Employee and Family Assistance Program


Employee and Family Assistance Program
Employee and Family
Assistance Program
The Advancement of EFAPs
Presented by: Melissa Porras Kerri Farrell The Advancement of EFAPs Employee Support Solu.ons Counselling Services and Trauma Support 3 Work Life Services Organiza?onal Support and Training Counselling Services Tradi.onal: •  Face to face, reac.ve Present: •  Toll-­‐free and confiden.al •  24/7/365 Counselling Services •  146 different languages •  Advanced intake procedure •  Delivery methods: in-­‐person, telephonic, e-­‐
counselling, video counselling, self-­‐directed text-­‐based, First Chat, online programs 4 Counselling Services Advanced issues that counselling services can support: •  Stress •  Depression •  Anxiety Counselling Services •  Anger •  Life Transi.ons •  Addic.on •  Work-­‐Life Balance 5 Full Service Intake & Assessment 24 / 7 / 365 Access to Bilingual Intake Professional Immediate Assessment of Caller’s Needs Urgent Request/ Crisis Situa.on Employee Organiza?on •  Expert •  Iden.fies need consulta.on for help •  Needs answer asap •  Onsite support •  Trauma Immediate access Onsite support to Counselor as requested Non-­‐Urgent Request Counseling modality matched to client need and/or preference: • 
Face to face Telephonic E-­‐Counseling Video Counseling First Chat Self-­‐Directed Online Closure & Follow-­‐Up 6 Request for Work/Life Solu.on Client matched with appropriate professional – assessment, consulta.on, resources provided aligned to specific need Trauma Support Tradi.onal: •  Large scale disasters Present: •  Employee death/witnessing employee death Trauma Support •  Serious injury occurring at work •  Downsizing or job loss •  Violent physical a]acks/threats •  Robberies, bomb threats, explosions, fires •  Inten.onal or uninten.onal release of chemicals of infec.ous agents 7 Trauma Support Advanced service delivery: •  24/7/365 •  Ini.al assessment and consulta.on Trauma Support •  On-­‐site defusing and debriefing with impacted staff •  Individual trauma counselling for employees •  Training and trauma response protocols for key personnel 8 Work Life Services What are they: Consulta.on to help with everyday life challenges and professional support for your health concerns Tradi.onal: Work Life Services •  Limited exposure; under u.lized •  Focus on legal and financial support * Reference from iWebU blog site
9 Work Life Services 1998 – Google was founded. 2011 – Over 1 billion Google searches are processed every day. Work Life Services “Doing research on the web is like using a library assembled piecemeal by pack rats and vandalized nightly”. -­‐ Roger Ebert * Reference from iWebU blog site
10 Work Life Services Advanced Work Life services: Financial – budge.ng, bankruptcy, debt & credit management, inves.ng Legal – civil li.ga.on, separa.on/divorce, custody, child support, wills, estate planning Family – paren.ng, childcare, eldercare, family Work Life Services planning, separa.on/divorce Workplace – career planning, worklife balance Nutri.on – weight management, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease 11 Physical Health – Health Coaching, Smoking Cessa.on, Naturopathy Organiza.onal Support and Training Tradi.onal: •  S.gma associated with EFAP •  Li]le promo.on Present: •  Employee and people leader orienta.ons Organiza?on Support and Training •  People leader consulta.ons •  Online resources •  Account management •  Communica.on and promo.onal materials •  Seminars and Workshops 12 Organiza.on Support and Training LEADERSHIP TEAM LEADERSHIP TEAM • 
People Leader Orienta.on and Training People Leader Support Tools Trauma.c Event Support Manager Tool Kits My EAP app Accessible support 24/7/365 EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES • 
Employee Orienta.on Self-­‐Directed Tools Self-­‐Directed Learning My EAP app Accessible support 24/7/365 FAMILY MEMBERS FAMILY MEMBERS 13 • 
Self-­‐Directed Tools Self-­‐Directed Learning My EAP app Accessible support 24/7/365 Evolving Technology Incredible Things Happen Every 60 Seconds on the Internet • 
100+ new LinkedIn accounts are created. 600+ new videos are posted on YouTube. 13,000 iPhone applica.ons are downloaded. 98,000+ tweets are tweeted. 695,000 status are updated on Facebook. 168 million e-­‐mails are sent. * Reference from iWebU blog site. 15 Wellness Programs NEED TO EVOLVE   DOING BUSINESS -­‐ Technology is a necessity   YOUNGER GENERATION -­‐ Increasingly technologically savvy and expect to be able to access services and informa.on via online and technological tools   CREATING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT – Technology cri.cal to success 16 Leveraging Technology Face-­‐to-­‐Face: Tradi.onal. Ideal for group interac.on. Local convenient loca.ons. Telephonic: Convenient. Offers extended hours and ideal for working parents and those who commute. E-­‐Counselling: Delivered via wri]en email exchange. Flexible access for those be]er at expression emo.ons in wri.ng. Text Based, Self-­‐Directed : self-­‐directed counselling. 17 Leveraging Technology Video Counselling: Face-­‐to-­‐Face from your own home. First Chat: Instant connec.on to a professional counsellor. Online Access: Five programs – Enhancing Your Rela.onship, Smoking Cessa.on, Financial Planning, Stress Management, Separa.on & Divorce. MyEAP: Mobile device which contains interac.ve tools, support resources, access to EFAP services. 18 Benefits of Technology in EFAP •  Provide rich interac.ve content -­‐ .ps, reminders and recommenda.ons •  Real-­‐.me and easily shared resources helps employees stay connected with ini.a.ves •  Mobile-­‐friendly communica.on allows organiza.ons to communicate with employees any.me, anywhere •  Online programs provide access away from work 19 Example: Technology and Integra.on of Services iden.fied as growth areas within EFAP Developing online tools and integra.ng EFAP services with workplace sponsored ini.a.ves can foster: •  employee engagement and produc.vity •  increased workforce connec.vity •  a con.nued cultural acceptance of self help and (self directed) self improvement; and •  an increased focus on preven.on. A]ridge & Burke, “Trends in EAP Services and Strategies: An Industry Survey” 20 Ques9ons? Thank you!