May 1, 2016 Sunday Bulletin
May 1, 2016 Sunday Bulletin
Today’s Altar flowers are for the glory of God and for the congregation. Prayer List Update: We have updated the names in the “Prayers for Healing”. If you know someone who should stay on the prayer list, please let the office know by calling 979-732-2643. Thank You. PRAYERS FOR HEALING: Hal Adcock, Josh Coffman, Dominic, Jason Dunn and family, Howard Chollett, Ed Halcom, Alton Huelsebusch, Francina Huskey, Nancy Stiles, Peggy Wunneburger PRAY FOR OUR HOMEBOUND Irene Noska THOSE IN NURSING FACILITIES Betty Clarke, Ken Clarke, Marjorie Cloutier, Doris Cobb, Harlow Dolch, Jackie Hughes, Pat Kelly, Bernice Lehmann, Juanita McDaniels OUR CHURCH LEADERS Crossroads District Superintendent, Rev. Robert Lopez, District Lay Leader Dale Alexander, FUMC Lay Leader Erica Meinke, Rev. Mark Brechin RECENT PRAYER REQUESTS AWAKENING - For the lost and addicted HEALING - Stephanie’s mom, Francina H., Jason Reip, Sr., Micah Witt, Teresa Duncan, Aaron Davis, Dylan Shane Perry, Terry Lynn Staggs, Hudspeth family PATIENCE, PEACE, STRENGTH - Bob Griffin family, First Responders, flood & earthquake victims, family & parents that lost their baby, Teresa Duncan (quit smoking), Jason Reip, Jr., John Gebauer, Jennifer Raabe’s children & family, Evan, Truck drivers PASTORAL EMERGENCY? CALL OR TEXT PASTOR MARK 830-931-1440 IF THERE IS A PROBLEM AT ONE OF THE FACILITIES, PLEASE CALL ONE OF THESE TRUSTEES: Sanctuary Education Building Rick Mattix or John Buehler Bobby Schmidt or Ron Davis First United Methodist Church 1229 Milam, Columbus, TX 78934 Office: 979-732-2643 Fax: 979-732-2649 Nurse: 979-732-5275 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday Services: 8:45am-Main Service with Communion, 11:00am-Chapel Service Sunday School: 10:00am PROGRAM/COMMITTEE CONTACTS Administrative Council - Erica Meinke Altar Guild/Acolytes - Kathy Pustejovsky Columbus Community Choir - Rick Walla Disaster Relief - Rebecka LaCourse Finance - Jim Meinke Greeters - Jean Crelia Grace’s Table - R.C. Lumpkin Ministerial Alliance Rep - Dale Alexander MYF & VBS - Karen Broussard Nominations - Rev. Mark Brechin Permanent Endowment - Heather Elliott Readers - Charles Slovak Senior Care Ministry - Brenda Howard Share Your Christmas (SYC) - Peggy Wunneburger SPRC Thanksgiving Meal - Don Benson Trustees - Rick Mattix UMW/Bereavement - Sonya Saul Ushers - Royce Jurries Wesley Nurse Health Care - Jean Redus Worship - Lisa Patteson Youth Group - Karen Broussard Please contact the church office for phone numbers REV. MARK BRECHIN, Pastor DALE ALEXANDER, Dist. L ay L eader ERICA MEINKE, L ay L eader LISA MCNUTT, T reasurer SANDRA DUSEK, Secretary RICK ALTMAN, Chancel Choir Director R.C. LUMPKIN, Bell Choir Director DEBORA SHIMEK, W esley Nurse JACKIE SCHUMAN, A SM Director (After School Ministry) Baptism, Marriage, & Church Membership Contact the Church Office VISITATIONS The Senior Care Ministry is available to visit those in assisted living and nursing facilities. Contact Brenda Howard BULLETINE DEADLINE: Wednesday Noon SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2016 May 1, 2016 “Rejoice in the Past...Build for the Future” Liturgical Color: White Sixth Sunday of Easter Gathering Songs (Medley) Announcements Gathering Song 8:45 a.m. Soon and Very Soon He Lives UMH 706 UMH 310 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (lighting of the candles) †Gathering Words UMH 349 X2 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us That your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. †Opening Prayer Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name, through Christ our Lord. Amen Shall We Gather At The River The Apostle’s Creed UMH 723 UMH 881 †Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. Young Disciples Offertory Prayer UMH 70 Almighty God, at the time of our greatest need you surprised us with your wondrous love in Your Son our Savior, Jesus Christ. Fixing our gaze upon Calvary, accept this humble offering of gratitude to the honor and glory of your name. Amen Offering †Doxology Sharing Joys & Concerns Pastoral Prayer Musical Blessing Prayer for Illumination I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that, as the Scriptures are read and your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen 1st Scripture Reading Acts 16:9-15 2nd Scripture Reading Revelation 21:22 - 22:5 †Gospel Reading John 14:23-29 Sermon Because He Lives: We Are Never Alone Prayer of Confession & Pardon Communion Breathe On Me, Breath Of God †Hymn of Invitation Spirit Song †Please STAND if comfortable doing so. 11:00 a.m. Prelude Announcements Centering Song (lighting of the candles) Psalm 67:1, 2, 5, 6 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us That your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. †Opening Prayer Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name, through Christ our Lord. Amen †Opening Hymn Victory In Jesus UMH 370 †Affirmation of Faith The Apostle’s Creed UMH 881 †Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. UMH 070 Hymn There’s Within My Heart A Melody UMH 380 Young Disciples/Ministry Minute Offertory Prayer Almighty God, at the time of our greatest need you surprised us with your wondrous love in Your Son our Savior, Jesus Christ. Fixing our gaze upon Calvary, accept this humble offering of gratitude to the honor and glory of your name. Amen Offering †Doxology Sharing of Joys & Concerns Pastoral Prayer Musical Blessing No, Never Alone Chancel Choir Prayer for Illumination Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that, as the Scriptures are read and your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen Christian Moore UMH 012 UMH 420 UMH 347 (Those wishing to join our church family, please come forward during Hymn of Invitation) †Benediction †Dismissal With Blessing May 1, 2016 †Gathering Words Psalm 67:1, 2, 5, 6 †Opening Song †Affirmation of Faith “Rejoice in the Past...Build for the Future” Liturgical Color: White Sixth Sunday of Easter 1st Scripture Reading 2nd Scripture Reading †Gospel Reading Sermon †Hymn of Invitation Acts 16:9-15 Revelation 21:22 - 22:5 John 14:23-29 Because He Lives: We Are Never Alone The Family Prayer Song Christian Moore FWS 2188 (Those wishing to join our church family, please come forward during Hymn of Invitation) †Benediction †Dismissal With Blessing †Please STAND if comfortable doing so. District Basic & Advanced Lay Servant Training at Cathedral Oaks Saturday, May 7 District Basic & Advanced Lay Servant Training at Cathedral Oaks Sunday, May 8 8:45am-Worship/Communion 10:00am-Sunday School for all ages 11:00am-Worship/Communion with Fishes & Loaves collection I am a visitor I am a new resident I am a regular attendee 11:00 8:45 USHERS - Eddie Hernandez READERS - Nita Renick Cell 11:00 Gary Chandler Carmen Slovak If you are unable to make your appointed time Last Week’s Offering Address: Check $3,620.00 National Day of Prayer Ceremony Thursday, May 5, 2016 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Complete this space if you have changed your email or phone #. Please drop this card in the collection plate when it comes by you. Thank you. Gather at Noon at the Colorado County Courthouse East Parking Area Seating will be provided. This ceremony is being sponsored by the local Ministerial Alliance and the Columbus Christian Women’s Organization. Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Name ___________________________ 4322 US 90A, Altair, TX Birth date ________________________ Home Phone _____________________ Annual Homecoming & Mother’s Day Celebration Work Phone _____________________ “Cultivating A Heart For Motherhood” Address__________________________ E-Mail Address Friday, May 6 8:45 please find a substitute. Name: Home NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER 10:30am-Emmaus Reunion Group, Ed. Bldg., Parlor 12:00 (noon)-Nat’l Day of Prayer at Courthouse E. Parking Area. In case of rain, gather at UMC, FLC. 6:00pm-Bell Choir practice, Ed. Bldg., Room 2 7:00pm-Daybreak practice, Sanctuary PRAYERS I lift up to God in prayer: May 8 Cash $231.00 Phone:______________________________________________ Thursday, May 5 Our Worshiping Fellowship 2:00pm-Lectionary Class with Pastor Mark, Ed. Bldg., Library 5:30pm-Trustees meeting, FLC 6:00pm-Ministerial Alliance High School End-of-Year party, First Baptist Church 6:30pm-Chancel Choir practice, Ed. Bldg., Choir Room EVERYONE PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME HERE, CIRCLE THE SERVICE TIME AND DROP IT IN THE COLLECTION . Wednesday, May 4 If you would like to add someone on the bulletin prayer list, please fill out the "prayer" form below. In order to mail a card to them you must include their address. Need: City/State/zip________________________________________ 6:00pm-Worship Committee meeting, Ed. Bldg., Library Tuesday, May 3 Mailing Address:______________________________________ Monday, May 2 Visitors please also provide: 8:45am-Worship/Communion with Fishes & Loaves collection 10:00am-Sunday School for all ages 11:00am-Worship (Communion & Fishes & Loaves May 8) May 1, 2016 Sunday, May 1-Christian Moore preaching Name(s):____________________________________________ Circle service you attended today. The Week At A Glance Email address ____________________ I would like a visit from the Pastor Proverbs 4:23 Sunday, May 8, 2016 @ 3:00 p.m. We would be honored to have you attend our Annual Homecoming and Mother’s Day Celebration Service. Your presence will make our day complete. Pastor Edward E. Glover