The Serene and Tranquil Sun Moon Lake The Origin of Shuishalian


The Serene and Tranquil Sun Moon Lake The Origin of Shuishalian
The Serene and Tranquil Sun Moon Lake
The Origin of Shuishalian
The Ways to Travel Around Sun Moon Lake
◆ Seeding Ceremony swing ritual
An ancient legend passed down from generation to generation described a group of Thao warriors
who chased after a rare white deer, when suddenly a glittering light appeared before them…
The crystalline, emerald green water in Sun Moon Lake reflects the hills and mountains which rise on
all sides. The beautiful backdrops of the mountain and water scenery create a picturesque scene like a
Chinese calligraphy painting. The beautiful lake, from dawn to dusk, exudes an aura of enchantment that
makes it irresistible for visitors to linger.
In Search of a Serene Fantasy Land
Sun Moon Lake is the largest and most beautiful alpine lake in
Taiwan. Its beauty is like a strand of bright pearls shimmering in the midst
of Taiwan. The mist-laden water and the constant changes of thick and
dispersing clouds and fog create a mood of a fantasy fairyland. Depending
on the seasons and time of day, perhaps the scenes might remind you of
a sketch, a colorful watercolor painting, or a Chinese landscape painting.
Visitors are often enthralled by the refreshingly beautiful and elegant
landscapes here.
◆ Mountains and morning mist
The Graceful Outline of Sun Moon Lake
The beauty of the lake, from dawn to dusk and from season to
season, exudes an aura of enchantment regardless of whether it is bathed
in sunlight and blue sky or shrouded in mist. Consequently, visitors find
themselves in the amazement of stunning landscape accompanied by the
chirping sounds of birds and the delightful fragrance of flowers.
In the early morning, the surface of the lake is covered by a thin veil
of mist creating a sense of hazy dreaminess. When the sun rises over
the mountains, the obscuring mist lifts slowly to reveal the contour of the
lake, reflecting images of surrounding mountains as birds chirp and glide
gracefully. At dusk, the colors of the setting sun are like a sprinkling of
golden dust, transforming it into a romantic paradise. As the night falls, the
flickering lights of fishing boats, shining stars and dancing fireflies reflect
their shimmer on the rippling lake as cool evening breezes waft in. Such
an image has been described as a mischievous fairy illuminating the lake
with her lantern.
In the early days, the area from Puli to Shuili was known as Shuishalian.
Due to years of crustal folding, fractured fault, and water erosion, the large lake
basin is formed. From north to south, the basin group includes Puli Basin, Yuchi
Basin, Sun Moon Lake, and Toushe Basin.
Due to its geographical location and climate, Sun Moon Lake is the only
lake that has never dried up among these basin groups. Located in the center
of the Shuishalian area and in the heart of Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake is also a
rich water resource that has become the main hydroelectric power generator in
Taiwan. The important role it plays as a major hydropower generator has won its
name as “The Heart of Taiwan” and contributes greatly to Taiwan's industrial
Sun Moon Lake surrounds a tiny island called Lalu. The eastern part of
Lalu is round like the sun and the western side is shaped like a crescent moon,
hence the name Sun Moon Lake. The name “Lalu Island” comes from the
Thao tribe, who had long
guarded Sun Moon Lake and
regarded Lalu island as their
holy ground. After Chiang KaiShek's Nationalist Government
moved to Taiwan, the island
was renamed Guanghua
Island (Glorious China). But
after the 921 Earthquake in
◆ Lalu Island aerial view
1999, the island was renamed
in the Thao language as “Lalu”. The island is surrounded by platforms
and floating docks. The white deer statue and wooden owl carvings reveal the
magnificent artistry and spirit of the Thao tribe.
The Legend of the Deer Hunt
Understanding the Thao Tribe's Heritage
People have lived in Sun Moon Lake since prehistoric times, and these
people have left behind a wonderful cultural heritage. In 2001, the Thao
Tribe was officially named “Taiwan's 10th aboriginal tribe”. Through many
years of living amongst the Han Chinese and the Pingpu Tribe, the Thao tribe
has developed into a diverse culture.
A legend passed down from a long time ago said that a group of Thao
tribal men hiked up mountains and crossed rivers trying to hunt for a white
deer. When they followed the deer deep into the mountain, they were
suddenly amazed by a serene lake that appeared before them. In the end,
the white deer jumped into the lake and disappeared without a trace.
From then on, the Thao Tribe discovered this beautiful piece of land
and believed that it was a gift from heaven. After a discussion with the tribe,
they decided to relocate to Sun Moon Lake. Until the reigns of Qing Dynasty
Emperors Jiaqing and Daoguang, the Han Chinese and the Pingpu Tribe then
gradually migrated here and began the development of this area around the
Tutingzai was the first location where the Thao Tribe settled. Later they
established their home around Sun Moon Lake and regarded the Jiadong
tree on Lalu Island as their holy spirit, hoping that their descendants will be
strong and flourish like the luxuriant leaves on the tree. As the construction of
the hydropower plant started during the Japanese occupation, the Thao Tribe
moved to Bujishe (now called Ita Thao) on the southeastern corner of Sun
Moon Lake to start their new life.
The rich fishing resources and other resources surrounding Sun Moon Lake
are what the Thao Tribe has long depended on for survival. The floating fields and
four-poled fishing nets on the lake are evidence of their wisdom in finding ways
to coexist with their natural habitat. The Thao Tribe's cultural evolution and the
beauty of Sun Moon Lake are a reflection of the interdependence between the
people and their habitat.
The owl is a symbol of good fortune to the Thao Tribe. The tribesmen believe
that owls have the ability to predict pregnancy and to guide directions. Every family
worship their ancestral spirits by honoring an ancestral spirits basket (also called a
“ancestral basket ”), as the place where the ancestral spirits reside. Clothing
items worn by ancestors are placed inside the basket to symbolize the presence of
their ancestors. During important rituals, people must pray to the ancestral spirit
baskets for guidance, peace and abundant harvest. The praying ceremony is led
by a priestess, called a “a respected elder(Shinshima)”. The ancestral
basket worshiping ritual is a distinctive part of the Thao Tribe's culture.
The traditional worship ceremonies are held according to seasons. There
are ceremonies for rice planting and ceremonies that honor the ancestral spirit.
However, the most important and grand ceremony is
the traditional new
year's festival celebration on the eighth lunar month
each year. During
this time, people use pestles of varying length to
beat stone slabs
on the ground to create a beautiful rhythm of pestle
sound. Besides
providing music to start the Thao Tribe's New
Year celebration, it is also a performance
given to welcome guests or for other
important ceremonies. Performance
l i k e t h i s s h o w o ff
the natural musical
talent the Thao Tribe
Tourism Bureau, MOTC
Adoration for the Mountains and Water
Tel: 02-23491500
Tourism Holiday Service Line: 0800-011765
The terrain formed by the mountain forests and lake, plus
the constant humidity and mild climate, nurture a diverse and
rich ecology of animals and plants in Sun Moon Lake. There are
owls, rhinoceros beetles, butterflies, fireflies, frogs, birds, cherry
blossoms, and evergreen broad-leaved forests of trees in the
Lauraceae and Fagaceae families. From spring to winter, the
vitality of nature is displayed in every corner of this scenic location!
Tel: 0800-855595
◆ Dusk falls on Dajhuhu
◆ Night scene at Shuishe Pier
Country Charm
Shuishe Visitor Center, Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area
Administration, Tourism Bureau, MOTC
If the delicate beauty of Sun Moon Lake is said to be a
natural backdrop that inspires artists and poets, then the leisure
rural countryside here is a place yearned by those who prefer
to spend some quiet time by themselves. And nowhere is this
more so than the two communities of Taomi and Seshui. After
recovering from the 921 Earthquake, the Taomi Community
transformed itself into an eco-village, with the Paper Church as its
special feature. The Seshui Community has combined the three
elements: pottery, tea, and ecology to create a new livelihood in
the village. Visitors can definitely have a glimpse of what simple
rural life is like here.
Tel: 0800-855595
Checheng Visitor Center, Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area
Administration, Tourism Bureau, MOTC
Tel: 049-2772982
Sun Moon Lake Cable Car Station Visitor Center
Tel: 049-2850660
Jiji Visitor Center
Tel: 049-2764265
Farmers Association, Meizimeng Workshop and Visitors Center
in Xinyi Township
Tel: 049-2791949 # 36
Classic Countryside Tourist Information Center at Seshui
Tel: 049-2895011
Published By: Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area
Administration, Tourism Bureau, MOTC
Date of Publication: June 2010
◆ Tranquil lakeshore
◆ Owls
View From The Yacht
◆ Ita Thao Pier
You may take a boat ride on the lake to visit places like Shuishe,
Chaowu, Ita Thao, Syuanguang, and Lalu Island. Match the unique
scenery to the captain's fascinating stories about the legends that took
place here from long ago. You can combine this trip with a round-the-lake
bus tour, cable car ride, or take a hike on a trail to complete the land-waterair travel experience.
Leisure Bus Tour
The surround-lake bus tour departs every 30 minutes, and makes
stops at Shuishe Visitor Center, Chaowu Pier, Wenwu Temple, Songbolun
Trail, Dajhuhu Trail, Shueiuatou Trail, Youth Activity Center, Ita Thao,
Tutingzai Trail, Xuanzang Temple, and
Syuanguang. You can stay at any stop for
as long as you like, and then get back on the
next bus to continue the tour.
Enjoying the Hidden Treasures
◆ Tiger’s head orchid
Around-the-Lake Bikeway
The round-the-lake road made up of Provincial Highway No. 21 and Provincial
Highway No. 21A spans 29 kilometers. The route winds up and down the hills along
the lake shore, providing excellent scenic views and a physical challenge.
Xiangshang Bikeway F7
Xiangshang bikeway is located between the Shuishe Dam and the Mingtan
Water Outlet. The total distance is 0.9 kilometer and is along the shoreline. On
a clear day, you can see Cihen, Lalu Island, and Ita Thao. The starting point at
Yuetan Bikeway Toushe Bikeway I7
The Toushe bikeway is quite flat due to its original basin terrain. It is about
1 kilometer in length. As you ride past the green fields, the beautiful countryside
stretches right in front of you. You may also visit the Living Basin and Ah-Ma's
traditional laundry house.
Surround-Town Bikeway in Jiji J3
Starting from Jiji Train Station, this bikeway connects to famous sites in Jiji
such as the Military History Park, Mingxin Academy, Taiwan Endemic Species
Research Institute, Wuchang Temple, the Ancient Camphor Tree, and Muzih Kiln.
These famous sites along this bikeway form a loop around Jiji Township, and offer
visitors the comprehensive
knowledge about
sculptures, history of
the railway, monuments
and sites as well as
ecological enlightenment.
For information about the 14 famous trails, see “Scenic Hiking Trails” on the other side
Seasonal Celebrations
The environment and weather condition in Yuchi Township is
similar to that of the Assam tea growing region in India. Therefore,
Yuchi Township has become Taiwan's main region for Assam tea
production. The uniquely mild and fragrant Red Jade (TTES No.18) is
a variety of Assam tea grown only around Sun Moon Lake.
The Wood Museum in the Checheng area records the rise and
fall and transformation of the forest industry. It also has wood carvings
for display and sale. The hands-on experience workshop near the bus
station provides visitors an experience to make items such as chairs,
pencil holders, and book shelves themselves.
◆ President’s fish
Heading from the Around-the-lake tunnel No. 1 to the south shore of Yuetan
and connecting to the Mingtan Water Outlet is about 2 kilometers in distance. This
is an outstanding route to get a close look at Yuetan as you ride under sunshine and
shades provided by trees along the way. When you get tired, you can take a break
and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Toushe Basin.
◆ Xiangshang Bikeway
Sun Moon Lake has the advantage of being in a
high altitude location with clean water. The various local
specialties here are fresh and abundant. There are
fragrant Assam tea, President's fish, lake prawns, golden
thread lotus, water bamboo shoots, plums, mushrooms,
Tiger Head orchid, and Toushe loofah. The creative local
chefs here prepare delicious gourmet dishes with these
local products. The Thao-style meals, in particular, are
not to be missed.
◆ Muller's barbet
Take a carefree bike ride in your own pace on the Sun Moon Lake bikeway, and
soak in all the beautiful scenery by the lake.
Shuishe Dam is another great scenic spot.
◆ Surround-lake bus
The charming changes from spring to summer and from autumn to winter,
Then the beautiful cherry blossoms appear in the background.
How can you resist the desire to dance by the lake?
Stay and enjoy the beautiful landscape all around you…
Exploring the Lively Ecology
Tourism Bureau, MOTC
Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Administration
A relaxing cable car ride offers a sweeping view of Sun Moon Lake and
the surrounding green mountain forest. This has become the most popular
way to enjoy the lake. The cable car structure stretches 1.87 kilometers on
the southeast side of Sun Moon Lake and slowly ascends from Formosan
Aboriginal Culture Village. Then it continues on a wide “smile-shape”
curve and travels another 786 meters over the Buji Mountain valley and
connects to the Sun Moon Lake Ropeway Station. This cable car ride
offers an unmatched view of Sun Moon Lake than any other transportation
methods available here.
Fine Food
Travel Service Information
Carefree Bike Rides
A Birdseye View Perspective
◆ Thao Tribe pestle music
The Song of the Four Seasons in Sun Moon Lake
There are many ways to enjoy Sun Moon Lake.
You can take a cable car, yacht, bus, or ride a bicycle.
These different transportation methods allow you to
enjoy the views from different perspectives.
A hike on one of the 14 spectacular trails reveals the
enchanting beauty of the lake.
◆ DIY woodworking
Pure, refreshing spring water and
a refined earthen jar distillation method
enabled Puli Brewery to create shaohsing
wine with a distinctive fragrance that
embodies Taiwan's unique winemaking
Checheng area and the Meizimeng
Factory in Xinyi use plums, a local grown
fruit, to make the famous plum wine here.
Meizimeng Factory also incorporated the
Bunun Tribe's distillation techniques in their
wine making process.
Every February during the Cherry
Blossom Festival, the road surrounding
the lake and the Formosan Aboriginal
Culture Village are filled with lively
celebrations. This is the beginning of
the year's many celebrations to come.
There's the Leisure Bike Ride in April, the
Swimming Carnival of Sun Moon Lake
in September, the Fireworks and Music
Carnival in October, and the New Year's
Eve Celebration in December. All these
festivities enhance the special scenery of
Sun Moon Lake. The Thao style dancing
and singing also fill these celebrations
with fun and excitement.
The excitement of Sun Moon Lake
does not stop when the sun goes down.
The night lights and water dance show
add an air of romance to the lake, and
transforms the evening gracefully and
beautifully. The contrast in the mood of
the evening is very different than that of
the picturesque painting-like scenery you
see during the day.
◆ Cherry Blossom Season
◆ Fireworks and Music Carnival
◆ Leisure Bike Ride
◆ Taomi Eco-Village; Paper Church
◆ Papermaking process
◆ Mt. Maolan tea plantation
◆ Puli Brewery wine jar walls
A Living Basin
Paper Art
Pottery Kilns
Toushe Basin was once a lake, but over time the water dried
out and formed a marsh farmland. The soft and fertile peat-type
soil cultivates a superior quality of rice crops. Although no large
amount of water accumulates here anymore, part of the area still
has wet spots and walking on these spots feels as if you're walking
on a waterbed. You need to find your balance as you tread along
these tricky spots. This vibrant area is also called a “living
basin”, and is a natural educational spot for geology and ecology.
Since the time of the Japanese occupation, Puli was
already established as an important town for handmade
papers. As times changed, a new direction toward
educating the public about the art of handmade paper
and setting up workshops that allow hands-on experience
was necessary. If you want to experience the fun of
DIY paper fans and lanterns, or observe the traditional
handmade paper process and modern creative paper
making technique, please visit Guang Hung Shin Paper
Mill , Paper Dragon Handicrafts, or the Taomi Community
Paper Church.
Yuchi, Jiji, and Shuili were once home
to a flourishing pottery industry thanks
to the high quality of clay found in these
regions. Many pottery kilns have now been
transformed into pottery centers. These
pottery centers provide pottery making
classes that teach techniques such as
hand-thrown pottery and pottery molding,
in order to keep the art of pottery making
◆ Toushe Living Basin
◆ Pottery throwing
Cherry Blossom Festival, Lavender Festival
Firefly Season
Sun Moon Lake Leisure Bike Ride
Sun Moon Lake International Cross-lake Swimming
Sun Moon Lake Fireworks and Music Carnival
Sun Moon Lake New Year's Eve Celebration
Upland Rice Seeding Ceremony
Thao Tribe
Celebrations Hunting Ceremony
Thao Tribe Traditional New Year
Feb. to Mar.
Apr. to May
Dec. to Jan.
Days 1 to 3 of
3rd lunar month
Days 1 to 3 of
7th lunar month
8th lunar month
◆ Sun Moon Lake Swimming Carnival
Minghu Reservoir
◆ Wenwu Temple Hiking Trail
Hualien County
{Railroad History}
{Religious Faith}
Jiji Train Station J3
Built in 1922, this train station has a simple elegance with distressed wooden
frame windows and chairs. It exudes an ambiance of old world charm. The
Railway Culture Museum next to the station displays a 3D model of Jiji Township,
relics from the Jiji Railroad, and photographs and materials about the 921
Earthquake. When you visit Jiji Train Station, you may want to also visit the
nearby attractions, such as the Military History Park and Mingxin Academy.
◆ Cihen
◆ Syuanguang
◆ Syuanzang
Syuanguang and Syuanzang G8
Syuanguang was built in 1955 and it enshrines
a statue of Master Xuanzang of the Tang
Dynasty. Syuanzang was built in 1965 and
it enshrines the parietal bone relic of Master
Xuanzang and a golden statue of Sakyamuni
Yuexialaoren (Matchmaker) Temple E7
This temple was originally built on Lalu Island.
Then it was moved to Longfeng Temple after the
921 Earthquake. Many single men and women
come here to pray that they find their soul mate
Chung Tai Chan Monastery A12
Built in 2001, this temple is currently the largest
Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia. Its solemn
and magnificent structure is an interpretation
of the Buddhist doctrine, because it projects an
aura of compassion and kindness which attracts
believers to pay pilgrimage there.
◆ Yuexialaoren (Matchmaker) Temple
◆ Chung Tai Chan Monastery
Ita Thao Lakeside Trail
Youth Activity Center
投6 7
Mt. Buji
Cable car
Butterfly Park
Ita Thao
Checheng Station
Toushe Dam
Yuetan Bikeway
Ita Thao Shopping Street
Toushe Reservoir
Ecological Hiking Tail
Great Mt. Shuishe
Mt. Shuisheda Hiking Trail
Ita Thao Tourist Information Center
Mt. Shabalan
(Mt. Erlong)
Attractions around Xinyi
To Shuili
Jugong Power Plant
Toushe Bikeway
Meizimeng Factory
Shuili Snake Kiln Ceramic Park
To Jhongliao
Tiansing Kiln
Surround-Town Bikeway in Jiji
Jiji Visitor Center
Muzih Kiln
Green Tunnel
Military History Park
Endemic Species Research Institute
To Zhushan
Jhuoshuei River
Mt. Houjian
To Shuili
Jiji diversion weir
Fengciou Bridge
Mt. Houjian Hiking Trail
Ancient College
Jiji Train Station
Attractions around Jiji Station
To Dongpu
To Xinyi Township
Taipei → Sun Moon Lake
TRA Taichung Station 04-22227236
Taipei Station: 02-23123413; Puli Station: 049-2982131
Taichung → Yuchi → Formosan Aboriginal
Culture Village → Sun Moon Lake
Ren-You Passenger Bus
THSRC Taichung Station 04-36015000
Reservations: 4066-0000 (Mobile phones call 02-40660000)
※After getting off at the Taichung Station, transfer to a
Nantou Passenger bus to Sun Moon Lake
Around-the-Lake Tour
Shuttle boats:
Taichung Luchuan Station: 04-22255166
Hours of operation: 8:50AM to 5:00PM (every 15 to 30 minutes)
Puli → Sun Moon Lake → Shuili
Stops: Shuishe Pier, Ita Thao Pier, Syuanguang Pier (bicycles can
Feng-Rong Passenger Bus
be brought on board)
Puli Station: 049-2990407; Shuili Station: 049-2774609
Sun Moon Lake Yachting Association 049-2856428
Taichung → High Speed Rail Taichung Station
→ Puli → Sun Moon Lake
are run by different Yacht companies within the association.
Puli Transfer Station: 049-2996147(Kuo-Guang Passenger Bus)
Best trip to take at dawn
Kuo-Guang Passenger Bus
Routes are divided into clockwise and counterclockwise routes, and
Around-the-Lake Bus:
(bicycles can be brought on board)
First bus: 9:00AM, from Shuishe to Syuanguang
Last bus: 6:00PM, from Syuanguang to Shuishe
Ticket price: Prices vary depending on where you stop as distance
between stops vary; one-day ticket is NT$80, which is good for
CihenH9; Mt. Maolan Hiking TrailD8; Hanbi
unlimited travel in one day
Lakeside TrailE7; Shuishe Lakeside TraiE8
Nantou Passenger Bus Co 049-2984031
Cable car:
Best trip to take at dusk
Dajhuhu TrailF11; Tutingzai TrailG9; Ita Thao
Hours of operation:Weekdays 10:30AM to 4:00PM;
Weekends/holidays 10:00AM to 4:30PM
Stops:Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village and Sun Moon Lake
Ropeway Station
Ticket price:Ticket for Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village
includes cable car ride. Round-trip ticket from Sun
Moon Lake Ropeway Station is NT$300
Sun Moon Lake Ropeway Station,
Cable Car Maintenance:Cable cars are closed for maintenance on
the second Wednesday of each month.
Bicycle Rental:
Sun Moon Lake Leisure Bike Station 049-2856713
Motor Scooter Rental Station 049-2201163
Lakeside TrailG10; Shuishe DamF7
Ecology trip
Dajhuhu TrailF11; Mt. Shueisheda Hiking
TrailH11; Shuishe Lakeside TrailE8; Qinglong
Mountain Hiking TrailG8
Most enjoyable trip at night
Shuishe PierF8; Meihe ParkF7
Recommended Trips
Passenger Buses
Puli Main Station: 049-2984031 (Near Puli Brewery)
◆ Green Tunnel
Taichung Gancheng Station: 04-22256418
◆ Checheng Train Station
Visitor Center
Shuili Station
To Jiji Town
Nantou Passenger Bus
◆ Checheng Visitor Center
Mountain peak
Checheng Railway Culture Park H5
Located near Checheng Train Station, the Railway Culture Park has been
transformed into an area that features the rich railway history in Checheng.
Interesting displays are the coal-loading platform for old steam trains, an antique
train that's a national treasure, dormitories for Japanese staff, and an old site for
machinery and train maintenance. These displays remind us of Taiwan's railroad
Cihen H9
This pagoda stands on top of Shabalan (Erlong)
Mountain. It was built in 1971 by Chiang Kaishek in memory of his mother. This nine-story
Chinese-style pagoda is the highest place to
view the scenery of Sun Moon Lake.
Sun Moon Lake
Cable Car
Tutingzai Hiking Trail
Checheng Wood Museum G5
This museum is built out of wood and steel materials, and the design is filled with
creativity and brightness. This new space displays the detail process on wood
processing in the past. The museum preserves Checheng's precious wood
industry culture by depicting scenes of Taiwan's prosperous logging business in
its earlier days.
◆ Wenwu Temple
Other tourist spot
Cable car station
Mt. Qinglong
Religious faith
投 63
Checheng Station was once again hustling and bustling as a
result of the Jiji railroad opening up. This railway tourism also featured
other key businesses in this area, such as forestry, power generation,
and agriculture. As a result, it became a tourism spot that served an
educational as well as recreational purpose. The evolution of Taiwan's
sugar industry, power generation, railways, and forestry industry are on
full display here.
Checheng Train Station H5
This train station originally had a steel-reinforced cement structure, but after the
921 Earthquake, the Scenic Area Administration rebuilt it with salvaged wood
from the original structure. The result is a simple and elegant design that projects
an air of nostalgia in this mountain town. As such, it is known as “Taiwan's most
beautiful train station”.
Railroad history
Mountain View Building
Ita Thao Pier
Toushe Reservoir
◆ Railway Culture Park
◆ Checheng Railroad
Romantic locations
for weddings
Formosan Aboriginal
Culture Village
Biking trail
Shuiwatou Hiking Trail
Mintan Power Station
Mt. Songbolun
Mt. Fanzihtian
Cinglong Mountain Hiking Trail
◆ Wood Museum
Historic Sites
Dajhuhu Hiking Trail
Lalu Island
Wood Museum
Temples for Praying
Wenwu Temple E9
The solemn and majestic gold-colored building
was built in the Chinese Northern Dynasty
palace style. The interior includes the front,
middle, and rear halls, which are devoted to
Lord Wenchang, Saint Guan, and Confucius
respectively. Beautiful scenes of mountain and
lake can be seen here.
Mt. Alimei
Aboriginal Cultural Village Cable Car
Sun Moon Lake
Temple Pier
Location Map of
Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area
Songbolun Hiking Trail
Christian Church
The Lalu Hotel
Mingtan Reservoir
As the train slowly heads toward Jiji Railroad and passes through
the last tunnel before reaching the final stop - Checheng, visitors are
about to step back in time and learn about the hustling and bustling
past of this area.
Checheng is a small mountain town that had thrived from the
camphor industry toward the end of the Qing Dynasty. In 1912, the
Puli Sugar Company opened up a light railway from Puli to Checheng
in order to transport cane sugar and passengers. Because many light
rail cars were stored here, hence this town was named Checheng (car
storage courtyard). In January 1922, the Jiji Railroad was opened with
Ershui Station as the starting point, passing by Yuancyuan, Jhuoshuei,
Longquan, Jiji, Shuili, and Checheng as the final stop. In 1994, when
Jiji Railroad became Taiwan's first tourism railway, connecting to the
four townships of Ershui, Mingjian, Jiji, and Shuili, it started a trend of
historic railway tourism.
Mt. Dankeng
ili R
Railway Culture Park
The aura at Sun Moon Lake attracts eastern and western religious practitioners
and spiritual followers to gather here. It is a peaceful and comforting place to
be, so if you feel stressed from your busy life, why not pay a visit to one of these
organizations to pray and meditate. At the same time, you may enjoy learning about
different religions and admire the beautiful architectures.
Shuishe Pier
Xiangshang Bikeway
Checheng Visitor Center
Township road
Meihe Park
Sun Moon Lake
National Scenic Area
◆ Shuishe
Lingyanshan Temple
County highway
Shuishe Lakeshore Trail
Hanbi Lakeside Trail
Shuishe Dam
◆ Mt. Shuisheda Hiking Trail
Dimu Temple
Provincial highway
Chaowu Pier
Daguan Power Station
投 72
Peacock Park
Yuexialaoren (Matchmaker) Temple
Nantou County
Wenwu Temple
Taitung County
◆ Dajhuhu Hiking Trail
To Xinyi, Dongpu
To Yushan National Park, Alishan
Wenwu Temple Hiking Trail
Shuishe Visitor Center
To Meishan
NCHU Experimental Forest
Bamboo Rock Garden
Janfusun Fancyworld
Mt. Neihu Hiking Trail
Tea Improvement Station
Gukeng System
To Chiayi
Mt. Maolan Hiking Trail
Hung Gee Bees Farm
Paper Dragon
To Sun Moon Lake
Snake Kiln
投 71
Center of Monumentr
Puli Brewery
Datie Street
Wusheng Temple
Ita Thao
Cable car station
Paper Church
Mt. Maolan
Weather station
Chi Nan University
Taomi Eco-Village
Formosan Aboriginal
Culture Village
New Era Art Resort & Spa
Wood Insect Museum
To Formosan Aboriginal
Culture Village and Puli Town
Ailan Bridge
Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village F11
This park has a rich Aborigine cultural influence, romantic European gardens, pink
cherry blossoms, and purple lavenders, which all enhance the atmosphere in a
Bamboo Stone Garden E8
The bamboo stalks in this garden cast their shadows on the pebble
ground and sway effortlessly under the sky. The refreshing
and simple forest provides a romantic background
for wedding photo shoots.
Guang Hung Shin Paper Mill
Cinshou Kiln
Shoiufu Community
Yunlin System
Confucius Temple
Chung Tai Chan Monastery
To Wushe
Chi Nan University
Taomi Eco-Village 21
Shuishe Dam F7
Shuishe Dam regulates the overflow of water from Sun Moon Lake. The cloudshrouded lake and meandering wooden path with lush green plants along its sides
are romantic and refined.
Zhongxing System
Tai-Yi Ecological
Education Resort
To Cingjing
投 67
Meihe Park
This location used to be a military control zone and encampment for military
police guards. Later it was opened to the public and became a popular location
for weddings. The plum blossom-enhanced low stone walls and European style
corridors exude a sense of romance and cheerfulness.
Christian Church F7
This was the church where Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang attended church
service. The beautiful warm yellow and white Roman-style building became a
popular location for couples to say their vows.
ang R
To Taichung
Puli Horticulture
Popular Wedding Locations
East Caotun
Wufeng System
Ailan Interchange
◆ Christian Church
Puyan System
Adventist College
To GuosingTownship
Changhua City
◆ Mt. Maolan Hiking Trail
Lotus pond
Huisun Forest Area
Attractions Around Puli
Chung Tai Chan Monastery
Atayal Resort
To Taichung
To Dongshih
To Puli Town
Seshui Kiln
Taichung City
Changhua System
Mt. Maolan Hiking Trail(3km)D8
On this trail you will see the Assam black tea
plantation and smell the fragrant tea leaves. It is
also the best place to enjoy the sea of clouds over
Sun Moon Lake at dawn.
Cinglong Mountain Hiking Trail(2.5km)G8
On this trail you can go from Syuanguang and
Syuanzang to the highest point of Sun Moon Lake
- Cihen. Here you will be overcome by peace and
Mt. Houjian Hiking Trail(6km)J7
This is a challenging trail due to its uphill incline
and length. But it's worth the challenge because
it offers a great view of Sun Moon Lake and the
Toushe countryside.
Mt. Shuisheda Hiking Trail(5.6km)H11
Due to the high elevation here, this entire trail rise
and fall according to the altitude above sea level. A
rich and diverse animal and plant ecology can be
seen here.
◆ Meihe Park
Connecting Roads
Mingtan's 4 Beautiful Trails
(The 4 Beauties)
Tourist Map
To Taipei
◆ Hanbi Lakeside Trail
Dajhuhu Hiking Trail(0.18km)F11
This is the shortest trail at Sun Moon Lake, but it
offers great views like Sun Moon Fountain and the
four-poled nets. These sites are especially beautiful
during sunset.
Shuiwatou Hiking Trail(0.5km)F10
This trail connects to a wooden path above the edge
of the lake and the road that surrounds the lake.
The name of this trail means “water frog head”
because of the large number of frogs in this area
and other rich ecology here.
Ita Thao Lakeside Trail(0.9km)G10
The lakeside scenery between Ita Thao and the
Sun Moon Lake Ropeway station is beautiful and
Tutingzai Hiking Trail(0.6km)G9
Images of the Thao's sacred mascot, the owl, can be
seen from the entrance of the trail near the pavilion
to the end of the trail at the mini lighthouse.
Toushe Reservoir Ecological Tail(0.4km)H6
On this trail you will see the ecologies of
the reservoir, the Dasheman River, and the
Shanlongkeng Suspension Bridge. Sano ginger
flowers and tung blossoms can be seen along the
Mingtan's 10 Scenic Trails (The 10 Handsomes)
Hanbi Lakeside Trail(1.5km)E7
This meandering trail along the Hanbi Peninsula
connects to the Christian Church and the guard
post. From here, an exploration of exciting historic
and famous landscape unveils.
Shuishe Lakeside Trail(1.5km) E8
The early morning mist moistens the forest along
this trail. The view from the pier appears like a
beautiful painting before your eyes.
Mt. Neihu Hiking Trail(0.56km)D9
The shadows from the Mengzhong bamboo trees
sway over the stone steps on this trail, plus the
chirping sounds of birds is reminiscent of scenes
from martial arts movies.
Wenwu Temple Hiking Trail(0.2km)E9
The 366 ascending steps on this trail represent the
366 days in a year (leap year). A date is carved
on each of the stone steps, along with names of
internationally famous people who were born on the
corresponding date. It's quite special.
Songbolun Hiking Trail(1.5km)E9
This trail is where the Thao tribe worships their
ancestors and was also the Tiaoyan old path.
These cultural and historic backgrounds make this
trail even more interesting.
投 75
There are 14 hiking trails at Sun Moon Lake that meander through the mountain forests
and around the lake shore. Locals refer to these trails as “The Ten Handsomes” and
“The Four Beauties” because they are the best ways to explore the scenery and ecology
around the lake. The rich animal and plant ecology, tea plantation and historic sites can be
appreciated more so when you hike on these trails to get a closer look.
The mist-laden lake and the cloud-shrouded peaks create romantic and serene
scenes everywhere. This is why Sun Moon Lake is also called “Honeymoon
Lake” and “Lover's Lake”. There are many desirable wedding locations, such
as Lakeside Trail, Shuishe Pier, Shuishe Dam, Christian Church, Longfeng Temple's
Yuelao Temple, Mt. Maolan Hiking Trail, Meihe Park, and Formosan Aboriginal
Culture Village.
{Scenic Hiking Trails}
{Romantic Locations for Weddings }
The Joy of The Around-the-Lake Tour
Places with the best dining options
Shuishe CommunityE8; Ita Thao Shopping StreetG10;
Checheng Old StreetH5; Jiji Train Station Shopping
Best places to see farming villages
Taomi CommunityD11; Seshui CommunityB9; Toushe
Best places for pottery goods
Yuchi Seshui KilnA9; Yuchi Cinshou KilnC9; Jiji
Tiansing KilnJ1; Shuili Snake Kiln Ceramic Culture
Tourism and DIY Trips
Formosan Aboriginal Culture VillageF11; ChechengH5;
Meizimeng Factory13; Guang Hung Shin Paper MillB12;
Paper Dragon HandicraftsC12; Paper ChurchD11
Do not remove or damage any plants or animals in the Scenic Area. Keep the environment clean and help
maintain a pleasant environment for everyone.
Protect yourself from solicitors and do not make any transactions with random strangers.
If you ever come to a dispute with a retailer, please call the Nantou County Consumer Protection Hotline: 1950
International Tourist Hotels
Lalu Hotel
Fleur De Chine
Tourism Hotels and General Hotels
Shuishalian Hotel 049-285585
Yinghan Resort Hotel 049-2850099
Teacher's Hostel
Apollo Resort Hotel 049-2855381
Honeymoon Hotel 049-2855349
Hotel Del Lago
Sun Moon Lake Hotel
Pier Hotel
Mingren Hotel
Songheyuan Hotel
Youth Activity Center 049-2850070 Jingsheng Hotel
Please check the
Tourism Bureau website: or
Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area website: http:// www.sunmoonlake.