excellence happens at lazerte
excellence happens at lazerte
August 2015 EXCELLENCE HAPPENS AT LAZERTE FORTES FORTUNA JUVAT FORTUNE FAVOURS THE STRONG Grade 10 First Day of School: MEntor Program Welcome to M.E. LaZerte High School, which we think is the best possible school to attend! We have recently received training in the world renowned Link Crew Program, which we refer to as the MEntor Program. The sole purpose of the program is help new students feel more comfortable, as well as to assist them to achieve success in their first year of high school. Every Grade 10 student will be assigned two MEntor Leaders. These leaders are Grade 11 or 12 students who exemplify the characteristics of a good role model and leader to guide our new students. We currently have 150 strong leaders that have volunteered to take on the MEntor role for the upcoming year! These MEntors will be touching base with their grade 10 student several time throughout the year to play a key role in their success during this transition period. On the first day of Grade 10, students will meet their MEntor. Here’s what can be expected on the First Day of Grade 10 on September 1st: 1. All students will meet in the Elniski Gym at 9 am. Students will r eceive their locker assignment dur ing r egistr ation, so please ensure bags and belongings are in lockers prior to 9am. 2. After a short presentation in the Elniski Gym, students will then move into a classroom with their MEntor group of 10-12 students. There will be a variety of team building activities that are active. Please make sur e clothing does not restrict movement. 3. For students who have purchased their $20 Student Union Membership, there will be a free lunch in the cafeteria with activities as well as a complimentary TShirt. The cafeter ia will also be open for students wanting to buy food and drinks. 4. During the afternoon, students will attend their Day 1 classes. During the Block 4 time slot, all students will complete a questionnaire. By participating in this day and completing the questionnaire, students will receive 1 credit - Introduction to Mentorship and start their high school career! 5. The day will end with a short assembly in the Elniski Gym and students will have had their best first day of school experience ever! We are excited to meet you as our newest Voyageurs! Superintendent Trustee Principal Assist. Principals: Darrel Robertson Michelle Draper Kim Backs Terry Colp (A-D) David Sloan (E-K) Marion McIlwraith (L-Q) Bob Lowry (R-Z) Aug. 31 Sept. 3 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Football Camp opens at 4 pmequipment can be picked at 3pm in the Fitness Centre Volleyball try-outs for all teams Cross Country meeting Swim Team meeting 2 SLAM team (Saving Lives At the Mall) to communicate and work with students who need assistance regarding class start and end times as well as to recruit community members to work with our school, our Principal Advisory Group who meet regularly with me to share the student voice and perspective, and our website to improve the delivery of information...we believe that our school is the hub of our community and that success with our youth comes from working together with you! We would like to welcome two new assistant principals to our family at LaZerte...Mr. Terry Colp is our former English Department Head and is now our Assistant Principal working with students with last names starting with A-D; and Mr. David Sloan comes from McNally to share his expertise with our school and his alpha group of E-K. We are so privileged to add these instructional leaders to our team along with our new SRO Const. Paul Pilon! Please welcome them when you see them! There is much to experience at our school and our high expectations of academic effort, behavior (Respect Happens at LaZerte), and attendance (minimum of 90% attendance expected for optimal learning and to participate in school activities & events) mean we want everyone to take a role in working together. We are looking forward to a successful and exciting year to come, and we welcome you into our M.E. LaZerte family! Kim Backs Principal’s Message Welcome to M.E. LaZerte High School...Where Excellence Happens! We have had so many accomplishments at our school this year, and we want to share a few of them with you! We had a year of award winners on staff from Excellence In Teaching Finalist Mr. Stahlke ow.ly/ N2unE #yeg to Mrs. Kofluk recognized as a Woman of Distinction as well as Veronica Graff, our FNMI Liaison, presenting with our students at a variety of seminars, including the City of Edmonton and Alberta Government employees on our Circle of Courage work as well as cultural awareness. District awards also went to our Tech Team, our Business Manager Bernie Pankonin, and our Breakfast Club for their exemplary work in our school! We said our goodbyes to a few staff members, including Mr. Gillard in Student Services who is sharing his skills with Metro for the coming year. We also said goodbye to our valued retirees Mr. Dunwoody, Mrs. Mayor, Mrs. Ogronick, Mr. Tailleur, and Mrs. Snaychuk who have contributed so much to our school over the years! And we have welcomed some new staff members for the coming year...wait until the first day of classes and you will find out who! Our students were important major award winners, too, with hundreds of thousands of dollars being awarded in Alexander Rutherford scholarships! We assisted students in increasing the Rutherford scholarship count in our school...we went from 168 students receiving $335,200 two years ago to 267 students receiving $463,600 last year! We also had numerous Leadership financial award recognitions from the University of Alberta; YCT/HSK/ ECBEA awards and recognitions to students in our Mandarin Program; EMAAN Muslim Community awards; our highest results yet in our IB courses, and many more! We continued our Honours Sundaes tradition to recognize the efforts of our students in their respective programs, and we handed out numerous J.O.E. (Just One Example) Awards! All of this and more…$35000+ raised by students & staff to support our Tri for Cancer project, $2500 raised in a staff vs student basketball game and raffle gift basket initiative for the United Way, hundreds of volunteer hours for our local and global community ...we truly are a community school who gives so much as we work with developing the future leaders in our community. We have also worked on our communication links with our parents and neighbourhood, and this includes a weekly email to all parents with highlights and a calendar of events for students to take part in, monthly interim reports so students and parents know their updated status of learning feedback on a consistent basis, partnerships with Londonderry Mall and our Students’ Union Message I’m honored to be your SU President for the 2015-2016 School year. Welcome new and returning M.E LaZerte students. Being a Voyageur is so much more than showing school spirit. We show kindness and respect to one another, our environment and our community. We welcome anyone and everyone and strive to be an accepting and diverse community. There are endless opportunities at M.E. Lazerte and SU invites you to take part! With over ten committees, students organize and plan events to make sure there is never a dull moment during your high school experience; events such as Taste of Lazerte and Tri-4-Cancer truly show Voyageur spirit as we come together to share and celebrate our cultural diversity and unite to fight cancer. Whatever your interests may be, there are a variety of different clubs and committees for you to join (ie; Chess Club, Chinese Yo-Yo, Breaking Club, Anime Club, ACE committee, Green Team and MEntors- just to name a few)! Making new friends and keeping old ones is key to creating high school memories. It is my wish to make your high school memories some of your greatest ever. Here’s to a wonderful year! Enjoy yourselves at LaZerte! Kiara Mah 2 3 LaZerte Legacy Reunion Music Notes It was an incredible year in music at LaZerte. It is truly amazing to see the difference that our music program makes in the lived experiences of our students! Top students in the music program were recently recognized with more than $3000 as awards and scholarships by our MPAL group as they reflected on a fantastic year!. Wow... and well done! The group had quite a few memorable moments to think about from their year...the Sun Peaks Music Festival in B.C. was truly a remarkable one for our students as we achieved Gold in Choir and Silver in Band! Congratulations for the work that went into both the performance and the adventure of the trip! We also had the Northside Band Extravaganza that highlighted the amazing talent in our part of town facilitated by talented and skilled band teachers as well as outstanding students, and we appreciate the efforts in creating this event! Another outstanding memory was M.E. LaZerte Drum Line Team taking 1st Place in the Concert Class Provincial competition, as this was their first time taking part in this type of competition! All of the work...selling cookies dough and sausages, car washes, meetings and jam sessions, concerts...so many great happening and so much to look forward to! Many thanks goes out to our MPAL group for their continued sponsorship and support, and we ask you to please plan on being part of this parent group for next year, as we would not be able to experience greatness in music if we did not have their tremendous support. Our school has had students enrolled since 1969, and we recently decided to bring students together for a large scale reunion! We wanted to look at providing an experience that not only allowed our former Voyageurs to visit and tour the building, but also to discover some of the initiatives we are doing with our students and community and encourage them to be a part of it all! Our 2015 Reunion saw more than 250 people in attendance, and it included a video show, a silent auction, cinnamon and cheese buns galore, the installation of historic class composites, and many former teachers in attendance! Many thanks goes out to Mrs. Kofluk, a former student herself, for organizing this memorable event together with our current students! We hope to make it a regular event that continues to unite current and former Voyageurs! Students Who Make Things Happen Priscilla Cheung was our Valedictor ian this year , and we were proud to have her representing our school in this esteemed position. But not only that...she was also a full IB student, our Mandarin Grad organizer, and one of the emcees for our Commencement! Hina Khan, our outgoing SU Pr esident who initiated so many projects this year recently won $3300 for the Lowry Awards for Women of Excellence. Its purpose is to provide assistance to women of all ages in pursuit of their goals in the fields of water, power, finance, energy, accounting, healthcare, safety and/or community relations. Melina Lee has accepted the position of Student Researcher in the WISEST Summer Research Program 2015 as an ambassador of M.E. Lazerte High School. What an exciting way to spend a summer! 2014 graduate Chelsea Hong was featured in the Globe & Mail for her $60000 Schulich scholarship accomplishment. Read about it here - http://schulichleaders.com/ Abdul Sheikh has been selected as one of the five par ticipants from Alberta who travelled to South Africa in July with the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation, and the Keiskamma Canada Foundation. Change Your World is an opportunity for five Alberta youth to visit and connect with Alberta international development organizations working in abroad. http://www.acgc.ca/ pages.php?pg=1022&sec=2003 M.E. LaZerte students are change agents in our community, and we are proud of their accomplishments! The M.E. LaZerte Drum Line performs at the District Awards Evening as an opening act, one of the many performances this past year. The MBA Will See You Now: Doctors Adding Business Skills to Their Practice Our LaZerte Voyageurs are making things happen in our world! Check out LaZerte alumni Baljot S. Chahal from this article in The Globe and Mail http:// m.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/ business-education/the-mba-will-see-you-now-doctorsadding-business-skills-to-their-practice/article23643287/? service=mobile 3 4 Drama & Advanced Acting It was an interactive year in our Drama program this year! We had so many students in various involvements, and many of them were recognized for their efforts and accomplishments. Our Drama students are outstanding in their performance abilities! What a show they put on with the play Widows, and it again emphasizes the amazing talent we have in this school! One Act Plays occurred at the Walterdale Theatre with The Shape of a Girl making it to the provincial finals. At the Provincial One Act Festival our troupe gained Outstanding Achievement in a couple of categories including Ensemble and Directing! Well done! Another huge round of applause goes out to the Charlie Brown Dinner Theatre. What an incredible event that once again showcases the talents and skills we have in our students and staff as they came together for our first ever dinner theatre at M.E. LaZerte! We want to wish Mrs. Schmunk a great adventure as she is teaching in Bali next year, and we welcome Ms. Brenner to our school drama program. *Thanks to Londonderry Mall for their work to promote student relationships and learning! They have committed to a number of partnerships and sponsorships with us this year, including a carnival they are hosting at the mall for our students in September after school and sponsoring our perfect attendance awards with gift cards for students each month! Our attendance rates have been increasing over our statistics from last year, and we attribute much of this to the welcoming atmosphere as well as high expectations we are instilling in classrooms! Well done, as we know positive attendance rates contribute to learning experiences as well as expectations from the world of work! *I have monthly Principal Advisory Group meetings with a group of students from various grades, programs, and backgrounds, and they are a highlight for me! To hear the range of ideas students have for improving our school is both enlightening and energizing, and I love hearing how much our students say the difference our school and our staff make in their everyday lived experience! From being greeted with “Good Morning” at the main door/ classrooms to Mrs. Mac RUSHing them to class to the conversations they have with teachers (and they especially enjoy learning about the staff through stories they share) to the atrium Student Leadership events to the learning they are experiencing in subjects to ideas to improve efficiencies in the parking lot...they appreciate what we are doing for them! *Many of our staff members went into junior high schools in our neighbourhood during our exam weeks! They are working to build relationships that will make a difference in what we know about incoming students and who will want to come here as they learn about us! This is a major cultural shift in how we have done things, and it is a very positive one for our coming year...well done, Voyageurs! *Our students had amazing trips to China and Spain over Spring Break this past year! What an incr edible experience this was for both students and teachers, and we appreciate the efforts staff took to make this happen as these are learnngs that students will remember for the rest of their lives! *Our Math results in all classes improved this past year due to the innovative efforts of our teaching compacting curriculum in a different manner, adjusting review and testing procedures, and re-teaching what students needed more emphasis on...and the benefactors of these innovations were your students! Well done, Voyageurs! M.E. LaZerte Stands Out… *Our Grade 12 students wrote Gratitude cards this year as part of our commencement preparation. We appreciate the thoughts they have shared with us as they move onto another phase in their lives. We have the best students in the city, and the skills they lear n while they ar e with us ar e due to the efforts that our staff, parents, and community put in every day of the year...thank you! *Thanks to our LaZerte Alumni Brent Saik, who is the founder of this weekend’s record breaking World’s Longest Hockey Game in Edmonton! He lost his wife, father, and aunt to cancer, and they have moved from 82 hours twelve years ago to now 250 hours as the record breaker game, raising millions of dollars for cancer research. A proud Voyageur! *Congratulations to Mrs. McIlwraith for being profiled in a Successful Women YEG ar ticle this past year ! Check it out here: http://www.hersuccess.ca/qa-marionmcilwraith/ 4 5 Excellence in Voyageur Athletics We have had a great year in Athletics! At our athletic awards luncheon in June, we were able to congratulate Ashley Turner, Brendan Staples, Samantha Bunes, Dustin Wardrop, Bryanna Niehaus, Sara Cline and Aleksa Ilic as they took home the respective male and female "Athlete of the Year" honors for their grade level. To be selected for these prestigious awards, these athletes played for various teams throughout the school year and displayed outstanding athleticism and leadership as a Voyageur. All of our teams had a very positive seasons, and hundreds of students took part in the enormous diversity of team offerings that allowed them to be proud Voyageurs! Badminton carried over 20 athletes this year, and our coaches look to build on that base with a strong core of athletes that went to the city championships. Congratulations to Priscilla Cheung, Maham Masoud and Vito Tse who received gold medals at the Badminton Provincials. Congratulations also goes to all of our basketball teams as they all had a great season, and the senior teams had a great experience playing in California. The season was very competitive for all teams and they continue to build for next year to compete for a city championship. The football program continues to build its reputation as contenders in their tier. The senior team boasts an incredible group of hard working players and that include a strong contingent of incoming grade 9’s that attended the spring camp. Our volleyball coaches have continued to build with a very solid showing by our junior boys team making it to the semi-final this past season. There are many powerful players returning next season that will ensure success in the fight for a championship! Our swim team, one of the largest teams in the school, had a great season! They won two gold and a silver medal at city finals in December, and they will continue to put in the work to be one of the top teams in the city. Our Voyageur golf team was on par this year, with members of our team ranked in the top 5 in the city. There were record numbers of competitors in cross country running for the season, and it proves that our coaches have the runners in the right gear! This is a very enthusiastic group that always places well at the city meets. We are looking for some positive times next season and the goal for our athletes is to qualify for Provincials. Our soccer season was a highlight this year as the boys were at the top of their tier pool but lost in a very tough game in the semi-finals. The girls team had a very strong year and have many returning players next year, so the future is bright. Our indoor team also made in to the semi-finals, losing a tough game but having a strong base for next year. Rugby Voyageurs competed hard this year , with both teams reaching the play-offs after lots of play in the seven tournament hosted by the Pirates Rugby Cub. The senior boys won the tier 3 city championship in a hard fought game against J Percy Page! The track team sent 5 athletes to the city championships this year and we continue to build in this sport. We recognize all of the work our coaches put into their specific sports but also what they contribute to our school as a community. We have a majority of in-house coaches, and this truly makes a difference in the connection our student athletes have to their studies as well as the relationship they develop with their teachers as they set goals and work toward excellence. It also allows our students to participate in other community athletic initiatives that form the basis for life-long contributions. These include our Tri For Cancer, a triathlon that involves hundreds of our students raising funds and building community that saw us no only set a record for fundraising but also have more students participate than ever before! Our coaches also promoted fitness, and M.E. LaZerte showed extremely well in the Crossfit Championships! 5 out of 6 of the top males and 2 out of the top 5 females were from M.E. LaZerte, and Kaylen Turner was the top male athlete! And we have added to our opportunities for students...the LaZerte Dance Showcases were incredible, with so many students participating and dancing their best in these extravaganzas...another example of how hundreds of students can get involved in their area of passion! We also organized a neighbourhood school badminton clinic, spring league basketball as organized community teams in different age groups from elementary on up, we helped with track meets and athletic events and coaching and refereeing...we are part of the community creating a culture that wants to give back! We have so many who have seen sport make a difference in young lives and their motivation to make good choices, and we want that to continue for the students in our community! We are continuing to affect lives in a positive manner through the mentorship of our teachers and our community leaders. Our Athletics leaders, Mr. Staples and Mr. Carleton, would like to wish the staff and students at M.E. LaZerte ongoing success as we continue to strive for excellence in athletics. Our entire school's leadership, dedication and teamwork will continue to make a positive difference in our student’s lives and we are looking forward to another outstanding year in 2015-2016! Health Fair. Our staff are positive role models for students and participate in programs such as the Healthy Living ProM.E. LaZerte is home to many health and wellness initiagram, ASEBP Health Clinic, and wellness hours on PD tives for both staff and students that promise to make our school a positive and healthy environment. The M.E. Laz- days. Based on student feedback, we have just incorporated erte Fitness Center features a wide variety of both machines a Healthy Living Girls PE class that delivers the curriculum in way that concentrates on life long healthy activities for and functional equipment for any training goals, and is those who may not want to be in larger teams or groups. staffed by fitness professionals who are available to help We also started a student yoga class on Wednesday mornstudents get motivated, practice safe technique, and make ings and have meditation workshops for mindfulness. We exercise an enjoyable experience. The Healthy ME Committee is made up of passionate and inspired staff and stu- will continue to build on our health and wellness, including a daily fitness component into all of our PE classes, exdents who are responsible for initiatives such as "Going Pee with Healthy M.E." signs, Color ME Rad Run, Healthy panding our cross fit training opportunities, and offering more healthy choices at a reasonable cost in our cafeteME Week, which features different activities at lunch as well as healthy snack giveaways, and organizing our annual ria...for a healthy you and ME.! Healthy ME! 5 Congratulations to alumni Malan Roberts for being called up to the Senior National Men’s Soccer Team for Canada! We The North! 6 Mandarin News 本學年樂澤高中最令人興奮的活動是春 假去中國的訪問和旅遊。十七 學生和三位教職員參加了這次為期十二天的 行程﹐在中國政府對外漢語教學辦 公室和愛城孔子學院的贊助下﹐樂澤旅行團 遊覽了北京﹐青島﹐上海和蘇州。其 間除了參觀名勝古蹟以外﹐最精彩部份發生 在參觀友好學校“青島第二中學”。 樂澤的學生在美麗的青島二中校園度過了難 忘的三天﹕和中國學生一起聽課﹐一 起打羽毛球﹐一起在餐廳吃飯﹐一起在學校 的咖啡吧里聊天。 高一和高二語言文化課的學生參加了去“唐人 街”的校外遊。他們先在“ 潮樓”飯店吃午餐﹐然後參觀了“唐人街”上的 糕餅店﹐中藥店和手工藝品店等等。 為了配合高一的雙語班的“旅遊”單元教學﹐ 學生們自己在這個單元里﹐錄 制了非常精彩的小紀錄片﹕愛稱的名勝。在 最後的兩堂課﹐為了慶祝他們成功完 成第一年的高中學習生活﹐班里的學生舉辦 了一場才藝表演。 高三雙語和語言文化課的學生於五月二十九 日在“皇城”飯店成功地舉辦 了今年的”中文課程學生畢業晚會“。校長 Mrs. Backs﹐副校長Mrs McIlwraith﹐多 位學校的老師, 愛城孔子學院院長和兩位“愛 城中英雙語協會”的代表都到場祝 賀。這次晚會是高三中文課學生一年來辛勤 籌備的結果。在晚會上﹐學生們大 展才藝﹐使家長﹐來賓們大為讚嘆。 在學期結束以前﹐不少中文課的學生也收到 了意外的驚喜﹕夏錫子﹐陳永忠﹐ 莎蘭月慧和卓小雅 被孔子學院評為去年“漢語 水平考試”的優勝獲獎者﹔劉肇康﹐ 李淑敏﹐吳婉冰﹐譚嘉琪﹐謝浩正﹐馬穎 欣﹐鄧麗旋﹐ 黃嘉禧﹐吳悅琦﹐張嘉韻﹐李國政﹐方元﹐ 林思彤﹐余嘉敏 ﹐曹庸﹐鄺穎淇﹐林朗晴等 十七 位學生獲得了“愛城中英雙語協會”本年度的 各種獎學金。 探險者﹐祝贺你们! It has been an exciting year for the Chinese program at M.E. LaZerte! A major highlight is our trip to China at the end of March! Besides touring the famous cities of Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai and Suzhou, LaZerte' s students and staff spent three amazing days at the beautiful campus of Qingdao No. 2 Middle School, and together with our hosting students, we attended classes, played badminton, had meals at the students' cafeteria, and shared fun activities at the school's Coffee Bar! It was so much fun that many students are making inquiries about our next trip already! We have acitivities that are fun and part of the learning in all of our classes! Language Culture 3Y classes went on a field trip to Edmonton’s China Town and had a very exciting time! We started out with a Dim Sum lunch at the Urban China restaurant, then walked to the bakery store where local Chinese pastries were made, moving on to a traditional Chinese Medicine store with exotic herbs and roots, and later to a store filled with Chinese arts and crafts. Our students loved it, and many were exposed to aspects they had not seen before. Our Grade 10 bilingual students have done many creative multimedia projects this year: creating their own storybooks of Chinese myths, making video commercials, producing documentary films to 6 introduce famous places in Edmonton, etc. During the last two classes, they put up a talent show to celebrate the end of their first year of study in high school...it was great fun to watch and share! Our Grade 12 students, both in the Language Culture and Bilingual classes, attended our yearly Chinese Farewell Party on May 29. Our principal Ms. Backs, Assistant Principal Mrs. McIlwraith,and several M.E. staff members also attended the event, and the party was a great Success! The majority of our Grade 12 students had devoted countless hours outside of school time to fundraise and prepare for this party, and it ended up a true showcase of their amazing skills and talents. Congratulations goes out to four of our students for their high achievement in the Chinese Proficiency Test administered by the Chinese government. Xizi Xia, Ryan Chan, Vivien Trac and Chankeisey Salan have been selected by the Confucius Institute to receive HSK scholarships! Also, there are 17 students from the Bilingual program who received awards given by Edmonton Chinese Bilingual Education Association on June 7 at City Hall. They are Joshua Law, Melina Lee, Isabella Ng, Angela Tan, Vito Tse, Vivian Mah, Angela Ten, Brandon Wong, Kelsey Lam, Delicia Goh, Priscilla Cheung, Anthony Lee, Ryan Fang, Karen Yee, Vicki Kwong, Serena Lam, Jason Tao. Well done, Voyageurs! M.E. LaZerte 2015-2016Registration & Fees Tuesday August 25 Grade 11 9 – 10:30 am A-E 10:30-11:45 am Wednesday August 26 Grade 12 9-10:30 am A-E Thursday August 27 Grade 10 9:00-10:30 am A-E F-I 10:30-11:45 am 12:30-1:00 pm J-L 12:30-1:00 pm J-L 12:30-1:00 pm J-L 1:00-1:30 pm M-O 1:00-1:30 pm M-O 1:00-1:30 pm M-O Lunch break F-I Lunch break 7 10:30-11:45 am F-I Lunch break 1:30-2:00 pm P-S 1:30-2:00 pm P-S 1:30-2:00 pm P-S 2:00-2:45 pm T-Z 2:00-2:45 pm T-Z 2:00-2:45 pm T-Z 6Y/ IB (workbook)…………………………………$28 MANDATORY FEES: Textbook Rental Fee……………..……………...$75 Culinary Arts 10, 20, 30 (project materials)…….…...$35 Music Instrument Rental($100 or provide your own instrument – not Construction, Finish Carpentry (project materials)….$30 included on fee sheet) Cosmetology 10, 20, 30 (project materials)………....$30 + Dance 15, 25, 35 (field trip)………………………..$20 GENERAL FEES RECOMMENDED: Digital Arts 10, 20, 30 (t-shirt & project materials)…..$30 (Recommended but optional) Digital Publishing 10, 20, 30 (project materials)…....$30 Agenda (hard copy or digital app)…………….……..$2 Fashion Studies 10, 20, 30 (project materials)……....$30 Printing Fee…………………………………...…..$5 Food Studies 10, 20, 30 (project materials)…………$35 (This allows students working on school computers to print their projects) Student Activities……………...………………...$20 Forensics 25/35 (field trip)……………………………….$5 French 10-3Y & 10-3Y IB (workbook) ……………$25 (This fee gives access to special events and discounts, supports all school teams and clubs & and an M.E.L. T-Shirt) French 10-9Y & 10-9Y IB (workbook)………….…$25 —————————————————————- French 30-3Y, 31A (workbook)…………………....$25 ……………………Proposed SUBTOTAL: $102 French 30-9Y (workbook) ………………………....$25 French 30-9Y IB (2 workbooks)……….…………....$45 GENERAL FEES OPTIONAL: Guitar ($20 or provide your own -not included on fee sheet) (Recommended but optional) Bus Pass (monthly)………………………………...$55 Math 10-3S, 20-3S (workbook) ……………………$20 Bus Pass (replacement) …………………………….$69 Math 10C, 10C IB (workbook)…………………….$20 Bus Pass (annual)………………………………...$470 Math 10-3, 10-4 (workbook)………...……………..$20 Fitness Centre (per semester)……………………….$25 Math 20-1, 20-2 (workbook)……………………….$20 Grad Commencement Fee (Grade 12 only)………...$40 Math 20-3, 20-4 (workbook)………… ……………$20 Math 30-1, 30-1 IB, 30-2 (workbook)………….…..$20 (includes: rental of facility, gown/v-stoles, purchase of cap & tassel, production expenses) Note: to be paid in April Math 30-3 (workbook)……………………………..$20 Locks ……………………………………………...$5 Mechanics 10, 20, 30 (coverall use, safety & supplies)..$25 Replacement I.D. Card (1st card free)…………….$5 Photography 20, 30 (project materials & field trip)…...$30 Yearbook…………………………………………$55 Physical Education 10, 10S (T-Shirt)…………………$10 Interactions Students: to offset cost of fieldtrips & Physical Ed. Soccer 10,20,30 (jersey/shirt/socks/bus/ snacks……………………………………………………………. $125 indoor centre)……………………..………..……….……...$250 COURSE SPECIFIC FEES: Physical Ed. 20 & 30 Co-ed Off Site (Fees for off site (Optional but recommended for enrichment items such as personal activities such as golf, curling)………..………….…..$110 workbooks, extra materials for student projects, or fieldtrips) Advanced Acting 15, 25, 35 (field trip)…………...$40 Physical Ed. 20 & 30 Functional Fitness (Fees for activAdventures in Trades 10, 20, 30 (project materials)..$30 ities such as crossfit, yoga)……………..……………..$50 Art 10, Advanced Drawing 15 (basic art kit)….…...$30 Physic 20, 20 IB (workbook/fieldtrip)……………….$35 Art 10 IB (enhanced art kit)……..………………….$40 Physic 30, 30 IB (workbook/fieldtrip)……………….$35 Art 20 IB (enhanced replenish kit)………..………….$30 Science 20, 30 (field trip)…………………………..$10 Art 20, 30, Advanced Drawing 25,35 (replenish kit)$20 Service Trades10, 20, 30 (project materials)………...$30 Biology 20 & IB, 30 IB (field trip)………………...$10 Spanish LC 10-3Y & 10-3Y IB (workbook)……….$24 Building the Trades (project materials)……………..$30 Spanish LC 10-6Y, 10-6Y IB (workbook)…………$24 Chinese LA 10 & IB (workbook) ……...………….$28 Spanish LC 20-3Y, 20-3Y IB (workbook)…………$24 Chinese LC 10-3Y/ 6Y/ IB, LC 20-3Y/ 6Y/ IB30-3Y/ Welding 10, 20, 30 (project materials)……………...$30 7 8 PAYMENT OF FEES Fees are due at the time of registration or a payment plan can be arranged with the Business Manager. We accept cash, cheques, VISA, Master Card and Interac as methods of payment. Students on athletic teams must pay for their school fees and team fees before they can participate in games. Students in Grade 12 may not book their grad photo or attend grad commencements or the grad banquet unless all fees have been paid. The student fee sheet and bus pass tax receipts can be accessed on-line via School Zone by selecting: Student Profile, name of the student, Report-student fees, choose the year and print the selected report. TIMETABLES APPOINTMENT FOR A COURSE SITE. SCHOOLZONE AUGUST 21ST. STUDENTS MUST BOOK AN CHANGE AFTER AUGUST 21ST THROUGH A LINK ON OUR WEB- WILL BE POSTED ON STUDENTS WHO DO NOT BOOK AN APPOINTMENT MIGHT NOT BE SEEN DEPENDING ON AVAILABILITY OF COUNSELOR/ADVISORS...SO PLEASE BOOK AN APPOINTMENT IN ADVANCE. August - September 2015 Important Registration Dates Mon August 24 Grade 12 Course changes for diploma and career requirements IB Course Changes Tues August 25th Grade 11 Registration & Course changes Wed August 26th Grade 12 Registration & Course changes Thurs August 27th Grade 10 Registration & Course changes Fri August 28th Professional Development Day— Office not open IB Course Changes Mon August 31st Tues Sept. 1st Wed Sept. 2nd Thurs Sept. 3rd Fri Sept. 4th Course changes Grade 10 only First Instructional day Grade 10, 11, and 12 regular classes for all students Grade 10, 11, and 12 regular classes Grade 10, 11, and 12 regular classes COURSE CHANGES You must bring a signed parent/guardian note with you to your appointment authorizing the course change; otherwise no changes can be made. Straight course drops (Grade 11 and 12 students only) do not require an appointment. Please bring a signed parent note authorizing the course drop to Student Services. Please Remember: Grade 10 – must have a full timetable with no spares Grade 11 – one spare permissible (enrolled in minimum of 35 credits) Grade 12 – enrolled in a minimum of ten credits per semester and the selected courses must meet Alberta Diploma Requirements by the end of the school year. Course changes will not be made: to acquire a different teacher to selectively move a course to a different block or semester to change a FY (full year) course to a semester course or vice versa. However, if the computer scheduled all core subject in one semester creating an imbalance, courses may be moved to balance a timetable. LOCKERS Lockers will be assigned on August 27th for Grade 10 students and on Sept. 2nd for Grades 11 & 12 through Block 1 teacher. Students without a Block 1 class will need to go to the main office to receive their locker assignment. 8 9 What is an IB Education? International Baccalaureate is unique because of its academic and personal rigour. At M.E. LaZerte we challenge students to excel in their studies and in their personal growth. We aim to inspire a quest for learning throughout life that is marked by enthusiasm and empathy. IB aspires to develop wellrounded students with character who respond to challenges with optimism and an open mind, are confident in their own identities, make ethical decisions, join with others in celebrating our common humanity and are prepared to apply what they learn in real-world, complex and unpredictable situations. IB offers high-quality programs of international education that share a powerful vision. Informed by the values described in the learner profile, an IB education: focuses on learners - IB’s student-centered program promotes healthy relationships, ethical responsibility and personal challenge develops effective approaches to teaching and learning - IB programs help students to develop the attitudes and skills they need for both academic and personal success works within global contexts - IB programs increase understanding of languages and cultures, and explore globally significant ideas and issues explores significant content - IB programs offer a curriculum that is broad and balanced, conceptual and connected. IB learners strive to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. These attributes represent a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond intellectual development and academic success. We aspire to assist in the development of these skills in all of our students, but the IB Diploma Programme is recognized as university preparation to give students an advantage in learning course curriculum at an advanced level. All M.E. LaZerte students in pre-IB and those who are interested and/or new to our school are invited to contact Ms. Fischer in the new IB office outside of the library. Also, please check out the Learner Profile video on the IB website at http://www.ibo.org/programmes/profile/ . Our IB Voyageurs are phenomenal, and we are looking forward to an exciting year! The New CALM CALM (Career & Life Management) is a required course from Alberta Education that all students must take to get a high school diploma. We have heard from many students their frustrations about how the content of this course has been delivered, so with their input, we have changed how we will be delivering this course! We are running a pilot of the course this year, and it will include more of what students have asked for...practical information about budgeting and banking, personal health and lifelong wellness, and career exploration. Our intent is to make this course pertain to real life experiences, have speakers and practical experiences that will be relevant now and years from now, and build toward students discovering who they are, what they want, and what they need as they progress through the next few years of their lives. After this coming year, it will be focused as a Grade 11 course offering, but we will still ensure it is delivered in summer school for students who have difficulty fitting it into their schedule. It will also link with some of our new course offerings this year in Pre-Nursing & Pre-Engineering, as well as some of our traditional career related courses in CTS as well as post-secondary preparation in academic courses. We are constantly working together with our students to ensure what we offer suits their needs and interests...because we are M.E. LaZerte! 9 10 Website News At M.E. LaZerte this year we have tried to utilize our website and emails to parents as a main flow of information. It is now more easily accessible with drop down menus and scrolling news items on the main page. All of our events and other important dates can be found through the Calendar tab. In addition, we will have a Constable's Corner with safety tips for our students. If you are a parent with children at M.E. LaZerte, check out the bottom of the home page to subscribe to the Principal's Newsletter where important information will be emailed directly to you each week!. Keep checking back for new content and information on school wide events! Agenda Book or Digital Application? Many students have traditionally used an agenda book for recording important dates, assignments & quizzes, and for goal setting and planning out their busy schedules! But our students have told us they now use their phones and electronic devices to keep track of the same information, and that they always have it with them...similar to what many adults do! It is because of this student feedback that we are experimenting with a digital application, the “MEL APP”, that will contain the agenda book information along with a pre-built calendar of school events and activities. We are hoping this will be useful to students, especially as we have a varied calendar and different start and end times throughout the year. The paper copy of the agenda will still be available to those who request it, and students can access both if that is what works best for them! We are looking forward to seeing how we can continue to best support our students and their learning! Changing the Way We Communicate/Staying Connected M.E. LaZerte is a bustling community and one of the challenges we face is making sure that we communicate information that is relevant for our students. This past year we started using an app called Remind101 as one of the many methods to get information. Remind 101 (now renamed Remind) has allowed us to connect with our students and parents to provide important immediate information directly to their cell phone in the form of a text message or an email. All communications are safe because phone numbers are always kept private and messages can only be sent from the school. Students and parents cannot respond. We have had huge success using this app in the past year and we want to continue connecting in this manner. Information is usually sent out 3 times a week and is not more than 140 characters long. And what will you receive when you sign up? Weekly updates on what is happening during Flex Block related to careers, scholarships, post secondary information regarding programs/recruitment visitors/upcoming registration dates/ Open Houses, events hosted by Student Services including our Scholarship Evening & Post Secondary Fair, availability of tutors, how to sign up for involvements like Big BrothersBig Sisters/MEntors/Girls Empowered and Strong, and Student Leadership events including volunteer opportunities & activities in the school are a few of the things you will hear about, so sign up today! 10 11 CTS Accomplishments Get Involved in Student Leadership! It has been another very busy but exciting year in the Careers and Technology Study areas as we continue to improve learning by enriching our courses with authentic activities. We have seen more engaged students with a learning goal in mind over the past year, and some of our highlights include our M. E. LaZerte Skills Canada team as well as our community involvements. The Ready to Shine Fashion Show was an amazing event that saw our students stand out together with other EPSB students and teachers in this awesome display of creativity and innovativeness! What a night on and off of the catwalk as our students stood out in this fine display of talent in the wonderful team of 12 student designers! A number of our students also attended the Skills Canada Regionals, and Cassie Speta won a bronze medal in Culinary Arts! The High School Culinary Awards are another competition where our students (Cassandra Speta, Alex Mong, & Andy Li) won silver! This is the first year we competed in this contest, and it is incredible for our students and program! In addition, our students participated in the Skills Canada Cardboard Boat Races, an innovative activity that has students build a boat and float it across the pool! We have increased the depth of the Registered Apprenticeship Program by allowing graduated students to register for a fourth year and work/gain apprenticeship hours/accumulate high school credits. We are also offering all Voyageurs the opportunity to participate in our Work Experience program during the summer months and our off campus programming continues to show an increase in the number of students who are experiencing the real world of work (and this experience may be pivotal in the career choices students make). In addition, we have worked to increase connections with FNMI students and have a heritage activity in each CTS strand to engage our learners for success! We are planning our second annual school-wide Career Pathways Day on November 6th to assist our students in discovering career exploration roles as well as the educational aspects that support their aptitudes and talents. Last year we had over 1500 students in attendance, 70 speakers, and multiple activities and sessions where student choice determined their education level, income, and status…kind of like real life! We are looking forward to helping students build their career pathway, and we encourage parents and our community to come into our school to share their expertise and experience. If you would like to be part of this, please contact us at [email protected]. We will also be taking part in a project with schools in Finland to explore how we can enhance the CTS programming for our students, and some Voyageurs may have the chance to travel to Finland to experience what their schooling is like! M.E. LaZerte offers so much to students, and we are looking forward to another exciting year! There is so much going on at M.E. LaZerte every day, and we have one of the best Student Leadership programs of any school in the city! From Welcome Week fun to the LaZerte Idol competition to our Neighbourhood Christmas party to the Pink Shirt Day for anti-bullying to our infamous Taste of LaZerte...we have activities and events that run everyday in some way, shape, or form! You would have to work at it not to be involved in the positive culture of building activities and events that our students host throughout our school and our community! We believe learning happens in all sorts of different ways for various students, and our priority is in creating a positive school culture that spills out into our families and communities so that we continue to thrive and grow. Here are a few of the different involvements we had this year:: Student Leadership and David Edward Garcia for our Pink Shirt Day for anti-bully awareness; Pink Massacure hair colour event that raised $2293 to combat cancer; students attending the UofA HSMUN - High School Model United Nations; a group of our students attending TEDx - TED Talks for teenagers is an amazing expression of the ingenuity and ideas that our youth are overflowing with, and sometimes just need the venue to gather, express, and share; our Helping Hampers Project that saw us gather months of supplies and food for more than a dozen families, and we know through this efforts we made a difference in others lives; our Student Leadership group organizing the DT (Dream Team) Teacher Luncheon where our students nominate teachers for this prestigious award and then have lunch together; a group of students taking part in No Stone Left Alone (part of a national project to ensure a poppy is placed on every soldier’s headstone every year) ; Leadership students hosting the 2014 Ghandi Youth Conference; the organization and participation of the Run For the Cure; participation in the Canada Student Leadership Conference; the Terry Fox run where almost $1200 was raised for his foundation; Lady Flower Gardens where our group dug potatoes for the food bank & raised money to refurbish our greenhouse for sustainable produce for our school; organizing Taste of LaZerte, our own homegrown Heritage Festival; Social Justice students being interviewed on CBC Radio for humanizing the Boko Haram kidnappings as well as showing how each of us can make a differencehttps://soundcloud.com/cbc-edmonton/local-high-schoolbringing-attention-to-boko-haram-kidnappings-1 ; and Student Leaders as they coordinated our junior high leadership conference to mentor other student leadership students...Wow! And these are only a few of the activities we took part in this year besides all of the spirit building fun stuff! We are looking forward to a new year and all of the excitement that comes with it...possibly a wakeathon to raise funds for PTSD, a community event with EPS, and work with our seniors...we welcome you to LaZerte! 11 12 Circle of Courage at ME LaZerte We continue to connect our students to our community, and have implemented the Circle of Courage into what we practice in our school. It has four main components which include Belonging, Mastery, Independence and Generosity. The Circle of Courage students (all are welcome) meet on Wednesdays throughout the year during the flex tutorial time. The group usually starts with a smudge and then sessions are facilitated utilizing the Circle of Courage model. There is a snack provided for the participants, too, and often includes homemade cinnamon sugar bannock! This past year we were hosts to the FNMI graduation! We had distinguished guests like Mayor Don Iveson, our Superintendent Darrel Robertson, and many others who support the work we do to assist students in being successful and recognized on Treaty 6 Territory. We also had a group of students meet with our Mayor as our students facilitated a group from City Hall in a discussion about Reconciliation, cultural sensitivity, and the Circle of Courage, as well as do training for a group from the Alberta Government. What an amazing experience for our students and our school! Our Circle of Courage Leadership Program has recently been accepted at the National Gathering for Indigenous Education Indspire Conference as pr esenters next November! This is truly an honour for Veronica Graff and her group of students from Londonderry and M.E. LaZerte, and it speaks to the difference we are making in students’ lives as they go out to share this message with others. They have also been asked to speak at the Dreamcatcher Aboriginal Youth Conference this October at MacEwan Univer sity. The Dr eamcatcher conference’s message is of self-empowerment—Dream, Learn, Achieve - and we know her team will demonstrate their power through the Circle of Courage. We appreciate what all of our students bring to our school, and we welcome any suggestions and messages you want to share with us. M.E. LaZerte Timetable 2015-2016 Watch for our Parent Council meeting dates and proposed sessions coming up in our September email-out! Sign up for the Principal’s Newsletter for this and other exciting information emailed to you each week! MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Block 1 Block 1 Flex Block Block 1 Block 1 9:00 – 10:22 Block 2 9:00 – 10:22 Block 2 9:00 Block 1 9:00 – 10:22 Block 2 9:00 – 10:22 Block 2 10:29 - 11:55 Lunch 10:29 -11:55 Lunch 10:08 - 11:13 Block 2 10:29 - 11:55 Lunch 10:29 - 11:55 Lunch Block 1 9:00 – 9:54 am 11:55 - 12:39 Block 3 11:55 -12:39 Block 3 11:20 - 12:27 Lunch 11:55 - 12:39 Block 3 11:55 - 12:39 Block 3 Block 2 10:01 – 10:58 am Block 3 11:05 – 11:59 am 12:39 - 2:01 Block 4 12:39 - 2:01 Block 4 12:27 - 1:13 Block 3 12:39 - 2:01 Block 4 12:39 - 2:01 Block 4 Block 4 12:06 – 1: pm 2:08 - 3:30 2:08 - 3:30 1:13 - 2:18 Block 4 2:08 - 3:30 2:08 - 3:30 2:25 – 3:30 12 CONDENSED COLLABORATION DAYS: September 30, 2015 October 28, 2015 December 16, 2015 February 24, 2016 April 27, 2016 May 25, 2016 On condensed collaboration days there is early dismissal. Students who choose to remain at school will have access to the library, academic support center and study hall.
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