Gl.oncer MsSusanHanson Director,ConsumerNetworks CancerAustralia POBox1201 Dickson ACT 2&2 vorcesnsw ConcerVoicesNSWInc POBox50]6 GreenwichNSW2065 rlF 0294361755 org.ou info@concervoices. u Thevoiceof people offecledby concer DearSusan National Franrework for Consumer Involvement in Cancer Control Prior to the inteMews which are beingarranged,and the NationatReferenceGroupmeetingto foltow, CancerVoicesNSW{CVN)wishesto provideother participantswith our eartier submission of Septemberlast year (attached),and somecurrentsuggestions. White CancerVoicesAustratia(CVA),our nationalvoice hasagreedto partner with Cancer Austratiain this project, CancerVoicesNSWhasa few initial reservations.They may be simpty addressedby ctarification duringthese meetings. The principalconcernis that while the cancerconsumermovementhasdevetopedvery futty over the last 15 yearsin Austratia,this doesnot appearto be recognisedby the Frameworkproject's aimsand may cut acrossthe wetl developedconsumerengagementprocessesatreadyin ptace. Suchprocessesexist in the consumerorganisationsfor specificcancerslike breast, ovarian, prostateand of coursegenericaltyvia the CancerVoicesmovement- which in itsetf beganin 2000 when CVNwas set up to pursuethe genericissuessharedby peopteaffected by cancer. We note that CVAhasyet to devetopsuchprocesses,which may wetl explain their interest in partnering with CAin this instance. Our concernis that a top-downFramework,althoughdevetopedin consuttationwith some groups,may impacton the substantialwork already consumergroupsand severalnon-consumer donein this areaby existingindependentconsumerorganisations.The presentproposaldoesnot recognisethe independentconsumermovement,spearheadedby the two BCAGs(Victoriafrom 19i4 andNSWfrom 19971,by BCNAin 1998,and fottowedby the CancerVoicesmovementand others. CancerAustratia(CA)has, to date, relied on a processof bringingtogether invited consumers, someof whom may be associatedwith the cancerconsumermovement,but not necessarityso. Thishasunderpinnedan "in-house'modelfor CA'suseand advice. We betieveit doesnot reftect the best practice principtes{seeattached} usedby thosegroupswhich fottow the Commonwealth Consumer AffairsAdvisoryCouncil'srecommendations. in early 2011,but Severalof us, as individuals,will be invotvedon the Frameworkconsultations CVNfeetsthat it is importantthat the purposeof the Frameworkbe ctarifiedat the start. ls it simptyfor the useof CA? Wewould hope that CAwoutd not expect it to work acrossthe well developedprocessesatreadyin place. Theseoperateto nominateinformed, trained consumers who can providethe broadview of peopteaffected by cancer (note, not an organisationalview], when format requestsfor suchnominationsare receivedvia our websites. For exampte,currently CVNatonefietds74 nomineesto 142decision-making committees. as is bottom-upparticipation' is a hattmarkof meaningfulconsumerengagement, Independence consumerorganisations' heatth and major Thisis wett recognisedby the AustratiJnGovernment pteaseconsiderour concernsand adviseus aboutthe expectedoutcomeof this exercise. We do are then.expectedto of a Frameworkwith whichother organisations cautionthe devel.opment atreadyworks' That themsetves work, when a vatid andworkabteprocessdevisedby consumers voluntaryand grassmainty other the may not only causeJufllcation of effort (onewett-fu.nded, engagement'lf CA consumer for bases phitosophicat Uututro a possibleconftictof rootsUaseOf to expandthe hetping and supporting then wishesto assist,it mightconsiderfirst recognising, organisations' consumer of the cancer efforts and engagementprocesses witl be We are mostwittingto participatein CancerAustratia'sprocessand trust this earty input takeninto consideration. Yourssincerely ,0aA L n /l ,LU (-/' p L/e/e4;4, AM CROSSING SALLY Chair 31 December2010 r u