Stay Safe in the Great Outdoors


Stay Safe in the Great Outdoors
Newsletter of the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
Summer 2013
Stay Safe in the
Great Outdoors
Published by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority and partially
funded by a Proposition 84 grant from the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
Summer 2013
Table of Contents
Greetings from the MRCA By George Lange
What to Know Before You Go
Planning and Preparing for Safe
Outdoor Activities
Staying Safe in Nature’s Playground
What to Do While on the Trail
MRCA’s Role in Emergency Trail Situations p.8
From Chief Ranger Fernando Gomez
Connect to the MRCA:
For question about Symbiosis, e-mail us
at [email protected]
Cover: Trail in Santa Clarita Woodlands
Top: Ringneck Snake. Photo by Sophia
Meet Ranger Jodi Thomas and Caba
Part of the MRCA Safety Team
Showing Your Gratitude to Nature
Principles of Leave No Trace and
Outdoor Etiquette
Knowing Your Neighbors
Notable Plants and Animals in the Parks
Staying Cool and Hydrated in the
Summer Heat
Lessons from Nature
Wilderness Survival Workshop
Coming Fall 2013
Side: Coyote. Photo by Louise Rishoff
Greetings from the MRCA
Greetings Friends,
Welcome to another issue of the MRCA Symbiosis Newsletter. This issue focuses on “Stay Safe in the Great
Outdoors”, intended to get us all thinking ahead of time about being safe and aware -- anticipating the potential for
experiences both positive and negative, expected or not expected -- while in open space and out on the trails.
More specifically, what does “Stay Safe in the Great Outdoors” mean? We all have our own vision of being
outdoors, but what thoughts go through your mind when you hear the word “safe”? Everyone wants to be safe (from
danger, harm, disappointment, etc.), yet we know that there is always the possibility that not so pleasant things may
happen. There are always unforeseen circumstances that occur throughout our life. However, if we do our best with
planning and preparing we can minimize the likelihood and impact of the negative circumstances. These principles
also apply when venturing into the Great Outdoors -- which is the message we want to communicate in this issue.
As you read through the following articles, addressing safe practices, preparedness, proper outdoors etiquette, and
more, you’ll feel more confident when you do encounter an unexpected situation. Our take away message is be
prepared and aware, even in a place you are very familiar with. If you recognize the possibility of encountering
wildlife or an injured hiker, for example, you are more likely to remain safe while out on trails.
To emphasize this, I want to share personal experiences, both positive and negative, I’ve had while out on trails.
The beauty of nature entices us to observe it up close, but we still need to be aware of our surroundings and safety
guidelines. I once made the mistake of NOT staying on the trail and got in contact with poison oak, so severe I
ended up requiring medical treatment. The memory of this experience helps keep me mindful to act in a safe and
mature manner while in nature whether mountain biking, hiking, jogging or on a leisurely stroll.
Living in the northern part of the Conejo Valley, as I do and close to open space, it is not unusual to have encounters
with wildlife. This was especially true years ago prior to increased development. Being open to and prepared
for such encounters can be profoundly inspiring and leave lasting memories. I’ll never forget one instance that
occurred less than a mile from my house. It was early morning and I was jogging east with the sun rising over
a ridge and I came across a doe and her 2 fawns, 50 feet away. I thought she would have heard me approaching,
although they were intensely focused on grazing. Obviously we were all startled by the surprise encounter. I
immediately stopped in my tracks and watched the scene unfold. They initially appeared slow to react, just looking
at me, but then at a fast pace they moved down the hill. Being physically and mentally prepared for an unexpected
situation, I was able to assess the situation -- which afforded me a beautiful memory I still “see” today.
Another experience ranks among the most memorable for me. About a half a mile west of my previously mentioned
deer encounter, I observed a mountain lion perhaps only 50 yards ahead of me! While on the familiar Santa Rosa
Valley trail returning from a hike into Wildwood Park -- one of the Conejo Recreation and Park Districts (CRPD)
larger parks -- I approached an area where deer would lay in the tall grass on a regular basis, and I observed the
commotion of a mountain lion chasing 5 deer. The deer came to a knoll and headed north, disappearing from
view quickly as the mountain lion followed in close pursuit. While my adrenaline was flowing, it was remarkable
observing an act of nature so close! This specific situation did not present any danger, yet certain encounters do
have that potential as you may have read about recently in local newspapers. So I strongly suggest that you prepare
for potential wildlife encounters and you can read more in our “Knowing Your Neighbors” article on page 10.
I am sure that you too have had memorable experiences while in nature that were unexpected and that provide
wonderful memories. In hopes that your various encounters with the Great Outdoors continue to hold positive
memories, we encourage you to plan ahead and be prepared. It’s my hope that the articles in this issue of Symbiosis
will provide useful tips and new insights about keeping safe while spending time outdoors on the trails.
George Lange, MRCA Chair
Summer 2013 3
What to Know Before You Go
Trail at Temescal Gateway Park. Photo by Arthur Hoyle
Planning and Preparing for Safe Outdoor Activities
With summer starting, people
are looking forward to spending
some time in the outdoors. From
hiking and camping to horseback
riding and biking, summer is a
popular time at the parks. But
with the recent headlines about
lost hikers and injured park
visitors, you may be a bit hesitant
about going out on the trail.
While it is everyone’s personal
responsibility to be prepared, we
want to set your worries at ease
and make some suggestions for
your future park visits. Luckily
with a few simply steps, you
can be well prepared and keep
yourself safe while enjoying the
beautiful outdoors.
Just as everyone has a morning
routine – like brushing your
teeth, eating breakfast, checking
traffic, making a cup of coffee
and carpooling to work – you
should have a similar routine
before going on a hike. This
includes a list of questions that
should be running through your
mind. Do I have enough water
for everyone and will I be able to
refill there? Do I have sunscreen
and proper clothing? What if
the weather changes? How cold
will it be once the sun sets? Did
I pack a first aid kit? These are
all important questions that you
need to think about before you go
There is an old piece of advice
that says, “Prepare for the
worst, but hope for the best!”.
While its difficult to expect the
unexpected, you can think about
what could possibly happen and
have a plan, just in case. Proper
planning can prevent many
outdoor emergencies, allowing
you to have the best possible
time, again and again. Once
you go through the following
suggestions a few times, it should
become second nature, resulting
in safer, more enjoyable outdoor
Bring Water
Water is essential for any outdoor
activity. The average person
requires roughly 1 gallon of
water (4 Nalgene bottles) per
day. This amount increases
when in the sun and heat.
Without enough water, signs of
dehydration can occur, including
headaches, irritability, and loss of
coordination. If you experience
any of these, you should seek
shade, drink water, and rest until
the symptoms subside. Read
“Staying Cool and Hydrated in
the Summer Heat” on page 14 for
ways to conserve water.
Bring Food
Healthy snacks on the trail
help replace lost electrolytes
and minerals, and keep you
energized for the day’s activities.
Recommended trail snacks
#1 Thing to Remember: Stay on the Trail!
Many recent incidents
regarding lost or injured
hikers, including the rescue
pictured to the right at Malibu
Creek State Park, could have
been prevented by sticking
to one rule: stay on marked
trails. Staying on the trails
protects you and the beautiful
park you came to visit by
minimizing damage to the
natural resources. This also
reduces your exposure to
poison oak, rattlesnakes and
unstable terrain, and lowers
your chances of getting lost.
Perhaps you see a beautiful
waterfall and want to climb
Photo by Mark Hollinger, Malibu SAR
some rocks to get a better
view. Or maybe you think you could see the ocean if you walked
a few yards off the path. But these seemingly small decisions can
lead to unfortunate and dangerous situations, such as injury or
becoming lost.
Trails are designed as passage ways through parks, avoiding
precarious areas and leading visitors to memorable views and
natural features. Every time you decide to go on a hike, make sure
to stay on the designated trails and adhere to posted rule signs,
which are there for your safety and for protection of the park.
include fruits, nuts, and other
healthy foods. Sugar may give
you a quick energy boost, but
will quickly wear off, leaving you
tired and sluggish.
Hike with a Friend
It is always best to adventure
outdoors with other people. Not
only is it a fun social activity,
but you can help each other in an
emergency situation.
Tell a Friend
Anytime you go into the outdoors
tell someone what park you
are going to, what trail you are
hiking on, and what time you
expect to return. This can be
important information if anything
were to happen.
Check the Weather
In California, we know weather
can be unpredictable. We can
have warm, sunny days in
December and cool, rainy days
in June. Also, while it may be
blazing hot in the valley, our
canyons can be cooled by a heavy
Summer 2013 5
marine layer. It’s always best to
check the weather reports before
a hike. Don’t forget, it’s not just
about rain or sun in California,
also watch out for Red Flag
Warnings. This warning indicates
when conditions are ideal for
wildfires based on temperature,
humidity and wind speed.
Be a Good Neighbor
Park visitors can often be the
eyes and ears for park agencies
and law enforcement out on the
trails. If you see any suspicious
activity, please report it to the
authorities. See the box on page
8 for important numbers to know.
This can help protect you and
other park visitors from many
unsafe situations.
All these tips are easy to follow,
it is just a matter of making it
part of your routine. A little extra
time spent before leaving on a
hike can be a lifesaver during an
unforeseen situation on the trail.
Contributed by Michelle Renner
MRCA Interpretive Specialist
Be Prepared with the Hiking Essentials
Make sure to pack these hiking essentials every time you head
into nature. These items will keep you comfortable and safe while
exploring the parks:
1. Water – Not only quenches
your thirst, water keeps
you hydrated. Make sure to
bring an ample supply.
2. Snacks – Everyone gets
hungry, especially when
hiking. Boost your energy
with healthy snacks, such
as fruit and granola bars.
3. Sun Protection – A
hat, long sleeves, and
sunscreen will keep you
cool and protect against the
sun’s harsh UV rays.
4. First Aid Kit – A first aid
kit, either store bought or
one you make yourself,
is useful for minor cuts or
5. Whistle – Three blows on
a whistle signals a sign of
distress. It is a life-saving
tool if you are lost or hurt
in the wilderness.
6. Cell Phone – A fully
charged cell phone is
handy in case of an
emergency, so don’t leave
home without one.
Want to learn more? Watch our video on these hiking
essentials, featuring Naturalist Ian:
Staying Safe in Nature’s Playground
What to Do While on the Trail
Picture yourself out hiking
on a trail in the Santa Monica
Mountains. It is a beautiful
day, 80°F, with a gentle breeze
blowing through the chaparral.
You had a scrumptious lunch
break with a spectacular view
looking out over the rolling hills
and valleys, forgetting the hustle
and bustle of the big city that is
only a few miles away. As you
pack up your lunch and start
to head back, you accidentally
stumble on a rock in the trail.
You feel a sharp pain in your
ankle. Not sure whether you
broke or just badly sprained your
ankle, you are certain you will
not be able to walk out on your
own. Without anyone else around
to help, you call 911.
Every year, experienced
and novice hikers alike find
themselves in unfortunate
situations that require emergency
assistance. Whether they’ve been
injured, had a severe allergic
reaction, or simply took the
wrong trail and got lost, people
rely on emergency assistance
while in the outdoors for many
different reasons. While not every
situation is preventable, many
could be avoided with proper
preparation and trail safety. We
will cover a few simple rules
you can follow to help you, your
family, and your friends stay
safe, as well as discuss what you
should do if you find yourself in
an emergency situation while in
the great outdoors.
Plan Ahead and Prepare
Whether you are going to a
local park for a short hike or
planning a 15-mile mountain
bike ride, planning and preparing
beforehand can make all the
difference. Read “What To Know
Before You Go” on page 4 with
specifics on what you should
bring with you and double check
before embarking on a trail.
Prevention is Key
There are several things you
can do while in the park or on
the trail to stay safe. Always
be aware of your surroundings
and changes in the weather
and environment. Recognizing
changes early can help you stay
on the right trail, or help you
decide if you should turn back. It
is always okay to turn back. A
smart hiker knows when to turn
around and that they can always
come back another day.
When hiking with a group, don’t
be afraid to speak up if you have
a safety concern. Maybe your
friend is comfortable hiking up
that steep trail, but you are not.
Know your limits.
Know What to Do
Despite proper planning and
following safe hiking procedures,
accidents can happen. When
in an emergency situation, it is
important to know what to do.
Summer 2013 7
There are things you can do that
will help you stay safe and help
those trying to assist you.
Being lost can be scary. If you
ever find yourself lost while
hiking on the trail, it is important
to remain calm. Staying calm
will help you sensibly think
through your situation and
determine what you need to do.
Whether you are hiking with
others or by yourself, make sure
you stay in one place if you get
lost. Your other group members
or a search and rescue team will
be looking for you and you will
be much easier to find if you stay
in one place. Once you are calm
and have chosen a visible spot
near the trail, whistle or call for
help. Following these rules gives
you the best chance to be found
If you are hiking by yourself and
are not found after 30-60 minutes
of whistling or calling for help,
you may need to find a location
with cell reception. Be sure to
conserve your phone’s battery
power and turn it off when you
do not have reception. Move
to higher ground until you find
service. Remember, it is safer
and easier to be found if you hike
up hill on a trail as opposed to
Numbers to Know
Important numbers to know
before hitting the trail:
911: For any emergency
For Ranger Assistance:
MRCA Ranger Services
National Park Services Angeles Dispatch
Once you do get cellular
reception, call 911. They will
give you specific directions. You
can also call other emergency
services such as a local ranger
service (see list on above) that
will have more detailed trail and
MRCA’s Role in Emergency Trail Situations
From Chief Ranger Fernando Gomez
What are the most common safety situations that the MRCA responds
to? And how do we respond to these situations?
The most common are people getting lost and injured. If we have
phone communication with the person(s), we guide them out to their
vehicles. Otherwise, we send rangers to their starting point and begin
searching by ground and air. We work with the local fire, police and
other park agencies. We check the trails by foot, ATV, helicopters,
and vehicles.
If a hiker is lost or in an emergency situation, what actions should they take to help the rescue efforts?
First step is to remain as calm as possible. Sitting will relax you and provide the ability to think clearly.
This usually prevents you from continuing your walk in the wrong direction. Think, your mind is your
most critical survival tool, training or skills will help you rationally assess the situation. If you have
bright clothing, keep it ready to use as a signal to catch the rescuer’s attention.
If you could give one piece of advice that would help prevent many of these situations, what would that
advice be?
A little pre-trip prep can save you a lot of worry and hassle should you get lost later. Leave a trip plan
with a friend or relative that includes where you’re going, emergency contacts, when you left and when
you expect to return. Carry a freshly charged phone or a two-way radio with new batteries. If at all
possible, hike with a buddy and be prepared with some essential items (food, water, flashlight, sweater,
map, a whistle and a first aid kit). Be aware of the weather, since it can change quickly.
park information. Unless given
specific directions to move, stay
in one spot until you are found.
If you are lost, you may get low
on food and water. While the
nearby stream looks clear, cool,
and refreshing, it also can contain
lots of bacteria and viruses such
as Giardia. If ingested, these can
cause severe diarrhea which will
only worsen your dehydration.
Only in an extreme situation,
where you have been lost and
without water for 2 days, should
you consider drinking stream
water. Be sure to visit your doctor
immediately once rescued.
While the human body can only
survive 3 days without water,
it can last more than 30 days
without food. This means that
while you may feel extremely
hungry and have stomach pains,
you should not eat berries
or plants that you find in the
wilderness. Many plants look
alike and it can be difficult to tell
an edible plant from a toxic one.
We all stumble while hiking
from time to time and even the
strongest hikers can get injured.
Bringing along a first aid kit can
help with the minor scratches and
injuries, but some injures require
help from others. If you or a
group member is severely injured
and require immediate medical
attention, call 911. Remember to
give as much detail as possible,
including location, distance,
other safety concerns, as well
as anything else that may be
important for the search and
rescue team to know.
We have so many beautiful
parks here in the Santa Monica
Mountains and we should always
remember to give wilderness the
respect it deserves. This advice
can help you stay safe and make
sure you get to have many more
wonderful adventures in nature’s
Contributed by Andy Bleckinger
MRCA Interpretive Naturalist
Meet Ranger Jodi Thomas and Caba
Part of the MRCA Safety Team
Ranger Jodi Thomas has a very special side-kick keeping parks
safe – Caba, an experienced search and rescue (SAR) dog. Jodi
started with search and rescue dogs while working in Yosemite
National Park. For over 20 years, she has continued this amazing
work. Now partnered with Caba, they accomplish daily duties like
clearing parks after closing to responding to emergency situations,
including lost hikers, natural disasters and even providing their
services at the Pentagon after 9-11.
Of the three kinds of SAR dogs: trailing, tracking, and air-scenting,
Caba is a wilderness air-scent dog. Air-scenting dogs can locate
groups or individuals over a large area and considering one
search and rescue dog can cover the same area as 30-60 human
searchers, Caba and Jodi are a powerful duo. Together they are
qualified as a Type 2 Area Search Dog Team working for the MRCA,
but also able to lend their skills to our partners California State
Parks and National Park Service when needed.
Their work doesn’t stop there either. Jodi and Caba often share their skills by educating the public
about what to do on the trail, helping avoid situations that might require their services. Caba also
helps train our Mounted Volunteer Patrol. Being so highly trained, he barks and moves on cue, testing
the horses in our Volunteer Patrol to ensure they are comfortable around dogs and loud noises.
Together, Jodi and Caba make an amazing team; one that plays a critical role in the MRCA’s goal to
keep park visitors safe.
Summer 2013 9
Showing Gratitude to Nature
A young girl careful observes a Sycamore branch.
Principles of Leave No Trace and Outdoor Etiquette
Manners are good skills to
have no matter where you go
or what you are doing. They go
a long way, especially in the
outdoors! Followed by many
outdoor adventurers for decades
and officially established by
the US Forest Service in 1994,
Leave No Trace (LNT) was
designed to spread the word
of outdoor etiquette. LNT’s 7
principles encourage respect
and stewardship of the land, a
way you can demonstrate your
“pleases”,“thank yous”, and
gratitude for recreating in a space
shared by other living organisms.
As civilizations grow and
populations encroach upon
wildlands and recreation areas,
we must do more than just pick
up litter and refrain from picking
flowers; we must learn how
to maintain the integrity and
character of the outdoors for all
living things. Individuals who
practice outdoor ethics reduce
their impact on the Earth and
ensure a positive experience for
all those who spend time outside.
The LNT principles set the
standard for the ethics code
to live by whenever you are
outdoors. This helps you to be
better prepared, while treading
lightly on the Earth. It’s a win–
win situation for both you and
Mother Nature.
Leave No Trace Principles:
1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
2. Travel and Camp on
Durable Surfaces
3. Dispose of Waste Properly
4. Leave What You Find
5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
6. Respect Wildlife
7. Be Considerate of Other
Plan Ahead and Prepare
Through effective trip planning,
including educating yourself on
the regulations of the area you
are visiting, you set yourself up
for a successful outing. (Read
more in “What to Know Before
You Go” on page 4.)
Travel and Camp on Durable
By sticking to the trail, you
allow yourself the advantage
of knowing where you are on a
map, staying out of poison oak,
and limiting your impact on the
environment. Just as our city
roads get worn down over time,
the land we hike on is slowly
eroded. Minimizing the amount
of disturbed habitat both reduces
the care needed to maintain
the trails, and protects animals’
homes and habitats. Durable
surfaces include: established
trails and campsites, rock, gravel,
and something you will not find
in the Santa Monica Mountains...
snow. Concentrate on using
existing trails and camp in
designated campgrounds.
Dispose of Waste Properly Pack it in, Pack it out
There are over 35 million annual
visitors to the Santa Monica
Mountains National Recreation
Area. Imagine if all these guests
were cognitively aware of not
leaving anything behind. How
much cleaner would our parks
and beaches be?
A big issue, though small in size,
is micro trash. Micro trash is tiny
pieces of trash that add up to be
a big problem (i.e. bottle caps,
torn off pieces from wrappers,
etc.). Some end up being eaten by
animals or built into nests, both
of which can result in significant
damage to the animals. Proper
disposal of micro trash protects
our magnificent wildlife while
keeping our parks beautiful.
To avoid leaving behind micro
trash, try your best not to
completely tear off the tops of
wrappers or packaging. Instead,
leave a little bit connected in
the corner so the trash does not
fully separate. Or tear off micro
trash at home so you won’t lose it
when you’re outside. Remember,
whatever you pack in, pack it out.
Leave What You Find
From the mule deer and the
lizard, to the blooming flowers
and sticks on the ground,
everything in the parks is
protected. Leave rocks, plants,
and other natural objects as
you find them. Also, the Santa
Monica Mountains preserve a
rich heritage of the many cultures
and peoples that once lived in the
region. If you should come across
any cultural or historical artifact
or structure, please do not disturb
the area. Allow the next person
a chance to discover the beauty
that you have found.
Minimize Use and Impact of
Here in Los Angeles we all know
about fire. It is a natural process
of the land, regenerating the
soils and making room for new
growth. However, fire can have
negative effects when caused
by human error. Keep personal
campfires in designated areas and
be aware of Red Flag Warnings.
If you do take the responsibility
of creating a campfire, make
sure all wood and coals are
burned to ash, and douse the
fire completely when you are
Respect Wildlife
When you are outdoors, you are
a visitor in the home of the plants
and animals. Observe wildlife
from a safe distance, and do not
follow or approach them. Just
like you do not want a stranger
in your personal space, animals
don’t either. Also, refrain from
feeding the wildlife as human
food damages their health and
alters their natural behavior. Help
us keep the animals wild.
Be Considerate of Other
Let nature’s sounds be heard
by avoiding unnecessary loud
noises. People seek out nature
for a variety of reasons. Respect
other visitors and protect
the quality of their outdoor
We should always remember we
Great wildlife sightings like this one are best
observed at a distance. Photo by Louise
share this Earth not only with
other people, but also with all
living things. We are constantly
forcing nature to change and
adapt to us humans. By giving
your best effort to remember
and practice Leave No Trace
principles, you will reduce your
impact on Earth both in nature
and in your community, and
ensure a positive experience for
all who spend time outside.
Contributed by Ian Griffith,
MRCA Interpretive Naturalist &
Leave No Trace Certified Trainer
The member-driven Leave No Trace
Center for Outdoor Ethics teaches
people how to enjoy the outdoors
responsibly. This copyrighted
information has been reprinted with
permission from the Leave No Trace
Center for Outdoor Ethics:
Summer 2013 11
Knowing Your Neighbors
Notable Plants and Animals in the Parks
How well do you know your neighbors? If you are anything like me, you know a few names and
occasionally wave a friendly hello. When you are out enjoying your local parks this summer it can be
helpful to know your nature neighbors a bit better. Take a moment to meet some of our notable neighbors
so you can be better prepared when visiting their wildland homes.
Poison Oak
Poison oak is most recognizable by its lobed, shiny leaves that grow in
bunches of three, which is where the saying, “leaves of three, let it be”
comes from. Poison oak grows like a shrub, a vine, or along the ground
and is found mostly in damp, shady areas throughout California.
Though not a plant favored by humans due to the rash it can cause
when touched, it is still an important part of the food chain as its
leaves and berries provide nourishment for local wildlife.
What should I do?
All parts of the plant (leaves, stems, berries, flowers) carry oils
toxic to most humans. The oil causes an itchy skin rash which
appears within 12-48 hours, and can last up to 4 weeks. The best
protection against exposure to poison oak is to stay on designated trails
and to wear enclosed shoes, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts while
The Santa Monica Mountains are home to a variety of reptiles which are wonderful to come across on
hikes. Often seen along trails or rock outcrops, they are true
Southern Californians taking in the sun’s rays. One such
reptile, the rattlesnake, can be more exciting to meet.
While dangerous if they strike, they are an important
part of the ecosystem, keeping rodent populations
down free of charge.
What should I do?
Watch where you put your hands, your
feet, and your seat. Stay on designated
trails and if you see a rattlesnake, like all
wildlife viewing, give it plenty of space so
it does not feel threatened. Never try to move
a rattlesnake, but you can try stomping your feet
from a distance which may be enough to coax the rattlesnake to
sun in a new spot. If bitten, stay calm and call 911 immediately.
12 Symbiosis
Like surfers hanging ten, ticks hang out on the edges of grasses and
bushes hoping to catch a ride. In the same family as spiders, ticks
survive as parasites, feeding on the blood of their host. Most often the
host is wildlife, but it is important to check yourself for ticks during
and after a hike. There are several types of ticks found in Southern
California and some have been found to carry diseases, like the blacklegged ticks recently found positive for Lyme disease at some local
parks. (
What should I do?
Staying on designated trails can help you avoid these stowaways and long
pants and light colored clothing can make them easier to see if they do catch a
ride. If going through thicker brush or grasses, keep ticks on the outside of your
clothing by tucking shirts into pants, and pants into socks. Check frequently for ticks while outdoors and
after hikes. If bitten, carefully remove the tick by grasping the head with fine-pointed tweezers and slowly
pull straight out. Do not squash the tick, remove with your fingers, or try to twist or burn the tick from
your skin. Be aware of symptoms of Lyme disease and seek medical attention if they present.
Mountain Lions
The top predator of the Santa Monica Mountains
does its best to stay out of the limelight. Preferring
to be stealth, mountain lions travel the span of
the mountain range in search for their next meal,
often mule deer. Despite their size, mountain lions
actually face many challenges to survive, from
limited habitat to poison. Like most predators,
these animals help keep the ecosystem in balance
by keeping prey populations in check. An elusive
mammal, most hikers will never catch a glimpse of
these beautiful cats.
What should I do?
Hiking with a partner is always recommended but if hiking alone, making loud noises can alert wildlife to
your presence and reduce chances of seeing a mountain lion. If you do spot a mountain lion, do not run.
Stand your ground and look as large as possible, picking small children up and raising hand and jackets
above your head.
Those are some of the notable neighbors you might find out on the trail but there are many more you can
become acquainted with. Along with your 6 essentials (see page 6), plant and animal guides can be a fun
way to make neighbors into well-known friends. If you come across something you can’t identify, you can
always bring a picture to the various nature and visitor centers in the Santa Monica Mountains and we will
be happy to discover a new nature neighbor with you.
Contributed by Carolyn Everhart
MRCA Interpretive Naturalist
Summer 2013 13
Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space Preserve
Staying Cool and Hydrated in the Summer Heat
Lessons from Nature
Our summers in Los Angeles can
be extremely hot and dry which
makes it more important to keep
cool and stay hydrated. Whether
you are hiking the trails, enjoying
a day at the beach, or relaxing
under an oak tree, water is a key
component for a successful day.
Often when we are enjoying our
activities, we lose track of time
and forget to take a sip of water.
14 Symbiosis
While it is easy to get carried
away in our activity it’s crucial to
replenish our loss of fluids.
Water hydrates our muscles and
regulates our organs. It increases
our blood oxygen levels and
helps us recover after physical
activity. If not properly hydrated,
physical activity leads to a loss of
water especially during the heat
and dehydration can set in. This
can in turn lead to more serious
issues of heat stroke and heat
exhaustion. Therefore, to keep
healthy and happy, it’s important
to remember to bring water with
you before heading outside.
Humans aren’t the only ones who
depend on this essential liquid.
Water is necessary for all living
things. Even some plants and
animals have special adaptations
that help them stay cool under the
hot sun. Let’s take a look at some
of our local plants and animals
to learn some clever ways to
conserve and store water.
Keep Hydrated
Cacti, including our local Prickly
Pear Cactus, are well known
for storing water in their pads.
By collecting water when it’s
plentiful and storing it for times
of need, succulents are able to
survive periods of little rain.
Like the cacti, you can make sure
to pack enough water when water
is plentiful at home, and bring it
with you to places where water
might be less available, like on
backcountry trails.
Avoid the Hottest Time of Day
Animals in the chaparral need
to beat the heat. During the
summer, animals often become
crepuscular and come out during
dusk or dawn to decrease their
exposure to the sun. In some
cases, animals can shift to being
nocturnal during the hottest times
of the year. Even our sun-loving
reptile friends need to reduce
their exposure to the sun. For
instance, some lizards burrow
underground when it gets too hot
or find refuge in the shade.
We can make similar adjustments
to our outdoor activities. By
hiking in the early morning or
evening hours, we can avoid the
hottest time of the day. Choosing
to stay in the shade or indoors
on extremely hot days can also
protect us from dehydrating. Just
wait for a cooler day to enjoy
your favorite park.
exposed skin from the harmful
sun rays. When needed, they will
urinate on their unfeathered legs
and feet to stain them white. This
will help cool them off and act
like sun block.
While we do not recommend
mimicking this specific behavior,
we can take other steps to protect
our skin and reduce exposure
to the sun. Protect yourself by
applying sun block or wearing
appropriate clothing. You can
prevent sunburn by wearing a
hat, long sleeves and pants. Some
of this clothing even comes with
special UV coating to reduce the
rays from reaching your skin.
Block the Sun
The Laurel Sumac have inventive
ways to reduce their exposure
to the sun rays. The leaves curl
like a taco to decrease surface
exposure and increase shade. Not
only does this keep the leaves
cool, it also helps to prevent
water lose. This has led to many
nicknaming it the “taco tree”.
We can learn from the local
plants and animals adapting their
survival skills for hot summer
days. So as we embrace our
summer season, don’t forget to
pack a full water bottle, wear
appropriate clothing, and spend
time in the shade to help stay
hydrated and cool out there!
The turkey vulture has one of the
most creative ways to protect its
Contributed by Judy Perez Soto
MRCA Interpretive Naturalist
The taco-shaped leaves of the Laurel Sumac curl to reduce sun exposure.
Photo by Justin Taylor
Take a lesson from the Turkey Vulture and
make sure to protect yourself from the sun.
Summer 2013 15
Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority
26800 Mulholland Highway
Calabasas, CA 91302
For more information visit:
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Coming fall 2013
Wilderness Survival Workshop
Photo: Louise Rishoff
Get hands-on experience with practical skills to survive and thrive in the
wilderness. MRCA workshops provide participants with on-the-trail skills
application, guidance, and educational material. Topics will include: friction
fire making, wildlife tracking, backcountry navigation, shelter construction,
emergency preparedness, and much more!
More details to come, including dates and fees.
For more information, e-mail [email protected]