May Tiller - Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club


May Tiller - Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club
MPYC High School Sailing Update
Bob Dunaven
Our high school sailors finished the 2005-06
high school sailing season with the PCISA
Silver Championship held in S.F. Bay and
hosted by the Richmond Yacht Club on April
22-23, 2006. The Richmond Yacht Club did
a great job hosting the event and I would say
they are equals to the MPYC when we host
the Sea Otter Regatta each year in October.
They completely opened their yacht club to
the participants and parents, the race
committee did a great job, wind was good,
food was fantastic, etc. etc.
Richmond Yacht Club!
The wind ranged from 3 to 15 knots and was
generally nearer the 15 mark. The water
conditions were calm, save the wake from the
occasional freighter, with a wicked current
that made mark roundings an entertaining and
frustrating challenge. The fleet boats took a
beating (both of our boats came back
unscathed) with at least three sets of sails
blown out and numerous redresses due to
equipment failure. In short – the conditions
were nearly perfect for FJ sailing!
Our sailors didn’t do quite so well this time
around coming off of great scores from the
two previous PCISA regattas. Out of a field
of 21 teams including one all the way from
Hawaii, the Salinas team of Brian, Kevin,
Tom and Amy came in 11th overall and the
PG team of Cole, Ashley, Keely and Martha
came in 14th overall. The real stars of this
regatta were Tom and Amy who came in 8th
in the “B” fleet – Good Job!
…Continued on Page 3
Garth Hobson
It looks like the rains have finally let up and
we may get some good sailing in over the
Spring, before the foggy days of summer
arrive! Wednesday night races are well under
way, with a good turnout both on the water
and in the club afterwards. The addition of
more bartenders has certainly been well
received. Jerry Mayo is having Natalie train
Tristan as her backup bartender.
By the time you read this the clubs Open
House would have happened. I have no doubt
it will be a resounding success as Carolanne
Erickson headed the organizing committee for
this event. We look forward to signing up a
few new members as well as filling the
signups for the summer sailing program. On
the new member signups this last month we
voted in five new members! Please keep up
the good work in recruiting new members.
For the summer sailing school we already
have more than fifteen kids signed up and
some of the popular weeks are starting to fill
up. I have committed to limiting the class
sizes to fifteen students, so sign you children
early if you want to get them in the week of
your choice. All the signup information is
online including the club membership
application forms for juniors as well as
regular applicants.
…Continued on Page 2
…Continued from Commodore page 1
Speaking of the website, Meryle Sachs, has
been working diligently to keep it up to date.
She has added an instruction link on how to
run the race scoring program and with Ron
Baxter’s help, she can now add pictures to our
website. So please start sending Meryle
pictures of the club, racing, juniors, etc. Stay
tuned for the member login portal to the
website, as Ron continues to moonlight on
this job when he has a free moment between
jetting around the world, beating up on the
Santana-22 fleet and being race chair again
this year! On the racing front, thanks to Larry
Smith, who arranged for West Marine to
donate three inflatable marks plus an inflator
(and deflator!) pump worth more than a
thousand dollars to the club!
…Continued from Commodore
Our Boston Whaler has pretty much come to
the end of its useful life. I have been looking
for a replacement for it for some time now
and finally found one on for
seven thousand dollars. The board approved
the purchase and we now have another
Whaler, which is in very good shape for a
nineteen-year-old boat including a 90 hp
engine. We will dry out the old whaler and
keep it as a backup for the Summer Sailing
program, as well as for any large regattas we
may host in the future. Let’s take care of this
whaler and hopefully it will last another two
decades! If you are out on one of the MPYC
boats and something breaks or seems out of
the ordinary, please write it in the log sheet
hanging in the office, or call me.
We have a junior fundraiser dinner planned
for May 20th. This will take place after the
club laser championships. I plan to drag my
old bones around the buoys in my laser. Jack
Allen and Spomenka will be presenting their
cruise of the Greek Isles last year, which will
make all of us envious. So please come out
and support this worthy cause.
John Ruck, our Rear Commodore, has
identified a worthy recipient of our
generosity. After hurricane Katrina devastated
New Orleans last year the Board decided to
donate one thousand dollars to either a Yacht
Club or a Sailing Association in the New
Orleans area. John identified the Gulf
Yachting Association Foundation (a 501(c)3
charity) as a worthy organization, it comprises
of a membership of fifteen different yacht
clubs and the GYAF’s goal is to assist with
replacing junior sailing equipment damaged
by the hurricanes. We will be passing the hat
around the club on Wednesday evening after
racing on May 17th and then again on Friday
evening at happy hour on May19th. I am
hoping that our members will be more than
double the $1,000.00 that the club will be
sending! If you would prefer, you can send a
check to the Monterey Peninsula Youth
Sailing Foundation (with attention Hurricane
Fund). MPYSF will send you a letter for tax
purposes. The board asks you to contribute
generously to this worthy cause.
Looking forward to socializing with you on
the Yacht Club’s birthday on Memorial Day,
May 29.
Jeff and Vic Carder replaced the roller on the
end of the ramp which goes down to the dock.
The rollers had completely frozen and had
worn through the metal guides and were
merrily working their way through the wood
on the floating dock! Anyway after much
planning and prefabrication of the parts, Jeff
and Vic spend most of their Sunday installing
the new rollers. I enjoyed working with them
and thanks to both for taking care of this
project. Steve Halvorson, repaired the gate at
the top of the stairs on the north side of the
club, and replaced the faucets and drains to
the sinks in the men’s room. He is also going
to do some touch-up painting around the club
before the Open House. Thank you Steve.
…Continued on next column
Every Wednesday
Every Thursday
Every Friday
Sunday 7th
Saturday 13th
Monday 29th
Club Laser
Mother’s Day
Greek Isles Cruise
Jack & Spomenka
Spring 5,6,7 One Design
Spinnaker Cup
Spinnaker Cup &
Club Birthday Party
Sunday 4th
Saturday 10th
Sat & Sun 17-18
Sunday 25th
Summer I PHRF
Winemakers Dinner
Commodore’s Regatta
Summer 1-2 One Design
Sunday 14th
10:30 to 1:30
Saturday 20th
PCISA regatta, maneuvering for the start.
Sunday 21st
Friday 26th
Saturday 27th
…Continued from Juniors page 1
This marks the end of this year’s high school
sailing season and it also marks the end of
Cole Davis’ participation in the MPYC high
school sailing program. Cole was the heart
and soul of the teams – he told the parents
where we had to be and when we had to be
there (thanks Cole), made sure the boats were
ready when they needed to be, led the group
in solid sailing strategy and was a pure
pleasure to be around. No, Cole’s not dead,
but his is moving on to Cal Maritime and will
continue his sailing on the collegiate level
beginning this fall.
Soon Cole will be
another accomplished alumni of the MPYC
youth sailing program unleashed on the world
of competitive sailing. Speaking of alumni, I
heard recently that Nick Ward is now sailing
on the U.C. San Diego sailing team –
congratulations Nick!
BBQ 6:30
Lunch 12:00
Dinner 6:30
Sunday 2nd
Tuesday 4th
Saturday 8th
Sunday 9th
Sunday 23rd
Sunday 30th
Summer II PHRF
4th of July Party
Ladies Day Regatta
Long Distance
Summer 3, 4 & 5
Ocean Race PHRF
Note: Some dates may be subject to change.
Check at the Club or in next month’s Tiller for
Limey or Limejuicer … “Nickname, in sailingship days and now, for a British ship and her
people. Limes and limejuice had been discovered
to be a preventative for a common shipboard
disease, scurvy; they became a required ration
first in British ships, for this purpose”.
Origins of Sea Terms, by John G. Rogers,
Nimrod Press: Boston MA, 1984
Juniors at Stanford.
MPSYC..?..MPSYA..?..MPYSF That’s it!
That’s what?
Don Hoover
Thank you Larry for your service! Norma
Brambilla, who is active in the high school
sailing program, has also joined the
Foundation Board.
Foundation (MPYSF).
MPYSF is a nonprofit organization exempt under section 501
(c) (3) of the Internal revenue Code and is
also classified as a public charity under
section 509 (a) (2) of the Internal Revenue
The current board members are listed below.
Please contact any one of us if you have
questions, or would like to make a
contribution to Youth sailing on the Monterey
What does all that mean to you? That means
that MPYSF can accept your tax-deductible
contributions to support youth sailing on the
contributions to MPYSF have been used to
purchase junior sailing equipment for our
local clubs and organizations. The youth
sailing programs for both MPYC and
Stillwater Yacht Club have utilized the
MPYSF to financially support their programs.
The two new Flying Juniors and the new
trailer that you may have seen around the club
were all purchased with tax deductible
contributions made to the MPYSF.
President: Harvey Kilpatrick
[email protected]
Vice President: Don Hoover
[email protected]
Treasurer: Bob Dunaven
[email protected]
Secretary: Norma Brambilla
[email protected]
Speaking for myself and all the other board
members, we encourage the members of
MPYC to support junior sailing by making
cash contributions to MPYSF.
The MPYSF also administers the John R.
Neighbours Scholarship Fund. This fund
offers two full annual scholarships to the
MPYC summer sailing program to benefit
young people who would not otherwise have
the means to attend the club’s summer sailing
program. A very good cause!!
Harvey Kilpatrick and others formed the
MPYSF in the early 70’s as a means to
provide financial support to youth sailing
programs on the Monterey Peninsula. The
Foundation has been kept active thanks to the
dedication of some long time MPYC
members. The Board just recently said good
bye to Larry Smith, who was replaced by Bob
Dunaven as Treasurer. Larry’s service on the
board for the last 5 years helped guide the
Foundation through a challenging paper
scuffle with the IRS and State of California.
Speed burn.
“LET'S GO TO..."
Sharon Halvorson
of the name tags up to date to help us
recognize each other.
The Greek Isles with Spomenka and Jack!
We begin at 5:30 on May 20 (after the laser
championships) with light and tasty bites a la
Spomenka, and then we'll have a full Greek
dinner around 6:15 with coffee and desert.
After dinner, Jack and Spomenka will share
photos, stories, music and culture from their
cruise around Greece last year. It's all a part
of our new "Let's Go To..." series which
benefits our junior sailing program. Price is
$30 per person and seating is limited so sign
up early - see sign up sheet at the club. For
more information, call Sharon Halvorson at
655-3635...Oh yes...togas are encouraged but
not required.
New Members are:
Alan Chaffin
Spouse: Kellin
Alan bought Richard Griffin’s J-22 and has
renamed it Fleeboflam
Louis Algaze
Spouse: Juliana Dacuyan
Ron Blue
Spouse: Debbie
Hinckley Bermuda 40, Rapture, arriving mid
Robert Hornady Spouse: Barbara
Don Reiley
Spouse: Janet
Ross Duval Kowalik Junior
Corresponding Secretary Report
Carolanne Erickson
Birgit Ball-Eisner, Moved to Hawaii.
Paul Allen, Lives in Santa Cruz.
We have had our Open House, and sign ups
for the Summer Sailing Program is well on its
Did You Know?
To qualify for a Non-Resident membership
you must reside further than 60 statute miles
in a direct line from the Club House. Article
IV Section 7 of the By-Laws.
Next on the calendar is The Birthday Party.
This is “The Club House Event” of the year.
We all get dressed up in our Sunday best and
try to recognize one another. No really, for
all of our new members, this is really quite
“The Party”. Guys in their Blue blazers and
gals in their Sunday best. Why don’t we
ladies wear hats this year? I love hats! They
make you feel so dressed up.
See you at the Birthday Party!
Carolanne Erickson
Anyway, you will be getting your invitations
soon to this members only event; and you will
be asked to bring your favorite hors d’houvors
to share with the other members. Jerry and
our wonderful staff will put on the “Main
Finger Food Entrée” and we will drink
champagne, eat Birthday cake and have a
wonderful time! Mark you calendar for May
29. You don’t want to miss it. I will have all
Wednesday night Sunset Winners – Sal Joegensen
awarded Sunset C Award for Santy Anno- Greg
Cailliet and Lisa Headley were Race Committee.
Ron Baxter
to maintain a slim lead in the series with a
total of 10 points to Carnaval’s 11. In third
place for the series it’s a tie between another
new comer, D3 and an old favorite, Pretender
each with 15 points. In C-Fleet it a day of
exciting finishes with Krash winning the first
race by a mere 10 seconds followed by
Mizzen finishing in second and Santy Anno
finishing in third. In the second race it was
Mizzen in light air who capitalized on her
position to finish with a commanding lead
followed by Krash who just barely bested
Santy Anno by a scant 1 second margin! The
3 point total for the day Mizzen continues to
hold onto first place in the series with a total
of 7 points followed by Krash with 8 and
Santy Anno in third with 10, setting up what
should be an exciting series finish with two
more races to go.
In spite of the wet, nasty weather the 2006
racing season is in full swing. In April
MPYC hosted PHRF Spring 3 and 4, One
design Spring 3 and 4 as well as the Lefler
race. Last but by no means least our
Wednesday night crowd pleasing Sunset
series, which for me truly marks the
beginning of the MPYC racing season, is well
on its way with 4 races complete and 22 yet to
be sailed! So don’t forget to get your boat
and crew out on the bay for what looks like
another fantastic racing season.
Speaking of racing this month’s PHRF Spring
3 and 4 saw light and fluky winds for the 13
boats that raced. In A-Fleet it was break even
day with all three yachts finishing with 4
points each. Surprise new comer Locomotion
won the day by finishing 1st in the last race
for a 3rd and 1st place finish followed by the
mighty Bustin Loose with a 1st and 3rd place
finish. Rounding up third place it was the
ever-consistent Athena with two 2nd place
finishes to give her 4 second place finishes for
the series!
Overall the point’s tie leaves
Bustin Loose with 6 points, Athena with 8
points and Locomotion with a total of 10
points. With 2 races to go Athena and
Locomotion will have to fight hard to upset
Bustin Loose who looks on her way to
capturing the first A-Fleet series title. But as
we all know from previous experience, it isn’t
over till its over. In the B-Fleet it was
Pretender who won the day with a 1st and 2nd
place finish for a total of 3 points followed
Carnaval who finished 3rd in the first race but
took a bullet in second race for a days total of
4 points. Third place honors for the day when
to series leader Heart of Gold with a 2nd
place finish in the first race and a
disappointing 5th place finish in the second
race for a total of 7 points. Even with a 7
point total for the day Heart of Gold was able
…Continued on next column
For the first time in 2006 the full fleet
complement rallied to race Spring One
Design 3 and 4 yielding 13 boats in 3 one
design fleets: J-22s, Shields, and Santana 22s.
In the J-22 division it was Vice Commodore
Donna Womble showing her stuff with 2
bullets followed by rear Commodore Don
Hoover sailing his son Brain’s J-22 Travieso
who finished with 2 second place finishes.
That left Alan Chaffin sailing in his fist race
at MPYC in his new boat Fleeboflam,
formerly Blue-J, with 2 third-place finishes. I
know what you are all thinking,
“Fleeboflam”? Well, we all know that boat
names have special meaning to their owners
and, although I have hear rumor as to the
meaning of “FleeboFlamî” I suggest we all
take the opportunity to welcome Alan to
MPYC Racing and get the official scoop on
his choice of names; welcome Alan. In the
Shields class it was a day of doubles with
Commodore Garth Hobson and crew nailing
the coffin closed with 2 more bullets for a
perfect series total of 4 for the good yacht
Stillwater. With similar consistency it was
…Continued on page 7
… Continued from Racing page 6
October finishing with 2 seconds followed by
Carol with 2 thirds. In the Santana 22 Fleet it
was close racing with Krash and Leprechaun
trading 1st and 2nd place finishes to tie for the
day with 3 points apiece. Third place honors
when to Mizzen in the first race and
Cnidarian in the second race. Series totals
leave Krash and Leprechaun tied for the
second month in a row with 7 points each
followed by Cnidarian in third with 14 points
and Santy Anno in striking distance for third
with 16 points total.
Sunday May 14TH * 10:30 pm – 1:30pm
Mixed Greens Salad * Pasta Salad
Fresh Fruit Tray
Smoked Salmon w/bagels & cream cheese
Fresh Croissants & Danish Pastries
Scrambled Eggs -- Bacon & Sausage
Grilled Boneless Chicken
with a Dijon Mushroom Sauce
Herb Roasted Potatoes * Fresh Vegetables
Assorted Desserts
The Wednesday night series is well underway
with 4 races sailed by 4 fleets, A, B, C and
Shields. So far in A-Fleet it’s Bustin Loose
who have charged out of the gate with 4
straight victories for a total of 4 points. In BFleet its Pretender out in front with 3 wins to
Ergo’s 1. In C-Fleet, which this year includes
Santana 22s, the competition is a little closer
with Krash leading the pack with 2 wins
followed by Mizzen and Santy Anno both
with 1 win each. In the Shields Fleet its
Stillwater edging out the competition with 2
wins to October’s 1.
Sliced Roasted New York Striploin
with a Roasted Shallot Au Jus
Juices, Coffee, and Tea included
$19.95 (plus tax)
$8.95 (plus tax) for children ages 5 to 11
Ages 4 and younger free
BEV ER AG E S -- $4.00
Bloody Mary * Mimosa
Strawberry Margarita * Fruit Smoothie
RESERVATION, 372-9686.
Last, but not least, was the Lefler race which
saw remarkably better conditions this year
then last although I don’t think any sailors
would call the conditions ideal. In fact I
heard cold and wet, to say nothing of the fact
that the wind shut down before some boats
finished leading to long, cold and wet.
Starting off this classic reverse start pursuit
race was David Kurtmen in his dad’s Santana
22 Leprechaun.
Although I admire his
gumption that was not enough to keep the
faster boats from passing David and finishing
before the wind shut down leaving he and his
crew bobbing within site of the finish. For
the boats that made it around the course, 6 in
all, it was Tim Cordrey’s Henderson 30 SeaSaw in her 2006 inaugural race who held off
Bustin Loose in the last slow mile to take line
honors and first place, congratulation Tim!
Second place honors went to Bustin Loose
leaving a well sailed, but unlucky Ergo, 3rd.
Well, that’s a mouth full! Lots of racing
under our belts and much more to come.
Don’t forget Wednesday night racing and
your chance enjoy a great night of sailing, a
fantastic barbeque, some great thirst
quenching quaffs and bragging rights at the
bar. Bragging rights you say? Yeh, bragging
rights, if you don’t know what I mean just ask
David Potter about Pretender’s 20+ minute
victory in Sunset series race 3, now I call that
bragging rights.
Municipal Wharf #2 Box 14
Monterey, CA 93940
Return Service Request
Garth Hobson
Vice Commodore
Donna Womble
Rear Commodore
John Ruck
Staff Commodore
Don Hoover
Debbie Morris
Recording Secretary Todd Muck
Corresponding Secretary Carolanne
Juli Alexander
Doug Deppe
David Duncan
Rick Smith
Editor: Jennifer Duncan
Production: Ray Ward
Distribution: John and Kit Ruck
Garth Hobson
Ron Baxter
Bob Dunaven
Carolanne Erickson
Sharon Halvorson
Ashley Hobson
Don Hoover
See the Tiller in color online at the website.
Send articles to [email protected]