City of Burnsville Zoning Map
City of Burnsville Zoning Map
City of Burnsville Zoning Map ROW Revised - November 24, 2015 R1 NOTICE: The zoning designations on the map are a representation of a combination of maps and ordinances which make up the complete City of Burnsville Zoning Regulations. All Zoning designations are subject to change. Information on each Planned Unit Development (PUD) is available at City Hall. P B3 B2 B1 R2 P P CD GIM-GW R1 P P B1 I1 R3B R3A R3B B3 B2 R3B B1 R2 R3B B3 B2 R3A R1 I2-GW B4-GW I2 I2 CRD GIM-GW GIH GIM B4 R3B B4 B4-GW I1 I1 B4 B3 P HOC2 B3 R1 R3B R3B R3A R2 R3B P R3A R3B P R1 R2 P P R1 MIX R3A P R3A R3B R3A R1 P B2 B3 R3A R1 P R1 P B3 R2 P B1 R3B R3A MIX B3 R1 MIX P R1 R3D R1 P B1 R3A P R3B B2 B2 P P P R1 R2 P B3 R2 R1 B1 P R1 R3A R3A B2 B2 P R3B R3A R2 P Industrial: P R3A GIH - Gateway Industrial Heavy GIM - Gateway Industrial Medium GIM-GW - Gateway Ind. Medium - Gateway I1 - Industrial Park I2 - General Industry I2-GW - General Industry - Gateway I3 - Office & Industrial Park R1 CD B2 R1 P R1 P R3B R1A Other: P CRD P P R1 P 0 0.5 1 Miles R1 - Single Family Residential R1A - One Family Rural Residential R2 - Two Family Residential R3A - Medium Density Residential R3B - High Density Residential R3D - Mobile Home Park B1 - Office Business B2 - Neighborhood Business B3 - General Business B4 - Highway Commercial B4-GW - Highway Commercial - Gateway CRD - Commercial Recreation HOC1 - Heart Of The City HOC2 - Heart Of The City Mix - Mixed Use R2 R3A Residential: Commercial: R1 B2 B3 μ P R1 P P I3 P CD P P R2 B2 MIX B1 P P R1 P P R1 R1 R3A R1 R1 R3B P P P R1 P B3 R3B P P R3A R3B R3B P B2 R3A R3B R2 P R3B R2 P R3B B3 R3B R3A P P R3A B2 R3A P P R1 R3B I2 B3 I1 R1 R3A R3B R3B B3 P P R3A R1 B3 R3A R1 R1 R3A R3B R3A P R3B P P HOC1 B3 P R3B R3B P P P CD R3D R3B R2 R3A R2 R1 R1 City of Burnsville Planning Department - 100 Civic Center Parkway - Burnsville, MN 55337-3817 Phone (952) 895-4455 - CD - Conservancy Park Right-of-Way Water Shoreland District PUD - Planned Unit Development Gateway District Drinking Water Protection NOTES: 1. Refer to Zoning Ordinance for additional Environmental Overlay Districts related to Stormwater, Shorelands, Wetlands, Woodlands, Soil Erosion and Restrictive Soils. 2. Refer to individual FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for specific floodplain designations.