Golden Buddha Rosary


Golden Buddha Rosary
Golden Buddha Rosary
(long version)
In the name of the Father and of the Mother
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, OM
Bodhisattva Prayer
I AM a fount of eternal love from the heart of the Buddha,
manifest now unto all life caught in the sea of samsara. I AM walking
the way of the Buddha and the bodhisattva, dedicating my life to the
salvation of all sentient beings on Earth and in all systems of worlds.
Through sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service, I give the gift
of my life and being unto all who are awakening from the sleep of
non-awareness. And through my example of compassion, kindness,
mercy and love, I AM raising all life unto the eternal verities of divine
bliss in God.
I AM an active participant in bringing God’s kingdom to Earth.
And in the lineage of Sanat Kumara, Gautama, Maitreya, Jesus,
Padma Sambhava and the Buddha Mother, I take my place to fulfill
the mission of bodhisattva unto all. As I give the five decades of this
rosary, I invoke the Five Dhyani Buddhas to come and manifest their
presence in the Earth and among its peoples for the Pure Land to
manifest on Earth and for the uniting of hearts East and West to
transcendent love.
I AM of the Buddha and the Buddha is of me. I AM of the
Mother and the Mother is of me. Together we comprise a pure sphere
of light and emanate blessings to all sentient beings, quickening them
unto the fulfillment of each one’s divine plan and immortality in God.
Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God within all, seal this
prayer in holy purpose as we radiate love-wisdom now to all.
*Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us bodhisattvas of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life. (3x)*
Golden Mantra
Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum (8x)
Om Mani Padme Hum AUM
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Golden Buddha Rosary (long)
Give each of the Five Buddha Mysteries with the reading,
the “Hail, Mary,” the mantra for the day and the “Glory be...” .
Repeat this sequence ten times.
First Buddha Mystery
Hail Vairochana (3x), thou radiating one! Flood us with the
all-pervading wisdom of the Dharmakaya as we walk the seven
o’clock line of God-gratitude and master the perfections of alms
and precepts in the first crystal ray. By thy sacred fire, consume in
us the poison of all ignorance and delusion.
OM Vairochana OM (3x)
Conductor Reads Scripture
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us bodhisattvas of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life.
Recite the appropriate mantra for the day of the week.
Daily Mantras
I AM teaching sentient beings. (4x)
I AM a being of golden fire. I AM the wisdom God desires. (2x)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
I AM loving sentient beings. (4x)
I AM a being of ruby fire. I AM the charity God desires. (2x)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
Copyright © 2006 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-06
Golden Buddha Rosary (long)
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I AM sealing sentient beings. (4x)
I AM a being of diamond fire. I AM the power God desires. (2x)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
I AM healing sentient beings. (4x)
I AM a being of emerald fire. I AM the healing* God desires. (2x)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
I AM serving sentient beings. (4x)
I AM a being of purple fire. I AM the service God desires. (2x)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
I AM raising sentient beings. (4x)
I AM a being of crystal fire. I AM the purity God desires. (2x)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
I AM freeing sentient beings. (4x)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the alchemy God desires. (2x)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the freedom God desires. (2x)
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM OM AH
Repeat sequence for all five Buddha Mysteries.
*You may substitute the word “vision” in place of the word “healing” for Wednesday.
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Golden Buddha Rosary (long)
Second Buddha Mystery
Hail Akshobhya (3x), thou immovable, unshakable one!
Flood us with mirror-like wisdom as we walk the eight o’clock
line of God-justice and master the perfections of renunciation
and wisdom in the second crystal ray. By thy sacred fire,
consume in us the poison of all hatred and anger.
OM Akshobhya HUM (3x)
Third Buddha Mystery
Hail Ratnasambhava (3x), thou jewel-born one! Flood us
with the wisdom of equality as we walk the nine o’clock line
of God-reality and master the perfections of courage and
patience in the third crystal ray. By thy sacred fire, consume in
us the poison of all spiritual, intellectual and human pride.
OM Ratnasambhava TRAM (3x)
Fourth Buddha Mystery
Hail Amitabha (3x), thou Buddha of infinite light! Flood
us with discriminating wisdom as we walk the ten o’clock
line of God-vision and master the perfections of truth and
resolution in the fourth crystal ray. By thy sacred fire, consume in us the poison of the passions—all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust.
OM Amitabha HRIH (3x)
Fifth Buddha Mystery
Hail Amoghasiddhi (3x), almighty conqueror! Flood us
with all-accomplishing wisdom as we walk the eleven o’clock
line of God-victory and master the perfections of good will
and indifference in the fifth crystal ray. By thy sacred fire,
consume in us the poison of all envy and jealousy.
OM Amoghasiddhi AH (3x)
6Copyright © 2006 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-06.
Golden Buddha Rosary (long)
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Sealing Prayer for the Five Buddha Mysteries
Hail Vajrasattva (3x), O indestructible-minded one! Flood
us with the diamond will of God as we ask you to seal the
energies and devotions of this rosary. By thy sacred fire, consume in us the poison of non-will and non-being, all fears,
doubts and non-belief in God, the Great Guru. Hold us in the
precious diamond being of the mind of God in all the five
crystal rays.
OM Vajrasattva HUM (3x)
Golden Mantra
Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum (33x)
Om Mani Padme Hum AUM
Golden Buddha Rosary
(short version)
In the name of the Father and of the Mother
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, OM
Bodhisattva Prayer
I AM a fount of eternal love from the heart of the Buddha,
manifest now unto all life caught in the sea of samsara. I AM walking
the way of the Buddha and the bodhisattva, dedicating my life to the
salvation of all sentient beings on Earth and in all systems of worlds.
Through sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service, I give the gift
of my life and being unto all who are awakening from the sleep of
non-awareness. And through my example of compassion, kindness,
mercy and love, I AM raising all life unto the eternal verities of divine
bliss in God.
I AM an active participant in bringing God’s kingdom to Earth.
And in the lineage of Sanat Kumara, Gautama, Maitreya, Jesus,
Padma Sambhava and the Buddha Mother, I take my place to fulfill
the mission of bodhisattva unto all. As I give the five decades of this
rosary, I invoke the Five Dhyani Buddhas to come and manifest their
presence in the Earth and among its peoples for the Pure Land to
manifest on Earth and for the uniting of hearts East and West to
transcendent love.
I AM of the Buddha and the Buddha is of me. I AM of the
Mother and the Mother is of me. Together we comprise a pure sphere
of light and emanate blessings to all sentient beings, quickening them
unto the fulfillment of each one’s divine plan and immortality in God.
Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God within all, seal this
prayer in holy purpose as we radiate love-wisdom now to all.
*Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us bodhisattvas of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life. (3x)*
Copyright © 2006 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 05-01-08.
Golden Buddha Rosary (short)
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Golden Mantra
Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum (8x)
Om Mani Padme Hum AUM
Give each of the five Buddha Mysteries
with the “Hail, Marys” and the “Glory be ...”.
First Buddha Mystery
Hail, Vairochana (3x), thou radiating one. Flood us with the
all-pervading wisdom of the Dharmakaya as we master the perfections of alms and precepts in the first crystal ray.
OM Vairochana OM (3x)
*Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us bodhisattvas of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life. (10x)*
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM OM AH
Repeat this ritual for all five Buddha Mysteries.
Second Buddha Mystery
Hail, Akshobhya (3x), thou immovable, unshakable one!
Flood us with mirror-like wisdom as we master the perfections
of renunciation and wisdom in the second crystal ray.
OM Akshobhya HUM (3x)
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Golden Buddha Rosary (short)
Third Buddha Mystery
Hail, Ratnasambhava (3x), thou jewel-born one! Flood us
with the wisdom of equality as we master the perfections of
courage and patience in the third crystal ray.
OM Ratnasambhava TRAM (3x)
Fourth Buddha Mystery
Hail, Amitabha (3x), thou Buddha of infinite light! Flood
us with discriminating wisdom as we master the perfections of
truth and resolution in the fourth crystal ray.
OM Amitabha HRIH (3x)
Fifth Buddha Mystery
Hail, Amoghasiddhi (3x), almighty conqueror! Flood us
with all-accomplishing wisdom as we master the perfections
of good will and indifference in the fifth crystal ray.
OM Amoghasiddhi AH (3x)
Sealing Prayer for the Five Buddha Mysteries
Hail, Vajrasattva (3x), O indestructible-minded one! Flood
us with the diamond will of God as we ask you to seal the
energies and devotions of this rosary. By thy sacred fire, hold
us in the precious diamond being of the mind of God in all the
five crystal rays.
OM Vajrasattva HUM (3x)
Copyright © 2006 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 05-01-08.
Golden Buddha Rosary (short)
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Golden Mantra
Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum (8x)
Om Mani Padme Hum AUM
Consecration of the Rosary
In the name I AM THAT I AM and my beloved Holy
Christ/Buddha Self, in the name and by the power and authority of
the Two Witnesses above and below—beloved Lanello and Mother
and our own witnesses—in the name of the Divine Mother, beloved
Mother Mary and beloved Kuan Yin, we consecrate the peoples of
Russia, China, Taiwan, Tibet, Burma, North Korea, Cuba, the Middle
and Far East and all nations that exist under the weight and the
burden of totalitarian and oppressive regimes to your immaculate and
merciful hearts this day.
We accept the four sacred freedoms and the will of God manifesting in all nations. Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press reign throughout the Earth.
We accept the freedom of all sentient beings everywhere, O
God. We consecrate every man, woman and child, born and unborn,
upon Earth unto the glory of God and unto the fulfillment of each
one’s divine plan and ascension in the light. As Above, so below, thy
kingdom is come on earth as it is in heaven.
In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Copyright © 2006 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-11.
Golden Buddha Rosary
Published by the
Hearts Center®
Copyright © 2011 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved.
Second edition.
For additional information:
The Hearts Center, P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047, U.S.A.
Tel: (630) 894-4410
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
On this Day, O Beautiful Mother
On this day, O Beautiful Mother
On this day we give thee our love.
Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.
On this day we ask to share
Dearest Mother, thy sweet care.
Aid us ere our feet astray
Wander from thy guiding way.
On this day, O Beautiful Mother
On this day we give thee our love.
Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.
Traditional Catholic hymn.
Sign of the Five-Pointed Star
In the name of the Father,
and of the Mother, and of the Son,
and of the Daughter and of the Holy Spirit.
Bodhisattva Prayer
I am a fount of eternal love from the
heart of the Buddha, manifest now unto all
life caught in the sea of samsara. I am
walking the way of the Buddha and the
bodhisattva, dedicating my life to the
salvation of all sentient beings on earth and
in all systems of worlds. Through sacrifice,
surrender, selflessness and service, I give
the gift of my life and being unto all who
are awakening from the sleep of nonawareness. And through my example of
compassion, kindness, mercy and love, I
am raising all life unto the eternal verities
of divine bliss in God.
I am an active participant in bringing
God’s kingdom to earth. And in the
lineage of Sanat Kumara, Gautama,
Golden Mantra
Om Ah Hum
Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum (5x)
Om Mani Padme Hum AUM
First Buddha Mystery
Hail Vairochana, Thou radiating one!
I am Vairochana, shining like the Sun.
I embody the wisdom of the Law.
I am emanating the essence of my Buddha Nature.
OM Vairochana OM
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us children of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life. (5x)
Glory to the Father,
Daughter and the Son,
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Mother. We are one!
Mudra illustrations: courtesy of
What Child Is This?
What child is this who, laid to rest,
On Mary’s lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the King
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
Haste, haste to bring him laud
The babe, the son of Mary.
As Mary mused upon her son-The star o'erhead, the night of calm,
All life on earth would know his peace
His love, his healing balm.
So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh
Come peasant, king, to own him
The King of kings salvation brings,
Let loving hearts enthrone him.
Original lyrics by C. Dix. Melody: Greensleeves
Copyright © 2009 The Hearts Center®.
Second Buddha Mystery
Hail Akshobhya, Thou immovable, unshakable one!
I am Akshobhya, lord of stillness.
I embody peace and honor.
I am emanating the essence of commitment and constancy.
OM Akshobhya HUM
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us children of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life. (5x)
Glory to the Father,
Daughter and the Son,
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Mother. We are one!
Immaculate Mary
Immaculate Mary, our hearts are on fire!
Your title so wondrous
Fills all our desire.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Ave, Ave Maria.
Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing.
You reign now in splendor
With Jesus, our King.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Ave, Ave Maria.
In heaven the blessed, your glory proclaim.
On earth we, your children,
Invoke your sweet name.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Ave, Ave Maria.
Traditional Catholic Hymn.
Third Buddha Mystery
Hail Ratnasambhava, Thou jewel-born one!
I am Ratnasambhava, lord of compassion.
I embody a mind that is free.
I am emanating the essence of the value of all beings.
OM Ratnasambhava TRAM
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us children of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life. (5x)
Glory to the Father,
Daughter and the Son,
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Mother. We are one!
Bring the Children
When the children came to Jesus
On that clear and sunny day,
A disciple tried to quiet them
And to have them go away.
But the Lord stood up and spoke these words:
“Suffer them to come to me,
For of such as these my Father’s Kingdom’s
Blessed for all to see.”
And then all the children gathered
‘Round about the Lord that day
He invited them to listen
And hear all he had to say.
And the words he spoke to each one there
Ring as clear and true today
“You must be like gentle children
If you’d enter heaven’s way.”
“Bring the children to me
For their love is pure and free
Bring the children to me”
Are the words of our Lord.
“Bring the children to me
For their love is pure and free
Bring the children
Bring the children to me”.
Copyright © 2005 Cristos Records. Used by permission. Music and lyrics by David C. Lewis.
Fourth Buddha Mystery
Hail Amitabha, Thou Buddha of infinite light!
I am Amitabha, lord of mindfulness.
I embody truth and determination.
I am emanating the essence of happiness and abundance.
OM Amitabha HRIH
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us children of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life. (5x)
Glory to the Father,
Daughter and the Son,
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Mother. We are one!
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red, brown, yellow, black and white,
We are precious in his sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Mary loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red, brown, yellow, black and white,
We are precious in her sight.
Mary loves the little children of the world.
Joseph loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red, brown, yellow, black and white,
We are precious in his sight.
Joseph loves the little children of the world.
Buddha loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red, brown, yellow, black and white,
We are precious in his sight.
Buddha loves the little children of the world.
Melody by William B. Bradbury. Original lyrics by Anna Bartlett Warner.
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center®.
Fifth Buddha Mystery
Hail Amoghasiddhi, Almighty conqueror!
I am Amoghasiddhi, lord of practical action.
I embody fearlessness.
I am emanating the essence of selfless service.
OM Amoghasiddhi AH
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us children of love
Now and ever as we shine
With virtue, health and life. (5x)
Glory to the Father,
Daughter and the Son,
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Mother. We are one!
Hail, Holy Queen, Enthroned Above
Hail, Holy Queen, enthroned above, O Maria!
Hail, Mother of Mercy and of Love, O Maria!
Triumph, all ye cherubim;
Sing with us, ye seraphim
Heav’n and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve, Regina!*
The cause of joy to us below, O Maria!
The spring through which all graces flow, O Maria!
Angels, let your voices ring;
Heaven on Earth is what we bring.
All your children echoing:
Salve, salve, salve, Regina!*
*Translation: Hail, hail, hail, Queen (of Heaven)!
Traditional Catholic hymn.
Sealing Prayer
For the Five Buddha Mysteries
Hail Vajrasattva, O indestructible-minded one!
I am Vajrasattva, lord of purification.
I am emanating all of the five secret rays within
the diamond being of the mind of God.
OM Vajrasattva HUM
White Lotus Mandala
© 2009 Paul Heussenstamm. Used by permission.
Golden Mantra
Om Ah Hum
Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum (5x)
Om Mani Padme Hum AUM
Hail to the jewel in the heart of the lotus,
Hail to the sun that you are,
Hail to the presence blazing right through you,
Hail to that flame in your heart.
Hail to the jewel in the heart of the lotus,
Hail to the light from your star,
Hail to that perfect love shining within you
And emanating so far.
Om Mani Padme Hum (3x)
Om Mani Padme Hum (3x)
Om Mani Padme Hum (3x)
Om Mani Padme Hum (3x)
Copyright © 2007 Patrick Rogers. Used by permission.
Many thanks and blessings to Aimée Boonstra, Jean S. Keaton,
Paul Heussenstamm, Maria Min, David Lewis, Patrick Rogers,
Boyd Badten, Nancy Kol e, Cathleen Alexander and Marsha Guyette
for graciously allowing us to use their artistic, musical or other talents.
Fortuna Abundance Rosary
click to go to...
Golden Buddha Rosary
(long version)
Kuan Yin’s
Rosary of Mercy
Copyright © 2010 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved.
For additional information:
The Hearts Center, P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047, U.S.A.
Tel: (630) 894-4410
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Mother of Mercy
Mother of Mercy, I call forth your presence.
O sprinkle life’s nectar with your willow branch.
Pour forth your stream of compassion and wisdom
To bathe me in waters that heal my own soul.
Blessing hands of purity,
Off’’ring me your sanctity.
Blessed Kuan Yin, you care for all beings.
I choose you, I call you, I trust you, please hear me.
You took the vow of a bodhisattva
And promised to answer all cries and all pleas.
You are my Mother; and I will now follow
Your footprints of vision, forgiveness, compassion,
Transcendence, and inner peace.
Mother of kindness, I bow ‘fore your lotus.
Teach me forgiveness in words and in deeds.
Show me the nexus between earth and heaven
That opens my heart with compassionate beats.
Loving words of empathy
Saving souls in unity.
Avalokita, now enter my being.
Hold me. ... I feel you. ... Thank!
Copyright © 2010 Maria Min.
Melody: “Morgenstimmung” from the Peer Gynt Suite by Edvard Grieg.
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
Beloved Kuan Yin, how may I serve you today?
Kuan Yin’s Bodhisattva Prayer
I am a fount of eternal mercy from the heart of
Kuan Yin, manifest now unto all life caught in the sea of
samsara. I am walking the way of the Buddha and the
bodhisattva, dedicating my life to the salvation of all
sentient beings on Earth and in all systems of worlds.
Through the light of mercy-joy, I give the gift of
my life and being unto all who are awakening from the
sleep of non-awareness. Through compassion, kindness,
forgiveness and love, I am raising all life unto divine
bliss and union in God.
I am an active participant in bringing heaven to
Earth, and by the love of all divine mothers, I am
fulfilling our mission as bodhisattvas of mercy. Beloved
Kuan Yin, bless the Earth and its evolutions with your
presence as the Pure Land manifests in the physical
octave. Unite all hearts East and West in transcendent
love, mercy and joy.
I am of the Buddha and the Buddha is of me. I am
of the Mother and the Mother is of me. Together we
comprise a pure sphere of light and emanate blessings,
boons and benevolence to all beings, quickening them
unto the fulfillment of Earth’s dharma and ascension in
the light.
Beloved Kuan Yin, seal this prayer in holy
purpose as we now radiate mercy-love to all.
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am embodying the teachings of the Buddha.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Su Zhi Yi Qie Fa!
I Am Mercy Seventy-Times-Seven
I am mercy everywhere, seventy-times-seven.
I am mercy’s tender care, acting as a leaven.
I am mercy to each one whom I serve with love.
I am mercy’s violet sun, mercy from above.
I am mercy’s true envoy, sharing cosmic grace.
I am mercy’s perfect joy, hallowing all space.
I am mercy acting here, in the Presence bright.
I am mercy’s perfect cheer, making all things light.
I am mercy’s gentle way, now conveyed with mirth.
I am mercy come to stay everywhere on Earth.
I am mercy for each son, daughter of the Lord.
I am mercy ever won by the sacred Word.
I am mercy every hour, seventy-times-seven.
I am mercy’s radiant power, raising all to heaven.
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am attaining the wisdom of inner vision.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Zao De Zhi Hui Yan!
First Bodhisattva Chrism
Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa
Hail, Kuan Yin
Hail, Kuan Yin, full of mercy,
The Mother Light is with thee.
Blessed art thou among Buddhas
And blessed is the mercy that flows through thee.
Holy Kuan Yin, Mother sublime,
Pray for us, bodhisattvas divine,
Now and ever as we emanate with thee. (3x)
I am saving sentient beings. (4x)
I am a being of violet light,
I am God’s mercy shining bright! (3x)
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am ferrying all beings to the shore of liberation.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Su Du Yi Qie Jong!
Second Bodhisattva Chrism
Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa
Hail, Kuan Yin
Hail, Kuan Yin, full of mercy,
The Mother Light is with thee.
Blessed art thou among Buddhas
And blessed is the mercy that flows through thee.
Holy Kuan Yin, Mother sublime,
Pray for us, bodhisattvas divine,
Now and ever as we emanate with thee. (3x)
I am saving sentient beings. (4x)
I am a being of violet light,
I am God’s mercy shining bright! (3x)
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am attaining good, expedient means to enlightenment.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Zao De Shan Fang Bian!
Third Bodhisattva Chrism
Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa
Hail, Kuan Yin
Hail, Kuan Yin, full of mercy,
The Mother Light is with thee.
Blessed art thou among Buddhas
And blessed is the mercy that flows through thee.
Holy Kuan Yin, Mother sublime,
Pray for us, bodhisattvas divine,
Now and ever as we emanate with thee. (3x)
I am saving sentient beings. (4x)
I am a being of violet light,
I am God’s mercy shining bright! (3x)
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am boarding the boat of transcendental wisdom.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Su Cheng Bo Re Chuan!
Fourth Bodhisattva Chrism
Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa
Hail, Kuan Yin
Hail, Kuan Yin, full of mercy,
The Mother Light is with thee.
Blessed art thou among Buddhas
And blessed is the mercy that flows through thee.
Holy Kuan Yin, Mother sublime,
Pray for us, bodhisattvas divine,
Now and ever as we emanate with thee. (3x)
I am saving sentient beings. (4x)
I am a being of violet light,
I am God’s mercy shining bright! (3x)
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am transcending the sea of karmic suffering.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Zao De Yue Ku Hai!
Fifth Bodhisattva Chrism
Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa
Hail, Kuan Yin
Hail, Kuan Yin, full of mercy,
The Mother Light is with thee.
Blessed art thou among Buddhas
And blessed is the mercy that flows through thee.
Holy Kuan Yin, Mother sublime,
Pray for us, bodhisattvas divine,
Now and ever as we emanate with thee. (3x)
I am saving sentient beings. (4x)
I am a being of violet light,
I am God’s mercy shining bright! (3x)
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am internalizing higher principles, the consciousness of
formless awareness, and the way of the Buddha.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Su De Jie Ding Dao!
Sixth Bodhisattva Chrism
Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa
Hail, Kuan Yin
Hail, Kuan Yin, full of mercy,
The Mother Light is with thee.
Blessed art thou among Buddhas
And blessed is the mercy that flows through thee.
Holy Kuan Yin, Mother sublime,
Pray for us, bodhisattvas divine,
Now and ever as we emanate with thee. (3x)
I am saving sentient beings. (4x)
I am a being of violet light,
I am God’s mercy shining bright! (3x)
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am climbing the mountain of ultimate enlightenment.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Zao Deng Nie Pan Shan!
Seventh Bodhisattva Chrism
Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa
Hail, Kuan Yin
Hail, Kuan Yin, full of mercy,
The Mother Light is with thee.
Blessed art thou among Buddhas
And blessed is the mercy that flows through thee.
Holy Kuan Yin, Mother sublime,
Pray for us, bodhisattvas divine,
Now and ever as we emanate with thee. (3x)
I am saving sentient beings. (4x)
I am a being of violet light,
I am God’s mercy shining bright! (3x)
Om Mani Peme Hum OM
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am abiding in a state of non-duality.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Su Hui Wu Wei She!
Blaze Forth Ruby Love
I am the fohatic power of divine love
changing my world now!
Blaze forth ruby love into the earth now!
I am the fohatic power of divine love
consuming all hate, anger and tyranny now!
Blaze forth ruby love into the water now!
I am the fohatic power of divine love
washing clean the atmosphere of the planet now!
Blaze forth ruby love into the air now!
I am the fohatic power of divine love
erasing all records of war and infamy now!
Blaze forth ruby love into the fire element now!
In deepest reverence to the sacred name of Kuan Shi Yin,
I am uniting with the body of all essence.
Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin,
Yuan Wo Zao Tong Fa Xing Shen!
© 2007 Kuan Yin’s Ten Vows’ translation is copyrighted by A World of Compassion.
Kuan Yin’s I Am Prayer
I am singing Mercy’s new song.
I am holding a field of mercy in my aura.
I am Mercy’s fire enfolding itself as the effulgence of
I am a co-creator of “new mercy” for the Earth.
I am drawing forth Mercy’s cosmic flame for all.
I am observing God within all and all within God.
I am Mercy’s perfect presence singing a new song of peace.
I am forgiveness.
I am mercy.
I am holding the field of mercy with Kuan Yin as all are
fully liberated in the new understanding, the
new law of being.
I am a translator of mercy to the world.
I am seeing the Earth ensconced in Mercy’s pictureperfect presence.
I am transcending, cycle by cycle, worlds within worlds
within Self.
I am words of comfort and joy.
I am singing evermore of mercy.
Om Mani Peme Hum
Heal with Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono (2x)
Ho’o Pono, Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono (2x)
Ho’o Pono, Ho’oponopono
When a thought comes in this world
And it bugs me and I get angry—
To release it, I make it mine.
I own it, so I can heal it.
Hear me saying, hear me praying—ALOHA
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you! (2x)
Thank you in Joy (2x)
Connecting to the Divine
Clean, clean, clean up to shine
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you! (2x)
When I’m feeling in this world
Frustrated and aggravated—
To release it, I make it mine.
I own it, so I can heal it.
Hear me saying, hear me praying—ALOHA
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you! (2x)
Thank you in Joy (2x)
Connecting to the Divine
Clean, clean, clean up to shine
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you! (2x)
Ho’oponopono (2x)
Ho’o Pono, Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono (2x)
Ho’o Pono, Ho’oponopono
When events come in this world
Rub me wrong and I judge them—
To release it, I make it mine.
I own them, so I can heal them.
Hear me saying, hear me praying—ALOHA
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you! (2x)
Thank you in Joy (2x)
Connecting to the Divine
Clean, clean, clean up to shine
I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you! (2x)
Chorus (2x)
Copyright © 2008 Songbird Music USA.
Music and Lyrics: Lauren Pomerantz (
Now Buddha Rosary
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Golden Buddha Rosary
(long version)
Rosary of
Divine Quintessence
With Prayers to the Archeiai of the Five Secret Rays
Compiled by the Messenger
David Christopher Lewis
Published by The Hearts Center ®
This rosary is copyrighted. However, we encourage you to print and share it with heartfriends throughout the world, giving full credit to The Hearts Center. Correspondence and contributions may be sent to
P. O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.
Copyright © 2008 The Hearts Center. All rights reserved.
Cover art, “Mother Mary Healing the Earth,” by Lisa Delaney. Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved.
December 15, 2007
Paradise Valley, Montana
Dear Heartfriends,
Many devotees’ spiritual lives have been blessed by praying
and singing praises of joy to God and through the giving of a
rosary daily. Now you have an opportunity to partake of an
exciting new rosary ritual, praying to and for intercession from a
previously unknown group of angels.
The archeiai are the feminine complements of the archangels.
For many decades students of the deeper mysteries of God have
known the names of the Archeiai of the Seven Rainbow Rays, and
that our blessed Mother Mary is the Archeia of the Fifth Ray. On
November 28, 2007, Jesus’ teacher and mentor Lord Maitreya
revealed to me the names of the Archangels and Archeiai of the
Secret Rays. These higher rays or spiritual frequencies proceed
from out of the white-fire core of being of the great primal or
causal body of the Godhead, known to some as the Great Central
The archangels and archeiai of all the rays who deliver these
divine light energies wield great spiritual power, often changing the
very course of civilizations and planetary homes. Some examples
of their intercession in human affairs as noted in the Holy Bible
were the casting out of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden,
the confounding of the tongues of those who built the Tower of
Babel, the wielding of cataclysmic atomic energies in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the saving of the Israelites through
the parting of the Red Sea at the hand of Moses, and the prophesied victory of light in the battle of Armageddon in the book of
In this “time of trouble” as prophesied by Daniel, the
archangels and archeiai come with the authority and directive to
deliver both divine judgment and justice—divine liberation and
freedom to mankind. For those who would look up and live in the
very presence of God, they come as a blessing. But for those who
have turned their face away from the higher pathway of light, they
come to deliver the chastisement of karmic recompense for all
untransmuted past misuses of God’s light-energies.
When the names of the archangels and archeiai were revealed,
I was in awe of the very cosmic personages of these mighty beings
that I saw in Spirit. The key to their divine nature through their
names is given so that we may “Call upon the Lord” through them
as God’s emissaries, as angles of the Creator’s multifaceted
Beingness. We now have access to all that they employ of God’s
supreme omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence. And with
the delivery of their names the warning to never misuse this sacred
trust is embedded and coded within the very revelation itself.
As we meditate upon these sacred, ancient and once secret
archangelic and archeiaic names, we can attune to their purpose
and the light patternings of their beings. For every angel and
archangel has a specific mission and holy commission to impress
some aspect of God’s divine presence wherever that one moves.
As we invoke them daily, we will gradually be able to sensitize
ourselves to them and more readily assimilate their causal energies
or divine quintessence—thus the name of this rosary.
For example, Auriel and Alena work to accelerate the action
of the secret rays for the clearance and spiritualization of the auras
of disciples of the living Word. Celestel and Celena, as step-down
transformers of cosmic Beingness, bring God’s jeweled, lightenergies from higher, celestial worlds to mankind. Christiel and
Christyla work to help widen the crystal cord between the Holy
Christ/Buddha Self and the soul, and to magnify the Christic or
crystalline frequencies with the chrismatic (and charismatic) lightwaves of their own beings. Soliel and Astrela regulate and gradually
increase the starry, photonic currents that descend to us from our
I AM or Solar Presence as we work with the secret rays. And
Virtuel and Vestrea deliver previously unknown virtues, gifts and
accords of the Spirit to those who qualify for them through heroic
and sacrificial service to mankind over many lifetimes.
The blessings that the Creator has in store for those who
sincerely love God present within all life with all their heart, mind
and soul are truly amazing! And now the door has been flung
wide open for you to enter more profoundly into the sanctuary
of your heart and to pray with greater awareness, joy and cosmic
consciousness, meditating while giving these prayers and singing
these songs in the presence of so glorious a choir of holy angels
whose gifts will surely transform your life. As we befriend these
newly revealed secret-ray individualities by giving the Rosary of
Divine Quintessence often, let us together rededicate our lives to
holy purpose, divine service and humble givingness to all whom
we came to earth to help awaken and save.
This new rosary is scheduled to be released at our 2008
Easter conference at the Wellspring Retreat in Paradise Valley,
Montana. I believe this devotional ritual will provide us with a
new, cosmic impetus to wield greater spiritual light and fiery love
to help usher in a beautiful, golden-crystal age of enlightenment
and freedom for all mankind. For those who are willing to move
into the new stream of Aquarian love and higher consciousness,
our daily spiritual practice with the archangels and archeiai will
be worth the time and effort.
May the angels go with you always!
Your Servant and Messenger for the
Archangels and Archeiai of the Five Secret Rays,
David Christopher Lewis
Rosary of Divine Quintessence
With Prayers to the Archeiai of the Five Secret Rays
Sign of the Five-Pointed Star
In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son
and of the Daughter and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer for Divine Quintessence
I am a fount of divine quintessence from the etheric realms of
light of the Archangels and Archeiai of the Five Secret Rays. I live,
move and have my being in a living, liquid, crystal-diamond light. In
perfect poise and presence, I emanate all the divine virtues and
graces of the Spirit to all life on all systems of worlds through my
glowing, diamond heart—one with God’s. I am the effulgent outpouring of all the qualities of the secret rays to bless, raise and sustain the cosmos. By the action of the secret rays pouring through my
heart, hands and feet as an angel of love, compassion, mercy, grace
and kindness, all of God’s created sons and daughters receive now
the ministering presence of holy light through this Rosary of Divine
I am the light of Auriel and Alena, Celestel and Celena,
Christiel and Christyla, Soliel and Astrela, and Virtuel and Vestrea
where I AM. Through these prayers and songs of devotion and
praise, O God, purge, transmute and consume now from the earth,
water, air, fire and ether all that is not of the light and release the
quintessence of your Presence manifest through the five secret rays.
Let this radiance as the agency of the Holy Spirit flow now to raise
the consciousness of all mankind and to bring about a golden-crystal age of love-wisdom upon the Earth and on all systems of worlds.
In the holy name of God, I AM THAT I AM. Amen.
I AM the Secret Rays
(to be sung)
*I AM the secret rays! I AM the secret rays!
Blazing like a sun! Radiating fun!
We stand and shine through hands and feet.
‘Til Earth’s ascension is complete.
Ruby and indigo. Out from our hearts they flow.
Diamond hue. Charge right through.
Golden pink. Loving wink.
Aqua teal. Feel the zeal.
O Cosmos, hear our call! In joy we conquer all!
To the Archeiai of the Secret Rays
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Blessed angels, with us praise! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
In your fiery stream we blaze! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Sacred fire within us raise! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Sun of even pressure, blaze! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Elemental life now raise! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Flowing through our hands this day! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Blazing through our feet this day! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Pouring through our heart this day! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Fiery chakras spin and blaze! (3x)
Archeiai of secret rays (3x)
Now we walk the Middle Way! (3x)
Prayer to the Nine Choirs of Angels
and to Angels of the Five Secret Rays
O nine choirs of angels of the Most High God, I call to the
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers,
Principalities, Archangels and Angels from out the Great Central
Sun to radiate forth celestial light into our world for the freeing and
saving of all souls and for the illumination and freedom of all life.
Let all legions of the Lord serving with the Archangels and Archeiai
of the Five Secret Rays raise the Earth in sacred fire. By the power of
the I AM THAT I AM, let light prevail and may all rise unto their
God-estate and awaken unto eternal life within the Holy City of
God’s eternal heart.
Devotional Prayers to the Five Secret-Ray Archeiai
First Secret-Ray Mystery
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father-Mother who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
I AM THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our
debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the
glory forever. Amen.
Hail Alena
*Hail Alena, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Auriel.
Holy Alena, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (10x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Second Secret-Ray Mystery
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father-Mother who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
I AM THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our
debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the
glory forever. Amen.
Hail Celena
*Hail Celena, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Celestel.
Holy Celena, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (10x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Third Secret-Ray Mystery
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father-Mother who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
I AM THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our
debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the
glory forever. Amen.
Hail Christyla
*Hail Christyla, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Christiel.
Holy Christyla, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (10x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Fourth Secret-Ray Mystery
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father-Mother who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
I AM THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our
debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the
glory forever. Amen.
Hail Astrela
*Hail Astrela, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Soliel.
Holy Astrela, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (10x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Fifth Secret-Ray Mystery
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father-Mother who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
I AM THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our
debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the
glory forever. Amen.
Hail Vestrea
*Hail Vestrea, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Virtuel.
Holy Vestrea, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (10x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
You Are My Angel
(to be sung)
Beings on the wing from heaven
are bidding me to call your name;
For they say you’re an angel of celestial fame.
I have always known your presence,
and often have I felt your hand.
And I know you’re an angel from a far-off land.
When I close my eyes and listen
I can hear your wings of light
And in heightened adoration we will both take flight.
You are my angel, my beautiful angel,
You are my angel, my angel of light.
Never have I seen your radiance
but always have I felt you near.
And I know you’re an angel with a heart so pure.
Some day I will know your beauty
and gaze within your eyes of blue.
For I know you’re an angel, and I love you.
You are my angel, my beautiful angel,
You are my angel, my angel of light.
Some day I will know your beauty,
And gaze within your eyes of blue.
For I know you’re my angel, and I love you.
Copyright © 2000 Cristos Records. Words and music by David C. Lewis. Used with permission.
To the Archeiai of the Five Secret Rays
In the name I AM THAT I AM, beloved Auriel and Alena,
Celestel and Celena, Chrystiel and Christyla, Soliel and Astrela,
and Virtuel and Vestrea, all ascended and cosmic beings, legions
of angels and archangels, Elohim and nature spirits, I pray:
*O precious fragrance wafting high on fiery wings of love,
The archeiai’s anointing showered from the realms above.
A blessing pure and holy flows to hearts inclined to thee,
Bestowal of Venusian grace to all who would be free.
Alena dear, Celena near,
Vestrea ancient seer;
Christyla clear, Astrela pure,
We feel your presence here.
Now raise the Mother Light in us,
Release the sacred flow,
As we commune with conscious love
In your eternal glow.
O archeiai, now we would be your heart, your head, your hand
Dispensing grace upon the earth to every race and land.
Increase in us awareness of God’s presence everywhere
As we employ your cosmic joy, your tender loving care.
Alena dear, Celena near,
Vestrea ancient seer;
Christyla clear, Astrela pure,
We feel your presence here.
Now raise the Mother Light in us;
Release the sacred flow
As we commune with conscious love
In your eternal glow.
The Holy City
(to be sung)
Last night I lay asleeping, there came a dream so fair.
I stood in old Jerusalem beside the temple there.
I heard the children singing, and ever as they sang,
Methought the voice of angels from heav’n in answer rang;
Methought the voice of angels from heav’n in answer rang:
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
Lift up your gates and sing,
“Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna to your King!”
And then methought my dream was chang’d, the streets no longer rang.
Hush’d were the glad hosannas the little children sang.
The sun grew dark with mystery, the morn was cold and chill
As the shadow of a cross arose upon a lonely hill,
As the shadow of a cross arose upon a lonely hill.
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
Hark! How the angels sing,
“Hosanna in the highest,
Hosanna to your King!”
And once again the scene was chang’d, new earth there seem’d to be.
I saw the Holy City beside the tideless sea.
The light of God was on its streets, the gates were open wide,
And all who would might enter, and no one was denied.
No need of moon or stars by night or sun to shine by day.
It was the New Jerusalem that would not pass away.
It was the New Jerusalem that would not pass away!
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
Sing, for the night is o’er,
“Hosanna in the highest,
Hosanna for evermore!
Hosanna in the highest,
Hosanna for evermore!”
Music by Stephen Adams.
Lyrics by F. E. Weatherly.
Consecration and Sealing
of the Rosary of Divine Quintessence
In the name I AM THAT I AM and the Presence of God
within all life, in the name and by the power and authority of the
two witnesses above and below, in the name of the Divine Mother,
all the blessed archeiai and the hosts of the Lord, we consecrate the
peoples of all nations that exist under the weight and the burden
of totalitarian and oppressive regimes to your immaculate and
merciful hearts this day.
We ask now for the four sacred freedoms to be brought forth in
all nations and for the will of God to be made manifest in the lives
of each one. Let freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of
assembly and freedom of the press reign throughout the earth.
We lend the support of our causal bodies for the freeing of all
souls everywhere, O God. We consecrate every man, woman and
child, born and unborn, upon earth unto the glory of God and
unto the fulfillment of each one’s divine plan and ascension in the
light. As Above, so below, let thy kingdom come on earth as it is in
This we ask in the name of the Father and of the Mother and
of the Son and of the Daughter and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Rosary of Faith
With Prayers to the Seven Archeiai
Compiled by the Messenger
David Christopher Lewis
Published by The Hearts Center™
This rosary is copyrighted. However, we encourage you to print and share it with heartfriends
throughout the world, giving full credit to The Hearts Center. Correspondence and contributions
may be sent to P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center. All rights reserved.
Cover photo: Courtesy of Maria Min
February 14, 2007
Emigrant, Montana
Dear Heartfriends,
Disciples of the Spirit who have offered rosaries and prayers
to the Blessed Mother may be aware that there is a long tradition
of various types of rosaries that have been given over the years
since Jesus’ life on earth. The original rosary given centuries ago
looked much different than that which is given within the Catholic
Church of today. Rather than a single prayer for all time, the rosary
has become an evolution of devotion. Over the years, various mystics and saints, in communion with Jesus and other heavenly
beings, have added to the hallowed tradition of the rosary within
the greater context of the universal church of the faithful worldwide. The Rosary of Faith you hold in your hand is another step in
this divine evolutionary process known as progressive revelation.
Each rosary is, in reality, a spiritual garland of roses created by
the giving of various prayers, most often including the “Hail Mary”
which honors the words of the Archangel Gabriel spoken to Mary
when she was yet a temple virgin, spending much of her time in
prayer and meditation upon the heaven world. For years my primary prayer focus has been to pour forth devotion to the Blessed
Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels, who has been so instrumental
in answering the prayers of the faithful over the centuries.
In the esoteric tradition of Christianity, students with this
understanding of higher truth have become aware that Mary is
also the archeia of the fifth ray of healing, science, precipitation
and music. An archeia is the feminine complement of an archangel
and thus wields tremendous energies of the Spirit in her service to
mankind often in a gentler and somewhat more feminine manner
than her masculine counterpart. Since we know the names of the
archeiai of the Seven Archangels, we may call to each of them to
bless us with their particular aspect of God’s consciousness for the
color ray upon which they serve. Each of these beings is a powerful
intercessor for mankind, answering the prayers of those in
distress in very specific and, at times, mysterious ways.
This Rosary of Faith is the fulfillment of a request made
to me by the Ascended Masters El Morya and Lanello. When the
program for a weekend conference in Washington, D.C. in late
January 2007 was given to me by them, I was also asked to have
ready a completed version of a new Rosary of Faith, wherein we
would invoke the light of all seven complements of the archangels,
primarily the Archeia Faith, the consort of beloved Archangel
Michael. Since Washington, D.C. is the blue-ray focus and throat
chakra for the United States of America, it seemed fitting that we
should concentrate the action of faith through a new type of
rosary for the protection of our nation’s government and its leaders. Those of all nations may give this new rosary for the anchoring
of God-government in their own country and in all nations, maximizing the light of these prayers on behalf of all peoples.
Faith is the first and essential virtue after which all others
follow. In all spiritual traditions unless there be faith and belief, the
light of wisdom’s fires and the fulfillment of love in all things does
not ensue. Works alone do not allow us entrée into the kingdom
of God, but inspired works of compassion born of spiritual knowledge and faith flow from a profound oneness of Spirit.
By invoking the light of all seven archeiai in this rosary, we
create a rainbow radiance, a cosmic aureole of God’s tender blessing around us. Our halos shine not only with the emerald color of
Mary’s presence but with the specific pastel glory of each of these
angelic mothers who can nurture us in many sublime ways. Thus,
no matter what day of the week we choose to give this rosary, we
can have access to all of the “seven sisters” whose manifestation of
light complement each other in ways great and small.
We know that singing our prayers opens our hearts in a
profound way, and we’ve been told that hymns of praise invoke the
presence of the angelic choirs. In this rosary we pray to the nine
choirs of angels, each of these focusing a specific aspect of God’s
radiance at a different level of vibration in the heaven world. Some
choirs live and move and have their being closer to the Godhead
while others work more closely with mankind. By attuning to each
choir’s specific purpose and work, we can more readily expand
our own consciousness to the level of these angelic beings. And
thereby they, too, may work more closely with us.
In both “The Lord’s Prayer” and the prayers to the seven
archeiai that are patterned after the “Hail Mary,” we use the
Middle English renditions of thee, thou and thy, honoring the
ancient tradition of praying in the less familiar and more reverential style. The archangels and archeiai often dictate through the
messengers using an older vernacular, probably because they themselves have been alive as long as the Ancient of Days! We’ve added
the English version of the name of God—I AM THAT I AM—to
“The Lord’s Prayer.” And we witness to the union of the archangels
and archeiai as twin flames; for, like the Elohim, they are also a
plurality in a unity.
Many of us who have dedicated our lives to the service of
mankind are actually embodied angels, and thus we easily resonate
with these beautiful presences that are often so close at hand to us
though we often know it not. By cosmic law they cannot act within
our dimension unless we invoke them by intention. Now you have
in the following pages a means of communing with these wonderful friends of light and entering into their world of cosmic grace
in a simple, new way.
May the angels go with you always!
Your servant and messenger for the
Seven Archangels and their Archeiai,
David Christopher Lewis
Rosary of Faith
With Prayers to the Seven Archeiai
Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father and of the Mother
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer for Faith
In the name of the Presence of God within all life, I am
upholding the shield of Faith to defend all lifestreams upon earth.
I am a blue-flame angel of protection, manifesting the light of the
will of God in action through my heart, head and hands. Through
this Rosary of Faith, I am weaving a garland of light around the earth
and all its evolutions—including the precious elemental beings of
earth, air, fire and water—freeing all to be who they really are in
God. O Lord, give divine direction and personal guidance to every
son and daughter of God and let all know their divine nature of
eternal perfection in the now of pure beingness. By God’s grace, let
the three-partite light of Faith, Hope and Charity be balanced
within me and within every lifestream on earth. This I ask in the
name of the blessed archeiai and hosts of the Lord. Amen.
Shield of Faith
* Shield of Faith before, behind,
Protect my body, soul and mind.
To the right, to the left and ’round my being,
Let choirs of Faith and Michael sing
And cosmic bells of victory ring!
Shield of Faith above, below,
Let blue-flame angels ’round me glow.
To the right, to the left and all about,
Let choirs of Faith and Michael shout,
Their love now win and darkness rout! (3x)*
Hymn to Faith
O Faith, with all the archeiai,
We see your angels fill the sky.
With Michael, blest archangel true,
God’s sons and daughters look to you.
O fill us now with grace divine,
Protection’s light our world refine.
O Faith, we see your diamond shield,
Blue-lightning angels with you wield.
Belief in God with hope and love,
Your cosmic light flows from above.
Perfection’s glory is your sign;
O radiate God-power divine.
O Faith, with Hope and Charity,
Inspire mankind with clarity.
Blest Micah’s banner, unity,
Unfurled in cosmic harmony.
O Princess Faith, we look to thee.
Now raise all souls and set them free.
Dear Michael, Faith, our victory’s nigh,
We see your legions fill the sky.
Though Armageddon’s in full swing,
Our voices rise; with you we sing.
Your blue-flame swords and shields we bear.
We stand with you, archangels fair.
Eternal Father-Mother light,
We pray for Faith and Michael bright.
Renew their strength and spirits, too.
We send our love, archangels blue.
O Lord of all the worlds sublime,
All praise, thanksgiving, glory thine.
Melody: "Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” also known as “The Navy Hymn.”
Copyright © 2007. Words by David C. Lewis. Used with permission.
Prayer to the Nine Choirs of Angels
O nine choirs of angels of the Most High God, I call to the
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers,
Principalities, Archangels and Angels from out the Great Central
Sun to blaze forth celestial light into our world for the freeing and
saving of sentient beings. Let souls caught in the astral sea of illusion
now receive your ministering presence to free them from all unreality. Let all legions of the Lord serving with beloved Archangel
Michael and Faith defend the Woman and Her Seed in the earth. By
the power of the I AM THAT I AM, bind the forces of darkness that
assail all lifestreams who seek deliverance this day. Let light prevail,
and may all rise unto their God-estate and awaken unto eternal life
within the Holy City of God’s eternal heart.
Devotional Prayers to the Seven Archeiai
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM
THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Amen.
Hail Faith
* Hail Faith, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Michael.
Holy Faith, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM
THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Amen.
Hail Christine
* Hail Christine, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Jophiel.
Holy Christine, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM
THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Amen.
Hail Charity
*Hail Charity, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Chamuel.
Holy Charity, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM
THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Amen.
Hail Hope
* Hail Hope, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Gabriel.
Holy Hope, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM
THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Amen.
Hail Mary
*Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Raphael.
Holy Mary, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM
THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Amen.
Hail Aurora
* Hail Aurora, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Uriel.
Holy Aurora, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM
THAT I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Amen.
Hail Amethyst
* Hail Amethyst, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Zadkiel.
Holy Amethyst, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Prayer of Faith
O Lord God Almighty, I call forth legions of light from far-off
worlds and from the Pleiades and from the heart of Sirius to come
to Earth to assist us in this great drama and spiritual battle. Come
forth, legions of light, and bring to mankind a greater awareness of
that divine light which is ever available to them now and always. Let
mankind know the eternal fire that burns within their hearts, even
that burning bush as a symbol of the Yod He Vau He that is personalized for each one within the secret chamber of the heart.
Burn brightly, O fire within those who have been called to be
the saints robed in white, as witnesses and testators of the Spirit and
its presence in the earth. Let God-men and God-women rise in every
land to throw off the tyranny of the lesser self that has caused a great
veil of darkness to be upon the nations. Let servitors of fire stand
forth and deliver to mankind the flaming sword of cosmic truth that
cleaves asunder the real from the unreal and brings forth reality in
all of its glory within their lives this day.
O Lord God Almighty, I ask for greater opportunity to serve.
Let the calls of the righteous rise, and let hearts afire with love for
you this day sing the song of the free!
To the Archeiai
In the name I AM THAT I AM, beloved Archeiai Faith,
Christine, Charity, Hope, Mary, Aurora and Amethyst, all ascended
and cosmic beings, legions of angels and archangels, Elohim and
nature spirits, I pray:
O precious fragrance wafting high on fiery wings of love,
The archeiai’s anointing showered from the realms above,
A blessing pure and holy flows to hearts inclined to thee,
Bestowal of Venusian grace to all who would be free.
O Faith, Christine and Charity,
With Hope, Aurora near;
O blessed Mary, Amethyst,
We feel your presence here.
Now raise the Mother Light in us,
Release the sacred flow
As we commune with conscious love
In your eternal glow.
O archeiai, now we would be your heart, your head, your hand
Dispensing grace upon the earth to every race and land.
Increase in us awareness of God’s presence everywhere
As we employ your cosmic joy, your tender loving care.
O Faith, Christine and Charity,
With Hope, Aurora near;
O blessed Mary, Amethyst,
We feel your presence here.
Now raise the Mother Light in us;
Release the sacred flow
As we commune with conscious love
In your eternal glow.
Blessed Micah, Angel Friend
In the name I AM THAT I AM, beloved Archangel Michael and
Faith, beloved Micah, all ascended and cosmic beings, legions of
angels and archangels, Elohim and nature spirits, I pray:
1. Blessed Micah, angel friend,
Our holy union now defend.
Instill all people with God’s love,
Transcendent purpose from above.
Purify and unify all beings, left and right.
Sanctify and glorify all souls in Micah’s light.
Cast out human pall, division;
Give us now blest Micah’s vision.
Blaze the sacred word of Unity in letters bright!
2. Bind division, war and strife;
Let all now seek eternal life.
Through harmony, compassion true
And bonds of faith, we look to you.
3. Blessed Micah, blue-flame master,
Save us now from all disaster.
Seal each soul in your embrace
And flood us with angelic grace.
4. We look to thee, most holy one,
As Faith and Michael’s blessed son.
All conflict solve, consume all bane,
Let brotherhood for all now reign.
Archangel Michael’s March
Michael, dear archangel, august friend,
We will work with you to the end.
Your gracious presence with us ever to defend the seed of God!
O Michael, come! And with your legions lead the way!
With you we’ll bring in the new day,
A golden age, God’s kingdom come to earth again,
Our defender, our protector true!
Onward march, blue legions row on row!
Blazing God-protection here below!
Flaming spheres now surround souls whose hearts are true.
Lead on in God-splendor! Service great you render!
Our dear Michael, we love you!
Charging forth, your hosts of light obey
Our calls and enter in the fray
To battle every form of darkness, opposition to the soul!
We call you now! Protect our children, youth, each one,
That they may soar right to the sun,
All mastery, save sentient life, come Home again!
Michael, we are marching now with you!
Faith, beloved archeia true blue,
With this great gift our souls imbue
Of total faith in God, his purposes, his plan to see us through
Each test and trial, the disciplines that make us strong,
That build our will and give a song
We sing with angel bands as victory we claim!
Our dear Faith, enfire us with your flame!
Copyright © 2006 Carol Wells. Used with permission.
Consecration and Sealing
of the Rosary of Faith
In the name I AM THAT I AM and the Presence of God within
all life, in the name and by the power and authority of the two
witnesses above and below, in the name of the Divine Mother, the
seven blessed archeiai and the hosts of the Lord, we consecrate the
peoples of all nations that exist under the weight and the burden
of totalitarian and oppressive regimes to your immaculate and
merciful hearts this day.
We ask now for the four sacred freedoms to be brought forth in
all nations and for the will of God to be made manifest in the lives
of each one. Let freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom
of assembly and freedom of the press reign throughout the earth.
We lend the support of our causal bodies for the freeing of all
souls everywhere, O God. We consecrate every man, woman and
child, born and unborn, upon earth unto the glory of God and
unto the fulfillment of each one’s divine plan and ascension in the
light. As Above, so below, let thy kingdom come on earth as it is
in heaven.
This we ask in the name of the Father and of the Mother and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Rosary of Faith
Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father and of the Mother
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer for Faith
In the name of the Presence of God within all life, I AM upholding the shield of Faith, defending all lifestreams upon Earth. I AM
a blue-flame angel of protection, manifesting the light of the will of
God in action through my heart, head and hands. Through this Rosary
of Faith, I AM weaving a garland of light around the Earth and all its
evolutions—including the precious elemental beings of earth, air, fire
and water—freeing all to be who they really are in God. O Lord, give
divine direction and personal guidance to every son and daughter of
God and let all know their divine nature of eternal perfection in the
now of pure beingness. By God’s grace, let the three-partite light of
Faith, Hope and Charity be balanced within me and within every
lifestream on Earth. This I accept and affirm in the name of the blessed
archeiai and hosts of the Lord. Amen.
Shield of Faith
*Shield of Faith before, behind,
Protect my body, soul and mind!
To the right, to the left and ‘round my being,
Let choirs of Faith and Michael sing
And cosmic bells of victory ring!
Shield of Faith above, below,
Let blue-flame angels ‘round me glow.
To the right, to the left and all about,
Let choirs of Faith and Michael shout,
Their love now win and darkness rout! (3x)*
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-13.
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Hymn to Faith
(to be sung)
O Faith, with all the archeiai,
We see your angels fill the sky.
With Michael, blest archangel true,
God’s sons and daughters look to you.
O fill us now with grace divine,
Protection’s light our world refine.
O Faith, we see your diamond shield,
Blue-lightning angels with you wield.
Belief in God with hope and love,
Your cosmic light flows from above.
Perfection’s glory is your sign;
O radiate God-power divine.
O Faith, with Hope and Charity,
Inspire mankind with clarity.
Blest Micah’s banner, Unity,
Unfurled in cosmic harmony.
O Princess Faith, we look to thee.
Now raise all souls and set them free.
Dear Michael, Faith, our victory’s nigh;
We see your legions fill the sky.
Though Armageddon’s in full swing,
Our voices rise; with you we sing.
Your blue-flame swords and shields we bear.
We stand with you, archangels fair.
Eternal Father-Mother Light,
We pray for Faith and Michael bright.
Renew their strength and spirits, too.
We send our love, archangels blue.
O Lord of all the worlds sublime,
All praise, thanksgiving, glory thine.
Melo dy: “Eternal Father, Stro ng to Save,” also kno w n as “The Navy Hymn.”
Hymn to Faith words by David C. Lewis. Copyright © 2007. Used with permission.
Rosary of Faith
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Prayer to the Nine Choirs of Angels
O nine choirs of angels of the Most High God—Seraphim,
Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities,
Archangels and Angels from out the Great Central Sun—blaze forth
celestial light into our world, freeing and saving sentient beings. Souls
caught in the astral sea of illusion now receive your ministering presence, freeing them from all unreality. Legions of the Lord serving with
beloved Archangel Michael and Faith, defend the Woman and Her
Seed in the Earth. By the power of the I AM THAT I AM, the forces
of light free all lifestreams who seek deliverance this day. Light prevails and all rise unto their God-estate, awakened unto eternal life
within the Holy City of God’s eternal heart.
Devotional Prayers to the Seven Archeiai
Our New Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM THAT
I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will is done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors. Lead us into your Oneness and deliver us to your
light. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Hail, Faith
*Hail, Faith, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Michael.
Holy Faith, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-13.
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Our New Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM THAT
I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will is done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors. Lead us into your Oneness and deliver us to your
light. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Hail, Christine
*Hail, Christine, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Jophiel.
Holy Christine, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Our New Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM THAT
I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will is done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors. Lead us into your Oneness and deliver us to your
light. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Rosary of Faith
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Hail, Charity
*Hail, Charity, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Chamuel.
Holy Charity, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Our New Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM THAT
I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will is done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors. Lead us into your Oneness and deliver us to your
light. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Hail, Hope
*Hail, Hope, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Gabriel.
Holy Hope, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-11.
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Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Our New Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM THAT
I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will is done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors. Lead us into your Oneness and deliver us to your
light. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Hail, Mary
*Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Raphael.
Holy Mary, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
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Our New Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM THAT
I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will is done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors. Lead us into your Oneness and deliver us to your
light. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Hail, Aurora
*Hail, Aurora, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Uriel.
Holy Aurora, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Our New Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name I AM THAT
I AM. Thy kingdom come, thy will is done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors. Lead us into your Oneness and deliver us to your
light. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-11.
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Hail, Amethyst
*Hail, Amethyst, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among angels and
Blessed is thy union with Zadkiel.
Holy Amethyst, Archeia sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and ever as we meditate with thee. (7x)*
Glory Be to the Father-Mother
Glory be to the Father-Mother, to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Life without end. I AM. Amen.
Prayer of Faith
O Lord God Almighty, we accept legions of light from far-off
worlds and from the Pleiades and from the heart of Sirius to Earth to
assist us in this great drama and spiritual battle. Legions of light, bring
to mankind a greater awareness of that divine light, which is ever available to them now and always. Mankind knows the eternal fire that
burns within their hearts: even that burning bush as a symbol of the
Yod He Vau He that is personalized for each one within the secret
chamber of the heart.
Burn brightly, O fire within us as saints robed in white and witnesses of the Spirit and its presence in the Earth. God-men and Godwomen rise in every land. Servitors of fire stand and deliver to
mankind the flaming sword of cosmic truth in all of its glory within
their lives this day.
O Lord God Almighty, I accept greater opportunities to serve.
The calls of the righteous rise and hearts afire with love for you this
day sing the song of the free!
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To the Archeiai
In the name I AM THAT I AM, beloved Archeiai Faith, Christine,
Charity, Hope, Mary, Aurora and Amethyst, all ascended and cosmic
beings, legions of angels and archangels, Elohim and nature spirits,
I pray:
*O precious fragrance wafting high on fiery wings of love,
The archeiai’s anointing showered from the realms above,
A blessing pure and holy flows to hearts inclined to thee,
Bestowal of Venusian grace to all who would be free.
O Faith, Christine and Charity
With Hope, Aurora near;
O blessed Mary, Amethyst,
We feel your presence here.
Now raise the Mother Light in us,
Release the sacred flow
As we commune with conscious love
In your eternal glow.
O archeiai, now we would be your heart, your head, your hand
Dispensing grace upon the Earth to every race and land.
Increase in us awareness of God’s presence everywhere
As we employ your cosmic joy, your tender loving care.
O Faith, Christine and Charity
With Hope, Aurora near;
O blessed Mary, Amethyst,
We feel your presence here.
Now raise the Mother Light in us;
Release the sacred flow
As we commune with conscious love
In your eternal glow.
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-11.
Rosary of Faith
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Blessed Micah, Angel Friend
In the name I AM THAT I AM, beloved Archangel Michael and
Faith, beloved Micah, all ascended and cosmic beings, legions of
angels and archangels, Elohim and nature spirits, I pray:
*1. Blessed Micah, angel friend,
Our holy union now defend.
Instill all people with God’s love,
Transcendent purpose from above.
Refrain: Purify and unify all beings, left and right,
Sanctify and glorify all souls in Micah’s light.
We accept anew our mission
To fulfill God's perfect vision.
Blaze the sacred word of Unity in letters bright.
2. Blessed Micah, friend and brother,
With blest Michael, Faith—your mother
Seal each soul in your embrace
And flood us with angelic grace.
3. In harmony, compassion true
And bonds of faith, we look to you.
Now our faith is growing stronger
As we serve with one another.
4. We honor thee, most holy one,
As Faith and Michael’s blessed son.
Unite all with your light above.
Our Brotherhood is perfect love.
Rosary of Faith
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Archangel Michael’s March
(to be sung)
Michael, dear archangel, august friend,
We will work with you to the end.
Your gracious presence with us ever to defend the seed of God!
O Michael, come! And with your legions lead the way!
With you we’ll bring in the new day—
A golden age, God’s kingdom come to Earth again—
Our defender, our protector true!
Onward march, blue legions row on row!
Blazing God-protection here below!
Flaming spheres now surround souls whose hearts are true.
Lead on in God-splendor! Service great you render!
Our dear Michael, we love you!
Charging forth, your hosts of light obey
Our calls and enter in the fray
To battle every form of darkness, opposition to the soul!
We call you now! Protect our children, youth, each one,
That they may soar right to the sun,
All mastery, save sentient life, come home again!
Michael, we are marching now with you!
Faith, beloved archeia true-blue,
With this great gift our souls imbue
Of total faith in God, his purposes, his plan to see us through
Each test and trial, the disciplines that make us strong,
That build our will and give a song
We sing with angel bands as victory we claim!
Our dear Faith, enfire us with your flame!
A rchangel Michael’s March copyright © 2006. Words by Carol Wells. Used with permission.
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-11.
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Consecration and Sealing of the Rosary of Faith
In the name I AM THAT I AM and the Presence of God
within all life, in the name and by the power and authority of the Two
Witnesses above and below, in the name of the Divine Mother, the
seven blessed archeiai and the hosts of the Lord, we consecrate the
peoples of all nations that exist under the weight and the burden of
totalitarian and oppressive regimes to your immaculate and merciful
hearts this day.
We accept the four sacred freedoms and the will of God
manifesting in all nations. Freedom of speech, freedom of worship,
freedom of assembly and freedom of the press reign throughout the
We accept the freedom of all sentient beings everywhere, O
God. We consecrate every man, woman and child, born and unborn,
upon Earth unto the glory of God and unto the fulfillment of each
one’s divine plan and ascension in the light. As Above, so below, thy
kingdom is come on earth as it is in heaven.
This we accept and affirm in the name of the Father and of the
Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Copyright © 2007 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. Rev. 06-01-13.
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For Initiates of Aquarius
Copyright © 2012 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved.
For additional information:
The Hearts Center, PO Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047, U.S.A.
Tel: (630) 894-4410
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In the name of our Father-Mother God, beloved
Alpha and Omega, beloved Helios and Vesta, Amen.
I AM a sun-center of divine beingness, emanating
golden rays of living, liquid-crystal light to all life upon
Earth. I AM blessing and inspiring all through my
example of pure love, wisdom and power and my
mastery of the virtues of God, which flow through my
heart and being throughout each day.
I AM glorifying my God and magnifying my Lord
through my Solar Presence, one with the Source of all. I
AM a spirit-spark of the One, sharing my effulgence and
grace through my talents and gifts, which I offer as a
servant to all. I multiply these daily through my
conscious communion with the Sun and many Solar
beings who shine in the heavens with radiant beauty,
felicity and peace.
Through this Solar Rosary, Vesta’s light shines
through me each day. I AM expanding God’s kingdom
upon Earth as I assist in the enlightenment and freedom
of all sentient beings evolving here. I AM on fire with
my spirit of Solar joy!
OM Helios OM
Great Central Sun, We Praise!
O great God Presence, source of life eternal,
O heart of wisdom, O light supernal,
To you we sing now, holy I AM Presence,
O threefold flame sublime, we feel your essence.
O light of Helios, come forth this hour.
Enfold God’s children with wisdom’s power.
Transform, release, the Earth raise.
Great Central Sun, we sing thy praise.
O Solar Presence, Sun of life eternal,
O source of God-love, of joy supernal,
To you we bow now, Holy One, in rev’rence.
As angels sing with us, we feel your Presence.
O Vesta, come dear, blaze forth your love.
Now raise all children to realms above.
Transform, inspire, our Earth raise.
Great Central Sun, we sing thy praise.
O Father-Mother, flaming One eternal,
O fount of glory, of faith supernal,
To you we kneel now, Holy One, God Presence,
As hosts of light divine heartstream your essence.
O blazing love fires, we sing of thee.
Now purge our souls here and set us free!
Transmute, redeem, the Earth raise.
Great Central Sun, your name we praise!
Copyright © 2008 David C. Lewis. Melody: “O Sole Mio” by Eduardo di Capua.
El Morya’s Great Central Sun Meditation
I AM One, I AM One, I AM One with the Sun.
I AM One, I AM One with the Great Central Sun.
God is here in my heart. I AM One with God’s heart.
Light, expand through my heart.
Love, expand through my heart.
Let my aura be thine. Let my aura now shine.
O, my God, I AM thine! I AM truly divine!
We are One, we are One, we are One, we are One.
We are One, we are One in the Great Central Sun.
Hail, Vesta!
Hail, Vesta, full of love, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou in the Sun and
Blessed art thy rays of Solar light
Holy Vesta, Mother sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and as we shine our light with thee each day. (7x)
I AM the Sun!
Come, O Sun, O golden Sun, unto our hearts we pray.
Now radiate your sacred fire upon the Earth today.
Power of the Central Sun, O magnet of delight,
Restore the blueprint of our world
In pure and golden light!
I AM the Sun, I AM the Sun.
I hold the sacred rod.
I AM the Sun, I AM the Sun,
A blazing Son of God.
Come, O light, O golden light, now cleanse the Earth in fire.
Helios and Vesta, come, impart your pure desire.
Wisdom of the Central Sun, O magnet of delight,
Restore the knowledge of our God,
The Solar Presence bright!
Come, O God, O Sun of God, our solar plexus raise.
Transmute our past with joy divine; now let each heart give praise.
Love fire of the Central Sun, O magnet of delight,
Restore compassion for all life
In pink and golden light!
Melody: “Jerusalem of Gold” by Naomi Shemer.
El Morya’s Great Central Sun Meditation
I AM One, I AM One, I AM One with the Sun.
I AM One, I AM One with the Great Central Sun.
God is here in my heart. I AM One with God’s heart.
Light, expand through my heart.
Love, expand through my heart.
Let my aura be thine. Let my aura now shine.
O, my God, I AM thine! I AM truly divine!
We are One, we are One, we are One, we are One.
We are One, we are One in the Great Central Sun.
Hail, Vesta!
Hail, Vesta, full of love, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou in the Sun and
Blessed art thy rays of Solar light
Holy Vesta, Mother sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and as we shine our light with thee each day. (7x)
Hail, Elohim of Wisdom
To the Elohim Apollo and Lumina
Angels, now fill the skies.
Dreamers, awake—arise.
Hail, Elohim of Wisdom,
Come with God’s golden ray.
Light of the One,
Now help us become
The pure mind of God.
Balance God’s power and his love
Now with illumination.
Hail, Elohim of Wisdom,
Come with God's golden ray.
Holy and true,
Now help us to choose
The infinite mind of God.
Balance God's power and his love
Now with illumination.
Hail, Elohim of Wisdom,
Come with God’s golden ray.
Now in the flame of wisdom,
Dreamers, arise—awake!
p 2010 The Hearts Center®. Copyright © 2010 Robert J. Resetar.
Music and Lyrics by Robert Resetar.
El Morya’s Great Central Sun Meditation
I AM One, I AM One, I AM One with the Sun.
I AM One, I AM One with the Great Central Sun.
God is here in my heart. I AM One with God’s heart.
Light, expand through my heart.
Love, expand through my heart.
Let my aura be thine. Let my aura now shine.
O, my God, I AM thine! I AM truly divine!
We are One, we are One, we are One, we are One.
We are One, we are One in the Great Central Sun.
Hail, Vesta!
Hail, Vesta, full of love, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou in the Sun and
Blessed art thy rays of Solar light
Holy Vesta, Mother sublime,
Pray for us sons and daughters divine
Now and as we shine our light with thee each day. (7x)
One, All One
Dearest I AM Presence bright,
Source of all God’s radiant light,
Always here within me; ever do I love thee.
My devotion rises sure
To your heart, sublime and pure.
Know my love adoring in this blissful sea.
One, alone to be my own,
Merging now in holy communion;
One to be eternally,
My only goal and dream—our union.
At your call I give my all,
Rising in purest light within you.
Now I know transcendence here below,
For we are One, all One.
Twin flames merging in the light,
My beloved glowing bright;
Alchemy of fusion in our holy union.
Ever will this sacred grace
We’ve created bless this place.
Know my love forever, dearest holy one.
One, alone to be my own,
I alone to know your caresses;
One to be eternally
The one my worshipping heart possesses.
At your call I give my all,
All my life and all my love enduring.
This will be a magic world for me,
For we are One, all One.
Copyright © 2008. Lyrics of first three verses by David C. Lewis.
Melody “One Alone” from The Desert Song by Sigmund Romberg.
Beloved Vesta,
Thank you for your glorious rays of light,
which nurture all with your love.
I AM a Solar co-creator,
One with you in the Sun!