WGIC NAGO OYA OYA 2015 WGIC NAGO OYA 期 間 2015年10月13日~1 16日 場 所 KKRホテル名古屋 プログラム 参 加 2015 (名古屋市中区三の丸1-5-1) 10月13日 事会 WGIC理事 10月14日 基調講演・ウエルカムパーティー 10月15日 調査・研究・事例発表 10月16日 名古屋市内事例見学・都市緑化フェアー視察 フェアウエルパーティー 10月17日 大阪緑化事例見学ツアー 東京緑化事例見学ツアー 者 海外 168名 協 賛 株式会社日建設計 東邦レオ株式会社 田島ルーフィング株式会社 ア キヤマデ株式会社 アーキヤマデ株式会社 大和ハウス工業株式会社 旭化成ホ ムズ株式会社 旭化成ホームズ株式会社 尾林造園株式会社 株式会社日比谷アメニス 山下設計株式会社 ダイトウテクノグリーン株式会社 ダイフレックス株式会社 石勝エクステリア株式会社 有限会社緑花技研 後 援 国土交通省 愛知県 名古屋市 一般財団法人日本建築センター 一般社団法人日本建築学会 公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 公益財団法人都市緑化機構 公益社団法人日本造園学会 一般社団法人日本造園建設業協会 一般社団法人名古屋建設業協会 一般社団法人愛知県造園建設業協会 一般社団法人名古屋建設業協会 日本ヒートアイランド学会 日本芝草学会 日本緑化工学会 公益財団法人名古屋観光コンベンションビューロー 主 催 WGIN NAGOYA 国内 226名 代 代表 輿水 計 394名(延べ人数) 肇 東京都千代田区内幸町2-2-3 日比谷国際ビルB136 特定非営利活動法人屋上開發研究会内 WGIC NAGO OYA 2015 14th, Oc ctober Opening Address Hajime KOSHIMIZU Chief Chairperson of Organizing Committee, WGIC 2015 K Keynote t Lecture L t I Yoshitomo IMANISHI Director, Parks Development, Greeninfication and Public Works Bureau, City of Nagoya On the Subject of Urban Green Policies and Contemporary Conditions of Green Roofs and Walls in City of Nagoya Keynote Lecture L Ⅱ Makoto MACHIDA Director, Parks, Green Spaces and Landscape Division, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Recent Trend of the Urban Greening Administration in Japan Guest Leccture Ⅰ Steven W. Peck Living Architecture, Science and Designing for Improved Human Health GRA, ASLA, the founder and president of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, CANADA Guest Leccture Ⅱ François Lassalle French Green Roof and Wall as Green Infrastructure Strasbourg, France Guest Leccture Ⅲ Julián Briz Escribano Innovation and Research in Green Urban Areas Polytechnic University Madrid, President and founder PRONATUR, Spain Guest Leccture Ⅳ Manfred Köehler Preservation and Improvement of Biodiversity in the Urban Area by Green Roofs and Living Walls President WGIN, Vice dean faculty LG, Univ. of Applied Sciences, Neubrandenburg, Germany Guest Leccture Ⅳ Shiro WAKUI Faculty of Information Environment, Tokyo city University, Professor Urban Ecosystem Recovery with Green Technology WGIC NAGO OYA 2015 15th, Oc ctober Works shop 1 Theme Materials & Structure Chair Matthew Dillon Biodiversity & Ecosystem Chair Manfred Köehler Tiitle Rooftop Greening on the Sup per Skyscraper in Consideration of the Wind Sa afety Research and Development of o Environment Friendly Lawn Parking Green Wall with High Quality Design using Adjustable Plant Cultivation Base Recovery of Urban Ecosystem m by Rooftop Vegetation on a Commercial Building in an Urrban Area Ecological Patterns of Performance mance- Breathing Walls Develop an Evaluation Check k List of Biodiversity in Roof Greening using the Concept of HEP Author Name Takashi MIWA Takeshi TSUCHIO Hiromi HARADA Hiroyuki AKAGAWA L l Leila T ld l d Tolderlund Manabu EBIHARA T "Ikimono Plus" for The Biodiversity Evaluation Tool CASBEE Support Takahiro AOKI Test Method for Evaluating Root R Resistance of Waterproofing Membrane S Saori i ISHIHARA Technology & Innovation A Study on Lightweight Roofftop Gardening System for Recovery of Urban Ecosystem m and Heat Island by Underground Irrigation with Textiles T Chair Andres Ibañez Alternative Green Roof with the t Thin but Stable Planting Base using the Soil Filling Ma at HAN Kyuhi Development of Plant Cultiva ation Base for Rooftop Green which enables to Plant Divers se Species of Plants under 60kg/㎡ Hiromi HARADA apotranspiration of the Same A Comparative Study on Eva Trees in Urban Forests and In ndividual Tree using Lysimeter Method Jun TESHIROGI Environmental Control Evapotranspiration E t i ti on Green G n Roofs R f with ith an A Active ti Irrigation System. Introduction n into the Technic of the Measuring Station and First Results. R Hiroyuki YAMADA Using Rainwater Harvesting System S for Green Roof Irrigation M by using the Special Environment Improvement Method base to Retain and Infiltrate Rainwater R Making Use of Green Infrastructure Hideo SUGIMOTO Daniel Kaiser Huang En-Hao Yukio KIDA Works shop 2 Theme Function Chair Hajime KOSHIMIZU Tiitle Author Name Examination of Combination Green Roof with Photovoltaic Generation Sachiko KIKUCHI n of a Green Roof to a Benefits through Conversion Rooftop Farm Te-Sheng Huang n in the Rooftop Garden of Environmental Consideration Commercial Facilities ppei KAWASAKI Development of Multistory Grreen Parking Space for Evacuation from Tsunami Dis sasters Masaaki MAEDA Study on Participation Potenttial for Green Activities by Residents based on Consciou usness Structural and Residents Characteristics in the t Regional City Masayuki WATANABE Citizens Activities Greening of Tokyo City by Cittizens "Machinaka“ Greening Plan Aki HISAMA Chair Isabel de Felipe The Enjoyment of Roof Greens and Honeybee Biodiversity Policy & Trends Chair Steven W. Peck Susumu TAKAHASHI Construction Report of the “Vertical Garden” Using the Native Plant Aims for Regional Activation in ShinYamaguchi Station Takeshi TSUJIE C for Specialized Trends in the Works of the Competition G Greening T Technology h l for f Roo R oftops, f W Wallll Facings F and d New N Green Spaces K Kazutaka k IMAI S Policy Derive to The Experience of Writing a Successful Design and Construct more than t 180 Projects, in 5-year period (2010-2015), in One of the Largest City of Iran, Shiraz. Case Studies and the e Cons and Prose of the Above Mentioned Policy Aslan Jonoubi Green Urban Market Analysis s: A Methodology Applied to Spanish Cities Isabel de Felipe Columbia: The Development of a Green Infrastructure Industry Pablo Atuesta Measurement of Comfort in Urban U Greenery Using the Ratio of Vertical (Visual) Gree en Coverage by Chromaticity Kochi TONOSAKI Evaluation l i & Design Research on the Psychologic cal Healing Effects of Roof Gardens in City Hospital Hyukjae LEE Chair Hajime KOSHIMIZU onal Airport Living Wall- a Root Down Denver Internatio Case Study Leila Tolderlund F as Edible Landscape in A Study on Rooftop Paddy Field an Urban Area Yuta SONE Works shop 3 Theme Plants & Vegetation Chair François Lassalle Tiitle The 24-years-observation off the Lightweight Rooftop Greening Systems and the Analysis of the Functional of the Rooftop Greening System ms The Study of Sustainable Ma aintenance for Different Types of Green Roofs in Taiw wan Research on the Structure off Planting System and the Growth Characteristics of Trrees on the Wall Surface of the Building Application of Green Wall forr Purification of Air-pollution Facilities and Space Chair Julián Briz Escribano Author Name Tsuneo TAJIMA Li-Shin chang Mamoru SAKUMA Misaki TEMPO Effects of a Bio-barrier on Aiir Quality along a Heavily Trafficked Urban Road in Co openhagen Diederik de Neef A Scenario-based Approach for Evaluating Efficiency of Urban Green Space Planning g for Inundation Risk R d ti : A C Reduction: Case off K Kanda d River Ri iin T Tokyo k M Metropolitan t lit Area Hiroaki YAMATO Transition from Grey to Green: Australia Matthew Dillon Poster session s Theme Materials & Structure Tiitle Wall Greening integrated wiith the Building Exterior Material (Aluminum Louverr Material) The Relationship between Green G Space with the Urban Architecture and Birds Habitat Biodiversity & Ecosystem Green Roofs as Urban Habittats for Birds and Aerial Insects in the Tokyo Metrop politan Area Biotope-package" as Ecolog gical Roof Vegetation Effects for Biodiversity Cons servation and Heat Island Mitigation- Facilities and Space Technologies & Innovation Policy & Trends Environmental Control en which is an Attached A Possibility of Stained Gree Type Planter on the Window w Watering-free System Roofttop-Greening Structure Utilizing Rainwater without Installing a Watering Facility ooftop Gardens of Japan Modern Architecture and Ro Author Name Yoshiaki KOMATSU Ayano MATSUMOTO Naoyuki SONE Hiroyuki FUJISE Masashi KATO Kensei NEGAMI Hiroyuki YAMADA What Green Roof Can do. Sttormwater Management and Water Conservation via Roo oftop Kanehisa KOIDE Comparison between the Im mpression of Greenery Wall Viewer and the Intention off Client Takashi OYABU A Study on Development of Green Roof Rating System including Urban Green Func ction Bo-Hyun KIM Evaluation & Design Effects of Recognition of the e Indoor Plants on Space Evaluation Shoko HASEGAWA G Roof by Chinese and Landscape Assessment of Green Japanese Zhang Guang Ping
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