In Recognition - King`s Alumni Community


In Recognition - King`s Alumni Community
In Recognition
Your gift is worth more
than ever
‘We could
not do it
without you.’
This is one of the most important documents that King’s College
London will publish this year.
You might be surprised to hear this, given that King’s is an
institution responsible for publishing findings of worldwide
significance in science, medicine and the humanities. But I regard
In Recognition as of great importance because without your help
so much of what we have achieved over the last year simply would
not have been possible. In Recognition allows all of us at King’s to
express our gratitude publicly and to celebrate the real difference
that your support is making.
I find it greatly encouraging that others outside our institution
also see the impact of giving to higher education. The UK
government has recognised the contribution made by those who
provide such support by launching a new scheme to match gifts to
higher education institutions with government money.
The ‘Matched Funding’ scheme is simple. It began on 1 August
2008 and will run for three years. In that period King’s could
receive as much as £2.75 million in matched funding (the amount
is linked proportionately to the level of donations we receive).
Gifts made to King’s over the next three years will be eligible
for matched funding by the government at a ratio of 3:1. If you are
a UK tax payer, both your gift and the Gift Aid which is added to
it (25 per cent of the value of your original gift) will be eligible.
There is also good news for overseas donors – the scheme
applies equally to gifts from outside the UK, so our overseas
supporters can also increase the value of their gift through
Matched Funding (although they cannot benefit from Gift Aid
unless they pay income tax in the UK).
I hope you enjoy this issue of In Recognition and may I thank
you once again, on behalf of the whole College community, for the
important difference you are making here at King’s. We could not
do it without you.
Professor Rick Trainor
The value of your gift under the new Matched Funding scheme
Your gift of
Plus Gift Aid at 25%
Plus Matched
Funding at 33%
Means your total
gift is worth
£10 per month
£30 per month
cancer research
Tackling extremism
The annual Fund
Beyond the classroom
chain reaction
neuroscience advances
Donor profile
Legacy gift brings records of medieval parliament
back to the Rolls Chapel
An important 16-volume work,
published in 2005, The Parliament
rolls of medieval England 1275-1504,
has been purchased by the Maughan
Library thanks to a bequest left to King’s
this year. The rolls of parliament were
the official records of the meetings of
the English parliament, chronicling
the debates and decisions that led to
acts of parliament being taken forward.
The rolls are an invaluable resource for
studying the development of parliament
during the medieval period and have
particular significance to King’s as the
rolls would originally have been stored
in the Rolls Chapel on Chancery Lane
– now the site of King’s Maughan
The work comprises transcripts of
all the surviving parliamentary rolls
from the reign of Edward I to that
of Henry VII in Latin, French and
Medieval English, together with new
translations into modern English, making
it accessible to all users. The work is also
tHe BritiSH liBrarY/Heritage-iMageS
The power and prestige of the english
parliament grew during the 14th century.
This miniature shows the lords of parliament
assembled to accept richard II’s resignation.
available in the library on CD-ROM.
Some of the other varied activities
and artefacts made possible this year by
generous bequests are: an annual
Inter-faith Conference in Theological
Studies, a new mini-bus for the
Students’ Union and an endowed
choral and organ scholarship.
For information on leaving a legacy
to the college please contact
annette Bullen on 020 7848 4700.
What giving means to me
Charlotte Townsend, staff member at the College’s Institute of Psychiatry, has chosen
to leave a valuable portrait to King’s in her will.
Why did you decide to leave a
legacy to the college?
I am in the fortunate position of
owning a portrait of the Duke of
Wellington who was of course a key
figure in King’s foundation. In fact
the Duke fought a duel in 1829 to
defend the College’s independence.
What do you enjoy about working
at King’s?
I have worked at King’s for 17
years, first in the Department of
Nutrition & Dietetics, then Classics
and now the Institute of
Psychiatry. It has been a
great joy to get to know
so many students and see
them through their
studies. King’s has
always stood for
friendliness and
inclusiveness –
these are qualities
we need to hang on
to and reinforce as
we proceed into the
21st century.
Ch a r
Town lotte
What is your happiest
memory of your time at King’s?
Preaching at the Strand Chapel
for Pentecost in May 2008
(I am training to be a lay
Chaplain at the College).
Another happy memory
is holding an impromptu
party for the Golden
Jubilee procession on
the balcony in the
Classics Department
which overlooks the old
Aldwych tube station.
SuKi dHanda
In Recognition » 1
The Foyle Special Collections
SuKi dHanda
As well as conserving thousands of rare books and
manuscripts thanks to donations from alumni and
friends, the Foyle Special Collections also runs a
programme of exhibitions exploring different aspects
of the unique collection. Recent exhibitions have
included ‘All nature is so full’: Man and other animals,
which looked at the work of zoologists from classical
times to the late nineteenth century, and The pivot of
the whole machinery, a glimpse of the historical library
collections of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
which were transferred to King’s in 2007.
A touring exhibition also came to King’s in summer
2008, Arthur Schnitzler’s Hidden Manuscripts, which
showed unique archival documents relating to the
celebrated Viennese novelist and playwright. These
included correspondence between Schnitzler and
Sigmund Freud amongst others.
Special Collections exhibitions, which are housed in
the Weston Room (the former Rolls Chapel) in King’s
Maughan Library, are open to alumni and the public.
For further information visit the Special collections
or call 020 7848 1843.
Donor and alumnus captain Michael O’reilly (King’s, Physics,
1958) views the exhibition Arthur Schnitzler’s Hidden Manuscripts,
hosted at the Maughan Library in July 2008.
What giving means to me
Jo Williams is the former Vice-President, Representation, of KCLSU (King’s College
London Students’ Union). KCLSU received eight grants from the Annual Fund in
2007-8 for a variety of projects, some of which you can read about on pages 11-13.
How have the annual Fund
grants benefited KCLSU?
An amazing range of
projects was supported
this year, from installing
an e-petitioning system
(an online tool to allow
students to petition the
Students’ Union on
any issue that they feel
is relevant) to sending
a company of twenty
students to perform
at the Edinburgh Fringe
Festival 2008.
What did you enjoy about
being involved in KCLSU?
I never anticipated how
much extra-curricular
activity could add to
my student experience
and employability.
Being a Vice-President
of KCLSU allowed me
to meet people from all
SuKi dHanda
2 » In Recognition
W i l l ia
walks of life and to gain all kinds of
skills from team work to interviewing
What are your plans for the future?
Once I have completed my
MA in Environment, Politics &
Globalisation in the Department
of Geography at King’s I hope
to enter a job in International
Development to help developing
countries make the best use of
their resources.
Opportunities for engineers
david tett
Alumni Terence Lo and Albert Cheung in the Division of Engineering’s Teaching and
Project Laboratory.
King’s relies on the
support of many alumni,
staff and friends of the
Division of Engineering to
fund several key bursaries.
King’s has a long and distinguished
history in engineering: the College’s
original Department of Engineering
was established in 1838, and is
arguably the oldest established
engineering school in England.
In order to continue to provide
the highest quality teaching and
learning environment for students
in this vital area, King’s relies
on the support of many alumni,
staff and friends of the Division
of Engineering to fund several
key bursaries.
Two bursaries, to the value of
£1,000 each, are funded by the
alumni and staff members of the
King’s College London Engineers’
Association (KCLEA). These
bursaries are awarded to second
and third year students in the
Division of Engineering. In
addition, three awards (two
Terence Lo Engineering Bursaries
and the Albert Cheung Bursary)
are funded by the generosity of
individual alumni – Mr Terence
Lo (King’s, Mechanical
Engineering, 1983) and Mr Albert
Cheung (King’s, Mechanical
Engineering, 1983). These are
also worth £1,000 each.
The bursary awards panel
takes great care to select the most
suitable and deserving students.
When considering applications,
the panel takes into account
several factors including academic
performance, financial situation,
career aspirations and contribution
to student life and engineering at
the College.
Whether they are used for books,
software or travel for internships
and work placements, these vital
awards cement students’ passion for
working in engineering.
Annual Giving Award – Mr William Kwan FKC
In September the College gave
a special award to recognise
the outstanding generosity and
commitment of Hong Kong-based
alumnus Mr William Kwan FKC
(King’s, Law, 1959). King’s Annual
Giving Award 2008 was presented
to Mr Kwan in Hong Kong by
Professor Keith Hoggart FKC,
Vice-Principal (Arts & Sciences).
Mr Kwan has been a regular
donor to King’s for over a decade
and was a founder member of the
College’s leadership giving club,
the Principal’s Circle, the members
of which form a critical base of
support that adds greatly to student
life at King’s.
In addition to his long-standing
philanthropic support, Mr Kwan
is a founder member of the Hong
Kong Alumni group which not
only organises events to welcome
all alumni, but also sponsors annual
scholarships to enable a student
from the region to study at King’s.
Professor Hoggart said: ‘It was
an honour to present Willie Kwan
with the Annual Giving Award.
He is an extremely committed
supporter of King’s and an excellent
ambassador for the College on an
international level.’
In Recognition » 3
Museum of Life Sciences
Further to the article in In Touch,
Spring 2008, readers will be pleased
to hear that, thanks to a significant
anonymous donation, as well as
contribution from the College, work
to create a dedicated space for the
Museum of Life Sciences on the
Guy’s Campus began this summer.
The new Museum will provide
a much needed home for the
comparative anatomy collections,
which have been gathered over the
years from the College’s constituent
institutions. The collections
represent an important aspect of
the College’s heritage. Until now,
however, it has not been possible
to display the collections together
– specimens have had to be brought
out specially for student practical
classes and the collections were not
widely accessible.
This exciting initiative to create
a new Museum will allow the
specimens, many over 100 years
old, to be displayed together for
the very first time for the benefit of
PHil SaYer
One of the specimens from the herbarium (pressed plant) collection and part of a
collection of the native plants of Madagascar.
students, staff, alumni and
other visitors.
Dr Gillian Sales (King’s,
Zoology, 1965), Senior Lecturer
in the Department of Anatomy
& Human Sciences and acting
Curator for the Museum, was
delighted with the alumni response
to the In Touch story. She hopes
that, just as she remembers using
the collections herself as a student,
future generations of King’s
students will look back on the
benefit of being able to access these
interesting specimens.
For further information
about supporting the Museum
contact claire Owen on
020 7848 3234.
What giving means to me
Arun Khosla, a Year 5 Dental student, was awarded the prize donated by Dr Clive
Debenham (Guy’s, Dentistry, 1968) for international travel during his elective placement.
Why did you choose to study at King’s?
Because of its superb reputation,
great location and investment into
resources for students.
Where did you spend your elective
I travelled with friends to Fortaleza
in Brazil where we provided dental
care for people in deprived areas.
Within five days our group saw 178
patients, most of whom were
incredibly grateful for any
treatment we were able to
give them.
How has it made a
difference to your life
and studies?
It has really woken me
up to the harsh realities
some people have to live
with, and made me understand
how worthwhile charitable
actions really are. Treating
patients with such great
need was a very valuable
personal and professional
experience. It provided a
tremendous confidence
boost and I feel my
clinical dentistry has
benefited enormously.
SuKi dHanda
4 » In Recognition
A r un
Leadership giving
What giving means to me
Jim Bjork is a Lecturer in Modern European History
in the Department of History which received an
Annual Fund grant this year to buy equipment to
produce podcasts which students can take on site visits.
How will the funding make a
difference to you and your students?
Students will now be able to
connect the experience of visiting
sites across London with the
scholarly debates that they discuss
in the classroom. The podcasts will
help to make historic sites more
interactive and engaging for the
individual student.
Why did you choose to
join King’s?
After teaching in some
of the leading universities of
the United States,
I came to King’s to join
a truly exceptional group
of scholars in the History
Department and to take
A message from the Dean
Institute is
The history of the Dental
rooted in philanthropy, a
which continues today with
by alumni and staff.
unstinting support shown
the lives of our
Their commitment to enriching
us to provide the
students and staff enables
highest standard of education
advanced forms of research.
and staff who
The generosity of alumni
to the Institute with
cipal for Health
give back
from the Vice-Prin
in a year underpins
history of medical
of £1,000 or more
The illustrious
ent. I am,
research at Guy’s, King’s
continued improvem
teaching and
, with
Thomas’ Hospitals
honoured to personally
College and St
those who
the Dentalopy,
ip of
rooted in philanthr
way.the unstinting support
our aims in thiswith
continues today
pleasure that I invite
Their commitm
with great
It is shown
by alumni and staff.
a part inthe
to playenriches
of the HealthCircle.
of the
a memberour
me as enhances
distinguished reputation.
Wilson CBE FKC staff who
generosity of alumni and
Schools with gifts
choose to give back to the
underpins our
of £1,000 or more in a year
I am, therefore,
continued improvement.
, with
honoured to personally recognise
s Medical Circle,
membership of the prestigiou
in this way.
those who support our aims
I invite you to
It is with great pleasure that
us endeavour by
play a part in this tremendo
the Medical Circle.
joining me as a member of
Professor Robert Lechler
Dean’s Discretionary Fund
where the need is greatest
Donations to the Discretionary
Fund allow the Dean to
quickly to emerging needs
opportunities around the
Disbursed at any time during
year when needs arise, the
Discretionary Fund supports:
– Creating
The GKT Annual Fund
a difference
ities, making
Discretionary Fund – Supportin
state-of-the-art teaching
Fundis ●greatest
to the GKT
study facilities
and facilities and
support initiatives designed
of medical
● upgrades
● extra-curricular
to the
further the
sustain and
the Students’ Union
the estate
the societies within
School of Fund
facilitate pioneering
the arts,
Institute and
● projects
● music, drama
to respond
for Heath
excellence where
centres ofVice-Principal
and research
student horizons
full needs or widening teaching
of the Health
are able toquickly
● the strategic priorities
at any study
Fund grants
GKT AnnualDisbursed
with regards to advancement
● volunteering
support: during
of medical knowledge, learning
for students
advantage of London’s unparalleled
cosmopolitan atmosphere.
Fund supports:
– Creating
The GKT Annual Fund
opportunities, making a difference
● state-of-the-art teaching
Donations to the GKT Annual
study facilities
and societies
initiatives designed to sustain
King’s College
● extra-curricular clubs
further the School of Medicine
and Office
within the Students’ Union
Buildingas centres of
the arts, widening
Dental Institute
James Clerk
● music, drama and
able to
Road where students are Picture Credits
beyond study
57 Waterloo
of Periodontology;
British Society
of the
their full potential. GKT1935 & 1956:
by Courtesy
London SE1
1844 & 1939:●Reproduction
Gordon Museum;
Annual Fund grants enhance: British Dentalfor
King’s College London Archives;
[email protected]
Greg Funnell
+44 (0)20 7848 4427
If you were given a million pounds
to spend on King’s how
would you use it?
Personally I would
be keen to use at
least some of it to fund
postgraduate studies in
the Humanities, and in
particular to facilitate
language training. It
is tragic to see how
many important
research projects are
never undertaken
because of the lack
of the necessary
linguistic skills.
King’s College London
Development Office
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8WA
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7848 4427
SuKi dHanda
An evening with Rory Bremner
laura Ward
In October 2007, satirist
and King’s alumnus
Rory Bremner
(King’s, French and
German, 1984),
famous for his
television programmes
including Bremner, Bird
and Fortune, returned to
College to host a fundraising
dinner in aid of student facilities
and activities.
The glamorous black-tie event
was held on the Strand Campus.
Guests enjoyed a drinks reception
in Chapters and jazz music from the
Dixie Ticklers, before sitting down
to a four course dinner in the Great
Hall. After the meal, guests were
– Supporting
upgrades of the Institute’s
facilities and estate
● projects which continue
Institute’s traditional role
providing pioneering teaching
and research
of the
● the strategic priorities
Institute with regards to
advancement of knowledge,
learning and understanding
entertained by Bremner’s
unique brand of political
satire as he discussed
current affairs with
co-host Adam Boulton,
Political Editor at Sky
News and member of
Council at King’s.
The evening raised £15,000
for the Students’ Union thanks
in large part to a raffle and silent
auction with prizes which included
a champagne flight on the BA
London Eye, dinner at the Waldorf
Hilton and membership of
the Southbank Centre.
The money from the event
will help the Students’ Union to
continue its vital role in facilitating
Picture Credits
Physicians of London;
1657: © Royal College of
studio; 2008: Loates-Taylor
1951: © Godfrey Argent
Institute of Palliative Care;
Shannon & Cicely Saunders
London Archives;
Gordon Museum; King’s College
Phil Sayer; Greg Funnell
Recognising our most generous
donors to the Dental Institute
at Guy’s, King’s College
and St Thomas’ Hospitals
Recognising our most generous
donors to the Health Schools
at Guy’s, King’s College
and St Thomas’ Hospitals
Two new leadership giving clubs,
the Medical and Dental Circles,
now allow donors to direct their
support to the discretionary funds
which benefit the School of
Medicine and the Dental Institute.
The new Medical and Dental
Circles complement the existing
Principal’s Circle, which supports
students and staff across King’s.
Warren Birnbaum (King’s,
Dentistry, 1971) became a founding
member of the Dental Circle in
2007: ‘Having trained at King’s
and been privileged to have been a
member of the clinical and teaching
staff of the Dental Institute for
the majority of my career, I am
delighted to be able to support
both current and future students
by being a member of the Dental
For further information
contact alison Thompson on
020 7848 4427.
the many and varied activities of
our students, specifically allowing
them to invest in tools which
will advise students on money
management and budgeting,
ensuring everyone can make the
most of their time at King’s.
In Recognition » 5
greg funnell
6 » In Recognition
King’s leading the fight against
UK survival rates for cancer are currently poor in
comparison with other countries. Professor Arnie
Purushotham is leading the fight against cancer
and explains the aims of King’s new Integrated Cancer
In Recognition » 7
greg funnell
Professor Arnie Purushotham (above), and in
surgery (previous pages).
‘At the heart
of everything
we do is an
focus on the
rofessor Arnie Purushotham
is Director of the Integrated
Cancer Centre (ICC) and
Professor of Breast Cancer
at King’s College London. Professor
Purushotham regularly operates
on breast cancer patients as well as
conducting research into the genetics
of the disease.
You are well known for your passion for
improving cancer care. What inspired you
to pursue a career in medicine?
It’s a cliché but I wanted my career to
achieve something worthwhile. I started
as a student in cardiology expecting to
become a cardiac surgeon. The decision
to specialise in cancer came about as
part of my research and training in
Glasgow. It was a dominant field that
8 » In Recognition
from a clinical and scientific perspective
was, and is, hugely influential. I chose
King’s because it had the potential to
develop and deliver something special
in terms of cancer care, both clinical
and in research.
What is your ambition for the Integrated
Cancer Centre?
We want to combine the most innovative
research into cancer with the very
best standard of care for those who are
suffering with it now. We have great
ambitions for our research into methods
of treating and preventing cancer, but we
are also focused on changing the clinical
delivery of cancer care.
At the heart of everything we do is
an unwavering focus on the patient.
We are constantly asking how we can
Which cancers will the ICC be focusing on?
Six illnesses represent 71 per cent of all
cancer patients diagnosed in the UK
and 51 per cent of all deaths: these are
skin, prostate, breast, haematological,
colorectal and lung cancers. The ICC
is focused on these six illnesses, both
on reducing the time to commence
treatment for patients and developing
better treatment protocols.
How does your research improve treatment?
It is important that we understand our
patients and know what cancer is at the
molecular level, so that we can develop
effective new drugs and treatments.
Current projects include new molecular
discoveries to aid development of
immunotherapy, ‘gene markers’ and
new drugs. We are looking at how we
obtain these details and how we can
deliver this information from researchers
to doctors, in order to improve outcomes
for patients.
What progress have you seen since you
joined in 2005?
We have already made great
improvements to patient care and
continue to build on those achievements.
One hundred per cent of our appropriate
breast cancer patients receive minimally
invasive surgery to the lymph glands
in their armpit, significantly improving
their speed of recovery following surgery
and reducing long term side-effects
(usually women undergoing surgery for
breast cancer have the majority of the
lymph glands in their armpit removed).
Seventy-five per cent of breast cancer
cases are now treated as day patients, up
from just four per cent in 2007, meaning
patients have to spend less time in
hospital away from their families.
What is unique about the Centre?
greg funnell
make everything we do – care, new
trials and holistic approaches – better for
patients. Through this approach we aim
to become one of the best cancer centres
in the world. Many factors are needed
including financial support, intellectual
strength as well as clinical compassion.
It will take a lot of hard work, but we
can do it.
We have a world-class team of clinicians
and academics and an integrated
approach to research and care; many
of our team work both on the wards
and in the labs, allowing face-to-face
contact with the patients whose tissue
samples they will be examining. This
integration is vital to drive discoveries
forward and ensure discoveries reach
our patients quickly.
Our Surviving Cancer, Living Life
service sees specialist cancer nurses
calling participants to offer advice
on managing health and lifestyle and
we have introduced volunteers in the
chemotherapy day units to work with
staff to provide support to patients and
their families.
What difference has alumni support made
to cancer care and research?
The speed of progress which we make in
our research is dictated by the resources
(such as staff and equipment) that we
have available to us; it was for this reason
that, in July, we approached our alumni
community to ask for their support.
Their donations have allowed us to
respond to needs when they occur.
I, and my team, have been
overwhelmed that so many members
of the College community have chosen
to support our work. It is wonderful to
know that so many people share our
belief in what we are doing and want
to help us fulfil our commitment to
delivering the best possible care and
conducting groundbreaking research.
‘We have been
that so many
members of
the College
have chosen
to support our
Cancer research at King’s
• The Integrated Cancer Centre (ICC) at Guy’s, St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospitals is responsible for delivering cancer care to over 1.6 million people.
• Thanks to an alumni appeal earlier this year, the ICC receives regular donations in support of its work from alumni and friends of the College.
• The Centre comprises over 250 researchers in the extended clinical team with another 250 across King’s Cancer
Division. The ICC is also associated with over 200 additional clinical researchers across King’s Health Schools.
• The ICC’s location in central London allows access to a large ethnically and socio-economically diverse patient base.
In Recognition » 9
‘A key forum
which young
leaders can
find solutions
to one of the
most enduring
challenges of
our time.’
10 » In Recognition
s a response to the
challenge of international
terrorism, the International
Centre for the Study of
Radicalisation and Political Violence
(ICSR), based at King’s College London,
was launched in January 2008 to counter
political violence and its causes.
The ICSR brings together innovative
thinkers from academia, politics and
business to find solutions to contemporary
problems. ICSR projects will include
developing strategies to counter online
radicalisation, evaluating government
policies on terrorist and extremist
prisoners and understanding radicalisation
in Europe and North America.
Thanks to the generous support
of Mrs Celia Atkin and the Atkin
Foundation, the ICSR is able to offer
young leaders from Israel and the Arab
world the opportunity to come to
London for a period of four months in
order to develop their ideas on how to
further peace and understanding in the
Middle East through research, debate
and constructive dialogue in a neutral
political environment.
Fellows sponsored by the Atkin
Foundation will be based at King’s
College London. They will complete
an academic paper dealing with an
aspect of a current conflict (including
an analysis of the problem and possible
solutions), promote information and
education about issues in the region, and
jointly organise a series of events dealing
with relevant issues in the Middle East.
Furthermore, Atkin Fellows will be
invited back to London to participate
in a mini-conference at which they can
present and debate their ideas with an
informed audience of policymakers,
academics and journalists. Atkin Fellows
will become part of a network of young
leaders, who will continue to be linked
to each other and the ICSR.
Celia Atkin says: ‘The Atkin
Foundation is pleased to support the
work of the ICSR through the fellowship
programme. We hope it will become a
key forum through which young leaders
can develop their thinking and find
solutions to one of the most enduring
challenges of our time.’
The ICSR is a unique partnership
between four leading academic
institutions – King’s College London, the
University of Pennsylvania, the Regional
Centre for Conflict Prevention Amman
(Jordan) and the Interdisciplinary Center
Herzliya (Israel).
In good company
The College is very grateful to all those who have so
generously supported our work in the past financial
year. The support we received has enabled research and
scholarships, as well as the creation of new academic
posts and improved facilities. We warmly acknowledge
all those listed below, and those who prefer to remain
Exceptional support
We would particularly like to recognise those who have given
support at an exceptional level to the College. We extend
our deepest appreciation to the following, as well as those
individuals and organisations that have chosen to remain
Mrs Celia Atkin, née Bogan
Mr Maurice Bekhor
The Revd David Burton Evans
Mr Gordon Byrn
Mr Paul Cartwright
Mr Albert Cheung
Mrs Anne Cramp née Baker,
Sir Ian Gainsford FKC
Mr Paul Getty III
Dr Terence Gibson, Guy’s
Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC
Mr Peter Jakes
Mr Brian Jeeves
Mr Gervase King, Guy’s
Mr Bruce Kraus
Mr Terence Lo
Mrs Lily Safra FKC
Ms Rena Shulsky
Mr Henry Sweetbaum
Mrs Anna Turner
Professor Robert Walton, Guy’s
Mr Jeremy Worth, UMDS
Action Medical Research
Action on Addiction
Alzheimer’s Brain Bank UK
Alzheimer’s Research Trust
Alzheimer’s Society
Arthritis & Rheumatism Council
Arthritis Research Campaign
The Association for International
Cancer Research
Asthma UK
The Atlantic Philanthropies
Banco Espírito Santo
EE Blackwell Trust
Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Campaign
British Heart Foundation
British Skin Foundation
Burdett Trust for Nursing
Cancer Research UK
Catholic Agency For Overseas
CORE (The Digestive Disorders
Dansac Ltd
Diabetes Foundation
Leadership giving
The College is honoured to recognise the significant
commitment shown by members of the Principal’s Circle,
the Dental Circle and the Medical Circle, each of whom has
generously donated between £1,000 and £10,000 towards the
Annual Fund or the College’s Discretionary Funds.
Mr Anthony Ashplant
Mrs Celia Atkin, née Bogan
Ms Mary Bilton
Mr Warren Birnbaum
Dr Ann Blizard
Lady Diane Bonham-Carter AKC,
née Madden
Mr John Bradley, Guy’s
Mr Graham Brown
Professor Sir Graeme Catto FKC
Professor Stephen Challacombe,
Dr Jack Cohen, RDH
Professor David Cooper, Guy’s
Dr John Crocker & Mrs
Josephine Crocker AKC FKC,
née Frearson
Mrs Margarita Crocker
Dr Christopher Derricott
Mr William Dodwell
The Marquess of Douro OBE &
The Marchioness of Douro OBE
Mrs Dorothy Duckworth, née
Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC
Mr John Goodfellow, Guy’s
Professor John Greenspan FKC,
RDH & Professor Deborah
Greenspan FKC, RDH
Diabetes UK
The Dinwoodie Settlement
The Rosalind Driver TQ/KCL Trust
Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
Research Association
Epilepsy Research UK
Fight for Sight
Foundation for Allergy
Information & Research
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The John & Lucille van Geest
Generation Trust
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital
Kidney Patients’ Association
Haberdashers’ Company Jeston
High Q Foundation
Hospice Education Institute
Human Frontier Science Program
Infertility Research Trust
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation International
King’s Medical Research Trust
Alicia Koplowitz Foundation
Leukaemia Research Fund
Leverhulme Trust
The Levy Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Andrew W Mellon Foundation
Motor Neurone Disease
Moulton Charitable Trust
Northern Rock Foundation
Nuffield Foundation
Oak Foundation
Parkinson’s Disease Society
Pentagon Capital Charitable
Priory Group Limited
Psychiatry Research Trust
The Rayne Foundation
Research into Ageing
The Gerald Ronson Foundation
The Jeremy and John Sacher
Charitable Trust
Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic
Cicely Saunders International
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
South London & Maudsley NHS
Foundation Trust
Sir Halley Stewart Trust
Stroke Association
Tommy’s The Baby Charity
Tubney Charitable Trust
Wellcome Trust
The Garfield Weston Foundation
Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust
The Wolfson Foundation
Maurice Wohl Charitable
Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary
Hardy, née Goold
Mr Richard Hardy
Mr Robin Healey
Mr John Henderson AKC
Mr Mark Herbert
Professor Keith Hoggart FKC
Mrs Lyn Humphreys in memory of
the late Mr William Humphreys
Mr Neil Kaplan
Mrs Joyce Kastner
Mr Martin Kelleher
Mr William Kwan FKC
Mr Derek Lambert AKC
Professor John Langdon FKC
Professor Robert Lechler FKC
Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC
Dr Ian Long AKC
Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC
& Mrs Paula Lucas
Sir Hamid Moollan
Mr Stephen Moss CBE
Mr Andrew Parrish
Professor Harold Preiskel, Guy’s
Mr Steven Rhodes AKC
Mr John Savage
Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson
Sir James Spooner FKC & Lady
Mr M Chareon Tang
Ms Yee Ling Tang
His Honour Judge Toulmin CMG
FKC & Mrs Carolyn Toulmin
AKC, née Graveson
Professor Richard Trainor FKC
Professor John Uff CBE FKC
& Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née
Miss Caroline Usher
Professor Roger Watson, Guy’s
Dr Peter Wilkinson
Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC
Mr Christopher Wiscarson FKC
Mr John Woodley & Mrs Jill
Woodley, née Hodgkinson
Mr Peter Yerbury
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
plus all anonymous members
In Recognition » 1
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Thank you
King’s College London
relies on the support and
commitment of its alumni to
create new opportunities for
its students and staff. Thank
you for your tremendous
generosity. We celebrate all
of our donors, including
those who prefer to remain
anonymous, and would
particularly like to recognise
those donors who have
supported the College for
the past five or more
consecutive years, whose
names are in bold.
Dr John Attenborough
Dr Fred Charatan, St Thomas’
Mr Richard Hart, Guy’s
Mr Gervase King, Guy’s
Dr John Barham
Dr Joan Garai, née Gibson
Dr Robert Hardwick, St Thomas’
Mr James Ireland, Guy’s
Dr Antony Sampson
Mrs Evelyn Smith, née Shipley
Mr Guy Smith AKC
Dr Georgina Somerset, née Turtle
Dr William Hadden, St Thomas’
Mr Guy Carruthers
Mr Harold Fletcher
Sir Roy Harding CBE AKC
Mr Denis Reid, Guy’s
Dr Thomas Richards
Dr Derek Seaton, St Thomas’
Mr John Sergeant AKC
Professor Bob Walton, Guy’s
Dr Gordon Welch, St Thomas’
Mr Frank Zimmermann
Mrs Gladys Smith, née Luscombe
Dr Donald Ainscow, St Thomas’
Dr Charles Attwood, St Thomas’
Mr Stuart Bell, Guy’s
Mrs Eileen Edwards, née Smith
Lady Harding, née Audrey Larkin
Mrs K Inglis-Taylor, née Blount
Mr Arthur Rooms, Guy’s
Mrs Joan Short AKC, née Lesford
Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson
Professor Michael Warren, Guy’s
Dr Janet Waugh, née McDowall
Dr Charles Salkeld
Dr John Jones
Mr Geoffrey Standing
Mr Harold Allaway
Mrs Heather Chapman, née
Mr Edward Eates
Mr Kenneth Coley, Chelsea College
Dr Leslie Hale & The late Mrs Shirley
Hale, née Dumayne
Mrs Betty Iles
Dr Ernest Jarratt
Mr James Pearmund, Guy’s
Dr Patrick Rawlence, St Thomas’
Mr Peter Barke AKC
Mrs Peggy Bedwell, née Mason
Mrs M J Humpheryes, née Coast
Dr Michael Riddell, St Thomas’
Mr Richard Allen
The Revd Aleck Banks AKC
Miss Barbara Clark
Dr Charles Clark
The late Miss Dorothy Crocker AKC
Mr James Fuller, Guy’s
The Revd Dudley Heryet AKC
Miss Nita Hornsby AKC
Mr Richard Tipper, Guy’s
Dr Peter Trafford, St Thomas’
2 » In Recognition in good company
Mr Roger Bonafont
Lady Bonham-Carter AKC, née Diane
The late Dr Raymond Bush, Guy’s
Mrs Constance Butters AKC, née
Mr John Crossley, Guy’s
Miss Betty Dass
Lady Driver, née Patricia Tinkler
Dr Cecil French
Dr Malcolm Godfrey CBE FKC
Dr Hugh Herbert, Guy’s
Mr John Jenrick
Mrs Mary Laundon, née Parratt
Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née Stokes
Mrs Elizabeth Oliver, née Ratigan
Dr John Parker, Guy’s
Mr Jack Rodin CBE
Mr Norman Russell
Mr John Simpson
The late Dr Derek Wells
Mr Anthony Baker
Dr Sydney Beales
Mr Leonard Bean
The Revd Canon Geoffrey Bird AKC
Mr Brian Cane AKC
Dr Graham Carnegie, St Thomas’
Mrs Dorothy Carter, née Levy
Mr Dennis Chisman
Dr Alan Chynoweth
Dr John Cornes AKC
Mr Desmond Crook
The Revd Stephen Davis AKC
Mr Roger Franks
Mr John Gill, St Thomas’
Mrs Linda Howle, née Stride
Dr Anthony Keedwell, Chelsea College
Professor Robert Knecht
Mrs Ailsa Melton, née McLellan
Dr John Middleton, St Thomas’
Dr Eric Pitts
Dr David Price, St Thomas’
Mr Leslie Richards, Guy’s
Miss Iris Richart
Mr T F Roylance
Mrs Anthea Sartain, née Lowe
Dr Peter Shave, Guy’s
Dr Benjamin Silkoff, Guy’s
Mrs Jean Smith AKC, née Clayton
Dr Eric Stafford, Guy’s
Dr Robert Stanger, St Thomas’
Dr Cyril Thomas, St Thomas’
Dr Amin Tibi
Dr Pauline Webb AKC FKC
Mrs Mary Whittle, née Hurrell
Dr Edmund Beswick, Guy’s
Mr Edward Broadway, RDH
Dr Michael Brudenell
The Revd Canon John Burnett AKC
The late Mr James Dickens, Guy’s
Mrs Barbara Dutton, née Hornsby
Mr Michael Gilbert, Guy’s
Professor John Hinton
The late Dr Peter Howard OBE, St
Mr Frank Hulford AKC
Dr Frederick James AKC
Mrs Margaret Joseph, née Johnstone
Dr Martin Lea, St Thomas’
Mr Peter Lineham AKC
Mr Robert Logan-Edwards, Guy’s
Miss Jean Marr
Miss Sheila McCormack, Normanby
The Revd John Ouless AKC
Miss Yvonne Rochat
Miss Josephine Semple, RDH
Dr Dennis Thompson
Dr Tim Anderson, St Thomas’
Mr John Attwood
The Very Revd Trevor Beeson OBE
Mr John Bragg OBE, Chelsea College
Mr Graham Broadhead
Professor Ray Brooks, Chelsea
Dr Barry Brown, Guy’s
Dr Margaret Brown
Mr Donald Carpenter AKC
Mr Richard Catchpole, RDH
Mr John Clark AKC
Mr Ronald Cox
Dr Sheila Doak, née Charter
Dr Jean Gillbard
Dr Peter Hammett
Mr Michael Handscomb
Mr David Heal
The Revd Kenneth Hewitt AKC
Dr Fay Hutchinson MBE, née Thomas
Mr Raymond Isherwood AKC
Mrs Eileen Lineham, née Thompson
Dr Ruth Lister
The Revd Martin Orme
Mrs Margaret Pearson, née Simpson
Mr Desmond Pollock
Mr Herbert Powell, Guy’s
The Revd Hugh Pruen
Dr Hugh Smyllie
Mrs Audrey Thomas, née Beeson
Dr Kenneth Aberdour
Dr Morris Baker
Dr Clive Bishop FKC
Mr Ronald Bristow
Mrs Rosemarie Broadhead, née Lasire
Mr Jeffrey Bulow, RDH
Dr John Burston, St Thomas’
Mr Roy Butler AKC
Dr Rosemary Cooper
Mr Leslie Cox AKC
Mr Paul Dack AKC
Mr Neil Dallas, St Thomas’
Dr John Davies
Mrs Jean Day, née Ayre
Dr Maurice Driver AKC
The Revd Canon Thomas Evans AKC
Professor Michael Fisher FKC
Mr Geoffrey Gardner & Dr Phylis
Gardner AKC, née Stevens
Mr John Goodfellow, Guy’s
Mr Derek Graff
Mr Peter Hargreaves AKC
Mrs Rosemary Hewitt, née Jones
Mr Donald Howle
Professor Aubrey Jenkins
Mrs Helen Jenrick, née Young, RDH
Mrs Dorothy Jolley, née Castell, QEC
Mr Maurice Kerby
The Revd John Meacham AKC
Dr Lawrence Middleton
Miss Angela Minchin, Normanby College
Mr Stanley Mitchell, Guy’s
Mr John Mumford
Emeritus Professor Anthony North
Dr John Peters
Mr John Powley
Dr John Richards AKC
The Revd Maurice George Rogers
Dr John Rycroft, Guy’s
Mr William Sale AKC
Dr John Savage, St Thomas’
Mr David Shinn
Mr Ronald Stedman & Mrs Muriel
Stedman, née Maine
Dr Dennis Stoker, Guy’s
Mr Geoffrey Taylor
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Professor John Thornton, Guy’s
Mrs Greta Walton, née Wray
Mr Geoffrey Weekes AKC
Mr David Willis
Mr Paul Wright AKC
Dr Simon Altmann
Dr Michael Ashley-Miller
Mr John Ashworth AKC
Dr David Bayton, St Thomas’
Dr Raymond Brotherwood, Guy’s
Dr Peter van den Brul, St Thomas’
The late Mr Clive Burrow AKC
Mrs Sheila Butler AKC, née Keen
Mr John Clarke AKC
Professor Richard Creese
Mrs Margaret Godden, née Muirden
Dr Victor Hutchinson
Dr Iris Krass
Mr Derek Lambert AKC
Dr John MacWilliam, Guy’s
Dr Bernard Mallett, Guy’s
Dr Charles Mansfield
Mr Alan Melbourne
Mr Alan Morris
Mr Kynvin Nixon
Mrs Dorothy Noble
Dr Roger Orcutt, St Thomas’
Dr William Parker, Guy’s
Dr Richard Perks, St Thomas’
Mr David Potter AKC
The Revd Prebendary Frank Powell
AKC & Mrs Joan Powell
Ms Diana Raine
Dr Vincent Redding, St Thomas’
Mr Colin Robinson, Guy’s
Mr Julian Smith
Mr John Stock
Mr Kenneth Sutherland
The Revd Edward Thompson AKC
Dr Oliver Todd
Dr Leonard Williams, St Thomas’
Mr John Abrams, RDH
Dr Frank Andrews
Dr Philip Arnold
Mrs Jean Ashmead AKC, née Trippett
Mr Howard Bailey
Mr Eric Carter
Dr Bob Chambers AKC
Dr Peter Cook AKC, Guy’s
Dr Douglas Cornish
Dr John Crocker
Miss Sheila Downs
Ms Margaret Etall
Mrs Margaret Field, née Johnson
Mr David French
The Revd John Godfrey AKC
Miss Mary Gold AKC
Mr Philip Grantham
Mrs Bridget Greiner AKC, née Cormack
Dr Robert Jones, Guy’s
Mr Bryan Markwell, RDH
Dr Alan Myles, St Thomas’
Mrs Jessie Oddy, née Owen
Dr Robin Orr, Guy’s
Mr Peter Poole AKC
Mr Geoffrey Pye
Dr Robert Ridley AKC
Dr Marie Rowlands
Mr Ian Rushton
Mrs Mary Smith, née Rice
Mr Geoffrey Smith
Mr Bruce Vail AKC
Dr John Welford AKC
Mr Timothy Bass, Guy’s
Professor John Brindley
Mr Reginald Browning
Mrs Moira Burnett, née Smee, QEC
Mr John Callard
The Revd Dick Chown AKC
Mrs Anne Cook, née Berry
Dr Desmond Croft & Dr Hilary Croft,
née Rendle, St Thomas’
The Revd Stephen Davies AKC
Dr W Dolton
Dr David Enoch, St Thomas’
Dr Arthur Fowle & Dr Lise Fowle,
née Einerl
Mr Ian Fraser, Guy’s
Professor Lionel Fry
Mrs Norma Hall, née Youdale
Mrs Margaret Harris, née Gain
Mr Michael Healey AKC
Mr Peter Heath
Dr Kenneth Hillard, Guy’s
Dr Humphrey Hope, Guy’s
Miss Margaret L Hulmes, QEC
Mr Jeremy Joel
The Revd Maurice Kirby AKC
Mrs Pamela Larner, née Ryder
Mr Peter Long, Guy’s
Mr Stewart McKim, St Thomas’
Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née HoneyJones, QEC
Sir Hamid Moollan
Mr John Newby AKC
Mr Christopher Pennington
Mrs Jean Potter AKC, née Palmer
The Revd Anthony Richins
Mr Bryan Rigby
Dr Donald Roberts, Guy’s
Dr J R Robinson, St Thomas’
Mr Harry Ruberl
Dr Keith Scott MBE
Mr Ian Sichel
Dr Martin Spiro
Mr Deryl Tandy AKC
Mr William Thomas, Guy’s
Colonel Kenneth Walker OBE, Guy’s
Mrs Anne Welford, née Marsden
Mrs Audrey Wilcock, née Heap
Mr John Andrews AKC
Mr Peter Bayliss
Mr Anthony Clifton-Samuel, RDH
Dr Roger Cole, St Thomas’
Dr David Davies, Guy’s
Dr John Davies, Guy’s
Dr Vera Dolton, née Irving
Dr William Edwards
The Revd Colin Elliott AKC
Dr Colin Geary, St Thomas’
Mrs Corinne Graham, née Carmona
Dr Philip Haffenden
Mr John Hanford
Mr Richard Hardy
Mrs Berenice Harper, née Haydon
Dr Rosemary Ellwood, née Hayball
Mr George Hilbert
Professor Walter Holland CBE FKC, St
Ms Anne Holley, née Collins
The late Mrs Jean Laycock, née
The Revd Canon Robert Lunnon AKC
Mr Donald Nappin
The Rt Revd John Neale AKC
Mrs Angela Poolman, née Harding
His Honour John Prosser
Mr Paul Simpson
Eur Ing Peter Sims
Mr Ewart Smith
Mrs Ann Thompson, née Mortimer
Mr Alan Trinder, Chelsea College
The Revd Peter Vincent AKC
Mr Peter Wagerman
The late Professor Herbert Wilson
The Revd Robert Wilson AKC
Miss Jean Wines AKC
Mr Gordon Adams OBE AKC
Mr Michael Allen
Mrs Eileen Andrews, née Ginn
Dr Simon Ardeman
Mr Dennis Ardouin, RDH
Mrs Yvonne Ashley-Miller
The late Mrs Dorothy Baker, née
Mr David Boughton
Mrs JoAnne Brewster, née Shepherd
Mr John Brooks
Ms Bridget Clarke
Mrs Pauline Congreve, née Owen
The Revd John Corke AKC
Mr Christopher Cory
Mrs Josephine Crocker AKC FKC, née
Dr Brian Cuddigan, St Thomas’
Mr John D’Arcy
Mr Lewis Davies, Chelsea College
Dr Robert Doig, Guy’s
Ms Maureen Duffy FKC
Mrs Lynn Free AKC, née Brownhill
Professor John Garrett
Mr Balfour Halevy
Miss Janet Henderson
Dr Hugh Hughes
Mrs Maureen Hunton, née Anderson,
Dr John Illingworth, Guy’s
The Revd Richard Inkpen AKC
Mrs Barbara Jacobs, née Woolf,
Dr William Jones
Mr Victor Jordan
Dr John Kennedy
Mr William Knapman, Guy’s
The Revd William Leah AKC
Mr Michael Lindsay, RDH
Mr Anthony Lowe, Guy’s
Ms Marilyn Malin
The Revd Prebendary Christopher
Marshall AKC
Mr Robert Medlycott
Mr John Philpott AKC
Mr John Proctor & Mrs Margaret
Proctor, née Dobson
Mrs Pauleine Reed AKC, née Hodby
Mrs Gloria Rees, née Cavalot, Guy’s
The Revd Herbert Reid AKC
Mr David Risk
Dr Frederick Roberts AKC & Dr Pamela
Roberts, née Osborn
Dr Ralph Robinson, Guy’s
Mr Bernard Rofe AKC
Mr Malcolm Rowson
Mr John Savage
Dr Bryan Scaife
Mr John Shrimplin
Dr Kenneth Somer AKC
Dr John Sowton AKC
Mr Geoff Stephenson & Mrs Hilary
Stephenson AKC, née Lockwood
Dr Jennifer Tisdall, née Vann
Mrs Sally Vincent AKC, née Watson
Mr William Watkins
Dr Patsy Watney, née Lachelin,
St Thomas’
Dr Anthony Watson, St Thomas’
The Revd Thomas Wright AKC
Mrs Brenda Akers, née Lowery
The Revd David Battersby AKC
Mrs Yvonne Brett, née Blatch
Mrs Margaret Brookes, née Lee
Mr Barry Cryer, Guy’s
Mrs Patricia D’Arcy, née Wood
Mr David Dunlop
Dr Peter Edwards, St Thomas’
Mrs Jane Evans, née Heron
Dr Kenneth Ferguson, IoP
Dr G Fernando, IoP
Dr Robert Gilchrist, St Thomas’
Mr Peter Golding
Mrs Jill Goodchild, née Harrison
Mr Kenneth Gregory
Miss Marilyn Harrison, Normanby
Mr Bernard Hollingsworth AKC
The Revd Gordon Ikin
Dr Mike Irving, St Thomas’
The Revd John Jackson AKC
Mr William Jago & Mrs Winifred Jago,
née Sullivan
Mr Peter Johnson, St Thomas’
Mrs Rosalind Kemp, née Challacombe
Dr Basil Lee, St Thomas’
Mr John Lloyd
Mr Bill Lovelock
Professor Khursheed Moos OBE, Guy’s
Mrs Iona Muncaster, née Gilbert, QEC
Dr John Patten
Dr David Plummer AKC, Chelsea
Mrs Rochelle Shapiro, née Gelman
Mr Elfrid Silcock, Guy’s
The Revd Canon David Tann AKC
Mr William Thomas, RDH
In Recognition in good company » 3
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Thank you
Mr Terence Watts
Dr Gillian Weller, St Thomas’
Dr Thomas West OBE, St Thomas’
Dr Peter Whatmore, Guy’s
Mr Richard Williams
Dr John Wilson
Mr Colin Baker
The Revd Canon John Barnes AKC
Dr Malcolm Begley, St Thomas’
The Revd David Biles AKC
Dr Ann Blizard
Mr John Bradley, Guy’s
Dr Paul Brass
Dr James Briggs, St Thomas’
Dr G Brill, St Thomas’
Mrs Pauline Brown, née Bowyer
Mrs Anne Chiene, née Hopkins
The Revd John Copping AKC
Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née Cassal
Dr Donald Edbrooke, Guy’s
Mr John Freeborn
Dr Elizabeth Freeman
Mr William Gibson, Guy’s
Dr Keith Hammond, Guy’s
Dr Desmond Higton AKC
Mr Robert Hinton AKC
Mr Brian Howden
Mr Robert Jackson, St Thomas’
Dr Ivor James
Dr Jeremy Lee-Potter, Guy’s
Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC
The Revd Christopher Lunn AKC
Professor Stuart Malin
Mrs Margaret Manistre, née Charles
The Revd Canon Peter Marshall AKC
Mr Eric Misselke
Mr John Muir FKC
Mrs Diane Murphy AKC, née Lees
Captain Michael O’Reilly & Mrs Jean
O’Reilly AKC, née Brenton
Mr John Padovan FKC
Mr John Pearson
Mr William Pegg
Mr Colin Penna
Mr Malcolm Pine
Mr John Price
Ms Fay Rance
Dr John Restall, St Thomas’
Mrs Hilary Silvester, née Walker
Dr Colin Smart
Dr Brian Smith
Mr Stewart Smith
Professor Roy Stainton
Mrs Anne Stevenson
Mrs Ruth Stuart, née Cocker, Guy’s
Mr John Talbot
Mrs Diana Wakeford, née Levete
Mr Christopher Wege, Guy’s
Dr Cyril Williams, Guy’s
Mrs Mary Wilson AKC, née Stanbury
The Revd Martyn Wratten AKC
Dr Roger Bagshaw
Mrs Josephine Bankes, née Kingswell,
Dr James Birtwistle AKC
4 » In Recognition in good company
Mr Andrew Blackler, Guy’s
Dr Alan Burn
Mr Antony Carr
Professor John Corbett AKC
Ms Jennifer Davies
Mr Colin Dawe AKC
Mr Geoffrey Donald
Dr Thomas Foley, St Thomas’
The Revd Canon Jane FreebairnSmith, née Goldfinch
Mr George Garrett AKC
Dr Peter Gould AKC
Mr Henry Green
Dr Keith Greenlaw, St Thomas’
Ms Valerie Haggett
Dr Simon Harcourt-Webster,
St Thomas’
Mr Bill Hargraves, Guy’s
Mr James Hogan
Mrs Elizabeth Holgate AKC, née
Dr John Holmes-Smith OBE, Guy’s
Mrs Jill Jackson, née Hampton, Guy’s
Mr William Kwan FKC
Mrs Judith Le Poer Power, née Cooke
Mrs Clara Locke, née Liu
Dr Ann Mason, St Thomas’
The Revd David McKeeman AKC
Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray, QEC
Mr Michael Morrell
The Venerable Len Moss AKC
Dr John Pegg, St Thomas’
Mrs Jean Pomfret, née Bacon
Mr David Roberts
Mr Bernard Roser
Dr William Roy
Mr David Smith
Dr Paul Smith, St Thomas’
Dr Carey Smithen
Mr Barry Steer
The Revd Alfred Tedman AKC
Mr Wayne Thomas
Mr James Wadley
Dr Brian Warren, Guy’s
Mr James Watkis
Mr Richard Wilcockson & Mrs Sheila
Wilcockson, née Kirwan
Mrs Margaret Williams, née
Downham, Chelsea College
Miss Lilian Young
Mr Keith Atkinson MBE
Mr Kenneth Bandy AKC
Professor Martin Barratt CBE,
St Thomas’
Mr John Bason, Guy’s
Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née
Mrs Janet Bennett, née Frost
Mr Bruce Bennett
Mr Don Blackman, RDH
Mrs Hazel Brown, née Priestley
Dr Peter Bunyan
The Revd David Burton Evans
Dr Richard Cockerill, Guy’s
Dr Jack Cohen, RDH
Dr Alan Cooper, Guy’s
Professor John Coote, Chelsea
Mr John Duggan
Mr Alan Duncum
Dr Hilary Eggington, St Thomas’
Dr Malcolm Farr AKC
Dr John Feather
Mr David Fifield, Chelsea College
Mrs Diana Francis, née Slater
The Rt Revd Richard Garrard AKC
Dr John Heywood, St Thomas’
Mr Bernard Jones AKC
Mr Geoffrey Lammas
Dr Barry Macey-Dare & Dr Mitzi
Macey-Dare, née Coyle, RDH
Professor Ted Maden
The Revd Clive Malpass & Mrs
Penelope Malpass, née Williams
Dr John Massy
Mr John Mayne
Dr Edward Miles
Mr Donald Millington
Dr John Murray, Guy’s
Mrs Rosalind Paterson AKC, née May
Mr Colin Peacock
Mr Kenneth Robertson, Guy’s
Mr Gerald Robinson
Mr Bob Russell
The Revd John Salter AKC
Miss Jennifer Sollis AKC
Mrs Thelma Speake, née Dutton
Mrs Valerie Taylor AKC, née Chainey
Dr Robert Terry, Guy’s
Mr Andrew Thomson
Mrs Lilian West, née Trotter
Mrs Wendy Wilson, née Lloyd
Mr John Wyatt
Mr Michael Aubrey
Miss Joan Bernard FKC
Dr John Cook AKC & Mrs Vivien
Cook, née Lamb
The Revd John Cook AKC
Mr Edward Cowking
Dr Ian Crossman, Guy’s
Mr Rodney Davis AKC
Mrs Julia Dickinson, née Knight
Mr John Dodwell
Dr Robert Durance, Guy’s
Canon Martyn Farrant AKC
Mr John Ford
Ms Helen Gibbons, née MacMahon
Dr C Gleave
Mr Neville Goldwyn & Mrs Margaret
Goldwyn, née Whittingham
Dr David Gordon
Mrs Sue Halstead, née Blacklock,
The Revd Christopher Harrison AKC
The Revd Canon Simon Hoare AKC
Mr Michael Howell
Mrs Mary Johnston AKC, née Lucas
Professor Michael Knibb AKC FKC
Dr Adam Lawrence, St Thomas’
Miss Barbara Marsh
His Honour Judge David Mellor & Mrs
Carol Mellor, née Clement
Dr John Meredith Smith
Dr Norman Mills
Mr David Nash
Mrs Veronica Needham, née Marsden
Dr John Oliver, Guy’s
Ms Christine Parker
Mr Alan Paul AKC & Mrs Jennifer
Paul, née Landau
Professor Harold Preiskel, Guy’s
Dr Ian Sadler
The Revd Eric Sellgren AKC
Mr Warren Shear, Guy’s
Mrs Alison Stagg, née Frame, QEC
Mr Richard Stedman AKC
The late Mr Beverley Steger-Lewis
Mr Norman Vaughton AKC
Dr Michael Webb OBE
Professor Roy Weller, Guy’s
Dr John Weston, St Thomas’
Dr Francis Wong, St Thomas’
Mr Christopher Wright AKC
The Revd Canon David Abraham AKC
The Revd Canon Brian Bailey
Dr Ian Baker MBE, Guy’s
Professor David Barker, Guy’s
Mr Robin Bowen-Williams AKC
Dr Charles Briscoe, Guy’s
Dr Christopher Cheetham, St Thomas’
Mr Dennis Clark
Dr Geoffrey Cook, Guy’s
Mr David Cropper
The Revd Canon Colin Day AKC
Canon Mr Roger Devonshire AKC
Mrs Ruth Dolbear, née Stephen
Dr Kenneth Evans, Guy’s
Mrs Anne Ford, née Timms
Mr Michael Gann, Guy’s
The Revd Brenda Harding, née Emery
Mr Thomas Hart
Professor Michael Humphries
Mr David Ingmire AKC
Mr John James
The Revd Margaret Jenkinson,
Normanby College
Mr John Knight
Mr Ian Lord, St Thomas’
Dr Ian Magrath
Dr Rosemary Millis, Guy’s
Mr William Milner AKC
Mr Bruce Morgan, Guy’s
Mrs Elizabeth Morgan, née Waldron,
Dr Michael Quinton
Mr Robert Richardson, Guy’s
Mr Robin Rippon, Guy’s
Dr Kenneth Rooke, Guy’s
Mr David Rowe
Mr Hans Seiwert
Mr John Shildrick AKC
The Revd Pip Short AKC, née Woodrow
Dr Valerie Steger-Lewis, née Manning
Mr Michael Vadon
Mr Alan Wallace, Guy’s
Mr John Webb
Dr Norma Williams, née Allen, Guy’s
Dr John Willoughby, St Thomas’
The Revd David Woodley AKC
Dr Denham Wright, St Thomas’
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Dr John Anderson, St Thomas’
Ms Moyra Archibald
The Revd Graham Bell AKC
Ms Mary Bilton
Mrs Jane Bowen-Williams AKC, née
The Revd David Bracey
Dr Ronald Brandt, Guy’s
Dr Julian Candy, St Thomas’
Mr Peter Collard
Professor Alan Collins
Professor David Cooper, Guy’s
The Revd Howard Curnow
Mr Jack Davies, RDH
Dr Anil Dutt, IoP
Mr Philip Ellisdon
Mrs Rosina Elston, née Collison
The Revd Philip Elston
Mr Peter Ewin
Dr Alan Forbes
Dr Michael Forth
Professor John Greenspan FKC, RDH
Mr John Hancock
Mrs Diana Honeybone AKC, née Yorke
Mr Robert Jenkin, Guy’s
Mr Tony Lee
Dr Roger Lendon
Dr David Lewis, St Thomas’
Dr Edward Little
Dr Anthony Lucas-Smith AKC
Dr Francis McGinn, Guy’s
Dr Jane Miller, née MacDougall
Mr James Page, Guy’s
Mr Graham Raven
Mr David Richards, Guy’s
Dr Bryan Robinson, Guy’s
Mr Bob Sainsbury, Guy’s
Mrs Heather Savini, née Montacute
Dr Donald Shelley, Guy’s
Dr Iain Sidford
The Revd Canon Paul Simmonds
Mrs Phyllis Sluce, née McMellan, QEC
Dr Roger Street, St Thomas’
The Revd Peter Townsend AKC
Professor John Uff CBE FKC
Mr Peter Ward
Dr David Wilson, Guy’s
Mr Michael Womersley, QEC
Dr Anthony Bayley, St Thomas’
Dr Paul Brankin OBE
Mr Richard Bulgin
The Revd John Cooper
Mrs Linda Corner, née Parker
Ms Barbara Dennis
Mr Kenneth Eley
Mrs Betty Ewin, née Clay
Mr Andrew Eyles
Dr Shirley Foster
Mr Roy Gooderham
Professor Deborah Greenspan FKC,
Dr Christopher Hodgson
Mr Peter Howe
Professor James Hulbert
Mr Roger Jones AKC
Mrs Andrea Knight, née Jenkins
Ms Veronica Lawlor
Mr David Leebrook
Dr Martin Lewis
Mr John Marchant
Mr Timothy Marsh
Mr Thomas Mason
Dr Margaret McRae-Spencer, née
Mrs Jane Mercer, née Wilkinson
Dr Roger Money-Kyrle, St Thomas’
Mr Tony Paice
Dr Brian Price AKC
Mr Peter Reeve
Mr William Reid, Guy’s
Mr John Rose
Mrs Gillian Rowe, née Oakley
Dr Andrew Saunders, Guy’s
Ms Carol Smith AKC, née Evans
Professor Ian Talbot AKC
Mr M Chareon Tang
Mr Romney Tansley
Ms Carolyn Toulmin AKC, née Gullick
Mr John Varnes, Guy’s
Mr William Vyse
Dr Euan Wallace, St Thomas’
The Revd Alan Watson
The Revd Peter Westwood
Mrs Hazel Womersley, née Alston, QEC
The Revd Canon Peter Adams AKC
Mrs Desna Allan, née O`Sullivan
Mr Rodney Bagshaw
Dr Derek Beale, St Thomas’
Mr Roger Brown, Guy’s
Mr Keith Butler
Dr Peter Callen
Mr Thomas Chapman
Mrs Blanche Chatfield, née Crooks
Mrs Bernice Chitnis, née Metzner
Mrs Joanna Clark
Mr Christopher Clark AKC
Dr Martin Corner AKC
Mr George Le Couteur AKC
The Revd Canon Philip Dearden AKC
Mr Harvey Dodgson
Mr Christopher Etherington & Mrs Jill
Etherington, née Hopkin
Ms Elizabeth Foinette AKC
Mr Dennis Gedge
Dr Antony Green, RDH
Dr Laurence Hallewell
Mr Andrew Hamilton
Dr Anthony Hazzard, Guy’s
Mrs Kathleen Healey
The Revd Canon Ernest Hepworth
Mr Philip Hodges AKC
Dr Martin Hoyle, Guy’s
Mr Clive Invest, RDH
Mr Peter Jordan, Guy’s
Mr Michael Kemp AKC
Dr Howell Lloyd
The Revd David Lowe
Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones
Mr Peter Mitchell, Guy’s
The Revd John Newton
Dr Peter Rowley
Professor John Saunders, St Thomas’
Mr Byron Stinson
Mrs Patricia Thomas, née McCarthy
The Revd Canon Mr John Tipping AKC
Ms Mary Tyler, née Bewicke
Mr Raymond Whitaker
Ms Judith Wilson AKC, née Robertson
Mr John Bennett
Dr Malcolm Carpenter
Dr Brian Chenley
Dr David Churchill, St Thomas’ & Mrs
Sonia Churchill, née Carr
Mr Peter Clarke AKC
Dr John Cordingley
Mr Dennis Cotgrove
Dr Simon Cox
Mrs Anne Cramp, née Baker, Guy’s
Mrs Joy Crispin-Wilson, née Crispin
Mr David Farrar, St Thomas’
Lady Fersht, née Marilyn Persell
Dr Patrick Furniss, St Thomas’
Dr Terence Gibson, Guy’s
The Revd James Hargreave
Brigadier Houghton, St Thomas’
Mr David Hurford
The Rt Revd David Jennings
Dr Anthony Keeley
Mrs Sandra Kremer, née Simmonds
Dr Peter Lillford
Mr Peter Little OBE AKC
The Revd John McCollough
Mr Shaun O’Byrne
Mr Andrew Parrish
Dr Ian Roberts, Guy’s
Dr Michael Sadler, St Thomas’
The Revd John Searle OBE, Guy’s
The Revd Mervyn Terrett
Professor Stephen Wilbur
Ms Gillian Wix, née Horton
Mr Laurence Baker
Mr David Boyes
Miss Jose Bradbrook, QEC
Mr Peter Bromage
Mr Anthony Bunker & Mrs Elizabeth
Bunker, née Harding, Chelsea
Mr Christopher Bunker
The Revd Leonard Burn
Mrs Margaret Champkin
Dr Judith Dale, née Barr, St Thomas’
The Revd Hugh Dibbens
Mr Martin Dickinson
Mr Philip Evans
Mr Michael Falcon, Guy’s
The Revd Leonard Fox
Mr Roger Gaitley
Mr Graham Hardman
Mr Toby Harris
Mrs Susan Harrison, née Pearce
Dr Anne Hogg
Professor Richard Hughes, Guy’s
The Rt Revd Martyn Jarrett
Mr Neil Kaplan CBE
The Venerable Peter H D’A Lock AKC
Dr Martin Miller
Dr Jacqueline Morgan, St Thomas’
Dr Roger Pulvertaft, St Thomas’
Mrs Anne Reece, née Begent, RDH
Miss Anne Rickwood
Ms Anne Smith
Mr Julian Towler, St Thomas’
Mr Michael Tunnicliff
Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née Graveson
Mrs Alison Uppard, née Fowke
Dr Richard Vincent
Mr Andrew Walls, St Thomas’
Mr Anthony Wills
Dr Patrick Xavier
Mrs Celia Atkin, née Bogan
Mr Russell Aylott
Mrs Stephanie Baker AKC, née
Mr David Blackburn
Dr Andrew Brown, Guy’s
Mr Roy Burrows
Professor Stephen Challacombe,
Mr Peter Colliver
Mr Anthony Cornell, Guy’s
Mrs Sue Coulbeck, née Douglas
Miss Ruth Darton AKC
Dr Alan Debenham
Dr Clive Debenham, Guy’s
Mr Alan Dowsett, Guy’s
Dr Drusilla Elias, née Pearce
Dr Joanna Gazzard, née Koeller,
Mr Nicholas Goulding
Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC
Mr Brian Hall
Mr Robin Healey
Mrs Judith Hodsdon, née Bonsall
Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC
Dr Richard James AKC
Mr Simon Janvrin, Guy’s
Dr Wendy Johnson, née Higlett, Guy’s
Mr Henry Killender
Mr Anthony Kremer
Mr Charles Leggott AKC
The Revd Toby Marchand
Dr Christopher John Marchese
Mr David Marsh AKC
Mr Edward Marston
Mr Roger Peck
Mrs Anne Phillips, née Thompson
Mr Richard Reece, RDH
Mr Clive Ross
Mr Patrick Russell, RDH
Dr David Seager AKC
Mr Sabah Shamash
Miss Ingrid Slaughter AKC
Mr Anthony Smith AKC
Mrs Gillian Sugden AKC, née Sleep
Mr Jonathan Swain, Guy’s
Mrs Janet Taylor, née Stokely
Mr John Threlfell
Dr John Tripp, Guy’s
Mr Martyn Wenger
Professor Graham Whitehouse
Mr Alan Woodman
Mr John Woodward
In Recognition in good company » 5
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Thank you
Dr Gregory Ansell, St Thomas’
Dr Marilyn Ballisat, née Alister
Dr Peter Bellamy, St Thomas’
Dr Robert Bellenger
Mr David Blacoe
Ms Janet Bradford
Mr Francis Burgum
Dr Timothy Bushell, Guy’s
Dr Anthony Charlier
Dr John Clothier
Dr John Cockburn, Guy’s
Mr Richard Corbett, St Thomas’
Her Honour Judge Daley
The Revd Derek Duncanson
Mr Michael Dyer
Mr Peter Eade
Mr Owen Emanuel, Guy’s
Mrs Gina Fairfax AKC, née Willcox
Dr Elizabeth Fiddaman, née Wilcox
Dr John Frye
The Revd Brian Gant
Dr Christopher Healey
Dr Jill Howell, née Qureshi, St Thomas’
Mr Paul Hudson & Mrs Janet Hudson,
née Kay
Mr Robin Hughes, St Thomas’
Mr David Jacobs, Guy’s
Dr Roger Jago, St Thomas’
The Revd Christopher Kevill-Davies
Dr Jeremy Lade, St Thomas’
Mrs Felicity Lowe AKC, née Hodge
Mrs Cynthia Martin, née Potter
Mrs Anne Mayfield, née Oliver
Ms Betty Melling
The Revd Morris Munns
The Very Revd George Nairn-Briggs
Mr Thomas Neilson
Mrs Elizabeth Norman, née Marks
Dr David Norminton, St Thomas’
Mr Nicholas Nutt
Mr Richard Packer AKC
Mrs Gina Parker, née Howlett
Mr Charles Pearson, Guy’s
Mr Richard Price OBE
Mr Ian Rawlings, St Thomas’
The Venerable John Rawlings
Mr Paul Robinson
Miss Ruth Sara AKC
Dr Robert Scholefield, Guy’s
Mr Bernard Schueler, RDH
Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy
Mr John Sly AKC
Miss Brenda Squires
Mr J G Stephen, St Thomas’
Dr Keith Stewart, Guy’s
Mr Philip Stone, QEC
Mr Malcolm Swift
Mrs Lesley Tzidon, née Lewin
The Revd Prebendary David Vanstone
Mr Christopher Walker AKC
Mr Michael Watson, Guy’s
The Revd David Williams AKC
Mr Timothy Williams, St Thomas’
Professor Dennis Wood
Mr Anthony Addison, Guy’s
Ms Naomi Angell
Dr Michael Boll, Guy’s
Mrs Miriam Collins, née Wilmot
Mr John Cope, Guy’s
Dr Steve Crooks, St Thomas’
Mr John Cunliffe, Guy’s
Mr John Curtis, Guy’s
Dr Demosthenes Dirmikis
Ms Heather Dodd, née Vassie
Dr Michael Faulkner, Guy’s
Mrs Diana Gant, née Scutt
Dr Rodney Gunn
Dr Henry Hambly, St Thomas’
Dr Margaret Helliwell, née McClelland
Mr Mark Herbert
Dr Anthony Hughes, St Thomas’
Ms T Jerosz
Mr Anthony Kieran AKC
Mr Peter King AKC
Mr Michael Leyland
Mrs Pamela Mainwaring, née Watson,
Mr Geoffrey Marsh
Mr Guy Moody
Dr Ian Mungall, St Thomas’
Dr David Murfin
Mr Christopher Neville, Guy’s
Mr Frank O’Shea
Mrs Anu Parikh, née Chandra Das
Mrs Frances Paterson MBE, née
Mr Christopher Pegg & Mrs Jennifer
Mr Richard Piercy, QEC
The Revd Susan Ramsaran AKC
Dr Anna-Maria Rollin, née Tihanyi,
Miss Jennifer Rumble AKC
Dr Ian Saunders
Mr Roger Scholes
Dr Margaret Semple, née Oats,
St Thomas’
Mrs Suzanna Stein, née Miller
Ms Jan Thompson, née Hudson
Mrs Susan Vanstone, née Fremlin
Mr John Waller
Mr Brian Waters
Dr Alfred White
Ms Mona Yeow, Chelsea College
6 » In Recognition in good company
Dr Jonathan Allan, RDH
Mr Jerome Ambrose
Mr Warren Birnbaum
Mrs Ruth Bolton, née Yarnold
Dr John Bunning
Mr Robert Burt, Guy’s
Dr Ben Cohen, RDH
Dr John Dinnen
Dr Susan Dirmikis, née Maciver
Mr Bill Draycott, RDH
Mr Arthur Edwards
Mrs Margaret Ferris AKC, née
Dr Geoffrey Frost AKC
Mrs Helen Glover, née Phillips
Dr Ray Godwin
Mrs Ruth Guyer, née Daufman
Dr Peter Harrison, Guy’s
Mr Ian Hollands, Chelsea College
Mr Brian Jeeves
Dr Colin Jefferson
Dr Edward Kershaw
Mrs Catherine Kim, née Perry
Professor Peter Knight AKC
Mrs Irene Lane
Mrs Susan Leach AKC, née Boore
Dr Vivien Leask-Millar, née Leask,
Dr Philip Lewis, St Thomas’
Mrs Jennifer Lockwood, née Brache
Mr Jonathan McGlone, Guy’s
Mr Colin Morgan, RDH
Dr Anne Nesbitt
Mr John Llywelyn Newbegin
Dr Anthony Parsons
Ms Ann Pelham, née James
Mr John Pepper, Guy’s
Mr Adrian Pilgrim
Mr Michael Redfern
The Revd Alan Rowell AKC
Mr Gordon Simm
Mrs Jean Tipper, née Hancock
Mr Meirion Trow
Mrs Alison Ward, née Nelson
Mr Christopher Wilde, Guy’s
Dr Peter Wilkinson
Mrs Rosemary Williams, née Hudleston
Mr David Archer
Dr Philip Arthur, St Thomas’
Mr Ian Bamford, Guy’s
Dr Christopher Barham
Mrs Carys Blackburn, née Wood
Dr Denise Bound
Dr Rachel Bray
Dr Charles Breeze
Mrs Susan Brough, née Macleanan
Professor Carol Brownson
Miss Sylvia Cole, QEC
Dr Jill Davies
Mr Stewart Drage, Guy’s
Father Leopoldo Duran Justo
Mr Laurence Faiman
The Revd John Fairweather
Dr Peter Fellows
Dr Jacqueline Filshie
Mr Steven Fogel
Dr David Goodhead
Mr John Gray
Dr Fiona Griffith, née Scott, Guy’s
Mr Martin Hargreaves
Dr Anna Haylett, née Martin
Rear-Admiral John Hill
Miss Christine Holmberg, RDH
Mr Huw Hughes, QEC
Dr Hamish Hutchinson
Mr Timothy Iball
Dr Barry Kiehn
Mr John Leigh AKC
Mrs Joyce Mellors, née Leckenby, QEC
Dr Shevaun Mendelsohn
Mr Andrew Morris
The Revd Verj Nersessian
Dr John Nicolson
Dr Rosalind Oliver, née Dismorr,
Dr William Pratt
Dr Christopher Rayner
Dr Kenneth Reeves
Dr Henry Rosenvinge
Dr Michael Saunders
Dr John Scoble, Guy’s
Dr William Scott
Mr Christopher Searle & Mrs Susan
Searle AKC, née Lee
Mr Peter See
Dr John Stevenson
Mrs Frances Twambley, née Brown
Mrs Meriel Vincent, née Reith
Mr Michael Ward
Dr Robert Ware
Dr Andrew Wheble
Mr Stephen Whitehead, St Thomas’
Dr Sarah Widd
The late Mr Gerald Wild, Guy’s
Dr Michael Wilson, St Thomas’
Mr Christopher Wiscarson FKC
Ms Lilija Zobens, née Zobens
Dr Richard Bailey, St Thomas’
Mr Robert Banner
Mr Peter Bartle
Mr John Brough
Dr Michael Callender
Miss Carole Chapman AKC
Professor Peter Davies, St Thomas’
Mr Trevor Druett, Guy’s
Mrs Vera Frost
Dr David Goodwin
Mr Michael Green
Mr John Harding
Mrs Helene Herzberg, née Gordon
Mr Desmond Hoyos, Guy’s
Mr Peter Hudson OBE
Mrs Pamela Jacobs, née Miles
The Rt Revd David Jennings AKC
The Revd Michael Kingston AKC
Dr Anne Lewis AKC, née MacLennan
Dr David Lintin, St Thomas’
His Honour Judge Matthews
Dr John McCauley
Mr Richard Mcquillan, Guy’s
Ms Juliet Mitchell
Professor John Monson, Guy’s
Dr E N Morris
Mr Stephen Moss CBE
Mr Harry Olsberg
Mr Timothy Philp, St Thomas’
Mr Anthony Plumb
Mr Peter Reynolds
Mr Anthony Roberts
Mr Christopher Shirley
Miss Monica Symes, Guy’s
The Revd Timothy Thompson AKC
Mr Kenneth Torlop
Dr Anthony Wells
Dr David Williams
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Dr Richard Aldridge, St Thomas’
Dr Christopher Amodio
Mr David Baggs AKC
Mr Christopher Baker
Dr Ronald Barber
Dr Caroline Boorer, née Jackson
Dr Roderick Bowering, Guy’s
Mr Martin Burge
Mr Geoff Carter
The Revd Jonathan Cruickshank AKC
Professor Elizabeth Davenport, née
Brady, RDH
Mr Simon Drinkwater
Mr James Edwards
Mr Robert Elliott, Guy’s
Mr David Eve AKC
Dr Ghulam Faiz, IoP
Mr David Farrell
Mr Robert Fawthrop AKC
Mr David Gunn
Mr Mark Hardy AKC
Mr Peter Hodgkinson, Guy’s
Mrs Carol-Anne Howell
Dr Jill Krafft, Guy’s
Dr Richard Lewis, St Thomas’
Mr Edward Lodge
Mr Nigel McBride AKC
Dr Penelope Newman, née Boundy,
St Thomas’
Mrs Jill Nightingale, née Harris, Guy’s
Dr Nicholas O’Riordan
Ms Ruth Owen
The Revd Nicholas Paxton
Mr Paul Rispoli
Dr Frances Rochford, née Massey,
Mr David Royle & Mrs Maria Royle
Mrs Anne Rubin, née Townsley
Mr Robert Segall
Dr Dennis Smith
Ms Neila Warner AKC, née Millard
The Revd Thomas Weil AKC
Dr Elizabeth Winterton, née Elsom
Mr Philip Woodburn
Dr Anthony Wordley, St Thomas’
Dr Charles Wright, Guy’s
Mr Malcolm Aldridge AKC
Dr Edward Bray, Guy’s
Mrs Laetitia Brocklebank, née Finlay,
Mr Graham Brown
Mr Andrew Campbell, Guy’s
Dr Catherine Cantons
Dr Sally Cardew, Guy’s
Dr Elizabeth Coxson, née Dakin
Dr Trudi Darby AKC
Mrs Susan Eaton, née Atkinson
Mr Kevin Esplin
The Revd Brian Fairbank AKC
Mrs Beverly Hallam, née Riordan
Mrs Mary Hardy, née Goold
Professor Anne Hemingway, Guy’s
Mr John Henderson AKC
Mrs Carol Huckvale, née Woollett
Dr Lynda Hutchinson, QEC
Dr Julian Johnson AKC
Dr Jennifer Langdon, née Goodwin,
Mr Mark Leitch, QEC
Mr David McCulloch
Dr Alun Morinan, Chelsea College
Dr Geoffrey Moulding, Guy’s
Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s
Mrs Loveday Newton, née Hiscock
Mr Nigel Osborn
The Revd David Peel AKC
Dr Jillian Pritchard
Mrs Deborah Richards, née Pearce
Mr Nick Rigby
Mrs Michele Robinson, née Emberton,
Dr Timothy Southwood
Miss Barbara Stryjak
Mrs Jane Tebbutt AKC, née Noon
Dr Diana Terry
Mr Jeffrey Terry
Dr Christopher Thorpe
Miss Ghislaine Vaughan AKC
Mr Richard Wakeford
Mr Peter Weitzel
Mr John Anderson
Mr Anthony Ashplant
Dr Jonathan Bayly, Guy’s
Mr Stephen Bott
Mrs Sharon Byford AKC, née Haynes
Mr John Carter, RDH
Dr Stephen Clarke, Guy’s
Dr Christopher Derricott
Mrs Ruth Downie AKC, née Hancock
Professor Peter Emery, QEC
Dr Jonathan Evans
Professor Jeremy Everard AKC
Mr Anthony Filby, Chelsea College
Dr Peter Fitton, Guy’s
Dr Graham Frank
Dr David Gover, St Thomas’
Mr Christopher Guellard
Mr Harish Haria, Chelsea College
The Revd Alan Hawker AKC
Mrs Kate Hoskin, née Barnard
Mr Peter Humphreys AKC
Dr Stephen Lander, St Thomas’
Dr Michael Lilley
Mr Philip Lundberg
Mr Peter Milledge
Lieutenant-Colonel Nigel Newman
Mr Andrew Orr
Mr Stephen Parry, RDH
Dr David Philbrick, St Thomas’
Dr Margaret Philippson, née Wise,
Dr Chic Pillai
Dr Simon Reay
Miss Mary Richardson
Mrs Ruth Simmons, née Leigh
Dr Charles Twort, St Thomas’
Mrs Susan Wakeford, née Beacham
Dr David Ward
Dr Andrew West, Guy’s
Mr Barry Westwood, Guy’s
Mrs Theresa Anderson AKC, née
Mr Christopher Bishop, St Thomas’
Dr Mark Bradgate, St Thomas’
Mr Michael Bradley
Ms Miranda Buckley
Mr Michael Bull, Guy’s
Dr Geoffrey Carr
Mr Ralph Caton AKC
Mrs Carey Chidwick
Dr Peter Davis
Mrs Tessa Dickinson, née Halford
Mr Bill Dodwell
Mrs Jennifer Ellis AKC, née Rowe
Mr Peter Evans AKC
Ms Caroline Fraser Edwards
Dr Pravin Goutam, Guy’s
Dr Jonathan Grannell, Chelsea
Dr Joanna Harding
Dr Mary Heber, Guy’s
Dr Neil Hounslow, Guy’s
Mrs Diana Kaars Sijpesteijn, née
Markham, Chelsea College
Dr Denise Mabey, St Thomas’
Dr Alexander Milosevic, Guy’s
Mrs Christine Money
Dr David Moore AKC
Dr Alison Newlyn, née Pitfield-Perry
Miss Shirley Norton, Chelsea College
Mr Abiodun Oyetunji
Mr Dainis Ozols
Dr Mark Patterson AKC
Mrs Elizabeth Phillips, née Smith,
Chelsea College
Dr Frances Shaw
Dr Thomas Stokes, Chelsea College
Dr Nicholas Strowbridge, St Thomas’
Mr John Taylor, Guy’s
Mr Stephen Walmsley
The Revd Robert Williamson
Dr Christopher Adams, St Thomas’
The Revd Andrew Bailey AKC
Mr Leslie Blake
Mr Duncan Bratchell
Mr John Brockhouse, QEC
Dr Zaid Chalabi
Mr Iain Chapman, Chelsea College
Mr Nicholas de Mattos AKC
Dr Jonathan Denbigh
Mr David Frodsham & Mrs Pamela
Frodsham, née Martin
Mrs C K L Gay, née Hunt
Mrs Dana Genis, née Weinbaum,
Chelsea College
Mr Jonathan Hiscock
Dr Sally Millership, St Thomas’
Mr Philip Morris & Mrs Gillian Morris
AKC, née Cooper
Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s
Mrs Elizabeth Pescod AKC, née Grist
The Venerable John Reed AKC
Mr Peter Roberts AKC
Dr Peter Shipton, Guy’s
Mr Graham Stibbs
Mr John Twomey, Guy’s
Mr Peter Winnicki
Dr Linde Wotton
Dr Charles Allanby, Guy’s
Ms Victoria Allison, née Ogier
Ms Rosalind Barbier
Dr Joseph Barker, St Thomas’
Dr Richard Barnett, Guy’s
Mrs Gillian Baxter, née Gelding
Mrs Susan Bedford, née Hall
Mrs Anne Bennett
Mr Clive Black & Mrs Helen Black,
née Broadhurst
Dr Bob Bradley, St Thomas’
Mr Trevor Branch, Chelsea College
Mrs Deborah Chapman, née Watson,
Dr Annette Cummin, née Oakden,
St Thomas’
Mr Robert Davine
Mr Stephen Des Clayes, Guy’s
Mr Christopher Dudman
Ms Catherine Ebenezer AKC
Mr Ian Ebsworth
Dr David Farmer, Guy’s
The Revd Ian Finn AKC
Dr John Fishwick, St Thomas’
Mr David Fletcher
Mr Bruce Grant
Dr Margaret Herbert, Guy’s
The Revd Michael Hewitt AKC
Ms Lorna Hitchin AKC
Mrs Julia Kaszubowski, née Kuczak
Dr Christos Kramvis, IoP
Dr Timothy Mant, Guy’s
Dr Fiona McLean, Guy’s
Mrs Janet Owen
Mrs Gillian Parsonson, née Bridges,
Chelsea College
Ms Jane Roberts, née Gibbins
Mr Stephen Roche
Mrs Carolyn Saunders, née Wilson
Dr Adrian Shanks, St Thomas’
Miss Alyson Shaw, Chelsea College
Dr Christopher Stephens, Guy’s
Dr Martin Vallis, Guy’s
Mr John Walsham
Dr Adrian Weston, Guy’s
Dr Keith Williams, St Thomas’
Ms Brigit Wilmers, Guy’s
Dr John Wilson, Guy’s
Mrs Catherine Brookes, née Smith,
Mr Harjinder Degun, Chelsea College
Dr Andrew Freedman, St Thomas’
Mr Nicolas Gale
Mr Ted Greeno
Dr John Hambly, St Thomas’
Mr Hilary Knight AKC
Dr Hamish Laing
Dr John Lowes & Dr Anne Lowes,
née Stringer
Mr Peter Maplestone AKC
Dr Michael McKinnon
In Recognition in good company » 7
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Thank you
Dr Judith Motto, née Broadbent,
Ms Bridget Prideaux
Mrs Christine Race, née Felton
Dr Julian Roberts, St Thomas’
Mr Gavin Scott, RDH
Mr Julian Skellett
Mr Jonathan Stoneman
Dr Oenone Warr AKC, née Brown,
St Thomas’
Mr Ravi Bery & Mrs Rabinder Bery,
née Kandola, Chelsea College
Mr Paul Cartwright & Mrs Sally
Cartwright, née Bird
Mr Gurtejpal Chana, Chelsea College
The Revd Janet Cheeseman
Dr Michael Creagh, St Thomas’
Mr Arif Essaji
Mr Lloyd Evans
Dr James Heathcote AKC
Mr Steven Hefferman
Dr Karen John, Guy’s
Dr Jeremy Langton, Guy’s
Mrs Patricia Latham, née Gordon
Dr Ian Long AKC
Mr Stuart Marks
Ms Claire Murrell
Mrs Jacqueline Osborne, née
Mr Patrick Overs
Dr Paul Revell, Guy’s
Mr Dean Rowell, Chelsea College
Mr Clifford Taylor, Chelsea College
Dr Gregory Wilcox, Guy’s
Mr John Woodley
Mrs Judith Batchelar, née Troke,
Chelsea College
Mr Justin Carnegie-Jones
Mr Matthew Cave, QEC
Mr Keith Champion
Mrs Bernadette Clow, née Healey
Dr Patrick Craig-McFeely, St Thomas’
Mr Charles Crisp
Dr Simon Davies, Guy’s
Mr Paul Fennell, QEC
Dr Angelo Fernandes
Dr Jean Fox, née Hart
Dr M J Frost, née MacDougall,
St Thomas’
Dr James Gildersleve, Guy’s
Mrs Caroline Grinham, née Perman
Mr Timothy Hammett AKC & Mrs
Alison Hammett AKC, née Pratt
Mr Edward Hatfull
Dr Anthony Jenkins, St Thomas’
Mr Jeremy Lawes AKC
Dr Richard Lawson, St Thomas’
Ms Gillian Marcus
Mrs Rosalind Mayne, née Crawley
Dr John North, Guy’s
Dr Ian Osterloh, Guy’s
Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s
Dr Keith Pearce & Mrs Frances
Pearce AKC, née Heaton
Mrs Lydia Pritchard, née Mansfield
8 » In Recognition in good company
Dr Jeremy Sizer
Dr Nicholas Stanger, St Thomas’
Mrs Valentine Steadman, née Foussier
Mr Timothy Thomson AKC
Mrs Lucy Walsh, née Searle
Dr Wendy Walton, née Stephenson,
Dr Harri Williams, Guy’s
Mrs Jill Woodley, née Hodgkinson
Dr David Anderson
Dr Richard Balai
Mr Mark Carroll
Mr Kevin Chau, RDH
Mr Albert Cheung
Mrs Jeanette Clifford
The Marchioness of Douro OBE
Dr Ewen Forrest, St Thomas’
Dr Joyce Glasgow, Chelsea College
Dr Martin Hadley-Brown, St Thomas’
Dr Robert Hart, St Thomas’
Ms Anne Jappie
Mr David Ladd
Miss Denise Larnder
Mr Chee Law
Mr Terence Lo
Dr Ann McNutt, St Thomas’
Mrs Jane Ng AKC, née Lauritson
Dr Christina Peers, née Spiteri, Guy’s
Mr Jonathan Powell
Mr Bagher Sadrieh, Chelsea College
Mr Robert Sweet
Mr Hitesh Thakrar, QEC
Dr Nicola Toynton, née Griffiths,
St Thomas’
Mrs Moira Warner, née Connor
Mr Philip Weeks, Guy’s
Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s
Mr Peter Allen, RDH
Mr Nicholas Badman
Mr Robert Bainbridge
Dr Mark Batterbury, Guy’s
Mrs Catherine Best, née Nelson
Dr David Black
Ms Nicola Blaxall AKC, née Adams
Mr John Callaghan AKC
Mrs Joanne Cassabois, née Onions
Mr Gregory Cook AKC
Mrs Sara Cross, née Selby-Green,
Chelsea College
Dr Colin Dayan, Guy’s
Dr Clare Dudman AKC, née Jenkins
Dr Katherine Fallon, née Lister,
St Thomas’
Mr Steven Godsiff
Mr Paul Haggqvist, Guy’s
Dr Judith Heritage, St Thomas’
Professor Keith Hoggart FKC
Mr John Johnston
Mr Stephen Keeble
Dr Alistair Lipp & Dr Anna Lipp, née
Ms Helen Lydon, née Kawai
Ms Gwynneth Miles
Mr Mark Osborne, RDH
Miss Ruth Pendlington
Mr Frank Reedy, QEC
Mrs Karen Roberts, née Williams
Mr Ashiq Salam, QEC
Miss Patricia Sandys
Dr Judith Shilling, née WilliamsLawson, Chelsea College
Mr Neil Slater, Guy’s
Dr Margaret Spence, née Johnson,
Mr Michael Sullivan AKC
Dr Philip Taylor, Guy’s
Mrs Penny Taylor, née Spencer
Mr Christopher Adams
Mr Matthew Baker, QEC
The Revd Heidi Baker
Dr Binanda Barkakaty
Mr David Cooke AKC
Dr Fiona Cornish, née Cameron,
St Thomas’
Dr Mark Couldrick
Mrs Hilary Elkins, née McNamara
Mr Mark Elliott AKC
Mrs Angela Foulds, née Khan, Chelsea
Dr Catherine Gray, Guy’s
Dr Fiona Hayes, Guy’s
Mr Bertram Hearn
Professor Joseph Herzberg, IoP
Miss Jill Johnson
Dr Adrian Jones AKC
Ms Rupal Kapadia, QEC
Mr R J Lumsden
Dr Michael Martin, Guy’s
Miss Keren Morrell AKC
Dr Barry Moyse
Mr Simon Phippard AKC
Dr Judith Russell
Mr Duncan Sweetland, QEC
Dr Christopher Thorpe
Mr Giles Walker
Mr Graeme Ward
Mr David West
Mrs Carolyn Williams, née PeverelCooper, Chelsea College
Dr Doris Wilson
Mrs Joanne Adams AKC, née
Mr Lynton Banks, Guy’s
Dr Charles Berrisford
Mr Ian Carter
Miss Michele Collins, Guy’s
Mr Ian Cooter, Guy’s
Mr Paul Dittmer
Mrs Cathryn Downing, née Higgins, QEC
Mr Stephen Eyers
Dr Amanda Freeman, St Thomas’
Ms Gillian Hodge
Mrs Tamsin Hopkins-Powell, née
Mr Steven Hunt
Dr Helen Johnson, née Conacher,
St Thomas’
Mr Nicholas Kershaw
Ms Pamela Noon, Guy’s
Mr Howard Ridley
Dr Kirk Rockett
Mrs Julia Sharpe, née Mansell
Mr Matthew Simkins
Dr Gregory Singleton
Dr Catherine Smith, Guy’s
Dr Stephen Toynton, St Thomas’
Miss Joanna Urbanek
Mr Mark Woodhouse AKC
Mr Peter Worrall OBE AKC & Mrs Claire
Worrall AKC, née Levenberg
Mr Stephen Baldwin
Dr Emmeline Brew-Graves,
St Thomas’
Ms Natalie Dittmer, née Seward
Mr Leslie Everitt AKC
Dr Crispin Fisher, St Thomas’
Mr Mark Francois MP
Dr Tony Gibbon, St Thomas’
Ms Glenis Goodman, Chelsea College
Mrs Jillian Hardwick AKC, née Coates
Mrs Sarah Hunt, née Johnson, Guy’s
Mr Matthew McAllister & Mrs Allison
McAllister AKC, née McComb
Mr Scott Mitchell AKC
Mr Douglas Murgatroyd
Mr Andrew Murray
Dr Philip Naylor
Mr Mark Nicholson AKC
Mr Edward Oakley
Dr Piotr Pierzchniak
Dr John Pike
Mrs Clare Pimm, née Chavasse, Guy’s
Mrs Elizabeth Rockett, née Gunn
Mr John Stebbing, Guy’s
Mr Paul Stokes
Ms Susan Thorne
Mr Paul White AKC
Mr Julian Woodward
Dr Christopher Athayde
Mr Thomas Blaikie
Dr Duncan Brooke, Guy’s
Dr Chris Christodoulou
Mr Patrick Davis, Guy’s
Mrs Felicity Fisher-Hunt AKC, née
Dr Matthew Hackett, Guy’s
Dr Alyson Holder, née Fox
Dr Richard Jarvis
Mr Simon Johnson
Mrs Karin Keeble, née Holtschabek
Mr Wilson Lam
Ms Elizabeth Mackie
Dr Dorothy Marsden
Miss C H Morgan
Mrs Margaret Mumford
Mr Andrew Murphy
Ms Roberta Palau Drummond AKC,
née Palau
Mr Steven Rhodes AKC
Ms Frances Ridley, née Sharp
Dr Jane Rosbotham, Guy’s
Mr Anthony Rose, Guy’s
Mrs Mariko Sasagawa-Garmory, née
Ms Shari Simons
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Dr Peter Stanley
Mr Robert Thompson
Mrs Patricia Watt
Miss Stella Bettoney
Mr David Carpenter
Mr Simon Edwards
Mrs Maren Gaukroger AKC, née
Mrs Alice Getley, née McMurtrie
Mr Ivan Hare
Dr Peter Hayes
Mrs Sarah Labram, née Grossman
Dr Penny Mancais, St Thomas’
Mr Steven Marshall
Miss Fiona McPherson AKC
Mr Philip Mead
Mrs Gillian Nevins
Mr Alfred Quinn
Ms Alison Smith, née Bridgeman
Dr Jonathan Sullivan
Mr John Westbury
Miss Marie Anthony-Atrib
Mr Gregory Atkin
The Revd John Beardmore
Mr Michael Van Brugen
Mr Simon Bunting, Guy’s
Mrs Anne-Marie Clarke, née Horton
Mr Amit Devani
Mr Sanjit Eliatamby
Dr Philip Hall
Miss Louise Heal
Mr Michael Horan AKC
Mr Bertrand Huet
Mr Prasan Jayasinghe
Mr Jonathan Kohn AKC
Dr David Lawrence
Mr Laurence Lax
Mr Andrew Mack
Dr Barbara McFarlane, née Wojcicka
Mr Matthew McGuire
Mrs Sara Meakin, née Bennett
Dr Alan Millar
Miss Elizabeth Neaves
Mr Charles Palmer
Mr Randy Peiris
Ms Helen Robertson
Dr Jill Saddler
Miss Pauline Stevenson, Chelsea
Ms Elizabeth Thomas
Mr Malcolm Torz
Mrs Jennifer Wells, née Beasant
Mr David Wright
Mr Nicholas Abbott
Dr Lisa Adams
Mr Peter Andrews
Miss Elizabeth Axe
Mr Udo Bauer
Mrs Susan Cable, née Bywater
Mrs Ferhiz Dinshaw
Dr Nicola Fear
The Revd John Harding
Dr Herminia Hernaiz Sanders, IoP
Mr Steven James AKC
Mr Barry Lall
Dr John Leach, IoP
Lady Manning, née Catherine
Mr Ahmed Mohamed
Miss Josephine Royle
Miss Charlotte Spedding, UMDS
Dr Nigel Taylor AKC
Dr Anna Ungaro
Mr Steve Wardlaw
Ms Jacqueline Ware
Mr Jeremy Worth, UMDS
Mrs Rachael Wright AKC, née
Dr Ebidapo Bamgboye
Mr Andrew Berkeley
Mr Joseph Best
Dr John Black
Mrs Frances Bradshaw
Mr Mark Brennan AKC
Mr David Bunker
The Revd Amanda Cuthbertson AKC
Mr Ravi Damani
Dr Keith Gomez, St Thomas’
Dr Anthony Hare
Mr Edward Heeley AKC
Mrs Kantele Hickingbotham, née
Mr Andrew Hill
Dr Austin Isaacs
Mr Edgar Jorge
Mr Alan Karsberg
Mr Benedict King
Mrs Suzanne Marriott AKC, née
Dr Gerard Panting
Mr David Powell
Mr Craig Powis
Major R I Radford MBE AKC
Mr Rajvinder Ram
Dr Glynn Robinson, UMDS
Ms Mai-Ling Savage
Mr Russell Thomas
Mrs Rosemary Warner AKC
Mrs Nicola Wright, née Sowerby,
Mr Gavin Allen
Mrs Alexandra Barbour, née Davies
Dr Paquita de Zulueta
Mrs Jill Epstein
Dr Michael Freeman
Miss Margaret Galliano
Mr Brendan Greene
Mrs Roswitha Guest
Mrs Margaret Highton
Ms Catherine Jones
Dr Ashifa Khan
Mrs Isabel Lee, née Liaw
Mr Paul Lewis
Mr Richard Parker
Mr Adrian Roberts
Mr Richard Staveley
Dr Sophia Steer, UMDS
Miss Susan Terrett
Mr David Westcott
Mr Paul Wright
Mr Nathan Adams
Dr Samantha Arnold
Mr Philip Baggaley
Dr Mirza Baig
Mr Christopher Ball AKC
Dr Christopher Baxter
Ms Deborah Bebbington
Mr David Chui
Dr Louise Corlett, née Andrews
Mrs Susan Crawford-Staff, née
Mr Kester Dean
Dr Kumudini Gomez, née Munasinghe,
Mr Sudip Gupta
Mrs Lilizar Harrison, née Hagopian
Dr Simon Hellier, UMDS
Mrs Viola Henry
Dr Monica Holmes-Siedle
Dr Elizabeth Leach
Mr Vivek Marwaha
Mr Michael O’Connell
Mr William Oldreive
Mrs Patricia Pank
Mr Vijesh Patel
Dr Elisabeth Peregrine, née Gibson,
Miss Ruth Stoddart AKC
The Revd Sally Theakston
Professor Mary Watkins
Mr Stephen Willmer
Mr Alan Wright
Mr David Ankcorn
Mrs Judith Barrett
Dr Mark Blunden, UMDS
Ms Sarah Blunn
Mr Paul Boland
Mr Charles Butterfield
Mr Douglas Cadman
Mrs Rosemary Clark
Mr Lionel Cowan AKC
Mrs Mabyn Ellis
Mrs Shirley Foxell
Mr Alfonso Frontera
Mr Jeremy Ive
Mr Alan Juriansz
Dr William Kearns AKC
Mr Nick Laing AKC
Professor George Lewis
Mrs Julia Maranca, née Gore
Mr Patrick Misson
Miss Ruth Murphy
Ms Olubisi Olufunwa
Professor Jonathan Osborne
Miss Wendy Pixner
Dr Andrew Rochford
Mr Andrew Steele
Dr George Tsolakides, Guy’s
Mr Mark Watson
Mr Giles White
Mr Simon Armson, UMDS
Mr Christopher Barber
Dr Rakesh Bargota
Mr Harbhajan Bhorjee
Mr Jonathan Clark
Mr Nalin Dhamecha
Mr Inderjit Dhillon
Mr Richard Driscoll AKC
Dr Philippa Evans, UMDS
Mr Tasos Frangoullides
Mrs Stephanie Higgins, née Pinion
Dr Mina Noubar, UMDS
Mr Mariano Palao
Mrs Avani Patel
Mr Paul Peard
Miss Elizabeth Phelan
Mr Carl Richardson
Miss Karen Shepherd
The Revd Clive Smith
Mrs Margaret Allen
Miss Claire Ashman
The Revd Rolland Baker
Miss Nicola Ballard, Guy’s
Mr John Benson
Dr Elizabeth Bishop
Ms Lucy Bone
Mr David Brown
Dr Selim Cellek
Mr Leander Christofides
The Revd Margaret Collins
Dr Aruna Dias, UMDS
Dr Amanda Ellwood, née Hill
Dr Oliver Firth, UMDS
Mrs Melanie Foster, née Van Aurich
Miss Salma Hasnain
Mr Alan Howe
Dr Simon Hughes, UMDS
Ms Valerie Jones
Mrs Ivone Lancoma-Malcolm, née
Mrs Jennifer Morris
Mrs Lauren Patterson, née Stewart
Mr Andrew Pinnock
Dr Sabeel Saleem
Mrs Gillian Sanders
Dr Seema Shah
Mrs Farzana Shah
Mr Robin Smith
Miss Sarah Wilchcombe
Mrs Karen Williams, née Malley
Mr Farhad Badat
Mr Ibrahim Baig
Mr Christopher Beaver
Mrs Josephine Bodley
Mr Vito Capobianco AKC
Mr Richard Carr AKC
Mr Xavier Chitnis
Miss Joanna Cobb
Mr John Coulter
Mr Ian Davis, UMDS
Mr David Evison
Miss Penelope Flagg, née Safioleas
Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC
Mr Henry Goodwin
In Recognition in good company » 9
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Thank you
Mrs Rosalind Hai
Mr Francis Ijeh
Mr Cyril Karger
Dr Cheong Lee
Mr Thomas Lewis
Mr Eric Masters
Mr Paul Meakin AKC
Ms Anna Michaelides AKC
Dr Barry Miller, UMDS
Dr Theresa Quarcoo
Mr Aqil Raza
Mrs Christina Rees
Mr Alexander Sienkiewicz
Miss Thushyanthi Sivagnanam
Ms Anna Stamatopoulos
Mr Robert Stein-Rostaing
Mr David Stevens
Ms Janet Stobart
Dr Elangovan Subbiah
Dr Roshni Vara
Mr Samuel Bosompem
Mr Paul Brazier
Mr Bob Challis
Mrs Deborah Chisnell
Miss Ramani Eswarasaran
Dr John Fallon
Mr Thomas Goode
Mr Philip Gosling
Dr Christine Kenyon Jones
Dr Stephanie King, UMDS
Ms Edith Navasargian
Ms Wansze Ng
Mr Timothy Raiswell
The Revd Prebendary Ian Robson
Mr David Ross
Mr Geoffrey Strickland AKC
Mr Henry Tettey
Mr Bernard Wilson
Mr Matthew Feeney
Dr Joseph Footitt
Mr Graham Free
Mr David Heather
Mr David Magni
The Revd Ian McIntosh
Mrs Maureen Mills, née Pearce
Mr Christopher Piper
Miss Nisu Rahman
Miss Dana Reuben
Ms Ritu Srivastava
Mr Simon Toms
Mr Marc Walding
Mr Noam Weingarten
Miss Sarah Wheeldon
Miss Abby Wilson
Mr Pedram Akhavan-Malayeri
Mrs Kathryn Blackmore, née Forrest
Mr Ross Bowerbank
Mrs Sian Burr
Miss Katharine Dicks
Mr Pupinder Ghatora
The Revd Canon Dianna Gwilliams,
née Hartley
Dr Ross Hunter AKC
10 » In Recognition in good company
Dr Rosamonde Jones
Mr Christopher Kearney
Mrs Chelone Lee-Wo, née Ramcharan
Miss Melanie Leivers
Mr Aloysius Onuegbu
Miss Catherine Rider
Dr John Ross
Miss Nadia Samara
Miss Kate Tangri, née Butcher
Dr Peter Tanner
Dr Sudeep Tanwar
Dr Anu Thomas
Miss Nimat Ahmed
Mrs Sharon Barnett, née Silver
Mr Andrew Bower
Mrs Catherine Boylan
Miss Saadia Butt
Miss Sarovi Davda
Ms Geraldine Dooley
Mrs Marian Gosling, née Hill
The Revd John Hicks
Dr Josephine Hillan
Dr Jane Hume
Mr Kirit Johal
Mr Alan Keat
Mr Shahzad Malik
Miss Tania Mooring
Ms Marie Munroe
Mr Shehzad Nabi
Mr Dhiru Patel
Mrs June Pembroke Hajjaj, née
Mr Hugh Ponsford
Dr Benjamin Rippin
Mr Kirit Siani
Mr Nigel Somera
Mr John Taylor
Mr George Tsirakakis
Mr David Watkin
Mr Simon Cheal
Mrs Patricia Davies, née Taplin
Major Tony Holland
Mr Paul Kelly AKC
Miss Rosemary Lane
Mr Carl May Smith
Mrs Sarah Mckimm, née Cunningham
Mr James Powell
Ms Kristin Raiswell, née Brady
Mr Benjamin Stone
Mr Deepesh Upadhyay
Mr Richard Wilson
Mr Peter Bint
Mrs Shirley Birch
Mr George Gerring
Dr Micaela-Sylvia Gosslau
Mr Nicholas Haynes
Miss Nibal Samara
Ms Clara Sogunro
Mr Joseph Watson
Mr Richard White
Mr Mark Bennett
Mr Basil Browne
Miss Aimee Flower
Mr Lech Handzel-Bonavia
Mrs Peggy Johnson, née Ling
Mr Benjamin Middleton
Mr Gavin Bailey
Miss Janet Clarke
Miss Caroline Greves
Mr Salman Khalique
Mr Daniel Lewis
Mr Nick Ma
Dr Garrett McGovern
Mr David Richardson
Dr Lucie Sutherland
Mr Neil Tarling
Dr Paul Dakin
Mrs Catherine Elliott AKC
Miss Hazel Hussey
Ms Su Lambert
Mr Kei Mak
Dr Girish Patil
Miss Melissa Reekie AKC
Staff, former staff &
friends of the College
Thank you to all members
of the King’s community
(including those who prefer
to remain anonymous) who
have offered their support
this year to make a difference
to the working and learning
environment at the College.
We would also like to recognise
those companies who have
matched their employee’s
gifts or have donated their
services to help the College’s
fundraising efforts.
Ms Jude Alldred
Dr Vernon Armitage
Mr Robert Barrey, IoP
Mr Donald Bompas FKC
Dr Ronald Brandt
Professor Ray Brooks
Professor Carol Brownson
Ms Annette Bullen
Mr Robbie Buscombe
Miss Mollie Butcher FKC
Mr John Callard
Professor Sir Graeme Catto FKC
Ms Julia Chadwick
Professor Stephen Challacombe
Mr William Cobb
The Revd Richard Coggins FKC
Mr Kim Conchie
Miss Evelyn Conrad
Dr John Cook AKC
Dr John Cordingley
Ms Rachael Corver
Dr Arah Danielian
Dr Trudi Darby AKC
Dr William Edwards
Professor Peter Emery
Professor Jeremy Everard AKC
Professor Michael Foot
Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC
Ms Jennifer Garner
Professor John Garrett
Dr Gerald George
Miss Emma Grant
Miss Katherine Haeg
Professor Lord Richard Harries FKC
Professor Peter Higgins
Professor Keith Hoggart FKC
Miss Sian Hoggett
Professor Walter Holland CBE FKC
Professor Richard Hughes
Professor George Huxley
Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC
Mrs Helen Jenrick
Ms Rachael Jukes
Mr Martin Kelleher
Dr Christine Kenyon Jones
Mr Mark Kinirons
Professor Michael Knibb FKC AKC
Professor John Langdon FKC
Mr Emile Leigh
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC &
Mrs Paula Lucas
Professor Peter Marshall CBE FKC
Ms Elaine Martyn
Miss Lucy Mellows
Mr Richard de Metz
Professor Giorgina Mieli-Vergani
Dr Rosemary Millis
Miss Angela Minchin
Mrs Patricia Mitchell
Mr John Muir FKC
Mr Tuan Nguyen-Phuong
Ms Anne Norton
Professor Jonathan Osborne
Miss Kathrin Ostermann
Dr Richard Overill
Dr David Owen
Ms Claire Owen
Ms Gemma Peters
Dr David Plummer AKC
Mr Desmond Pollock
Professor Harold Preiskel
Mr Warren Shear
Mr João Silva
Dr Malcolm Sims FKC
Dr Gordon Sladen
Mrs Kungwa Small
Miss Karen Smith
Mr Andrew Steele
Mrs Kirsteen Tait
Dr Hywel Thomas FKC
Miss Rachel Thomas
Ms Alison Thompson
His Honour Judge Toulmin CMG FKC
Professor Richard Trainor FKC &
Professor Marguerite Dupree
Dr Charles Twort
Miss Caroline Usher
Miss Hannah Wakeford
Mr Ronald Waldron
Dr Patrick White
Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC
Miss Abby Wilson
The late Professor Herbert Wilson
Dr Donald Winstock
Mr Peter Yerbury
The 2007-08 Annual Fund Student
Caller Team
The Almanac Gallery
Alpine Press
Coles Family Foundation
Coutts & Co
Douglas Glanfield Memorial Trust
The Friends of Guy’s Hospital
Friends of King’s College London
Friends of King’s College London
The Idlewild Trust
International School of London
King’s College Hospital Charity
King’s College London Hong Kong
Kumuka Worldwide
MBNA International Bank Limited
O2 plc
Open Fairways
Southbank Centre
The Waldorf Hilton
Wilkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
The Williams School of Church Music
The Worshipful Society of
Apothecaries of London
The Family
Parents, guardians and other
family members of current
students have generously
offered their kind support to
the College. We thank all our
Family Programme donors
including those who prefer to
remain anonymous.
Mr Tom & Mrs Susan Barry
Mr Michael & Mrs Barbara Chandler
Mr Kuldip Singh Chihery & Mrs
Harleen Kaur Diu
Mr Barry & Mrs Mary Coulson
Dr David & Mrs Jane Fraser
Mr David & Mrs Pamela Frodsham
Mr Biagio & Mrs Caterina Gaudio
Mrs Margaret Giddings
Mr Harish L Haria
Mr Barry & Ms Ann Harlin-Bethell
Mr David & Mrs Shirley Harries
Mr Bryan & Mrs Laura Harvey
Mr Richard & Mrs Linda Hearn
Mr Philip & Mrs Jane Hollowday
Dr Upali & Mrs Rumki Jayawardena
Mr Andreas Karpathakis
Dr Stephen & Mrs Beverley Lawrence
Mr Mark & Mrs Hilarie Lemon
Mr Frank Leonard & Ms Ann
Mr James & Mrs Gaynor Lintott
Mr Claude & Mrs Shalini Lobo
Mr Brian & Mrs Margaret Lodge
Mr Christopher & Mrs Winifred
Mr Mike & Mrs Gill Nevin
Mr Christopher & Mrs Lynda Pope
Dr Eluzai Hakim & Mrs Hakim
Dr Clive Saunders
Mr Jagdish & Mrs Gurkamal Sihre
Mr Alwin & Mrs Sarah Tamosius
Mr Louis Tak Fong & Mrs Li Rong
Mr Darren & Mrs Deborah Walker
Mr Bryan & Mrs Vera Williams
Pledged legacies
The College is very grateful to
all those individuals who have
informed us that they have
decided to make an exceptional
commitment and have left a
bequest to the College in their
will. We kindly acknowledge
their support and thank
those who prefer to remain
Mrs Jemima Atkinson, née Bartlett
Richard Melville Ballerand
Mr Derek Barbanell
Miss Joan Bernard FKC
Ms Mary Bilton
The Revd Canon Geoffrey Bird AKC
Dr Arthur Clive Bishop FKC
Mr John Bradley, Guy’s
Mr Mark Brennan, AKC
Miss Jill Brown
Ms Maggie Butcher
Mr John Callard
The late Professor Roderick Cawson
& Mrs Diana Cawson, née Hall
Mrs Audrey Chadwick AKC, née
Mrs Catherine Charlish, née Bagley
Dr David Churchill & Mrs Sonia
Churchill, née Carr
Ms Moira Connor
Professor David K C Cooper, Guy’s
Dr John Cornes AKC
Dr John Crocker & Mrs Josephine
Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson
Mrs Eileen Croucher AKC, née
Dr Trudi Darby AKC
Dr Bernard E Dawson FKC
The Revd Peter Dill
Mr Geoffrey Donald
Miss Sheila Downs
Mr Roger Gaitley
Mr Edward Gledhill, Chelsea College
Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC
Mrs Dallas Green, née Richardson
Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary
Hardy née Goold
Dr David Heald
Professor Keith Hoggart, FKC
Mrs L R Houlston AKC, née Goldsmith
Dr Michael Howell
Mr Donald Howle
Professor Robert Knecht
Dr Alan Lacey
Mr Soli Lam, Guy’s
Professor John Langdon FKC
Dr Derek Layton, Chelsea College
Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner
Dr Edgar Lightfoot
The Revd Desmond Lockyer AKC
Miss Betty Loder
Miss Barbara Marsh
Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray,
Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones
The Revd Laurence Melliss AKC
In Recognition in good company » 11
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
Thank you
Mr Herbert Mercer, Guy’s
Miss Wendy G Mitchell
Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née
The Very Revd George Nairn-Briggs
Mrs Jennifer Nelson AKC, née
Dr Pauline Parker
The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Phillips
Mr David Potter AKC
Mr Anthony Ramsey AKC
Ms Mary Raynes
Mr Michael Redfern
Miss Anne Rickwood
Mrs Vivien Robertson
Mr Robert Russell
Mr John Savage
Mr Alan Sealy
Professor Arnold Sladen
The Revd Thomas Slater
Professor Brian Sparkes AKC
Mr Norman Spink
Miss Isobel Stevenson
Mr Alister Stewart
Mr Sachiho Tanaka
Miss Alison Taylor
Mr Michael J Taylor
Charlotte Townsend
Miss Caroline Usher
Miss Daphne Walpole
Dr Pauline Webb AKC FKC
Mrs Ruth Webster
His Honour Sir Frank White FKC &
Lady Anne White MBE
Dr Vincent Whitmarsh
Dr Ian R Williams AKC
Dr Cyril G. MacG. Williams, Guy’s
Miss Eileen Willmott AKC
Mr Anthony Wills
12 » In Recognition in good company
Legacy and
In memoriam gifts
The College would like to pay
a special tribute to our alumni
and friends who sadly passed
away this year and most
generously left a bequest or for
whom in memoriam gifts were
The late Miss Ida Cole
The late Mrs Marjorie G Dibden
The late Professor Rosalind Driver
The late Canon Geoffrey Edwards
The Maxine Hallworth GKT Rugby
Scholarship, made possible by
Dr Terence Gibson and donors
The late Mr Alfred Goddard
The late Canon Peter Goodridge
The late Miss Pamela Goodwin
The late Maggie Hallam, in memoriam
gift made by friends and family
The late Miss Celia Hamilton
The late Dr Helen Hudson
The late Mr William Humphreys, in
memoriam gift made by Mrs Lyn
The late Mr Raymond Hutchings
The late Mrs Carole Jones, in
memoriam gift made by Mr Richard
The late Mrs Jean McEwan-Lawson
The Douglas Glanfield Memorial Trust
The late Dr Joshua Newton, in
memoriam gift made by Mr & Mrs
Don Newton
The late Mrs Eunice Freda Phillips
The late Mrs Barbara Spickernell
Annual Fund grants
The Development Committee meets every year to disburse the money raised through the Annual Fund. At the
May 2008 meeting, 65 requests were received for funding amounting to over £670,000. The Committee chose to
support 28 College projects with expenditure of over £200,000 in addition to awarding three further scholarships.
School of Biomedical & Health Sciences
Providing a custom microscope for Neurorestoration students
Student physiotherapy placements in developing and developed countries
Dental Institute
Induction programme for postdoctoral scientists Plasma screens to enhance the Dental Society’s communication with students
British Shakespeare Association 2009 – conference organised by King’s at the Globe Theatre
Production equipment for History podcasts to enhance student learning
Creative China: Visual Culture, Architecture and Design – conference in partnership with
the Victoria and Albert Museum
The American Election Abroad – King’s Department of American Studies event focusing on
international impact of US presidential elections
Institute of Psychiatry
Online Psychiatry: Interactive diagnostic case studies for students’ use
The Alzheimer’s and Motor Neuron Disease Research open day
School of Law
Upgrading facilities for research students £11,550
School of Medicine
Advanced training provision for research students in Asthma, Allergy & Respiratory Science
School of Physical Sciences & Engineering
The King’s ‘Cosmic Ray Experiment’ – bringing physics to local schools and the community
3D fabricator – equipment for printing Engineering projects in 3D
Other grants
Supporting the King’s College Chapel Choir Tour to the East Coast of the USA
Graduate lounges – creating new spaces to work and meet
Partnership opportunities with the University of Hong Kong
Great Britain Women’s Ultimate Frisbee
Conserving the collection of Chelsea and Queen Elizabeth Colleges 1900 to 1985 –
preserving photographs, publications and ephemera
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Special Collection conservation
Students’ Union
Improving employability – structured support for career development
E-petitioning system – enhancing KCLSU’s campaigning
KCLSU website development – enabling the Students’ Union to fully engage with all students
Health Awareness event – Bangladesh Society
Training camp summer 2008 – Cheerleading Club
The Edinburgh Festival – sponsoring King’s Players to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe
Ultimate Frisbee Nationals – Ultimate Frisbee Club
Equipment for King’s Photographic Society
In Recognition » 11
Thanks to an Annual Fund grant,
students of the History Department can
take a virtual one-to-one guided tour of the British
Museum and other historic London sites at any time
of day or night. Students can download discussions
recorded by academics to their personal music players,
to carry on learning outside the lecture theatre.
The Annual Fund has helped two
physiotherapy students to use the
skills they have gained while at
King’s to make a difference outside
the UK, by funding travel to Tanzania,
South Africa and Malaysia to areas
where access to physiotherapy is limited.
King’s Photosoc is open to all
students with a passion for photography,
offering them a creative outlet while at
the College. An Annual Fund grant for
high quality equipment means anyone
can join, regardless of whether they own
a camera or not.
12 » In Recognition
The Annual Fund, made possible thanks to generous gifts
from alumni, staff and friends of the College, supports
projects which make the student experience at King’s
world-class. From supplying cutting edge equipment which
brings learning to life, to promoting extra curricular activities
which foster talent and friendships, the Annual Fund helps
to ensure a student’s time at the College is truly memorable.
Though for many people Frisbee is normally
associated with the beach, for the King’s Ultimate
Frisbee club it is a competitive sport which
demands athleticism and agility. An Annual Fund
grant will help the team to prepare for
and attend the University Outdoor
Open National Competition.
illustration: russell cobb
Social spaces for students
are essential to making
King’s a pleasant place to
study. Lounges with computers,
lockers and refreshment
facilities, provided by the Annual Fund, give
students an area to meet to discuss their
studies or take a break from them.
In Recognition » 13
King’s beyond the
With the support
of our friends and
donors, King’s offers
students an exciting
and enriching
university experience
not only in academic
study but also in sport,
music and other extracurricular activities.
Naveen Pajaniappane (front row, fourth
from the left) with the GKT Rugby team
after the UH Cup Final.
14 » In Recognition
aking part in College
clubs and societies as
a student can inspire
a lifelong passion and
build lasting friendships. Two areas
that have benefited in particular
from alumni-backing are the GKT
Rugby Club (the Medical and
Dental Schools’ team) and King’s
College Chapel Choir.
Maxine Hallworth GKT Rugby
Thanks to the support of alumni the
Maxine Hallworth GKT Rugby
Scholarship has now exceeded
the £30,000 needed to endow it in
perpetuity. The Scholarship was
established by Dr Terence Gibson
(Guy’s, Medicine, 1966), President
of the GKT Rugby Club, in
memory of his late daughter,
a keen rugby supporter.
The Scholarship is awarded
annually to a first year medical
or dental student who has
demonstrated academic and
sporting excellence before
beginning university. It helps King’s
to attract excellent rugby players
to study at the College, constantly
developing the calibre of the teams.
This year the first Scholarship was
awarded to Naveen Pajaniappane,
a first year Medical student who
had previously played for the
Saracens Colts under-19s.
Naveen says: ‘Being a member
of this prestigious rugby team has
given me the opportunity to play
a sport I love while making good
friends. It is impossible to describe
just how much the Scholarship
has helped me, removing financial
worries and instead allowing me
to concentrate on my degree and
playing rugby.’
For further information on
supporting the Maxine Hallworth
GKT Rugby Scholarship
contact Robbie Buscombe on
020 7848 3005.
King’s college chapel choir.
choral & Organ Scholarships
Music has always been fundamental
to King’s, and the College Chapel
Choir plays an important role in
enhancing worship at the College.
The Choir sings at the weekly
Eucharist and Evensong services
during term time, as well as at
seasonal services such as Advent,
inspiring the many staff, students
and members of the public who
worship at the College Chapel.
In addition the Choir regularly
broadcasts on BBC Radio, and
tours internationally.
Ongoing support for Choral
Scholarships, which also fund
vocal tuition, has greatly enhanced
the Choir’s standing. King’s is
very grateful to alumni who have
chosen to pledge their support
on a monthly or annual basis to
the Choral & Organ Scholarship
Endowment Fund. Their generosity
means the College is in a position to
fund Choral & Organ Scholarships
on an ongoing basis, and has
given the Choir the invaluable
opportunity to plan its activities and
vocal training for years to come.
In addition the College is the
grateful recipient of a very generous
bequest left by the late Dr Helen
Hudson FKC (King’s Tutor to
Women Students 1959-73 and
Dean of Students 1973-82). Her
legacy, of almost £20,000, will be
used to endow a fund to provide
two Choral & Organ Scholarships
in perpetuity. The scholars will
be known as the Helen Hudson
Memorial Scholars, ensuring that
Dr Hudson’s memory continues.
The Revd Professor Richard
Burridge, Dean of King’s, says:
‘The College Chapel is the spiritual
heart of King’s and the Choir’s
participation in services is an
inspiration to all who come to the
Chapel to worship or find peace.
The uplifting sound of the Chapel
Choir is integral to the College
and the recent generous gifts have
made such a difference to ensuring
the Choir’s future. It would be
wonderful to increase the number of
Choral & Organ Scholarships even
further and we are continuing to
seek support for the Helen Hudson
Memorial Fund.’
For further information on giving
to the Helen Hudson Memorial
Fund contact annette Bullen
on 020 7848 4700.
What giving means to me
Anne Rickwood (King’s, Education, 1967) has decided to leave a legacy to King’s
and also supports the Choral & Organ Scholarships Fund.
Why do you support the choral &
Organ Scholarships at King’s?
I was a soprano in the Chapel
Choir when I was a student
and I remember it as the happiest
time of my life. The College had
a powerful and supportive
atmosphere which I did not
find elsewhere and I have many
happy memories of services in
the College Chapel.
Would you do anything differently
if you had your time at King’s
I wish I had had time to do
the AKC [the Associateship
of King’s College London,
a course giving students
the opportunity to study
philosophy, theology
and ethics alongside their
undergraduate course].
What are the big challenges
facing universities today?
Having to become big
businesses without losing
their academic and pastoral
focus. King’s has grown
hugely but it has not lost
its identity. It has absorbed
many other institutions
but it still has the same
feeling of community.
In Recognition » 15
Chain reaction
How your gift makes a difference.
donors each
making a
one-off gift of
King’s has nearly 1,000
dental students, most of
whom will go on to have
40-year careers helping
improve patients’ lives.
can fund an overseas
elective placement
for a dental student to
gain a valuable insight
into other countries’
systems and research.
pledged £12 million
in the financial year
to contribute to the creation
of the Maurice Wohl
Clinical Neuroscience
16 » In Recognition
One legacy of
has paid for a new
minibus with disabled
access for King’s
Students’ Union.
The Institute’s groundbreaking
research will create new treatments
for conditions such as depression,
schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease
and epilepsy, which affect
more than 232 million
people worldwide.
In 2007-8, donors
to the Buy-aBook Fund …
gave enough money
for the Library to
over 60
key books
The minibus will be used by the
Boat Club, Mountaineering Club,
Sub Aqua Club and MedSoc
amongst others and will travel the
equivalent of more than half
way around the world in
ten years!
making a
regular gift of £10
per month…
which will benefit thousands
of undergraduate and graduate
students and staff now and for
years to come.
Each year an increasing
number of King’s graduates
take the knowledge they have
gained during their degrees
to become policymakers.
10 King’s alumni
are current MPs in
the UK.
enabled King’s Department
of American Studies to hold
a two-day conference,
open to all King’s students,
on the worldwide impact of
the American presidential
In Recognition » 17
Investing in answers
The Maurice Wohl
Clinical Neuroscience Institute
18 » In Recognition
King’s is embarking on a bold new venture that will have
a dramatic impact on the way in which patients with
neurological conditions are treated.
he Maurice Wohl Clinical
Neuroscience Institute
(named in recognition of
the exceptionally generous
support of the Maurice Wohl Charitable
Foundation which donated £5 million
towards the project) aims to be Europe’s
leading centre of neuroscience research.
Researchers at the Institute will
examine the many layers of neurological
and psychiatric illness, breaking down
the traditional divide between the
brain and the mind in order to provide
multidisciplinary understanding,
solutions and innovative treatments.
Research will focus on stroke,
dementia, Parkinson’s disease, motor
neurone disease, brain tumours, epilepsy,
schizophrenia and depression. Through
the application of the latest technologies,
researchers in the Institute will discover
the fundamental mechanisms underlying
these disorders, and immediately apply
this knowledge to improve patient care.
The Maurice Wohl Clinical
Neuroscience Institute responds to
the tremendous need for investment
in neuroscience research. More than
half of us will experience stroke or
dementia, and neurological disorders
as a whole are the single most common
cause of severe physical disability in the
UK. The personal and financial cost
to individuals, families and society is
immense and yet there are currently few
really effective therapies.
This project has been made possible
by internal investment from King’s
College London and King’s College
Hospital, and major external financial
support from the Wolfson Foundation,
the King’s Medical Research Trust, the
South London and Maudsley NHS
Foundation Trust, and the Garfield
Weston Foundation as well as the
Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation.
Case study – Innovative science improving stroke treatment
The Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute will give patients like Susannah Beaumont the
chance to receive cutting edge treatments at the earliest opportunity. Susannah, a nurse aged 34, was
admitted into A&E with sudden onset right side weakness and the inability to speak. Using cutting-edge
imaging techniques, it was possible to see that there was a clot restricting blood supply. Thanks to these
imaging techniques and the use of pioneering new thrombolytic drugs, doctors were able remove the clot
and restore the blood supply to the affected parts of Susannah’s brain within 34 minutes of her arrival
at King’s College Hospital. Following this, doctors investigated the cause of the blockage and found
Susannah to have a hole in the heart. This was repaired and Susannah left the hospital within 24 hours
in good health. The Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute will champion the transformational
research from which these kinds of treatments are derived.
*Names have been changed for confidentiality
In Recognition » 19
Donor profile
Supporting the doctors
of tomorrow
Dr Angela Scott (King’s, Medicine, 1969).
‘I realised just how lucky
I had been to have had
such an enjoyable career
spanning 38 years in
Medicine. It was at this
point that I resolved to
help one or two students
financially each year.’
20 » In Recognition
r Angela Scott
graduated with a
medical degree from
King’s in 1969,
after which she pursued a career
in Histopathology. It is thanks to
Angela that two current medical
students who experience financial
hardship will this year receive
financial support to help them
through their course. Angela
explains why she chose to establish
the Dr Angela Scott Award, an
annual bursary.
‘One Saturday in July 2007
I was in London and happened to
walk past King’s on the Strand.
Deciding to take a look around,
I went to the top of the building to
see the Anatomy Theatre of my
student days. Seeing the old theatre
brought back a flood of memories,
and I realised just how lucky I had
been to have had such an enjoyable
career spanning 38 years in
Medicine. It was at this point that
I resolved to help one or two
students financially each year.
When I was a student at King’s
I was not well off but I had enough
money to buy the books I needed
and to go out socially. I didn’t have
to pay any fees and I received a
government grant when I trained,
which meant that I qualified
without any debt. Nowadays
I know that the cost of education
is a big concern for many students.
I firmly believe that whilst
Medicine and its training is very
demanding, student days should
also be fun and not marred by
constant worry about a lack of
money. After retiring last year
I decided that I was in a position
to make life a little easier for a
couple of students whose families
are unable to help them as much
as they would wish.
The School of Medicine and
the Development Office have been
very helpful in advising me on
how my gift can make the greatest
possible difference to the lives
of students. After settling on the
details of the award I particularly
enjoyed meeting the course
organiser and discussing the
applications from students.
The letters of thanks from the
recipients were so appreciative that
I feel I have made a real difference
to their enjoyment of student life
and, as able students, I am sure
that they will become good doctors
in the future.’
Thank you
Edited by
Jenny Goepel
Stewardship Officer
Tel +44 (0)20 7848 3993
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Corporate Design Unit
King’s College London
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© King’s College London
Printed November 2008
Cover illustration
Lara Harwood/Heart