1 - Droughtmaster
1 - Droughtmaster
Droughtmaster Member Benefits Australia Stud Member Benefits Eligible to vote at Society meetings Eligible to sell animals at Society Sponsored Sales Eligible to show animals at Society Feature Shows Access to classifiers for D1 and D2 animals Access to Members Directory Access to Droughtmaster Online Trader Access to Droughtmaster Group Breedplan Access to Society tri-annual Digest Magazine Access to Society E-News Register animals with the Droughtmaster Society Membership support through Droughtmaster Society office Collective selling advantage to members through the Society’s $100,000+ generic marketing budget MEMBERS APPLICATION 1st April, 2014 to 31st March, 2015 The Society offers four different categories of membership, each having various degrees of involvement. STUD MEMBERSHIP is offered to those who wish to participate in stud breeding, involving pedigree recording. All registered females over 20 months of age as at 1st April of any year are charged a per head inventory fee. You will be eligible to sell stock at Society Sponsored Sales, be a member of Droughtmaster Group Breedplan, and vote at Society meetings. COMMERCIAL MEMBERSHIP is available to those who do not wish to be concerned with paperwork but who wish to have their herd officially recognised as being Droughtmaster. Commercial membership will enable you to be on the Society database when orders for cattle come in, vote at Society meetings and be involved in the various events held throughout the year. Commercial members cannot sell stock at Society Sponsored Sales. Commercial Members can qualify for Accredited Commercial Herd status. Animals in Commercial Herds are not eligible to be registered. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is available to those interested people who wish to maintain a contact with the Society and the Breed. JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP is available to under 21 year olds. They can sell at Society Sponsored Sales. They can own up to 10 registered females. ACCREDITED COMMERCIAL HERD status is available to any stud or commercial member and is a symbol of recognition granted by the Board of Directors to commercial Droughtmaster herds which have been breeding high quality purebred Droughtmasters for a number of years. Application can be made to the Society. All categories of membership will receive the Digest and all information regarding Shows and Sales and activities organised by the Society. I/We wish to become: (tick box applicable) MEMBERS APPLICATION STUD COMMERCIAL $376.85 $ 191.45 ASSOCIATE* JUNIOR $110.00 $72.85 (Stud & Commercial include $44.30 once only nomination fee. Stud membership fee includes $63.15 breed promotion fee, charged annually. Fees are charged on a pro rata basis. Please contact the office for your current fee) Membership Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Company name including name of Principal: _______________________________________________ Name of Nominated Person for signing and voting rights: _____________________________________ Name of Person in Charge of Stud: _______________________________________________________ Stud Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Postal Address:_______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________ Mobile: ____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Stud/Herd to be used as Prefix: 1st _________________________ 2nd ______________________________ 3rd ___________________ Three (3) choices to be supplied. (Choices similar to existing Prefixes may not be approved). Brand: _________________________ Brand Description (in writing) ____________________________ Branding Year: Financial (July to June) or Calendar (January to December) Position of Brand:___________________________________________________(i.e. near rump, off rump) Interested in Breedplan? Yes No I/We agree to abide by the Constitution and Regulations of the Droughtmaster Stud Breeders’ Society: Signature of Applicant:_________________________________________________________________ Signature of Nominator: _______________________________________________________________ Print Name: _______________________________________ Date:_____________________________ (Office will arrange a nominator if required) (Office use only 8995) JUNIOR MEMBERS Under 21 - no more than 10 registered females: Members Name __________________________ Member's Date of Birth: ______________________ Signature of Guardian (if required) _______________________________________________________ Droughtmaster Stud Breeders' Society, 40 Thorn Street, Ipswich Qld 4305 Ph : 07 3281 0056 Email: [email protected] *Associate Members are not required to give information relating to Herd Prefix, Numbering System, Brand, etc. OFFICE USE ONLY: STUD NO. WO# Nom. Fee Membership Fee Breed Promotion Fee Total All fees include GST Schedule of Fees 2014 - 2015 Society Dues - per annum (Pro rata for Membership taken up during the year) Stud $269.40 Commercial Associate $110.00 Junior $147.15 $72.85 Breed Promotion Fee - per annum (Pro rata for Membership taken up during the year) Breed Promotion Fee (Flat Rate) Promotional Levy per female (up to 330 Head) Promotional Levy (331+ Head) capped @ $63.15 $5.10 $1,683.00 Nomination Fee (Stud & Commercial membership only) $44.30 Inventory Fee D3, D4, D5 - over 20 months (per annum) $15.25 Inventory Fee D1, D2 females (per annum) $5.10 Print D1, D2 Certificate (if requested) $7.00 Credit on Culls (Lodged prior to 31.7.12) D3, D4, D5 (over 20 months) Credit on Culls (Lodged prior to 31.7.12) D1, D2 $15.25 $5.10 Transfer Fee $22.00 Register Bulls D3, D4, D5 prior to 36 months of age $13.75 Register Bulls D3, D4, D5 after 36 months of age Register D2 Bull (plus inspection expenses) Calf Record Bulls Register Approved Bulls (plus inspection expenses) Register Certified Bull (plus inspection expenses) $147.15 $13.75 No charge $315.65 $1,375.70 Alteration of a Certificate (Members error) $14.70 Reissue of a certificate $14.70 Reactivate a Culled Animal $44.30 Female Late Registration (20 - 36 months old - D1, D2 excluded) $36.40 Female Late Registration (over 36 months old - D1, D2 excluded) $44.30 Online Trader Administration Fee - full herd transfers. from $30.00 $61.65 Building Sale Catalogues (to pre printing stage) per lot $7.55 Web Page Photos - per photo $6.30 Rebate for Increase in Female numbers (per head) $3.80 Electronic Newsletter (Supplied by Member) $125.00 Electronic Newsletter (Corporate) $250.00 Bulk E-News - Members $200.00 Bulk E-News - Corporate rate $300.00 Website Advertising on Homepage (1 month) Member No charge Website Advertising on Homepage (1 month) Corporate $200.00 Inserts in Digest (supplied by advertiser) $440.00 Digest Advertising - Single Edition - Full Page - Full Colour $750.00 Digest Advertising - Single Edition - Half Page - Full Colour $450.00 Digest Advertising - Single Edition - Quarter Page - Full Colour $295.00 Digest Advertising - Three Editions - Full Page - Full Colour $675.00 Digest Advertising - Three Editions - Half Page - Full Colour $405.00 Digest Advertising - Three Editions - Quarter Page - Full Colour $275.00 Digest Advertising - Three Editions - Bulletin Board $150.00 DROUGHTMASTER EVENTS - 2014 DROUGHTMASTER SALES Malanda Female Sale, ......................................................................................................................25 January All Breeds Sale, Rockhampton ............................................................................................... 18 & 19 February Vitwood Female Major Reduction, Gympie.......................................................................................... 1 March National Female Sale, Gympie .............................................................................................................. 8 March Billabong Heart of the Herd, Gracemere ................................................................................... 10 & 11 March Highlands Sale, Clermont ................................................................................................................... 14 March Narngulu Bull Sale, WA ........................................................................................................................... 9 April Diamantina Sale, Winton ................................................................................................................ 2015 RSVP Online Semen Sale ....................................................................................................................... 14 June *Grafton Droughtmaster Invitational Bull & Female Sale, Grafton ................................................ 12 July Vale View & High Country “Performance Plus” Bull & Female Sale, Toogoolawah ......................... 23 August All Red Sale, Gracemere .................................................................................................................... 28 August Vitwood Bull Showcase Sale, Susan River ........................................................................................ 30 August Heitiki Sale, Delungra ....................................................................................................................4 September *Inaugural Bunya Bull Sale, Kingaroy ................................................................................... 6 September Glen Fosslyn Sale, Roma .............................................................................................................. 6 September *Bunya Bull Sale, Kingaroy .................................................................................................. 6 September Capricorn Sale, Glenmorgan ......................................................................................................... 9 September Piggott Sale, Springsure ..............................................................................................................10 September Valera Vale Sale, Augathella .......................................................................................................12 September National Bull Sale, Rockhampton........................................................................................ 16 & 17 September Clonlara Sale, Glenmorgan.......................................................................................................... 24 September Billabong Sale, Moura ................................................................................................................. 25 September Glenlands Sale, Bouldercombe ................................................................................................... 26 September Wolfang Annual Sale, Longreach .................................................................................................... 10 October Artesian Sale, Blackall ..................................................................................................................... 13 October NQ Sale, Charters Towers ................................................................................................................ 20 October Tropical Breeds Sale, Roma.............................................................................................................. 24 October CQ Spring Female Classic Sale, Emerald ........................................................................................ 3 November Monty Atkinson Genetics Sale, Charters Towers........................................................................ 10 November Central Reds Invitational Bull Sale, Emerald ............................................................................... 17 November *11th Annual Cream of the Crop Female Sale, Kingaroy .......................................................29 November SPECIAL EVENTS Futurity Show, Gatton ........................................................................................................................... 1 March Sth Qld Droughtmaster Store Cattle Show & Sale, Biggenden ..............................................................10 April Royal Queensland Show Judging, Brisbane ......................................................................................... 7 August Droughtmaster Society AGM, Brisbane ............................................................................................... 7 August * Donates newly added to the Calendar of Events