Volume 44, Issue 3 the Dispatcher March 2009


Volume 44, Issue 3 the Dispatcher March 2009
Volume 44, Issue 3
the Dispatcher
March 2009
Oklahoma Railway Museum, Ltd.
Board of Directors
Stan Hall, President
Jim Pasby, Vice President
and Program Chair
Drake Rice, Secretary
Charles Price, Treasurer
John Ansell, NRHS Director
Bob Cossairt, Director of Museum
Grounds & Facilities
Bob Hussey, Director of
Central Oklahoma Chapter
of the National Railway Historial Society
Oklahoma Railway Museum Ltd,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Off the Rails by Larry Johnson
The following article is reprinted
courtesy of the Oklahoma City
Metropolitan Library System
publication Inside Info
Track Maintenance
Jim Murray, Director of
Mechanical Operations
Harry Currie, Director at Large
Greg Hall, Director of
Museum Activities
Pat Riley, Director of
Museum Displays
Ed Birch Jr., Train Show Chair
Gary Moore, Membership Chair
Gary Githens, Dispatcher Editor
Ed Birch Sr., Director Emeritis
Articles and/or photos are due by the
15th of each month. Email to “Editor”
at: [email protected]
Inside this issue
Presidents column
Museum update
Trains TV Show
EMD-8 Locomotive
Curtis Hill Snake Story
New Tractor
Adventure Station Sign
Howdy Burrows obit
Order form for
engraved brick
Pg 2
Pg 3
Pg 3
Pg 4
Pg 5
Pg 5
PG 6
PG 6
It looks like lofty oil and
gasoline prices are the
newest amendments to
Ben Franklin’s shortlist of
life’s certainties. As one
bus stop philosopher was
overheard saying recently,
“Some day this petroleumfuelled utopia had to end.
‘S time for folks to start
livin’ right.” She was
not talking to anyone
obviously present and she
did not actually board the
bus, but that doesn’t make
her words any less wise.
Three years ago I cut my
daily commute from 40
miles to 10 and started
carpooling. On days I don’t
carpool, I make every
attempt to ride the bus to
work. So I’m getting by
alright. Except on those
bus days. One day, it took
11 hours to put in my 8
hours after factoring the
walk to the bus stop, the
wait, and the 45-minute,
5-mile bus ride each way.
During my lonely 35minute wait for the trip
home, I got to thinking
about the old Oklahoma
ORM Acquires EMD SW-8 Locomotive
Story page 4
New ORM Locomotive in OKC on Valentines Day
Pg 7
ORM telephone number:
ORM FAX number
Surf the Web...
The ORM Website address
Railway Company and its
electric street cars.
The ORC has been the
stuff of romantic nostalgia
in the city for some time
and it’s still the darling
of railfans. At the street
car system’s peak of
ridership, most homes
in the city were within a
short walk of a rail stop
and cars hummed by every
12 minutes. Colleges,
schools, major employers
and recreational and
were all well-served for a
nickel a ride.
At the time of the ORC’s
demise in the late 1940s,
critics said the private
profitable and couldn’t
operate without public
subsidies. That might
sound right to many
on first hearing it, but
I’ll wager that Anton
Classen and John Shartel
would disagree with the
profitability argument.
continued on page 2
photograph by Gary Githens
Page 2
the Dispatcher
Off the Rails
continued from page 1
They became millionaires
using their street car
franchise to sell thousands
on the idea that they could
live in the suburbs and
ride the rails to work.
And you’ll have a hard
that the billions spent
constructing roads aren’t
public subsidies of a
transportation system.
It’s folly to think that oilsoaked Oklahoma City
could have ever resisted
the national trend toward
the private automobile, but
on that long workday last
week, a street car clanging
by every 12 minutes
would have seemed like a
Larry “Buddy” Johnson has
been with MLS since 1998.
Not only a librarian at the
Downtown Libray, he is the
brilliant mind behind the
Oklahoma Images dataabse
which is a collection of pictures
and essays that illustrate the
history of central Oklahoma.
Well, it is almost the middle of February and time for
me to put together a few thoughts on the Museum for
next months Dispatcher.
Last week was almost Springlike and a lot of projects
got started. We are increasing the length of the
platform and adding decorative fencing along the east side of the parking lot.
Harry has almost completed the 50th street depot and the whole area looks
really nice.
Work is continuing on the RS-3 repairs. Lots of little problems with it. We
should also be receiving a new locomotive from Government surplus in the
next few weeks.
My main news for you this month is the contribution of a Santa Fe steel
caboose (pictures below) to the museum from Tom Jerlow’s grandchildren.
It is in pretty good shape and adds another car for visitors to ride. Children
especially like the coupla view. The board has authorized the cost of moving
it to the museum and Bob Hussey has accepted the overseeing of the move.
I have asked him to do it as soon as possible so we may use it on our Spring
train rides.
If you would like a little fresh air and sunshine come on out and see us this
Stan Hall
Santa Fe Caboose Donation
photographs by Stan Hall
the Dispatcher
Museum Update
by Drake Rice
The holidays are now past and work is
begining to prepare for the upcoming
operations season. As always there
are a lot of projects that need to
be addressed at the museum. Bob
Cosiart can use help in painting; fix
up, mowing and general cleanup.
Page 3
“Trains and
TV Program
Street and just south of the 23rd Street
by John Holbird
Bridge. The drainage work and collection
of water could force a wash out of track
around the bridge in a heavy rain. The
Parks Department who is in charge of There is a little known
the project said they would take care but highly informative
of the issue. Bob Hussey continues to program on TV, on Dish
monitor the trail work and its impact on Network, Monday evening
Work is underway to build a permanent the area for the museum rail operations. at 8:00 p.m. called “Trains
and Locomotives”? It
fence where the orange barricade fence
is now in place by the children’s play set Bob Hussey and Company continues is shown weekly on
and the parking lot. Work is also being to monitor track conditions along the the RFD TV Program
done on the front track gate to improve line and will be addressing some areas (Rural Farm Delivery).
the looks.
Already, five fence posts that minor work needs to be done. The channel is 231.
have been set along the east side of the Work north of NE 36th Street will be
parking lot and a contractor has begun addressed this year to allow a few trains It lasts one hour and is very
layout of the stem wall for extending the to operate that direction. The real need very good. I don’t know
platform north from the existing one to is for street signals at the NE 36th Street if Cox Cable is offering
the entrance gate. This will allow better crossing. The museum is continuing to it or what their channel
access to the cars when we are using work to obtain signals for that crossing. designation would be.
more that the normal three cars set for
the museum trains. This project can use Some clean-up work needs to be It also comes on at
extra hands. Special thank to Greg Hall, done at the depot, birthday caboose Saturday morning @ 8:00
Charles Price, and others who helped or and the Burlington Way-car display. a.m. on RFD TV but I
are helping with the work so far. If anyone In addition the Frisco Display car can’t confirm that. It is
one would like to help on this project, could also use some cleaning.
If well worth recording if
contact Drake Rice or Harry Currie. you can give a hand on this project, most of the members of
please contact Pat Riley or Stan Hall. ORM are busy. You might
consider announcing this
Jim Murray continues to lead work on
the RS3. Electric work is being checked For those who attended the Annual in the Dispatcher.
out. The check led to the discovery of Members meeting, it was nice to see the
field mice work on some wires behind improvements that have been made at the Since the Channel 13
a control panel. The wires are being museum. Please stop by, the museum is PBS program of “Tracks
replaced under the leadership of Terry open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday’s, Ahead” has been removed
Burchett. The wires needed to be 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. We are also in from the Sunday morning
replaced where the insulation has been need for more docents to help with the line-up at 8:30, this will
taken off. Pressure work to check for weekday at the museum this allows the be a welcome alternative.
water leaks is continuing on the unit. If museum to be open at least 20 hours a Most of the “Tracks
you would like to assist with the work week. Please contact Stan Hall for more Ahead” programs have
on this unit or other equipment the information on helping with manning been showing in repeat
museum has, please contact Jim Murray. the museum to allow it to be open more mode anyway for a long
hours during the week.
Work on the Katy Trail has continued to
Membership Meeting March 7th, 4:00 PM
cause track problems between NE 30th
Page 4
the Dispatcher
ORM Purchases Locomotive
Story by Drake Rice - Photos by Gary Githens
The Oklahoma Railway
Museum was able to
purchase an SW8 through
State Surplus Property
in mid-January.
engine was built by EMD
in 1954 and has a 567
8 cylinder engine. The
unit had originally been
used at the Munitions
plant at Savannah, OK
but transferred to Ft. Sill
in the late 1980’s. It
Locomotive at service pit. Wheels nearest camera are being turned
was taken out of service
to eliminate flat spots.
about three years ago by
the railroad at Ft. Sill and
was turned in for disposal
in December. Since the
museum is now open for
over 20 hours a week,
and with the personnel at
State Surplus watching for
railroad equipment, ORM
received a call in early
December that the engine
was up for disposal and
were we interested.
Traction motor power leads were disconnected and power leads
connected to a generator. Traction motor turned at a speed
adequate for lath operations on wheels.
Close up view of lath operation.
The board discussed the
engine and gave the okay,
provided members would
inspect the engine to make
sure it was in good shape.
On Monday, December
head of the mechanical
Department, Guy Lynn,
Terry Birchett and Drake
Rice traveled to Ft. Sill to
inspect the engine. The
engine was found in good
shape. It had been taken
care of by the railroad
personnel on the base. The
engine was found to have
some flat spots on three
axles, which the ORM
would have to repair, but
otherwise in very good
In January, ORM received
notification that if we
wanted to pay the surplus
price, it would be ours.
continued on page 6
Machinist at work. Notice the pile of shavings. The same wheel
turing activity was taking place on the other side of locomotive. A
hydraulic jack was used at each side to raise the axle.
the Dispatcher
Page 5
Curtis Hill Railfan Adventure
Much Needed Equipment Arrives at ORM
Story & photos by Clyde Stickley
Story & photos by Gary Githens
East bound headed downhill in this Curtis Hill photo taken from
“Rattlesnake Hill.”
Bettye and I went to
Oklahoma to attend the
Curtis Hill Roundup last
October. We arrived at
the Quinlan bridge about
Keel Middleton showed
up while we were there
and after shooting a
Keel told us other
westbounds were behind
a derailment in Kansas.
The ORM has about 3 miles of track right of way that
has to be mowed, trees trimmed and track sprayed
coming so Bettye and I for weed control. Soon we will have a station at
remained to shoot it.
50th street with landscaping to be maintained.
There is always a need to be moving heavy items
When it showed up we as maintenance is accomplished on equipment.
were in the parking area
and I walked over into A new tractor with front loader was delivered on
the weeds on the right August 23rd. The loader is equipped to quickly
side of the parking area switch between the bucket and forks. Three point
to get a better angle on equipment included a 6’ mower and 55 gallon spray rig.
the train coming down
the hill. After taking my The tractor with forks got a considerable amount of
shot, I looked down and use in preparing for and packing up the DOWT event.
about 3 feet from where
I was standing was this
rattlesnake (pictured at
right). Needless to say,
I didn’t stand there very
We drove up the road
just past the bridge to
where the wooden cross is
displayed and went out on
the hill to shoot a couple
eastbounds. Keel left after I didn’t wade through any
2 eastbounds ran and told more weeded areas the
us there was one more rest of the weekend.
Editors Note: Clyde worked for the SF from 1950 until he retired in 1988. He ran from Amarillo to Waynoka then to Wellington when they ran through in 1985. He also operated a
photography business and won numerous awards in Photographic Society of America competitions. He carried a camera
with him and was a prolific photographer. Numerous of his
photographs are on display at the Waynoka Historical Society.
Photograph by Clyde Stickley
Editors Note: Clyde’s report and one other at the same location
are the only “ snake” events I am aware of during a Curtis Hill
Membership Meeting March 7th, 4:00 PM at the Museum
Page 6
the Dispatcher
ORM Purchases Locomotive
continued from page 4
Robert ‘Howdy” Burrows,
88, passed away January 29th. He is survived
by his wife of 61 years,
Jean Clare Burrows and
two children, Cathy Burrows French of Broomfield, CO., and Robert
Burrows of Oklahoma
City and 3 grandchildren.
Howdy was a graduate of
Oklahoma State University where he graduated with
a degree in Horticulture.
He served during WWII in the Navy as a submarine Fire Controlman
First Class in the Pacific.
The flower beds at the
ORM were developed by
Although the
past couple of years physical limitations would
prevent him from working in the flower beds,
he was a frequent visitor and crossing flagger.
He was a dedicated OSU fan as evidenced by his vehicles.
Howdy will be missed at
the ORM.
With the good report to the
board, and need for a back
up engine at the DOWT
Event, the engine was
purchased by ORM. As of
this date, Jim Murray and
Jim Pasby are in Lawton
with a contractor turning
the wheels and getting the
blue card up to date. The
Stillwater Central will be
inspecting the engine for
a movement to Oklahoma
City where they will take it
to the UP who will deliver
it to the ORM track at
Eckroat. The locomotive
was in Oklahoma City on
the 14th.
The Engine will provide
back up for the F-9 in the
DOWT event and also
work in the weekend trains
the museum operates. This
will be back up for ORM
301 which has held down
the museum trains since
they started. All of ORM
looks forward to having
the engine at the museum
and a special thanks to
State Surplus property
for watching for railroad
Ft. Sill
Railroad for allowing the
inspection and providing
the documentation on the
engine and use of the shop
to turn the wheels, Jim
Murray and Jim Pasby
for working with the
contractor on the wheel
turning and assisting with
the preparation of the
engine for movement,
the Stillwater Central, a
WATCO family line for
the movement of the engine
to Oklahoma City and the
Union Pacific Railroad for
their help in getting the
engine to ORM trackage.
When all is completed
the museum will have
approximately $12,000 to
$13,000 invested in the
engine which covers the
purchase and wheel work.
Come by and check out
the newest addition to
the ORM and as always,
donations are appreciated.
Larry Dodd photograph
Jay Klechner has a big
smile on his face as the winner of the first train set given away at the 2008 Oklahoma City Train Show.
Area schools are being
notified the ORM will
run two school trains
on April 16, 17, 23, 24,
30 and May 1, 7 , 8th.
If this comes about we
will need volunteers to
help. We need car hosts
and flaggers for two
crossings plus train crew
or 3 or 4 volunteers.
Crews will be needed
between 10:00 am
and 2:30 pm each day.
Contact Jim Pasby
New sign at 50th
street is first class all
the way!
the Dispatcher
Page 7
ORM Depot Store
The Oklahoma Railway
Museum, Ltd. (ORM) has
items available for both children and adults at the Depot
Store. These include baseball
caps, polo shirts, t–shirts, lapel
pins, and coasters. Funds
raised by donations for these
items support the Museum
The Depot Store, located
inside the Oakwood Depot on
the Museum grounds, is open
during regular Museum hours
– 9 am to 4 pm on the first
and third Saturday operation days of each month April
through October. The store is
also open for special events.
Order Form – Engraved Platform Bricks
Cost is $50.00 per brick.
Up to a maximum of 4 lines with 16 letters and spaces per line
Purchaser’s Name ________________________________ Phone No. (______) ________________
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Become an ORM Member
$30.00 per year – Individual Membership in the Oklahoma Railway Museum, Ltd.
(spouse included)
$25.00 per year – Individual Senior (age 65 and up) (spouse included) and
Individual Student (full–time student) Membership in ORM
$33.00 per year – To add Railway Historical Society (NRHS) Membership
(add $5.00 for spouse) (Student Memberships: $16 per year)
Send your application and dues to: Oklahoma Railway Museum , Ltd.
3400 NE Grand Boulevard
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111
Engraved Platform Bricks
More than one platform
brick can be donated to the
Museum and you can make
copies of the attached form.
Mail completed forms with
checks or money orders to: Jim
Murray, ORM, 3400 NE Grand
Boulevard, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma 73111. If you have
any questions, you can e–mail
Murray at:
[email protected].
Crosstie Donations
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________ Fax ______________________ Cell Phone_____________________
E–Mail __________________________________________________________________________________
Upcomming Membership Meeting
March 7th, 4:00 P.M. at the ORM
Truman Hefner will show video of a two week rail fan tour of Switzerland he
made in 1998. It will include mainline trains, side of the road interurban and steam
Friends and families of
ORM continue to make donations for crossties, equipment
and facilities on the Museum
property and on the leased
If you want to make a donation to purchase a crosstie,
a donation of $42.50 will help
purchase a new crosstie. You
can donate a crosstie in recognition or in memory of someone.
All donations should be made
out to the Oklahoma Railway
Museum Ltd.
Please note on the check
what the donation is for, mail to:
ORM Ltd., 3400 NE Grand Boulevard, Oklahoma City, 73111
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 1323
Oklahoma City, OK
June 20th Dutch Oven Cooking. Story next month
June 13th Membership Picnic
Truman Hefner will show video of a two week rail
fan tour of Switzerland he made in 1998. It will include mainline trains, side of the road interurban and
steam operations
March 7th, 4:00 P.M. at the ORM
Oklahoma Railway Museum, Ltd.
3400 NE Grand Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73111
the Dispatcher
Page 8
Any changes to the following information or articles for “the Dispatcher,” should be directed to the Editor, Gary Githens,
(e–mail: [email protected]). For information on upcoming programs, contact Jim Pasby, email: [email protected]).
Oklahoma Railway Museum (ORM) – Open Thursday, Friday and Saturdays from 9:00 A:M: until 5:00 P:M. except on major holidays
ORM Train Rides - First and third Saturdays April through October at 10:00 A.M, 11:00 A.M. Noon, 1:30 P.M. and 2:30 P.M.
ORM Board Meetings – Last Thursday each month at ORM, Oklahoma City – 7 pm.
Upcoming ORM Meeting – General Museum members meeting tentatively 1st Saturday at 4:00 P.M.
Oklahoma “N” Rail – For information, call Rick Inselman, 405/412–1552.
Oklahoma Passenger Rail Association – – Rail Consumer Advocate Organization. Meets bimonthly. For information, write or call Roger Carter,
1120 South 21st Street, Chickasha, Oklahoma 73018, 405/224–7423
Passenger Rail Oklahoma – A grassroots advocacy organization. Meets every Saturday and Sunday morning an hour prior to the arrival of
the Heartland Flyer in Norman. The depot opens at 7:50 am. Contact Evan Stair at [email protected], www.passengerrailok.org,
405/366–8957, or 517 Claremont, Norman, OK 73069–5020. Depot volunteer opportunities are available.
Oklahoma S.W. Division NMRA – 2nd Saturday each month, 1 pm, Goldman Room, Kirkpatrick Center, Jim Heidon, President
Yukon’s Best Railroad Museum – Thursday/Saturday/Sunday and by appointment. Located 1 block north of Main and UP tracks in Yukon.
Call John Knuppel, 405/354–5079, for times and information.
Railroad Museum of Oklahoma – Tuesday thru Friday afternoons 1 pm to 4 pm, Saturdays 10 am to 1 pm, Sunday 2 pm to 5 pm, or by appointment, HO,
N and Lionel layouts, Meets 3rd Tuesday at 7 pm at Old Santa Fe Freight Depot, 702 North Washington, Enid
Waynoka Station/Waynoka Historical Society – 202 South Cleveland, Waynoka Call Sandie Olson, 580/824–1886.
Curtis Hill Rendezvous - May 15-17, 2009 Major Oklahoma rail fan event. Contact Duane Koss at [email protected] Website: curtishill.com