Calendar - Cookeville High School


Calendar - Cookeville High School
Cookeville High School
2335 North Washington Avenue. Cookeville, TN 38501 - - Volume 61, Number 4
Cookeville continues to
expand its shopping
page 2
page 3
The holidays from
a turkey’s
point of
view.. page 6
Should the sophomore effort of The Darkness have
‘Permission to
page 13
Another fun year at the Christm
Jade Cunningham
Charger Staff
12/15-16 - Exams
12/ 16 - National Anything
Covered in Chocolate Day
12/17 - Underdog Day
12/21 - Humbug Day
12/24 - Editor’s Birthday
12/25 - Christmas
12/25 - Chanukah Begins
Cookeville’s 39th Annual Christmas Parade had a different and
exciting theme, a StarSpangled
In tribute to the 278th
finally returning home,
Cookeville celebrated
the joyous holiday with
rockets, a paper-maché
Statue of Liberty, flags
and every patriotic song
This year the parade
took place on November 29th at 7:00 pm
and took its usual route
Cookeville, spanning
from North Washington BRRR -- Many people attended the patriotic parade despite the bitte
cold weather. photo by Brandon Riches
to the Depot.
The parade was spon-
The return of the 278th National
Wes Lisic
Charger Staff
sored this year by the brand new IWC
Cash and Carry as well as Bank of Putnam
County, Citizens Bank, Clear Channel Radio, First National Bank, First Tennessee
ly. She explained that he had been away
for one and half years and returned on
September 3rd of this year. When asked
how her cousin’s departure had affected
her, Kayla replied, “Well, it really hurt me
personally mainly because Chris was new
in the family, and I had not gotten to know
Members of the 278th National Guard
Unit are slowly making their way home
from Fort Shelby in Mississippi. They arrived at Fort Shelby from various locations
in Iraq. These soldiers have been on duty
in Iraq for over one year. Some wives and
family members traveled directly to Fort
Shelby to see their loved ones; others
anxiously awaited their arrival in Cookeville. One member from the unit is Master
Sergeant Terry Scott, a math teacher at
Cookeville High School.
In an interview, Sophomore Kayla Bilbrey discussed how she felt about the war
and the relief she felt when her cousin,
Chris Walters, returned to her family safe- Terry Scott and family.
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278th t
Reading benefits people of all ages, and
no one knows that better than the American Library Association. The Cookeville
High School library participates in the nation-wide program endorsing the need to
The A.L.A. chooses a different theme
every year, and this year it was ‘Get Real
@ your library.’ “It’s a time to try to
make people aware of what the library
has; that’s why the theme changes every
phies, sciences, news and real world situations, a visual display is set up in front of
the library for anyone who wishes to learn
a bit about the year’s topic.
Suggested reading for this year’s theme
includes A Wreath for Emmett Till, Into
Thin Air, The Diary of Anne Frank and
even local newspapers. Some English
classes came down during class to take a
look around.
Teen Read Week usually coincides with
Poetry Slam, a contest in which prospec-
lack of participation, it has been rescheduled for the spring of 2006. Performed
in the library, the poetry slam is open to
participants, their relatives and the judges.
The prize is the Guiness Book of World Records for the current year. Last year, Seth
Lynch won the competition. The beginnings of the Slam can be traced back to
Mrs. Martin’s poetry club, which gradually
merged into Teen Read Week.
More information is available at the website,
Jackson Plaza continues to expand
Rachel Banks
Charger Staff
At last, Bookworks and New Century
Books will no longer be the only lonely
bookstores in Cookeville. One of the
chain bookstores is coming: Books-a-Million. Jackson Plaza will host the new attraction, and it is coming in the summer
of 2006.
If the moving is quick, it might arrive in
late December or early spring. The selection will undoubtedly be better than the
other stores, and when it opens, it will
probably have discounts as well as the
usual gift and membership cards.
The Millionaire’s Club is open, and members receive an additional ten percent off
all Books-a-Million purchases. This does
not apply to gift certificates or magazine
Whether or not a coffee shop will be
included in the layout has yet to be seen.
The main coffee shop of choice in most
Books-a-Million stores is the Joe Muggs
Cafe. It is debatable as to whether or not
a music section will be added to the store.
The rush to the new store, which is inevitable, will probably decrease sales by a
large degree in other stores.
The other bookstores might run some
big sales to compensate for the loss, so be
Deadly Deal to be postponed until February
cision was announced. “As we continued
our rehearsals in the early weeks of the
holiday season with all the other commitThe upcoming CHS production of ments we have as well as an unexpected
Deadly Deal has been postponed until illness, it has proven to be much better
to postpone the show,”
February due to the lack
added Mr. Anderson.
of rehearsal time and the
“ has proven Written by Billy St.
new six-period day.
“We began rehears- to be much bet- John, Deadly Deal is a
murder mystery set in
als later than usual,” exter to postpone the 1950s country estate
plained Mr. Bruce Anderof the recently deceased
son, director of the play,
the show.”
millionaire Charles Lanadd, “It was for the stress
sing (Brandon Riches).
levels of all concerned that
we decided to put off the performances.” The play focuses on Lt. Kenneth Paris’
Stage manager Paige Bowman noted, (Patrick Sherrow) investigation of Lan“We could have pulled it off, but the extra sing’s murder, piecing together past and
present events.
time will make it better.”
With colorful characters ranging from a
Postponing the show has been benefical
to the entire cast and crew, and rehearsals devious millionaire to a flighty spiritualist
have become less pressured since the de- combined with special effects involving
Anna Eisen
Associate Editor
fake blood, Deadly Deal has proven to be
a challenging production.
The cast includes Brandon Riches, Morgan Thomas, Josh Doré, Ashley Payne, Megan Reel, Rachel Schmid, Patrick Sherrow,
Grant Beaty and Jessie Mattingly.
The show runs February 22, 23 and 24,
2006, in the CHS auditorium. Admission
is $5.
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Charger Staff
change, floor punching and the windmill.
All of these moves can be attached to wellHardcore dancing is not a term that is known dances or described fairly easily.
The two-step may be the easiest of the
normally heard in the small, sleepy town
of Cookeville, Tennessee. Everyone has hardcore dance. Much like country’s line
heard the age-old form of dancing called dancing, ska’s skanking, hip-hop’s breakmoshing or even slam dancing. These dancing and punk rock’s moshing, the
dance forms, however, are loosely thrown two-step involved swinging one foot in
around to describe the movements done front of the other while combining the opposite arm in forward swing. This dance is
to any type of more “extreme” music.
Hardcore dancing originated in the the most recognizable and the most like
very early eighties. Bands such as Sick mainstream dances.
The windmill and picking up change are
of It All, Gorilla Biscuits, Agnostic Front
and Hatebreed began this upbeat form of more difficult for most but are easier for
music, and slowly the kids incorporated the lankier hardcore fans out there. Both
their own form of dancing. It all began are fairly self explanatory. While doing
with dances nicknamed worldwide for the the windmill one swings his arms in the
creates the facade of someone picking
change from the floor by incorporating a
two-step with grabbing motion towards
the dance floor. Floor punching is almost
entirely described in its name. The only
misleading part is that one does not actually punch the floor, but he creates the illusion of doing so.
As in all things, hardcore and its dancing varies with the area and divides itself
into scenes. The music has spawned into
many subgenres and fusion genres, and
this very much influences the dancing.
Northern states are known to be more violent while West Coast fans are considered
far more relaxed and into the fun of the
show. Some dancers add in various kicks
or high
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At this
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Early graduates of CHS: ready to move on and
Morgan Thomas
Charger Staff
When classes resume in January, most
things will be the same. Classes and
teachers will not change. There will be
a difference, however, in the number of
senior students. This month, nearly thirty
Cookeville High School seniors will be
graduating early, never to return to this
school as a student again.
Students who planned to graduate early
have been working towards this goal for
quite some time. With the exception of
English 12, Economics and U.S. Government, all required credits must have been
completed prior to the fall semester of this
year. The students had to take two English
classes each day in order to receive one
English credit for the senior year here.
When asked why they wished to graduate early, most students proclaimed that
they simply wished to move on to the next
step in their lives. A surprisingly large percentage of the students polled said that
they just wanted to get away from all of
the “high school drama.”
Many students pointed out that with the
new schedule, the benefits of being out
of school far outweighed those of being
a student for a second semester of senior
Students graduating early chose to
do so for a plethora of reasons. Most,
however, are doing so to move on to college as soon as possible. Of the students
polled, twenty-six plan to attend college
and nineteen of those will attend Tennessee Technological University sometime within the next year. Several of the
students graduating early are doing so in
order to get jobs and save money for their
future education.
Many students graduate early because
they already know what they wish to specialize in. Students Erin Alsup and Jordan
Wilhite both intend to earn their cosmetology licenses within the next year before
they attend a university.
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photo by Brandon Riches
Wishes Come True a
Six North Jefferso
Name: Brendan Clark
Grade: 9
Age: 14
Craig’s favorite class is Mrs. Presley’s
French I class because he sits with his
friends, the Fantastic Four. His favorite
Brendan’s favorite class at CHS is cho- movies are Stewie Griffin: The Untold
rus with Mr. Choate. In a movie about Story and Death to Smoochy. In a movie
his life, aptly titled, My Life, he would star about his life (titled Hey, Is He in Seventh
as himself. His favorite board game is Grade?), he would be portrayed by Robert
Checkers, and his hobbies include playing De Niro. When asked what his best high
soccer and hanging out with his friends. school experience has been thus far, he
His ideal career is to be
said that it was dressing up and going
either an artist or a socto the Star Wars: Return of the Sith midcer player. Brendan’s
night premier last
favorite movies are
year. Craig’s hobSaw, The Fugitive and
bies include skateThe Exorcism of Emboarding, playing
ily Rose. His favorite
guitar, listening to
high school memory is
music and talking
when Thomas Weathers climbed into the about fighting crime
ceiling during class in the band storage with the Fantastic
room. The coolest thing that people do Four. His favorite childhood memory is
not know about him is that he is a secret getting chased by a goose while playing
member of the Fantastic Four. His favor- baseball, and his ideal career is to be a
ite bands include The Beatles, The Who, struggling musician. Craig wishes to leave
Green Day, The Darkness and Disturbed. with this quote, “They have a cream for
Brendan’s favorite quote is, “You may say that.”
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us, and the Name: Brent “Steve” Lafever
world will live as one.”
Grade: 11
at CHS is Mr. Anderson’s Drama I class.
Among his many hobbies are cross stitching, polo, making jerky and drawing with
chalk. In a movie
about his life,
Clark Gable would
play him, and it
would be titled
Nice Pants.
movies include
Fight Club, Garden State and Monty Python and the
Holy Grail.
Brent’s favorite board game
is Clue, and his best childhood memory is his discovery of HBO. His ideal career
would be training flamingos
to sit down.
Brent says that the coolest
thing people do not know about
him is that he wears grandpa socks. The
best concert he has ever been to is the Fall
of Troy/ Chiodos concert, and his favorite Justin Timberlake song is “Rock Your
Body.” Brent ends with this quote from
Stephen Chbosky, “We accept the love we
think we deserve.”
class in
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Jeff Bu
is “Sen
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National Beard Month: no shaving
of burns made of pure awesomeness. You
don’t know how many women have asked
me if they can touch it.”
National Beard Month is a time to reflect
Throughout the month of November,
the people of this great country might and look at those famous beards that have
have noticed a change in several of this graced this fine earth. Abraham Lincoln
country’s citizens. That change is the was nothing without his beard. He would
growing out of facial hair on several male not have had the courage to free the slaves
faces. November is National Beard Month, without his beard. Some give the credit to
meaning that all those who can and will his tall hat, but they are wrong. Who was
grow facial hair shall shave their face on the most perfect human appear on earth?
October 31 and not again until December Jesus. What did he have? A beard, of
course. Chris Kringle (a.k.a. Santa Clause)
“Any man without a beard is no man at has possibly the most pulled beard of all
all,” Chad Malone (a local beard connois- time. Many people every year try to mock
seur) explains as he gently rubs his goatee, his coolness not because it is a well pay“but as far as I’m concerned a simple beard ing job, but because he is set on a national
just won’t cut it. It must be accompanied stage with a breath-taking beard. Why
by at least a mustache, if not a sweet pair were seafaring men scared of pirates? It
Mikey Borden
Charger Staff
was because of the dreaded pirates named
Blackbeard, Redbeard and Bluebeard.
Those seafaring men knew that their own
beard could not compete at all with those
three b
clude A
nel San
Bryan S
As the awaited two week break approached, students were brimming with
excitement for vacations under a sultry
sun, white beaches and great beverages.
Others would be staying at home to watch
the old television and eat junk food for the
whole two weeks. Some,however, had
plans for the break that may intrigue the
student, fascinate the parents and show
up FEMA workers.
These students’ plan involved a trip to
hurriane affected areas in Mississippi. One
group that traveled down included Senior
Brandon Riches and Junior Josh Riches.
Both were workers that met in Wave land,
Mississippi (where the eye actually passed
over) with a group of nearly 500 members
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints(LDS). The second group to leave
from Cookeville included Freshman Can-
Ocean Springs, Mississippi area with mem
bers from the Nazarene Church. Both saw
devastated families and homes. This view
may have caused a damper on the work
spirit, but it did not slow down the effort.
The group was able to assist a large number of Wave land residents. Their tasks
varied from using chain saws and removing trees from roofs to shoveling monthold mud that caked the walls and floors in
many of the homes. They camped on the
grounds of an LDS chapel in Wave land.
Amazingly, the chapel was one of the few
large buildings not to sustain massive
damage. The workers were told to bring
anything they might need including water
and food(the water was still contaminated)
and supplies for a large range of chores.
The weekend trip was filled with emotion
and hard labor. Joshua Riches said,”I was
surprised at the amount of damage that
we saw in such a small area, and how so
Both Josh and Brandon wish to return if
Candice, who went to Ocean Springs,
Mississippi, was able to do a number of
work projects such as removing books
and other objects from water damaged
homes and removing wet sheet rock and
anything else that may cause mold to
grow. She says that she was shocked by
the enormous amount of debris and bare
foundations. The scene almost drew tears
from Candice. She adds, “People lost everything, especially the older folks who
had antiques and collectibles from years
and years ago.” This was her first mission
trip. She hopes she can return to the hurricane-damaged area but does not know
when she will be able to do so.
The experience from the trip will be carried by all who were able to go. Most importantly, it has instilled a feeling of gratitude in each of them forever.
Backpacking: the ultimate escape into nature
Wesley Flatt
Charger Staff
Many people around the world enjoy the
serenity of the mountains and landscapes
not viewed from highways or even office
buildings. Backpacking is an excellent way
to ecape from all the chaos at work or at
home. The pasttime of backpacking is an
activity for only the strong-hearted person
who loves being in the wilderness with the
most beautiful, and also the most dangerous, animals.
The majority of people believe that if
they are not in physical shape, then backpacking is probably not the right activity
for them. There are places and trails that
are rated easy and moderate which would
be an excellent start for less confident or
amateur backpackers. The best way to
find out about trails in local areas is either
by using the Internet or asking some of
the local outdoor specialists. A local park
is another excellent place to find information and explore the outside world.
Some equipment is necessary in order
to have a succesful and enjoyable backpacking experience. Not wearing cotton
clothing is a must while backpacking in
the wilderness because the cotton does
not dry quickly; therefore, body temperatures will drop dramatically. A heat source
is necessary for heating food and for safe
water consumption. In order to acquire
safe drinking water while backpacking
there are many options. A water filter is
an excellent way to purify drinking water
without an awful taste. Also there is availability of iodine and/ or chlorine caplets
that can be put into the water to make it
safe to consume, but this leaves a terrible
taste in the water. One also needs to have
a source of light, and this could include a
headlamp or even just a flashlight. Extra
batteries are definitely great to have in
case of emergencies . Also a backpack,
fitted to one’s back, is a great investment
that will save back pain in the long run
and can be purchased at one of the local
outdoor stores. One of the most important things to do before undertaking a
backpacking trip is to be prepared for the
worst weather conditions.
Most importantly, one must ask many
questions about the pasttime of backpacking and what is needed to be done in order to be successful. Anyone interested in
the act of backacking needs to get out in
the beautiful wildernesses and explore the
many wonders of the world.
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Head Photographer
Charger Staff
shoved in our faces since age six. Num
ber two pencils, name, date of birth, Social
Security number, black, white or other…
For all the uppermake your marks heavy and dark kids, or
classmen out there,
we can’t properly judge and categorize
most of you have
already experienced
After the hours spent testing, an anonysome kind of “college entry exam” at least
once. The SAT and the ACT weigh down mous testing center sends that ominous
our already chaotic high school lives. white envelope containing, of course,
Homework for six classes and getting the scores. I don’t think it matters if you
up early five days a week is not enough; are in the ninety-ninth percentile or the
a four-hour test on a Saturday morning nineteenth. Test scores are downright
degrading. There’s nothing like reading
seems to be in order.
I am opposed to standardized testing on the sentence, “Nationally, your placement
principle. Even if these tests are a neces- in the forty-eighth percentile indicates
sary evil for modern high school students, that fifty-two percent of test takers scored
we’ve been submitted to this kind of of- higher than you.” For those who make exfense for much too long. Does anyone ceptionally high scores, these tests might
else remember TCAP tests and TerraNova? give a sense of accomplishment, but these
they were the day before so they shouldn t far in li
suddenly feel like they are. In addition, I
don’t think of myself as a number, but the high sc
testing mania has come to define us. As if took th
it isn’t enough that schools look at us as cepted
just transcripts and test scores, you hear it ing for
all the time, “I’m 1510.” “That’s not bad; to attai
I’m only 1530.” We’ve turned to labeling compe
The f
ourselves as numbers. The ACT is just as
obnoxious. What was your self-worth out dardize
for my
of thirty-six?
After you know what number you are, taken t
colleges give out their range, and if you ing to c
don’t fall in that middle fifty percent, may- life jus
be you should worry. Maybe you make school
pretty good grades and work hard, but idea th
you may not quite measure up. It’s a big, about
bad world out there, and if you couldn’t forget
pull it together for four hours on Saturday nality.
Is the war in Iraq worth it?
Sean Ochsenbein
Charger Staff
As all of you know
the United States is
in a global war on terrorism, and the Iraqi
conflict is a part of that war. On the other
hand, many people speculate that the war
in Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism,
and we are wasting American lives. The
U.S. government states that Iraq is a key
player in helping fund and harbor terrorist
organizations. Not only that, the government of Iraq was led by a vicious and horrifying dictator who is a terrorist himself.
Whether or not you believe Saddam Hussein’s government harbored terrorists, the
fact remains that his regime killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds in the northern regions of his own country because
they had different religious beliefs.
Iraq was also accused of having a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) program;
however, none were found. In October
of 2002 the United States Senate and the
House of Representatives voted to use
force against Iraq in response to Iraq’s
non compliance to resolution 1441. The
United States has taken the offensive and
decided to fight the enemy on their soil.
Though over 2,000 American soldiers
have lost their lives in the war on terror
and in the liberation of Iraq, the success or
failure of Iraq does not depend on just the
number of fatalities. Because of the sacrifice of soldiers, positive changes are happening in Iraq. The liberation has brought
many changes toward a democratic society, an improved economy, reconstruction of infrastructures and humanitarian
After three decades of Saddam Hussein’s
dictatorship, Iraq is moving toward a free
and open democratic society. On October
15th of this year a nationwide election was
held to approve a constitution. December
of 2005 is slated for the national elections
to select a new government. Saddam Hussein is now on trial in Iraq. Also women
for the first time have a voice through voting.
Iraq’s economy is also improving. Iraq’s
oil pipe lines are being upgraded and
maintained. Iraq’s oil industry provides
94% of the government revenues. These
revenues are essential to the success of
the new government and services to the
ANOTHER DAY IN THE LIFE -- A Black Hawk helico
day of missions in Iraq. Photo by John Sall.
Jobs are being created through the reconstruction of their infrastructure to include police stations, prisons, fire stations,
hospitals, neighborhood clinics, schools,
playgrounds, water supply projects, sewer
lines and electrical projects just to name
a few. Humanitarian efforts are also ongoing in Iraq. Basic food items, medical
supplies, recreational items, toys for children, clothes and school supplies are being distributed throughout the country.
This list of projects for humanitarian and
of thes
are exp
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the dev
Will A
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Is freed
Charger Staff
much harder than it used to be. He must
become a well-rounded demi-god if he
wanted to receive a good education. Had
Once upon a time,
Harold ever done anything spectacular-in a small town very
make honor roll, win a contest or save a
much like your own,
burning orphanage? Of course not, he told
there was a senior
named Harold. Harold grew up nursing her. Do I have to do those things?
No, but they would help. First, you
one modest, fantastic dream: to become
a circus clown. He imagined the lights, study colleges you like. Then you fill out
the sights and the laughing crowds and their applications and send them in. That
believed that someday his dream would didn’t sound hard at all, Harold thought.
come true. He drifted through twelve He was wrong.
Harold asked his classmates where they
years of public education in this way until
one day he awoke, and his dream shat- were applying. Everyone seemed to be
going to a place called Yale, and Harold
I’m not funny, he thought. I’m ter- found out that the president went there.
ribly shy. I’ m allergic to elephants and If Dubya got in, how hard could it be?
face paint irritates my skin. Worst of all, I Harold decided to apply to Yale, his state
have no talent. I can’t possibly become a university and Baylor, who wouldn’t quit
sending him mail.
Harold stared at the applications. AcaTerribly disillusioned, he went to his
parents for advice. They told him that he demic honors? Work experience? Teacher
had three choices: work at McDonald’s, recommendations? Transcripts? What did
join the army or go to college. Harold it all mean? His grades were mediocre, his
knew that hamburgers and combat made teachers didn’t know he existed and he’d
him queasy, so he took his first steps to- never had a job. He knew what he had to
do. He applied for a job, beefed up his
ward a college education.
College? Harold wondered. I never con- grades and joined the Young Indepensidered it. What do I have to do to get into dants Club--the only club that would let
college? His parents explained to him the him join at such a late date. Speaking of
Herculean Labors of College Acceptance. which, all his applications were due in one
If he completed all the tasks, he just might month.
Harold focused on financial aid and
get in.
Harold went to his guidance counselor. scholarships. He found great ones prom-
The Charger
Editorial Policy
The purposes of The Charger are to inform, entertain and provide both a catalyst
and a forum for student expression. The
Charger’s editorial responsibility lies not
in presenting a particular viewpoint or
agenda, but in representing a variety of
Unsolicited editorials and letters to the
editor are accepted. We reserve the right
to edit this material so long as the material
remains unchanged.
The Charger staff reserves the right to
edit or censor its contents to student staff
and editors.
The unsigned editorial opinions are
those of the staff.
to drink, smoke or play sports; 2) are redheaded or left-handed; 3) could beat other
students at online poker; 4) make a prom
dress out of duct tape and wear it to the
dance or 5) are veteran golf caddies. None
of these were right for him, though, so he
settled for filling out the FAFSA and meritbased scholarships offered by his universities.
He reminded his teachers who he was,
typed up his limited resumé and handed
out the recommendations. He scurried
back to his guidance counselor for a transcript request form and signed up for the
ACT before rushing to his job. He dragged
himself home at eleven that night and fell
asleep, and he dreamed of writing his essays.
Finally, two days before the deadline,
Harold fell asleep in a dead heap over his
computer. His essay was done--a treatise
on the topic of his choice, which happened to be the importance of comedy in
his life. Tomorrow he would double-check
his application, seal the envelope and mail
it on to his colleges of choice. The long
journey was all over but the crying. He
had worked himself to the bone, pulled
all-nighters and ate sparingly, but he had
done it. He met his deadline.
Yet in the wake of the adrenaline rush,
he felt a sort of post-partum disappointment. What had it all been for? Why was
he working so hard? Did he even want to
to colle
He had
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that Ha
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He cou
with p
out to
Students, faculty or others wishing to
respond to an article or editorial in The
Charger are encouraged to write letters to
the editor. The Charger reserves the right
to edit the material (for space, spelling,
mechanics, etc.) so long as the meaning
remains unchanged. Letters to the editor
must be signed, although names will be
withheld by request if circumstances call
for it.
Letter writers are strongly encouraged
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Congratulations and Go
the Early Gradua
Charger Staff
all because of me. Although the smell
of Christmas trees is the best part of the
whole tradition, it is closely followed by
10. Sweaters
Whether it was knitted for you by Mrs. the decoration of said tree. The choices
Weasley, purchased from Goodwill or are endless: homemade ornaments, cangiven to you from your great aunt on your dles, popcorn, angels, stars, tinsel and
mother’s side, the sweater is a defining lights are just a few of these. Choose a
staple of the holiday season. Regardless few, or choose them all.
7. Setting It Straight
of the weather, I always feel inclined to
This one satisfies the sadist in me. While
grab it off of the hanger at the back of my
closet and throw it on. Adorned with ca- I have never actually participated in this, it
bling, snowmen, snowflakes or the time has always been a dream of mine to sugappropriate poinsettia, the holiday sweat- gest to children that there is no longer a
er brings warmth to the season…and to Santa Claus. This little twist on the usual
“there-is-no-Santa-Claus” trick brings origyour body.
inality back to the season. Instead, tell a
9. Parades
Sure, the Christmas parade in Cookev- small child that while there was a Santa last
ille has not been quite the same since they year, the North Pole was commandeered
prohibited throwing candy (it just took last spring by the Easter Bunny and the
away all elements of danger). However, Tooth Fairy, who have been vying for the
I still hold a special place in my heart position of Most Loved Friend of Children
for Christmas parades, if for no other since the beginning of mankind. They are
reason than watching to see if anything now holding him hostage in Argentina and
goes amuck. Will the giant Snoopy float will only let him go if every child on the
start a fight with the enormous inflatable earth races to the polls and takes Santa off
Shrek? The only way to know is to watch the ballot for Most Loved Friend. This, I
feel, will teach children the importance of
and find out.
voting much more effectively than Diddy
8. Christmas Trees
I am allergic to trees. While this is some- ever did.
6. Watching Christmas Vacation
what unfortunate, it never really poses a
Unlike what seems to be 85% of the Unitproblem until a few weeks before Christmas every year. At this time, my family ed States population, I loathe the movie A
kindly points out that we are dragging the Christmas Story. I really do. There are few
chosen an alternative Christmas movie.
It is one with fun, family and a few very
painful falls. This is, of course, Christmas
Vacation, made in 1989 and starring the
wonderful Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold.
It just might be the best of the National
Lampoon films. If you have never seen it,
or even if you just need to laugh, I recommend you go out and rent it now.
5. Snow
What is cold, white (hopefully) and
might get you out of school? Sorry. It is
not anthrax (good guess though). It, my
friend, is snow. Snow makes the holiday
season better for a myriad of reasons.
Snowball fights, making igloos, sledding
and snow cream are just a few of these.
While we cannot create snow ourselves,
there is something that even students
can do to increase the possibility of blizzards without meddling in dark magic. It
is called the Holy Snow Dance. While I am
unable to print exactly what this is because
of its strong powers, you are welcome to
ask a friend how to perform this ritual or
simply look it up on the Internet. Enjoy.
4. Christmas Music
Do you hear that? It is the sound of the
Chipmunks singing their high pitched rendition of “Deck the Halls.” It is almost an
angelic sound. If your idea of good Christmas music does not include hearing small
rodents sing, there is still luck. There are
of Julie
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No Grandma, go away: the horrors of mistle
Jade Cunningham
Charger Staff
When I think Christmas I think of jingle
bells, stockings, Santa Claus, pine trees
and well, mistletoe. Yes, mistletoe. The
infamous kissing plant which is actually
a fungus attaching itself to an innocent
I hate mistletoe. Everything about
the concept of some strange person(or
known person) chasing me around with
some plant and puckering his chapped,
winter weathered lips at me is incredibly
disconcerting. So I propose the banning
of this awful and abused plant. Why would
a poisonous fungus be a symbol used by
an over-affectionate, holiday-crazy public
to attract and kiss a fellow human being?
In the spirit of giving, one should consider
the love of holidays and keep his lips away
from his friends.
Mistletoe experiences can haunt someone for the rest of his life. Have you ever
seen the headbands that you attach the
sprig to, and it looms over the wearers
head? My family owns one. Oh yes, I have
been accosted by my very own grandmother with this headband. What is more
humilating then being kissed by someone
with a mistletoe headband on? Wearing
one yourself! When your own dear family
pushes this horror on you, what can you
do but accept the torture?
Mistletoe was considered an aphrodesiac by the ancient Europeans. An aphrodesiac? Allow me to explain my astonishment. Mistletoe is derived from the
Anglo-Saxon language. “Mistel” meant
“dung” while “tan” is the word for “twig.”
Therefore, the rough translation of our socalled love plant is dung on a twig. Mistletoe just seemed to pop up when a bird left
its droppings on a twig or stick. Europeans
believed this was what caused it to grow on
the tre
Later m
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Charger Staff
Every dark, wintery morning high
school students wake up and fly to the
window to see if they have been blessed
with a glorious layer of powder.
What makes us go so crazy about these
snow days? If you think fun in the snow
ends when you turn twelve years old,
you’re wrong. So what do we do on these
snow days? Well, the list is long and distinguished.
One traditional snow day activity is
speed sledding, which eventually leads to
bobsledding. It’s really quite simple. Find
the oldest, biggest feed trough you can
find, buy some old snow skies at Goodwill, use your own home-made system to
mount them together and take off on a
wild, slippery ride.
Now, you may think this sounds dangerous, but at the end of the day, a warm feeling of accomplishment will rush through
your body.
Another fun activity is the neighboorhood snowball fight. Find a group of able-
igloos) and have at it.
An ideal snowball should be approximately the size of a regulation softball and
just as hard. Don’t hold anything back on
your throws, for your fellow competitors
won’t either.
A new snow day activity is fourwheeler
sled racing. This game is not built for
the weak-hearted, it’s fast paced and very
dangerous, but also very fun. Line up two
equally fast fourwheelers with two sledders tied at an equal length from the back
of the ATV and take off. Make sure you
throw in plenty of dangerously fast curves
and jumps and see who comes out on
For all of you wondering just how many
of these wonderous days we’re going to
have, look no further than Dr. Hal Denton.
Dr. Denton is predicting three days before
Thanksgiving, five between Thanksgiving
and Christmas, and sixteen in Januaray
and Feburary combined.
Senior John Allsison says, “I love them.
They give us a chance to relax and take a
break from school.”
‘Tis the be depressed
the stress of either not being with family
or the exact opposite--dealing with family.
Basic fatigue from shopping, parties and
In the world of commercials, homemade guests can sap anyone’s energy. Worst of
candy and claymation TV specials, the holi- all is the final surge of depression after the
days are a time of warm fuzzies and family holiday season passes. An even higher pertogetherness. However, the reality of the centage of Americans are affected by a condition called seasonal affective disorder, or
holiday season can be sinister.
It begins right after Thanksgiving and SAD. This is caused by the lack of light and
can last until past New Year’s. Doctors vitamin D absorbed into the skin, either
called it the “holiday blues,” and it is an because there is less sunlight in the winter
actual medical problem. The holiday blues or people are confined to their homes by
are the feelings of self-criticism, loneliness the weather.
The danger of holiday blues is not just
and anxiety that attack over one million
Americans every year. Even though de- bad memories and stress. People sufferpression is devastating enough the rest ing from seasonal depression can suffer
of the year, the holidays can be especially from headaches, alcohol and drug abuse,
tough because people feel obligated to be overeating and sleep deprivation. Holiday
depression has also been linked to an inas cheerful as actors on TV.
The holidays can be depressing for sev- creased of suicide in the winter months.
The best way to manage the holidays is
eral reasons, but most crushing are inflated
expectations, over-commercialization and to keep expectations at a reasonable level:
Whitney Johnson
Charger Staff
YIKES -- Some houses just take it way too far. Ease
doesn’t mean you should put them out.
photo by Brandon Riches
Ah, Christmas decora
Everyone knows that Christmas lights
and decorations are fun. People love the
warm feeling of driving on a cold December night and passing those pinpricks of
twinkling lights on houses. They make
dreary weather more bearable, and they
make any little house look picturesque
and cheerful. Sometimes decorations can
even evoke laughter, like a light-up reindeer or a Santa who is falling off the roof.
Some days, however, that one house
makes itself much more noticeable than
the rest. The Crazily Decorated House
has appeared in the neighborhood. The
typically overdecorated house has some
defining characteristics. In total darkness,
the entire architecture of the house is
visible because the strings of lights wrap
around every edge and corner. The same
house probably has several eye-catching elements perched on its roof as well.
Windows are always lit, whether with even
more colorful strings of lights or with a
tree evident through the glass.
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take it slow and prioritize activities. Try to
relax and be realistic about physical limitations. Remember that the holidays are
not exempt from depression; it is not your
fault. Try volunteering in the community,
because often doing something for someone else is a great gift in itself. Although it
is the hardest, try to be optimistic about
the fut
Most o
get alo
year, t
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the sun
and ea
Alice Doubet
Charger Staff
The day is crisp and
clear, the sky blue and
the trees proudly displaying their brilliant
colors. Everyone enjoys this type of day, except me. Who am
I, you ask? I, my friend...I am the turkey
who, as of tonight, will adorn your table on
Thanksgiving day.
For months I have done everything within my feathery reach to escape. Including
the time I nearly obtained freedom(the stupid door shut on my tail feathers), I made
one hundred and forty-nine attempts. To-
desperate bid for freedom.
I have tried pecking the farmer. I have
tried catapulting out of the hayloft. I have
tried playing dead, refusing to eat and hiding in haystacks.. And now, in the final attempt, I shall stampede the cows and in
the confusion make my escape with Old
My plan commences at twilight. I march
through the barn in front of their stalls with
signs proclaiming “Slaughterer Coming!”
in what I thought an obvious reference to
their own mortality. They gaze back at me
complacently, chewing their cuds.
My next tactic involves pointing to
a sloth. They look at the door, then back
at their overflowing troughs, and I can see
that my cause is lost. In desperation, I slip
into Old Betsy’s open stall, where the old
nag sleeps restlessly. It is not difficult to
startle her awake by overturning her water
trough. She wakes with a piercing neigh
that could be heard ten miles away.
The barn doors open to reveal Farmer
Joe just as Betsy, who is barreling toward them in a fright, reaches the doors.
Farmer Joe’s last sight of me is a bundle of
brown feathers clinging to the old horse’s
mane. I AM FREE! On and on we ride,
unsure of everything except that Old Betsy
me. T
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Video game controversy: should they be
Seth Lynch
Charger Staff
Recently, videogames with controversal content have
been under fire from
politicians and parents alike. Ever since
computer hackers discovered the “hot
coffee mod” in the highly successful game
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, politicians have been going out of their way
to completely ban videogames featuring
violent or explicit content. Many people
are under the impression that games are
fueling players to commit violent or devious acts. The idea that videogames alone
push people to agressive behavior is a
statement of pure absurdity.
Millions of people are all interested in
different forms of entertainment, and
videogames are just another entertaining past time. The main appeal of videogames is the escape from normal life, and
it is important for people to remember
that games, violent or not, are just for fun.
Even though a game like Grand Theft Auto
3 puts players in violent situations, it is still
an entertaining and fun experience. Not
all people enjoy this type of entertainment,
but not everyone likes to read either.
As the technology in games become
more advanced, the scenes can be depicted in a very realistic way, but the charac-
ters involved in these scenes are still just
digital cartoons. Movies feature real live
people in violent or sexual situations and
could have a much worse effect on young
impressionable minds, but still politicians like Arnold Schwarzenegger belive
videogames should be censored. Movies
and videogames are equal art forms, but
some people insist on believing that the
content in movies does not compare to
Another reason games are under scrutiny is because young children are playing
ultra violent games with no restrictions.
The reason games have a raitng system
is so parents fully understand what is
dren to
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“An apple a day
keeps the doctor
away.” This old proverb has comforted
me since I first heard it because the apple
is probably my favorite fruit. So, I chose to
take it upon myself to find the perfect apple-the grand champion. Featured in this
article are the six varieties of apples available at Kroger on November 1. I scored
them for performance in texture, taste,
peel, after-taste and overall enjoyability.
The total score is out of a possible score of
twenty- seven points.
1. Golden Delicious: One of the softer,
thinner skinned apples. A smaller, yellowgreen apple with small brown dots. Upon
sampling the apple, I enjoyed a sudden
burst of sweet juicy goodness. The peel
is perhaps the best part of this apple. It is
a great apple for individual consumption.
Score: 21.5.
2. Fuji: A shiny, thick- skinned apple, the
Fuji is red and green and round and squat.
The Fuji is very crisp, and I found the texture to be just right. However, the after-
skin was a little too thick. The Fuji would
be best enjoyed alone or mixed with others in a pie. Score: 20.
3. Gala: This soft, yellow and red apple
was the smallest apple in the test, and in
the end its score proved to be smaller as
well. It scored lower in taste, being fairly
bland, but it still received a 6.5 out of 7 in
overall enjoyment. I would suggest this
apple to be consumed either alone or with
a mild cheese. Score: 21.5.
4. Granny Smith: This is often seen as an
apple of debate. Some people love this apple while others do not at all. I, however,
found this classic apple to be great. It had
a nice, firm texture and a nice crunch upon
biting into it. I also found the tart taste to
be a breath of fresh air in a world of sweet
apples. The Granny Smith would be great
for individual consumption or used with
other apples in a pie. Score: 23.
5. Braeburn: The unique taste of the
Braeburn was very enjoyable. It has the
subtle tones and bold yet mellow taste of
a fine wine. This shiny oblong red apple
has excelent texture, being nice and crisp.
This apple would be excellent with a mild
Score: 24.
6. Red Delicious: This apple is a classic.
If you love apples, then you have to love
a Red Delicious. When you think of what
an apple tastes like, this is what you think
of. This is a large, “bang for your buck”
apple, being both the cheapest and largest
apple in the test. The overall enjoyability
score was a 7 out of 7. Everything about
this apple is exactly what you would want.
Score: 26
So, we can now crown the grand champion apple. The clear winner was the Red
Delicious, followed closely by the sophistocated Braeburn and the dark horse,
Granny Smith.
To those of you who share the love of
the apple with me, I would encourage you
to do as I have done. Explore new apples,
try something new. Go to the local farmer’s market and purchase some locally
grown gems for yourself.
Trying new things can only broaden
your horizons, and I would say that of all
the areas you could broaden your horizons in, the apple would have to be one
of the best.
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Although the new season of Desperate
Housewives got off to a late start compared to the other new fall TV shows, it was
well worth the wait. The new season picks
up where the season finale left off, but it
has several new additions such as a new
theme song and intro that is just “Juicy.”
Also, the Applewhites have moved to the
neighborhood on Wisteria Lane, into the
deceased Ms. Cooper’s house. To be able
to live in the neighborhood, they must
also have something peculiar about them:
they moved into their house in the middle
of the night, and they have a strange person locked up in their basement.
For those readers who are not familiar
with Housewives, the series started with
housewife Mary Alice Young killing herself
in their seemingly perfect American sub-
she’s planning to share all the delicious
secrets that hide behind every neighbor’s
closed door,” boasts ABC’s website.
In addition to the new Betty Applewhite, there are five housewives who all
have very different personalities and lives,
and this is what makes the show so interesting. Teri Hatcher plays Susan Mayer,
a clutzy single mom, who has competed
for Mike, her now-boyfriend Mike’s attention with Edie Britt (Nicollette Sheridan),
a provocative real estate agent. Also in the
neighborhood is Bree Van De Camp (Marcia Cross), a red-headed “Martha Stewart
on steroids” who must have everything in
perfect order at all times. Rounding up the
mix are Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman),
a stay-at-home-mom-turned-workaholic,
and Eva Longoria as Gabrielle Solis, an exmodel with a baby of questionable pater-
dies (and a few
similarly intersesting), the show
is full of mystery,
drama at the
same time. Some
Housewives is
just for parents,
but it is not only
for them.
Keeping up with
the other Sunday
night primetime The housewives gather for the
band, Rex, and yes, Eva Longo
shows has provdown the stairs by the mysterio
en an easily ac- plewhite. Photo courtesy of
complished task
for Housewives.
able to
Not only has it won an Emmy, it has been House
50 Cent’s first movie: is it worth
day, what will you hang on to?” The plot
to this movie is extremely simple, it is the
tale of an inner city drug dealer who turns
Curtis Jackson is a well-known rapper away from crime to pursue his passion,
and now, a well-known movie star. Most rap music.
This plot was to be expected from 50,
people do not know Curtis by his birth
name, but by his nickname, 50 Cent. 50 but no one expected how much Curtis
brings in millions of dollars a year with his had changed from his childhood to his
numerous popular rap CD’s but now he adulthood. Most of the actors and actressis bringing in just as much with his new es in the new hit are somewhat new to the
movie, Get Rich or Die Tryin’. His new theatre, having only starred in one or two
movie shares the name of his first and sec- movies.
50 Cent plays himself but with a different
ond most popular CD. As many rap listeners know, 50 Cent has recently teamed name, Marcus. Marc John Jefferies (Spider
up with fellow rapper Eminem and his Man 2) plays young Marcus in the movie.
new movie is a somewhat follow up to Jay Bryant (Spider Man 2) plays one of 50
Eminem’s semi-autobiographical movie, Cent’s many girlfriends. Another girlfriend
of 50’s is played out by Viola Davis (Kate
8 Mile.
This movie is 50’s first major appear- and Leopold). The most well-known acance on the big screen and quite a few tor in the movie is Terrence Howard (Ray)
people are excited about it. Get Rich or who portrays 50’s best friend and accomDie Tryin’ is directed by Jim Sheridon and pliance while playing himself.
This movie was expected to be a hit, but
written by Terence Winter.
The genre is as expected, action, crime, only for viewers 18 and older. Get Rich or
drama and music. Most movies always Die Tryin’ is rated R for strong violence,
have a tagline, or a phrase that is stated persuasive language, drug content, sexualover and over again. The tagline for Get ity and nudity. This movie lasts 134 minRich or Die Tryin’ is “At the end of the utes and hit theatres November 9.
Ben Anderson
Charger Staff
Charger Staff
Last year, Namco released the sleeper
hit Katamari Damacy. This title was a
very bizarre and huge hit in the gaming
world, but many gamers wanted more because the game was very short. Now the
King of All Cosmos has returned in the sequel We Love Katamari, and it does not
The game’s concept is the same as its
predecessor, but the variety in We Love
Katamari makes this game so much better.
The game’s plot focuses on the success
since his last adventure. Earthlings want
to see more stars and planets made of
huge piles of junk and the King of All Cosmos appoints his son the duty of pleasing
all the fans.
As the player completes each level, the
backstory of the King’s childhood is unraveled in a totally unique way. Katamari’s
story is hilarious and completely original
when compared to other games.
We Love Katamari’s graphics have been
slightly improved since the first game.
Each level is beautifully colored and will
always give players something interesting
to look for.
jawdropping, the game s level designs and
physics always run smoothly.
One of the most unique and worthy aspects in We Love Katamari is definitely the
music. The original soundtrack offers a
myriad of great tunes ranging from bubble
gum pop to entrancing techno. The off
the wall lyrics add to the wonderful madness in each level. Without this ensemble
of great tracks, We Love Katamari would
only be half as fun.
The gameplay in We Love Katamari is
basically the same as the first game, but
Namco really added great variety and
more levels in this sequel. Players are giv-
ing up
to pick
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The Darkness’ One
Saw 2: oh yes, there is blood A disappointment from the
Wes Lisic
Charger Staff
An intense sequel, Saw 2 is actually
much better than its predecessor. The
film begins with one of Jigsaw’s victims in
the same sort of gross game as those in
the original Saw. Will he destroy himself
in order to survive? Because it begins with
the same type of murder, the audience
may believe that this is just simply a repeat
of Saw, but this is far from the truth.
Saw 2 follows crooked officer and detective Eric Matthews. Recently divorced,
his life is a mess, and his son has just been
arrested for stealing. On top of that, the
Jigsaw serial killer left a message taunting
him at the scene of the last murder.
Despite objecting to the case, Matthews
is finally dragged into taking it. The detective quickly tracks down Jigsaw and
discovers that he is a cancer-stricken old
man. Slowly dying, Jigsaw does not fight
when confronted.
The capture ironically turns out to be
part of Jigsaw’s plan from the start, for he
has already coordinated his next murders.
He has locked a group of eight people in
an unknown location with a video monitoring system set up for Matthews and the
police to watch. As if that was not enough,
Matthews’s son is among those trapped.
This film definitely lives up to its promise, “Oh yes, there will be blood.” With
the horrible and sickening deaths of characters, Saw 2 is filled with plot twists and
brutal situations not for the lighthearted,
but excellent for true horror buffs.
More than two years after the Septem- tics. “
ber 2003 release of their first album, Per- song, d
mission To Land, British glam rockers The leaves
Darkness have released One Way Ticket
To Hell...And Back. Lead singer Justin desires
Hawkins’ strangely powerful falsetto is as rock s
present as ever and provides the founda- Queen
tion for every song. One Way Ticket at- deniab
tempts to become smoother than the first slump.
album but ultimately comes off as weaker may fin
ride, b
and less driven.
The album has its merits nonetheless, hearted
and its high points should not be
discredited. The title track has
a strong sound and opens well,
though a bold guitar solo could
have replaced the plucky music towards the end. “Dinner Lady Arms”
is nonoffenisive and flows well
while “Seemed Like A Good Idea
At The Time” has the most earnest
lyrics of the album by far. “Knockers” and “Is It Just Me” supply the
band’s signature catchy hooks and
comical lyrics.
Other tracks are definitely worth
skipping, however. “Hazel Eyes”
pulls the listener in but loses mo- Hawkins (in z
mentum, becomes repetitive and Graham give t
falls flat by the end. With “Girl- photo courtesy of v
Alice Doubet
Charger Staff
One day in 1935, Prince approached college football for 2005. The list of can- the fiel
Heisman with an idea to get the DAC didates always changes throughout the
The NCAA college football season is al- some publicity. The idea was to present season, but as of now the Heisman watch has en
spot on
most over for the year which means that an award to the most outstanding football is as follows.
The number one player as of now ap- runner
many people will be looking forward to player in the nation. At first glance Heisnext year when their favorite team is once man stated that football is a team sport peras to be Vince Young of the University ting th
and one player should not be singled out. of Texas. Vince is the starting quarterback gina Te
again playing on Saturday.
After some discussion, the idea was and has posted not only impressive pass- the Ho
One event that is on its way is the announcement of the Heisman Award fi- made into a reality. The first DAC Trophy ing numbers, but also unheard of rushing brothe
nalists and winner. The Heisman
award is by far the most prestigious
college football award and possibly
the most prestigious football award
period, besisdes the Super Bowl.
The award is given to the most
oustanding college football player
in the United States of America.
It is presented by the Downtown
Athletic Club of New York City, Inc.
The history of the Heisman dates
all the way back to 1930 when John
Heisman bacame the first of the
DAC. John Heisman was an out- WHO WILL IT BE? -- The race for this year’s Heisman trophy is a tight one. The top contenders are
Reggie Bush and Matt Leinart of USC, and Vince Young of U. of Texas. Photo courtesy of
standing lineman at the University
of Pennsylvania and then began
to be
his long and successful coaching career in was given to the University of Chicago’s numbers for a quarterback.
The second place vote goes to tailback The nu
1892. As a coach, Heisman is responsible half back, Jay Berwanger in December of
Reggie Bush of the University of Southern quarter
for the well-known plays such as the for- 1935.
In Ocober of 1936, John Heisman died Cal. The Trojans are top ranked and much Brodie
ward pass, the handoff, the flea-flicker and
of bronchial pneumonia at the age of 66. of their success is due to Bush’s rushing bers as
the hidden-ball trick.
The concept of snapping the ball to the The trophy was named after him in his yardage. Quarterback Matt Leinhart, also the ran
QB was also introduced by Heisman; the honor, it has remained the Heisman tro- of USC, takes the third place spot. Leinharthas wonderful passer ratings and at Heisma
ball was previously rolled to the quarter- phy ever since.
Even though the history of the Heis- this point, seems unstoppable. Brady landslid
back. Heisman had a friend at the DAC
named Willard B. Prince. Prince was the man is old, the legacy still lives on today Quinn of Notre Dame slips into the num- ten pla
first publisher and editor of the DAC Jour- and at the end of this season, one of the ber four spot. Quinn is the quarterback of presen
Charger Staff
CHS Cross Country teams complete successf
Ivey, Ben Anderson, John Allison and Wesley Flatt all strived hard to complete their
high school careers with a state meet, but
The Cavaliers Cross Country teams have unfortunately they came up a little short of
capped off a great season with a strong their tiresome goal.
Juniors Sean Ochsenbien and James
showing at this year’s regional meet.
The men’s team completed their run- Gerald also contributed to the team’s
ning season with great attitude and dis- score of approximately 100 points. “These
cipline at the region 4 meet at Rippavilla men ran their guts out to receive one of
the top three team positions in their rePlantation.
Senior James Ivey led the pack for the gion, but they just came up a few points
men, but not far behind, Senior Ben An- short of gaining a position to compete in
derson was nipping at his heels. James this year’s State Cross Country Meet,” said
Wesley Flatt
Charger Staff
Head Coach Bill Wrasman.
The women’s team acquired second
place in this year’s region 4 meet behind
their arch rival Siegel High School. Emily
Earles and Molly Sasser, two of this year’s
seniors, earned the top two spots for the
women’s team. Coach Bill Wrasman commented, “These girls have run their hearts
out all year and have had their eye on the
State Meet since the start of the season.
Their goal has finally been achieved by
their hard work and dedication.”
This year’s State Meet at Percy Warner
Park on
top th
State M
in the s
Siegel H
the sea
the hig
their p
Charger Staff
The Cookeville High School Lady Cavaliers Volleyball team recently wrapped up
a great 2005 season. The team ended with
an outstanding postseason run where they
got all the way to the sub-state level before falling to Red Bank and ending their
The Ladies placed second in the district
7-AAA regular season which gave them
the #2 seed going into the district tournament. They started off with a bang by
beating the Pioneers of Warren County 3-0
in the first round and then the Riverdale
Warriors by the same score in the semi-finals. This earned them a chance to play
Siegel again for the District title. The Stars
emerged victorious by a score of 3-2.
The runner-up finish meant that the
Lady Cavs would have to play the district
8-AAA champions, Columbia Central High
School, in the first round of the region
tournament. The Lady Cavs came out
to play despite being the underdogs and
beat the Lady Lions by a score of 3-0. This
championship game to face a familiar op
ponent, the Stars from Siegel. This matchup was no different than the previous
three meetings between these clubs with
Siegel coming out on top for the fourth
time this season.
Once again, the runner-up finish earned
them the right to play another day. This
time a berth in the State Tournament was
up for grabs as the ladies traveled to Chattanooga to play the Red Bank High School
Lady Lions.
They lost a hard-fought battle 3-2 to end
the season and the prep careers of seniors
Lauren Garrett, Laura Dale, Hillary Valdez
and Chelsea James.
Coach Karen Brooks had four players
with good enough seasons to earn All-District honors. Nikki James, Hillary Valdez
and Taylor Denney were named to the
All-District 7-AAA team, which is voted on
by the other coaches in the district. Also,
Kaycee Green made the Freshman All-District team. Nikki James, Taylor Denney
and Kaycee Green also made the All-Region 4-AAA team.
TSSAA Golf Championship
off of the tenth fairway, he fell in the river
when the ground he was standing on gave
way. Ross said, “I will always remember
Two members of our golf teams here this after I fell in the river.” Ross played
at CHS recently made appearances at the the rest of the round barefoot because his
TSSAA State Golf Championships. Ross shoes were soaked.
Brittany shot a good round of 87 on the
Gilbert and Brittany Fletcher represented
first day, but shot 93
our school well, as
on day two to finish
both sophomores
in a tie for thirty-ninth
finished in the top
forty golfers in the
“I played really well
state. Ross shot a
on the first day, but I
very good round of
didn’t putt so well the
73 on day one, but
second day. Overall,
followed that up
I’m happy with how
with an 82 on day
I played though,”
two to finish in a tie
said Brittany. Both of these players will
for thirty-sixth overall.
Ross’s experience at the State tourna- be back for two more years and will conment will be a memorable one for him be- tinue to improve their game. Both should
cause on day two, while trying to hit a shot be forces to contend with in the next two
from the banks of the Stones River just years.
Tyler Reeder
Charger Staff
“I will always remember this after I
fell in the river.”
- Ross Gilbert
PARTY -- The CHS soccer girls enjoy their banquet.
Another wonder
Paul Gilbert
Charger Staff
The Cookeville High School Girls Soccer
team recently completed their 2005-2006
season. The Lady Cavs stormed through
the district compiling a 6-1 record with
their only loss coming to rival Siegel. This
landed them second place in the district
and a home match in the district tournament. The Lady Cavs proceeded to cruise
through their first round match against
Oakland and advance to the semifinals
against Blackman. Despite a season ending injury to starting midfielder Molly Delk,
the Lady Cavs managed to beat Blackman
3-0 and advance to the district finals. By
making the district finals, the Lady Cavs
secured themselves a spot in the region
semifinals. In the district finals, the Lady
Cavs came up just short by losing to rival
Siegel 2-1. The Lady Cavs then entered the
region semifinals with a lot of confidence
due to their recent success. It was here
by eve
a diffic
the sec
made i
girls ha
Lady C
ren Me
thank e
This year s Lady Cavaliers basketball team
is a senior-laden team that, for the past few
years, has been waiting on its turn to take
the spotlight. Seniors Andrea Copeland
The Cookeville High School Swim team
and Lauren Metts are the only players on
is in the midst of a rebuilding year. Coach
The 2005-2006 edition of the Cavalier this year’s team that have seen significant
Boschung describes the team as “very,
very young.” The CHS Swim team only wrestling team has plenty of experience, time on the floor in the past. Tashia Bass
has five seniors after losing ten last year. even after losing all four captains last year. and Lindsey Leatherwood, both seniors,
have also seen
The team is led by
Senior Captain John
action. Juniors
Zoodsma and his felBianca Burnett,
low seniors Katie AnNikki James and
derson, Dusty Baker,
Taylor Denney
Kayla Kmet and Jill
also have seen
The goal
playing time in
for this season is to
the past and will
have fun and hopesee much more
fully make it to the
this year. Sophoregion meet. Coach
mores Rochelle
Boschung also emDavidson and
phasized that these
other teams have
their own facilities where they practice After not having anyone place in the State
during and after school, whereas the CHS tournament last year, the goal this year is
Swim team practices at the local YMCA to have at least one person standing on
after school. Hopefully, the youth of the the medal podium at the State championships, but hopefully more
swim team will lead to a
than one. The team has
successful season.
six seniors on this year’s
squad. They are Jacob
The Cookeville High
Fisk, Ruben Gamboa,
School Boys’ Basketball
Chris Randolph, Matt
team is looking to their
Mateyka, Chance Haney
experience to put them
and Donovan DeGrie.
one step ahead of the
They are joined by key
competition. The team
juniors Matt Alred and
is led by seniors Zack
Aaron Birman, while the
Henningan, Taylor Steaother varstiy spots will be
rman, Matt Hill, Tyler
filled by underclassmen,
Wolf and David Williams,
many of whom have had
who have all been playlittle wrestling experiing substantial minutes
ence. However, Coach
since their sophomore
Scott Cook does a great
year. Other contributors
job teaching technique
will include juniors Will
and getting the unexperiPutman, Shane Bates,
enced wrestlers ready to
and Eli Akers. The Cavs
step on the mat. Coach
are predicted in most
Cook is joined this year
poles to finish third in
by coaches Bill Ferrell
the district, but they
have other plans. The Cavs feel like they and Keyonce Moore. The Cavs are picked
can compete with anyone in the district in- to finish third in Region 3 behind perrenial
cluding heavily favored Siegel. Senior Matt powerhouses Bradley Central and CleveHill said, “There are a lot of good teams in land.
Tyler Reeder
Charger Staff
on top. The Cavs will be in action on
January 13 against White County and February 3 against Oakland which could prove
to be pivotal games.
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