phoenix suns
phoenix suns
PHOENIX SUNS 2015 COMMUNITY REPORT $1,169,000 192 IN PHOENIX SUNS CHARITIES GRANTS GIVEN 485 GORILLA COMMUNITY APPEARANCES SUNS PLAYER APPEARANCES 16,000 OVER 1,500 393 ALUMNI COMMUNITY APPEARANCES YOUTH STAYING FIT WITH JR. SUNS BASKETBALL PROGRAM 2,600 DONATIONS TO ARIZONA CHARITIES $60,000 HOLIDAY CARDS SENT TO TROOPS OVERSEAS IN PHOENIX SUNS CHARITIES SCHOLARSHIPS OVER $300,000 $140,000 WORTH OF SUNS TICKETS DONATED BY OUR PLAYERS IN DONATION ITEMS @SUNSCOMMUNITY @SUNSCOMMUNITY SUNS.COM/COMMUNITY PG. 1 AS WE CELEBRATE OUR 47TH SEASON AT THE PHOENIX SUNS, we are reminded of our mission to provide the finest in sports and entertainment to our fans. But our mission extends far beyond our games on the court and moments in the spotlight. In fact, the thing we hold most dear is our daily interaction with the community, and our commitment to serving its unmet needs. LOOKING BACK AT THE 2014–15 NBA SEASON, we are grateful for the numerous opportunities given to us to demonstrate this commitment. We were fortunate to participate in many uplifting and life-changing activities this past season, some of which have been captured on the pages that follow. THIS SEASON ALONE, the Phoenix Suns supported outstanding programs and initiatives through $1,169,000 in contributions to local nonprofits that serve the needs of children and families in Arizona. On top of that, Phoenix Suns Charities awarded scholarships totaling $60,000 to Arizona high school seniors who excelled academically and had a stellar record of service to their schools and their communities. OUR SUNSCENTRAL PROGRAM AT CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL IN PHOENIX COMPLETED ITS THIRD YEAR, AND THE VERDICT IS IN: SunsCentral wins! The success of SunsCentral has been astonishing. Its mission was to significantly improve graduation rates through hands-on assistance to students in a comprehensive classroom/tutoring/individual paradigm. The setting for this effort did not offer much of an advantage. Central High graduation rates had been declining for several years. But focused effort—from students, their families, teachers, administrators, tutors and volunteers—proves you can buck a bad trend. At the end of this, our third year, we are well on our way to accomplishing our SunsCentral goal. Graduation rates have increased from 69.9% in 2012–13 to 90% during the 2014–15 school year! THE PHOENIX SUNS ORGANIZATION—THE PLAYERS, COACHES, TRAINERS, AND FRONT OFFICE —devoted more than 400 volunteer hours to charities during our Week of Service in September. As you flip through these pages, you will see smiles that add up to a lot more than that. Likewise, during our annual Season of Giving campaign, our players, alumni, entertainers and front office staff put on 16 events in two weeks to share with those in need during the holidays. We were also gratified to honor our nation’s military heroes, past and present, several times throughout the season. One of the most memorable initiatives was our annual Holiday Cards for Troops campaign, which tipped off during our Military Appreciation Night, allowing us to send 2,600 cards overseas to active duty personnel from Suns fans and staff. THE PHOENIX SUNS ALSO TEAMED UP WITH LOCAL NON-PROFIT PAL EXPERIENCES TO CREATE A FIRST-OFITS-KIND INTERACTIVE PROGRAM that makes attending a Suns home game more predictable and enjoyable for fans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The newly launched website ( features a step-by-step video and “Phoenix Suns PAL Guide” to assist fans with navigation and non-verbal communication while attending a game. We want every Suns fan to have a great time at the game! WE AGAIN THANK THE COMMUNITY FOR THE CONSISTENTLY WARM WELCOME IT EXTENDS TO THE SUNS GORILLA. This year, GO (as his friends call him) made appearances at 485 events. That is “huge leap” from an average of 350 during prior years. Our Suns alumni also had a record number of appearances this year with 393 visits, while our players made another 192 of their own. BECAUSE “A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS,” we present this report for your review and pleasure. We hope you enjoy it. We certainly enjoyed every minute that went into making the memories. It has been our privilege to connect with so many this season. Thanks to our fans for their unwavering support, and our partners whose assistance made much of the magic possible. We look forward to working with you again in the coming season to continue to improve the lives of Arizona’s children and families. Jason C. Rowley President, Phoenix Suns & Phoenix Mercury I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A SUNS BASKETBALL FAN, BUT AFTER HAVING THE OPPORTUNITY TO WORK WITH THE FOLKS BEHIND THE SCENES, I AM A FANATIC! THE SUNS INSTANTLY SUPPORTED PAL’S MISSION TO SERVE FANS WITH COGNITIVE DISABILITIES AND POURED EVERYTHING INTO MAKING OUR COLLABORATION AWESOME AND EFFECTIVE. THE SUNS DO BEAUTIFUL THINGS AND I FEEL SO LUCKY TO HAVE MET, WORKED AND BUILT FRIENDSHIPS WITH THEM.” — MELANIE ISAACS, DIRECTOR, PAL EXPERIENCES, INC. P.J. Tucker high fives youth at a local Boys & Girls Club during a basketball clinic. SUMMER SUPPORT WHEN THE SUNS ORGANIZATION DEDICATES THEMSELVES TO A COMMUNITY PROJECT, THERE IS NO HOLDING BACK! THEY BECOME A PARTNER IN EVERY ASPECT OF THE PROCESS, FROM BEGINNING TO END! WE APPRECIATE THE NUMEROUS OPPORTUNITIES THEY OFFER THE YOUTH AND FAMILIES OF OUR ORGANIZATION.” —BRIDGET MCDONALD, VP OF CLUB OPERATION, BOYS & GIRLS CLUB SUNS’ PLUMLEE VISITS SUNS BASKETBALL CAMPS Phoenix Suns’ center Miles Plumlee visited kids attending the Phoenix Suns Basketball Day Camps. Plumlee talked to attendees about the importance of sportsmanship, fundamental skill development, teamwork and a positive attitude during their camp awards ceremony. PHOENIX SUNS COLLECT & DONATE BACKPACKS TO SCHOOLS IN NEED Phoenix Suns and Phoenix Mercury in partnership with Coca-Cola and Harkins Theatre, collected and donated 800 backpacks filled with school supplies to Bethune Elementary, a Playworks Arizona school. Suns’ alumnus Tim Kempton, The Gorilla and Solar Squad delivered backpacks to kindergarten through fifth grade students at the Title 1 School. SUNS’ ISAIAH THOMAS DONATES BACKPACKS TO BOYS & GIRLS CLUB KIDS Phoenix Suns’ guard Isaiah Thomas held an event to distribute hundreds of donated backpacks to local Boys & Girls Club youth. Thomas told club members prior to shooting hoops with the kids, “Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. You can achieve any goal you set aside.” 800 1,200 YOUTH STAYING ACTIVE WITH SUNS SUMMER BASKETBALL CAMPS BACKPACKS DONATED TO TITLE 1 SCHOOLS PG. 3 WEEK OF SERVICE PHOENIX SUNS HOST “WEEK OF SERVICE” TO BENEFIT VALLEY ORGANIZATIONS Suns players, alumni, executives and staff gave back to the Phoenix community during the “Suns Week of Service.” The Suns organization held volunteer events throughout the week to total over 400 volunteer hours to benefit various non-profit organizations in the Valley. • Suns’ Plumlee & Randolph host clinic for Special Olympics athletes • Phoenix Suns pack food boxes for St. Mary’s Food Bank • Suns’ Warren & Ennis volunteer at Feed My Starving Children • Suns’ Tolliver & Tucker work with Rebuilding Together to repaint a veteran’s home • Suns’ Chambers & Hunter participate in a “Day of Play” with Playworks NON-PROFITS BENEFITED: SPECIAL OLYMPICS ARIZONA, ST. MARY’S FOOD BANK, FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN, PLAYWORKS ARIZONA, REBUILDING TOGETHER OVER 400 VOLUNTEER HOURS TO SUPPORT LOCAL NON-PROFITS WE CONSIDER THE PHOENIX SUNS ORGANIZATION AS ONE OF OUR MAJOR PARTNERS FUELING OUR GROWTH; THEY TRULY CARE ABOUT MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMMUNITY!”—CHUCK WARSHAVER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PLAYWORKS ARIZONA Suns’ Ring of Honor member Alvan Adams poses with veteran Bill Skinner during a Rebuilding Together event. Suns’ guard Gerald Green tosses autographed miniature basketballs out to the crowd after Open Practice. FUEL THE FIRE SUNS HOST INTRASQUAD SCRIMMAGE AT NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY The Phoenix Suns hosted an open intrasquad scrimmage at Northern Arizona University’s Skydome to culminate their week of Training Camp in Flagstaff. After the scrimmage, fans were treated to an all-team autograph session where they were able to interact with their favorite players. SUNS HOST OPEN PRACTICE FOR FANS Phoenix Suns fans received a free look at the 2014–15 Suns when the team hosted its annual Open Practice at US Airways Center. Immediately following the practice, select Suns fans had the opportunity to interact with the team through on-court player competitions. Suns Community Ambassador Steven Hunter and Flagstaff elementary students are all smiles after an NBA Fit assembly. FITNESS EDUCATION SUNS HOST COMMUNITY OUTREACH FOR NBA FIT IN FLAGSTAFF The Phoenix Suns hosted a series of NBA Fit assemblies, basketball clinics and events to promote community involvement in Flagstaff during Suns Training Camp. OVER 4,000 YOUTH REACHED THROUGH FLAGSTAFF ASSEMBLIES AND CLINICS PG. 5 FEEDING A COMMUNITY DRAGIC BROTHERS SPONSOR STUDENTS AT CESAR CHAVEZ SCHOOL THROUGH BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK Phoenix Suns’ guards Goran and Zoran Dragic partnered with the non-profit organization, Blessings in a Backpack, to provide students at Cesar Chavez Community School with healthy, ready-to-eat foods for the school year. The Dragic brothers discussed the importance of education and proper nutrition before distributing Thanksgiving meals and school supplies in backpacks to students. PHOENIX SUNS DONATE $2,500 & TURKEYS TO THE SALVATION ARMY The Phoenix Suns donated $2,500 and a shopping cart full of turkeys to 3TV’s Big Give Turkey Drive to benefit The Salvation Army. Suns Ring of Honor member, Tom Chambers and The Gorilla, supported this annual initiative which is a partnership between Fry’s Food Stores and 3TV. Suns’ guards Goran and Zoran Dragic inspire students before distributing Thanksgiving meals. THE SUNS ORGANIZATION IS PROUD TO SUPPORT THE MEN AND WOMEN OF OUR UNITED STATES MILITARY. AS A VETERAN MYSELF, I UNDERSTAND THE SACRIFICE THESE BRAVE INDIVIDUALS MAKE TO ENSURE OUR SAFETY AND FREEDOM.” —JASON ROWLEY, PRESIDENT PHOENIX SUNS & PHOENIX MERCURY PG. 7 MILITARY APPRECIATION SUNS HONOR MILITARY DURING MILITARY APPRECIATION NIGHT The Phoenix Suns paid tribute to military veterans and active duty personnel during Military Appreciation Night. Prior to tip-off, the National Anthem was performed by a member of the military, while service men and women presented a giant American flag covering the Suns court. SUNS TEAM UP WITH LUKE AIR FORCE BASE TO CELEBRATE WINGMAN DAY The Phoenix Suns teamed up with Luke Air Force Base to celebrate Veteran’s Day by honoring Wounded Warriors and Purple Heart Veterans during their annual Wingman Day. The Banner Wheelchair Suns played basketball against Luke’s Commanders who played the game in wheelchairs; a statement to show that we all struggle with overcoming adversity. Suns Ring of Honor member Alvan Adams and Suns Community Relations Ambassador Steven Hunter were coaches for the Commanders teams. Active duty personnel pose on the main court during the Phoenix Suns Military Appreciation Night. Suns’ forwards P.J. Tucker and TJ Warren visit young patients at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. 200 BLANKETS HANDMADE AND DONATED BY SUNS EMPLOYEES WE CONTINUE TO BE TOUCHED BY THE INTEREST TAKEN BY THE PHOENIX SUNS COMMUNITY RELATIONS DEPARTMENT IN THE SINGLE MOM FAMILIES WE SERVE. WE WERE ALSO GREATLY IMPRESSED BY THE DESIGN OF THE HOLIDAY EVENT THAT TOUCHED THE NEEDS OF THE SINGLE MOM FAMILIES ON SO MANY LEVELS.” —CHRIS COFFMAN, CEO, HELPING HANDS FOR SINGLE MOMS Suns’ forward Marcus Morris poses with Helping Hands for Single Moms youth during a holiday event. PG. 9 2,600 CARDS WISHING TROOPS WELL DURING THE HOLIDAYS SEASON OF GIVING PHOENIX SUNS HOST “SEASON OF GIVING” COMMUNITY INITIATIVES The Phoenix Suns annual Season of Giving campaign provides goodwill to those in need during the holidays. • Morris Twins team up with Origami Owl to host a holiday party for Helping Hands for Single Moms • Suns players ignite smiles during Phoenix Children’s Hospital visit • Phoenix Suns alumni & executives serve holiday meals at St. Vincent de Paul • Suns players visit patients at St. Luke’s Medical Center during Phoenix Suns “Season of Giving” • Suns Anthony Tolliver provides holiday cheer & gifts for families in need • Suns hold annual “Holiday Cards for Troops” campaign • Isaiah Thomas hosts “Isaiah Claus” event for Boys & Girls Club youth “GORILLA GIVES BACK” TO THE COMMUNITY DURING SUNS SEASON OF GIVING The Phoenix Suns Gorilla launched a two-day initiative called “Gorilla Gives Back” where he gave back to families in need this holiday season. The Gorilla and Suns Community Ambassador, Steven Hunter, purchased Christmas trees, groceries and bought dinner for families during the holidays. PHOENIX SUNS EMPLOYEES MAKE AND DELIVER 200 BLANKETS TO CENTRAL ARIZONA SHELTER SERVICES Phoenix Suns’ alumni Tom Chambers, Steven Hunter and Joe Courtney, along with The Gorilla, active military personnel and Suns staff, delivered 200 blankets to Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) in Phoenix. CASS is the largest provider of shelter and supportive services. The delivered blankets were handmade by Suns employees as part of the team’s “Season of Giving” community initiative. Suns’ guard Eric Bledsoe takes a moment to pose with young fans during an autograph session. WORKING TOGETHER SUNS TRADE PLACES WITH SOUTHWEST AIRLINES AT SKY HARBOR IT MEANS A LOT TO THESE KIDS TO KNOW THAT WE CARE AND WE’RE GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY. P.J. AND I COME FROM THE SAME BACKGROUND, WE KNOW HOW HARD IT IS AND IT’S GREAT TO BE ABLE TO PUT SMILES ON THESE KID’S FACES AND PLAY ON THE SAME COURT WITH THEM.” —TJ WARREN, SUNS FORWARD Phoenix Suns players traded the court for the runway as they took on the roles of Southwest Airlines employees at Sky Harbor International Airport. Suns players surprised customers as they made boarding announcements, took passes and unloaded baggage from airlines. PHOENIX SUNS HOST SIXTHMAN MEMBERSHIP PARTY AT OCTANE RACEWAY The Phoenix Suns hosted their annual SixthMan Membership Party at Octane Raceway in Scottsdale. After a fan meet and greet session, the team tested their kart racing skills in a 16-lap speed race. SUNS’ TUCKER & WARREN JOIN APS FOR BASKETBALL COURT DEDICATION Phoenix Suns’ forwards P.J. Tucker and TJ Warren along with APS hosted a basketball court dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Sidney P. Osborn Housing Project in Phoenix. The Rebound Project is a partnership between APS and the Suns which includes refurbishing basketball courts, hoops and lighting for children to enjoy. SUNS VISIT PATIENTS AT ST. JUDE’S CHILDREN’S RESEARCH HOSPITAL DURING ROAD TRIP Phoenix Suns’ players, coaches and training staff made a stop at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital during their January road trip to Memphis, Tennessee. PG. 11 BENEFITTING YOUTH PHOENIX SUNS CELEBRATE READ ACROSS AMERICA WITH A SERIES OF SCHOOL VISITS The Phoenix Suns celebrated Read Across America by hosting multiple Read to Achieve assemblies and events at several Valley schools. Suns’ Community Relations Ambassador Steven Hunter and The Gorilla discussed the importance of reading in everyday life. SUNS’ BULLOCK & CASINO ARIZONA HOST PEP ASSEMBLY FOR 200 VALLEY TEENS The Phoenix Suns and Casino Arizona teamed up to host a pep assembly for 200 Valley teens. Suns’ guard Reggie Bullock and Suns broadcaster Tom Leander participated in a Q&A session about the importance of healthy eating and exercise before leading the teens in a variety of activities to promote NBA Fit. SUNS HOST ANNUAL GALA, THE JUMP BALL, TO RAISE FUNDS FOR LOCAL NON-PROFITS Phoenix Suns Charities hosted their annual gala, The JUMP BALL, to raise money for Arizonan children and families. The entire Suns team and coaching staff were in attendance. Suns players showed off their talented dance moves to Grammy nominated singer/songwriter Aloe Blacc and addressed those in attendance during a player-led live auction to raise monies for the charity. Phoenix Suns team up to raise funds for local non-profits during Suns Charities annual gala. $1 MILLION RAISED FOR PHOENIX SUNS CHARITIES AT JUMP BALL Phoenix Suns’ center Alex Len high fives Jared Ornoski during a game of basketball in Central Park before the NBA Draft Lottery. WE’RE PROUD AND INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL TO HAVE DEVELOPED A TRUE PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PHOENIX SUNS THAT NOT ONLY HELPS US CONTINUE TO PROVIDE CRITICAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES TO ARIZONA’S YOUNG CHILDREN, BUT ALSO AMPLIFIES THE SUNS’ COMMITMENT TO IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN OUR COMMUNITY AND SHOWCASING THE BEST IN NBA BASKETBALL.” —GINGER WARD, CEO, SOUTHWEST HUMAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY SUNS’ LEN HELPED BUILD DEVELOPMENTAL EQUIPMENT FOR CHILDREN AT SOUTHWEST HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Phoenix Suns’ Center Alex Len, along with team president Jason Rowley and alumni Joe Courtney and Tim Kempton, helped build customized development equipment for children with disabilities at Southwest Human Development. PHOENIX SUNS’ TUCKER DONATES $9,000 TO BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF GREATER SCOTTSDALE Phoenix Suns’ forward P.J. Tucker joined by Ring of Honor member Dan Majerle to donate $9,000 to the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Scottsdale. Following the check presentation, Tucker and Majerle hosted a basketball clinic and promoted NBA Fit with the help of The Gorilla to teach Valley youth the importance of a healthy lifestyle. PHOENIX SUNS SIGN 17-YEAR OLD JARED ORNOSKI AS HONORARY MEMBER OF THE SUNS FRONT OFFICE The Phoenix Suns signed student-athlete, Jared Ornoski, as an honorary member of the Suns front office. Ornoski, a 17-year-old point-guard, is currently in a battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ornoski was surprised by Suns President of Basketball Operations, Lon Babby, during a school assembly with classmates. After signing a contract, Jared joined Suns’ center Alex Len for the NBA Draft Lottery in New York. SUNS’ ALUMNUS STEVEN HUNTER & THE GORILLA SURPRISE ADOPTIVE MOTHER FOR MOTHER’S DAY In honor of Mother’s Day, Suns Community Relations Ambassador Steven Hunter and The Gorilla surprised adoptive mother Carrie Jankowski with flowers, tickets, and autographed items for her and her family. THE MAJERLE HUSTLE AWARD COMES FROM THE COMMUNITY. PEOPLE THAT VOTED FOR ME AND WANTED ME TO WIN, SO I FELT THAT I SHOULD GIVE IT BACK TO THE SAME COMMUNITY.” —P.J. TUCKER, SUNS FORWARD The Phoenix Suns Gorilla greets local students while acting as crossing guard for a local school for Pay It Forward Day. GIVING BACK IS A MUST FOR US. DUE TO THE SUPPORT WE GET FROM OUR FANS EVERY GAME, WE SHOULD SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY THE SAME WAY.” —ALEX LEN, PHOENIX SUNS CENTER PHOENIX SUNS 201 E. JEFFERSON STREET PHOENIX, AZ 85004 @SUNSCOMMUNITY @SUNSCOMMUNITY SUNS.COM/COMMUNITY
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