NGT-1209-2-7.indd - Nimbin Good Times
NGT-1209-2-7.indd - Nimbin Good Times
Armistice Day Treasures from the Aquarian Archive by Graham Irvine Tree Procession, Lismore, September 1982 S Remembrance. Heidi, Benny Zable, Andrew Walker and an unidentified Aquarian at the ceremony. Nimbinites observed the 11th of the 11th at 11am, again this year with a moving ceremony for peace in Allsopp Park that drew a respectful crowd to remember those killed in war. The village’s ill-fated peace pole was temporarily installed to provide a focus for the procedings, and as in previous years, the traditional minute’s silence was followed by a World Om that lasted several mintes, and some graceful flag-dancing with Benny Zable’s peace flags, Several home-made wreaths were also laid on the cenotaph. Aquarius Foundation volunteer Heidi helped to publicise the event as ‘Peace in the Park’. She said, “Peace in the park begins when everyone brings a piece of peace along.” Several people also brought food along to share in an informal get-together after the ceremony, at which Benny Zable told of his peace activities in the USA, from where he had recently returned. A permanent home for the peace pole is still being sought. Rest in Peace S 18th April 1927 – 5th November 2009 Mount Nardi’ which went: – “Sixty four arrested for being in the forest For being of a different point of view Grim and never speaking Treating us like criminals for trying to save some trees...” astly I found some great photos of NAG and the NAGgers, which I had never seen before. So the inspection was well worthwhile and all the items are now safely housed in our climate-controlled archive room at the Aquarian Archive which prompts L me to ask: What is mouldering away in your cupboards/shed/house? If you think you have got something special that should be preserved, Who ya gonna call? – The Moth-Busters: Aquarian Archive! For more informtion, contact Graham Irvine 6689-1666 or [email protected] The Aquarian Archive was set up to hunt, collect, preserve and make available what remains of the heritage of the new settlers who came here before and after the 1973 Aquarius Festival. Enthusiastic support for new park project by Monika Boenigk Baden Keith Scherf ome time ago John Seed, founder of the Rainforest Information Centre, invited me to rummage around his tractor shed in the hopes of finding something out of the ordinary to rescue from moths, beetles and cockroaches and add to our collection. Altogether I spent about eight hours looking through fifteen large plastic boxes, which yielded about fifty suitable items- one in a hundred. I was just about to leave when I noticed a smaller box, which I had not seen before. Its top files were nothing special but suddenly I saw a swag of NAG files from the days of the Mt Nardi forest protest in 1982 As I opened the files some old photos and a tattered exercise book, yellowed with heat and age fell out ..It turned out to be the very Message and Day Book used in the protest camp office. Inside are all sorts of writings – from the mundane: “DAILY ROUTINE FOR TREE CENTRE:- 1. turn on CB... 2. water plants... 3 check newspapers...”; to the dramatic:”Verbal Messages Only. Top Secret... Chopper arriving 7.30 at Griers Ent” Digging deeper now, I hit on some songbooks and songsheets used at the camp and an original song composed on site by Bruce McNicol, called ‘Song of ince my article in the last issue of NGT, where I presented my idea of trying to secure a 5 acre block of land in the village for a goodsized park to cater for the growing recreational needs of Nimbin, I have received much enthusiastic support and feedback from the community. Over thirty emails tumbled into my virtual letterbox, with some people just stating a simple “Yes, love the idea”. Others expressed their supportive thoughts on the matter or offered practical help. Since then, we held an informal working-party meeting with some interested community members to discuss a way forward. I was also able to present my vision at the annual Council meeting in Nimbin and it seems that the proposal was well received by residents and councillors, going by the feed-back expressed during the postmeeting soiree. I also approached the Chamber of Commerce for comment and support, which I believe is forthcoming. There are numerous other community groups that I am in the process of addressing, to shore up support for the project. At the recent Nimbin Markets, I discussed the park proposal with stall-holders and visitors to the markets, and was able to secure over 100 signatures in a short period of time. A park reflecting the spirit of this valley has the potential to become an attractive calling card for residents and visitors, to be enjoyed and reveered. There are so many things that could be done with such a space given time, such as exemplary ecofacilities (compost loos, tank water taps, solar lighting), birdwatching platforms, bush tucker walks, rainforest corner, wetlands regeneration, sculpture exhibitions, a special aboriginal spot, festivals, grower’s markets, and the list goes on. Being adjaecent to other recreational facilities, the block of land envisaged is ideally located, and due to its topography, all parts of it are visible from other areas, reducing the likelihood of attracting “adverse elements”. I particularly like the potential of a park of this size to bring together quite diverse interest groups that would not otherwise communicate, and members of the community who don’t normally get involved in village activities. This would also reflect well on visitors and tourist, sensing the embracing and accepting spirit of this area. A village park could add a calming “mainstreamelement” to the image of Nimbin, while still representing the things Nimbin stands for: Trees, ecology, clean waterways, lively and diverse community, meeting places, art, nature, music — in short: colourful, life-affirming ambience. With the Aquarius Village development afoot, there will be issues with runoff water from up to ninety roofs which will be diverted into the lagoon situated partly on the parkland site, from where it spills over into a seasonal creek that runs across the land. Properly planted-up, the wetland parts of the park could act as an important filtration system to help deliver the runoff in a cleaner state into Mulgum Creek. Of course, endeavours like this bring with them diverse challenges and pitfalls, but a worthwhile cause should not be disabled by those. How boring would life be if we did not have anything to grapple with? Lets face it — this project is not a first in Australia’s park-history! The main challenge at the moment is to find a way to secure the land. Council money is not currently available, so it will be up to the community to work out a way to raise the funds. It may well be that, if a certain amount can be raised, matching monies do become available through funding bodies or government organisations. I welcome any comments or suggestions for a way forward. Phone 6689-7490 or email [email protected] • Bread • Pies • Quiches • European Pastries • Specialty Breads Cullen Street, Nimbin Open: Mon-Fri 6am5.30pm; Sat 6am-4pm • Quality Meats • Smallgoods • Fresh Chickens • BBQ Chooks • Chemical & Hormone Free Meats Phone 6689-1311 Page 2 The Nimbin GoodTimes December 2009 Open 7 days 8am - 5pm weekdays 11am - 4pm weekends Ph: 6689-1010 fax: 6689-1210 email: [email protected] [email protected] Nimbin Players Radioactive! Walk Against Warming On Thursday 3rd December, the Nimbin Players will launch their latest production, “RADIO ACTIVE” at the Nimbin School of Arts Hall. A gritty, contemporary drama, played out in a landscape of private clubs, parliamentary offices, and the broadcast studio of a community radio station. As the many story lines swerve and veer inexorably towards their ultimate collision, the lines between left and right, between good and evil, begin to shift and blur. One man’s freedom fighter is most definitely another man’s terrorist. Eighteen months in the writing and three months in production, RADIO ACTIVE is the latest work from local playwright and director, Bob Tissott. “I gathered up a cast of 17 of the finest thespians, lost a couple, found more, and then basically pushed them all around mercilessly for three months,” Mr Tissott told the GoodTimes. “’Stand here! Stand there! Say it this way! Say it louder! Luckily for me they tolerated the abuse without too much complaining; at least not in my earshot.” RADIO ACTIVE will be performed over three nights, the 3rd, 4th and 5th of December in the Nimbin Hall. Doors open at 7pm, Play starts at 8pm. Tickets from Perceptio Bookshop, or at the door. 2Nim-FM 0th birthday party by Pam Bourne A radio station in Nimbin? Do you think we could? A voice for our community? When a small group of locals came together at Birth and Beyond, Mook discussed the benefits of Nimbin hitting the airwaves. Several years of fundraising on the streets, raffles and membership drives, and on 13th November 1999 we first turned on the mike and went to air. Ten years later, Nimbin Independent Media is a vehicle for Nimbin to speak out, to voice their concerns over issues; plus there is a variety of ethnic programmes, Indigenous broadcasts most days, all washed down with a liberal dose of diverse music. 2Nim-FM also has talkback, which gives listeners a chance to share their views and visions. 2Nim-FM held its 10th birthday party at the Nimbin School of Arts Hall on 21st November. The event was well attended with local guests and people travelling from Lismore and Noosa for the night. The evening began with Burrie Jerome’s Welcome to The Country. Local musicians gave their time for free to be part of the night, including Healing Earth, Ruthie, Mona Lizard, Rancid Candy, and the Pepperboys. Plus local circus performers dazzled onlookers. Food was plentiful, delicious and affordable, the trifles devoured in a flash! Thank you to Judy Hale’s kitchen, Stuart Cameron and Katrina Edwards. The lights dimmed and a table of cakes with candles appeared. The room resonated with voices singing “Happy Birthday Nim-FM“ before ten cakes were cut and consumed. Community radio stations rely on membership and sponsorship to pay the bills. Thanks to those who joined as members on the night. Rates are $30 waged, $20 unwaged and $10 children. There is something for everyone at 2Nim-FM. If you can’t find it, perhaps you would like to present it yourself? Tune in to 102.3 FM or go to, and follow the links to hear the live stream. Walk Against Warming on Saturday 12th December will be Australia’s biggest community day of action on climate change, and Australia’s contribution to the International Day of Action on Climate Change. Based on the belief that the only way we can be heard on climate change is by standing together, Walk Against Warming provides a powerful voice for ordinary Australians to be counted on the most critical issue of our lifetimes – climate change. This year, 2009, it’s more crucial than ever that we are heard. In December, world leaders will meet in Copenhagen to negotiate a global agreement on tackling climate change and decide the future of the planet. To show our political leaders that Australians are deeply concerned about global warming and want strong and swift action to reduce emissions, a global day of action has been called for Saturday 12th December, the mid-way point of the negotiations. Taking place in every capital city and regional towns and cities across Australia, Walk Against Warming in Lismore will Melbourne performance artist start at 11am at Spinks Park and end at the Lismore Memorial Baths for a huge cool pool party and free bands: The Closet Cowgirls, The Stovins, Mama LaLa, The Derek Mackenzie Band, and other great live acts By walking against warming you are calling for: • strong and urgent action to ensure a safe climate for future generations – world leaders must ensure the levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere are reduced to less than 350 parts per million. • a global deal that is fair between countries and delivers the policies necessary to avoid catastrophic climate change. So, stand up and be counted, for the future of our planet. For more info, see Preschool thanks community by Rebecca Ryall Nimbin Preschool relies very heavily on the goodwill of individuals and organisations within our community, for our various fundraising events throughout the year. This has been a stellar year for fundraising, with the hardworking parents of preschoolers organising Mardigrass fundraisers, Nimbin show fundraisers, various barbeques both in Nimbin and Lismore, not forgetting our wildly successful Melbourne Cup High Tea, and most recently, the Clothes Swap held in the Town Hall on Friday 27th November. A good time was had by all at the Clothes Swap, where about 50 women, varying in age from 15 to about 65, brought their clothes and their sense of humour to share in the age-old womanly obsession with colour, fabric and texture, and the hall resounded in squeals of delight, and recognition. With Maire’s help as auctioneer, the event raised much-needed funds to keep the preschool open into the coming year. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of those businesses and organisations who have helped us this year. Their generous gifts of time, goods and Nimbin’s Biggest Ever Clothes Swap in November. services, have been invaluable in our pursuit of the mighty fundraising dollar, and have literally kept us viable, in this climate of underfunding and undervaluing of community services. We urge you, the community, to show your appreciation by continuing to support these generous organisations, who have shown their unflagging support of us, throughout 2009. We are so grateful to have the support of this fine community, not just in terms of people’s willingness to give, but in everybody’s willingness to come along to our events, embrace the craziness, and have a damned good time. We look forward to bringing you more fun next year, in true Nimbin style. Cruise the beautiful Tweed River on Krystal – 2-6 berth or Stacey Lee – 2-4 berths Weekend, Midweek or Weekly plans 219 Riverside Drive, Tumbulgum Phone 02 6676-6227 email: [email protected] Debbie Guest Interior & Exterior Great food with lots of choice for everyone, including gluten-free, vegan and carnivores. We do everything the hard way - cut our own potatoes to make chips, blend real local organic fruit to make smoothies and create our own sauces. We have great local coffee with great baristas. Civil Marriage Celebrant Phone: 02 6689-0089 Mobile: 0427-975-650 email: [email protected] Contact me to discuss your requirements December 2009 The Nimbin GoodTimes Page 3 Nimbin school excels in state-wide tests by Mary-Jane Pell, Principal, Nimbin Central School T here is nothing a school leader enjoys more than revelling in the outstanding achievement of the community’s young people. In May each year, right across Australia, all students in Years 3,5,7 and 9 sit for a common test, the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). This year Nimbin Central School attained some outstanding results. The results the school gets each year contain a report on the growth each child achieves, as well as the growth the school achieves, the best way to think of this is perhaps in terms of ‘value added’. When a school achieves excellent growth, it is an indicator that all is well; the students are engaged and are learning well, the programs the teachers are providing are attuned to the needs of the students and are captivating Ms Pell with students on excursion. them, and the structures in place to support young people are functioning effectively. This year Nimbin Central School secondary students achieved a level of growth that surpassed all expectations. The growth of NCS student’s achievement from Year 7 to Year 9 in Literacy was more than double the growth for both the state and the local area. In Writing, the level of growth was closer to triple that of the state and the local area. The growth from Year 5 to year 7 was equally impressive, with NCS students topping the growth in the local area in both Writing and overall Literacy. The primary department achieved equally outstanding results, with growth in students from Year 3 to Year 5 exceeding both state and local levels across all the test areas of Reading, Writing, Overall Literacy and Numeracy. This is a truly outstanding achievement and staff and students of Nimbin Central School need to be congratulated! Myths about particular schools and schooling are perhaps some of the most difficult to address, because it requires people to actually take the trouble to go into a school and have a look themselves. Clearly Nimbin Central School has achieved excellent results. As I walk around the Primary school, I often see groups of respectful children totally enthralled in activities, and as I look more closely I find that not only are the activities engaging and enjoyable, they are academically rigorous and a true challenge for all those involved. One of the absolute crafts of teaching is to set the activities so they are challenging for all students but not out of reach, so as to become discouraging or defeatist. This is where the teachers at Nimbin excel, and it shows in our results. Any parents with enquiries regarding enrolment for 2010, in any year from Kindergarten to Year 12, please contact me at the school on 6689-1355. Lismore Living Library turns three by Pam Bourne Lismore’s Living Library celebrated its third anniversary on 6th November, and Jenny Dowell and Thomas George joined the crowd for the celebrations. After the monthly Living Library session and welcome to country, speakers discussed the Living Library, the cake was cut (pictured), and then there was a performance by the Hearing Voices Choir. This choir is unusual: it is made up of people with a mental illness, their carers, friends, family and those who work in the field of mental health. The singers have written and recorded a CD of original works, with original artwork as the cover. Sabrina Baltruweit brought the Living Library concept to Lismore. It started originally in Denmark in the year 2000. She said, “It is such a simple way of bringing people together – sit them down and let them talk.” There are now over seventy Living Libraries in Australia. The National Living Library strategy is a partnership between Lismore City Council and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. For more information on Living Libraries, check out www.livinglibraries. or pop into the Richmond/ Tweed Regional Library in Lismore and just ask. Summer Vacation Care Nimbin Neighbourhood and Information Centre will begin the Summer Vacation Care Program on 21st and 22nd December and continue again from 4th to 25th January, operating from Nimbin Central School. Please meet us at the front of the school’s MPU at 9am on excursion days. December program 21st December MPU activites, a swim at the pool and activities at Djanbung Gardens or the Rainbow Power kids tour. 22nd December Excursion to Murwillumbah Pool and Hill Slide. Please call NNIC on 6689-1692 for details closer to the day. Another café to savour by Stephen Wright I recall someone saying a while back that Nimbin had too many cafés, as though we were in danger of turning into the Montville of the south. In fact, as anyone with a sense of social cohesiveness or radical history knows, Nimbin doesn’t have nearly enough cafés. What made the artistic and literary renaissance of Paris in the 1920‘s and 30’s possible? Cafés. What gave San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury its tenor? Cafés. Where was the 1968 student revolt plotted? Cafés. Nimbin’s latest venue for plotting the downfall of all things evil, and for discussing the things that need to be discussed is Kylie’s Café, located out the back of the Nimbin Artist’s Gallery. The café has been opening Saturdays and Sundays, and occasionally other days, and has very, very seriously good coffee – a hard thing to find in these starbucky days – which you’d be mad to miss, and some very excellent homemade desserts. Barista and proprietor Kylie Kingston, stalwart of the Nimbin Artist’s Gallery and former preschool teacher, is positioning the café as a community space, not merely as a profit-making concern to bankroll a holiday in Bermuda. Musicians who want to hang out – and play – there get all the coffee they can drink. If you have some food you want to try out on the unsuspecting public, Kylie is quite happy to give you benchtop space. Kylie’s Caff is sneakily tucked away on the deck behind the gallery with great views toward Tuntable, and a super-casual ambience. Bring your guitar and ondes martenot and score some coffee. Kylie’s Café Open Weekends 10am – 4pm At the Nimbin Hall Kitchen Entry via Artists Gallery Perfect Coffee Homemade Food Page 4 The Nimbin GoodTimes December 2009 [email protected] Chamber Chat The Annual General Meeting of the Nimbin Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday 23rd November 2009, with a medium attendance of local business owners and other interested people. The evening commenced with a special Chamber meeting to pass the new aims and objectives in the constitution. These have been adopted and lays the foundation for enhanced membership and the future direction of the Chamber. Any small business in the Nimbin valley can join the Chamber. The Annual General Meeting then commenced with the President, Peter Wise giving an overview of the past year’s successes and achievements, which centred on building a stronger relationship and seeking improved services from Council. This stronger relationship with Council has seen the provision of recycling bins, additional footpath seating, City Council. The Chamber Executive received a round of applause and a sense of gratitude that those that had lights in the carpark and worked so hard during the Village Entry Signs installed past year had built a firm during the year, and the foundation for the Chamber’s demolition of the police work including good relations communications tower with Lismore City Council’s eyesore. executive, including Mayor, Peter Wise thanked the Jenny Dowell and her team of Chamber Executive, members Councillors. and their supporters for a The speaker for the evening job well done throughout the was Andrew Walker from year. Nimbin Tourist Information Voting then took place and Centre who summarised the same Committee was increased tourism visits to the elected with the only change village, spoke about the past being Bevan Whitney as Vice year’s achievements including President. The new Chamber paving works outside the Executive is – Tourist Centre, the Village President: Peter Wise, Map Passport, Nimbin Rocks Vice President: Bevan Interpretive Signage, Recycle Whitney, Bins and Village Entry signs. Secretary: Eugenie Stephans, The next meeting of Treasurer: Peter Hughes. the Nimbin Chamber of The new Committee Commerce will be held on promised to continue to the 14th December at the undertake the work of the Bowling Club, with guest Chamber with commitment speaker Pieter Verasdonck, and enthusiasm and promised Community Economic to continue to address Development Manager from many outstanding issues, the Small Business and particularly with Lismore Regional Development Unit. Part of the well-attended Nimbin Community Meeting with Lismore Councillors and senior staff, who fielded wide-ranging questions on Nimbin’s infrastructure and services. The Mystery of the Missing Market Signs Is there a plot afoot to sabotage the hugely successful Nimbin Aquarius markets? Market co-ordinator, Cat Anderson said, “For the last few months, after I have put the signs out advertising the coming market, within a day they are missing or have been broken and thrown in the bush.” “It’s a mystery to me what is happening,” she said, adding that it is hard work making the signs, and costs money too. If anyone can help solve the mystery, can they please contact Cat on 0429-194-248. In other market news, Cat is encouraging more produce stalls to the market, by giving the first stall-hire booking free. Customers are advised to get to the market early to pick up their fresh produce, as the stalls are usually sold out by lunchtime. Vision for Nimbin The people of Nimbin and surrounds have always had to travel half an hour or more to get to an optometrist. Nimbin Optical, which opened its doors earlier this year, now gives us a local option. The practice is stocked with the full range of testing equipment and a large selection of frames to choose from. Glasses with any type of lens can be made up within 4 to 7 days. To Tina, an optometrist, it’s important that the emphasis is on eyecare rather than dispensing spectacles. “There are many aspects to good vision. Eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision and difficulty concentrating affect a lot of people,and can all have different causes and therefore different solutions.” “Sometimes the readymade readers will do the trick, but you can deteriorate your vision by getting the wrong strength, so I can give advice on the best ones to buy. Other times eye exercises, a customised prescription or a referral for specialist treatment is needed. Some eye diseases can cause permanent damage or blindness if you don’t get to them in time; anyone with diabetes or a family history of eye problems especially needs to have an eye check every year.” Set amongst 25 acres of native forest in High Street, Nimbin Optical is within walking distance from town. The premises are in a solar powered train carriage, with recycled timber frame displays and entrance ramp for wheelchair access. It’s a business that’s green in both position and philosophy. Tina and her husband Dave moved to Nimbin two years ago and soon realized that they could provide a much needed service in the area. “As we got to know more people around here, we found that many of them had not had an eye test in a long time, if ever. We saw an opportunity to do something for the community. After over a decade in a busy shopping centre practice, I wanted to work in a setting where I could spend more time with each patient, and get away from the ”suck’em in, spit’em out” philosophy of the retail-style outlets.” Tina is keen to encourage anyone who hasn’t had an eye check in the last year or two, to pay her a visit. All eye tests are bulk-billed and many people receiving the Pension, Newstart or Veteran’s Affairs benefits will be eligible for free glasses. EFTPOS and Healthfund claiming facilities are available. Appointment times are flexible, but Tina would like people to call before they come around. The number to ring is 6689-0081. Dick Hopkins December 2009 The Nimbin GoodTimes Page 5 The Jed Rowe Band “Midnight Sun” Album Launch Tour T Diana Anaid and the Screaming Jets in Alstonville by Pampussycat Bourne H ot local talent Diana Anaid has been on the road since October promoting her latest single “Cynical On Waking”, from the upcoming album. The three-state tour included a gig at the Alstonville Plateau Bowling Club, where she backed the Screaming Jets. Check out her tour guide on www. The Jets are touring and recording again, and promoting their recent release “Do Ya”. Yes, an unusual venue, but Dave from Screaming Jets said that it was difficult for bands to get venues to play in. He said that a combination of liquor laws and non-smoking laws have discouraged punters from going to gigs. He also noted that many pubs and clubs had removed the stage and filled their venues instead with poker machines. So how was the gig? It rocked! People danced shoulder to shoulder all night. For a good night out, check the gig guide and see a live band. Help keep music live! he first thing you notice about The Jed Rowe Band is the slide guitar - lap steel ringing and wailing with echoes of Ben Harper or Jeff Lang. Then the groove grabs you, double bass and drum kit locked in watertight. As you listen closer, the depth of the songwriting reveals itself - stories told through poetic lyrics, characters moving through Australian towns, living real lives...and you’re humming along to the chorus...this is The Jed Rowe Band! TOUR DATES: Monty Python meets The Evil Dead Ozzy Zombie, a made-for-B-grade comedy-horror and bad-taste splatter film, has been screening as part of the Trasharama film festival, which travels around Austaralia each year. Directed by Nimbin’s Tim Tonkin, the 20-minute production is his first film. and it proved to be a fantastic success at its debut screening at the Nimbin Hotel, not the least because of its cast. perform a string of East Coast shows in December and January to support the national release of “Midnight Sun,” the debut full length album by The Jed Rowe Band. With its diverse and progressive roots sound, featuring a host of guests including drummer Peter Wilkins of Blue King Brown, and legendary saxophonist Paul Williamson, with stunning string, brass and percussion arrangements, the album has gained airplay on JJJ, ABC and community radio across the nation. Jed Rowe, who grew up on the North Coast and now resides in Melbourne, and has a rhythm section hand picked from the Melbourne music scene - Michael Arvanitakis on double bass and backing vocals, and Mark Grunden on drum kit. Joel Smithard is a regular guest on keyboards and guitar. The Jed Rowe Band will Dec 26: Tyalgum Hotel, Tyalgum, 2pm. Dec 28: Pacific Hotel, Yamba, 9:30pm. $5 Entry Dec 29: The Rails, Byron Bay, 7pm. Jan 2: Sheoak Shack, Fingal Head, 7pm. Jan 3: Little Beans Cafe, Nobby Beach, Qld, 3:30pm. Jan 8: Bangalow Hotel, Bangalow, 7:30pm. More dates to be announced shortly. Visit Sunday 6th December 1PM TO 10PM ocking at the Sphinx for a community garden, Sphinx Rock Café at Mt Burrell will come alive on Sunday 6th December, with a full day of music, food and fun. The day will showcase the cream of the Sphinx rock music scene, featuring performances by Mystic Beats, Imandan, Osmosis, Murray Kyle, Andrea Soler, Mantlepeace, and the Sphinx Rock All-Stars. All performances on the day will be recorded live, and a compilation CD will be produced with all profits going towards the R building and maintaining of a community garden on the cafe grounds. Garden planning and preparations will commence on the day. It will be a creative, artistic community collaboration with incentive toward sustainability. Bring the whole family for a lovely day on the grass, and if you have energy to spare bring a tool if you want to be part of the first dig in the new garden. Music will start at 1pm and go through till 10pm. Cost is $10, or $20 with a pre-order of the CD (that’s half price). Great food, good vibes, all happening at Sphinx Rock Café. Proprietor Jon Squires (right) at the Sphinx Rock Cafe counter. Nimbin Bowlo Sibley Street Nimbin, phone 6689-1250 53 Cullen Street, Nimbin Phone 6689-1246 December Gig Guide Thursday 3rd Friday 4th Thursday 10th Friday 11th Thursday 17th Friday 18th Thursday 24th Friday 25th Doug & Biskit Mr Speaker Miriam Moczko + Ebony Golden Blade Vassala + Jem Koyba Mihirangi + JD Kacth Closed – Christmas Day Accommodation • TAB facilities Hummingbird Bistro Open 7 days: noon - 2pm, 6pm - 8pm Page 6 The Nimbin GoodTimes December 2009 What’s On in December? • Saturday 12th December – Seniors Christmas Party, from 11am • Sunday 13th December – Kids Christmas Party, from noon – Santa arrives 1pm (Parents please supply a Santa gift) • Christmas Ham raffles – start Friday 11th Dec. • Thursday 31st December – New Years Eve karaoke with Linda • Heated lounge, bar and dining room • Courtesy Bus e & S af n y p p o a s H e Se a • Lunch & dinner Fe s t i v o a l l t Tuesday - Sunday [email protected] Blue Moon Nov 2009 by Pampussycat Bourne T he final Blue Moon for 2009 was spectacular. People from Nimbin, Lismore, and Sydney came to strut their stuff and shine, and enjoy the variety of talent on offer. Musical appetisers included Williamina Bowers who presented an original song with piano. Julie Metcalfe’s violin crooned and complimented Gerard Lynam on piano. Hussy Hicks and Mick Daley each presented their beautiful and original folk styled music. Somersault gave us classical and Spanish strings, box rhythm and songs including an Edith Piaf classic. Circus performances by Tuntable Falls Circus on the trapeze, Dannick with diablos, and Marriane Chollet balancing on five chairs. Lyrical inspiration with the poetry of Christine Strellan and David Hallet, and comedy that delighted the crowd by Nick Penn. The show ended with music to dance by Elisabeth Lord and Leigh James Ensemble. If you have never been to a Blue Moon Event, do yourself a favour. These are the formal events that give Nimbinites a chance to glitz up and sample the styles of many quality performers. The next Blue Moon event is in March 2010. Tickets always sell fast. Williamina Bowers Bolivia to Blue Knob fundraiser A good night was had by all at the musical night hosted by the Blue Knob Hall and Gallery, and best of all $1,200 was raised to pay for a part time social worker for the Guia Foundation’s “Work Placement Project” for this whole next year. YEAH!!! The kind and talented performers who donated their talents were: Chris Aronsten, Lucy Palmer, Jamie and 4 year old Mahalia Ashforth, Pat and Ken Jamie and Mahalia Ashforth, and Chris Aronsten. Barefoot Bowls and Well-heeled Jazz in Lismore I Mick Daley Thierney and Vaughan Salter, Tango dancers Kim Kilgariff and Jan Ray, The Slimy Brothers - Mick O’Halloran and Ross Roache, and finishing off the evening in style Ted Tillbrook. Blue Knob Hall created a great venue and supper and many local people from Nimbin to Byron Bay contributed to a beautiful handmade food hamper won by Jay. t’s Christmas time and the Lismore Jazz Club is not only going to have a party but hopes to raise some muchneeded funds for the Club as well. With the help of the Lismore City Club bowlers, there will be barefoot bowls, along with a sausage sizzle and of course lots of good jazz. It is going to be a day of fun with about twenty of Lismore’s great jazz musos blasting away in a huge jam session. sausages and hours of really great jazz. If two sausages aren’t enough then you will be able to purchase additional vouchers. Bring the kids, bring the grandkids, There will be a gold coin donation for bring the parents, bring the the use of the greens. grandparents, bring your friends. Bring The date is Sunday 13th December, anyone – just be there! starting at 10.30am with the bowls. The entrance fee on the day will be $10 There is no need to register, just come per adult, $5 per child under 15 and $30 on the day. for a family. Included in the entrance For further information contact fee will be two vouchers for your Margaret Teggins on 6629-5106. Christmas Fundraiser Nimbin Preschool and Childcare Assoc. Inc. POSITION VACANT Authorised Supervisor/Director 2-3 days a week Electric bicycles • • • • improve fitness reduce carbon emissions pedal assist mode rechargeable battery Nimbin Preschool, a community-based centre for 3-5 year olds, is seeking a warm, energetic, qualified person to job share the Director’s position 2-3 days/week (subject to negotiation) from Term 1, 2010. Julie Metcalfe You will hold a Diploma or Degree in Early Childhood Education, meet the requirements for Authorised Supervisor, have a First Aid cert., and experience in planning and programming for this age group. Ph 6622 4221 This 20-place preschool has delivered quality early childhood education to 3-5 year olds for 25 years. The preschool has a large indoor/outdoor area with a purpose built building in the planning stages. We use the emergent curriculum, thereby working around children’s interests. We are situated on the Far North Coast of NSW, in a vibrant, child friendly community with beautiful National Parks, towns and beaches nearby and a lifestyle to match. For info package call Preschool on 6689-1203 or President, Jennifer Parke on 0428-510-272 Tuntable Circus Elizabeth Lord Applications close 15th January 2010 to Management Committee, Nimbin Preschool, PO Box 36, NIMBIN NSW 2480 or [email protected] December 2009 The Nimbin GoodTimes Page 7
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