The University of Edinburgh


The University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh
Funding for Postgraduate Students
Scholarships and Student Funding database:
Message from the
Vice Principal
Every year, we welcome over 3,200 new postgraduate
students to the University of Edinburgh, attracted here
by an unrivalled range of programmes and second-tonone facilities that have established our reputation as the
leading provider of postgraduate teaching and research
in Scotland. Our research is internationally renowned
worldwide, and by choosing Edinburgh you will have
access to some of the top researchers at the forefront
of their disciplines.
The facts and figures speak for themselves. We have
around 5,500 postgraduate students on campus at
any one time, from more than 137 different countries;
taking advantage of a wide choice of over 160 taught
postgraduate programmes with research degrees
offered in more than 130 academic disciplines covering
every area of the arts, sciences and medicine.
As well as enjoying access to some of the most
advanced computer facilities in Europe, our postgraduate
students also benefit from the largest university library
in Scotland containing around 3 million books enhanced
by subscriptions to over 4,000 print journals and 8,000
e-journals – not to mention all the cultural and social
opportunities that come as part and parcel of pursuing
postgraduate study in one of the most beautiful and
historic capital cities in Europe.
It’s all here, and our aim is to help every postgraduate
student reap the rewards of life at the University of
Edinburgh to the full. Part of that is supporting our
students in their search for suitable funding to cover
programme costs and living expenses throughout their
time here. In this, we are proud of our excellent record
securing that all-important funding for our postgraduate
students, whether through our own University scholarship
schemes or from a variety of external funding bodies,
both in the private and public sectors.
This booklet offers guidance and advice on the many
different sources of funding that could be open to you
depending on your chosen line of study and whether you
are a UK national student or hoping to come here from
an EU or non-EU country. Sourcing and securing funding
can be a daunting task, but I do hope that you’ll find this
information useful in answering many of your questions
about where to find the funding you need and how to go
about accessing it.
I wish you every success in your search and look forward
to welcoming you to the University of Edinburgh.
Professor Mary Bownes,
Vice Principal, Research Training and
Community Relations
What will it cost?
Funding for postgraduates from the United Kingdom
and other countries of the European Union
Funding provided by the University of Edinburgh
Funding provided by UK Research Councils
Other sources of funding
Funding for postgraduates from overseas countries
Funding provided by the University of Edinburgh
Funding provided by UK Government Agencies
Other sources of funding
College funding
College of Humanities and Social Science
College of Science and Engineering
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Further information
Opening a bank account
Useful publications
Useful websites
Useful contacts
Index of funding for postgraduate study
M Funding for Taught Master’s Programmes 50
RM Funding for Master’s by Research Programmes 51
Funding for Research Programmes Symbols
M = Taught Master’s Degree Programme
RM = Master’s by Research Degree Programme
= Research Degree Programme
3)Pay attention to the presentation of your application
Although you may have already decided to pursue
postgraduate study, you may still be uncertain about how
you are going to pay for it. The good news is that there
are numerous sources of funding available when you
choose the University of Edinburgh. However, making a
successful application takes time – not only in research
time going through all the various funding options
available, but also in the ample time you should leave
yourself to complete the funding application itself. Remember that your scholarship application represents
the entire and only picture the selection committee will
have of you. Always type or print your details neatly in
black ink when completing your application form. Avoid
coloured paper, elaborate fonts and glossy covers as it is
likely that your application materials will be photocopied
first before forwarding to panel members for their
Starting your funding search can seem quite a daunting
process. Many awards have restrictions placed on them
which can include eligibility criteria affecting the area of
study, nationality or academic qualifications. We hope
the following five tips will provide you with some useful
advice and, perhaps vitally, help you avoid making an
unnecessary or poor funding application.
4) Complete the application form
in full
Spend time on completing your application and avoid
any ambiguities. If you feel a question does not apply to
you, then you should make that clear on your application.
Never leave a question blank. Remember that every
question is there for a reason and the panel could look
unfavourably – even suspiciously – at any application that
has not been completed in full. Be honest and use the
application form to explain any gaps or delays in your
previous studies.
1) Start your search for funding early
Give yourself plenty of time to gather information,
references and other material – and don’t leave the
preparation of your application until the last few weeks
before the deadline. Many awards require you to have
been offered a place at the University before your
application can be considered. If you intend to apply for
funding, whether awarded by the University or from an
external source, you should therefore apply for admission
to the University earlier than most students to secure
your offer of a place before making your application for
a funding award.
5) Pay attention to funding application closing deadlines
Applications submitted after the closing deadline, are
usually not considered. Remember that the whole
scholarships process is very competitive and there will
always be considerably more applications received from
similarly qualified candidates than the amount of funding
available. Equally, do not leave your application until the
week before the deadline. If you do, you risk having your
application turned down if there are inadequacies which
the University could have helped you to resolve if you
had given yourself sufficient time.
2) Study your funding source
All funding agencies will have their own criteria for
deciding how their resources should be allocated. So
it is worth spending time on familiarising yourself with
these and making sure your application clearly addresses
the particular requirements of your targeted source of
support. If you are applying for a University of Edinburgh
award, then you must obviously intend to study at the
University and not at any other institution. 4
What will it cost?
• have not, at any time during that period, been
resident in the EEA wholly, or mainly, for the purpose
of receiving full-time education.
Your main costs at University will be tuition fees,
additional research costs, accommodation, food,
books, and clothes. It is estimated that it will cost you
approximately £9,000 per academic session to study as
a postgraduate at Edinburgh. This figure may be higher
or lower depending, of course, on your lifestyle and
whether you choose to live in catered or self-catered
halls of residence or a flat.
Further details on these regulations, as well a list of other
categories of student who are liable to pay tuition fees at
the UK/EU rate can be found at:
Full details regarding tuition fees can be found on the
registry website at:
Additional Costs
For details on additional research costs, please contact
the appropriate School office for further details.
Offers of admission to the University of Edinburgh
indicate whether, for tuition fee purposes, you will be
considered to be “UK”, “EU” or “Overseas”. The
decision is made in accordance with the 2007 Education
(Fees and Awards) (Scotland) Regulations.
Home Status
In summary, to be eligible for “Home” tuition fee status
depends upon whether you meet the Immigration and
Residence conditions as laid down in the Regulations. In order to meet the conditions, applicants must:
• be settled (as defined by the Immigration Act 1971) in
the UK and Islands on the relevant date
• have been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands
for the three year period prior to the start of the
programme of study; and
• have not, at any time during that period, been resident
in the UK and Islands wholly, or mainly, for the purpose
of receiving full-time education. EU Status
In order to be eligible for EU tuition fee status, applicants
• be a national of a member state of the European
Union, or be the son or daughter of such a national
• have been ordinarily resident in the European
Economic Area (EEA) throughout the three year
period preceding 1 September, 1 January or 1 April
closest to the beginning of the first session of their
programme of study; and
Further details, with the most up-to-date information, can
be found in the University of Edinburgh Postgraduate
Accommodation Guide in Brief, which can be obtained
from Accommodation Services (see page 49) or as a
download from our website at
accommodation is for students and seeks to provide the
best range and standard of accommodation possible.
For 2007 entry, for example, we guaranteed an offer of
accommodation to all new, single postgraduate students
from out with the EU, providing that they met the terms
of the accommodation guarantee. This means that new,
single postgraduate students from out with the EU
who applied for accommodation by 31 July 2007 and
had received confirmation of their place to study at the
University by the same date were guaranteed an offer of
accommodation. In addition, a number of postgraduate
applicants from EU countries (and therefore not covered
by this guarantee) were offered places in University
accommodation, whilst others were provided with
assistance and advice on finding alternative places to
live in Edinburgh. The University is currently reviewing
its postgraduate accommodation guarantee for 2008.
In 2007 the rent for a standard room in a typical selfcatered postgraduate residence was approximately £90
per week, and for an en-suite room, £100 per week.
These rents include all bills, personal contents insurance
and data and telephony provision.
Accommodation Services also offer assistance and
advice on all aspects of renting private accommodation,
including leases and landlord/tenant problems. Students
can also access a wealth of information through where you will find extensive
details of private properties to rent in Edinburgh. The
site includes listings of entire flats which are available
to let, as well as a noticeboard on which students can
advertise vacant rooms in their shared flats, or you can
post a notice of the type of accommodation which you
The University has some accommodation reserved
specifically for couples and families, but this is not
guaranteed. Private accommodation for couples and
families can be expensive, particularly in the centre of
Edinburgh, so students should not arrange for their partners
or families to accompany them unless they have already
arranged suitable long-term accommodation. Alternatively,
students should apply for single room accommodation
and come alone initially: they will then be able to transfer
into couple or family accommodation as soon as a
suitable place becomes available. Further information and
application forms for couples and family accommodation
are available from Accommodation Services.
Sources of Funding for Postgraduates
from the United Kingdom and other
countries of the European Union
provided by the
University of
provided by UK
Research Councils
Research Councils offer awards to Master’s programme
and/or MPhil/PhD students in most University of
Edinburgh Schools. The awards normally cover the
UK/EU tuition fee at the government rate. University of
Edinburgh rates for Master’s students are higher than the
government rate and the difference is normally covered
by a University scholarship. Students who have been
ordinarily resident in the UK during the three-year period
immediately preceding the programme starting date, and
European migrant workers and children of EU migrant
workers, also receive a maintenance allowance which
varies between the research councils.
The University of Edinburgh UK/EU
Master’s Scholarships M RM
Eight scholarships are available to UK and European Union
students, who have been accepted at the University
of Edinburgh to study on a one-year full-time Master’s
programme in any subject area. Candidates must have,
or expect to obtain, a UK first or upper-second class
Honours degree or the overseas equivalent.
The awards cover tuition fees only at the UK/EU rate (up
to £4,600) and are tenable for one year.
In 2007-2008, the minimum rate paid by the Research
Councils was as follows:
Application Procedure
The closing date for applications is 1 May 2008. An online application form can be obtained on the web at:
The University of Edinburgh UK/
EU Postgraduate Adult Returner
Bursaries M RM R
Six bursaries are offered to assist with child-care costs
to UK and European Union students who are returning
to Higher Education study at the University of Edinburgh
after a break of at least three years. The bursaries will
have a maximum value of £3,000 per annum. Bursaries
will be awarded for one year in the first instance, however
successful applicants pursuing a postgraduate degree
programme of more than one year in length will be eligible
to apply for a further bursary in subsequent years.
Full-time Research Preparation
Master’s Award
Full-time Professional Preparation
Master’s Award
Full-time Doctoral Award
EPSRC £12,600
MRC £12,610
Application Procedure
The closing date for applications is 30 July 2008.
Further details and an application form can be obtained
on the web at:
Arts and Humanities Research Council
However, if you are resident neither in the UK nor in
another EU country, you are not eligible to apply for any
form of financial assistance from the AHRC.
The AHRC administers three different postgraduate
award schemes which provide funding for students
undertaking Masters-level programmes and doctoral
research in the arts and humanities.
Application Procedure
Applications must be made through the College of
Humanities and Social Science within the University of
Edinburgh. Applicants should refer to the relevant School
website to find out the deadline for applications for their
chosen programme of study.
The AHRC offer awards in the:
• Research Preparation Master's Scheme, which
provide funding for full and part-time study on Master's
programmes where the focus is on advanced study
and research training explicitly intended to provide a
foundation for further research at doctoral level
Further details and information on which programmes
are eligible for support can be obtained from the
relevant School Office within the University of
Edinburgh or by contacting the AHRC.
• Professional Preparation Master's Scheme, which
provide funding for full and part-time study on Master's
or Postgraduate Diploma programmes that focus on
developing high-level skills and competencies for
professional practice
Postgraduate Programmes
Lewins Mead
Bristol BS1 2AE
• Doctoral Awards Scheme, which provide funding for
full or part-time study leading to a doctoral degree
Telephone: 0117 987 6543
E-mail: [email protected]
Application forms can be downloaded from:
The AHRC offers awards to Master’s programme and
MPhil/PhD students in the following subject areas offered
by the University of Edinburgh: archaeology; architecture;
celtic and scottish studies; chinese; comparative and
general literature; cultural studies; developmental linguistics;
divinity; english language; english literature; film studies;
french; german; hispanic studies; history; islamic and middle
eastern studies; italian; japanese; law; medieval studies;
music; philosophy; russian; sanskrit; scandinavian; scottish
history; scottish studies; theatre studies; theoretical and
applied linguistics, and translation studies.
Economic and Social Research Council
The ESRC offers awards to linked Master’s/PhD awards
(1+3) and three year PhD studentships only (+3).
Studentships for Master’s only programmes of study are
no longer offered. Funding is not available for Master’s
degrees if you do not intend to proceed to MPhil/PhD
Candidates should hold a first degree (such as BA,
BMus, BSc or LLB) if applying for a Master’s level
programme and a first degree and a Master’s degree if
applying for the doctoral scheme. The competition for
awards is intense with the number of applications with
first-class degrees invariably exceeding the total number
of awards available.
Candidates should hold, or expect to receive, a first-class
or a good upper second-class Honours degree. Most 1+3
awards and +3 PhD awards are now allocated by quota.
In 2007, the University of Edinburgh had quota awards
in the following subject areas: african studies; centre
for research on families and relationships; criminology
and criminal justice; economics; education; human
communication - linguistics, informatics and psychology;
human geography; management and business studies;
politics; public health sciences; science and technology
studies; social anthropology; and sociology.
If you have been ordinarily resident in the UK for the three
year period preceding the start-date of your proposed
postgraduate programme, you may be eligible to apply
for a “full award”, which pays your tuition fees and a
maintenance grant. If you are from a European Union
country, other than the UK, and you have been resident
in an EU country for a period of three years preceding
the start of your proposed study, you may be eligible for
a “fees-only” award, which pays your tuition fees, but
does not provide a maintenance grant.
There is also limited competition for 1 + 3 awards and +3
PhD only awards. In 2007 all of the above subjects and
the following subject areas were eligible: economic and
social history; law; social policy; and social work.
Further information on BBSRC Doctoral Training Grants,
and the departments which currently hold funding
for awards to students can be found on the BBSRC
BBSRC’s guide to student eligibility for funding can be
found at:
Further details on the linked Master’s/PhD awards (1+3)
and the three year PhD studentships, can be found at:
Application Procedure
Applications must be made through the appropriate
University of Edinburgh School. Applications have to
be prepared in close collaboration with prospective
supervisors. The closing date for the ESRC to receive
submissions of completed applications is 1 May 2008.
However, to enable the necessary processing of
applications, students intending to apply must contact
their School Postgraduate office no later than 2 months
before this ESRC deadline (ie by 1 March 2008).
Applicants should give a complete application to the
School no later than one month before the deadline (ie
by 21 March 2008). Please note that some Schools will
set earlier deadlines.
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC) M RM R
The EPSRC is responsible for funding research in
engineering and the physical sciences which includes
mathematics, material science, information and computer
technologies, chemistry, physics and engineering.
EPSRC offers postgraduate funding through Doctoral
Training Accounts which are allocated directly to
universities. Some research awards are available in
collaboration with industry. Candidates should not
apply directly to EPSRC but rather should indicate that
they wish to be considered for a studentship on their
postgraduate application form.
Further information can be obtained from:
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
EPSRC also fund Masters studentships via the
Collaborative Training Account. For further information,
please contact the appropriate School for details.
Telephone: 01793 413150
E-mail: [email protected]
Further information can be obtained from:
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council (BBSRC) M RM R
Telephone: 01793 444000
E-mail: [email protected]
The BBSRC covers a wide range of disciplines
including agriculture and food sciences, animal
sciences, biochemistry and cell biology, biomolecular
sciences, engineering and biological systems, genes
and development biology, plant and microbial sciences.
Natural Environment Research
Council (NERC) M RM R
BBSRC awards Doctoral Training Grants directly to
universities, rather than to students, and therefore
candidates should not apply to BBSRC, but rather
should indicate that they wish to be considered for
a BBSRC studentship either on their postgraduate
application form or when contacting the School or staff
about a PhD position.
The NERC offers research awards in a number of subject
areas including the solid earth, its physical properties and
mineral resources; inland waters and their living resources;
terrestrial communities, their resources and amenities; the
seas and their living resources; and the atmosphere.
Candidates should not apply directly to NERC but rather
should indicate that they wish to be considered for a
studentship on their postgraduate application form.
structural biology; population biology; clinical and surgical
sciences; molecular medicine; cancer biology; clinical
neuroscience; community health sciences; life sciences;
medical and radiological sciences; medical microbiology;
medical sciences; neuroscience; oncology; pathology;
psychiatry; reproductive and developmental sciences;
stem cell biology and regenerative medicine; and
veterinary pathology.
Science and Technology Facilities
Council (STFC) R
Candidates should not apply directly to MRC but rather
should indicate that they wish to be considered for a
studentship on their postgraduate application form.
The STFC supports research in particle physics,
astronomy, astrophysics, nuclear physics, and solar
system science.
Further information can be obtained from:
20 Park Crescent
Most studentships are awarded on the basis of quota
allocations made to Schools. STFC offers postgraduate
funding for Standard Research Studentships which are
awarded on a quota basis, as well as a number of awards
which are available in collaboration with industry - CASE
Studentships and CASE-Plus Studentships – which are
awarded on a peer-reviewed project basis. Candidates
should not apply directly to STFC but rather should
indicate that they wish to be considered for a studentship
on their postgraduate application form.
Telephone: 020 7636 5422
E-mail: [email protected]
Further information can be obtained from:
Education, Training and Careers Section
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Telephone: 01793 442118
E-mail: [email protected]
Medical Research Council (MRC)
The MRC offers studentships within biomedical or
related biological subjects. Master’s Studentships are
usually available in public health research, life sciences,
medical sciences, neuroscience, and reproductive and
developmental sciences.
PhD studentships address contemporary research
themes in biomedical sciences and clinical medicine
spanning cell and molecular biology; inflammation biology;
cardiovascular science; developmental biology; genetics;
Other Sources of
in awarding the scholarships, and at least one award
each year is made in a non-scientific discipline.
British Federation of Women
Graduates (BFWG) R
Application Procedure
The awards cover tuition fees, maintenance allowance,
research and travel allowance.
Applicants should contact the School at the University
of Edinburgh in which they plan to study to discuss
their intention to apply for this scholarship. Nomination
forms which must be signed by a member of
academic staff at the University and the applicant, and
submitted to the Carnegie Trust by 15 March, can be
obtained on the web at:
or from:
The British Federation of Women Graduates has limited
funds to make awards to women graduates undertaking
their final year of postgraduate research. BFWG,
affiliated to the International Federation of University
Women, encourages applicants to become members of
the Federation in a hope to help promote better links
between female graduates throughout the world.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
Cameron House
Abbey Park Place
Dunfermline KY12 7PZ
The main criterion for offering scholarships and awards
is academic excellence, as is a proven ability to carry
out independent research. The National Awards are
open to research students of all nationalities who will
be studying in Great Britain – England, Scotland and
Wales. (Students in Northern Ireland have to apply
through the Irish Federation of University Women)
Telephone: 01383 622148
Fax: 01383 622149
For further information and an application form contact:
British Federation of Women Graduates
4 Mandeville Courtyard
142 Battersea Park Road
SW11 4NB
The Carnegie Trust for the
Universities of Scotland R
The Carnegie Trust provides a number of scholarships
each year to academically outstanding graduates of a
Scottish University with a first-class Honours degree
who are intending to study on an MPhil/PhD programme
at any University in the United Kingdom, but usually
Scotland. The awards are tenable for three years and will
not normally be made for a lesser period.
Telephone: 020 7498 8037
E-mail: [email protected]
The Scottish Federation of University Women (SFUW)
5/5 Victoria Circus
G12 9LB
The scholarships cover tuition fees, maintenance
allowance, research and travel allowance.
Application Procedure
Telephone: 0141 334 3004
E-mail:[email protected]
Applicants should contact the School at the University
of Edinburgh in which they plan to study to discuss
their intention to apply for this scholarship. Nomination
forms which must be signed by a member of academic
staff at the University and the applicant, and submitted
to the Carnegie Trust by 15 March, can be obtained
on the web at: or from
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.
Caledonian Research Foundation R
The Caledonian Research Foundation supports and
encourages independent research in Scotland, mainly in
Biomedical Sciences. The Foundation provides funding
for postgraduate scholarships to graduates of a Scottish
University with a first class Honours degree who are
intending to study on an MPhil/PhD programme at any
University in Scotland. There is no preference for subject
Career Development Loans M RM
Sallie Mae Loans are available to students who are
at least 18 years of age as of the date of application;
residents of the UK (residents of the Republic of Ireland,
Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are ineligible to
apply); and who are enrolled at a participating university
in a degree programme at least part-time (50%).
Career Development Loans are available through
a partnership scheme between the Department for
Education and Skills (DfES) and three banks – Barclays,
the Co-operative and the Royal Bank of Scotland. The
loans are available to cover up to 80% of the cost of
tuition fees and, in the case of full-time students, the
full cost of books, materials and other study-related
expenses. The amount which can be borrowed varies
and in 2007-2008 was between £300 and £8,000.
Loan application forms and further information are
available on the web at:
Career Development Loans are available to students
undertaking vocational programmes – which, broadly
speaking, means those that can be shown to improve
employment prospects.
United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Application Procedure
UNESCO fellowships are open to nationals of UNESCO
member states or associate members of those countries,
where economic aid and social development projects
are being carried out. Three types of fellowships exist:
fellowships proper; study grants; and travel grants.
Only applications submitted and endorsed by the
National Commission of the candidate’s country will be
considered. Further information can be obtained from
the UNESCO website at:
For full details contact one of the participating banks or
telephone Freephone 0800 585 505 or write to CDL,
FREEPOST, Newcastle upon Tyne NE85 1BR
The Edgar Pye Research Scholarship
A prize of £1,750 for research related to farm animal
feed or raw materials, feeding systems, nutrition or
production; or to the consumer requirements for farm
animal produce. Applicants must be of an agricultural (or
related) discipline or animal feed industry employees,
resident in the UK or Republic of Ireland.
Further information is available from:
Wellcome Trust R
A charitable trust which provides support for research in
biomedical sciences (including clinical medicine, public
health and tropical medicine and veterinary medicine),
technology transfer, history of medicine, biomedical
ethics and public engagement. Studentships and some
smaller grants and awards are available. The Trust runs
schemes for studentships throughout the year and
applications must be made for a specific award.
Sallie Mae UK Education Loan
Programme M RM R
These are:
Sallie Mae UK Loans are credit-based, unsecured loans
which provide up to £20,000 in loan funds for tuition
fees and living costs per academic session for eligible
UK students.
• Student elective for medical undergraduates (any
discipline related to medicine including the History of
• Vacation scholarships (for hands on research
The typical rate for this loan is 9.3% APR (variable)
with interest rates varying depending on your personal
credit circumstances. Payments are deferred whilst you
are studying at least part time (50%) and a nine-month
payment holiday is available following graduation or
should you withdraw from the University.
• 4 year PhD studentships (only available at specific
universities.) E-mail [email protected] for
further information
Additional Sources
of Funding
• Research Studentships in Biomedical Ethics
– Developing Countries. (Applications should be
submitted in consultation with one of the Trust’s
Major Overseas Programmes)
• Masters in the History of Medicine (nominations are
accepted through specific institutions only)
Postgraduate Students’ Allowances
Scheme (PSAS)
• Doctoral Studentships in the History of Medicine.
Further information can be obtained from:
In 2007-2008, under the terms of the Postgraduate
Students’ Allowances Scheme (PSAS), the Students
Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) offered a limited
number of eligible students support for one short course
of professional or vocational training, mostly at diploma
level. The demand for awards for postgraduate study far
exceeds the level of resources the government is able to
devote to it. Therefore SAAS limited the number of awards
available by allowing each institution a set number of
awards (a ‘quota’). This resulted in competition between
courses for the number of quota awards available and
between students for support for those courses.
Wellcome Trust
Gibbs Building
215 Euston Road
Telephone: 020 7611 8888
E-mail: [email protected]
Wingate Scholarships R
The Postgraduate Students’ Allowances Scheme is
currently under review for 2008-2009. Please contact
SAAS in April 2008 for up to date information.
The scholarships are awarded to individuals of great
potential or proven excellence who need financial support
to undertake pioneering or original work of intellectual,
scientific, artistic, social or environmental value, and to
outstandingly talented musicians for advanced training.
They are designed to help with the costs of a specific
project which may last up to 3 years. The average total
award is about £6,500 and the maximum in any one year
is £10,000. Information and application materials are
available on the website at:
Trusts and
Sponsorship Funding
There are hundreds of charities, foundations and trusts
that can offer some funding for postgraduate study. The
types of funding available include scholarships, bursaries,
grants and studentships. Many awards only offer small
amounts of money rather than full financial support.
Publications giving information on possible postgraduate
funding from these sources can be found in the Useful
Publications section (page 48).
Further information is also available from the Scholarships
and Student Finance website at:
Some employers offer sponsorship for postgraduate
training or may offer financial assistance to help an
employee undertake a career development programme.
Sponsored funding would normally cover tuition fees and
would not normally cover any maintenance allowance.
Applicants should contact their personnel department
or their line manager to see whether sponsorship is an
option and to discuss whether there are any conditions
on the employee following completion of the degree
programme. Some companies may require the employee
to sign a contract agreeing to work for the company for
a set period following graduation.
Sources of Funding for Postgraduates
from Overseas
provided by the
University of
Scottish and Newcastle Baltika
Scholarships M RM
A minimum of two scholarships will be awarded to
students of Russian birth for full-time postgraduate study
lasting one year. The award, with a total value of £20,000,
will cover tuition fees, return travel and living expenses.
One further scholarship will be awarded to a Russian
citizen who has graduated from the State Institute of
International Relations (University) Moscow.
The University of Edinburgh ORS
Linked Scholarships R
The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic
merit with candidates requiring a first-class Honours
degree or upper second-class Honours degree from a
Russian university.
Eight scholarships are available to students who have
been accepted to study on an MPhil/PhD programme in
any subject offered by the University and who have been
successful in receiving an Overseas Research Student
(ORS) award from the University of Edinburgh for the
2008-2009 academic session. Each scholarship will cover
the UK/EU rate of tuition fee and will be tenable for a
maximum of three years. All ORS successful applicants
are automatically considered for these scholarships. No
separate scholarship application is required.
Application Procedure
The closing date for applications is 1 May 2008. Further
information on the eligibility criteria and online application
procedure are available on the web at:
Further details on the ORS Awards Scheme including
details on how to obtain an ORS application form can be
obtained on the web at:
Shell Centenary Scholarships
and Shell Centenary Chevening
Scholarships at the University of
Edinburgh M
American Friends of the University
of Edinburgh (AFUE) Postgraduate
Scholarships M RM R
The Shell Centenary and Shell Centenary Chevening
Scholarships support educational advancement and
co-operation world-wide by providing opportunities to
study in the UK to students and young professionals
from overseas who can demonstrate the potential
to become leaders and decision-makers in their own
countries. Six of these scholarships are available each
year at the University of Edinburgh for students pursuing
taught Masters degrees in the areas of applied animal
behaviour, engineering and electronics, geosciences and
environmental studies, informatics, operational research,
physics (high performance computing, e-science) and
public health research. The scholarships cover tuition
fees, return airfare for the scholarship holder, and provide
a living allowance. A full list of eligible programmes at the
University of Edinburgh can be found at:
Each year the University of Edinburgh USA Development
Trust offer two scholarships for postgraduate study in
any subject offered by the University. One scholarship
has a value of $5,000 and the other $2,000, and are
tenable for one academic year.
Candidates must hold a United States passport and
be currently pursuing or applying to pursue a full-time
postgraduate programme of study at the University of
Application Procedure
Scholarship application forms and further information are
available on the web at:
The closing date for applications is 1 April 2008.
Chevening Malaysia Scholarship at
the University of Edinburgh M
The scholarships are open to students who are
nationals of and resident in any country other than
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan,
Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
and United States, and intending to return and take
up permanent residence there after completion of the
proposed programme of study.
The University of Edinburgh is pleased to co-fund
one Partnership Award in the Chevening Malaysia
Programme. The award will enable a Malaysian student
to undertake a one-year taught Masters degree for
either LLM International Law, MSc Economics, MSc
International & European Politics, MSc Sustainable
Energy Systems, MSc Environment & Development,
MSc Environmental Protection & Management, MSc
Environmental Sustainability, MSc E-science, MSc High
Performance Computing or MSc Informatics at the
University of Edinburgh.
Candidates should normally be aged 35 or under, and
candidates for Shell Centenary Chevening Scholarships
should normally be over 25 and have substantial relevant
work experience. They should also have excellent spoken
and written English, be of outstanding academic ability
and have obtained the equivalent of a UK first-class
Honours degree. An ability and commitment to contribute
significantly to the development of their home country is
required. Preference is given to candidates who have not
already had the opportunity to study in the UK.
For further information, please contact the British Council
in Malaysia:
Chevening Russia Scholarships at the
University of Edinburgh M RM
Application Procedure
The deadline for the return of completed scholarship
applications is 1 March 2008. Scholarship application
forms and further information can be obtained from the
College of Science and Engineering Postgraduate Office
and the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Postgraduate Office. Scholarship application forms
should follow and not precede an application to enter the
University of Edinburgh.
The University of Edinburgh is pleased to co-fund two
joint scholarships in the Chevening Programme. The
award will enable two Russian students to undertake a
one-year taught Masters degree in one of the following
programmes at the University of Edinburgh: MSc
Comparative Public Policy; MSc Ecological Economics;
MSc Economics/Economics Finance - Scottish Graduate
Programme; MSc Environment & Development;
MSc Environmental Protection & Management; MSc
Environmental Sustainability; LLM European Law;
MSc European Union Politics and Law; MSc Forest
Ecology & Management; MSc GeoSciences (MSc by
Research); MSc Global Environmental Change (MSc
by Research); MSc Health Care Management/ Health
Administration; LLM Innovation, Technology & the Law;
MSc International & European Politics; LLM International
Law; LLM Law; MSc Law & Society; MSc Management
of Natural Resources; MSc Nationalism Studies; MSc
Policy Studies; MSc Public Health Policy (Global Health);
MSc Public Health Policy (Public Private Partnerships);
MSc Public Health Research; MSc Science & Technology
Studies; and MSc Sustainable Energy Systems. The
scholarship will cover tuition fees, monthly stipend and
return flights. Candidates should apply for a Chevening
Scholarship noting that the University of Edinburgh is
their preferred place of study. Deadline for Chevening
applications is 10 October 2007. Please refer to the
British Council website at
Chevening Birzeit Scholarship at the
University of Edinburgh M RM
The University of Edinburgh is pleased to co-fund one
joint scholarship in the Chevening Programme to enable
a graduate of Birzeit University to undertake a one-year
taught Masters degree in any subject area at the University
of Edinburgh. The scholarship will cover tuition fees, a
monthly stipend and return flights. Candidates should
normally have substantial relevant work experience;
have excellent spoken and written English; and be of
outstanding academic ability. An ability and commitment
to contribute significantly to the development of
Palestinian society is required. Preference will be given
to candidates who have not already had the opportunity
to study in the UK.
For further information, please contact the British Council:
Shell Centenary Chevening Scholarship
“The Shell Scholarship enabled me to experience a totally different learning
environment from which I have been used to. Without the scholarship I would
never have been able to study at Edinburgh which is such a beautiful city.”
Genevieve Aquino
MSc Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis
The University of Edinburgh China
and Hong Kong Scholarship M RM
For further information, please contact the British Council
in Russia:
The University of Edinburgh’s alumni in China and Hong
Kong and the Edinburgh University Association (Hong
Kong) offer an award for study on a Master’s programme
in any subject offered by the University of Edinburgh. The
award will cover tuition fees.
China Scholarship Council/University
of Edinburgh Scholarships R
Up to twenty scholarships will be available for PhD study
to candidates who are citizens and permanent residents of
the People’s Republic of China at the time of application.
Candidates should have satisfied all English language
requirements and have received an offer of admission
from the University of Edinburgh to study on a full-time
PhD degree programme by the time the University puts
forward their list of endorsed applications at the end of
February 2008. The scholarships are available for study
in the following areas of study: Communication and
Information Technology; Agriculture; Life Sciences and
Public Health; Materials Science and New Materials;
Energy and the Environment; Engineering; Applied Social
Science and WTO-related areas.
Candidates must be Chinese citizens who are normally
resident in China or the Hong Kong SAR, have resided
there for a minimum of three years, and have obtained
the equivalent of a UK first-class Honours degree.
Application Procedure
The closing date for applications is 1 April 2008.
Scholarship application forms and further information are
available on the web at:
For successful applicants, the University will provide
scholarships to cover tuition fees for up to 20 students,
and CSC will consider their application for a living
allowance as prescribed from time to time by the
Chinese Government (which includes Student Health
cover), a return airfare from China to the UK by the most
economical route, and visa application fees.
The University of Edinburgh
International Master’s Scholarships
Scholarships are offered annually for one year Master’s
study in any subject offered by the University to applicants
Further details regarding eligibility, application
procedure, and closing date for applications can be
found on the web at:
Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu
Scholarship M RM
Hong Kong
Middle East
The value of each scholarship is £3,000 which is deducted
from tuition fees. The most outstanding successful
applicant for the China Master’s Scholarship will receive
the Craig Mathieson China Master’s Scholarship with a
value of £5,000 which is also deducted from tuition fees.
The Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Scholarship is awarded
to a Chinese citizen who is normally resident in Hong
Kong SAR who has been accepted at the University
of Edinburgh to study on a Master’s programme in any
subject area. The value of the award is £15,000.
Application Procedure
Further information on the eligibility criteria and online
application procedure are available on the web at:
The closing date for applications for these scholarships
is 1 April 2008.
Application Procedure
The closing date for applications is 1 April 2008. Further
information on the eligibility criteria and online application
procedure are available on the web at:
The University of Edinburgh China Master’s Scholarship
“I have always been interested in specialising in horses, and pursuing an MSc
degree in Equine Science seemed to be the perfect choice. The award of the
China Master’s Scholarship has allowed me to keep my focus academically
instead of financially, and to enjoy the wonderful social life here in Edinburgh.”
Hart-Ling Cheung
MSc Equine Science
provided by UK
environments including the University of Edinburgh. Each
studentship is jointly funded by one Research Council and
an industrial partner. Subject to satisfactory progress,
the scholarships are tenable for up to four years and will
cover the full overseas tuition fee plus a maintenance
allowance which in 2007-2008 was £12,600.
The scholarships are open to nationals of one of the
eligible countries undertaking a PhD research degree, and
are open to top quality science, engineering, medicine,
social science and technology students studying in a
school rated 5 or 5* in the 2001 RAE exercise.
Overseas Research Students (ORS)
Awards Scheme R
The ORS Awards Scheme provides scholarship
opportunities at most UK universities. The awards are
open to overseas students undertaking a research
degree and may be held in any field of study. Each
award covers the difference between the tuition fee for
a UK/EU postgraduate student and that chargeable to
an overseas postgraduate student. The awards do not
cover maintenance expenses. Subject to satisfactory
progress, the awards are tenable for up to three years.
Application Procedure
The Closing date for applications is 1 April 2008.
Applicants should discuss their application and proposed
research project with the relevant College/School Office
before completing an online application which may be
found on the web at:
British Chevening Scholarships
Applicants must be liable to pay tuition fees at the rate
applicable to overseas students and must have been
offered admission to a full-time MPhil/PhD research
programme or currently be pursuing such a programme.
They must be of outstanding academic merit and
research potential. Other factors such as financial means,
nationality and the proposed field of study are not taken
into account.
The Chevening Scholarship scheme, funded by the FCO,
targets the future generation of leaders, decision-makers
and opinion-formers early in their careers. Globally,
approximately 2,000 new scholarships are awarded each
year. The scholarships may cover all or part of the total
study costs.
Application Procedure
The closing date for applications is 28 February 2008.
Applicants should discuss their application with the
relevant College/School Office before completing an
application form which may be found on the web at:
The scholarships are usually awarded to scholars
intending to undertake one-year Masters programmes.
Occasionally scholarships are awarded for shorter
courses or programmes of study. The minimum period of
study in the UK is three months. The typical successful
applicant will be aged between 25-35 in early or midcareer who displays both intellectual ability and leadership
Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate
Awards Scheme R
Application Procedure
The applicant must be resident in their country of origin at
the time of application. The closing date for applications
is normally 12 months before the start of the academic
year for which the award is sought. Further countryspecific information is available on:
The University of Edinburgh expects to be able to offer
a number of scholarships under the Dorothy Hodgkin
Postgraduate Awards (DHPA) Scheme. The scheme is
aimed at attracting high quality research students from
India, China, Hong Kong, Brazil, South Africa, Russia
and the developing world to highly rated UK research
Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS) Scholarship
“I chose the University of Edinburgh for its history in preparing top class
researchers in Theoretical Computer Science. The ORSAS, which covers the
difference between the overseas and home tuition fee, has allowed me to
study for my PhD degree and not go into debt.”
Marius Petria
PhD Informatics
Commonwealth Scholarship and
Fellowship Plan (CSFP) M RM R
Colombo Plan Awards M RM R
Colombo Plan Awards are open to citizens of
Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma,
Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Republic
of Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Maldive Islands, Nepal, New
Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines,
Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the USA. Further
details are included in the Association of Commonwealth
Universities guide Awards for Postgraduate Study at
Commonwealth Universities.
The CSFP provides opportunities for students in one
Commonwealth country to pursue advanced academic
study at Master’s or MPhil/PhD level in another
Commonwealth country. The scholarships are aimed
at individuals of high intellectual promise who may be
expected to make a significant contribution to their own
countries on their return from studying abroad. Around
300 general scholarships are offered annually. Awards
may vary in length from one to three years, and normally
cover the cost of travel, tuition fees and living expenses.
There are additional allowances for books and study
travel, and in some cases warm clothing. Allowances
may also be paid towards the cost of an accompanying
spouse and/or children.
Applications should be made through the appropriate
authority, usually the Ministry of Education or the Ministry
of Economic Affairs in the candidate’s home country.
For more details contact:
Colombo Plan Bureau
12 Melbourne Avenue
PO Box 596
Sri Lanka
E-mail: [email protected]
Candidates should normally be Commonwealth citizens
or British protected persons resident in a Commonwealth
country other than the UK, who have graduated with a
first degree (Bachelor’s degree) or equivalent qualification
with at least upper second-class Honours, or a Master’s
Application Procedure
Applications should be made to the Commonwealth
Scholarship Agency (usually the Ministry of Education)
in the applicant’s home country. Agency addresses are
listed in the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook.
Nominations must be received by the Commonwealth
Scholarship Commission in London by 31 December
For more information contact:
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission
The Association of Commonwealth Universities
Woburn House
20-24 Tavistock Square
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7380 6700
Fax: +44 (0)20 7387 2655
Other Commonwealth awards include the Commonwealth
Academic Staff Scholarships which are open to staff
employed in universities in developing commonwealth
countries, and the Split-Site Doctoral Scholarships
which support attendance for one year at a UK university,
under the joint supervision of a home country and UK
supervisor. Further information is available from:
Other Sources of
Canadian Loans M RM R
The University of Edinburgh is a recognised institution
for the purpose of certifying Canadian student loan
applications. The Canada Student Loans Program allows
students to borrow money from the Government of
Canada to pursue higher education.
Africa Educational Trust M RM R
Staff within the Scholarships and Student Finance
Office will be able to help students complete their Loan
applications by certifying and confirming their student
status on the relevant documentation provided by the
Canadian Government. Please note that the University
of Edinburgh’s Institutional Code is PUAR.
The Africa Educational Trust provides a number of
scholarships, grants and emergency funds to students
from Africa studying in administration, education, science
and technology. Further information is available from:
For details on eligibility and how to apply for a loan,
please visit the Canada Student Loans Program website
There is also a link from this site to the website of the
National Student Loan Service Centre to enable you to
check the status of your loan. For further assistance
please email the Scholarships and Student Finance
Office at [email protected]
Alban Programme M RM R
The Alban Programme, financed by the European
Commission, awards scholarships to Latin American
students studying for post-graduate degrees in the EU.
The scholarships are open to applicants for masters and
research degrees or for higher specialised training for
periods from 6 months to 3 years. Candidates should
note that these awards provide a contribution to the costs
of their tuition fees and living expenses, but that they
are responsible for finding the balance of these costs
from other sources if necessary. Further information is
available from the European Commission website at:
Canon Collins Trust M RM
Canon Collins Trust provides scholarships to students
from/in the countries of southern Africa who wish
to pursue a postgraduate degree (normally a one
year Masters degree) in the UK. Both partial and full
scholarships are awarded annually. Further information is
available at:
Beit Trust R
Beit Trust Scholarships support postgraduate students
who are domiciled in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
to study or undertake research in the UK. The award
provides a maintenance allowance, payment of tuition
fees and travel to and from the UK. Applicants must be
under 30 years of age (35 in the case of medical doctors).
Interviews are held in the national capitals.
Fulbright Commission Scholarships
The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers grants, of up
to $40,000, for the first academic year of postgraduate
study in any discipline and at any accredited UK
institution. Awards also include health insurance, free
visa processing, a 2-day cultural orientation in London
and alumnus mentoring.
For further information, please contact:
The Beit Trust
Beit House
Grove Road
Surrey GU21 5JB
Candidates must be US citizens and must display the
following: academic excellence, leadership experience,
outstanding references, strong reasons for coming to the
UK to undertake the proposed project, ambassadorial
qualities and a wide range of extra-curricular activities.
E-mail: [email protected]
Scottish International Scholarship
Programme M RM
Application Procedure
The deadline for completed applications is 23 October
2007. American students enrolled at a US university
must make an initial application to their Campus Fulbright
Advisor. Graduates should apply to the Institute of
International Education (IIE), 809 United Nations Plaza,
New York, NY 10017 3580, USA;
The Scottish Executive is offering 25 scholarships to
students who are permanent residents of China, India,
Singapore or USA and who would like to study for
a Masters degree in Scotland. The scholarships are
available for programmes of study at any Scottish higher
education institution and applications for science and
technology and creative industries will be given priority.
Further information is available on the British Council
Scotland website at:
See for country-specific
information or e-mail [email protected]
Marshall Scholarships M RM R
Silber Bequest M RM R
Marshall Scholarships are available to finance young US
citizens of high ability to study in the UK. The scholarships
are tenable for two academic years (22 months) and cover
tuition fees, living allowance and some study expenses,
fares to and from the US and, where applicable, a
contribution toward the support of a dependent spouse.
At least 40 scholarships are awarded annually.
Funding is available to assist prospective postgraduate
students who consider themselves to be refugees from
their native land. Further information on the eligibility
criteria and online application procedure are available on
the web at:
Applicants must be US citizens who, by the time that
they take up their scholarship must hold a first degree
from an accredited four-year college or university in the
US with a minimum GPA of 3.7. To qualify for awards
tenable from October 2008, candidates must have
graduated from their undergraduate college or university
after April 2005.
UK 9/11 Scholarships Fund M RM
The UK 9/11 Scholarships Fund supports students who
were directly affected by the 2001 terrorist events in the
US. The scholarships cover funding for full-time study in
the UK leading to a degree at Master’s level, or equivalent
in further education. The awards cover funding for tuition
fees, accommodation and travel expenses to and from
your country of residence and living expenses in the UK.
Application Procedure
Applications are made in one of eight regions in the US.
The deadline is 4 October 2007.
Applications from candidates resident in the United
States will be handled by Scholarship America.
Applicants resident in other countries, including the UK,
should apply directly to the British Council.
For more details contact:
Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission
Woburn House
20-24 Tavistock Square
United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
UNESCO fellowships are open to nationals of UNESCO
member states or associate members of those countries,
where economic aid and social development projects
are being carried out. Three types of fellowships exist:
fellowships proper; study grants; and travel grants.
Only applications submitted and endorsed by the
National Commission of the candidate’s country will be
considered. Further information can be obtained from
the UNESCO website at:
United States Federal Loans
The Scholarships and Student Finance Office at the
University of Edinburgh is able to help students with their
United States Federal Loan applications by certifying
the relevant documentation. The Federal Stafford
loan, Parent PLUS loan and Graduate PLUS loan are
educational loans borrowed from private US lenders,
with interest rates and other terms set by the US Federal
US students should note that the University of
Edinburgh is recognised by the Department of Education
in Washington for the purpose of receiving student
financial aid. The University of Edinburgh’s School Code
is 006839.
In addition to Federal Aid you may also qualify for other
educational loans such as Private Loans where you
can borrow an aggregate total of funds up to the cost
of attendance at the University. These loans are credit
based and you may require a Co-Signer.
Applicants should have applied for the appropriate
degree programme at the University of Edinburgh and
have received a formal offer of admission before applying
for any loan.
Further information on the types of loan, application
procedure, cost of attendance, loan disbursement,
entrance and exit counselling is available from:
College and School Scholarships and
Funding Opportunities
College of
Humanities and
Social Science
George Scott Travelling Scholarship
The scholarship is awarded to candidates undertaking
postgraduate study within the College of Humanities
and Social Science. Applicants must hold a University
of Edinburgh degree of not more than three year’s
standing. In 2008-2009 priority will be given to applicants
undertaking postgraduate study in Mental Philosophy. If
no suitable application is received for an award in this
discipline, the scholarship may be awarded in other
subject groupings in the following order of priority:
Semitic and Indian Languages, English and Modern
Languages, History, and Classical Languages and
Classical Archaeology.
College of Humanities and Social
Science Research Studentships and
Scholarships R
The College of Humanities and Social Science award
Research Studentships to prospective PhD students
about to start their studies in one of the 10 Schools
within the College.
The purpose of the award is to assist candidates in
travelling for study or research.
Applications for College studentships and scholarships
may be submitted by prospective PhD students who
have applied for admission. Current PhD students are
ineligible. The number of awards available varies from
year to year. Unsuccessful studentship applicants are
automatically considered for a College scholarship (UK/
EU tuition fees only) and need not apply separately.
Value: Deadline:
Studentship Value (2007-2008):
Tuition fees (limited to the UK/EU rate), annual stipend of
£11,340 and a research expenses allowance of £420
School of Arts, Culture and
Scholarship Value (2007-2008):
Tuition fees (limited to the UK/EU rate) and a research
expenses allowance of £420
Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship
Deadline: 28 February 2008
Contact: College Postgraduate Office,
e-mail: [email protected]
Five scholarships are available for taught master’s
students studying Music. Candidates will be considered
in conjunction with the University admission application.
The John Orr Research Award R
An award for research in any Romance Literature,
Language or Dialect. Preference may be given to those
working in language studies. The award is tenable by
postgraduate students who are either graduates of the
University of Edinburgh or registered as candidates for an
intermediate or higher degree in the University of Edinburgh.
The amount awarded will not exceed £5,700 in total and may be divided between two or more applicants.
29 May 2008
College Postgraduate Office,
e-mail: [email protected]
30 May 2008
Lesley Hall, e-mail: [email protected]
School of Divinity
School of Divinity Scholarships
Up to £2,300 per year
31 May 2008
College Postgraduate Office, e-mail: [email protected]
A number of scholarships are available for
postgraduate students within the School of Divinity.
Fee only, maintenance only and full scholarships
University of Edinburgh Principal’s Scholarship and School of Law Award
“I approached the idea of a PhD at Edinburgh through making contact with my
potential supervisor well in advance of applying and while I was developing
a topic. My supervisor provided me with a lot of helpful information and
suggestions about funding. The scholarships which I received have benefited
me, giving me the chance to undertake further study that I would otherwise
have been unable to do.”
Pierre Harcourt
PhD Law
School of Health in Social Science
School Postgraduate Office,
e-mail: [email protected]
Epilepsy Action Postgraduate
Research Bursaries R
Three awards are available to suitably qualified individuals
wishing to undertake research in the areas of health,
psychology and social care for people with epilepsy.
The Moray House School of Education
Applied Educational Research Scheme
(AERS) Studentship R
Applicants should be citizens or permanent residents
of the UK and, normally, hold a post in education
or a related discipline in a Scottish University or
employment in a Local Authority looking to undertake
postgraduate research at the University of Edinburgh.
School of History, Classics and
Tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus a stipend of £10,000
School of History, Classics and
Archaeology Scholarships M RM R
A number of awards are made each year to students
applying for a taught MSc or the MSc by Research, or
the first year (of a minimum three year programme) of
PhD study.
The Tom & Maureen Fairlie
Scholarship M R
Awarded to a postgraduate student within the Moray
House School of Education at the University of
Edinburgh who is accepted on to a programme of
study and who intends to teach, or develop his/her
teaching of, mathematics or science-based subjects in
secondary schools; or wishes to undertake research
that contributes to the development or the effective
teaching of the Scottish secondary school curriculum
in the areas of mathematics or science-based subjects.
8 October 2007
Epilepsy Action, e-mail:
[email protected]
Tuition fees at the UK/EU rate
21 April 2008
Richard Kane, e-mail: [email protected]
Justin Arbuthnott British Irish Award
£1,000 per annum
27 June 2008
Scholarships and Student Finance Office, e-mail: [email protected]
One or more awards are available to “promote the
better understanding of Ireland and the various complex
relationships which link Ireland and the UK.”
Up to £3,700
1 May 2008
Scholarships and Student Finance Office
email: [email protected]
School of Law
The Gordon R. McCulloch Scholarship
The School of Law offer a variety of awards for both
Master’s and PhD study. Further details on these awards
and how to make an application can be found on the
School of Law website at:
A scholarship open to students from an African or Latin
American country as classified by the UN. Applications
are invited from students who have applied for a place
on the full-time MBA or MBA in International Business.
School of Literature, Languages and
William Hunter Sharpe Memorial
Scholarships M
One or more scholarships are available to postgraduate
students who are accepted onto the full-time MSc
Creative Writing programme at the University of
31 March 2008
Management School and Economics,
e-mail: [email protected]
Martin Currie Chevening Scholarships
Two scholarships for young professionals from financial
sectors in China on the MSc in Finance and Investment
programme of study.
Contribution towards tuition fees.
Kate Marshall,
e-mail: [email protected]
Management School and Economics
Full scholarship including tuition fees, stipend and return flights.
Management School and Economics,
e-mail: [email protected]
The Calum Miller Scholarship M
The University of Edinburgh
Management School 25th
Anniversary Scholarships M
A scholarship open to students who have been
accepted onto the full-time MBA programme or fulltime International MBA programme, taught in The
Management School and Economics. Candidates
should have an excellent academic record and be a
citizen or resident of a country (for a minimum of three
years) in South America or Africa as defined by the UN.
Four scholarships open to applicants who are citizens
and residents of Latin American or African countries, as
classified by the UN, and who are applying for admission
onto the full-time MBA or MBA in International Business.
31 March 2008
Management School and Economics,
e-mail: [email protected]
31 March 2008
Management School and Economics,
e-mail: [email protected]
OSI/FCO Chevening/University of Edinburgh Scholarship
Nisreen Abdullah, MSc Policy Studies
Research and Teaching Scholarships
Epilepsy Action Postgraduate
Research Bursaries R
Each year Economics offers up to three Research and
Teaching Scholarships (RATS) for high calibre PhD
students who possess a distinction or near distinction
grade MSc in Economics from a UK University or
an overseas equivalent qualification from a foreign
Three awards for suitably qualified individuals
wishing to undertake research in the areas of health,
psychology and social care for people with epilepsy.
Each scholarship is worth approximately £12,000 per
year for three years – an amount which covers tuition fees
and which also makes a significant contribution to living
expenses. Holders of the scholarship will be expected
to teach around 120 hours per year of undergraduate
tutorials in Economics. For further details and information
contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Shaw Philosophical Fellowship M RM
Open to Masters of Arts graduates of any Scottish
University of not more than three years’ standing
and undergraduates who are proceeding to
graduation as Master of Arts in the year of award.
School of Philosophy, Psychology and
Language Sciences
Ailie Donald Bursary M RM R
Awarded annually to a full-time or part-time postgraduate
student in English Language.
31 July 2008
Scholarships and Student Finance Office, e-mail: [email protected]
Tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus stipend
30 June 2008
Katie Keltie,
e-mail: [email protected]
School of Social and Political Studies
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship
Scheme M
The Denwyn Dobby Scholarship R
The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme and
the University of Edinburgh will support three students
joining the MSc African Studies degree programme
in 2008-2009. Applicants will be from a developing
Commonwealth country, not presently employed by a
government department or parastatal organisation. They
will not have undertaken studies lasting a year or more
in a developed country, and must return to their home
country as soon as they have completed their period of
study. Priority will be given to candidates under the age
of 30.
A scholarship is available to a full-time research student
within the Koestler Parapsychology Unit in the School
of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences.
8 October 2007
Epilepsy Action,
e-mail: [email protected]
Tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus stipend
11 April 2008
Head of Psychology,
e-mail: [email protected]
The scholarship covers tuition fees, living costs (including
accommodation) and return airfares. Applicants wishing
to be considered for this scholarship should contact:
The Centre for African Studies
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0)131 650 3878
Application and Information: Applications should be
submitted to the local OSI representative:
Georgia - e-mail: [email protected];
telephone: (995 32) 938999, 250463 Graduate School Awards R
Jordan – e-mail: [email protected];
telephone: 962 6 4636147
Three scholarships in any discipline in Social and
Political Studies.
Kyrgyzstan –
e-mail: [email protected];
telephone: (996 312) 663475
Tuition fees at UK/EU rate and research costs
Sue Grant, e-mail: [email protected]
Palestine – e-mail: [email protected]; telephone: 00 972 (2) 628 2545
Syria - e-mail: [email protected]; telephone: 00 963 (11) 331 0631 The McLean Social Work Scholarship
A scholarship for postgraduate research to a registered
student in Social Work. Candidates already in receipt of
awards from other sources are not normally considered.
Tuition fee at UK/EU rate
Richard Perry,
e-mail: [email protected]
OSI/FCO Chevening/University of
Edinburgh Scholarships M RM
Up to 20 scholarships funded jointly by the Foreign
and Commonwealth Office, the Open Society-Zug and
the University of Edinburgh for citizens from Georgia,
Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine and Syria admitted to
the MSc in Nationalism Studies; MSc in Policy Studies;
MSc in Social Research; or MSc in Political Theory (by
Tuition fees, monthly stipend and return air travel from the scholar’s home country.
29 February 2008 (to be confirmed)
Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS) Scholarship and School of
GeoSciences Scholarship
“My ultimate career objective is to serve at the United Nations as a specialist in
environmental studies. The ORSAS and GeoSciences scholarships have enabled
me to take the first important step towards this goal.”
Yosuke Ikehara
PhD Geology and Geophysics
College of Science
and Engineering
School of Biological Sciences
Approximately 30 highly competitive research
scholarships are available each year to new postgraduate
research students. These include studentships provided
by the School; by various charities; project studentships
associated with research grants provided by various
funding agencies; grants from the School of Biological
Sciences; and doctoral training funds provided by
BBSRC, MRC and NERC. Note that these Research
Council studentships are restricted to UK and European
The College of Science and Engineering receives
substantial funding from the UK Research Councils in
the form of Research Grants, Doctoral Training Accounts
and Knowledge Transfer Account funding which can be
used to fund studentships, research projects and some
masters taught programmes. The eligibility criteria for
UK Research Council funding are outlined on pages 10
- 13. In addition the College has funds from donations
and endowments that are available to provide funding
for studentships. Individual Schools also receive
considerable support from other organisations such as
charities, trusts and industrial sponsors.
Value: Deadline: Contact: Internet:
Applicants should not apply directly to the College Office
for funding but should indicate on their application form
that they wish to be considered for funding. Applicants
are advised to consult School websites regularly for
details of funding opportunities (and their deadlines) as
well as new funding opportunities that arise throughout
the academic year.
Most are full scholarships, paying tuition fees, some research costs, and a stipend to cover living expenses. A small number are partial scholarships, paying tuition fees and research costs and/or a contribution towards living expenses.
See Institute websites
[email protected]
Wellcome Trust 4 year PhD
programme in the Cellular and
Molecular Basis of Disease R
Marie Curie Studentships R
Marie Curie Fellowships provide European placements
for pre and post-doctoral researchers, usually up to the
age of 35. The studentship is paid direct to the student
and applications must be made directly to the Marie
Curie Foundation.
Awarded to outstanding young science graduates
wishing to pursue a career in biomedical research. The
three themes of the Programme are Developmental Cell
Biology, Genetics and Disease, and Immunology and
Further information is available at:
Value: Deadline: Contact: Internet: Microsoft Research Cambridge R
Microsoft Research offers funding and support for
exceptional students who are working in computing
and at the intersection of computing and the sciences,
including biology, chemistry and physics. Any European
national student who has been accepted by a university
in Europe to start a PhD or who will have completed no
more than one year of their PhD is eligible.
Tuition fees, research costs and maintenance allowance
January 2008
[email protected]
School of Chemistry
Approximately 50 research scholarships are available
each year to new postgraduate research students. These
include project studentships associated with research
grants from funding agencies (EPRSC, BBSRC, MRC
Further information is available at:
School of GeoSciences
and ESRC) and charities, doctoral training funds provided
by the Research Councils, and EU-sponsored EarlyStage Training Centres.
Value: Contact:
Scottish Alliance for Geoscience,
Environment & Society (SAGES) PhD
Studentships R
It is normal practice to award full scholarships, paying tuition fees (at the home/EU level), research costs, and a stipend to cover living expenses.
[email protected]
SAGES is a strategic initiative, pooling world-leading
expertise in geoscience from across Scotland’s research
base, creating an alliance at the forefront of earth and
environmental research and a partnership between the
Universities of Aberdeen, Abertay, Dundee, Edinburgh,
Glasgow, Paisley, St Andrews, Stirling, the Scottish
Association for Marine Science (SAMS) at University
of the Highlands & Islands, and the Scottish Universities
Environmental Research Centre (SUERC).
School of Engineering & Electronics
The David Mayes Scholarship R
Studentships provide full UK/EU tuition fee, stipend and
Research Training Support Grant at prevailing Research
Council rates. Successful candidates from outside the
EU will be required to provide funding from their own
sources for the difference between the EU and the
Overseas tuition fee. Projects may be based at any of
the partnership universities.
A scholarship to pursue research in the field of silicon
chip design. Research should not be weapons related but
rather should be promoting, protecting and enhancing life.
1 April 2008
Scholarships and Student Finance Office,
e-mail: [email protected]
China Scholarship Council/University
of Edinburgh China Research
Scholarship R
Wolfson Microelectronics Scholarship
The School provides a Research Training Support
Grant of £1,000 for successful applicants for these
Five scholarships for PhD study in the School
of Informatics or the School of Engineering and
NERC Advanced Course Awards M
1 April 2008
Scholarships and Student Finance Office,
e-mail: [email protected]
Covers fees and stipend for (only) approved MSc
programmes for UK citizens and EU nationals who have
resided in the UK for more than 3 years.
School of Informatics
School of Informatics Scholarships R
Approximately 50 research scholarships are available
each year to new postgraduate research students. These
include studentships provided by the Neuroinformatics
Doctoral Training Centre; project studentships
School of Engineering and Electronics Scholarship
“I chose to study at Edinburgh due to the reputation of the School of
Engineering and Electronics and the city of Edinburgh itself. My supervisor told
me about the award which has enabled me to fund my PhD studies. Without
this School Scholarship it would not have been possible for me to undertake
further study and carry out my research.”
Charles Cresswell
PhD Engineering and Electronics
associated with research grants provided by EPSRC
and other funding agencies; grants from the School of
Informatics, the College of Science and Engineering, and
Research Institutes in Informatics; and doctoral training
funds provided by EPSRC, MRC and ESRC.
and in return are paid a substantial contribution towards
their maintenance costs. No separate application form
is needed.
Teaching R
Most are full scholarships, paying tuition fees, research costs, and a stipend to cover living expenses. A small number are partial scholarships, paying tuition fees and research costs and/or a contribution towards living expenses.
Informatics Graduate School,
e-mail: [email protected]
In addition to Teaching Assistantships, there are
possibilities available for postgraduate students to
undertake teaching. Many of our postgraduate students
find teaching undergraduate tutorials a rewarding
experience, both professionally and financially as a
welcome additional source of income. A wide range of
opportunities are usually available. Details are arranged
during the first week of the new academic session in
Wolfson Microelectronics Scholarship
School of Physics
Five scholarships for PhD study in the School of Informatics
or the School of Engineering and Electronics.
Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
(SUPA) Prize Studentships R
1 April 2008
Scholarships and Student Finance Office,
e-mail: [email protected]
These prestigious and competitive awards are intended
to attract outstanding students from around the world,
irrespective of nationality, to study for a PhD.
Value: Tuition fees plus stipend of £13,500 for 2008, rising incrementally by £500 each year of the award
Deadline: 31 January 2008 but see website below for confirmation
Application: By online application form at the SUPA website
website: School/Prize_Studentship_Form.htm,
from October 2007 onwards until the deadline
Deadline: Please complete the form carefully - incomplete applications will not be considered.
School of Mathematics
Seggie-Brown Postgraduate
Scholarships R
Two scholarships of £1,000 per annum for three years
are available each year to supplement a more substantial
award (e.g. EPSRC or Carnegie) for outstanding students
who completed their secondary education in Scotland.
If you wish to apply for a Seggie-Brown Postgraduate
Scholarship, please mention this when asking for your
main application form, and you will be sent a short
separate application form at the same time.
Teaching R
There are possibilities available for postgraduate
research students to tutor and demonstrate physics
undergraduate courses. This can be a welcome source
of additional income, as well as an opportunity to learn
and practice teaching skills, and training is given. Details
are arranged at the start of each semester.
Teaching Assistantships R
These awards are available to Overseas and EU (non
UK) applicants. Teaching Assistantships spend up to 6
hours per week on teaching, preparation and marking,
College of
Medicine and
scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic
merit. PhD opportunities are available in the College’s
Research Centres:
• Cancer Research
• Cardiovascular Science
• Clinical Brain Sciences
• Cognitve and Neural Systems
• Infectious Diseases
College Awards
• Inflammation Research
• Integrative Physiology
British Heart Foundation Programme
in the Cellular and Molecular Basis of
Cardiovascular Disease R
• Molecular Medicine
Awarded to outstanding young science graduates
wishing to pursue a career in cardiovascular research.
• Reproductive Biology
• Neuroscience Research
• Public Health and Primary Care Research
• Regenerative Medicine
Tuition fees, research costs and maintenance allowance
1 February 2008
Dorothy Watson, e-mail: [email protected]
Value: Deadline: Contact: Internet:
College of Medicine and Veterinary
Medicine PhD Studentships R
Eight PhD studentships for prospective PhD candidates
who are required to select their research project from
30 available projects.
Tuition fees (at UK/EU rate) and maintenance allowance of £12,610
1 February 2008
Dorothy Watson, e-mail: [email protected]
The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine will provide tuition fees and
research costs. Students are encouraged to apply to the China Scholarships Council for living costs.
Applicants should apply to 1) the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine and 2) the CSC by Friday 2 February 2008, and should indicate clearly in their postgraduate application that they are applying for a China Scholarship Council/
University of Edinburgh Joint Scholarship.
Dorothy Watson, e-mail: [email protected]
Colt Foundation Fellowships in
Occupational / Environmental Health
The Foundation makes a number of grants each year to PhD
students whose subject is relevant to this field of medicine.
College of Medicine and Veterinary
Medicine China Link PhD
Studentships R
One PhD scholarship will be available to each of the
following partner universities in China: Nankai, Fudan,
Peking, Xiamen and China Agricultural universities. The
31 October 2008
Jackie Douglas,
e-mail: [email protected]
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
“The College Scholarship has fully funded my PhD including tuition fees, travel
and maintenance grant. Without the scholarship it would not have been
possible for me to experience the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
which has a wonderful research reputation; a vibrant atmosphere; and a host
of exciting research that I am really excited to be part of.”
Becky Carlyle
PhD Medical Sciences
Polish School of Medicine Memorial
Fund M RM R
MSc/Diploma in Anaesthesia Practice
Awarded to suitably experienced and qualified young
medical scientists to undertake a period of further study or
research at the University of Edinburgh’s Medical School
and return to Poland to use their new found knowledge and
skills to further develop and enrich Polish medicine and
contribute positively to the healthcare of the Polish Nation.
There is funding available for the MSc/Dip in Anaesthesia
Practice. The amount and exact nature of this funding
depends on whether you are applying to the programme
as a ‘science graduate’ or as a currently employed
healthcare professional (i.e. nurse, ODP etc).
If you are applying under the science graduate scheme,
you will receive a tax-free bursary of £9,548 per year
and you will also have the fees for the Diploma in
Anaesthesia Practice paid. Upon achieving the Diploma,
which is the minimum qualification for practice, trainees
would have the option of continuing their studies for an
additional year to gain an MSc in Anaesthesia Practice.
This additional year is not covered by the bursary and
fees for this currently are £2,480.
£14,950 towards maintenance costs
28 March 2008
Dr Maria Dlugolecka-Graham, e-mail: [email protected]
If you are applying under the currently employed
healthcare professional scheme, there will be a salary
protection scheme in place and you will also have the
fees for the Diploma in Anaesthesia Practice paid. Upon
achieving the Diploma, which is the minimum qualification
for practice, trainees would have the option of continuing
their studies for an additional year to gain an MSc in
Anaesthesia Practice. This additional year is not covered
by the salary protection scheme and fees for this currently
are £2,480. Should you have any questions about the
salary protection scheme for currently employed health
care professionals, please contact Sybil Lang at NHS
Education for Scotland on 07908 213 415 or at sybil.
[email protected]
Wellcome Trust 4 Year PhD
Programme in the Cellular and
Molecular Basis of Disease R
Awarded to outstanding young science graduates
wishing to pursue a career in biomedical research. The
three themes of the Programme are Developmental Cell
Biology, Genetics & Disease, and Immunology & Infection.
Tuition fees, research costs and maintenance allowance
4 January 2008
Lynn Quick, e-mail: [email protected]
PG Certificate in Translational
MSc/Dip/Cert in Pain Management
Full Scholarships funded by Merck Serono are available.
Should you wish to apply for one of these scholarships,
please indicate at the time of application.
NAPP and Pfizer provide bursaries for specific use on
the Cert/Dip/MSc in Pain Management programme.
Should you wish to apply for one of these bursaries,
please indicate at the time of application.
MSc/Diploma in International Animal
15 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships are
available per annum. Should you wish to apply for one
of these scholarships, please indicate at the time of
Further information
Opening a bank
To open a bank account, you will need to bring the
following identification:
• Photo ID e.g. your passport, UK driving licence,
photocard driving licence, EU national identity card
or NUS card.
If you do not already have a bank or building society
account you are strongly encouraged to set one up before
you start your university programme, as many scholarship
or studentship payments are now paid via BACS straight
into your bank account. The most common type of bank
account is a ‘current account’ which allows immediate
access to your account in contrast to an ‘interest-bearing
deposit account’ which normally requires you to provide
the bank with some notice before you can withdraw any
• The original copy of your postgraduate offer letter of
admission from the University of Edinburgh.
• Address verification e.g. a University letter of
acceptance or enrolment letter on University headed
notepaper, or Funding Award letter either from the
University or an external sponsor.
Please note that International students will
also require a bank letter of introduction from
Accommodation Services or online at:
The city of Edinburgh has a number of banks and
you will need to decide which one is best for you.
While the University does not endorse any particular
bank we do suggest that banks in the vicinity of
the University which are more used to dealing with
students might be easier than city centre branches.
If you are an international or EU student then you will
not normally be allowed to open a bank account until
you arrive in the UK. Unlike UK students, your account
will not offer an overdraft facility. You will be required to
provide the same sort of verification as indicated above
but may be asked for proof of both your home address
and the address at which you will be staying in Edinburgh.
You may also be required to provide a reference letter
from your bank in your home country, written in English,
providing details on your credit status. On arrival you
can obtain a letter of introduction which will be sent
to you at the Edinburgh address you have provided.
Banks convenient to the University include:
Barclays Bank
1 St. Andrew Square
Edinburgh, EH2 2BD
Clydesdale Bank
University Branch
29/30 Nicolson Square
Edinburgh EH8 9BX
Tel: 0845 7555555
Tel: 0131 667 0228
Halifax/Bank of Scotland
University Student Centre
4 Bristo Square
Edinburgh EH8 9AL
118 Princes Street
Edinburgh, EH4 4AA
Tel: 0131 465 3700
Tel: 0845 6040626
Lloyds TSB
9–11 Clerk Street
Edinburgh EH8 9JH
NatWest Bank
13 Bristo Square
Tel: 0845 3030109
Tel: 0845 3661965
Royal Bank of Scotland
30 Nicolson Street
Edinburgh EH8 9DL
Royal Bank of Scotland
57/61 Forrest Road
Edinburgh EH1 2QP
Tel: 0131 668 3351
Tel: 0131 226 6061
As banks differ in what they require from EU and
international students, it is advisable before leaving your
home country to look at the websites of some of the main
banks to see what documentation they require. In order
to ensure that you have sufficient funds available for the
first five weeks after arriving in the UK, it is sensible to
bring some travellers’ cheques with you which you can
easily cash in at any bank.
Due to strict UK government regulations to counter
money laundering it can sometimes be difficult and timeconsuming for students from outside the EU to open
a bank account. Please ensure that you have all the
required proof of identification as indicated above before
visiting the bank.
Useful Publications
Useful Websites
The Directory of Grant Making Trusts
Published by the Charities Aid Foundation, Kings Hill,
West Malling, Kent ME19 4TA Telephone: 01732
Association of Medical Research Charities maintains a
searchable database of member charities
The Educational Grants Directory
Published by the Directory of Social Change, 24
Stephenson Way, London NW1 2DP
Telephone: 020 7391 4800
With 1,600 sources, this guide contains a variety of
useful funding sources.
UK Council for International Student Affairs provides
help and advice to prospective overseas students.
Higher Education and Research Opportunities (HERO)
provides funding links on funding for overseas students.
The Grants Register
Published by Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Houndmills,
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS.
Provides comprehensive information on postgraduate
and professional funding worldwide.
A Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need
Published by the Directory of Social Change, 24
Stepheson Way, London NW1 2DP
Telephone: 020 7391 4800
The Hotcourses website contains a searchable
database of funding opportunities.
International Awards
Published by ACU, 20-24 Tavistock Square, London
WC1H 9HF United Kingdom
Provides information on scholarships, grants, bursaries,
loans etc which are available to graduates wishing
to travel primarily, but not exclusively, from one
Commonwealth country to another for postgraduate
study or research.
Prospects Postgraduate Funding Guide
Published by the Higher Education Careers Service,
Prospects House, Booth Street East, Manchester M13
9EP. Telephone: 0161 277 5200
Provides information on funding available to UK, EU and
overseas students.
The website brings
together different types of funding opportunities open
to postgraduate students.
Study Abroad
Published by UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75700
Paris, France. Also available from HMSO Books, P.O.
Box 267, London SW8 5DT.
Provides useful information on overseas scholarships to
British universities.
Prospects website provides useful information on
postgraduate study and funding opportunities.
The website advertises postgraduate
The University of Edinburgh Careers Service provides
useful information on part-time work and funding
All of the above publications are available in the
University of Edinburgh’s Careers Service, 33 Buccleuch
Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9JS
Useful contacts
For general enquiries
The Scholarships and Student Finance Office
The University of Edinburgh
Old College
South Bridge
Edinburgh EH8 9YL
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
The Chancellor’s Building
49 Little France Crescent
Edinburgh EH16 4SB
Tel: 0131 242 6461
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0131 651 4070
Email: [email protected]
For international enquiries
The International Office
The University of Edinburgh
57 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9JU
College of Science and Engineering
The University of Edinburgh
The Weir Building
The King’s Buildings
West Mains Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JY
Tel: 0131 650 4296
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0131 650 5766
Email: [email protected]
For advice on applying for funding
EUSA – The Advice Place
The University of Edinburgh
Students’ Association
5/2 Bristo Square
Edinburgh EH8 9AL
For accommodation enquiries
Accommodation Services
Reception Centre
Pollock Halls
18 Holyrood Park Road
Edinburgh EH16 5AY
Tel: 0131 650 9225
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0131 667 1971
Email: [email protected]
The University of Edinburgh
Old College
South Bridge
Edinburgh EH8 9AL
For disability enquiries
Disability Office
The University of Edinburgh
6 South College Street
Edinburgh EH8 9AA
Tel: 0131 650 2845
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0131 650 6828
Email: [email protected]
For admission enquiries
College of Humanities and Social Science
Postgraduate Office
The University of Edinburgh
55-56 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9JU
Further information for students from Scotland
The Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)
3 Redheughs Rigg
South Gyle
Edinburgh EH12 9HH
Tel: 0845 111 1711
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0131 660 4086
Email: [email protected]
Index of Funding
for Postgraduate
Funding for Taught Masters
MSc/Diploma in Anaesthesia Practice
MSc/Diploma in International Animal Health
MSc/Dip/Cert in Pain Management
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
NERC Advanced Course Awards
OSI/FCO Chevening/University of
Edinburgh Scholarships
Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund
Africa Educational Trust
Sallie Mae UK Education Loan Programme
Ailie Donald Bursary
School of Divinity Scholarships
Alban Programme
American Friends of the University of Edinburgh (AFUE) Postgraduate Scholarships
School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Scottish and Newcastle Baltika Scholarships 18
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
Scottish International Scholarship Programme 28
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Shaw Philosophical Fellowship
Shell Centenary Chevening Scholarships 18
British Chevening Scholarships 24
Shell Centenary Scholarships 18
Canadian Loans 27
Silber Bequest 28
Canon Collins Trust 27
Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Scholarship 22
Career Development Loans 15
The Calum Miller Scholarship
Chevening Birzeit Scholarship at the
The Gordon R. McCulloch Scholarship 34
The Tom & Maureen Fairlie Scholarship 33
University of Edinburgh
Chevening Malaysia Scholarship at the
University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh China & Hong Kong Scholarship
Chevening Russia Scholarships at the University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh International Master’s Scholarships
Colombo Plan Awards 26
The University of Edinburgh Management School 25th Anniversary Scholarship
Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship
Plan (CSFP) 10
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme 36
The University of Edinburgh UK/EU Master’s
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 11
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC)
The University of Edinburgh UK/EU Postgraduate Adult Returner Bursaries
UK 9/11 Scholarships 28
Fulbright Commission Scholarships 27
US Loans
Jean Kennoway Howells Scholarship
William Hunter Sharpe Memorial Scholarships 34
Justin Arbuthnott British Irish Award
Marshall Scholarships
Martin Currie Chevening Scholarship 34
Medical Research Council (MRC)
Funding for Masters by Research
Africa Educational Trust
Ailie Donald Bursary
Alban Programme
American Friends of the University of Edinburgh (AFUE) Postgraduate Scholarships
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 11
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
British Chevening Scholarships
Canadian Loans 27
Canon Collins Trust 27
Career Development Loans 15
Chevening Birzeit Scholarship at the
University of Edinburgh
Chevening Russia Scholarships at the University of Edinburgh
Colombo Plan Awards 26
Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 11
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC)
Fulbright Commission Scholarships 27
Helen Doig Scholarship
Justin Arbuthnott British Irish Award
Marshall Scholarships
Medical Research Council (MRC) 13
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) 12
OSI/FCO Chevening/University of Edinburgh
Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund Scholarship
Sallie Mae UK Education Loan Programme
Scottish and Newcastle Baltika Scholarships 18
School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Scottish International Scholarship Programme 28
Shaw Philosophical Fellowship
Silber Bequest 28
Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Scholarship 22
The University of Edinburgh China & Hong Kong Scholarship 22
The University of Edinburgh International Master’s Scholarships
The University of Edinburgh UK/EU Master’s Scholarships
The University of Edinburgh UK/EU Postgraduate Adult Returner Bursaries
UK 9/11 Scholarships 28
US Loans 29
Funding for Research Programmes R
Africa Educational Trust
Ailie Donald Bursary
Alban Programme
American Friends of the University of Edinburgh
(AFUE) Postgraduate Scholarships
Applied Educational Research Scheme (AERS) Studentship
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 11
Beit Trust 27
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
British Chevening Scholarships 24
British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) 14
British Heart Foundation Programme in the Cellular 43
and Molecular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease
Justin Arbuthnott British Irish Award
Marie Curie Studentshiips
Marshall Scholarships
Medical Research Council (MRC) 13
Microsoft Research Cambridge
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) 12
Overseas Research Students (ORS) Awards
Scheme 24
Polish School of Medicine Memorial Fund
Research and Teaching Scholarships (Economics)
Sallie Mae UK Education Loan Programme
School of Divinity Scholarships
School of History, Classics and Archaeology
School of Informatics Scholarships
School of Mathematics Teaching Assistantships
Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment & Society (SAGES) PhD Studentships
Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) Prize Studentships
Seggie-Brown Postgraduate Scholarships
Silber Bequest 28
The Edgar Pye Research Scholarship 15
The John Orr Research Award 31
The McLean Social Work Scholarship 37
Caledonian Research Foundation Scholarships 14
Canadian Loans 27
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland 14
China Scholarship Council/University of Edinburgh China Research Scholarship
College of Humanities and Social Science
Research Scholarships
College of Humanities and Social Science Research Studentships
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine China Link PhD Scholarships
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine PhD Scholarships
The Tom & Maureen Fairlie Scholarship 33
The University of Edinburgh ORS Linked Scholarships
Colombo Plan Awards Colt Foundation Fellowships in Occupational/
Environmental Health
The University of Edinburgh UK/EU Postgraduate Adult Returner Bursaries
Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and 15,28
Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
David Mayes Scholarship 40
US Loans 29
Denwyn Dobby Scholarship 36
Wellcome Trust 15
Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards Scheme Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 24
Wellcome Trust 4 Year PhD Programme in 39,45
the Cellular and Molecular Basis of Disease
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC)
Wingate Scholarships 16
Wolfson Microelectronics Scholarships 40,42
Epilepsy Action Postgraduate Bursaries 33,36
Fulbright Commission Scholarships 27
Graduate School Awards (Social and Political Studies)
Designed by Medical Illustration, Learning Technology Section, The University of Edinburgh.
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