August 2014 MATTAMUSKEET EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL Parent connection newsletter 2 Mr. M.D. Coleman Mattamuskeet Early College High School Principal Formerly Principal of MES “BACK TO SCHOOL” for MECHS (Mattamuskeet Early College High School) On Thursday evening, July 31st, School Principal Mr. M.D. Coleman and staff welcomed parents, guardians, and students to “Open House 2014-2015 at Mattamuskeet Early College High School. Students and parents picked up their class schedules and classroom assignments on the way into the gym for orientation and instructions from Mr. M.D. Coleman, new MECHS Principal. He went over the rules and regulations as well as other important information and expectations for the new school year. The parents and students visited the classrooms after orientation and then stopped by the refreshment table where Ms. Hilda Spencer served them chips ‘n dip, delicious cake and drinks on the way out. The first day back to school for the students at MECHS was Monday, August 4th. 3 NEW MATTAMUSKEET CAMPUS TEACHERS & STAFF James D. Ainslie Exceptional Children Teacher Nikki Mason Williams Health Occupations Teacher/CTE Angela Sawyer Middle Grades Science Teacher Ryan Skellie 6-8 Physical Ed Teacher / Weight Training Instructor Jessica Whittemore 6th/7th Language Arts Teacher Kenneth Rickard ISS Coordinator/ Tutor Angele Hagy 2nd Grade Teacher Emilie Miller 4th Grade Math Bethany Taylor 4th Grade English Language Arts / Social Studies Shawn Zehnacker Physical Education Teacher Brooke Kappert 1st Grade Teacher Julie Mitchell 1st Grade Teacher 4 MECHS CLUB NEWS Mattamuskeet Campus Multicultural Club If you are an Early College High School student or faculty and staff on Mattamuskeet Campus or a parent or community member interested in joining the multicultural movement, you need to fill out a registration form and turn in your $20 yearly dues to Mr. Julio Morales no later than October 17, 2014. We have exciting activities and field trips planned for the year and you do not want to miss them! 29th International Festival of Raleigh September 21st, 2014 WHY JOIN A SCHOOL CLUB? Involvement in clubs sets a good example for younger students. If high school students are seen volunteering as part of a club, it makes younger students want to contribute to the school and society in a positive way also. It encourages students to be part of a positive outlet instead of one of the many negative influences that can be part of society. All members of a club are necessary and valued. To commemorate Cultural Awareness Month, the MECHS Multicultural Club is sponsoring its field trip to the Capital to attend the 29th International Festival of Raleigh on Sunday, September 21st. There will later be a stop at Crabtree Valley Mall for a brief shopping spree. Trip fees are $10 and only registered club members are eligible to come along. Permission slips are required for students planning to attend. Deadline to submit paperwork and fees is Wednesday, September 17th or when the activity bus is filled to capacity. Student clubs and organizations often form the backbone of high schools. Although these activities may not receive as much recognition as other activities, they provide opportunities and experiences that are beneficial to students, the school district, and often the community. While in high school, clubs provide learning opportunities that can influence what teenagers want to do after high school. Students should find a club that represents something they are passionate about and join up. 5 More Club News MECHS JR. BETA CLUB 2014-2015 Jr. Beta Members Marshall Betts, Audra Cahoon, Brianna harris, Bernard Johnson (8th Graders), Ashley Garcia cerino, john a. Cahoon, jose guzemann sanchez, Emily harris, Jackson harris, kara marshall, sarah reams, Samuel stewart, starlyn swain, chase Williford (7th graders If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. (John Quincy Adams) **Announcement** The Junior Beta Club is selling $1 raffle tickets for a chance to win $50 in cash. The drawing will be made at the last regular season home volleyball game in October. They are planning to attend the State Junior Beta Convention in Greensboro in February 2015. The money raised from this fundraiser will help them with the expense of the trip. All support of this project will be greatly appreciated. 6 P R E S T O N B A R T E L L A LABOR OF LOVE & PRIDE IN MECHS ATHLETICS MECHS student builds a much needed ticket booth for the athletic department. The teachers and staff volunteers will be so grateful to finally have a ticket booth on those windy or rainy days when collecting the money for outside games. Thanks Preston! 2014-2015 ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB OFFICERS President: Kathy Williford Vice President: Jerry Bryant Secretary: Tekisha Jordan Treasurer: Kathy Perry 7 HOMECOURT VOLLEYBALL MATTAMUSKEET EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL & PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL <<< Visiting Volleyball Team Plymouth High School >>>> 8 OTHER MECHS HIGHLIGHTS Mr. Jones has been a welcome presence on campus keeping MECHS students up to date with BCCC information as well as student happenings on campus to be published in the BCCC newsletter. Mr. Steve Jones BCCC School LIASON for MECHS _____________________________________________________________________________ BRIGHT IDEA GRANT GRANT NEWS According to Mrs. Lisa Chestnutt, three Bright Idea Grants for trying to improve the MECHS weight room have been submitted. She adds that they are also in the process of writing a NC Beautiful, Windows of Opportunity Grant to continue to fund the school garden. MECHS 8th Grader Allen Mason proudly displays his winner’s plaque for becoming the Hyde County Jr. Swan Calling champion. On Wednesday, September 3rd, Allen demonstrated his very impressive winning swan calling technique for the Board of Education at their meeting in Swan Quarter where he was also commended for representing Hyde County so splendidly. Allen told the Board members that his penchant for swan calling began in the swimming pool when he was much younger and his dad heard him making a noise that sounded like those made by swans. He was encouraged later on to compete but said he was terrible at it in the beginning. However, he didn’t give up but continued to practice and work at it and gained confidence after a few wins. This was his 3rd competition. 9 MES Mr. Thomas Midgette new elementary school principal The “Singing” Principal Over the years of Mr. Thomas Midgette’s career at Mattamuskeet he has worn many hats encompassing all of the campus schools. Included in the various job descriptions he has under his belt are the following: Teacher (3-6), Assistant Principal (MHS), Principal of the Early College High School program in it’s beginnings, Dean of Students (MECHS), and presently Principal of MES. Mr. Midgette has also performed many other duties in his academic leadership capacity on the Mattamuskeet school campus. 10 MES 2014-2015 O P E N H O U S E Dedicated staff members are ready to hand out the needed information packets and folders and give any other assistance to parents and students so that the new school year will get off to a good start. 11 MES O P E N H O U S E MES BACK-TO-SCHOOL 2014-2015 OPEN HOUSE NIGHT AUGUST 21, 2014 Teachers and parents pay rapt attention to Mr. Thomas Midgette as he welcomes them and gives other pertinent information and updates relevant to the new school year at the elementary school. Expectations are for a GREAT academic year for all. 12 MES First day of school highlights O N T I M E Eager parents, students, teachers and staff begin gathering and helping the children find their places on the 1st day of school, August 25th 2014. 13 DAY 1 B R E A K F A S T I S R E A D Y 14 Ms. Amanda Bright, MECHS Social Worker announces that the Lakers PBIS store will be available to Middle and High School students in the Band room lobby during their lunch period. The store will open for one hour between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm on Mondays. According to Ms. Bright, the students are already excited to redeem their PBIS (Positive Behavior) tickets in the coming weeks. A price listing of available items will be placed in each classroom. Eligible PBIS students should use the new yellow Laker tickets to redeem their rewards. Highlighters- 2 tickets Pencil cases-10 tickets Water bottles-8 tickets Ear buds-15 tickets Jump drives- 30 tickets Plastic change holder- 1 ticket Shoestrings- 5 tickets Calculator- 40 tickets Chapstick- 5 tickets Basketball-30 tickets Lakers seat- 15 tickets Dry erase boards- 10 tickets Lanyards- 5 tickets Frisbee- 5 tickets Laker spirit towel- 10 tickets Laker T-shirts- 25 tickets Other T-shirts-15 tickets Laker license plates- 15 tickets Cinch-bags- 10 tickets Bath & Body Works Lotion- 5 tickets Gift Cards- 40 tickets (Bath & Body Works, iTunes, GameStop, & Wal-Mart) PBIS Store Prices Snacks / Candy- 1 ticket Note cards- 3 tickets Small Composition Books- 5 tickets Magnetic Notepads- 3 tickets Big Composition Notebooks-7 tickets Small Spiral Notebooks-5 tickets Poly Fat Books- 5 tickets Binders- 7 tickets Colored Pencils- 6 tickets Pencil Sharpners-3 tickets Index Dividers-3 tickets Large Spiral Notebooks- 3 tickets Rulers-5 tickets Folders-5 tickets Erasers- 1 ticket Mechanical Pencils- 2 tickets Wooden Pencils-1 ticket Pens (black and colors)- 2 tickets Mrs. Lisa Chestnut is working on a letter to parents for Campbell's Soup Labels, Box Tops and Tyson Products to raise money and get supplies for our school. The Box Top and Tyson money will go towards PBIS for purchasing students rewards or helping to pay for reward trips. The Campbell's Soup Labels will help us purchase sports equipment for after school or other activities.