Appendix A IEC El YEA UPPER MUDDLE ROE 130i, =EDI ELIZABETH WAY MC It REPEAL WINDSOR DWI weEcRor,LI,p_. WYECROLTRO_ YP.PBCPCIFT CO BY OMEN ELIZABETH WA ylWEI) SuEEN BLICESETRI WAY (Ell SPEER% PL0 :Pavia RD g SPEER% 7 USE REBECCA ST 221 IA PERECC sy REBECCB 31 REBECCA 81 LAREIHDR Legend LEVEL_OF_IMPACT 111111 HIGH 0 0.325 0.65 1.3 1.95 2.6 Ni===■•Miles , MEDIUM LOW 1:60,000 Legend Woodlands Conservation Program Woodland_ID, Woodland Name 21 vORRISON VALLEY NORTH U MR. 99, PELEE WOODS =ARK !30, INDIAN RIDGE TRAIL 39, CORNWRJ_ ROAD Sup =ER 229, EAST FOUR - EEN MILE CREEK - RA ■ L 130. MJNN'S CREEK TRAIL4 137, El RC OKsTAR POND / YAPLOW CREEK TRAIL 213. AR SOLIROIEW T RAJ L 3. COLBORNE PARK 03. C_EARV SW WOODS muNivs CREEK - RAIL3 13, 5-IERIDAN HILLS ER. CURVE:AN PARK 14, SHER OAR HI LLS2 71 JOSHUA ALLEY PARK 17, SIHERIDAN HILLS 75 FOLIRTEEN m.LE CREEK CLEAR_WATER_MODS 27 EAS" JCSALJA / JOSHUA CREEK TRAIL 1225 Trafalgar Rd Oakville, ON L6H 0H3 Tel. 905 845 6601 152, LANSDOWN_WOODS2 27C POURTEEN VI-E CREEK TRAIL / VALLEYR1DGE POND 211, NAUTICAL WOODS 273. FOURTEEN M ,LE CREEK2 117, SHANNON CREEK TRA,..4 212 SHELL PARK 282 LPINAUED li' , SHA.YNCY CREEK ERA 12 221, BROOK VALLEY PARK •01, SHANNON CREE , "RAI. r M ApLEG ROVE' PARK 89, .IsS,N PROPERTY 118 a RcHTREE "RAIL 248, MERCHANTS TRAIL2 95. NpEGCN TRAIL 125. DORSAL TRA !JD LD A HEY PARK 214, ERE." FOURTEEN 14 , LE CREEK TRAIL TOWN OF OAKVILLE 2014 WOODLANDS CONSERVATION PROGRAM WOODLAND NAME :-,.- WOODIANb)13 HECTARES -:.:::- --::::::,:::-::0 , •:;,, . :' •-, NUIdgE743) 400408 AR6OURVIEW TRAIL BRDOKSTAR 90910 C._EAR WATER WOODS FOURTEEN MILE CREEK MERCHANTS TRAIL 2 MORRISON VALLEY NORTH MAR MUNN'S CREEK TRAIL 4 SHANNON CREEK TRAIL SHANNON CREEK TRAIL 2 SHANNON CREEK TRAIL 4 0A:.LE6R1065 POND TOTALS 263 137 22 75 246 29 100 109 111 110 270 1.6 1.02 1.36 73.25 0.67 2.58 0.64 4.9 "°° 19041 COMPRISEDOE ASH BASAL AREA 0 1.43 " oceurannuierd' . cc......490 . 26.87 119.',1 DURING CLOSURE AT MOW BE AffiCIEIDE.•' . . ... t .t. 400402 2 0.04 0 400403 2 0.02 0 400404 2 0.02 109 400401 26 0.05 0 400319 2 0.06 0 0 0.95 0 400320 2 0.01 1011 179 5 0.60 20 0.120 177 21 0.42 80 0-340 175 18 0.34 _0 247 24 2.37 0 252 26 1.16 0 263 15 6,91 0 251 38 2.77 0 0.020 1.25 0.010 0.98 Residential Hou se s 12422. 2418 Wooccrest Drive Residential -000e1326 Brookstar Or) and I LONA/ Brookstar Dr 0.010 0.460 33.82 Redden:lel Houses and Town HOOVI net, C eerwe ter C•er, Pscki NS, rr Or.Sayth re 0r, Ns rth el sae /rel. r-, I .,:•,.i...Wn Ca thsI ic Schwa , • marguerte c You, I ir. B..: Users af C•ras Trier 'Neil 260 47 0.64 30 264 18 3.29 0 254 28 4.08 0 nor deemed high risk requiring removal. 261 16 0,44 0 266 19 10.69 60 5.410 Residential Houses surrounding area (Uppe r Mit:16e Road W, Ravine Gate, Stationmaster Ln. 259 10 1.63 40 0.670 267 32 1833 20 3.370 Fourteen Mlle Creek Trail, LangtrY Park, some 256 23 2.51 ID 0.250 areas of Halton Water Pollution Control Centre, 28 0 858 0 250 21 8.52 10 262 18 3.70 0 255 23 1.20 0 0.190 2.88 10 4 0.11 0 400369 a 0.49 60 400168 4 0.07 0 SI 4 0.20 50 0.100 59 9 1.79 20 0.360 60 13 0.59 0 0.294 400189 8 0.02 o 3 0_09 50 400194 0 0.37 0 400192 5 0.16 a 119 20 0.62 10 0.062 0.288 0-48 60 1.09 0 121 22 1-93 0 124 22 0.67 20 122 4 0.11 0 400205 6 0.08 0 0 .045 43.28 Rasidertiai k Sr. sod Town 110.“. IWI•TTOT:1 ,3 TT.^ a 'ma (1-firitig. Way. Martha n5 Gate. Cooper Vt., ads tris ster Dr). as!! users, mr nor yrs us I treflic hy -Irritate GI an Straal ira Hritoge Way Sark. MEDIUM 0.460 17.83 'son Hornet a , c bus inesso ;ea • . agaa't 814 1e Shopping Can7s.araclianTIrelsurrovdigs area iirefelaar Road, Falrgate Way, Ray: nebro hk C•es, Ponlidgt 30,401 use, MEDIUM 0.050 7.81 Side (2594-2570), trail users, River Glen Blvd, and 0.290 Residential Homes near Ironwood Cron on West Residential Homes near {River Oaks Sled V.), 0.484 100 0.880 400210 18 0.45 90 0.405 14 0.10 0 20 0.11 10 0.011 400529 11 3.87 70 2.709 400491 5 0.41 0 0 9.52 0 91.67 Towne Hind. Marta -MIX. Tra4 users on East and West side as well as entrances Into the trails, and 63.03 as portions of Crosstown trail. 14 0.14 0 Town Homes near Wateldiff Crt, Wuthering 18 2.37 0 400498 6 0.01 0 Heights Way, users of Crosstown Trail and entrance, trail entrances near Colonial William 25 1.79 0 20 1.13 0 3.430 400535 33 5.23 la 0.523 400500 30 0.99 20 0.198 400494 45 0.26 0 400495 22 0.30 0 490510 27 0.84 0 20.409 HIGH Users of the trails on East and West sides, as well 400492 490504 H ICH the parkee 9116.05off Madatt Or and Callaghan Gres. Residents off Town BI A, Ri ch I e r Or Carrier Lane. 400519 400509 IGH of the trail) 0.416 400208 400209 0.01 H Rhill las Crt, Morm's Ave, Neyagawa Blvd, Winding Woods Dri, and trail users {mostly on the East bank Residential Homes near Moodie Crt, Atwood Lane 0.88 1 9.88 0.134 11 11 • MEDIUM possibly entrance near Oundas St 400207 400493 LOW Stonecutter Dr, earrister PI, Carpenters Cir, Brays Lot, third Ire. North Service Rd WF, trail users of 0.880 400543 19.05 3.170 400188 13 14.910 Saw whet and Deerlield Golf Course 23 14 NOW the trigherconoentrations of Ash are located 6.850 265 123 HIGH on the West side of the ofdt, not affecting public, 400366 120 LOW and Mariposa Rd near entrance to woodland 0.020 400323 119.51 PURIJC 011E706AB 0 0.96 0.66 ESi. 10005 gm at ittl= Eat 18 OF ASH IN WEMIN StrOCHAND wooDgAND 12.77 Pkwy as writes some residential homes. Residential homes and trill users, tier trill LOW entrance It Valle yri dge Drive (2420 to 2430 and 24141, minor removals nearValleV Ridge Pend 21.410 :Iv,: , WOODLAND NAME BIRCHTREE TRA , BROOK VALLEY PARK CLEAR VIEW WOODS WOODLAND ID HECTARES 115 221 63 D.52 4.18 2.83 Fe.. ,VVVIN COMPAprolearr .. COMPARTMENT: X Of CO MPARTMENT ...,,,,,......,..„ alst.TOTAL Ka of Ash Est.% OF ASH reil NUMBIPM 51'2 H. Ca " P "W OF Ar`14 steaPaisipatP API wrr " Vg'" AN° WOODLAND 9002E3 18 0.04 0 400252 7 0.46 60 0.285 172 12 132 SO 1.3.52 170 21 0.71 40 0.284 167 0 0.40 0 169 s 0.75 0 180 15 1191. 20 1.182 151 20 1-20 50 0600 183 24 042 20 0.084 102 20 0.30 50 0.150 400724 38 062 50 0.310 0.288 55.38 1.676 40.10 VELOF IMPArr DURING CLOSURE- WHAT MEGHT BE AFF =NW 94 sident.a , Homes of 1 Northwood Ch. aod Midd I e g ate Road and trail users. OUE TO EAB? - • " MEDIUM ( Resreenhal HOMeS near Wood pl, Tower Cr, , ....,,a, gale St, Warminster Dr. Trail users, as well • MEDIUM as entrance near Ki roaak Arena Residential Homes near Ri a gswey Dr, Or David Or, 1.016 35.90 M EDI U M Abhotwood Crt, James W. Hill Public School. Ci e arvie w Park, and trail users. Res ident'a. Homes off Coihurne Cot. Botan y Hill COLBORNE PARK CORNWALL ROAD BUFFER DORVAL TRAIL/ OLD ABBEY PARK DUNVEGAN PARK 1 30 120 69 EAST FOURTEEN MILE CREEK EAST FOURTEEN MILE CREEK TRAIL EAST JOSHUA FISKIN PROPERTY FOURTEEN MILE CREEK TRAIL 2 INDIAN RIDGE TRAIL JOSHUA VALLEY PARK' MAP L EGROV E PARK 259 254 27 89 275 130 71 0.354 0.89 27 0.22 20 400701 2 0.18 0 Residential Homes new C y nth le Lane (1.108, 1197, 400702 17 0.92 0 1193, 1189 and 11831, as well as 528 Morrison Road. 400700 4 0.37 I 400703 15 0.44 60 154 15 1.917 0 191 0 060 4 193 19 0.74 40 0.296 192 7 1.19 50 0.555 0.79 456 4.94 17.48 0.32 1.00 16.39 6.58 195 1.6 1.45 0 400595 5 055 79 400594 7 0.15 0 400593 30 0.09 0 1 7 NAUTICAL 400004 105 211 2.29 10.03 98 4.37 0.264 13.82 Cornwall Road near Morrison Road. NOTE:The area isales wet due to small creek runnin g 0.891 15.23 0.385 48.73 Re 0den Gal Homes near Old Bridle Path. Prior y Cot. Pleasant blew Crt, Abbey Lane Public School. trail users. The area surrounding the praygrOUnd near the school will mostl y be unaffected. ne Cr Con stance Dv, area near shopping centre to the West. Near the pla yg round most of the work 1.048 22.98 1.074 21.74 131 80 0 14 5 1_44 SD 10 2 am a 1.2 s 0.50 0 15 6 1.77 20 0.361 400071 5 9.07 60 3.642 400069 29 1.91 40 0.764 400070 3 2.31 10 0.231 400360 10 2.32 10 0.232 402065 0 2.24 0 400055 8 1.39 0 400067 2 1.24_ 0 400128 0 1192 0 400456 9 _ 043 50 400451 18 0.15 0 400459 22 0.1.4 0 400460 14 COL 0 400458 22 0.12 30 400342 0 3.66 0 400349 20 8.82 70 400337 6 a 77 0 400338 4 0.414 0 400339 14 1.36 0 400341 9 LBO 20 0.260 North Service 5044 04 25 12 555 50 2.775 207 22 0.37 20 0.074 Residential Homes near a darberr y Court. Constance Sr Ford Dr Stills Lane, Devon Rd. 209 16 0.1a 30 0.102 1 048 047 0 81 0 0.16 0 80 2 0.28 0 79 11 080 60 . .W .'7' LOW rfilirnount Or, Canonridge Or, We stook Trails Blvd, trail users and Canon rid ee Park Residential Hornes near Devonshire Gres, 0.720 Ell aclifore it Ores, trails end entrances near We stoak Trails Blvd. upper Middle Rd W, West Oak LOW trails Community Park, sli g ht visual disturbance to Garth Webb Secondary School Residential Homes near L y ndhurst Dr. Rockpo I nt 4.869 27.85 MEDIUM Dr, trail users, Rock Point Pond, Pinery Pond, Pinery Coos, trail entrance by Arrowhead Rd 0.000 0.00 Mnirnal impact LOW 0.251 25.10 Private Town Horne S Off Stal yb rid ge Dr, trail users, Oundas St W and Colonial William Pkw y LOW 0.215 0.236 Residential Homes off, Edgeh ill PI, Montgo me r y Dr. users oF Potters Wheel Park Pla yg round [if 6.174 access is needed for wood removal), Potters 6.434 39.26 . MEDIUM Wheel Gres, Fieldcrest Lane, Fieldstone Cir. Bridiewood Trail, Third Line. Nottin gh ill Gate. trail us e rs and industrial locations ta the 1.1auth off 2.951 44.85 0.480 20,98 11 !.0. _ 0.48 • side, Vail users. and residential homes near Adirondack Trail, 2.50 2 MEDI MY will be performed on the North and North West 2 10 ••. : Residential Homes near Foxhole Cal, trail entrance 0 78 S. • °''''IEDIUM •“..! • • . ., Residential Homes near Dun ve gen Ave, entrance 0.385 0 77 LOW through, access Into this is limited. 0-254 5 BrooXmill ltd. Trail users. Mapieg rove Arena, Maple g rove Park . ' MEDIUM ... 0 8e 6 0.10 0 401111 8 6.99 70 401106 18 0.49 0 401107 13 2.56 0 95 0 1.22 0 99 NIPEGON TRAIL 0.044 4 206 MUNN5 CREEK TRAIL 3 0.75 HIGH eotreenely difficult, access In and out is problematic affeotrn g reside ntral houses more. 400721 1.91 565 42.14 and Glum,. ood y Dr. N on. thE$ woodland is enosliv land lacked makin g workin g in this space 0.28 0 96 14 2.85 80 97 10 0.42 0 44 10 0.63 C. Res ide n tiai Homes Near Markle Dr, Elm Rd, Upper Middle Rd W, River Oaks Blvd w, trail users. and LOW Elm Road Park. 0.480 4.893 4.893 48.78 Residential Homes near woodland boundary off Nay i ical Blvd. Nautical Park, t rac, ,sore, Rebecca St, HIGH . and Petro Canada Pipeline Aile y 2.280 2.280 52.17 Residential Homes near River oaks Slyd E, alicegon Dr. South It n e. trail users. Mill h o urne C re s trail e ntra nee S, Upper Middle Rd L. as d Private Town H.,,,, off S ■ xth Line. • HIGH . Bayshire Dr WOODLAND NAME WOODLAND ID HECTARES -3 COMPARTmeNT COMPARTMENT %OF COMPARTMENT BASAL AREA RUMENS) SOH. COMPRNEOOF ASH 400152 PELEE WOODS PARi SHELL PARK 99 10.06 212 6 0•27 EN us wain 9,, COMINF.SED Of A. Est-TOTAL Race Ash Est.% of AsH rai WITHN WOODLAND WOODLAND DURING CLOSURE - WHAT MIGHT OE AFFECTED? DUE TO EMIT 5 Residential Homes oH Gra^d Ravme River Oaks 400174 14 292 20 400158 6 0.16 0 400170 14 4,15 70 2.905 400163 5 1.11 10 0.111 400164 11 1.37 10 0.137 Dr, trail users 129 11 4.38 50 5.104 Residential Homes near Victoria St, Lakeshore Rd 0.070 128 20 035 20 126 0 051 0 127 12 011 20 7.15 IIVEL OF IMPACT 0_584 Cr. Odd 5, Pelee Woods Park Playground, Morrison 3.737 37.07 Creek Cres, Apartments and Town Homes off Sixth une, Mein's Ave, Grand Ravine Dr, Crosstown Tr,v1 HIGH users, riol yTrinity Seconder School, GI e na sht or 5.196 70.69 0.022 'Pi, Riverview St. 50,1h side of InnvIlleCres„ woodlands surrounding and near shell Dark community gardens, central parking lot, west parking rot, north parking lot, cetcer field 1, 2, 3 HIGH and shell ark field house. SHERIDAN HILLS 17 0.11 400112 0 0.11 0 0.000 0.00 MInimol impart SHERIDAN HILLS LOW 15 0.11 400113 0 0.11 0 0.000 0.00 Minimal imam LOW 0.301 31.35 SHERIDAN HI LLS 2 D. BAILEY PARK TOTALS 16 0.96 134 4 0.00 0 133 7 025 0 135 6 0.43 70 136 o 0. 19 0 0.301 Residential Homes near karceoft Crt, Frar kiln Crt, Jutland PI, F.Nrbanks PI, Shvidan Hills sorce•fleld, sherid. Mils Public School, visual disturbance to Holy Family Catholic Elementary School. and trail MEDIUM users 282 0.05 • 104.21 400946 0 4. 05 204.21 0 0.000 35.480 38.4130 0.00 Minimal trnpart. LOW