Removal impacted/unerupted tooth - complic 2,927 Removal displaced tooth/root 2,912 Transplantation tooth 2,912 Control of haemorrhage - lesion 2,403 Ablation lesion orofacial - cryosurgery 1,621 Ablation lesion orofacial - laser 1,866 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 1 - midface 3,607 Trigeminal nerve cryotherapy 1,127 Marsupialisation upper lip 1,448 Marsupialisation lower lip 1,448 Marsupialisation hard palate soft tissue 1,448 Marsupialisation soft palate 1,448 Marsupialisation buccal soft tissue 1,448 399 P.U. (A) 363 Marsupialisation retromolar/palatoglossal arch 1,448 Marsupialisation tongue 1,462 Marsupialisation parotid duct 1,448 Marsupialisation submandibular duct 1,448 Marsupialisation floor of mouth 1,462 Operculectomy oral 1,448 Closure parotid gland fistula 2,212 Closure submandibular gland fistula 2,209 Marsupialisation bony maxilla 1,448 Marsupialisation bony mandible 1,448 Gingivectomy 1,559 Removal impacted/unerupted tooth - simple 1,427 Crown lengthening with ostectomy 1,442 Incision and drainage orofacial abscess 640 Examination/exploration - orofacial 1,605 Suture soft tissue orofacial - simple 1,328 Revision suture - orofacial - simple 1,332 Suture Removal (STO) extra - oral 574 Trigeminal nerve section 2,868 Biopsy - lymph node - open - facial 1,066 Biopsy - lymph node - tru - cut - facial 1,031 Biopsy - lymph node - tru - cut - neck - right 1,031 Biopsy - lymph node - tru - cut - neck - left 1,031 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - orbit - right 622 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - orbit - left 622 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - ext ear - right 622 400 P.U. (A) 363 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - ext ear - left 622 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - ext ear - bilateral 623 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - nose 623 Frenoplasty 1,410 Frenotomy 1,410 Biopsy - upper lip 1,033 Biopsy - lower lip 1,033 Biopsy - hard palate soft tissue 1,033 Biopsy - soft palate 1,033 Biopsy - buccal soft tissue 1,033 Biopsy - gingiva/alveolar soft tissue 1,033 Biopsy - retromolar/palatoglossal arch 1,033 Biopsy - tongue 1,033 Biopsy of lesion - parotid gland - tru - cut 1,033 Biopsy - floor of mouth 1,033 Ligation parotid duct 1,408 Ligation submandibular duct 1,408 Meatoplasty parotid duct 2,575 Meatoplasty submandibular duct orifice 2,575 Biopsy - maxilla 1,033 Implant dental stage 2 surgery - maxilla 603 Biopsy - mandible 1,033 Implant dental stage 2 surgery - mandible 603 Sequestrectomy - maxilla 1,016 Sequestrectomy - mandible 1,016 Removal dental implants - maxilla 1,641 401 P.U. (A) 363 Removal dental implants - mandible 1,641 Removal internal fixation - maxillofacial 1,641 Removal external fixation - maxillofacial 1,641 Removal maxillofacial implants 1,641 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - face 651 Alveolectomy/Alveoloplasty - mandible > 4cm 689 Alveolectomy/Alveoloplasty - mandible < 4cm 754 Alveolectomy/Alveoloplasty - maxilla > 4cm 689 Biopsy - lymph node - open - neck - left 1,066 Biopsy - lymph node - open - neck - right 1,066 Tooth hemisection 1,018 Apicectomy + R/G root filling - anterior tooth 1,858 Apicectomy + R/G root filling - posterior tooth 2,390 Apicectomy - anterior tooth 1,638 Apicectomy - posterior tooth 2,389 Removal tooth/root 754 Exposure tooth with placement attach 2,809 Exposure tooth without placement attach 1,339 Removal dental wires - upper arch 618 Removal dental wires - lower arch 618 Crown lengthening without ostectomy 737 Root resection 755 Debridement soft tissue orofacial 1,341 Implant maxillofacial surgery stage 2 - midface 604 Removal of foreign body - orofacial - simple 1,001 Removal of foreign body - orofacial - complicated 2,594 402 P.U. (A) 363 Fine needle aspiration cytology - orofacial 982 Injection medication - orofacial 1,949 Antral washout - Caldwell - Luc - right 1,949 Antral washout - Caldwell - Luc - left 1,949 Dilation parotid duct 1,427 Dilation submandibular duct 717 Temporary reduction + fixation - midfacial bone 737 Temporary reduction + fixation - mandible 732 Wiring dental upper arch 718 Wiring dental lower arch 718 Reimplantation tooth 2,199 Surgical reposition/stabilization of tooth 2,199 Non-surgical reposition/stabilization of tooth 1,302 Soft laser therapy - orofacial 402 Ultrasound therapy - oromaxillofacial 374 Excision of mucocoele 275 Localised periodontal flap - per tooth 300 Comprehensive treatment of early childhood caries Inhalation sedation (nitrous oxide) 2,747 406 TRAUMATIC AND ORTHOPEDIC Reattachment/revascularization of severed part(s) 7,505 Toilet and suture with reduction of major compound fractures and dislocations 2,421 Open reduction of dislocations - hip 4,523 403 P.U. (A) 363 Open reduction of dislocations - knee 3,328 Open reduction of dislocations - shoulder 3,328 Open reduction of dislocations - elbow 3,328 Open reduction of dislocations - ankle 3,328 Open reduction and internal of external fixation of major fractures 4,808 Crush injury with repair of tendon and/or nerve 5,156 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - hip 2,823 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - shoulder 2,243 Patallectomy 2,243 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - knee 2,243 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - elbow 2,243 Arthrotomies (for sepsis) - ankle 2,243 Closed reduction of spine 1,808 Closed reduction of femur 1,808 Closed reduction of tibia/fibula 1,808 Closed reduction of humerus 1,808 Closed reduction of radius and ulna 1,808 Crush soft tissue injures - exploration, toilet and suture for extensive or multiple soft tissue injuries 1,178 Closed reduction of shoulder 1,558 Closed reduction of elbow 1,558 Closed reduction of knee 1,558 Closed reduction of - hip 1,558 Closed reduction of ankle 1,558 Open reduction of metacarpophalangeal 2,338 Open reduction of inter-phalangeal 2,338 404 P.U. (A) 363 Open reduction of minor fractures with internal fixation (e.g. malleonar, olecranon etc.) 2,588 Toilet and suture of finger involving tendon/nerve 3,313 Closed reduction and immobilization of - colles fracture 1,558 Closed reduction and immobilization of - fractures of the carpus, metacarpals, tarsus, metatarsals and phalanges 2,048 Closed reduction and immobilization of - dislocation of PIP,IP,DIP joints of fingers toes 1,873 Closed reduction and immobilization of - ankle fractures 1,808 Removal of foreign bodies (needles, splinters, etc.) 1,148 Amputation of fingers and toes 1,933 Closed reduction/immobilization of scapula/clavicle 1,503 Application of traction - skull traction 1,289 Application of traction - skin traction with Thomas Splint or Bohler Braun frame 759 Application of traction - Steinmann pin insertion and traction 1,289 Removals of external fixators 1,199 Removals of external fixators : Kirschnir wires (k-wires) 1,024 Removals of external fixators : Steinmann pin 1,024 Removals of external fixators : Schantz screw etc. 1,024 Change of POP 714 Change of POP : POP slabs 710 Change of POP : u slabs 710 Change of POP : dorsal slabs 710 Change of POP : colles cast 710 Change of POP : above elbow cast 710 Change of POP : POP cylinder 710 Change of POP : POP boot 710 405 P.U. (A) 363 Change of POP : PTB cast 710 Change of POP : full length leg cast 715 Excision of bone tumour and reconstruction with free composite flap (osteocutaneous or free fibular graft) 12,367 Composite tissue transfer e.g. free fibular or iliac crest graft 12,367 Amputations - forequarter, hindquarter 5,202 Total hip replacement - cemented or cementless 6,230 Revision total hip replacement 10,380 Total knee replacement, cemented or cementless 6,233 Revision total knee replacement 10,130 Spine - fusion and instrumentation 8,640 Spine - osteotomy, vertebrectomy 8,640 Spine - scoliosis with instrumentation 13,145 Amputation - above knee 4,511 Amputation - through knee 4,511 Amputation - below knee 4,511 Amputation - disarticulation of shoulder 3,016 Amputation - disarticulation of hip 4,511 Amputation - syme’s amputation 4,511 Amputation - mid - tarsal amputation 4,511 Excision of bone tumours and resection arthrodesis 6,730 Excision of myositis ossificans 2,842 Bone grafting 4,507 Deformities - correction of club foot complete soft tissue release including lengthening of tendons 4,105 Deformities - open reduction of congenital dislocation of hip 5,585 Arthrodesis - shoulder, hip, knee, ankle 4,647 406 P.U. (A) 363 Arthrodesis - triple arthrodesis 4,457 Tendon surgery - primary or secondary tendon suture 3,452 Tendon surgery - transplantation of tendon(s) 3,970 Transposition of peripheral nerves 2,670 Sequestrectemies 3,197 Tumour surgery - curretage of tumour and bone graft 2,842 Tumour surgery - excision biopsy of tumours 3,452 Osthotomies - neck of femur, supracondylav of femur upper tibia 4,511 Contracture release - hip 3,247 Contracture release - knee 3,247 Contracture release - neck (forticolis) 3,247 Correction of hallus varum/valgus deformities 3,627 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - decompression 8,447 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - laminectomy 7,887 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - drainage of psoas abscess 3,249 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - percutaneous discectomy 4,532 Spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) - exploration of spine with or without internal fixation 4,511 Shoulder - operation for recurrent dislocation 4,457 Hip - pelvic osteotomy/derotation osteotomy for congenital dislocation hip 7,657 Hip - hemiarthroplasty, unipolar/bipolar for fracture neck of femur 4,975 Knee - operative video arthroscopy 2,420 Knee - menisectomy 4,457 Foot - wedge tarsectomy 3,599 Release of finger contractures 3,534 Application/change of - plaster of paris casts 407 800 P.U. (A) 363 Application/change of - shoulder spica 800 Application/change of - hip spica 800 Application/change of - minerva jacket 800 Application/change of - scoliosis/localizer casts 800 Application/change of - spinal casts 800 Neutral position (manipulation and plaster of paris following osteotomies) 800 Bone biopsy or excision of any bone 3,202 Osteotomy - osteoclasis 3,478 Removal of metal work (implants) 3,637 Excision biopsy of ganglion 1,930 Excision biopsy of popliteal cyst 1,924 Excision small cysts/tumours 1,924 Release and/or synovectomy for trigger finger/wrist joint 2,648 Correction of club foot - lengthening of tendon archilles only 1,221 Proximal radius - ulna - excision of head of radius 1,952 Manipulation of joint under general anaesthesia 1,442 Tumour surgery - incisional/marginal biopsy 1,905 Tenotomies (closed) 1,267 Arthrodesis - wrist 3,717 Arthrodesis - toe 2,053 Arthrodesis - finger 2,188 Proximal radius - ulna 3,728 Carpal tunnel release 1,918 Wadge resection of toe/finger nails 1,123 Avulsion of finger or toe nails 1,123 Aspiration of joints - knee 908 408 P.U. (A) 363 Aspiration of joints - elbow 908 Aspiration of joints - ankle 908 Incision and drainage 908 Arthroscopic ligament reconstruction - anterior 5,566 Arthroscopic ligament reconstruction - posterior 5,566 Arthroscopic ligament reconstruction - revision 5,566 Spinal fusion - anterior - cervical region 8,640 Spinal fusion - anterior - thoracic 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - anterior - cervical 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - posterior - cervical 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - thorocoscopic 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - anterior - thoracic 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - posterior - thoracic 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - posterior - lumbar 8,640 Spinal instrumentation - anterior - lumbar 8,640 Reconstruction of bony defect using autograft 3,689 Reconstruction of bony defect using prosthesis 10,931 Reconstruction of bony defect using allograft 8,304 Internal fixation - femur - intramedulla 3,003 Internal fixation - tibia - intramedulla 3,003 Spinal instrumentation - anterior - scoliosis 8,640 Spinal fusion - anterior - > 5 levels 8,640 Stabilization - open - shoulder joint - right 3,090 Arthroscopic stabilization - shoulder joint 3,090 Stabilization - open - shoulder joint - left 3,090 Arthroscopic stabilization - shoulder joint 3,090 409 P.U. (A) 363 Replacement - thoracic intervertebral 7,690 Revision arthroplasty - shoulder joint -right 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - shoulder joint - left 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - elbow joint - right 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - elbow joint - left 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - wrist joint - right 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - wrist joint - left 3,562 Spinal fusion - anterior - lumbosacral right 8,640 Reconstruction - Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) - open - knee joint 3,940 Reconstruction - Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) - open - knee joint 3,940 Arthroplasty - ankle joint - left 3,562 Revision of joint replacement - hip joint 10,380 Resection of tumour - spine with replacement 6,730 Exploration of wound - upper extremity - right 1,200 Replantation - upper arm - right 7,505 Replantation - upper arm - left 7,505 Replantation - forearm - right 7,505 Replantation - forearm - left 7,505 Replantation - wrist - right 7,505 Replantation - wrist - left 7,505 Replantation - hand - right 7,505 Replantation - hand - left 7,505 Replantation - thumb - right 7,505 Replantation - thumb - left 7,505 Replantation - index finger - right 7,505 Replantation - index finger - left 7,505 410 P.U. (A) 363 Replantation - middle finger - right 7,505 Replantation - middle finger - left 7,505 Replantation - ring finger - right 7,505 Replantation - ring finger - left 7,505 Replantation - little finger - right 7,505 Replantation - little finger - left 7,505 Revision arthroplasty - hand region - right 3,562 Revision arthroplasty - hand region - left 3,562 Transposition - finger - right 3000 Transposition - finger - left 3000 Amputation - hemi pelvectomy (hindquater) 5,202 Arthrodesis - triple - foot - right 4,457 Arthrodesis - triple - foot - left 4,457 Reconstruction of bony defect using autograph 3,689 Reconstruction of bony defect using prosthesis 10,931 Reconstruction of bony defect using allograph 8,304 Reconstruction posterolateral complex 3,000 Exploration of wound - lower extremity - left 3,609 Exploration of wound - lower extremity - right 3,609 Arthroscopic tenotomy - biceps tendon - left 2,856 Arthroscopic tenotomy - biceps tendon - right 2,856 Peroneal tendoscopy - right 2,997 Peroneal tendoscopy - left 2,997 Arthroscopic repair - rotator cuff - right 1,986 Arthroscopic repair - rotator cuff - left 1,986 Reconstruction - achilles tendon (chronic) 1,845 411 P.U. (A) 363 Arthroscopic repair - rotator cuff - revision 3,361 Synovectomy - open - shoulder joint - right 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - shoulder joint 2,648 Synovectomy - open - shoulder joint - left 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - shoulder joint 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - elbow joint 2,648 Synovectomy - open - elbow joint 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - hip joint 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - knee joint 2,648 Synovectomy - arthroscopic - ankle joint 2,648 Ligament repair - elbow joint - right 2,811 Ligament repair - elbow joint - left 2,811 Ligament repair - wrist joint - right 2,811 Ligament repair - wrist joint - left 2,811 Ligament/capsule repair - hand - right 2,811 Ligament/capsule repair - hand - left 2,811 Ligament/capsule repair - upper extremities 2,811 Reconstruction ligament collateral - knee 2,416 Repair ligament - primary - knee joint 2,416 Reconstruction of ligament - ankle joint 2,416 Drainage of abscess of vertebra - cervic 3,855 Laminectomy - cervical 6,647 Laminectomy - thoracic 6,647 Biopsy of vertebra - thoracic region 2,282 Debridement - clavicle - right 5,960 Debridement - clavicle - left 5,960 412 P.U. (A) 363 Laminotomy - cervical 5,960 Laminotomy - thoracic 5,960 Corpectomy and fusion - cervical 7,500 Spinal fusion - posterior - cervical region 10,440 Corpectomy and fusion - thoracic 7,500 Spinal fusion - posterior - thoracic 8,640 Internal fixation of spine - odontoid sc 10,763 Laminoplasty - cervical 5,400 Laminoplasty - thoracic 5,400 Osteotomy - pelvic bone - right 7,907 Osteotomy - pelvic bone - left 7,907 Osteotomy - femur - right 5,007 Osteotomy - femur - left 5,007 Osteotomy - calcaneum - right 3,882 Osteotomy - calcaneum - left 3,882 Osteotomy - tibia - right 5,007 Osteotomy - tibia - left 5,007 Osteotomy - fibula - right 5,007 Osteotomy - fibula - left 5,007 Laminectomy - lumbar 6,647 Patellectomy - partial - right 3,670 Patellectomy - partial - left 3,670 Laminotomy - lumbar 5,960 Corpectomy and fusion - lumbar 7,500 Corpectomy and fusion - sacral 7,500 Foraminotomy 7,500 413 P.U. (A) 363 Laminoplasty - lumbar 5,400 Internal fixation - pelvic bone - right/left 4,808 External fixation of fracture - pelvic 4,808 Internal fixation - acetabulum - anterior 4,808 Internal fixation - acetabulum - posterior 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - proximal - right 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - proximal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - shaft - right 4,808 External fixation of fracture - femur - right 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - femur - right 2,900 Internal fixation - femur - shaft - left 4,808 External fixation of fracture - femur - left 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - femur - left 2,900 Internal fixation - calcaneum - right 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - distal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - femur - distal - right 4,808 Internal fixation - patella - right 4,808 Internal fixation - calcaneum - left 4,808 Internal fixation - patella - left 4,808 Internal fixation - tibia - distal - right 4,808 Internal fixation - medial malleolus - right 4,808 Internal fixation - posterior malleolus 4,808 Internal fixation - tibia - shaft - right 4,808 External fixation of fracture - tibia - right 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - tibia - right 2,900 Internal fixation - tibia - proximal - left 4,808 414 P.U. (A) 363 Internal fixation - tibia - distal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - medial malleolus - left 4,808 Internal fixation - posterior malleolus 4,808 Internal fixation - tibia - shaft - left 4,808 External fixation of fracture - tibia - left 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - tibia - left 2,900 Internal fixation - lateral malleolus - right 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - fibula - right 2,900 Internal fixation - lateral malleolus - left 4,808 Open reduction of fracture - fibula - left 2,900 Internal fixation - talus - right 4,808 Internal fixation - talus - left 4,808 Spinal fusion - posterior - (scoliosis) 8,640 Arthrodesis - shoulder joint - right 4,647 Arthrodesis - shoulder joint - left 4,647 Arthrodesis - elbow joint - right 4,647 Arthrodesis - elbow joint - left 4,647 Arthrodesis - wrist joint - right 3,717 Arthrodesis - wrist joint - left 3,717 Arthrotomy - shoulder joint - right 1,993 Arthroscopy diagnostic - shoulder joint 2,374 Arthrotomy - shoulder joint - left 1,993 Arthroscopy diagnostic - shoulder joint 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - elbow joint - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - elbow joint - left 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - wrist joint - right 2,374 415 P.U. (A) 363 Arthroscopy diagnostic - wrist joint - left 2,374 Arthroplasty - shoulder joint - hemi 3,272 Arthroplasty - shoulder joint - total 3,272 Arthroplasty - finger/thumb phalangeal 1,957 Discectomy - cervical - open 14,787 Discectomy - cervical - percut 4,045 Discectomy - cervical - endoscopic 14,787 Microdiscectomy - cervical 14,787 Discectomy - thoracic - open 14,787 Discectomy - thoracic - percutaneous 5,100 Discectomy - thoracic - endoscopic 7,095 Removal of loose/foreign body - knee joint 1,148 Spinal fusion - posterolateral - 3 or 4 8,640 Spinal fusion - posterolateral - 1 or 2 8,640 Spinal fusion - posterior - lumbosacral 8,640 Internal fixation - Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) avulsion - right 5,178 Internal fixation - Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) avulsion - right 5,178 Internal fixation - Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) avulsion - left 5,178 Internal fixation - Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) avulsion - left 5,178 Resection of tumour - spine 6,730 Amputation - transfemoral (above knee) 4,511 Amputation - transtibial (below knee) 4,511 Amputation - syme - right 4,511 Amputation - syme - left 4,511 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - hip - right 4,647 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - hip - left 4,647 416 P.U. (A) 363 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - knee - right 4,647 Arthrodesis + external fixation - knee - right 4,647 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - knee - left 4,647 Arthrodesis + external fixation - knee - left 4,647 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - ankle - right 4,647 Arthrodesis + internal fixation - ankle - left 4,647 Arthrodesis + external fixation - ankle - left 4,647 Arthrodesis - tarsometatarsal - right 4,457 Arthrodesis - tarsometatarsal - left 4,457 Arthrodesis - tarsotarsal - right 4,457 Arthrodesis - tarsotarsal - left 4,457 Arthroscopy diagnostic - hip - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - hip - left 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - knee - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - knee - left 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - ankle - right 2,374 Arthroscopy diagnostic - ankle - left 2,374 Discectomy - lumbar - percutaneous 4,532 Revision of replacement - hip - total - right 10,380 Revision of replacement - hip - hemi - left 10,380 Revision of replacement - hip - total - left 10,380 Revision of replacement - knee - total - right 10,130 Revision of replacement - knee - unicompartment - right 10,130 Revision of replacement - knee - total - left 10,130 Revision of replacement - knee - unicompartment - left 10,130 Reconstruction of ligament - elbow joint 2,416 417 P.U. (A) 363 Repair ligament - ankle joint - right 2,416 Repair ligament - ankle joint - left 2,416 Repair ligament - foot - right 2,416 Repair ligament - foot - left 2,416 Biopsy of vertebra - cervical region 2,282 Debridement - cervical vertebra 2,095 Biopsy of vertebra - thoracic region 2,282 Internal fixation - scapula - right 2,318 Internal fixation - scapula - left 3,003 Internal fixation - clavicle - right 4,118 Internal fixation - clavicle - left 4,118 Internal fixation - humerus - proximal 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - distal - right 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - right 3,003 External fixation - humerus - right 4,808 Internal fixation - humerus - interlocking - right 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - proximal 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - distal - left 3,003 Internal fixation - humerus - left 3,003 External fixation - humerus - left 4,808 Internal fixation - humerus - interlocking - left 3,003 Internal fixation - radial head or neck 3,003 Internal fixation - radius - distal - right 3,003 Internal fixation - radius - right 3,003 External fixation - radius - distal - right 4,808 External fixation - radius - right 4,808 418 P.U. (A) 363 Internal fixation - radial head or neck 4,808 Internal fixation - radius - left 4,808 External fixation - radius - distal - left 4,808 External fixation - radius - left 4,808 Internal fixation - olecranon - right 2,588 Internal fixation - ulna - distal - right 4,808 Internal fixation - ulna - right 4,808 External fixation - ulna - right 4,808 Internal fixation - olecranon - left 2,588 Internal fixation - ulna - distal - left 4,808 Internal fixation - ulna - left 4,808 External fixation - ulna - left 4,808 Internal fixation - carpus - other - right 1,998 Internal fixation - carpus - other - left 1,998 Internal fixation - metacarpal - right 1,998 External fixation - metacarpal - right 3,313 Internal fixation - metacarpal - left 1,998 External fixation - metacarpal - left 3,313 Internal fixation - thumb phalanx - right 1,998 Internal fixation - thumb phalanx - left 1,998 Internal fixation - finger phalanx - right 1,998 Internal fixation - scaphoid - right 3,003 Internal fixation - finger phalanx - left 1,998 Internal fixation - scaphoid - left 3,003 Biopsy of vertebra - lumbar region - open 2,282 Debridement - lumbosacral vertebra 2,095 419 P.U. (A) 363 Biopsy of vertebra - lumbar region - percutaneous 2,282 Biopsy of vertebra - sacral region - open 2,282 Biopsy of vertebra - coccygeal region 2,282 Internal fixation - other tarsal bones - right 1,998 Internal fixation - other tarsal bones - left 1,998 Internal fixation - metatarsal - right 1,998 Internal fixation - metatarsal - left 1,998 Internal fixation - toe phalanx - right 1,998 Internal fixation - toe phalanx - left 1,998 Arthrotomy - wrist joint - right 2,273 Arthrotomy - wrist joint - left 2,273 Biopsy - open - shoulder joint - right 2,282 Biopsy - open - shoulder joint - left 2,282 Biopsy - open - elbow joint - right 2,282 Biopsy - open - elbow joint - left 2,282 Biopsy - open - wrist joint - right 2,282 Biopsy - open - wrist joint - left 2,282 Arthrodesis - metacarpophalangeal joint 2,188 Arthrodesis - finger/thumb phalangeal 2,188 Arthrodesis - intercarpal joint - right 2,188 Arthrodesis - finger/thumb phalangeal 2,188 Arthrodesis - intercarpal joint - left 2,188 Arthrotomy - elbow joint - right 2,273 Arthrotomy - elbow joint - left 2,273 Arthrotomy - metacarpophalangeal joint 2,273 Arthrotomy - finger/thumb phalangeal joint 2,273 420 P.U. (A) 363 Biopsy open - hip joint - right 2,282 Biopsy open - hip joint - left 2,282 Biopsy open - knee joint - right 2,282 Biopsy open - knee joint - left 2,282 Biopsy open - ankle joint - right 2,282 Biopsy open - ankle joint - left 2,282 Exploration of wound - upper extremity - left 1,200 Open reduction of fracture - metacarpus - right 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - metacarpus - left 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - thumb phalanges - right 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - thumb phalanges - left 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - finger phalanges - right 2,338 Open reduction of fracture - finger phalanges - left 2,338 Disarticulation - shoulder joint - right 3,896 Disarticulation - shoulder joint - left 3,896 Disarticulation - elbow - right 3,864 Disarticulation - elbow - left 3,864 Disarticulation - wrist joint - right 3,864 Disarticulation - wrist joint - left 3,864 Disarticulation - metacarpophalangeal joint - right 2,022 Disarticulation - metacarpophalangeal joint - left 2,022 Disarticulation - finger/thumb phalang - right 2,092 Disarticulation - finger/thumb phalang - left 2,092 Excision arthroplasty - wrist joint - right 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - wrist joint - left 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - metacarpophalang - right 2,437 421 P.U. (A) 363 Excision arthroplasty - metacarpophalang - left 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - finger/thumb - right 2,437 Excision arthroplasty - finger/thumb - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - shoulder - total - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - shoulder - hemi - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - elbow - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - elbow - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - wrist - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - wrist - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - finger/thumb phalangeal - right 2,437 Excision arthroplasty hip jt (girdleston) 437 Amputation - transmetacarpal - left 1,933 Amputation - thumb - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - thumb - phalanx distal - right 1,933 Amputation - thumb - phalanx distal - left 1,933 Amputation - index finger - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - index finger - phalanx middle 1,933 Amputation - index finger - phalanx distal 1,933 Amputation - middle finger - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - middle finger - phalanx mid 1,933 Amputation - middle finger - phalanx distal 1,933 Amputation - ring finger - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - ring finger - phalanx middle 1,933 Amputation - ring finger - phalanx distal 1,933 Amputation - little finger - phalanx proximal 1,933 Amputation - little finger - phalanx middle 1,933 422 P.U. (A) 363 Amputation - little finger - phalanx distal 1,933 Amputation - transmetatarsal - right 1,933 Amputation - transmetatarsal - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 1st (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 1st - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 1st (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 1st - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 2nd (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 2nd - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 2nd (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 2nd - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 3rd (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 3rd - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 3rd (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 3rd - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 4th (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 4th - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 4th (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 4th - left 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 5th (ray) - right 1,933 Amputation - toe - 5th - right 1,933 Amputation - metatarsal 5th (ray) - left 1,933 Amputation - toe - 5th - left 1,933 Open reduction of fracture - scaphoid - left 2,338 Arthroplasty - hip - hemiarthroplasty - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - hip - total - right 2,437 423 P.U. (A) 363 Arthroplasty - hip - hemiarthroplasty - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - hip - total - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - knee - total - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - knee - unicompartment - right 2,437 Arthroplasty - knee - total - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - knee - unicompartment - left 2,437 Arthroplasty - ankle - right 2,437 Open reduction of fracture - scaphoid - right 2,338 Removal - prosthesis - shoulder - right 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - shoulder 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - shoulder - left 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - shoulder 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - elbow - right 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - elbow joint 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - elbow - left 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - wrist - right 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - wrist joint - right 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - wrist - left 1,148 Removal - foreign/loose body - wrist joint - left 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - finger - right 1,148 Removal - prosthesis - finger - left 1,148 Removal of loose/foreign body - hip joint - left 1,148 Removal of loose/foreign body - knee joint - right 1,148 Removal of loose/foreign body - ankle joint - right 1,148 Removal - implants - upper extremity 3,637 Removal - foreign body - upper extremity 1,148 424 P.U. (A) 363 Removal - foreign body - lower extremity 1,148 Removal - implants - upper extremity 3,637 Removal - foreign body - upper extremity 1,148 Removal - implants - hand/finger region 3,637 Removal - implants - hand/finger region 3,637 Removal - implants - foot/toe region 3,637 Aspiration - acromionclavicular joint - left 908 Aspiration - acromionclavicular joint - right 908 Aspiration - shoulder joint - right 908 Aspiration - shoulder joint - left 908 Aspiration - elbow joint - right 908 Aspiration - elbow joint - left 908 Aspiration - wrist joint - right 908 Aspiration - wrist joint - left 908 Manipulation under anaesthesia - shoulder 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - elbow joint 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - wrist joint 1,442 Aspiration - sacroiliac - right 908 Aspiration - sacroiliac - left 908 Aspiration - hip - right 908 Aspiration - hip - left 908 Aspiration - knee - right 908 Aspiration - knee - left 908 Aspiration - ankle - right 908 Aspiration - ankle - left 908 Aspiration - upper extremity - other - left 908 425 P.U. (A) 363 Aspiration - upper extremity - other - right 908 Aspiration - lower extremity - other - left 908 Aspiration - lower extremity - other - right 908 Laparoscopy - diagnostic 2,136 Manipulation under anaesthesia - hip - right 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - hip - left 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - knee - right 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - knee - left 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - ankle - right 1,442 Manipulation under anaesthesia - ankle - left 1,442 Free tissue transfer 12,367 Replantation 7,505 Revascularisations 7,505 Arthrodesis - more than one joint 4,457 Bone graft 3,689 Open reduction/internal fixation 4,808 External fixation 4,808 Excision of benign bony tumours 3,452 Amputation (hand, ray, multiple digits) 1,933 Ligament repairs 2,811 Arthrodesis - one joint 3,056 Bone - close reduction/splinting 1,503 Removal of foreign body 1,148 Removel of internal fixators 1,199 Amputation of single digit 1,933 Aspiration 908 426 P.U. (A) 363 Incision and drainage 908 Removal of external fixator 1,199 NEUROSURGERY Craniotomy - supratentorial tumour removal (total) 12,797 Craniotomy - supratentorial tumour (debulking) 12,797 Craniotomy - pituitary tumour 12,797 Craniotomy - cerebral aneursym, clipping 12,797 Craniotomy - arteriovascular malformation, excision 12,797 Craniotomy - carotid cavernous fistula 12,297 Suboccipital craniectomy - total tumour removal 12,797 Suboccipital craniectomy - partial resection 12,797 Laminectomy - tumour removal 9,036 Laminectomy - disc removal 12,306 Nerve anastomosis 5,227 Orbital tumours - transcranial/lateral approach 12,797 Repair of nasal encephalocoele 12,797 Decompressive brain resection 12,797 Microvascular decompression 12,797 Cordotomy 7,121 Anterior cervical/thoracic/lumbar fusion 12,306 Transphenoidal pituitary surgery 12,297 Craniofacial deformities - corrective surgery 12,797 Hemispherectomy 12,297 Axial - occipitial fusion or atlanto - occipital fusion 11,756 427 P.U. (A) 363 Craniotomy - extradural haematoma 6,611 Craniotomy - subdural haematoma 6,611 Craniotomy - intracerebral haematoma 12,297 Craniotomy - excision abscess 8,822 Craniotomy - removal of foreign body 8,322 Craniotomy - cyst decompression 5,292 Craniotomy - tumour biopsy 8,322 Craniotomy - dural leak repair 6,344 Craniotomy - aneurysm : wrapping of aneurysm 12,797 Suboccipital craniectomy - biopsy 10,432 Suboccipital craniectomy - decompression 8,822 Repair of meningomyelocele 6,361 Laminectomy - biopsy 8,036 Laminectomy - decompression 8,036 Excision of skull bones tumours 4,172 Excision of scalp vascular malformations 6,797 Retrogasserian rhizotomy 2,816 Exploration of brachial plexus 3,018 Major repair of scalp, skull, dura and brain following trauma 12,797 Carotid endaeterectomy and/or arterial graft 9,198 Thalamotomy or papillidotomy 12,297 Wound debridement of compound fractures 2,602 Elevation of depressed fracture skull 3,650 Carotid artery ligation 3,787 Ventriculo - peritoneal shunt 3,554 Ventriculo - artial shunt 9,943 428 P.U. (A) 363 Lumboperitoneal shunt 3,429 Reservoir insertion - ventricular/spinal 3,429 Peripheral nerve decompression 2,082 Burr hole tapping - brain abscess 3,551 Burr hole tapping - brain haematoma 3,878 Repair of skull defect 5,418 Burr hole drainage - chronis subdural 4,918 Scalp wound debridement 1,573 Burr hole for intra - cranial pressure monitoring 2,685 Exfloration, repair or stripping of peripheral nerves 2,002 Subtemporal decompression 8,293 Section of transverse carpal arctarsal ligaments 1,696 Shunt removal 2,414 External ventricular drainage 2,479 Peripheral nerve blocks 2,039 Ventriculography 3,024 Skull traction 1,429 CARDIOSURGERY Close heart surgery - ligation of persistent ductus arteriosus 10,653 Close heart surgery - aorta - pulmonary shunts (blalock - taussig shunt or equivalent) 13,765 Close heart surgery - pulmonary artery banding 10,653 Close heart surgery - pulmonary valvotomy/valvectomy 14,075 Close heart surgery - repair of coarctation of the aorta 21,665 Close heart surgery - pericardiectomy 8,963 429 P.U. (A) 363 Close heart surgery - open pericardial drainage 7,135 Close heart surgery - pericardial biopsy 6,290 Close heart surgery - closed mitral valvotomy 19,400 Close heart surgery - repair of cardiac trauma not requiring pulmonary bypass 7,395 Close heart surgery - glenn shunt or equivalent 13,605 Close heart surgery - ligation of major aorto-pulmonary collateral arteries 9,383 Insertion of pacemaker unit and endocardial or epicardial lead 16,760 Replacement of pacemaker unit and/or lead 6,260 Coronary artery bypass surgery with or without excision of left ventricular aneurysm or repair of post - infarction ventricular septal defect or mitral incompetence 18,658 Single valve replacement or repair (inclusive of fee of prosthesis) 23,278 Open mitral valvotomy 23,278 Multiple valve replacement 24,008 Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connections 17,998 Repair of cortriatrium 13,800 Mitral valvuloplasty/valvotomy 19,660 Aortic valvuloplasty/valvotomy 19,060 Relief of infravalcular aortic stenosis 19,060 Repair of total atrio - ventricular canal defect 16,543 Double aortic arch repair/suspension of aortic arch 17,643 Closure of ASD 16,268 Closure of VSD 16,918 Right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction 16,918 Pulmonary arterioplasty including pulmonary artery debanding 16,268 Conduit interposition (with or without valve) 16,268 430 P.U. (A) 363 Surgery for transposition of great arteries - atrial switch 18,008 Surgery for transposition of great arteries - atrial switch 18,008 Fontan operation/modified fontan or equivalent 17,758 Septation of common atrium 16,258 Other surgical procedures performed under pulmonary bypass (exclusive of fee of prosthesis) 17,768 Aortic/peripheral vascular aneurysm repair and others 18,518 Insertion and/or removal of intraaortic balloon (inclusive of fee of balloon) 4,085 Vascular endarterectomy 7,463 Vascular graft 7,863 Replacement of pacemaker wire (epicardial) 6,000 Adjustment of endocardial lead 6,000 Insertion of epicardial lead 6,000 Open lung biopsy 8,780 Pleurodesis/pleurectomy 7,715 Decortication 8,610 Bronchoscopy 4,533 Mediastinoscopy 4,533 Thoracoscopy 3,933 Correction of chest wall deformities 8,860 Excision of intrathoracic and mediastinal tumours 9,903 Chest wall resection (excision of rib sterna tumours) 8,695 Exploratory thoracotomy 6,550 Diagnostic thoracotomy 6,550 Tracheal resection/repair 10,643 Scalene node biopsy 5,379 431 P.U. (A) 363 Tracheal dilatation 5,379 Pericardial window 9,243 Thymectomy 5,528 Repair of congenital hernias 7,308 Repair of ruptured diaphragm 8,340 Anti - reflux procedures 8,340 Sternal resuturing/rewiring 5,768 Exploration of bleeding 5,768 Vascular embolectomy 5,768 Adjustment of pacemaker wire (transvenous) 6,000 Replacement of pacemaker wire (endocardial) 6,000 PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Free vascularised tissue transfer with micro surgical vascular and/or neuro anastomosis of soft and/or bony tissue 15,225 Loss of lid or lids with reconstruction 1,500 Epicanthus correction 2,367 Telecanthus correction 4,123 Repair of lachrymal duct 1,500 Dacryo cysto rhinostomy 4,222 Repair of ear injury (very severe) 1,847 Correction of other ear deformities (severe) 2,965 Excision of lesion with reconstruction (very severe) 7,412 Reduction rhinoplasty 5,662 Augmentation rhinoplasty (with silicone or bone or cartilage) 3,477 Lip - excision of lesion with reconstruction (very severe) 1,500 432 P.U. (A) 363 Repair of clefts - facial clefts (severe) 1,500 Tongue flaps 1,500 Tenolysis and tenodesis (severe) 2,547 Pollicisation 5,052 Reconstruction of hypospadias (severe) 6,420 Reconstruction of epispadias 4,130 Fistula repair (severe) 2,432 Bladder reconstruction 9,025 Radical vulvectomy 3,256 Scar revision (very severe) 3,352 Reconstructive surgery of haemangioma (very severe) 10,212 Reconstructive surgery of lymphangioma (severe) 10,212 Reconstructive surgery of arteriovenous (AV) lymphohaemangioma (severe) 10,212 Reconstructive surgery of arteriovenous (AV) malformation (severe) 8,310 Reconstructive surgery of arteriovenous (AV) fistula (severe) 8,860 Repair of lid injury (severe) 900 Lid resection for tumour with/without reconstruction 1,587 Exenteration of orbit 5,622 Epicanthus or telecanthus correction (moderate) 4,372 Blepharoplasty 3,277 Oriental eyelid correction 2,012 Catholasty 932 Tarsorrhaphy (severe) 1,722 Repair of ear injury (severe) 4,552 Excision of lesion and reconstruction (severe) 1,130 433 P.U. (A) 363 Bat ears correction 6,662 Correction of other ear deformities (moderate) 4,552 Cleft lip (unilateral) 3,527 Cleft lip (bilateral) 5,662 Cleft palate 3,202 Cranio - facial surgery e.g. correction nasal encephalocoele, treacher collins aperts, cruzon or anopthalmia 11,117 Head and neck malignancy with excision, immediate reconstruction and with or without radical neck dissection 3,000 Severe facial trauma needing major reconstruction 3,944 Partial glossectomy with radical block dissection of the neck 3,000 Total glossectomy with/without neck dissection 3,000 Malignant intraoral lesions with reconstruction 3,000 Reconstruction of facial fractures (very severe) 3,769 Reduction of fibrous dysplasia 3,000 Total and sub-total reconstructive rhinoplasty 1,500 Reconstruction for microtia (absent ear or presence of part of the ear) 1,500 Reconstruction for cranio - facial cleft (tessier cleft) 1,500 Tissue expansion 1,500 Scalp - excision of benign or malignant lesions with flap reconstruction 2,457 Coloboma correction (severe) 1,500 Correction of other ear deforminities (severe) 3,901 Burns - primary treatment (very severe) 3,641 Burns - treatment of sequelae (very severe) e.g. release of contractures and joints 2,645 Breast - augmentation (with prosthesis) 2,923 Breast - reduction 1,582 434 P.U. (A) 363 Breast - ptosis correction 1,500 Myo and osteo myo cutaneous flaps 6,901 Rib graft removal 1,500 Hand reconstruction with soft and/or bony injuries (very severe) 1,500 Repair of syndactyly - congenital or acquired (severe) 1,500 Reconstruction surgery of naevi, including congenital or giant hairy naevus (very severe) 2,407 Reconstructive surgery of malignant melanoma (severe) 1,500 Reconstructive surgery of squamous cell carcinoma (very severe) 1,500 Reconstructive surgery of basal cell carcinoma (very severe) 1,500 Reconstructive surgery of neurofibromatosis (very severe) 1,500 Rhytidectomy 1,500 Abdominoplasty 1,500 Dermo - lipectomy 1,500 Tatoo removal (very severe) 1,500 Keloids - excision injection or compression (very severe) 1,500 Scalp - burns with flap closure 984 Scalp - burns with skin grafts 800 Coloboma correction (moderate) 800 Nose - excision of lesion with reconstruction (severe) 800 Lip - excision of lesion with reconstruction (severe) 3,147 Mouth - commissure reconstruction 800 Mouth - leukoplakia excision and grafting (severe) 800 Facial clefts (moderate) 800 Pharyngoplasty 1,231 Facial sling 800 435 P.U. (A) 363 Facial nerve repair 800 Burn - primary treatment 2,508 Burn - treatment of sequelae e.g. release of contractures and joints (severe) 2,423 Nipple reconstruction 1,601 Reconstruction of hypospadias (moderate) 3,485 Urogenital - excision of stricture 800 Urogenital - fistula repair (moderate) 2,055 Split skin grafts (moderate) 2,992 Full thickness grafts (moderate) 3,052 Vagina reconstruction 5,205 Nose - excision of lesion without reconstruction 1,255 Lip - excision of lesion with primary closure (mild) 320 Reconstruction of facial injury - soft tissue (mild) 320 Mouth - node biopsy 320 Burn - primary treatment (mild) 2,187 Reconstruction surgery of epidermal naevus (mild) 2,165 Reconstructive surgery of sebaceous cyst 2,165 Reconstructive surgery of naevi including congenital or giant hairy naevi (mild) 2,165 Scar revision (mild) 2,165 Tatoo removal (mild) 650 Keloids - excision, injection or compression (mild) 323 Reconstructive surgery of haemangioma (mild) 6,030 Secondary suturing (moderate) 985 Secondary suturing (mild) 950 Skin biopsy 350 436 P.U. (A) 363 Toilet and suture of drainage of superficial wounds 350 Incision and drainage of abscess 896 Excision of slough (at first episode) 282 437 P.U. (A) 363 SEVENTH SCHEDULE [Paragraph 11] MISCELLANEOUS FEE Fee (RM) IMMUNISATION Yellow fever 300 Typhoid 80 Other form of immunisation 40 AMBULANCE, HEARSE AND STANDBY MEDICAL TEAM Ambulance 1.40 for each km Hearse Less than 30 km 40 30 km to 800 km 1.40 for each km More than 800 km 1,200 Standby medical team (excluding medical officer) First day 400 Every subsequent day 250 438 P.U. (A) 363 MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND MEDICAL BOARD Medical examination including x-ray 300 Examination for Medical Board 600 WRITTEN MEDICAL OPINION OR REPORT Brief report/opinion prepared by medical officer 120 Brief report/opinion prepared by specialist 240 Comprehensive opinion prepared by specialist 400 to 2,000 depending on the complexity of the opinion Made 27 December 2014 [KK(S)-280(32/41); PN(PU2)86/XVII] By Command, DATUK SERI DR. S. SUBRAMANIAM Minister of Health (To be laid before Dewan Rakyat pursuant to section 4 of the Fees Act 1951) 439
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