June 9, 2013 - American Martyrs Church
June 9, 2013 - American Martyrs Church
A W e lco m i n g C o m m u n i t y , H e l p i n g O n e A n ot h e r to L i v e H o ly L i v e s Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time in Jesus Christ. June 9, 2013 A merican M artyrs S chool G raduates , J une 2013 PASTOR: Rev. Msgr. John F. Barry, P.A. • ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Rev. Nicholas Assi, Rev. Joseph Kammerer DEACONS: Fred Rose, Derek Brown, Chris Amantea, Dick Williams • BUSINESS MANAGER: Bob Hodges Weekend Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5pm | Sunday: 7am, 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am and 5pm Weekday Mass: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 8am and 5pm | Tuesday/Thursday: 6:30am, 8am and 5pm | Saturday: 8am Holy Day Mass: Vigil: 5pm | Holy Day: 6:30am, 8am, 12:10pm, 5pm and 7:30pm 624 15t h Street, Ma nha tta n Bea ch, C A 9 0 2 6 6 | 3 1 0 - 5 4 5 - 5 6 5 1 | w w w. am e r i c an m ar ty rs . o rg A me r ic a n M art yrs Cat hol ic Chur c h | www .A MERICA N M A RT Y RS. or g American Martyrs Catholic Community Table of Contents Prayers / Mass Readings ................................................................ 2 This Week at AMC / Mass Intentions......................................... 3 Parish Life....................................................................................... 4-5 Pastoral Care...................................................................................... 6 Stewardship........................................................................................ 6 Social Justice & Outreach............................................................. 7 Faith Formation ................................................................................8 Families in Faith / AMS / SRE / Youth Ministry .......................9 Contact Information & Resources (Parish Directory).......... 10 Gym & Field / Beyond Our Parish.............................................. 11 Readings of the M onday : T uesday : W ednesday : T hursday : F riday : S aturday : S unday : Week 2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34; Mt 5:1-12 Acts 11:21b-26, 13:1-3; Ps 98; Mt 5:13-16 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99; Mt 5:17-19 2 Cor 3:15-4:1, 3-6; Ps 85; Mt 5:20-26 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116; Mt 5:27-32 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103; Mt 5:33-37 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36-8:3 or 7:36-50 A rmed F orces We remember those serving in our Armed Forces overseas and pray that they return safely to their loved ones, especially: Sgt Mohses Afkari - U.S.M.C. Sgt Ciriaco Ayala - U.S.M.C. LTJG Joshua Bergen - U.S. Navy Jonathan Concetti - U.S.M.C. Pvt Julia Cothren - U.S. Army Nicole Duvardo - U.S.A.F. SPC Nicholas M. Francis, U.S. Army Rangers Cpt Kelsey Guetschow - U.S.A.F. Cpl Brendan Hart - U.S.M.C. Michael Ivers - U.S.A.F. PFC Michael R. Leist - U.S. Army CPT Andrew Lopez-Gallego, U.S. Army 1LT Nicholas Marquez - National Guard SGT Keegan J. Mattick - U.S. Army CPT Richard Moravec - U.S. Army Rangers LCDR Mike Mullen - U.S. Navy Spc Robert Plaza - U.S. Army Cpt Alexander Rawling - U.S.A.F. Pvt Joshua Stanziole - U.S. Army PFC Dariusz Wawryk - U.S. Army Lance Wible - U.S. Army Capt Tim Woodring - U.S.M.C. If you would like someone listed or know that a person listed above has returned home, contact Anne Riordan at 310-545-5651/ [email protected]. Pray for the Sick Please remember the sick in our community. Pray that they may find comfort and healing in Christ, especially: Dr. John Messenger Jack Radville Alma Burke Eleanor Bienlein Sierra Benson Ellie Howdershell Mary Anne Doms Ray D'Amico Marcia Wible Terri Cangialosi In Memoriam In Remembrance, let us pray for all who have died, that they may rejoice with the Risen Lord. Dr. Lewis Yocum Theo Crabb Amy Turner Adams Peggy Berkline May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Holy Matrimony Third Banns Bao Duy Duong and Pauline Phuong Ho D aily P rayers of the C hurch ADORATION / MEDITATION CHAPEL Chapel hours are: Sunday - Friday, 6:00am-10:00pm; Saturday, 7:00am-10:00pm Contact: Jim Quilliam, adorationchapel@americ anmar t yrs.org DAILY ROSARY: Monday - Saturday, 7:30am, in the Church EVENING PRAYER (LITURGY OF THE HOURS): Monday at 5:35pm, in the Church Contact: Dick Williams, 310-292-0996 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP (DEVOTION AND BENEDICTION) Tuesday following the 8:00am Mass ROSARY FOR THE UNBORN Wednesday following the 5:00pm Mass, followed by the praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Planned Giving Do you have an appreciated asset that you would like to turn into income today, but you don’t want to pay the capital gains taxes? You have options. For information, contact Bob Hodges at 310-545-5651 or bhodges@americ anmar t yrs. org J u ne 9 , 2 0 1 3 |Ten th S unday in Ordin a ry Ti m e Parish Calendar This W eek N ext W eekend MONDAY, June 10 8:15amSK AMS Room Parent Meeting 8:45amPH Monday Morning Starters 3:00pmODH 1st Grade Brownie Troop Meeting 4:30pmODH GSA Troop 3345 Dinner & Bridging 5:00pmBB Happy Hour Dance Class 6:30pmPH Community & Evangelization Commission 7:00pmSJC Monday Evening Prayer 7:00pmSpC Natural Family Planning 7:00pmSCH BSA Troop 713 Meeting 7:30pmSK M.B. Girl Scout Leaders Meeting 8:00pmBB Babysitting Co-op TUESDAY, June 11 9:00amSK Young at Art Executive Board Meeting 3:30pmPH Legion of Mary Meeting 4:00pmODH MCHS Choir Dinner 6:00pmHFH Teen Tuesday 6:00pmSHH Faith Formation Commission 6:30pmSCH 3rd Grade Cub Scout Den 8 Meeting 7:00pmPH Yoga Class 7:30pmBB Al-Anon Meeting 7:30pmSJC Contemplative Prayer WEDNESDAY, June 12 8:00amODH AMS Pony Graduation 8:30amSK National Charity League 7:00pmBB Peace Meditation 7:00pmPH Stewardship Commission Meeting 7:30pmSpC Sunday's Readings in Context THURSDAY, June 13 8:00amODH AMS Kinderthon & Field Day 9:00amSK Altar Society Meeting 10:00am BB Senior Exercise 3:15pmBKMR AM Children’s Choir 6:30pmBB Parish Fair Committee Meeting FRIDAY, June 14 10:00amODH So Bay Children's Hospital Bridge Tournament 12:30pmPH GSA Troop 6475 Meeting 3:30pmSCH Irish Dance Class SATURDAY, June 15 9:00amPH Liturgy & Worship Meeting 10:00am HFH AA Women’s Meeting SUNDAY, June 16 10:00am SpL Spiritual Library (open until 4:00pm) 7:00pmODH Dr. Creasy Bible Study P eter's P ence C ollection Next week our diocese will take up the Peter's Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Through your generosity, we can cast the peace of Christ upon the world. Mass Intentions MONDAY, June 10 8:00 Flora Ann Gilberti – RIP (John & Leeann McNicholos) 12:10 Douglass L. Horton – RIP (The Novokmet Family) 5:00 Larry Bower – RIP (Bower Family) TUESDAY, June 11 - St. Barnabas 6:30 8:00 12:10 5:00 Dan Esposito – RIP (The Dorr Family) The Mullin Family – Sp. Int. (The Rager Family) Kay Newman – RIP (Connie, Kelly, Kristy, Patty & Thais) Toni Sweet – Sp. Int. (The Donatucci Family) WEDNESDAY, June 12 8:00 Ginger Eastom – RIP (Tom Klimasz) 12:10 Rita Johnson – RIP (Dave & Dottie Arias) 5:00 Mary Jane Chianta – RIP (Nat & La Famiglia) THURSDAY, June 13 - St. Anthony of Padua 6:30 8:00 12:10 5:00 Kiana Dyen – RIP (Fermin & Inez Cuza) The Altar Society – Sp. Int. Betty McCaverty – RIP (Jim McCaverty & Family) Molly Harrington Hartney – RIP FRIDAY, June 14 NOTE: Dates and locations are subject to change without notice. Please check with the ministry to verify event. 8:00 Bill Catey – Sp. Int. (April Marano-Ford) 12:10 Irene Sullins – RIP (AMC Altar Society) 5:00 Maureen Chalk – RIP (Jeannie & Scott Wood) SATURDAY, June 15 Facilities: BB-SS. Brigid/Brendan ∙ BBP-SS. Brigid/Brendan Patio ∙ CH-Church GYM-Gymnasium ∙ HFH-Holy Family House ∙ ODH-O’Donnell Hall PH-Parish House ∙ SpC-Spirituality Center ∙ SpG-Spirituality Garden SpL-Spirituality Center Library ∙ SCH-School ∙ SHH-Sacred Heart House SJC-St. Joseph’s Chapel ∙ SK-Saint Kateri ∙ SKMR-Saint Kateri Music Room 8:00 Steve Sabosky – RIP (Sr. Maria Basilea) 5:00 Lt. Col. John Harris – RIP (Larry & Helene Grik) SUNDAY, June 16 - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 8:00 9:30 11:30 5:00 Jeanne McCormick – RIP (Karen McCormick) Jack West – RIP (Kathy West & Family) For the Parishioners, Living and Deceased Father's Day Novena Glen Owen – RIP (Suzanne Owen) Find this bulletin online at americanmartyrs.org A me r ic a n M art yrs Cat hol ic Chur c h | www .A MERICA N M A RT Y RS. or g Newly Baptized At American Martyrs We welcome the new members of our Catholic Community. Lily Donaghy Ballard Lauren Mary Carlin Charles Francis Crader Owen Winston Dunlap Harry Joseph Esposito Blaise Andrew Gaydosh Austin Ryan Hamilton Connor Michael Hamilton Caroline Theresa Houterman Holden Michael Houterman Sloane Adelina Houterman Megan Riley Nelson Sean Robert Nelson Leonardo David Nichols-Julien Elliete Anne Nourie Zachary James Oliver Aviana Marie Otero Angelique Irene Dizon Perez Aubrey Jade Urbano Rojas Finnley Mac Sansone Tyler Christopher Sheehan Graziella Marie Sheffield Chase Curtis Thompson Grayson Deane Watkins I nformation M eeting for M en I nterested in the P ermanent D iaconate , S unday J uly 21, 2013 The Diaconate Formation Office will be hosting an information meeting for all men who are interested in finding out more about becoming a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Members of the Archdiocesan Diaconate Formation Office will be present: to explain the role of the deacon in the Church, to explain the Diaconate Formation Program, to answer any questions that participants might have. Men must be between the ages of 30 and 60 years to enter the formation program. It is important for men who are married to attend with their wives. The next information meeting will be Sunday, July 21 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm , St. Jerome 5550 Thornburn St., LA, 90045 For further information, contact: Mrs. Claudia Ortiz in the Diaconate Formation Office, 213-637-7383 or C AO r t i z @ la -arc h dio ce s e.o r g If you want to be first make yourself servant of all. (Mt. 20:27) The Sunday ’s R eadings in Context M inistry announces: A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus 12-Days: March 11 to 22, 2014 Under the Spiritual Direction of Rev. Patrick Sheridan, OSB Group Coordinators:: Mr. John D’Isacco & Ms. Mary Hornickel Group Coordinators Discount (payment by check or cash): John D’Isacco and Price Mary Hornickel. Full Package:: Air + Land – Only $2,799 per person* S piritual D irector Rev. Patrick Sheridan OSB. *From Los Angeles (LAX), plus $530 in airport taxes, security fees & fuel surcharges & $145 in tips G ive Yourself the G ift of A doration Celebrate with the Eucharistic Lord; Jesus is waiting for you. Come join Him! Adoration Chapel Hours: Sunday - Friday, 6:00am - 10:00 pm Saturday, 7:00am - 10:00 pm The chapel is in the back of the church, south end of the vestibule. Sit in Silence ◊ Pray the Rosary ◊ Meditate on the Scriptures Ask for Forgiveness ◊ Pray the Psalms ◊ "Be" with the Lord Save th Date e s! Full Package: Air+Land only $2,799 cash discount; $2,968 standard base price. From LAX + $530 airport taxes, security fees & fuel surcharges & $145 in tips. Pilgrimage Information Meeting Tuesday, June 25, 2013 7:00 PM There will be an American Martyrs Church Information Meeting on Tuesday, Spirituality Center - Main Room 7:00 pm in the Spirituality Center. 770 17th Street Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 June 25, at C ontact I nfo : 310-546-1302. Color brochure available after June 15, 2013 To be placed on the priority mailing list to receive your full color brochure and registration form (available after June 15, 2013) please complete and return the form below or contact Mr. John D’Isacco & Ms. Mary Hornickel • Tel: (310) 546-1302 • Email: [email protected] J u ne 9 , 2 0 1 3 |Ten th S unday in Ordin a ry Ti m e Parish News C offee & D onuts in O'D onnell H all Working Moms Ministry will serve donuts, coffee, tea, juice, and milk after the 7:00, 8:00 and 9:30am Masses. NEXT WEEK: No Coffee & Donuts - Father's Day B abysitting C o - op Monthly meeting will take place on Monday, June 10 from 8:00-9:00pm in SS. Brigid/Brendan Room. New members are always welcome. Ministry Contacts: Angela Klenk, 310-370-9601 or Peggi Fiebig, 424-237-6687. S ingle S eniors B runch Please join us for a lunch Tuesday, June 11 at 1:00pm in Judy's garden at 1911 Perry Ave. Redondo Beach. Complimentary for members only, non members are welcome for $5.00. Carpool recommended. Sunday, June 16 is Father's Day! Consider giving a Father's Day card that offers the gift of a Novena of Masses, beginning on Father's Day and continuing for nine days. Cards are available at all entrances of the church and at the Parish Center. Are you looking for a daily inspiration or reflection? See our Facebook page for Msgr. Barry's Daily Reflections Find a link to our Facebook page at the bottom of our website pages. RSVP to Judy, 310-374-9804 or Magda, 323-469-0577. You may also follow Altar Society: Year End Mass and Breakfast On Thursday, June 13, the intention of the 8:00am Mass will be for 'The Altar Society and their families.' Breakfast will follow immediately in St. Kateri. Msgr. on Twitter @ msgrjohnbarry If you can’t make it for Mass, please come for breakfast and an FYI on the past year, and on the future for The Altar Society. It will be our last get together until next September. Join us whether you’re a member or not. Everyone is welcome. More Info: Dorothy Higi, 310-545-2016 C areer B ridge B uilders LinkedIn Unleashed with Walt Kasha • Thursday, June 27, 7:00 - 9:00pm, in St. Kateri . With over 60% of jobs found through job networking, LinkedIn is your online “business card” for getting discovered by employers and recruiters. Whether you are new to using LinkedIn or you want to supercharge your profile, you don’t want to miss this opportunity! Monday Morning Starters, on Mondays after 8:00am Mass, in the Parish House is for those in career transition, 8:45am - 10:00am. No reservation required! Contact: Andrea Krych, [email protected]. Historical Ministry: Stained glass window tours of the Church, on request. Contact Rita Hanretty at 310-545-5652. After the trauma and tragedy of the tornadoes in Oklahoma, the task of caring and rebuilding continues in earnest. Our brothers and sisters of Catholic Charities in Oklahoma would surely put whatever we can offer to very good use. You can help with a check to “C atholic C harities of L os A ngeles ” with the words “O klahoma R elief ” in the memo section. Mail your donation to the address below and know that all monies collected will be forwarded directly to Catholic Charities of Oklahoma. Catholic Charities of Los Angeles P. O. Box 15095 Los Angeles, CA 90015-0095 Find this bulletin online at americanmartyrs.org A me r ic a n M art yrs Cat hol ic Chur c h | www .A MERICA N M A RT Y RS. or g Stewardship Commission Chair: Dennis Labriola, 310-345-2401 / stewardship@americanmar tyrs.org B ereavement S upport G roup And Jesus Wept… . . .May His Loving Arms Embrace You In Times Of Sadness. Ste w ardsh ip Reflections Upcoming Meeting Tuesday, June 18 Meetings are from 7:00 - 9:00pm in the Spirituality Center. Please join us. All are welcome, even if you have not attended our prior bereavement support group meetings. Stewardship is frequently referred to as “a way of life.” To move into this way of life we need to go through a personal conversion of mind and heart. St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, from which the second reading is taken, is a strong, although not too obvious, statement about stewardship. Paul wrote the letter because a division had developed in the Church which he had established in Galatia. The schism was between Jews who had recently been converted to Christianity and Gentiles who were also new converts. The Jewish converts continued to follow Jewish law closely and they felt the Gentiles should too. Paul speaks of two key ingredients of stewardship. First, he reminds the Galatians that stewardship requires a dramatic conversion, similar to his own. "For you heard of my former way of life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it, . ." (Gal 1:13) Paul moved dramatically away from that life after his meeting with Jesus on the road to Damascus. (You can read about their meeting in Acts chapter 9.) Second, he tells us that once we have been converted, our motivation for doing good, for practicing our faith, for reaching out to others, should be out of gratitude and an understanding that this is what we are meant to do. We should not do these things out of a sense of obligation or guilt. We are stewards because we are supposed to be, not because we are following a law. The good steward does what is right because it truly is a way of life and a reflection of Jesus’ own life. The steward is living the way Jesus called us to live. This was Paul’s message to the Galatians, and that same message applies to us. RSVP to Deacon Chris at c am ante a@am e r i c a nma r t yr s. o rg or to Yvonne Amantea at 310-613-7814. I will praise you LORD; for you have rescued me. Psalm 30 Pastoral Care B eginning A gain Our group offers a welcoming and healing atmosphere for those experiencing separation and divorce. The next meeting is Tuesday, June 18 from 7:00 - 9:00pm in the Holy Family House. The topic is "Adaptation." S tephen M inistry What is the best way to ensure our parish receives the support needed for our operating expenses and ministries during the busy summer months? eGiving through Faith Direct! “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” --Albert Einstein When you face personal misfortune – job loss, financial insecurity, the death of a loved one – it is common to feel you must face it alone. But here at American Martyrs, you don’t have to. Stephen Ministers are members of your parish trained to provide those in need with confidential, Christian care. They have been called to actively listen to you, support you and accompany you on your journey. They are here for you. For more information, call us at 310-545-8244. Enroll online at w w w.FaithD irec t.net, our church code is CA308. C are N otes C an H elp You C ope Increased enrollment with Faith Direct will help stabilize our parish finances during the coming summer months when many families are away on vacation. Check out the Care Note rack in the Church vestibule. There are many topics that change frequently, such as: As always, know that your generosity is truly a gift from God. Please deposit donations in the Poor Box. Praying to Manage Anger and Stress Keeping Family First Seven Habits of Those Who Handle Stress Best J u ne 9 , 2 0 1 3 |Ten th S unday in Ordin a ry Ti m e Commission Chair: Tom Hoffarth 310-378-2726 / sjo@a meric anma r t y rs.org Respect Life Ministry On Being Champions of the Gospel of Life “Connected with our prayer must be the thoughtful and Who will H elp if You do not ? faithful reflection upon the Church's teaching on the Do you have some time after dropping off the kids? Or work respect for all human life and the integrity of the family. from home and could spare a couple of hours a month? Can In our homes, in our Catholic schools and universities, in you drive someone to Mass? Sometimes we just need a bit of parish study groups, and in everyday conversations and help whether we’ve broken a foot or need some labs tests run. discussions with our neighbors, we are called to give an Others may not drive any longer and need a ride to Mass. uncompromising witness to the Gospel of Life. Parents, parish priests and institutions of Catholic education must And whatever you do, in word or in deed, be aware of the constant anti-life and anti-family messages do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, which constantly bombard us and our young people.” giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Col 3:17 Martyrs Angels provide parishioners with rides to doctor appointments, the grocery store and to Mass on the weekends. If you would like to be an Angel or if you need a ride, call Jenny Attanasio at 310-545-5651. Helping The Catholic Worker Feed the ~ Archbishop Raymond Burke, Keynote Address at the National Prayer Breakfast, May 8, 2009 Ministry Contacts: Steve Perry, steven.michael.perr y@gmail. com o r Russ Neglia, 310-316-3845 / ru n e g l i a @ ver i zo n. net. Homeless The Los Angeles Catholic Worker (LACW) was founded in 1970 to serve the poor and homeless on LA's Skid Row. M atthew 25 C ollecting B ikes Matthew 25 is collecting gently used bikes that will be rehabilitated and given to children When do we go? at St. Lawrence of Brindisi next Christmas. Six volunteers from American Martyrs go to the Catholic Worker twice a month, on the second Tuesday and fourth Contact Tony Fadale, a.Fad a l e@ ver i zo n. net Thursday. or 310-542-9696 and he will coordinate the pick up of your bike. Please note that badly damaged bikes will not be What do we do? accepted due to the cost of repair and the safety of the children We help prepare and serve a midday meal from 9:30am who will receive them. to 12 noon. We do what the core team asks us to do: cutting and chopping food, buttering bread and/or bagels, Thank you for considering this invitation to help our sister working the food line, after meal clean-up and additional parish and their children! tasks as assigned. Our work day runs from 7:00am - 1:00pm. This includes a one hour round trip drive to the "Hippie" Kitchen in downtown Los Angeles. We coordinate with H ouse of Y ahweh each other to carpool, as parking is limited. House of Yahweh serves the needy of the South Bay and How can I be one of the six American Martyrs parishioners welcomes volunteers. who go to the Catholic Worker? Is God calling you to help those in need? A roster of those who regularly support this Matthew 25 Donations of time, talent, used clothing, shoes, and Ministry is maintained. Usually, ten days or so before our household items are greatly appreciated. next scheduled Catholic Worker day, those on our roster are asked, "who wants to go this time?" If you have never Contact: Sr. Michele Morris, CSJ, 310-675-1384, been and would like to go, contact the coordinators listed 4046 Marine Ave, Lawndale OR Robbie, 310-372-6462, below and we will attempt to place you on a future team. 2316 Artesia Blvd, Redondo Beach Requirements: Be on time, commit for the whole day's work, wear clothes that you don't mind getting food stained, and a hat (gloves are provided). You have one optional break to sit and eat the meal that is being served. O ngoing H earts for the H ungry Above all, treat our customers with dignity, respect, and a St. Francis Center: first Saturday of every month, 9:45am - 3:00pm smile. You must be at least 16 years, or older. You also must (next trip is July 6) be part of the American Martyrs team of six previously Contact : John Harder, 310- 634-2101/ [email protected] identified. St. Lawrence of Brindisi: second Saturday of every month, Coordinators (next trip is July 13) Sam Dumond, [email protected], 310-376-3599 Contact : Frank Valdez, 310-926-6940 / f ran k .valdez @ utex as. ed u Paul Jacoby, [email protected], 310-507-4405 Santa Monica: last Saturday of every month, 7am - noon For more information on The LA Catholic Worker visit (next trip is June 29) w w w.lacatholic worker.org Contact : Michael Concannon, 714-852-2112 michael.conc [email protected] Find this bulletin online at americanmartyrs.org A me r ic a n M art yrs Cat hol ic Chur c h | www .A MERICA N M A RT Y RS. or g Faith Formation B aptism C lass Pre-Baptism instruction for parents and godparents is required to have your child baptized at American Martyrs Church. Upcoming class is Thursday, June 20. Call Deacon Fred Rose, 310-545-5651, for an appointment. See the schedule of classes at americ anma r t yrs.org. Spiritual Library Open on Sundays, 10:am-4:00pm Are you looking for an inspiring or devotional book to help you on your faith journey? Visit the "Upper Room" Spiritual Library and see where the Spirit may lead you. A few of the over 1300 titles available for check-out: 101 Most Powerful Proverbs in the Bible --- Lang, J. Stephen 101 Questions and Answers on Saints --- Evans, George P. 150 Most Important Bible Verses, The --- Nelson, Thomas 150 Opening and Closing Prayers --- Koch, Carl C ontemplative P rayer Tuesday evenings, 7:30pm - 8:30pm, St. Joseph’s Chapel at the Spirituality Center (use Pacific Ave. entrance) “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace” -- St. Francis of Asissi Life’s lessons are deep and rich, and could be missed if we pass by too quickly. Along the way we are invited to pause to be renewed by Jesus Christ, and to rest in the love that is ours by way of grace. Our rest is God’s delight. We continue our reflections on the 12 petitions in the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Handouts are available for missed sessions. We keep a very simple structure, and have prayer instruction available for those interested. Please join us once, often or always, for the Love of it! Ministry Contact: Donna Ennis, 310-941-1349 “Contemplative prayer is the simplest expression of the mystery of prayer.” Catechism of the Catholic Church N. 2713 Get to know us at t he c o nte mp lat i ve h ear t. o rg The Contemplative Heart is sister site to The Contemplative Way 365 Meditations for Families --- Sharpe, Sally D. Information and Contacts: Anna Jung, 310-374-0863 or Millie Maloney, 310-938-3125 Seek in reading and you will find in meditation; knock in prayer and it will be opened to you in contemplation. - St. John of the Cross The Art of Spiritual Direction Spiritual direction is an ancient ministry, a unique oneto-one relationship in which a trained person assists another person in the search for an ever closer union of love with God. Directors listen carefully to the unfolding of directees' lives to help them discern the ways in which God is leading them. The practice of spiritual direction consists much more of "holy listening" rather than direction in the sense of offering guidance or direct advice. American Martyrs Church maintains a list of Certified Spiritual Directors who have received training, formation, and are members of Spiritual Directors International. They are committed to spiritual growth, both personally and with those they accompany on their journey. For more information and help finding a Certified Spiritual Director, contact Jenny Attanasio, 310-545-5651. Be Still and Know that I Am God. Psalm 46:10 O ngoing F aith F ormation & E nrichment When we pray, we join a steady stream of prayer that began more than 2,000 years ago. With our world around us constantly in a state of flux, there is a special grace in knowing there is a place that is sacred and unchanging, a place where we can go to be renewed in the love that is ours by way of God’s grace. We all have gifts differing. There are many pathways to prayer. BIBLE STUDIES Sunday’s Readings In Context Wednesday, 7:30-9:00pm in the Spirituality Center Contact: John D'Isacco, 310-546-1302 Tuesday Morning Scripture Group (on Summer break) Tuesday, 9:15-11:00am in the Spirituality Center (Next series starts with the Book of Revelation on September 3) Contact: Alvin Fletcher, 310-379-5241 CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER: Tuesday evening, 7:30-8:30pm in the Spirituality Center Chapel (770 17th St, please use Pacific Ave. entrance) Contact: Donna Ennis, 310-941-1349 MONDAY EVENING PRAYER GROUP 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm, in the Spirituality Center Chapel Evening Prayer, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet Contact: Sharon Law, 310-963-9484 PEACE MEDITATION 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm, in SS. Brigid/Brendan room Contact: Avito Moniz, 310-376-2065 SPIRITUAL LIBRARY (The Upper Room) Open Sundays, 10:00am-4:00pm, in the Spirituality Center, 2nd floor Contact: Anna, 310-374-0863 or Millie, 310-938-3125 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Contact: Jenny Attanasio for referral, 310-545-5651 J u ne 9 , 2 0 1 3 |Ten th S unday in Ordin a ry Ti m e Faith Formation in our Families American Martyrs Youth Ministry Every Tuesday Night - Teen Tuesday Nights! Join us for prayer, games, tutoring, homework time, and prep for future Life Nights! We meet at 6:00pm every Tuesday in the Holy Family House. If you are interested in joining Life Teen, contact Monica Leon at mle o n @ ame r ic anma r t yrs.org Find us on Facebook at American-Martyrs YM Contact: amy m @ am e r ic anma r t yrs.org Sunday P reschool R egistration 2013-2014 Links to Sunday Preschool Registration can be found on the americanmar tyrs.org website. Don’t wait! for Interested in working with our parish preschoolers? Join us on Sunday mornings! Come rediscover the beauty of God’s creation through the eyes of a child and make new friends along the way. Thinking about it? Questions? Contact April Beuder at [email protected]. “It is above all in the home that, before ever a word is spoken, children should experience God’s love in the love which surrounds them. In the family they learn that God wants peace and mutual understanding among all human beings, who are called to be one great family.” Families in Faith - AMS and SRE News Grace from sacraments? How do I find it? Coincidences with people. When someone unexpected comes into your life, look for what God might be trying to say to you through this person, or what you might have to offer him or her. Through touch. Every sacrament has a physical aspect to it. Allow your child to feel God's touch through you with a loving touch after communion or a hug after reconciliation. Flashes of insight. Pay attention to your thoughts right after receiving a sacrament and teach your child to do the same. Perhaps this is the year for you to join us in the formation of our young people. Spring is a wonderful time for reflection on the beauty of the young people in our community. Their growth in knowledge of our loving God depends upon adults who will lead them on their journey. Would you be willing to be one of those adults? Take the first step and have a conversation with Patti Williams, Director of Religious Education. Contact Patti Williams for more information, 310-546-4734 or pw i l l i am s @am e ri c an m ar t y rs.org Blessed John Paul II American Martyrs School Scrip Corner American Martyrs Gift Scrip - a perfect way to say Thank You! For teachers, staff, coaches, volunteers, birthdays and other occasions when you want to say "thanks for all you do." The receiver brings the gift scrip to the scrip office and can redeem it for any of the over 100 items we have in stock. It is available in $5, $10, $20, $25, $50 and $100 denominations. Sales Hours: Weekdays, 7:45am - 3:45pm (Fridays till 1:00pm) Sunday, 7:45am - 11:30am The Scrip office is open all summer. Our summer hours begin June 17, the Monday after Father's Day: Summer Hours: Mon/Tues/Thurs: 9 am - 3 pm Wed / Fri: 9 am - 12 noon Sunday, 7:45am - 11:30am For special orders or information about scrip cards, contact the scrip office, 310-545-5651 x289 / scrip@americ anma r t y rs.org. DID YOU KNOW? Summer Safety Tips: Questions You Need to Ask Your Child. Summer brings a whole range of issues that affect your ability to protect your children from sexual abuse. The core best practice rule for child safety is to have as much information as possible and replace blind trust with knowledge and healthy suspicion. That means asking questions: Where are you going? What will you do while you are there? Who will be with you? When will you return? Which adults will be present? Then evaluate the situation and determine if it is safe for your child to participate. And, don’t be afraid to say “No” when it is not! For more information about “Summer Safety Tips” please contact the Office of Safeguard the Children email: [email protected] For particular help, call Assistance Ministry at 213-637-7650. Find this bulletin online at americanmartyrs.org A me r ic a n M art yrs Cat hol ic Chur c h | www .A MERICA N M A RT Y RS. or g Contact Information & Resources SACRAMENTS BAPTISM 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays, 1:00pm Pre-Baptism instruction for parents and godparents is required. Call 310-545-5651 for an appointment. RECONCILIATION (PENANCE) Tuesday: 7:00 - 7:15 am Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:00 pm Thursday: 7:00 - 7:15 am Saturday: 8:30 - 9 am , 4:00 - 4:30 pm Eves of Holy Days: 4:00 - 4:30 pm Confessions by request at anytime. MARRIAGE Contact Rectory at least 6 months prior to wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Celebrated throughout the year. Call anytime in case of serious illness. PARISH FACILITIES PARISH CENTER Rectory mailing address: Parish Center mailing address: 624 15th Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-4805 P.O. Box 3639, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-1639 310-545-5651 fax 310-545-0502 1400 Deegan Place, M.B., CA 90266-4805 P.O. Box 3639, M.B., CA 90266-1639 310-545-5651 fax 310-545-3971 Business Manager Bob Hodges [email protected] Pastoral Council President Gregory McGinity [email protected] Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist Deacon Derek & Terri Brown [email protected] Baptism Preparation Deacon Fred & Suzie Rose [email protected] Funeral Planning & Bereavement Deacon Chris & Yvonne Amantea [email protected] [email protected] Liturgy & Worship Deacon Derek & Terri Brown [email protected] [email protected] Stephen Ministry Deacon Dick & Patti Williams 310-545-8244 Finance Director Pattie Johnson [email protected] Gym, Field & Athletics Lou Ann Selsky 310-802-8720 Music Director Bill Svarda 310-640-8505 Parish Center Administrator & Facilities Coordinator Dottie Arias [email protected] Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:45pm Parish Communications Anne Riordan [email protected] Sunday, 9:00am-1:00pm Parish Center Office and St. Kateri Room Plant Manager Tony Hatfield [email protected] (enter from Deegan Place) Laurie Oester, Ph.D rector [email protected] O'Donnell Hall and St. Brigid/Brendan Room Rectory Office Administrator (enter from O'Donnell parking lot) Volunteer Ministry Formation Jenny Attanasio [email protected] GYM - 701 15th Street 310-802-8720 Religious Education 1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805 310-546-4734 Use parking structure and crosswalk Director, Religious Education Patti Williams [email protected] th HOLY FAMILY HOUSE - 700 17 Street Director, Youth Ministry Monica Leon [email protected] Use lower level entrance next to Gym Director, Sunday Preschool April Beuder 310-546-6311 Sunday Preschool Emeritus Sr. Mary Irene Flanagan PARISH HOUSE - 659 15th Street 1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805 310-545-8559 SPIRITUALITY CENTER - 770 17th Street American Martyrs School fax 310-545-3971 St. Joseph's Chapel, Spirituality Garden Upper Room Library (open Sunday,10am-4pm) A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER is available for Sunday 5:00pm Mass, weddings, and funerals. Please call Gigi 310-214-4851 CASA DE LOS ANGELITOS Maternity Home, 310-325-8208 24 HOUR Pregnancy Helpline, 310-787-HELP ARCHDIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES SEXUAL MISCONDUCT REPORTING LINE 800-355-2545 VICTIMS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY Suzanne Healy, 213-637-7650 Principal Camryn Connelly American Martyrs Preschool Director, Preschool American Martyrs Sunday Mass is available for TV viewing on Time Warner Cable, channel 165, Sundays from 4:00-5:00pm. There is a one week delay in air time. americanmartyrs.org [email protected] 1705 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805 Jeannie Wood 310-802-8149 [email protected] J u ne 9 , 2 0 1 3 |Ten th S unday in Ordin a ry Ti m e Gym & Field Summer Fun For Everyone G ym A ctivities Seniors Exercise - Community is welcome! Every Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00-11:00am Women's Volleyball Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 8:00-10:00am. All players welcome, from beginners to advanced. Tuesdays are instructional and Thursdays are free play. Contact: Rocky Wade, [email protected] The fun starts June 17 - August 23 Ages 5-12 Everyone is invited to join in the FUN at the summer long sports camps held every week at American Martyrs. The only skill required is how to have fun! We will be having fun with games that every kid loves to play all day long, Whiffle ball, Kickball, Capture the Flag, water games and lots of creative games to keep your child having fun all day long. Extended care and lunch available. Men’s and Women’s Coed Volleyball Tuesday evenings 8:00-10:00pm. Intermediate skill levels and recreational play. Contact: John Wargnier 310-796-1058 / j o h nwargnier@americ anma r t yrs.org FUN Director: Ravi and Staff Fun Week 9:00am - 3:00pm - $240 Fun Week 1/2 Day (3 hrs.) - $135 Drop-In Rate - $60 per day Gym Contact: Lou Ann Selsky, 310-802-0720 [email protected] Register online at: regonline.com/amccamps G ym & Field R entals More info: 310-802-8720 or [email protected] For information about renting the Gym, call 310-802-8720 For field rentals, call 310-802-0729 x287. Beyond Our Parish LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR "SKYLINE GALA" - Saturday, June 22 SAVE THE DATE for the Little Sisters of the Poor annual Dinner-Auction event. 'A Skyline Gala' will be at Keesal, Young and Logan Law Offices on the top floor of the Union Bank Building in Long Beach. Auction contributions are being accepted. Call 310-548-0625 for more information. MARYMOUNT SUMMER PROGRAMS - June 24-July 26 Enriching opportunities and academic preparation for girls entering grades 6-10 from June 24-July 26. Morning and afternoon programs where girls will develop the skills necessary to be successful in the coming academic year and experience the joy of discovering new talents, have fun and make new friends. Marymount is also proud to offer our 2nd annual “A Better Self for a Better World” all-girls leadership conference on Saturday, June 8. All girls entering grades 6-8 in the fall are welcome to attend. Visit m h s- la.org to learn more. SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, SEPT. 14, 2013 3rd Annual Grand Marian Procession, votive mass and Fiesta in celebration of the Feast of our Lady of the Angels! Archbishop Jose Gomez, Presider and Homilist! WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - June 28-30 Summer is a great time to spend a weekend away together to reconnect, and to rediscover your spouse. Weekends take place in a local area hotel, and all sharing is private with your spouse. A series of presentations made by married couples and a priest teach valuable communication tools and much more! Info and registration at www.ilovemyspouse.net or 424-777-WWME. WELCOME! We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, celebrating with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived to our parish. We thank God that you are with us. To become part of our Faith Community, please fill out this form and we will mail you a Registration Card to complete and return. The Registration Card may be dropped in the collection basket, left at the Parish Center, Rectory, mailed or faxed to 310-546-9209. Thank you! PHONE NAME ( ADDRESS NEW PARISHIONER MOVING, please remove from mailing list ) CITY CHANGE OF ADDRESS old address: Find this bulletin online at americanmartyrs.org A me r ic a n M art yrs Cat hol ic Chur c h | www .A MERICA N M A RT Y RS. or g The U.S. bishops have called for a F ortnight for Freedom , a two-week period of prayer and action, to address many current challenges to religious liberty, including the August 1, 2013 deadline for religious organizations to comply with the HHS mandate; Supreme Court rulings that could redefine marriage in June, and religious liberty concerns in areas such as immigration and humanitarian services. To help our parish become better and spiritually stronger, we ask each adult parishioner to complete the Parish Survey. Thank you. Find the link on our website.