Chittenango Falls State Park Trail Map
Chittenango Falls State Park Trail Map
Park Office: (315) 655-9620 Green Lakes State Park: (315) 637-6111 Regional Office: (315) 492-1756 Park Police: (315) 492-6422 In Case of Emergency: 911 Chittenango Falls State Park 2300 Rathbun Rd, Cazenovia, NY 13035 NEW YORK STATE TM Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Legend Bridge Picnic Shelter Comfort Station Playground Contact Station Pull Off Kiosk Stairs Park Office Waterfall Parking Lot Scenic View Picnic Area Trails color varies Please be considerate of other park users. Please report any accident or incident immediately to park police. All boundaries and trails are shown as approximate. Be aware of changing trail conditions. Trails Unmarked Trail Roads CH - Chips Trail - Yellow - 0.84 Miles State Park CS - Creekside Trail - Blue - 0.23 Miles Paved Area GO - Gorge Trail - Orange - 0.36 Miles Water MD - Meadow Trail - Green - 0.46 Miles Wetland ME - Meadow Trail Extension - Orange - 0.61 Miles : Mile s 0 ¼ Map produced by NYSOPRHP GIS Bureau, August 28, 2015. Þ Y Falls Rd ME ME ME MD CH CH C hit te CH na ng oC ree St a te H k wy 13 MD Þ Y GO or ge Rd GO G Rathbun Rd ME CS Falls Rd n bu th Ra Rd
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Taconic Outdoor Education Center: (845) 265-3773
Taconic Regional Office: (845) 889-4100
State Park Police: (845) 889-4100 x310
In Case of Emergency: 1(877) 851-6086